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9-164 Un motor de cuatro cilindros de ignición por 9-173 Considere un ciclo Brayton ideal simple con aire
chispa tiene una relación de compresión de 10.5, como fluido de trabajo. La relación de presiones del ciclo es
y cada cilindro tiene un volumen máximo de 0.4 L. Al princi- 6, y las temperaturas mínima y máxima son 300 y 1.300 K.
pio del proceso de compresión, el aire está a 98 kPa y 37 °C, Ahora se duplica la relación de presiones sin cambiar las tem-
y la temperatura máxima en el ciclo es 2 100 K. Suponiendo peraturas mínima y máxima del ciclo. Determine el cambio en
que el motor opera en el ciclo ideal de Otto, determine a) la a) la producción neta de trabajo por unidad de masa y b) la
cantidad de calor suministrado por cilindro, b) la eficiencia eficiencia térmica del ciclo como resultado de esta modifica-
térmica y c) el número de revoluciones por minuto necesario ción. Suponga calores específicos variables para el aire.
para una producción neta de potencia de 45 kW. Suponga Respuestas: a) 41.5 kJ/kg, b) 10.6 por ciento
calores específicos variables para el aire. 9-21
9-174 Repita el problema 9-173 usando calores específicos
9-35 The two isentropic processes in an Otto cycle are replaced with polytropic processes. The heat added to and rejected
9-165 Reconsidere el problema 9-164. Usando soft- constantes a temperatura ambiente. from this cycle, and the cycle’s thermal efficiency are to be determined.
ware EES (u otro), estudie el efecto de variar la
9-175 Un ciclo de turbina de gas con regeneración opera Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
relación de compresión de 5 a 11 sobre el trabajo neto reali-
con dos etapas de compresión y dos etapas de expansión. La an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
zado y la eficiencia del ciclo. Trace los diagramas P-v y T-s
relación de presiones a través de cada etapa de compresor y Properties The properties of air at room temperature are R = 0.287 kPa·m3/kg·K, cp = 1.005 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.718 kJ/kg·K,
para el ciclo, y explique los resultados.
de turbina es 4. El aire entra a cada etapa del compresor a and k = 1.4 (Table A-2a).
9-166 Un ciclo ideal de Carnot de gas usa helio como fluido 300 K, y a cada etapa de la turbina a 1.400 K. Las eficiencias
Analysis The temperature at the end of the compression is
de trabajo y rechaza calor a un lago a 15 °C. Determine la de compresor y de turbina son 78 y 86 por ciento, respecti-
n −1 P
relación de presiones y la relación de compresión para el pro- vamente, y la efectividad del regenerador es 75 por ciento. ⎛v ⎞ 3
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = T1 r n −1 = (288 K)(8)1.3−1 = 537.4 K
ceso isentrópico de compresión y la temperatura mínima de Determine la relación del trabajo de retroceso y la eficiencia ⎝v2 ⎠
la fuente de calor para que este ciclo tenga una eficiencia tér- térmica del ciclo, suponiendo calores específicos constantes 4
mica de 50 por ciento. Respuestas: 5.65, 2.83, 576 K para el aire a temperatura ambiente. And the temperature at the end of the expansion is 2
Respuestas: 0.475, 45.1 por ciento n −1 n −1 1.3−1
9-167E Repita el problema 9-166 cuando el lago está a 60 ⎛v ⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞
T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜ ⎟ = (1473 K)⎜ ⎟ = 789.4 K v
°F y la eficiencia del ciclo de Carnot debe ser 60 por ciento. 9-176 Reconsidere el problema 9-175. Usando soft- ⎝v 4 ⎠ ⎝r⎠ ⎝8⎠
ware EES (u otro), estudie los efectos de variar
9-168 Un combustible típico de hidrocarburos produce The integral of the work expression for the polytropic compression gives
las eficiencias isentrópicas para el compresor y la turbina y la
43,000 kJ/kg de calor cuando se usa en un motor de ignición
efectividad del regenerador sobre el trabajo neto realizado y el RT1 ⎡⎛ v 1 ⎤ (0.287 kJ/kg ⋅ K)(288 K)
n −1
por chispa. Determine la relación de compresión que se nece- ⎞
calor suministrado al ciclo para el caso de calores específicos w1− 2 = ⎢⎜
⎟⎟ − 1⎥ = (81.3−1 − 1) = 238.6 kJ/kg
sita para que un ciclo ideal de Otto use 0.035 gramos de com- n − 1 ⎢⎜⎝ v 2 ⎠ ⎥ 1.3 − 1
variables. Suponga que las eficiencias isentrópicas y la efecti- ⎣ ⎦
bustible para producir 1 kJ de trabajo. Use calores específicos
vidad varían de 70 a 90 por ciento. Trace el diagrama T-s para Similarly, the work produced during the expansion is
constantes a temperatura ambiente. Respuesta: 15.3
el ciclo.
RT3 ⎡⎛ v 3 ⎤
n −1
(0.287 kJ/kg ⋅ K)(1473 K) ⎡⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎤
9-169 Un ciclo ideal de Otto tiene una relación de compre- ⎞
9-177 Repita el problema 9-175 usando helio como fluido w3 − 4 = − ⎢⎜ ⎟⎟ − 1⎥ = − ⎢⎜ ⎟ − 1⎥ = 654.0 kJ/kg
sión de 9.2 y usa aire como fluido de trabajo. Al inicio del n − 1 ⎢⎜⎝ v 4 ⎠ ⎥ 1.3 − 1 ⎣⎢⎝ 8 ⎠ ⎦⎥
de trabajo. ⎣ ⎦
proceso de compresión, el aire está a 98 kPa y 27 °C. La pre-
sión se duplica durante el proceso de adición de calor a volu- Application of the first law to each of the four processes gives
9-178 Considere un ciclo ideal de turbina de gas con una
men constante. Tomando en cuenta la variación de los calores etapa de compresión y dos etapas de expansión y regenera- q1− 2 = w1− 2 − cv (T2 − T1 ) = 238.6 kJ/kg − (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(537.4 − 288)K = 59.53 kJ/kg
específicos con la temperatura, determine a) la cantidad de ción. La relación de presiones a través de cada etapa de tur-
q 2−3 = cv (T3 − T2 ) = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1473 − 537.4)K = 671.8 kJ/kg
calor que se transfiere al aire, b) la producción neta de trabajo, bina es la misma. Los gases de escape de la turbina de alta
c) la eficiencia térmica y d) la presión media efectiva para el presión entran al regenerador y luego entran a la turbina de q 3− 4 = w3− 4 − cv (T3 − T4 ) = 654.0 kJ/kg − (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1473 − 789.4)K = 163.2 kJ/kg
ciclo. baja presión para expansión a la presión de entrada del com-
q 4−1 = cv (T4 − T1 ) = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(789.4 − 288)K = 360.0 kJ/kg
presor. Determine la eficiencia térmica de este ciclo como
9-170 Repita el problema 9-169 usando calores específicos
función de la relación de compresión del compresor y la rela- The head added and rejected from the cycle are
constantes a temperatura ambiente.
ción de temperatura de entrada a la turbina de alta presión a q in = q 2 −3 + q 3− 4 = 671.8 + 163.2 = 835.0 kJ/kg
9-171E Un ciclo dual ideal tiene una relación de compresión la temperatura de entrada al compresor. Compare su resultado
q out = q1− 2 + q 4 −1 = 59.53 + 360.0 = 419.5 kJ/kg
de 14 y usa aire como fluido de trabajo. Al principio del pro- con la eficiencia del ciclo regenerativo estándar.
ceso de compresión, el aire está a 14.7 psia y 120 °F, y ocupa The thermal efficiency of this cycle is then
un volumen de 98 pulg3. Durante el proceso de adición de 9-179 Una planta de turbina de gas opera en el ciclo Brayton
regenerativo con dos etapas de recalentamiento y dos etapas de q out 419.5
calor, se transfieren al aire 0.6 Btu de calor a volumen cons- η th = 1 − = 1− = 0.498
interenfriamiento entre los límites de presión de 100 y 1 200 q in 835.0
tante y 1.1 Btu a presión constante. Usando calores específi-
cos constantes evaluados a temperatura ambiente, determine kPa. El fluido de trabajo es aire. El aire entra a la primera y a
la eficiencia térmica del ciclo. la segunda etapas del compresor a 300 K y 350 K, respectiva-
mente, y a la primera y segunda etapas de la turbina, a 1 400
9-172 Considere un ciclo Stirling ideal usando aire como K y 1.300 K, respectivamente. Suponiendo que tanto el com-
fluido de trabajo. El aire está a 350 K y 200 kPa al princi- presor como la turbina tienen una eficiencia isentrópica de 80
pio del proceso de compresión isotérmica, y se agrega calor al por ciento y que el regenerador tiene una efectividad de 75 por
aire desde una fuente a 1.800 K en la cantidad de 900 kJ/kg. ciento, y usando calores específicos variables, determine a) la
Determine a) la presión máxima en el ciclo y b) la producción relación del trabajo de retroceso y la producción neta de traba-
neta de trabajo por unidad de masa de aire. jo, b) la eficiencia térmica y c) la eficiencia según la segunda
Respuestas: a) 5.873 kPa, b) 725 kJ/kg ley del ciclo. También determine d) las exergías en las sali-

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

9-52E An ideal diesel cycle has a a cutoff ratio of 1.4. The power produced is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
Properties The properties of air at room temperature are R = 0.3704 psia·ft3/lbm.R (Table A-1E), cp = 0.240 Btu/lbm·R,
cv = 0.171 Btu/lbm·R, and k = 1.4 (Table A-2Ea).
Analysis The specific volume of the air at the start of the compression is
qin 9-69 The five processes of the dual cycle is described. The P-v and T-s diagrams for this cycle is to be sketched. An
P 2 3
RT1 (0.3704 psia ⋅ ft 3 /lbm ⋅ R )(510 R) expression for the cycle thermal efficiency is to be obtained and the limit of the efficiency is to be evaluated for certain
v1 = = = 13.12 ft 3 /lbm
P1 14.4 psia cases.
qout Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
The total air mass taken by all 8 cylinders when they are charged is
1 an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
∆V πB 2 S / 4 π (4 / 12 ft) 2 (4 / 12 ft)/4 Analysis (a) The P-v and T-s diagrams for this cycle are as shown.
m = N cyl = N cyl = (8) = 0.01774 lbm
v1 v1 13.12 ft 3 /lbm v
The rate at which air is processed by the engine is determined from
T 3
P 3 4
mn& (0.01774 lbm/cycle)(1800/60 rev/s)
m& = = = 0.2661 lbm/s = 958.0 lbm/h 5
N rev 2 rev/cycle qin 2
2 5
since there are two revolutions per cycle in a four-stroke engine. The compression ratio is qout
1 1
r= = 22.22 1
0.045 v s
At the end of the compression, the air temperature is (b) Apply first law to the closed system for processes 2-3, 3-4, and 5-1 to show:
T2 = T1 r k −1 = (510 R)(22.22)1.4 −1 = 1763 R qin = Cv (T3 − T2 ) + C p (T4 − T3 )
Application of the first law and work integral to the constant pressure heat addition gives qout = Cv (T5 − T1 )
q in = c p (T3 − T2 ) = (0.240 Btu/lbm ⋅ R )(2760 − 1763)R = 239.3 Btu/lbm
The cycle thermal efficiency is given by

Cv (T5 − T1 ) T1 (T5 / T1 − 1)
while the thermal efficiency is
ηth = 1 − = 1− = 1−
η th = 1 −
1 rck − 1
= 1−
1 1.41.4 − 1
= 0.6892 qin Cv (T3 − T2 ) + C p (T4 − T3 ) T2 (T3 / T2 − 1) + kT3 (T4 / T3 − 1)
r k −1 k (rc − 1) 22.221.4−1 1.4(1.4 − 1)
ηth = 1 −
(T5 / T1 − 1)
The power produced by this engine is then
T2 T
W& net = m& w net = m& η th q in
(T3 / T2 − 1) + k 3 (T4 / T3 − 1)
T1 T1
⎛ 1 hp ⎞
= (958.0 lbm/h)(0.6892)(239.3 Btu/lbm)⎜ ⎟ Process 1-2 is isentropic; therefore,
⎝ 2544.5 Btu/h ⎠
k −1
= 62.1 hp T2 ⎛ V1 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ = r k −1
T1 ⎝ V2 ⎠
The ratio T3/T1 is found from the following.
T3 T3 T2
= = rp r k −1
Process 2-3 is constant volume; therefore,
T1 T2 T1
The efficiency becomes = 3 3 = 3 = rp
r r −1
k T2 PV
2 2 P2
ηth = 1 − c p

( ) (
r k −1 rp − 1 + krp r k −1 rc − 1 ) Process 3-4 is constant pressure; therefore,
(c) In the limit as rp approaches unity, the cycle thermal efficiency becomes PV PV T V
4 4
= 3 3 ⇒ 4 = 4 = rc
⎪⎧ rck rp − 1 ⎫⎪ T4 T3 T3 V3
limηth = 1 − ⎨lim k −1 ⎬
rp →1
rp →1 r
( ) (
rp − 1 + krp r k −1 rc − 1 ⎪⎭ ) Process 4-5 is isentropic; therefore,
1 ⎡ r k −1 ⎤ k −1 k −1 k −1 k −1
limηth = 1 − k −1 ⎢ c ⎥ =η k −1
rp →1
r ⎢ k rc − 1 ⎥ th Diesel) T5 ⎛ V4 ⎞ ⎛V ⎞ ⎛ rV ⎞ ⎛ rV ⎞ ⎛r ⎞
⎣ ⎦ =⎜ ⎟ =⎜ 4 ⎟ =⎜ c 3 ⎟ =⎜ c 2 ⎟ =⎜ c ⎟
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The(d)McGraw-Hill In the limit as Companies,
rc approachesInc. Limited
unity, distribution
the cycle permitted
thermal efficiency only to teachers and educators for course
becomes T4 ⎝ V5 ⎠ ⎝ V1 ⎠ ⎝ V1 ⎠ ⎝ V1 ⎠ ⎝r⎠
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
⎧⎪ rck rp − 1 ⎫⎪ ⎧⎪ r − 1 ⎫⎪ Process 5-1 is constant volume; however T5/T1 is found from the following.
limηth = 1 − ⎨lim k −1 ⎬ = 1 − ⎨ k −1

rc →1
rp →1 r
( rp − 1) + krp r k −1
( rc − 1) ⎪⎭ ⎩⎪ r ( rp − 1) ⎭⎪ k −1
T5 T5 T4 T3 T2 ⎛ rc ⎞
limηth = 1 − k −1 = ηth Otto = =⎜ ⎟ rc rp r k −1 = rck rp
rc →1 r T1 T4 T3 T2 T1 ⎝ r ⎠

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

9-65 A six-cylinder compression ignition engine operates on the ideal Diesel cycle. The maximum temperature in the cycle,
the cutoff ratio, the net work output per cycle, the thermal efficiency, the mean effective pressure, the net power output, and
the specific fuel consumption are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
Properties The properties of air at 850 K are cp = 1.110 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.823 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and k = 1.349
(Table A-2b).
Analysis (a) Process 1-2: Isentropic compression
k −1 Qin
⎛v ⎞
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (340 K )(19)1.349-1 = 950.1 K
⎝v2 ⎠ 2 3
⎛v ⎞
P2 = P1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (95 kPa )(19)1.349 = 5044 kPa
⎝v2 ⎠
The clearance volume and the total volume of the engine at the
beginning of compression process (state 1) are 4 9-49

3 Qout Process 3-4: isentropic expansion.

Vc +Vd V + 0.0045 m
r= ⎯→ 19 = c
⎯ k −1 1.349 -1
Vc Vc 1 ⎛V ⎞ ⎛ 0.0004199 m 3 ⎞
3 T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = (2244 K )⎜⎜ ⎟
⎟ = 1084 K
V c = 0.0001778 m ⎝V 4 ⎠ ⎝ 0.003378 m

k 1.349
V1 = V c + V d = 0.0001778 + 0.0032 = 0.003378 m 3 ⎛V ⎞ ⎛ 0.0004199 m 3 ⎞
P4 = P3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = (5044 kPa )⎜ ⎟ = 302.9 kPa
⎜ 0.003378 m 3 ⎟
The total mass contained in the cylinder is ⎝V 4 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
Process 4-1: constant voume heat rejection.
P1V1 (95 kPa)(0.003378 m 3 )
m= = = 0.003288 kg
RT1 (
0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K (340 K ) ) Qout = mcv (T4 − T1 ) = (0.003288 kg)(0.823 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1084 − 340 )K = 2.013 kJ

The mass of fuel burned during one cycle is The net work output and the thermal efficiency are

ma m − mf (0.003288 kg) − m f W net,out = Qin − Qout = 4.723 − 2.013 = 2.710 kJ

AF = = ⎯
⎯→ 28 = ⎯
⎯→ m f = 0.0001134 kg
mf mf mf Wnet,out 2.710 kJ
η th = = = 0.5737 = 57.4%
Process 2-3: constant pressure heat addition Qin 4.723 kJ

Qin = m f q HVη c = (0.0001134 kg)(42,500 kJ/kg)(0.9 8) = 4.723 kJ (c) The mean effective pressure is determined to be

Wnet,out 2.710 kJ ⎛ kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎞

Qin = mcv (T3 − T2 ) ⎯
⎯→ 4.723 kJ = (0.003288 kg)(0.823 kJ/kg.K)(T3 − 950.1)K ⎯
⎯→ T3 = 2244 K MEP = = ⎜ ⎟ = 847 kPa
V1 − V 2 (0.003378 − 0.0001778)m 3 ⎜⎝ kJ ⎟⎠
The cutoff ratio is
(d) The power for engine speed of 1750 rpm is
T3 2244 K
β= = = 2.362
T2 950.1 K n& 1750 (rev/min) ⎛ 1 min ⎞
W& net = Wnet = (2.710 kJ/cycle) ⎜ ⎟ = 39.5 kW
2 (2 rev/cycle) ⎝ 60 s ⎠
V1 0.003378 m 3
(b) V2 = = = 0.0001778 m 3 Note that there are two revolutions in one cycle in four-stroke engines.
r 19
(e) Finally, the specific fuel consumption is
V 3 = βV 2 = (2.362)(0.0001778 m 3 ) = 0.0004199 m 3
V 4 = V1 mf 0.0001134 kg ⎛ 1000 g ⎞⎛ 3600 kJ ⎞
sfc = = ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 151 g/kWh
P3 = P2 Wnet 2.710 kJ/kg ⎜⎝ 1 kg ⎟⎠⎝ 1 kWh ⎠

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

9-62 An ideal dual cycle has a compression ratio of 18 and cutoff ratio of 1.1. The power produced by the cycle is to be
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
Properties The properties of air at room temperature are cp = 1.005 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.718 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and
k = 1.4 (Table A-2a).
Analysis We begin by fixing the temperatures at all states.
k −1
⎛v ⎞ P x 3
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = T1 r k −1 = (291 K)(18)1.4−1 = 924.7 K 9-43
⎝v2 ⎠ qin
2 4 9-60 A four-cylinder ideal diesel engine with air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 22 and a cutoff ratio of
⎛v ⎞ qout 1.8. The power the engine will deliver at 2300 rpm is to be determined.
P2 = P1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = P1 r k = (90 kPa)(18)1.4 = 5148 kPa
⎝v 2 ⎠ Assumptions 1 The cold air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3
Air is an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
Px = P3 = r p P2 = (1.1)(5148 kPa) = 5663 kPa v
Properties The properties of air at room temperature are cp = 1.005 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.718 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and
k = 1.4 (Table A-2).
⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 5663 kPa ⎞
T x = T2 ⎜⎜ x ⎟⎟ = (924.7 K)⎜ ⎟ = 1017 K Analysis Process 1-2: isentropic compression.
⎝ P2 ⎠ ⎝ 5148 kPa ⎠ P
k −1 Qin
T3 = rc T x = (1.1)(1017 K) = 1119 K ⎛V ⎞ 2 3
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (343 K )(22) 0.4
= 1181 K
k −1 k −1 1.4 −1
⎝V 2 ⎠
⎛v ⎞ ⎛r ⎞ ⎛ 1.1 ⎞
T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜⎜ c ⎟⎟ = (1119 K)⎜ ⎟ = 365.8 K Process 2-3: P = constant heat addition. 4
⎝v 4 ⎠ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎝ 18 ⎠ Qout
P3v 3 P2v 2 v
Applying the first law to each of the processes gives = ⎯→ T3 = 3 T2 = 1.8T2 = (1.8)(1181 K ) = 2126 K
⎯ 1
T3 T2 v2
w1− 2 = cv (T2 − T1 ) = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(924.7 − 291)K = 455.0 kJ/kg v
Process 3-4: isentropic expansion.
q x −3 = c p (T3 − T x ) = (1.005 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1119 − 1017)K = 102.5 kJ/kg k −1 k −1 k −1 0.4
⎛V ⎞ ⎛ 2.2V 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2.2 ⎞ ⎛ 1.8 ⎞
T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜ ⎟ = (2216 K )⎜ ⎟ = 781 K
w x −3 = q x −3 − cv (T3 − T x ) = 102.5 − (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1119 − 1017)K = 29.26 kJ/kg ⎝V 4 ⎠ ⎝ V4 ⎠ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎝ 22 ⎠
w3− 4 = cv (T3 − T4 ) = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1119 − 365.8)K = 540.8 kJ/kg P1V1 (97 kPa )(0.0020 m 3 )
m= = = 0.001971 kg
RT1 (0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K )(343 K )
The net work of the cycle is
wnet = w3− 4 + w x −3 − w1− 2 = 540.8 + 29.26 − 455.0 = 115.1 kJ/kg Qin = m(h3 − h2 ) = mc p (T3 − T2 )
= (0.001971 kg)(1.005 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(2216 − 1181)K = 1.871 kJ
The mass in the device is given by
Qout = m(u 4 − u1 ) = mcv (T4 − T1 )
P1V1 (90 kPa)(0.003 m 3 ) = (0.001971 kg )(0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(781 − 343)K = 0.6198 kJ
m= = = 0.003233 kg
RT1 (0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K )(291 K) Wnet,out = Qin − Qout = 1.871 − 0.6198 = 1.251 kJ/rev
The net power produced by this engine is then W& net,out = n& Wnet,out = (2300/60 rev/s)(1.251 kJ/rev) = 48.0 kW
W& net = mwnet n& = (0.003233 kg/cycle)(115.1 kJ/kg)(4000/60 cycle/s) = 24.8 kW Discussion Note that for 2-stroke engines, 1 thermodynamic cycle is equivalent to 1 mechanical cycle (and thus

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
9-58 A diesel engine with air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 20. The thermal efficiency and the mean
effective pressure are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
Properties The properties of air at room temperature are cp = 1.005 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.718 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and
k = 1.4 (Table A-2).
Analysis (a) Process 1-2: isentropic compression. P
k −1 2 3
⎛V ⎞
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (293 K )(20) 0.4
= 971.1 K Polytropic
⎝V 2 ⎠
Process 2-3: P = constant heat addition. 4
P3V 3 P2V 2 V T 2200 K qout
= ⎯→ 3 = 3 =
⎯ = 2.265 1
T3 T2 V 2 T2 971.1 K
Process 3-4: polytropic expansion. v
n −1 n −1 n −1 0.35
⎛V ⎞ ⎛ 2.265V 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2.265 ⎞ ⎛ 2.265 ⎞ 9-38
T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜ ⎟ = (2200 K )⎜ ⎟ = 1026 K
⎝V 4 ⎠ ⎝ V4 ⎠ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎝ 20 ⎠ 9-57 An ideal diesel engine with air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 20. The thermal efficiency and the
mean effective pressure are to be determined.
q in = h3 − h2 = c p (T3 − T2 ) = (1.005 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(2200 − 971.1) K = 1235 kJ/kg
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
q out = u 4 − u1 = cv (T4 − T1 ) = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1026 − 293) K = 526.3 kJ/kg an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
Note that qout in this case does not represent the entire heat rejected since some heat is also rejected during the polytropic Properties The properties of air at room temperature are cp = 1.005 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.718 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and
process, which is determined from an energy balance on process 3-4: k = 1.4 (Table A-2).
R(T4 − T3 ) (0.287 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1026 − 2200) K
w34,out = = = 963 kJ/kg Analysis (a) Process 1-2: isentropic compression. P
1− n 1 − 1.35 qin
k −1 2 3
E in − E out = ∆E system ⎛V ⎞
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (293 K )(20) 0.4
= 971.1 K
⎯→ q 34,in = w34,out + cv (T4 − T3 )
q 34,in − w34,out = u 4 − u 3 ⎯ ⎝V 2 ⎠
= 963 kJ/kg + (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1026 − 2200) K Process 2-3: P = constant heat addition. 4
= 120.1 kJ/kg
P3V 3 P2V 2 V T 2200K 1
which means that 120.1 kJ/kg of heat is transferred to the combustion gases during the expansion process. This is = ⎯→ 3 = 3 =
⎯ = 2.265
T3 T2 V 2 T2 971.1K
unrealistic since the gas is at a much higher temperature than the surroundings, and a hot gas loses heat during polytropic v
expansion. The cause of this unrealistic result is the constant specific heat assumption. If we were to use u data from the Process 3-4: isentropic expansion.
air table, we would obtain
k −1 k −1 k −1 0.4
q 34,in = w34,out + (u 4 − u 3 ) = 963 + (781.3 − 1872 .4) = −128.1 kJ/kg ⎛V
T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3

⎛ 2.265V 2
= T3 ⎜⎜

⎛ 2.265 ⎞
= T3 ⎜ ⎟
⎛ 2.265 ⎞
= (2200 K )⎜ ⎟ = 920.6 K
which is a heat loss as expected. Then qout becomes ⎝V 4 ⎠ ⎝ V4 ⎠ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎝ 20 ⎠

q out = q 34,out + q 41,out = 128.1 + 526.3 = 654.4 kJ/kg q in = h3 − h2 = c p (T3 − T2 ) = (1.005 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(2200 − 971.1)K = 1235 kJ/kg

and q out = u 4 − u1 = cv (T4 − T1 ) = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(920.6 − 293)K = 450.6 kJ/kg

w net,out = q in − q out = 1235 − 654.4 = 580.6 kJ/kg wnet,out = q in − q out = 1235 − 450.6 = 784.4 kJ/kg
w net,out 580.6 kJ/kg wnet,out 784.4 kJ/kg
η th = = = 47.0% η th = = = 63.5%
q in 1235 kJ/kg q in 1235 kJ/kg

(b) v1 =
0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K (293 K ) )
= 0.885 m 3 /kg = v max RT1 (
0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K (293 K ) )
P1 95 kPa (b) v1 = = = 0.885 m 3 /kg = v max
P1 95 kPa
v max v max
v min = v 2 = v min = v 2 =
r r
wnet,out wnet,out 580.6 kJ/kg ⎛ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎞ wnet,out wnet,out ⎛ kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎞
MEP = = = ⎜ ⎟ = 691 kPa 784.4 kJ/kg
v1 −v 2 v 1 (1 − 1 / r ) (0.885 m /kg )(1 − 1/20) ⎜⎝
3 kJ ⎟

v1 −v 2
v 1 (1 − 1 / r )
(0.885 m /kg )(1 − 1/20) ⎜⎝

⎟ = 933 kPa

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
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9-53 An ideal dual cycle has a compression ratio of 14 and cutoff ratio of 1.2. The thermal efficiency, amount of heat
9-36 added, and the maximum gas pressure and temperature are to be determined.
9-55E An air-standard Diesel cycle with a compression ratio of 18.2 is considered. The cutoff ratio, the heat rejection per Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
unit mass, and the thermal efficiency are to be determined. an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is Properties The properties of air at room temperature are cp = 1.005 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.718 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and
an ideal gas with variable specific heats. k = 1.4 (Table A-2a).
Properties The properties of air are given in Table A-17E. Analysis The specific volume of the air at the start of the compression is
qin P x 3
Analysis (a) Process 1-2: isentropic compression. 2 3 3000 R RT1 (0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K )(293 K)
v1 = = = 1.051 m 3 /kg
u1 = 92.04 Btu/lbm P1 80 kPa qin
T1 = 540 R ⎯
⎯→ 2 4
v r1 = 144.32 4 qout
9-32 and the specific volume at the end of the compression is
Diesel Cycle v 2 1 1 T = 1623.6 R 1 v1 3
v r2 = v r1 = v r1 = (144.32) = 7.93 ⎯⎯→ 2 v2 = =
1.051 m /kg
= 0.07508 m 3 /kg
v1 r 18.2 h2 = 402.05 Btu/lbm v r 14 v
9-46C A diesel engine differs from the gasoline engine in the way combustion is initiated. In diesel engines combustion is
initiated2-3: P = constant
by compressing theheat addition.
air above the self-ignition temperature of the fuel whereas it is initiated by a spark plug in a
The pressure at the end of the compression is
gasoline engine. k
P3v 3 P2v 2 v T 3000 R ⎛v ⎞
= ⎯→ 3 = 3 =
⎯ = 1.848 P2 = P1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = P1 r k = (80 kPa)(14)1.4 = 3219 kPa
T3 T2 v 2 T2 1623.6 R
⎝v 2 ⎠
h3 = 790.68 Btu/lbm and the maximum pressure is
(b)9-47C The
T3 =Diesel
R ⎯ differs
⎯→ from the Otto cycle in the heat addition process only; it takes place at constant volume in
the Otto cycle, v r3 = 1in
but at constant pressure .180
the Diesel cycle.
Px = P3 = r p P2 = (1.5)(3219 kPa) = 4829 kPa
q in = h3 − h2 = 790.68 − 402.05 = 388.63 Btu/lbm
The temperature at the end of the compression is
Process 3-4: isentropic expansion.
9-48C The gasoline engine. k −1
⎛v ⎞
v v4 r 18.2 T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = T1 r k −1 = (293 K)(14)1.4 −1 = 842.0 K
v r4 = 4 v r3 = vr = vr = (1.180) = 11.621 ⎯⎯→ u 4 = 250.91 Btu/lbm ⎝v2 ⎠
v3 1.848v 2 3 1.848 3 1.848
9-49C 4-1:
Process Diesel
v =engines operate
constant heatatrejection.
high compression ratios because the diesel engines do not have the engine knock problem. ⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 4829 kPa ⎞
and T x = T2 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = (842.0 K)⎜ ⎟ = 1263 K
q out = u 4 − u1 = 250.91 − 92.04 = 158.87 Btu/lbm ⎝ P2 ⎠ ⎝ 3219 kPa ⎠

q 158.87 Btu/lbm From the definition of cutoff ratio

(c)9-50C Cutoff 1 − isout
η th =ratio the=ratio
1 − of the cylinder volumes
= 59.1%
after and before the combustion process. As the cutoff ratio
q in of the388.63
decreases, the efficiency Btu/lbm
diesel cycle increases. v 3 = rcv x = rcv 2 = (1.2)(0.07508 m 3 /kg) = 0.09010 m 3 /kg
The remaining state temperatures are then
⎛v ⎞
⎟ = (1263 K)⎜⎛
0.09010 ⎞
T3 = T x ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟ ⎟ = 1516 K
9-51 An ideal diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 20 and a cutoff ratio of 1.3. The maximum temperature of the air and ⎝v x ⎠ ⎝ 0.07508 ⎠
the rate of heat addition are to be determined. k −1 1.4 −1
⎛v ⎞ ⎛ 0.09010 ⎞
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = (1516 K)⎜ ⎟ = 567.5 K
an ideal gas with constant specific heats. ⎝v 4 ⎠ ⎝ 1.051 ⎠
Properties The properties of air at room temperature are cp = 1.005 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.718 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and
k = 1.4 (Table A-2a). Applying the first law and work expression to the heat addition processes gives
Analysis We begin by using the process types to fix the temperatures of the states. qin q in = cv (T x − T2 ) + c p (T3 − T x )
P 2 3
⎛v ⎞
k −1
= (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1263 − 842.0)K + (1.005 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1516 − 1263)K
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = T1 r k −1
= (288 K)(20)
1.4 −1
= 954.6 K
⎝v 2 ⎠ 4 = 556.5 kJ/kg
⎛v ⎞ 1 The heat rejected is
T3 = T2 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = T2 rc = (954.6 K)(1.3) = 1241 K
⎝v 2 ⎠ q out = cv (T4 − T1 ) = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(567.5 − 293)K = 197.1 kJ/kg
Combining the first law as applied to the various processes with the process equations gives
q out 197.1 kJ/kg
1 rck − 1 1 1.31.4 − 1 Then, η th = 1 − = 1− = 0.646
η th = 1 − = 1 − 1.4−1 = 0.6812 q in 556.5 kJ/kg
r k −1 k (rc − 1) 20 1.4(1.3 − 1)

According to the definition of the thermal efficiency,

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
W& 250 kW
Q& in = net = = 367 kW preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
η th 0.6812
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
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PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
9-43 A gasoline engine operates on an Otto cycle. The compression and expansion processes are modeled as polytropic. (d) The clearance volume and the total volume of the engine at the beginning of compression process (state 1) are
The temperature at the end of expansion process, the net work output, the thermal efficiency, the mean effective pressure,
the engine speed for a given net power, and the specific fuel consumption are to be determined. Vc +Vd V + 0.0016 m 3
r= ⎯→11 = c
⎯ ⎯→V c = 0.00016 m 3

Vc Vc
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
an ideal gas with constant specific heats. V1 = V c + V d = 0.00016 + 0.0016 = 0.00176 m 3
Properties The properties of air at 850 K are cp = 1.110 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.823 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and k = 1.349 The total mass contained in the cylinder is
(Table A-2b).
P1V1 (100 kPa)/0.00176 m 3 )
mt = = = 0.001978 kg
Analysis (a) Process 1-2: polytropic compression P RT1 ( )
0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K (310 K )
n −1
⎛v ⎞ The engine speed for a net power output of 50 kW is
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (310 K )(11)1.3-1 = 636.5 K
⎝v2 ⎠ Qin n& = 2
W& net
= (2 rev/cycle)
50 kJ/s ⎛ 60 s ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = 3820 rev/min
n mt wnet (0.001978 kg)(794 kJ/kg ⋅ cycle) ⎝ 1 min ⎠
⎛v ⎞
P2 = P1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (100 kPa )(11)1.3 = 2258 kPa Note that there are two revolutions in one cycle in four-stroke engines.
⎝v2 ⎠
4 (e) The mass of fuel burned during one cycle is
R (T2 − T1 ) (0.287 kJ/kg ⋅ K)(636.5 − 310)K 2
w12 = = = −312.3 kJ/kg Qout m a mt − m f (0.001978 kg) − m f
1− n 1 − 1.3 AF = = ⎯
⎯→16 = ⎯
⎯→ m f = 0.0001164 kg
mf mf mf
Process 2-3: constant volume heat addition
Finally, the specific fuel consumption is
⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 8000 kPa ⎞
T3 = T2 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = (636.5 K )⎜ ⎟ = 2255 K sfc =
0.0001164 kg ⎛ 1000 g ⎞⎛ 3600 kJ ⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 267 g/kWh
⎝ P2 ⎠ ⎝ 2258 kPa ⎠ mt wnet (0.001978 kg)(794 kJ/kg) ⎜⎝ 1 kg ⎟⎠⎝ 1 kWh ⎠

q in = u 3 − u 2 = cv (T3 − T2 )
= (0.823 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(2255 − 636.5)K = 1332 kJ/kg

Process 3-4: polytropic expansion. 9-27

n −1 1.3-1 9-41E An ideal Otto cycle with air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 8. The amount of heat transferred to the
⎛v ⎞ ⎛1⎞
T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = (2255 K )⎜ ⎟ = 1098 K air during the heat addition process, the thermal efficiency, and the thermal efficiency of a Carnot cycle operating between
⎝v4 ⎠ ⎝ 11 ⎠ the same temperature limits are to be determined.

⎛v ⎞
n 1.3 Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and
P4 = P3 ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ = (8000 kPa )⎜ ⎟ = 354.2 kPa potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is an ideal gas with variable P
⎝ v1 ⎠ ⎝ 11 ⎠ specific heats. 2400 R
R (T4 − T3 ) (0.287 kJ/kg ⋅ K)(1098 − 2255)K Properties The properties of air are given in Table A-17E.
w34 = = = 1106 kJ/kg qin
1− n 1 − 1.3 Analysis (a) Process 1-2: isentropic compression. 4
Process 4-1: constant volume heat rejection. 2
u1 = 92.04Btu/lbm 1 540 R
T1 = 540R ⎯
(b) The net work output and the thermal efficiency are v r1 = 144.32
wnet,out = w34 − w12 = 1106 − 312.3 = 794 kJ/kg
v 1 1
v r2 = 2 v r2 = v r 2 = (144.32 ) = 18.04 ⎯
⎯→ u 2 = 211.28 Btu/lbm
wnet,out 794 kJ/kg v1 r 8
η th = = = 0.596 = 59.6%
q in 1332 kJ/kg Process 2-3: v = constant heat addition.
(c) The mean effective pressure is determined as follows u 3 = 452.70 Btu/lbm
T3 = 2400R ⎯
v1 = 1 =
0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K (310 K ) )
= 0.8897 m 3 /kg = v max
v r3 = 2.419
P1 100 kPa q in = u 3 − u 2 = 452.70 − 211.28 = 241.42 Btu/lbm
v max
v min = v 2 = (b) Process 3-4: isentropic expansion.
r PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are v
a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

= =
794 kJ/kg ⎛ kPa ⋅ m 3

⎟ = 982 kPa ( )( )
v r4 = 4 v r3 = rv r3 = 8 2.419 = 19.35 ⎯⎯→ u 4 = 205.54 Btu/lbm
v 1 − v 2 v 1 (1 − 1 / r ) 0.8897 m 3 /kg (1 − 1/11) ⎜⎝ kJ ) ⎟

Process 4-1: v = constant heat rejection.
q out = u 4 − u1 = 205.54 − 92.04 = 113.50 Btu/lbm

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course q out 113.50 Btu/lbm
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. η th = 1 − = 1− = 53.0%
q in 241.42 Btu/lbm

(c) The thermal efficiency of a Carnot cycle operating between the same temperature limits is
T 540 R
η th,C = 1 − L = 1 − = 77.5%
TH 2400 R

9-38E An Otto cycle with non-isentropic compression and expansion processes is considered. The thermal efficiency, the
heat addition, and the mean effective pressure are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
Properties The properties of air at room temperature are R = 0.3704 psia·ft3/lbm.R (Table A-1E), cp = 0.240 Btu/lbm·R,
cv = 0.171 Btu/lbm·R, and k = 1.4 (Table A-2Ea).
Analysis We begin by determining the temperatures of the cycle
states using the process equations and component efficiencies. The P
ideal temperature at the end of the compression is then
9-25 k −1 qin 4
⎛v ⎞
9-39 An ideal Otto cycle with air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 9.5. The highest pressure and temperature T2 s = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = T1 r k −1 = (520 R)(8)1.4 −1 = 1195 R qout
⎝v 2 ⎠ 1
in the cycle, the amount of heat transferred, the thermal efficiency, and the mean effective pressure are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is With the isentropic compression efficiency, the actual temperature at
an ideal gas with constant specific heats. the end of the compression is v
Properties The properties of air at room temperature are cp = 1.005 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.718 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and T −T T −T (1195 − 520) R
η = 2 s 1 ⎯⎯→ T2 = T1 + 2 s 1 = (520 R) + = 1314 R
k = 1.4 (Table A-2). T2 − T1 η 0.85
Analysis (a) Process 1-2: isentropic compression. Similarly for the expansion,
k −1 k −1 k −1 1.4 −1
⎛v ⎞ ⎛v ⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (308 K )(9.5)0.4 = 757.9 K 3
T4 s = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜ ⎟ = (2300 + 460 R)⎜ ⎟ = 1201 R
⎝v 2 ⎠ ⎝v 4 ⎠ ⎝r⎠ ⎝8⎠
P2v 2 P1v 1 v T ⎛ 757.9 K ⎞ Qin
= ⎯→ P2 = 1 2 P1 = (9.5)⎜⎜
⎯ ⎟⎟(100 kPa ) = 2338 kPa Qout 4 T3 − T4
T2 T1 v 2 T1 ⎝ 308 K ⎠ 2 η= ⎯→ T4 = T3 − η (T3 − T4 s ) = (2760 R) − (0.95)(2760 − 1201) R = 1279 R

1 T3 − T4 s
Process 3-4: isentropic expansion.
v The specific heat addition is that of process 2-3,
k −1
⎛v ⎞ q in = cv (T3 − T2 ) = (0.171 Btu/lbm ⋅ R )(2760 − 1314)R = 247.3 Btu/lbm
T3 = T4 ⎜⎜ 4 ⎟
⎟ = (800 K )(9.5) 0.4
= 1969 K
⎝v3 ⎠ The net work production is the difference between the work produced by the expansion and that used by the compression,
Process 2-3: v = constant heat addition. w net = cv (T3 − T4 ) − cv (T2 − T1 )
P3v 3 P2v 2 T ⎛ 1969 K ⎞ = (0.171 Btu/lbm ⋅ R )(2760 − 1279)R − (0.171 Btu/lbm ⋅ R )(1314 − 520)R
⎯→ P3 = 3 P2 = ⎜⎜

T2 ⎟⎟(2338 kPa ) = 6072 kPa = 117.5 Btu/lbm
⎝ 757.9 K ⎠

(100 kPa ) 0.0006 m 3 ( )
= 6.788 × 10 − 4 kg
The thermal efficiency of this cycle is then
RT1 (
0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K (308 K ) ) η th =
wnet 117.5 Btu/lbm
= = 0.475
q in 247.3 Btu/lbm
( )
Qin = m(u 3 − u 2 ) = mcv (T3 − T2 ) = 6.788 ×10 −4 kg (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1969 − 757.9)K = 0.590 kJ
At the beginning of compression, the maximum specific volume of this cycle is
(c) Process 4-1: v = constant heat rejection.
RT1 (0.3704 psia ⋅ ft 3 /lbm ⋅ R )(520 R)
( )
Qout = m(u 4 − u1 ) = mcv (T4 − T1 ) = − 6.788 ×10 −4 kg (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(800 − 308)K = 0.240 kJ
v1 =
13 psia
= 14.82 ft 3 /lbm

Wnet = Qin − Qout = 0.590 − 0.240 = 0.350 kJ while the minimum specific volume of the cycle occurs at the end of the compression

W net,out 0.350 kJ v1 14.82 ft 3 /lbm

η th = = = 59.4% v2 = = = 1.852 ft 3 /lbm
Qin 0.590 kJ r 8

V max The engine’s mean effective pressure is then

(d) V min = V 2 =
r wnet 117.5 Btu/lbm ⎛ 5.404 psia ⋅ ft 3 ⎞
MEP = = ⎜ ⎟ = 49.0 psia
W net,out W net,out ⎛ kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎞
MEP = = = ⎜
0.350 kJ
⎟ = 652 kPa v1 −v 2 (14.82 − 1.852) ft 3 /lbm ⎜⎝ 1 Btu ⎟

V1 −V 2 V1 (1 − 1 / r ) 0.0006 m 3 (1 − 1/9.5) ⎜⎝ kJ ) ⎟

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

9-158 A modern compression ignition engine operates on the ideal dual cycle. The maximum temperature in the cycle, the
net work output, the thermal efficiency, the mean effective pressure, the net power output, the second-law efficiency of the
cycle, and the rate of exergy of the exhaust gases are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
9-162 A turbocharged four-stroke V-16 diesel engine produces 3500 hp at 1200 rpm. The amount of power produced per an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
cylinder per mechanical and per thermodynamic cycle is to be determined. Properties The properties of air at 1000 K are cp = 1.142 kJ/kg·K, cv = 0.855 kJ/kg·K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K, and k = 1.336
Analysis Noting that there are 16 cylinders and each thermodynamic cycle corresponds to 2 mechanical cycles (Table A-2b).
(revolutions), we have Analysis (a) The clearance volume and the total volume of the engine at the beginning of compression process (state 1) are
(a) Vc +Vd V + 0.0018 m 3
r= ⎯→16 = c
⎯ ⎯→V c = 0.00012 m 3 = V 2 = V x

Total power produced Vc Vc
wmechanical =
(No. of cylinders)(No. of mechanical cycles)
V1 = V c + V d = 0.00012 + 0.0018 = 0.00192 m 3 = V 4
3500 hp ⎛ 42.41 Btu/min ⎞ P
= ⎜ ⎟⎟
(16 cylinders)(1200 rev/min) ⎜⎝ 1 hp ⎠
Process 1-2: Isentropic compression
k −1 x 3
= 7.73 Btu/cyl ⋅ mech cycle (= 8.16 kJ/cyl ⋅ mech cycle) ⎛v ⎞
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (343 K )(16)1.336-1 = 870.7 K
(b) ⎝v2 ⎠ Qin
Total power produced ⎛v ⎞
wthermodynamic = P2 = P1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (95 kPa )(16)1.336 = 3859 kPa
(No. of cylinders)(No. of thermodynamic cycles) ⎝v2 ⎠ 4
3500 hp ⎛ 42.41 Btu/min ⎞ Process 2-x and x-3: Constant-volume and constant
= ⎜ ⎟⎟ Qout
(16 cylinders)(1200/2 rev/min) ⎜⎝ 1 hp ⎠ pressure heat addition processes:
= 15.46 Btu/cyl ⋅ therm cycle (= 16.31 kJ/cyl ⋅ therm cycle) P 7500 kPa 1
T x = T2 x = (870.7 K) = 1692 K
P2 3859 kPa
q 2- x = cv (T x − T2 ) = (0.855 kJ/kg.K)(1692 − 870.7)K = 702.6 kJ/kg

q 2− x = q x-3 = c p (T3 − Tx ) ⎯
⎯→ 702.6 kJ/kg = (0.855 kJ/kg.K)(T3 − 1692)K ⎯
⎯→ T3 = 2308 K
9-163 A simple ideal Brayton cycle operating between the specified temperature limits is considered. The pressure ratio for
(b) q in = q 2− x + q x -3 = 702.6 + 702.6 = 1405 kJ/kg
which the compressor and the turbine exit temperature of air are equal is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 3 Kinetic and potential T3 2308 K
V3 =V x = (0.00012 m 3 ) = 0.0001636 m 3
energy changes are negligible. 4 Air is an ideal gas with constant specific heats. Tx 1692 K
Properties The specific heat ratio of air is k =1.4 (Table A-2). Process 3-4: isentropic expansion.
Analysis We treat air as an ideal gas with constant specific heats. Using the isentropic relations, the temperatures at the k −1
⎛ 0.0001636 m 3 ⎞
⎛V ⎞
compressor and turbine exit can be expressed as T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = (2308 K )⎜ ⎟ = 1009 K
⎜ 0.00192 m 3 ⎟
⎝V 4 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
(k −1) / k
⎛P ⎞ T
T2 = T1⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ ( )
= T1 rp (k −1) / k ⎛V
P4 = P3 ⎜⎜ 3

⎛ 0.0001636 m 3
⎟⎟ = (7500 kPa )⎜


= 279.4 kPa
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎜ 0.00192 m 3 ⎟
T3 3 ⎝V 4 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
(k −1) / k (k −1) / k
⎛P ⎞ ⎛1⎞ qin
T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 4 ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜ ⎟ Process 4-1: constant voume heat rejection.
⎝ P3 ⎠ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ rp ⎠ 2 q out = cv (T4 − T1 ) = (0.855 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1009 − 343)K = 569.3 kJ/kg
Setting T2 = T4 and solving for rp gives 4 The net work output and the thermal efficiency are
k / 2(k −1) 1.4/0.8 T1 1 qout
⎛T ⎞ ⎛ 1500 K ⎞ s wnet,out = q in − q out = 1405 − 569.3 = 835.8 kJ/kg
r p = ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 16.7
⎝ T1 ⎠ ⎝ 300 K ⎠ wnet,out 835.8 kJ/kg
η th = = = 0.5948 = 59.5%
Therefore, the compressor and turbine exit temperatures will be equal when the compression ratio is 16.7. q in 1405 kJ/kg

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PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
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9-117 9-116

9-150 The exergy loss of each process for an ideal dual cycle described in Prob. 9-63 is to be determined. 9-149E The exergy destruction associated with the heat rejection process of the Diesel cycle described in Prob. 9-55E and
the exergy at the end of the expansion stroke are to be determined.
Analysis From Prob. 9-63, qin,x-3 = 114.6 kJ/kg, T1 = 291 K, T2 = 1037 K, Tx = 1141 K, T3 = 1255 K, and T4 = 494.8 K.
Also, Analysis From Prob. 9-55E, qout = 158.9 Btu/lbm, T1 = 540 R, P1 = 14.7 psia, T4 = 1420.6 R, P4 = 38.62 psia and v 4 = v 1.

q in , 2 − x = cv (T x − T2 ) = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(1141 − 1037 ) K = 74.67 kJ/kg The entropy change during process 4-1 is

s1 − s 4 = s1o @540R − s 4o @1420.6 R − R ln( P1 / P4 )

q out = cv (T4 − T1 ) = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K )(494.8 − 291)K = 146.3 kJ/kg
P x 3
= 0.60078 − 0.83984 − (0.06855) ln(14.7 / 38.62)
The exergy destruction during a process of the cycle is
qin = −0.1728 Btu/lbm ⋅ R
2 4
⎛ q q ⎞
x dest = T0 s gen = T0 ⎜⎜ ∆s − in + out ⎟
⎟ qout Thus,
⎝ Tsource Tsink ⎠ 1
⎛ q R ,41 ⎞ ⎛ 158.9 Btu/lbm ⎞
Application of this equation for each process of the cycle gives x destroyed, 41 = T0 ⎜⎜ s1 − s 4 + ⎟ = (540R )⎜ − 0.1728 Btu/lbm ⋅ R + ⎟⎟ = 65.6 Btu/lbm
v T R ⎟⎠ ⎜ 540 R
⎝ ⎝ ⎠
T2 P
s 2 − s1 = c p ln − Rln 2 Noting that state 4 is identical to the state of the surroundings, the exergy at the end of the power stroke (state 4) is
T1 P1
determined from
1037 K 5148 kPa
= (1.005 kJ/kg ⋅ K ) ln − (0.287 kJ/kg ⋅ K ) ln φ 4 = (u 4 − u 0 ) − T0 (s 4 − s 0 ) + P0 (v 4 − v 0 )
291 K 90 kPa
= 0.1158 kJ/kg ⋅ K where
x dest, 1-2 = T0 ( s 2 − s1 ) = (291 K)(0.1158 kJ/kg ⋅ K) = 33.7 kJ/kg u 4 − u 0 = u 4 − u1 = q out = 158.9 Btu/lbm ⋅ R

T v v 4 −v 0 = v 4 −v1 = 0
s x − s 2 = cv ln x + Rln x s 4 − s 0 = s 4 − s1 = 0.1741 Btu/lbm ⋅ R
T2 v2
1141 K Thus,
= (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K ) ln + 0 = 0.06862 kJ/kg ⋅ K
1037 K φ 4 = (158.9 Btu/lbm ) − (540R )(0.1728 Btu/lbm ⋅ R ) + 0 = 65.6 Btu/lbm
⎛ q in, 2- x ⎞
⎟ = (291 K)⎛⎜ 0.06862 kJ/kg ⋅ K −
74.67 kJ/kg ⎞ Discussion Note that the exergy at state 4 is identical to the exergy destruction for the process 4-1 since state 1 is identical
x dest, 2- x = T0 ⎜⎜ s x − s 2 − ⎟ ⎟ = 2.65 kJ/kg
⎝ T source ⎠ ⎝ 1255 K ⎠ to the dead state, and the entire exergy at state 4 is wasted during process 4-1.

T3 P 1255 K
s 3 − s x = c p ln − Rln 3 = (1.005 kJ/kg ⋅ K ) ln − 0 = 0.09571 kJ/kg ⋅ K
Tx Px 1141 K

⎛ q in, x -3 ⎞
⎟ = (291 K)⎛⎜ 0.09571 kJ/kg ⋅ K −
114.6 kJ/kg ⎞
x dest, x -3 = T0 ⎜⎜ s 3 − s x − ⎟ ⎟ = 1.28 kJ/kg
⎝ Tsource ⎠ ⎝ 1255 K ⎠

T4 v T r
s 4 − s 3 = cv ln + Rln 4 = cv ln 4 + Rln
T3 v3 T3 rc
494.8 K 18
= (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K ) ln + (0.287 kJ/kg ⋅ K ) ln = 0.1339 kJ/kg ⋅ K
1255 K 1 .1
x dest, 3-4 = T0 ( s 4 − s 3 ) = ( 291 K)(0.1339 kJ/kg ⋅ K) = 39.0 kJ/kg

T1 v 291 K
s1 − s 4 = cv ln + Rln 1 = (0.718 kJ/kg ⋅ K ) ln + 0 = −0.3811 kJ/kg ⋅ K
T4 v4 494.8 K

⎛ q ⎞ ⎛ 146.3 kJ/kg ⎞
x dest,4-1 = T0 ⎜⎜ s1 − s 4 + out ⎟⎟ = (291 K)⎜ − 0.3811 kJ/kg ⋅ K + ⎟ = 35.4 kJ/kg
⎝ Tsink ⎠ ⎝ 291 K ⎠

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PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
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(c) The mean effective pressure is determined to be
9-160E An ideal diesel engine with air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 20. The thermal efficiency is to be
determined using constant and variable specific heats. P1V1 (95 kPa)(0.00192 m 3 )
m= = = 0.001853 kg
Assumptions 1 The air-standard assumptions are applicable. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. 3 Air is
an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
RT1 ( )
0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K (343 K )

Properties The properties of air at room temperature are cp = 0.240 Btu/lbm·R, cv = 0.171 Btu/lbm·R, R = 0.06855 mwnet,out (0.001853 kg)(835.8kJ/kg) ⎛ kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎞
MEP = = ⎜ ⎟ = 860.4 kPa
Btu/lbm·R, and k = 1.4 (Table A-2Ea). V1 − V 2 (0.00192 − 0.00012)m 3 ⎜⎝ kJ ⎟

Analysis (a) Constant specific heats:
P (d) The power for engine speed of 3500 rpm is
Process 1-2: isentropic compression. qin
2 3
k −1 n& 2200 (rev/min) ⎛ 1 min ⎞
⎛V ⎞ W& net = mwnet = (0.001853 kg)(835.8 kJ/kg) ⎜ ⎟ = 28.39 kW
T2 = T1 ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = (505 R)(20) 0.4 = 1673.8 R 2 (2 rev/cycle) ⎝ 60 s ⎠
⎝V 2 ⎠ 4
qout Note that there are two revolutions in one cycle in four-stroke engines.
Process 2-3: P = constant heat addition. 1
(e) The second-law efficieny of the cycle is defined as the ratio of actual thermal efficiency to the maximum possible
P3V 3 P2V 2 V T 2260 R
= ⎯→ 3 = 3 =
⎯ = 1.350 v thermal efficiency (Carnot efficiency). We take the dead state temperature and pressure to be 25ºC and 100 kPa.
T3 T2 V 2 T2 1673.8 R
T0 (25 + 273) K
Process 3-4: isentropic expansion. η max = 1 − =1− = 0.8709
T3 2308 K
k −1 k −1 k −1 0.4
⎛V ⎞ ⎛ 1.350V 2 ⎞ ⎛ 1.350 ⎞ ⎛ 1.350 ⎞
T4 = T3 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = T3 ⎜ ⎟ = (2260 R)⎜ ⎟ = 768.8 R and
⎝V 4 ⎠ ⎝ V4 ⎠ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎝ 20 ⎠
η th 0.5948
q in = h3 − h2 = c p (T3 − T2 ) = (0.240 Btu/lbm ⋅ R )(2260 − 1673.8)R = 140.7 Btu/lbm η II = = = 0.683 = 68.3%
η max 0.8709
q out = u 4 − u1 = cv (T4 − T1 ) = (0.171 Btu/lbm ⋅ R )(768.8 − 505)R = 45.11 Btu/lbm
The rate of exergy of the exhaust gases is determined as follows
wnet,out = q in − q out = 140.7 − 45.11 = 95.59 Btu/lbm
⎡ T P ⎤
wnet,out 95.59 Btu/lbm x 4 = u 4 − u 0 − T0 ( s 4 − s 0 ) = cv (T4 − T0 ) − T0 ⎢c p ln 4 − R ln 4 ⎥
η th = = = 0.6794 = 67.9% ⎣ T0 P0 ⎦
q in 140.7 Btu/lbm
⎡ 1009 279.4 ⎤
= (0.855)(1009 − 298)− (298) ⎢(1.142 kJ/kg.K)ln − (0.287 kJ/kg.K ) ln = 285.0 kJ/kg
(b) Variable specific heats: (using air properties from Table A-17)
⎣ 298 100 ⎥⎦
Process 1-2: isentropic compression.
n& 2200 (rev/min) ⎛ 1 min ⎞
u1 = 86.06 Btu/lbm X& 4 = mx4 = (0.001853 kg)(285.0 kJ/kg) ⎜ ⎟ = 9.683 kW
T1 = 505 R ⎯
⎯→ 2 (2 rev/cycle) ⎝ 60 s ⎠
v r1 = 170.82
v2 1 1 T = 1582.3 R
v r2 = ⎯→ 2
v r1 = v r1 = (170.82) = 8.541 ⎯
v1 r 20 h2 = 391.01 Btu/lbm
Process 2-3: P = constant heat addition.
P3v 3 P2v 2 v T 2260 R
= ⎯→ 3 = 3 =
⎯ = 1.428
T3 T2 v 2 T2 1582.3 R
h3 = 577.52 Btu/lbm
T3 = 2260 R ⎯
v r 3 = 2.922
q in = h3 − h2 = 577.52 − 391.01 = 186.51 Btu/lbm
Process 3-4: isentropic expansion.
v4 v4 r 20
v r4 = v r3 = v r3 = v r3 = (2.922) = 40.92 ⎯
⎯→ u 4 = 152.65 Btu/lbm
v3 1.428v 2 1.428 1.428
Process 4-1: v = constant heat rejection.
q out = u 4 − u1 = 152.65 − 86.06 = 66.59 Btu/lbm
q out 66.59 Btu/lbm
Then η th = 1 − =1− = 0.6430 = 64.3%
q in 186.51 Btu/lbm

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
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10-34 An ideal reheat steam Rankine cycle produces 2000 kW power. The mass flow rate of the steam, the rate of heat
transfer in the reheater, the power used by the pumps, and the thermal efficiency of the cycle are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
10-33 An ideal reheat steam Rankine cycle produces 5000 kW power. The rates of heat addition and rejection, and the
Analysis From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6 or EES),
thermal efficiency of the cycle are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. h1 = h f @ 100 kPa = 417.51 kJ/kg
Analysis From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6), v 1 = v f @ 100 kPa = 0.001043 m 3 /kg
3 5
h1 = h f @ 10 kPa = 191.81 kJ/kg w p,in = v 1 ( P2 − P1 )
T 3 ⎛ 1 kJ ⎞ 15 MPa
v 1 = v f @ 10 kPa = 0.001010 m /kg = (0.001043 m /kg )(15000 − 100)kPa ⎜ ⎟
5 = 15.54 kJ/kg ⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎠
3 2 MPa
w p,in = v 1 ( P2 − P1 ) 8 MPa h2 = h1 + w p,in = 417.51 + 15.54 = 433.05 kJ/kg 2
⎛ 1 kJ ⎞ 4
= (0.001010 m 3 /kg )(8000 − 10)kPa ⎜ ⎟ 100 kPa
= 8.07 kJ/kg ⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎠ 500 kPa P3 = 15,000 kPa ⎫ h3 = 3157.9 kJ/kg 1 6
2 ⎬
h2 = h1 + w p,in = 191.81 + 8.07 = 199.88 kJ/kg 4 T3 = 450°C ⎭ s 3 = 6.1434 kJ/kg ⋅ K s
10 kPa s4 − s f 6.1434 − 2.4467
P3 = 8000 kPa ⎫ h3 = 3273.3 kJ/kg 1 6 P4 = 2000 kPa ⎫ x 4 = = = 0.9497
⎬ ⎬ s fg 3.8923
T3 = 450°C ⎭ s 3 = 6.5579 kJ/kg ⋅ K s 4 = s3 ⎭ h = h + x h = 908.47 + (0.9497)(1889.8) = 2703.3 kJ/kg
s 4 f 4 fg
s4 − s f 6.5579 − 1.8604
P4 = 500 kPa ⎫ x 4 = = = 0.9470 P5 = 2000 kPa ⎫ h5 = 3358.2 kJ/kg
⎬ s fg 4.9603

s 4 = s3 ⎭ h = h + x h = 640.09 + (0.9470)(2108.0) = 2636.4 kJ/kg T5 = 450°C
4 f 4 fg ⎭ s 5 = 7.2866 kJ/kg ⋅ K
s6 − s f 7.2866 − 1.3028
P5 = 500 kPa ⎫ h5 = 3484.5 kJ/kg P6 = 100 kPa ⎫ x 6 = = = 0.9880
⎬ ⎬ s fg 6.0562
T5 = 500°C ⎭ s 5 = 8.0893 kJ/kg ⋅ K s6 = s5 ⎭ h = h + x h = 417.51 + (0.9880)(22257.5) = 2648.0 kJ/kg
6 f 6 fg
s6 − s f 8.0893 − 0.6492
P6 = 10 kPa ⎫ x 6 = = = 0.9921 Thus,
⎬ s fg 7.4996
s6 = s5 ⎭ h = h + x h = 191.81 + (0.9921)(2392.1) = 2564.9 kJ/kg
6 f 6 fg
q in = (h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 ) = 3157.9 − 433.05 + 3358.2 − 2703.3 = 3379.8 kJ/kg
q out = h6 − h1 = 2648.0 − 417.51 = 2230.5 kJ/kg
w net = q in − q out = 379.8 − 2230.5 = 1149.2 kJ/kg
q in = (h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 ) = 3273.3 − 199.88 + 3484.5 − 2636.4 = 3921.5 kJ/kg
The power produced by the cycle is
q out = h6 − h1 = 2564.9 − 191.81 = 2373.1 kJ/kg
w net = q in − q out = 3921.5 − 2373.1 = 1548.5 kJ/kg W& net = m& wnet = (1.74 kg/s)(1149.2 kJ/kg) = 2000 kW

The mass flow rate of steam in the cycle is determined from The rate of heat transfer in the rehetaer is

W& 5000 kJ/s Q& reheater = m& (h5 − h4 ) = (1.740 kg/s)(3358.2 − 2703.3) kJ/kg = 1140 kW
W& net ⎯→ m& = net =
= m& (h3 − h4 ) ⎯ = 3.229 kg/s
wnet 1548.5 kJ/kg W& P,in = m& wP,in = (1.740 kg/s)(15.54 kJ/kg) = 27 kW
and the thermal efficiency of the cycle is and the thermal efficiency of the cycle is
q out 2373.1 q out 2230.5
η th = 1 − = 1− = 0.395 η th = 1 − = 1− = 0.340
q in 3921.5 q in 3379.8

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
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PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
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10-37E An ideal reheat steam Rankine cycle produces 5000 kW power. The rates of heat addition and rejection, and the
thermal efficiency of the cycle are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
Analysis From the steam tables (Tables A-4E, A-5E, and A-6E or EES),
h1 = h f @ 10 psia = 161.25 Btu/lbm
10-26 v 1 = v f @ 10 psia = 0.01659 ft 3 /lbm T

10-35 A steam power plant that operates on the ideal reheat Rankine cycle is considered. The turbine work output wp,in = v 1 ( P2 − P1 ) 3 5
⎛ 1 Btu ⎞
and the thermal efficiency of the cycle are to be determined. = (0.01659 ft 3 /lbm)(600 − 10)psia ⎜ ⎟ 600 psia
⎜ 5.404 psia ⋅ ft 3 ⎟
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. = 1.81 Btu/lbm ⎝ ⎠
200 psia
Analysis From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6), h2 = h1 + wp,in = 161.25 + 1.81 = 163.06 Btu/lbm 2
h1 = h f @ 20 kPa = 251.42 kJ/kg P3 = 600 psia ⎫ h3 = 1289.9 Btu/lbm 10 psia
T ⎬
v 1 = v f @ 20 kPa = 0.001017 m 3 /kg T3 = 600°F ⎭ s 3 = 1.5325 Btu/lbm ⋅ R 1 6
3 5 s 4 − s f 1.5325 − 0.54379
w p ,in = v 1 (P2 − P1 ) P4 = 200 psia ⎫ x 4 = = = 0.9865

( ) ⎛ 1 kJ
= 0.001017 m /kg (6000 − 20 kPa )⎜
⎜ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3

6 MPa s 4 = s3
⎬ s fg 1.00219
⎭ h = h + x h = 355.46 + (0.9865)(843.33) = 1187.5 Btu/lbm
⎝ ⎠ 4 4 f 4 fg
= 6.08 kJ/kg
h2 = h1 + w p ,in = 251.42 + 6.08 = 257.50 kJ/kg 2 P5 = 200 psia ⎫ h5 = 1322.3 Btu/lbm

T5 = 600°F ⎭ s 5 = 1.6771 Btu/lbm ⋅ R
P3 = 6 MPa ⎫ h3 = 3178.3 kJ/kg 20 kPa
s 4 − s f 1.6771 − 0.28362
⎬ 1 6 P6 = 10 psia ⎫ x 6 = = = 0.9266
T3 = 400°C ⎭ s 3 = 6.5432 kJ/kg ⋅ K
s ⎬ s fg 1.50391
s6 = s5 ⎭ h = h + x h = 161.25 + (0.9266)(981.82) = 1071.0 Btu/lbm
P4 = 2 MPa ⎫ 6 f 6 fg
⎬ h4 = 2901.0 kJ/kg
s 4 = s3 ⎭ Thus,

P5 = 2 MPa ⎫ h5 = 3248.4 kJ/kg q in = (h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 ) = 1289.9 − 163.06 + 1322.3 − 1187.5 = 1261.7 Btu/lbm
⎬ q out = h6 − h1 = 1071.0 − 161.25 = 909.7 Btu/lbm
T5 = 400°C ⎭ s 5 = 7.1292 kJ/kg ⋅ K
w net = q in − q out = 1261.7 − 909.8 = 352.0 Btu/lbm
s 6 − s f 7.1292 − 0.8320
P6 = 20 kPa ⎫ x 6 = = = 0.8900
The mass flow rate of steam in the cycle is determined from
⎬ s fg 7.0752
s 6 = s5 ⎭
h6 = h f + x 6 h fg = 251.42 + (0.8900 )(2357.5) = 2349.7 kJ/kg W& 5000 kJ/s ⎛ 0.94782 Btu ⎞
W& net = m& wnet ⎯
⎯→ m& = net = ⎜ ⎟ = 13.47 lbm/s
The turbine work output and the thermal efficiency are determined from wnet 352.0 Btu/lbm ⎝ 1 kJ ⎠

wT,out = (h3 − h4 ) + (h5 − h6 ) = 3178.3 − 2901.0 + 3248.4 − 2349.7 = 1176 kJ/kg The rates of heat addition and rejection are
and Q& in = m& q in = (13.47 lbm/s)(1261.7 Btu/lbm) = 16,995 Btu/s
q in = (h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 ) = 3178.3 − 257.50 + 3248.4 − 2901.0 = 3268 kJ/kg
Q& out = m& q out = (13.47 lbm/s)(909.7 Btu/lbm) = 12,250 Btu/s
wnet = wT ,out − w p ,in = 1176 − 6.08 = 1170 kJ/kg
and the thermal efficiency of the cycle is
w 1170 kJ/kg W& net 5000 kJ/s ⎛ 0.94782 Btu ⎞
η th = net = = 0.358 = 35.8% η th = = ⎜ ⎟ = 0.2790
q in 3268 kJ/kg Q& in 16,990 Btu/s ⎝ 1 kJ ⎠

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
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PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

10-38E An ideal reheat steam Rankine cycle produces 5000 kW power. The rates of heat addition and rejection, and the
thermal efficiency of the cycle are to be determined for a reheat pressure of 100 psia.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
Analysis From the steam tables (Tables A-4E, A-5E, and A-6E or EES),
h1 = h f @ 10 psia = 161.25 Btu/lbm
v 1 = v f @ 6 psia = 0.01659 ft 3 /lbm T

wp,in = v 1 ( P2 − P1 ) 3 5 10-31
⎛ 1 Btu ⎞ 600 psia
= (0.01659 ft 3 /lbm)(600 − 10)psia ⎜ ⎟
10-39 An ideal reheat Rankine with water as the working fluid is considered. The temperatures at the inlet of both turbines,
⎜ 5.404 psia ⋅ ft 3 ⎟
= 1.81 Btu/lbm ⎝ ⎠ and the thermal efficiency of the cycle are to be determined.
100 psia
h2 = h1 + wp,in = 161.25 + 1.81 = 163.06 Btu/lbm 2 Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and
potential energy changes are negligible.
P3 = 600 psia ⎫ h3 = 1289.9 Btu/lbm 10 psia T
⎬ 1 6 Analysis From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6),
T3 = 600°F ⎭ s 3 = 1.5325 Btu/lbm ⋅ R
s 4 − s f 1.5325 − 0.47427 s h1 = h f @ 10 kPa = 191.81 kJ/kg 3 5
P4 = 100 psia ⎫ x 4 = = = 0.9374 v 1 = v f @ 10 kPa = 0.001010 m 3 /kg 7 MPa
⎬ s fg 1.12888
s 4 = s3 ⎭ h = h + x h = 298.51 + (0.9374)(888.99) = 1131.9 Btu/lbm
4 f 4 fg
wp,in = v 1 ( P2 − P1 ) 800 kPa
⎛ 1 kJ ⎞ 2
P5 = 100 psia ⎫ h5 = 1329.4 Btu/lbm = (0.001010 m 3 /kg )(7000 − 10)kPa ⎜ ⎟ 4
⎬ = 7.06 kJ/kg ⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎠ 10 kPa
T5 = 600°F ⎭ s 5 = 1.7586 Btu/lbm ⋅ R
h2 = h1 + wp,in = 191.81 + 7.06 = 198.87 kJ/kg 1 6
s 6 − s f 1.7586 − 0.28362
P6 = 10 psia ⎫ x 6 = = = 0.9808 s
⎬ s fg 1.50391 P4 = 800 kPa ⎫ h4 = h f + x 4 h fg = 720.87 + (0.93)(2047.5) = 2625.0 kJ/kg
s6 = s5 ⎭ h = h + x h = 161.25 + (0.9808)(981.82) = 1124.2 Btu/lbm ⎬
x 4 = 0.93 ⎭ s 4 = s f + x 4 s fg = 2.0457 + (0.93)(4.6160) = 6.3385 kJ/kg ⋅ K
6 f 6 fg

Thus, P3 = 7000 kPa ⎫ h3 = 3085.5 kJ/kg

q in = (h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 ) = 1289.9 − 163.07 + 1329.4 − 1131.9 = 1324.4 Btu/lbm s3 = s 4 ⎭ T3 = 373.3°C
q out = h6 − h1 = 1124.2 − 161.25 = 962.9 Btu/lbm
P6 = 10 kPa ⎫ h6 = h f + x 6 h fg = 191.81 + (0.93)(2392.1) = 2416.4 kJ/kg
w net = q in − q out = 1324.4 − 962.9 = 361.5 Btu/lbm ⎬
x 6 = 0.90 ⎭ s 6 = s f + x 6 s fg = 0.6492 + (0.93)(7.4996) = 7.6239 kJ/kg ⋅ K
The mass flow rate of steam in the cycle is determined from P5 = 800 kPa ⎫ h5 = 3302.0 kJ/kg

W& 5000 kJ/s ⎛ 0.94782 Btu ⎞ s5 = s6 ⎭ T5 = 416.2°C
W& net = m& wnet ⎯
⎯→ m& = net = ⎜ ⎟ = 13.11 lbm/s
wnet 361.5 Btu/lbm ⎝ 1 kJ ⎠ Thus,
The rates of heat addition and rejection are q in = (h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 ) = 3085.5 − 198.87 + 3302.0 − 2625.0 = 3563.6 kJ/kg
Q& in = m& q in = (13.11 lbm/s)(1324.4 Btu/lbm) = 17,360 Btu/s q out = h6 − h1 = 2416.4 − 191.81 = 2224.6 kJ/kg
Q& out = m& q out = (13.11 lbm/s)(962.9 Btu/lbm) = 12,620 Btu/s and
and the thermal efficiency of the cycle is q out 2224.6
η th = 1 − =1− = 0.3757 = 37.6%
W& 5000 kJ/s ⎛ 0.94782 Btu ⎞ q in 3563.6
η th = net = ⎜ ⎟ = 0.2729
Q& in 17,360 Btu/s ⎝ 1 kJ ⎠
Discussion The thermal efficiency for 200 psia reheat pressure was determined in the previous problem to be 0.2790. Thus,
operating the reheater at 100 psia causes a slight decrease in the thermal efficiency.

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

10-41 A steam power plant that operates on a reheat Rankine cycle is considered. The condenser pressure, the net power
output, and the thermal efficiency are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
Analysis (a) From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6),
P3 = 12.5 MPa ⎫ h3 = 3476.5 kJ/kg 3
⎬ Turbine
T3 = 550°C ⎭ s 3 = 6.6317 kJ/kg ⋅ K Boiler
P4 = 2 MPa ⎫
⎬ h4 s = 2948.1 kJ/kg 6
s 4 s = s3 ⎭
h3 − h 4 Condenser
10-32 ηT =
h3 − h 4 s 2 Pump
10-40 A steam power plant that operates on an ideal reheat Rankine cycle between the specified pressure limits is 1
considered. The pressure at which reheating takes place, the total rate of heat input in the boiler, and the thermal efficiency →h4 = h3 − ηT (h3 − h4 s )
of the cycle are to be determined. = 3476.5 − (0.85)(3476.5 − 2948.1)
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. = 3027.3 kJ/kg
Analysis (a) From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6), 3 5
P5 = 2 MPa ⎫ h5 = 3358.2 kJ/kg
h1 = hsat @ 10 kPa = 191.81 kJ/kg T ⎬
T5 = 450°C ⎭ s5 = 7.2815 kJ/kg ⋅ K 12.5 MPa
v 1 = v sat @ 10 kPa = 0.00101 m 3 /kg 3 5 4s 4
P6 = ? ⎫
⎬ h6 = (Eq. 1) 2
w p ,in = v 1 (P2 − P1 ) 15 x 6 = 0.95⎭ 2s

( ) ⎛ 1 kJ
= 0.00101 m 3 /kg (15,000 − 10 kPa )⎜
⎜ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3

P6 = ? ⎫ P=?
⎝ ⎠ 2 ⎬ h6 s = (Eq. 2) 1 6s 6
= 15.14 kJ/kg s 6 = s5 ⎭
h2 = h1 + w p ,in = 191.81 + 15.14 = 206.95 kJ/kg 10 kPa h −h
1 6 ηT = 5 6 ⎯ ⎯→ h6 = h5 − ηT (h5 − h6 s ) = 3358.2 − (0.85)(3358.2 − h6 s ) (Eq. 3)
P3 = 15 MPa ⎫ h3 = 3310.8 kJ/kg h5 − h6 s

T3 = 500°C ⎭ s 3 = 6.3480 kJ/kg ⋅ K The pressure at state 6 may be determined by a trial-error approach from the steam tables or by using EES from the above
three equations:
P6 = 10 kPa ⎫ h6 = h f + x 6 h fg = 191.81 + (0.90)(2392.1) = 2344.7 kJ/kg
⎬ P6 = 9.73 kPa, h6 = 2463.3 kJ/kg,
s6 = s5 ⎭ s 6 = s f + x 6 s fg = 0.6492 + (0.90)(7.4996) = 7.3988 kJ/kg ⋅ K
(b) Then,
T5 = 500°C ⎫ P5 = 2150 kPa (the reheat pressure) h1 = h f @ 9.73 kPa = 189.57 kJ/kg

s5 = s6 ⎭ h5 = 3466.61 kJ/kg
v1 = v f @ 10 kPa = 0.001010 m3/kg
P4 = 2.15 MPa ⎫
⎬ h4 = 2817.2 kJ/kg w p ,in = v1 (P2 − P1 ) / η p
s 4 = s3 ⎭ ( ) ⎛ 1 kJ
= 0.00101 m3/kg (12,500 − 9.73 kPa )⎜⎜

⎟ / (0.90)
1 kPa ⋅ m3 ⎟⎠
(b) The rate of heat supply is = 14.02 kJ/kg ⎝

Q& in = m& [(h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 )] h2 = h1 + w p ,in = 189.57 + 14.02 = 203.59 kJ/kg

= (12 kg/s )(3310.8 − 206.95 + 3466.61 − 2817.2)kJ/kg
Cycle analysis:
= 45,039 kW
qin = (h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 ) = 3476.5 − 203.59 + 3358.2 − 2463.3 = 3603.8 kJ/kg
(c) The thermal efficiency is determined from
qout = h6 − h1 = 2463.3 − 189.57 = 2273.7 kJ/kg
Q& out = m& (h6 − h1 ) = (12 kJ/s )(2344.7 − 191.81)kJ/kg = 25,835 kJ/s
Thus, W& net = m& ( qin − q out ) = (7.7 kg/s)(3603.8 - 2273.7)kJ/kg = 10,242 kW
Q& 25,834 kJ/s (c) The thermal efficiency is
η th = 1 − out = 1 − = 42.6%
Q&in 45,039 kJ/s q out 2273.7 kJ/kg
η th = 1 − = 1− = 0.369 = 36.9%
q in 3603.8 kJ/kg

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

10-52 A steam power plant operates on an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with two open feedwater heaters. The net
power output of the power plant and the thermal efficiency of the cycle are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.

7 T
Turbine 7
8 6 10 MPa
10 5 0.6 MPa 8
6 4
9 y 1-y
3 0.2 MPa 9
fwh II fwh I Condenser 2 10-42
4 2 5 kPa s10 − s f 6.9045 − 0.4762
1 1 10 P10 = 5 kPa ⎫ x10 = = = 0.8119
5 3 ⎬ s fg 7.9176
P III P II PI s10 = s 7 ⎭
s h10 = h f + x10 h fg = 137.75 + (0.8119 )(2423.0 ) = 2105.0 kJ/kg

The fraction of steam extracted is determined from the steady-flow energy balance equation applied to the feedwater
(a) From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6), heaters. Noting that Q& ≅ W& ≅ ke ≅ pe ≅ 0 ,
h1 = h f @ 5 kPa = 137.75 kJ/kg FWH-2:
v 1 = v f @ 5 kPa = 0.001005 m 3 /kg 0 (steady)
E& in − E& out = ∆E& system =0
( ) ⎛ 1 kJ
w pI ,in = v 1 (P2 − P1 ) = 0.001005 m 3 /kg (200 − 5 kPa )⎜
⎜ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3

⎟ = 0.20 kJ/kg

⎝ ⎠ E& in = E& out
h2 = h1 + w pI ,in = 137.75 + 0.20 = 137.95 kJ/kg
∑ m& h = ∑ m& h
i i e e ⎯ ⎯→ yh8 + (1 − y )h4 = 1(h5 )
⎯→ m& 8 h8 + m& 4 h4 = m& 5 h5 ⎯
P3 = 0.2 MPa ⎫ h3 = h f @ 0.2 MPa = 504.71 kJ/kg
⎬ 3
where y is the fraction of steam extracted from the turbine ( = m & 5 ). Solving for y,
&8 / m
sat.liquid ⎭ v 3 = v f @ 0.2 MPa = 0.001061 m /kg
h5 − h4 670.38 − 505.13
( ) ⎛ 1 kJ
w pII ,in = v 3 (P4 − P3 ) = 0.001061 m 3 /kg (600 − 200 kPa )⎜
⎜ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3

y= =
h8 − h4 2821.8 − 505.13
= 0.07133

= 0.42 kJ/kg ⎝ ⎠
h4 = h3 + w pII ,in = 504.71 + 0.42 = 505.13 kJ/kg

P5 = 0.6 MPa ⎫ h5 = h f @ 0.6 MPa = 670.38 kJ/kg

∑ m& h = ∑ m& h
i i e e ⎯ ⎯→ zh9 + (1 − y − z )h2 = (1 − y )h3
⎯→ m& 9 h9 + m& 2 h2 = m& 3 h3 ⎯

sat.liquid 3
⎭ v 5 = v f @ 0.6 MPa = 0.001101 m /kg where z is the fraction of steam extracted from the turbine ( = m & 5 ) at the second stage. Solving for z,
&9 / m

( ) ⎛ 1 kJ
w pIII ,in = v 5 (P6 − P5 ) = 0.001101 m 3 /kg (10,000 − 600 kPa )⎜
⎜ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3

⎟ z=
h3 − h2
h9 − h2
(1 − y ) = 504.71 − 137.95 (1 − 0.07136) = 0.1373
2618.7 − 137.95
= 10.35 kJ/kg ⎝ ⎠
h6 = h5 + w pIII ,in = 670.38 + 10.35 = 680.73 kJ/kg
qin = h7 − h6 = 3625.8 − 680.73 = 2945.0 kJ/kg
P7 = 10 MPa ⎫ h7 = 3625.8 kJ/kg qout = (1 − y − z )(h10 − h1 ) = (1 − 0.07133 − 0.1373)(2105.0 − 137.75) = 1556.8 kJ/kg

T7 = 600°C ⎭ s 7 = 6.9045 kJ/kg ⋅ K wnet = qin − qout = 2945.0 − 1556.8 = 1388.2 kJ/kg
P8 = 0.6 MPa ⎫ and
⎬ h8 = 2821.8 kJ/kg
s8 = s 7 ⎭
W& net = m& wnet = (22 kg/s)(1388.2 kJ/kg ) = 30,540 kW ≅ 30.5 MW
s9 − s f 6.9045 − 1.5302
P9 = 0.2 MPa ⎫ x 9 = = = 0.9602 (b) The thermal efficiency is
⎬ s fg 5.5968
s9 = s7 ⎭ q out 1556.8 kJ/kg
h9 = h f + x 9 h fg = 504.71 + (0.9602 )(2201.6 ) = 2618.7 kJ/kg η th = 1 − = 1− = 47.1%
q in 2945.0 kJ/kg

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.
10-37 10-43
10-49E An ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feedwater heater is considered. The work produced by the 10-53 An ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with a closed feedwater heater is considered. The work produced by the turbine,
turbine, the work consumed by the pumps, and the heat rejected in the condenser are to be determined. the work consumed by the pumps, and the heat added in the boiler are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
Analysis From the steam tables (Tables A-4E, A-5E, and A-6E), Analysis From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6),
h1 = h f @ 5 psia = 130.18 Btu/lbm h1 = h f @ 20 kPa = 251.42 kJ/kg
v 1 = v f @ 5 psia = 0.01641 ft 3 /lbm v 1 = v f @ 20 kPa = 0.001017 m 3 /kg 4
5 Turbine
wPI,in = v 1 ( P2 − P1 ) wp,in = v 1 ( P2 − P1 )
⎛ ⎞ 500 psia
1 Btu ⎛ 1 kJ ⎞
= (0.01641 ft 3 /lbm)(40 − 5)psia ⎜ ⎟ 4 qin = (0.001017 m 3 /kg)(3000 − 20)kPa ⎜ ⎟ 5
⎜ 5.404 psia ⋅ ft 3 ⎟
⎝ ⎠ = 3.03 kJ/kg ⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎠ 6
= 0.11 Btu/lbm 3 40 psia y Boiler
h2 = h1 + wpI,in = 130.18 + 0.11 = 130.29 Btu/lbm 2 6 h2 = h1 + wp,in = 251.42 + 3.03 = 254.45 kJ/kg
h3 = h f @ 40 psia = 236.14 Btu/lbm 5 psia P4 = 3000 kPa ⎫ h4 = 3116.1 kJ/kg Condenser
1 7 ⎬ 7 8
v 3 = v f @ 40 psia = 0.01715 ft /lbm 3 qout T4 = 350°C ⎭ s 4 = 6.7450 kJ/kg ⋅ K Closed
s 1
P5 = 1000 kPa ⎫ fwh Pump
wPII,in = v 3 ( P4 − P3 ) ⎬ h5 = 2851.9 kJ/kg 3 2
⎛ ⎞ s5 = s 4 ⎭
1 Btu
= (0.01715 ft 3 /lbm)(500 − 40)psia ⎜ ⎟
s6 − s f
⎜ 5.404 psia ⋅ ft 3 ⎟ 6.7450 − 0.8320
= 1.46 Btu/lbm ⎝ ⎠ P6 = 20 kPa ⎫ x 6 = = = 0.8357
⎬ s fg 7.0752
h4 = h3 + wpII,in = 236.14 + 1.46 = 237.60 Btu/lbm s6 = s 4 ⎭ h = h + x h = 251.42 + (0.8357)(2357.5) = 2221.7 kJ/kg
6 f 6 fg

P5 = 500 psia ⎫ h5 = 1298.6 Btu/lbm For an ideal closed feedwater heater, the feedwater is heated to the
⎬ exit temperature of the extracted steam, which ideally leaves the
T5 = 600°F ⎭ s 5 = 1.5590 Btu/lbm ⋅ R
heater as a saturated liquid at the extraction pressure. T
s 6 − s f 1.5590 − 0.39213
P6 = 40 psia ⎫ x 6 = = = 0.9085 P7 = 1000 kPa ⎫ h7 = 762.51 kJ/kg
⎬ s fg 1.28448 4
s6 = s5 ⎭ h = h + x h = 236.14 + (0.9085)(933.69) = 1084.4 Btu/lbm ⎬
x7 = 0 ⎭ T7 = 179.9°C
6 f 6 fg 3 MPa
s 4 − s f 1.5590 − 0.23488 h8 = h7 = 762.51 kJ/kg qin
P7 = 5 psia ⎫ x 7 = = = 0.8230 P3 = 3000 kPa
⎬ s fg 1.60894 ⎫ 3 1 MPa y
s7 = s5 ⎭ h = h + x h = 130.18 + (0.8230)(1000.5) = 953.63 Btu/lbm ⎬ h3 = 763.53 kJ/kg
7 f 7 fg
T3 = T7 = 209.9°C ⎭ 2 7 5
The fraction of steam extracted is determined from the steady-flow energy balance equation applied to the feedwater heater. An energy balance on the heat exchanger gives the fraction of 8 20 kPa 1-y
Noting that Q& ≅ W& ≅ ∆ke ≅ ∆pe ≅ 0 , steam extracted from the turbine ( = m& 5 / m& 4 ) for closed 1 6
feedwater heater:
0 (steady)
E& in − E& out = ∆E& system =0 s
E& in = E& out
∑ m& h = ∑ m& h
i i e e

m& 5 h5 + m& 2 h2 = m& 3 h3 + m& 7 h7

∑ m& h = ∑ m& h
i i e e ⎯
⎯→ m& 6 h6 + m& 2 h2 = m& 3 h3 ⎯
⎯→ yh6 + (1 − y )h2 = 1h3
yh5 + 1h2 = 1h3 + yh7
where y is the fraction of steam extracted from the turbine ( = m& 6 / m& 3 ). Solving for y, Rearranging,
h3 − h2 236.14 − 130.29 h3 − h2 763.53 − 254.45
y= = = 0.1109 y= = = 0.2437
h6 − h2 1084.4 − 130.29 h5 − h7 2851.9 − 762.51
Then, Then,
wT,out = h5 − h6 + (1 − y )(h6 − h7 ) = 1298.6 − 1084.4 + (1 − 0.1109)(1084.4 − 953.63) = 330.5 Btu/lbm wT,out = h4 − h5 + (1 − y )(h5 − h6 ) = 3116.1 − 2851.9 + (1 − 0.2437)(2851.9 − 2221.7) = 740.9 kJ/kg
wP,in = wPI,in + wPII,in = 0.11 + 1.46 = 1.57 Btu/lbm wP,in = 3.03 kJ/kg
q out = (1 − y )(h7 − h1 ) = (1 − 0.1109)(953.63 − 130.18) = 732.1 Btu/lbm q in = h4 − h3 = 3116.1 − 763.53 = 2353 kJ/kg
Also, w net = wT, out − w P,in = 740.9 − 3.03 = 737 .8 kJ/kg
q in = h5 − h4 = 1298.6 − 237.60 = 1061 Btu/lbm
wnet 737.8
q out 732.1 η th = = = 0.3136
η th = 1 − = 1− = 0.3100 q in 2353
q in 1061

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission. preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

10-58 A steam power plant operates on an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with two feedwater heaters, one closed
and one open. The mass flow rate of steam through the boiler for a net power output of 400 MW and the thermal efficiency
of the cycle are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic
and potential energy changes are negligible.
Analysis (a) From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and Turbine
A-6), 9
h1 = h f @ 10 kPa = 191.81 kJ/kg
11 1-y-z
v 1 = v f @ 10 kPa = 0.00101 m 3 /kg 5 z
4 3 10
w pI ,in = v 1 (P2 − P1 ) fwh P II
Open Condenser
( ) ⎛ 1 kJ
= 0.00101 m 3 /kg (600 − 10 kPa )⎜
⎜ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3

= 0.60 kJ/kg ⎝ ⎠ 6 7
h2 = h1 + w pI ,in = 191.81 + 0.60 = 192.40 kJ/kg

P3 = 0.6 MPa ⎫ h3 = h f @ 0.3 MPa = 670.38 kJ/kg

⎬ 3 T
sat. liquid ⎭ v 3 = v f @ 0.3 MPa = 0.001101 m /kg
w pII ,in = v 3 (P4 − P3 ) 8

( )
= 0.001101 m /kg (10000 − 600 kPa )⎜
⎛ 1 kJ ⎞

⎜ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎟
10 MPa

= 10.35 kJ/kg ⎝ ⎠ 5 6 1.2 MPa

4 9
h4 = h3 + w pII ,in = 670.38 + 10.35 = 680.73 kJ/kg y
3 0.6 MPa
P6 = 1.2 MPa ⎫ h6 = h7 = h f @ 1.2 MPa = 798.33 kJ/kg 2 7 z 10
⎬ 1-y-z
sat. liquid ⎭ T6 = Tsat @ 1.2 MPa = 188.0°C 10 kPa 10-52
1 11 For the open FWH,
T6 = T5 , P5 = 10 MPa → h5 = 798.33 kJ/kg
P8 = 10 MPa ⎫ h8 = 3625.8 kJ/kg s E& in − E& out = ∆E& system 0 (steady)

T8 = 600°C ⎭ s8 = 6.9045 kJ/kg ⋅ K E& in = E& out
P9 = 1.2 MPa ⎫
s 9 = s8
⎬ h9 = 2974.5 kJ/kg ∑ m& h = ∑ m& h
i i e e ⎯ ⎯→ yh7 + (1 − y − z )h2 + zh10 = (1)h3
⎯→ m& 7 h7 + m& 2 h2 + m& 10 h10 = m& 3 h3 ⎯

where z is the fraction of steam extracted from the turbine ( = m & 5 ) at the second stage. Solving for z,
&9 / m
P10 = 0.6 MPa ⎫
s10 = s8
⎬ h10 = 2820.9 kJ/kg (h3 − h2 ) − y(h7 − h2 ) 670.38 − 192.40 − (0.05404)(798.33 − 192.40)
⎭ z= = = 0.1694
h10 − h2 2820.9 − 192.40
s11 − s f 6.9045 − 0.6492
P11 = 10 kPa ⎫ x11 = = = 0.8341
⎬ s fg 7.4996
s11 = s8 ⎭
h11 = h f + x11 h fg = 191.81 + (0.8341)(2392.1) = 2187.0 kJ/kg q in = h8 − h5 = 3625.8 − 798.33 = 2827 kJ/kg
q out = (1 − y − z )(h11 − h1 ) = (1 − 0.05404 − 0.1694)(2187.0 − 191.81) = 1549 kJ/kg
The fraction of steam extracted is determined from the steady-flow energy balance equation applied to the feedwater
wnet = q in − q out = 2827 − 1549 = 1278 kJ/kg
heaters. Noting that Q& ≅ W& ≅ ke ≅ pe ≅ 0 ,
0 (steady)
E& in − E& out = ∆E& system =0
W& net 400,000 kJ/s
E& in = E& out m& = = = 313.0 kg/s
wnet 1278 kJ/kg
∑ m& h = ∑ m& h
i i e e ⎯→ m& 9 (h9 − h6 ) = m& 5 (h5 − h4 ) ⎯
⎯ ⎯→ y (h9 − h6 ) = (h5 − h4 )
q out 1549 kJ/kg
(b) η th = 1 − =1− = 0.452 = 45.2%
where y is the fraction of steam extracted from the turbine ( = m& 10 / m& 5 ). Solving for y, q in 2827 kJ/kg

h5 − h4 798.33 − 680.73
y= = = 0.05404
h9 − h6 2974.5 − 798.33
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

10-60 A steam power plant that operates on an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with a closed feedwater heater is
considered. The temperature of the steam at the inlet of the closed feedwater heater, the mass flow rate of the steam
extracted from the turbine for the closed feedwater heater, the net power output, and the thermal efficiency are to be
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
Analysis (a) From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6),
h1 = h f @ 20 kPa = 251.42 kJ/kg
v 1 = v f @ 20 kPa = 0.001017 m 3 /kg turbine

w pI ,in = v 1 (P2 − P1 ) / η p Low-P

1 Boiler
= (0.001017 m 3 /kg )(8000 − 20 kPa )
0.88 6
= 9.22 kJ/kg
h2 = h1 + w pI ,in 7 9
= 251.42 + 9.223 4 10 y
Mixing Closed 8
= 260.65 kJ/kg Cham. fwh Cond.
P3 = 1 MPa ⎫ h3 = h f @ 1 MPa = 762.51 kJ/kg 11 3
sat. liquid ⎭ v 3 = v f @ 1 MPa = 0.001127 m 3 /kg
w pII ,in = v 3 (P11 − P3 ) / η p
P9 = 20 kPa ⎫
= (0.001127 m 3 /kg)(8000 − 1000 kPa ) / 0.88 ⎬h9 s = 2385.2 kJ/kg
s9 = s7 ⎭
= 8.97 kJ/kg
h7 − h9
h11 = h3 + w pII ,in = 762.51 + 8.97 = 771.48 kJ/kg ηT = ⎯→ h9 = h7 − η T (h7 − h9 s )

h7 − h9 s
Also, h4 = h10 = h11 = 771.48 kJ/kg since the two fluid streams which are being mixed have the same enthalpy. = 3457.2 − (0.88)(3457.2 − 2385.2) = 2513.9 kJ/kg

P5 = 8 MPa ⎫ h5 = 3399.5 kJ/kg The fraction of steam extracted from the low pressure turbine for closed feedwater heater is determined from the steady-
⎬ flow energy balance equation applied to the feedwater heater. Noting that Q& ≅ W& ≅ ∆ke ≅ ∆pe ≅ 0 ,
T5 = 500°C ⎭ s 5 = 6.7266 kJ/kg ⋅ K
P6 = 3 MPa ⎫ (1 − y )(h10 − h2 ) = y(h8 − h3 )
⎬h6 s = 3104.7 kJ/kg
s 6 = s5 ⎭ (1 − y )(771.48 − 260.65) = y (3157.9 − 762.51) ⎯
⎯→ y = 0.1758

h5 − h6 The corresponding mass flow rate is

ηT = ⎯→ h6 = h5 − η T (h5 − h6 s )

h5 − h6 s m& 8 = ym& 5 = (0.1758)(15 kg/s) = 2.637 kg/s
= 3399.5 − (0.88)(3399.5 − 3104.7 ) = 3140.1 kJ/kg
(c) Then,
P7 = 3 MPa ⎫ h7 = 3457.2 kJ/kg
⎬ q in = h5 − h4 + h7 − h6 = 3399.5 − 771.48 + 3457.2 − 3140.1 = 2945.2 kJ/kg
T7 = 500°C ⎭ s 7 = 7.2359 kJ/kg ⋅ K
q out = (1 − y )(h9 − h1 ) = (1 − 0.1758)(2513.9 − 251.42 ) = 1864.8 kJ/kg
P8 = 1 MPa ⎫
⎬h8 s = 3117.1 kJ/kg and
s8 = s 7 ⎭
h7 − h8 W& net = m& (qin − q out ) = (15 kg/s)(2945.8 − 1864.8)kJ/kg = 16,206 kW
ηT = ⎯→ h8 = h7 − η T (h7 − h8s )

h7 − h8s (b) The thermal efficiency is determined from
= 3457.2 − (0.88)(3457.2 − 3117.1) = 3157.9 kJ/kg
q out 1864.8 kJ/kg
P8 = 1 MPa ⎫ η th = 1 − =1− = 0.3668 = 36.7%
⎬T8 = 349.9°C q in 2945.8 kJ/kg
h8 = 3157.9 kJ/kg ⎭

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

10-100 An 150-MW steam power plant operating on a regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feedwater heater is
considered. The mass flow rate of steam through the boiler, the thermal efficiency of the cycle, and the irreversibility
associated with the regeneration process are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.

10-98 A steam power plant operating on an ideal Rankine cycle with two stages of reheat is considered. The thermal T
efficiency of the cycle and the mass flow rate of the steam are to be determined. 5
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. Turbine
Boiler 5
Analysis (a) From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6),
10 MPa
6 1-y 4
h1 = h f @ 30 kPa = 289.18 kJ/kg
v 1 = v f @ 30 kPa = 0.001022 m 3 /kg 7 6
T y 3 0.5 MPa y
wp,in = v 1 (P2 − P1 )
4 MPa 2 MPa 2 6s
Open Condenser 1-y
( ) ⎛ 1 kJ ⎞
= 0.001022 m 3 /kg (10,000 − 30 kPa )⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3 ⎟
3 5 7
2 10 kPa
= 10.19 kJ/kg ⎝ ⎠ 1 7s 7
3 1 qout
h2 = h1 + wp,in = 289.18 + 10.19 = 299.37 kJ/kg 10 MPa 4 6
P3 = 10 MPa ⎫ h3 = 3500.9 kJ/kg 2
T3 = 550°C ⎬⎭ s 3 = 6.7561 kJ/kg ⋅ K (a) From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6),

P4 = 4 MPa ⎫ h1 = hf @ 10 kPa = 191.81 kJ/kg

s 4 = s3 ⎬ h4 = 3204.9 kJ/kg 1 30 kPa 8
v1 = v f @ 10 kPa = 0.00101 m3/kg
⎭ s
P5 = 4 MPa ⎫ h5 = 3559.7 kJ/kg
wpI,in = v1(P2 − P1) / ηp
T5 = 550°C ⎬⎭ s 5 = 7.2335 kJ/kg ⋅ K
P6 = 2 MPa ⎫
( ) ⎛ 1 kJ ⎞
= 0.00101m3/kg (500−10 kPa)⎜⎜ ⎟ /(0.95)
1 kPa⋅ m3 ⎟⎠
⎬ h6 = 3321.1 kJ/kg = 0.52 kJ/kg ⎝
s 6 = s5 ⎭
P7 = 2 MPa ⎫ h7 = 3578.4 kJ/kg
h2 = h1 + wpI,in = 191.81+ 0.52 = 192.33 kJ/kg
T7 = 550°C ⎬⎭ s 7 = 7.5706 kJ/kg ⋅ K
P3 = 0.5 MPa ⎫ h3 = hf @ 0.5 MPa = 640.09 kJ/kg
s8 − s f 7.5706 − 0.9441 ⎬v = v 3
P8 = 30 kPa ⎫ x8 = = = 0.9711 sat.liquid ⎭ 3 f @ 0.5 MPa = 0.001093 m /kg
⎬ s fg 6.8234
s8 = s 7 ⎭
h8 = h f + x8 h fg = 289.27 + (0.9711)(2335.3) = 2557.1 kJ/kg wpII,in = v 3 (P4 − P3 ) / η p

Then, ( ) ⎛ 1 kJ ⎞
= 0.001093 m3/kg (10,000 − 500 kPa )⎜⎜ ⎟ / (0.95)
= 10.93 kJ/kg ⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m ⎠
q in = (h3 − h2 ) + (h5 − h4 ) + (h7 − h6 )
h4 = h3 + wpII,in = 640.09 + 10.93 = 651.02 kJ/kg
= 3500.9 − 299.37 + 3559.7 − 3204.9 + 3578.4 − 3321.1 = 3813.7 kJ/kg
q out = h8 − h1 = 2557.1 − 289.18 = 2267.9 kJ/kg P5 = 10 MPa ⎫ h5 = 3375.1 kJ/kg
wnet = q in − q out = 3813.7 − 2267.9 = 1545.8 kJ/kg T5 = 500°C ⎬⎭ s 5 = 6.5995 kJ/kg ⋅ K
s6s − s f 6.5995 − 1.8604
Thus, x6s = = = 0.9554
s fg 4.9603
wnet 1545.8 kJ/kg P6 s = 0.5 MPa ⎫
η th = = = 0.4053 = 40.5%
s 6s = s5 ⎬ h6 s = h f + x 6 s h fg = 640.09 + (0.9554 )(2108.0)
q in 3813.7 kJ/kg ⎭ = 2654.1 kJ/kg

(b) The mass flow rate of the steam is then

h5 − h6
ηT = ⎯→ h6 = h5 − ηT (h5 − h6 s )

W& net 75,000 kJ/s h5 − h6 s
m& = = = 48.5 kg/s = 3375.1 − (0.80)(3375.1 − 2654.1)
wnet 1545.8 kJ/kg = 2798.3 kJ/kg

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

10-102 An ideal reheat-regenerative Rankine cycle with one open feedwater heater is considered. The fraction of steam
extracted for regeneration and the thermal efficiency of the cycle are to be determined.

10-103 Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
s7s − s f Analysis (a) From the steam tables (Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6),
6.5995 − 0.6492
x7s = = = 0.7934
s fg 7.4996 h1 = h f @ 15 kPa = 225.94 kJ/kg
P7 s = 10 kPa ⎫
s7s = s5 ⎬ h7 s = h f + x 7 s h fg = 191.81 + (0.7934 )(2392.1) v1 = v f @ 15 kPa = 0.001014 m 3 /kg
⎭ = 2089.7 kJ/kg
wpI,in = v 1 (P2 − P1 ) Boiler 6
h − h7
ηT = 5 ⎯→ h7 = h5 − ηT (h5 − h7 s )
⎯ ( 3
= 0.001014 m /kg (600 − 15 kPa )⎜
⎛ 1 kJ
⎜ 1 kPa ⋅ m 3

h5 − h7 s = 3375.1 − (0.80)(3375.1 − 2089.7 ) ⎝ ⎠ 7 8 1-y
= 0.59 kJ/kg
= 2346.8 kJ/kg 9
h2 = h1 + wpI,in = 225.94 + 0.59 = 226.53 kJ/kg y

The fraction of steam extracted is determined from the steady-flow energy balance equation applied to the feedwater Open Condens.
P3 = 0.6 MPa ⎫ h3 = h f @ 0.6 MPa = 670.38 kJ/kg 4
heaters. Noting that Q& ≅ W& ≅ ∆ke ≅ ∆pe ≅ 0 , ⎬v = v 3
sat. liquid ⎭ 3 f @ 0.6 MPa = 0.001101 m /kg 2
wpII,in = v 3 (P4 − P3 )
0 (steady)
E& in − E& out = ∆E& system =0 P II PI

E& in = E& out ( ) ⎛ 1 kJ ⎞

= 0.001101 m3/kg (10,000 − 600 kPa )⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ 1 kPa ⋅ m ⎠
∑ m& h = ∑ m& h
i i e e ⎯ ⎯→ yh6 + (1 − y )h2 = 1(h3 )
⎯→ m& 6 h6 + m& 2 h2 = m& 3 h3 ⎯ = 10.35 kJ/kg
h4 = h3 + wpII,in = 670.38 + 10.35 = 680.73 kJ/kg
where y is the fraction of steam extracted from the turbine ( = m & 3 ). Solving for y,
&6 / m T 1 MPa
P5 = 10 MPa ⎫ h5 = 3375.1 kJ/kg 5 7
h − h2 640.09 − 192.33 T5 = 500°C ⎬⎭ s5 = 6.5995 kJ/kg ⋅ K
y= 3 = = 0.1718
h6 − h2 2798.3 − 192.33 10 MPa
P6 = 1.0 MPa ⎫ 4
Then, qin = h5 − h4 = 3375.1 − 651.02 = 2724.1 kJ/kg s6 = s5 ⎬ h6 = 2783.8 kJ/kg 6 8

qout = (1 − y )(h7 − h1 ) = (1 − 0.1718 )(2346.8 − 191.81) = 1784.7 kJ/kg 3 0.6 MPa
P7 = 1.0 MPa ⎫ h7 = 3479.1 kJ/kg 2
wnet = qin − qout = 2724.1 − 1784.7 = 939.4 kJ/kg T7 = 500°C ⎬⎭ s7 = 7.7642 kJ/kg ⋅ K
and 15 kPa
P8 = 0.6 MPa ⎫
⎬ h8 = 3310.2 kJ/kg 1 9
W& 150,000 kJ/s s8 = s7 ⎭ s
m& = net = = 159.7 kg/s
wnet 939.4 kJ/kg s9 − s f 7.7642 − 0.7549
P9 = 15 kPa ⎫ x9 = = = 0.9665
(b) The thermal efficiency is determined from ⎬ s fg 7.2522
s9 = s7 ⎭
h9 = h f + x9 h fg = 225.94 + (0.9665)(2372.3) = 2518.8 kJ/kg
q out 1784.7 kJ/kg
η th = 1 − = 1− = 34.5%
q in 2724.1 kJ/kg The fraction of steam extracted is determined from the steady-flow energy balance equation applied to the feedwater
heaters. Noting that Q& ≅ W& ≅ ke ≅ pe ≅ 0 ,
0 (steady)
P6 = 0.5 MPa ⎫ E& in − E& out = ∆E& system = 0 → E& in = E& out
⎬ s6 = 6.9453 kJ/kg ⋅ K
h6 = 2798.3 kJ/kg ⎭ ∑ m& i hi = ∑ m& e he ⎯ ⎯→ yh8 + (1 − y )h2 = 1(h3 )
⎯→ m& 8 h8 + m& 2 h2 = m& 3 h3 ⎯

s3 = s f @ 0.5 MPa = 1.8604 kJ/kg ⋅ K where y is the fraction of steam extracted from the turbine ( = m& 8 / m& 3 ). Solving for y,
s2 = s1 = s f @ 10 kPa = 0.6492 kJ/kg ⋅ K
h3 − h2 670.38 − 226.53
y= = = 0.144
Then the irreversibility (or exergy destruction) associated with this regeneration process is h8 − h2 3310.2 − 226.53

⎛ q 0⎞ (b) The thermal efficiency is determined from

i regen = T0 s gen = T0 ⎜
⎜ ∑
me s e − ∑
m i s i + surr
⎟ = T [s − ys − (1 − y )s ]
⎟ 0 3 6 2
q in = (h5 − h4 ) + (h7 − h6 ) = (3375.1 − 680.73) + (3479.1 − 2783.8) = 3389.7 kJ/kg
⎝ L ⎠
= (303 K )[1.8604 − (0.1718)(6.9453) − (1 − 0.1718)(0.6492 )] q out = (1 − y )(h9 − h1 ) = (1 − 0.1440)(2518.8 − 225.94 ) = 1962.7 kJ/kg
= 39.25 kJ/kg q out 1962.7 kJ/kg
and η th = 1 − = 1− = 42.1%
q in 3389.7 kJ/kg

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course
preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

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