Plan de Recuperacion Grado 10
Plan de Recuperacion Grado 10
Plan de Recuperacion Grado 10
El presente plan de recuperación continua los temas presentes simple, pasado simple y
presente perfecto
Read five travel reviews about eco-friendly destinations. Match the reviews with
the pictures.
Module 4
Eco-destinations around the world a
▪ variety:
variedad ▪ furniture: muebles
▪ mammal: ▪ sustainable: sostenible
mamífero ▪ regret: arrepentir
▪ breeze:
▪ forever:
para siempre
Read the text again. For each destination, say:
2. In pairs, discuss which of these places you would most like to visit, and why.
1. Look at the pictures. Do you know or remember anything about these
indigenous people?
Native people often live together in 2.small towns. They often live in 3.small houses
which they build themselves. Traditionally, many native people are 4.fighters and hunters.
They use 5.arms to defend themselves and to hunt. Some 6.groups of native people have a
leader, and there is often a group of 8.important and clever people in each community.
These people make decisions that affect the whole community. Native people are often
self-sufficient. As well as hunting, they grow 9.plants for food, medicine and other uses.
They often have 10.traditions in their culture connected to important stages in life, such as
becoming adults.
3. Find out information about the indigenous people in exercise 1. Find out where they
are from, and how they live.
1 2 3 4
13. Look at the following problems of animal trafficking in Colombia. Choose two different
problems. Write your opinion about each and suggest a possible solution. Use the example
below to help you.
In my opinion, this is a big problem. People think that animal parts look good, and animal
rugs, for example, are warm in the winter. But it is very bad when endangered animals are
used. I think we can solve this by educating people. For example, we can ask them if they’re
happy to live in a world where there are no tigers. I’m sure that people can change their
Persuading people
Exotic animals are often caught illegally and sold to zoos. People ▪ We can solve this by …
go to the zoos and pay money, and the situation continues. ▪ We should …
▪ Let’s try …
Some exotic animals are close to extinction because of animal trafficking. For example,
more than half the amphibian species in the Colombian Andes are endangered.
Some tourists remove species Some indigenous people also kill endangered
Module 4
4. Look at the titles of the paragraphs in the text. What do you know about these
problems in Colombia?
5. Read the text. In which paragraphs are the following things mentioned? Match two or
three paragraphs to each.
▪ damage: daño
▪ farmland: tierra de cultivo
▪ coal: carbón
▪ cattle: ganadería
▪ chemicals: productos químicos
▪ loss: pérdida
▪ cyanide: cianuro
▪ moors: páramos
In pairs, discuss the questions.
5. Read the texts about national parks and sanctuaries in Colombia. Match the pictures to
the texts.
a b c d
6. Copy and complete the table with information about the national parks and sanctuaries.
7. Read the statements. Which parks or sanctuaries should these people go to?