Ingles 10
Ingles 10
Ingles 10
1002 Octubre 4 2023
contenidos y lo que sabe acerva de Objetivo. Recuperar las competencias no alcanzadas durante el
un determinado tema primero y segundo y tercer periodo de acuerdo a lo aprobado en
Produce textos escritos atendiendo el comité de promoción y evaluación.
a las necesidades comunicativas ,
relatar, informar, exponer y Para la realización de las actividades el estudiante debe revisar
argumentar determinado tema de su cuaderno, el aspecto gramatical, y las practicas vistas
identifico la idea principal de un durante el primer y segundo periodo. Teniendo en cuenta.
texto oral cuando tengo un
conocimiento previo del tema a. aspecto gramatical: vocabulario, tiempo presente, pasado y
identifico conectores en una futuro. Pasado ,progresivo y presente perfecto
situación de habla para b. aspecto pragmático comprensión de textos multiculturales
comprender el sentido Sustentación oral, le haré preguntas relacionadas con las
Identifico personas situaciones, actividades asignadas
lugares y el tema de Uso de le lengua, prepartacion de pruebas otales de acuerdo a las
conversaciones sencillas. temáticas vistas en el presente año
Identifico el propósito, comprendo
el sentido general del texto Teniendo en cuenta la descripción de las actividades el estudiante
aunque no entienda todas las deberá realizarlas, anexas a este formato y entregarlas en la fecha
palabras. asignada para su correspondiente sustentación.
EVALIUACION Way to go book 2 Plan de builinguismo 2018-2023
Presentación de trabajo escrito exercises.html
Evaluación escrita y oral.
Co-evaluación. es_the_ugly_duckling.php
Trabajo escrito:50%
The Grammar Lab, book two, In charge 2. Goal 5, language
Development activity book. Www. La mansion de
Camargo sanchez, Diana Marcela .Easy english. Student’s book and
Sadzhaya, Vika, Lifegrear yellow 5th semester. Anglo publishing.
H,Q Mitchell, Cambridge Young Learners english test Go flyes.
Evans Virginia, Upload us 5. book and student book, whiteboard
Octubre 18 7:00 a,m. aula de la Se asignará en la respectiva hora de clase de acuerdo con el
do horario.
cente Irene Amaya
There are 5 questions in this quiz. Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Choose
the correct answer.
Janet Morris was looking for a flat to buy in London. When she saw a top floor flat in
Hampstead, she knew this was the one she wanted____________ What she really liked was
the flat roof just outside the large glass windows. She thought that she could turn it into a
She bought the flat and contacted a garden designer, Terry Moore. But as soon as Terry saw the
roof, he knew there was a problem a __________ It certainly wasn’t strong enough to support
the weight of soil and plants. They are really heavy, especially when they become wet.
But Terry did not give up. He contacted an engineer for advice. The engineer said that it was
possible to make the roof stronger. To do this, they would need to say lay many long pieces of
metal across the roof_____________It would not be cheap. But Janet didn’t mind paying for it.
After all, the roof garden was the reason she bought the flat.
Another problem was the view from the roof. Janet hoped to enjoy the views of London from
her new garden__________ People like their homes to be private. They don’t want strangers
looking through their windows! Janet could only get permission to build her roof garden if there
were no views from it. So pots were fixed around the edge of the flat roof and tall bushes were
planted inside. With these in place it was impossible to see into other people’s homes. That
solution satisfied the town planners. _______________She says that her garden is cosy, and she
can’t hear the noise of the city traffic.
2 lee, interpreta y
escribe textos en futuro
activity 1rs
happen in the future. If I don't call you tonight, you can call me. Will you wait for
me if I am late? ... We use the second conditional when we imagine a situation
or when there is very little or no possibility that something will happen.
few years ago when I was in 8th grade, I worried a lot about my future. Every day, I
thought ‘What am I going to do when I leave school?’. I didn’t feel excited about the
future – I just felt very scared. One reason was that at that time I found school
difficult. I usually studied hard and listened in class (well, I thought so), but my
teachers never seemed to be very happy with my work – or with me. When I think
back to those times now, I remember that sometimes I didn’t concentrate very well
and I also handed in work too late. This went on for most of the year, but then near
the end of the year something happened. I suddenly knew what my dream job was. I
love animals and I decided that I wanted to become a vet! To do that I had to go to a
good university. And to go to a good university, I had to get good marks and do well in
my exams. From 9th grade onwards, I worked very hard every day in class. I studied
for hours at home and my parents even told me to work less! At the end of that year, I
won a prize for my good marks. My family were so proud of me and I felt great. But
then, I started to worry again. I thought ‘What will happen if I don’t get good results
next year?’ and ‘If I didn’t go to university, what would I do?’. Everyone told me that I
just had to do my best and to stop worrying. So that’s exactly what I did! I often think
back to 8th grade when I was so scared. Now I feel much more confident and I’m
looking forward to the future!
Focus language
Look at these two pairs of sentences. Which ones are in the text?
A1. ‘What will happen if I don’t get good results next year?’
A2. ‘What would happen if I didn’t get good results next year?’
B1. ‘If I don’t go to university, what will I do?’
B2. ‘If I didn’t go to university, what would I do?’
. Read the sentences in exercise 11 again. Answer these questions.
a. Are all the sentences about the future?
b. Which sentences show possible future situations?
c. Which sentences show imaginary future situations?
d. Complete the table. Use the options in the box.
5. Completa las oraciones con la forma necesaria de la primera condicional del verbo entre
a. If you wear those shoes, your feet _______________________you. (hurt)
b. If you play sport every day, you _________________________very well. (feel)
c. I _________________________you if you move to Seville. (visit)
d. If you don’t hurry, you ________________________late for work. (be)
e. If he ________________________this DVD, he’ll buy it. (see)
f. She won’t go to university if she ____________________________(not study)
4 l
El siguiente extracto es una adaptación de un artículo de un periódico nacional. Resaltes
hechos en amarillo y opiniones en verde.
What similarities and differences can you spot?
Which contains the most bias?
Text A
As part of a healthy, balanced diet, you should consume fewer foods and drinks that are high in
sugars. Sugary foods and drinks can cause tooth decay, especially if you have them between
Many foods that contain added sugars also contain lots of calories but often have few other
nutrients. Eating these foods frequently can contribute to becoming overweight.
Being overweight can increase your risk of health conditions such as:
heart disease
type 2 diabetes
NHS (2018) How much sugar is good for me? [Online]. Available at
health-questions/food-and-diet/how-much-sugar-is-good-for-me/ (Accessed 20 February 2019).
Text B
As I bite into a fresh apple, I stop to think about what I am eating. I am consuming a fruit,
which means I am absorbing fructose. And what is fructose? A SUGAR (cue scary music)!
In a world where the consumption of sugar is being slammed (for good reason), it concerns me
that all sugar is being treated equally, and it shouldn’t be.
While some sugary foods should be avoided like the plague, others, if consumed appropriately,
can be your friend.
Colquhoun, J. (2014) How much sugar is really OK? [Online]. Available at (Accessed 20 February 2019).
this section you have looked at:
-identifying fact, opinion, bias and prejudice
-how a writer’s point of view can affect the way they write a text
-telling the difference between what is true and what is opinion.
activity 2nd
GRAMAR WILL AND WON’T SIMPLE FUTURE usa los auxiliares: Will
and won’t para hablar
del futuro o de
condicional tipo cero
6 ¿
preposiciones en inglés
e identifica su función
en diferentes contextos
Prepositions Worksheet
With Police.. Directions: Read each sentence. Determine which one of your answer choices is
being used as a preposition. Circule your response. Instrucciones: Lea cada oración.
Determine cuál de sus opciones de respuesta se está utilizando como preposición. Circule su
1. Officer Ramirez forgot his badge at home.
a) his b) home
c) forgot d) at
3. It's a good thing that Officer Lex was with Officer Gomez when they found the shooter.
a) that b) with
c) they d) a
I think I have had a very interesting life. I'm 73 now and I don't work anymore. I was in the
army for 51 years. I retired when I was 69. I have been to so many countries that I can't
remember all of them. I've been to Australia six or seven times and to South Africa three times. I
have also been once to Russia but I didn't like it at all: much too cold for me!
They say that love is the greatest thing and I agree. I've been married four times but never for
more than five years. I don't think women really understand me!
I've never been on television, but I've been on the radio once. It was a program me about life in
the military about twenty years ago. I met the Prime Minister on the same day. Actually, I've
met a lot of famous people: members of the royal family, famous politicians and also famous
cinema and television personalities. I've never met the American President though which is a
Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of wonderful things and have also eaten and drunk
some strange foods and drinks. I ate cat and rat in India and drank something called Mirto on a
little island in Italy many years ago.
activit 2nd
The following letter from Mike about his recent European vacation was sent to Linda.
Unfortunately, her dog chewed it up and now Mike needs to put it back in the right order. Can
you help him? Put the correct number into each of the boxes in the four missing parts. There
are two extra paragraphs you don't need.
La siguiente carta de Mike sobre sus recientes vacaciones europeas fue enviada a
Linda. Desafortunadamente, su perro lo masticó y ahora Mike necesita ponerlo
de nuevo en el orden correcto. ¿Puedes ayudarlo? Coloque el número correcto en
cada una de las cajas en las cuatro piezas que faltan. Hay dos párrafos
adicionales que no necesita
1. Clive and his wife left us once we got to Germany by train. They went up into Denmark but
we continued to Munich. Wow - what a great city. I bought you a surprise gift there. I hope you
like it.
2. As I told you yesterday, I am in Rome today. Tomorrow we are getting the train down into the
south of the country and then the ship across to Greece.
3. I paid nearly $200 for it but it looks magnificent and is made of real leather.
4. OK, that's enough from me for now. I want to post this letter now so you get it by the
5. At least when we got to Paris, the sun was shining! We only stayed for one afternoon in the
French capital because my friends really wanted to visit Euro Disney which is to the east of
6. I sent her a postcard last night. It had the Eiffel Tower on it, which she has always wanted to
visit. Now she can look at it on a postcard every day!
Dear Linda,
How are things with you. It was great talking to you yesterday by phone.
We started in England and we spent two days in London and another day in Canterbury. We
saw a lot of great history and the only bad thing was the weather - it rained for the whole time
we were there. Can you believe it?
Well, I have to say I prefer the American Disneyland. But we met some nice people from
Canada and spent two great days with them. One of them, Clive, is going to your university next
year. How's that for a coincidence!
After that, we went south into Switzerland. It was very expensive and we couldn't stay as long as
we wanted to, so that's why we're in Italy now!
activity 3rd
Después de organizar la carta cópiala en orden en tu cuaderno y luego escribe una carta a tu
maestra sobre tus vacaciones empela correctamente los tiempos verbales
Analiza la lectura anterior, piensa y responde
☺ Miguel Rodriguez
Hi Migue,
I’m Jairo Suárez, Camila’s friend. I’m sixteen years old and in 11th grade at a
school in Bogotá. I’m writing because I know you’re in 11th grade tooand I’m
looking for friends who are feeling like I am about the future.
I’m very excited about what’s going to happen. I know everything will change, but
I’m also a little nervous. I know I want to be a pilot and I seemyself flying planes
and travelling around the world ten years from now. But I’m also worried because I
still don’t know how I’ll be able to do that.
It’s so expensive to become a pilot, but there are different options. For example, there are
scholarships, or I can work part-time and save somemoney for my studies. How do you feel
about the future? What do
you want to do with your life after graduation?
See at 11:42 on Friday
Goal – ambition – short term – long term – part time – hope – aim –intend – keen
- scholarship
Pruebe sus habilidades en clase Responda las preguntas de acuerdo con el ejemplo. Rellene el
círculo con la opción A, B o C según corresponda. Complete las conversaciones.
Ejemplo 0.
Speaker 1: Are there still seats available in the room?
Speaker 2: A. Yes, there are plenty.
B. No, it’s already over.
c.Yes, there are enough rooms.
___________________________ __________________________________