Tecnologia 3.1
Tecnologia 3.1
Tecnologia 3.1
Matrícula: 2129096
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
Glosario sobre los fundamentos de la inteligencia de negocios y
negocios habilitados para la web.
1. INCONSISTENCIA DE DATOS: Es donde el mismo atributo puede tener
distintos valores.
13. VISTA LÓGICA: Presenta los datos según los perciben los usuarios finales o
los especialistas de negocios.
15. CAMPO CLAVE: Se identifica cada registro en formula única, de modo que
ese registro se pueda recuperar, actualizar u ordenar.
16. SOFTWARE: Son programas informáticos que hacen posible la ejecución de
tareas dentro de un computador
17. SELECCIONAR: Elegir una o varias personas o cosas entre un conjunto por
un determinado criterio o motivo.
19. CLAVE FORÁNEA: Relaciona los datos de un registro de una tabla con los
de otra, o con un registro distinto de la misma tabla
1.DATA INCONSISTENCY: It is where the same attribute can have different values.
2. FIELD: Set of words or a complete number, such as the name or age of the person
4. FILE: A file is a container of information. most of the files that are used contain
information (data) in a certain format: a document, a spreadsheet, a graph
5. ENTITY: Is a person, place, thing or event about which we store and maintain
6. BIT(BYTE): Represents the smallest unit of data that a computer can handle. is
a digit of the binary number system, which is represented by two values, 0 and 1. In
computing, bit is the minimum unit of information.
7. SYSTEMS (SI): It is a system that allows us to store and process information
through a series of interrelated parts, such as hardware, software and personnel.
10. ATTRIBUTE: Are those characteristics or qualities that describe a specific entity.
11. DATABASE: It is the set of data organized to efficiently serve many applications
12. LACK OF FLEXIBILITY: It is a traditional filing system that can deliver routine
scheduled reports after scheduling efforts.
14. NORMALIZATION: Process of creating small and stable data structures that are
both flexible and adaptive from complex groups of data.
15. KEY FIELD: Each record is identified in a unique formula, so that this record can
be retrieved, updated or sorted.
16. SOFTWARE: They are computer programs that make it possible to execute
tasks within a computer
17. SELECT: Choose one or more people or things from a group for a certain
criterion or reason.
18. PROJECT: Provoke the reflection of an enlarged image on a surface, make the
figure of an object become visible on another, develop a plan to achieve something
19. FOREIGN KEY: Relates the data of a record of a table with that of another, or
with a different record of the same table
20. DATA STORE: It is a database that stores current and historical information of
potential interest.
23. INTRANETS: These are internal websites of a company where only employees
can access them.
24. EXTRANETS: These are company websites and are accessible to distributors
and suppliers.