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Environmental Awareness

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U N IT 9.0 E N V IR O N M E N T A L A W A R E N E S S & C O N S E R V A T IO N .

U n it 9. In tro d u ctio n .

T h is to p ic in tro d u ces th e stu d en t to th e id ea o f en viro n m en tal aw aren ess an d co n servatio n . It d efin e s

th e co n cep t o f enviro n m en tal aw aren ess, an d co n servatio n an d d iscu sses th e m eth o d s u sed to
co n serve an d p ro tect th e en viro n m en t. It fu rth er o u tlin es th e b en efits o f en viro n m en tal co n servatio n .

T h e ex p ected learn in g o u tco m es:

B y th e en d o f th e to p ic th e stu d en t sh o u ld b e ab le to :

 D efin e th e co n cep t o f en viro n m en tal aw areness

 D efin e th e co n cep t o f en viro n m en tal co n servatio n .
 O u tlin e th e m eth o d s u sed to co n serve th e en viro n m en t.
 O u tlin e th e b en efits/ im p o rtan ce o f en viro n m en tal co n servatio n
 E xp lain th e p ro b lem s asso ciated w ith u n su stain ab le u se o f th e en viro n m en t.
 D escrib e th e co n n ectio n b etw een u n su stain ab le u se o f th e en viro n m en t an d th e
p h en o m en o n o f clim ate ch an ge.
 O u tlin e th e U N O su stain ab le d evelo p m en t go als (SD G ) related to en viro n m en tal
co n servatio n .

E n viro n m en tal A w aren ess.

E n viro n m en tal aw aren ess is h avin g an u n d erstan d ing o f th e valu e o f th e en viro n m en t, th e im p acts o f
h u m an b eh avio u rs o n it, an d th e im p o rtan ce o f its p ro tectio n . T h e existen ce o f h u m an kin d is
im p o ssib le w ith o u t th e p resen ce o f a h ealthy en viro n m en t. T each ers as fo rem o st en fo rcers o f
kn o w led ge at th e fo u n d atio n al stage so ch ild ren m u st b e aw are o f th e en viro n m en t. It is th en th at th ey
can in cu lcate th e valu e o f th e en viro n m en t to th eir stu d en ts.

T h e en viro n m en t co m p rises all living an d n o n -livin g co m p o n en ts an d th eir in teractio n s w ith in a

n atu ral h ab itat (eco system ). E n viro n m en tal aw aren ess is a co re issu e th at n eed s to b e ad d ressed in th e
b attle again st clim ate chan ge an d glo b al w arm in g. It is o n ly w h en w e are aw are o f th e valu e o f o u r
en viro n m en t an d th e in terd ep en d en ce b etw een all livin g sp ecies in an eco system th at w e can
p ro tect/ co n serve o u r en viro n m en t.

E n viro n m en tal C o n servatio n

Environmental conservation is the practice of protecting the environment and natural resources from
harmful human practices. It involves the restriction of pollution and sustainable use of natural
resources. .arious core environmental issues are taking a heavy toll on human lives. These issues
range from overpopulation, hydrological issues, ozone depletion, and global warming, deforestation,
desertification, and pollution, all these issues pose a severe threat to the existence of humankind. This
therefore calls for the need to protect and conserve the environment.

Methods of Environmental Conservation

 Protection and increase of forest cover.
 Conservation of soil from harmful agricultural practices and pollution.
 Proper management of human and industrial waste
 Creating public awareness of the importance of environmental conservation.
 Restriction of the emission of greenhouse gases, by encouraging the use of green energy
Forest Conservation. Plants and trees are the essential sources of air, food as well and other day-
to-day products we use. Forests are the dwelling place of different living creatures and a single
disturbance in the ecosystem can cause disruption in the water cycle as well as the food chain. Thus,
afforestation is amongst the core Environmental conservation and aims to plant more trees as well
as save the existing ones from cutting down as trees play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological
balance and carbon sequestration.
Soil Conservation
As one of the prominent methods for environmental conservation, the need for soil conservation
has arisen to tackle the harmful effects of soil pollution. On Earth, the soil is the main element that
plays a pivotal role in soil erosion, land degradation and floods. Soil is filled with rich nutrients for
plant production. Soil conservation can be carried out by ensuring minimal use of fertilizers and
venomous chemicals as well as abolishing the disposal of harmful industrial waste in the soil.
Waste Management
Especially in developing countries and congested places, on a daily basis, a large amount of waste is
thrown away recklessly on the streets and roads. The improper disposal of waste segregation can
lead to various dreadful diseases as well as soil pollution.
Waste Segregation
To ensure minimal wastage as well as facilitate waste disposal, we can opt for various techniques like
the 3Rs, i.e. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, dry and wet waste segregation, amongst others.
3Rs: Reduce, Reuse & Recycle3Rs: Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
Conducting Public Awareness Campaigns
With the boom of information technology and the advent of digital media, public awareness about
environmental conservation can potentially yield promising results. There is a dire need to aware the
masses of the consequences of environmental pollution and degradation. Further, every individual
should be made conscious of how they are polluting the environment and what steps can be taken
to implement environmental conservation, be it through using greener energy sources to following
the 3Rs of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.
Pollution Control
As the increase in temperature is concerning, there is a need to keep a watch on the toxic
compounds we ingest that pollute the atmosphere. We need to adopt environmentally sustainable
methods to minimise multiple forms of emissions, such as eliminating waste, saving electricity,
limiting the unnecessary usage of fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides, and using energy-efficient
appliances, among others.
Importance of Environmental Conservation
It has become inherently important to work towards environmental conservation in contemporary
times. The following pointers elucidate the importance of environmental conservation.
 To reduce air, water, and land pollution
 To conserve the environment for future generations
 To protect biodiversity from destruction
 To implement the UNO sustainable development goals (SDGs)
 To restore the ecological balance
 To save our planet from the harmful repercussions of global warming and climate change.

Take H ome Questions.

1) Examine five reasons why forest cover should be protected (20 mks).
2) Explain the five ways through which humanity can conserve their environment (20 mks)
3) Discuss six benefits of environmental conservation (20 mks).
4) Describe six ways in which you as an educator can use to conserve the environment in your
station of work (20 mks).
5) Discuss the ways in which you as a teacher can ensure proper waste management in your
learning institution (20 mks).
6) Differentiate between environmental awareness and environmental conservation (10 mks).
7) Outline five UNO Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to the conservation of
the environment (20 mks).
8) Global warming and climate change is directly linked to unsustainable use of the
environment by mankind. Is this statement true? Discuss.

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