Plan de Recuperacion Grado 10

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- Identificar, reconocer y hacer uso de la gramática vista en ingles durante el
año escolar.
- Organizar y Comprender textos en ingles
- Desarrollar actividades de su vida diaria en inglés.
- Manejar vocabulario para fortalecer la comprensión y el desarrollo de
textos en ingles

El presente plan de recuperación continua los temas presentes simple, pasado simple y
presente perfecto

Esta actividad se debe consignar en un trabajo y desarrollar para ser entregados al

profesor y luego sustentarlo con una exposición.
1. Averiguar sobre cosas exóticas y misteriosas del mundo, relacionadas con:
comida, lugares o cualquier cosa que se considere rara o extravagante
2. Memorice 50 verbos irregulares en presente, pasado y participio pasado
3. Realice un día en su vida usando los verbos de accione vistos. Debe escribir
español e inglés luego sustentar.
4. Consulte los tipos de condicionales y de ejemplos de cada uno de ellos (debe
5. Explique cómo se usan los cuantificadores (todo debidamente sustentado) si
esta al día lo tiene en su cuaderno.

6. Desarrollar las siguientes guías. (español e inglés)

Con puño y letra suya

Read five travel reviews about eco-friendly destinations. Match the reviews with
the pictures.
Module 4
Eco-destinations around the world a

1 This country has a fantastic variety of flora and KENYA

fauna, with thousands of species of insects,
reptiles, mammals and amphibians. I am crazy
about all kinds of animals, so for me, it’s a
paradise! If I had the chance to live anywhere, b
I’d live here. .
2 This country is home to some of the most INDIA
spectacular wildlife in the world, including
elephants, rhinoceroses, lions and leopards.
You can also learn from the local people, who
build their own eco-friendly homes by hand and
conserve every drop of water. c.
3 If you want to have a relaxing time, you will COSTA RICA
enjoy your holiday here. This place is full of
contrasts. You can go hiking and see some
amazing scenery, or if you prefer, you can stay
by the sea and enjoy the cool breeze. You
would stay forever if you didn’t have to go d
home! Lucas .
4 If you come to this country, you will get the AUSTRALIA
chance to live like local people on houseboats
called “Kettuvallams”. If you’re interested in
eco-friendly products, you can see how local
furniture-makers make and design their own

▪ variety:
variedad ▪ furniture: muebles
▪ mammal: ▪ sustainable: sostenible
mamífero ▪ regret: arrepentir
▪ breeze:
▪ forever:
para siempre
Read the text again. For each destination, say:

a. What tourists can do there. b. Why it is an eco-friendly destination.

2. In pairs, discuss which of these places you would most like to visit, and why.
1. Look at the pictures. Do you know or remember anything about these
indigenous people?

Maasai Guaraní Inupiat

There are approximately 370 million

indigenous people in the world, belonging
to 5,000 different groups, in 90 countries

Wayuu Mursi Tribe


Adivasi Sami Kogi

2. Match the words in the box with the

underlined synonyms in the text.
Vocabulary Tip
▪ Matching words with their synonyms
huts – villages – crops – rituals – weapons – chief –
helps you remember vocabulary and
indigenous people – tribes – elders – warriors
expand your lexis.

Native people often live together in 2.small towns. They often live in 3.small houses
which they build themselves. Traditionally, many native people are 4.fighters and hunters.
They use 5.arms to defend themselves and to hunt. Some 6.groups of native people have a
leader, and there is often a group of 8.important and clever people in each community.
These people make decisions that affect the whole community. Native people are often
self-sufficient. As well as hunting, they grow 9.plants for food, medicine and other uses.
They often have 10.traditions in their culture connected to important stages in life, such as
becoming adults.

3. Find out information about the indigenous people in exercise 1. Find out where they
are from, and how they live.


look at the photos and discuss the questions.

1 2 3 4

a. What can you see in each photo? What is

b. Why do you think people have done this?
c. Have you ever seen a situation like this in Colombia or another country?
d. What can we do to help prevent this kind of situation?


13. Look at the following problems of animal trafficking in Colombia. Choose two different
problems. Write your opinion about each and suggest a possible solution. Use the example
below to help you.

In my opinion, this is a big problem. People think that animal parts look good, and animal
rugs, for example, are warm in the winter. But it is very bad when endangered animals are
used. I think we can solve this by educating people. For example, we can ask them if they’re
happy to live in a world where there are no tigers. I’m sure that people can change their

Some people use animal parts, for example animal

Useful expressions
skin rugs, to decorate their houses and offices.
Expressing opinions
▪ I think / consider that …
People often buy products such as shoes, clothes
and bags made from animal parts, like snake skin.
▪ In my opinion …

Persuading people
Exotic animals are often caught illegally and sold to zoos. People ▪ We can solve this by …
go to the zoos and pay money, and the situation continues. ▪ We should …
▪ Let’s try …
Some exotic animals are close to extinction because of animal trafficking. For example,
more than half the amphibian species in the Colombian Andes are endangered.

Some tourists remove species Some indigenous people also kill endangered

from their natural habitat. species, or are involved in animal trafficking.

Module 4

4. Look at the titles of the paragraphs in the text. What do you know about these
problems in Colombia?
5. Read the text. In which paragraphs are the following things mentioned? Match two or
three paragraphs to each.

a. problems with water d. illegal activity

b. farming e. protected land
c. mining

Environmental problems in Colombia

1. Damage caused by mining
Our country is famous for its natural resources of coal, precious metals and
gems. Unfortunately, mining has caused a lot of environmental problems. For
example, mercury and cyanide are used a lot in gold mining. These chemicals
often enter into the water system, and it means that a lot of drinking water is
polluted. There are stricter controls now, but unfortunately, people have been
practising illegal mining even in protected nature reserves.
2. Deforestation
Colombia has been losing its forests for a number of decades. Three major
causes of this are: the demand for farmland for crops and cattle, the
development of the country’s system of roads and the demand for timber. Some
people believe that these practices are necessary for developing our country’s
economy, but the damage that they have caused is enormous. Other factors that
cause deforestation are hydroelectric and mining developments, oil production,
house building and the use of land to grow plants for the illegal drugs trade.
3. Loss of moorland
Like the forests, Colombia’s moors are disappearing. Mining and farmland have
been invading the country’s moors over the last few decades. This has serious
consequences for the country’s water resources – 70% of Colombia’s water comes
from the ecosystems of the moors. Fortunately, some of the moors now have
national park status, which will help to protect them in the future.

▪ damage: daño
▪ farmland: tierra de cultivo
▪ coal: carbón
▪ cattle: ganadería
▪ chemicals: productos químicos
▪ loss: pérdida
▪ cyanide: cianuro
▪ moors: páramos
In pairs, discuss the questions.

d. What other environmental problems in Colombia can you think of?

e. What is the most serious problem, in your opinion? Why?
f. What can we do to solve these problems?
Module 4

5. Read the texts about national parks and sanctuaries in Colombia. Match the pictures to
the texts.

a b c d

Los Flamencos Fauna and Flora Sanctuary

The elegant flamingos and their exotic mud nests are the main attraction of this sanctuary, in
the vast desert by the Caribbean Sea. You can find a dry tropical forest there and four species of
mangroves. You can go flamingo watching, visit the sea turtle centre or visit and learn about the
exotic and colourful culture of the Wayúu people.

El Cocuy National Park

25 snowy peaks, up to 5,330 meters high, make up the Andean Sierra. They are home to the
spectacled bear and condor. You can trek through the mountains or go rock climbing on the steep
ice-covered walls. You can also visit the lakes.

Utría National Park

This spectacular park contains rainforest and mangroves on the Pacific coast. It has 5,000 plant
species, including the mil pesos palm trees and a total of 51 bird species. You can see other animal
species like humpback whales, dolphins, sea turtles and the poison dart frog. You can also go hiking
or scuba diving.

Iguaque Fauna and Flora Sanctuary

This sanctuary has a varied landscape of Andean rainforest, streams,
lakes and moorland. It is home to frailejones - a typical Andean plant ▪ mud nests: nidos de barro
with soft leaves - and the great Andean condor. You can see eight ▪ mangrove: manglares
mountain lakes or you can go bird watching or hiking. ▪ peak: pico
▪ steep: empinado/a

6. Copy and complete the table with information about the national parks and sanctuaries.

Parks Landscape Fauna Flora Activities

Los Flamencos desert

7. Read the statements. Which parks or sanctuaries should these people go to?

a. I really love being high in the mountains. It’s so exciting!

b. I love water but I can’t stand beaches – I don’t like the sand. I prefer rivers and streams.
c. I think it’s fascinating to learn about how people from different cultures live.
d. I love watching birds, especially spectacular and colourful ones.
e. I love all animals but I’m particularly interested in reptiles.
f. I’d love to see one of the great carnivores in real life. I’ve only seen them in zoos.

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