2nd Bachillerato - ETAPA DIAGNOSTICA
2nd Bachillerato - ETAPA DIAGNOSTICA
2nd Bachillerato - ETAPA DIAGNOSTICA
After the invention of the telegraph. Bell wanted to turn electricity into
sound. The first time he made a phone call was on March 10th,1876 to his
assistant who was in the next room. And he said “Mister Watson come
here! I want to see you”. Two years later, after he showed the telephone to
Queen Victoria in England and had a short conversation, the queen bought
two devices that are still connected.
Dance Therapy
Dance therapy has become quite popular since
the start of the new millennium, even though its
roots go back to the 19th century. Not only is it
fun, but it also has a lot of physical and mental
health benefits. It is based on the idea that motion
and emotion are interconnected. It can help to
treat various physical ailments like cancer, arthritis, hypertension, obesity,
chronic pain, and cardiovascular disease. It also is effective in treating
__________(a) health issues such as depression, anxiety, dementia, and low
self-esteem. It can even help with social disorders such as autism and
trauma caused by aggression or __________(b) violence.
Even though regular dance of any kind if good for your health and mood,
dance therapy takes it to a different level. It becomes more than exercise –
it is a __________(d) through which people can communicate feelings.
Dance therapists guide participants and assess their body language. This
becomes the therapeutic side of this activity. So, if you are looking to take
up a good new habit, try dance__________(e)!
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