Paolamolina, 02 Virtual and Remote Laboratories in Electronic and Telecommunications

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Visión Electrónica Vol . 15 No. 2 (2021) • July – December • p.p.

181-189 • ISSN 1909-9746 • E-ISSN 2248-4728 • Bogotá (C olombia)

Visión Electrónica
Más que un estado sólido


Virtual and remote laboratories in electronic and telecommunications: a

technical review in education
Laboratorios virtuales y remotos en electrónica y telecomunicaciones: una revisión
técnica en educación
Néstor Javier Rodríguez-García 1
, Iván Camilo Nieto-Sánchez 2
, July Natalia Mora-Alfonso 3


Historia del artículo: Training in electrical and electronic circuit analysis is a fundamental area within the
Enviado: 10/07/2021 learning process of future bachelors in electronics and telecommunication related fields,
Recibido: 21/07/2021 therefore, developing Know-How is a stage that must be part of the process where the
Aceptado: 01/09/2021 evolution of engineering and the fourth industrial revolution have changed not only
technology but also the career path of education. In this sense, this article conducts a
systematic search of different success stories published to establish current trends in
the design of virtual environments based on the teaching of circuit analysis.
Circuit analysis
Remote laboratories RESUMEN
Virtual laboratories La formación en análisis de circuitos eléctricos y electrónicos es un área fundamental
en el proceso de aprendizaje de los futuros profesionales de áreas relacionadas con la
electrónica y las telecomunicaciones, por lo tanto, la preparación en el saber hacer es una
etapa que hace parte en el proceso de aprendizaje donde la evolución de la ingeniería
y la cuarta revolución industrial han cambiado no solo la tecnología sino también la
forma de enseñar. En ese sentido este artículo contempla la revisión bibliográfica sobre
Palabras clave: laboratorios virtuales y remotos a través del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información
y comunicación aplicadas al área de electrónica y telecomunicaciones para establecer
Análisis de Circuitos
las tendencias actuales en diseño de ambientes virtuales en función a la enseñanza del
análisis de circuitos.
Laboratorios remotos
Laboratorios virtuales

BSc. in Electronic Engineering, Universidad de Cundinamarca, Colombia. MSc. in Information and Communication Science, Universidad Distrital
Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia. Current position: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD, Colombia. E-mail: [email protected]
BSc. in Electronic Engineering, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Colombia. MSc. in Electronic Engineering, Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio
Garavito, Colombia. Current position: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD, Colombia. E-mail: [email protected]
BSc. in Electronic Engineering, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Colombia. MSc. in Information and Technology Management,
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD, Colombia. Current position: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD, Colombia.
E-mail: [email protected]

Cite this article as: N. J. Rodríguez-García, I. C. Nieto-Sánchez, J. N. Mora-Alfonso, “Virtual and remote laboratories in electronic and
telecommunications: a technical review in education”, Visión Electrónica, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 181-189, 2021.
182 N. J. Rodríguez-García, I. C. Nieto-Sánchez, J. N. Mora-Alfonso

1. Introduction new approaches and expanding possibilities to unify

knowledge and train upright professionals.
Global Education has been undergoing a deep
transformation, leaving behind traditional systems and Particularly, in the area of electronics and
classrooms to give way to digital platforms with the telecommunications, students who begin their academic
support of Internet, and giving access to an indeterminate training in virtual / distance mediation arrive at the
number of information sources that strengthen academic laboratory without prior knowledge, since it is their first
processes. However, one of the challenges, ever since experience with these equipment, therefore, laboratory
distance education began, is the practice, which should time must be dedicated so that the students become
not be stopped because it allows students to apply gained familiar with the instrumentation and learn how to
knowledge in real situations and acquire new skills in use it quickly, instead of developing the exercises that
the use of tools, for this reason, both the productive have been designed for this practices, therefore this
sector and the universities are working on different article aims to establish the importance of familiarizing
alternatives to guarantee that students acquire skills students with laboratory instruments virtually, before
in the management of instrumentation and equipment the development of face-to-face practices.
necessary for their professional performance.
Taking this situation into account, different
On the other hand, according to what was analyzed alternatives have been sought to allow students recognize
in the Universidad Nacional a Distancia de Costa these equipment by identifying their characteristics,
Rica – UNED [1], it is evidenced that disciplines such usage, configuration, limitations and recommendations
as Telecommunications Engineering can be offered before the development of the first face-to-face laboratory
virtually 100% through the incorporation of simulators session, so as not to have the time of the face-to-face
and virtual technologies, increasingly strengthening sessions on the connection and proper handling of
virtual education around the world. instruments, and can also complement the work to
be carried out since the objective is not to replace the
In this sense, this article searches for some success practical component but to have a tool that complements
stories that exist today around the world for the development this exercise.
of laboratory practices in different areas, emphasizing
disciplines of electronics and telecommunications, giving Given the above, the existing alternatives for the
an account of the Results based on the academic training development of Circuit Analysis practices were sought,
of future graduates of the Electronic Engineering and and as a result two types of scenarios were established
Telecommunication programs of the National Open and that fulfil this purpose and provide an approach to
Distance University of Colombia - UNAD. elements and measurement instruments. In the first
place, remote laboratories that are a hybrid between
2. Problem software and hardware were found, to give access to
a workbench that has the necessary equipment for
Currently, different alternatives have been sought a practice and interconnected each other so that the
through the use of Information and Communication user has remote control, therefore, it requires a stable
Technologies - ICT to face the pandemic caused by SARS- connection either internal or external.
CoV-2, and in education specifically, to continue with
the development of curricular activities normally; The In second place, there are virtual laboratories that
topic of this article is not new, yet it aims to strengthen improve the self-learning process by developing, as their
the teaching and learning process in different areas of name indicates, in virtual learning environments through
knowledge and at various levels of training. the use of simulators and the internet that offer enriching
and complementary experiences for the development of
It is important to highlight that education through the practical component face-to-face or on-site.
virtual and distance modality has extraordinary
benefits for autonomous, collaborative, and meaningful For [2], virtual laboratories allow simulating many
learning, for which laboratories constitute an essential physical phenomena and modelling systems, abstract
support factor in engineering training, promoting concepts, hypothetical situations; controlling time

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas - Facultad Tecnológica

Virtual and remote laboratories in electronic and telecommunications: a technical review in education 183

scale, frequency, etc., thus hiding the mathematical Likewise, in Latin America different cases of success
model if required, and showing only the simulated were found, such as those developed in Colombia,
phenomenon, and even interactively, bringing the where a virtual laboratory was implemented for the
laboratory to student’s homes. The virtual laboratories development of IoT practices at the National Open
have several advantages, one of the main ones being and Distance University – UNAD [7], or the case
that it allows to reach a greater number of students of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios -
simultaneously in a flexible schedule, it also strengthens UNIMINUTO [8], for the development of practices of
the development of on-site practices by providing a the different courses related to the area of electronics
preview of the components and use of instruments in and telecommunications, as well as in other parts of
the laboratory. the Latin American continent, where they focus on the
development of practical activities remotely, where
3. Alternatives for in-situ practical component students have control of the different devices, however
investment is required to implement them [9-10].
3.1. Remote laboratories
Like the aforementioned cases, there are many others
There are remote laboratory alternatives for in different parts of the world, such as Algeria, Morocco,
different disciplines worldwide, providing users with an and Tunisia, among others [11-15], or universities in
experience close to reality in a controlled environment, Spain [16-17], Germany [18], and in general throughout
through devices connected there to reach expected Europe [19-20], all of them aimed at the development
results and thus acquire the skills proposed by practice. of competencies focused on knowledge of electronic
In this sense, there are remote laboratory applications engineering and telecommunications, however, despite
in different areas of knowledge such as medicine, civil the fact that these solutions, and in addition to promoting
works, metrology, logistics, basic sciences, among others; the competencies of each design, require management
However, the implementation of virtual laboratories for to guarantee students access in an orderly manner,
the teaching of electronics, telecommunications and their therefore it will be possible that on some dates there is
related areas stands out above any discipline. high demand and it will not be possible for all users to
get such access [21-26].
In this context, solutions have been found
such as the one proposed by the Pontifical Catholic Another important aspect found in these solutions is
University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) [3-4], where related to the operation of the laboratory instrumentation
the remote laboratory for the development of circuit since the users do not have the real handling of the devices
analysis practices is presented, including the required since this is previously configured [27-28], in such a way
instrumentation such as digital multimeters, an that the operator only activates or deactivates them,
oscilloscope and connection elements according to leaving out the experience of connecting, calibrating,
previously established configurations. As conclusions and using a measuring instrument.
this group, in the different articles published has shown
that universities must have a robust infrastructure to 3.2. Virtual laboratories
offer this type of situation, nonetheless, the acceptance
of students is initially not what was expected, but The curricular integration of Information and
this perception changes as more possibilities are Communication Technologies (ICT) through virtual
incorporated in said laboratory [5]. laboratories fosters new learning environments,
strengthening pedagogy and didactics in engineering
Along the same lines, is the case [6], where and different areas of knowledge [29-30]. Specifically
a remote laboratory was implemented for the in electronics and telecommunications area, there are
development of amplifier practices and the respective several outstanding examples of laboratories, where
instrumentation, through Scripts developed with they make a compilation of different laboratories
Python programming language, as a conclusion, it was and their characteristics [31], which are shown in
established that the tool is a complement to laboratory Table 1.
practices but will not replace the competences gained
in a face-to-face laboratory.

Visión Electrónica Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021) • July – December • p.p. 181-189 • ISSN 1909-9746 • E-ISSN 2248-4728 • Bogotá (Colombia)
184 N. J. Rodríguez-García, I. C. Nieto-Sánchez, J. N. Mora-Alfonso

Table 1. Virtual instruments (VI), Virtual for this reason [33], based on graduate thesis, they
Laboratories (VL) and, Virtual and Remote sought to implement a Virtual Robotics Laboratory
Laboratories, [31]. for the Engineering Career in Networking and
Telecommunications, which was carried out using the
Web free tool V-REP; professors and students can interact
Laboratory Type Language Scope
interface within this virtual laboratory, and it has been very well
eMersion LVR LabView Java Control welcomed by the students who had the opportunity to
Digital filter, work in it.
Connexions IV LabView HTML
MeRLab LVR LabView HTML Mechatronics In the area of telecommunications, at the
Technological University of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
UNED LVR Ejs, LabView HTML Control
[34-35], they implemented a virtual laboratory
WebLab LVR Java AJAX Electronic for Telecommunication practices making use of
Artificial Information and Communication Technologies in
Aurova LVR Ejs, Java 3D HTML vision, order to overcome the lack of personnel, equipment,
and classrooms, and thus enable the practice of students
Matlab, Control,
Chattannoga LV HTML from the program, they also mention the importance
LabView Dynamic
of ICT use in the training of Telecommunications and
LER LVR LabView Robotic Networking Engineers.

In this collection of information, the integration Virtual laboratories as support for the development
of Virtual and Remote Laboratories predominates in of the face-to-face practical component have been used
which practices are carried out using multipurpose in several fields, as stated [36], students can access the
virtual platforms and applications connected to real Virtual Laboratory of Induction Machines - VLIM to
laboratory systems. reduce damage to equipment and risks in its handling,
in turn [37], they designed a simulator used as support
A successful case in the application of virtuality to train up-to-date professionals in the subject of control
in the teaching of telecommunications engineering and process simulation, in these cases face-to-face
occurred in UNED, Costa Rica, in which all the academic education is complemented through virtual labs by
training on this modality is offered [1], and in which means of practices in controlled environments to procure
EMONA TIMS and LabView have been integrated. On basic knowledge to handle real equipment.
the other hand, the National University of Colombia -
Manizales Campus, built a Laboratory of Electricity and Authors such as [38-39], went beyond virtual
Electronics - LEE, and through its platform it teaches on laboratories and integrated them with video games
the basic handling of equipment such as multimeters, in teaching / learning, on the one hand, they state
DC sources, protoboards, and parameter meters, among that virtual laboratories deliver the opportunity to
others, in this virtual laboratory, students have the train students and provide them with confidence for
possibility of downloading the guide and knowing future interactions with real laboratories environments,
about equipment characteristics and operation without with advantages such as: cost, portability, concurrency
the need for students and teachers to attend the lab and security; and that video games also provide them
premises before carrying out the face-to-face practice, with skills such as: mental speed, reaction, connection
this has become a pioneering idea in the department between thoughts and movements and concentration.
of Caldas, Colombia [32].
From the above it can be deduced that virtual /
Unlike the previous cases, the University of remote laboratories and gamification are currently a
Guayaquil does not have the infrastructure for the trend in education, as deduced [40], in the master’s
development of specialized practice in the areas of thesis, the use of Information and Communication
robotics and although the students have the theoretical Technologies is a common factor in the classroom,
knowledge, they cannot put it into practice due to allowing students to strengthen their learning and
limitation in the physical space of the institution, teachers to energize classes through the integration of
different pedagogical and didactic strategies.

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas - Facultad Tecnológica

Virtual and remote laboratories in electronic and telecommunications: a technical review in education 185

4. Methodology used in the search for With these criterions, we proceeded to build the
information. equation considering that the word nature in first one
is replaced either by the word virtual or remote. With
To establish a clear context on the current situation these keywords we proceeded to search the database.
of the alternatives for the development of practical
components, a systematic search of information was 5. Discussion
carried out in databases related to the field of electronics
and telecommunications. In this sense, it was found Currently there are several points of view on the
that databases such as IEEE Xplore, Scopus and Google topics addressed in this article for the use of remote and
Scholar have documented information on remote and virtual laboratories in the teaching and learning process
virtual laboratories, for which it was necessary to perform of students, although these offer a unique opportunity to
a search equation according to the criteria established impart and strengthen knowledge, from the curricular
in Figure 1. scope, it must find a point of equilibrium where the
virtual and the real world complement each other in
Figure 1. Information search scheme in databases. the development of engineering courses, in this case for
electronics and telecommunications areas [41].

As stated [42-43], there are several works oriented

Nature of Knowledge Related to the development of virtual and remote laboratories
laboratory area words to support learning in engineering and the possibilities
are opened for many other areas of knowledge; In all
cases, the aim is to motivate learning through dynamics,
models and mechanisms that strengthen students’
Source: own. abilities in specific topics and that require support for
the appropriation of knowledge.
In this respect, and in accordance with the search
criteria, the process was undertaken in the database Beyond that, it was found that the experience
mentioned, based on the needs of the search for this of remote laboratories offers the development of
article, that is, the nature of the laboratory (virtual exercises using real devices, however, the students do
or remote); Subsequently, the area of knowledge was not have real control over the elements since they are
delimited towards electronics and telecommunications previously connected, in such a way that the experience
and finally keywords were established so that the search is something similar to a simulation software. In this
process is centralized in laboratories developed for the regard, virtual laboratories offer an advantage given
practices of areas typical of the discipline. Besides that, that they are developed in a scenario like that found
the search time was limited to the last ten (10) years in the presence, where the student not only do their
to obtain updated answers, involved in the learning exercises, but also interacts with the instruments
processes from different universities in the world. involved in the session, from the connection, putting
running and subsequent disconnection.
As a result of the searches carried out, Table 2
defines the keywords used as an alternative search in Finally, it is important to remember that professors
each criterion: are also involved in the teaching / learning process,
who worry every day about innovating in the curricular
Table 2. Keywords by criterion. contents that are taught to students, authors such as
[44-50], rely on Virtual and remote laboratories making
1st Criteria 2nd Criteria 3rd Criteria use of Information and Communication Technologies
Laboratories (type) Electronic Oscilloscope to deliver knowledge to students about electronics
and telecommunications at different levels of training
(nature) labs Telecommunications Multimeter
(secondary and undergraduate), giving their students
(nature) laboratories Circuit analysis Power supply the possibility of applying theoretical knowledge
Ohm law Breadboard through integration of virtual practices strengthening
Source: own.

Visión Electrónica Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021) • July – December • p.p. 181-189 • ISSN 1909-9746 • E-ISSN 2248-4728 • Bogotá (Colombia)
186 N. J. Rodríguez-García, I. C. Nieto-Sánchez, J. N. Mora-Alfonso

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intellectual challenges that their learning process may
demands from them. [6] J. M. Sierra-Fernández, O. Florencias-Oliveros, M. J.
Espinosa-Gavira, J. C. Palomares-Salas, A. Aguera-
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replace the face-to-face practical component, students web-interface remote lab for instrumentation and
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Visión Electrónica Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021) • July – December • p.p. 181-189 • ISSN 1909-9746 • E-ISSN 2248-4728 • Bogotá (Colombia)

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