Lab3 Pendulo Simple 2020
Lab3 Pendulo Simple 2020
Lab3 Pendulo Simple 2020
El Péndulo Simple
Grupo 2, 025-65
Mahecha Trujillo Lina (20171025156), Gaona Delgado Daniel (20171025160), Coronado Laddy
Elizabeth (20171025076), Parra Trujillo Daniela (20172025026), Rodríguez Diana Mayerly
(20172025025), Brayan Gonzalez Garay (20182025011)
In this laboratory an analysis of the Simple Pendulum is done taking into account the respective
theoretical information namely and with the help of a simulator, which allows us to identify the
different variables that define the movement of a harmonic oscillator, check how it is governed
by simple harmonic movement.
In a practical way a mass is used, considered punctual, suspended from a thread and subject to
the action of gravity. You can move the mass of your equilibrium position and study the
oscillation period based on the angle and length of the wire to extract a value from the
acceleration of gravity g. This allows you to observe the oscillation of the mass that goes from
one side to the other, in a certain direction and at equal intervals of time
-de-demolicion/ Bola de demolición: historia,
actualidad y método de uso