Ejercicio de Past Simple Affirmative Regular Verbs

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ORI IOI ITI IIIS III IIIT IIT TIT II IT GBC RO ORO II OO III IO III IIT IIT III III III III III III PAST SIMPLE REGULAR VERBS AFFIRMATIVE Uzupetnij zdania czasownikiem w odpowiedniej formie Past Simple. a) [(______ (help) my mother in the garden yesterday. b) Peter and Kikki (visit) Aunt Paola last week. ©) Roy (--i(tidy) her room on Friday. d) Barbara (print) a test. e) My teacher ( \(prepare) a test for us yesterday. £) The film was boring! We (hate) it very much! g) They | (dance) a lot at the party last night. h) We ](watch) TV after school. i) Lucy! (wash) a car last month. pi \(prepare) my homework last night. k) The book was fantastic! We (like) it very much! 1) She ( \repair) TV after school. m) My mum{______ (wash) the dishes car last month. n) 1 (clean) my room last night. 0) Ada (bake) a cake for her boyfriend. p)Alan and Bob |__fry) eggs for their mum. q) Samantha (look after) her younger brother. t) My husband (________](mix) the ingredients. s)The boys! (play) football. He He ee Ee Ee eI He ee ee ee Eee ee te eee ae ete ee ae IRB SBI GIO IS SIG OISIISISIOI SII SISSIES SIGS ISIOIIEIISIICISIISI ISSIR IOI I IE

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