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Oral Exam

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 Do you work or are you a student?

I don’t work, I am a student, I study Traffic Planning and Management online in the ITB
institute in Guayaquil.
 (Ai don’t work, Ai am a estudent, Ai estadi trafic planin and manachment onlain in de
ITB (ai-ti-bi) institud in Guayaquil.
No trabajo, soy estudiante, estudio Planificación y Gestión de Tránsito en línea en el
Instituto ITB de Guayaquil.

 Where do you come from?

I come from Guayaquil, Ecuador, which is the most populated city in my country.
 (Ai com from Guayaquil, Ecuador, wich is de most populeit city in mai countri)
Vengo de guayaquil ecuador que es la ciudad más poblada de mi país.

 Where are you from?

I am from Ecuador, In the South of Ecuador, which has a lot of beaches and beautiful
 ( Ai am from Ecuador, in de saut of Ecuador, wich jas a lot of biches and biutiful pleices)
Soy de Ecuador, en el sur de Ecuador, que tiene muchas playas y lugares hermosos.

 Where do you live?

I live in the North of Guayaquil, with my husband and my children.
 Ai liv in de nort of Guayaquil wit mai jusband and mai children.
Vivo en el Norte de Guayaquil, con mi esposo y mis hijos.

 If you were a millionaire, what would you do?

If I was a millionaire, I would buy a big house with a large pool to enjoy with my family.
 If Ai was a milioner, I wuld bai a bic jause wit a larch pul tu enyoi wit mai famili.
Si fuera millonario, compraría una casa grande con una piscina grande para disfrutar con
mi familia.

 If it’s sunny today, will you go to the park?

Yes, I will go to the park if it’s sunny, because I love spend time with my kids.
 Ai wil gou to de park if its soni, bicos ai lov espend taim wit mai kids
Sí, iré al parque si hace sol, porque me encanta pasar tiempo con mis hijos.

 If you had wings, where would you go?

If I had wings, I would go around the world to meet new places and I would fly in the
 If Ai jad wings, Ai wuld gou araund de world tu mit niu pleices and Ai wuld flai in de
Si tuviera alas, daría la vuelta al mundo para conocer nuevos lugares y volaría al

 How often do you go out with friends?

I go out with my friends once a month, because I have to care of my kids every day.
 Ai gou aot wit mai frends wuans a mont, bicos Ai jav tu quer of mai kids evrydei
Salgo con mis amigas una vez al mes, porque tengo que cuidar a mis hijos todos los días.

 What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to discover new ways to do somethings in my house, like hacks or advices.
 Ai laik tu discover niu weis tu du somfings in mai jous, laik jacks or advaices.
Me gusta descubrir nuevas formas de hacer cosas en mi casa, como trucos o consejos.

 What causes you stress?

Disorder cause me stress, and this makes me Headaches
 Disorder cosme estres, and dis meiks mi jedecks
El desorden me causa estrés, y esto me produce dolores de cabeza.

 Have you ever been to Manabi?

Yes, I have been to Manabi, I like the field
 Yes, Ai jav bin tu Manabi, I laik de fild.
Si, he estado en Manabí, me gusta el


Picture A – Imagen A

In this picture I see, six adults and two children at the

airport. The boy on the right has a green shirt, the girl on
the left has a pink blouse. I see, three backpacks.

 In dis picture ai si, six adolts and tu children at de

erport. De boy on de rait jas a grin shirt, de girl on de
left jas a pink blaus. Ai si, tri backpacks.

En esta foto veo a seis adultos y dos niños en el

aeropuerto. El niño de la derecha tiene una camisa verde,
la niña de la izquierda tiene una blusa rosa. Ya veo, tres


In this picture I see, seven employees in the office,

the man at the right side is the boss, the woman
with brown jacket is the secretary.

 In dis picture Ai si, seven emplois in de ofis, de

man at de rait said is de bos, de wuoman wit
braon yaquet is de secretary.

En esta foto veo a siete empleados en la oficina, el

hombre del lado derecho es el jefe, la mujer con
chaqueta marrón es la secretaria.

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