2nd Bachillerato - ETAPA DIAGNOSTICA

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2021 - 2022
WEEK 1– Nivelación
TEACHER: Melania Japón, Olga Zuñiga, Henry Cevallos.
CLASS : Second of bachillerato TIME: September 6th to 10th, 2021
SUBJECT: English
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Students will have tools for the reinforcement of their communicational skills
prior to the curricular approach.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: Complete a diagnostic test to check previous knowledge about English subject.
VALUE: Self-knowledge, empathy, emotions management, resolution of conflicts, taking decisions.
TOPIC: How much do I remember about English?
● Revise y estudie los contenidos para que pueda realizar las actividades con facilidad.
● Si tiene alguna duda escribir al docente de la asignatura de inglés al 0961099610 en la jornada
matutina, de 7:00 a 13:00.
Realice las actividades de
acuerdo a los recursos que
posee actualmente,
seleccione una opción, las
cuales son:
1. Alumnos con
conectividad: es DIAGNOSTIC TEST
importante conectarse a How much do I remember about English?
las sesiones sincrónicas Querid@ estudiante
de acuerdo al horario.
Zoom ID: 440 510 8523 Para nosotros, los docentes del Área de Idioma Inglés del BCA, es una alegría iniciar el presente
Clave: 12345 periodo académico. Por lo tanto, te damos una cordial bienvenida, y auguramos los mejores deseos
Link: para ti y tu familia.
Para iniciar, necesitamos que completes el presente cuestionario, el mismo que tiene como objetivo
05108523? valorar cuánto has aprendido en la asignatura de inglés, por lo que contiene cinco componentes:
pwd=TVMrZ1Z6dTRiR vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading y writing. La información que nos proporciones es
zljcHpWZkRDRXBxdz confidencial y nos ayudará a conocerte mejor, de tal manera que se elijan las mejores técnicas y
herramientas para lograr un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de calidad.
Así mismo pueden Gracias por tu colaboración.
completar las actividades
de manera digital a través
de la plataforma Google 1) Información Personal:
Classroom. Curso y paralelo:
Estudiante Representante
2. Alumnos sin
conectividad: completar Nombres y Apellidos Completos: Nombres y Apellidos Completos:
las actividades de la
siguiente columna. De Teléfono del Estudiante: Teléfono del Representante:
acuerdo a sus
posibilidades, puede
imprimir la presente ficha Correo electrónico del Estudiante: Correo electrónico del
para completarla, o puede Representante:
copiar en algun papel a
mano. Luego enviar su
tarea a través del correo
Residencia Actual:
electrónico del docente
[email protected].

2) Listening: Listen to the story about the invention of the telephone.

Decide if each sentence is True (T) or False (F). Link:
Can you image a world without being able to talk to your family or
friends and ask about how they are doing or someone can go to a party
with you?

Well this wonderful means of communication was created in the 87’s.

Alexander Graham Bell is credited for inventing the first telephone in the
1876. Although others claimed that the first inventor was the Italian
Antonio Meucci in 1871.

After the invention of the telegraph. Bell wanted to turn electricity into
sound. The first time he made a phone call was on March 10th,1876 to his
assistant who was in the next room. And he said “Mister Watson come
here! I want to see you”. Two years later, after he showed the telephone to
Queen Victoria in England and had a short conversation, the queen bought
two devices that are still connected.

At the beginning, phone calls did not connect automatically, it was

necessary to have operators, most ladies connected calls and gave required
information. The first automatic call started in 1912. But most of
communication did not become automatic until the end of the 1970, even
long-distance calls. Now the telephone has become widely used device in
the world for communication.
True / False
a. Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone. _____
b. The telephone had been invented before the telegraph. _____
c. The telephone turns electricity into voice. ______
d. The first phone call was from Graham Bell to the Queen. ______
e. Most operators were young boys. ______

3) Reading: Read the texts about “Eternal Love” and “Vaccination”.

Then choose the correct answers for the questions below.
Eternal love
One day at work, Amanda received a beautiful
flower bouquet. In it, she counted eleven
flowers and found a short note in it. It was
written in beautiful lettering and said:
“My love for you will last until the day the
last flower in this bouquet dies.”

The note was from her husband who had gone

on a business trip. Unsure as to what to make
of the message, she went home in the evening
and soaked the flowers with water. One day
after another, the flowers became a little less
beautiful until they all died. All but one
flower. This was the day when she realized
that there was one artificial flower in the bouquet that would last forever.

What did Amanda receive?

a. beautiful flower
b. a beautiful flower bouquet
c. flowers with a letter
Why one of the flowers didn’t die?
a. Because it had much water.
b. Because it represented love.
c. Because it was artificial.

One of the greatest inventions that has

impacted human health is vaccination. It has
saved millions of lives worldwide and has
caused many diseases to disappear. Vaccines
immunize people by mobilizing antibodies (defenses) that fight the disease
so that defenses learn to fight if the body is exposed to illnesses in the
future. This first happened in 1796 when Edward Jenner prevented a child
from getting smallpox. A century before, the Chinese had tried to use an
infected skin tear to immunize against it. The vaccine for smallpox was
first developed in 1798 and by 1979 it was globally eradicated. Before
vaccines, smallpox had killed millions of people. Most vaccines we still use
today were created in the early XX century and eliminated several terrible
illnesses. Vaccines are older than antibiotics or anesthesia.
What is not true about vaccination?
a. It has not had any impact on people.
b. It has eliminated illnesses.
c. Antibiotics were developed before vaccines.
What is true about vaccines?
a. They prepare the body to defend itself.
b. They are not antibodies.
c. They enter the body and fight against defenses.

4) Writing: Fill in the missing words.

mental - language - therapy - domestic - benefits

Dance Therapy
Dance therapy has become quite popular since
the start of the new millennium, even though its
roots go back to the 19th century. Not only is it
fun, but it also has a lot of physical and mental
health benefits. It is based on the idea that motion
and emotion are interconnected. It can help to
treat various physical ailments like cancer, arthritis, hypertension, obesity,
chronic pain, and cardiovascular disease. It also is effective in treating
__________(a) health issues such as depression, anxiety, dementia, and low
self-esteem. It can even help with social disorders such as autism and
trauma caused by aggression or __________(b) violence.

How do we know it is effective? Because there have been several studies

on the topic. In a study from The Arts in Psychotherapy, researchers found
that dance therapy had a positive impact on people with depression. A
study from the American Journal of Dance Therapy found that dance
therapy helped decrease aggression and improve social behavior among
teens. And there are dozens more studies that show the __________ (c) of
dance therapy. Dance therapy is different than regular dancing.

Even though regular dance of any kind if good for your health and mood,
dance therapy takes it to a different level. It becomes more than exercise –
it is a __________(d) through which people can communicate feelings.
Dance therapists guide participants and assess their body language. This
becomes the therapeutic side of this activity. So, if you are looking to take
up a good new habit, try dance__________(e)!

ASPECTOS A 1 0,75 0,5 0
Sr. del padre de familia y/o Demostró Demostró Demostró No demostró
● Participación
representante dígnese responsabilidad responsabilidad responsabilidad responsabilidad
marcar según usted y entusiasmo al y entusiasmo al y entusiasmo al ni entusiasmo
(Esta categoría realizar sus realizar sus realizar sus al realizar sus
considere el trabajo de su debe ser calificada tareas durante tareas durante tareas durante tareas en este
por la familia todo el tiempo. la mayoría del poco tiempo. tiempo.
representado/a del/la tiempo.

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