English Exam 1º Bimestre 1ero y 2 Do 2022

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Colegio Sigma

R.D. N° 01658 – U.G.E.L. 05 – S.J.L.

Mz. O-6 Lote 6 Casa Blanca
English Exam

Name: …………………………………...….……………………………………………….
Grade: 1º Date: Friday 29th, 2022 Miss Luz Solano

I. – Mark the greeting “Good Night” and circle the command “Sit down” (4 points)
(Marca con una (X) el saludos “Good Night” y encierra la orden “Sit Down”)

II. - Join with a line (Une con una línea) ( 4 points)





III.- Paint (pinta) (4 points)

Red Ora Purp Blue

nge le
IV. – Count and mark (cuenta y marca) (4 points)

Nine glues Four school bags

V. – Use a – an where belongs (Usa a –an donde corresponda) (4 points)

………….ruler …………… orange

………….umbrella ………….apple

English Exam
Colegio Sigma
R.D. N° 01658 – U.G.E.L. 05 – S.J.L.
Mz. O-6 Lote 6 Casa Blanca

Name: …………………………………...….……………………………………………….
Grade: 1º “B” Date: Friday 29th, 2022 Miss Luz Solano

I. - Mark the greetings “Good Morning” and circle the command “Stand up” (4 points)
(Marca con una (X) el saludo “Good Morning” y encierra la orden “Stand up”

II. - . - Join with a line (Une con una línea) (4 points)


glue stick



III.- Paint (pinta) (4 points)

Yell Pink Bro Blac

ow wn k
IV. – Count, and mark (cuenta y marca)

Eight books Five scissors

V. – Use a – an where belongs (Usa a –an donde corresponda)

………….banana …………… orange ………….table …………..apple

English Exam
Colegio Sigma
R.D. N° 01658 – U.G.E.L. 05 – S.J.L.
Mz. O-6 Lote 6 Casa Blanca

Name: …………………………………...….……………………………………………….
Grade: 2º “A” Date: Friday 29th, 2022 Miss Luz Solano

I. - Mark with an (X) the greeting “Good Morning” (5 points)

(Marca con una (X) el saludo “Good Morning”)

II. - Circle the command “May Igo to the toilet?” (5 points)

(Encierra la orden “May I go to the toilet?”)

III. - Join with a line (Une con una línea) (5 points)






IV. - Look at the picture and Complete the sentences.

Use : This is/ That is / These are/ Those are (5 points)
(Mira el dibujo y completa las oraciones)
1. - ………………………a pencil.
2. - ……………………….a book.
3. - ………………………apples
4. - ………………………a ruler

5.- ………………………scissors.

English Exam
Colegio Sigma
R.D. N° 01658 – U.G.E.L. 05 – S.J.L.
Mz. O-6 Lote 6 Casa Blanca

Name: …………………………………...….……………………………………………….
Grade: 2º “B” Date: Friday 29th, 2022 Miss Luz Solano

I. - Mark with an (X) the greeting “Good night” (5 points)

(Marca con una (X) el saludo “Good night”)

II. - Circle the command “Silence?” (5 points)

(Encierra la orden “Silence”)

III. - Join with a line (Une con una línea)

(5 points)






IV. - Look at the picture and complete the sentences.

Use : This is/ That is / These are/ Those are (5 points)
(Mira el dibujo y completa las oraciones

1. - ………………………………an orange.
2 - …………………………………a notebook.
3. - …………………………………glues.
4. - …………………………………a table.
5.- ………………………………….rulers.

English Exam
Colegio Sigma
R.D. N° 01658 – U.G.E.L. 05 – S.J.L.
Mz. O-6 Lote 6 Casa Blanca

Name: …………………………………...….……………………………………………….
Grade: 3º “A” Date: Friday 29th, 2022 Miss Luz Solano

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