Deportes en Inglés: Play, Do or Go?
Deportes en Inglés: Play, Do or Go?
Deportes en Inglés: Play, Do or Go?
OA 16 Demostrar conocimiento y uso del lenguaje en sus textos escritos por medio de las siguientes funciones:
>Identifican y describen deportes y pasatiempos; por ejemplo: riding is fun/cool.
Se utiliza “do”, en general, para las actividades recreativas, es decir, que no implican
competición en grupo. También coincide con prácticas deportivas que no requieren un balón,
pelota u otros elementos para su realización. Por ejemplo:
El verbo “play” se utiliza para hablar de deportes o competiciones que utilizan objetos, como
una “ball” (balón) para su realización. Por ejemplo:
El verbo “go” se suele utilizar para deportes que terminan en –ing. Como, por ejemplo:
A pesar de que la regla general sea esta, también existen excepciones. Como, por ejemplo:
do boxing / Boxear
I. Read the text about Tomás and his friends. Then, choose the correct alternative for each
always amazing being up there in the middle of the snow. Some of us like
martial arts, so we do karate every Friday. I think the only sport we don’t
do is yoga. But the rest, name it and we will go, do or play any sport.
1. How often do they practice sports? 2. What do they play regularly?
a) Once a week. a) Basketball, soccer and handball.
b) Every Friday. b) Tennis, golf and soccer.
c) Every day. c) Yoga, handball and basketball.
3. What do they practice during winter? 4. Who takes them to the snow?
a) They go surfing. a) Tomás.
b) They go running. b) His friends.
c) They go snowboarding. c) One of the dads
5. What does Tomás say about being in 6. What is the sport Tomás says they don’t
the mountains? practice?
II. Read the text about Tomás again. Then, write T (true) or F (false)
5. I’m not very good at sports, but I like to … 6. Hey, the weather is really nice. Would you
cycling in my free time. like to … golfing?
a) do a) do
b) go b) go
c) play c) play
9. Are you in good shape? How many sit-ups 10. Sometimes , I … jogging in the morning
can you …? before work.
a) do a) do
b) go b) go
c) play c) play
11. I want to … yoga, but first I need to find a 12. My friend is amazing! He can … 500
good yoga teacher. push-ups!
a) do a) do
b) go b) go
c) play c) play
13. We only need to find two people before 14. Do you know how to … ping pong?
we can … volleyball. There’s a ping pong table in the gym.
a) do a) do
b) go b) go
c) play c) play