PCA INGLES Nivel Elemental 4to
PCA INGLES Nivel Elemental 4to
PCA INGLES Nivel Elemental 4to
2023- 2024
O.EFL 3.2. Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well OG.EFL2. Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different
as the skills and subskills that contribute to communicative and pragmatic com- Cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational so-
petence. ciety.
O.EFL3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoy- OG.EFL3. Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence and
ment/entertainment and to access information. critical thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched per-
spective of their own L1 and of language use for communication and learning.
O.EFL 3.4. Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster problem-solv-
OG.EFL4. Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to
ing and independent learning using both spoken and written
independently access further (language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect them-
selves and others within the communication process,
O.EFL 3.5 Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate real-world is-
Cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior.
sues, answer questions or solve problems.
OG.EFL5. Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English
O.EFL 3.6 Read and write short descriptive and informative texts related to per-
language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or general investigation,
sonal information or familiar topics and use them as a means
through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
of communication and written expression of thought.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written
literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs, games and OG.EFL6. Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dia-
Graphic short stories in order to Foster imagination, curiosity and memory, logue with peers from different L1 backgrounds on work, study or general topics of common
while developing a taste for oral and written literary texts. interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately.
O.EFL 3.8 Demonstrate an ability to interact with written and spoken texts, in
order to explore creative writing as an outlet to personal expression and intercul- OG.EFL7. Interact quite clearly, confidently and appropriately in a range of formal and infor-
tural competence. mal social situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1
O.EFL 3.9 Be able to interact in English using basic, frequently used expres- level).
sions and short phrases in familiar and personalized contexts,
Demonstrating a limited but effective command of the spoken language in sim- OG.EFL5. Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English
ple and routine tasks which require a direct exchange language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or general investigation,
of information. through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to interact so-
cially and work cooperatively in pairs and groups. OG.EFL6. Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dia-
logue with peers from different L1 backgrounds on work, study or general topics of common
interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately.
OG.EFL7. Interact quite clearly, confidently and appropriately in a range of formal and infor-
mal social situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language.
N Title of the unit Unit Specific Contents/skills Methodological Evaluation Weeks
º Objectives Orientations Duration
(Skills and strategies)
1 CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and exhibit responsible
To introduce themselves Communication and Método: fónico- behaviors at home, at school and towards the en-
and Cultural Awareness analítico sintético vironment.
Back to school others; ask and tell
someone’s EFL.3.1. List ways to re- I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners can say ways to take care
name. late responsibly to one’s Técnica: Trabajo en of the environment and one’s surroundings.
To say what is his/her surroundings at home and Pares. Learners can identify and exhibit socially re-
name? at school by exhibiting re- sponsible behaviors at home, at school and to-
To say how do you spell sponsible behaviors to- wards the environment. (J.3, S.1)
your name. wards the environment. Method: Preview Review
To learn how to say (Example: chores at home, CE.EFL.3.8. Production – Accuracy and Intelli-
hello and goodbye. recycling, etc.) gibility: Communicate needs clearly in class by 6
asking questions or requesting clarification.
Demonstrate acquisition of skills taught in class,
My family tree EFL.3.2. Read key vocabu- such as being able to spell out words or use
lary items using the English some grammatical structures (albeit with fre-
alphabet. (Example: names, quent errors)
colors, animals, posses-
I.EFL.3.8.1. Learners can ask others to repeat
To introduce family
members; formally sions, etc.) themselves or to say something in a different
greet; ask and answer way and ask for common classroom needs.
questions to identify Técnica: lluvia de ideas Learners can spell out words in English and can
family Oral Communication: describe matters of immediate need or interest
members. (Listening and using some grammatical structures practiced in
Speaking) class (although there may be errors with tenses,
Describe physical char- personal pronouns, prepositions, etc.). (I.3, J.4)
acteristics like; the ap- EFL.3.3. Understand short
Phonics: short a, perearance simple texts, especially
long a when accompanied by pic- Técnica del Collage CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demon-
sdt tures or other visual aids, or strate an understanding of the main idea, speaker
sound effects. (Example: and situation in spoken texts set in familiar ev-
shopkeeper speaking to a eryday contexts without having to decode every
customer who is buying word.
some fruit.)
I.EFL.3.6.1. Learners can grasp the main idea of
To recognize and pro- Técnica: spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts
nounce words with the Reading Reproducción de Sonidos and infer changes in the topic of discussion as
short /a/ and long /a/ well as who is speaking and what the situation
sounds. - EFL.3.3. Read some basic is, without having to decode every word. (I.3,
details in short simple I.4)
cross-curricular texts by
matching, labeling and an- CE.EFL.3.12. Display an understanding of
swering simple questions. some basic details in short simple cross-curricu-
lar texts from various sources by matching, la-
beling and answering simple questions, and use
EFL.3.3. -Pronounce new the information gathered in order to organize
specific content-based and discuss relationships between different aca-
Método memorístico
words and phrases, with the demic content areas.
aid of visual support.
Técnica: repetición del
vocabulario I.EFL.3.12.1. Learners can match, label and an-
swer simple questions about basic details in a
Writing short simple cross-curricular text. Learners can
organize and discuss information from different
EFL.3.4.. Make a simple sources of academic content. (I.2, S.1)
learning resource in order
to record and practice new CE.EFL.3.13. Show an ability to identify the
words (Example: a picture meaning of specific content-based words and
dictionary, a word list, etc.) phrases, with the aid of visual support, and use
charts/mind maps to distinguish between fact/
Language through the opinion and relevant/irrelevant information in
Arts Metodo de Observación informational texts.
I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners can determine the mean-
EFL.3.3. Use audio to re- Tecnica colash ing of specific content-based words and phrases
spond to a variety of liter- when accompanied by visual support and distin-
ary texts through online or guish between fact and opinion and relevant and
in-class ICT activities. irrelevant information in informational texts
through the use of mind maps and charts. (I.2,
Método: fónico-
analítico sintético CE.EFL.3.16. Create a simple learning resource
in order to record and practice new words and
demonstrate knowledge of their meanings.
-To recognize the differ- Communication and CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with others using a variety
ent sports and weather; Cultural Awareness of both verbal and nonverbal communication
3 Sports and Weather preferences using like Método: fónico- features and express likes and dislikes while giv- 6
and the verb to be. -Compare and contrast ba- analítico sintético ing recommendations in basic yet effective
-To identify seasons; ask sic personal preferences terms.
and tell with peers in order to ex-
about seasons and pre- press likes and dislikes. . I.EFL.3.3.1. Learners can employ a range of
ferred verbal and nonverbal communication features to
activities. EFL 3.4.3. express likes and dislikes and can give recom-
Read appropriate classroom Técnica: Trabajo Grupal. mendations in basic yet effective terms. (I.3,
behaviors by participating S.4)
in small group or whole
My Hometown class discussions. (Exam- CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and exhibit responsible
ple: being courteous, re- behaviors at home, at school and towards the en-
specting the person and Técnica: del Crucigrama vironment.
property of others, etc.)
Phonics: short I; -To label rooms and de- Oral Communication: I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners can say ways to take care
long I scribe their location (Listening and of the environment and one’s surroundings.
within the home; ask Speaking) Learners can identify and exhibit socially re-
and answer questions
sponsible behaviors at home, at school and to-
about - EFL 3.4.3. Translate the wards the environment. (J.3, S.1)
where rooms are lo- main idea of short, clear,
cated. simple messages and an- Técnica: del Collage
CE.EFL.3.7. Listening for Information: Follow
nouncements and under-
To recognize and pro- and identify key information in short straightfor-
stand sentences and fre-
nounce words with the quently used expressions Técnica: de ward audio texts related to areas of immediate
short /i/ and long /i/ related to areas of im- Reproducción de Sonidos need or interest, provided vocabulary is familiar
sounds. and visual support is present, and use these spo-
mediate relevance. (Exam-
ken contributions as models for their own.
ple: follow verbal instruc-
tions for a game, ask for
prices at a store, follow I.EFL.3.7.1. Learners can record and identify
simple classroom instruc- key information from a spoken message of im-
tions, describe places mediate need or interest when the message con-
nearby, etc.) tains frequently used expressions and visual sup-
port. (Example: rules for a game, classroom in-
structions, a dialogue in a scene from a cartoon
or movie, etc.) Learners can use other class-
EFL 3.4.4. Read texts
mate’s contributions in class as models for their
with reference to features
own. (I.2, I.3)
of written English. (Exam-
ple: vocabulary, facts, for-
mat, sequence, relevance of CE.EFL.3.15. Make and support inferences
ideas, etc.) from evidence in a text with reference to fea-
tures of written English and apply other learning
strategies to examine and interpret a variety of
Writing written materials.
EFL 3.4.5 Analyze short I.EFL.3.15.1. Learners can make and support
simple text-types, inferences using evidence from texts and fea-
commonly used in print and tures of written English (e.g., vocabulary, for-
online, with appropriate mat, sequence, etc.) and apply other learning
language and layout. strategies in order to examine and interpret a va-
(Example: write a greeting riety of written materials. (I.2, J.3)
on a birthday card, name
and address on an envelope, CE.EFL.3.18. Write a variety of short simple
a URL for a website, an familiar text-types – online or in print – using
email address, etc.) appropriate language, layout and linking words
I want To Be A… -To identify the profes- Communication and CE.EFL.3.5. Demonstrate an ability to use a va-
sions Cultural Awareness Método: fónico- riety of sources for oral and written communica-
4 --To: ask for and tell the analítico sintético tion in order to interact with others in social situ-
Review time; name daily activi- EFL 3.4.7. Identify a va- ations. 6
ties associated with cer- riety of oral, print and elec-
tain times of the day. tronic forms for social com- I.EFL.3.5.1. Learners can employ various print
Learn more munication and for writing and digital sources in order to communicate with
- To learn how to an- to oneself. (Example: others in oral and written form in social situa-
swer questions about friendly notes, invitations, Técnica de Trabajo en tions. (J.3, S.1, S.4)
Phonics: short o; time diary entries, notes to self, Pares.
long o -To learn how to create electronic messages, etc.) CE.EFL.3.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Par-
questions with what ticipate effectively in familiar and predictable
time is it? conversational exchanges by sharing informa-
Who are you? - EFL 3.4.7. Read some tion and reacting appropriately in basic interper-
easy reactions appropriately sonal interactions.
to what others say using Método Socrático CE.EFL.3.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Par-
-To recognize and pro- verbal/non-verbal back- Técnica del Interrogatorio ticipate effectively in familiar and predictable
nounce words with the channeling, or by asking Técnica de Trabajo conversational exchanges by sharing informa-
short /o/ and long /o/ further simple questions to Grupales. tion and reacting appropriately in basic interper-
sounds. extend the interaction. (Ex- sonal interactions.
ample: express interest us-
ing facial expression or
simple words with appro- CE.EFL.3.9. Production - Fluency: Respond to
priate intonation: Oh!, Yes! Método de Observación simple questions and familiar everyday social
Thanks. And you? etc.) Directa situations, such as an invitation or request, rela-
tively quickly. Spontaneously initiate interac-
tions in order to express opinions or give ac-
Oral Communication: counts of personal experiences.
(Listening and Técnica del Crucigrama
Speaking) I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can answer simple ques-
tions quickly and initiate basic interaction spon-
taneously when given opportunities. (Example:
- EFL 3.4.8. Read simple make an invitation, give a suggestion, etc.)
questions in quite a short Learners can describe simple, familiar situations
time and initiate basic in- and talk about past experiences. (I.3, J.3)
teraction spontaneously
when there are opportuni- Método de Creatividad
CE.EFL.3.14. Select and use reading strategies
ties to speak. Speech is pro- to understand and give meaning to written text
duced a little less slowly Técnica del Collage
while employing a range of everyday reference
and hesitantly. materials in order to determine information ap-
Método Memorístico
propriate to the purpose of inquiry and to relate
ideas between written sources.
Técnica de la repetición
del vocabulario I.EFL.3.14.1. Learners can identify and use
reading strategies to make written text more
- EFL 3.5.2. -Identify comprehensible and meaningful. Learners can
reading strategies to make
text more comprehensible Técnica de Reproducción use everyday reference materials to select infor-
de Sonidos mation appropriate to the purpose of an inquiry
and meaningful. (Example: and to relate ideas from one written source to an-
skimming, scanning, pre- other. (I.2, S.1)
viewing, predicting, read-
ing for main ideas and de-
CE.EFL.3.19. Create a questionnaire or survey
tails, etc.)
using WH- question words in order to identify
things in common and preferences while dis-
playing an ability to convey and organize infor-
EFL 3.5.3. -Analyze a mation using facts and details.
questionnaire or survey for
friends, family, time or CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal responses to
classmates using WH- both oral and written literary texts through pic-
questions in order to iden- tures, audio/video or ICT in order to evaluate lit-
tify things in common and erary texts using pre-established criteria, indi-
preferences. vidually or in groups.
-To: ask for and tell the Communication and CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with others using a variety
name of regions and Cultural Awareness Método: fónico- of both verbal and nonverbal communication
Beautiful Places places. analítico sintético features and express likes and dislikes while giv- 6
5 From My Country -To describe daily rou- -EFL3.5.5. Investigate a fa- ing recommendations in basic yet effective
tines using personal in- vorite activity, book, song terms.
formation. or other interest to various Técnica: del Diálogo
audiences. (Example: peers, I.EFL.3.3.1. Learners can employ a range of
-Students learn how to: other classes, teachers, verbal and nonverbal communication features to
Phonics; short u; ask other adults, etc.) express likes and dislikes and can give recom-
long u and answer questions mendations in basic yet effective terms. (I.3,
about S.4)
birthdays and age; ex- EFL 3.5.6.-Find definitions
press of most of the details of the Técnica: del Crucigrama CE.EFL.3.11. Demonstrate comprehension of
birthday greetings; content of a short simple most of the details of a short simple online or
name, family’s name, text (online or print). print text and follow short instructions in simple
family’s age, experiments and projects if illustrated through
name birthday step-by-step visuals.
party items. Oral Communication:
(Listening and I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can understand most de-
Técnica: del Collage
Speaking) tails in a short simple online or print text and can
To: recognize and pro-
follow short instructions in simple experiments
nounce words with the EFL 3.5.7. Listen to con- and projects if step-by-step visuals are provided.
short /u/ and long /u/ versations that exchange in-
sounds. formation on familiar topics (I.3, I.4)
in predictable everyday sit-
uations. (Example: ask for
directions, give directions, CE.EFL.3.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Par-
express a personal opinion, Técnica: de la repetición ticipate effectively in familiar and predictable
etc.) del vocabulario conversational exchanges by sharing informa-
tion and reacting appropriately in basic interper-
sonal interactions.
- EFL 3.5.8 List ways to
make invitations, sugges- I.EFL.3.10.1. Learners can use back-channeling
tions, apologies and re- to react appropriately to what others say about
quests. familiar topics in predictable, everyday situa-
tions and when carrying out pair work for a spe-
. cific task in class. Learners can ask questions to
Reading extend an interpersonal interaction. (I.3, J.3)