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Sistema Hidráulico CLSS

Marco Abad

Motores Maquinaria Repuestos Servicio Capacitación


Bomba Hidráulica


Eje de
(frontal) Input Shaft (front)
Eje de Eje de
acoplamiento entrada
Bomba Hidráulica

(Conexión entre el servo y el
plato inclinado) Servo-pistón

Eje de

Bomba Hidráulica

Plato Válvula

Input Shaft (front)

Zapatas Pistón Bloque de cilindros
Bomba Hidráulica
Control de cantidad de descarga (Q)

El servo pistón
desarrolla un
reciprocante de
acuerdo a la señal de
presión (“servo-in”) de
las válvulas LS o PC.
Este movimiento es
transmitido a traves
del brazo conector
para incrementar o
disminuir el ángulo
del plato.
Bomba Hidráulica
Operación de la Bomba
El bloque de cilindros se conecta en el
estriado del eje de entrada y todo el
conjunto gira junto.
Cuando el ángulo del plato inclinable
está en mínimo. El volumen de
descarga de la entrada y de salida es
el mismo, descargando un flujo muy
Minimum Discharge ~10% pequeño de aceite. (~10%)
Cuando el ángulo del plato es movido
hacia la posición de máximo, el
volumen en la cámara de entrada se
incrementa a la vez se incrementa el
volumende salida. Causando un mayor
flujo de aceite. (~100%)

Maximum Discharge ~100%

El ángulo del plato oscilante de esta
bomba nunca se pone a 0.
Válvula LS
Válvula LS: Detecta la carga y controla el incremento del
caudal de descarga de la bomba. Lo que requiere el

El flujo de descarga de las bombas es proporcional al diferencial

de presión. La comunicación del operador sobre la demanda
del flujo, es comunicada por la cantidad de apertura del
A la cámara
Piloto del servo PLS

A la PC P Bomba
Válvula LS

Diferencial de Presión

PP Presión Principal
PLS Presión en la salida de válvula de control

Presión en la salida de
válvula de control
Main Pump Pressure Carrete
Válvula LS
Control de Descarga de la Bomba

Cuando el diferencial de presión es:

∆PLS = 0 a 22
La descarga de la bomba se incrementa

∆PLS = 22 a 30
La descarga de la bomba se reduce.




Válvula LS
Puerto de Válvula LS: La válvula LS es modulada por una válvula
selectora de tres vías.
Dependiendo del diferencial de presión esta determina la posición
del carrete LS.

LS EPC Señal del Solenoide Puerto de entrada de válvula PC Presión LS

(PSIG) (PPL) … “drain” (PLS)


Presión de control LS Presión Principal

Hacia el lado de mayor área del (PP)
(PLP) … “aka “servo-in”
Válvula LS
Incrementando la descarga de la Bomba (Q)
Cuando el operador usa el equipo de trabajo la presión LS es enviada a la válvula LS. La
preisón Principal (PP) actúa siempre en la válvula LS.
Con la presión LS (PLS) entrando en la válvula LS, más la fuerza del resorte en un área de la
superficie del carrete, ambas, son capaces de superar la presión principal de la bomba
(PP) empujando el carrete LS hacia la izquierda, incrementando la descarga de la bomba

180 - 170 = 10 Kg/cm2
(Menos de 22 Kg/cm2 incrementará la descarga de la bomba)

PP = 180 Kg/cm2 PLS = 170 Kg/cm2

Válvula LS
Disminuyendo la Descarga de la Bomba (Q)
Cuando el operador reduce la velocidad del equipo de trabajo o detiene el trabajo, la
presión LS es reducida en la válvula LS. La presión principal PP siempre actúa sobre
la válvula LS.
Con la presión (PLS) reducida, la presión principal PP es capaz de superar a la presión
PLS más la tensión del resorte en la superficie de contacto del carrete LS. Esta
empuja el carrete LS hacia la derecha, disminuyendo la descarga de la bomba (Q).

180 - 150 = 30 Kg/cm2
(Sobre los 22 Kg/cm2 la descarga de la bomba disminuye)

PP = 180 Kg/cm2 PLS = 150 Kg/cm2

Válvula LS
Válvula LS Balanceada
Si el carrete del equipo de trabajo es sostenido en un punto, la descarga de la
bomba se mantiene, igualando el flujo de acuerdo a la carga. Cuando esto
ocurre la descarga de la bomba ni aumenta ni disminuye. Este es el beneficio
de tener CLSS, solo entregará el flujo de aceite que se necesita. ¡No hay
La presión LS y la tensión del resorte es igual a la presión principal, la inclinación
del plato se mantiene en una posición.

PP = 180 Kg/cm2
180 - 158 = 22 Kg/cm2

PLS 158 Kg/cm2

Válvula PC

Válvula PC
(Bombas Frontal
y Trasera)
La válvula PC
mantiene el equilibrio
de la entrega de
potencia de las
bombas (F/R) para
que la absorción de par
de las bombas no
exceda la potencia del
Válvula PC
Puertos de Válvula PC
La válvula PC es modulada hidráulicamente con tres vías situadas dentro del
Servo pistón. Esta válvula hidro-mecánica es asistida por el controlador de la
bomba vía un solenoide EPC que brinda un equilibrío optimo entre la carga
(presión P) y el flujo (Q).
Presión de control Presión secundaria de la
Presión Principal
PC (PPL) bomba

Presión piloto de Modo PC Presión Principal Drenaje (PT)

(PM) …desde PC-EPC (PP1)
Descarga de la Bomba: Presión y Flujo
Solenoides LS y PC EPC
PC Prolix Switch
Si ocurriese una falla en
el controlador de la
bomba, el interruptor
prolijo debe ser activado
para que una resistencia
puentee el controlador.
Con esto se envía una
corriente constante, así
que la furza de empuje
de la válvula PC es
constante. Esta no es
una selección de modo.
Solenoides LS & PC EPC



Válvulas EPC
Cuando el solenoide recibe una señal
desde el controlador esto genera una
presión de salida EPC en proporción
a la señal eléctrica.
Corriente Alta (mA) = incrementa la
presión aplicada a las válvulas LS y
Solenoides LS & PC EPC

Operación: Sin Señal

Cuando no hay señal de
corriente proveniente del
controlador el bobinado es des-
El carrete es empujado hacia la
izquierda por el resorte (3).
El aceite es drenado al tanque.
Solenoides LS & PC EPC

Operación: Señal desde el

Cuando una señal de corriente
es enviada a la bobina y una
fuerza de propulsión es
generada empujado al plunger
(4) en dirección de la flecha.
Se abre una entrada de aceite
(PEPC) y fluye a las válvulas
LS o PC.
Como la presión se incrementa
en PSIG se genera una fuerza
que empuja el carrete (3) contra
el resorte , manteniendo una
presión constante que es
enviada a las válvulas LS y PC.
Solenoides LS & PC EPC
Seleccionando un Modo
P/Q Curvas de los modos de trabajo de Trabajo
(seleción de modo)
El operador selecciona el
modo de trabajo en el monitor
se acuerdo a las condiciones
del trabajo.
Envía una corriente PC-EPC
De acuerdo al tipo de trabajo,
la máquina usa la absorción
de par apropiada del motor
Los modos disponibles son:
A Active
E Economy
L Lifting
B Breaker
Control valve

CLSS Control Valve.

CLSS Features
CLSS stand for: Closed center
Load Sensing System.
The Features of CLSS:
1. Fine control not influenced by
2. Control enabling digging even
with fine control.
3. Compound operation
4. Energy saving by using
variable pump control
CLSS Control Valve
1. Only delivers the oil flow
that’s required.
2. Less heat generated
when work equipment
not in use.
3. Able to perform smooth
compound operations
1. Expensive to
2. More components and
moving parts required
to operate.
Sense lines between the Pump and Control Valve are 3. The oil supply is not
necessary so both can react together to the demands instant.
of the machine’s operation
CLSS Control Valve

Outline of CLSS
Unlike OLSS when a hydraulic actuator is not being used the oil does not return
to the tank via the control valve.
The control valve is a CLOSED-SPOOL system. However the hydraulic pump
does go to minimum flow. UNLOAD valves open to permit oil to return to tank
when in neutral.

Return oil from Unload

CLSS Control Valve

Unload Valve
Main Relief Valve Control
This control
valve consists of
6 spool valves
Left Travel and one service
Since one spool
of this control
valve is used for
Right Travel one work
equipment unit,
Arm the structure is

(Unload Valve) (Main Relief Valve)

CLSS Control Valve
Ports to Actuator


Drain to Tank

Return oil from Actuator

CLSS Control Valve

Control Valve: Cut-away

Safety Suction

Pump Pressure

Return to Tank

To Actuator “B” port
Valve Assem. To Actuator “A” port

LS Shuttle Valve
Load Check
CLSS Control Valve

Control Valve: Circuit Diagram

Safety Suction Valve To Actuators

Load Check &

Compensation Valve

LS Shuttle Valve

Pump Pressure

Return to Tank LS Circuit

CLSS Control Valve.
Spool Open
Pilot pressure is
introduced to the BOOM
lower circuit. Pushing the
spool to the RIGHT.
Pump pressure (PP) is
allowed to pass into the
port between the spool
and load check valve.
When PP has built up
enough to over come
residual pressure in the
actuator port the load
check valve opens and
allows the PP to flow to
the actuator.
Oil from the other side of
the cylinder is allowed to
return to tank through the
Drain Port (PT).
This circuit is fitted with a
Load check valve, opened
by pilot pressure.
Main Relief Valve
Two Stage Relief Valve
When power is needed, pilot pressure (P) is turned ON to
increase down force on the poppet and set the relief setting
high pressure.
The first stage (lower pressure) is set by adjusting the load on
the spring. There is no adjustment for both stages. Since
pressure applied to the poppet diameter (d1) causes 2nd stage
increase, adjusting either stage causes other stage to follow.

When pilot pressure (P) is OFF: Low Pressure.

When pilot Pressure (P) is ON: High Pressure.
Merge-Divider Valve
The merge-divide valve is mounted on the back of the Control Valve, to
control the oil flow before it enters into the control valve.

This valve acts to merge or divide the oil flow of Pressure Pump F & R.
At the same time it also merges and divides the LS circuit pressure.
Merge-Divider Valve
Pumps Merged : During normal work equipment operations, with both
pumps combined the machines cycle times are quicker.

Pumps Divided: During travel operations as this increases the power to the
travel motor for better turning. Also L or B modes.
Main Relief
Low:355 Kg/cm2
High: 380 KG/cm2
Unload Valves
30 – 50 KG/cm2
swing Service
RH Travel Bucket
arm LH Travel
Merge-Divide Boom

Front Pump. Rear Pump.

(PP1) (PP2)
Pump Merge-Divider Valve
Pumps Divided

When pilot pressure is ON, main spool is moved to the left.

Disconnecting the oil discharge from the two pumps.
In the same way LS spool is moved to the left, disconnecting the two circuits

Pressure ON

LS Spool

P1 P2
CLSS Control Valve

Pumps Merged
Pilot pressure is OFF, main spool is moved to the Right by spring pressure.
Connecting the oil discharge from the two pumps and LS circuit.
Unload Valve
Levers in Neutral: the pump still produces a flow at minimum swash plate angle
(Approximately 10% of maximum flow). The control valve is CLSS and when the control
levers are in the neutral position the oil has no escape to tank. The main relief valve
setting is too high as a return to tank at idle.
An Unload Valve is introduced into the system that opens up at low pressure (30 – 50
Kg/cm2) to return pump pressure back to tank when the work equipment is in the neutral

Machine Operated: the unload valve is closed off by LS pressure which is proportional
to PP. This allows the working pressure to reach main relief pressure.

LS Pressure
Unload Valve Main Relief Valve
Unload Valve

LS Pressure
(PLS) Drain to Quiz: what is missing above?
introduced Tank (PT)

Work Equipment in Use.

LS pressure is introduced to the Unload
Spring: which Valve which shut this valve off, making it
sets the redundant until the control levers return
30 – 50 Kg/cm2 to the neutral position.
unload pressure
The Unload Pressure is not adjustable.
CLSS: Load Sensing Circuit

LS Circuit
LS Pressure (PLS): is introduced (presence!) into the
LS system only when one or more of the machines’
work equipment hydraulic circuits are being used. PLS
must be ‘absent’ in neutral!
PLS is the network that makes the CLSS work and
‘communicate’ properly with an oil signal.
The LS Pressure ‘PLS’ has three Vital Roles
1. PLS is the signal between the control valve and the
pump’s LS Valve to supply the correct oil Flow as
demanded by operator PPC use (spool opening).
2. Controls the compensation valves to ensure in
compound operations all circuits receive an even
amount of oil flow.
3. PLS presence closes Unload Valve when any
hydraulic circuits are in use. Unload Valve OPENS when
PLS is absent in neutral.
LS Circuit

With the spools in the neutral position, Pump Pressure is closed off from the
Actuator Port.
The internal galleries in the spool are not exposed to the PP as the LS circuit is
now closed off by the valve body.
LS Circuit

LS ByPass

LS Valve


When a spool is moved the connection between PP to the Actuator port is

complete, at the same time some PP passes through the internal galleries in the
spool feeding back into the LS Circuit
LS Circuit
Picture Cut-away
The internal galleries in the spool have two sets of ports, as the
spool is double acting.
Currently the spool is in the neutral position and the internal
galleries are closed off to all actuator ports.
LS Circuit
LS Shuttle Valves
There’s a LS Shuttle Valve for each
spool except for the swing spool.
When LS pressure is introduced into the
LS circuit the shuttle valve lifts off to
LS Shuttle allow the PLS to pressurize the system
Valves and close off all other shuttle valves.
During compound operation the higher
pressure will dominate the LS circuit, as
the higher pressure will close off the
LS Select
Valve lower pressure shuttle valve.
The higher pressure needs to control the
LS circuit so the pump can react to the
higher demand.
If the Shuttle Valves were not in place
the high pressure would travel the route
of less resistance.
which would be into the lower pressure
LS Circuit
2000 Kgs
500 Kgs.
LS Shuttle Valve
During compound
operation the LS circuit
is fed by the higher of
multiple pressures.
This ensures PLS will
always represent the
“highest” load.

50 Kg/cm2

200 Kg/cm2
LS Shuttle valve is
pushed to the right by
the higher pressure,
closing off the lower
pressure circuit
LS Circuit

Swing spool

LS spool of

Boom spool LS Select Valve

This valve is only activated
when swing and boom lift are
activated at the same time.
Boom lift pilot pressure is
connected to the LS select
This valve is to prevent high
PLS pressure from being
generated when swing is
operated with boom.
LS Circuit
When boom up pilot
pressure is present it
pushes the valve to
close off the Swing
PLS (pressure).
When boom is NOT in
use, Swing PLS can
enter the LS circuit,
providing work
equipment pressure is
lower than the swing.

LS Select Valve OFF LS Select Valve ON

LS Circuit
LS Circuit

Compensation Valves.
The compensation performs two roles:
1. Load check valve. Helps prevent drift.
2. Divides the oil evenly between the
circuits when a dissimilar compound
operation is being preformed. Oil will
follow the “path-of-least-resistance” until
a compensator “Equalizes paths of
differing resistance (loads)”.
All compensation valves are interlinked by a
common PLS galley, this allows PLS to
operate “all” compensators at any time
“any” one function is used.
**Note: this means ‘any’ compensator can
become a PLS ‘leak’ ! Or a ‘leak’ of load-
check oil backfed into PLS resulting in
‘drift’ in neutral.
LS Circuit

PISTON Oil needs to be “RED” here

Two types of
1. Shuttle Valve inside the
compensation valve, stops
the piston from separating
from the check valve when
PLS galley holding pressure is
generated. Neutral ‘hold’.
2. No hold pressure is
generated in the travel
circuit, so pressure
compensation valves don’t
require the shuttle valve.
Also shown as single-piece
design here.
LS Circuit

200 Kg/cm2

50 Kg/cm2

Load Check Valve.

The load check valve is not going to open and allow the oil to flow until the pump has
developed 200 Kg/cm2 or just better. This stops the work equipment from dropping on
initial opening of spool.
LS Circuit

The Compensation Valves

50 Kg/cm2 equalize ‘loads’ to give a
smooth operation during a
compound operation.

200 Kg/cm2
PLS = 200 Kg/cm2 The higher pressure
always becomes the LS
The lower pressure circuit
is going to receive a
greater restriction through
the compensation valve to
slow the flow going to the
path of least resistance.

?? Kg/cm2 The higher pressure

?? Kg/cm2 circuit is restricted by the
weight that circuit has to
Result = paths are
‘equalized’ automatically!
LS Circuit


Pressure Compensation During Compound Operation.

The Pressure Compensation Valve is closed by LS pressure, the oil down stream from the
spool must equal the PLS before the valve can open. If there is a low pressure going to the
actuator the load check valve will only open a small amount as the oil behind the load
check valve must maintain the higher pressure.
LS Circuit

Complete CLSS Circuit

The next slide has a diagram of a complete CLSS hydraulic circuit. The function shown
is Arm In.
This diagram will demonstrate the relationship LS Pressure (PLS) has with:
1. LS Valve at the Hydraulic Pump.
2. LS bypass plug. (NOT SHOWN)
3. Unload Valve.
4. How it interconnects all compensation valves.

Legend PP
PT / Residual pressure
LS Circuit

Uncolored schematic portion

Pressure Proportional Control

Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

PPC Introduction
The PPC system’s oil has, over many years, been referred to as “pilot oil”
or “control oil” and most recently as “PPC oil”. This oil is generally a low-
pressure circuit used to provide the operator and machine with a signal
and auxiliary circuit for the purpose of communicating (to a spool valve)
the operator’s wishes, i.e. “Boom Up” or “Arm Dig” etc.
Auxiliary use would be to enable certain PPC or EPC solenoid valve
controlled features such as ‘brake release’ or ‘travel speed’, etc.
Modern Komatsu products make extensive use of PPC systems for many
signal, command and product feature purposes. Be sure you are aware of
the Structure & Function of “all” PPC components and circuit branches on
any product you support.
Derivation of PPC oil has improved from mostly a fixed volume ‘charge’
pump or other name dedicated to PPC basic supply. Many new PPC
systems use a self-contained flow dividing and pressure reducing device
named “SPR” to accomplish this.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

PPC Introduction
The word “Proportion” is worthy of definition:
In a Komatsu PPC system component the internal design can be divided into
2 general areas: 1) Input area, and 2) proportional hydraulics (output) area.
Inputs can be electrical (solenoid) or mechanical (joystick lever). The
hydraulic valving within a ‘proportional’ control device (PPC or EPC, for
example) then respond according to input command and output a precise
PPC pressure to some downstream device or many devices (multiple-spools,
etc). It is this “response” to the input command which is ‘proportional’ to the
input command without regard to any supply (basic) PPC pressure variations.
Unless PPC basic (supply) pressure drops below desired output pressure,
the output will remain precise and consistent with each input. This can
remove operational fluctuations caused by temperature or viscosity changes
or normal supply component wear.
*Tip for Troubleshooting: measuring ‘delivered’ PPC pressure may tell more
than measuring ‘supply/basic’ PPC pressure.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)
‘Self’ Pressure Reducing valve (SPR) *
The SPR is to reduce the discharge pressure supplied from a main (either
front or rear) pump down to pilot pressure to be used by EPC’s, solenoid
valves and PPC valves.
Pump pressure vary from: 30 - 400 kg/cm2.
PPC pressure is to be an even 33 kg/cm2*
* How can SPR get 33 from a main supply of 30?

Pump Pressure 1

* The word “Self” means

‘automatic’ in this use.

PC7 Excavator location

Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

6 2

3 Can you name 1 – 16?

9 4 5 1 2
11 8
12 13

13 16 14
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

SPR Components & Ports

1. Pump Pressure (main oil)

2. Tank (Seal ~ no back press)
3. PPC supply (to BP Valve)
4. Main Oil (unloader pr.)
5. PPC supply output (hose)
6. Main oil to pump’s LS valve
7. Merge/Divide Valve casting 9. Sequencing Valve (38 kg/cm2)
8. SPR Reducer block 10. PPC Filter screen (in main oil)
11. Spring for reducer spool
12. Reducer spool
13. Filter for relief poppet
14. Relief poppet (Adjustable)
15. Spring (Safety Valve) NOT Adj.
16. Safety Valve BALL (50 kg/cm2)
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)
When Main Pressure is
The SPR receives the oil from P2
main discharge. Oil passes through
the SPR spool through to the PR
Sequencing valve
The spool has two cavities
connected by an orifice. One cavity
is on the oil supply side the other
relies on the oil through the orifice.
Providing the oil pressure is not
above the set spring tension on the
relief valve the oil pressure on both
sides will be equal and the spool will
remain open.

Low Low – (below 38kg/cm2)!

The ‘sequencing’ valve holds closed
to ensure a minimum ‘main’ supply
of 38 kg/cm2.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

When Main Pressure is High

If the oil pressure goes above the

set spring tension on the relief
valve the valve opens.
The oil in the spool cavity will
drain back to tank.
As a result a pressure difference
is created between the to sides of
the orifice.
Spool moves to the right closing
off the supply of oil to the PR port.

Until the oil passes through the

orifice to equalise on both sides
of the spool the oil will be
restricted, maintaining the PPC
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

Abnormally High
If the pressure in the
SPR becomes
abnormally high a ball is
pushed against a spring
to open. (50 kg/cm2)
This drains the excess
pressure back to tank.
This valve is designed
to protect the PPC
valves and solenoids.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)
PPC Accumulator.
An accumulator is installed before the PPC valves, its designed to take out any small
fluctuations in pressure, this adds to a smooth operation of the work equipment.
If the machine stops unexpectedly the stored pilot pressure will allow the work
equipment to be lowered to the ground to keep the machine safe.


Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

Safety Lock
Safety lock lever is
designed to isolate the
pilot pressure to the
PPC valves when
moving out of the
operators cabin. This
stops any involuntary
movement of work
equipment when
Lever in the Up
Position: In work mode
as pilot pressure is
supplied to the PPC
valves. However its
difficult for the operator
to climb out of the cabin Lever Down: The work equipment is not going to move as the pilot
because the lever is pressure is isolated from the PPC valves. Exit route out of the cabin is
obstructing the exit. clear.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

Safety Lock SWITCH &

Safety lock lever is designed to operate
a micro-switch which, in turn, energizes
the PPC Lock Solenoid Valve (usually
designated “VO1”). This stops any
involuntary movement of work
equipment when dismounting.
Lever in the Up Position: In work mode
as pilot pressure is supplied to the PPC
valves. However its difficult for the
operator to climb out of the cabin
because the lever is obstructing the
exit. ** Requires at least battery power,
if engine/alt not running! **
Lever Down: The work equipment is
not going to move as the pilot pressure
is isolated from the PPC valves. Exit
route out of the cabin is clear.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

PPC Valve: Neutral

The oil from the SPR
enters port P and is
Fine Control
blocked by the spools.
Hole X Ports P1 & P2 are
connected to drain port
through Fine Control Hole
The control valve spool is
held in the neutral position
by the spool return
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)
PPC Valve: Operated
When the operator moves the lever the
poppet puts pressure on the metering
spring. The metering spring pushes spool
down until the Fine Control Hole X is
opened to the pressurized oil in port P.
As a result the pressurized oil flows into
port P1 to the control valve spool.

As the spool is pushed to the RIGHT,

Metering (opening the spool), the spool return
Spring spring on the RIGHT is becoming tighter.
This will increasing the pressure in port

When the pressure in P1 equals the

Metering Spring pressure the spool will
push back up until the Fine Control Hole
X is closed off by the housing between
port P and port T.

Therefore the pressure the operator puts

on the control lever is proportional to the
pressure in port P1.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

While Traveling

Both levers are

in the same direction at
about the “same” PPC
pressures therefore we
have a signal only
going to the travel
switch with no steering
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

When Steered or Pivot

During steering operation

or pivot steer the shuttle
valves, ensure a higher
pressure signal goes to
one side of the steering
shuttle spool which in turn
sends a signal to the
steering pressure switch to
the controller which then
activates the travel junction
valve which will BLOCK the
4mm straight travel circuit.
This makes steering easier
or more responsive.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

Solenoid Valves
Solenoid valves are a electric over hydraulic control valve used to activate small hydraulic
actuators and or certain features, as listed.
The Solenoid Valves are either ON of OFF, unlike the EPC Solenoids that are
proportional to the current flow.

This solenoid bank

1. PPC Lock.
2. Travel junction.
3. Merge/divide valve.
4. Travel speed.
5. Swing brake.
6. 2 stage relief.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

When Solenoid is
Turned OFF.
There is no signal
current to the solenoid.
The spool spring is
pushing the spool to
the left.
Closing the oil supply to
the actuator port.
Tank port is open to the
actuator port allowing
any pressure to return
to tank.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

When Solenoid is
Turned ON.

There is a signal current to

the solenoid.
The force of the solenoid
pushes the spool to the
RIGHT against the spool

Closing the Tank port.

Opening the PP to the

actuator port and
energizing the actuator.
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

PPC Oil Pressure Switch.

There is a block of switches is connected to
each actuator PPC lines.
Each time an actuator is activated the
pressure switch transmits a signal to the
Pilot-pressure Proportional Control (PPC)

PPC Oil Pressure (sample) Hierarchy

Event PPC delivery Pressure, kg/cm2

1. Neutral 1. ‘0’ (since all PPC valves are open style = Tank pressure)
2. ‘touch’ 2. 2 – 5 (only enough to close PPC switch(es)
3. Feathering 3. 8 (based on centering spring design only)
4. Fully open Spool 4. 18 (based on centering spring design only)
5. Full PPC stroke 5. 28 (based on Std. Value Tables)
6. PPC Supply 6. 33 (some have a range 32-35 Std. Value)
7. SPR ‘safety’ 7. 50 (based on design criteria)

Quick Quiz – which range do EPC’s operate in?


Electronic Control System
CLSS Controller Outline
Changes in the engine speed caused by pump load are detected by the engine’s flywheel
speed sensor. These speed and fuel control dial output signals are inputs. The pump
controller calculates these inputs with reference to WORK MODE and outputs to the LS & PC
EPC solenoids (de-stroking agents!). This way the pump is at optimum delivery matching the
engine’s available HP at any moment in operation.
Electronic Control System

Engine and Pump Control.

The operator can set the work mode to suit
the type of working conditions.
Work Modes: A Active
E Economy
L Lifting
B Breaker
Engine/pump control signals
Inputs: Throttle dial
Governor motor/potentiometer
Engine speed sensor
Oil pressure sensors
PPC oil pressure switches
Monitor panel (Work Mode)

Outputs: LS EPC valve

PC EPC valve
Limits of Flow & Pressure - Charted
PLOT PUMP Pressure/Flow (PQ) CURVE (SM20-16, 17)
CAUTION – OUR chart has P over Q(Flow) – reverse from SM!

TVL 400 Cutoff

P.MAX 380
STD.Relief 355
285 = CO
150 = HP max

Min Max
10 100
Flow %
HP Component Chart (E and P)

Hey! What is HP?

• HP = Force x Rate
• E (Engine) HP = Torque x RPM
• P(Pump) HP = Pressure x Flow
Meanwhile, remember this FORMULA:
1Hyd. HP = 1, 714PSI x 1GPM
1Hyd. HP = 120kg/cm2 x 1GPM
HP Component Chart (E and P)
(Flow and Pressure)
HP Component Chart (E and P)
FIND the 2 HYD.HP MAXIMUM POINTS (Flow and Pressure)
Next – DRAW Engine’s Force and Rate (TQ x RPM)
HP Max @Pressure TORQUE Peak
TVL 400
P.MAX 380
STD.Relief 355
285 =
Torque CO HP Max @Flow 150 = HP max
‘Droop’ 200 RPM
Min Max
10% 100%
800 Flow / RPM 2200HFI
HP Component Chart (E and P)
Locate the “A” Mode’s HYD.HP curve; then “E(*L)” then “B”
Notice the WORK MODES are parallel as RPM/FLOWS change

TVL 400
P.MAX 380
STD.Relief 355

Torque E, L
150 = HP max
Pr. kg/cm2 2000
Min Max
10% 100%
800 Flow / RPM 2200HFI
Electronic Control System

Each pilot circuit
has a pressure
switch, when the
work equipment is
activated as the
controller needs to
know which circuit
is activated.
The controller will
de-activate Auto-
Each system
that’s activated
requires different
functions to occur
to enable that
circuit to complete
its task. (eg.
Swing circuit)
Electronic Control System
Swing Control
When the swing lever is
activated the swing PPC
pressure switch will
send a signal to the
The controller receives
the signal and knows the
swing brake must be
The controller sends a
current to the Swing
Holding Brake solenoid
to open the solenoid and
allow PPC pressure to
release the brake.
When the swing lever is
released the controller
stops the signal to the
solenoid 3 - 5
seconds later.
Swing Timing Chart – Events Not Seen
(Cont’d) Main Oil-RED
Swing Events-YELLOW
400 Main Relief Valve
Swing Safety 2 Valve
A B Time msec D E G
“Touch” or 2-4kg/cm2 PPC pressure
A. swing brake solenoid = 28vDC

B. PPC Pressure 8-30kg/cm2 swing spool open

C. Swing “Equilibrium” (full RPM)

Swing Timing Chart – Events Not Seen

D. Swing PPC RELEASED to neutral

E. Swing Spool closes fully (SRV)

F. Machine swings to a FULL STOP

G. Swing Brake (REL) solenoid = 0vDC

Acceleration to overcome INERTIA, LS oil pressure

H. selected by LSSV – no spikes!

J. Deceleration to overcome MOMENTUM

Electronic Control System

Pump and Swing Lock

Prolix Switches
If there is a failure in the pump
controller, the Prolix Switches can
be switched ‘on’ (UP) to by-pass
the controller. They can be
activated individually.
When the prolix switch to the PC
EPC is ‘on’ current is supplied
through a resistor, the signal
becomes constant so the force
pushing the PC valve is constant.
There is no pump sensing and
work mode will be held at “E”.
The swing brake release solenoid
will receive a constant current, this
will release the swing brake all the
time unless the “lock” switch is

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