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Estrategias de endomarketing en la industria de las

Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario 1, Danny Bravo Mendoza 2


ARTÍCULO Nowadays there is no recognize coffee shop franchise that is not well
Fecha de recepción: 21 de Septiembre
de 2018.
positioned due to its marketing plan or better known as marketing
Fecha de aceptación: 10 de Diciembre strategy. A great example of this is Starbucks coffee, which has
de 2018.
become one of the most powerful franchises in the world and its
empire is due to several factors such as its internal strategies, which
have a direct influence in motivation, sense of belonging and
empowerment of its employees. The present paper analyzed the main
strategies of Endomarketing in this industry and carried out a study in
the chains of cafeterias of the city of Samborondon, Ecuador;
applying the mystery shopper methodology they were identified the
main factors that have been recognized in the Endomarketing strategy
of these cafeterias, obtaining as result a high and moderate business
philosophy approach and analyzing the most identifiable
Endomarketing approaches observed.

Coffee shop, Marketing, empowerment, Endomarketing,
Samborondon, mystery shopper.
Master in Business Administration,
Oklahoma City University. Docente e JEL Classification: M310.
Investigador de la Universidad Espíritu
Santo – Ecuador.
E-mail: [email protected]
Código ORCID: Hoy en día no existe una franquicia de cafetería reconocida que no esté
bien posicionada debido a su plan de mercadeo o mejor conocido como
estrategia de marketing. Un gran ejemplo de esto es Starbucks Coffee,
Alumni de la Universidad Espíritu que se ha convertido en una de las franquicias más poderosas del mundo
Santo – Ecuador.
E-mail: [email protected] y su imperio se debe a sus estrategias internas, que tienen una influencia
Código ORCID: directa en la motivación, sentido de pertenencia y empoderamiento de sus
empleados. El presente artículo analizó las principales estrategias de
Endomarketing de esta industria y efectuó un estudio en las cadenas de
cafeterías de la ciudad de Samborondón, Ecuador; bajo la metodología de
CITACIÓN: Sempértegui Seminario, cliente fantasma se logró identificar los principales factores que han sido
C., & Bravo Mendoza, D. (2018).
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee
reconocidos en la estrategia de Endomarketing de estas cafeterías,
shops industry. Podium, 34, 21–34. obteniendo como resultado un enfoque de filosofía empresarial alto y

Palabras Clave:
Cafetería, Marketing, empoderamiento, Endomarketing, Samborondón,
cliente fantasma.
8.34.2 Clasificación JEL: M310.

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza

Introducción decisive factors to inaugurate these points

of sale. One of the cities where it has been
The shops that belong to the coffee observed a higher expansion of these
industry sell, coffee drinks, sweets and chains has been Samborondon. In recent
other beverages for consumption of for years, not only recognized coffee chains
takeout. Worldwide, best known have initiated operations in this city, but
companies include Starbucks, also small and traditional chains have
International Coffee & Tea, Costa Coffee ventured into this growing industry. This
and McDonalds McCafe. Their beverages coffee shop boom has make the coffee
include brewed coffee and tea; espresso shop leaders to look for singular and not
drinks (cappuccinos and cafe lattes), cold easy to imitate differentiator factors.
blended beverages, soft drinks and juices. Under this premise, the purpose of this
Food products include pastries, bakery investigation was to observe the main
items, desserts, sandwiches, and candy. characteristics over the Endomarketing
Many coffee shops sell whole or ground strategies used by these companies in
coffee beans for home consumption. Most order to establish the main factors that
coffee shops serve high-quality, premium have been determinant for the continuous
coffee known as specialty coffee (Nadiri growing of this industry.
& Nazan, 2013). Besides its product
quality strategy, the place strategy has Literature review
become a main differentiator. For
example, in some parts of the the world, Endomarketing concept
the biggest coffee shop companies
establish their operations abroad, this, due Worldwide, Endomarketing is in
primarily to licensing agreements, for constant development (Ahmed & Rafiq,
example, Starbucks, an international 2003), so it is necessary to investigate how
coffeehouse chain founded in the U.S., this concept is evolving to identify the
owns about 14,000 establishments in near actions executed from this approach and,
of 75 countries around the world mainly, to examine the convergences in
(Hoover's, Inc., 2018). the literature on the subject.

The coffee shops industry in Ecuador According to Dunmore (2005), and

does not differ from this perspective, along Saad, Ahmed, & Rafiq (2002),
with this expansion of premises, the Endomarketing is a recent concept. The
different formats of these establishments first studies date back more than 35 years
have raised in recent years, offering and were motivated by the interest in
products of the different requirements that improving customer service management.
are demanded in coffee drinks and This way, they coincided with a
desserts. The opening decisions of these competition that was gaining an
locations were made prior to marketing increasingly international perspective. In
studies and strategic analysis, where some cases, the empirical treatment
concurrence of people and location were encouraged diverse interpretations and

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry

conceptualizations on the subject and, the years passed, and Endomarketing

consequently, different applications in the became increasingly popular.
form of development of methodologies
with some points in common, such as, for In recent years, the importance of
example, the satisfaction of the employee Endomarketing is recognized by various
and the client. authors. All agree that the members of a
company have a considerable influence on
Bohnenberger (2005) cites in his the generation of value perceived by the
research that, in 1976, Berry, Hensen and external client, regardless of the job
Burke (1994) refer for the first time to position they perform or the place they
Endomarketing when they related the high occupy in the hierarchical order.
quality of the services with enhancing the
capabilities of the internal client. Berry is From this principle, the idea to look for
one of the biggest references and a pioneer competitive advantages within the
of Endomarketing, because in 1981 he was organization through a series of programs
the first to call employees internal clients and procedures that empower human
(Berry, 1981). resources, both for their own wellness and
for the growth of the company.
Grönroos (1990) marked another
milestone when he described the goal of However, the development of
Endo-marketing: "To motivate and Endomarketing has also generated
educate employees about the importance different points of view among researchers
of the external customer", arguing that the regarding the processes, elements and
satisfaction of the external customer is even the intrinsic philosophy of the
made through the employees and demands concept. This has caused companies to
greater attention and awareness about refrain from applying it and, therefore,
them among the managers of the limit their development. It is possible that
organization. the ambiguity regarding the leadership of
the management of Endomarketing
Bohnenberger (2005) points out that provokes the reluctance of the human
Endomarketing is an interdisciplinary resources sectors.
subject in both the academic and the
business environment. In the academic Bohnenberger (2005) points out that
field there are studies prepared by experts many authors and, especially, companies
in marketing, human resources and public that adopted Endomarketing have been
relations, in this last case with less limiting the meaning of this concept until
intensity. reducing it only to satisfy and retain
human talent. Although the implicit
At the beginning, the academic objective was to generate value through
approach refused to pay attention to their workers, the companies did not
Endomarketing approaches, especially the explore mechanisms that would lead them
ones related to human resources. Then, as to close the circle and specify their actions

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza

in advantages for them. In this way, departments of the organization:

non-innovative organizations began to
withdraw their support for employee Finance department
satisfaction efforts.
For example, the Finance Department
Endomarketing approaches within the of an organization can perform an
organization Endomarketing strategy by internally
promoting a program of savings in office
It is convenient to develop certain costs.
aspects of marketing, because the
company that may be considering Human Talent Department
implementing an Endomarketing model
must define the marketing approach from The Human Resources Administration
which to do it. In addition, identifying is a very sensitive area in the mentality of
Endomarketing as part of holistic organizations, because it depends on the
marketing helps to understand the intrinsic organizational culture existing in each
of its philosophy. institution, as well as the structure
adopted, the characteristics of the
Endomarketing is marketing within the environmental context, the service offered
company. It is the set of techniques that by the organization, the internal
allow positioning the strategic characteristics, functions and processes.
communication of the company to a The Human Talent Department, for
market made up of its workers, with the instance, can develop an Endomarketing
aim of promoting their motivation, sense strategy in order socialize an initiative of
of belonging and consequently their organizational culture into the company, or
productivity (Guzmán, 2013). a campaign to integrate families of
For instance, Endomarketing means
that the business philosophy can be Production Department
promoted among employees so that all
efforts are aligned. This type of marketing The Production Department can
is used not only to promote internal perform an Endomarketing plan for the
strategies of the Marketing department, acquisition of a new machine or the
but also to generate programs from other incorporation of a new technology that
areas such as Human Talent, Production, increases the productive efficiency of the
Sales, among others (Regalado, Allpacca, organization and may be advantageous for
Baca, & Gerónimo, 2011). personnel.

In his research on the operation of Customer Service

internal marketing, Fuentes (2009) lists
some of the approaches of Endomarketing Customer Service can use
that may be applied to the diverse Endomarketing in order to perform a

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry

Communication campaign of the results of strategies. SMEs, and smaller companies,

a determined area in the last satisfaction in the other hand, are able to compete in
customer’s survey and congratulate the this market by offering specialized
good service provided by some products, or providing superior customer
employees. service (Lewin, Giovannucci, & Varangis,
Sales Department
Coffee shops industry competes with
Sales can use Endomarketing in order major companies established in the fast
to inform the sales reports of its objectives food service, donuts shops and gas
schedule, this way, Sales Managers can stations. Coffee shop franchises
use Endomarketing to promote their constitutes a rising market into the
initiatives, inviting the employees to specialty eatery, offering brewed coffee
contribute with ideas for the development and desserts. Success is driven by
of the organization. consumer taste, as well as the location
where premises are distributed, and the
Marketing department atmosphere showed in these locals. Small
coffee shops may offer a high-quality
For the Marketing Department, product that is able to compete in a market
Endomarketing is the involvement of the that is still growing.
organization in marketing strategies and
tactics, so that they have the knowledge Most coffee chains rent store locations
and support of the different departments of for a settled term. Lease for premises in
the organization. This means that although shopping centers may include a charge for
there is a relationship of interdependence shared are maintenance. Organizations
between the different areas of the compete for prime areas with other
organization, for the marketing area this retailers, and bargaining power might be
may also be more significant in the sense limited. Chains use to close
that the decisions must affect the way the underperforming stores, and put aside a
organization works, as the commit a large save for outstanding lease payments.
amount of human and physical resources.
Coffee is still the mainstay of this
The Coffee Shop Industry industry (Figure 1), being expected to
account for approximately 50% of
In the coffee shops industry, the industry revenue in 2018 (Bloomberg,
demand is driven by consumer taste and 2018). In order offer a wider variety of
level of income. The profitability of these tastes, bigger coffee shops use to maintain
companies depends on their ability to a regular update of their menus according
ensure well positioned locations and, of to the season. In the other side,
course, deliver a high-quality service. Big independent coffee shops use to
companies, like MNC have advantages at differentiate themselves based on the
directing their purchasing and marketing quality of their products. For this reason,

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza

Industry Products

Industry Ac�vi�es

Coffee Similar Industries


Food Juice &

Takeaway Food- Pubs &
Full-Service Smoothie
& Fast-Food Service
Restaurants Bars
Restaurants Contractors Bars
Other Non-alcoholic
beverages beverages

Figure 1. Coffee industry competitive landscape.

Source: Bloomberg (2018).

the type of coffee beans used, the strength drive the demand. The profitability of
of coffee and the style of preparation tend these organizations relies upon the
to vary between individual operators. capacity to anchor prime locations, drive
Larger generic coffee chains tend to offer a store traffic, and excellent customer
standard range of coffees, with an service. Large organizations have
emphasis on a higher variety of flavors favorable circumstances in procurement,
(Chen & Hu, 2010). finance, and marketing; on the other hand,
small ones can compete by offering
Customer overview specialized items, serving a local market,
or giving a specialized customer service
The average and most committed (Tumanan & Lansangan, 2012).
coffee consumers are 18 to 24 years old,
rich, affluent, educated adults. Although Coffee shops depend enormously on
young adults have driven the success of customer traffic and are regularly situated
these chains, specialty coffee appeals to a in zones with helpful access for people on
diverse demographic, including college foot or drivers. Most locations incorporate
students and older adults. Largest downtown or rural retail focuses,
organizations may also offer coffee beans shopping centers, places of business, and
wholesale to commercial customers, such college grounds. Store organization and
as eateries and restaurants (Olsen, 2013). size fluctuate by site, as some locations
offer more space than others. For little
Overview of Industry Profitability spaces like airplane terminals and
Factors supermarkets, some chains offer a kiosk
format, without seating (Joo, Stoeberl, &
Consumer taste and individual income Fitzer, 2009).

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry

Prices for coffee shops products may License agreements regularly

vary. The retail price for a coffee-based incorporate an upfront fee, this based on
drink can surpass $4. A pound of roasted percentages of sales or royalties, and
coffee beans may retail for somewhere in renewal alternatives. Franchise
the range of $10 and $20. Coffee shops agreements may enable licensees to allow
depend exceedingly on part-time sublicenses to third parties within a
employees, and these employees must territory (McManus, 2007).
have specialized abilities (Rizea, Sarbu,
& Condrea, 2014). Overview of Key Industry success
An average coffee premise may have
one manager and 10 to 15 workers; According to Hoover's, Inc. (2018)
independents have six to seven. New there are several factors that have
employees may experience instructional influenced the success of the coffee shops
classes and get in-store training in order worldwide which are listed and analyzed
to guarantee unrivaled customer service (Figure 2):
and product consistency. Baristas receive
special training in order to operate 1. Comfortable and welcoming premises:
industrial espresso machines used to As a common denominator the most of
make specialty drinks (Nadiri & Nazan, coffee shops show into their premises a
2013). comfortable atmosphere, as well as in the
design, presentation and variety of
Accounts receivable keep running products, accompanied by an agile
between somewhere in the range of 30 service and relaxing music.
and 60 days. Companies may use
contracts in order to purchase green 2. Affordable prices: Prices are
coffee and dairy materials. Gross margins undoubtedly very pleasant for a person of
range between 40 and 60 percent, and medium and high status, since coffee
higher commercial sales tend to decrease shops often result in places for a simple
margins. Chains use comparable store conversation as well as for a business
sales in order to measure growth (Rizea, matter, in addition to the fact that prices
Sarbu, & Condrea, 2014). are affordable because of the extension of

Key factors for the success of

coffee shop chains

Comfortable and Management of

Constant staff Standarized
welcoming Affordable prices the entire supply
training operations manual
premises chain

Figure 2. Key factors for the success of coffee shop chains.

Source: Hoover's, Inc. (2018). Made by authors.

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza

Standard Business Quality Trust in

Opera�ng Consistency Philosophy Control the brand
* Correct * Product * Mission * Manuals * Loyalty
Protocol uniformity * Vision * Integrated * Profitability
* Map each * Objec�ves Management
Process Systems
* Procedures

Figure 3. Standardization Philosophy in Coffee Shops Service Industry.

Source: Authors (2018).

its range of products that allow to franchises while maintaining a strict

diversify prices. quality control over each facility, as
observed in Figure 3.
3. Constant staff training: Due to the
continuous training that coffee shop Endomarketing approach in service
chains give to their employees, allows a industry
homogeneity in the flavor of their
products in the different premises located In external marketing, an external
around the city, in the other hand, product is the final good/service that a
constant customer relationship training company can offer to their customers in
allows these chains to sell not a product, order to satisfy their needs. In the
but an experience. simplest conceptualization, an internal
product is the job (Collins & Payne,
4. Management of the entire supply 2001).
chain: Many of these chains have power
over their own supply chain, which Treating jobs as products refers to go
means that they can have price leadership beyond functions that must be
and benefit from economies of scale. This accomplished and consider factors other
has given them a certain level of than financial remuneration. This means
independence over their supply chain to also consider the level of involvement
management that is slightly or not of workers in decision-making, career
affected by the bargaining power of their programs, training needs, levels of
suppliers. responsibility and working environment
(Saad, Ahmed, & Rafiq, 2002).
5. Standardized operations manual:
Having an integrated operations manual Managers need to create an internal
has allowed these organizations to product that engages employees in the
maintain their business philosophy in organization’s philosophy and the
each of their chains. This has let several relationships with their customers (Figure
of these chains to be licensed as 4). In fact, without a “good internal

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry

•Security in the job

•Constant training.
•Shared informa�on Internal client
•Empowerment •Behavior oriented Marke�ng
•Reduc�on of status to the external
•Loyalty •Quality in services
discrepancy client
•Sa�sfac�on at work •Customer
•Trust in sa�sfac�on
management •Loyalty
HR Prac�ces Behavior

Figure 4. Link between internal and external marketing.

Source: Bansal, Mendelson, & Sharma (2001).

product” focused on improving and ways to measure the success of these

employees’ competences, there could be last.
a limited hope of engaging employees Company
with the idea of investing their efforts in
CR strategies (Sanchez-Hernandez &

Grayson, 2012).


al M
al M

According to Kotler (2006) “Internal


marketing is orienting a motivating


customer contact employee and

supporting service people to work as a
Employee Customer
team to provide customer satisfaction”,
Interac�ve Marke�ng
points to integrated marketing as an
alternative to better serve consumers and, Figure 5. Marketing in Service Industry.
Source: Kotler & Keller (2006).
with this approach, suggests that internal
marketing must precede external Ecuadorian coffee shops industry
marketing, corroborating what other
experts expose regarding Endomarketing. The strategies implemented in MNCs
(p. 219). coffee shops do not differ largely from
the Ecuadorian scenario. According to
As observed in Figure 5, internal León (2014) many Ecuadorian coffee
marketing is mainly applied by marketers shops shows up that training new
in order to motivate all efforts for employees is one of the most critical
satisfying customers, with an efficient aspects in the CRM strategies, for
strategy the marketer may be able to example, in some of these establishments
embed the basic principles of marketing new employees must take an induction
in the business strategy such as company course of 5 weeks. Here is explained what
vision and mission, tactics, objectives, the mission and vision of the company is,

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza

and its philosophy, the service quality Table 1.

policy, policy of preparation of products Data Sheet for Survey.
and internal regulation, the practical part Geographical scope Samborondon city
is carried out in the premises. Besides, it Sample unit Coffee shop chains

is reported to future the collaborators Sampling unit 9 establishments

Sample Type Random selection of sampling units
(baristas, cashiers, administrators) work
Instrument Data sheet
aspects related to hours, salaries, overtime
and other issues. Source: Authors.

As reviewed in this paper, there is no a

Each of these premises has an generalized point of view among
administrator, who is responsible for researchers regarding the processes,
distributing the tasks to each of the elements and even the intrinsic
employees, controlling and transmitting philosophy of the Endomarketing. For
the objective of the company so that their this investigation, it was assumed the
premises have the same essence that the scope of the research made by Fuentes
company transmits. (2009), listing some of the approaches of
Endomarketing applied by different
Same author mentions that some departments of an organization, the
Ecuadorian coffee shops handle policies variables measured are listed in Table 2.
for the distribution of its products, from Table 2.
the preparation to delivery, this aspect is Parameters observed.
fundamental to understand how integrated Parameter Department
supply chain management has helped
Visual Communication of business philosophy Human Talent
these organizations to reduce costs gaining (High, Moderate, Low, None)
total control over their vertical logistics. Quality of attention Customer Service
(Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Very Poor)

Methodology Waiting time after ordering Production


For the present study, it was assumed a Encourages customers to fill satisfaction Survey Customer Service
qualitative approach of cross-sectional
Standard protocol of service for customers,
design, this investigation was descriptive way to say hello, welcome, etc. Trained staff Human Talent
(High, Moderate, Low, None)
and non-experimental, it was applied the
mystery shopper methodology (McDaniel Source: Authors.
& Gates, 2014).
As a measurement tool it was used a
data sheet composed by five Likert Scale As result of the mystery shoppers’
variables and yes/no questions, they were observations they were listed these main
visited 3 premises for each of the 3 coffee considerations about the Endomarketing
shop chains located in the city of approaches identified at the moment of
Sambonrondon, visits were made in work buying in the coffee shops of
days at 09:00 AM each (Table 1). Samborondon:

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry

As shown in Table 3, it was mostly Likert scale by the mystery shopper team,
observed a high or moderate level of only two establishments had a
visual communication of the business consideration of acceptable or less. So on,
philosophy in these chains, such as the care that these chains have about the
Mission and Vision, corporate culture interaction between internal and external
statements, branding, etc. It was clear that marketing shows evident to the point of
Endomarketing approach showed a becoming a generalized characteristic for
well-marked visual arrangement into the this industry.
coffee shops visited, this fact is supported
by the Human Talent Endomarketing Basing in this same approach, times
approach listed in the “Operational of for response were measured in the
Internal Marketing”, published by establishments visited obtaining as result
Fuentes (2009), previously analyzed in an average of about 5 to 8 minutes.
this investigation. However, none of the coffee shops
analyzed showed a greater agility or
As mentioned in the investigations of different results to the mean, so on, none
Sanchez-Hernandez & Grayson (2012) of them showed to have a differentiation
and Bansal, Mendelson, & Sharma strategy based on better response times.
(2001), reviewed previously, Managers
need to create a good internal product in In the other hand and taking as
order to engage employees in the reference the Endomarketing Customer
organization’s philosophy and the Service approach proposed by Fuentes
relationships with their customers, this (2009), Table 3 shows that, despite
translates into the Quality of service having customer’s satisfaction surveys in
provided. As observed in Table 3 Quality these establishments, employees do not
of Service was in a 7/9 proportion encourage clients to fill them or do not
considered as Good and Very Good in the communicate about their existence (7/9).
Table 3.
Results from Mystery Shoppers´ investigation in coffee shops of Samborondon.


Parameter Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 1 Local 2 Local 3

Visual Communication of business philosophy High High Moderate Moderate High Low Moderate High High
(High, Moderate, Low, None)

Quality of attention Very Very Good Good Acceptable Poor Very Very Good
(Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Very Poor) good good good good

Waiting time after ordering 5 7 8 7 7 8 6 6 5


Encourages customers to fill satisfaction Survey Yes No No No No No Yes No No


Standard protocol of service for customers, High High Moderate High Moderate Low Moderate High High
way to say hello, welcome, etc. Trained staff
(High, Moderate, Low, None)

Source: Prepared by the authors based on data supplied by mystery shopper team

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Carlos Sempértegui Seminario, Danny Bravo Mendoza

It is interesting to inquire about how this and better results for the organization. In
industry that is based on providing a a mainstream industry as Coffee Shops,
quality service to its users does not this is considered a fundamental starting
propose more effective communication point for differentiation.
strategies with its clients to know their
needs, expectations and measure their In this investigation, it was mostly
degree of satisfaction. identifiable how these cafeterias perform
their own quality standards in order to
Finally, it was mostly observed a provide a better service based on the
highly proportion of employees applying interaction of internal and external
a standardized protocol for welcoming marketing. For these establishments,
and serving customers, training service quality not only constitutes a
procedures and a Human Talent mainstream characteristic for this
Endomarketing approach were industry, but also a way to perform
identifiable in every premise visited. tactics, objectives, and strategies to
improve the perception of the customers
Conclusions that visit their premises.

For any organization it is important As shown, the main approaches where

that all employees know where they are Endomarketing is applied into the coffee
going, their philosophy, their goals and shops of Samborondon are based on the
their plans, as well as the marketing physical atmosphere that may be
approach that is used with customers. provided to customers and in the service
After reviewing the Endomarketing protocols that resulted very similar
strategies observed in this mystery between the chains visited. Thus,
shopper analysis we may conclude that although results were very acceptable in
the coffee shops established in the city of the perception of the mystery shopper
Samborondon follow a same trend based team, it could not be identifiable any
on the application of service protocols differentiation trend between these
strategies and a remarkable engage of brands, any innovative internal or
business philosophy in their employees, external marketing strategy would
especially the ones focused in Human become a turning point into this market,
Talent, such as constant staff training and where, digital media campaigns or
a very remarked corporate culture. incentives for customers have not arrived
with the strength that should be expected.
The purpose of Endomarketing must
be not only that the employee feels part of In the other hand, some of the
the organization but become aware of the Endomarketing approaches, such as the
importance of his contribution to the measurement of satisfaction surveys
strengthening of the brand. For instance, (listed in the “Operational of Internal
a well-executed Endomarketing strategy Marketing”) (Fuentes, 2009), should be
will derive, finally, in a greater benefit improved in order to find more agile

PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969
Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry

ways to know the needs of customers and DE LES ILLES BALEARS , 26.
measure their satisfaction level. As
Chen, P., & Hu, H. (2010). How determinant
observed in this analysis, the main
attributes of service quality influence
problem is that most of Samborondon customer-perceived value: an empirical
coffee shops do not have an effective way investigation of the Australian coffee
to measure this variable or do not catch the outlet industry. International Journal of
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PODIUM No. 34, Diciembre 2018, pp. 21-34
Universidad Espíritu Santo - UEES
ISSN: 1390-5473 e-ISSN: 2588-0969

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