Conclusiones UNIV Lab 2023
Conclusiones UNIV Lab 2023
Conclusiones UNIV Lab 2023
The Happiness Paradox
Roma, 2023
1. Carta del equipo
UnivLab 7. Worldbuilding:
sustainable futures
2. 8.
El secreto de las
¿Qué es relaciones: Bailar con
el UnivLab? los demás
3. 9.
La imagen de la
vida, aprender a
Integrantes contemplar
4. 10.
Claves para ser feliz y
Tema del AÑO: The gozar de una buena
Happiness Paradox salud mental
5. 11.
Case Competition
on Happiness and Happiness and pain,
business compatible words?
Work: a path of
meaning and
1. EquipoUNIVLAB
El UNIV Inspire es un encuentro internacional de jóvenes universitarias
que buscan profundizar en su fe y así llenar de sentido su trabajo y su vida.
La iniciativa nació en 1968, impulsada por San Josemaría Escrivá, que soñaba
con un encuentro de jóvenes universitarios de los cinco continentes que
se hicieran grandes preguntas y trabajaran por encontrar respuestas que
ayudaran a mejorar el mundo.
Los espacios que nombramos working groups fueron liderados por expertos
de diversas profesiones y países: Yvonne Font, Pep Borrell, Pietro Cum,
Francisco Iniesta, Inés García, José Miguel PonceFlorencia Aguilar, Teresa
Bosch y Andrea Rodríguez.
teachers of happiness.
You are the FO
artist of your
own life.
You can
choose to be
happy. Arthur C. Brooks is the William Henry Bloomberg Pro-
fessor of the Practice of Public Leadership at the Harvard
Kennedy School, and Professor of Management Practice
at the Harvard Business School, where he teaches courses
on leadership and happiness. He is also a columnist at The
Atlantic, where he writes the popular weekly “How to Build
a Life” column. Brooks is the author of 12 books, includ-
ing the 2022 #1 New York Times bestseller From Strength
to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Pur-
pose in the Second Half of Life. He speaks to audiences
all around the world about human happiness, and works
to raise well-being within private companies, universities,
public agencies, and community organizations..
When you talk about happiness, let people discover the power behind it.
Define it. Often people talk about feeling happy - as a feeling - but it’s not
just a feeling. You can choose to be happy. Feelings are just an evidence of
Happiness has
3 elements
Enjoyment Satisfaction Meaning
1. Enjoyment - not the pursuit of pleasure. Pleasure comes from the limbic
system but you can decide how to take the pleasure reaction and respond.
Pleasure + communion + consciousness = Enjoyment.
Pleasure by itself leads to addiction and unhappiness.
2. Satisfaction - the joy you get when you work hardly for something.
Implies struggle and suffering but with reward. You can’t keep satisfaction
though, it doesn’t last forever because our limbic system wants us to pursue
good things but not remain satisfied. We are made to always aspire to more.
1. Faith
Key to all: lack of self focus.
2. Family
A love that wasn’t chosen
but for which we’re wired to
3. Friendship
Love that we choose but
that needs to be cultivated.
4. Work
What is it about work that
brings joy? The gift of
offering yourself to others.
“ There’s something holy and divine hidden
in the most ordinary things - S. Josemaria.
LOVE of God,
of your family,
of your friends,
of others through your work.
The secret
to happiness
is love
Happiness is not a Unhappiness is part of You might want to
feeling but something the process of happiness. pursue these idols, but
that you work on and they’re not the answer.
bring it to other people. It’s important to have
people that remind you Essence proceeds
of your values and of existence, there’s a
Remember: who you are. reason for everything
• Have vs. wants. that proceeds us.
• Meaning - answering Fake idols:
questions. 1. Money Greatness is turning the
2. Power whole dial for someone
Meaning requires 3. Pleasure else. Touching the life of
suffering. 4. Fame someone else.
con los
Happiness and Business
Written by: Kathryn Nijssen
From his experience in training young people in Centro ELIS, Pietro Cum
highlighted how one’s purpose is manifested in the relations one has and
the social impact of one’s work. Good human relations can be fostered by
personally developing virtues that facilitate connection and friendship in
the workplace. Happiness then comes as a consequence of the good we do
to others and of our meaningful actions.
Using the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) Framework of
organizations, he designed a workshop where the participants were to
be part of the Human Relations department and they were to define an
intervention plan that develops the S (social) factor of their company.
A gift initiates
a process of
He underlined the importance of building
imitation and trust. One of the secrets to overcoming the
when people in “trap of distrust” is the “exchange of gifts”,
a group learn that is, doing something more than what
the other expects from us. A gift initiates
to give, the a process of imitation and when people in
group becomes a group learn to give, the group becomes
happier and more happier and more attractive.
1. How do you build trust and therefore social capital in your organization?
En la sesión de trabajo
liderado por Teresa
Bosch y Florencia
Aguilar, co-founders del
World Building Lab de
la Universidad Austral,
Argentina, se plantearon
las siguientes preguntas:
1. ¿Cómo hacer
para incidir en el
mundo y convertirse en
agente de cambio?
Hubo un buen rato donde cada grupo pudo explayarse para
explicar el mundo que habían inventado con el problema social
concreto que les tocó estudiar.
- Laura, Barcelona.
Bailar con los demás
Escrito por: Carmen Pérez y
Agustina Cannarozzo
En la sociedad actual hay una confusión entre la Felicidad y el Placer, al igual que
con El Amor Sto y el Amor Voluntad. La Felicidad es un estado, hay que currárselo y
no podemos depositar nuestra búsqueda de la Felicidad en la obtención de placer
porque, ya sean placeres espirituales o simples, duran poco.
Me encantó la cercanía de Pep y cómo hacía todo súper ameno, no era una charla
nada tostón porque hablaba desde la experiencia (...).
Particularmente también me gustó que metiese el tema de cristianismo, de todo lo
que dijo me encantó lo de que la Alegría como cristianos tiene que transmitirse, al
igual que la Fe, que no es algo que debamos quedarnos para nosotros mismos.
- Candela, Pamplona
aprender a contemplar
Escrito por: Silvia Gando
y Juliette Orna
Algo que poseemos (un objeto, un don, una relación, una situación, una
vivencia, etc.) podemos encontrar su valor más profundo gracias a la
La reflexión nos hace capaces de tener un relato de manera que se queden
mejor las cosas dentro de nosotros, no solo las imágenes. Y esto impacta
mucho más en mí.
Pensamiento reflexivo:
La montaña mágica, Thomas Mann.
El malestar de la Modernidad: cuatro
estudios sobre historia y cultura, Juan
Pablo Fusi.
La era del vacío, Lipovetsky.
The Human Experience
buena salud mental
Escrito por: Rosario Romero
Frente al tema de la
felicidad y el modo
de alcanzar una vida
plena y saludable,
la Dra. Inés García
y Dr. José Miguel
Ponce, trabajaron
sobre las claves para
gozar de una buena
salud mental.
Ambos expertos
compartieron con
las participantes la
propia experiencia
profesional y las
hicieron partícipes de
múltiples hallazgos
en este campo, que
ayudan a tomar una
dirección adecuada
en la vida.
Partiendo del hecho de que el hombre tiene una
inclinación natural hacia la felicidad, se planteó la
pregunta: ¿por qué, en los países más desarrollados,
aumentan las enfermedades mentales y el descontento
Evaluamos 5 casos de personas en situaciones difíciles. Me encantó y disfruté mucho
la experiencia, y como facilitadora, estoy muy feliz y agradecida de haber podido
completar nuestro taller con un resultado tan positivo para todos.
- Majo, Venezuela.
Estudo medicina e a experiência transmitida pelos especialista me ajudou muito
a ver a necessidade de aprofundar nesse tema e estar interessada em ver o ser
humano de forma integral e não apenas como uma doença, como estamos
acostumados a aprender na faculdade
“ ”
We thought one of the ways in which one can deal with such situations
is to firstly accept their situation. Accept that one is having one or more
of the mentioned challenges. Its helps with the next step. When one
acknowledges something, they can make better decisions on what to do
(...). We need suffering in our lives in order to grow. If we deal with pain
better, with happiness, we learn from those experiences.
- Felile, South Africa
El factor
Te esperamos...
The Happiness Paradox
UNIV LAB - Roma, 2023
Elaborado por:
Jimena Alliende, Agustina Cannarozzo, Cristina Del Hierro,
Blanca Gallostra, Carmen Pérez, Romina Galeano.