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Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario 1, Danny Bravo Mendoza 2
Coffee shop, Marketing, empowerment, Endomarketing,
Samborondon, mystery shopper.
Master in Business Administration,
Oklahoma City University. Docente e JEL Classification: M310.
Investigador de la Universidad Espíritu
Santo – Ecuador.
E-mail: [email protected]
Código ORCID: Hoy en día no existe una franquicia de cafetería reconocida que no esté
bien posicionada debido a su plan de mercadeo o mejor conocido como
estrategia de marketing. Un gran ejemplo de esto es Starbucks Coffee,
Alumni de la Universidad Espíritu que se ha convertido en una de las franquicias más poderosas del mundo
Santo – Ecuador.
E-mail: [email protected] y su imperio se debe a sus estrategias internas, que tienen una influencia
Código ORCID: directa en la motivación, sentido de pertenencia y empoderamiento de sus
empleados. El presente artículo analizó las principales estrategias de
Endomarketing de esta industria y efectuó un estudio en las cadenas de
cafeterías de la ciudad de Samborondón, Ecuador; bajo la metodología de
CITACIÓN: Sempértegui Seminario, cliente fantasma se logró identificar los principales factores que han sido
C., & Bravo Mendoza, D. (2018).
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee
reconocidos en la estrategia de Endomarketing de estas cafeterías,
shops industry. Podium, 34, 21–34. obteniendo como resultado un enfoque de filosofía empresarial alto y
Palabras Clave:
Cafetería, Marketing, empoderamiento, Endomarketing, Samborondón,
cliente fantasma.
8.34.2 Clasificación JEL: M310.
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza
Industry Products
Industry Ac�vi�es
the type of coffee beans used, the strength drive the demand. The profitability of
of coffee and the style of preparation tend these organizations relies upon the
to vary between individual operators. capacity to anchor prime locations, drive
Larger generic coffee chains tend to offer a store traffic, and excellent customer
standard range of coffees, with an service. Large organizations have
emphasis on a higher variety of flavors favorable circumstances in procurement,
(Chen & Hu, 2010). finance, and marketing; on the other hand,
small ones can compete by offering
Customer overview specialized items, serving a local market,
or giving a specialized customer service
The average and most committed (Tumanan & Lansangan, 2012).
coffee consumers are 18 to 24 years old,
rich, affluent, educated adults. Although Coffee shops depend enormously on
young adults have driven the success of customer traffic and are regularly situated
these chains, specialty coffee appeals to a in zones with helpful access for people on
diverse demographic, including college foot or drivers. Most locations incorporate
students and older adults. Largest downtown or rural retail focuses,
organizations may also offer coffee beans shopping centers, places of business, and
wholesale to commercial customers, such college grounds. Store organization and
as eateries and restaurants (Olsen, 2013). size fluctuate by site, as some locations
offer more space than others. For little
Overview of Industry Profitability spaces like airplane terminals and
Factors supermarkets, some chains offer a kiosk
format, without seating (Joo, Stoeberl, &
Consumer taste and individual income Fitzer, 2009).
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry
Grayson, 2012).
al M
al M
marketing is orienting a motivating
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza
For the present study, it was assumed a Encourages customers to fill satisfaction Survey Customer Service
qualitative approach of cross-sectional
Standard protocol of service for customers,
design, this investigation was descriptive way to say hello, welcome, etc. Trained staff Human Talent
(High, Moderate, Low, None)
and non-experimental, it was applied the
mystery shopper methodology (McDaniel Source: Authors.
& Gates, 2014).
As a measurement tool it was used a
data sheet composed by five Likert Scale As result of the mystery shoppers’
variables and yes/no questions, they were observations they were listed these main
visited 3 premises for each of the 3 coffee considerations about the Endomarketing
shop chains located in the city of approaches identified at the moment of
Sambonrondon, visits were made in work buying in the coffee shops of
days at 09:00 AM each (Table 1). Samborondon:
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry
As shown in Table 3, it was mostly Likert scale by the mystery shopper team,
observed a high or moderate level of only two establishments had a
visual communication of the business consideration of acceptable or less. So on,
philosophy in these chains, such as the care that these chains have about the
Mission and Vision, corporate culture interaction between internal and external
statements, branding, etc. It was clear that marketing shows evident to the point of
Endomarketing approach showed a becoming a generalized characteristic for
well-marked visual arrangement into the this industry.
coffee shops visited, this fact is supported
by the Human Talent Endomarketing Basing in this same approach, times
approach listed in the “Operational of for response were measured in the
Internal Marketing”, published by establishments visited obtaining as result
Fuentes (2009), previously analyzed in an average of about 5 to 8 minutes.
this investigation. However, none of the coffee shops
analyzed showed a greater agility or
As mentioned in the investigations of different results to the mean, so on, none
Sanchez-Hernandez & Grayson (2012) of them showed to have a differentiation
and Bansal, Mendelson, & Sharma strategy based on better response times.
(2001), reviewed previously, Managers
need to create a good internal product in In the other hand and taking as
order to engage employees in the reference the Endomarketing Customer
organization’s philosophy and the Service approach proposed by Fuentes
relationships with their customers, this (2009), Table 3 shows that, despite
translates into the Quality of service having customer’s satisfaction surveys in
provided. As observed in Table 3 Quality these establishments, employees do not
of Service was in a 7/9 proportion encourage clients to fill them or do not
considered as Good and Very Good in the communicate about their existence (7/9).
Table 3.
Results from Mystery Shoppers´ investigation in coffee shops of Samborondon.
Visual Communication of business philosophy High High Moderate Moderate High Low Moderate High High
(High, Moderate, Low, None)
Quality of attention Very Very Good Good Acceptable Poor Very Very Good
(Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Very Poor) good good good good
Standard protocol of service for customers, High High Moderate High Moderate Low Moderate High High
way to say hello, welcome, etc. Trained staff
(High, Moderate, Low, None)
Source: Prepared by the authors based on data supplied by mystery shopper team
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza
It is interesting to inquire about how this and better results for the organization. In
industry that is based on providing a a mainstream industry as Coffee Shops,
quality service to its users does not this is considered a fundamental starting
propose more effective communication point for differentiation.
strategies with its clients to know their
needs, expectations and measure their In this investigation, it was mostly
degree of satisfaction. identifiable how these cafeterias perform
their own quality standards in order to
Finally, it was mostly observed a provide a better service based on the
highly proportion of employees applying interaction of internal and external
a standardized protocol for welcoming marketing. For these establishments,
and serving customers, training service quality not only constitutes a
procedures and a Human Talent mainstream characteristic for this
Endomarketing approach were industry, but also a way to perform
identifiable in every premise visited. tactics, objectives, and strategies to
improve the perception of the customers
Conclusions that visit their premises.
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry
ways to know the needs of customers and DE LES ILLES BALEARS , 26.
measure their satisfaction level. As
Chen, P., & Hu, H. (2010). How determinant
observed in this analysis, the main
attributes of service quality influence
problem is that most of Samborondon customer-perceived value: an empirical
coffee shops do not have an effective way investigation of the Australian coffee
to measure this variable or do not catch the outlet industry. International Journal of
interest of their clients to fill these surveys. Contemporary Hospitality Management,
22(4), 535-551.
The results of these could be a useful tool
for communicating the results of Collins, B., & Payne, A. (2001). Internal marketing: a
determined areas into the organization and new perspective for HRM. European
a strategy to improve internal processes. Management Journal, 9(3), 261-269.
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza
León, E. (2014). SWEET & COFFEE (Tesis de Tumanan, M., & Lansangan, J. (2012). More than
maestría). Universidad Espíritu Santo, just a cuppa coffee: A multi-dimensional
Samborondón, Ecuador. approach towards analyzing the factors that
define place attachment. International Journal of
Lewin, B., Giovannucci, D., & Varangis, P. (2004). Hospitality Management, 31(2), 529-534.
Coffee markets: new paradigms in global
supply and demand. World Bank
Agriculture and Rural Development
Discussion , 150.
PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969