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Customs Baggage information guide

Ingreso / Entering Ingreso y egreso / Entering & leaving Egreso / Leaving

Objetos 200USD
permitidos 0
sin pago de arancel Un teléfono y una
Ropas y objetos
sin fines comerciales,
argentinos hasta
notebook o tablet
Duty-free exemption de uso personal al salir USD 2000
One cell phone and Clothes and personal Items declared when Argentine goods
one notebook or tablet belongings leaving the country up to USD 2,000

Mensuales, no acumulables
Monthly, non cumulative

Franquicias Vía terrestre o fluvial By land or river EQUIPAJE

Duty Free Shop upon arrival
Exemptions Sin franquicia
USD 300 No exemption
Puerto Iguazú USD 500

Vía marítima o aérea By sea or air

USD 500 USD 500

Arancel sobre Ejemplo de franquicia aérea (Equipaje) /

Example of exemption when travelling by air (baggage)
Arancel igual al 50%
excedentes Compra | Purchase USD 600
del total excedido
en franquicias Franquicia | Exemption USD 500
Duty equal to the 50% of the total Exceso | Exceeding amount USD 100
Duty to be paid for exceeding excedeed amount
the exemption Arancel | Duty USD 50

Menores y grupos Menores de 16 años: franquicias al 50%

Matrimonios, uniones convivenciales e hijos menores de 16 años
pueden unir sus franquicias.
Children under 16 years of age: 50% exemption
Children and family groups Family groups including children under 16 years of age can join their exemptions.

Ingreso / Entry Egreso / Exit

Permitido el ingreso de sumas
Ingreso y egreso
Permitido el egreso de sumas
inferiores a USD 10.000 o su inferiores a USD 10.000
equivalente en otra moneda
de valores
USD 5.0
0 USD 10
Montos superiores: declaración en Aduana Montos superiores deben transferirse
(OM 2249A). por vía bancaria. Menores de 16 años:
Transportation of currency The amounts that can be brought into the country shall be The amounts that can leave the country shall be USD 5.000
lower than USD 10,000 or its equivalent in other currency. lower than USD 10,000. Amounts above USD 10,000: Children under 16 years of age:
Amounts above USD 10,000: Customs Declaration only by bank transfer. USD 5,000
(OM 2249A).

Forbidden items Material arqueológico Estupefacientes Armas, explosivos Mercadería con finalidad
y cultural (salvo autorización del ANMAC) comercial o industrial
Archeological & Drugs Weapons, explosives Goods with commercial
cultural items (except when they have an authorization from ANMAC) or industrial purposes

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