Activity Book Sec Muestra 5°

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c ed
d v

A cti
vity Book
El 10 de diciembre de 1948, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó y proclamó
la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, cuyos artículos figuran a continuación:

Artículo 1.- Artículo 21.-

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y (...) 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a participar en el gobierno de su país,
deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros. directamente o por medio de representantes libremente escogidos.
Artículo 2.- 2. Toda persona tiene el derecho de acceso, en condiciones de igualdad, a las
Toda persona tiene todos los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta funciones públicas de su país.
Declaración, sin distinción alguna de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión 3. La voluntad del pueblo es la base de la autoridad del poder público; esta
política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, voluntad se expresará mediante elecciones auténticas que habrán de
nacimiento o cualquier otra condición. Además, no se hará distinción alguna celebrarse periódicamente, por sufragio universal e igual y por voto secreto
fundada en la condición política, jurídica o internacional del país o territorio de u otro procedimiento equivalente que garantice la libertad del voto.
cuya jurisdicción dependa una persona (...). Artículo 22.-
Artículo 3.- Toda persona (...) tiene derecho a la seguridad social, y a obtener, (...) habida
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la vida, a la libertad y a la seguridad de su cuenta de la organización y los recursos de cada Estado, la satisfacción de los
derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, indispensables a su dignidad y al
Artículo 4.-
Nadie estará sometido a esclavitud ni a servidumbre; la esclavitud y la trata de libre desarrollo de su personalidad.
esclavos están prohibidas en todas sus formas. Artículo 23.-
Artículo 5.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho al trabajo, a la libre elección de su trabajo, a
Nadie será sometido a torturas ni a penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o condiciones equitativas y satisfactorias de trabajo y a la protección contra el
degradantes. desempleo.
Artículo 6.- 2. Toda persona tiene derecho, sin discriminación alguna, a igual salario por
Todo ser humano tiene derecho, en todas partes, al reconocimiento de su trabajo igual.
personalidad jurídica. 3. Toda persona que trabaja tiene derecho a una remuneración equitativa y
Artículo 7.- satisfactoria, que le asegure, así como a su familia, una existencia conforme
Todos son iguales ante la ley y tienen, sin distinción, derecho a igual protección a la dignidad humana y que será completada, en caso necesario, por
de la ley. Todos tienen derecho a igual protección contra toda discriminación cualesquiera otros medios de protección social.
que infrinja esta Declaración (...). 4. Toda persona tiene derecho a fundar sindicatos y a sindicarse para la defensa
Artículo 8.- de sus intereses.
Toda persona tiene derecho a un recurso efectivo, ante los tribunales Artículo 24.-
nacionales competentes, que la ampare contra actos que violen sus derechos Toda persona tiene derecho al descanso, al disfrute del tiempo libre, a una
fundamentales (...). limitación razonable de la duración del trabajo y a vacaciones periódicas
Artículo 9.- pagadas.
Nadie podrá ser arbitrariamente detenido, preso ni desterrado. Artículo 25.-
Artículo 10.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a un nivel de vida adecuado que le asegure, así
Toda persona tiene derecho, en condiciones de plena igualdad, a ser oída como a su familia, la salud y el bienestar, y en especial la alimentación, el
públicamente y con justicia por un tribunal independiente e imparcial, para la vestido, la vivienda, la asistencia médica y los servicios sociales necesarios;
determinación de sus derechos y obligaciones o para el examen de cualquier tiene asimismo derecho a los seguros en caso de desempleo, enfermedad,
acusación contra ella en materia penal.
invalidez, viudez, vejez u otros casos de pérdida de sus medios de
Artículo 11.-
1. Toda persona acusada de delito tiene derecho a que se presuma su inocencia subsistencia por circunstancias independientes de su voluntad.
mientras no se pruebe su culpabilidad (...). 2. La maternidad y la infancia tienen derecho a cuidados y asistencia especiales.
2. Nadie será condenado por actos u omisiones que en el momento de Todos los niños, nacidos de matrimonio o fuera de matrimonio, tienen derecho
cometerse no fueron delictivos según el Derecho nacional o internacional. a igual protección social.
Tampoco se impondrá pena más grave que la aplicable en el momento de Artículo 26.-
la comisión del delito. 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la educación. La educación debe ser gratuita,
Artículo 12.- al menos en lo concerniente a la instrucción elemental y fundamental. La
Nadie será objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en su vida privada, su familia, su instrucción elemental será obligatoria. La instrucción técnica y profesional
domicilio o su correspondencia, ni de ataques a su honra o a su reputación. Toda habrá de ser generalizada; el acceso a los estudios superiores será igual
persona tiene derecho a la protección de la ley contra tales injerencias o ataques. para todos, en función de los méritos respectivos.
Artículo 13.- 2. La educación tendrá por objeto el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a circular libremente y a elegir su residencia y el fortalecimiento del respeto a los derechos humanos y a las libertades
en el territorio de un Estado. fundamentales; favorecerá la comprensión, la tolerancia y la amistad entre
2. Toda persona tiene derecho a salir de cualquier país, incluso del propio, y todas las naciones y todos los grupos étnicos o religiosos, y promoverá el
a regresar a su país. desarrollo de las actividades de las Naciones Unidas para el mantenimiento
Artículo 14.- de la paz.
1. En caso de persecución, toda persona tiene derecho a buscar asilo, y a 3. Los padres tendrán derecho preferente a escoger el tipo de educación que
disfrutar de él, en cualquier país. habrá de darse a sus hijos.
2. Este derecho no podrá ser invocado contra una acción judicial realmente Artículo 27.-
originada por delitos comunes o por actos opuestos a los propósitos y 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a tomar parte libremente en la vida cultural de
principios de las Naciones Unidas. la comunidad, a gozar de las artes y a participar en el progreso científico y
Artículo 15.- en los beneficios que de él resulten.
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a una nacionalidad. 2. Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de los intereses morales y
2. A nadie se privará arbitrariamente de su nacionalidad ni del derecho a
cambiar de nacionalidad. materiales que le correspondan por razón de las producciones científicas,
Artículo 16.- literarias o artísticas de que sea autora.
1. Los hombres y las mujeres, a partir de la edad núbil, tienen derecho, sin Artículo 28.-
restricción alguna por motivos de raza, nacionalidad o religión, a casarse y Toda persona tiene derecho a que se establezca un orden social e internacional
fundar una familia (...). en el que los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración se hagan
2. Solo mediante libre y pleno consentimiento de los futuros esposos podrá plenamente efectivos.
contraerse el matrimonio. Artículo 29.-
3. La familia es el elemento natural y fundamental de la sociedad y tiene derecho 1. Toda persona tiene deberes respecto a la comunidad (...).
a la protección de la sociedad y del Estado. 2. En el ejercicio de sus derechos y en el disfrute de sus libertades, toda persona
Artículo 17.- estará solamente sujeta a las limitaciones establecidas por la ley con el único
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la propiedad, individual y colectivamente. fin de asegurar el reconocimiento y el respeto de los derechos y libertades
2. Nadie será privado arbitrariamente de su propiedad. de los demás, y de satisfacer las justas exigencias de la moral, del orden
Artículo 18.- público y del bienestar general en una sociedad democrática.
Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de 3. Estos derechos y libertades no podrán, en ningún caso, ser ejercidos en
religión (...). oposición a los propósitos y principios de las Naciones Unidas.
Artículo 19.- Artículo 30.-
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión (...). Nada en esta Declaración podrá interpretarse en el sentido de que confiere
Artículo 20.- derecho alguno al Estado, a un grupo o a una persona, para emprender y
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de reunión y de asociación pacíficas. desarrollar actividades (...) tendientes a la supresión de cualquiera de los
2. Nadie podrá ser obligado a pertenecer a una asociación. derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración.
c ed
a n
d v
o ok
y B
i t

My first name is

My last name is

My school is

My address is
Título de la obra

Activity Book
Es complemento con CHEER UP ADVANCED 5
Student's Book

© Derechos de autor reservados y registrados PROHIBIDA

© Derechos de edición, arte gráfico y diagramación PUBLICADA EL 20 DE JULIO DE 2004
reservados y registrados conforme a ley
Coordinadora general del área: DE AUTOR Y CONEXOS
Lic. Flor Amanda Oyola Gabriel
Reproducción, difusión, distribución y circulación de la obra sin
Diseño, diagramación y corrección: la autorización del autor.
Editorial Escuela Activa S.A.
Artículo 217.o.- Será reprimido con pena privativa de
libertad no menor de dos ni mayor de seis años y con treinta
Ilustración: a noventa días-multa, el que con respecto a una obra, una
Banco de imágenes Editorial Escuela Activa S.A. interpretación o ejecución artística, un fonograma o una emisión
o transmisión de radiodifusión, o una grabación audiovisual o
Editorial ESCUELA ACTIVA S.A. una imagen fotográfica expresada en cualquier forma, realiza
Jr. Pomabamba 325, Breña alguno de los siguientes actos sin la autorización previa y
Tels. 332 6314 332 6667 escrita del autor o titular de los derechos:
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
a. La modifique total o parcialmente. b. La distribuya mediante venta, alquiler o préstamo
Tiraje: 3000 ejemplares c. La comunique o difunda públicamente por cualquiera
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Impreso en: respectivo derecho.
Corporación Gráfica Navarrete S.A. d. La reproduzca, distribuya o comunique en mayor
Carretera Central 759 – km 2 número que el autorizado por escrito.
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la reproduzca total o parcialmente, por cualquier medio o
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alquiler o préstamo al público u otra forma de transferencia de
ISBN N.o 978-612-4459-00-9 la posesión del soporte que contiene la obra o producción que
Proyecto Editorial N.o 31501051900868 supere las dos (2) Unidades Impositivas Tributarias, en forma
Ley N.o 28086 fraccionada, en un solo acto o en diferentes actos de inferior
Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú importe cada uno.
N.o 2019-11759


La Editorial se hace responsable por el rigor
académico del contenido del texto de acuerdo con
los principios de la Ley General de Educación.
do on
What did youation?
your last vac
2 3. Read the itiner
ary and circle
the correct optio

Vacation in Par
crossword .
1. Complete the 1 Monday:
in Paris. .
8:00 am : Arrive the River Seine
Across on a cruise down
10:00 am : Go
lunch at a café.
12:00 pm : Have
pack your Eiffel Tower.
3. This is what you sightseeing at the
clothes in. 3:00 pm : Go the Eiffel Tower Restaurant.
to buy things. dinner at
5. This allows you 6:00 pm : Eat

this in case you
6. You may need
Tuesday: um.
get lost. the Louvre Muse
to travel to 10:00 am : Visit
7. You need this
another country. 1:00 pm : Have phe, Notre Dame
school supplies the Arc de Triom
8. You carry your 3:00pm : Visit Panthéon.
Cathedral and the
in this.
and electronics

to Disneyland.
9:00am : Go park.
lunch at the theme
1:00 pm : Have the hotel.
the bus back to
4:00 pm : Catch dinner.
Down a barbecue for
6:00 pm : Have
to get into a
1. This allows you
theme park.
Thursday: de Chantilly.
2. You need this
to take a to the Chateau
9:00 am : Go
picture. at the Chateau.
no money, 9:30 am : Arrive
4. When you have lunch.
with it. 12:00 pm : Have um.
you can buy things the Condé Muse
2:00 pm : Visit tilly.
the Castle of Chan
4:00 pm : Visit to Paris
the bus to go back
box. 6:00 pm : Catch
the words in the
sentences using cruise on Mond
ay? d. 12 pm
2. Complete the they go on a c. 11 am
credit card 1. What time did b. 10 am
backpack a. 9 am
cash Monday night?
ticket passport have dinner on
travel guide
camera 2. Where did they b. The Louvre
Panth éon Arc de Triom phe
a. The d. The
wasn't working. c. The Eiffel Tower ay?
visited on Tuesd
e, but my first museum they
d to take a pictur before 3. What was the b. The Eiffel Tower
a. I really wante in my Cathedral um
and I had put them a. Notre Dame d. The Louvre Muse
snacks for my trip, c. Arc de Triom
b. I bought some park? d. Thursday
they go to a theme c. Wednesday
traveling. so we know 4. Which day did b. Tuesday
a a. Monday
on the trip, I got for dinne r? d. Thursday
we don't get lost did they have a
barbe cue
c. Wednesday
c. To make sure 5. Which night b. Tuesday
where to go. . a. Monday at 9:00 am?
go on Thursday tilly
Australia, they stamp
ed my in it. 6. Where did they b. Chateau de Chan
d. Once I got to and my Cathedral
a. Notre Dame d. The Panthéon 13
, it had my c. The Eiffel Tower
e I lost my wallet .
e. I can't believ have my
because I didnꞌt FiFth Grade
let me on the plane
f. They wouldn't


Key language

Key lan gu age

the correct place
parentheses in
the word(s) in
Lesson 2 2. Rewrite the
sentences with
the connection
cut out. (before)
ng with my mother on the phone
correct option
a, b or c. a. I had been chatti
ue and circle the
1. Read the dialog y years old. (neve
before he was twent
ced extreme sports
b. Harry had practi
. (for)
the last ten years
to other countries
been making trips
because he had
c. Daniel was tired
to a wedding on
they were invited
a holiday when
t plane tickets for
d. They had bough
same day. (just)

you retired? (How
traveling for before
e. Had you been

parentsꞌ trip? e crowd ed. (By the time)

er affected your ment it had already becom
how has this weath f. We visited the
Heidi : Hey Ben, when the storm
their suitcases
Ben : Well, they e going to do. retired. (until)
I donꞌt know what
they'r on a cruise they
can still go. g. They hadnꞌt gone
too bad! Hopefully got really mad
Heidi : Oh thatꞌs delayed, my dad
parentsꞌ flight got
The last time my for this for so long. .
Ben : Me too! is the correct order
because he 2. er the sentences
3. Read and numb
at all.
An unlucky girl
e that wasnꞌ t fun
Heidi : I can imagin ra when he called
to buy a new came the
I 3. to buy a suitcase,
Ben : Not at all. Whe she wen't which
me to complain. was sold out,
one she liked
photo grapher? to buy an ugly one.
ra? Are you a meant she had
Heidi : A new came four months, but
unlucky girl, a
lot of
photography for ng. Ambe r was an
could continue studyi happened to her.
Ben : Well, I
4. a new one, so I bad things had
I decided to get ed home from
camera broke and for your parents. When she return
thing works out had a barbecue.
to go now. Hopefully every Sweden, her family got
Heidi : Well, I have day and she
It was a sunny
Ben : Thank you! sunburned. .
to be back home
g Amber was happy
c. had been packin traveling for six
d b. packed She had been she
1. a. had just packe Sweden. When
c. had waited and had gone to for mista ken identity.
g arrest ed to buy a new one.
b. had been waitin arrived, she got tour and she had
2. a. waited se was lost on the helped relieve the
c. had just gone Then, her suitca rn cream which
b. went r had some sunbu 17
going Luckily, her brothe
3. a. had been
c. studied
b. had studied FiFth Grade
4. a. had been



to or Would.
Qu iz sente nce in the Past
Simple, the Past
Continuous, Used
3. Rewrite the
ly play socce r in the afternoons.
the words. a. The boys usual . (Past Simple)
sentences by
1. Complete the to take pictures
The boys usual
d my
on vacation, I neede aacmre ng on the intern
a. When I was b. Sara is chatti )
. (Past Continuous
a beautiful sunse Sara ing.
card to do the shopp
pays with her credit
c. My mom often . (would)
buy my
cruise, I need to My mom
b. To go on the ktetci on the weekends.
a family barbecue
d. We often have . (used to)
to fit in all of our We
in the park.
bigger tball with my friend
c. We needed a utsaices e. I am playing
baske )
. (Past Continuous
expired. I their trip.
because hers has some pictures during
new camera to take
d. My sister needs
a new f. They need a . (Past Simple)
They .
during the trip. extreme sports
ly participates in
g. My brother usual . (would)
d his laptop in his
e. My brother carrie kpbcakca
My brother
ct Simple or the
to help us theses using the Past Perfe
had our s with the verbs in paren
lost in Costa Rica, we 4. Fill in the blank nuous.
f. When we got ltearv udgie Past Perfect Conti .
before we left home
hotel. (buy) a bus ticket
get back to the a. We (rain).
because it ed to China.
b. They were wet se before he travel
ct answers. family at (buy) a new suitca
2. Circle the corre a cruise with my c. He s when I got home
internet / go on (travel) for six month
s chat on the
holiday, I alway sports by lunch
a. When I go on d. I
(finish) playing , besides
home. for dinner tonigh
t. e. Cameron (travel) for 30 hours
s on the beach
cue / make friend sted because she
b. We are going
to have a barbe park like Disneyland. f. Ellie was exhau
/ go to a theme passport.
to go sightseeing she had lost her before I hurt my
y to the USA, I want d. (go) sightseeing
c. On my holida se I'm too scare card
e sports becau g. We (use) her new credit
monu ments / practice extrem
d. I don't like to like Christ the was happy becau
se she
/ go sightseeing h. My grandma
visit a monument
Brazil, I want to 19
e. When I go to to go clothes shopp
Redeemer. s.
d the Greek Island FiFth Grade
/ play sports aroun
to go on a cruise
f. One day I want
Let's wash the dishes

UNIT in the dishwasher.
Help with

1. Match the words with the pictures.

a b

1. an iron

2. a dishwasher

c 3. a stove d

4. a blender

5. a kettle
e f
6. an extractor

7. a washing machine

8. a toaster
g h

2. The words below have been written in code. Use the hints in the decoder at the top
of the page to help break the code (the letters on the top are the correct answers, the
letters on the bottom are the code). Write the correct word on the line provided beside
each code word.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
h q e u r o n f p a d z v j g k x y m s w b t c i l

a. h qzrjury

b. h sghmsry

c. h drsszr

d. h upmfthmfry

e. h yper eggdry

f. hj rcsyhesgy

3. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

dry the dishes fold the clothes change the sheets

store the veggies make toast hang out the clothes
wipe off the table do the dusting do the vacuuming

a. Sometimes, when I , it makes me sneeze.

b. I always have to , I wish I had someone to help me.

c. We for breakfast every morning.

d. My sister usually helps me to on the clothesline.

e. I on my bed every Sunday.

f. We have to after we iron them.

g. They twice a week because their floor gets very dirty.

h. My mom likes to after shopping.

i. My grandma likes to after breakfast.

4. Circle the correct phrases.

a. You need to do the dusting / dry the dishes before putting them in the cabinets.

b. We have to store the veggies in the fridge / make toast, so that they don't spoil.

c. You must fold the clothes / hang out the clothes after you wash them.

d. You should do the vacuuming / do the dusting when the floor is dirty.

e. We always change the sheets / wipe off the table before we start cooking.

f. You should turn on the washing machine / change the sheets on your bed at least
once a week.

g. We sometimes store the veggies in the fridge / make toast with peanut butter for our
Fifth Grade 5
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Complete the text with a, an or the.

A busy day!
Hello, my name is Charlie. I had a job interview
yesterday afternoon, but my shirt was all wrinkled,
so I had to use 1. iron to make it look
nice. My interview went really well! After my
interview, I had to do the chores. I remembered
my mom telling me I had to turn on 2.
washing machine as soon as I got home and then
make dinner. All I had was bread and 3.
toaster, so I had toast for dinner. While I was
eating my toast, my mom called and told me we
had 4. rice cooker and I felt silly for not seeing it. But luckily for me, there
was 5. extractor to make juice to wash my toast down. After eating my
toast, I had just enough time to change 6. sheets. I was able to get all of
my chores done before my mom came home!

2. Put a check next to a, an or the.

a. Can you put veggies in the fridge? a an the

b. I need to buy iron. a an the

c. We need to wipe off table. a an the

d. You clean dishes in dishwasher. a an the

e. A kettle is appliance. a an the

f. She makes juice in extractor every day. a an the

3. Choose the correct article.
1. I am buying new kettle today.
a. a b. an c. the

2. vacuum cleaner I have is ten years old.

a. A b. An c. The

3. Do you have iron that I can borrow?

a. a b. an c. the

4. Can you help me turn on washing machine? I don't know how.

a. a b. an c. the

5. Smiths are coming over for dinner.

a. A b. An c. The

6. Are you going to cinema this weekend?

a. a b. an c. the

7. Do you have dishwasher, or do you have to wash dishes by hand?

a. a b. an c. the

8. I want to buy extractor, but they are too expensive.

a. a b. an c. the

4. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary. Put a cross (X) if no article is

a. I needed to do my brotherʹs laundry, so I needed iron to finish it.

b. My mom told me I had to turn on washing machine or I was grounded.

c. We had to make toast for breakfast.

d. After we carved our pumpkin, we had to wipe off table.

e. My dad always taught us to use vacuum cleaner to clean the blinds.

f. If you want to make the most delicious smoothies, you have to use blender.
Fifth Grade 7
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

makes lives going waiting

hanging out leaves buying storing uses

Shelby: Hey Carl! What are you up to this weekend?

Carl : Just getting my chores done. I am 1. my clothes when I get home.

Shelby: Awe too bad! I was going to see if you wanted to try my mom's new kettle that she 2.
to make tea.

Carl : I would love to, but I must get home soon because my mom is 3.
for me to do the vacuuming.

Shelby: That's okay, we can do it another time!

Carl : Plus, after that I have to help fix Mr. Johnson's dishwasher. He 4.
in the old house across the street. Then I have to get ready for my trip!

Shelby: Awesome! Where are you going?

Carl : I am 5. to Toronto. My train 6. at 9:30 tonight.

Shelby: What are you going to do once you are there?

Carl : Well, believe it or not, I have to do more chores! Once I get there my dad and I are
going to the new supermarket because we are 7. a new stove to
make dinner when we get home.

Shelby: Cool! What will you make for dinner?

Carl : I think maybe a stir-fry. My dad is 8. the veggies in the fridge

right now for that dinner.

Shelby: That sounds really good! Do you have anything to drink? I hear an extractor
9. really good juice.

Carl : I think we are going to have soda.

2. Choose the correct form of each verb.

1. She toast every morning.

a. is making
b. makes

2. I to do the dusting on the weekend.

a. am planning
b. plan

3. He houses for a living.

a. is cleaning
b. cleans

4. The washing machine for one hour when it washes the clothes.
a. is going
b. goes

5. They the vacuuming because they might have guests.

a. are doing
b. do

6. The laundry quicker on sunny days.

a. is drying
b. dries

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses Present
Simple or Present Continuous.

a. I (turn) on the washing machine to wash my clothes right now.

b. She (do) the vacuuming every Sunday.

c. They're out because they (buy) a new toaster.

d. My brother and I (do) the dusting next weekend.

e. Rice sometimes (cook) quicker in a rice cooker.

f. An extractor (make) juice easily and quickly, especially if you're in a hurry.

Fifth Grade 9

1. Complete the words with the missing letters.

a. a k t le

b. an xtra t r

c. a d sh as e

d. a ic c ok r

e. a bl nd r

f. a t as e

g. a w sh ng m ch n

h. a v c um cl an r

2. Find the mistake(s) and write the correct phrase.

a. store the veggees

b. chage the sheats

c. turne on the waching machine

d. wipe of the table

e. do the vacumming

f. hang out the clotes

3. Read each sentence and decide whether it is correct or incorrect.

1. I have to buy an dishwasher to help me clean my dishes.

a. correct b. incorrect

2. We need to remember to turn on the washing machine to wash the clothes.

a. correct b. incorrect

3. We need to buy a extractor if we want fresh juice.

a. correct b. incorrect

4. To get those wrinkles out, you will need to use an iron.

a. correct b. incorrect

5. Make sure you wipe off the table after lunch.

a. correct b. incorrect

6. After one week, you should always change a sheets.

a. correct b. incorrect

4. Underline the mistakes and write the correct word(s) in the spaces provided.

a. She make toast for breakfast every day.

b. I is hanging out the clothes after wiping off the table.

c. He doesn't uses the iron every day like his mother.

d. My brother usually storing the veggies in the fridge after the groceries are bought.

e. When am you folding the clothes?

f. She is stay home to finish doing the dusting.

Fifth Grade 11
What did you do on

UNIT your last vacation?

1. Complete the crossword.

3. This is what you pack your
clothes in. 2
5. This allows you to buy things.
6. You may need this in case you
get lost.
7. You need this to travel to
another country. 3 4

8. You carry your school supplies

and electronics in this.

Down 7

1. This allows you to get into a

theme park.
2. You need this to take a
4. When you have no money,
you can buy things with it.

2. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

ticket cash backpack credit card

travel guide camera passport

a. I really wanted to take a picture, but my wasn't working.

b. I bought some snacks for my trip, and I had put them in my before

c. To make sure we don't get lost on the trip, I got a so we know

where to go.

d. Once I got to Australia, they stamped my .

e. I can't believe I lost my wallet, it had my and my in it.

f. They wouldn't let me on the plane because I didnꞌt have my .

3. Read the itinerary and circle the correct options.

Vacation in Paris
8:00 am : Arrive in Paris.
10:00 am : Go on a cruise down the River Seine.
12:00 pm : Have lunch at a café.
3:00 pm : Go sightseeing at the Eiffel Tower.
6:00 pm : Eat dinner at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant.
10:00 am : Visit the Louvre Museum.
1:00 pm : Have lunch.
3:00pm : Visit the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame
Cathedral and the Panthéon.
9:00am : Go to Disneyland.
1:00 pm : Have lunch at the theme park.
4:00 pm : Catch the bus back to the hotel.
6:00 pm : Have a barbecue for dinner.

9:00 am : Go to the Chateau de Chantilly.
9:30 am : Arrive at the Chateau.
12:00 pm : Have lunch.
2:00 pm : Visit the Condé Museum.
4:00 pm : Visit the Castle of Chantilly.
6:00 pm : Catch the bus to go back to Paris

1. What time did they go on a cruise on Monday?

a. 9 am b. 10 am c. 11 am d. 12 pm
2. Where did they have dinner on Monday night?
a. The Panthéon b. The Louvre
c. The Eiffel Tower d. The Arc de Triomphe
3. What was the first museum they visited on Tuesday?
a. Notre Dame Cathedral b. The Eiffel Tower
c. Arc de Triomphe d. The Louvre Museum
4. Which day did they go to a theme park?
a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Wednesday d. Thursday
5. Which night did they have a barbecue for dinner?
a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Wednesday d. Thursday
6. Where did they go on Thursday at 9:00 am?
a. Notre Dame Cathedral b. Chateau de Chantilly
c. The Eiffel Tower d. The Panthéon
Fifth Grade 13
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Complete the text with the correct past tense form of the verbs in parentheses.

Anne and Michael

Anne and Michael 1.

(pack) their backpacks for a

trip they were about to go on.

They would always pack the

day of the trip. They used to

travel to Europe, but for this trip

they decided to go to Argentina. Michael 2.

(dream) of going to Argentina when he was younger. Anne 3.

(buy) a travel guide on the way to the airport.

But once they got there, they realized that they had forgotten their tickets

and that they were going to miss their flight. Luckily, Anneꞌs mom was house

sitting and 4. (chat) with Anne on the internet.

They asked Anneꞌs mom to bring their tickets to the airport for them. She

immediately 5. (grab) the tickets, got in the

car and 6. (drive) to the airport as fast as she

could. She was able to make it on time and Anne and Michael were able to

make their flight! Their time in Argentina was beautiful. It was sunny while

they 7. (visit) monuments. They were also

making a lot of friends, it was a good trip after all.

2. Circle the correct options.

a. She would / was always practice extreme sports like snowboarding and skydiving when
she was young.

b. It rained / was raining the whole time while Jim was sightseeing in Iceland.

c. I was buying / bought a plane ticket to Brazil and was leaving / left the next day.

d. They were staying / stayed in China for just a week.

e. We used to go / was going to theme parks a lot when we were children.

f. Bill and Liz were preparing / prepare a barbecue while their mom was setting the table.

3. Unscramble and answer the questions.

a. vacation / you / go / Where / ? / use / to / did / on

b. use / sports / ? / you / did / to / What / play

c. ? / you / Croatia / last / visit / year / Did

d. child / were / you / sports / in / Did / any / extreme / ? / when / participate / you / a

e. night / you / ? / chatting / last / online / Were

Fifth Grade 15
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Read the dialogue and circle the correct option a, b or c.

Heidi : Hey Ben, how has this weather affected your parentsꞌ trip?

Ben : Well, they 1. their suitcases when the storm hit.

I donꞌt know what they're going to do.
Heidi : Oh thatꞌs too bad! Hopefully they can still go.
Ben : Me too! The last time my parentsꞌ flight got delayed, my dad got really mad
because he 2. for this for so long.
Heidi : I can imagine that wasnꞌt fun at all.

Ben : Not at all. I 3. to buy a new camera when he called

me to complain.
Heidi : A new camera? Are you a photographer?

Ben : Well, I 4. photography for four months, but my

camera broke and I decided to get a new one, so I could continue studying.
Heidi : Well, I have to go now. Hopefully everything works out for your parents.
Ben : Thank you!

1. a. had just packed b. packed c. had been packing

2. a. waited b. had been waiting c. had waited

3. a. had been going b. went c. had just gone

4. a. had been studying b. had studied c. studied

2. Rewrite the sentences with the word(s) in parentheses in the correct place.

a. I had been chatting with my mother on the phone the connection cut out. (before)

b. Harry had practiced extreme sports before he was twenty years old. (never)

c. Daniel was tired because he had been making trips to other countries the last ten years. (for)

d. They had bought plane tickets for a holiday when they were invited to a wedding on the
same day. (just)

e. Had you been traveling for before you retired? (How long)

f. We visited the monument it had already become crowded. (By the time)

g. They hadnꞌt gone on a cruise they retired. (until)

3. Read and number the sentences is the correct order.

An unlucky girl
Whe she wen't to buy a suitcase, the
one she liked was sold out, which
meant she had to buy an ugly one.
Amber was an unlucky girl, a lot of
bad things had happened to her.
When she returned home from
Sweden, her family had a barbecue.
It was a sunny day and she got
Amber was happy to be back home.
She had been traveling for six years
and had gone to Sweden. When she
arrived, she got arrested for mistaken identity.
Then, her suitcase was lost on the tour and she had to buy a new one.
Luckily, her brother had some sunburn cream which helped relieve the pain.
Fifth Grade 17

1. Complete the sentences by unscrambling the words.

a. When I was on vacation, I needed my to take pictures of

a beautiful sunset.

b. To go on the cruise, I need to buy my first.


c. We needed a bigger to fit in all of our clothes.


d. My sister needs a new because hers has expired.


e. My brother carried his laptop in his during the trip.


f. When we got lost in Costa Rica, we had our to help us

ltearv udgie
get back to the hotel.

2. Circle the correct answers.

a. When I go on holiday, I always chat on the internet / go on a cruise with my family at


b. We are going to have a barbecue / make friends on the beach for dinner tonight.

c. On my holiday to the USA, I want to go sightseeing / go to a theme park like Disneyland.

d. I don't like to visit monuments / practice extreme sports because I'm too scared.

e. When I go to Brazil, I want to visit a monument / go sightseeing like Christ the


f. One day I want to go on a cruise / play sports around the Greek Islands.
3. Rewrite the sentence in the Past Simple, the Past Continuous, Used to or Would.

a. The boys usually play soccer in the afternoons.

The boys usually . (Past Simple)

b. Sara is chatting on the internet.

Sara . (Past Continuous)

c. My mom often pays with her credit card to do the shopping.

My mom . (would)
d. We often have a family barbecue on the weekends.

We . (used to)
e. I am playing basketball with my friend in the park.

I . (Past Continuous)
f. They need a new camera to take some pictures during their trip.

They . (Past Simple)

g. My brother usually participates in extreme sports.

My brother . (would)

4. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in parentheses using the Past Perfect Simple or the
Past Perfect Continuous.

a. We (buy) a bus ticket before we left home.

b. They were wet because it (rain).
c. He (buy) a new suitcase before he traveled to China.
d. I (travel) for six months when I got homesick.
e. Cameron (finish) playing sports by lunchtime.
f. Ellie was exhausted because she (travel) for 30 hours, besides
she had lost her passport.
g. We (go) sightseeing before I hurt my ankle.

h. My grandma was happy because she (use) her new credit card
to go clothes shopping.
Fifth Grade 19
Will you use the police car
to patrol the city streets
Service 3 tomorrow?

1. Look at the pictures and complete the questions.

a. Could you take the baby out of the ?

b. Do you know if the president arrived in a yesterday?

c. Should we take a ride in a ?

d. Sir, can you please step away from the ?

e. Quick! Can you take out the garbage before the comes?

f. Would you like to go sailing with me on my new ?

2. Choose a, b or c.

1. The politician came in the last week.

a. helicopter b. delivery van c. garbage truck

2. The builders needed a to make concrete.

a. tractor b. sailboat c. cement mixer

3. We went for a ride in a around the countryside.

a. horse-drawn carriage b. stroller c. tanker truck

4. The farmer needed to get his fixed.

a. tractor b. tractor trailer c. garbage truck

5. The baby fell asleep as his father pushed him around in his .
a. helicopter b. stroller c. horse drawn carriage

6. The officers chased the criminal in their .

a. police car b. delivery van c. sailboat
3. Read and complete the text with the correct phrases.

Hi, I'm Matthew and I'm 65 years old. I've

had a lot of jobs in my life. The first job
was to 1. deliver food
/ transport liquids when I was 18 years
old. It helped pay for my university. It was a
great job and I always got free doughnuts!
When I was 25 years old, I became a
police officer in my hometown and I used
to 2. plow the fields /
patrol the streets. It was a small town and
most of the people drove tractors to plow
fields and give each other a ride. It was a
simple time in my life.
When I was 30, I needed some adventure in my life, so I 3.
sailed around the world / picked up the garbage on my friend's sailboat. There
was a crew of five, and that's where I met my wife, Brenda. She used to drive tanker
trucks that 4. transported gasoline / mixed cement to gas
stations. Now I'm retired and a granddad of ten. I really enjoy taking my youngest
grandchild for a walk in the park in her stroller. It's my favorite part of the day.

4. Match.

1. A stroller a. gives people a ride.

2. A tractor b. transports patients to the hospital.

3. A helicopter c. plows the fields.

4. A horse-drawn carriage d. is used to take a baby for a walk.

5. A cement mixer e. transports military personnel.

6. An ambulance f. mixes cement.

Fifth Grade 21
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Look at the chart and complete the sentences in the affirmative form.

take the baby sail around the transport patients

plow the fields
for a walk world to the hospital

a. Susan is going to
b. Bob will
c. Henry will probably
d. Grace is going to
e. Taylor will have
f. Hailey will be

2. Look at the chart and complete the sentences in the negative form.

give a friend patrol the deliver mix the

a ride city streets the food cement

a. Selina will not

b. Victoria will not have

c. Gordon is not going to

d. Daniel thinks he will not

e. Geoff is not going to

f. Brittney will not have

3. Read the text and circle the correct answers.

Antony's big project

My name is Anthony and I have a big

project coming up. We are going to build
new and better roads around the city.
To do this project, I will / am going to
probably need a tractor trailer to transport
all of my materials. I won't / am going to
get a cement mixer tomorrow, so we can
get started. Unfortunately, my car broke
down, but my assistant, Laura will /
is going to pick me up to get to work
early. Once we get to the site, we will get
down to work and try to get a lot done! During my break, I hope to have some time to
plan for the weekend. I think I will / am going to go to visit my parents because it's
my dad's birthday. Once the roads are finished, I will / am going to travel to Piura to
start a new project. I really like my job!

4. Read the sentences below and write the extra word or put a check if the sentence is

a. I will probably am need an ambulance because I crashed my tractor.

b. I am going to sail around the world next year.

c. Is You are going to pick up garbage tomorrow.

d. My brother will be taking the baby for a walk at 5 oꞌclock tomorrow.

e. She promises that she has will buy a helicopter.

f. By the time you get ready, the trolley will have been already left.

g. Perhaps, I will give a ride to my best friend.

h. He is going to go fishing after he plows the field.

Fifth Grade 23
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Complete the dialogue with the Tag Questions in the box.

isn't he did you won't he have they

Tina : Hi Andrew, how are you doing?

Andrew : I am doing ok! But I'm a little sore because I broke my leg yesterday.

Tina : Oh no! You didn't have to go to the hospital, ?

Andrew : Thankfully, I did not, but now I can't plow the fields or deliver food.

Tina : That's too bad! Well, your dad will help with your work, ?

Andrew : Hopefully, but he is going away on a trip soon.

Tina : That's right! He is going to sail around the world, ?

Andrew : Yeah, I wish I could go.

Tina : Your parents haven't bought their tickets for their trip yet, ?

Andrew : Not yet.

Tina : Well, I have to go now. Take care Andrew!

Andrew : Thanks.

2. Circle the correct Tag Questions.

a. You've seen a tanker truck before, haven't you / have you?

b. She's not an ambulance driver, isn't she / is she ?
c. The garbage will be picked up by tomorrow morning, will it / won't it?
d. The stroller isn't broken, is it / isn't it?
e. Scott often patrols the city streets, does he / doesn't he?
f. Clark will deliver the food to us, will he / won't he?
g. You've never been in a police car before, have you / haven't you?
h. Andrea took the baby for a walk today, didn't she / did she?
i. They usually pick up the garbage at 8 o'clock, do they / don't they?
j. My dad isn't going to give you a ride, is he / isn't he?

3. Match.
1. Jesse usually drives the pink
ambulance, ?

2. The sailboat will finish its trip tomorrow

afternoon, ?
a. did he
3. The police officer will be patrolling
b. won't he
tonight, ?
c. doesn't he
4. They have already picked up d. have we
the garbage, ?
e. haven't they
5. We have never been in a f. won't it
horse-drawn carriage, ?

6. He didn't take an ambulance

to the hospital, ?

4. Choose a or b.

1. He will deliver pizza in the van soon, ?

a. will he b. won't he

2. The tanker truck has broken down, so it isn't going to deliver before midday, ?
a. is it b. isn't it

3. You haven't booked the cement mixer for tomorrow's job, ?

a. have you b. haven't you

4. She's going to give you a ride to the music festival, ?

a. is she b. isn't she

5. The ambulance is on its way, ?

a. is it b. isn't it

6. There's a big festival in our town, the police officers will be patrolling the city streets,
a. will they b. won't they

7. That's Tom's new car, ?

a. isn't it b. is it

Fifth Grade 25

1. Check the true statements.

a. A tractor trailer is used to transport large loads.

b. A cement mixer combines cement and sand to make concrete.

c. An ambulance takes people to the police station.

d. A stroller is used to take your baby out.

e. A tractor is used to transport products.

f. A delivery van brings your mail and packages to you.

g. A helicopter is used to transport military personnel.

h. A sailboat is used to sail around the world.

i. A tanker truck is used to plow the fields.

2. Answer the questions below using the words or phrases in the box.

a cement mixer a tractor to transport military personnel

transport sick people to the hospital
transport liquids a horse-drawn carriage

a. What do you use to plow the fields?

b. When do you use a tanker truck?

c. What can you use to give people rides?

d. How can a helicopter be used?

e. What can you use to mix cement?

f. When do you use an ambulance?

3. Write questions for the following answers.
1. A: ?
B: Yes, he will plow the fields tomorrow.

2. A: ?
B: No, I am not going to transport the liquids next week.

3. A: ?
B: Yes, I will be transporting military personnel in the future.

4. A: ?
B: Yes, I am going to patrol the streets tomorrow at 8 o'clock.

5. A: ?
B: No, she won't be using a horse-drawn carriage.

6. A: ?
B: No, they are not going to go sailing later today.

4. Check the correct Tag Questions.

1. Your job is to take people to the hospital, ?

a. don't you b. isn't it c. aren't you

2. You've always wanted to sail around the world, ?

a. haven't you b. don't you c. won't you

3. Jenny has been on a trolley before, ?

a. won't she b. doesn't she c. hasn't she

4. That isn't a delivery van, ?

a. is it b. isn't it c. will it

5. A farmer doesn't drive a tractor trailer, ?

a. will he b. does he c. doesn't he

6. Caleb hadn't ever been in a horse-drawn carriage before, ?

a. had he b. hadn't he c. hasn't he

7. Mia couldn't give you a ride to work today, ?

a. would she b. can she c. could she

8. Next week, it will be my turn to patrol the streets, ?

a. won't it b. will it c. isn't it

Fifth Grade 27
Have you ever

UNIT worn a costume?
Safety and care

1. Read and fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.

burn yourself drink a glass of carrot juice

eat a spider miss the bus
take a nap in a hammock be bitten by a dog

a. I was so tired from doing all b. I am a gymnast and I am trying

the housework that I had to to eat healthier these days, which
in my means I have to be careful about
backyard for 3 hours. I woke up what I eat. In the morning, I usually
and noticed that it was time to and eat a
make dinner because I had invited bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruit.
some friends over and they would
be arriving soon.

c. When I was traveling around d. When you are in the kitchen, you
the world, I stopped in Thailand need to be careful while cooking.
and they said it was cultural to You can
. It was very and that will be really painful.
tasty. I would eat it again and highly
recommend it.

e. If you keep bugging the dog, it may f. You better hurry! You're going to
get angry and bite you. And if you . If you are
don't want to , late one more time, you will be
stop bothering the street dogs. suspended from school! I'm sure
your father will be furious if that


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