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Texto de Ingles

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Greetings and Farewells:

Good morning, class.

My name is Susan Lara

I. Reading and Speaking / Lectura y escritura

1. Practice the conversation/ Practica la conversación

Teacher : Good morning, my name is Susan Lara.

What is your name?

Carlos : Good morning teacher, my name is Carlos Suarez.

Teacher : Nice to meet you, Carlos.

Carlos : Nice to meet you, too.

You / Tú, usted, ustedes

Teacher / profesor/ra

What is your name? / Cuál es tu nombre?

Greetings and farewells / Saludos y despedidas

Mr. señor Nice to meet you / Mucho gusto Nice to meet you. / mucho gusto
Glad to meet you./ Mucho gusto Hello.
Mrs./ Ms. Hello. / Hola Hello-Hi. / hola
señora Good morning. / Buenos días.
Good afternoon / Buenas tardes
Good evening / Buenas noches
Miss. señorita How are you? / Cómo estas? How are you? / ¿Cómo estás?
Fine, thank you./ bien gracias Fine, thanks. / Bien gracias

Good-bye/ Adios Bye. / Adios

Good night. Buenas noches See you tomorrow.
See you later.
See you next class.

Speaking and Writing / Habla y escritura

1. Complete the sentences according to your experience
Completa las oraciones de acuerdo a tu experiencia.
a) Ana: Good afternoon, ________.

Luis: ________________________.

b) Teacher: Good morning, class.

Class: ______________________.

c) Miss Lara: Good-bye. ____________.

Jose: _____________Miss Lara.

d) Mr. Ruiz: See you, ______________.

Mrs.: Torrez: ____________________.

e) Teacher: How are you, Marcelo?

Students: ____________________________.
2. Unscramble the sentences

1 Nice to you . meet

Nice to meet you.

2 My Is name Carmen.

3 I Lorena am

4 Good Ortiz Miss morning

5 Marco How you? are

6 good Mr. afternoon Torrico.

7 I fine am Thanks.

8 Hello, Mendoza Luis I am

9 My Manuel name is

Make puppets and write two short conversations (formal and informal):
Ana: Good morning Lucas.
Lucas: Good morning Ana, how are you?
Ana: I am fine, thank you. And you?
Lucas: I am fine, too. Good bye Ana.
Good bye Lucas
Verb to be affirmative negative and interrogative forms

am José

I. Reading and Speaking

1. Read the conversation. Lee la conversación.

Teacher: Hello, my name is Carmen Lara.

Manuel: Hi, I am Manuel Carvajal.

Teacher: Are you a new student?

Manuel: Yes, I am.

Teacher: Nice to meet you.

Manuel: Nice to meet you, too.

Grammar Simple Present Verb To Be

El verbo to be en español significa ser o estar y se conjuga gramaticalmente según el número y la

persona, se usa para poder dar información personal como nombre, edad, nacionalidad, profesión y otros.
También nos permite dar la ubicación de alguien o de algo, así como las características como color, tamaño.

Para construir oraciones en presente simple escribimos primero el sujeto (I, you, he, she, it = singular) o (we,
you, they = plural) y luego el verbo (am, is, are).


I am a student
Yo soy un estudiante
2. Practice the verb to be, simple- present affirmative form

Practica en verbo Ser-estar en tiempo presente simple

Personal Pronouns + Verb to be Spanish

I am Yo soy/estoy.
You are Tú eres/estás.
He is El es/está.
She is Ella es/está.
It is Es/esta.
We are Nosotros somos/estamos.
you are Ustedes son /están.
they are Ellos son/están.

Personal presentation, subject pronouns, and possessive adjectives my, your, his, her
In English the possessive adjectives sit before a noun to show who or what owns something.

En Ingles los adjetivos posesivos se colocan antes de un nombre para mostrar pertenencia a alguien o algo.

Verb To Be / Verbo Ser/ Estar

II. Writing
I am yo soy/ estoy
1. Complete the sentences with the verb be:
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES am, is or are or and a possessive
My: mi
Completa las oraciones con el verbo be:
My name is Mateo. / Mi nombre es Mateo. am, is, are o un adjetivo posesivo

Your: suyo Example:

Your name is Marco. / Tu nombre es Marco.

His: suyo de él
His name is Oscar Pérez. / Su nombre es Oscar Pérez. .
soccer ball.
Her: suyo de ella
and Susan .
Her name is Carmen. / Su nombre es Carmen. friends.
8. You
3. Practice. Unscramble the sentences

Práctica. Ordena las oraciones


I / a / am/ student.

I am a student.

1. Pedro/ are/ and/ Mary/ teachers/his/.

2. Karina/ parents/ are / my/ and/ Roberto/.

3. She /your/ secretary/ is/.

4. It/ our /soccer ball/ is/.


5. They/ Alison/ and/ Mrs. Lara/ are/my /colleagues.

II. Grammar Simple Present

Para construir oraciones negativas en presente simple con el verbo to be , escribimos primero el sujeto

(I, you, he, she, it = singular) o (we, you, they = plural), luego el verbo (am, is, are) y la palabra not.

Ejemplo; I am a student.
Yo no soy un estudiante.
4. Practice the verb to be simple present negative form
Practica el verbo To Be en tiempo presente simple, negativo

Personal + Verb to be + not Spanish

I am not Yo no soy/ no estoy
You are not Tú no eres/ no estas
He is not Él no es/no esta
She is not Ella no es /no esta
It is not Esto/esta es/no esta
We are not Nosotros no somos/ no estamos
You are not Ustedes no son / no están
They are not Ellos no son/no están

5. Writing. Complete with am, is, or are.

Escritura. Completa con el verbo: am, is, are.

1. I am not Martha Rojas.


Marcela Fernandez.


my teacher.

3. Practice and unscramble the sentences.

Práctica y ordena las oraciones.

1. I / a / am/ student/ not.
2. Pedro/ are/ and/ Mary/ my/ teachers/not/.
3. Paula / parents/ are / my/and/not/ Roberto/.
4. She /a/ secretary/ is/not/.
5. It/ a / ball/ is/not/.
6. They/ Ruben / and/ not /Mrs. Lara/ are/.
7. The/ is/ car/not / green/.
8. Laura/ not /doctor/ is/ a/.
9. Carlos/ not/ is / a/ singer/.
10. We/ not/ are/ brothers/.

Grammar Simple Present Questions

Para construir oraciones interrogativas en presente simple con el verbo to be escribimos primero

el verbo (am, is, are) y luego el sujeto (I, you, he, she, it = singular) o (we, you, they = plural).


You are a Student.

¿Are you a student?

¿Es usted un estudiante?
IV. Grammar Simple Present Verb To Be Interrogative Form

Verb to be + Personal Pronouns? Spanish

Am I ¿Soy yo? / ¿Estoy?
Are You ¿Eres tú? / ¿Estás tú?
Is He ¿Es él? / ¿Está él?
Is She ¿Es ella? / ¿Ella está?
Is It ¿Es esto/esta? / ¿Está esto /está?
Are We ¿Somos nosotros? / ¿Estamos no
Are you ¿Son ustedes? / ¿Están ustedes?
Are they ¿Son ellos? / ¿Están ellos?
VI. Writing

1. Complete with: am, is, or are.

Completa las oraciones con:

am Martin Loza.

Am I Martha Rojas?


5. a pen.

6. Nelly and Lucy.

7. my friends.

2. Unscramble the sentences or questions / Ordena las oraciones o preguntas.
Example: I / a / am/ student/?
Am I a student?
a. Pedro/ Are/ and/ Mary/ teachers/? /.
b. Karina/ and/parents/ Are / my/ Roberto/?
c. She /a/ secretary/ Is/? /
d. It/ a / ball/ is/? /.
e. They/ Alberto / and/ Mrs. Lopez/ are/? /.
f. The/ is/ car/ blue/? /.
g. Laura / dentist/ is/ a/? /.

V. Listening and Speaking

First, listen and sing the song, then find and underline the verb to be .

You are not Alone But you are not alone.

I am here with you.
By: Michael Jackson Though we're far apart.
Another day has gone. You're always in my heart.
I'm still all alone. But you are not alone.
How could this be? 'Lone, 'lone.
You're not here with me. Why, 'lone.
You never said goodbye. Just the other night.
Someone tell me why. I thought I heard you cry.
Did you have to go? Asking me to come.
And leave my world so cold. And hold you in my arms.
Every day I sit and ask myself. I can hear your prayers.
How did love slip away? Your burdens I will bear.
Something whispers in my ear and says. But first I need your hand.
That you are not alone. Then forever can begin.
I am here with you. Every day I sit and ask mys
Though you're far away. How did love slip away?
I am here to stay. Something whispers in my
Draw or take a picture of your family and introduce them. For example:

He is my grandfhather
She is my mother.

She is my sister.

Talking about age

I. Reading and writing

1. Read and write the numbers 1- 20. Lee y escribe los números de 1-20.

1 2 3 4
One Two Three Four

5 6 7 8
Five Six Seven Eight

9 10 11 12
Nine Ten Eleven Twelve

13 14 15 1
Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Six

17 18 19 20
Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty

II. Writing

1. Remember and solve the exercises. Recuerda y resuelve los ejercicios

1. Five + nine = fourteen.

2. Four + ten =

3. Six - fifteen =

4. Twenty -

5. Nine + twelve .

6. T

7. Eight + seven

8. Seven * two =

9. S

10. F

2. Grammar / Gramática How old are you?


En inglés, la pregunta ¿Cuántos años tienes? no se hace con

verbo tener, sino con el verbo be (ser / estar).
¿Comenzamos con la frase How old (cuantos años) y lueg
verbo + be y finalmente el + sujeto?
III. Writing

1. Answer the questions. Responde las preguntas.

1. How old are you?

I am twelve years old.

2. How old is she?

3. How old is Pedro?

4. How old is Susan?

5. How old is Ruben?

6. How old is Marcela?

7. How old is Sheyla?

8. How old is Rodrigo?

9. How old is he?

10. How old are you?

Days and Months of the Year

Days of the Week

I. Reading and Writing

1. Write the meaning of these words. Escribe el significado de las palabras

Friday: ...

2. Write the days of the week. Escribe los días y los números.


1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31

Months of the Year

I. Reading and Writing

1. Write the meaning of these words. Escribe el significado de las palabras


2. Find the months of the year in the Crossword.

Encuentra los meses del año en el crucigrama








II. Writing
1. Complete the word, then circle a month or a day.
Completa la palabra luego encierra en un círculo un mes o día
1. Sat_u_r_da_y - month

2. Su__day. day - month

3. Fe___ru__ry day - month

4. De______b___ day - month

5. No______ber day - month

6. Ja____uary day - month

7. Mo___da__ day - month

8. We_____day day - month

2. Write seven sentences with days of the week.

Escribe siete oraciones con los días de la semana.

a) Today is Saturday

Make your school or house schedule, describing your activities. Realiza tú horario de escuela o casa,

describiendo tus actividades.

Vocabulary Numbers, days, months, and commands

Reading and Speaking

1 Read and practice the classroom commands.

Lee y practica las instrucciones en la clase


Teacher: Please open the door.

Jose: ok teacher.

Open your book

Teacher: Raise your hand, please

Raise your hand

I. Writing
1. Practice the commands using the example.
Practica los comandos utilizando el ejemplo.
Stand up

Sit down

Close your book

practice our knowledge:

1.- Write the commands that you like most, use them in your habitual activities and teach them to your
partners or relatives. Escribe los comandos que te gustan más, úsalos en tus actividades habituales y
luego enséñalos a tus compañeros o familiares.

2.- Take a selfie or draw your family or friends and describe them using verb to be, their age, in
positive and negative way.

También podría gustarte