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2023, Retos, 47, 615-627

© Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 (https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/index)

Neuromotricity and body schema. Bases for the use of body percussion in the sciences of physical edu-
cation and sport
Neuromotricidad y esquema corporal. Bases para el uso de la percusión corporal en las ciencias de la
educación física y el deporte
Francisco Javier Romero-Naranjo, Eliseo Andreu-Cabrera, Antonio Francisco Arnau-Mollá
University of Alicante (España)

Abstract. The aim of this article is to propose a theoretical and practical justification on the work for the internalization of the body
schema in relation to neuromotricity. For this purpose, a bibliographical review is established on the perceptual-motor variables
related to the elaboration of the body schema, such as attitude, postural control, spatial structuring, temporal structuring, balance
and coordination with practical exercises of body percussion for its application in the physical education sciences. In this way, apply-
ing practical resources focused on the work of cognitive and executive functions, we offer an innovative psycho-pedagogical method
in the field of human motor skills.
Keywords: Body schema, neuromotricity, body percussion, BAPNE, physical education, executive functions

Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es proponer una justificación teórica y práctica sobre el trabajo para la interiorización
del esquema corporal en relación a la neuromotricidad. Para ello se establece una revisión bibliográfica sobre las variables perceptivo-
motrices relacionadas con la elaboración del esquema corporal, como son la actitud, control postural, estructuración espacial, estruc-
turación temporal, equilibrio y coordinación con ejercicios prácticos de percusión corporal para su aplicación en las ciencias de la
educación física. de este modo, aplicando recursos prácticos focalizados en el trabajo de las funciones cognitivas y ejecuti-
vas, ofrecemos un método psicopedagógico innovador en el ámbito de la motricidad humana.
Palabras clave: esquema corporal, neuromotricidad, percusión corporal, BAPNE, Educación Física, funciones ejecutivas

Fecha recepción: 07-08-22. Fecha de aceptación: 19-11-22

Francisco Javier Romero-Naranjo
[email protected]

Introduction are constantly changing without the student being able to

intuit what the next movement is, possibly both cognitive
In the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport, human functions are being stimulated (Arnau-Mollá & Romero-
motricity is the object of study, not only regarding the Naranjo, 2020; Jiménez-Molina et al., 2017; Moral-Bofill
quantitative aspects of the growth and performance of our et al., 2020; Piqueres-Juan et al., 2019; Ros-Silla et al.,
systems, but also in the qualitative aspects of the matura- 2019) and executive functions (Álvarez-Morales &
tion processes (Castro-Lemus, 2016). In addition to the Romero-Naranjo, 2019; Castelló-Juan et al., 2019; Coz-
analysis of parameters arising from the use of basic physical zutti et al., 2017; Fernández et al., 2019; González et al.,
qualities, our field of knowledge focuses on variables re- 2019; Latre-Nava et al., 2019; Torró-Biosca et al., 2019).
lated to the concept of the body, highlighting the brain and This is the reason why neuromotor skills acquire a higher
cognitive functions related to the quality of movement. As status, because when cognitive aspects are added to a phys-
the essence of motor development, underlying the con- ical activity, several areas of the brain are possibly worked
cept of corporeality and the wide possibilities of reflex and (Burbano et al., 2021; González, 2022; Luis-de Cos et al.,
voluntary movement, highlighting for its importance, a 2019; Mezcua-Hidalgo et al., 2020; Muñoz-Arroyave et
structure: the body schema (Aguilar-Anisa et al., 2015). al., 2020; Villa et al., 2019).
Regarding the use of body percussion, we observe that The correct use of the body schema in Physical Activity
it has a clear link with the knowledge of the body schema and Sport Sciences brings wide benefits not only at a phys-
(Andreu-Cabrera & Romero-Naranjo, 2021; Arnau-Mollá ical or cognitive level, but also at a socioemotional level
& Romero-Naranjo, 2022; Alonso-Marco & Romero- (Aguilar et al., 2021; Carretero-Martínez et al., 2014;
Naranjo, 2022). The act of hitting different parts of the Carretero-Martínez & Romero-Naranjo, 2015; Martínez
body, as well as moving in space and working laterality et al., 2021; Pacheco et al., 2022; Padial-Ruz et al., 2022;
(Romero-Naranjo, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018a, 2018b; Palma et al., 2021; Pérez et al., 2022; Romero et al.,
Trigueros-Cervantes et al., 2022; Martínez-Heredia et al., 2021; Rosa al., 2021; Zambrano et al., 2022).
2021) require knowledge of our body both statically and After an extensive review of the specific narrative,
in movement. there seems to be some theoretical discussion about terms
The correct use of the body schema allows us to work such as motricity and psychomotricity, with a new disci-
in parallel with cognitive functions by unifying language, pline appearing in recent decades called neuromotricity. In
the attentional network, spatial orientation, praxias and this new approach to motor action, cognitive functions,
memory, as well as executive functions (Romero-Naranjo, and especially executive functions, are part of its essence.
2022). Therefore, neuromotor skills, as a discipline independent
By learning a rhythmic structure in which both the up- of psychomotor skills, proposes a completely different set
per and lower limbs must be used and where the activities of activities in which the dual task is always present. The

- 615 - Retos, número 47, 2023 (1º trimestre)

2023, Retos, 47, 615-627
© Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 (https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/index)

methodology of applied neuromotor skills could promote plete meaning by defining it as the global intuition or im-
the generation of neural networks through stimulation mediate knowledge of our body (Castro-Lemus, 2016),
protocols of increasing complexity, which in turn improve whether in a state of rest or in movement, depending on
brain functions. This work aims to relate the internaliza- the interrelation of its parts and, above all, its relationship
tion of the image of one's own body with neuromotor with the space and objects around us (Le Boulch, 1966;
activities as a method for the knowledge of all body sys- Mamani et al., 2019). This notion is the core of the sensa-
tems, as well as the possibilities of movement that the tion of availability of our body and is also the center of our
human being has. This is where neuromotor skills emerge experience of universe-subject relationship. It is important
as a means of getting to know oneself, knowing our limits, to note that there is a review article (Rodríguez-Camacho
internalizing the image of our body and becoming aware of & Alvis-Gómez, 2015) that provides us with a global over-
the possibilities and functions of our organism as a motor view on this subject with the latest contributions, but
structure. without including body percussion or neuromotor skills,
Motor action allows the exploration of the environ- central aspects of this article. The image of our body is
ment and the acquisition of relevant information for the fundamental for action in general, as it helps the child to
formation of thought, so we can conclude that psychomo- organize the motor schemes that give rise to the most
tor development is linked to the acquisition of knowledge. usual acts.
There seems to be a consensus that early and rich stimula- Perceptual-motor abilities are variables derived from
tion in the sensitive stages of human evolution will facili- the neurological structure and depend on the central nerv-
tate motor and cognitive maturation. ous system. It is important to note that balance and the
various types of coordination depend on sensory differen-
Method tiation and proprioceptive analysis of recognition of one's
own body or somatognosia (Martínez, 1999). In parallel,
A qualitative methodology was used, proceeding to the according to this author, knowledge of the outside world
reading and handling of documents that offered us data or exterognosia is also influenced by orthostatic postural
related to motor development and learning, specifically tonic activity, which facilitates interaction with objects and
concerning the body schema. An investigation focused on others within spatiotemporal coordinates (Castañer &
the perceptual-motor variables for the development of the Camerino, 1991).
mental image of our body, as well as its functions and In any type of activity or movement, the notion of
limitations. At the same time, this research focused on the body, muscle tone, breathing, laterality, balance, etc., is
methodologies that could facilitate the process of internali- present. All these variables present in any type of activity
zation and development of the body schema, highlighting or movement favor the construction of the idea of the
the BAPNE method as the most effective within the field body, which allows us to create it in the mind as a struc-
of neuromotor skills. The information collected was the ture with a series of functions. According to different
object of reflection and discussion, and searches were authors (Rodríguez-Camacho & Alvis-Gómez, 2015), the
carried out mainly in the Scopus, Pubmed and Web of perceptual-motor skills involved in the elaboration of the
Science databases. body schema are the following: attitude-postural control,
spatio-temporal structuring, balance and coordination.
The body schema From body percussion we can work the body schema,
The first psychomotricians defined it as the result and so in Figure 1 we provide the following basic activity from
at the same time the requirement of an adjusted relation- the BAPNE BASIC program (Romero-Naranjo, 2018a) in
ship between the individual and his environment (Gallego, which a first stage that allows working the upper and low-
2009; Prieto, 1983; Wallon, 1959). Subsequently, its er extremity is proposed.
definition was transformed giving it a much more com-

Figure 1. Basic coordination of upper and lower extremities

- 616 - Retos, número 47, 2023 (1º trimestre)

2023, Retos, 47, 615-627
© Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 (https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/index)

As an aid it can be taught by unifying the body stroke the motor action is regulated by the cerebellum, which
with the words Clap - Clap - Tox - Tox - Mus - Mus - Mus performs unconscious postural automatisms based on lived
- Pie - Pie. Once the sequence has been learned, there are experiences. These postures are adapted at each moment
many activities that can be executed. From a neuromotor to the development of the action through constant re-
point of view, students are invited to perform the follow- balancing and readjustment. This process depends on a
ing activities while performing the sequence: series of information: visual, tactile, muscular, articular,
- Tell a story while performing this rhythmic sequence etc. In general dynamic coordination, postural regulations
repeatedly. and balance (perceptual-motor training inherent and in-
- Repeating words or onomatopoeias while performing separable from any motor behavior) are permanently in-
the rhythmic sequence. volved. For Da Fonseca (1998), tonicity is conceived as
- Moving in space in the foot part by jumping or step- the function of alertness and vigilance that requires the
ping. mobilization of a certain energy essential to the activation
of selective connection systems without which no mental
Attitude/postural control activity can be processed, maintained or organized. He
Attitude education consists of moving from the adop- also defines it as the active tension in which muscles are
tion of a global attitude to the conquest of a habitual atti- found when innervation and vascularization are intact,
tude, comfortable and capable of being maintained with a processing the activation of intra-, inter- and supra-
minimum of fatigue and without danger of causing osteo- segmental reflexes that ensure adapted postural accom-
articular imbalances (Chacón-Borrego et al., 2018; Le modations. It is the basic structure that prepares and
Boulch, 1966). The exercise of the adjustment function guides osteomotor activity, controlling joint modulation
that expresses the greater or lesser plasticity of the central and ensuring plastic and integral adjustment of range of
nervous system, allows the child, to respond to situa- motion.
tions/problems he/she encounters when facing the envi- Figure 2 shows an example from the BAPNE FIT pro-
ronment. These adapted responses represent true praxis gram (Romero-Naranjo, 2020a, 2020b) using a Step,
which are stabilized by repetition. Muscle tone is the key ankle and wrist weights and elastic bands.
to postural adjustment and balance. The postural tone of

Figure 2. Activity with Step and other elements for coordination

Spatial structuring ing to Luria, cited by Da Fonseca (1998), the spatio-

Space is not the object of a mental representation but temporal structuring occupies the primary, secondary and
of a perception as a function of action. This concept is tertiary areas of the visual and auditory analyzers respec-
explained by Le Boulch (1966), indicating that the domain tively projected in the occipital lobes and temporal lobes.
of "lived" space implies: the appreciation of directions, the Da Fonseca argues that spatial structuring has functions of
appreciation of distances (aiming), the localization of a reception, processing and spatial storage that require a
moving object (trajectory and speed) and orientation in perceptual-visual structuring that contains the visual areas
space (Abellán, 2021). At the neurological level, accord- of the occipital cortex. Similarly, temporal structuring

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2023, Retos, 47, 615-627
© Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 (https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/index)

involves brain functions such as reception and rhythmic the body reflects the quality of sensory integration, both
processing and storage, naturally dependent on the inte- intracorporeal (vestibular and tactile-kinesthetic) and
gration of the auditory nuclear areas of the temporal cor- extracorporeal (visual and auditory), hence its importance
tex. in the functional organization of psychomotor and higher
Other authors define spatial orientation as the ability to mental activity. Lateral predominance may vary in the
maintain constant the location of one's own body both in visual, auditory or limb use channels. Lateral hem-
terms of the position of objects in space and to position idominance presents the following cases: integral, in
those objects in terms of one's own position (Castañer & which there is predominance of one side in all its aspects;
Camerino, 1991). Here, we must highlight the concept of and non-integral, which in turn can be crossed (laterality
laterality also studied by the same author, which defines it does not occur uniformly on the same side), inverted
as the internal feeling of directionality or body tropism in (when the innate laterality of the individual has been coun-
relation to the surrounding space. This concept is devel- teracted by environmental stimuli) or ambidextrous (the
oped together with the verbal conceptualization of the execution of motor actions can occur with both parts of
spatial components: up-down, right-left, front-back, etc. the body). The right cerebral hemisphere is the one that
Cortical lateralization would be the specificity of one of influences left lateralization, while the functioning of the
the two hemispheres in the processing of sensory infor- left hemisphere has an impact on right lateral predomi-
mation and in the control of actions. The right hemisphere nance. It is essential for human beings to know the posi-
becomes a basic instrument of spatial thinking and visuo- tion of their body within the environment, as well as to
perceptual orientation. know how to measure distances, recognize them and apply
For Da Fonseca (1998) laterality involves interhe- movement from different perspectives.
mispheric organization in terms of predominance: telere- From neuromotor skills we can provide very clear re-
ceptor (ocular and auditory), proprioceptor (manual and sources that allow the work of laterality unifying move-
pedal) and developmental (innate and acquired). The ment with and without speech. Figure 3 shows an example
identification of selective pre-predominance of one side of of such work.

Figure 3. Example of an activity to work on laterality

Temporal structuring that allow a wide range and variety of rhythmic structures:
According to Castañer & Camerino (1991), temporal the notion of regularity in the more or less rapid succes-
structuring can be distinguished between the qualitative sion of rhythmic beats and the notion of alternation be-
aspect of the time factor (perception of organization and tween two or more elements. Temporal structuring im-
order) and the quantitative aspect (perception of intervals proves the coordination of movements. There are two
of duration). The term rhythm is applied as a synonym for basic components: order and duration. Order is the suc-
cadence, tempo, periodicity, accentuation or speed. cessive and irreversible distribution of events and situa-
Rhythm plays a fundamental role in the improvement of tions that happen to us, while duration is defined as the
the automatic mechanisms of basic motor execution, lo- representation of the measured physical time (seconds,
cated at the subcortical level. According to these authors, minutes, hours...) that separates two temporal reference
there are a series of systems involved in this capacity. points. The human body is a set of articulated segments
Rhythmic induction, originated by an immediate percep- that moves discontinuously and by means of a series of
tion reaction. That is, there is an effective synchronization supports (steps, strides, jumps) that constitute a rhythm,
between the stimulus and the response, the result of a an order and a specific duration depending on the speed of
reaction and anticipation to a melody or specific rhythm. locomotion.
Cognitive discrimination would be the assimilation, dis- From a practical point of view, the notion of structure
tinction and comprehension of rhythmic structures. Motor and regularity is very well perceived through the activity
performance would be the last level of rhythmic training called Clap Change from the BAPNE BASIC program
which, depending on learning and experience, provokes (Romero-Naranjo, 2018a). Figure 4 shows this activity in
the intervention of higher brain processes generating com- which the students move their feet to make a square and
plex and voluntary behaviors. clap their hands according to the numbers of the feet pre-
Finally, rhythm is based on two fundamental notions viously indicated by the teacher.

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2023, Retos, 47, 615-627
© Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 (https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/index)

Figure 4. Activity carried out with the square to work on the temporal structure

Equilibrium skills. If the individual is still, we speak of static balance

In the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport, postural and if he/she is moving, of dynamic balance. In the latter,
balance is defined as the process in which the subject tries mastery and body control are the basis of the previous
to maintain an upright posture thanks to straightening balance in rhythmic exercises, dance and in general in
reflexes, labyrinthine, optical, tactile, attitude reflexes or sports. In relation to body percussion, not only the upper
positive support reflexes (Álvarez, 1983). It has also been limbs are used, but also the lower limbs in a profuse man-
defined as the ability to control one's own body, to main- ner. Figure 5 shows an activity in pairs from the BAPNE
tain it in space in an upright position thanks to compensa- BASIC program (Romero-Naranjo, 2018a) where balanc-
tory movements involving global motor and fine motor ing is the main objective.

Figure 5. Balance work through neuromotor skills

Figure 6. Example of coordination with the title Handsball Change

Coordination The segmental coordination integrates the afferences of

The work of coordination is not only limited to the the various sensory modalities with a certain segmental-
mastery or synchronization of a movement or technical bodily zone located in the distal limbs (hand, foot) of the
gesture, but in addition to the synchronization of move- upper and lower segments. The hand-eye coordination is
ments, the precise adjustment of muscle tone and the the one in which the relation of the object with the upper
speed with which the agonist muscles must intervene in limb is positively effected and is the specific characteristic
interrelation with the antagonist muscles is also necessary in the learning of a skill exercise. Exercises of this type
(Álvarez, 1983). Therefore, coordination also means natu- establish the relationship between the target and the body,
ralness, adaptation and assimilation of the gesture, in such in order to lead the movements directly to a target. As the
a way that it is spontaneous and devoid of synkinesis (atyp- individual improves the skill, exercises of this type are less
ical, unthought-of movements). From another point of necessary, being able to execute them with closed eyes.
view, Castañer & Camerino (1991) define coordination as Oculo-pedic coordination is the one in which the lower
the capacity to precisely regulate the intervention of one's body is related to the fixed or moving object. Oculus-testa
own body in the execution of the right and necessary ac- coordination, or eye-head coordination, is the coordina-
tion according to the prefixed motor idea. There are two tion used to control an object with the head. Finally, Le
types: segmental and general dynamic. Bouch (1966) defines general dynamic coordination as

- 619 - Retos, número 47, 2023 (1º trimestre)

2023, Retos, 47, 615-627
© Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 (https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/index)

those movements that require reciprocal adjustment of all ment on dual-tasking is growing. (Bååth, Tjøstheim, &
parts of the body and, in most cases, involve locomotion. Lingonblad, 2016; Chen, & Pei, 2018; Fritz, Cheek,
It is defined as that which groups movements that require Nichols-Larsen, 2015; Malcolm, Massie, & Thaut, 2009;
a joint action of all parts of the body, movements where a Perrochon, Kemoun, Watelain, Dugué, & Berthoz, 2015;
large number of body segments and their muscles are Plummer-D'Amato, Altmann, & Reilly, 2011; Silsupadol,
involved. Siu, Shumway-Cook, & Woollacott, 2006).
In this respect, from neuromotor skills we can work In 2017 Korean researchers bring a new paradigm after
extensively on coordination not only with body percussion an intervention article calling it: Rhythmic-Motor (Kim et
but also with objects, as in this case with balls, as shown in al., 2017, 2022; Loehrer et al., 2016; Montero-Odasso,
Figure 6. Muir, & Speechley, 2014; Oh, 2016; Patel, Lamar, &
Bhatt, 2014; Schrodt, Mercer, Giuliani, & Hartman,
Neuromotricity and Body Schema 2004).
Dual-tasking is the ability to perform two completely Through the body schema work and following the lit-
independent tasks at the same time. Researchers have erature reviewed there are four paradigms linked to the
initially classified dual-tasking into 3 classical paradigms: dual task in which the BAPNE method contributes to a
1. Motor-motor paradigm possible fifth paradigm which is summarised below:
2. Cognitive-motor paradigm 1. Motor-motor paradigm (walking while bouncing a
3. Cognitive-cognitive paradigm ball with both hands)
The literature linking movement working with various 2. Cognitive-motor paradigm (walking and talking;
parts of the body is growing ((Beauchet, Dubost, Her- walking and arithmetic operations).
mann, & Kressig, 2005; Dubost et al., 2008; Ijmker, & 3. Cognitive-cognitive paradigm (writing an alphabet
Lamoth 2021; Jacobs, 2021; Mirelman et al., 2014; Park, and answering arithmetic tests verbally).
& Brünken, 2014; Park, & Kim, 2021; Thornberg, Jo- 4. Rhythmic-motor paradigm (walking and tapping
sephsson, & Lindquist, 2014; Yogev et al., 2005). For this two cylindrical objects with both hands).
reason, literature justification that supports the work of 5. Rhythmic-motor-cognitive paradigm (walking for-
Neuromotricity and body schema is of vital importance. ward or freely in space while tapping the Cuban clef and
Neuromotricity is a discipline that involves rhythmic mo- responding verbally to arithmetic tests, questions about
tor activities focused on cognitive and executive functions capital cities and countries, translation of objects into
on a dual-task basis. The literature with people with cogni- another language, etc.).
tive impairment is extensive (Kim, Cho, & Yoo, 2017a, The following tables classify the possible benefits of
2017b; Teixeira, Gobbi, Pereira, Pereira, Ueno, et al., body schema work through the BAPNE method (Alonso-
2013; Teixeira, Gobbi, Pereira, Vital, et al., 2013). Marco & Romero-Naranjo, 2022).
The literature describing the positive effects of move-

Table 1.
Benefits and contents attached to body percussion BAPNE method I
Kinesthetic / Anatomical Psychological Neurological / Cognitive Etnomusicologic
• Body Scheme: • Emotions CASA • Cognitive functions work: • Learning of work songs and
Postural Control / Attitude • Emotions TRAM Memory their relationship with mo-
Spatial Structuring • (Roberto Aguado) Language vement and body percus-
Temporal Structuring Praxis sion.
• Rooting: gaze, hands, feet
Gnosias • Knowledge of chroniclers,
Coordination Spatial orientation travelers and explorers.
• Increased motivation
• Learning by biomechanical plane Visuospatial ability • Introduction to the lear-
• Improvement of self-concept Attentional network
• Learning by biomechanical axes ning of the TALA of India.
• Improvement of self-esteem Social cognition
• Manual and pedal coordination (au- • Learning of the dances
dio/visual/motor) • Acceptance of error as a vital Executive functions
percussed by geographical
learning process • Executive functions work:
• Motor dissociation zones:
• Bonding work Processing speed Verbunk
• Development of the proprioceptive Working memory
system • Frustration management Schuhplattler
• Development of the vestibular system • Management of socioemotional Esku dantza
Verbal fluency Haka
• Strength work Dual Task Gumboots
• Stimulation of play in learning
• Resistance work Cognitive flexibility Kecak
• Sense of belonging to the group Planning
• Power work Stepping
(tribe) Branching
• Work on laterality Balls dels Moretons
• Learning theories and models Decision Making Flamenco, etc.
• Knowledge of joints and bone structu-
• Forms of learning in BAPNE: • Frontal lobe • Types of clapping by
res in relation to neuromotor skills.
• Imitation • Parietal lobe geographical zones:
• Learning of different types of timbres
and sounds with the body. • Reverse reaction • Temporal lobe Gnawa
Learning of clapping games and their • •
Variable Circular Coordination Occipital lobe Somalí

modification to bring them to the class- • Real-time signalin • Hormones in Neuromotricity (Serotonin, Deaf
• Learning in values Cortisol, Oxytocin…) Bright
Cameroon, etc.
• Movement technique / Motor coordi- • Evolutionary stages of neuro- • Possible stimulation of the cerebellum
• Learning urban rhythms
nation technique. motor learning. • Amygdala

- 620 - Retos, número 47, 2023 (1º trimestre)

2023, Retos, 47, 615-627
© Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 (https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/retos/index)

• BAPNE FIT program. • Motor learning • Learning African rhythms

• BAPNE BODY EXPRESSION Pro- • Motor control • Learning Latin rhythms
gram. • Motor programming • Learning Asian and Ocean-
• BDNF ian rhythms
• Attentional network (Sohlberg and
Matter, 1989).
• Work of the various types of memory
(procedural, etc).

Table 2.
Benefits and contents attached to body percussion BAPNE method II
Musical Visual Arts Creativity Evaluation Research
Pulse Commercial Spots Gesture Assessment of the learning se- Introduction to research
Rhythm study Movement theatricality quence Scientific-academic search engines
Musical figures Analysis of the Logical thinking Assessment of accountability for a Search strategies
Metric division and product and its Systemic thinking job well done Bibliographic managers
subdivision relationship with the Creative thinking Evaluation of the management of Case studies
Beats and Offbeats movement Body language the "You are the Teacher" activi- Quantitative-qualitative research
Timbre Analysis and relation- Bases of Creativity ty. Evaluation instruments (validated tests and
Agogic ship with painting andCreation of activities based on the Evaluation of the management of questionnaires)
Improvisation design Cognitive Functions values in learning. Presentation of projects to the research ethics
Composition Creation of practical Creation of activities based on Evaluation of error management committee.
COGNITIVE SOLFEG resources linked to Executive Functions Evaluation of body language Selection of centers (control and experimental
PROGRAM technologies Creation of activities based on Evaluation of socioemotional groups).
Relationship between ethnographic aspects management Types of articles: rationale, research design,
space, architecture Analysis of relevant works such as Evaluation of the kinesthetic bibliometric, review, systematic review...
and movement Corporel, Clapping music, Liber- aspects and their technique Data analysis (SPSS).
tadores, etc. Evaluation of musical aspects Publication process in congresses and journals.
Creation of activities for corporal Evaluation of activities related to Scientific-academic writing: introduction,
expression Cognitive and Executive Func- method, participants, instruments, procedure,
Neuromotor skills and mathematics tions. results, discussion, conclusion, references.
in infants. Citation and references according to standards
Neuromotor skills and learning a (APA).
foreign language.

Results science is defined as a part of Neuroscience that studies the

neurological processes that influence the generation and
The neuroscience specialty in charge of the study of the mastery of human motor skills, and that plan, organize,
neural network that organizes and controls human move- evaluate and control movement, to achieve motor mile-
ment is neuromotor. Lapierre (1974) states that, between stones in adaptation to the environment and depending on
the psyche and the mechanics of a muscle, there is a whole environmental stimulation. As a system or procedure, we
neurological structure of transmission and regulation, understand neuromotor skills as the educational and neu-
which the author calls the psychoneuromotor system. rorehabilitative methodology within the motor field,
Based on these principles, the same author explains in which affects cognitive and socioemotional stimulation
detail the essential neurophysiological bases that preside through the specific work of the executive functions of the
over the elaboration and execution of voluntary, automat- brain in relation to learning and motor skills (Andreu-
ic and reflex movements. On the other hand, Hernando Cabrera & Romero-Naranjo, 2021).
and Useros (2007), define neuromotor as the nervous
response performed in the cortical and subcortical nerve Neuromotricity and the BAPNE method: a pro-
centers to produce a motor response. In turn, Díaz-Jara posal for the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
(2015), defines neuromotor as the analysis of the neuro- The BAPNE method has several programs with very
logical aspects involved in the development of a move- specific activities according to the discipline of work. In
ment, its programming, its control and the acquisition of the first instance, we work initially with the BAPNE
the models of execution of the movement. It is a subject BASIC program (Romero-Naranjo, 2018a) with the objec-
that is spreading, leaving behind motor reeducation or tive of acquiring basic skills. Once internalized, we move
motor therapy. The knowledge of the brain in the 21st on to the BAPNE FIT program (Romero-Naranjo, 2020a,
century has an unequivocal impact on new procedures that 2020b) which provides much more specific resources for
promote the stimulation of the cortex, perception, Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
movement programming, motor control and decision- The novelty is not only in offering aerobic exercises
making in the field of motor skills. with the aim of improving motor coordination, lung ca-
The term "neuromotricity" is cited in research related pacity, muscle tone and reduction of subcutaneous fat, but
to motor development and learning, as well as in studies also focuses on cognitive work focused on the executive
on neuromotor and cognitive aspects, especially in devel- functions presented below.
opmental disabilities or disorders. Neuromotricity as a Processing speed: reflects the amount of information

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that can be processed per unit of time or even the speed at stances of our environment.
which a series of cognitive operations can be performed, Planning: is the ability to generate objectives, develop
but also the time that elapses from the appearance of the action plans to achieve them and choose the most appro-
stimulus to the execution of a response. priate one based on the anticipation of consequences.
Working memory: also called working memory, it is Decision making: is the process of making a choice be-
the ability to record, encode, maintain and manipulate tween several possible choices based on needs, assessing
information during a very specific interval of time to main- the results and consequences of each one of them.
tain a sense of unity of cognitive activity. Branching: is the ability to organize and perform three
Verbal fluency: related to the processes that carry out tasks optimally simultaneously, interleaving them and
the appropriate strategies for the search of information and knowing where each of them is at any given moment.
its appropriate response in the shortest possible time. It is The possibilities of neuromotor skills are very broad,
worked through the ability to improvise verbally within since both the motor and cognitive dimensions are closely
certain structures provided by the teacher. related. From the kinesthetic point of view, the activities
Dual task: the ability to perform two completely dif- can be performed both in a seated and bipedal position, as
ferent tasks simultaneously and paying equal attention to well as moving in square, triangle or other spatial shapes.
both of them constantly. It involves working in parallel on Possible stimulation of executive functions is activated by
a visual and a visuospatial task. parallel use of language and solving different challenges of
Inhibition or interference control: the ability to inhibit increasing complexity.
or control impulsive responses, interferences or distract- Figure 7 presents a global activity model showing the
ers while performing a task. It can be worked on at the potentials in the area of motor development and learning.
motor, attentional and behavioral levels. This example is applicable for the development of the
Cognitive flexibility: is the ability to make changes in body schema and is subsequently performed with Step,
what was previously planned and thus adapt to the circum- elastic bands and weights on the ankles and hands.

Figure 7. Activity model of the BAPNE method

The BAPNE method is a didactic approach for working schema are worked on. These activities are designed in a
on neuromotor skills through a protocol that could help progression of psychomotor difficulty, and involve motor
structure the concept of the body. This method offers variables such as muscle tone, postural attitude, laterality,
activities in which, among others, the perceptual- spatial concepts (front, back, up, down...), balance, all
coordinative capacities for the development of the body types of coordination and temporal concepts (rhythm,

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