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Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions- 70008612 4.0

Level 3
Critical Erection and Commissioning Checklist for Hydrostatic Multi-Pad
Main Bearings

This specification supersedes and replaces the following documents:

ED70.726.030 – Critical Erection and Commissioning Checklist for Hydrostatic Multi-Pad

Main Bearings

Documentum Location: Docbases \ fls_prod_doc \ Documents \ Instruction \ Ball mill \ 726 \ Erection Instruction

Approved by: D. Miller Approved date: 10-Mar-2011 Pages: 14

este documento identifica los
procedimientos esenciales para
la instalación y operación
70008612 2 del equipo designado.
la lista de verificación debe ser
completada, firmada y fechada
por el supervisor de montaje.
se debe mantener una copia en
Critical Erection and Commissioning Checklist for Hydrostatic Multi-Pad Mainlos
registros del sitio de campo
y se debe enviar una copia a
FLSmith c/o el gerente de
proyecto designado

Scope: This document identifies procedures essential towards the successful installation
and operation of the designated equipment. The check list is to be completed,
signed and dated by the erection supervisor. A copy is to be maintained in the
field site records and a copy is to be sent to FLSmidth c/o the designated project

CONTRACT NUMBER: Esta lista de verificación no

reemplaza los documentos
de instalación y operación
MAIN PARTS LIST NUMBER: provistos con los manuales
de instrucciones del
EQUIPMENT NUMBER: proyecto (referencias) que
deben leerse y
CUSTOMER NAME: comprenderse antes del
comienzo del trabajo de
SITE LOCATION: montaje y operación del


This check list is not a replacement for the installation and operation documents provided with
the project instruction manuals (references) which are to be read and understood prior to the
commencement of erection work and operation of the equipment.
las cuñas de la placa base
verificar la ubicación y estén correctamente
elevación de los pilares de ubicadas, niveladas y
cimentación y la ubicación y enlechadas de acuerdo con
70008612 proyección de los pernos de el manual de 3 instrucciones
todas las instrucciones han anclaje del contrato. mida la
sido leídas y entendidas nivelación de la parte
superior de la suela.
registrar lecturas. figura 1

se colocan las soleras, s

verifica la ubicación y las
elevaciones de acuerdo
1. All instructions have been read and understood. manual de instrucciones
contrato. registrar lectura
2. Verify the location and elevation of the foundation piers and, the
location and projection of the anchor bolts. la alineación de la base y la
suela se verifica de acuerdo
con el manual de
3. Soleplate shims are properly located,
d, leveled and grouted according to
instrucciones del contrato.
the contract instruction manual. Measure
ure levelness of top of soleplate. las superficies de contacto
Record readings, Figure 1. de la base y la suela están
las almohadillas de empuje
limpias y lubricadas. el
se ensamblan con las
holguras axiales y radiales
Soleplates are set; location and elevations are verified according to the contacto se verifica con
especificadas de acuerdo contract instruction manual. Record readings, Figure 2. galgas de espesores y la
suela se vuelve a calzar si
con el manual de
5. Base and soleplate alignment is verified according to the contract es necesario
instrucciones del contrato
instruction manual. Base and soleplate contact surfaces are cleaned
and lubricated. Contact is verified w
with feeler gauges and soleplate re- las placas de base se
shimmed if necessary. cementan y la base de
apoyo se vuelve a instalar
6. Soleplates are grouted and bearin
bearing base re-installed for curing. para el curado

polos del motor instalados,
Shell, heads, trunnions assembled in cradles. Critical bolts tightened
verificaciones de to initial pre-load. Joint tightness verified. cáscara, cabezas, muñones
descentramiento del rotor y ensamblados en cunas.
mediciones preliminares Lift pad assemblies are: inspected, cleaned, lubricated and installed. crítica, pernos apretados a
entrehierro confirmadas, la precarga inicial.
estanqueidad conjunta
registradas y aprobadas Temporary or permanent lube sy system is installed and operation
el proveedor del motor verificada
confirmed. Mill is lowered in th
the bearings. Trunnion and bearing
housing clearances are uniform. los conjuntos de plataforma
de elevación son:
inspeccionados, limpiados,
10. Critical bolts tightened to final pr
pre-load. Joint tightness verified. lubricados e instalados

11. Using feeler gauges, contact betw

between the two trunnions and eight lift pernos críticos apretados a
pads is measured according to the contract instruction manual. la precarga final.
estanqueidad conjunta
Clearances at six locations per pad do not exceed 0.03 mm. verificada

requerido antes de la12. Thrust pads are assembled with the specified axial and radial utilizando galgas de
rotación del molino: clearances according to the contract instruction manual. espesores, se mide el
elevación hidrostática, contacto entre los dos
molino vacío, revestimientos
13. Motor poles installed, rotor run-out checks and preliminary air gap muñones y las ocho
y polos del motor no measurements confirmed, recorded and approved by motor supplier. almohadillas de elevación
instalados. con indicadores de acuerdo con el manual
de carátula, verifique que la de instrucciones del
elevación sea mayor que
Required before mill rotation
rotation: Hydrostatic lift, mill empty, liners contrato. las holguras en
0.003 o 0.075. nota: con and motor poles not installed. With dial indicators, verify lift is seis ubicaciones por
sistema de lubricación greater than 0.003" or 0.075 mm. Note: With temporary lube system, almohadilla no superan los
temporal, la elevación acceptable lift is +/- 0.001" or 0.025 mm. 0,03 mm
aceptable es de 0,001 o
0,025 mm
70008612 4

los revestimientos del molino y los polos del motor pueden instalarse
ahora rotando el molino con el sistema de lubricación permanente o con
un sistema de lubricación temporal. los elementos restantes de la lista de
verificación se deben realizar solo con el sistema de lubricación
permanente después: de completar el montaje del molino

The mill liners and motor poles may be installed now by rotating the mill with the
el sistema de lubricación
lube system or with a temporary lube system. The remaining check list items areentofuncionamiento,
be made only
with the permanent lube system after erection of the mill is complete. refiriéndose a los
manómetros conectados a
15. With the lube system operating, referring to the pressure gauges las líneas de suministro de
connected to the bearing supply lines; verify the central recess pressure los cojinetes, verifique que la
presión del receso central de
of each pad, is within +/- 5% of the average pressure per bearing. Record cada pastilla esté dentro de
results in table, figure 6. 0,05 de la presión promedio
por cojinete. registrar los
16. With the lube system operating, utilizing temporary pressure gauges resultados en la tabla. figura
connected to pressure ports on each of the four corner pockets, measure 6
the corner pocket pressures, one pad at a time. Confirm the pressures are con el sistema de
between 1 MPa and 1.7 MPa lower than the central recess pressure. lubricación en
funcionamiento, utilizando
17. With the lube system operating, using feeler gauges, measure the manómetros temporales
operating clearances between the lift pads and the trunnion at six conectados a los puertos de
locations per pad and the thrust pads at three locations per pad as shown presión en cada uno de los
in Figure 3. Verify the lift pad clearance is greater than 0.006" or 0.15 cuatro bolsillos de las
esquinas, mida las
mm and the thrust pad clearance is greater than 0.013" or 0.35 mm. presiones de los bolsillos de
Record results in table, figure 5. las esquinas, una
almohadilla a la vez.
18. Main bearing seal assemblies are lubricated
icated and positioned with a slight confirme que las presiones
gap between the rubber and trunnion; +/- 0.005"; 0.15 mm. estén entre 1 mpa y 1,7 mpa
por debajo de la presión del
19. Verify the mill is insulated from ground. Measure the resistance of each hueco central
lift pad assembly from the top center of the pad to bottom of hydraulic
jack base is greater than 1 k . Complete Form 3. con el sistema de
lubricación en
20. Verify flange joints are tight from outside mill. funcionamiento, utilizando
galgas de espesores, mida
las holguras operativas
21. Required for “no load” operation:: Hydrostatic lift, mill empty, liners
entre las almohadillas de
and motor poles installed. With dial iindicators,
ndicators, verify lift is greater than elevación y el muñón en
0.003" or 0.075 mm. Complete Form 1 and 2. seis lugares por almohadilla
y las almohadillas de
requerido para la operación empuje en tres ubicaciones
"sin carga": elevación por almohadilla, como se
hidrostática, molino vacío, los conjuntos de sellos del muestra en la figura 3.
revestimientos y polos del cojinete principal están verifique que la holgura de
Verifique que el molino esté
motor instalados. con lubricados y colocados con la almohadilla de elevación
aislado de tierra. mida la
indicadores de carátula, un pequeño espacio entre la sea superior a 0,006 o 0,15
resistencia de cada conjunto
verifique que la elevación goma y el muñón mm y la holgura de la
de almohadilla de elevación
sea mayor que 0.003 o almohadilla de empuje es
desde el centro superior de
0.075. completar formulario superior a 0,013 o 0,35 mm.
la almohadilla hasta la parte
1y2 registre los resultados en la
inferior de la base del gato
hidráulico es mayor que 1 k. tabla figura 5
Verifique que las juntas de formulario completo 3
brida estén apretadas desde
el exterior del molino
70008612 5


1. Lubrication system operation is normal. Oil flow, temperature and

pressure are within drawing specifications. Pad pressures are within
the specified ranges.

2. Interlock systems are functional and on line.

3. RTD’s are installed and operating properly.

4. “No load operation”: Oil film across trunnion is uniform, RTD

temperature gradient is within tolerance, seal contact is not tight, no
vibration, no unusual sounds. Complete Form 1.

5. Verify the pad pressure distribution, without load, is within +/- 5% of

the average pressure per bearing when the mill stopped and +/- 10% of
the average pressure per bearing when the mill is in steady state
operation. Adjust bearings if necessary prior to operating the mill with

6. “Partial load operation, 50% of full load grinding charge and ore
feed rate”: Oil film across trunnion is uniform, RTD temperature
gradient is within tolerance, seal contact is not tight, no vibration, no
unusual sounds. Complete Form 1 and 2.

7. Re-check critical fastener elongation, 100% of bolts.

8. Verify preliminary “partial load” motor air gap. Record, obtain motor
supplier approval.

9. Verify flange joints are tight from outside the mill.

10. “Full load operation, 100% of full load grinding charge and ore
feed rate”: Verify pressure distribution of lift pads in steady state
operation. Re-align the bearing pads if necessary to obtain a pad
pressure distribution, with load, within +/- 10% of the average
pressure per bearing.

11. “Full load operation, 100% of full load grinding charge and ore
feed rate”: Verify the hydrostatic lift of the mill loaded. With dial
indicators, verify lift is greater than 0.003" or 0.075 mm. Complete
Form 1 and 2.

12. “Full load operation, 100% of full load grinding charge and ore
feed rate”: Oil film across trunnion is uniform, RTD temperature
gradient is within tolerance, seal contact is not tight, no vibration, no
unusual sounds. Complete Form 1.
70008612 6

13. Verify the pad pressure distribution, with full load, is within +/- 5%
of the average pressure per bearing when mill stopped and +/- 10% of
the average pressure per bearing when the mill is in steady state
operation. Adjust bearings if necessary prior to operating the mill.

14. Re-check final “full load” motor air gap, record, obtain motor supplier

15. After 30 days of full load operation, verify critical fastener elongation,
registro de entrega de
100% of the bolts. documentos


1. Figure 1 submitted to FLSmidth

2. Figure 2 submitted to FLSmidth

3. Figure 4 submitted to FLSmidth

4. Figure 5 submitted to FLSmidth

5. Form 1 submitted to FLSmidth

6. Mill Tag / MPL Number

COMMENTS: (Add pages if necessary)

Sign/date: _____________________
agujero de lechada
70008612 7

tornillo lateral GROUTING HOLE


Tornillo axial placas de corte




muelle aspero perno de

tornillo de nivel

paquete de cuñas
registro de lecturas de
FIGURE 1 medición de nivel en cuatro
ubicaciones igualmente

Record level measurement readings at four equally spaced locations.

muñón fijo
Fixed Trunnion:
Lateral: L1 L2 L3 L4

Axial: L5 L6 L7 L8

muñón flotante
Floating Trunnion:
Lateral: L1 L2 L3 L4

Axial: L5 L6 L7 L8

Signed/Date: _________________________
70008612 8

D1 _______________ D2 ______________ H1 ______________ H2 ______________

L1 _______________ L2 ______________

Fixed Trunnion: W1 ____________________ W2 ______________

Floating Trunnion: W1 __________________ W2 _________________

Signed/Date: ___________________
70008612 9

cojinete de empuje

puntos de medición de los

cojinetes principales
70008612 10
70008612 11
70008612 12
70008612 13

registro de temperatura rtd

operacion sin carga


NO LOAD OPERATION Fixed Trunnion Floating trunnion

Inboard RTD

Center RTD

Outboard RTD afuera

PARTIAL LOAD OPERATION Fixed Trunnion Floating trunnion

Inboard RTD

Center RTD

Outboard RTD

FULL LOAD OPERATION Fixed Trunnion Floating trunnion

Inboard RTD

Center RTD

Outboard RTD

Signed/Date: ___________________
70008612 14

elevación hidrostática
Form 2 los indicadores de carátula
2 y 4 deben estar en línea
Hydrostatic Lift con las almohadillas de los
cojinetes internos
Dial Indicators 2 and 4 to be in line with inner bearing pads.

extremo de aliimentacion

Load Position Date Oil Temp Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator

Final de descarga 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm

Empty Feed End

Discharge End

Partial Feed End

Discharge End

Full Feed End

Discharge End

Signed / Date ___________________

70008612 15

medicion de aislamiento
rodamientos flotantes

Form 3

Insulation Measurements

Floating Bearings Resistance, Ohms

Pad A5

Pad A6

Pad A7

Pad A8
cojinete fijo

Fixed Bearings

Pad A1

Pad A2

Pad A3

Pad A4

Pad B1

Pad B2

Pad B3

Pad B4

Sign/Date: _____________________

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