Memoria de Calculo Estructura Remate Anclaje

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07-09-2022 1 Revisado: CYZ/JTL 2 de 273 6390-11-CE-MC-002
Aprobado: JFB


1.0 INTRODUCCIÓN ............................................................................................. 4

2.0 OBJETIVO........................................................................................................ 4
3.0 ALCANCE ........................................................................................................ 4
4.0 DESCRIPCIÓN Y METODOLOGÍA ................................................................. 5
5.0 BASES DE CÁLCULO ..................................................................................... 6
5.2 MATERIALES ............................................................................................ 7
5.3 CARGAS.................................................................................................... 8
5.4 CRITERIOS DE DISEÑO........................................................................... 8
5.4.1 Límite de esbeltez ............................................................................... 8
5.4.2 Límite de esbeltez efectivos ................................................................ 8
5.5 METODOLOGÍA DE CÁLCULO ................................................................ 9
5.5.1 Compresión (L/r Capacity) .................................................................. 9
5.5.2 Tracción (Net Section Capacity) .......................................................... 9
5.5.3 Bloque de corte (Tension Conect. Rupture Capacity) ......................... 9
5.5.4 Diseño de pernos al corte (Tension Conect. Shear Capacity) ........... 10
5.5.5 Aplastamiento (Tension Conect. Bearing) ......................................... 10
5.5.6 Diseño de rellenos............................................................................. 10
5.5.7 Flexión por montaje ........................................................................... 11
5.5.8 Deformación Límite ........................................................................... 11
5.5.9 Factores de sobrecarga (FS) ............................................................ 11
6.0 ANÁLISIS ESTRUCTURAL ............................................................................ 11
6.1 METODOLOGÍA DE CÁLCULO .............................................................. 11
6.2 ESTADOS DE CARGA ............................................................................ 13
6.2.1 Peso propio de la estructura (PPE) ................................................... 13
6.2.2 Cargas debido a los conductores (CC) ............................................. 14
6.2.3 Cargas de viento sobre la estructura................................................. 15
6.2.4 Montaje y mantenimiento .................................................................. 17
6.3 VERIFICACIÓN DE LA ESTRUCTURA................................................... 18
6.3.1 Cargas de trabajo .............................................................................. 18
6.3.2 Cargas de montaje ............................................................................ 21
6.4 VERIFICACIÓN DE DEFORMACIÓN...................................................... 22


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Aprobado: JFB

7.0 CONCLUSIÓN ............................................................................................... 23

8.0 CUBICACIONES DEL MODELO.................................................................... 24

Figura 4-1 Esquemas combinaciones de patas ............................................................... 5

Figura 6-1 Geometría Torres. ........................................................................................ 13
Figura 6-2 Cuadro de cargas ......................................................................................... 14
Figura 6-3 Árbol de cargas. ........................................................................................... 15
Figura 6-4 Porcentaje de uso para cargas de trabajo .................................................... 18


Tabla 4-1 Modelos Family Manager (Ejemplo combinación pata +2 y pata +0) ............. 6
Tabla 5-1 Tensión de fluencia y rotura aceros ............................................................... 7
Tabla 5-2 Resistencia a la rotura por cizalle ................................................................... 8
Tabla 5-3 Curvas de Pandeo .......................................................................................... 8
Tabla 6-1 Elemento más solicitado por combinación de bases y patas ....................... 19
Tabla 8-1 Cubicaciones del modelo por secciones ...................................................... 24
Tabla 8-2 Cubicaciones del modelo para estructuras combinando bases y patas ....... 24











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Aprobado: JFB


Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi (CMDIC), ha contratado los servicios

bbosch, para el desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Detalles, como etapa posterior del
desarrollo de la Ingeniería Nivel FEL 2 y FEL 3, del proyecto denominado
"Ampliación del Sistema Eléctrico de Transmisión en 220 kV de Collahuasi", esta
ingeniería considera además la Gestión de Adquisiciones de todos los suministros
secundarios para la construcción, montaje y puesta en servicio.

Este proyecto es necesario para abastecer de energía eléctrica al nuevo Sistema

de Impulsión de Agua de Mar Desalinizada actualmente en desarrollo y que es
fundamental para asegurar el suministro de Agua Fresca a la Planta Concentradora.

Se consideran en el diseño diferentes tipos de obras, tales como: modificación de

líneas eléctricas de alta tensión existentes, construcción de nuevas líneas en 220
kV, construcción de nuevas subestaciones de transformación y seccionadora.

El objetivo del presente documento es diseñar la estructura de Anclaje/Remate
22RH.2T que se instalará en la LT 2x220 kV Tarapacá - Puerto Collahuasi, que
corresponde al proyecto denominado "Ampliación del Sistema Eléctrico de
Transmisión en 220 kV", perteneciente a la Compañía Minera Doña Inés de
Collahuasi S.C.M. (CMDIC).

En el presente documento se verifica la resistencia mecánica de los elementos que
conforman la estructura analizada, condicionada a una deformación máxima
admisible. En base a lo anterior se determina la escuadría de los perfiles que
componen la estructura analizada, los materiales que la componen, y la cantidad y
el tipo de pernos de conexión.

La estructura de Anclaje/Remate a verificar en el presente documento, corresponde

a la estructura 22RH.2T, con bases H=19 y H=16 y pata +2, +1, ±0 y -1; a utilizar en
el proyecto "Ampliación del Sistema Eléctrico de Transmisión en 220 kV".

La estructura estará conformada por elementos de acero con perfiles de tipo

angulares, tanto para las cantoneras como para las diagonales.


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Aprobado: JFB


En este documento se analizan las torres con las configuraciones:

• Base H=19m y patas +2, esta torre tiene una altura total de 46,0 m.
• Base H=19m y patas +1, esta torre tiene una altura total de 45,0 m.
• Base H=19m y patas ±0, esta torre tiene una altura total de 44,0 m.
• Base H=19m y patas -1, esta torre tiene una altura total de 43,0 m.
• Base H=16m y patas +2, esta torre tiene una altura total de 43,0 m.
• Base H=16m y patas +1, esta torre tiene una altura total de 42,0 m.
• Base H=16m y patas ±0, esta torre tiene una altura total de 41,0 m.
• Base H=16m y patas -1, esta torre tiene una altura total de 40,0 m.

El análisis estructural de los elementos de acero se realiza con un modelo

tridimensional conformado por elementos unidimensionales, utilizando el software
de análisis estructural especializado en torres de transmisión "PLS-TOWER". Se
emplea la modalidad Family Manager para analizar al mismo tiempo las ocho
configuraciones mencionadas mas sus distintas combinaciones considerando la
pata mas alta como se muestra en el siguiente esquema.
a= Pata mas alta
b= Pata a combinar

Combinación de Patas
Posición 1 2 3 4
1 b a a a
2 a b a a
3 a a b a
4 a a a b
5 b b a a
6 b a b a
7 b a a b
8 a b b a
9 a b a b
10 a a b b
11 a b b b
12 b a b b
13 b b a b
14 b b b a

Figura 4-1 Esquemas combinaciones de patas



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Tabla 4-1 Modelos Family Manager (Ejemplo combinación pata +2 y pata +0)

La verificación de los perfiles y conexiones se realiza para la totalidad de las barras

definidas en el modelo, considerando en cada caso la hipótesis de carga más
desfavorable, y se hará considerando la metodología descrita en el código ASCE


El diseño del proyecto se debe realizar de acuerdo con la edición más reciente de
las publicaciones, normas y/o reglamentos pertinentes:


• ASCE 10-15 Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures

• RPTD N°11 Pliego Técnico Normativo – Líneas de Alta y Extra Alta


• ASTM A394 Standard Specification for Steel Transmission Tower

Bolts, Zinc-Coated


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• ASTM A572 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy

Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel

• ASTM A36 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel

• NCh203 Acero para uso estructural- Requisitos.

• ETG A1.03 Criterios de Diseño de Estructuras Metálicas y

Fundaciones para Subestaciones.

• VPP-00000-000-41-DC-0001 Criterio Civil Estructural CMDIC.

• 190-PRI20091-000-42-DC-0001 Criterio de Diseño Civil – Estructural

Subestaciones y Líneas Alta

• 190-PRI20091-5521-47-CS-0004 Cargas en las Estructuras

• 190-PRI20091-5521-43-DW-0001 Plano Diseño Torre

• 190-PRI20091-5521-47-DW-0001 Geometría de Estructuras


• Acero en los perfiles estructurales:

o Calidad ASTM A572 Grado 50 (alta resistencia)

• Acero en planchas 4
o Calidad ASTM A36
• Pernos de conexión
o Calidad ASTM A394 tipo 1

Propiedades de los materiales de perfiles y planchas:

Tabla 5-1 Tensión de fluencia y rotura aceros

Acero Tipo Fy (MPa) Fu (MPa)

A36 250 400
A572 345 450


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Propiedades de los pernos de conexión:

Tabla 5-2 Resistencia a la rotura por cizalle

Acero Tipo Fv (kg/cm2)

ASTM A394 Tipo 1 3.449


• Peso Propio de Estructura: Acero, peso específico = 7,85 [ton/m3]

• Cargas de Conductores: Según punto 6.2.2
• Viento sobre la estructura: Según punto 6.2.3
• Carga Montaje: Según punto 6.2.4


Los esfuerzos de compresión, producto de las cargas mayoradas, no deberán

sobrepasar las tensiones críticas según el ASCE 10-15. 5
5.4.1 Límite de esbeltez
Las relaciones de esbeltez máximas utilizadas son:
• En cantoneras: 150
• En diagonales: 200
• En rellenos: 250

5.4.2 Límite de esbeltez efectivos

Los índices de esbeltez efectivos se determinan según lo dispuesto en el código
ASCE 10 de acuerdo con las siguientes curvas:

Tabla 5-3 Curvas de Pandeo

Curvas KL/r
1 L/r
2 30 + 0,75 L/r
3 60 + 0,5 L/r
4 L/r
5 28,6 + 0,762 L/r
6 46,2 + 0,615 L/r


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• K: Coeficiente de longitud efectiva
• L: Largo entre apoyos del elemento
• r: Radio de giro de la sección del elemento

5.5.1 Compresión (L/r Capacity)

En el diseño a compresión se usan las curvas de pandeo definidas en el código

ASCE 10-15, señaladas anteriormente, limitando la esbeltez de los elementos a lo
señalado en el punto 5.4.1.
El cálculo de la tensión admisible a compresión se realiza de acuerdo a lo
mencionado en los capítulos 3.6 y 3.7 del código ASCE 10-15.
Se debe verificar que la solicitación de compresión mayorada que actúa en el
elemento sea menor o igual a la resistencia a la compresión del elemento, la que
se determina de acuerdo a lo detallado en los capítulos 3.6 y 3.7 del código ASCE
5.5.2 Tracción (Net Section Capacity)

I. Perfiles conectados en ambas caras (cantoneras)

Se debe verificar que la solicitación de tracción mayorada que actúa en el

elemento sea menor o igual a la resistencia a la tracción del elemento, la que
se determina de acuerdo a lo detallado en el capítulo 3.10.1 del código ASCE

II. Perfiles conectados en una cara (diagonales)

Se debe verificar que la solicitación de tracción mayorada que actúa en el

elemento sea menor o igual a la resistencia a la tracción del elemento, la que
se determina de acuerdo a lo detallado en el capítulo 3.10.2 del código ASCE

5.5.3 Bloque de corte (Tension Conect. Rupture Capacity)

Se debe verificar que la solicitación de tracción mayorada que actúa en la conexión

del elemento sea menor o igual a la resistencia a la tracción de la conexión del
elemento, la que se determina con la fórmula 3.10-1 del capítulo 3.10.2 del código
ASCE 10-15.


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5.5.4 Diseño de pernos al corte (Tension Conect. Shear Capacity)

𝑃𝑛 = 𝐹𝑛𝑣 · 𝐴𝑏
Condición a verificar:

𝑃𝑢 ≤ 𝑃𝑛

• 𝐹𝑛𝑣: Tensión de corte nominal, en kg⁄cm2.
• Ab∶ Área bruta del perno o parte roscada.
• Pu: Solicitación mayorada.

La condición verifica la cantidad de pernos que se utilizarán para que no se

produzca una falla por corte de estos, esto se hace utilizando la mayor solicitación
entre los esfuerzos de compresión y tracción (Pu), la que debe ser menor a lo que
soporta el grupo de pernos en la unión analizada.

5.5.5 Aplastamiento (Tension Conect. Bearing)

Se debe verificar el aplastamiento que se puede producir en los perfiles o planchas

de conexión debido a la cantidad de pernos que existen en la unión analizada, esto
a través de la siguiente expresión:

𝑃𝑛 = 1.5 ∙ 𝑑𝑝 ∙ 𝑁𝑝 ∙ 𝑡 ∙ 𝐹𝑢

Condición a verificar:
𝑃𝑢 ≤ 𝑃𝑛

• 𝑑𝑝 : Diametro perno
• 𝑁𝑝 : Número de pernos conexión
• t: Espesor perfil conectado
• Pu: Solicitación mayorada

5.5.6 Diseño de rellenos

Los rellenos se verifican a compresión considerando que deben resistir a lo menos

el 2,5% del esfuerzo en el elemento principal que arriostra transversalmente contra
el pandeo.


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5.5.7 Flexión por montaje

Los elementos de la estructura que forman un ángulo menor o igual a 45° con la
horizontal se verifican para resistir simultáneamente las cargas axiales producidas
por las hipótesis de mantenimiento y una carga puntual de 120 kgf aplicada en el
centro del elemento, mayorada por un factor de sobrecarga igual a 1.2.

La verificación de los elementos sometidos a flexo-compresión se verifican según

lo indicado en el capítulo 3.12 del código ASCE 10-15, en cambio, los elementos
sometidos a flexo-tracción se verifican según lo indicado en el capítulo 3.13 del
código ASCE 10-15.

5.5.8 Deformación Límite

Para este tipo de estructuras, salvo que se realice un análisis de 2° orden, se

considera una deformación horizontal máxima de H/150 para cargas de servicio,
medidas hasta el marco superior de la torre que se encuentra en la parte inferior del
canastillo del cable de guardia.

5.5.9 Factores de sobrecarga (FS)

Para la verificación de los elementos estructurales, se emplean factores de

sobrecarga, sus valores corresponden a 1,5 para cargas normales, y 1,2 para
eventuales y para la condición de montaje.


El análisis estructural se realiza considerando la verificación de los perfiles y
conexiones según los criterios establecidos en el código ASCE 10-15.

La estructura se diseña tipo enrejado con elementos angulares, de modo que cada
elemento solo resiste esfuerzos axiales. El modelo se realiza con elementos tipo
TRUSS, salvo en casos especiales donde se dividen elementos continuos, estos
elementos se modela tipo BEAM de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del manual
del Software

Las cargas de conductores y del cable de guardia se consideran puntuales sobre el

nudo correspondiente. En cambio, las cargas de viento se aplican automáticamente


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Aprobado: JFB

por el software, considerando los factores de efecto de turbulencia y de forma

definidos en el capítulo 5.12 del Pliego Técnico Normativo RPTD N° 11.

En general, la carga de viento sobre los miembros estructurales, Fn, la calcula

automáticamente el software y se calcula mediante la siguiente ecuación:

𝐹𝑛 = 𝑃0 ∗ 𝑑𝑥𝐴 ∗ 𝐴𝑝
• 𝑃0 : Presión de diseño, dato de entrada direcciones transversal y
longitudinal (PT y PL, respectivamente)
• 𝑑𝑥𝐴: Factor Drag Área (Valor calculado según punto 6.2.3 de este
• 𝐴𝑝 : Área proyectada del elemento en la dirección perpendicular al
viento. El ancho de esta área se considera como el ancho del
miembro desnudo.

Los parámetros de diseño ingresados en el software son los siguientes:

Member check option: ASCE 10
Connection rupture check: ASCE 10
Crossing diagonal check: ASCE 10 [Alternate Unsupported RLOUT = 1]
Included angle check: ASCE 10
Climbing load check: User Defined [Can control design, Angle from horizontal 45
(deg), Climbing load 1412 (N)]
Redundant members checked with: % of leg compression [Calculated by User Defined,
Can control design, % of leg force or capacity = 2.50, Redundant members included
in finite element analysis]

A continuación, se muestran el modelo realizado en el software con base 16 y 19

considerando pata +0:


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Figura 6-1 Geometría Torres.


Los estados de carga involucrados en el diseño son los siguientes:

6.2.1 Peso propio de la estructura (PPE)

El peso de la estructura es calculado internamente por el software, usando el peso
específico del acero de acero = 7.850 kg/m³.

Se considera también un 20% extra debido al galvanizado y planchas.



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Aprobado: JFB
6.2.2 Cargas debido a los conductores (CC)
Los estados de carga involucrados en el diseño y sus respectivas combinaciones
son las siguientes:

Combinación de Carga Cargas de Trabajo [kg] PV F.S.

V0.1 V0.2 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V2.1 V2.2 V2.3 T0.1 T0.2 T1.1 T1.2 T1.3 T2.1 T2.2 T2.3 L0.1 L0.2 L1.1 L1.2 L1.3 L2.1 L2.2 L2.3 conductor.
I.1 Viento máximo transveral, con efecto de ángulo. 280 280 920 920 920 920 920 920 900 900 2680 2680 2680 2680 2680 2680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 - 1.5
II.1 Viento máximo longitudinal, con efecto de ángulo. 280 280 920 920 920 920 920 920 760 760 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 90 90 120 120 120 120 120 120 - 40 1.5
III.1 Sobrecarga vertical , viento reducido dirección normal, con efecto de ángulo - cable de guardia y un conductor de fase. (mantenimiento) (550) 280 (1560) 920 920 920 920 920 590 590 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 - 1.2
III.2 Sobrecarga vertical , viento reducido dirección normal, con efecto de ángulo - dos conductores de fase. (mantenimiento) 280 280 (1560) 920 920 (1560) 920 920 590 590 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 - 1.2
IV.A.1 Sobrecarga longitudinal, viento máximo normal excepto conductores , sin efecto de ángulo - cable de guardia y un conductor de fase. (150) 280 (600) 920 920 920 920 920 (60) -60 (50) 50 50 50 50 50 (820) -820 (2780) 0 0 0 0 0 40 1.2
IV.A.2 Sobrecarga longitudinal, viento máximo normal excepto conductores , sin efecto de ángulo - dos conductores de fase. 280 280 (600) 920 920 (600) 920 920 60 60 (50) 50 50 (50) 50 50 0 0 (2780) 0 0 (2780) 0 0 40 1.2
IV.B.1 Sobrecarga longitudinal, viento máximo normal excepto conductores , con efecto de ángulo - cable de guardia y un (150) 280 (600) 920 920 920 920 920 (400) -400 (1230) 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 (750) -750 (2520) 0 0 0 0 0 40 - 1.2
conductor de fase.
IV.B.2 Sobrecarga longitudinal, viento máximo normal excepto conductores , con efecto de ángulo - dos conductor de fase 280 280 (600) 920 920 (600) 920 920 750 750 (1230) 2400 2400 (1230) 2400 2400 0 0 (2520) 0 0 (2520) 0 0 40 - 1.2
Sobrecarga longitudinal, viento máximo longitudinal excepto conductores, sin efecto de ángulo - cable de guardia y un conductor de fase 0 -870
V.A.1 (150) 280 (600) 920 920 920 920 920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (870) (2830) 0 0 0 0 0 - 40 1.2

V.A.2 Sobrecarga longitudinal, viento máximo longitudinal excepto conductores, sin efecto de ángulo - dos conductor. 280 (600) 920 920 (600) 920 920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2830) 0 0 (2830) 0 0 - 40 1.2

V.B.1 Sobrecarga longitudinal, viento máximo longitudinal excepto conductores, con efecto de ángulo - cable de guardia y un conductor de fase. (150) (600) 920 920 920 920 920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2830) 0 0 (2830) 0 0 - 40 1.2

V.B.2 Sobrecarga longitudinal, viento máximo longitudinal excepto conductores, con efecto de ángulo - conductor de fase. 280 (600) 920 920 (600) 920 920 700 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2830) 0 0 (2830) 0 0 - 40 1.2

VI.A Desequilibrio longitudinal, viento máximo dirección normal, sin efecto de ángulo. 280 280 920 920 920 920 920 920 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 410 410 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 40 - 1.5
VI.B Desequilibrio longitudinal, viento máximo dirección normal, con efecto de ángulo. 280 280 920 920 920 920 920 920 750 750 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 380 380 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 40 - 1.5
VII.A Desequilibrio longitudinal, viento máximo dirección longitudinal, sin efecto de ángulo. 280 280 920 920 920 920 920 920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 470 470 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 - 40 1.5
VII.B Desequilibrio longitudinal, viento máximo dirección longitudinal, con efecto de ángulo. 280 280 920 920 920 920 920 920 700 700 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 430 430 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 - 40 1.5
VIII.A Tendido 1° Circuito, viento medio dirección normal, sin efecto de ángulo. 420 420 1240 1240 1240 - - - 30 30 50 50 50 - - - 530 530 1940 1940 1940 - - - 10 - 1.2
VIII.B Tendido 1° Circuito, viento medio dirección normal, sin efecto de ángulo. 420 420 1240 1240 1240 - - - 300 300 1030 1030 1030 - - - 480 480 1760 1760 1760 - - - 10 - 1.2
IX.A Tendido 1° Circuito, viento medio dirección longitudinaL, sin efecto de ángulo . 420 420 1240 1240 1240 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 - - - 550 550 1970 1970 1970 - - - - 10 1.2
IX.B Tendido 1° Circuito, viento medio dirección longitudinaL, con efecto de ángulo. 420 420 1240 1240 1240 - - - 270 270 980 980 980 - - - 500 500 1790 1790 1790 - - - - 10 1.2
X.A Tendido 2 Circuito, viento medio dirección normal, sin efecto de ángulo. 420 420 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 1940 1940 1940 10 - 1.2
X.B Tendido 2° Circuito, viento medio dirección normal, con efecto de ángulo . 420 420 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 300 300 1030 1030 1030 1030 1030 1030 0 0 0 0 0 1760 1760 1760 10 - 1.2
XI.A Tendido 2° Circuito, viento medio dirección longitudinal, sin efecto de ángulo . 420 420 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1970 1970 1970 - 10 1.2
XI.B Tendido 2° Circuito, viento medio dirección longitudinal, con efecto de ángulo. 420 420 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 270 270 980 980 980 980 980 980 0 0 0 0 0 1790 1790 1790 - 10 1.2
XII Montaje y mantenimiento, viento medio dirección normal, con efecto angulo 280 280 (1220) 920 920 920 920 920 590 590 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 - 1.2
XIII.A Remate, viento máximo transversal, sin efecto de ángulo 100 100 480 480 480 480 480 480 130 130 180 180 180 180 180 180 820 820 2780 2780 2780 2780 2780 2780 40 - 1.5
XIII.B Remate, viento máximo transversal, con efecto de ángulo 100 100 480 480 480 480 480 480 1320 1320 4240 4240 4240 4240 4240 4240 560 560 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 40 - 1.5
XIV.A Remate, viento máximo longitudinal, sin efecto de ángulo 100 100 480 480 480 480 480 480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900 900 2870 2870 2870 2870 2870 2870 - 40 1.5
XIV.B Remate, viento máximo longitudinal, con efecto de ángulo 100 100 480 480 480 480 480 480 1250 1250 4160 4160 4160 4160 4160 4160 630 630 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 - 40 1.5
XV.1 Remate, Sobrecarga vertical , viento reducido dirección normal, con efecto de ángulo - cable de guardia. (mantenimiento) (190) (190) (690) 480 480 480 480 480 950 950 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 430 430 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 10 - 1.2
XV.2 Remate, Sobrecarga vertical , viento reducido dirección normal, con efecto de ángulo - cable de guardia. (mantenimiento) 100 100 (690) 480 480 (690) 480 480 950 950 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 3440 430 430 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 10 - 1.2

Figura 6-2 Cuadro de cargas



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Figura 6-3 Árbol de cargas.

6.2.3 Cargas de viento sobre la estructura 9

Para determinar las cargas de viento sobre la estructura se considera el caso mas
desfavorable al comparar el procedimiento del Pliego Técnico N°11 y lo descrito en
el punto 5.3.1 del documento VPP-00000-000-41-DC-0001.

A. Procedimiento del Pliego Técnico N°11

Las cargas de viento que actúan sobre la estructura pueden ser determinadas,
según lo definido en el capítulo 5.12 del Pliego Técnico N°11, como el producto
entre la presión básica de viento, el área expuesta de los elementos y el factor Drag
x Area. Se considera que la presión básica de viento corresponde a la presión de
viento sobre el conductor y que el factor Drag x Area corresponde al producto entre
el factor de efecto de turbulencia y el factor de forma.

El software nos entrega los valores del área bruta de la cara y el área de los
elementos proyectada perpendicularmente a la dirección del viento, para esto se
considera el caso más desfavorable, el que corresponde a la torre con Base H=19m
y 4 patas +2. Entonces, se tiene:


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Cálculo por Tower

Cara Trans. Cara Long.

Ag = 174.040 205.142 m2 Área bruta de la cara

Af = 51.145 55.004 m2 Área de los elementos, proyectada perpendicular a la dirección del viento
e= 0.294 0.268 Factor de solidez e = Af / Ag
Cf = 2.612 2.706 Factor de forma Cf = 4 · e2 - 5,9 · e + 4
Gt = 1.25 1.25 Factor de efecto de turbulencia
dxA = 3.265 3.382 Factor Drag x Area dxA = Cf · Gt

El cálculo de la fuerza de viento actuando en ambas caras de la estructura reticular

en la dirección del viento se calcula a continuación, cabe señalar que como se aplica
la condición “Wind on All” en el software el valor de dxA se divide entre dos.

𝐹𝑧 = 𝐺𝑡 ∗ 𝐶𝑓 ∗ 𝑞𝑐 ∗ 𝐴𝑓 → 𝑑𝑥𝐴 ∗ 𝑞𝑐 ∗ 𝐴𝑓

3.265 𝑘𝑔𝑓 𝑘𝑔𝑓 𝑘𝑔𝑓

𝑉𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛. → ∗ 40 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓 = 𝟏. 𝟔𝟑 ∗ 56,2 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓 = 91,75 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓
2 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚

3.382 𝑘𝑔𝑓 𝑘𝑔𝑓 𝑘𝑔𝑓

𝑉𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔. → ∗ 40 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓 = 𝟏. 𝟔𝟗 ∗ 56,2 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓 = 95,03 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓
2 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚

B. Procedimiento Criterio de Diseño (VPP-00000-000-41-DC-0001)

En este caso, el procedimiento es equivalente al anterior, pero se considera una

presión máxima de viento sobre la estructura de 112,4 kgf/m2 (similar a lo
considerado para líneas en cordillera pero con el valor de presión de 56,2 kgf/m2),
según se indica en el mismo documento de criterios “VPP-00000-000-41-DC-0001”,
esto se puede expresar como el doble de la carga de viento sobre los conductores,
dicho esto el cálculo de la fuerza de viento actuando en ambas caras de la estructura
reticular en la dirección del viento se muestra a continuación:
𝐹𝑧 = 𝐺𝑡 ∗ 𝐶𝑓 ∗ 𝑞𝑐 ∗ 𝐴𝑓 → 𝑑𝑥𝐴 ∗ 𝑞𝑐 ∗ 𝐴𝑓

3.265 𝑘𝑔𝑓 𝑘𝑔𝑓 𝑘𝑔𝑓

𝑉𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛. → ∗ (56,2 2 ∗ 2) ∗ 𝐴𝑓 = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟔𝟓 ∗ 56,2 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓 = 183,49 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓
2 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚

3.382 𝑘𝑔𝑓 𝑘𝑔𝑓 𝑘𝑔𝑓

𝑉𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔. → ∗ (56,2 2 ∗ 2) ∗ 𝐴𝑓 = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟖𝟐 ∗ 56,2 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓 = 190,07 2 ∗ 𝐴𝑓
2 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚


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C. Determinación de la Carga de Viento

Como las solicitaciones de viento sobre la estructura más desfavorables, según lo

señalado en el punto A y B de este apartado, son las determinadas según el criterio
de diseño “VPP-00000-000-41-DC-0001”, se utilizará este procedimiento para
calcular la presión de viento sobre la estructura.

Para que el software considere correctamente las fuerzas de viento que actúan
sobre la estructura, se ingresa el factor dxA y la presión básica de viento, además,
se aplica la condición “Wind on All”.

En resumen, los factores Drag x Area considerados según la dirección del viento se
muestran a continuación:

• Transverse Drag x Area Factor For All = 3,265

• Longitudinal Drag x Area Factor For All = 3,382

En anexo B se muestra gráficamente cómo el software aplica las cargas de viento

en los nudos de la estructura. En este análisis se muestran las cargas en Newton,
sin mayorar.

Nota: en el documento de cuadro de cargas aparece reflejados presiones de viento

de 40 kgf/m2, estas son modificadas por los valores de criterio de diseño el cual es
56,2 kgf/m2 el cual es mayor y por ende mas desfavorable.

6.2.4 Montaje y mantenimiento

Los elementos de la estructura que forman un ángulo menor o igual a 45° con la
horizontal se verifican para resistir simultáneamente las cargas axiales provenientes 10
de las hipótesis de mantenimiento y una carga puntual de 120 kgf aplicada en el 1
centro del elemento, mayorada por un factor de 1.2.

Se consideran los estados de carga con viento reducido.



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6.3.1 Cargas de trabajo 1

A continuación, se muestran los porcentajes de uso máximos, considerando las

cargas de trabajo para la estructura a verificar, se muestran ambas bases con pata

Figura 6-4 Porcentaje de uso para cargas de trabajo



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Tabla 6-1 Elemento más solicitado por combinación de bases y patas

Configuración. Descripción Elemento Grupo Perfil Load Case. Uso Max. %

Base H=19 P+2 B19 P+2+2+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19 P-1 B19 P-1-1-1-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19 P+0 B19 P+0+0+0+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19 P+1 B19 P+1+1+1+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,1 B19 P+1+2+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,2 B19 P+2+1+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,3 B19 P+2+2+1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,4 B19 P+2+2+2+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,5 B19 P+1+1+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,6 B19 P+1+2+1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,7 B19 P+1+2+2+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,8 B19 P+2+1+1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,9 B19 P+2+1+2+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,10 B19 P+2+2+1+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,11 B19 P+2+1+1+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,12 B19 P+1+2+1+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,13 B19 P+1+1+2+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,14 B19 P+1+1+1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,15 B19 P+0+2+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,16 B19 P+2+0+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,17 B19 P+2+2+0+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,18 B19 P+2+2+2+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,19 B19 P+0+0+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,20 B19 P+0+2+0+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,21 B19 P+0+2+2+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,22 B19 P+2+0+0+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,23 B19 P+2+0+2+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,24 B19 P+2+2+0+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,25 B19 P+2+0+0+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,26 B19 P+0+2+0+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,27 B19 P+0+0+2+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,28 B19 P+0+0+0+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,29 B19 P-1+2+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,30 B19 P+2-1+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,31 B19 P+2+2-1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93


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Configuración. Descripción Elemento Grupo Perfil Load Case. Uso Max. %

Base H=19,32 B19 P+2+2+2-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93

Base H=19,33 B19 P-1-1+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,34 B19 P-1+2-1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,35 B19 P-1+2+2-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,36 B19 P+2-1-1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,37 B19 P+2-1+2-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,38 B19 P+2+2-1-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,39 B19 P+2-1-1-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,40 B19 P-1+2-1-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,41 B19 P-1-1+2-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=19,42 B19 P-1-1-1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16 P-1 B16 P-1-1-1-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16 P+0 B16 P+0+0+0+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16 P+1 B16 P+1+1+1+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16 P+2 B16 P+2+2+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,1 B16 P+1+2+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,2 B16 P+2+1+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,3 B16 P+2+2+1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,4 B16 P+2+2+2+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,5 B16 P+1+1+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,6 B16 P+1+2+1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,7 B16 P+1+2+2+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,8 B16 P+2+1+1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,9 B16 P+2+1+2+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,10 B16 P+2+2+1+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,11 B16 P+2+1+1+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,12 B16 P+1+2+1+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,13 B16 P+1+1+2+1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,14 B16 P+1+1+1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,15 B16 P+0+2+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,16 B16 P+2+0+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,17 B16 P+2+2+0+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,18 B16 P+2+2+2+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,19 B16 P+0+0+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,20 B16 P+0+2+0+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,21 B16 P+0+2+2+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93


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Configuración. Descripción Elemento Grupo Perfil Load Case. Uso Max. %

Base H=16,22 B16 P+2+0+0+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93

Base H=16,23 B16 P+2+0+2+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,24 B16 P+2+2+0+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,25 B16 P+2+0+0+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,26 B16 P+0+2+0+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,27 B16 P+0+0+2+0 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,28 B16 P+0+0+0+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,29 B16 P-1+2+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,30 B16 P+2-1+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,31 B16 P+2+2-1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,32 B16 P+2+2+2-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,33 B16 P-1-1+2+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,34 B16 P-1+2-1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,35 B16 P-1+2+2-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,36 B16 P+2-1-1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,37 B16 P+2-1+2-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,38 B16 P+2+2-1-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,39 B16 P+2-1-1-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,40 B16 P-1+2-1-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,41 B16 P-1-1+2-1 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93
Base H=16,42 B16 P-1-1-1+2 R031.1P R031 60X60X5H I.1 95.93

6.3.2 Cargas de montaje

La verificación de los elementos para flexo-compresión o flexo-tracción producidos
por las hipótesis de mantenimiento se incluye en anexo C de este informe.


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De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, a continuación, se presenta la verificación
de las deformaciones admisibles para las direcciones X e Y.

Base H=19 m y 4 Patas +2

Deformación en X Deformación en Y

Escala Desplazamiento = 40 Escala Desplazamiento = 40

Estructura deformada Estructura deformada
Codificación Tensión/comp. Codificación Tensión/comp.

Combinación: XIV.A Combinación: XIII.B

Nodo: 1XY Nodo: 1P
ΔXmáx ≤ ΔXadm = 43.000 / 150 mm ΔYmáx ≤ ΔYadm = 43.000 / 150 mm
90 mm > 286,7 mm OK 111 mm ≤ 286,7 mm OK


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Base H=22 m y 4 Patas +2

Deformación en X Deformación en Y

Escala Desplazamiento = 40 Escala Desplazamiento = 40

Estructura deformada Estructura deformada
Codificación Tensión/comp. Codificación Tensión/comp.

Combinación: XIV.A Combinación: XIII.B

Nodo: 1XY Nodo: 1P
ΔXmáx ≤ ΔXadm = 40.000 / 150 mm ΔYmáx ≤ ΔYadm = 40.000 / 150 mm
mm ≤ 266,7 mm OK mm ≤ 266,7 mm OK

De acuerdo con los antecedentes anteriores, el objetivo principal consistente en

diseñar la torre de Anclaje-remate 22RH.2T que se instalará en la LT 2x220 kV
Tarapacá - Puerto Collahuasi, se ha cumplido satisfactoriamente, determinando las
dimensiones de los perfiles, su resistencia y el diámetro de pernos de conexión.


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Las cubicaciones mostradas a continuación no consideran el 20% extra debido al
galvanizado y planchas.

Tabla 8-1 Cubicaciones del modelo por secciones

Descripcion Valor Unidad

Canastillo 0.293 Tonf
Superestructura 8.325 Tonf
Cuerpo Común 5.956 Tonf
Base 19 4.283 Tonf
Base 16 2.304 Tonf
Pata +2 5.034 Tonf
Pata +1 4.255 Tonf
Pata +0 3.656 Tonf
Pata -1 2.902 Tonf

Tabla 8-2 Cubicaciones del modelo para estructuras combinando bases y patas

Resumen Cubicacion Modelo Por Estructura (Tonf)

Estructura Base 19 Base 16
Pata +2 23.891 21.913
Pata +1 23.113 21.134
Pata +0 22.514 20.535
Pata -1 21.759 19.781


Cargas de Trabajo (Mayoradas)

Loading Tree

Load Case Joint | Vertical Transverse Longitudinal | Transverse Longitudinal

Label | --------------Load-------------- | ---------Wind----------
| ---------------(N)-------------- | ---------(Pa)----------
I.1 5X 4120 13244 0 827 0
5P 4120 13244 0 827 0
7Y 3384 9859 0 827 0
8Y 3384 9859 0 827 0
9Y 3384 9859 0 827 0
7XY 3384 9859 0 827 0
8XY 3384 9859 0 827 0
9XY 3384 9859 0 827 0
7P 10153 29577 0 827 0
8P 10153 29577 0 827 0
9P 10153 29577 0 827 0
7X 10153 29577 0 827 0
8X 10153 29577 0 827 0
9X 10153 29577 0 827 0
II.1 5X 4120 11183 1324 0 827
5P 4120 11183 1324 0 827
7Y 3384 9087 1766 0 827
8Y 3384 9087 1766 0 827
9Y 3384 9087 1766 0 827
7XY 3384 9087 1766 0 827
8XY 3384 9087 1766 0 827
9XY 3384 9087 1766 0 827
7P 10153 27260 0 0 827
8P 10153 27260 0 0 827
9P 10153 27260 0 0 827
7X 10153 27260 0 0 827
8X 10153 27260 0 0 827
9X 10153 27260 0 0 827
III.1-1 5X 6475 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 13773 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-2 5X 6475 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 13773 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-3 5X 6475 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 13773 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-4 5X 6475 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 13773 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-5 5X 6475 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 13773 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-6 5X 6475 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 13773 18011 0 165 0
III.1-7 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 6475 6945 0 165 0
7Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 13773 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-8 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 6475 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 13773 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-9 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 6475 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 13773 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-10 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 6475 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 13773 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-11 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 6475 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 13773 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.1-12 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 6475 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 13773 18011 0 165 0
III.2-1 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 13773 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 13773 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-2 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 13773 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 13773 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-3 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
7P 13773 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 13773 18011 0 165 0
III.2-4 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
8Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 13773 18011 0 165 0
8P 13773 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-5 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 13773 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 13773 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-6 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
9Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 13773 18011 0 165 0
9P 13773 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-7 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 13773 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 13773 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-8 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 13773 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 13773 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-9 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 13773 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 13773 18011 0 165 0
III.2-10 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
7XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 13773 18011 0 165 0
7X 13773 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-11 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 13773 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 13773 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-12 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 4591 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 13773 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 13773 18011 0 165 0
III.2-13 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
8XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 13773 18011 0 165 0
8X 13773 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
III.2-14 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 13773 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 13773 18011 0 165 0
III.2-15 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
9XY 4591 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 13773 18011 0 165 0
9X 13773 18011 0 165 0
IV.A.1-1 5X 1766 706 5062 662 0
5P 3296 706 5062 662 0
7Y 1766 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 5297 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-2 5X 1766 706 5062 662 0
5P 3296 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 1766 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 5297 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-3 5X 1766 706 5062 662 0
5P 3296 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 1766 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 5297 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-4 5X 1766 706 5062 662 0
5P 3296 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 1766 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 5297 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-5 5X 1766 706 5062 662 0
5P 3296 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 1766 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 5297 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-6 5X 1766 706 5062 662 0
5P 3296 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 1766 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 5297 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-7 5X 3296 706 5062 662 0
5P 1766 706 5062 662 0
7Y 1766 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 5297 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-8 5X 3296 706 5062 662 0
5P 1766 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 1766 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 5297 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-9 5X 3296 706 5062 662 0
5P 1766 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 1766 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 5297 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-10 5X 3296 706 5062 662 0
5P 1766 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 1766 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 5297 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-11 5X 3296 706 5062 662 0
5P 1766 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 1766 147 18717 662 0
9XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 5297 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.1-12 5X 3296 706 5062 662 0
5P 1766 706 5062 662 0
7Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
8Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
9Y 2708 147 18717 662 0
7XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
8XY 2708 147 18717 662 0
9XY 1766 147 18717 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 5297 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-1 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 1766 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 1766 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 5297 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 5297 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-2 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 1766 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 1766 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 5297 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 5297 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-3 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 1766 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 1766 147 0 662 0
7P 5297 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 5297 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-4 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 1766 147 32726 662 0
8Y 1766 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 5297 441 0 662 0
8P 5297 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-5 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 1766 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 1766 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 5297 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 5297 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-6 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 1766 147 0 662 0
9Y 1766 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 5297 441 0 662 0
9P 5297 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-7 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 1766 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 1766 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 5297 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 5297 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-8 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 1766 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 1766 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 5297 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 5297 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-9 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 1766 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 1766 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 5297 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 5297 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-10 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 1766 147 0 662 0
7XY 1766 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 5297 441 0 662 0
7X 5297 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-11 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 1766 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 1766 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 5297 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 5297 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-12 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 1766 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 1766 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 5297 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 5297 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-13 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 1766 147 32726 662 0
8XY 1766 147 0 662 0
9XY 2708 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 5297 441 0 662 0
8X 5297 441 0 662 0
9X 8123 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-14 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 1766 147 32726 662 0
8XY 2708 147 0 662 0
9XY 1766 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 5297 441 0 662 0
8X 8123 441 0 662 0
9X 5297 441 0 662 0
IV.A.2-15 5X 3296 706 0 662 0
5P 3296 706 0 662 0
7Y 2708 147 32726 662 0
8Y 2708 147 0 662 0
9Y 2708 147 0 662 0
7XY 2708 147 32726 662 0
8XY 1766 147 0 662 0
9XY 1766 147 0 662 0
7P 8123 441 0 662 0
8P 8123 441 0 662 0
9P 8123 441 0 662 0
7X 8123 441 0 662 0
8X 5297 441 0 662 0
9X 5297 441 0 662 0
IV.B.1-1 5X 1766 4709 8829 662 0
5P 3296 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 5297 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-2 5X 1766 4709 8829 662 0
5P 3296 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 5297 10860 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-3 5X 1766 4709 8829 662 0
5P 3296 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 5297 10860 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-4 5X 1766 4709 8829 662 0
5P 3296 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 5297 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-5 5X 1766 4709 8829 662 0
5P 3296 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 5297 10860 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-6 5X 1766 4709 8829 662 0
5P 3296 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 5297 10860 0 662 0
IV.B.1-7 5X 3296 4709 8829 662 0
5P 1766 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 5297 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-8 5X 3296 4709 8829 662 0
5P 1766 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 5297 10860 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-9 5X 3296 4709 8829 662 0
5P 1766 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 5297 10860 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-10 5X 3296 4709 8829 662 0
5P 1766 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 5297 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-11 5X 3296 4709 8829 662 0
5P 1766 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 5297 10860 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.1-12 5X 3296 4709 8829 662 0
5P 1766 4709 8829 662 0
7Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
7P 8123 21190 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 21190 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 5297 10860 0 662 0
IV.B.2-1 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 5297 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 5297 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-2 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 5297 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 5297 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-3 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
7P 5297 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 5297 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-4 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 5297 10860 0 662 0
8P 5297 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-5 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 5297 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 5297 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-6 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
9Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 5297 21190 0 662 0
9P 5297 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-7 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 5297 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 5297 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-8 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 5297 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 5297 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-9 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 5297 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 5297 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-10 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
7XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 5297 21190 0 662 0
7X 5297 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-11 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 5297 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 5297 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-12 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 1766 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 5297 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 5297 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-13 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
9XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 5297 10860 0 662 0
8X 5297 21190 0 662 0
9X 8123 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-14 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 1766 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 2708 7063 0 662 0
9XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 5297 10860 0 662 0
8X 8123 21190 0 662 0
9X 5297 21190 0 662 0
IV.B.2-15 5X 3296 8829 0 662 0
5P 3296 8829 0 662 0
7Y 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
9Y 2708 7063 0 662 0
7XY 2708 3620 29665 662 0
8XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
9XY 1766 7063 0 662 0
7P 8123 10860 0 662 0
8P 8123 21190 0 662 0
9P 8123 21190 0 662 0
7X 8123 10860 0 662 0
8X 5297 21190 0 662 0
9X 5297 21190 0 662 0
V.A.1-1 5X 1766 0 10242 0 662
5P 3296 0 10242 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-2 5X 1766 0 10242 0 662
5P 3296 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-3 5X 1766 0 10242 0 662
5P 3296 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-4 5X 1766 0 10242 0 662
5P 3296 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-5 5X 1766 0 10242 0 662
5P 3296 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-6 5X 1766 0 10242 0 662
5P 3296 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-7 5X 3296 0 10242 0 662
5P 1766 0 10242 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-8 5X 3296 0 10242 0 662
5P 1766 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-9 5X 3296 0 10242 0 662
5P 1766 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-10 5X 3296 0 10242 0 662
5P 1766 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-11 5X 3296 0 10242 0 662
5P 1766 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.1-12 5X 3296 0 10242 0 662
5P 1766 0 10242 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-1 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-2 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-3 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-4 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-5 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-6 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-7 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-8 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-9 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-10 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-11 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-12 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-13 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-14 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.A.2-15 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-1 5X 1766 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-2 5X 1766 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-3 5X 1766 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-4 5X 1766 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 33315 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-5 5X 1766 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-6 5X 1766 0 0 0 662
5P 3296 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-7 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 1766 0 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-8 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 1766 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-9 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 1766 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-10 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 1766 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 33315 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-11 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 1766 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.1-12 5X 3296 0 0 0 662
5P 1766 0 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-1 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-2 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-3 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-4 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-5 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 5297 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-6 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-7 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-8 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-9 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 5297 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-10 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-11 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-12 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 1766 0 33315 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 5297 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-13 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 2708 0 0 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 8123 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-14 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
8XY 2708 0 0 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 5297 0 0 0 662
8X 8123 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
V.B.2-15 5X 3296 8240 0 0 662
5P 3296 8240 0 0 662
7Y 2708 0 0 0 662
8Y 2708 0 0 0 662
9Y 2708 0 0 0 662
7XY 2708 0 0 0 662
8XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
9XY 1766 0 33315 0 662
7P 8123 0 0 0 662
8P 8123 0 0 0 662
9P 8123 0 0 0 662
7X 8123 0 0 0 662
8X 5297 0 0 0 662
9X 5297 0 0 0 662
VI.A 5X 4120 883 6033 827 0
5P 4120 883 6033 827 0
7Y 3384 184 20454 827 0
8Y 3384 184 20454 827 0
9Y 3384 184 20454 827 0
7XY 3384 184 20454 827 0
8XY 3384 184 20454 827 0
9XY 3384 184 20454 827 0
7P 10153 552 0 827 0
8P 10153 552 0 827 0
9P 10153 552 0 827 0
7X 10153 552 0 827 0
8X 10153 552 0 827 0
9X 10153 552 0 827 0
VI.B 5X 4120 11036 5592 827 0
5P 4120 11036 5592 827 0
7Y 3384 8829 18541 827 0
8Y 3384 8829 18541 827 0
9Y 3384 8829 18541 827 0
7XY 3384 8829 18541 827 0
8XY 3384 8829 18541 827 0
9XY 3384 8829 18541 827 0
7P 10153 26487 0 827 0
8P 10153 26487 0 827 0
9P 10153 26487 0 827 0
7X 10153 26487 0 827 0
8X 10153 26487 0 827 0
9X 10153 26487 0 827 0
VII.A 5X 4120 0 6916 0 827
5P 4120 0 6916 0 827
7Y 3384 0 21190 0 827
8Y 3384 0 21190 0 827
9Y 3384 0 21190 0 827
7XY 3384 0 21190 0 827
8XY 3384 0 21190 0 827
9XY 3384 0 21190 0 827
7P 10153 0 0 0 827
8P 10153 0 0 0 827
9P 10153 0 0 0 827
7X 10153 0 0 0 827
8X 10153 0 0 0 827
9X 10153 0 0 0 827
VII.B 5X 4120 10301 6327 0 827
5P 4120 10301 6327 0 827
7Y 3384 8645 19277 0 827
8Y 3384 8645 19277 0 827
9Y 3384 8645 19277 0 827
7XY 3384 8645 19277 0 827
8XY 3384 8645 19277 0 827
9XY 3384 8645 19277 0 827
7P 10153 25935 0 0 827
8P 10153 25935 0 0 827
9P 10153 25935 0 0 827
7X 10153 25935 0 0 827
8X 10153 25935 0 0 827
9X 10153 25935 0 0 827
VIII.A-1 5X 4944 353 6239 165 0
5P 4944 353 6239 165 0
7Y 3649 147 22838 165 0
8Y 3649 147 22838 165 0
9Y 3649 147 22838 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 441 0 165 0
8P 10948 441 0 165 0
9P 10948 441 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
VIII.A-2 5X 4944 353 6239 165 0
5P 4944 353 6239 165 0
7Y 3649 147 22838 165 0
8Y 3649 147 22838 165 0
9Y 0 0 0 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 441 0 165 0
8P 10948 441 0 165 0
9P 0 0 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
VIII.A-3 5X 4944 353 6239 165 0
5P 4944 353 6239 165 0
7Y 3649 147 22838 165 0
8Y 0 0 0 165 0
9Y 0 0 0 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 441 0 165 0
8P 0 0 0 165 0
9P 0 0 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
VIII.A-4 5X 4944 353 6239 165 0
5P 4944 353 6239 165 0
7Y 0 0 0 165 0
8Y 3649 147 22838 165 0
9Y 3649 147 22838 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 0 0 0 165 0
8P 10948 441 0 165 0
9P 10948 441 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
VIII.B-1 5X 4944 3532 5651 165 0
5P 4944 3532 5651 165 0
7Y 3649 3031 20719 165 0
8Y 3649 3031 20719 165 0
9Y 3649 3031 20719 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 9094 0 165 0
8P 10948 9094 0 165 0
9P 10948 9094 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
VIII.B-2 5X 4944 3532 5651 165 0
5P 4944 3532 5651 165 0
7Y 3649 3031 20719 165 0
8Y 3649 3031 20719 165 0
9Y 0 0 0 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 9094 0 165 0
8P 10948 9094 0 165 0
9P 0 0 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
VIII.B-3 5X 4944 3532 5651 165 0
5P 4944 3532 5651 165 0
7Y 3649 3031 20719 165 0
8Y 0 0 0 165 0
9Y 0 0 0 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 9094 0 165 0
8P 0 0 0 165 0
9P 0 0 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
VIII.B-4 5X 4944 3532 5651 165 0
5P 4944 3532 5651 165 0
7Y 0 0 0 165 0
8Y 3649 3031 20719 165 0
9Y 3649 3031 20719 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 0 0 0 165 0
8P 10948 9094 0 165 0
9P 10948 9094 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
IX.A-1 5X 4944 0 6475 0 165
5P 4944 0 6475 0 165
7Y 3649 0 23191 0 165
8Y 3649 0 23191 0 165
9Y 3649 0 23191 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 0 0 0 165
8P 10948 0 0 0 165
9P 10948 0 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
IX.A-2 5X 4944 0 6475 0 165
5P 4944 0 6475 0 165
7Y 3649 0 23191 0 165
8Y 3649 0 23191 0 165
9Y 0 0 0 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 0 0 0 165
8P 10948 0 0 0 165
9P 0 0 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
IX.A-3 5X 4944 0 6475 0 165
5P 4944 0 6475 0 165
7Y 3649 0 23191 0 165
8Y 0 0 0 0 165
9Y 0 0 0 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 0 0 0 165
8P 0 0 0 0 165
9P 0 0 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
IX.A-4 5X 4944 0 6475 0 165
5P 4944 0 6475 0 165
7Y 0 0 0 0 165
8Y 3649 0 23191 0 165
9Y 3649 0 23191 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 0 0 0 0 165
8P 10948 0 0 0 165
9P 10948 0 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
IX.B-1 5X 4944 3178 5886 0 165
5P 4944 3178 5886 0 165
7Y 3649 2884 21072 0 165
8Y 3649 2884 21072 0 165
9Y 3649 2884 21072 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 8652 0 0 165
8P 10948 8652 0 0 165
9P 10948 8652 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
IX.B-2 5X 4944 3178 5886 0 165
5P 4944 3178 5886 0 165
7Y 3649 2884 21072 0 165
8Y 3649 2884 21072 0 165
9Y 0 0 0 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 8652 0 0 165
8P 10948 8652 0 0 165
9P 0 0 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
IX.B-3 5X 4944 3178 5886 0 165
5P 4944 3178 5886 0 165
7Y 3649 2884 21072 0 165
8Y 0 0 0 0 165
9Y 0 0 0 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 8652 0 0 165
8P 0 0 0 0 165
9P 0 0 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
IX.B-4 5X 4944 3178 5886 0 165
5P 4944 3178 5886 0 165
7Y 0 0 0 0 165
8Y 3649 2884 21072 0 165
9Y 3649 2884 21072 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 0 0 0 0 165
8P 10948 8652 0 0 165
9P 10948 8652 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
X.A-1 5X 4944 353 0 165 0
5P 4944 353 0 165 0
7Y 3649 147 0 165 0
8Y 3649 147 0 165 0
9Y 3649 147 0 165 0
7XY 3649 147 22838 165 0
8XY 3649 147 22838 165 0
9XY 3649 147 22838 165 0
7P 10948 441 0 165 0
8P 10948 441 0 165 0
9P 10948 441 0 165 0
7X 10948 441 0 165 0
8X 10948 441 0 165 0
9X 10948 441 0 165 0
X.A-2 5X 4944 353 0 165 0
5P 4944 353 0 165 0
7Y 3649 147 0 165 0
8Y 3649 147 0 165 0
9Y 3649 147 0 165 0
7XY 3649 147 22838 165 0
8XY 3649 147 22838 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 441 0 165 0
8P 10948 441 0 165 0
9P 10948 441 0 165 0
7X 10948 441 0 165 0
8X 10948 441 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
X.A-3 5X 4944 353 0 165 0
5P 4944 353 0 165 0
7Y 3649 147 0 165 0
8Y 3649 147 0 165 0
9Y 3649 147 0 165 0
7XY 3649 147 22838 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 441 0 165 0
8P 10948 441 0 165 0
9P 10948 441 0 165 0
7X 10948 441 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
X.A-4 5X 4944 353 0 165 0
5P 4944 353 0 165 0
7Y 3649 147 0 165 0
8Y 3649 147 0 165 0
9Y 3649 147 0 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 3649 147 22838 165 0
9XY 3649 147 22838 165 0
7P 10948 441 0 165 0
8P 10948 441 0 165 0
9P 10948 441 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 10948 441 0 165 0
9X 10948 441 0 165 0
X.B-1 5X 4944 3532 0 165 0
5P 4944 3532 0 165 0
7Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
8Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
9Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
7XY 3649 3031 20719 165 0
8XY 3649 3031 20719 165 0
9XY 3649 3031 20719 165 0
7P 10948 9094 0 165 0
8P 10948 9094 0 165 0
9P 10948 9094 0 165 0
7X 10948 9094 0 165 0
8X 10948 9094 0 165 0
9X 10948 9094 0 165 0
X.B-2 5X 4944 3532 0 165 0
5P 4944 3532 0 165 0
7Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
8Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
9Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
7XY 3649 3031 20719 165 0
8XY 3649 3031 20719 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 9094 0 165 0
8P 10948 9094 0 165 0
9P 10948 9094 0 165 0
7X 10948 9094 0 165 0
8X 10948 9094 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
X.B-3 5X 4944 3532 0 165 0
5P 4944 3532 0 165 0
7Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
8Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
9Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
7XY 3649 3031 20719 165 0
8XY 0 0 0 165 0
9XY 0 0 0 165 0
7P 10948 9094 0 165 0
8P 10948 9094 0 165 0
9P 10948 9094 0 165 0
7X 10948 9094 0 165 0
8X 0 0 0 165 0
9X 0 0 0 165 0
X.B-4 5X 4944 3532 0 165 0
5P 4944 3532 0 165 0
7Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
8Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
9Y 3649 3031 0 165 0
7XY 0 0 0 165 0
8XY 3649 3031 20719 165 0
9XY 3649 3031 20719 165 0
7P 10948 9094 0 165 0
8P 10948 9094 0 165 0
9P 10948 9094 0 165 0
7X 0 0 0 165 0
8X 10948 9094 0 165 0
9X 10948 9094 0 165 0
XI.A-1 5X 4944 0 0 0 165
5P 4944 0 0 0 165
7Y 3649 0 0 0 165
8Y 3649 0 0 0 165
9Y 3649 0 0 0 165
7XY 3649 0 23191 0 165
8XY 3649 0 23191 0 165
9XY 3649 0 23191 0 165
7P 10948 0 0 0 165
8P 10948 0 0 0 165
9P 10948 0 0 0 165
7X 10948 0 0 0 165
8X 10948 0 0 0 165
9X 10948 0 0 0 165
XI.A-2 5X 4944 0 0 0 165
5P 4944 0 0 0 165
7Y 3649 0 0 0 165
8Y 3649 0 0 0 165
9Y 3649 0 0 0 165
7XY 3649 0 23191 0 165
8XY 3649 0 23191 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 0 0 0 165
8P 10948 0 0 0 165
9P 10948 0 0 0 165
7X 10948 0 0 0 165
8X 10948 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
XI.A-3 5X 4944 0 0 0 165
5P 4944 0 0 0 165
7Y 3649 0 0 0 165
8Y 3649 0 0 0 165
9Y 3649 0 0 0 165
7XY 3649 0 23191 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 0 0 0 165
8P 10948 0 0 0 165
9P 10948 0 0 0 165
7X 10948 0 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
XI.A-4 5X 4944 0 0 0 165
5P 4944 0 0 0 165
7Y 3649 0 0 0 165
8Y 3649 0 0 0 165
9Y 3649 0 0 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 3649 0 23191 0 165
9XY 3649 0 23191 0 165
7P 10948 0 0 0 165
8P 10948 0 0 0 165
9P 10948 0 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 10948 0 0 0 165
9X 10948 0 0 0 165
XI.B-1 5X 4944 3178 0 0 165
5P 4944 3178 0 0 165
7Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
8Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
9Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
7XY 3649 2884 21072 0 165
8XY 3649 2884 21072 0 165
9XY 3649 2884 21072 0 165
7P 10948 8652 0 0 165
8P 10948 8652 0 0 165
9P 10948 8652 0 0 165
7X 10948 8652 0 0 165
8X 10948 8652 0 0 165
9X 10948 8652 0 0 165
XI.B-2 5X 4944 3178 0 0 165
5P 4944 3178 0 0 165
7Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
8Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
9Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
7XY 3649 2884 21072 0 165
8XY 3649 2884 21072 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 8652 0 0 165
8P 10948 8652 0 0 165
9P 10948 8652 0 0 165
7X 10948 8652 0 0 165
8X 10948 8652 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
XI.B-3 5X 4944 3178 0 0 165
5P 4944 3178 0 0 165
7Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
8Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
9Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
7XY 3649 2884 21072 0 165
8XY 0 0 0 0 165
9XY 0 0 0 0 165
7P 10948 8652 0 0 165
8P 10948 8652 0 0 165
9P 10948 8652 0 0 165
7X 10948 8652 0 0 165
8X 0 0 0 0 165
9X 0 0 0 0 165
XI.B-4 5X 4944 3178 0 0 165
5P 4944 3178 0 0 165
7Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
8Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
9Y 3649 2884 0 0 165
7XY 0 0 0 0 165
8XY 3649 2884 21072 0 165
9XY 3649 2884 21072 0 165
7P 10948 8652 0 0 165
8P 10948 8652 0 0 165
9P 10948 8652 0 0 165
7X 0 0 0 0 165
8X 10948 8652 0 0 165
9X 10948 8652 0 0 165
XII-1 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 3590 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 10771 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-2 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 3590 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 10771 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-3 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 3590 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 10771 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-4 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 3590 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 10771 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-5 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 3590 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 10771 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-6 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 3590 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 10771 18011 0 165 0
XIII.A 5X 1472 1913 12066 827 0
5P 1472 1913 12066 827 0
7Y 1766 662 40908 827 0
8Y 1766 662 40908 827 0
9Y 1766 662 40908 827 0
7XY 1766 662 40908 827 0
8XY 1766 662 40908 827 0
9XY 1766 662 40908 827 0
7P 5297 1987 0 827 0
8P 5297 1987 0 827 0
9P 5297 1987 0 827 0
7X 5297 1987 0 827 0
8X 5297 1987 0 827 0
9X 5297 1987 0 827 0
XIII.B 5X 1472 19424 8240 827 0
5P 1472 19424 8240 827 0
7Y 1766 15598 27959 827 0
8Y 1766 15598 27959 827 0
9Y 1766 15598 27959 827 0
7XY 1766 15598 27959 827 0
8XY 1766 15598 27959 827 0
9XY 1766 15598 27959 827 0
7P 5297 46794 0 827 0
8P 5297 46794 0 827 0
9P 5297 46794 0 827 0
7X 5297 46794 0 827 0
8X 5297 46794 0 827 0
9X 5297 46794 0 827 0
XIV.A 5X 1472 0 13244 0 827
5P 1472 0 13244 0 827
7Y 1766 0 42232 0 827
8Y 1766 0 42232 0 827
9Y 1766 0 42232 0 827
7XY 1766 0 42232 0 827
8XY 1766 0 42232 0 827
9XY 1766 0 42232 0 827
7P 5297 0 0 0 827
8P 5297 0 0 0 827
9P 5297 0 0 0 827
7X 5297 0 0 0 827
8X 5297 0 0 0 827
9X 5297 0 0 0 827
XIV.B 5X 1472 18394 9270 0 827
5P 1472 18394 9270 0 827
7Y 1766 15304 29136 0 827
8Y 1766 15304 29136 0 827
9Y 1766 15304 29136 0 827
7XY 1766 15304 29136 0 827
8XY 1766 15304 29136 0 827
9XY 1766 15304 29136 0 827
7P 5297 45911 0 0 827
8P 5297 45911 0 0 827
9P 5297 45911 0 0 827
7X 5297 45911 0 0 827
8X 5297 45911 0 0 827
9X 5297 45911 0 0 827
XV.1-1 5X 2237 11183 5062 165 0
5P 2237 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 6092 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.1-2 5X 2237 11183 5062 165 0
5P 2237 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 6092 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.1-3 5X 2237 11183 5062 165 0
5P 2237 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 6092 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.1-4 5X 2237 11183 5062 165 0
5P 2237 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 6092 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.1-5 5X 2237 11183 5062 165 0
5P 2237 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 6092 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.1-6 5X 2237 11183 5062 165 0
5P 2237 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 6092 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-1 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 6092 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 6092 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-2 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 6092 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 6092 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-3 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7P 6092 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 6092 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-4 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 6092 30372 0 165 0
8P 6092 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-5 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 6092 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 6092 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-6 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 6092 30372 0 165 0
9P 6092 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-7 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 6092 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 6092 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-8 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 6092 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 6092 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-9 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 6092 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 6092 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-10 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 6092 30372 0 165 0
7X 6092 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-11 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 6092 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 6092 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-12 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 6092 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 6092 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-13 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 6092 30372 0 165 0
8X 6092 30372 0 165 0
9X 4238 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-14 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 6092 30372 0 165 0
8X 4238 30372 0 165 0
9X 6092 30372 0 165 0
XV.2-15 5X 1177 11183 5062 165 0
5P 1177 11183 5062 165 0
7Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
9Y 1413 10124 18717 165 0
7XY 1413 10124 18717 165 0
8XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
9XY 2031 10124 18717 165 0
7P 4238 30372 0 165 0
8P 4238 30372 0 165 0
9P 4238 30372 0 165 0
7X 4238 30372 0 165 0
8X 6092 30372 0 165 0
9X 6092 30372 0 165 0

Cargas de Montaje (Mayoradas)

Loading Tree

Load Case Joint | Vertical Transverse Longitudinal | Transverse Longitudinal

Label | --------------Load-------------- | ---------Wind----------
| ---------------(N)-------------- | ---------(Pa)----------
XII-1 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 3590 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 10771 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-2 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 3590 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 10771 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-3 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 3590 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 10771 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-4 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 3590 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 10771 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-5 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 3590 6004 0 165 0
9XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 10771 18011 0 165 0
9X 8123 18011 0 165 0
XII-6 5X 3296 6945 0 165 0
5P 3296 6945 0 165 0
7Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
8Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
9Y 2708 6004 0 165 0
7XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
8XY 2708 6004 0 165 0
9XY 3590 6004 0 165 0
7P 8123 18011 0 165 0
8P 8123 18011 0 165 0
9P 8123 18011 0 165 0
7X 8123 18011 0 165 0
8X 8123 18011 0 165 0
9X 10771 18011 0 165 0
Cargas de servicio (sin Mayorar)
Loading Tree

Load Case Joint | Vertical Transverse Longitudinal | Transverse Longitudinal

Label | --------------Load-------------- | ---------Wind----------
| ---------------(N)-------------- | ---------(Pa)----------
I.1 5X 2747 8829 0 551 0
5P 2747 8829 0 551 0
7Y 2256 6573 0 551 0
8Y 2256 6573 0 551 0
9Y 2256 6573 0 551 0
7XY 2256 6573 0 551 0
8XY 2256 6573 0 551 0
9XY 2256 6573 0 551 0
7P 6769 19718 0 551 0
8P 6769 19718 0 551 0
9P 6769 19718 0 551 0
7X 6769 19718 0 551 0
8X 6769 19718 0 551 0
9X 6769 19718 0 551 0
II.1 5X 2747 7456 883 0 551
5P 2747 7456 883 0 551
7Y 2256 6058 1177 0 551
8Y 2256 6058 1177 0 551
9Y 2256 6058 1177 0 551
7XY 2256 6058 1177 0 551
8XY 2256 6058 1177 0 551
9XY 2256 6058 1177 0 551
7P 6769 18173 0 0 551
8P 6769 18173 0 0 551
9P 6769 18173 0 0 551
7X 6769 18173 0 0 551
8X 6769 18173 0 0 551
9X 6769 18173 0 0 551
III.1-1 5X 5396 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 11478 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-2 5X 5396 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 11478 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-3 5X 5396 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 11478 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-4 5X 5396 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 11478 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-5 5X 5396 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 11478 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-6 5X 5396 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 11478 15009 0 138 0
III.1-7 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 5396 5788 0 138 0
7Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 11478 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-8 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 5396 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 11478 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-9 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 5396 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 11478 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-10 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 5396 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 11478 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-11 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 5396 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 11478 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.1-12 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 5396 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 11478 15009 0 138 0
III.2-1 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 11478 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 11478 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-2 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 11478 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 11478 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-3 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
7P 11478 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 11478 15009 0 138 0
III.2-4 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
8Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 11478 15009 0 138 0
8P 11478 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-5 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 11478 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 11478 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-6 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
9Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 11478 15009 0 138 0
9P 11478 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-7 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 11478 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 11478 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-8 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 11478 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 11478 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-9 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 11478 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 11478 15009 0 138 0
III.2-10 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
7XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 11478 15009 0 138 0
7X 11478 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-11 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 11478 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 11478 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-12 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 3826 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 11478 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 11478 15009 0 138 0
III.2-13 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
8XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 11478 15009 0 138 0
8X 11478 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
III.2-14 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 11478 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 11478 15009 0 138 0
III.2-15 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
9XY 3826 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 11478 15009 0 138 0
9X 11478 15009 0 138 0
IV.A.1-1 5X 1472 589 4218 551 0
5P 2747 589 4218 551 0
7Y 1472 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 4415 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-2 5X 1472 589 4218 551 0
5P 2747 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 1472 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 4415 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-3 5X 1472 589 4218 551 0
5P 2747 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 1472 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 4415 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-4 5X 1472 589 4218 551 0
5P 2747 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 1472 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 4415 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-5 5X 1472 589 4218 551 0
5P 2747 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 1472 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 4415 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-6 5X 1472 589 4218 551 0
5P 2747 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 1472 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 4415 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-7 5X 2747 589 4218 551 0
5P 1472 589 4218 551 0
7Y 1472 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 4415 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-8 5X 2747 589 4218 551 0
5P 1472 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 1472 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 4415 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-9 5X 2747 589 4218 551 0
5P 1472 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 1472 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 4415 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-10 5X 2747 589 4218 551 0
5P 1472 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 1472 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 4415 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-11 5X 2747 589 4218 551 0
5P 1472 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 1472 123 15598 551 0
9XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 4415 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.1-12 5X 2747 589 4218 551 0
5P 1472 589 4218 551 0
7Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
8Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
9Y 2256 123 15598 551 0
7XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
8XY 2256 123 15598 551 0
9XY 1472 123 15598 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 4415 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-1 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 1472 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
7XY 1472 123 27272 551 0
8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 4415 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 4415 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-2 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 1472 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
7XY 2256 123 27272 551 0
8XY 1472 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 4415 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 4415 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-3 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 1472 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
7XY 2256 123 27272 551 0
8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 1472 123 0 551 0
7P 4415 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 4415 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-4 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 1472 123 27272 551 0
8Y 1472 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
7XY 2256 123 27272 551 0
8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 4415 368 0 551 0
8P 4415 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-5 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 1472 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 1472 123 0 551 0
7XY 2256 123 27272 551 0
8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 4415 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 4415 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-6 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 1472 123 0 551 0
9Y 1472 123 0 551 0
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8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 4415 368 0 551 0
9P 4415 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-7 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 1472 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
7XY 1472 123 27272 551 0
8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 4415 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 4415 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-8 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 1472 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
7XY 2256 123 27272 551 0
8XY 1472 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 4415 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 4415 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-9 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 1472 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
7XY 2256 123 27272 551 0
8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 1472 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 4415 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 4415 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-10 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 1472 123 0 551 0
7XY 1472 123 27272 551 0
8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 4415 368 0 551 0
7X 4415 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-11 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 1472 123 0 551 0
7XY 2256 123 27272 551 0
8XY 1472 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 4415 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 4415 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-12 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 1472 123 0 551 0
7XY 2256 123 27272 551 0
8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 1472 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 4415 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 4415 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-13 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
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8XY 1472 123 0 551 0
9XY 2256 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 4415 368 0 551 0
8X 4415 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-14 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
7XY 1472 123 27272 551 0
8XY 2256 123 0 551 0
9XY 1472 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 4415 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 4415 368 0 551 0
IV.A.2-15 5X 2747 589 0 551 0
5P 2747 589 0 551 0
7Y 2256 123 27272 551 0
8Y 2256 123 0 551 0
9Y 2256 123 0 551 0
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8XY 1472 123 0 551 0
9XY 1472 123 0 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 4415 368 0 551 0
9X 4415 368 0 551 0
IV.B.1-1 5X 1472 3924 7358 551 0
5P 2747 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
7P 4415 9050 0 551 0
8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-2 5X 1472 3924 7358 551 0
5P 2747 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
7P 6769 17658 0 551 0
8P 4415 9050 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-3 5X 1472 3924 7358 551 0
5P 2747 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
7P 6769 17658 0 551 0
8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 4415 9050 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-4 5X 1472 3924 7358 551 0
5P 2747 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
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8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
7P 6769 17658 0 551 0
8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 4415 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-5 5X 1472 3924 7358 551 0
5P 2747 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
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7P 6769 17658 0 551 0
8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 4415 9050 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-6 5X 1472 3924 7358 551 0
5P 2747 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
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8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 4415 9050 0 551 0
IV.B.1-7 5X 2747 3924 7358 551 0
5P 1472 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
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7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
7P 4415 9050 0 551 0
8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-8 5X 2747 3924 7358 551 0
5P 1472 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
7P 6769 17658 0 551 0
8P 4415 9050 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-9 5X 2747 3924 7358 551 0
5P 1472 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
7P 6769 17658 0 551 0
8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 4415 9050 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-10 5X 2747 3924 7358 551 0
5P 1472 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
7XY 1472 3017 24721 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
7P 6769 17658 0 551 0
8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 4415 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-11 5X 2747 3924 7358 551 0
5P 1472 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
8XY 1472 3017 24721 551 0
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7P 6769 17658 0 551 0
8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 4415 9050 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.1-12 5X 2747 3924 7358 551 0
5P 1472 3924 7358 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
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8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 4415 9050 0 551 0
IV.B.2-1 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
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7XY 1472 3017 24721 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
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8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 4415 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-2 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
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7XY 2256 3017 24721 551 0
8XY 1472 5886 0 551 0
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8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 4415 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-3 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
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8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
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8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 4415 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-4 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 1472 5886 0 551 0
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7XY 2256 3017 24721 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
7P 4415 9050 0 551 0
8P 4415 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-5 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 1472 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
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8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
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9P 4415 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-6 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 1472 5886 0 551 0
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7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-7 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
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7XY 1472 3017 24721 551 0
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8P 4415 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 4415 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-8 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 1472 5886 0 551 0
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8XY 1472 5886 0 551 0
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9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 4415 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-9 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 1472 5886 0 551 0
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9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 4415 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-10 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
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8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 4415 17658 0 551 0
7X 4415 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-11 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
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9Y 1472 5886 0 551 0
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8XY 1472 5886 0 551 0
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8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 4415 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 4415 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-12 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 0 551 0
9Y 1472 5886 0 551 0
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8XY 2256 5886 0 551 0
9XY 1472 5886 0 551 0
7P 6769 9050 0 551 0
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9P 4415 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 4415 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-13 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
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8XY 1472 5886 0 551 0
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8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 4415 9050 0 551 0
8X 4415 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-14 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
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9XY 1472 5886 0 551 0
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9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 4415 9050 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 4415 17658 0 551 0
IV.B.2-15 5X 2747 7358 0 551 0
5P 2747 7358 0 551 0
7Y 2256 3017 24721 551 0
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9XY 1472 5886 0 551 0
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8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 9050 0 551 0
8X 4415 17658 0 551 0
9X 4415 17658 0 551 0
V.A.1-1 5X 1472 0 8535 0 551
5P 2747 0 8535 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
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8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-2 5X 1472 0 8535 0 551
5P 2747 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
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8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-3 5X 1472 0 8535 0 551
5P 2747 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
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8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-4 5X 1472 0 8535 0 551
5P 2747 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
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8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-5 5X 1472 0 8535 0 551
5P 2747 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
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7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-6 5X 1472 0 8535 0 551
5P 2747 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-7 5X 2747 0 8535 0 551
5P 1472 0 8535 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-8 5X 2747 0 8535 0 551
5P 1472 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
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8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-9 5X 2747 0 8535 0 551
5P 1472 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-10 5X 2747 0 8535 0 551
5P 1472 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-11 5X 2747 0 8535 0 551
5P 1472 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.1-12 5X 2747 0 8535 0 551
5P 1472 0 8535 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-1 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-2 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-3 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-4 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-5 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-6 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-7 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-8 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-9 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-10 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-11 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-12 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-13 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-14 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.A.2-15 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-1 5X 1472 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-2 5X 1472 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-3 5X 1472 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-4 5X 1472 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 27762 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-5 5X 1472 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-6 5X 1472 0 0 0 551
5P 2747 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-7 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 1472 0 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-8 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 1472 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-9 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 1472 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-10 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 1472 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 27762 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-11 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 1472 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.1-12 5X 2747 0 0 0 551
5P 1472 0 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-1 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-2 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-3 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-4 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-5 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 4415 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-6 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-7 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-8 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-9 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 4415 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-10 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-11 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-12 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 1472 0 27762 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 4415 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-13 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 2256 0 0 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-14 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
8XY 2256 0 0 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 4415 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
V.B.2-15 5X 2747 6867 0 0 551
5P 2747 6867 0 0 551
7Y 2256 0 0 0 551
8Y 2256 0 0 0 551
9Y 2256 0 0 0 551
7XY 2256 0 0 0 551
8XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
9XY 1472 0 27762 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 4415 0 0 0 551
9X 4415 0 0 0 551
VI.A 5X 2747 589 4022 551 0
5P 2747 589 4022 551 0
7Y 2256 123 13636 551 0
8Y 2256 123 13636 551 0
9Y 2256 123 13636 551 0
7XY 2256 123 13636 551 0
8XY 2256 123 13636 551 0
9XY 2256 123 13636 551 0
7P 6769 368 0 551 0
8P 6769 368 0 551 0
9P 6769 368 0 551 0
7X 6769 368 0 551 0
8X 6769 368 0 551 0
9X 6769 368 0 551 0
VI.B 5X 2747 7358 3728 551 0
5P 2747 7358 3728 551 0
7Y 2256 5886 12361 551 0
8Y 2256 5886 12361 551 0
9Y 2256 5886 12361 551 0
7XY 2256 5886 12361 551 0
8XY 2256 5886 12361 551 0
9XY 2256 5886 12361 551 0
7P 6769 17658 0 551 0
8P 6769 17658 0 551 0
9P 6769 17658 0 551 0
7X 6769 17658 0 551 0
8X 6769 17658 0 551 0
9X 6769 17658 0 551 0
VII.A 5X 2747 0 4611 0 551
5P 2747 0 4611 0 551
7Y 2256 0 14126 0 551
8Y 2256 0 14126 0 551
9Y 2256 0 14126 0 551
7XY 2256 0 14126 0 551
8XY 2256 0 14126 0 551
9XY 2256 0 14126 0 551
7P 6769 0 0 0 551
8P 6769 0 0 0 551
9P 6769 0 0 0 551
7X 6769 0 0 0 551
8X 6769 0 0 0 551
9X 6769 0 0 0 551
VII.B 5X 2747 6867 4218 0 551
5P 2747 6867 4218 0 551
7Y 2256 5763 12851 0 551
8Y 2256 5763 12851 0 551
9Y 2256 5763 12851 0 551
7XY 2256 5763 12851 0 551
8XY 2256 5763 12851 0 551
9XY 2256 5763 12851 0 551
7P 6769 17290 0 0 551
8P 6769 17290 0 0 551
9P 6769 17290 0 0 551
7X 6769 17290 0 0 551
8X 6769 17290 0 0 551
9X 6769 17290 0 0 551
VIII.A-1 5X 4120 294 5199 138 0
5P 4120 294 5199 138 0
7Y 3041 123 19031 138 0
8Y 3041 123 19031 138 0
9Y 3041 123 19031 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 368 0 138 0
8P 9123 368 0 138 0
9P 9123 368 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
VIII.A-2 5X 4120 294 5199 138 0
5P 4120 294 5199 138 0
7Y 3041 123 19031 138 0
8Y 3041 123 19031 138 0
9Y 0 0 0 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 368 0 138 0
8P 9123 368 0 138 0
9P 0 0 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
VIII.A-3 5X 4120 294 5199 138 0
5P 4120 294 5199 138 0
7Y 3041 123 19031 138 0
8Y 0 0 0 138 0
9Y 0 0 0 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 368 0 138 0
8P 0 0 0 138 0
9P 0 0 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
VIII.A-4 5X 4120 294 5199 138 0
5P 4120 294 5199 138 0
7Y 0 0 0 138 0
8Y 3041 123 19031 138 0
9Y 3041 123 19031 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 0 0 0 138 0
8P 9123 368 0 138 0
9P 9123 368 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
VIII.B-1 5X 4120 2943 4709 138 0
5P 4120 2943 4709 138 0
7Y 3041 2526 17266 138 0
8Y 3041 2526 17266 138 0
9Y 3041 2526 17266 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 7578 0 138 0
8P 9123 7578 0 138 0
9P 9123 7578 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
VIII.B-2 5X 4120 2943 4709 138 0
5P 4120 2943 4709 138 0
7Y 3041 2526 17266 138 0
8Y 3041 2526 17266 138 0
9Y 0 0 0 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 7578 0 138 0
8P 9123 7578 0 138 0
9P 0 0 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
VIII.B-3 5X 4120 2943 4709 138 0
5P 4120 2943 4709 138 0
7Y 3041 2526 17266 138 0
8Y 0 0 0 138 0
9Y 0 0 0 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 7578 0 138 0
8P 0 0 0 138 0
9P 0 0 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
VIII.B-4 5X 4120 2943 4709 138 0
5P 4120 2943 4709 138 0
7Y 0 0 0 138 0
8Y 3041 2526 17266 138 0
9Y 3041 2526 17266 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 0 0 0 138 0
8P 9123 7578 0 138 0
9P 9123 7578 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
IX.A-1 5X 4120 0 5396 0 138
5P 4120 0 5396 0 138
7Y 3041 0 19326 0 138
8Y 3041 0 19326 0 138
9Y 3041 0 19326 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 0 0 0 138
8P 9123 0 0 0 138
9P 9123 0 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
IX.A-2 5X 4120 0 5396 0 138
5P 4120 0 5396 0 138
7Y 3041 0 19326 0 138
8Y 3041 0 19326 0 138
9Y 0 0 0 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 0 0 0 138
8P 9123 0 0 0 138
9P 0 0 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
IX.A-3 5X 4120 0 5396 0 138
5P 4120 0 5396 0 138
7Y 3041 0 19326 0 138
8Y 0 0 0 0 138
9Y 0 0 0 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 0 0 0 138
8P 0 0 0 0 138
9P 0 0 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
IX.A-4 5X 4120 0 5396 0 138
5P 4120 0 5396 0 138
7Y 0 0 0 0 138
8Y 3041 0 19326 0 138
9Y 3041 0 19326 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 0 0 0 0 138
8P 9123 0 0 0 138
9P 9123 0 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
IX.B-1 5X 4120 2649 4905 0 138
5P 4120 2649 4905 0 138
7Y 3041 2403 17560 0 138
8Y 3041 2403 17560 0 138
9Y 3041 2403 17560 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 7210 0 0 138
8P 9123 7210 0 0 138
9P 9123 7210 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
IX.B-2 5X 4120 2649 4905 0 138
5P 4120 2649 4905 0 138
7Y 3041 2403 17560 0 138
8Y 3041 2403 17560 0 138
9Y 0 0 0 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 7210 0 0 138
8P 9123 7210 0 0 138
9P 0 0 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
IX.B-3 5X 4120 2649 4905 0 138
5P 4120 2649 4905 0 138
7Y 3041 2403 17560 0 138
8Y 0 0 0 0 138
9Y 0 0 0 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 7210 0 0 138
8P 0 0 0 0 138
9P 0 0 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
IX.B-4 5X 4120 2649 4905 0 138
5P 4120 2649 4905 0 138
7Y 0 0 0 0 138
8Y 3041 2403 17560 0 138
9Y 3041 2403 17560 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 0 0 0 0 138
8P 9123 7210 0 0 138
9P 9123 7210 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
X.A-1 5X 4120 294 0 138 0
5P 4120 294 0 138 0
7Y 3041 123 0 138 0
8Y 3041 123 0 138 0
9Y 3041 123 0 138 0
7XY 3041 123 19031 138 0
8XY 3041 123 19031 138 0
9XY 3041 123 19031 138 0
7P 9123 368 0 138 0
8P 9123 368 0 138 0
9P 9123 368 0 138 0
7X 9123 368 0 138 0
8X 9123 368 0 138 0
9X 9123 368 0 138 0
X.A-2 5X 4120 294 0 138 0
5P 4120 294 0 138 0
7Y 3041 123 0 138 0
8Y 3041 123 0 138 0
9Y 3041 123 0 138 0
7XY 3041 123 19031 138 0
8XY 3041 123 19031 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 368 0 138 0
8P 9123 368 0 138 0
9P 9123 368 0 138 0
7X 9123 368 0 138 0
8X 9123 368 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
X.A-3 5X 4120 294 0 138 0
5P 4120 294 0 138 0
7Y 3041 123 0 138 0
8Y 3041 123 0 138 0
9Y 3041 123 0 138 0
7XY 3041 123 19031 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 368 0 138 0
8P 9123 368 0 138 0
9P 9123 368 0 138 0
7X 9123 368 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
X.A-4 5X 4120 294 0 138 0
5P 4120 294 0 138 0
7Y 3041 123 0 138 0
8Y 3041 123 0 138 0
9Y 3041 123 0 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 3041 123 19031 138 0
9XY 3041 123 19031 138 0
7P 9123 368 0 138 0
8P 9123 368 0 138 0
9P 9123 368 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 9123 368 0 138 0
9X 9123 368 0 138 0
X.B-1 5X 4120 2943 0 138 0
5P 4120 2943 0 138 0
7Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
8Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
9Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
7XY 3041 2526 17266 138 0
8XY 3041 2526 17266 138 0
9XY 3041 2526 17266 138 0
7P 9123 7578 0 138 0
8P 9123 7578 0 138 0
9P 9123 7578 0 138 0
7X 9123 7578 0 138 0
8X 9123 7578 0 138 0
9X 9123 7578 0 138 0
X.B-2 5X 4120 2943 0 138 0
5P 4120 2943 0 138 0
7Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
8Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
9Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
7XY 3041 2526 17266 138 0
8XY 3041 2526 17266 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 7578 0 138 0
8P 9123 7578 0 138 0
9P 9123 7578 0 138 0
7X 9123 7578 0 138 0
8X 9123 7578 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
X.B-3 5X 4120 2943 0 138 0
5P 4120 2943 0 138 0
7Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
8Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
9Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
7XY 3041 2526 17266 138 0
8XY 0 0 0 138 0
9XY 0 0 0 138 0
7P 9123 7578 0 138 0
8P 9123 7578 0 138 0
9P 9123 7578 0 138 0
7X 9123 7578 0 138 0
8X 0 0 0 138 0
9X 0 0 0 138 0
X.B-4 5X 4120 2943 0 138 0
5P 4120 2943 0 138 0
7Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
8Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
9Y 3041 2526 0 138 0
7XY 0 0 0 138 0
8XY 3041 2526 17266 138 0
9XY 3041 2526 17266 138 0
7P 9123 7578 0 138 0
8P 9123 7578 0 138 0
9P 9123 7578 0 138 0
7X 0 0 0 138 0
8X 9123 7578 0 138 0
9X 9123 7578 0 138 0
XI.A-1 5X 4120 0 0 0 138
5P 4120 0 0 0 138
7Y 3041 0 0 0 138
8Y 3041 0 0 0 138
9Y 3041 0 0 0 138
7XY 3041 0 19326 0 138
8XY 3041 0 19326 0 138
9XY 3041 0 19326 0 138
7P 9123 0 0 0 138
8P 9123 0 0 0 138
9P 9123 0 0 0 138
7X 9123 0 0 0 138
8X 9123 0 0 0 138
9X 9123 0 0 0 138
XI.A-2 5X 4120 0 0 0 138
5P 4120 0 0 0 138
7Y 3041 0 0 0 138
8Y 3041 0 0 0 138
9Y 3041 0 0 0 138
7XY 3041 0 19326 0 138
8XY 3041 0 19326 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 0 0 0 138
8P 9123 0 0 0 138
9P 9123 0 0 0 138
7X 9123 0 0 0 138
8X 9123 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
XI.A-3 5X 4120 0 0 0 138
5P 4120 0 0 0 138
7Y 3041 0 0 0 138
8Y 3041 0 0 0 138
9Y 3041 0 0 0 138
7XY 3041 0 19326 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 0 0 0 138
8P 9123 0 0 0 138
9P 9123 0 0 0 138
7X 9123 0 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
XI.A-4 5X 4120 0 0 0 138
5P 4120 0 0 0 138
7Y 3041 0 0 0 138
8Y 3041 0 0 0 138
9Y 3041 0 0 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 3041 0 19326 0 138
9XY 3041 0 19326 0 138
7P 9123 0 0 0 138
8P 9123 0 0 0 138
9P 9123 0 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 9123 0 0 0 138
9X 9123 0 0 0 138
XI.B-1 5X 4120 2649 0 0 138
5P 4120 2649 0 0 138
7Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
8Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
9Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
7XY 3041 2403 17560 0 138
8XY 3041 2403 17560 0 138
9XY 3041 2403 17560 0 138
7P 9123 7210 0 0 138
8P 9123 7210 0 0 138
9P 9123 7210 0 0 138
7X 9123 7210 0 0 138
8X 9123 7210 0 0 138
9X 9123 7210 0 0 138
XI.B-2 5X 4120 2649 0 0 138
5P 4120 2649 0 0 138
7Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
8Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
9Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
7XY 3041 2403 17560 0 138
8XY 3041 2403 17560 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 7210 0 0 138
8P 9123 7210 0 0 138
9P 9123 7210 0 0 138
7X 9123 7210 0 0 138
8X 9123 7210 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
XI.B-3 5X 4120 2649 0 0 138
5P 4120 2649 0 0 138
7Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
8Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
9Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
7XY 3041 2403 17560 0 138
8XY 0 0 0 0 138
9XY 0 0 0 0 138
7P 9123 7210 0 0 138
8P 9123 7210 0 0 138
9P 9123 7210 0 0 138
7X 9123 7210 0 0 138
8X 0 0 0 0 138
9X 0 0 0 0 138
XI.B-4 5X 4120 2649 0 0 138
5P 4120 2649 0 0 138
7Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
8Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
9Y 3041 2403 0 0 138
7XY 0 0 0 0 138
8XY 3041 2403 17560 0 138
9XY 3041 2403 17560 0 138
7P 9123 7210 0 0 138
8P 9123 7210 0 0 138
9P 9123 7210 0 0 138
7X 0 0 0 0 138
8X 9123 7210 0 0 138
9X 9123 7210 0 0 138
XII-1 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2992 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 8976 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
XII-2 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2992 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 8976 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
XII-3 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2992 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 8976 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
XII-4 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2992 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 8976 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
XII-5 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2992 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 8976 15009 0 138 0
9X 6769 15009 0 138 0
XII-6 5X 2747 5788 0 138 0
5P 2747 5788 0 138 0
7Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
8Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
9Y 2256 5003 0 138 0
7XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
8XY 2256 5003 0 138 0
9XY 2992 5003 0 138 0
7P 6769 15009 0 138 0
8P 6769 15009 0 138 0
9P 6769 15009 0 138 0
7X 6769 15009 0 138 0
8X 6769 15009 0 138 0
9X 8976 15009 0 138 0
XIII.A 5X 981 1275 8044 551 0
5P 981 1275 8044 551 0
7Y 1177 441 27272 551 0
8Y 1177 441 27272 551 0
9Y 1177 441 27272 551 0
7XY 1177 441 27272 551 0
8XY 1177 441 27272 551 0
9XY 1177 441 27272 551 0
7P 3532 1324 0 551 0
8P 3532 1324 0 551 0
9P 3532 1324 0 551 0
7X 3532 1324 0 551 0
8X 3532 1324 0 551 0
9X 3532 1324 0 551 0
XIII.B 5X 981 12949 5494 551 0
5P 981 12949 5494 551 0
7Y 1177 10399 18639 551 0
8Y 1177 10399 18639 551 0
9Y 1177 10399 18639 551 0
7XY 1177 10399 18639 551 0
8XY 1177 10399 18639 551 0
9XY 1177 10399 18639 551 0
7P 3532 31196 0 551 0
8P 3532 31196 0 551 0
9P 3532 31196 0 551 0
7X 3532 31196 0 551 0
8X 3532 31196 0 551 0
9X 3532 31196 0 551 0
XIV.A 5X 981 0 8829 0 551
5P 981 0 8829 0 551
7Y 1177 0 28155 0 551
8Y 1177 0 28155 0 551
9Y 1177 0 28155 0 551
7XY 1177 0 28155 0 551
8XY 1177 0 28155 0 551
9XY 1177 0 28155 0 551
7P 3532 0 0 0 551
8P 3532 0 0 0 551
9P 3532 0 0 0 551
7X 3532 0 0 0 551
8X 3532 0 0 0 551
9X 3532 0 0 0 551
XIV.B 5X 981 12263 6180 0 551
5P 981 12263 6180 0 551
7Y 1177 10202 19424 0 551
8Y 1177 10202 19424 0 551
9Y 1177 10202 19424 0 551
7XY 1177 10202 19424 0 551
8XY 1177 10202 19424 0 551
9XY 1177 10202 19424 0 551
7P 3532 30607 0 0 551
8P 3532 30607 0 0 551
9P 3532 30607 0 0 551
7X 3532 30607 0 0 551
8X 3532 30607 0 0 551
9X 3532 30607 0 0 551
XV.1-1 5X 1864 9320 4218 138 0
5P 1864 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 5077 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.1-2 5X 1864 9320 4218 138 0
5P 1864 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 5077 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.1-3 5X 1864 9320 4218 138 0
5P 1864 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 5077 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.1-4 5X 1864 9320 4218 138 0
5P 1864 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 5077 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.1-5 5X 1864 9320 4218 138 0
5P 1864 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 5077 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.1-6 5X 1864 9320 4218 138 0
5P 1864 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 5077 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-1 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 5077 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 5077 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-2 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 5077 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 5077 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-3 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7P 5077 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 5077 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-4 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 5077 25310 0 138 0
8P 5077 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-5 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 5077 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 5077 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-6 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 5077 25310 0 138 0
9P 5077 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-7 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 5077 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 5077 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-8 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 5077 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 5077 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-9 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 5077 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 5077 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-10 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 5077 25310 0 138 0
7X 5077 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-11 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 5077 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 5077 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-12 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 5077 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 5077 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-13 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 5077 25310 0 138 0
8X 5077 25310 0 138 0
9X 3532 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-14 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 5077 25310 0 138 0
8X 3532 25310 0 138 0
9X 5077 25310 0 138 0
XV.2-15 5X 981 9320 4218 138 0
5P 981 9320 4218 138 0
7Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
9Y 1177 8437 15598 138 0
7XY 1177 8437 15598 138 0
8XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
9XY 1692 8437 15598 138 0
7P 3532 25310 0 138 0
8P 3532 25310 0 138 0
9P 3532 25310 0 138 0
7X 3532 25310 0 138 0
8X 5077 25310 0 138 0
9X 5077 25310 0 138 0
Canastillo Cable de Guardia

Viento Transversal

Viento Longitudinal
Superestructura Superior

Viento Transversal

Viento Longitudinal
Superestructura media

Viento Transversal

Viento Longitudinal
Superestructura Inferior

Viento Transversal

Viento Longitudinal
Cuerpo Común

Viento Transversal
Viento Longitudinal
Base H=19 m

Viento Transversal

Viento Longitudinal
Base H=16 m

Viento Transversal

Viento Longitudinal

Viento Transversal

Viento Longitudinal
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
1 CC1.1P CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -26.441 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 20.99 12.20 21%
2 CC1.1X CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -61.584 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 32.77 12.20 33%
3 CC1.1XY CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -24.706 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 20.41 12.20 20%
4 CC1.1Y CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -11.718 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 16.07 12.20 16%
5 CC1.2P CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -26.008 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 655.5 934.42 655.50 20.85 12.20 21%
6 CC1.2X CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -63.071 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 655.5 934.42 655.50 33.27 12.20 33%
7 CC1.2XY CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -24.635 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 655.5 934.42 655.50 20.39 12.20 20%
8 CC1.2Y CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -10.73 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 655.5 934.42 655.50 15.74 12.20 16%
9 CC1.3P CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -25.358 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 20.63 12.20 21%
10 CC1.3X CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -61.015 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 32.58 12.20 33%
11 CC1.3XY CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -21.049 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 19.19 12.20 19%
12 CC1.3Y CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -9.497 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 15.33 12.20 15%
13 CC2.1P CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -24.375 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 27.71 16.20 28%
14 CC2.1X CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -56.449 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 42.96 16.20 43%
15 CC2.1XY CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -24.715 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 27.87 16.20 28%
16 CC2.1Y CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -7.606 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 19.78 16.20 20%
17 CC2.2P CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -23.168 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 474.72 664.44 474.72 27.14 16.20 27%
18 CC2.2X CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -57.669 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 474.72 664.44 474.72 43.54 16.20 44%
19 CC2.2XY CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -23.911 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 474.72 664.44 474.72 27.49 16.20 27%
20 CC2.2Y CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -7.317 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 474.72 664.44 474.72 19.64 16.20 20%
21 CC2.3P CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -21.937 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 26.56 16.20 27%
22 CC2.3X CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -56.564 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 43.01 16.20 43%
23 CC2.3XY CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -19.903 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 25.59 16.20 26%
24 CC2.3Y CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -7.449 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 19.70 16.20 20%
25 CC3.1P CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -21.853 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 31.28 19.10 31%
26 CC3.1X CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -52.824 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 48.74 19.10 49%
27 CC3.1XY CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -24.439 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 32.73 19.10 33%
28 CC3.1Y CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -5.049 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 21.87 19.10 22%
29 CC3.2P CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -20.111 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 419.52 541.11 419.52 30.30 19.10 30%
30 CC3.2X CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -54.023 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 419.52 541.11 419.52 49.42 19.10 49%
31 CC3.2XY CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -23.604 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 419.52 541.11 419.52 32.27 19.10 32%
32 CC3.2Y CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -4.643 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 419.52 541.11 419.52 21.64 19.10 22%
33 CC3.3P CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -19.166 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 29.77 19.10 30%
34 CC3.3X CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -52.917 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 48.80 19.10 49%
35 CC3.3XY CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -18.78 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 29.56 19.10 30%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
36 CC3.3Y CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -6.182 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 22.50 19.10 23%
37 CG2.1P CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 0 sólo flexión 8.599 - 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 37.90 43.13 43%
38 CG2.1X CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 -4.476 - 0 sólo flexión 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 44.56 37.90 45%
39 CG2.1XY CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 -4.23 - 0 sólo flexión 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 44.19 37.90 44%
40 CG2.1Y CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 0 sólo flexión 8.477 - 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 37.90 43.06 43%
41 CG2.2P CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 0 sólo flexión 8.851 - 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 37.90 43.29 43%
42 CG2.2X CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 -4.568 - 0 sólo flexión 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 44.70 37.90 45%
43 CG2.2XY CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 -4.302 - 0 sólo flexión 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 44.30 37.90 44%
44 CG2.2Y CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 0 sólo flexión 8.721 - 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 37.90 43.21 43%
45 CG5.1P CG5 0 1.6 58.51 1 0.781 0.577 73.9 -1.336 - 0 sólo flexión 35.385 117.874 173.49 327.75 78.23 73.90 78%
46 CG6.1P CG6 39.98 1.79 34.51 0.5 0.654 0.32 48.8 -2.445 - 0 sólo flexión 53.476 95.541 134.69 132.48 54.41 48.80 54%
47 CG6.1X CG6 39.98 1.79 34.51 0.5 0.654 0.32 48.8 0 sólo flexión 2.737 - 53.476 95.541 134.69 132.48 48.80 51.79 52%
48 CG6.1XY CG6 39.98 1.79 34.51 0.5 0.654 0.32 48.8 0 sólo flexión 2.823 - 53.476 95.541 134.69 132.48 48.80 51.88 52%
49 CG6.1Y CG6 39.98 1.79 34.51 0.5 0.654 0.32 48.8 -2.566 - 0 sólo flexión 53.476 95.541 134.69 132.48 54.68 48.80 55%
50 DH07.1P DH07 0 2.83 188.13 1 2.209 1.065 48.2 -0.538 - 0 sólo flexión 46.847 232.735 115.55 298.08 49.59 48.20 50%
51 DH07.1X DH07 0 2.83 188.13 1 2.209 1.065 48.2 0 sólo flexión 0.519 - 46.847 232.735 115.55 298.08 48.20 48.43 48%
52 DH07.1XY DH07 0 2.83 188.13 1 2.209 1.065 48.2 -0.812 - 0 sólo flexión 46.847 232.735 115.55 298.08 50.29 48.20 50%
53 DH07.1Y DH07 0 2.83 188.13 1 2.209 1.065 48.2 0 sólo flexión 0.802 - 46.847 232.735 115.55 298.08 48.20 48.56 49%
54 DH08.1P DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 -0.339 - 0 sólo flexión 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.87 64.00 65%
55 DH08.1X DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 0 sólo flexión 0.302 - 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.00 64.38 64%
56 DH08.1XY DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 -0.967 - 0 sólo flexión 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 66.35 64.00 66%
57 DH08.1Y DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 0 sólo flexión 0.926 - 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.00 65.04 65%
58 DH08.2P DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 -0.521 - 0 sólo flexión 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 65.30 64.00 65%
59 DH08.2X DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 0 sólo flexión 0.48 - 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.00 64.57 65%
60 DH08.2XY DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 -0.788 - 0 sólo flexión 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 65.93 64.00 66%
61 DH08.2Y DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 0 sólo flexión 0.744 - 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.00 64.85 65%
62 DH09.1P DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.29 - 0 sólo flexión 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 62.36 61.70 62%
63 DH09.1X DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.01 - 0.264 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 61.74 61.94 62%
64 DH09.1XY DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.609 - 0 sólo flexión 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 63.08 61.70 63%
65 DH09.1Y DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 0 sólo flexión 0.596 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 61.70 62.22 62%
66 DH09.2P DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.082 - 0.194 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 61.90 61.88 62%
67 DH09.2X DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.214 - 0.062 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 62.19 61.77 62%
68 DH09.2XY DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.812 - 0 sólo flexión 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 63.53 61.70 64%
69 DH09.2Y DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 0 sólo flexión 0.804 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 61.70 62.40 62%
70 DH10.1P DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -1.591 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 74.69 70.50 75%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
71 DH10.1X DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 1.557 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 72.39 72%
72 DH10.1XY DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -2.158 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 76.18 70.50 76%
73 DH10.1Y DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 2.096 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 73.04 73%
74 DH10.2P DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -1.754 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 75.12 70.50 75%
75 DH10.2X DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 1.716 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 72.58 73%
76 DH10.2XY DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -2.001 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 75.77 70.50 76%
77 DH10.2Y DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 1.935 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 72.85 73%
78 DH11.1P DH11 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 0 sólo flexión 1.086 - 57.6 117.874 273.22 327.75 58.70 59.56 60%
79 DH11.1X DH11 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 -7.004 - 0 sólo flexión 57.6 117.874 273.22 327.75 72.35 58.70 72%
80 DH12.1P DH12 0 2.26 29.96 0.5 0.519 0.404 77.8 -0.493 - 0.018 - 41.754 83.121 103.04 118.68 79.40 77.86 79%
81 DH12.1X DH12 0 2.26 29.96 0.5 0.519 0.404 77.8 -0.821 - 0 sólo flexión 41.754 83.121 103.04 118.68 80.43 77.80 80%
82 DHC1.1P DHC1 0 2.55 46.57 0.5 0.781 0.457 58.5 -0.516 - 0 sólo flexión 57.838 117.874 273.22 327.75 59.52 58.50 60%
83 DHC1.1X DHC1 0 2.55 46.57 0.5 0.781 0.457 58.5 -1.422 - 0 sólo flexión 57.838 117.874 273.22 327.75 61.28 58.50 61%
84 DHC1.1XY DHC1 0 2.55 46.57 0.5 0.781 0.457 58.5 -2.43 - 0 sólo flexión 57.838 117.874 273.22 327.75 63.24 58.50 63%
85 DHC1.1Y DHC1 0 2.55 46.57 0.5 0.781 0.457 58.5 -0.88 - 0 sólo flexión 57.838 117.874 273.22 327.75 60.23 58.50 60%
86 DHC2.1P DHC2 0 2.59 47.38 0.5 0.781 0.465 59.6 0 sólo flexión 0.428 - 53.956 117.874 264.84 327.75 59.60 59.90 60%
87 DHC2.1X DHC2 0 2.59 47.38 0.5 0.781 0.465 59.6 0 sólo flexión 1.196 - 53.956 117.874 264.84 327.75 59.60 60.55 61%
88 DHC2.1XY DHC2 0 2.59 47.38 0.5 0.781 0.465 59.6 0 sólo flexión 2.199 - 53.956 117.874 264.84 327.75 59.60 61.40 61%
89 DHC2.1Y DHC2 0 2.59 47.38 0.5 0.781 0.465 59.6 0 sólo flexión 0.828 - 53.956 117.874 264.84 327.75 59.60 60.24 60%
90 DHC3.1P DHC3 0 2.64 48.21 0.5 0.781 0.473 60.6 -0.796 - 0 sólo flexión 52.108 117.874 254.90 327.75 62.28 60.60 62%
91 DHC3.1X DHC3 0 2.64 48.21 0.5 0.781 0.473 60.6 -2.107 - 0 sólo flexión 52.108 117.874 254.90 327.75 65.11 60.60 65%
92 DHC3.1XY DHC3 0 2.64 48.21 0.5 0.781 0.473 60.6 -1.152 - 0 sólo flexión 52.108 117.874 254.90 327.75 63.05 60.60 63%
93 DHC3.1Y DHC3 0 2.64 48.21 0.5 0.781 0.473 60.6 -0.405 - 0 sólo flexión 52.108 117.874 254.90 327.75 61.44 60.60 61%
94 DHC4.1P DHC4 0 2.54 46.39 0.5 0.781 0.455 58.3 -1.122 - 0 sólo flexión 58.185 117.874 275.37 327.75 60.43 58.30 60%
95 DHC4.1X DHC4 0 2.54 46.39 0.5 0.781 0.455 58.3 -0.905 - 0 sólo flexión 58.185 117.874 275.37 327.75 60.01 58.30 60%
96 DHC4.1XY DHC4 0 2.54 46.39 0.5 0.781 0.455 58.3 -3.393 - 0 sólo flexión 58.185 117.874 275.37 327.75 64.82 58.30 65%
97 DHC4.1Y DHC4 0 2.54 46.39 0.5 0.781 0.455 58.3 0 sólo flexión 0.484 - 58.185 117.874 275.37 327.75 58.30 58.67 59%
98 DHC5.1P DHC5 0 2.86 52.37 0.5 0.781 0.515 66 -0.279 - 0.011 - 44.168 117.874 217.20 327.75 66.66 65.95 67%
99 DHC5.1X DHC5 0 2.86 52.37 0.5 0.781 0.515 66 0 sólo flexión 2.47 - 44.168 117.874 217.20 327.75 66.00 68.04 68%
100 DHC5.1XY DHC5 0 2.86 52.37 0.5 0.781 0.515 66 0 sólo flexión 0.617 - 44.168 117.874 217.20 327.75 66.00 66.46 66%
101 DHC5.1Y DHC5 0 2.86 52.37 0.5 0.781 0.515 66 0 sólo flexión 0.849 - 44.168 117.874 217.20 327.75 66.00 66.66 67%
102 DHC6.1P DHC6 0 3.22 71.2 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 -0.594 - 0 sólo flexión 61.583 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.95 49.80 50.9%
103 DHC6.1X DHC6 0 3.22 71.2 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 -0.456 - 0 sólo flexión 61.583 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.68 49.80 50.7%
104 DHC6.1XY DHC6 0 3.22 71.2 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 -1.92 - 0 sólo flexión 61.583 148.924 151.60 198.38 53.54 49.80 54%
105 DHC6.1Y DHC6 0 3.22 71.2 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 0 sólo flexión 0.288 - 61.583 148.924 151.60 198.38 49.80 49.98 50%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
106 DHC7.1P DHC7 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 0 sólo flexión 1.989 - 57.603 117.874 273.22 327.75 58.70 60.33 60%
107 DHC7.1X DHC7 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 -4.873 - 0 sólo flexión 57.603 117.874 273.22 327.75 68.17 58.70 68%
108 DHC7.1XY DHC7 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 -1.021 - 0 sólo flexión 57.603 117.874 273.22 327.75 60.64 58.70 61%
109 DHC7.1Y DHC7 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 -1.058 - 0 sólo flexión 57.603 117.874 273.22 327.75 60.71 58.70 61%
110 DHC8.1P DHC8 0 3.22 71.24 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 0 sólo flexión 0.753 - 61.507 148.924 151.60 198.38 49.80 50.29 50%
111 DHC8.1X DHC8 0 3.22 71.24 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 0 sólo flexión 0.664 - 61.507 148.924 151.60 198.38 49.80 50.23 50%
112 DHC8.1XY DHC8 0 3.22 71.24 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 0 sólo flexión 3.119 - 61.507 148.924 151.60 198.38 49.80 51.88 52%
113 DHC8.1Y DHC8 0 3.22 71.24 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 -1.138 - 0 sólo flexión 61.507 148.924 151.60 198.38 52.01 49.80 52.0%
114 DHC9.1P DHC9 0 3.93 87.08 0.5 1.169 0.716 61.3 0 sólo flexión 0.977 - 41.164 148.924 101.77 198.38 61.30 61.90 62%
115 DHC9.1X DHC9 0 3.93 87.08 0.5 1.169 0.716 61.3 -2.234 - 0 sólo flexión 41.164 148.924 101.77 198.38 68.05 61.30 68%
116 DHC9.1XY DHC9 0 3.93 87.08 0.5 1.169 0.716 61.3 -0.43 - 0 sólo flexión 41.164 148.924 101.77 198.38 62.55 61.30 63%
117 DHC9.1Y DHC9 0 3.93 87.08 0.5 1.169 0.716 61.3 -0.401 - 0 sólo flexión 41.164 148.924 101.77 198.38 62.47 61.30 62%
118 DL12.1P DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 -1.427 - 0 sólo flexión 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 15.15 14.30 15%
119 DL12.1X DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 0 sólo flexión 2.848 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.30 15.48 15%
120 DL12.1XY DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 0 sólo flexión 4.31 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.30 16.06 16%
121 DL12.1Y DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 -12.156 - 0 sólo flexión 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 21.19 14.30 21%
122 DL12.2P DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 0 sólo flexión 1.944 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.30 15.12 15%
123 DL12.2X DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 0 sólo flexión 2.322 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.30 15.27 15%
124 DL12.2XY DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 0 sólo flexión 3.773 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.30 15.85 16%
125 DL12.2Y DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 -11.173 - 0 sólo flexión 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 20.64 14.30 21%
126 DL14.1P DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 3.56 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 11.24 11%
127 DL14.1X DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -4.18 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 11.93 10.20 12%
128 DL14.1XY DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 3.756 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 11.30 11%
129 DL14.1Y DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -5.28 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 12.39 10.20 12%
130 DL14.2P DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -0.191 - 0.043 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.25 10.18 10%
131 DL14.2X DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -2.132 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 11.07 10.20 11%
132 DL14.2XY DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 5.589 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 11.86 12%
133 DL14.2Y DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -8.187 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 13.62 10.20 14%
134 DL15.1P DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -6.651 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 11.56 8.90 12%
135 DL15.1X DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 5.439 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 10.56 11%
136 DL15.1XY DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -1.254 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 9.41 8.90 9%
137 DL15.1Y DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 1.041 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 9.23 9%
138 DL15.2P DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -4.486 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 10.70 8.90 11%
139 DL15.2X DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 3.584 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 10.00 10%
140 DL15.2XY DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -3.338 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 10.24 8.90 10%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
141 DL15.2Y DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 3.563 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 9.99 10%
142 DL16.1P DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -3.865 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 10.45 8.90 10%
143 DL16.1X DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 1.083 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 9.24 9%
144 DL16.1XY DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 8.231 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 11.41 11%
145 DL16.1Y DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -12.294 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 13.80 8.90 14%
146 DL16.2P DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 0.371 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 9.03 9%
147 DL16.2X DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -0.783 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 9.23 8.90 9%
148 DL16.2XY DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 6.712 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 10.95 11%
149 DL16.2Y DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -8.97 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 12.48 8.90 12%
150 DL18.1P DL18 32.12 1.29 73.52 1 1.393 0.469 33.6 -2.322 - 0 sólo flexión 86.521 164.449 215.41 215.63 36.72 33.60 37%
151 DL18.1X DL18 32.12 1.29 73.52 1 1.393 0.469 33.6 0 sólo flexión 1.997 - 86.521 164.449 215.41 215.63 33.60 34.88 35%
152 DL18.1XY DL18 32.12 1.29 73.52 1 1.393 0.469 33.6 -1.62 - 0 sólo flexión 86.521 164.449 215.41 215.63 35.80 33.60 36%
153 DL18.1Y DL18 32.12 1.29 73.52 1 1.393 0.469 33.6 0 sólo flexión 2.64 - 86.521 164.449 215.41 215.63 33.60 35.27 35%
154 DL19.1P DL19 33.27 2.48 74.12 0.52 1.393 0.467 33.5 -3.199 - 0 sólo flexión 85.826 164.449 212.84 215.63 37.76 33.50 38%
155 DL19.1X DL19 33.27 2.48 74.12 0.52 1.393 0.467 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.065 - 85.826 164.449 212.84 215.63 33.50 34.78 35%
156 DL19.1XY DL19 33.27 2.48 74.12 0.52 1.393 0.467 33.5 -2.645 - 0 sólo flexión 85.826 164.449 212.84 215.63 37.03 33.50 37%
157 DL19.1Y DL19 33.27 2.48 74.12 0.52 1.393 0.467 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.116 - 85.826 164.449 212.84 215.63 33.50 34.81 35%
158 DL20.1P DL20 35.79 2.25 75.09 0.52 1.638 0.425 25.9 -2.423 - 0 sólo flexión 106.064 179.974 303.76 232.88 28.44 25.90 28%
159 DL20.1X DL20 35.79 2.25 75.09 0.52 1.638 0.425 25.9 0 sólo flexión 2.404 - 106.064 179.974 303.76 232.88 25.90 27.28 27%
160 DL20.1XY DL20 35.79 2.25 75.09 0.52 1.638 0.425 25.9 -2.772 - 0 sólo flexión 106.064 179.974 303.76 232.88 28.80 25.90 29%
161 DL20.1Y DL20 35.79 2.25 75.09 0.52 1.638 0.425 25.9 0 sólo flexión 3.435 - 106.064 179.974 303.76 232.88 25.90 27.85 28%
162 DL21.1P DL21 38.65 2.03 91.71 0.53 2.209 0.392 17.8 -3.843 - 0 sólo flexión 150.333 232.735 487.35 298.08 20.44 17.80 20%
163 DL21.1X DL21 38.65 2.03 91.71 0.53 2.209 0.392 17.8 0 sólo flexión 3.195 - 150.333 232.735 487.35 298.08 17.80 19.12 19%
164 DL21.1XY DL21 38.65 2.03 91.71 0.53 2.209 0.392 17.8 -2.946 - 0 sólo flexión 150.333 232.735 487.35 298.08 19.81 17.80 20%
165 DL21.1Y DL21 38.65 2.03 91.71 0.53 2.209 0.392 17.8 0 sólo flexión 3.097 - 150.333 232.735 487.35 298.08 17.80 19.08 19%
166 DL22.1P DL22 40.24 0.96 83.66 1 2.209 0.349 15.8 0 sólo flexión 3.045 - 161.44 232.735 582.91 298.08 15.80 17.11 17%
167 DL22.1X DL22 40.24 0.96 83.66 1 2.209 0.349 15.8 -2.724 - 0 sólo flexión 161.44 232.735 582.91 298.08 17.56 15.80 18%
168 DL22.1XY DL22 40.24 0.96 83.66 1 2.209 0.349 15.8 0 sólo flexión 3.714 - 161.44 232.735 582.91 298.08 15.80 17.39 17%
169 DL22.1Y DL22 40.24 0.96 83.66 1 2.209 0.349 15.8 -4.231 - 0 sólo flexión 161.44 232.735 582.91 298.08 18.54 15.80 19%
170 DL23.1P DL23 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 -1.042 - 0 sólo flexión 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 48.88 46.60 49%
171 DL23.1X DL23 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.789 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 47.46 47%
172 DL23.1XY DL23 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.677 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 47.34 47%
173 DL23.1Y DL23 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.227 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 46.87 47%
174 DL24.1P DL24 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 -0.969 - 0 sólo flexión 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 48.72 46.60 49%
175 DL24.1X DL24 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.895 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 47.57 48%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
176 DL24.1XY DL24 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.461 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 47.12 47%
177 DL24.1Y DL24 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 -1.501 - 0 sólo flexión 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 49.87 46.60 50%
178 DL25.1P DL25 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -1.294 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 46.39 43.60 46%
179 DL25.1X DL25 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 0.919 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 43.60 44.69 45%
180 DL25.1XY DL25 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 0.733 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 43.60 44.50 44%
181 DL25.1Y DL25 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -1.018 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 45.82 43.60 46%
182 DL26.1P DL26 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.115 - 0.303 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.97 44.05 44%
183 DL26.1X DL26 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.269 - 0.147 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 44.28 43.88 44%
184 DL26.1XY DL26 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.471 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 44.70 43.60 45%
185 DL26.1Y DL26 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 0.478 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 44.23 44%
186 DL27.1P DL27 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.273 - 0.174 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 44.29 43.91 44%
187 DL27.1X DL27 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.081 - 0.366 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.90 44.11 44%
188 DL27.1XY DL27 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.242 - 0.188 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 44.23 43.93 44%
189 DL27.1Y DL27 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.107 - 0.324 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.95 44.07 44%
190 DL28.1P DL28 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.207 - 0.224 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 44.16 43.97 44%
191 DL28.1X DL28 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.355 - 0.077 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 44.46 43.81 44%
192 DL28.1XY DL28 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.192 - 0.24 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 44.12 43.98 44%
193 DL28.1Y DL28 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.36 - 0.072 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 44.47 43.81 44%
194 DT12.1P DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 -30.093 - 0 sólo flexión 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 24.59 11.50 25%
195 DT12.1X DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 0 sólo flexión 33.127 - 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 11.50 21.54 22%
196 DT12.1XY DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 0 sólo flexión 23.694 - 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 11.50 18.69 19%
197 DT12.1Y DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 -23.659 - 0 sólo flexión 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 21.79 11.50 22%
198 DT12.2P DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 -29.353 - 0 sólo flexión 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 24.27 11.50 24%
199 DT12.2X DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 0 sólo flexión 31.856 - 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 11.50 21.16 21%
200 DT12.2XY DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 0 sólo flexión 22.955 - 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 11.50 18.46 18%
201 DT12.2Y DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 -23.595 - 0 sólo flexión 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 21.76 11.50 22%
202 DT14.1P DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -34.904 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 24.91 10.20 25%
203 DT14.1X DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 33.639 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 20.35 20%
204 DT14.1XY DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 25.806 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 17.98 18%
205 DT14.1Y DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -26.732 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 21.46 10.20 21%
206 DT14.2P DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -36.088 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 25.41 10.20 25%
207 DT14.2X DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 33.323 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 20.26 20%
208 DT14.2XY DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 25.872 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 18.00 18%
209 DT14.2Y DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -28.205 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 22.08 10.20 22%
210 DT15.1P DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 30.072 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 18.02 18%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
211 DT15.1X DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -30.767 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 21.15 8.90 21%
212 DT15.1XY DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -21.463 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 17.45 8.90 17%
213 DT15.1Y DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 21.231 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 15.34 15%
214 DT15.2P DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 32.933 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 18.89 19%
215 DT15.2X DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -33.871 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 22.38 8.90 22%
216 DT15.2XY DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -24.133 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 18.51 8.90 19%
217 DT15.2Y DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 23.881 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 16.15 16%
218 DT16.1P DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 -38.095 - 0 sólo flexión 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 19.53 6.90 20%
219 DT16.1X DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 0 sólo flexión 38.207 - 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 6.90 16.95 17%
220 DT16.1XY DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 0 sólo flexión 27.359 - 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 6.90 14.09 14%
221 DT16.1Y DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 -29.261 - 0 sólo flexión 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 16.60 6.90 17%
222 DT16.2P DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 -38.148 - 0 sólo flexión 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 19.55 6.90 20%
223 DT16.2X DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 0 sólo flexión 37.073 - 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 6.90 16.65 17%
224 DT16.2XY DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 0 sólo flexión 26.706 - 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 6.90 13.92 14%
225 DT16.2Y DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 -28.321 - 0 sólo flexión 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 16.29 6.90 16%
226 DT18.1P DT18 32.12 2.59 82.58 0.52 1.638 0.489 29.9 0 sólo flexión 21.482 - 96.877 179.974 250.72 232.88 29.90 41.79 42%
227 DT18.1X DT18 32.12 2.59 82.58 0.52 1.638 0.489 29.9 -10.73 - 0 sólo flexión 96.877 179.974 250.72 232.88 42.26 29.90 42%
228 DT18.1XY DT18 32.12 2.59 82.58 0.52 1.638 0.489 29.9 -9.238 - 0 sólo flexión 96.877 179.974 250.72 232.88 40.53 29.90 41%
229 DT18.1Y DT18 32.12 2.59 82.58 0.52 1.638 0.489 29.9 0 sólo flexión 13.652 - 96.877 179.974 250.72 232.88 29.90 37.44 37%
230 DT19.1P DT19 34.49 2.37 77.55 0.52 1.638 0.446 27.2 0 sólo flexión 13.809 - 102.907 179.974 285.01 232.88 27.20 34.90 35%
231 DT19.1X DT19 34.49 2.37 77.55 0.52 1.638 0.446 27.2 -20.381 - 0 sólo flexión 102.907 179.974 285.01 232.88 49.13 27.20 49%
232 DT19.1XY DT19 34.49 2.37 77.55 0.52 1.638 0.446 27.2 -13.373 - 0 sólo flexión 102.907 179.974 285.01 232.88 41.56 27.20 42%
233 DT19.1Y DT19 34.49 2.37 77.55 0.52 1.638 0.446 27.2 0 sólo flexión 10.518 - 102.907 179.974 285.01 232.88 27.20 33.07 33%
234 DT20.1P DT20 37.17 2.14 74.07 0.53 1.638 0.411 25.1 0 sólo flexión 22.082 - 107.416 179.974 312.30 232.88 25.10 37.36 37%
235 DT20.1X DT20 37.17 2.14 74.07 0.53 1.638 0.411 25.1 -16.281 - 0 sólo flexión 107.416 179.974 312.30 232.88 41.63 25.10 42%
236 DT20.1XY DT20 37.17 2.14 74.07 0.53 1.638 0.411 25.1 -12.009 - 0 sólo flexión 107.416 179.974 312.30 232.88 37.27 25.10 37%
237 DT20.1Y DT20 37.17 2.14 74.07 0.53 1.638 0.411 25.1 0 sólo flexión 14.537 - 107.416 179.974 312.30 232.88 25.10 33.17 33%
238 DT21.1P DT21 40.24 1.92 88.68 0.53 2.209 0.371 16.8 0 sólo flexión 17.768 - 154.564 232.735 518.79 298.08 16.80 24.43 24%
239 DT21.1X DT21 40.24 1.92 88.68 0.53 2.209 0.371 16.8 -25.843 - 0 sólo flexión 154.564 232.735 518.79 298.08 34.40 16.80 34%
240 DT21.1XY DT21 40.24 1.92 88.68 0.53 2.209 0.371 16.8 -16.919 - 0 sólo flexión 154.564 232.735 518.79 298.08 28.31 16.80 28%
241 DT21.1Y DT21 40.24 1.92 88.68 0.53 2.209 0.371 16.8 0 sólo flexión 13.189 - 154.564 232.735 518.79 298.08 16.80 22.46 22%
242 DT22.1P DT22 41.32 1.71 44.03 0.53 0.781 0.324 41.5 -0.478 - 12.006 - 63.06 117.874 306.85 327.75 42.31 51.67 52%
243 DT22.1X DT22 41.32 1.71 44.03 0.53 0.781 0.324 41.5 -5.738 - 6.754 - 63.06 117.874 306.85 327.75 51.38 47.22 51%
244 DT22.1XY DT22 41.32 1.71 44.03 0.53 0.781 0.324 41.5 -4.021 - 0.377 - 63.06 117.874 306.85 327.75 48.41 41.81 48%
245 DT22.1Y DT22 41.32 1.71 44.03 0.53 0.781 0.324 41.5 0 sólo flexión 6.081 - 63.06 117.874 306.85 327.75 41.50 46.64 47%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
246 DT23.1P DT23 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 8.618 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 52.75 53%
247 DT23.1X DT23 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -3.543 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 51.00 43.60 51%
248 DT23.1XY DT23 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -5.264 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 54.56 43.60 55%
249 DT23.1Y DT23 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 7.288 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 51.36 51%
250 DT24.1P DT24 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 4.333 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 48.27 48%
251 DT24.1X DT24 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -7.63 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 59.46 43.60 59%
252 DT24.1XY DT24 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -6.689 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 57.51 43.60 58%
253 DT24.1Y DT24 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 5.536 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 49.53 50%
254 DT25.1P DT25 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 6.724 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 50.77 51%
255 DT25.1X DT25 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -4.587 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 53.16 43.60 53%
256 DT25.1XY DT25 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -5.515 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 55.08 43.60 55%
257 DT25.1Y DT25 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 6.146 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 50.16 50%
258 FR014.1P R014 0 0.8 35.41 1 1.169 0.286 24.5 -0.012 - 0 sólo flexión 122.172 148.924 614.01 198.38 24.48 24.50 25%
259 FR014.1X R014 0 0.8 35.41 1 1.169 0.286 24.5 -0.017 - 0 sólo flexión 122.172 148.924 614.01 198.38 24.48 24.50 25%
260 FR015.1P R015 0 0.8 35.41 1 1.169 0.286 24.5 -0.017 - 0 sólo flexión 122.172 148.924 614.01 198.38 24.48 24.50 25%
261 FR015.1X R015 0 0.8 35.41 1 1.169 0.286 24.5 -0.023 - 0 sólo flexión 122.172 148.924 614.01 198.38 24.49 24.50 25%
262 FR030.1P R030 0 1.16 51.26 1 1.169 0.416 35.6 0 sólo flexión 0.01 - 95.755 148.924 292.04 198.38 35.60 35.59 36%
263 FR030.1X R030 0 1.16 51.26 1 1.169 0.416 35.6 -0.04 - 0 sólo flexión 95.755 148.924 292.04 198.38 35.63 35.60 36%
264 FR031.1P R031 0 1.52 67.1 1 1.169 0.548 46.9 0 sólo flexión 0.012 - 69.332 148.924 170.09 198.38 46.90 46.89 47%
265 FR031.1X R031 0 1.52 67.1 1 1.169 0.548 46.9 -0.054 - 0 sólo flexión 69.332 148.924 170.09 198.38 46.97 46.90 47%
266 HL07.1P HL07 0 2 374.45 2 3.197 1.599 50 0 sólo flexión 17.115 - 103.369 330.186 363.84 419.52 50.00 55.20 55%
267 HL07.1X HL07 0 2 374.45 2 3.197 1.599 50 -3.572 - 0 sólo flexión 103.369 330.186 363.84 419.52 53.97 50.00 54%
268 HL07.2P HL07 0 2 374.45 2 3.197 1.599 50 0 sólo flexión 16.377 - 103.369 330.186 363.84 419.52 50.00 54.98 55%
269 HL07.2X HL07 0 2 374.45 2 3.197 1.599 50 -2.766 - 0 sólo flexión 103.369 330.186 363.84 419.52 53.07 50.00 53%
270 HL08.1P HL08 0 1.9 98.58 1 1.638 0.693 42.3 -1.64 - 0 sólo flexión 71.243 179.974 175.84 232.88 45.01 42.30 45%
271 HL08.1X HL08 0 1.9 98.58 1 1.638 0.693 42.3 -4.804 - 0 sólo flexión 71.243 179.974 175.84 232.88 50.24 42.30 50%
272 HL08.2P HL08 0 1.9 98.58 1 1.638 0.693 42.3 -5.376 - 0 sólo flexión 71.243 179.974 175.84 232.88 51.19 42.30 51%
273 HL08.2X HL08 0 1.9 98.58 1 1.638 0.693 42.3 -8.888 - 0 sólo flexión 71.243 179.974 175.84 232.88 57.04 42.30 57%
274 HL09.1P HL09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 0 sólo flexión 3.403 - 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 51.40 53.61 54%
275 HL09.1X HL09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 -2.66 - 0 sólo flexión 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 56.89 51.40 57%
276 HL09.2P HL09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 0 sólo flexión 3.511 - 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 51.40 53.68 54%
277 HL09.2X HL09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 -2.615 - 0 sólo flexión 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 56.79 51.40 57%
278 HL10.1P HL10 0 1.45 47.38 1 0.806 0.521 64.6 0 sólo flexión 2.48 - 49.439 107.961 116.94 146.28 64.60 66.94 67%
279 HL10.1X HL10 0 1.45 47.38 1 0.806 0.521 64.6 0 sólo flexión 3.251 - 49.439 107.961 116.94 146.28 64.60 67.65 68%
280 HL10.2P HL10 0 1.45 47.38 1 0.806 0.521 64.6 0 sólo flexión 4.49 - 49.439 107.961 116.94 146.28 64.60 68.80 69%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
281 HL10.2X HL10 0 1.45 47.38 1 0.806 0.521 64.6 0 sólo flexión 5.172 - 49.439 107.961 116.94 146.28 64.60 69.43 69.4%
282 HL11.1P HL11 0 1.35 140.16 2 1.638 0.999 61 -2.777 - 0 sólo flexión 88.416 179.974 348.31 232.88 64.62 61.00 65%
283 HL11.1X HL11 0 1.35 140.16 2 1.638 0.999 61 -3.705 - 0 sólo flexión 88.416 179.974 348.31 232.88 65.84 61.00 66%
284 HL11.2P HL11 0 1.35 140.16 2 1.638 0.999 61 0 sólo flexión 2.019 - 88.416 179.974 348.31 232.88 61.00 62.11 62%
285 HL11.2X HL11 0 1.35 140.16 2 1.638 0.999 61 -6.346 - 0 sólo flexión 88.416 179.974 348.31 232.88 69.30 61.00 69%
286 HL12.1P HL12 0 0.9 79.93 2 1.169 0.655 56.1 0 sólo flexión 1.738 - 96.374 148.924 485.14 198.38 56.10 57.20 57%
287 HL12.1X HL12 0 0.9 79.93 2 1.169 0.655 56.1 0 sólo flexión 5.48 - 96.374 148.924 485.14 198.38 56.10 59.71 60%
288 HL12.2P HL12 0 0.9 79.93 2 1.169 0.655 56.1 0 sólo flexión 6.332 - 96.374 148.924 485.14 198.38 56.10 60.28 60%
289 HL12.2X HL12 0 0.9 79.93 2 1.169 0.655 56.1 0 sólo flexión 0.99 - 96.374 148.924 485.14 198.38 56.10 56.70 57%
290 HL13.1P HL13 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 -2.343 - 0 sólo flexión 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 77.26 73.90 77%
291 HL13.1X HL13 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 0 sólo flexión 1.305 - 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 73.90 74.99 75%
292 HL13.2P HL13 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 -2.495 - 0 sólo flexión 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 77.48 73.90 77%
293 HL13.2X HL13 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 0 sólo flexión 0.837 - 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 73.90 74.59 75%
294 HL14.1P HL14 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 0 sólo flexión 3.803 - 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 73.90 77.11 77%
295 HL14.1X HL14 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 -1.755 - 0 sólo flexión 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 76.41 73.90 76%
296 HL14.2P HL14 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 0 sólo flexión 3.692 - 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 73.90 77.01 77%
297 HL14.2X HL14 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 -1.635 - 0 sólo flexión 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 76.24 73.90 76%
298 HT07.1P HT07 0 2 473 2 5.236 1.648 31.5 -20.075 - 0 sólo flexión 188.766 429.546 731.20 529.92 43.00 31.50 43%
299 HT07.1Y HT07 0 2 473 2 5.236 1.648 31.5 -7.823 - 0 sólo flexión 188.766 429.546 731.20 529.92 35.96 31.50 36%
300 HT07.2P HT07 0 2 473 2 5.236 1.648 31.5 -20.655 - 0 sólo flexión 188.766 429.546 731.20 529.92 43.33 31.50 43%
301 HT07.2Y HT07 0 2 473 2 5.236 1.648 31.5 -6.711 - 0 sólo flexión 188.766 429.546 731.20 529.92 35.32 31.50 35%
302 HT08.1P HT08 0 1.9 91.28 1 1.393 0.691 49.6 0 sólo flexión 28.505 - 62.039 164.449 139.68 215.63 49.60 66.94 67%
303 HT08.1Y HT08 0 1.9 91.28 1 1.393 0.691 49.6 0 sólo flexión 10.55 - 62.039 164.449 139.68 215.63 49.60 56.02 56%
304 HT08.2P HT08 0 1.9 91.28 1 1.393 0.691 49.6 0 sólo flexión 30.449 - 62.039 164.449 139.68 215.63 49.60 68.12 68%
305 HT08.2Y HT08 0 1.9 91.28 1 1.393 0.691 49.6 0 sólo flexión 12.714 - 62.039 164.449 139.68 215.63 49.60 57.34 57%
306 HT09.1P HT09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 0 sólo flexión 1.525 - 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 51.40 52.35 52%
307 HT09.1Y HT09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 0 sólo flexión 1.711 - 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 51.40 52.47 52%
308 HT09.2P HT09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 -1.377 - 0 sólo flexión 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 54.20 51.40 54%
309 HT09.2Y HT09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 -1.231 - 0 sólo flexión 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 53.89 51.40 54%
310 HT10.1P HT10 0 1.45 153.75 1 4.152 0.54 13 -23.058 - 0 sólo flexión 263.54 379.866 1001.29 474.72 22.06 13.00 22%
311 HT10.1Y HT10 0 1.45 153.75 1 4.152 0.54 13 -7.323 - 0 sólo flexión 263.54 379.866 1001.29 474.72 15.88 13.00 16%
312 HT10.2P HT10 0 1.45 153.75 1 4.152 0.54 13 -55.035 - 0 sólo flexión 263.54 379.866 1001.29 474.72 34.65 13.00 35%
313 HT10.2Y HT10 0 1.45 153.75 1 4.152 0.54 13 -26.419 - 0 sólo flexión 263.54 379.866 1001.29 474.72 23.38 13.00 23%
314 HT11.1P HT11 0 2.7 140.16 1 1.638 0.999 61 0 sólo flexión 28.67 - 42.649 179.974 87.08 232.88 61.00 76.92 77%
315 HT11.1Y HT11 0 2.7 140.16 1 1.638 0.999 61 0 sólo flexión 11.74 - 42.649 179.974 87.08 232.88 61.00 67.51 68%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
316 HT12.1P HT12 0 1.81 191.28 1 4.152 0.681 16.4 -37.456 - 0 sólo flexión 220.907 379.866 642.60 474.72 34.37 16.40 34%
317 HT12.1Y HT12 0 1.81 191.28 1 4.152 0.681 16.4 -15.974 - 0 sólo flexión 220.907 379.866 642.60 474.72 24.05 16.40 24%
318 HT13.1P HT13 0 1.6 70.83 1 1.169 0.579 49.5 0 sólo flexión 36.334 - 65.629 148.924 153.50 198.38 49.50 73.93 74%
319 HT13.1Y HT13 0 1.6 70.83 1 1.169 0.579 49.5 0 sólo flexión 15.263 - 65.629 148.924 153.50 198.38 49.50 59.78 60%
320 HT14.1P HT14 0 1.6 70.83 1 1.169 0.579 49.5 -2.808 - 0 sólo flexión 62.232 148.924 153.50 198.38 54.96 49.50 55%
321 HT14.1Y HT14 0 1.6 70.83 1 1.169 0.579 49.5 -2.359 - 0 sólo flexión 62.232 148.924 153.50 198.38 54.09 49.50 54%
322 MHC1.1P MHC1 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 0 sólo flexión 0.152 - 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.60 18.66 19%
323 MHC1.1X MHC1 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 0 sólo flexión 0.526 - 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.60 18.77 19%
324 MHC2.1P MHC2 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 0 sólo flexión 1.334 - 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.60 19.02 19%
325 MHC2.1X MHC2 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 -0.474 - 0 sólo flexión 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.87 18.60 19%
326 MHC3.1P MHC3 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 0 sólo flexión 2.186 - 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.60 19.27 19%
327 MHC3.1X MHC3 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 -1.128 - 0 sólo flexión 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 19.23 18.60 19%
328 R001.1P R001 18.54 0.75 20.82 1 0.519 0.265 51.1 0 sólo flexión 0.186 - 62.259 83.121 210.82 118.68 51.10 51.28 51%
329 R001.1X R001 18.54 0.75 20.82 1 0.519 0.265 51.1 0 sólo flexión 0.005 - 62.259 83.121 210.82 118.68 51.10 51.07 51%
330 R001.1XY R001 18.54 0.75 20.82 1 0.519 0.265 51.1 0 sólo flexión 0.007 - 62.259 83.121 210.82 118.68 51.10 51.07 51%
331 R001.1Y R001 18.54 0.75 20.82 1 0.519 0.265 51.1 0 sólo flexión 0.159 - 62.259 83.121 210.82 118.68 51.10 51.25 51%
332 R002.1P R002 18.54 1.49 46.48 1 0.654 0.535 81.7 0 sólo flexión 0.35 - 29.944 95.541 74.16 132.48 81.70 82.17 82%
333 R002.1X R002 18.54 1.49 46.48 1 0.654 0.535 81.7 0 sólo flexión 0.156 - 29.944 95.541 74.16 132.48 81.70 81.97 82%
334 R002.1XY R002 18.54 1.49 46.48 1 0.654 0.535 81.7 0 sólo flexión 0.144 - 29.944 95.541 74.16 132.48 81.70 81.96 82%
335 R002.1Y R002 18.54 1.49 46.48 1 0.654 0.535 81.7 0 sólo flexión 0.369 - 29.944 95.541 74.16 132.48 81.70 82.19 82%
336 R004.1P R004 0 0.8 21.19 1 0.519 0.285 54.8 -0.008 - 0 sólo flexión 61.413 83.121 205.59 118.68 54.93 54.80 55%
337 R004.1X R004 0 0.8 21.19 1 0.519 0.285 54.8 -0.033 - 0 sólo flexión 61.413 83.121 205.59 118.68 54.98 54.80 55%
338 R005.1P R005 22.13 1.84 64.98 1 0.806 0.666 82.6 0 sólo flexión 0.002 - 25.073 107.961 62.09 146.28 82.60 82.63 83%
339 R005.2P R005 22.13 1.84 64.98 1 0.806 0.666 82.6 -0.012 - 0 sólo flexión 25.073 107.961 62.09 146.28 82.69 82.60 83%
340 R006.1P R006 43.84 1.04 38.23 1 0.519 0.373 71.8 -0.045 - 0 sólo flexión 25.64 83.121 63.45 118.68 72.10 71.80 72%
341 R006.1AR R006 43.84 1.04 38.23 1 0.519 0.373 71.8 -0.005 - 0 sólo flexión 25.64 83.121 63.45 118.68 71.89 71.80 72%
342 R007.1P R007 33.85 1.49 53.07 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 0 sólo flexión 0.009 - 22.975 95.541 56.42 132.48 81.90 81.97 82.0%
343 R007.1AR R007 33.85 1.49 53.07 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.012 - 0 sólo flexión 22.975 95.541 56.42 132.48 82.03 81.90 82.0%
344 R008.1P R008 0 0.53 14.12 1 0.519 0.189 36.5 0 sólo flexión 0.009 - 76.622 83.121 468.40 118.68 36.50 36.43 36.5%
345 R008.1X R008 0 0.53 14.12 1 0.519 0.189 36.5 -0.023 - 0 sólo flexión 76.622 83.121 468.40 118.68 36.45 36.50 36.5%
346 R009.1P R009 0 1.07 31.53 1 0.654 0.381 58.2 0 sólo flexión 0.027 - 58.358 95.541 159.66 132.48 58.20 58.29 58.3%
347 R009.1X R009 0 1.07 31.53 1 0.654 0.381 58.2 -0.053 - 0 sólo flexión 58.358 95.541 159.66 132.48 58.37 58.20 58.4%
348 R012.1P R012 14.1 1.96 89.24 1 1.169 0.712 60.9 -1.789 - 0 sólo flexión 39.202 148.924 96.31 198.38 66.62 60.90 67%
349 R012.1X R012 14.1 1.96 89.24 1 1.169 0.712 60.9 -1.719 - 0 sólo flexión 39.202 148.924 96.31 198.38 66.40 60.90 66%
350 R012.1XY R012 14.1 1.96 89.24 1 1.169 0.712 60.9 -1.793 - 0 sólo flexión 39.202 148.924 96.31 198.38 66.64 60.90 67%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
351 R012.1Y R012 14.1 1.96 89.24 1 1.169 0.712 60.9 -1.753 - 0 sólo flexión 39.202 148.924 96.31 198.38 66.51 60.90 67%
352 R013.1P R013 26.67 1.96 96.91 1 1.169 0.714 61.1 -2.106 - 0 sólo flexión 33.242 148.924 81.93 198.38 69.02 61.10 69%
353 R013.1X R013 26.67 1.96 96.91 1 1.169 0.714 61.1 -2.097 - 0 sólo flexión 33.242 148.924 81.93 198.38 68.99 61.10 69%
354 R013.1XY R013 26.67 1.96 96.91 1 1.169 0.714 61.1 -2.144 - 0 sólo flexión 33.242 148.924 81.93 198.38 69.17 61.10 69%
355 R013.1Y R013 26.67 1.96 96.91 1 1.169 0.714 61.1 -2.078 - 0 sólo flexión 33.242 148.924 81.93 198.38 68.92 61.10 69%
356 R014.1P R014 0 0.8 70.83 2 1.169 0.579 49.5 -0.053 - 0 sólo flexión 106.427 148.924 614.01 198.38 49.58 49.50 50%
357 R014.1X R014 0 0.8 70.83 2 1.169 0.579 49.5 -0.061 - 0 sólo flexión 106.427 148.924 614.01 198.38 49.59 49.50 50%
358 R015.1P R015 0 0.8 70.83 2 1.169 0.579 49.5 -0.026 - 0 sólo flexión 106.427 148.924 614.01 198.38 49.56 49.50 50%
359 R015.1X R015 0 0.8 70.83 2 1.169 0.579 49.5 -0.026 - 0 sólo flexión 106.427 148.924 614.01 198.38 49.56 49.50 50%
360 R016.1P R016 30.49 0.83 25.64 1 0.519 0.297 57.3 -0.032 - 0.004 - 51.735 83.121 139.84 118.68 57.30 57.23 57%
361 R016.1X R016 30.49 0.83 25.64 1 0.519 0.297 57.3 0 sólo flexión 0.076 - 51.735 83.121 139.84 118.68 57.30 57.32 57%
362 R016.1XY R016 30.49 0.83 25.64 1 0.519 0.297 57.3 0 sólo flexión 0.02 - 51.735 83.121 139.84 118.68 57.30 57.25 57%
363 R016.1Y R016 30.49 0.83 25.64 1 0.519 0.297 57.3 -0.059 - 0 sólo flexión 51.735 83.121 139.84 118.68 57.36 57.30 57%
364 R020.1P R020 15.34 1.79 60.52 1 0.806 0.645 80 -1.363 - 0 sólo flexión 28.897 107.961 71.84 146.28 86.29 80.00 86%
365 R020.1X R020 15.34 1.79 60.52 1 0.806 0.645 80 -1.319 - 0 sólo flexión 28.897 107.961 71.84 146.28 86.09 80.00 86%
366 R020.1XY R020 15.34 1.79 60.52 1 0.806 0.645 80 -1.368 - 0 sólo flexión 28.897 107.961 71.84 146.28 86.31 80.00 86%
367 R020.1Y R020 15.34 1.79 60.52 1 0.806 0.645 80 -1.325 - 0 sólo flexión 28.897 107.961 71.84 146.28 86.11 80.00 86%
368 R021.1P R021 28.66 1.79 66.76 1 0.806 0.649 80.4 -1.696 - 0 sólo flexión 23.75 107.961 58.51 146.28 90.07 80.40 90%
369 R021.1X R021 28.66 1.79 66.76 1 0.806 0.649 80.4 -1.714 - 0 sólo flexión 23.75 107.961 58.51 146.28 90.17 80.40 90%
370 R021.1XY R021 28.66 1.79 66.76 1 0.806 0.649 80.4 -1.745 - 0 sólo flexión 23.75 107.961 58.51 146.28 90.34 80.40 90%
371 R021.1Y R021 28.66 1.79 66.76 1 0.806 0.649 80.4 -1.665 - 0 sólo flexión 23.75 107.961 58.51 146.28 89.89 80.40 90%
372 R022.1P R022 0 0.98 86.71 2 1.169 0.713 61 -0.039 - 0 sólo flexión 89.459 148.924 409.17 198.38 61.04 61.00 61%
373 R022.1X R022 0 0.98 86.71 2 1.169 0.713 61 -0.062 - 0 sólo flexión 89.459 148.924 409.17 198.38 61.07 61.00 61%
374 R022.2P R022 0 0.98 86.71 2 1.169 0.713 61 -0.004 - 0 sólo flexión 89.459 148.924 409.17 198.38 61.00 61.00 61%
375 R022.2X R022 0 0.98 86.71 2 1.169 0.713 61 -0.026 - 0 sólo flexión 89.459 148.924 409.17 198.38 61.03 61.00 61%
376 R023.1P R023 0 1.16 102.59 2 1.169 0.848 72.5 -0.005 - 0 sólo flexión 73.167 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.55 72.50 73%
377 R023.1X R023 0 1.16 102.59 2 1.169 0.848 72.5 -0.034 - 0 sólo flexión 73.167 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.60 72.50 73%
378 R023.2P R023 0 1.16 102.59 2 1.169 0.848 72.5 -0.013 - 0 sólo flexión 73.167 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.56 72.50 73%
379 R023.2X R023 0 1.16 102.59 2 1.169 0.848 72.5 -0.034 - 0 sólo flexión 73.167 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.60 72.50 73%
380 R024.1P R024 25.75 1.02 29.91 1 0.519 0.363 69.9 -0.078 - 0 sólo flexión 41.906 83.121 103.04 118.68 70.18 69.90 70%
381 R024.1X R024 25.75 1.02 29.91 1 0.519 0.363 69.9 -0.016 - 0.013 - 41.906 83.121 103.04 118.68 69.99 69.96 70%
382 R024.1XY R024 25.75 1.02 29.91 1 0.519 0.363 69.9 -0.039 - 0 sólo flexión 41.906 83.121 103.04 118.68 70.06 69.90 70%
383 R024.1Y R024 25.75 1.02 29.91 1 0.519 0.363 69.9 -0.102 - 0 sólo flexión 41.906 83.121 103.04 118.68 70.25 69.90 70%
384 R025.1P R025 38.48 1.23 57.65 1 0.781 0.445 57 -0.121 - 0 sólo flexión 36.442 117.874 177.91 327.75 57.35 57.00 57%
385 R025.1X R025 38.48 1.23 57.65 1 0.781 0.445 57 -0.117 - 0 sólo flexión 36.442 117.874 177.91 327.75 57.34 57.00 57%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
386 R025.1XY R025 38.48 1.23 57.65 1 0.781 0.445 57 -0.115 - 0 sólo flexión 36.442 117.874 177.91 327.75 57.33 57.00 57%
387 R025.1Y R025 38.48 1.23 57.65 1 0.781 0.445 57 -0.129 - 0 sólo flexión 36.442 117.874 177.91 327.75 57.37 57.00 57%
388 R028.1P R028 16.54 1.65 56.11 1 0.806 0.593 73.6 -1.217 - 0 sólo flexión 33.623 107.961 83.11 146.28 78.29 73.60 78%
389 R028.1X R028 16.54 1.65 56.11 1 0.806 0.593 73.6 -1.211 - 0 sólo flexión 33.623 107.961 83.11 146.28 78.26 73.60 78%
390 R028.1XY R028 16.54 1.65 56.11 1 0.806 0.593 73.6 -1.243 - 0 sólo flexión 33.623 107.961 83.11 146.28 78.39 73.60 78%
391 R028.1Y R028 16.54 1.65 56.11 1 0.806 0.593 73.6 -1.187 - 0 sólo flexión 33.623 107.961 83.11 146.28 78.17 73.60 78%
392 R029.1P R029 30.52 1.66 62.91 1 0.806 0.599 74.3 -1.595 - 0 sólo flexión 26.747 107.961 66.01 146.28 82.12 74.30 82%
393 R029.1X R029 30.52 1.66 62.91 1 0.806 0.599 74.3 -1.655 - 0 sólo flexión 26.747 107.961 66.01 146.28 82.42 74.30 82%
394 R029.1XY R029 30.52 1.66 62.91 1 0.806 0.599 74.3 -1.678 - 0 sólo flexión 26.747 107.961 66.01 146.28 82.53 74.30 83%
395 R029.1Y R029 30.52 1.66 62.91 1 0.806 0.599 74.3 -1.569 - 0 sólo flexión 26.747 107.961 66.01 146.28 81.99 74.30 82%
396 R030.1P R030 0 1.16 102.52 2 1.169 0.847 72.5 -0.024 - 0 sólo flexión 73.257 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.49 72.50 73%
397 R030.1X R030 0 1.16 102.52 2 1.169 0.847 72.5 -0.073 - 0 sólo flexión 73.257 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.57 72.50 73%
398 R031.1P R031 0 1.52 134.2 2 1.169 1.121 95.9 0 sólo flexión 0.006 - 42.754 148.924 170.09 198.38 95.90 95.90 96%
399 R031.1X R031 0 1.52 134.2 2 1.169 1.121 95.9 -0.057 - 0 sólo flexión 42.754 148.924 170.09 198.38 96.06 95.90 96%
400 R032.1P R032 22.19 1.2 34.32 1 0.519 0.429 82.6 -0.119 - 0 sólo flexión 31.819 83.121 77.85 118.68 83.16 82.60 83%
401 R032.1X R032 22.19 1.2 34.32 1 0.519 0.429 82.6 -0.1 - 0 sólo flexión 31.819 83.121 77.85 118.68 83.08 82.60 83%
402 R032.1XY R032 22.19 1.2 34.32 1 0.519 0.429 82.6 -0.121 - 0 sólo flexión 31.819 83.121 77.85 118.68 83.17 82.60 83%
403 R032.1Y R032 22.19 1.2 34.32 1 0.519 0.429 82.6 -0.139 - 0 sólo flexión 31.819 83.121 77.85 118.68 83.24 82.60 83%
404 R033.1P R033 31.45 1.6 68.59 1 0.781 0.579 74.1 -0.189 - 0 sólo flexión 25.75 117.874 125.66 327.75 74.98 74.10 75%
405 R033.1X R033 31.45 1.6 68.59 1 0.781 0.579 74.1 -0.178 - 0 sólo flexión 25.75 117.874 125.66 327.75 74.93 74.10 75%
406 R033.1XY R033 31.45 1.6 68.59 1 0.781 0.579 74.1 -0.18 - 0 sólo flexión 25.75 117.874 125.66 327.75 74.94 74.10 75%
407 R033.1Y R033 31.45 1.6 68.59 1 0.781 0.579 74.1 -0.198 - 0 sólo flexión 25.75 117.874 125.66 327.75 75.02 74.10 75%
408 R034.1P R034 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 5.86 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 56.76 57%
409 R034.1X R034 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -3.184 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 55.19 49.70 55%
410 R034.1XY R034 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -2.872 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 54.66 49.70 55%
411 R034.1Y R034 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 4.119 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 54.67 55%
412 R035.1P R035 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -4.516 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 65.68 53.50 66%
413 R035.1X R035 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 2.326 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 56.36 56%
414 R035.1XY R035 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 2.089 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 56.08 56%
415 R035.1Y R035 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -3.212 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 62.16 53.50 62%
416 R036.1P R036 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -0.724 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 50.96 49.70 51%
417 R036.1X R036 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -1.586 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 52.44 49.70 52%
418 R036.1XY R036 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -1.06 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 51.53 49.70 52%
419 R036.1Y R036 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 1.023 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 50.94 51%
420 R038.1P R038 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 4.642 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 62.42 62%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
421 R038.1X R038 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -4.383 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 65.52 56.80 66%
422 R038.1XY R038 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -3.647 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 64.06 56.80 64%
423 R038.1Y R038 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 4.313 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 62.03 62%
424 R039.1P R039 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 -3.453 - 0 sólo flexión 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 71.57 60.60 72%
425 R039.1X R039 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 0 sólo flexión 2.943 - 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 60.60 64.23 64%
426 R039.1XY R039 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 0 sólo flexión 2.432 - 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 60.60 63.62 64%
427 R039.1Y R039 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 -3.219 - 0 sólo flexión 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 70.83 60.60 71%
428 R040.1P R040 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 1.33 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 58.44 58%
429 R040.1X R040 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 0.632 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 57.60 58%
430 R040.1XY R040 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -0.336 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 57.50 56.80 58%
431 R040.1Y R040 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 1.695 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 58.88 59%
432 R042.1P R042 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 10.465 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 52.28 52%
433 R042.1X R042 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -1.824 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 45.85 43.40 46%
434 R042.1XY R042 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -3.27 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 47.78 43.40 48%
435 R042.1Y R042 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 7.449 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 49.73 50%
436 R043.1P R043 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 -7.854 - 0 sólo flexión 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 64.91 46.70 65%
437 R043.1X R043 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 0 sólo flexión 1.173 - 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 46.70 47.73 48%
438 R043.1XY R043 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 0 sólo flexión 2.242 - 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 46.70 48.64 49%
439 R043.1Y R043 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 -5.672 - 0 sólo flexión 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 59.85 46.70 60%
440 R044.1P R044 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -1.718 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 45.71 43.40 46%
441 R044.1X R044 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 1.752 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 44.89 45%
442 R044.1XY R044 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 0.948 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 44.21 44%
443 R044.1Y R044 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -0.697 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 44.34 43.40 44%
444 R045.1P R045 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 0 sólo flexión 1.222 - 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 61.80 63.32 63%
445 R045.1X R045 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 -0.789 - 0 sólo flexión 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 64.38 61.80 64%
446 R045.1XY R045 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 -0.305 - 0 sólo flexión 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 62.83 61.80 63%
447 R045.1Y R045 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 0 sólo flexión 0.61 - 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 61.80 62.58 63%
448 R056.1P R056 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 1.356 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 51.34 51%
449 R056.1X R056 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -0.927 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 51.31 49.70 51%
450 R056.1XY R056 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -1.157 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 51.70 49.70 52%
451 R056.1Y R056 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 2.181 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 52.33 52%
452 R057.1P R057 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -1.153 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 56.64 53.50 57%
453 R057.1X R057 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.66 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 54.36 54%
454 R057.1XY R057 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.83 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 54.56 55%
455 R057.1Y R057 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -1.77 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 58.29 53.50 58%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
456 R058.1P R058 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 5.212 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 55.98 56%
457 R058.1X R058 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -2.48 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 53.98 49.70 54%
458 R058.1XY R058 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -2.256 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 53.59 49.70 54%
459 R058.1Y R058 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 4.208 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 54.77 55%
460 R060.1P R060 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 3.738 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 61.34 61%
461 R060.1X R060 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -2.444 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 61.67 56.80 62%
462 R060.1XY R060 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -2.884 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 62.55 56.80 63%
463 R060.1Y R060 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 4.192 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 61.88 62%
464 R061.1P R061 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 -2.825 - 0 sólo flexión 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 69.58 60.60 70%
465 R061.1X R061 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 0 sólo flexión 1.618 - 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 60.60 62.64 63%
466 R061.1XY R061 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 0 sólo flexión 1.924 - 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 60.60 63.01 63%
467 R061.1Y R061 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 -3.144 - 0 sólo flexión 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 70.59 60.60 71%
468 R062.1P R062 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 4.547 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 62.31 62%
469 R062.1X R062 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -3.124 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 63.02 56.80 63%
470 R062.1XY R062 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -2.827 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 62.43 56.80 62%
471 R062.1Y R062 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 3.796 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 61.41 61%
472 R064.1P R064 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 3.698 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 46.54 47%
473 R064.1X R064 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -4.146 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 48.96 43.40 49%
474 R064.1XY R064 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -4.234 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 49.07 43.40 49%
475 R064.1Y R064 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 4.993 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 47.64 48%
476 R065.1P R065 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 -2.927 - 0 sólo flexión 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 53.50 46.70 53%
477 R065.1X R065 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 0 sólo flexión 2.945 - 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 46.70 49.23 49%
478 R065.1XY R065 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 0 sólo flexión 3.008 - 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 46.70 49.29 49%
479 R065.1Y R065 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 -3.874 - 0 sólo flexión 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 55.69 46.70 56%
480 R066.1P R066 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 3.325 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 46.23 46%
481 R066.1X R066 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -1.337 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 45.20 43.40 45%
482 R066.1XY R066 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -1.211 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 45.03 43.40 45%
483 R066.1Y R066 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 1.219 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 44.44 44%
484 R067.1P R067 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 -1.918 - 0 sólo flexión 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 68.03 61.80 68%
485 R067.1X R067 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 0 sólo flexión 1.085 - 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 61.80 63.16 63%
486 R067.1XY R067 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 0 sólo flexión 1.007 - 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 61.80 63.06 63%
487 R067.1Y R067 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 -0.618 - 0 sólo flexión 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 63.83 61.80 64%
488 R078.1P R078 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 0.014 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 70.54 71%
489 R078.1X R078 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -0.141 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.89 70.50 71%
490 R078.1XY R078 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -0.136 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.88 70.50 71%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
491 R078.1Y R078 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 0.016 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 70.54 71%
492 R079.1P R079 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 0.088 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 70.63 71%
493 R079.1X R079 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -0.065 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.69 70.50 71%
494 R079.1XY R079 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -0.069 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.70 70.50 71%
495 R079.1Y R079 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 0.091 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 70.63 71%
496 R080.1P R080 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 0 sólo flexión 0.009 - 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.60 80.55 81%
497 R080.1X R080 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 -0.17 - 0 sólo flexión 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 81.12 80.60 81%
498 R080.1XY R080 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 -0.168 - 0 sólo flexión 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 81.11 80.60 81%
499 R080.1Y R080 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 0 sólo flexión 0.011 - 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.60 80.55 81%
500 R081.1P R081 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 0 sólo flexión 0.108 - 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.60 80.67 81%
501 R081.1X R081 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 -0.073 - 0 sólo flexión 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.79 80.60 81%
502 R081.1XY R081 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 -0.072 - 0 sólo flexión 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.78 80.60 81%
503 R081.1Y R081 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 0 sólo flexión 0.11 - 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.60 80.67 81%
504 R082.1P R082 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.006 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.41 73.40 73%
505 R082.1X R082 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.197 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 74.02 73.40 74%
506 R082.1XY R082 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.2 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 74.03 73.40 74%
507 R082.1Y R082 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 0 sólo flexión 0.003 - 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.40 73.40 73%
508 R083.1P R083 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 0 sólo flexión 0.143 - 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.40 73.54 74%
509 R083.1X R083 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.077 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.64 73.40 74%
510 R083.1XY R083 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.072 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.62 73.40 74%
511 R083.1Y R083 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 0 sólo flexión 0.139 - 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.40 73.54 74%
512 R089.1P R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.133 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.92 53.50 54%
513 R089.1X R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.056 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.63 54%
514 R089.1XY R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.05 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.62 54%
515 R089.1Y R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.129 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.91 53.50 54%
516 R089.2P R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.014 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.58 54%
517 R089.2X R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.083 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.79 53.50 54%
518 R089.2XY R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.078 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.77 53.50 54%
519 R089.2Y R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.01 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.58 54%
520 R090.1P R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.087 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.67 54%
521 R090.1X R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.018 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.59 54%
522 R090.1XY R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.018 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.59 54%
523 R090.1Y R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.088 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.67 54%
524 R090.2P R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.027 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.64 53.50 54%
525 R090.2X R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.137 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.73 54%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
526 R090.2XY R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.137 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.73 54%
527 R090.2Y R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.027 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.64 53.50 54%
528 R091.1P R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 -0.144 - 0 sólo flexión 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 61.37 60.90 61%
529 R091.1X R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 0 sólo flexión 0.045 - 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 60.90 60.94 61%
530 R091.1XY R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 0 sólo flexión 0.045 - 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 60.90 60.94 61%
531 R091.1Y R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 -0.143 - 0 sólo flexión 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 61.37 60.90 61%
532 R091.2P R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 0 sólo flexión 0.004 - 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 60.90 60.89 60.9%
533 R091.2X R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 -0.089 - 0 sólo flexión 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 61.19 60.90 61.2%
534 R091.2XY R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 -0.089 - 0 sólo flexión 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 61.19 60.90 61%
535 R091.2Y R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 0 sólo flexión 0.002 - 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 60.90 60.89 61%
536 R093.1P R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.018 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.05 68.90 69.0%
537 R093.1X R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.085 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.30 68.90 69.3%
538 R093.1XY R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.089 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.31 68.90 69%
539 R093.1Y R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.014 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.03 68.90 69%
540 R093.2P R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.148 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.53 68.90 70%
541 R093.2X R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 0 sólo flexión 0.034 - 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 68.90 69.02 69%
542 R093.2XY R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 0 sólo flexión 0.038 - 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 68.90 69.02 69%
543 R093.2Y R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.15 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.54 68.90 70%
544 TC1.1P TC1 14.12 2.06 102.03 1 1.393 0.752 54 0 sólo flexión 49.404 - 51.852 164.449 112.19 215.63 54.00 84.03 84%
545 TC1.1X TC1 14.12 2.06 102.03 1 1.393 0.752 54 0 sólo flexión 49.619 - 51.852 164.449 112.19 215.63 54.00 84.16 84%
546 TC1.1XY TC1 14.12 2.06 102.03 1 1.393 0.752 54 0 sólo flexión 20.16 - 51.852 164.449 112.19 215.63 54.00 66.24 66%
547 TC1.1Y TC1 14.12 2.06 102.03 1 1.393 0.752 54 0 sólo flexión 20.296 - 51.852 164.449 112.19 215.63 54.00 66.33 66%
548 TC1.2P TC1 14.12 1.95 96.94 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 47.386 - 56.336 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 80.00 80%
549 TC1.2X TC1 14.12 1.95 96.94 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 47.811 - 56.336 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 80.26 80%
550 TC1.2XY TC1 14.12 1.95 96.94 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 18.282 - 56.336 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 62.30 62%
551 TC1.2Y TC1 14.12 1.95 96.94 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 18.294 - 56.336 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 62.31 62%
552 TC1.3P TC1 14.12 1.95 96.89 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 45.551 - 56.383 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 78.88 79%
553 TC1.3X TC1 14.12 1.95 96.89 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 46.219 - 56.383 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 79.29 79%
554 TC1.3XY TC1 14.12 1.95 96.89 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 16.566 - 56.383 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 61.26 61%
555 TC1.3Y TC1 14.12 1.95 96.89 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 16.474 - 56.383 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 61.20 61%
556 TC2.1P TC2 15.41 1.88 93.99 1 1.393 0.687 49.3 0 sólo flexión 44.608 - 59.209 164.449 132.61 215.63 49.30 76.44 76%
557 TC2.1X TC2 15.41 1.88 93.99 1 1.393 0.687 49.3 0 sólo flexión 44.783 - 59.209 164.449 132.61 215.63 49.30 76.55 77%
558 TC2.1XY TC2 15.41 1.88 93.99 1 1.393 0.687 49.3 0 sólo flexión 17.656 - 59.209 164.449 132.61 215.63 49.30 60.05 60%
559 TC2.1Y TC2 15.41 1.88 93.99 1 1.393 0.687 49.3 0 sólo flexión 17.883 - 59.209 164.449 132.61 215.63 49.30 60.19 60%
560 TC2.2P TC2 15.41 1.78 88.78 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 42.98 - 64.843 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 72.65 73%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
561 TC2.2X TC2 15.41 1.78 88.78 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 43.366 - 64.843 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 72.89 73%
562 TC2.2XY TC2 15.41 1.78 88.78 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 16.193 - 64.843 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 56.37 56%
563 TC2.2Y TC2 15.41 1.78 88.78 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 16.272 - 64.843 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 56.41 56%
564 TC2.3P TC2 15.41 1.78 88.85 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 41.565 - 64.759 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 71.79 72%
565 TC2.3X TC2 15.41 1.78 88.85 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 42.183 - 64.759 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 72.17 72%
566 TC2.3XY TC2 15.41 1.78 88.85 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 14.918 - 64.759 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 55.59 56%
567 TC2.3Y TC2 15.41 1.78 88.85 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 14.873 - 64.759 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 55.56 56%
568 TC3.1P TC3 16.74 1.73 87.1 1 1.393 0.631 45.3 0 sólo flexión 41.095 - 66.837 164.449 153.92 215.63 45.30 70.29 70%
569 TC3.1X TC3 16.74 1.73 87.1 1 1.393 0.631 45.3 0 sólo flexión 41.209 - 66.837 164.449 153.92 215.63 45.30 70.36 70%
570 TC3.1XY TC3 16.74 1.73 87.1 1 1.393 0.631 45.3 0 sólo flexión 16.129 - 66.837 164.449 153.92 215.63 45.30 55.11 55%
571 TC3.1Y TC3 16.74 1.73 87.1 1 1.393 0.631 45.3 0 sólo flexión 16.429 - 66.837 164.449 153.92 215.63 45.30 55.29 55%
572 TC3.2P TC3 16.74 1.63 81.74 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 39.566 - 73.835 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 66.49 66%
573 TC3.2X TC3 16.74 1.63 81.74 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 39.9 - 73.835 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 66.69 67%
574 TC3.2XY TC3 16.74 1.63 81.74 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 14.786 - 73.835 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 51.42 51%
575 TC3.2Y TC3 16.74 1.63 81.74 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 14.913 - 73.835 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 51.49 51%
576 TC3.3P TC3 16.74 1.63 81.79 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 38.289 - 73.766 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 65.71 66%
577 TC3.3X TC3 16.74 1.63 81.79 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 38.844 - 73.766 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 66.05 66%
578 TC3.3XY TC3 16.74 1.63 81.79 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 13.661 - 73.766 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 50.73 51%
579 TC3.3Y TC3 16.74 1.63 81.79 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 13.643 - 73.766 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 50.72 51%
580 DH03.1P DH03 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 0 sólo flexión 0.413 - 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.20 53.41 53%
581 DH03.1X DH03 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 -0.31 - 0 sólo flexión 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.60 53.20 54%
582 DH03.1XY DH03 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 -0.31 - 0 sólo flexión 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.60 53.20 54%
583 DH03.1Y DH03 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 0 sólo flexión 0.424 - 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.20 53.42 53%
584 DH03.2P DH03 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 0 sólo flexión 1.085 - 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.20 53.70 54%
585 DH03.2X DH03 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 -0.956 - 0 sólo flexión 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 54.37 53.20 54%
586 DH03.2XY DH03 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 -0.95 - 0 sólo flexión 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 54.36 53.20 54%
587 DH03.2Y DH03 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 0 sólo flexión 1.083 - 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.20 53.70 54%
588 DH04.1P DH04 0 2 383.55 1 8.885 0.8 9 0 sólo flexión 0.361 - 436.352 703.935 1400.67 861.12 9.00 9.06 9%
589 DH04.1X DH04 0 2 383.55 1 8.885 0.8 9 -0.58 - 0 sólo flexión 436.352 703.935 1400.67 861.12 9.14 9.00 9%
590 DH04.1XY DH04 0 2 383.55 1 8.885 0.8 9 -0.321 - 0 sólo flexión 436.352 703.935 1400.67 861.12 9.08 9.00 9%
591 DH04.1Y DH04 0 2 383.55 1 8.885 0.8 9 0 sólo flexión 0.112 - 436.352 703.935 1400.67 861.12 9.00 9.02 9%
592 DH04.2P DH04 0 2 383.55 1 8.885 0.8 9 0 sólo flexión 1.673 - 436.352 703.935 1400.67 861.12 9.00 9.24 9%
593 DH04.2X DH04 0 2 383.55 1 8.885 0.8 9 -1.789 - 0 sólo flexión 436.352 703.935 1400.67 861.12 9.43 9.00 9%
594 DH04.2XY DH04 0 2 383.55 1 8.885 0.8 9 -1.595 - 0 sólo flexión 436.352 703.935 1400.67 861.12 9.38 9.00 9%
595 DH04.2Y DH04 0 2 383.55 1 8.885 0.8 9 0 sólo flexión 1.465 - 436.352 703.935 1400.67 861.12 9.00 9.21 9%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
596 DH05.1P DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 0 sólo flexión 0.163 - 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.40 28.50 28%
597 DH05.1X DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -0.335 - 0 sólo flexión 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.73 28.40 29%
598 DH05.1XY DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -1.096 - 0 sólo flexión 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 29.42 28.40 29%
599 DH05.1Y DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 0 sólo flexión 0.94 - 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.40 28.83 29%
600 DH05.2P DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -0.205 - 0 sólo flexión 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.61 28.40 29%
601 DH05.2X DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -0.037 - 0.033 - 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.46 28.44 28%
602 DH05.2XY DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -0.797 - 0 sólo flexión 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 29.15 28.40 29%
603 DH05.2Y DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 0 sólo flexión 0.646 - 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.40 28.71 29%
604 DH06.1P DH06 0 1.5 71.94 1 1.393 0.541 38.9 -0.096 - 0.049 - 88.399 164.449 224.11 215.63 38.96 38.87 39%
605 DH06.1X DH06 0 1.5 71.94 1 1.393 0.541 38.9 -0.103 - 0.043 - 88.399 164.449 224.11 215.63 38.97 38.86 39%
606 DH06.1XY DH06 0 1.5 71.94 1 1.393 0.541 38.9 -0.966 - 0 sólo flexión 88.399 164.449 224.11 215.63 40.10 38.90 40%
607 DH06.1Y DH06 0 1.5 71.94 1 1.393 0.541 38.9 0 sólo flexión 0.909 - 88.399 164.449 224.11 215.63 38.90 39.39 39%
608 DH06.2P DH06 0 1.5 71.94 1 1.393 0.541 38.9 -0.365 - 0 sólo flexión 88.399 164.449 224.11 215.63 39.31 38.90 39%
609 DH06.2X DH06 0 1.5 71.94 1 1.393 0.541 38.9 0 sólo flexión 0.284 - 88.399 164.449 224.11 215.63 38.90 39.01 39%
610 DH06.2XY DH06 0 1.5 71.94 1 1.393 0.541 38.9 -0.721 - 0 sólo flexión 88.399 164.449 224.11 215.63 39.78 38.90 40%
611 DH06.2Y DH06 0 1.5 71.94 1 1.393 0.541 38.9 0 sólo flexión 0.643 - 88.399 164.449 224.11 215.63 38.90 39.23 39%
612 DL06.1P DL06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 0.729 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 41.12 41%
613 DL06.1X DL06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 2.768 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 42.07 42%
614 DL06.1XY DL06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 2.73 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 42.05 42%
615 DL06.1Y DL06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 0.734 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 41.12 41%
616 DL06.2P DL06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 -1.951 - 0 sólo flexión 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 43.07 40.80 43%
617 DL06.2X DL06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 4.419 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 42.84 43%
618 DL06.2XY DL06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 4.448 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 42.86 43%
619 DL06.2Y DL06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 -1.969 - 0 sólo flexión 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 43.09 40.80 43%
620 DL09.1P DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 0 sólo flexión 7.343 - 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 10.30 12.19 12%
621 DL09.1X DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 -4.889 - 0 sólo flexión 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 12.27 10.30 12%
622 DL09.1XY DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 -12.074 - 0 sólo flexión 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 15.22 10.30 15%
623 DL09.1Y DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 0 sólo flexión 15.629 - 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 10.30 14.37 14%
624 DL09.2P DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 0 sólo flexión 6.157 - 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 10.30 11.88 12%
625 DL09.2X DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 -3.1 - 0 sólo flexión 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 11.53 10.30 12%
626 DL09.2XY DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 -9.962 - 0 sólo flexión 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 14.35 10.30 14%
627 DL09.2Y DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 0 sólo flexión 14.174 - 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 10.30 13.99 14%
628 DL11.1P DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 -21.659 - 0 sólo flexión 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 21.22 11.50 21%
629 DL11.1X DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 0 sólo flexión 15.461 - 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 11.50 16.22 16%
630 DL11.1XY DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 0 sólo flexión 9.699 - 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 11.50 14.48 14%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
631 DL11.1Y DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 -12.827 - 0 sólo flexión 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 17.27 11.50 17%
632 DL11.2P DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 -20.395 - 0 sólo flexión 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 20.66 11.50 21%
633 DL11.2X DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 0 sólo flexión 15.014 - 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 11.50 16.09 16%
634 DL11.2XY DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 0 sólo flexión 8.668 - 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 11.50 14.17 14%
635 DL11.2Y DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 -11.561 - 0 sólo flexión 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 16.71 11.50 17%
636 DT06.1P DT06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 -0.249 - 0 sólo flexión 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 41.07 40.80 41%
637 DT06.1X DT06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 3.444 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 42.39 42%
638 DT06.1XY DT06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 3.499 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 42.41 42%
639 DT06.1Y DT06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 -0.238 - 0 sólo flexión 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 41.06 40.80 41%
640 DT06.2P DT06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 -3.27 - 0 sólo flexión 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 44.61 40.80 45%
641 DT06.2X DT06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 5.387 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 43.30 43%
642 DT06.2XY DT06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 0 sólo flexión 5.408 - 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 40.80 43.31 43%
643 DT06.2Y DT06 44.11 1.03 177.85 2 1.898 0.774 40.8 -3.148 - 0 sólo flexión 94.535 214.105 359.89 277.38 44.47 40.80 44%
644 DT09.1P DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 0 sólo flexión 48.24 - 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 7.00 16.06 16%
645 DT09.1X DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 -37.558 - 0 sólo flexión 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 17.27 7.00 17%
646 DT09.1XY DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 -30.401 - 0 sólo flexión 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 15.30 7.00 15%
647 DT09.1Y DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 0 sólo flexión 37.686 - 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 7.00 14.07 14%
648 DT09.2P DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 0 sólo flexión 44.416 - 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 7.00 15.33 15%
649 DT09.2X DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 -34.074 - 0 sólo flexión 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 16.31 7.00 16%
650 DT09.2XY DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 -26.918 - 0 sólo flexión 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 14.35 7.00 14%
651 DT09.2Y DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 0 sólo flexión 34.426 - 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 7.00 13.45 13%
652 DT11.1P DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 0 sólo flexión 35.082 - 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 6.00 12.65 13%
653 DT11.1X DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 -47.997 - 0 sólo flexión 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 17.97 6.00 18%
654 DT11.1XY DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 -36.258 - 0 sólo flexión 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 15.05 6.00 15%
655 DT11.1Y DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 0 sólo flexión 27.116 - 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 6.00 11.15 11%
656 DT11.2P DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 0 sólo flexión 36.36 - 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 6.00 12.89 13%
657 DT11.2X DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 -52.937 - 0 sólo flexión 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 19.20 6.00 19%
658 DT11.2XY DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 -39.868 - 0 sólo flexión 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 15.95 6.00 16%
659 DT11.2Y DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 0 sólo flexión 28.908 - 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 6.00 11.48 11%
660 HL03.1P HL03 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -0.627 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 32.86 32.10 33%
661 HL03.1X HL03 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -1.582 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 33.93 32.10 34%
662 HL03.1XY HL03 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -1.515 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 33.86 32.10 34%
663 HL03.1Y HL03 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -0.657 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 32.89 32.10 33%
664 HL04.1P HL04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 0 sólo flexión 0.1 - 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 42.00 41.98 42%
665 HL04.1X HL04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 -2.75 - 0 sólo flexión 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 44.10 42.00 44%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
666 HL04.2P HL04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 0 sólo flexión 2.313 - 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 42.00 42.86 43%
667 HL04.2X HL04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 -4.001 - 0 sólo flexión 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 45.08 42.00 45%
668 HL04.3P HL04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 0 sólo flexión 0.055 - 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 42.00 41.96 42%
669 HL04.3X HL04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 -2.688 - 0 sólo flexión 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 44.05 42.00 44%
670 HL04.4P HL04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 0 sólo flexión 2.33 - 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 42.00 42.87 43%
671 HL04.4X HL04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 -4.021 - 0 sólo flexión 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 45.09 42.00 45%
672 HL05.1P HL05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 0 sólo flexión 4.28 - 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 27.80 29.26 29%
673 HL05.1X HL05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 -3.971 - 0 sólo flexión 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 31.71 27.80 32%
674 HL05.2P HL05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 0 sólo flexión 4.185 - 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 27.80 29.23 29%
675 HL05.2X HL05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 -3.925 - 0 sólo flexión 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 31.67 27.80 32%
676 HL06.1P HL06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 0 sólo flexión 0.147 - 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 66.00 66.05 66%
677 HL06.1X HL06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 0 sólo flexión 0.125 - 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 66.00 66.04 66%
678 HL06.2P HL06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 0 sólo flexión 0.858 - 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 66.00 66.53 67%
679 HL06.2X HL06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 0 sólo flexión 0.66 - 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 66.00 66.40 66%
680 HT03.1P HT03 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 0 sólo flexión 0.385 - 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 32.10 32.31 32.3%
681 HT03.1X HT03 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -2.227 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 34.65 32.10 35%
682 HT03.1XY HT03 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -2.314 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 34.75 32.10 35%
683 HT03.1Y HT03 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 0 sólo flexión 0.392 - 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 32.10 32.31 32%
684 HT04.1P HT04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 -3.843 - 0 sólo flexión 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 44.95 42.00 45%
685 HT04.1Y HT04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 -3.799 - 0 sólo flexión 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 44.92 42.00 45%
686 HT04.2P HT04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 0 sólo flexión 1.847 - 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 42.00 42.68 43%
687 HT04.2Y HT04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 0 sólo flexión 1.838 - 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 42.00 42.67 43%
688 HT04.3P HT04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 0 sólo flexión 0.07 - 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 42.00 41.97 42%
689 HT04.3Y HT04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 0 sólo flexión 0.135 - 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 42.00 42.00 42%
690 HT04.4P HT04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 -2.795 - 0 sólo flexión 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 44.13 42.00 44%
691 HT04.4Y HT04 0 1.41 200.8 2 2.544 1.067 42 -2.839 - 0 sólo flexión 133.984 251.365 1138.01 637.56 44.17 42.00 44%
692 HT05.1P HT05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 -1.33 - 0 sólo flexión 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 29.09 27.80 29%
693 HT05.1Y HT05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 -1.682 - 0 sólo flexión 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 29.44 27.80 29%
694 HT05.2P HT05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 0 sólo flexión 2.947 - 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 27.80 28.80 29%
695 HT05.2Y HT05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 0 sólo flexión 2.698 - 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 27.80 28.71 29%
696 HT06.1P HT06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 -1.785 - 0 sólo flexión 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 72.32 66.00 72%
697 HT06.1Y HT06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 0 sólo flexión 0.285 - 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 66.00 66.15 66%
698 HT06.2P HT06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 -4.651 - 0 sólo flexión 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 82.68 66.00 83%
699 HT06.2Y HT06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 -2.742 - 0 sólo flexión 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 75.76 66.00 76%
700 R046.1P R046 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 0 sólo flexión 2.537 - 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.50 50.55 51%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
701 R046.1X R046 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 -7.882 - 0 sólo flexión 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 60.27 48.50 60%
702 R046.1XY R046 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 -5.185 - 0 sólo flexión 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 56.20 48.50 56%
703 R046.1Y R046 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 0 sólo flexión 3.35 - 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.50 51.24 51%
704 R047.1P R047 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -2.03 - 0 sólo flexión 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 67.83 61.10 68%
705 R047.1X R047 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 0 sólo flexión 4.962 - 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 61.10 66.36 66%
706 R047.1XY R047 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 0 sólo flexión 3.181 - 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 61.10 64.49 64%
707 R047.1Y R047 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -2.562 - 0 sólo flexión 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 69.59 61.10 70%
708 R048.1P R048 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 0.836 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 28.72 29%
709 R048.1X R048 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 1.58 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 29.14 29%
710 R048.1XY R048 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 0.351 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 28.44 28%
711 R048.1Y R048 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 1.007 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 28.81 29%
712 R050.1P R050 0 1.21 53.56 1 1.169 0.435 37.2 0 sólo flexión 6.481 - 92.013 148.924 268.40 198.38 37.20 41.56 42%
713 R050.1X R050 0 1.21 53.56 1 1.169 0.435 37.2 -4.262 - 0 sólo flexión 92.013 148.924 268.40 198.38 42.44 37.20 42%
714 R050.1XY R050 0 1.21 53.56 1 1.169 0.435 37.2 -4.263 - 0 sólo flexión 92.013 148.924 268.40 198.38 42.44 37.20 42%
715 R050.1Y R050 0 1.21 53.56 1 1.169 0.435 37.2 0 sólo flexión 5.584 - 92.013 148.924 268.40 198.38 37.20 40.96 41%
716 R051.1P R051 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 -4.919 - 0 sólo flexión 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 41.09 33.50 41%
717 R051.1X R051 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.651 - 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 33.50 35.07 35%
718 R051.1XY R051 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.654 - 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 33.50 35.07 35%
719 R051.1Y R051 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 -4.296 - 0 sólo flexión 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 40.12 33.50 40%
720 R052.1P R052 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 1.166 - 64.784 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 50.74 51%
721 R052.1X R052 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 0.48 - 64.784 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 50.28 50%
722 R052.1XY R052 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 0.167 - 64.784 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 50.07 50%
723 R052.1Y R052 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 1.502 - 64.784 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 50.97 51%
724 R053.1P R053 0 0.81 23.85 1 0.654 0.287 43.9 0 sólo flexión 3.916 - 73.65 95.541 278.62 132.48 43.90 47.98 48%
725 R053.1X R053 0 0.81 23.85 1 0.654 0.287 43.9 0 sólo flexión 0.32 - 73.65 95.541 278.62 132.48 43.90 44.22 44%
726 R053.1XY R053 0 0.81 23.85 1 0.654 0.287 43.9 -0.366 - 0 sólo flexión 73.65 95.541 278.62 132.48 44.44 43.90 44%
727 R053.1Y R053 0 0.81 23.85 1 0.654 0.287 43.9 0 sólo flexión 4.26 - 73.65 95.541 278.62 132.48 43.90 48.34 48%
728 R054.1P R054 31.75 1.55 80.64 1 1.169 0.562 48.1 -0.537 - 0 sólo flexión 48.011 148.924 118.63 198.38 49.41 48.10 49%
729 R054.1X R054 31.75 1.55 80.64 1 1.169 0.562 48.1 0 sólo flexión 0.073 - 48.011 148.924 118.63 198.38 48.10 48.12 48%
730 R054.1XY R054 31.75 1.55 80.64 1 1.169 0.562 48.1 0 sólo flexión 0.319 - 48.011 148.924 118.63 198.38 48.10 48.29 48%
731 R054.1Y R054 31.75 1.55 80.64 1 1.169 0.562 48.1 -0.779 - 0 sólo flexión 48.011 148.924 118.63 198.38 50.02 48.10 50%
732 R068.1P R068 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 0 sólo flexión 2.541 - 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.50 50.56 51%
733 R068.1X R068 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 -0.111 - 0.14 - 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.57 48.52 49%
734 R068.1XY R068 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 -1.18 - 0 sólo flexión 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 50.17 48.50 50%
735 R068.1Y R068 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 0 sólo flexión 2.617 - 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.50 50.62 51%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
736 R069.1P R069 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -1.965 - 0 sólo flexión 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 67.62 61.10 68%
737 R069.1X R069 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -0.23 - 0 sólo flexión 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 61.91 61.10 62%
738 R069.1XY R069 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 0 sólo flexión 0.639 - 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 61.10 61.83 62%
739 R069.1Y R069 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -2.014 - 0 sólo flexión 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 67.78 61.10 68%
740 R070.1P R070 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 2.273 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 29.53 30%
741 R070.1X R070 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 -1.999 - 0 sólo flexión 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 30.01 28.20 30%
742 R070.1XY R070 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 -1.205 - 0 sólo flexión 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 29.31 28.20 29%
743 R070.1Y R070 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 1.336 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 29.00 29%
744 R072.1P R072 0 1.21 58.22 1 1.393 0.436 31.3 0 sólo flexión 2.49 - 107.664 164.449 344.40 215.63 31.30 32.81 33%
745 R072.1X R072 0 1.21 58.22 1 1.393 0.436 31.3 -1.999 - 0 sólo flexión 107.664 164.449 344.40 215.63 33.34 31.30 33%
746 R072.1XY R072 0 1.21 58.22 1 1.393 0.436 31.3 -2.476 - 0 sólo flexión 107.664 164.449 344.40 215.63 33.83 31.30 34%
747 R072.1Y R072 0 1.21 58.22 1 1.393 0.436 31.3 0 sólo flexión 2.909 - 107.664 164.449 344.40 215.63 31.30 33.07 33%
748 R073.1P R073 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 -2.121 - 0 sólo flexión 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 36.74 33.50 37%
749 R073.1X R073 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 0 sólo flexión 1.193 - 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 33.50 34.18 34%
750 R073.1XY R073 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 0 sólo flexión 1.52 - 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 33.50 34.38 34%
751 R073.1Y R073 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 -2.414 - 0 sólo flexión 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 37.19 33.50 37%
752 R074.1P R074 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 6.121 - 64.784 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 54.07 54%
753 R074.1X R074 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 -4.163 - 0 sólo flexión 64.784 148.924 151.60 198.38 57.79 50.00 58%
754 R074.1XY R074 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 -3.822 - 0 sólo flexión 64.784 148.924 151.60 198.38 57.15 50.00 57%
755 R074.1Y R074 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 5.663 - 64.784 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 53.76 54%
756 R075.1P R075 0 0.81 29.5 1 0.781 0.288 36.9 0 sólo flexión 13.058 - 90.783 117.874 676.95 327.75 36.90 47.95 48%
757 R075.1X R075 0 0.81 29.5 1 0.781 0.288 36.9 -8.42 - 0 sólo flexión 90.783 117.874 676.95 327.75 46.62 36.90 47%
758 R075.1XY R075 0 0.81 29.5 1 0.781 0.288 36.9 -7.93 - 0 sólo flexión 90.783 117.874 676.95 327.75 46.05 36.90 46%
759 R075.1Y R075 0 0.81 29.5 1 0.781 0.288 36.9 0 sólo flexión 12.304 - 90.783 117.874 676.95 327.75 36.90 47.31 47%
760 R076.1P R076 31.75 1.55 87.65 1 1.393 0.564 40.5 -3.867 - 0 sólo flexión 61.481 164.449 152.23 215.63 47.83 40.50 48%
761 R076.1X R076 31.75 1.55 87.65 1 1.393 0.564 40.5 0 sólo flexión 3.22 - 61.481 164.449 152.23 215.63 40.50 42.45 42%
762 R076.1XY R076 31.75 1.55 87.65 1 1.393 0.564 40.5 0 sólo flexión 2.961 - 61.481 164.449 152.23 215.63 40.50 42.29 42%
763 R076.1Y R076 31.75 1.55 87.65 1 1.393 0.564 40.5 -3.516 - 0 sólo flexión 61.481 164.449 152.23 215.63 47.16 40.50 47%
764 R084.1P R084 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.01 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 82.00 81.90 82%
765 R084.1X R084 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.259 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 83.00 81.90 83%
766 R084.1XY R084 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.254 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 82.98 81.90 83%
767 R084.1Y R084 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.008 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 81.99 81.90 82%
768 R085.1P R085 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 0 sólo flexión 0.161 - 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 81.90 82.13 82%
769 R085.1X R085 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.103 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 82.37 81.90 82%
770 R085.1XY R085 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.102 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 82.37 81.90 82%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
771 R085.1Y R085 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 0 sólo flexión 0.164 - 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 81.90 82.13 82%
772 R086.1P R086 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.001 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.04 53.10 53%
773 R086.1X R086 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.339 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.79 53.10 54%
774 R086.1XY R086 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.338 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.79 53.10 54%
775 R086.1Y R086 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 0 sólo flexión 0.001 - 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.10 53.04 53%
776 R087.1P R087 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 0 sólo flexión 0.42 - 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.10 53.32 53%
777 R087.1X R087 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.22 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.53 53.10 54%
778 R087.1XY R087 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.224 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.54 53.10 54%
779 R087.1Y R087 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 0 sólo flexión 0.419 - 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.10 53.32 53%
780 R094.1P R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 -0.025 - 0 sólo flexión 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.08 69.00 69%
781 R094.1X R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.183 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.20 69%
782 R094.1XY R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.185 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.20 69%
783 R094.1Y R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 -0.026 - 0 sólo flexión 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.08 69.00 69%
784 R094.2P R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.12 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.12 69%
785 R094.2X R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.057 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.05 69%
786 R094.2XY R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.054 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.04 69%
787 R094.2Y R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.12 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.12 69%
788 R096.1P R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.171 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.72 63%
789 R096.1X R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.066 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.61 63%
790 R096.1XY R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.066 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.61 63%
791 R096.1Y R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.172 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.72 63%
792 R096.2P R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 -0.038 - 0 sólo flexión 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.69 62.50 63%
793 R096.2X R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.267 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.82 63%
794 R096.2XY R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.267 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.82 63%
795 R096.2Y R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 -0.038 - 0 sólo flexión 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.69 62.50 63%
796 R103.1P R103 0 0.94 41.65 1 1.169 0.337 28.8 0 sólo flexión 8.389 - 112.196 148.924 444.73 198.38 28.80 34.46 34%
797 R103.1X R103 0 0.94 41.65 1 1.169 0.337 28.8 -5.265 - 0 sólo flexión 112.196 148.924 444.73 198.38 33.87 28.80 34%
798 R103.1XY R103 0 0.94 41.65 1 1.169 0.337 28.8 -4.86 - 0 sólo flexión 112.196 148.924 444.73 198.38 33.48 28.80 33%
799 R103.1Y R103 0 0.94 41.65 1 1.169 0.337 28.8 0 sólo flexión 8.094 - 112.196 148.924 444.73 198.38 28.80 34.26 34%
800 R104.1P R104 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 0 sólo flexión 5.26 - 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 51.00 53.98 54%
801 R104.1X R104 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 -3.137 - 0 sólo flexión 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 54.17 51.00 54%
802 R104.1XY R104 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 -2.886 - 0 sólo flexión 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 53.92 51.00 54%
803 R104.1Y R104 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 0 sólo flexión 5.05 - 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 51.00 53.86 54%
804 R104.2P R104 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 0 sólo flexión 2.304 - 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 51.00 52.30 52%
805 R104.2X R104 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 -1.816 - 0 sólo flexión 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 52.83 51.00 53%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
806 R104.2XY R104 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 -1.7 - 0 sólo flexión 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 52.72 51.00 53%
807 R104.2Y R104 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 0 sólo flexión 2.208 - 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 51.00 52.25 52%
808 R105.1P R105 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 -7.114 - 0 sólo flexión 78.69 148.924 194.88 198.38 41.45 31.20 41%
809 R105.1X R105 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 0 sólo flexión 3.933 - 78.69 148.924 194.88 198.38 31.20 33.86 34%
810 R105.1XY R105 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 0 sólo flexión 3.622 - 78.69 148.924 194.88 198.38 31.20 33.66 34%
811 R105.1Y R105 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 -6.879 - 0 sólo flexión 78.69 148.924 194.88 198.38 41.11 31.20 41%
812 R106.1P R106 44.66 1.01 46.44 1 0.806 0.363 45 -3.096 - 0 sólo flexión 49.091 107.961 121.93 146.28 52.52 45.00 53%
813 R106.1X R106 44.66 1.01 46.44 1 0.806 0.363 45 0 sólo flexión 1.321 - 49.091 107.961 121.93 146.28 45.00 46.26 46%
814 R106.1XY R106 44.66 1.01 46.44 1 0.806 0.363 45 0 sólo flexión 1.188 - 49.091 107.961 121.93 146.28 45.00 46.14 46%
815 R106.1Y R106 44.66 1.01 46.44 1 0.806 0.363 45 -2.982 - 0 sólo flexión 49.091 107.961 121.93 146.28 52.24 45.00 52%
816 R109.1P R109 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 0 sólo flexión 4.817 - 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 33.70 36.94 37%
817 R109.1X R109 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 -2.672 - 0 sólo flexión 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 36.65 33.70 37%
818 R109.1XY R109 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 -2.619 - 0 sólo flexión 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 36.59 33.70 37%
819 R109.1Y R109 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 0 sólo flexión 4.648 - 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 33.70 36.83 37%
820 R110.1P R110 40.56 1.17 68.08 1 1.169 0.422 36.1 -3.629 - 0 sólo flexión 67.361 148.924 165.70 198.38 42.29 36.10 42%
821 R110.1X R110 40.56 1.17 68.08 1 1.169 0.422 36.1 0 sólo flexión 1.781 - 67.361 148.924 165.70 198.38 36.10 37.30 37%
822 R110.1XY R110 40.56 1.17 68.08 1 1.169 0.422 36.1 0 sólo flexión 1.743 - 67.361 148.924 165.70 198.38 36.10 37.27 37%
823 R110.1Y R110 40.56 1.17 68.08 1 1.169 0.422 36.1 -3.509 - 0 sólo flexión 67.361 148.924 165.70 198.38 42.09 36.10 42%
824 R111.1P R111 0 0.94 41.65 1 1.169 0.337 28.8 0 sólo flexión 11.21 - 112.196 148.924 444.73 198.38 28.80 36.36 36%
825 R111.1X R111 0 0.94 41.65 1 1.169 0.337 28.8 -7.032 - 0 sólo flexión 112.196 148.924 444.73 198.38 35.56 28.80 36%
826 R111.1XY R111 0 0.94 41.65 1 1.169 0.337 28.8 -7.379 - 0 sólo flexión 112.196 148.924 444.73 198.38 35.89 28.80 36%
827 R111.1Y R111 0 0.94 41.65 1 1.169 0.337 28.8 0 sólo flexión 11.447 - 112.196 148.924 444.73 198.38 28.80 36.51 37%
828 R112.1P R112 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 0 sólo flexión 3.765 - 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 51.00 53.13 53%
829 R112.1X R112 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 -2.887 - 0 sólo flexión 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 53.92 51.00 54%
830 R112.1XY R112 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 -2.994 - 0 sólo flexión 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 54.03 51.00 54%
831 R112.1Y R112 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 0 sólo flexión 3.834 - 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 51.00 53.17 53%
832 R112.2P R112 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 0 sólo flexión 7.364 - 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 51.00 55.16 55%
833 R112.2X R112 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 -4.475 - 0 sólo flexión 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 55.52 51.00 56%
834 R112.2XY R112 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 -4.708 - 0 sólo flexión 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 55.76 51.00 56%
835 R112.2Y R112 0 0.94 99.1 2 1.349 0.688 51 0 sólo flexión 7.528 - 109.679 176.845 521.15 235.98 51.00 55.26 55%
836 R113.1P R113 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 -9.698 - 0 sólo flexión 78.69 148.924 194.88 198.38 45.18 31.20 45%
837 R113.1X R113 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 0 sólo flexión 5.715 - 78.69 148.924 194.88 198.38 31.20 35.06 35%
838 R113.1XY R113 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 0 sólo flexión 5.984 - 78.69 148.924 194.88 198.38 31.20 35.24 35%
839 R113.1Y R113 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 -9.878 - 0 sólo flexión 78.69 148.924 194.88 198.38 45.44 31.20 45%
840 R114.1P R114 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 -3.76 - 0 sólo flexión 78.718 148.924 194.88 198.38 36.61 31.20 37%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
841 R114.1X R114 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 0 sólo flexión 1.595 - 78.718 148.924 194.88 198.38 31.20 32.29 32%
842 R114.1XY R114 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 0 sólo flexión 1.721 - 78.718 148.924 194.88 198.38 31.20 32.38 32%
843 R114.1Y R114 44.66 1.01 62.97 1 1.169 0.365 31.2 -3.853 - 0 sólo flexión 78.718 148.924 194.88 198.38 36.75 31.20 37%
844 R117.1P R117 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 0 sólo flexión 4.358 - 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 33.70 36.63 37%
845 R117.1X R117 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 -2.288 - 0 sólo flexión 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 36.22 33.70 36%
846 R117.1XY R117 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 -2.39 - 0 sólo flexión 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 36.33 33.70 36%
847 R117.1Y R117 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 0 sólo flexión 4.392 - 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 33.70 36.65 37%
848 R118.1P R118 40.56 1.17 68.08 1 1.169 0.422 36.1 -3.279 - 0 sólo flexión 67.361 148.924 165.70 198.38 41.70 36.10 42%
849 R118.1X R118 40.56 1.17 68.08 1 1.169 0.422 36.1 0 sólo flexión 1.482 - 67.361 148.924 165.70 198.38 36.10 37.09 37%
850 R118.1XY R118 40.56 1.17 68.08 1 1.169 0.422 36.1 0 sólo flexión 1.555 - 67.361 148.924 165.70 198.38 36.10 37.14 37%
851 R118.1Y R118 40.56 1.17 68.08 1 1.169 0.422 36.1 -3.304 - 0 sólo flexión 67.361 148.924 165.70 198.38 41.74 36.10 42%
852 R119.1P R119 0 2 96.04 1 1.393 0.729 52.3 0 sólo flexión 0.202 - 51.204 164.449 126.06 215.63 52.30 52.46 52%
853 R119.1X R119 0 2 96.04 1 1.393 0.729 52.3 -0.673 - 0 sólo flexión 51.204 164.449 126.06 215.63 53.93 52.30 54%
854 R119.1XY R119 0 2 96.04 1 1.393 0.729 52.3 -0.67 - 0 sólo flexión 51.204 164.449 126.06 215.63 53.92 52.30 54%
855 R119.1Y R119 0 2 96.04 1 1.393 0.729 52.3 0 sólo flexión 0.204 - 51.204 164.449 126.06 215.63 52.30 52.46 52%
856 L_R122.1P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -0.285 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 46.36 45.80 46%
857 L_R122.2P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 0 sólo flexión 0.46 - 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 45.80 46.15 46%
858 L_R123.1P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 0 sólo flexión 0.981 - 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 40.60 41.29 41%
859 L_R123.2P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -0.148 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 40.83 40.60 41%
860 L_R124.1P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 0 sólo flexión 1.154 - 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 40.20 41.18 41%
861 L_R125.1P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 0 sólo flexión 4.997 - 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.00 24.21 24%
862 L_R126.1P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 -0.333 - 0 sólo flexión 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 44.63 43.70 45%
863 R124.2P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 0 sólo flexión 1.481 - 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 40.20 41.46 41%
864 R125.2P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 0 sólo flexión 2.868 - 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.00 22.41 22%
865 R126.2P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 0.426 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 43.98 44%
866 R132P R132 0 0.62 16.45 1 0.519 0.22 42.5 0 sólo flexión 3.779 - 71.88 83.121 342.29 118.68 42.50 46.94 47%
867 LX_L_R122.1P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -1.485 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 48.41 45.80 48%
868 LX_L_R122.2P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -1.96 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 49.23 45.80 49%
869 LX_L_R123.1P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -1.957 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 43.29 40.60 43%
870 LX_L_R123.2P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -1.096 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 42.12 40.60 42%
871 LX_L_R124.1P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 -1.457 - 0 sólo flexión 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 42.01 40.20 42%
872 LX_L_R125.1P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 -3.05 - 0 sólo flexión 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 22.65 20.00 23%
873 LX_L_R126.1P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 2.329 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 45.13 45%
874 LX_R124.2P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 -1.619 - 0 sólo flexión 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 42.21 40.20 42%
875 LX_R125.2P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 -0.892 - 0 sólo flexión 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.76 20.00 21%
Base H=19m
Row # Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Control Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight (N) Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Load Case Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (kN-m) m) (kN) (kN) (kN) Capacity (kN) Bend. (%) Bend. (%) Max
876 LX_R126.2P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 1.835 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 44.83 45%
877 LX_R132P R132 0 0.62 16.45 1 0.519 0.22 42.5 -3.028 - 0 sólo flexión 71.88 83.121 342.29 118.68 46.98 42.50 47%
878 LXY__R122.1P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -1.467 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 48.38 45.80 48%
879 LXY__R122.2P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -1.985 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 49.27 45.80 49%
880 LXY__R123.1P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -1.932 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 43.26 40.60 43%
881 LXY__R123.2P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -1.129 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 42.17 40.60 42%
882 LXY__R124.1P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 -1.444 - 0 sólo flexión 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 42.00 40.20 42%
883 LXY__R125.1P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 -2.716 - 0 sólo flexión 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 22.35 20.00 22%
884 LXY__R126.1P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 2.368 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 45.16 45%
885 LXY_R124.2P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 -1.642 - 0 sólo flexión 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 42.24 40.20 42%
886 LXY_R125.2P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 -1.274 - 0 sólo flexión 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 21.09 20.00 21%
887 LXY_R126.2P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 1.806 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 44.82 45%
888 LXY_R132P R132 0 0.62 16.45 1 0.519 0.22 42.5 -3.022 - 0 sólo flexión 71.88 83.121 342.29 118.68 46.97 42.50 47%
889 LY_L_R122.1P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -0.268 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 46.33 45.80 46%
890 LY_L_R122.2P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 0 sólo flexión 0.436 - 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 45.80 46.14 46%
891 LY_L_R123.1P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 0 sólo flexión 0.903 - 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 40.60 41.24 41%
892 LY_L_R123.2P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -0.077 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 40.74 40.60 41%
893 LY_L_R124.1P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 0 sólo flexión 1.147 - 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 40.20 41.18 41%
894 LY_L_R125.1P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 0 sólo flexión 4.535 - 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.00 23.82 24%
895 LY_L_R126.1P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 -0.322 - 0 sólo flexión 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 44.60 43.70 45%
896 LY_R124.2P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 0 sólo flexión 1.458 - 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 40.20 41.44 41%
897 LY_R125.2P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 0 sólo flexión 3.171 - 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.00 22.66 23%
898 LY_R126.2P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 0.428 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 43.98 44.0%
899 LY_R132P R132 0 0.62 16.45 1 0.519 0.22 42.5 0 sólo flexión 3.78 - 71.88 83.121 342.29 118.68 42.50 46.94 47%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
1 CC1.1P CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -26.452 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 20.99 12.20 21%
2 CC1.1X CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -61.592 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 32.77 12.20 33%
3 CC1.1XY CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -24.709 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 20.41 12.20 20%
4 CC1.1Y CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -11.722 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 16.07 12.20 16%
5 CC1.2P CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -26.02 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 655.5 934.42 655.50 20.85 12.20 21%
6 CC1.2X CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -63.079 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 655.5 934.42 655.50 33.27 12.20 33%
7 CC1.2XY CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -24.638 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 655.5 934.42 655.50 20.39 12.20 20%
8 CC1.2Y CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -10.734 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 655.5 934.42 655.50 15.74 12.20 16%
9 CC1.3P CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -25.369 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 20.63 12.20 21%
10 CC1.3X CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -61.023 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 32.58 12.20 33%
11 CC1.3XY CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -21.052 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 19.19 12.20 19%
12 CC1.3Y CC1 0 1.95 285.77 1 6.245 0.759 12.2 -9.501 - 0 sólo flexión 311.703 530.722 934.42 655.50 15.33 12.20 15%
13 CC2.1P CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -24.38 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 27.72 16.20 28%
14 CC2.1X CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -56.46 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 42.96 16.20 43%
15 CC2.1XY CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -24.721 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 27.88 16.20 28%
16 CC2.1Y CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -7.604 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 19.78 16.20 20%
17 CC2.2P CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -23.186 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 474.72 664.44 474.72 27.15 16.20 27%
18 CC2.2X CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -57.672 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 474.72 664.44 474.72 43.54 16.20 44%
19 CC2.2XY CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -23.908 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 474.72 664.44 474.72 27.49 16.20 27%
20 CC2.2Y CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -7.329 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 474.72 664.44 474.72 19.65 16.20 20%
21 CC2.3P CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -21.936 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 26.56 16.20 27%
22 CC2.3X CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -56.579 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 43.02 16.20 43%
23 CC2.3XY CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -19.912 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 25.60 16.20 26%
24 CC2.3Y CC2 0 1.78 188.96 1 4.152 0.672 16.2 -7.441 - 0 sólo flexión 223.389 379.866 664.44 474.72 19.70 16.20 20%
25 CC3.1P CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -21.726 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 31.21 19.10 31%
26 CC3.1X CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -52.915 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 48.79 19.10 49%
27 CC3.1XY CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -24.519 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 32.78 19.10 33%
28 CC3.1Y CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -4.923 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 21.80 19.10 22%
29 CC3.2P CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -20.336 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 419.52 541.11 419.52 30.43 19.10 30%
30 CC3.2X CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -53.9 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 419.52 541.11 419.52 49.35 19.10 49%
31 CC3.2XY CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -23.469 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 419.52 541.11 419.52 32.19 19.10 32%
32 CC3.2Y CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -4.873 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 419.52 541.11 419.52 21.77 19.10 22%
33 CC3.3P CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -18.744 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 29.54 19.10 30%
34 CC3.3X CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -53.19 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 48.95 19.10 49%
35 CC3.3XY CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -19.04 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 29.70 19.10 30%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
36 CC3.3Y CC3 0 1.64 153.27 1 3.197 0.609 19.1 -5.765 - 0 sólo flexión 191.165 330.186 541.11 419.52 22.27 19.10 22%
37 CG2.1P CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 0 sólo flexión 8.599 - 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 37.90 43.13 43%
38 CG2.1X CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 -4.475 - 0 sólo flexión 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 44.56 37.90 45%
39 CG2.1XY CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 -4.229 - 0 sólo flexión 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 44.19 37.90 44%
40 CG2.1Y CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 0 sólo flexión 8.477 - 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 37.90 43.06 43%
41 CG2.2P CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 0 sólo flexión 8.851 - 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 37.90 43.29 43%
42 CG2.2X CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 -4.567 - 0 sólo flexión 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 44.69 37.90 45%
43 CG2.2XY CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 -4.3 - 0 sólo flexión 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 44.30 37.90 44%
44 CG2.2Y CG2 27.25 1.46 78.81 1 1.393 0.528 37.9 0 sólo flexión 8.721 - 78.14 164.449 187.48 215.63 37.90 43.21 43%
45 CG5.1P CG5 0 1.6 58.51 1 0.781 0.577 73.9 -1.336 - 0 sólo flexión 35.385 117.874 173.49 327.75 78.23 73.90 78%
46 CG6.1P CG6 39.98 1.79 34.51 0.5 0.654 0.32 48.8 -2.444 - 0 sólo flexión 53.476 95.541 134.69 132.48 54.40 48.80 54%
47 CG6.1X CG6 39.98 1.79 34.51 0.5 0.654 0.32 48.8 0 sólo flexión 2.737 - 53.476 95.541 134.69 132.48 48.80 51.79 52%
48 CG6.1XY CG6 39.98 1.79 34.51 0.5 0.654 0.32 48.8 0 sólo flexión 2.823 - 53.476 95.541 134.69 132.48 48.80 51.88 52%
49 CG6.1Y CG6 39.98 1.79 34.51 0.5 0.654 0.32 48.8 -2.565 - 0 sólo flexión 53.476 95.541 134.69 132.48 54.68 48.80 55%
50 DH07.1P DH07 0 2.83 188.13 1 2.209 1.065 48.2 -0.544 - 0 sólo flexión 46.847 232.735 115.55 298.08 49.60 48.20 50%
51 DH07.1X DH07 0 2.83 188.13 1 2.209 1.065 48.2 0 sólo flexión 0.512 - 46.847 232.735 115.55 298.08 48.20 48.43 48%
52 DH07.1XY DH07 0 2.83 188.13 1 2.209 1.065 48.2 -0.807 - 0 sólo flexión 46.847 232.735 115.55 298.08 50.27 48.20 50%
53 DH07.1Y DH07 0 2.83 188.13 1 2.209 1.065 48.2 0 sólo flexión 0.783 - 46.847 232.735 115.55 298.08 48.20 48.55 49%
54 DH08.1P DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 -0.344 - 0 sólo flexión 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.88 64.00 65%
55 DH08.1X DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 0 sólo flexión 0.305 - 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.00 64.39 64%
56 DH08.1XY DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 -0.97 - 0 sólo flexión 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 66.36 64.00 66%
57 DH08.1Y DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 0 sólo flexión 0.927 - 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.00 65.04 65%
58 DH08.2P DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 -0.526 - 0 sólo flexión 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 65.31 64.00 65%
59 DH08.2X DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 0 sólo flexión 0.483 - 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.00 64.57 65%
60 DH08.2XY DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 -0.791 - 0 sólo flexión 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 65.93 64.00 66%
61 DH08.2Y DH08 0 1.17 34.64 1 0.654 0.419 64 0 sólo flexión 0.746 - 53.271 95.541 133.54 132.48 64.00 64.85 65%
62 DH09.1P DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.292 - 0 sólo flexión 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 62.37 61.70 62%
63 DH09.1X DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.007 - 0.269 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 61.73 61.94 62%
64 DH09.1XY DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.606 - 0 sólo flexión 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 63.07 61.70 63%
65 DH09.1Y DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 0 sólo flexión 0.594 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 61.70 62.22 62%
66 DH09.2P DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.084 - 0.192 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 61.90 61.88 62%
67 DH09.2X DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.211 - 0.067 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 62.19 61.77 62%
68 DH09.2XY DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 -0.809 - 0 sólo flexión 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 63.53 61.70 64%
69 DH09.2Y DH09 0 1.34 49.06 1 0.781 0.482 61.7 0 sólo flexión 0.801 - 50.337 117.874 247.35 327.75 61.70 62.40 62%
70 DH10.1P DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -1.596 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 74.70 70.50 75%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
71 DH10.1X DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 1.562 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 72.40 72%
72 DH10.1XY DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -2.161 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 76.19 70.50 76%
73 DH10.1Y DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 2.099 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 73.05 73%
74 DH10.2P DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -1.759 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 75.13 70.50 75%
75 DH10.2X DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 1.72 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 72.59 73%
76 DH10.2XY DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -2.005 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 75.78 70.50 76%
77 DH10.2Y DH10 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 1.938 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 72.85 73%
78 DH11.1P DH11 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 0 sólo flexión 1.086 - 57.6 117.874 273.22 327.75 58.70 59.56 60%
79 DH11.1X DH11 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 -7.006 - 0 sólo flexión 57.6 117.874 273.22 327.75 72.35 58.70 72%
80 DH12.1P DH12 0 2.26 29.96 0.5 0.519 0.404 77.8 -0.494 - 0.018 - 41.754 83.121 103.04 118.68 79.40 77.86 79%
81 DH12.1X DH12 0 2.26 29.96 0.5 0.519 0.404 77.8 -0.821 - 0 sólo flexión 41.754 83.121 103.04 118.68 80.43 77.80 80%
82 DHC1.1P DHC1 0 2.55 46.57 0.5 0.781 0.457 58.5 -0.516 - 0 sólo flexión 57.838 117.874 273.22 327.75 59.52 58.50 60%
83 DHC1.1X DHC1 0 2.55 46.57 0.5 0.781 0.457 58.5 -1.422 - 0 sólo flexión 57.838 117.874 273.22 327.75 61.28 58.50 61%
84 DHC1.1XY DHC1 0 2.55 46.57 0.5 0.781 0.457 58.5 -2.43 - 0 sólo flexión 57.838 117.874 273.22 327.75 63.24 58.50 63%
85 DHC1.1Y DHC1 0 2.55 46.57 0.5 0.781 0.457 58.5 -0.881 - 0 sólo flexión 57.838 117.874 273.22 327.75 60.23 58.50 60%
86 DHC2.1P DHC2 0 2.59 47.38 0.5 0.781 0.465 59.6 0 sólo flexión 0.428 - 53.956 117.874 264.84 327.75 59.60 59.90 60%
87 DHC2.1X DHC2 0 2.59 47.38 0.5 0.781 0.465 59.6 0 sólo flexión 1.196 - 53.956 117.874 264.84 327.75 59.60 60.55 61%
88 DHC2.1XY DHC2 0 2.59 47.38 0.5 0.781 0.465 59.6 0 sólo flexión 2.2 - 53.956 117.874 264.84 327.75 59.60 61.41 61%
89 DHC2.1Y DHC2 0 2.59 47.38 0.5 0.781 0.465 59.6 0 sólo flexión 0.828 - 53.956 117.874 264.84 327.75 59.60 60.24 60%
90 DHC3.1P DHC3 0 2.64 48.21 0.5 0.781 0.473 60.6 -0.796 - 0 sólo flexión 52.108 117.874 254.90 327.75 62.28 60.60 62%
91 DHC3.1X DHC3 0 2.64 48.21 0.5 0.781 0.473 60.6 -2.107 - 0 sólo flexión 52.108 117.874 254.90 327.75 65.11 60.60 65%
92 DHC3.1XY DHC3 0 2.64 48.21 0.5 0.781 0.473 60.6 -1.152 - 0 sólo flexión 52.108 117.874 254.90 327.75 63.05 60.60 63%
93 DHC3.1Y DHC3 0 2.64 48.21 0.5 0.781 0.473 60.6 -0.405 - 0 sólo flexión 52.108 117.874 254.90 327.75 61.44 60.60 61%
94 DHC4.1P DHC4 0 2.54 46.39 0.5 0.781 0.455 58.3 -1.139 - 0 sólo flexión 58.185 117.874 275.37 327.75 60.46 58.30 60%
95 DHC4.1X DHC4 0 2.54 46.39 0.5 0.781 0.455 58.3 -0.895 - 0 sólo flexión 58.185 117.874 275.37 327.75 59.99 58.30 60%
96 DHC4.1XY DHC4 0 2.54 46.39 0.5 0.781 0.455 58.3 -3.383 - 0 sólo flexión 58.185 117.874 275.37 327.75 64.80 58.30 65%
97 DHC4.1Y DHC4 0 2.54 46.39 0.5 0.781 0.455 58.3 0 sólo flexión 0.466 - 58.185 117.874 275.37 327.75 58.30 58.65 59%
98 DHC5.1P DHC5 0 2.86 52.37 0.5 0.781 0.515 66 -0.266 - 0.024 - 44.168 117.874 217.20 327.75 66.62 65.96 67%
99 DHC5.1X DHC5 0 2.86 52.37 0.5 0.781 0.515 66 0 sólo flexión 2.462 - 44.168 117.874 217.20 327.75 66.00 68.03 68%
100 DHC5.1XY DHC5 0 2.86 52.37 0.5 0.781 0.515 66 0 sólo flexión 0.609 - 44.168 117.874 217.20 327.75 66.00 66.46 66%
101 DHC5.1Y DHC5 0 2.86 52.37 0.5 0.781 0.515 66 0 sólo flexión 0.862 - 44.168 117.874 217.20 327.75 66.00 66.67 67%
102 DHC6.1P DHC6 0 3.22 71.2 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 -0.604 - 0 sólo flexión 61.583 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.97 49.80 51.0%
103 DHC6.1X DHC6 0 3.22 71.2 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 -0.449 - 0 sólo flexión 61.583 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.66 49.80 50.7%
104 DHC6.1XY DHC6 0 3.22 71.2 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 -1.914 - 0 sólo flexión 61.583 148.924 151.60 198.38 53.53 49.80 54%
105 DHC6.1Y DHC6 0 3.22 71.2 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 0 sólo flexión 0.277 - 61.583 148.924 151.60 198.38 49.80 49.97 50%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
106 DHC7.1P DHC7 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 0 sólo flexión 1.325 - 57.603 117.874 273.22 327.75 58.70 59.77 60%
107 DHC7.1X DHC7 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 -4.467 - 0 sólo flexión 57.603 117.874 273.22 327.75 67.37 58.70 67%
108 DHC7.1XY DHC7 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 -0.614 - 0 sólo flexión 57.603 117.874 273.22 327.75 59.84 58.70 60%
109 DHC7.1Y DHC7 0 2.55 46.69 0.5 0.781 0.458 58.7 -1.724 - 0 sólo flexión 57.603 117.874 273.22 327.75 62.01 58.70 62%
110 DHC8.1P DHC8 0 3.22 71.24 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 0 sólo flexión 1.186 - 61.507 148.924 151.60 198.38 49.80 50.58 51%
111 DHC8.1X DHC8 0 3.22 71.24 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 0 sólo flexión 0.402 - 61.507 148.924 151.60 198.38 49.80 50.06 50%
112 DHC8.1XY DHC8 0 3.22 71.24 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 0 sólo flexión 2.855 - 61.507 148.924 151.60 198.38 49.80 51.70 52%
113 DHC8.1Y DHC8 0 3.22 71.24 0.5 1.169 0.582 49.8 -0.704 - 0 sólo flexión 61.507 148.924 151.60 198.38 51.16 49.80 51.2%
114 DHC9.1P DHC9 0 3.93 87.08 0.5 1.169 0.716 61.3 0 sólo flexión 0.656 - 41.164 148.924 101.77 198.38 61.30 61.69 62%
115 DHC9.1X DHC9 0 3.93 87.08 0.5 1.169 0.716 61.3 -2.042 - 0 sólo flexión 41.164 148.924 101.77 198.38 67.46 61.30 67%
116 DHC9.1XY DHC9 0 3.93 87.08 0.5 1.169 0.716 61.3 -0.237 - 0 sólo flexión 41.164 148.924 101.77 198.38 61.97 61.30 62%
117 DHC9.1Y DHC9 0 3.93 87.08 0.5 1.169 0.716 61.3 -0.723 - 0 sólo flexión 41.164 148.924 101.77 198.38 63.44 61.30 63%
118 DL12.1P DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 -2.525 - 0 sólo flexión 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 15.77 14.30 16%
119 DL12.1X DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 0 sólo flexión 3.548 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.30 15.76 16%
120 DL12.1XY DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 0 sólo flexión 5.028 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.30 16.35 16%
121 DL12.1Y DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 -13.275 - 0 sólo flexión 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 21.82 14.30 22%
122 DL12.2P DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 -0.675 - 0.403 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.73 14.51 15%
123 DL12.2X DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 0 sólo flexión 3.29 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.30 15.66 16%
124 DL12.2XY DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 0 sólo flexión 4.764 - 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 14.30 16.24 16%
125 DL12.2Y DL12 36.83 1 88.99 1 2.544 0.365 14.3 -12.725 - 0 sólo flexión 180.818 251.365 1447.98 637.56 21.51 14.30 22%
126 DL14.1P DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 4.492 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 11.53 12%
127 DL14.1X DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -4.768 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 12.18 10.20 12%
128 DL14.1XY DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 3.183 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 11.13 11%
129 DL14.1Y DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -4.363 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 12.01 10.20 12%
130 DL14.2P DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 0.747 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 10.39 10%
131 DL14.2X DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -2.582 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 11.26 10.20 11%
132 DL14.2XY DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 5.154 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 11.73 12%
133 DL14.2Y DL14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -7.497 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 13.33 10.20 13%
134 DL15.1P DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -5.68 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 11.17 8.90 11%
135 DL15.1X DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 4.832 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 10.38 10%
136 DL15.1XY DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -1.858 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 9.65 8.90 10%
137 DL15.1Y DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 2.02 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 9.53 10%
138 DL15.2P DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -3.592 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 10.34 8.90 10%
139 DL15.2X DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 3.024 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 9.83 10%
140 DL15.2XY DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -3.896 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 10.46 8.90 10%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
141 DL15.2Y DL15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 4.465 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 10.27 10%
142 DL16.1P DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -4.447 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 10.68 8.90 11%
143 DL16.1X DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 1.444 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 9.35 9%
144 DL16.1XY DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 8.602 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 11.52 12%
145 DL16.1Y DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -12.884 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 14.04 8.90 14%
146 DL16.2P DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -0.608 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 9.16 8.90 9%
147 DL16.2X DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -0.337 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 9.05 8.90 9%
148 DL16.2XY DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 7.174 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 11.09 11%
149 DL16.2Y DL16 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -9.713 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 12.77 8.90 13%
150 DL18.1P DL18 32.12 1.29 73.52 1 1.393 0.469 33.6 -2.321 - 0 sólo flexión 86.521 164.449 215.41 215.63 36.72 33.60 37%
151 DL18.1X DL18 32.12 1.29 73.52 1 1.393 0.469 33.6 0 sólo flexión 1.996 - 86.521 164.449 215.41 215.63 33.60 34.88 35%
152 DL18.1XY DL18 32.12 1.29 73.52 1 1.393 0.469 33.6 -1.623 - 0 sólo flexión 86.521 164.449 215.41 215.63 35.80 33.60 36%
153 DL18.1Y DL18 32.12 1.29 73.52 1 1.393 0.469 33.6 0 sólo flexión 2.643 - 86.521 164.449 215.41 215.63 33.60 35.28 35%
154 DL19.1P DL19 33.27 2.48 74.12 0.52 1.393 0.467 33.5 -3.18 - 0 sólo flexión 85.826 164.449 212.84 215.63 37.74 33.50 38%
155 DL19.1X DL19 33.27 2.48 74.12 0.52 1.393 0.467 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.052 - 85.826 164.449 212.84 215.63 33.50 34.77 35%
156 DL19.1XY DL19 33.27 2.48 74.12 0.52 1.393 0.467 33.5 -2.659 - 0 sólo flexión 85.826 164.449 212.84 215.63 37.05 33.50 37%
157 DL19.1Y DL19 33.27 2.48 74.12 0.52 1.393 0.467 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.136 - 85.826 164.449 212.84 215.63 33.50 34.82 35%
158 DL20.1P DL20 35.79 2.25 75.09 0.52 1.638 0.425 25.9 -2.441 - 0 sólo flexión 106.064 179.974 303.76 232.88 28.46 25.90 28%
159 DL20.1X DL20 35.79 2.25 75.09 0.52 1.638 0.425 25.9 0 sólo flexión 2.415 - 106.064 179.974 303.76 232.88 25.90 27.29 27%
160 DL20.1XY DL20 35.79 2.25 75.09 0.52 1.638 0.425 25.9 -2.762 - 0 sólo flexión 106.064 179.974 303.76 232.88 28.79 25.90 29%
161 DL20.1Y DL20 35.79 2.25 75.09 0.52 1.638 0.425 25.9 0 sólo flexión 3.419 - 106.064 179.974 303.76 232.88 25.90 27.85 28%
162 DL21.1P DL21 38.65 2.03 91.71 0.53 2.209 0.392 17.8 -3.834 - 0 sólo flexión 150.333 232.735 487.35 298.08 20.44 17.80 20%
163 DL21.1X DL21 38.65 2.03 91.71 0.53 2.209 0.392 17.8 0 sólo flexión 3.191 - 150.333 232.735 487.35 298.08 17.80 19.12 19%
164 DL21.1XY DL21 38.65 2.03 91.71 0.53 2.209 0.392 17.8 -2.953 - 0 sólo flexión 150.333 232.735 487.35 298.08 19.82 17.80 20%
165 DL21.1Y DL21 38.65 2.03 91.71 0.53 2.209 0.392 17.8 0 sólo flexión 3.107 - 150.333 232.735 487.35 298.08 17.80 19.08 19%
166 DL22.1P DL22 40.24 0.96 83.66 1 2.209 0.349 15.8 0 sólo flexión 3.043 - 161.44 232.735 582.91 298.08 15.80 17.11 17%
167 DL22.1X DL22 40.24 0.96 83.66 1 2.209 0.349 15.8 -2.722 - 0 sólo flexión 161.44 232.735 582.91 298.08 17.56 15.80 18%
168 DL22.1XY DL22 40.24 0.96 83.66 1 2.209 0.349 15.8 0 sólo flexión 3.717 - 161.44 232.735 582.91 298.08 15.80 17.40 17%
169 DL22.1Y DL22 40.24 0.96 83.66 1 2.209 0.349 15.8 -4.235 - 0 sólo flexión 161.44 232.735 582.91 298.08 18.54 15.80 19%
170 DL23.1P DL23 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 -1.046 - 0 sólo flexión 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 48.89 46.60 49%
171 DL23.1X DL23 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.791 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 47.46 47%
172 DL23.1XY DL23 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.68 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 47.35 47%
173 DL23.1Y DL23 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.225 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 46.87 47%
174 DL24.1P DL24 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 -0.967 - 0 sólo flexión 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 48.72 46.60 49%
175 DL24.1X DL24 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.893 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 47.57 48%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
176 DL24.1XY DL24 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 0 sólo flexión 0.459 - 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 46.60 47.12 47%
177 DL24.1Y DL24 41.32 0.85 33.58 1 0.654 0.305 46.6 -1.499 - 0 sólo flexión 54.934 95.541 140.66 132.48 49.87 46.60 50%
178 DL25.1P DL25 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -1.292 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 46.38 43.60 46%
179 DL25.1X DL25 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 0.917 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 43.60 44.69 45%
180 DL25.1XY DL25 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 0.731 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 43.60 44.50 44%
181 DL25.1Y DL25 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -1.016 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 45.81 43.60 46%
182 DL26.1P DL26 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.116 - 0.301 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.97 44.05 44%
183 DL26.1X DL26 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.268 - 0.148 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 44.28 43.89 44%
184 DL26.1XY DL26 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.47 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 44.69 43.60 45%
185 DL26.1Y DL26 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 0.477 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 44.23 44%
186 DL27.1P DL27 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.272 - 0.175 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 44.29 43.91 44%
187 DL27.1X DL27 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.082 - 0.365 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.90 44.11 44%
188 DL27.1XY DL27 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.242 - 0.187 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 44.23 43.93 44%
189 DL27.1Y DL27 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.106 - 0.324 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.95 44.07 44%
190 DL28.1P DL28 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.207 - 0.224 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 44.16 43.97 44%
191 DL28.1X DL28 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.355 - 0.077 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 44.46 43.81 44%
192 DL28.1XY DL28 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.192 - 0.24 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 44.12 43.98 44%
193 DL28.1Y DL28 43.15 0.8 32.42 1 0.654 0.286 43.6 -0.36 - 0.072 - 56.839 95.541 151.07 132.48 44.47 43.81 44%
194 DT12.1P DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 -30.358 - 0 sólo flexión 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 24.71 11.50 25%
195 DT12.1X DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 0 sólo flexión 32.849 - 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 11.50 21.46 21%
196 DT12.1XY DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 0 sólo flexión 23.416 - 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 11.50 18.60 19%
197 DT12.1Y DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 -23.957 - 0 sólo flexión 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 21.92 11.50 22%
198 DT12.2P DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 -29.548 - 0 sólo flexión 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 24.35 11.50 24%
199 DT12.2X DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 0 sólo flexión 31.647 - 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 11.50 21.10 21%
200 DT12.2XY DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 0 sólo flexión 22.751 - 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 11.50 18.40 18%
201 DT12.2Y DT12 36.83 1 117.12 1 3.197 0.368 11.5 -23.817 - 0 sólo flexión 237.036 330.186 931.44 419.52 21.86 11.50 22%
202 DT14.1P DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -34.73 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 24.84 10.20 25%
203 DT14.1X DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 33.784 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 20.40 20%
204 DT14.1XY DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 25.975 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 18.03 18%
205 DT14.1Y DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -26.565 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 21.39 10.20 21%
206 DT14.2P DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -35.958 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 25.36 10.20 25%
207 DT14.2X DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 33.431 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 20.29 20%
208 DT14.2XY DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 0 sólo flexión 26 - 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 10.20 18.04 18%
209 DT14.2Y DT14 42.52 0.89 112.54 1 3.197 0.325 10.2 -28.083 - 0 sólo flexión 242.677 330.186 1010.67 419.52 22.03 10.20 22%
210 DT15.1P DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 30.228 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 18.07 18%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
211 DT15.1X DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -30.586 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 21.07 8.90 21%
212 DT15.1XY DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -21.284 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 17.38 8.90 17%
213 DT15.1Y DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 21.402 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 15.40 15%
214 DT15.2P DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 33.081 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 18.93 19%
215 DT15.2X DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -33.706 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 22.32 8.90 22%
216 DT15.2XY DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 -23.969 - 0 sólo flexión 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 18.44 8.90 18%
217 DT15.2Y DT15 43.92 0.78 101.22 1 3.197 0.285 8.9 0 sólo flexión 24.043 - 256.25 330.186 1247.75 419.52 8.90 16.20 16%
218 DT16.1P DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 -38.184 - 0 sólo flexión 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 19.56 6.90 20%
219 DT16.1X DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 0 sólo flexión 38.091 - 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 6.90 16.92 17%
220 DT16.1XY DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 0 sólo flexión 27.248 - 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 6.90 14.06 14%
221 DT16.1Y DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 -29.365 - 0 sólo flexión 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 16.63 6.90 17%
222 DT16.2P DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 -38.266 - 0 sólo flexión 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 19.59 6.90 20%
223 DT16.2X DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 0 sólo flexión 36.935 - 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 6.90 16.61 17%
224 DT16.2XY DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 0 sólo flexión 26.572 - 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 6.90 13.88 14%
225 DT16.2Y DT16 43.92 0.78 114.54 1 4.152 0.286 6.9 -28.455 - 0 sólo flexión 304.948 379.866 1804.88 474.72 16.33 6.90 16%
226 DT18.1P DT18 32.12 2.59 82.58 0.52 1.638 0.489 29.9 0 sólo flexión 21.492 - 96.877 179.974 250.72 232.88 29.90 41.80 42%
227 DT18.1X DT18 32.12 2.59 82.58 0.52 1.638 0.489 29.9 -10.712 - 0 sólo flexión 96.877 179.974 250.72 232.88 42.24 29.90 42%
228 DT18.1XY DT18 32.12 2.59 82.58 0.52 1.638 0.489 29.9 -9.222 - 0 sólo flexión 96.877 179.974 250.72 232.88 40.51 29.90 41%
229 DT18.1Y DT18 32.12 2.59 82.58 0.52 1.638 0.489 29.9 0 sólo flexión 13.663 - 96.877 179.974 250.72 232.88 29.90 37.45 37%
230 DT19.1P DT19 34.49 2.37 77.55 0.52 1.638 0.446 27.2 0 sólo flexión 13.797 - 102.907 179.974 285.01 232.88 27.20 34.89 35%
231 DT19.1X DT19 34.49 2.37 77.55 0.52 1.638 0.446 27.2 -20.386 - 0 sólo flexión 102.907 179.974 285.01 232.88 49.14 27.20 49%
232 DT19.1XY DT19 34.49 2.37 77.55 0.52 1.638 0.446 27.2 -13.38 - 0 sólo flexión 102.907 179.974 285.01 232.88 41.57 27.20 42%
233 DT19.1Y DT19 34.49 2.37 77.55 0.52 1.638 0.446 27.2 0 sólo flexión 10.509 - 102.907 179.974 285.01 232.88 27.20 33.07 33%
234 DT20.1P DT20 37.17 2.14 74.07 0.53 1.638 0.411 25.1 0 sólo flexión 22.083 - 107.416 179.974 312.30 232.88 25.10 37.36 37%
235 DT20.1X DT20 37.17 2.14 74.07 0.53 1.638 0.411 25.1 -16.273 - 0 sólo flexión 107.416 179.974 312.30 232.88 41.62 25.10 42%
236 DT20.1XY DT20 37.17 2.14 74.07 0.53 1.638 0.411 25.1 -12.004 - 0 sólo flexión 107.416 179.974 312.30 232.88 37.27 25.10 37%
237 DT20.1Y DT20 37.17 2.14 74.07 0.53 1.638 0.411 25.1 0 sólo flexión 14.54 - 107.416 179.974 312.30 232.88 25.10 33.17 33%
238 DT21.1P DT21 40.24 1.92 88.68 0.53 2.209 0.371 16.8 0 sólo flexión 17.761 - 154.564 232.735 518.79 298.08 16.80 24.43 24%
239 DT21.1X DT21 40.24 1.92 88.68 0.53 2.209 0.371 16.8 -25.842 - 0 sólo flexión 154.564 232.735 518.79 298.08 34.39 16.80 34%
240 DT21.1XY DT21 40.24 1.92 88.68 0.53 2.209 0.371 16.8 -16.921 - 0 sólo flexión 154.564 232.735 518.79 298.08 28.31 16.80 28%
241 DT21.1Y DT21 40.24 1.92 88.68 0.53 2.209 0.371 16.8 0 sólo flexión 13.185 - 154.564 232.735 518.79 298.08 16.80 22.46 22%
242 DT22.1P DT22 41.32 1.71 44.03 0.53 0.781 0.324 41.5 -0.478 - 12.006 - 63.06 117.874 306.85 327.75 42.31 51.67 52%
243 DT22.1X DT22 41.32 1.71 44.03 0.53 0.781 0.324 41.5 -5.736 - 6.756 - 63.06 117.874 306.85 327.75 51.37 47.22 51%
244 DT22.1XY DT22 41.32 1.71 44.03 0.53 0.781 0.324 41.5 -4.02 - 0.379 - 63.06 117.874 306.85 327.75 48.41 41.81 48%
245 DT22.1Y DT22 41.32 1.71 44.03 0.53 0.781 0.324 41.5 0 sólo flexión 6.08 - 63.06 117.874 306.85 327.75 41.50 46.64 47%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
246 DT23.1P DT23 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 8.617 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 52.75 53%
247 DT23.1X DT23 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -3.541 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 51.00 43.60 51%
248 DT23.1XY DT23 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -5.263 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 54.55 43.60 55%
249 DT23.1Y DT23 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 7.287 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 51.36 51%
250 DT24.1P DT24 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 4.331 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 48.26 48%
251 DT24.1X DT24 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -7.63 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 59.46 43.60 59%
252 DT24.1XY DT24 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -6.689 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 57.51 43.60 58%
253 DT24.1Y DT24 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 5.535 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 49.52 50%
254 DT25.1P DT25 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 6.724 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 50.77 51%
255 DT25.1X DT25 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -4.586 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 53.16 43.60 53%
256 DT25.1XY DT25 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 -5.514 - 0 sólo flexión 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 55.07 43.60 55%
257 DT25.1Y DT25 43.15 1.6 32.42 0.5 0.654 0.286 43.6 0 sólo flexión 6.145 - 56.839 95.541 152.46 132.48 43.60 50.16 50%
258 FR014.1P R014 0 0.8 35.41 1 1.169 0.286 24.5 -0.012 - 0 sólo flexión 122.172 148.924 614.01 198.38 24.48 24.50 25%
259 FR014.1X R014 0 0.8 35.41 1 1.169 0.286 24.5 -0.017 - 0 sólo flexión 122.172 148.924 614.01 198.38 24.48 24.50 25%
260 FR015.1P R015 0 0.8 35.41 1 1.169 0.286 24.5 -0.017 - 0 sólo flexión 122.172 148.924 614.01 198.38 24.48 24.50 25%
261 FR015.1X R015 0 0.8 35.41 1 1.169 0.286 24.5 -0.023 - 0 sólo flexión 122.172 148.924 614.01 198.38 24.49 24.50 25%
262 FR030.1P R030 0 1.16 51.26 1 1.169 0.416 35.6 0 sólo flexión 0.01 - 95.755 148.924 292.04 198.38 35.60 35.59 36%
263 FR030.1X R030 0 1.16 51.26 1 1.169 0.416 35.6 -0.041 - 0 sólo flexión 95.755 148.924 292.04 198.38 35.63 35.60 36%
264 FR031.1P R031 0 1.52 67.1 1 1.169 0.548 46.9 0 sólo flexión 0.011 - 69.332 148.924 170.09 198.38 46.90 46.89 47%
265 FR031.1X R031 0 1.52 67.1 1 1.169 0.548 46.9 -0.054 - 0 sólo flexión 69.332 148.924 170.09 198.38 46.97 46.90 47%
266 HL07.1P HL07 0 2 374.45 2 3.197 1.599 50 0 sólo flexión 5.782 - 103.369 330.186 363.84 419.52 50.00 51.77 52%
267 HL07.1X HL07 0 2 374.45 2 3.197 1.599 50 0 sólo flexión 4.466 - 103.369 330.186 363.84 419.52 50.00 51.37 51%
268 HL07.2P HL07 0 2 374.45 2 3.197 1.599 50 0 sólo flexión 5.052 - 103.369 330.186 363.84 419.52 50.00 51.55 52%
269 HL07.2X HL07 0 2 374.45 2 3.197 1.599 50 0 sólo flexión 5.399 - 103.369 330.186 363.84 419.52 50.00 51.65 52%
270 HL08.1P HL08 0 1.9 98.58 1 1.638 0.693 42.3 -2.127 - 0 sólo flexión 71.243 179.974 175.84 232.88 45.81 42.30 46%
271 HL08.1X HL08 0 1.9 98.58 1 1.638 0.693 42.3 -4.49 - 0 sólo flexión 71.243 179.974 175.84 232.88 49.72 42.30 50%
272 HL08.2P HL08 0 1.9 98.58 1 1.638 0.693 42.3 -5.863 - 0 sólo flexión 71.243 179.974 175.84 232.88 52.00 42.30 52%
273 HL08.2X HL08 0 1.9 98.58 1 1.638 0.693 42.3 -8.576 - 0 sólo flexión 71.243 179.974 175.84 232.88 56.51 42.30 57%
274 HL09.1P HL09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 0 sólo flexión 3.544 - 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 51.40 53.71 54%
275 HL09.1X HL09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 -2.75 - 0 sólo flexión 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 57.08 51.40 57%
276 HL09.2P HL09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 0 sólo flexión 3.652 - 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 51.40 53.78 54%
277 HL09.2X HL09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 -2.705 - 0 sólo flexión 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 56.98 51.40 57%
278 HL10.1P HL10 0 1.45 47.38 1 0.806 0.521 64.6 0 sólo flexión 2.345 - 49.439 107.961 116.94 146.28 64.60 66.81 67%
279 HL10.1X HL10 0 1.45 47.38 1 0.806 0.521 64.6 0 sólo flexión 3.337 - 49.439 107.961 116.94 146.28 64.60 67.73 68%
280 HL10.2P HL10 0 1.45 47.38 1 0.806 0.521 64.6 0 sólo flexión 4.355 - 49.439 107.961 116.94 146.28 64.60 68.67 69%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
281 HL10.2X HL10 0 1.45 47.38 1 0.806 0.521 64.6 0 sólo flexión 5.259 - 49.439 107.961 116.94 146.28 64.60 69.51 69.5%
282 HL11.1P HL11 0 1.35 140.16 2 1.638 0.999 61 -2.286 - 0 sólo flexión 88.416 179.974 348.31 232.88 63.98 61.00 64%
283 HL11.1X HL11 0 1.35 140.16 2 1.638 0.999 61 -4.005 - 0 sólo flexión 88.416 179.974 348.31 232.88 66.23 61.00 66%
284 HL11.2P HL11 0 1.35 140.16 2 1.638 0.999 61 0 sólo flexión 2.513 - 88.416 179.974 348.31 232.88 61.00 62.39 62%
285 HL11.2X HL11 0 1.35 140.16 2 1.638 0.999 61 -6.647 - 0 sólo flexión 88.416 179.974 348.31 232.88 69.69 61.00 70%
286 HL12.1P HL12 0 0.9 79.93 2 1.169 0.655 56.1 0 sólo flexión 1.735 - 96.374 148.924 485.14 198.38 56.10 57.20 57%
287 HL12.1X HL12 0 0.9 79.93 2 1.169 0.655 56.1 0 sólo flexión 5.482 - 96.374 148.924 485.14 198.38 56.10 59.71 60%
288 HL12.2P HL12 0 0.9 79.93 2 1.169 0.655 56.1 0 sólo flexión 6.331 - 96.374 148.924 485.14 198.38 56.10 60.28 60%
289 HL12.2X HL12 0 0.9 79.93 2 1.169 0.655 56.1 0 sólo flexión 0.99 - 96.374 148.924 485.14 198.38 56.10 56.70 57%
290 HL13.1P HL13 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 -2.343 - 0 sólo flexión 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 77.26 73.90 77%
291 HL13.1X HL13 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 0 sólo flexión 1.304 - 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 73.90 74.99 75%
292 HL13.2P HL13 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 -2.495 - 0 sólo flexión 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 77.48 73.90 77%
293 HL13.2X HL13 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 0 sólo flexión 0.837 - 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 73.90 74.59 75%
294 HL14.1P HL14 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 0 sólo flexión 3.803 - 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 73.90 77.11 77%
295 HL14.1X HL14 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 -1.754 - 0 sólo flexión 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 76.41 73.90 76%
296 HL14.2P HL14 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 0 sólo flexión 3.691 - 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 73.90 77.01 77%
297 HL14.2X HL14 0 0.8 58.51 2 0.781 0.577 73.9 -1.635 - 0 sólo flexión 74.77 117.874 693.98 327.75 76.24 73.90 76%
298 HT07.1P HT07 0 2 473 2 5.236 1.648 31.5 -22.298 - 0 sólo flexión 188.766 429.546 731.20 529.92 44.28 31.50 44%
299 HT07.1Y HT07 0 2 473 2 5.236 1.648 31.5 -10.149 - 0 sólo flexión 188.766 429.546 731.20 529.92 37.29 31.50 37%
300 HT07.2P HT07 0 2 473 2 5.236 1.648 31.5 -22.875 - 0 sólo flexión 188.766 429.546 731.20 529.92 44.61 31.50 45%
301 HT07.2Y HT07 0 2 473 2 5.236 1.648 31.5 -9.055 - 0 sólo flexión 188.766 429.546 731.20 529.92 36.67 31.50 37%
302 HT08.1P HT08 0 1.9 91.28 1 1.393 0.691 49.6 0 sólo flexión 28.435 - 62.039 164.449 139.68 215.63 49.60 66.90 67%
303 HT08.1Y HT08 0 1.9 91.28 1 1.393 0.691 49.6 0 sólo flexión 10.468 - 62.039 164.449 139.68 215.63 49.60 55.97 56%
304 HT08.2P HT08 0 1.9 91.28 1 1.393 0.691 49.6 0 sólo flexión 30.384 - 62.039 164.449 139.68 215.63 49.60 68.08 68%
305 HT08.2Y HT08 0 1.9 91.28 1 1.393 0.691 49.6 0 sólo flexión 12.643 - 62.039 164.449 139.68 215.63 49.60 57.29 57%
306 HT09.1P HT09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 0 sólo flexión 1.551 - 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 51.40 52.37 52%
307 HT09.1Y HT09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 0 sólo flexión 1.739 - 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 51.40 52.49 52%
308 HT09.2P HT09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 -1.351 - 0 sólo flexión 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 54.15 51.40 54%
309 HT09.2Y HT09 0 1.66 73.36 1 1.169 0.6 51.4 -1.203 - 0 sólo flexión 58.014 148.924 142.61 198.38 53.84 51.40 54%
310 HT10.1P HT10 0 1.45 153.75 1 4.152 0.54 13 -23.094 - 0 sólo flexión 263.54 379.866 1001.29 474.72 22.08 13.00 22%
311 HT10.1Y HT10 0 1.45 153.75 1 4.152 0.54 13 -7.354 - 0 sólo flexión 263.54 379.866 1001.29 474.72 15.89 13.00 16%
312 HT10.2P HT10 0 1.45 153.75 1 4.152 0.54 13 -55.067 - 0 sólo flexión 263.54 379.866 1001.29 474.72 34.66 13.00 35%
313 HT10.2Y HT10 0 1.45 153.75 1 4.152 0.54 13 -26.447 - 0 sólo flexión 263.54 379.866 1001.29 474.72 23.39 13.00 23%
314 HT11.1P HT11 0 2.7 140.16 1 1.638 0.999 61 0 sólo flexión 28.753 - 42.649 179.974 87.08 232.88 61.00 76.97 77%
315 HT11.1Y HT11 0 2.7 140.16 1 1.638 0.999 61 0 sólo flexión 11.822 - 42.649 179.974 87.08 232.88 61.00 67.56 68%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
316 HT12.1P HT12 0 1.81 191.28 1 4.152 0.681 16.4 -37.464 - 0 sólo flexión 220.907 379.866 642.60 474.72 34.38 16.40 34%
317 HT12.1Y HT12 0 1.81 191.28 1 4.152 0.681 16.4 -15.976 - 0 sólo flexión 220.907 379.866 642.60 474.72 24.05 16.40 24%
318 HT13.1P HT13 0 1.6 70.83 1 1.169 0.579 49.5 0 sólo flexión 36.343 - 65.629 148.924 153.50 198.38 49.50 73.93 74%
319 HT13.1Y HT13 0 1.6 70.83 1 1.169 0.579 49.5 0 sólo flexión 15.266 - 65.629 148.924 153.50 198.38 49.50 59.78 60%
320 HT14.1P HT14 0 1.6 70.83 1 1.169 0.579 49.5 -2.809 - 0 sólo flexión 62.232 148.924 153.50 198.38 54.97 49.50 55%
321 HT14.1Y HT14 0 1.6 70.83 1 1.169 0.579 49.5 -2.359 - 0 sólo flexión 62.232 148.924 153.50 198.38 54.09 49.50 54%
322 MHC1.1P MHC1 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 0 sólo flexión 0.152 - 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.60 18.66 19%
323 MHC1.1X MHC1 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 0 sólo flexión 0.526 - 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.60 18.77 19%
324 MHC2.1P MHC2 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 0 sólo flexión 1.347 - 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.60 19.02 19%
325 MHC2.1X MHC2 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 -0.482 - 0 sólo flexión 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.87 18.60 19%
326 MHC3.1P MHC3 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 0 sólo flexión 2.812 - 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 18.60 19.46 19%
327 MHC3.1X MHC3 0 1.6 149.78 1 3.197 0.595 18.6 -1.511 - 0 sólo flexión 195.274 330.186 568.50 419.52 19.43 18.60 19%
328 R001.1P R001 18.54 0.75 20.82 1 0.519 0.265 51.1 0 sólo flexión 0.186 - 62.259 83.121 210.82 118.68 51.10 51.28 51%
329 R001.1X R001 18.54 0.75 20.82 1 0.519 0.265 51.1 0 sólo flexión 0.005 - 62.259 83.121 210.82 118.68 51.10 51.07 51%
330 R001.1XY R001 18.54 0.75 20.82 1 0.519 0.265 51.1 0 sólo flexión 0.007 - 62.259 83.121 210.82 118.68 51.10 51.07 51%
331 R001.1Y R001 18.54 0.75 20.82 1 0.519 0.265 51.1 0 sólo flexión 0.159 - 62.259 83.121 210.82 118.68 51.10 51.25 51%
332 R002.1P R002 18.54 1.49 46.48 1 0.654 0.535 81.7 0 sólo flexión 0.349 - 29.944 95.541 74.16 132.48 81.70 82.17 82%
333 R002.1X R002 18.54 1.49 46.48 1 0.654 0.535 81.7 0 sólo flexión 0.156 - 29.944 95.541 74.16 132.48 81.70 81.97 82%
334 R002.1XY R002 18.54 1.49 46.48 1 0.654 0.535 81.7 0 sólo flexión 0.144 - 29.944 95.541 74.16 132.48 81.70 81.96 82%
335 R002.1Y R002 18.54 1.49 46.48 1 0.654 0.535 81.7 0 sólo flexión 0.369 - 29.944 95.541 74.16 132.48 81.70 82.19 82%
336 R004.1P R004 0 0.8 21.19 1 0.519 0.285 54.8 -0.008 - 0 sólo flexión 61.413 83.121 205.59 118.68 54.93 54.80 55%
337 R004.1X R004 0 0.8 21.19 1 0.519 0.285 54.8 -0.033 - 0 sólo flexión 61.413 83.121 205.59 118.68 54.98 54.80 55%
338 R005.1P R005 22.13 1.84 64.98 1 0.806 0.666 82.6 0 sólo flexión 0.002 - 25.073 107.961 62.09 146.28 82.60 82.63 83%
339 R005.2P R005 22.13 1.84 64.98 1 0.806 0.666 82.6 -0.012 - 0 sólo flexión 25.073 107.961 62.09 146.28 82.69 82.60 83%
340 R006.1P R006 43.84 1.04 38.23 1 0.519 0.373 71.8 -0.045 - 0 sólo flexión 25.64 83.121 63.45 118.68 72.10 71.80 72%
341 R006.1AR R006 43.84 1.04 38.23 1 0.519 0.373 71.8 -0.005 - 0 sólo flexión 25.64 83.121 63.45 118.68 71.89 71.80 72%
342 R007.1P R007 33.85 1.49 53.07 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 0 sólo flexión 0.009 - 22.975 95.541 56.42 132.48 81.90 81.97 82.0%
343 R007.1AR R007 33.85 1.49 53.07 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.012 - 0 sólo flexión 22.975 95.541 56.42 132.48 82.03 81.90 82.0%
344 R008.1P R008 0 0.53 14.12 1 0.519 0.189 36.5 0 sólo flexión 0.008 - 76.622 83.121 468.40 118.68 36.50 36.43 36.5%
345 R008.1X R008 0 0.53 14.12 1 0.519 0.189 36.5 -0.023 - 0 sólo flexión 76.622 83.121 468.40 118.68 36.45 36.50 36.5%
346 R009.1P R009 0 1.07 31.53 1 0.654 0.381 58.2 0 sólo flexión 0.027 - 58.358 95.541 159.66 132.48 58.20 58.29 58.3%
347 R009.1X R009 0 1.07 31.53 1 0.654 0.381 58.2 -0.053 - 0 sólo flexión 58.358 95.541 159.66 132.48 58.37 58.20 58.4%
348 R012.1P R012 14.1 1.96 89.24 1 1.169 0.712 60.9 -1.789 - 0 sólo flexión 39.202 148.924 96.31 198.38 66.62 60.90 67%
349 R012.1X R012 14.1 1.96 89.24 1 1.169 0.712 60.9 -1.719 - 0 sólo flexión 39.202 148.924 96.31 198.38 66.40 60.90 66%
350 R012.1XY R012 14.1 1.96 89.24 1 1.169 0.712 60.9 -1.793 - 0 sólo flexión 39.202 148.924 96.31 198.38 66.64 60.90 67%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
351 R012.1Y R012 14.1 1.96 89.24 1 1.169 0.712 60.9 -1.753 - 0 sólo flexión 39.202 148.924 96.31 198.38 66.51 60.90 67%
352 R013.1P R013 26.67 1.96 96.91 1 1.169 0.714 61.1 -2.106 - 0 sólo flexión 33.242 148.924 81.93 198.38 69.02 61.10 69%
353 R013.1X R013 26.67 1.96 96.91 1 1.169 0.714 61.1 -2.097 - 0 sólo flexión 33.242 148.924 81.93 198.38 68.99 61.10 69%
354 R013.1XY R013 26.67 1.96 96.91 1 1.169 0.714 61.1 -2.144 - 0 sólo flexión 33.242 148.924 81.93 198.38 69.17 61.10 69%
355 R013.1Y R013 26.67 1.96 96.91 1 1.169 0.714 61.1 -2.078 - 0 sólo flexión 33.242 148.924 81.93 198.38 68.92 61.10 69%
356 R014.1P R014 0 0.8 70.83 2 1.169 0.579 49.5 -0.053 - 0 sólo flexión 106.427 148.924 614.01 198.38 49.58 49.50 50%
357 R014.1X R014 0 0.8 70.83 2 1.169 0.579 49.5 -0.061 - 0 sólo flexión 106.427 148.924 614.01 198.38 49.59 49.50 50%
358 R015.1P R015 0 0.8 70.83 2 1.169 0.579 49.5 -0.026 - 0 sólo flexión 106.427 148.924 614.01 198.38 49.56 49.50 50%
359 R015.1X R015 0 0.8 70.83 2 1.169 0.579 49.5 -0.026 - 0 sólo flexión 106.427 148.924 614.01 198.38 49.56 49.50 50%
360 R016.1P R016 30.49 0.83 25.64 1 0.519 0.297 57.3 -0.032 - 0.004 - 51.735 83.121 139.84 118.68 57.30 57.23 57%
361 R016.1X R016 30.49 0.83 25.64 1 0.519 0.297 57.3 0 sólo flexión 0.076 - 51.735 83.121 139.84 118.68 57.30 57.32 57%
362 R016.1XY R016 30.49 0.83 25.64 1 0.519 0.297 57.3 0 sólo flexión 0.02 - 51.735 83.121 139.84 118.68 57.30 57.25 57%
363 R016.1Y R016 30.49 0.83 25.64 1 0.519 0.297 57.3 -0.059 - 0 sólo flexión 51.735 83.121 139.84 118.68 57.36 57.30 57%
364 R020.1P R020 15.34 1.79 60.52 1 0.806 0.645 80 -1.363 - 0 sólo flexión 28.897 107.961 71.84 146.28 86.29 80.00 86%
365 R020.1X R020 15.34 1.79 60.52 1 0.806 0.645 80 -1.319 - 0 sólo flexión 28.897 107.961 71.84 146.28 86.09 80.00 86%
366 R020.1XY R020 15.34 1.79 60.52 1 0.806 0.645 80 -1.368 - 0 sólo flexión 28.897 107.961 71.84 146.28 86.31 80.00 86%
367 R020.1Y R020 15.34 1.79 60.52 1 0.806 0.645 80 -1.325 - 0 sólo flexión 28.897 107.961 71.84 146.28 86.11 80.00 86%
368 R021.1P R021 28.66 1.79 66.76 1 0.806 0.649 80.4 -1.696 - 0 sólo flexión 23.75 107.961 58.51 146.28 90.07 80.40 90%
369 R021.1X R021 28.66 1.79 66.76 1 0.806 0.649 80.4 -1.714 - 0 sólo flexión 23.75 107.961 58.51 146.28 90.17 80.40 90%
370 R021.1XY R021 28.66 1.79 66.76 1 0.806 0.649 80.4 -1.745 - 0 sólo flexión 23.75 107.961 58.51 146.28 90.34 80.40 90%
371 R021.1Y R021 28.66 1.79 66.76 1 0.806 0.649 80.4 -1.665 - 0 sólo flexión 23.75 107.961 58.51 146.28 89.89 80.40 90%
372 R022.1P R022 0 0.98 86.71 2 1.169 0.713 61 -0.039 - 0 sólo flexión 89.459 148.924 409.17 198.38 61.04 61.00 61%
373 R022.1X R022 0 0.98 86.71 2 1.169 0.713 61 -0.062 - 0 sólo flexión 89.459 148.924 409.17 198.38 61.07 61.00 61%
374 R022.2P R022 0 0.98 86.71 2 1.169 0.713 61 -0.004 - 0 sólo flexión 89.459 148.924 409.17 198.38 61.00 61.00 61%
375 R022.2X R022 0 0.98 86.71 2 1.169 0.713 61 -0.026 - 0 sólo flexión 89.459 148.924 409.17 198.38 61.03 61.00 61%
376 R023.1P R023 0 1.16 102.59 2 1.169 0.848 72.5 -0.005 - 0 sólo flexión 73.167 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.55 72.50 73%
377 R023.1X R023 0 1.16 102.59 2 1.169 0.848 72.5 -0.034 - 0 sólo flexión 73.167 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.60 72.50 73%
378 R023.2P R023 0 1.16 102.59 2 1.169 0.848 72.5 -0.013 - 0 sólo flexión 73.167 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.56 72.50 73%
379 R023.2X R023 0 1.16 102.59 2 1.169 0.848 72.5 -0.034 - 0 sólo flexión 73.167 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.60 72.50 73%
380 R024.1P R024 25.75 1.02 29.91 1 0.519 0.363 69.9 -0.079 - 0 sólo flexión 41.906 83.121 103.04 118.68 70.18 69.90 70%
381 R024.1X R024 25.75 1.02 29.91 1 0.519 0.363 69.9 -0.016 - 0.013 - 41.906 83.121 103.04 118.68 69.99 69.96 70%
382 R024.1XY R024 25.75 1.02 29.91 1 0.519 0.363 69.9 -0.038 - 0 sólo flexión 41.906 83.121 103.04 118.68 70.06 69.90 70%
383 R024.1Y R024 25.75 1.02 29.91 1 0.519 0.363 69.9 -0.102 - 0 sólo flexión 41.906 83.121 103.04 118.68 70.25 69.90 70%
384 R025.1P R025 38.48 1.23 57.65 1 0.781 0.445 57 -0.121 - 0 sólo flexión 36.442 117.874 177.91 327.75 57.35 57.00 57%
385 R025.1X R025 38.48 1.23 57.65 1 0.781 0.445 57 -0.117 - 0 sólo flexión 36.442 117.874 177.91 327.75 57.34 57.00 57%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
386 R025.1XY R025 38.48 1.23 57.65 1 0.781 0.445 57 -0.115 - 0 sólo flexión 36.442 117.874 177.91 327.75 57.33 57.00 57%
387 R025.1Y R025 38.48 1.23 57.65 1 0.781 0.445 57 -0.128 - 0 sólo flexión 36.442 117.874 177.91 327.75 57.37 57.00 57%
388 R028.1P R028 16.54 1.65 56.11 1 0.806 0.593 73.6 -1.22 - 0 sólo flexión 33.623 107.961 83.11 146.28 78.30 73.60 78%
389 R028.1X R028 16.54 1.65 56.11 1 0.806 0.593 73.6 -1.209 - 0 sólo flexión 33.623 107.961 83.11 146.28 78.26 73.60 78%
390 R028.1XY R028 16.54 1.65 56.11 1 0.806 0.593 73.6 -1.244 - 0 sólo flexión 33.623 107.961 83.11 146.28 78.39 73.60 78%
391 R028.1Y R028 16.54 1.65 56.11 1 0.806 0.593 73.6 -1.184 - 0 sólo flexión 33.623 107.961 83.11 146.28 78.16 73.60 78%
392 R029.1P R029 30.52 1.66 62.91 1 0.806 0.599 74.3 -1.596 - 0 sólo flexión 26.747 107.961 66.01 146.28 82.13 74.30 82%
393 R029.1X R029 30.52 1.66 62.91 1 0.806 0.599 74.3 -1.655 - 0 sólo flexión 26.747 107.961 66.01 146.28 82.42 74.30 82%
394 R029.1XY R029 30.52 1.66 62.91 1 0.806 0.599 74.3 -1.679 - 0 sólo flexión 26.747 107.961 66.01 146.28 82.53 74.30 83%
395 R029.1Y R029 30.52 1.66 62.91 1 0.806 0.599 74.3 -1.569 - 0 sólo flexión 26.747 107.961 66.01 146.28 81.99 74.30 82%
396 R030.1P R030 0 1.16 102.52 2 1.169 0.847 72.5 -0.023 - 0 sólo flexión 73.257 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.49 72.50 73%
397 R030.1X R030 0 1.16 102.52 2 1.169 0.847 72.5 -0.074 - 0 sólo flexión 73.257 148.924 292.04 198.38 72.57 72.50 73%
398 R031.1P R031 0 1.52 134.2 2 1.169 1.121 95.9 0 sólo flexión 0.005 - 42.754 148.924 170.09 198.38 95.90 95.90 96%
399 R031.1X R031 0 1.52 134.2 2 1.169 1.121 95.9 -0.057 - 0 sólo flexión 42.754 148.924 170.09 198.38 96.06 95.90 96%
400 R032.1P R032 22.19 1.2 34.32 1 0.519 0.429 82.6 -0.135 - 0 sólo flexión 31.819 83.121 77.85 118.68 83.23 82.60 83%
401 R032.1X R032 22.19 1.2 34.32 1 0.519 0.429 82.6 -0.09 - 0 sólo flexión 31.819 83.121 77.85 118.68 83.04 82.60 83%
402 R032.1XY R032 22.19 1.2 34.32 1 0.519 0.429 82.6 -0.111 - 0 sólo flexión 31.819 83.121 77.85 118.68 83.13 82.60 83%
403 R032.1Y R032 22.19 1.2 34.32 1 0.519 0.429 82.6 -0.155 - 0 sólo flexión 31.819 83.121 77.85 118.68 83.31 82.60 83%
404 R033.1P R033 31.45 1.6 68.59 1 0.781 0.579 74.1 -0.183 - 0 sólo flexión 25.75 117.874 125.66 327.75 74.95 74.10 75%
405 R033.1X R033 31.45 1.6 68.59 1 0.781 0.579 74.1 -0.182 - 0 sólo flexión 25.75 117.874 125.66 327.75 74.95 74.10 75%
406 R033.1XY R033 31.45 1.6 68.59 1 0.781 0.579 74.1 -0.184 - 0 sólo flexión 25.75 117.874 125.66 327.75 74.96 74.10 75%
407 R033.1Y R033 31.45 1.6 68.59 1 0.781 0.579 74.1 -0.191 - 0 sólo flexión 25.75 117.874 125.66 327.75 74.99 74.10 75%
408 R034.1P R034 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 5.85 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 56.75 57%
409 R034.1X R034 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -3.181 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 55.19 49.70 55%
410 R034.1XY R034 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -2.87 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 54.65 49.70 55%
411 R034.1Y R034 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 4.109 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 54.65 55%
412 R035.1P R035 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -4.508 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 65.66 53.50 66%
413 R035.1X R035 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 2.324 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 56.36 56%
414 R035.1XY R035 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 2.088 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 56.08 56%
415 R035.1Y R035 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -3.204 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 62.14 53.50 62%
416 R036.1P R036 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -0.764 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 51.02 49.70 51%
417 R036.1X R036 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -1.616 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 52.49 49.70 52%
418 R036.1XY R036 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -1.09 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 51.59 49.70 52%
419 R036.1Y R036 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 0.982 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 50.89 51%
420 R038.1P R038 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 4.628 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 62.41 62%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
421 R038.1X R038 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -4.406 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 65.57 56.80 66%
422 R038.1XY R038 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -3.672 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 64.11 56.80 64%
423 R038.1Y R038 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 4.3 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 62.01 62%
424 R039.1P R039 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 -3.444 - 0 sólo flexión 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 71.54 60.60 72%
425 R039.1X R039 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 0 sólo flexión 2.959 - 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 60.60 64.25 64%
426 R039.1XY R039 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 0 sólo flexión 2.45 - 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 60.60 63.64 64%
427 R039.1Y R039 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 -3.21 - 0 sólo flexión 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 70.80 60.60 71%
428 R040.1P R040 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 1.39 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 58.51 59%
429 R040.1X R040 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 0.684 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 57.66 58%
430 R040.1XY R040 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -0.281 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 57.39 56.80 57%
431 R040.1Y R040 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 1.758 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 58.96 59%
432 R042.1P R042 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 10.502 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 52.32 52%
433 R042.1X R042 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -1.758 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 45.76 43.40 46%
434 R042.1XY R042 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -3.206 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 47.70 43.40 48%
435 R042.1Y R042 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 7.492 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 49.76 50%
436 R043.1P R043 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 -7.881 - 0 sólo flexión 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 64.98 46.70 65%
437 R043.1X R043 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 0 sólo flexión 1.126 - 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 46.70 47.69 48%
438 R043.1XY R043 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 0 sólo flexión 2.195 - 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 46.70 48.60 49%
439 R043.1Y R043 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 -5.703 - 0 sólo flexión 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 59.92 46.70 60%
440 R044.1P R044 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -1.824 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 45.85 43.40 46%
441 R044.1X R044 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 1.645 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 44.80 45%
442 R044.1XY R044 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 0.837 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 44.12 44%
443 R044.1Y R044 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -0.811 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 44.49 43.40 44%
444 R045.1P R045 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 0 sólo flexión 1.287 - 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 61.80 63.40 63%
445 R045.1X R045 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 -0.723 - 0 sólo flexión 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 64.17 61.80 64%
446 R045.1XY R045 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 -0.237 - 0.019 - 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 62.61 61.87 63%
447 R045.1Y R045 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 0 sólo flexión 0.68 - 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 61.80 62.67 63%
448 R056.1P R056 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 1.33 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 51.31 51%
449 R056.1X R056 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -0.912 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 51.28 49.70 51%
450 R056.1XY R056 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -1.142 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 51.68 49.70 52%
451 R056.1Y R056 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 2.156 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 52.30 52%
452 R057.1P R057 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -1.133 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 56.59 53.50 57%
453 R057.1X R057 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.649 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 54.35 54%
454 R057.1XY R057 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.819 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 54.55 55%
455 R057.1Y R057 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -1.75 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 58.24 53.50 58%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
456 R058.1P R058 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 5.008 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 55.74 56%
457 R058.1X R058 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -2.357 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 53.77 49.70 54%
458 R058.1XY R058 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 -2.134 - 0 sólo flexión 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 53.38 49.70 53%
459 R058.1Y R058 0 0.73 19.22 1 0.519 0.258 49.7 0 sólo flexión 4.003 - 65.885 83.121 246.90 118.68 49.70 54.53 55%
460 R060.1P R060 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 3.62 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 61.20 61%
461 R060.1X R060 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -2.372 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 61.53 56.80 62%
462 R060.1XY R060 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -2.813 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 62.41 56.80 62%
463 R060.1Y R060 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 4.075 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 61.74 62%
464 R061.1P R061 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 -2.743 - 0 sólo flexión 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 69.32 60.60 69%
465 R061.1X R061 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 0 sólo flexión 1.567 - 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 60.60 62.58 63%
466 R061.1XY R061 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 0 sólo flexión 1.874 - 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 60.60 62.95 63%
467 R061.1Y R061 40.39 0.88 30.65 1 0.519 0.315 60.6 -3.063 - 0 sólo flexión 39.897 83.121 97.78 118.68 70.33 60.60 70%
468 R062.1P R062 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 4.861 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 62.69 63%
469 R062.1X R062 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -3.314 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 63.40 56.80 63%
470 R062.1XY R062 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 -3.017 - 0 sólo flexión 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 62.81 56.80 63%
471 R062.1Y R062 0 0.83 21.94 1 0.519 0.295 56.8 0 sólo flexión 4.11 - 59.644 83.121 190.99 118.68 56.80 61.78 62%
472 R064.1P R064 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 4.003 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 46.80 47%
473 R064.1X R064 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -4.329 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 49.20 43.40 49%
474 R064.1XY R064 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -4.422 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 49.33 43.40 49%
475 R064.1Y R064 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 5.3 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 47.90 48%
476 R065.1P R065 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 -3.148 - 0 sólo flexión 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 54.01 46.70 54%
477 R065.1X R065 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 0 sólo flexión 3.078 - 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 46.70 49.35 49%
478 R065.1XY R065 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 0 sólo flexión 3.145 - 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 46.70 49.40 49%
479 R065.1Y R065 42.73 1.01 50.52 1 0.781 0.365 46.7 -4.097 - 0 sólo flexión 47.454 117.874 233.22 327.75 56.20 46.70 56%
480 R066.1P R066 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 2.669 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 45.67 46%
481 R066.1X R066 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -0.923 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 44.64 43.40 45%
482 R066.1XY R066 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 -0.803 - 0 sólo flexión 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 44.48 43.40 44%
483 R066.1Y R066 0 0.95 34.69 1 0.781 0.339 43.4 0 sólo flexión 0.565 - 80.01 117.874 492.13 327.75 43.40 43.89 44%
484 R067.1P R067 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 -1.513 - 0 sólo flexión 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 66.72 61.80 67%
485 R067.1X R067 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 0 sólo flexión 0.829 - 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 61.80 62.85 63%
486 R067.1XY R067 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 0 sólo flexión 0.756 - 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 61.80 62.76 63%
487 R067.1Y R067 39.85 0.9 31 1 0.519 0.321 61.8 -0.215 - 0 sólo flexión 39.01 83.121 96.12 118.68 62.54 61.80 63%
488 R078.1P R078 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 0.014 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 70.54 71%
489 R078.1X R078 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -0.141 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.89 70.50 71%
490 R078.1XY R078 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -0.137 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.88 70.50 71%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
491 R078.1Y R078 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 0.016 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 70.54 71%
492 R079.1P R079 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 0.088 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 70.63 71%
493 R079.1X R079 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -0.065 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.69 70.50 71%
494 R079.1XY R079 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 -0.069 - 0 sólo flexión 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.70 70.50 71%
495 R079.1Y R079 0 1.03 27.18 1 0.519 0.366 70.5 0 sólo flexión 0.091 - 48.898 83.121 124.02 118.68 70.50 70.63 71%
496 R080.1P R080 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 0 sólo flexión 0.009 - 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.60 80.55 81%
497 R080.1X R080 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 -0.17 - 0 sólo flexión 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 81.12 80.60 81%
498 R080.1XY R080 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 -0.168 - 0 sólo flexión 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 81.11 80.60 81%
499 R080.1Y R080 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 0 sólo flexión 0.011 - 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.60 80.55 81%
500 R081.1P R081 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 0 sólo flexión 0.108 - 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.60 80.67 81%
501 R081.1X R081 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 -0.073 - 0 sólo flexión 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.79 80.60 81%
502 R081.1XY R081 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 -0.072 - 0 sólo flexión 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.78 80.60 81%
503 R081.1Y R081 0 1.17 31.03 1 0.519 0.418 80.6 0 sólo flexión 0.11 - 38.924 83.121 96.12 118.68 80.60 80.67 81%
504 R082.1P R082 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.007 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.42 73.40 73%
505 R082.1X R082 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.198 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 74.02 73.40 74%
506 R082.1XY R082 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.2 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 74.03 73.40 74%
507 R082.1Y R082 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 0 sólo flexión 0.003 - 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.40 73.40 73%
508 R083.1P R083 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 0 sólo flexión 0.143 - 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.40 73.54 74%
509 R083.1X R083 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.077 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.64 73.40 74%
510 R083.1XY R083 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 -0.072 - 0 sólo flexión 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.62 73.40 74%
511 R083.1Y R083 0 1.34 39.66 1 0.654 0.48 73.4 0 sólo flexión 0.139 - 41.137 95.541 101.80 132.48 73.40 73.54 74%
512 R089.1P R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.133 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.92 53.50 54%
513 R089.1X R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.056 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.63 54%
514 R089.1XY R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.05 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.62 54%
515 R089.1Y R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.129 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.91 53.50 54%
516 R089.2P R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.014 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.58 54%
517 R089.2X R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.083 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.79 53.50 54%
518 R089.2XY R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.078 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.77 53.50 54%
519 R089.2Y R089 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.009 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.58 54%
520 R090.1P R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.087 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.67 54%
521 R090.1X R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.018 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.59 54%
522 R090.1XY R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.018 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.59 54%
523 R090.1Y R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.088 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.67 54%
524 R090.2P R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.027 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.64 53.50 54%
525 R090.2X R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.137 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.73 54%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
526 R090.2XY R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 0 sólo flexión 0.137 - 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.50 53.73 54%
527 R090.2Y R090 43.92 0.78 28.63 1 0.519 0.278 53.5 -0.027 - 0 sólo flexión 45.714 83.121 112.80 118.68 53.64 53.50 54%
528 R091.1P R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 -0.144 - 0 sólo flexión 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 61.37 60.90 61%
529 R091.1X R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 0 sólo flexión 0.045 - 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 60.90 60.94 61%
530 R091.1XY R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 0 sólo flexión 0.045 - 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 60.90 60.94 61%
531 R091.1Y R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 -0.143 - 0 sólo flexión 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 61.37 60.90 61%
532 R091.2P R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 0 sólo flexión 0.004 - 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 60.90 60.89 60.9%
533 R091.2X R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 -0.089 - 0 sólo flexión 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 61.19 60.90 61.2%
534 R091.2XY R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 -0.089 - 0 sólo flexión 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 61.19 60.90 61%
535 R091.2Y R091 42.52 0.89 31.84 1 0.519 0.316 60.9 0 sólo flexión 0.002 - 36.98 83.121 91.37 118.68 60.90 60.89 61%
536 R093.1P R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.018 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.05 68.90 69.0%
537 R093.1X R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.085 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.30 68.90 69.3%
538 R093.1XY R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.089 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.31 68.90 69%
539 R093.1Y R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.014 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.03 68.90 69%
540 R093.2P R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.148 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.53 68.90 70%
541 R093.2X R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 0 sólo flexión 0.034 - 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 68.90 69.02 69%
542 R093.2XY R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 0 sólo flexión 0.038 - 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 68.90 69.02 69%
543 R093.2Y R093 36.83 1 33.13 1 0.519 0.358 68.9 -0.15 - 0 sólo flexión 34.147 83.121 84.21 118.68 69.54 68.90 70%
544 TC1.1P TC1 14.12 2.06 102.03 1 1.393 0.752 54 0 sólo flexión 49.415 - 51.852 164.449 112.19 215.63 54.00 84.03 84%
545 TC1.1X TC1 14.12 2.06 102.03 1 1.393 0.752 54 0 sólo flexión 49.629 - 51.852 164.449 112.19 215.63 54.00 84.16 84%
546 TC1.1XY TC1 14.12 2.06 102.03 1 1.393 0.752 54 0 sólo flexión 20.164 - 51.852 164.449 112.19 215.63 54.00 66.25 66%
547 TC1.1Y TC1 14.12 2.06 102.03 1 1.393 0.752 54 0 sólo flexión 20.3 - 51.852 164.449 112.19 215.63 54.00 66.33 66%
548 TC1.2P TC1 14.12 1.95 96.94 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 47.397 - 56.336 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 80.01 80%
549 TC1.2X TC1 14.12 1.95 96.94 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 47.821 - 56.336 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 80.26 80%
550 TC1.2XY TC1 14.12 1.95 96.94 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 18.285 - 56.336 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 62.30 62%
551 TC1.2Y TC1 14.12 1.95 96.94 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 18.298 - 56.336 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 62.31 62%
552 TC1.3P TC1 14.12 1.95 96.89 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 45.561 - 56.383 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 78.89 79%
553 TC1.3X TC1 14.12 1.95 96.89 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 46.23 - 56.383 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 79.30 79%
554 TC1.3XY TC1 14.12 1.95 96.89 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 16.569 - 56.383 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 61.26 61%
555 TC1.3Y TC1 14.12 1.95 96.89 1 1.393 0.713 51.2 0 sólo flexión 16.477 - 56.383 164.449 124.81 215.63 51.20 61.20 61%
556 TC2.1P TC2 15.41 1.88 93.99 1 1.393 0.687 49.3 0 sólo flexión 44.617 - 59.209 164.449 132.61 215.63 49.30 76.45 76%
557 TC2.1X TC2 15.41 1.88 93.99 1 1.393 0.687 49.3 0 sólo flexión 44.793 - 59.209 164.449 132.61 215.63 49.30 76.56 77%
558 TC2.1XY TC2 15.41 1.88 93.99 1 1.393 0.687 49.3 0 sólo flexión 17.659 - 59.209 164.449 132.61 215.63 49.30 60.06 60%
559 TC2.1Y TC2 15.41 1.88 93.99 1 1.393 0.687 49.3 0 sólo flexión 17.886 - 59.209 164.449 132.61 215.63 49.30 60.19 60%
560 TC2.2P TC2 15.41 1.78 88.78 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 42.989 - 64.843 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 72.66 73%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
561 TC2.2X TC2 15.41 1.78 88.78 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 43.375 - 64.843 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 72.89 73%
562 TC2.2XY TC2 15.41 1.78 88.78 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 16.196 - 64.843 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 56.37 56%
563 TC2.2Y TC2 15.41 1.78 88.78 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 16.275 - 64.843 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 56.41 56%
564 TC2.3P TC2 15.41 1.78 88.85 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 41.574 - 64.759 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 71.80 72%
565 TC2.3X TC2 15.41 1.78 88.85 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 42.193 - 64.759 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 72.18 72%
566 TC2.3XY TC2 15.41 1.78 88.85 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 14.921 - 64.759 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 55.59 56%
567 TC2.3Y TC2 15.41 1.78 88.85 1 1.393 0.648 46.5 0 sólo flexión 14.876 - 64.759 164.449 147.33 215.63 46.50 55.56 56%
568 TC3.1P TC3 16.74 1.73 87.1 1 1.393 0.631 45.3 0 sólo flexión 41.101 - 66.837 164.449 153.92 215.63 45.30 70.29 70%
569 TC3.1X TC3 16.74 1.73 87.1 1 1.393 0.631 45.3 0 sólo flexión 41.221 - 66.837 164.449 153.92 215.63 45.30 70.36 70%
570 TC3.1XY TC3 16.74 1.73 87.1 1 1.393 0.631 45.3 0 sólo flexión 16.131 - 66.837 164.449 153.92 215.63 45.30 55.11 55%
571 TC3.1Y TC3 16.74 1.73 87.1 1 1.393 0.631 45.3 0 sólo flexión 16.435 - 66.837 164.449 153.92 215.63 45.30 55.29 55%
572 TC3.2P TC3 16.74 1.63 81.74 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 39.572 - 73.835 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 66.49 66%
573 TC3.2X TC3 16.74 1.63 81.74 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 39.912 - 73.835 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 66.70 67%
574 TC3.2XY TC3 16.74 1.63 81.74 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 14.787 - 73.835 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 51.42 51%
575 TC3.2Y TC3 16.74 1.63 81.74 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 14.919 - 73.835 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 51.50 51%
576 TC3.3P TC3 16.74 1.63 81.79 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 38.293 - 73.766 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 65.71 66%
577 TC3.3X TC3 16.74 1.63 81.79 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 38.858 - 73.766 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 66.06 66%
578 TC3.3XY TC3 16.74 1.63 81.79 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 13.66 - 73.766 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 50.73 51%
579 TC3.3Y TC3 16.74 1.63 81.79 1 1.393 0.591 42.4 0 sólo flexión 13.652 - 73.766 164.449 174.48 215.63 42.40 50.73 51%
580 R101.1P R101 40.56 1.17 88.08 1 1.611 0.425 26.4 -6.466 - 0 sólo flexión 101.783 195.475 249.58 256.68 33.44 26.40 33%
581 R101.1X R101 40.56 1.17 88.08 1 1.611 0.425 26.4 0 sólo flexión 3.319 - 101.783 195.475 249.58 256.68 26.40 28.08 28%
582 R101.1XY R101 40.56 1.17 88.08 1 1.611 0.425 26.4 0 sólo flexión 3.333 - 101.783 195.475 249.58 256.68 26.40 28.09 28%
583 R101.1Y R101 40.56 1.17 88.08 1 1.611 0.425 26.4 -6.362 - 0 sólo flexión 101.783 195.475 249.58 256.68 33.32 26.40 33%
584 R100.1P R100 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 0 sólo flexión 8.539 - 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 33.70 39.44 39%
585 R100.1X R100 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 -4.918 - 0 sólo flexión 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 39.12 33.70 39%
586 R100.1XY R100 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 -4.936 - 0 sólo flexión 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 39.14 33.70 39%
587 R100.1Y R100 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 0 sólo flexión 8.396 - 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 33.70 39.34 39%
588 R099.1P R099 40.56 1.17 74 1 1.393 0.423 30.4 -4.55 - 0 sólo flexión 85.966 164.449 212.62 215.63 36.32 30.40 36%
589 R099.1X R099 40.56 1.17 74 1 1.393 0.423 30.4 0 sólo flexión 1.55 - 85.966 164.449 212.62 215.63 30.40 31.31 31%
590 R099.1XY R099 40.56 1.17 74 1 1.393 0.423 30.4 0 sólo flexión 1.62 - 85.966 164.449 212.62 215.63 30.40 31.35 31%
591 R099.1Y R099 40.56 1.17 74 1 1.393 0.423 30.4 -4.454 - 0 sólo flexión 85.966 164.449 212.62 215.63 36.20 30.40 36%
592 R098.1P R098 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 0 sólo flexión 5.87 - 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 33.70 37.65 38%
593 R098.1X R098 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 -2.431 - 0 sólo flexión 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 36.38 33.70 36%
594 R098.1XY R098 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 -2.527 - 0 sólo flexión 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 36.49 33.70 36%
595 R098.1Y R098 0 1.1 48.59 1 1.169 0.394 33.7 0 sólo flexión 5.738 - 100.375 148.924 324.77 198.38 33.70 37.56 38%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
596 R096.2P R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 -0.038 - 0 sólo flexión 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.69 62.50 63%
597 R096.2X R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.267 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.82 63%
598 R096.2XY R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.267 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.82 63%
599 R096.2Y R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 -0.038 - 0 sólo flexión 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.69 62.50 63%
600 R096.1P R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.171 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.72 63%
601 R096.1X R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.066 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.61 63%
602 R096.1XY R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.066 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.61 63%
603 R096.1Y R096 42.98 1.14 46.05 1 0.654 0.409 62.5 0 sólo flexión 0.171 - 30.512 95.541 75.12 132.48 62.50 62.72 63%
604 R094.2P R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 -0.025 - 0 sólo flexión 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.08 69.00 69%
605 R094.2X R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.184 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.20 69%
606 R094.2XY R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.186 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.20 69%
607 R094.2Y R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 -0.026 - 0 sólo flexión 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.08 69.00 69%
608 R094.1P R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.12 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.12 69%
609 R094.1X R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.057 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.05 69%
610 R094.1XY R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.054 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.04 69%
611 R094.1Y R094 39.82 1 34.53 1 0.519 0.358 69 0 sólo flexión 0.121 - 31.429 83.121 77.85 118.68 69.00 69.12 69%
612 R087.1P R087 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 0 sólo flexión 0.389 - 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.10 53.30 53%
613 R087.1X R087 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.218 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.52 53.10 54%
614 R087.1XY R087 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.224 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.54 53.10 54%
615 R087.1Y R087 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 0 sólo flexión 0.385 - 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.10 53.30 53%
616 R086.1P R086 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.007 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.05 53.10 53%
617 R086.1X R086 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.342 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.80 53.10 54%
618 R086.1XY R086 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.34 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.80 53.10 54%
619 R086.1Y R086 0 1.71 75.75 1 1.169 0.62 53.1 -0.004 - 0 sólo flexión 54.41 148.924 134.39 198.38 53.05 53.10 53%
620 R085.1P R085 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 0 sólo flexión 0.158 - 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 81.90 82.12 82%
621 R085.1X R085 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.105 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 82.38 81.90 82%
622 R085.1XY R085 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.103 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 82.37 81.90 82%
623 R085.1Y R085 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 0 sólo flexión 0.162 - 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 81.90 82.13 82%
624 R084.1P R084 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.006 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 81.98 81.90 82%
625 R084.1X R084 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.255 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 82.99 81.90 83%
626 R084.1XY R084 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.251 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 82.97 81.90 83%
627 R084.1Y R084 0 1.5 44.2 1 0.654 0.536 81.9 -0.005 - 0 sólo flexión 33.114 95.541 81.24 132.48 81.98 81.90 82%
628 R076.1P R076 31.75 1.55 87.65 1 1.393 0.564 40.5 -2.537 - 0 sólo flexión 61.481 164.449 152.23 215.63 45.30 40.50 45%
629 R076.1X R076 31.75 1.55 87.65 1 1.393 0.564 40.5 0 sólo flexión 2.324 - 61.481 164.449 152.23 215.63 40.50 41.90 42%
630 R076.1XY R076 31.75 1.55 87.65 1 1.393 0.564 40.5 0 sólo flexión 2.014 - 61.481 164.449 152.23 215.63 40.50 41.71 42%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
631 R076.1Y R076 31.75 1.55 87.65 1 1.393 0.564 40.5 -2.125 - 0 sólo flexión 61.481 164.449 152.23 215.63 44.52 40.50 45%
632 R075.1P R075 0 0.81 29.5 1 0.781 0.288 36.9 0 sólo flexión 8.59 - 90.783 117.874 676.95 327.75 36.90 44.16 44%
633 R075.1X R075 0 0.81 29.5 1 0.781 0.288 36.9 -5.494 - 0 sólo flexión 90.783 117.874 676.95 327.75 43.23 36.90 43%
634 R075.1XY R075 0 0.81 29.5 1 0.781 0.288 36.9 -4.869 - 0 sólo flexión 90.783 117.874 676.95 327.75 42.51 36.90 43%
635 R075.1Y R075 0 0.81 29.5 1 0.781 0.288 36.9 0 sólo flexión 7.691 - 90.783 117.874 676.95 327.75 36.90 43.40 43%
636 R074.1P R074 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 3.718 - 61.211 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 52.45 52%
637 R074.1X R074 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 -2.582 - 0 sólo flexión 61.211 148.924 151.60 198.38 55.04 50.00 55%
638 R074.1XY R074 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 -2.164 - 0 sólo flexión 61.211 148.924 151.60 198.38 54.22 50.00 54%
639 R074.1Y R074 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 3.17 - 61.211 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 52.09 52%
640 R073.1P R073 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 -4.102 - 0 sólo flexión 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 39.82 33.50 40%
641 R073.1X R073 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.403 - 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 33.50 34.91 35%
642 R073.1XY R073 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.735 - 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 33.50 35.12 35%
643 R073.1Y R073 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 -4.396 - 0 sólo flexión 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 40.27 33.50 40%
644 R072.1P R072 0 1.21 58.22 1 1.393 0.436 31.3 0 sólo flexión 5.373 - 107.664 164.449 344.40 215.63 31.30 34.57 35%
645 R072.1X R072 0 1.21 58.22 1 1.393 0.436 31.3 -3.752 - 0 sólo flexión 107.664 164.449 344.40 215.63 35.13 31.30 35%
646 R072.1XY R072 0 1.21 58.22 1 1.393 0.436 31.3 -4.235 - 0 sólo flexión 107.664 164.449 344.40 215.63 35.62 31.30 36%
647 R072.1Y R072 0 1.21 58.22 1 1.393 0.436 31.3 0 sólo flexión 5.798 - 107.664 164.449 344.40 215.63 31.30 34.83 35%
648 R070.1P R070 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 6.164 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 31.73 32%
649 R070.1X R070 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 -4.383 - 0 sólo flexión 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 32.12 28.20 32%
650 R070.1XY R070 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 -3.592 - 0 sólo flexión 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 31.42 28.20 31%
651 R070.1Y R070 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 5.232 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 31.20 31%
652 R069.1P R069 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -2.19 - 0 sólo flexión 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 68.36 61.10 68%
653 R069.1X R069 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -0.1 - 0.068 - 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 61.49 61.23 61%
654 R069.1XY R069 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 0 sólo flexión 0.771 - 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 61.10 61.97 62%
655 R069.1Y R069 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -2.241 - 0 sólo flexión 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 68.53 61.10 69%
656 R054.1P R054 31.75 1.55 80.64 1 1.169 0.562 48.1 0 sólo flexión 0.275 - 48.011 148.924 118.63 198.38 48.10 48.26 48%
657 R054.1X R054 31.75 1.55 80.64 1 1.169 0.562 48.1 -0.472 - 0 sólo flexión 48.011 148.924 118.63 198.38 49.25 48.10 49%
658 R054.1XY R054 31.75 1.55 80.64 1 1.169 0.562 48.1 -0.102 - 0 sólo flexión 48.011 148.924 118.63 198.38 48.33 48.10 48%
659 R054.1Y R054 31.75 1.55 80.64 1 1.169 0.562 48.1 -0.042 - 0 sólo flexión 48.011 148.924 118.63 198.38 48.18 48.10 48%
660 R053.1P R053 0 0.81 23.85 1 0.654 0.287 43.9 0 sólo flexión 2.065 - 73.65 95.541 278.62 132.48 43.90 46.05 46%
661 R053.1X R053 0 0.81 23.85 1 0.654 0.287 43.9 0 sólo flexión 1.317 - 73.65 95.541 278.62 132.48 43.90 45.26 45%
662 R053.1XY R053 0 0.81 23.85 1 0.654 0.287 43.9 0 sólo flexión 0.435 - 73.65 95.541 278.62 132.48 43.90 44.34 44%
663 R053.1Y R053 0 0.81 23.85 1 0.654 0.287 43.9 0 sólo flexión 2.469 - 73.65 95.541 278.62 132.48 43.90 46.47 46%
664 R052.1P R052 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 -0.028 - 0.028 - 61.211 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.01 49.98 50%
665 R052.1X R052 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 1.097 - 61.211 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 50.69 51%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
666 R052.1XY R052 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 0.622 - 61.211 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 50.37 50%
667 R052.1Y R052 0 1.61 71.41 1 1.169 0.584 50 0 sólo flexión 0.413 - 61.211 148.924 151.60 198.38 50.00 50.23 50%
668 R051.1P R051 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 -5.208 - 0 sólo flexión 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 41.54 33.50 42%
669 R051.1X R051 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.393 - 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 33.50 34.91 35%
670 R051.1XY R051 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 0 sólo flexión 2.372 - 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 33.50 34.90 35%
671 R051.1Y R051 39.58 1.28 80.21 1 1.393 0.466 33.5 -4.594 - 0 sólo flexión 73.419 164.449 180.80 215.63 40.58 33.50 41%
672 R050.1P R050 0 1.21 53.56 1 1.169 0.435 37.2 0 sólo flexión 6.907 - 92.013 148.924 268.40 198.38 37.20 41.85 42%
673 R050.1X R050 0 1.21 53.56 1 1.169 0.435 37.2 -3.889 - 0 sólo flexión 92.013 148.924 268.40 198.38 41.98 37.20 42%
674 R050.1XY R050 0 1.21 53.56 1 1.169 0.435 37.2 -3.854 - 0 sólo flexión 92.013 148.924 268.40 198.38 41.94 37.20 42%
675 R050.1Y R050 0 1.21 53.56 1 1.169 0.435 37.2 0 sólo flexión 6.022 - 92.013 148.924 268.40 198.38 37.20 41.25 41%
676 R048.1P R048 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 1.498 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 29.09 29%
677 R048.1X R048 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 2.097 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 29.43 29%
678 R048.1XY R048 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 0.897 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 28.75 29%
679 R048.1Y R048 0 1.06 55.67 1 1.349 0.381 28.2 0 sólo flexión 1.7 - 122.694 176.845 409.83 235.98 28.20 29.20 29%
680 R047.1P R047 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -2.096 - 0 sólo flexión 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 68.05 61.10 68.0%
681 R047.1X R047 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 0 sólo flexión 4.98 - 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 61.10 66.37 66%
682 R047.1XY R047 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 0 sólo flexión 3.198 - 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 61.10 64.51 65%
683 R047.1Y R047 36.8 1.12 41.2 1 0.654 0.4 61.1 -2.628 - 0 sólo flexión 38.107 95.541 94.61 132.48 69.81 61.10 70%
684 R046.1P R046 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 0 sólo flexión 2.632 - 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.50 50.63 51%
685 R046.1X R046 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 -7.911 - 0 sólo flexión 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 60.31 48.50 60%
686 R046.1XY R046 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 -5.211 - 0 sólo flexión 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 56.24 48.50 56%
687 R046.1Y R046 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 0 sólo flexión 3.447 - 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.50 51.32 51%
688 DH01.1P DH01 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 0 sólo flexión 0.267 - 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.20 53.35 53%
689 DH01.1X DH01 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 -0.351 - 0 sólo flexión 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.65 53.20 54%
690 DH01.1XY DH01 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 -0.347 - 0 sólo flexión 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.65 53.20 54%
691 DH01.1Y DH01 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 0 sólo flexión 0.281 - 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.20 53.36 53%
692 DH01.2P DH01 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 0 sólo flexión 0.933 - 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.20 53.64 54%
693 DH01.2X DH01 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 -0.989 - 0 sólo flexión 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 54.40 53.20 54%
694 DH01.2XY DH01 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 -0.977 - 0 sólo flexión 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 54.39 53.20 54%
695 DH01.2Y DH01 0 1.55 206.53 2 2.209 1.176 53.2 0 sólo flexión 0.932 - 95.99 232.735 385.19 298.08 53.20 53.64 54%
696 DH02.1P DH02 0 1.85 331.67 2 4.128 1.46 35.4 0 sólo flexión 0.372 - 162.143 325.885 659.74 401.58 35.40 35.48 35%
697 DH02.1X DH02 0 1.85 331.67 2 4.128 1.46 35.4 -0.654 - 0 sólo flexión 162.143 325.885 659.74 401.58 35.81 35.40 36%
698 DH02.1XY DH02 0 1.85 331.67 2 4.128 1.46 35.4 -0.401 - 0 sólo flexión 162.143 325.885 659.74 401.58 35.64 35.40 36%
699 DH02.1Y DH02 0 1.85 331.67 2 4.128 1.46 35.4 0 sólo flexión 0.141 - 162.143 325.885 659.74 401.58 35.40 35.41 35%
700 DH02.2P DH02 0 1.85 331.67 2 4.128 1.46 35.4 0 sólo flexión 1.438 - 162.143 325.885 659.74 401.58 35.40 35.81 36%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
701 DH02.2X DH02 0 1.85 331.67 2 4.128 1.46 35.4 -1.592 - 0 sólo flexión 162.143 325.885 659.74 401.58 36.44 35.40 36%
702 DH02.2XY DH02 0 1.85 331.67 2 4.128 1.46 35.4 -1.388 - 0 sólo flexión 162.143 325.885 659.74 401.58 36.30 35.40 36%
703 DH02.2Y DH02 0 1.85 331.67 2 4.128 1.46 35.4 0 sólo flexión 1.226 - 162.143 325.885 659.74 401.58 35.40 35.74 36%
704 DH05.1P DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -0.108 - 0 sólo flexión 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.53 28.40 29%
705 DH05.1X DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -0.116 - 0 sólo flexión 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.53 28.40 29%
706 DH05.1XY DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -0.667 - 0 sólo flexión 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 29.03 28.40 29%
707 DH05.1Y DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 0 sólo flexión 0.529 - 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.40 28.66 29%
708 DH05.2P DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 0 sólo flexión 0.232 - 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.40 28.53 29%
709 DH05.2X DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -0.346 - 0 sólo flexión 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.74 28.40 29%
710 DH05.2XY DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 -0.916 - 0 sólo flexión 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 29.26 28.40 29%
711 DH05.2Y DH05 0 1.71 113.82 1 2.209 0.628 28.4 0 sólo flexión 0.803 - 123.076 232.735 316.48 298.08 28.40 28.77 29%
712 HT06.2P HT06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 -1.405 - 0 sólo flexión 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 70.96 66.00 71%
713 HT06.2Y HT06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 0 sólo flexión 0.684 - 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 66.00 66.41 66%
714 HT06.1P HT06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 -4.315 - 0 sólo flexión 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 81.45 66.00 81%
715 HT06.1Y HT06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 -2.386 - 0 sólo flexión 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 74.48 66.00 74%
716 HT05.2P HT05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 0 sólo flexión 2.353 - 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 27.80 28.59 29%
717 HT05.2Y HT05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 0 sólo flexión 2.148 - 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 27.80 28.52 29%
718 HT05.1P HT05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 -0.471 - 0 sólo flexión 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 28.24 27.80 28%
719 HT05.1Y HT05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 -0.948 - 0 sólo flexión 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 28.72 27.80 29%
720 HT02.2P HT02 0 2.62 382.81 1 6.245 1.049 16.8 0 sólo flexión 22.197 - 221.762 530.722 517.62 655.50 16.80 20.98 21%
721 HT02.2Y HT02 0 2.62 382.81 1 6.245 1.049 16.8 0 sólo flexión 18.928 - 221.762 530.722 517.62 655.50 16.80 20.36 20%
722 HT02.1P HT02 0 2.62 382.81 1 6.245 1.049 16.8 -28.394 - 0 sólo flexión 221.762 530.722 517.62 655.50 30.58 16.80 31%
723 HT02.1Y HT02 0 2.62 382.81 1 6.245 1.049 16.8 -22.928 - 0 sólo flexión 221.762 530.722 517.62 655.50 27.91 16.80 28%
724 HT01.1P HT01 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 0 sólo flexión 1.018 - 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 32.10 32.56 33%
725 HT01.1X HT01 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -1.607 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 33.96 32.10 34%
726 HT01.1XY HT01 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -1.872 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 34.26 32.10 34%
727 HT01.1Y HT01 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 0 sólo flexión 1.119 - 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 32.10 32.60 33%
728 HL06.2P HL06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 0 sólo flexión 2.762 - 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 66.00 67.81 68%
729 HL06.2X HL06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 -1.612 - 0 sólo flexión 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 71.70 66.00 72%
730 HL06.1P HL06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 0 sólo flexión 3.469 - 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 66.00 68.28 68%
731 HL06.1X HL06 0 2.11 93.6 1 1.169 0.771 66 -1.229 - 0 sólo flexión 35.631 148.924 88.27 198.38 70.33 66.00 70%
732 HL05.2P HL05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 0 sólo flexión 4.57 - 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 27.80 29.36 29%
733 HL05.2X HL05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 -3.915 - 0 sólo flexión 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 31.66 27.80 32%
734 HL05.1P HL05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 0 sólo flexión 4.393 - 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 27.80 29.30 29%
735 HL05.1X HL05 0 2.42 194.5 1 3.287 0.913 27.8 -3.803 - 0 sólo flexión 112.3 288.625 278.36 360.18 31.55 27.80 32%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
736 HL02.2P HL02 0 2.62 382.81 1 6.245 1.049 16.8 -2.537 - 0 sólo flexión 221.762 530.722 517.62 655.50 18.02 16.80 18%
737 HL02.2X HL02 0 2.62 382.81 1 6.245 1.049 16.8 0 sólo flexión 0.765 - 221.762 530.722 517.62 655.50 16.80 16.94 17%
738 HL02.1P HL02 0 2.62 382.81 1 6.245 1.049 16.8 0 sólo flexión 2.266 - 221.762 530.722 517.62 655.50 16.80 17.22 17%
739 HL02.1X HL02 0 2.62 382.81 1 6.245 1.049 16.8 -3.416 - 0 sólo flexión 221.762 530.722 517.62 655.50 18.45 16.80 18%
740 HL01.1P HL01 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 0 sólo flexión 2.527 - 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 32.10 33.16 33%
741 HL01.1X HL01 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -3.406 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 35.98 32.10 36%
742 HL01.1XY HL01 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 -3.238 - 0 sólo flexión 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 35.79 32.10 36%
743 HL01.1Y HL01 0 2.2 156.18 1 2.544 0.818 32.1 0 sólo flexión 2.327 - 94.89 251.365 467.45 637.56 32.10 33.08 33%
744 DT27.2P DT27 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 0 sólo flexión 5.655 - 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 21.50 22.90 23%
745 DT27.2X DT27 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 -5.201 - 0 sólo flexión 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 24.13 21.50 24%
746 DT27.2XY DT27 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 -3.242 - 0 sólo flexión 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 23.14 21.50 23%
747 DT27.2Y DT27 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 0 sólo flexión 3.989 - 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 21.50 22.49 22%
748 DT27.1P DT27 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 0 sólo flexión 9.227 - 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 21.50 23.78 24%
749 DT27.1X DT27 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 -7.033 - 0 sólo flexión 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 25.05 21.50 25%
750 DT27.1XY DT27 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 -5.141 - 0 sólo flexión 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 24.10 21.50 24%
751 DT27.1Y DT27 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 0 sólo flexión 7.48 - 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 21.50 23.35 23%
752 DT011.2P DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 0 sólo flexión 38.162 - 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 6.00 13.23 13%
753 DT011.2X DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 -44.867 - 0 sólo flexión 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 17.20 6.00 17%
754 DT011.2XY DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 -32.969 - 0 sólo flexión 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 14.24 6.00 14%
755 DT011.2Y DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 0 sólo flexión 30.311 - 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 6.00 11.75 12%
756 DT011.1P DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 0 sólo flexión 39.5 - 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 6.00 13.48 13%
757 DT011.1X DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 -49.823 - 0 sólo flexión 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 18.43 6.00 18%
758 DT011.1XY DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 -36.594 - 0 sólo flexión 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 15.14 6.00 15%
759 DT011.1Y DT11 39.82 1 190.74 1 6.245 0.377 6 0 sólo flexión 32.164 - 406.883 530.722 2102.45 655.50 6.00 12.10 12%
760 DT09.2P DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 0 sólo flexión 41.145 - 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 7.00 14.72 15%
761 DT09.2X DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 -37.538 - 0 sólo flexión 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 17.26 7.00 17%
762 DT09.2XY DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 -30.479 - 0 sólo flexión 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 15.32 7.00 15%
763 DT09.2Y DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 0 sólo flexión 30.95 - 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 7.00 12.80 13%
764 DT09.1P DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 0 sólo flexión 45.242 - 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 7.00 15.49 15%
765 DT09.1X DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 -40.784 - 0 sólo flexión 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 18.15 7.00 18%
766 DT09.1XY DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 -33.701 - 0 sólo flexión 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 16.21 7.00 16%
767 DT09.1Y DT09 42.98 1.14 227.84 1 6.245 0.435 7 0 sólo flexión 34.49 - 371.266 530.722 1460.03 655.50 7.00 13.46 13%
768 DL30.2P DL30 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 -8.569 - 0 sólo flexión 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 25.82 21.50 26%
769 DL30.2X DL30 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 0 sólo flexión 8.927 - 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 21.50 23.70 24%
770 DL30.2XY DL30 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 0 sólo flexión 7.327 - 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 21.50 23.31 23%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
771 DL30.2Y DL30 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 -6.6 - 0 sólo flexión 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 24.83 21.50 25%
772 DL30.1P DL30 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 -3.265 - 0 sólo flexión 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 23.15 21.50 23%
773 DL30.1X DL30 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 0 sólo flexión 5.468 - 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 21.50 22.85 23%
774 DL30.1XY DL30 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 0 sólo flexión 3.856 - 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 21.50 22.45 22%
775 DL30.1Y DL30 44.11 1.03 331.8 2 3.785 0.814 21.5 -1.389 - 0 sólo flexión 209.14 406.522 847.06 517.50 22.21 21.50 22%
776 DL011.2P DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 -5.747 - 0 sólo flexión 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 14.11 11.50 14%
777 DL011.2X DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 0 sólo flexión 5.52 - 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 11.50 13.21 13%
778 DL011.2XY DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 -0.562 - 0 sólo flexión 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 11.79 11.50 12%
779 DL011.2Y DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 0 sólo flexión 3.491 - 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 11.50 12.60 13%
780 DL011.1P DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 -4.271 - 0 sólo flexión 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 13.45 11.50 13%
781 DL011.1X DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 0 sólo flexión 4.95 - 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 11.50 13.04 13%
782 DL011.1XY DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 -1.791 - 0 sólo flexión 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 12.34 11.50 12%
783 DL011.1Y DL11 39.82 1 122.08 1 3.197 0.369 11.5 0 sólo flexión 5.014 - 230.823 330.186 861.17 419.52 11.50 13.06 13%
784 DL09.2P DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 -13.074 - 0 sólo flexión 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 15.63 10.30 16%
785 DL09.2X DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 0 sólo flexión 9.133 - 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 10.30 12.66 13%
786 DL09.2XY DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 0 sólo flexión 2.23 - 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 10.30 10.85 11%
787 DL09.2Y DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 -4.966 - 0 sólo flexión 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 12.30 10.30 12%
788 DL09.1P DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 -10.055 - 0 sólo flexión 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 14.39 10.30 14%
789 DL09.1X DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 0 sólo flexión 6.201 - 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 10.30 11.89 12%
790 DL09.1XY DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 -1.15 - 0 sólo flexión 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 10.73 10.30 11%
791 DL09.1Y DL09 42.98 1.14 165 1 4.152 0.426 10.3 -1.668 - 0 sólo flexión 250.825 379.866 865.06 474.72 10.94 10.30 11%
792 DH06.2P DH06 0 1.5 143.88 2 1.393 1.109 79.6 -0.358 - 0 sólo flexión 56.388 164.449 224.11 215.63 80.37 79.60 80%
793 DH06.2X DH06 0 1.5 143.88 2 1.393 1.109 79.6 0 sólo flexión 0.26 - 56.388 164.449 224.11 215.63 79.60 79.77 80%
794 DH06.2XY DH06 0 1.5 143.88 2 1.393 1.109 79.6 -0.708 - 0 sólo flexión 56.388 164.449 224.11 215.63 81.12 79.60 81%
795 DH06.2Y DH06 0 1.5 143.88 2 1.393 1.109 79.6 0 sólo flexión 0.618 - 56.388 164.449 224.11 215.63 79.60 79.99 80%
796 DH06.1P DH06 0 1.5 143.88 2 1.393 1.109 79.6 -0.088 - 0.057 - 56.388 164.449 224.11 215.63 79.80 79.65 80%
797 DH06.1X DH06 0 1.5 143.88 2 1.393 1.109 79.6 -0.126 - 0.02 - 56.388 164.449 224.11 215.63 79.88 79.62 80%
798 DH06.1XY DH06 0 1.5 143.88 2 1.393 1.109 79.6 -0.951 - 0 sólo flexión 56.388 164.449 224.11 215.63 81.64 79.60 82%
799 DH06.1Y DH06 0 1.5 143.88 2 1.393 1.109 79.6 0 sólo flexión 0.886 - 56.388 164.449 224.11 215.63 79.60 80.15 80%
800 R068.1P R068 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 0 sólo flexión 2.882 - 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.50 50.84 51%
801 R068.1X R068 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 -0.315 - 0 sólo flexión 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.87 48.50 49%
802 R068.1XY R068 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 -1.384 - 0 sólo flexión 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 50.48 48.50 50%
803 R068.1Y R068 0 1.06 38.66 1 0.781 0.378 48.5 0 sólo flexión 2.958 - 72.423 117.874 395.29 327.75 48.50 50.91 51%
804 L_R122.1P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -0.432 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 46.61 45.80 47%
805 L_R122.2P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 0 sólo flexión 0.285 - 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 45.80 46.05 46%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
806 L_R123.1P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 0 sólo flexión 1.023 - 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 40.60 41.32 41%
807 L_R123.2P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -0.195 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 40.90 40.60 41%
808 L_R124.1P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 0 sólo flexión 1.157 - 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 40.20 41.19 41%
809 L_R125.1P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 0 sólo flexión 5.248 - 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.00 24.43 24%
810 L_R126.1P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 -0.16 - 0 sólo flexión 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 44.15 43.70 44%
811 R124.2P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 0 sólo flexión 1.519 - 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 40.20 41.49 41%
812 R125.2P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 0 sólo flexión 2.856 - 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.00 22.40 22%
813 R126.2P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 0.627 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 44.10 44%
814 R132P R132 0 0.62 16.45 1 0.519 0.22 42.5 0 sólo flexión 3.326 - 71.88 83.121 342.29 118.68 42.50 46.39 46%
815 LX_L_R122.1P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -1.326 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 48.14 45.80 48%
816 LX_L_R122.2P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -1.767 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 48.90 45.80 49%
817 LX_L_R123.1P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -1.97 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 43.31 40.60 43%
818 LX_L_R123.2P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -1.043 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 42.05 40.60 42%
819 LX_L_R124.1P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 -1.417 - 0 sólo flexión 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 41.96 40.20 42%
820 LX_L_R125.1P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 -3.145 - 0 sólo flexión 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 22.73 20.00 23%
821 LX_L_R126.1P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 2.146 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 45.02 45%
822 LX_R124.2P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 -1.573 - 0 sólo flexión 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 42.16 40.20 42%
823 LX_R125.2P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 -0.57 - 0 sólo flexión 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.47 20.00 20%
824 LX_R126.2P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 1.633 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 44.71 45%
825 LX_R132P R132 0 0.62 16.45 1 0.519 0.22 42.5 -2.92 - 0 sólo flexión 71.88 83.121 342.29 118.68 46.82 42.50 47%
826 LXY__R122.1P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -1.298 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 48.09 45.80 48%
827 LXY__R122.2P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -1.818 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 48.98 45.80 49%
828 LXY__R123.1P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -1.944 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 43.27 40.60 43%
829 LXY__R123.2P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -1.085 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 42.11 40.60 42%
830 LXY__R124.1P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 -1.411 - 0 sólo flexión 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 41.96 40.20 42%
831 LXY__R125.1P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 -2.809 - 0 sólo flexión 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 22.43 20.00 22%
832 LXY__R126.1P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 2.208 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 45.06 45%
833 LXY_R124.2P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 -1.608 - 0 sólo flexión 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 42.20 40.20 42%
834 LXY_R125.2P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 -1.026 - 0 sólo flexión 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.87 20.00 21%
835 LXY_R126.2P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 1.598 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 44.69 45%
836 LXY_R132P R132 0 0.62 16.45 1 0.519 0.22 42.5 -2.867 - 0 sólo flexión 71.88 83.121 342.29 118.68 46.74 42.50 47%
837 LY_L_R122.1P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 -0.437 - 0 sólo flexión 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 46.62 45.80 47%
838 LY_L_R122.2P R122 0 1.76 84.51 1 1.393 0.639 45.8 0 sólo flexión 0.282 - 70.08 164.449 162.78 215.63 45.80 46.04 46%
839 LY_L_R123.1P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 0 sólo flexión 0.939 - 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 40.60 41.26 41%
840 LY_L_R123.2P R123 0 1.32 58.31 1 1.169 0.475 40.6 -0.121 - 0 sólo flexión 84.941 148.924 225.53 198.38 40.80 40.60 41%
BASE H=16m
Row Climbing Member Angle Member Member RL Climbing Climbing Usage Comp. Comp. Tens. Tens. Control L/r Comp. Net Section Pe (kN) Py Usage Usage %
# Member Group From Horz. Proj. Weight Climb Capacity Load (kN- % Force Control Load Force Load Case Capacity Tension (kN) Comp. + Tens. + Mantenimient.
Horz. (m) (N) (kN-m) m) (kN) Case (kN) (kN) Capacity Bend. (%) Bend. Max
(deg) (kN) (%)
841 LY_L_R124.1P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 0 sólo flexión 1.144 - 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 40.20 41.18 41%
842 LY_L_R125.1P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 0 sólo flexión 4.745 - 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.00 24.00 24%
843 LY_L_R126.1P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 -0.164 - 0 sólo flexión 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 44.17 43.70 44%
844 LY_R124.2P R124 0 0.88 32.11 1 0.781 0.314 40.2 0 sólo flexión 1.487 - 85.42 117.874 573.53 327.75 40.20 41.47 41%
845 LY_R125.2P R125 0 0.44 16.06 1 0.781 0.156 20 0 sólo flexión 3.139 - 115.331 117.874 2294.14 327.75 20.00 22.64 23%
846 LY_R126.2P R126 40.09 1.66 104.6 1 1.393 0.609 43.7 0 sólo flexión 0.644 - 43.165 164.449 107.08 215.63 43.70 44.11 44%
847 LY_R132P R132 0 0.62 16.45 1 0.519 0.22 42.5 0 sólo flexión 3.333 - 71.88 83.121 342.29 118.68 42.50 46.40 46%
Base H=19 m
Joints Geometry:

Joint Symmetry X Coord. Y Coord. Z Coord. X Disp. Y Disp. Z Disp. X Rot. Y Rot. Z Rot.
Label Code (m) (m) (m) Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest.
1P XY-Symmetry 0.8 0.8 41 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2P XY-Symmetry 0.8 0.8 36.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3P XY-Symmetry 2 2 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
5P X-Symmetry 0 2.8 44 Free Free Free Free Free Free
6P Y-Symmetry 0.8 0 42.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7P XY-Symmetry 0.8 6.763 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
8P XY-Symmetry 0.8 6.763 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9P XY-Symmetry 0.8 6.763 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1X X-GenXY 0.8 -0.8 41 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -0.8 41 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1Y Y-GenXY -0.8 0.8 41 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2X X-GenXY 0.8 -0.8 36.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -0.8 36.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2Y Y-GenXY -0.8 0.8 36.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3X X-GenXY 2 -2 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3XY XY-GenXY -2 -2 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3Y Y-GenXY -2 2 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
5X X-Gen 0 -2.8 44 Free Free Free Free Free Free
6Y Y-Gen -0.8 0 42.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7X X-GenXY 0.8 -6.763 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -6.763 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7Y Y-GenXY -0.8 6.763 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
8X X-GenXY 0.8 -6.763 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
8XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -6.763 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
8Y Y-GenXY -0.8 6.763 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9X X-GenXY 0.8 -6.763 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -6.763 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9Y Y-GenXY -0.8 6.763 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
10P XY-Symmetry 2.96 0.7644 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11P XY-Symmetry 0.7644 2.96 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF17P XY-Symmetry 2.115 2.115 17.33 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF15P XY-Symmetry 2.274 2.274 15 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF13P XY-Symmetry 2.42 2.42 12.88 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF10P XY-Symmetry 2.617 2.617 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF7P XY-Symmetry 2.823 2.823 7 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF5P XY-Symmetry 2.96 2.96 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.50P XY-Symmetry 2.057 2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
143PF0.50P XY-Symmetry 2.057 1 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
153PF0.50P XY-Symmetry 1 2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
10X X-GenXY 2.96 -0.7644 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
10XY XY-GenXY -2.96 -0.7644 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
10Y Y-GenXY -2.96 0.7644 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11X X-GenXY 0.7644 -2.96 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11XY XY-GenXY -0.7644 -2.96 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11Y Y-GenXY -0.7644 2.96 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF17X X-GenXY 2.115 -2.115 17.33 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF17XY XY-GenXY -2.115 -2.115 17.33 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF17Y Y-GenXY -2.115 2.115 17.33 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF15X X-GenXY 2.274 -2.274 15 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF15XY XY-GenXY -2.274 -2.274 15 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF15Y Y-GenXY -2.274 2.274 15 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF13X X-GenXY 2.42 -2.42 12.88 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF13XY XY-GenXY -2.42 -2.42 12.88 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF13Y Y-GenXY -2.42 2.42 12.88 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF10X X-GenXY 2.617 -2.617 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF10XY XY-GenXY -2.617 -2.617 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF10Y Y-GenXY -2.617 2.617 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF7X X-GenXY 2.823 -2.823 7 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF7XY XY-GenXY -2.823 -2.823 7 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF7Y Y-GenXY -2.823 2.823 7 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF5X X-GenXY 2.96 -2.96 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF5XY XY-GenXY -2.96 -2.96 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF5Y Y-GenXY -2.96 2.96 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.50X X-GenXY 2.057 -2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.50XY XY-GenXY -2.057 -2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.50Y Y-GenXY -2.057 2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
143PF0.50X X-GenXY 2.057 -1 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
143PF0.50XY XY-GenXY -2.057 -1 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
143PF0.50Y Y-GenXY -2.057 1 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
153PF0.50X X-GenXY 1 -2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
153PF0.50XY XY-GenXY -1 -2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
153PF0.50Y Y-GenXY -1 2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
P+2P None 3.44 3.44 -2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Free Free Free
P+2PF0.20SP None 2.905 3.344 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
P+2PF0.40SP None 2.37 3.248 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
P+2PF0.60SP None 1.835 3.152 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
P+2PF0.80SP None 1.3 3.056 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0P+2PF0.20SP None 3.344 3.344 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0P+2PF0.40SP None 3.248 3.248 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0P+2PF0.60SP None 3.152 3.152 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0P+2PF0.80SP None 3.056 3.056 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1P+2PF0.20SP None 3.344 2.905 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1P+2PF0.40SP None 3.248 2.37 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1P+2PF0.60SP None 3.152 1.835 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1P+2PF0.80SP None 3.056 1.3 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_P+2P None 3.44 -3.44 -2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Free Free Free
LX_P+2PF0.20SP None 2.905 -3.344 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_P+2PF0.40SP None 2.37 -3.248 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_P+2PF0.60SP None 1.835 -3.152 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_P+2PF0.80SP None 1.3 -3.056 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_0P+2PF0.20SP None 3.344 -3.344 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_0P+2PF0.40SP None 3.248 -3.248 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_0P+2PF0.60SP None 3.152 -3.152 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_0P+2PF0.80SP None 3.056 -3.056 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_1P+2PF0.20SP None 3.344 -2.905 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_1P+2PF0.40SP None 3.248 -2.37 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_1P+2PF0.60SP None 3.152 -1.835 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_1P+2PF0.80SP None 3.056 -1.3 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_P+2P None -3.44 -3.44 -2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Free Free Free
LXY_P+2PF0.20SP None -2.905 -3.344 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_P+2PF0.40SP None -2.37 -3.248 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_P+2PF0.60SP None -1.835 -3.152 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_P+2PF0.80SP None -1.3 -3.056 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_0+2PF0.20SP None -3.344 -3.344 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_0+2PF0.40SP None -3.248 -3.248 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_0+2PF0.60SP None -3.152 -3.152 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_0+2PF0.80SP None -3.056 -3.056 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_1+2PF0.20SP None -3.344 -2.905 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_1+2PF0.40SP None -3.248 -2.37 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_1+2PF0.60SP None -3.152 -1.835 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_1+2PF0.80SP None -3.056 -1.3 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_P+2P None -3.44 3.44 -2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Free Free Free
LY_P+2PF0.20SP None -2.905 3.344 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_P+2PF0.40SP None -2.37 3.248 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_P+2PF0.60SP None -1.835 3.152 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_P+2PF0.80SP None -1.3 3.056 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_0P+2PF0.20SP None -3.344 3.344 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_0P+2PF0.40SP None -3.248 3.248 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_0P+2PF0.60SP None -3.152 3.152 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_0P+2PF0.80SP None -3.056 3.056 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_1P+2PF0.20SP None -3.344 2.905 -0.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_1P+2PF0.40SP None -3.248 2.37 0.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_1P+2PF0.60SP None -3.152 1.835 2.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_1P+2PF0.80SP None -3.056 1.3 3.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free

Secondary Joints:

Joint Symmetry Origin End Fraction Elevation X Disp. Y Disp. Z Disp. X Rot. Y Rot. Z Rot.
Label Code Joint Joint Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest.
1PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 1P 2P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 1P 2P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF35S XY-Symmetry 2P 3P 0 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF33S XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 3P 0 33.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF32S XY-Symmetry 2PF33S 3P 0 31.75 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF30S XY-Symmetry 2PF32S 3P 0 30.13 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF29S XY-Symmetry 2PF30S 3P 0 28.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF27S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 3P 0 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF26S XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 3P 0 25.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF24S XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 3P 0 24 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF22S XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 3P 0 22.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF21S XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 3P 0 20.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 1P 1PF0.33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 1PF0.33S 1PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 1PF0.67S 2P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2P 2PF35S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF33S 2PF32S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
22PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF32S 2PF30S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
32PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF30S 2PF29S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
42PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 2PF27S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
52PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
62PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 2PF24S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
72PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
82PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 2PF21S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
92PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
21PF0.50S X-Symmetry 1P 1Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
102PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2P 2Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
112PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF35Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
122PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF29S 2PF29Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
132PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF27Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
142PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF24S 2PF24Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
152PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF21S 2PF21Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
43PF0.50S X-Symmetry 3P 3Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
162PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF27X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
172PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 2PF24S 2PF24X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
182PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 2PF21S 2PF21X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
83PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 3P 3X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
192PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 162PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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0132PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 132PF0.50S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
212PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 172PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
222PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 142PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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0142PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 142PF0.50S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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0152PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 152PF0.50S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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01PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 1P 5P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 1P 5P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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2PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 8P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 8P 0.346 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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33PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 3P 9P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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01PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 1P 5P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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01PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 1P 5P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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33PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 3P 9P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
33PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 3P 9P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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33PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 3P 9P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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09PF0.50X X-Gen 9PF0.67S 9PF0.67Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
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3PF0.67X X-GenXY 3PF13P 3PF10P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 3PF13P 3PF10P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 3PF13P 3PF10P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.33X X-GenXY 3PF10P 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 3PF10P 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 3PF10P 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.67X X-GenXY 3PF10P 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 3PF10P 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 3PF10P 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF7P 3PF5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF7P 3PF5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF7P 3PF5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
53PF0.50X X-Gen 3PF17P 3PF17Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.50X X-Gen 3PF13P 3PF13Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
73PF0.50X X-Gen 3PF7P 3PF7Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
93PF0.50Y Y-Gen 3PF17P 3PF17X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.50Y Y-Gen 3PF13P 3PF13X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
113PF0.50Y Y-Gen 3PF7P 3PF7X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
123PF0.50Y Y-Gen 3PF7P 113PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0113PF0.50Y Y-Gen 113PF0.50S 3PF7X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
133PF0.50X X-Gen 3PF7P 73PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
073PF0.50X X-Gen 73PF0.50S 3PF7Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
093PF0.50X X-GenXY 93PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
093PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 93PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
093PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 93PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
053PF0.50X X-GenXY 53PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
053PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 53PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
053PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 53PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
163PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF15P 103PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
163PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF15P 103PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
163PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF15P 103PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
173PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF15P 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
173PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF15P 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
173PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF15P 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.33X X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.67X X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.33X X-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.67X X-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF10P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.33X X-GenXY 3PF10P 113PF0.50S 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 3PF10P 113PF0.50S 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 3PF10P 113PF0.50S 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.67X X-GenXY 3PF10P 113PF0.50S 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 3PF10P 113PF0.50S 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 3PF10P 113PF0.50S 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.33X X-GenXY 3PF10P 73PF0.50S 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 3PF10P 73PF0.50S 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 3PF10P 73PF0.50S 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.67X X-GenXY 3PF10P 73PF0.50S 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 3PF10P 73PF0.50S 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 3PF10P 73PF0.50S 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
183PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF7P 10P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
183PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF7P 10P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
183PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF7P 10P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
193PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF7P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
193PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF7P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
193PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF7P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
293PF0.50X X-GenXY 93PF0.50S 53PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
293PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 93PF0.50S 53PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
293PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 93PF0.50S 53PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0103PF0.50X X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0103PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 103PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0103PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 103PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1113PF0.50X X-GenXY 113PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1113PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 113PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1113PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 113PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
010PF0.50X X-GenXY 10P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
010PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 10P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
010PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 10P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1103PF0.50X X-GenXY 103PF0.33S 103PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1103PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 103PF0.33S 103PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1103PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 103PF0.33S 103PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
063PF0.50X X-GenXY 63PF0.33S 63PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
063PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 63PF0.33S 63PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
063PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 63PF0.33S 63PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
003PF0.50X X-GenXY 03PF0.67S 13PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
003PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 03PF0.67S 13PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
003PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 03PF0.67S 13PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
303PF0.50X X-GenXY 03PF0.67S 23PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
303PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 03PF0.67S 23PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
303PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 03PF0.67S 23PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
013PF0.50X X-GenXY 13PF0.33S 13PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
013PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 13PF0.33S 13PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
013PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 13PF0.33S 13PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
023PF0.50X X-GenXY 23PF0.33S 23PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
023PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 23PF0.33S 23PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
023PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 23PF0.33S 23PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free

The model contains 124 primary and 404 secondary joints for a total of 528 joints.

Steel Material Properties:

Steel Modulus Yield Ultimate Member Member Member Member Member Member Hyper
Material of Stress Stress All. Stress All. Stress Rupture Rupture Bearing Bearing Static
Label Elasticity Fy Fu Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Exponent
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
A572 Gr50 2e+05 345 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bolt Properties:

Bolt Bolt Hole Ultimate Default Default Shear Shear Ultimate Short
Label Diameter Diameter Shear End Bolt Capacity Capacity Stress Edge
Capacity Distance Spacing Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Fub Dist.
(cm) (cm) (kN) (cm) (cm) (kN) (kN) (MPa) (cm)
5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1.587 1.908 66.95 3 4.2 0 0 0 2.5

Number Bolts Used By Type:

Bolt Number
Type Bolts
5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4019

Angle Properties:

Angle Angle Long Short Thick. Unit

Gross w/t Radius of Radius of Radius of Angle Wind Short Long Optimize Section Center of Center of Radius
Type Size Leg Leg Weight
Area Ratio Gyration Gyration Gyration Cross Width Edge Edge Cost Modulus Gravity Gravity of
Rx Ry Rz Section Dist. Dist. Factor About X-X About Y-Y Toe
(cm) (cm) (cm) (N/m) (cm^2) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm^3) (cm) (cm) (cm)
XL 180X180X18 18 18 1.8 947.8 123.1 8 5.54 5.54 3.538 DoubleCruci 36 2.1 0 0.0000 211.1 0 0 0
L 45X45X4 4.5 4.5 0.4 26.48 3.44 9.25 1.392 1.392 0.8872 Single 4.5 2.1 0 0.0000 1.504 0 0 0
L 50X50X4 5 5 0.4 29.56 3.84 10.5 1.553 1.553 0.9883 Single 5 2.1 0 0.0000 1.897 0 0 0
L 50X50X5 5 5 0.5 36.57 4.75 8 1.539 1.539 0.9829 Single 5 2.1 0 0.0000 2.263 0 0 0
L 55X55X4 5.5 5.5 0.4 32.64 4.24 11.75 1.714 1.714 1.09 Single 5.5 2.1 0 0.0000 2.337 0 0 0
L 60X60X5 6 6 0.5 44.27 5.75 10 1.861 1.861 1.185 Single 6 2.1 0 0.0000 3.387 0 0 0
L 60X60X6 6 6 0.6 52.66 6.84 8 1.847 1.847 1.179 Single 6 2.1 0 0.0000 3.91 0 0 0
L 65X65X5 6.5 6.5 0.5 48.12 6.25 11 2.022 2.022 1.286 Single 6.5 2.1 0 0.0000 4.038 0 0 0
L 65X65X6 6.5 6.5 0.6 57.28 7.44 8.833 2.008 2.008 1.28 Single 6.5 2.1 0 0.0000 4.67 0 0 0
L 70X70X5 7 7 0.5 51.96 6.75 12 2.183 2.183 1.387 Single 7 2.1 0 0.0000 4.747 0 0 0
L 70X70X6 7 7 0.6 61.9 8.04 9.667 2.168 2.168 1.381 Single 7 2.1 0 0.0000 5.501 0 0 0
L 75X75X6 7.5 7.5 0.6 66.52 8.64 10.5 2.329 2.329 1.482 Single 7.5 2.1 0 0.0000 6.403 0 0 0
L 80X80X5 8 8 0.5 59.66 7.75 14 2.505 2.505 1.59 Single 8 2.1 0 0.0000 6.341 0 0 0
L 80X80X6 8 8 0.6 71.13 9.24 11.33 2.49 2.49 1.584 Single 8 2.1 0 0.0000 7.374 0 0 0
L 80X80X8 8 8 0.8 93.61 12.16 8 2.462 2.462 1.573 Single 8 2.1 0 0.0000 9.267 0 0 0
L 80X80X10 8 8 1 115.5 15 6 2.436 2.436 1.565 Single 8 2.1 0 0.0000 10.97 0 0 0
L 90X90X6 9 9 0.6 80.37 10.44 13 2.813 2.813 1.786 Single 9 2.1 0 0.0000 9.528 0 0 0
L 90X90X8 9 9 0.8 105.9 13.76 9.25 2.784 2.784 1.774 Single 9 2.1 0 0.0000 12.03 0 0 0
L 100X100X6 10 10 0.6 89.61 11.64 14.67 3.135 3.135 1.989 Single 10 2.1 0 0.0000 11.96 0 0 0
L 100X100X8 10 10 0.8 118.2 15.36 10.5 3.106 3.106 1.977 Single 10 2.1 0 0.0000 15.18 0 0 0
L 100X100X10 10 10 1 146.3 19 8 3.078 3.078 1.966 Single 10 2.1 0 0.0000 18.1 0 0 0
L 100X100X12 10 10 1.2 173.7 22.56 6.333 3.051 3.051 1.957 Single 10 2.1 0 0.0000 20.79 0 0 0
L 110X110X12 11 11 1.2 192.2 24.96 7.167 3.372 3.372 2.158 Single 11 2.1 0 0.0000 25.75 0 0 0
L 120X120X12 12 12 1.2 210.6 27.36 8 3.694 3.694 2.359 Single 12 2.1 0 0.0000 31.28 0 0 0
L 150X150X12 15 15 1.2 266.1 34.56 10.5 4.659 4.659 2.965 Single 15 2.1 0 0.0000 51.22 0 0 0
L 150X150X18 15 15 1.8 390.8 50.76 6.333 4.577 4.577 2.936 Single 15 2.1 0 0.0000 70.15 0 0 0
L 180X180X18 18 18 1.8 473.9 61.56 8 5.54 5.54 3.538 Single 18 2.1 0 0.0000 105.6 0 0 0

Angle Groups:

Group Group Angle Angle Material Element Group Optimize Allow. Add.
Label Description Type Size Type Type Type Group Angle Width
For Optimize
CC1 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Sup. L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CC2 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Med. L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CC3 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Inf. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CG2 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Canastillo L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CG3 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Canastillo L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
CG4 Cantonera Canastillo L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CG5 Diag. Horiz. Canastillo L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CG6 Diag. Canastillo L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DH01 Diag. Horiz. Base H=16 L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DH02 Diag. Horiz. Base H=16 L 100X100X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DH03 Diag. Horiz. Base H=19 L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DH04 Diag. Horiz. Base H=19 L 110X110X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH05 Diag. Horiz. Cuerpo Común L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH06 Diag. Horiz. Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH07 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH08 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH09 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH10 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH11 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DH12 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC1 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC2 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC3 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC4 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC5 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC6 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC7 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC8 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC9 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL01 Diag. Long. Pata +2 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL02 Diag. Long. Pata +1 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL03 Diag. Long. Pata +0 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL04 Diag. Long. Pata -1 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL05 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL06 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 70X70X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL07 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL08 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL09 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL10 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL11 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL12 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL13 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL14 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL15 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL16 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL17 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL18 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL19 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL20 Diag. Long. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL21 Diag. Long. Superest. L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL22 Diag. Long. Superest. L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL23 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL24 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL25 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL26 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL27 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL28 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL29 Diag. Long. Base H=16 L 120X120X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL30 Diag. Long. Base H=16 L 80X80X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT01 Diag. Trans. Pata +2 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT02 Diag. Trans. Pata +1 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT03 Diag. Trans. Pata +0 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT04 Diag. Trans. Pata -1 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT05 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT06 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 70X70X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT07 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT08 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT09 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT10 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT11 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT12 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT13 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT14 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT15 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT16 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT17 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT18 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT19 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT20 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT21 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT22 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT23 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT24 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT25 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT26 Diag. Trans. Base H=16 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT27 Diag. Trans. Base H=16 L 80X80X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL01 Marco Base H=16 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HL02 Marco Base H=16 L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL03 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HL04 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL05 Marco Cuerpo Común L 90X90X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL06 Marco Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL07 Marco Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL08 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL09 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL10 Marco Superest. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL11 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL12 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL13 Marco Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL14 Marco Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT01 Marco Base H=16 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT02 Marco Base H=16 L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT03 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT04 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT05 Marco Cuerpo Común L 90X90X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT06 Marco Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT07 Marco Superest. L 100X100X8 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT08 Marco Superest. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT09 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT10 Marco Superest. L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT11 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT12 Marco Superest. L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT13 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT14 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
M01 Cantonera Pata +2 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M02 Cantonera Pata +1 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M03 Cantonera Pata +0 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M04 Cantonera Pata -1 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M05 Cantoner Base H=16 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M06 Cantonera Base H=19 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M07 Cantonera Cuerpo Común XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M08 Cantonera Cuerpo Común XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M09 Cantonera Superest. L 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M10 Cantonera Superest. L 150X150X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M11 Cantonera Superest. L 120X120X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M12 Cantonera Superest. L 100X100X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M13 Cantonera Superest. L 100X100X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
MHC1 Diag. Cruc. Sup. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
MHC2 Diag. Cruc. Med. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
MHC3 Diag. Cruc. Inf. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
R001 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R002 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R003 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R004 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R005 Relleno Canastillo L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R006 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R007 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R008 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R009 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R010 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R011 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R012 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R013 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R014 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R015 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R016 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R017 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R018 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R019 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R020 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R021 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R022 Relleno. Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R023 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R024 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R025 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R026 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R027 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R028 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R029 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R030 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R031 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R032 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R033 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R034 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R035 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R036 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R037 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R038 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R039 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R040 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R041 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R042 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R043 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R044 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R045 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R046 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R047 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R048 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R049 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R050 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R051 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R052 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R053 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R054 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R055 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R056 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R057 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R058 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R059 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R060 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R061 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R062 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R063 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R064 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R065 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R066 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R067 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R068 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
R069 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R070 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R071 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R072 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R073 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R074 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R075 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R076 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R077 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R078 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R079 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R080 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R081 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R082 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R083 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R084 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R085 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R086 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R087 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R088 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R089 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R090 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R091 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R092 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R093 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R094 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R095 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R096 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R097 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R098 Relleno Base H=16 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R099 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R100 Relleno Base H=16 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R101 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R102 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R103 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R104 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R105 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R106 Relleno Base H=19 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R107 Relleno Base H=19 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R108 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R109 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R110 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R111 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R112 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R113 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R114 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R115 Relleno Base H=19 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R116 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R117 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R118 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R119 Relleno Base H=19 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R120 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R121 Relleno Base H=19 L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R122 Relleno Pata +2 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R123 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R124 Relleno Pata +2 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R125 Relleno Pata +2 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R126 Relleno Pata +2 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R127 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R128 Relleno Pata +2 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R129 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R130 Relleno Pata +2 L 80X80X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R131 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R132 Relleno Pata +2 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R133 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R134 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R135 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R136 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R137 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R138 Relleno Pata +1 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R139 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R140 Relleno Pata +1 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R141 Relleno Pata +1 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R142 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R143 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R144 Relleno Pata +0 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R145 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R146 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R147 Relleno Pata +0 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R148 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R149 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R150 Relleno Pata +0 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R151 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R152 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R153 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R154 Relleno Pata -1 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R155 Relleno Pata -1 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R156 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R157 Relleno Pata -1 L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
TC1 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Sup. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
TC2 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Med. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
TC3 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Inf. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000

Aggregate Angle Information:

Note: Estimate of surface area reported for painting purposes, not wind loading.

Angle Angle
Material Total Total Total
Type Size Type Length Surface Area Weight
(m) (m^2) (N)
L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 122.42 48.97 17906.06
L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 64.97 23.39 6882.68
L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 113.20 36.22 10596.66
L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 206.37 53.66 9929.39
L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 99.72 27.92 5181.88
L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 189.01 37.80 6911.61
L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 176.31 35.26 5211.98
L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 62.92 18.88 4185.32
L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 221.42 39.86 5863.90
L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 259.49 62.28 11486.46
L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 60.48 19.35 4302.09
L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 74.09 16.30 2418.33
L 100X100X8 A572 Gr50 8.00 3.20 945.99
XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 90.42 65.10 85705.59
L 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 20.09 14.47 9522.84
L 150X150X18 A572 Gr50 28.38 17.03 11091.21
L 120X120X12 A572 Gr50 9.80 4.70 2063.29
L 100X100X12 A572 Gr50 24.03 9.61 4173.16
L 110X110X12 A572 Gr50 15.97 7.03 3068.41
L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 77.24 46.34 20549.97
L 70X70X6 A572 Gr50 22.99 6.44 1422.77
L 90X90X6 A572 Gr50 19.36 6.97 1555.96
L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 35.07 8.42 1846.72
L 80X80X5 A572 Gr50 24.66 7.89 1471.49

The adjustment factors below only apply to dead load and wind areas that are calculated for members in the model.
They do not apply to equipment or to manually input dead load and drag areas.

Section Joint Dead Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Af Flat Ar Round Transverse Longitudinal SAPS Angle SAPS Round Adjustment
Defining Load Drag x Area Drag x Area Area Factor Area Factor Factor Factor Drag x Area Drag x Area Drag x Area Drag x Area Type
Section Adjust. Factor Factor (CD From (CD From For Face For Face Factor Factor Factor Factor
Bottom Factor For Face For Face Code) Code) EIA Only EIA Only For All For All
Canastillo 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None
Superestructura 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None
Cuerpo Común 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None
Base 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None
Pata 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None

Angle Member Connectivity:

Member Group Section Symmetry Origin End Ecc. Rest. Ratio Ratio Ratio Bolt # # Bolt # Shear Connect Short Long End Bolt Shear Tension Rest. Connect.
Label Label Label Code Joint Joint Code Code RLX RLY RLZ Type Bolts Holes Planes Leg Edge Edge Dist. Spacing Path Path Coef. Modifier
Dist. Dist. Length Length
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
CC1.1P CC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 12PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.1X CC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF35X 12PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.1XY CC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF35XY 12PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.1Y CC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF35Y 12PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.2P CC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 12PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC1.2X CC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 12PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC1.2XY CC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 12PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC1.2Y CC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 12PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC1.3P CC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 7P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.3X CC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 7X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.3XY CC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 7XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.3Y CC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 7Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC2.1P CC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.1X CC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 2PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.1XY CC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 2PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.1Y CC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 2PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.2P CC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 2PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC2.2X CC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 2PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC2.2XY CC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 2PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC2.2Y CC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 2PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC2.3P CC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.67S 8P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.3X CC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.67X 8X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.3XY CC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.67XY 8XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.3Y CC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.67Y 8Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC3.1P CC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 3P 33PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.1X CC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 3X 33PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.1XY CC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 3XY 33PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.1Y CC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 3Y 33PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.2P CC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 33PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC3.2X CC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 33PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC3.2XY CC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 33PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC3.2Y CC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 33PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC3.3P CC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.67S 9P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.3X CC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.67X 9X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.3XY CC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.67XY 9XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.3Y CC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.67Y 9Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CG2.1P CG2 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6PF0.50S 5P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.1X CG2 Canastillo X-GenXY 6PF0.50X 5X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.1XY CG2 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6PF0.50XY 5X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.1Y CG2 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6PF0.50Y 5P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.2P CG2 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6P 6PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.2X CG2 Canastillo X-GenXY 6P 6PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.2XY CG2 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6Y 6PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.2Y CG2 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6Y 6PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.1P CG3 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 1P 01PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.1X CG3 Canastillo X-GenXY 1X 01PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.1XY CG3 Canastillo XY-GenXY 1XY 01PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.1Y CG3 Canastillo Y-GenXY 1Y 01PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.2P CG3 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 01PF0.33S 01PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CG3.2X CG3 Canastillo X-GenXY 01PF0.33X 01PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CG3.2XY CG3 Canastillo XY-GenXY 01PF0.33XY 01PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CG3.2Y CG3 Canastillo Y-GenXY 01PF0.33Y 01PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CG3.3P CG3 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 01PF0.67S 5P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.3X CG3 Canastillo X-GenXY 01PF0.67X 5X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.3XY CG3 Canastillo XY-GenXY 01PF0.67XY 5X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.3Y CG3 Canastillo Y-GenXY 01PF0.67Y 5P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG4.1P CG4 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6P 1P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
CG4.1X CG4 Canastillo X-GenXY 6P 1X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
CG4.1XY CG4 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6Y 1XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
CG4.1Y CG4 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6Y 1Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
CG5.1P CG5 Canastillo None 6P 6Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
CG6.1P CG6 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6P 1Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
CG6.1X CG6 Canastillo X-GenXY 6P 1XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
CG6.1XY CG6 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6Y 1X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
CG6.1Y CG6 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6Y 1P 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH07.1P DH07 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 83PF0.50S 43PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH07.1X DH07 Superestructura X-GenXY 83PF0.50S 43PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH07.1XY DH07 Superestructura XY-GenXY 83PF0.50Y 43PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH07.1Y DH07 Superestructura Y-GenXY 83PF0.50Y 43PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH08.1P DH08 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 172PF0.50S 1172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.1X DH08 Superestructura X-GenXY 172PF0.50S 1172PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.1XY DH08 Superestructura XY-GenXY 172PF0.50Y 1172PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.1Y DH08 Superestructura Y-GenXY 172PF0.50Y 1172PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.2P DH08 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.2X DH08 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.2XY DH08 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.2Y DH08 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH09.1P DH09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.1X DH09 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.1XY DH09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.1Y DH09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.2P DH09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 182PF0.50S 1182PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.2X DH09 Superestructura X-GenXY 182PF0.50S 1182PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.2XY DH09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 182PF0.50Y 1182PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.2Y DH09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 182PF0.50Y 1182PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH10.1P DH10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 162PF0.50S 1162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.1X DH10 Superestructura X-GenXY 162PF0.50S 1162PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.1XY DH10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 162PF0.50Y 1162PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.1Y DH10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 162PF0.50Y 1162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.2P DH10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.2X DH10 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.2XY DH10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.2Y DH10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH11.1P DH11 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF35XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DH11.1X DH11 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF35X 2PF35Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DH12.1P DH12 Superestructura X-Symmetry 1P 1XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
DH12.1X DH12 Superestructura X-Gen 1X 1Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
DHC1.1P DHC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 7Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC1.1X DHC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 7XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC1.1XY DHC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 7X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC1.1Y DHC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 7P 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC2.1P DHC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 12PF0.33Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC2.1X DHC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 12PF0.33XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC2.1XY DHC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 12PF0.33X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC2.1Y DHC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 12PF0.33S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC3.1P DHC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 2PF35Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC3.1X DHC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 2PF35XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC3.1XY DHC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 2PF35X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC3.1Y DHC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 2PF35S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC4.1P DHC4 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.67S 8Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC4.1X DHC4 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.67X 8XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC4.1XY DHC4 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.67XY 8X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC4.1Y DHC4 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.67Y 8P 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC5.1P DHC5 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 2PF0.67Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC5.1X DHC5 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 2PF0.67XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC5.1XY DHC5 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 2PF0.67X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC5.1Y DHC5 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 2PF0.67S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC6.1P DHC6 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF0.33Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC6.1X DHC6 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 2PF0.33XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC6.1XY DHC6 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 2PF0.33X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC6.1Y DHC6 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 2PF0.33S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC7.1P DHC7 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 9P 33PF0.67Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC7.1X DHC7 Superestructura X-GenXY 9X 33PF0.67XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC7.1XY DHC7 Superestructura XY-GenXY 9XY 33PF0.67X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC7.1Y DHC7 Superestructura Y-GenXY 9Y 33PF0.67S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC8.1P DHC8 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.67S 33PF0.33Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC8.1X DHC8 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.67X 33PF0.33XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC8.1XY DHC8 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.67XY 33PF0.33X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC8.1Y DHC8 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.67Y 33PF0.33S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC9.1P DHC9 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 3Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC9.1X DHC9 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 3XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC9.1XY DHC9 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 3X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC9.1Y DHC9 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 3P 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DL12.1P DL12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0152PF0.50S 3P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.1X DL12 Superestructura X-GenXY 0152PF0.50X 3X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.1XY DL12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0152PF0.50XY 3XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.1Y DL12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0152PF0.50Y 3Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.2P DL12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 152PF0.50S 0152PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.2X DL12 Superestructura X-GenXY 152PF0.50X 0152PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.2XY DL12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 152PF0.50X 0152PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.2Y DL12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 152PF0.50S 0152PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.1P DL13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 242PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.1X DL13 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF22X 242PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.1XY DL13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF22XY 242PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.1Y DL13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF22Y 242PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.2P DL13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 242PF0.50S 152PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.2X DL13 Superestructura X-GenXY 242PF0.50X 152PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.2XY DL13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 242PF0.50XY 152PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.2Y DL13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 242PF0.50Y 152PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL14.1P DL14 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 142PF0.50S 0142PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.1X DL14 Superestructura X-GenXY 142PF0.50X 0142PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.1XY DL14 Superestructura XY-GenXY 142PF0.50X 0142PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.1Y DL14 Superestructura Y-GenXY 142PF0.50S 0142PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.2P DL14 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0142PF0.50S 2PF22S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.2X DL14 Superestructura X-GenXY 0142PF0.50X 2PF22X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.2XY DL14 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0142PF0.50XY 2PF22XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.2Y DL14 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0142PF0.50Y 2PF22Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.1P DL15 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 222PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.1X DL15 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF26X 222PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.1XY DL15 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF26XY 222PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.1Y DL15 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF26Y 222PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.2P DL15 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 222PF0.50S 142PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.2X DL15 Superestructura X-GenXY 222PF0.50X 142PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.2XY DL15 Superestructura XY-GenXY 222PF0.50XY 142PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.2Y DL15 Superestructura Y-GenXY 222PF0.50Y 142PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.1P DL16 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0132PF0.50S 2PF26S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.1X DL16 Superestructura X-GenXY 0132PF0.50X 2PF26X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.1XY DL16 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0132PF0.50XY 2PF26XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.1Y DL16 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0132PF0.50Y 2PF26Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.2P DL16 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 132PF0.50S 0132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.2X DL16 Superestructura X-GenXY 132PF0.50X 0132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.2XY DL16 Superestructura XY-GenXY 132PF0.50X 0132PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.2Y DL16 Superestructura Y-GenXY 132PF0.50S 0132PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL17.1P DL17 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 202PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.1X DL17 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF29X 202PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.1XY DL17 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF29XY 202PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.1Y DL17 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF29Y 202PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.2P DL17 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 202PF0.50S 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.2X DL17 Superestructura X-GenXY 202PF0.50X 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.2XY DL17 Superestructura XY-GenXY 202PF0.50XY 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.2Y DL17 Superestructura Y-GenXY 202PF0.50Y 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL18.1P DL18 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 32PF0.50S 122PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL18.1X DL18 Superestructura X-GenXY 32PF0.50X 122PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL18.1XY DL18 Superestructura XY-GenXY 32PF0.50XY 122PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL18.1Y DL18 Superestructura Y-GenXY 32PF0.50Y 122PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL19.1P DL19 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 22PF0.50S 32PF0.50Y 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL19.1X DL19 Superestructura X-GenXY 22PF0.50X 32PF0.50XY 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL19.1XY DL19 Superestructura XY-GenXY 22PF0.50XY 32PF0.50X 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL19.1Y DL19 Superestructura Y-GenXY 22PF0.50Y 32PF0.50S 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL20.1P DL20 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.50S 22PF0.50Y 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DL20.1X DL20 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.50X 22PF0.50XY 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DL20.1XY DL20 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.50XY 22PF0.50X 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DL20.1Y DL20 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.50Y 22PF0.50S 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DL21.1P DL21 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 02PF0.50S 12PF0.50Y 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.45 0
DL21.1X DL21 Superestructura X-GenXY 02PF0.50X 12PF0.50XY 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.45 0
DL21.1XY DL21 Superestructura XY-GenXY 02PF0.50XY 12PF0.50X 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.45 0
DL21.1Y DL21 Superestructura Y-GenXY 02PF0.50Y 12PF0.50S 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.45 0
DL22.1P DL22 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 112PF0.50S 02PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DL22.1X DL22 Superestructura X-GenXY 112PF0.50X 02PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DL22.1XY DL22 Superestructura XY-GenXY 112PF0.50X 02PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DL22.1Y DL22 Superestructura Y-GenXY 112PF0.50S 02PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DL23.1P DL23 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.50S 112PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL23.1X DL23 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.50X 112PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL23.1XY DL23 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.50XY 112PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL23.1Y DL23 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.50Y 112PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL24.1P DL24 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 102PF0.50S 2PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL24.1X DL24 Superestructura X-GenXY 102PF0.50X 2PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL24.1XY DL24 Superestructura XY-GenXY 102PF0.50X 2PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL24.1Y DL24 Superestructura Y-GenXY 102PF0.50S 2PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL25.1P DL25 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 11PF0.50S 102PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL25.1X DL25 Superestructura X-GenXY 11PF0.50X 102PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL25.1XY DL25 Superestructura XY-GenXY 11PF0.50XY 102PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL25.1Y DL25 Superestructura Y-GenXY 11PF0.50Y 102PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL26.1P DL26 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 01PF0.50S 11PF0.50Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL26.1X DL26 Superestructura X-GenXY 01PF0.50X 11PF0.50XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL26.1XY DL26 Superestructura XY-GenXY 01PF0.50XY 11PF0.50X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL26.1Y DL26 Superestructura Y-GenXY 01PF0.50Y 11PF0.50S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL27.1P DL27 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.50S 01PF0.50Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL27.1X DL27 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.50X 01PF0.50XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL27.1XY DL27 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.50XY 01PF0.50X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL27.1Y DL27 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.50Y 01PF0.50S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL28.1P DL28 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 21PF0.50S 1PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL28.1X DL28 Superestructura X-GenXY 21PF0.50X 1PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL28.1XY DL28 Superestructura XY-GenXY 21PF0.50X 1PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL28.1Y DL28 Superestructura Y-GenXY 21PF0.50S 1PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT12.1P DT12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 182PF0.50S 0182PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.1X DT12 Superestructura X-GenXY 182PF0.50S 0182PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.1XY DT12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 182PF0.50Y 0182PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.1Y DT12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 182PF0.50Y 0182PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.2P DT12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0182PF0.50S 3P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.2X DT12 Superestructura X-GenXY 0182PF0.50X 3X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.2XY DT12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0182PF0.50XY 3XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.2Y DT12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0182PF0.50Y 3Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.1P DT13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 232PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.1X DT13 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF22X 232PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.1XY DT13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF22XY 232PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.1Y DT13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF22Y 232PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.2P DT13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 232PF0.50S 182PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.2X DT13 Superestructura X-GenXY 232PF0.50X 182PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.2XY DT13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 232PF0.50XY 182PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.2Y DT13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 232PF0.50Y 182PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.1P DT14 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 172PF0.50S 0172PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.1X DT14 Superestructura X-GenXY 172PF0.50S 0172PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.1XY DT14 Superestructura XY-GenXY 172PF0.50Y 0172PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.1Y DT14 Superestructura Y-GenXY 172PF0.50Y 0172PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.2P DT14 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0172PF0.50S 2PF22S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.2X DT14 Superestructura X-GenXY 0172PF0.50X 2PF22X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.2XY DT14 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0172PF0.50XY 2PF22XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.2Y DT14 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0172PF0.50Y 2PF22Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.1P DT15 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 212PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.1X DT15 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF26X 212PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.1XY DT15 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF26XY 212PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.1Y DT15 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF26Y 212PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.2P DT15 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 212PF0.50S 172PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.2X DT15 Superestructura X-GenXY 212PF0.50X 172PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.2XY DT15 Superestructura XY-GenXY 212PF0.50XY 172PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.2Y DT15 Superestructura Y-GenXY 212PF0.50Y 172PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT16.1P DT16 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0162PF0.50S 2PF26S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.1X DT16 Superestructura X-GenXY 0162PF0.50X 2PF26X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.1XY DT16 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0162PF0.50XY 2PF26XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.1Y DT16 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0162PF0.50Y 2PF26Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.2P DT16 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 162PF0.50S 0162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.2X DT16 Superestructura X-GenXY 162PF0.50S 0162PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.2XY DT16 Superestructura XY-GenXY 162PF0.50Y 0162PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.2Y DT16 Superestructura Y-GenXY 162PF0.50Y 0162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT17.1P DT17 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 192PF0.50S 162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.1X DT17 Superestructura X-GenXY 192PF0.50X 162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.1XY DT17 Superestructura XY-GenXY 192PF0.50XY 162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.1Y DT17 Superestructura Y-GenXY 192PF0.50Y 162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.2P DT17 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 192PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.2X DT17 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF29X 192PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.2XY DT17 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF29XY 192PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.2Y DT17 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF29Y 192PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT18.1P DT18 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF30S 2PF29X 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT18.1X DT18 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF30X 2PF29S 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT18.1XY DT18 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF30XY 2PF29Y 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT18.1Y DT18 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF30Y 2PF29XY 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT19.1P DT19 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF32S 2PF30X 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT19.1X DT19 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF32X 2PF30S 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT19.1XY DT19 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF32XY 2PF30Y 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT19.1Y DT19 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF32Y 2PF30XY 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT20.1P DT20 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF33S 2PF32X 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT20.1X DT20 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF33X 2PF32S 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT20.1XY DT20 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF33XY 2PF32Y 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT20.1Y DT20 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF33Y 2PF32XY 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT21.1P DT21 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF33X 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DT21.1X DT21 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF35X 2PF33S 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DT21.1XY DT21 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF35XY 2PF33Y 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DT21.1Y DT21 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF35Y 2PF33XY 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DT22.1P DT22 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2P 2PF35X 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DT22.1X DT22 Superestructura X-GenXY 2X 2PF35S 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DT22.1XY DT22 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2XY 2PF35Y 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DT22.1Y DT22 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2Y 2PF35XY 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DT23.1P DT23 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.67S 2X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT23.1X DT23 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.67X 2P 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT23.1XY DT23 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.67XY 2Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT23.1Y DT23 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.67Y 2XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT24.1P DT24 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.33S 1PF0.67X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT24.1X DT24 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.33X 1PF0.67S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT24.1XY DT24 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.33XY 1PF0.67Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT24.1Y DT24 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.33Y 1PF0.67XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT25.1P DT25 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1P 1PF0.33X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT25.1X DT25 Superestructura X-GenXY 1X 1PF0.33S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT25.1XY DT25 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1XY 1PF0.33Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT25.1Y DT25 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1Y 1PF0.33XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
FR014.1P R014 Superestructura X-Symmetry 7PF0.50S 7PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR014.1X R014 Superestructura X-Gen 7PF0.50X 7PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR015.1P R015 Superestructura X-Symmetry 07PF0.50S 7PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR015.1X R015 Superestructura X-Gen 07PF0.50X 7PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR030.1P R030 Superestructura X-Symmetry 9PF0.50S 9PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR030.1X R030 Superestructura X-Gen 9PF0.50X 9PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR031.1P R031 Superestructura X-Symmetry 09PF0.50S 9PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR031.1X R031 Superestructura X-Gen 09PF0.50X 9PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL07.1P HL07 Superestructura X-Symmetry 3P 43PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.6 0
HL07.1X HL07 Superestructura X-Gen 3X 43PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.6 0
HL07.2P HL07 Superestructura X-Symmetry 43PF0.50S 3Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.6 0
HL07.2X HL07 Superestructura X-Gen 43PF0.50X 3XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.6 0
HL08.1P HL08 Superestructura X-Symmetry 152PF0.50S 2PF21Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
HL08.1X HL08 Superestructura X-Gen 152PF0.50X 2PF21XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
HL08.2P HL08 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF21S 152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
HL08.2X HL08 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF21X 152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
HL09.1P HL09 Superestructura X-Symmetry 142PF0.50S 2PF24Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL09.1X HL09 Superestructura X-Gen 142PF0.50X 2PF24XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL09.2P HL09 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF24S 142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL09.2X HL09 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF24X 142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL10.1P HL10 Superestructura X-Symmetry 132PF0.50S 2PF27Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.55 0
HL10.1X HL10 Superestructura X-Gen 132PF0.50X 2PF27XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.55 0
HL10.2P HL10 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF27S 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.55 0
HL10.2X HL10 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF27X 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.55 0
HL11.1P HL11 Superestructura X-Symmetry 122PF0.50S 2PF29Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
HL11.1X HL11 Superestructura X-Gen 122PF0.50X 2PF29XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
HL11.2P HL11 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF29S 122PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
HL11.2X HL11 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF29X 122PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
HL12.1P HL12 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF35S 112PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HL12.1X HL12 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF35X 112PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HL12.2P HL12 Superestructura X-Symmetry 112PF0.50S 2PF35Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HL12.2X HL12 Superestructura X-Gen 112PF0.50X 2PF35XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HL13.1P HL13 Superestructura X-Symmetry 102PF0.50S 2Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
HL13.1X HL13 Superestructura X-Gen 102PF0.50X 2XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
HL13.2P HL13 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2P 102PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
HL13.2X HL13 Superestructura X-Gen 2X 102PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
HL14.1P HL14 Superestructura X-Symmetry 21PF0.50S 1Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
HL14.1X HL14 Superestructura X-Gen 21PF0.50X 1XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
HL14.2P HL14 Superestructura X-Symmetry 1P 21PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
HL14.2X HL14 Superestructura X-Gen 1X 21PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
HT07.1P HT07 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 3P 83PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.6 0
HT07.1Y HT07 Superestructura Y-Gen 3Y 83PF0.50Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.6 0
HT07.2P HT07 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 83PF0.50S 3X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.6 0
HT07.2Y HT07 Superestructura Y-Gen 83PF0.50Y 3XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.6 0
HT08.1P HT08 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 182PF0.50S 2PF21X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
HT08.1Y HT08 Superestructura Y-Gen 182PF0.50Y 2PF21XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
HT08.2P HT08 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF21S 182PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
HT08.2Y HT08 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF21Y 182PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
HT09.1P HT09 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF24S 172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT09.1Y HT09 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF24Y 172PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT09.2P HT09 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 172PF0.50S 2PF24X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT09.2Y HT09 Superestructura Y-Gen 172PF0.50Y 2PF24XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT10.1P HT10 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF27S 162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
HT10.1Y HT10 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF27Y 162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
HT10.2P HT10 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 162PF0.50S 2PF27X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
HT10.2Y HT10 Superestructura Y-Gen 162PF0.50Y 2PF27XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
HT11.1P HT11 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF29S 2PF29X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
HT11.1Y HT11 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF29Y 2PF29XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
HT12.1P HT12 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF35X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.1 0
HT12.1Y HT12 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF35Y 2PF35XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.1 0
HT13.1P HT13 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2P 2X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HT13.1Y HT13 Superestructura Y-Gen 2Y 2XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HT14.1P HT14 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 1P 1X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT14.1Y HT14 Superestructura Y-Gen 1Y 1XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
M08.1P M08 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 92PF0.50S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.1X M08 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 92PF0.50X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.1XY M08 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 92PF0.50XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.1Y M08 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 92PF0.50Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.2P M08 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 92PF0.50S 3P 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.2X M08 Superestructura X-GenXY 92PF0.50X 3X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.2XY M08 Superestructura XY-GenXY 92PF0.50XY 3XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.2Y M08 Superestructura Y-GenXY 92PF0.50Y 3Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.1P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 72PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.1X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 72PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.1XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 72PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.1Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 72PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.2P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 62PF0.50S 2PF24S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.2X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 62PF0.50X 2PF24X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.2XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 62PF0.50XY 2PF24XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.2Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 62PF0.50Y 2PF24Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.3P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 62PF0.50S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.3X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF26X 62PF0.50X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.3XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF26XY 62PF0.50XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.3Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF26Y 62PF0.50Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.4P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 82PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.4X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF22X 82PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.4XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF22XY 82PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.4Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF22Y 82PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.5P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 82PF0.50S 2PF21S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.5X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 82PF0.50X 2PF21X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.5XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 82PF0.50XY 2PF21XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.5Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 82PF0.50Y 2PF21Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.6P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 72PF0.50S 2PF22S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.6X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 72PF0.50X 2PF22X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.6XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 72PF0.50XY 2PF22XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.6Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 72PF0.50Y 2PF22Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.1P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 22PF0.50S 2PF30S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.1X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 22PF0.50X 2PF30X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.1XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 22PF0.50XY 2PF30XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.1Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 22PF0.50Y 2PF30Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.2P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF30S 32PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.2X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF30X 32PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.2XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF30XY 32PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.2Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF30Y 32PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.3P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 32PF0.50S 2PF29S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.3X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 32PF0.50X 2PF29X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.3XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 32PF0.50XY 2PF29XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.3Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 32PF0.50Y 2PF29Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.4P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 42PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.4X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF29X 42PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.4XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF29XY 42PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.4Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF29Y 42PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.5P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 42PF0.50S 2PF27S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.5X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 42PF0.50X 2PF27X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.5XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 42PF0.50XY 2PF27XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.5Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 42PF0.50Y 2PF27Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.6P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 52PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.6X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 52PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.6XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 52PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.6Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 52PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.7P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 52PF0.50S 2PF26S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.7X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 52PF0.50X 2PF26X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.7XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 52PF0.50XY 2PF26XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.7Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 52PF0.50Y 2PF26Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.8P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF32S 22PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.8X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF32X 22PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.8XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF32XY 22PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.8Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF32Y 22PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.9P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.50S 2PF32S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.9X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.50X 2PF32X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.9XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.50XY 2PF32XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.9Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.50Y 2PF32Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M11.1P M11 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 02PF0.50S 2PF33S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M11.1X M11 Superestructura X-GenXY 02PF0.50X 2PF33X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M11.1XY M11 Superestructura XY-GenXY 02PF0.50XY 2PF33XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M11.1Y M11 Superestructura Y-GenXY 02PF0.50Y 2PF33Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M11.2P M11 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF33S 12PF0.50S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 38 10.8 0
M11.2X M11 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF33X 12PF0.50X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 38 10.8 0
M11.2XY M11 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF33XY 12PF0.50XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 38 10.8 0
M11.2Y M11 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF33Y 12PF0.50Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 38 10.8 0
M11.3P M11 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 02PF0.50S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 18 10.8 0
M11.3X M11 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF35X 02PF0.50X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 18 10.8 0
M11.3XY M11 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF35XY 02PF0.50XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 18 10.8 0
M11.3Y M11 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF35Y 02PF0.50Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 18 10.8 0
M12.1P M12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.50S 2PF35S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.1X M12 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.50X 2PF35X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.1XY M12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.50XY 2PF35XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.1Y M12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.50Y 2PF35Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.2P M12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 11PF0.50S 2P 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.2X M12 Superestructura X-GenXY 11PF0.50X 2X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.2XY M12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 11PF0.50XY 2XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.2Y M12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 11PF0.50Y 2Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.3P M12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.67S 11PF0.50S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.3X M12 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.67X 11PF0.50X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.3XY M12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.67XY 11PF0.50XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.3Y M12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.67Y 11PF0.50Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.4P M12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2P 2PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.4X M12 Superestructura X-GenXY 2X 2PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.4XY M12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2XY 2PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.4Y M12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2Y 2PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.1P M13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.33S 01PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.1X M13 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.33X 01PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.1XY M13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.33XY 01PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.1Y M13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.33Y 01PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.2P M13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.50S 1PF0.33S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.2X M13 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.50X 1PF0.33X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.2XY M13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.50XY 1PF0.33XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.2Y M13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.50Y 1PF0.33Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.3P M13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1P 1PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.3X M13 Superestructura X-GenXY 1X 1PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.3XY M13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1XY 1PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.3Y M13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1Y 1PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.4P M13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 01PF0.50S 1PF0.67S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M13.4X M13 Superestructura X-GenXY 01PF0.50X 1PF0.67X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M13.4XY M13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 01PF0.50XY 1PF0.67XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M13.4Y M13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 01PF0.50Y 1PF0.67Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
MHC1.1P MHC1 Superestructura X-Symmetry 7P 7Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC1.1X MHC1 Superestructura X-Gen 7X 7XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC2.1P MHC2 Superestructura X-Symmetry 8P 8Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC2.1X MHC2 Superestructura X-Gen 8X 8XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC3.1P MHC3 Superestructura X-Symmetry 9P 9Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC3.1X MHC3 Superestructura X-Gen 9X 9XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
R001.1P R001 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6PF0.50S 01PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R001.1X R001 Canastillo X-GenXY 6PF0.50X 01PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R001.1XY R001 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6PF0.50XY 01PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R001.1Y R001 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6PF0.50Y 01PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R002.1P R002 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6P 01PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R002.1X R002 Canastillo X-GenXY 6P 01PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R002.1XY R002 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6Y 01PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R002.1Y R002 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6Y 01PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R003.1P R003 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 01PF0.33S 6PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R003.1X R003 Canastillo X-GenXY 01PF0.33X 6PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R003.1XY R003 Canastillo XY-GenXY 01PF0.33XY 6PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R003.1Y R003 Canastillo Y-GenXY 01PF0.33Y 6PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R004.1P R004 Canastillo X-Symmetry 6PF0.50S 6PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R004.1X R004 Canastillo X-Gen 6PF0.50X 6PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R005.1P R005 Canastillo None 6P 6PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R005.2P R005 Canastillo None 6Y 6PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R006.1P R006 Canastillo Across-Rot 01PF0.33Y 01PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R006.1AR R006 Canastillo Across-Gen 01PF0.33X 01PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R007.1P R007 Canastillo Across-Rot 1Y 01PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R007.1AR R007 Canastillo Across-Gen 1X 01PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R008.1P R008 Canastillo X-Symmetry 01PF0.67S 01PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R008.1X R008 Canastillo X-Gen 01PF0.67X 01PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R009.1P R009 Canastillo X-Symmetry 01PF0.33S 01PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R009.1X R009 Canastillo X-Gen 01PF0.33X 01PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R010.1P R010 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 7PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R010.1X R010 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 7PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R010.1XY R010 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 7PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R010.1Y R010 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 7PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R011.1P R011 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 7PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R011.1X R011 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 7PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R011.1XY R011 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 7PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R011.1Y R011 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 7PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R012.1P R012 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 7PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R012.1X R012 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 7PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R012.1XY R012 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 7PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R012.1Y R012 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 7PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R013.1P R013 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 7PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R013.1X R013 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF35X 7PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R013.1XY R013 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF35XY 7PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R013.1Y R013 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF35Y 7PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R014.1P R014 Superestructura X-Symmetry 7PF0.33S 7PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R014.1X R014 Superestructura X-Gen 7PF0.33X 7PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R015.1P R015 Superestructura X-Symmetry 7PF0.67S 07PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R015.1X R015 Superestructura X-Gen 7PF0.67X 07PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R016.1P R016 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 7PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R016.1X R016 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 7PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R016.1XY R016 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 7PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R016.1Y R016 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 7PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R017.1P R017 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 07PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R017.1X R017 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 07PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R017.1XY R017 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 07PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R017.1Y R017 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 07PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R018.1P R018 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.67S 02PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R018.1X R018 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.67X 02PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R018.1XY R018 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.67XY 02PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R018.1Y R018 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.67Y 02PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R019.1P R019 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 02PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R019.1X R019 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 02PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R019.1XY R019 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 02PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R019.1Y R019 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 02PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R020.1P R020 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 02PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R020.1X R020 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 02PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R020.1XY R020 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 02PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R020.1Y R020 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 02PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R021.1P R021 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 02PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R021.1X R021 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 02PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R021.1XY R021 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 02PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R021.1Y R021 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 02PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R022.1P R022 Superestructura X-Symmetry 02PF0.67S 002PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R022.1X R022 Superestructura X-Gen 02PF0.67X 002PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R022.2P R022 Superestructura X-Symmetry 002PF0.50S 02PF0.67Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R022.2X R022 Superestructura X-Gen 002PF0.50X 02PF0.67XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R023.1P R023 Superestructura X-Symmetry 302PF0.50S 02PF0.33Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R023.1X R023 Superestructura X-Gen 302PF0.50X 02PF0.33XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R023.2P R023 Superestructura X-Symmetry 02PF0.33S 302PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R023.2X R023 Superestructura X-Gen 02PF0.33X 302PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R024.1P R024 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.67S 002PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R024.1X R024 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.67X 002PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R024.1XY R024 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.67XY 002PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R024.1Y R024 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.67Y 002PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R025.1P R025 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 302PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R025.1X R025 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 302PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R025.1XY R025 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 302PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R025.1Y R025 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 302PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R026.1P R026 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.67S 9PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R026.1X R026 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.67X 9PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R026.1XY R026 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.67XY 9PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R026.1Y R026 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.67Y 9PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R027.1P R027 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 9PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R027.1X R027 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 9PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R027.1XY R027 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 9PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R027.1Y R027 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 9PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R028.1P R028 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 9PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R028.1X R028 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 9PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R028.1XY R028 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 9PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R028.1Y R028 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 9PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R029.1P R029 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 3P 9PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R029.1X R029 Superestructura X-GenXY 3X 9PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R029.1XY R029 Superestructura XY-GenXY 3XY 9PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R029.1Y R029 Superestructura Y-GenXY 3Y 9PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R030.1P R030 Superestructura X-Symmetry 9PF0.33S 9PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R030.1X R030 Superestructura X-Gen 9PF0.33X 9PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R031.1P R031 Superestructura X-Symmetry 9PF0.67S 09PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R031.1X R031 Superestructura X-Gen 9PF0.67X 09PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R032.1P R032 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.67S 9PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R032.1X R032 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.67X 9PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R032.1XY R032 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.67XY 9PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R032.1Y R032 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.67Y 9PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R033.1P R033 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 09PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R033.1X R033 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 09PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R033.1XY R033 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 09PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R033.1Y R033 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 09PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R034.1P R034 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 42PF0.50S 192PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R034.1X R034 Superestructura X-GenXY 192PF0.50X 42PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R034.1XY R034 Superestructura XY-GenXY 42PF0.50XY 192PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R034.1Y R034 Superestructura Y-GenXY 192PF0.50Y 42PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R035.1P R035 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 192PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R035.1X R035 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 192PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R035.1XY R035 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 192PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R035.1Y R035 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 192PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R036.1P R036 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 52PF0.50S 0162PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R036.1X R036 Superestructura X-GenXY 0162PF0.50X 52PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R036.1XY R036 Superestructura XY-GenXY 52PF0.50XY 0162PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R036.1Y R036 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0162PF0.50Y 52PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R037.1P R037 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 0162PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R037.1X R037 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 0162PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R037.1XY R037 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 0162PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R037.1Y R037 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 0162PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R038.1P R038 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 62PF0.50S 212PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R038.1X R038 Superestructura X-GenXY 212PF0.50X 62PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R038.1XY R038 Superestructura XY-GenXY 62PF0.50XY 212PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R038.1Y R038 Superestructura Y-GenXY 212PF0.50Y 62PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R039.1P R039 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 212PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R039.1X R039 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 212PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R039.1XY R039 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 212PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R039.1Y R039 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 212PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R040.1P R040 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 72PF0.50S 0172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R040.1X R040 Superestructura X-GenXY 0172PF0.50X 72PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R040.1XY R040 Superestructura XY-GenXY 72PF0.50XY 0172PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R040.1Y R040 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0172PF0.50Y 72PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R041.1P R041 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 0172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R041.1X R041 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 0172PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R041.1XY R041 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 0172PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R041.1Y R041 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 0172PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R042.1P R042 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 82PF0.50S 232PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R042.1X R042 Superestructura X-GenXY 232PF0.50X 82PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R042.1XY R042 Superestructura XY-GenXY 82PF0.50XY 232PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R042.1Y R042 Superestructura Y-GenXY 232PF0.50Y 82PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R043.1P R043 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 232PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R043.1X R043 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 232PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R043.1XY R043 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 232PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R043.1Y R043 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 232PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R044.1P R044 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 92PF0.50S 0182PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R044.1X R044 Superestructura X-GenXY 0182PF0.50X 92PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R044.1XY R044 Superestructura XY-GenXY 92PF0.50XY 0182PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R044.1Y R044 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0182PF0.50Y 92PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R045.1P R045 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 0182PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R045.1X R045 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 0182PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R045.1XY R045 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 0182PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R045.1Y R045 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 0182PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R056.1P R056 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 42PF0.50S 202PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R056.1X R056 Superestructura X-GenXY 202PF0.50X 42PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R056.1XY R056 Superestructura XY-GenXY 42PF0.50XY 202PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R056.1Y R056 Superestructura Y-GenXY 202PF0.50Y 42PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R057.1P R057 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 202PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R057.1X R057 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 202PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R057.1XY R057 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 202PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R057.1Y R057 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 202PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R058.1P R058 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 52PF0.50S 0132PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R058.1X R058 Superestructura X-GenXY 0132PF0.50X 52PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R058.1XY R058 Superestructura XY-GenXY 52PF0.50XY 0132PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R058.1Y R058 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0132PF0.50Y 52PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R059.1P R059 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 0132PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R059.1X R059 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 0132PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R059.1XY R059 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 0132PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R059.1Y R059 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 0132PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R060.1P R060 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 62PF0.50S 222PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R060.1X R060 Superestructura X-GenXY 222PF0.50X 62PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R060.1XY R060 Superestructura XY-GenXY 62PF0.50XY 222PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R060.1Y R060 Superestructura Y-GenXY 222PF0.50Y 62PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R061.1P R061 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 222PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R061.1X R061 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 222PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R061.1XY R061 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 222PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R061.1Y R061 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 222PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R062.1P R062 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 72PF0.50S 0142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R062.1X R062 Superestructura X-GenXY 0142PF0.50X 72PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R062.1XY R062 Superestructura XY-GenXY 72PF0.50XY 0142PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R062.1Y R062 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0142PF0.50Y 72PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R063.1P R063 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 0142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R063.1X R063 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 0142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R063.1XY R063 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 0142PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R063.1Y R063 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 0142PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R064.1P R064 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 82PF0.50S 242PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R064.1X R064 Superestructura X-GenXY 242PF0.50X 82PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R064.1XY R064 Superestructura XY-GenXY 82PF0.50XY 242PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R064.1Y R064 Superestructura Y-GenXY 242PF0.50Y 82PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R065.1P R065 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 242PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R065.1X R065 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 242PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R065.1XY R065 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 242PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R065.1Y R065 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 242PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R066.1P R066 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 92PF0.50S 0152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R066.1X R066 Superestructura X-GenXY 0152PF0.50X 92PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R066.1XY R066 Superestructura XY-GenXY 92PF0.50XY 0152PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R066.1Y R066 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0152PF0.50Y 92PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R067.1P R067 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 0152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R067.1X R067 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 0152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R067.1XY R067 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 0152PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R067.1Y R067 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 0152PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R078.1P R078 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 192PF0.50S 202PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R078.1X R078 Superestructura X-GenXY 192PF0.50X 202PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R078.1XY R078 Superestructura XY-GenXY 192PF0.50XY 202PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R078.1Y R078 Superestructura Y-GenXY 192PF0.50Y 202PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R079.1P R079 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0162PF0.50S 0132PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R079.1X R079 Superestructura X-GenXY 0162PF0.50X 0132PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R079.1XY R079 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0162PF0.50XY 0132PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R079.1Y R079 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0162PF0.50Y 0132PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R080.1P R080 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 212PF0.50S 222PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R080.1X R080 Superestructura X-GenXY 212PF0.50X 222PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R080.1XY R080 Superestructura XY-GenXY 212PF0.50XY 222PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R080.1Y R080 Superestructura Y-GenXY 212PF0.50Y 222PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R081.1P R081 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0172PF0.50S 0142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R081.1X R081 Superestructura X-GenXY 0172PF0.50X 0142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R081.1XY R081 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0172PF0.50XY 0142PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R081.1Y R081 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0172PF0.50Y 0142PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R082.1P R082 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 232PF0.50S 242PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R082.1X R082 Superestructura X-GenXY 232PF0.50X 242PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R082.1XY R082 Superestructura XY-GenXY 232PF0.50XY 242PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R082.1Y R082 Superestructura Y-GenXY 232PF0.50Y 242PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R083.1P R083 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0182PF0.50S 0152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R083.1X R083 Superestructura X-GenXY 0182PF0.50X 0152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R083.1XY R083 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0182PF0.50XY 0152PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R083.1Y R083 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0182PF0.50Y 0152PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R088.1P R088 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 192PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.1X R088 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 192PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.1XY R088 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 192PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.1Y R088 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 192PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.2P R088 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 202PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.2X R088 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 202PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.2XY R088 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 202PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.2Y R088 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 202PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.1P R089 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 0162PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.1X R089 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 0162PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.1XY R089 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 0162PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.1Y R089 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 0162PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.2P R089 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 0132PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.2X R089 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 0132PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.2XY R089 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 0132PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.2Y R089 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 0132PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.1P R090 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 222PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.1X R090 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 222PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.1XY R090 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 222PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.1Y R090 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 222PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.2P R090 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 212PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.2X R090 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 212PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.2XY R090 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 212PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.2Y R090 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 212PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.1P R091 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 0172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.1X R091 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 0172PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.1XY R091 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 0172PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.1Y R091 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 0172PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.2P R091 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 0142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.2X R091 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 0142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.2XY R091 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 0142PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.2Y R091 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 0142PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.1P R092 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 232PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.1X R092 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 232PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.1XY R092 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 232PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.1Y R092 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 232PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.2P R092 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 242PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.2X R092 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 242PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.2XY R092 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 242PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.2Y R092 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 242PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.1P R093 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 0152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.1X R093 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 0152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.1XY R093 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 0152PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.1Y R093 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 0152PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.2P R093 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 0182PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.2X R093 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 0182PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.2XY R093 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 0182PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.2Y R093 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 0182PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
TC1.1P TC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 7PF0.67S 2P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.1X TC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 7PF0.67X 2X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.1XY TC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 7PF0.67XY 2XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.1Y TC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 7PF0.67Y 2Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.2P TC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 7PF0.33S 7PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.2X TC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 7PF0.33X 7PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.2XY TC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 7PF0.33XY 7PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.2Y TC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 7PF0.33Y 7PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.3P TC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 7P 7PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.3X TC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 7X 7PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.3XY TC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 7XY 7PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.3Y TC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 7Y 7PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC2.1P TC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 02PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.1X TC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF29X 02PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.1XY TC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF29XY 02PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.1Y TC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF29Y 02PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.2P TC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 02PF0.33S 02PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.2X TC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 02PF0.33X 02PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.2XY TC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 02PF0.33XY 02PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.2Y TC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 02PF0.33Y 02PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.3P TC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 02PF0.67S 8P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.3X TC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 02PF0.67X 8X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.3XY TC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 02PF0.67XY 8XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.3Y TC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 02PF0.67Y 8Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC3.1P TC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 9PF0.67S 2PF21S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.1X TC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 9PF0.67X 2PF21X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.1XY TC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 9PF0.67XY 2PF21XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.1Y TC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 9PF0.67Y 2PF21Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.2P TC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 9PF0.33S 9PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.2X TC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 9PF0.33X 9PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.2XY TC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 9PF0.33XY 9PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.2Y TC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 9PF0.33Y 9PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.3P TC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 9P 9PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.3X TC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 9X 9PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.3XY TC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 9XY 9PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.3Y TC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 9Y 9PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DH03.1P DH03 Base XY-Symmetry 010PF0.50S 11P 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH03.1X DH03 Base X-GenXY 010PF0.50X 11X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH03.1XY DH03 Base XY-GenXY 010PF0.50XY 11XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH03.1Y DH03 Base Y-GenXY 010PF0.50Y 11Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH03.2P DH03 Base XY-Symmetry 10P 010PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH03.2X DH03 Base X-GenXY 10X 010PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH03.2XY DH03 Base XY-GenXY 10XY 010PF0.50XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH03.2Y DH03 Base Y-GenXY 10Y 010PF0.50Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH04.1P DH04 Base XY-Symmetry 1113PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.9 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.9 0
DH04.1X DH04 Base X-GenXY 1113PF0.50X 73PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.9 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.9 0
DH04.1XY DH04 Base XY-GenXY 1113PF0.50XY 73PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.9 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.9 0
DH04.1Y DH04 Base Y-GenXY 1113PF0.50Y 73PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.9 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.9 0
DH04.2P DH04 Base XY-Symmetry 113PF0.50S 1113PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.9 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.9 0
DH04.2X DH04 Base X-GenXY 113PF0.50S 1113PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.9 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.9 0
DH04.2XY DH04 Base XY-GenXY 113PF0.50Y 1113PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.9 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.9 0
DH04.2Y DH04 Base Y-GenXY 113PF0.50Y 1113PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.9 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.9 0
DH05.1P DH05 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 103PF0.50S 0103PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.1X DH05 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 0103PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.1XY DH05 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 103PF0.50Y 0103PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.1Y DH05 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.50Y 0103PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.2P DH05 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.2X DH05 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 63PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.2XY DH05 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 63PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.2Y DH05 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 63PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH06.1P DH06 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 93PF0.50S 293PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.1X DH06 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 93PF0.50S 293PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.1XY DH06 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 93PF0.50Y 293PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.1Y DH06 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 93PF0.50Y 293PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.2P DH06 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 53PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.2X DH06 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 53PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.2XY DH06 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 53PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.2Y DH06 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 53PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DL05.1P DL05 Base XY-Symmetry 11P 73PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DL05.1X DL05 Base X-GenXY 11X 73PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DL05.1XY DL05 Base XY-GenXY 11XY 73PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DL05.1Y DL05 Base Y-GenXY 11Y 73PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DL06.1P DL06 Base XY-Symmetry 193PF0.50S 11P 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DL06.1X DL06 Base X-GenXY 193PF0.50X 11X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DL06.1XY DL06 Base XY-GenXY 193PF0.50XY 11XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DL06.1Y DL06 Base Y-GenXY 193PF0.50Y 11Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DL06.2P DL06 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 193PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DL06.2X DL06 Base X-GenXY 3PF7X 193PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DL06.2XY DL06 Base XY-GenXY 3PF7XY 193PF0.50XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DL06.2Y DL06 Base Y-GenXY 3PF7Y 193PF0.50Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DL07.1P DL07 Base XY-Symmetry 023PF0.50S 23PF0.67S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL07.1X DL07 Base X-GenXY 023PF0.50X 23PF0.67X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL07.1XY DL07 Base XY-GenXY 023PF0.50XY 23PF0.67XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL07.1Y DL07 Base Y-GenXY 023PF0.50Y 23PF0.67Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL07.2P DL07 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF10P 23PF0.33S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL07.2X DL07 Base X-GenXY 3PF10X 23PF0.33X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL07.2XY DL07 Base XY-GenXY 3PF10XY 23PF0.33XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL07.2Y DL07 Base Y-GenXY 3PF10Y 23PF0.33Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL07.3P DL07 Base XY-Symmetry 23PF0.33S 023PF0.50S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL07.3X DL07 Base X-GenXY 23PF0.33X 023PF0.50X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL07.3XY DL07 Base XY-GenXY 23PF0.33XY 023PF0.50XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL07.3Y DL07 Base Y-GenXY 23PF0.33Y 023PF0.50Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL07.4P DL07 Base XY-Symmetry 23PF0.67S 73PF0.50S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL07.4X DL07 Base X-GenXY 23PF0.67X 73PF0.50X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL07.4XY DL07 Base XY-GenXY 23PF0.67XY 73PF0.50X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL07.4Y DL07 Base Y-GenXY 23PF0.67Y 73PF0.50S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL08.1P DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 063PF0.50S 63PF0.67S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.1X DL08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 063PF0.50X 63PF0.67X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.1XY DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 063PF0.50XY 63PF0.67XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.1Y DL08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 063PF0.50Y 63PF0.67Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.2P DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 63PF0.50S 63PF0.33S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
DL08.2X DL08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.50X 63PF0.33X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
DL08.2XY DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 63PF0.50X 63PF0.33XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
DL08.2Y DL08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.50S 63PF0.33Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
DL08.3P DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 63PF0.67S 3PF10P 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
DL08.3X DL08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.67X 3PF10X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
DL08.3XY DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 63PF0.67XY 3PF10XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
DL08.3Y DL08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.67Y 3PF10Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
DL08.4P DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 63PF0.33S 063PF0.50S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.4X DL08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.33X 063PF0.50X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.4XY DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 63PF0.33XY 063PF0.50XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.4Y DL08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.33Y 063PF0.50Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL09.1P DL09 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 173PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.1X DL09 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 173PF0.50X 63PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.1XY DL09 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 173PF0.50XY 63PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.1Y DL09 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 173PF0.50Y 63PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.2P DL09 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF15P 173PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.2X DL09 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF15X 173PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.2XY DL09 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF15XY 173PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.2Y DL09 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF15Y 173PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL10.1P DL10 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 53PF0.50S 053PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL10.1X DL10 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 53PF0.50X 053PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL10.1XY DL10 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 53PF0.50X 053PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL10.1Y DL10 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 53PF0.50S 053PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL10.2P DL10 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 053PF0.50S 3PF15P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL10.2X DL10 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 053PF0.50X 3PF15X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL10.2XY DL10 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 053PF0.50XY 3PF15XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL10.2Y DL10 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 053PF0.50Y 3PF15Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL11.1P DL11 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3P 153PF0.50P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL11.1X DL11 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3X 153PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL11.1XY DL11 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3XY 153PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL11.1Y DL11 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3Y 153PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL11.2P DL11 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 153PF0.50P 53PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL11.2X DL11 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 153PF0.50X 53PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL11.2XY DL11 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 153PF0.50XY 53PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL11.2Y DL11 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 153PF0.50Y 53PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DT05.1P DT05 Base XY-Symmetry 113PF0.50S 10P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT05.1X DT05 Base X-GenXY 113PF0.50S 10X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT05.1XY DT05 Base XY-GenXY 113PF0.50Y 10XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT05.1Y DT05 Base Y-GenXY 113PF0.50Y 10Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT06.1P DT06 Base XY-Symmetry 183PF0.50S 10P 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DT06.1X DT06 Base X-GenXY 183PF0.50X 10X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DT06.1XY DT06 Base XY-GenXY 183PF0.50XY 10XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DT06.1Y DT06 Base Y-GenXY 183PF0.50Y 10Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DT06.2P DT06 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 183PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DT06.2X DT06 Base X-GenXY 3PF7X 183PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DT06.2XY DT06 Base XY-GenXY 3PF7XY 183PF0.50XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DT06.2Y DT06 Base Y-GenXY 3PF7Y 183PF0.50Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.2 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.2 0
DT07.1P DT07 Base XY-Symmetry 13PF0.33S 013PF0.50S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT07.1X DT07 Base X-GenXY 13PF0.33X 013PF0.50X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT07.1XY DT07 Base XY-GenXY 13PF0.33XY 013PF0.50XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT07.1Y DT07 Base Y-GenXY 13PF0.33Y 013PF0.50Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT07.2P DT07 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF10P 13PF0.33S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT07.2X DT07 Base X-GenXY 3PF10X 13PF0.33X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT07.2XY DT07 Base XY-GenXY 3PF10XY 13PF0.33XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT07.2Y DT07 Base Y-GenXY 3PF10Y 13PF0.33Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT07.3P DT07 Base XY-Symmetry 13PF0.67S 113PF0.50S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT07.3X DT07 Base X-GenXY 13PF0.67X 113PF0.50S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT07.3XY DT07 Base XY-GenXY 13PF0.67XY 113PF0.50Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT07.3Y DT07 Base Y-GenXY 13PF0.67Y 113PF0.50Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT07.4P DT07 Base XY-Symmetry 013PF0.50S 13PF0.67S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT07.4X DT07 Base X-GenXY 013PF0.50X 13PF0.67X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT07.4XY DT07 Base XY-GenXY 013PF0.50XY 13PF0.67XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT07.4Y DT07 Base Y-GenXY 013PF0.50Y 13PF0.67Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.1P DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 1103PF0.50S 103PF0.67S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.1X DT08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 1103PF0.50X 103PF0.67X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.1XY DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 1103PF0.50XY 103PF0.67XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.1Y DT08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 1103PF0.50Y 103PF0.67Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.2P DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 103PF0.67S 3PF10P 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.2X DT08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.67X 3PF10X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.2XY DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 103PF0.67XY 3PF10XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.2Y DT08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.67Y 3PF10Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.3P DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 103PF0.50S 103PF0.33S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.3X DT08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 103PF0.33X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.3XY DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 103PF0.50Y 103PF0.33XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.3Y DT08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.50Y 103PF0.33Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.4P DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 103PF0.33S 1103PF0.50S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.4X DT08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.33X 1103PF0.50X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.4XY DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 103PF0.33XY 1103PF0.50XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.4Y DT08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.33Y 1103PF0.50Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT09.1P DT09 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 163PF0.50S 103PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.1X DT09 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 163PF0.50X 103PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.1XY DT09 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 163PF0.50XY 103PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.1Y DT09 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 163PF0.50Y 103PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.2P DT09 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF15P 163PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.2X DT09 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF15X 163PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.2XY DT09 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF15XY 163PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.2Y DT09 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF15Y 163PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT10.1P DT10 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 93PF0.50S 093PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT10.1X DT10 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 93PF0.50S 093PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT10.1XY DT10 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 93PF0.50Y 093PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT10.1Y DT10 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 93PF0.50Y 093PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT10.2P DT10 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 093PF0.50S 3PF15P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT10.2X DT10 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 093PF0.50X 3PF15X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT10.2XY DT10 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 093PF0.50XY 3PF15XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT10.2Y DT10 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 093PF0.50Y 3PF15Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT11.1P DT11 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3P 143PF0.50P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT11.1X DT11 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3X 143PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT11.1XY DT11 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3XY 143PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT11.1Y DT11 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3Y 143PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT11.2P DT11 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 143PF0.50P 93PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT11.2X DT11 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 143PF0.50X 93PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT11.2XY DT11 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 143PF0.50XY 93PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT11.2Y DT11 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 143PF0.50Y 93PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
HL03.1P HL03 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF5P 11P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HL03.1X HL03 Base X-GenXY 11X 3PF5X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HL03.1XY HL03 Base XY-GenXY 3PF5XY 11XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HL03.1Y HL03 Base Y-GenXY 11Y 3PF5Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HL04.1P HL04 Base X-Symmetry 3PF7P 133PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HL04.1X HL04 Base X-Gen 3PF7X 133PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HL04.2P HL04 Base X-Symmetry 133PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HL04.2X HL04 Base X-Gen 133PF0.50X 73PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HL04.3P HL04 Base X-Symmetry 073PF0.50S 3PF7Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HL04.3X HL04 Base X-Gen 073PF0.50X 3PF7XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HL04.4P HL04 Base X-Symmetry 73PF0.50S 073PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HL04.4X HL04 Base X-Gen 73PF0.50X 073PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HL05.1P HL05 Cuerpo Común X-Symmetry 3PF13P 63PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HL05.1X HL05 Cuerpo Común X-Gen 3PF13X 63PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HL05.2P HL05 Cuerpo Común X-Symmetry 63PF0.50S 3PF13Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HL05.2X HL05 Cuerpo Común X-Gen 63PF0.50X 3PF13XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HL06.1P HL06 Cuerpo Común X-Symmetry 53PF0.50S 3PF17Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL06.1X HL06 Cuerpo Común X-Gen 53PF0.50X 3PF17XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL06.2P HL06 Cuerpo Común X-Symmetry 3PF17P 53PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL06.2X HL06 Cuerpo Común X-Gen 3PF17X 53PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT03.1P HT03 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF5P 10P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HT03.1X HT03 Base X-GenXY 10X 3PF5X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HT03.1XY HT03 Base XY-GenXY 3PF5XY 10XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HT03.1Y HT03 Base Y-GenXY 10Y 3PF5Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HT04.1P HT04 Base Y-Symmetry 113PF0.50S 0113PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HT04.1Y HT04 Base Y-Gen 113PF0.50Y 0113PF0.50Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HT04.2P HT04 Base Y-Symmetry 123PF0.50S 113PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HT04.2Y HT04 Base Y-Gen 123PF0.50Y 113PF0.50Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HT04.3P HT04 Base Y-Symmetry 3PF7P 123PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HT04.3Y HT04 Base Y-Gen 3PF7Y 123PF0.50Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HT04.4P HT04 Base Y-Symmetry 0113PF0.50S 3PF7X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HT04.4Y HT04 Base Y-Gen 0113PF0.50Y 3PF7XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.7 0
HT05.1P HT05 Cuerpo Común Y-Symmetry 103PF0.50S 3PF13X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HT05.1Y HT05 Cuerpo Común Y-Gen 103PF0.50Y 3PF13XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HT05.2P HT05 Cuerpo Común Y-Symmetry 3PF13P 103PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HT05.2Y HT05 Cuerpo Común Y-Gen 3PF13Y 103PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HT06.1P HT06 Cuerpo Común Y-Symmetry 3PF17P 93PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT06.1Y HT06 Cuerpo Común Y-Gen 3PF17Y 93PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT06.2P HT06 Cuerpo Común Y-Symmetry 93PF0.50S 3PF17X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT06.2Y HT06 Cuerpo Común Y-Gen 93PF0.50Y 3PF17XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
M06.1P M06 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 23PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.1X M06 Base X-GenXY 3PF7X 23PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.1XY M06 Base XY-GenXY 3PF7XY 23PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.1Y M06 Base Y-GenXY 3PF7Y 23PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.2P M06 Base XY-Symmetry 03PF0.67S 3PF7P 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.2X M06 Base X-GenXY 03PF0.67X 3PF7X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.2XY M06 Base XY-GenXY 03PF0.67XY 3PF7XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.2Y M06 Base Y-GenXY 03PF0.67Y 3PF7Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.3P M06 Base XY-Symmetry 03PF0.33S 03PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.3X M06 Base X-GenXY 03PF0.33X 03PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.3XY M06 Base XY-GenXY 03PF0.33XY 03PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.3Y M06 Base Y-GenXY 03PF0.33Y 03PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M06.4P M06 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF10P 03PF0.33S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M06.4X M06 Base X-GenXY 3PF10X 03PF0.33X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M06.4XY M06 Base XY-GenXY 3PF10XY 03PF0.33XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M06.4Y M06 Base Y-GenXY 3PF10Y 03PF0.33Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M06.5P M06 Base XY-Symmetry 23PF0.50S 3PF5P 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M06.5X M06 Base X-GenXY 23PF0.50X 3PF5X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M06.5XY M06 Base XY-GenXY 23PF0.50XY 3PF5XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M06.5Y M06 Base Y-GenXY 23PF0.50Y 3PF5Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.1P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF15P 13PF0.50S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.1X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF15X 13PF0.50X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.1XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF15XY 13PF0.50XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.1Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF15Y 13PF0.50Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.2P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.67S 3PF10P 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.2X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.67X 3PF10X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.2XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.67XY 3PF10XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.2Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.67Y 3PF10Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.3P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 3PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.3X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.33X 3PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.3XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 3PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.3Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.33Y 3PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.4P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 3PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.4X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 3PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.4XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 3PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.4Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 3PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.5P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 13PF0.50S 3PF13P 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.5X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 13PF0.50X 3PF13X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.5XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 13PF0.50XY 3PF13XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.5Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 13PF0.50Y 3PF13Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.3P M08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3P 3PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.3X M08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3X 3PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.3XY M08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3XY 3PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.3Y M08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3Y 3PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.4P M08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.50P 3PF17P 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.4X M08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.50X 3PF17X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.4XY M08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.50XY 3PF17XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.4Y M08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.50Y 3PF17Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.5P M08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 03PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.5X M08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 03PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.5XY M08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 03PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.5Y M08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 03PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.6P M08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 03PF0.50S 3PF15P 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.6X M08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 03PF0.50X 3PF15X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.6XY M08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 03PF0.50XY 3PF15XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.6Y M08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 03PF0.50Y 3PF15Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
R046.1P R046 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.50P 143PF0.50P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R046.1X R046 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 143PF0.50X 3PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R046.1XY R046 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.50XY 143PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R046.1Y R046 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 143PF0.50Y 3PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R047.1P R047 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 143PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R047.1X R047 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 143PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R047.1XY R047 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 143PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R047.1Y R047 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 143PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R048.1P R048 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 03PF0.50S 093PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R048.1X R048 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 093PF0.50X 03PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R048.1XY R048 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 03PF0.50XY 093PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R048.1Y R048 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 093PF0.50Y 03PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R049.1P R049 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 093PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R049.1X R049 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 093PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R049.1XY R049 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 093PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R049.1Y R049 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 093PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R050.1P R050 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 13PF0.50S 163PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R050.1X R050 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 163PF0.50X 13PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R050.1XY R050 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 13PF0.50XY 163PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R050.1Y R050 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 163PF0.50Y 13PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R051.1P R051 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 163PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R051.1X R051 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 163PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R051.1XY R051 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 163PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R051.1Y R051 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 163PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R052.1P R052 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 103PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R052.1X R052 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.33X 3PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R052.1XY R052 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 103PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R052.1Y R052 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.33Y 3PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R053.1P R053 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.67S 103PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
R053.1X R053 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.67X 3PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
R053.1XY R053 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.67XY 103PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
R053.1Y R053 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.67Y 3PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
R054.1P R054 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 103PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R054.1X R054 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 103PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R054.1XY R054 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 103PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R054.1Y R054 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 103PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R055.1P R055 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 103PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R055.1X R055 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.33X 103PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R055.1XY R055 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 103PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R055.1Y R055 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.33Y 103PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R068.1P R068 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.50P 153PF0.50P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R068.1X R068 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 153PF0.50X 3PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R068.1XY R068 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.50XY 153PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R068.1Y R068 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 153PF0.50Y 3PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R069.1P R069 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 153PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R069.1X R069 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 153PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R069.1XY R069 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 153PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R069.1Y R069 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 153PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R070.1P R070 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 03PF0.50S 053PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R070.1X R070 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 053PF0.50X 03PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R070.1XY R070 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 03PF0.50XY 053PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R070.1Y R070 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 053PF0.50Y 03PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R071.1P R071 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 053PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R071.1X R071 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 053PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R071.1XY R071 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 053PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R071.1Y R071 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 053PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R072.1P R072 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 13PF0.50S 173PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
R072.1X R072 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 173PF0.50X 13PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
R072.1XY R072 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 13PF0.50XY 173PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
R072.1Y R072 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 173PF0.50Y 13PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
R073.1P R073 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 173PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R073.1X R073 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 173PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R073.1XY R073 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 173PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R073.1Y R073 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 173PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R074.1P R074 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 63PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R074.1X R074 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.33X 3PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R074.1XY R074 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 63PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R074.1Y R074 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.33Y 3PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R075.1P R075 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.67S 63PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R075.1X R075 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.67X 3PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R075.1XY R075 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.67XY 63PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R075.1Y R075 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.67Y 3PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R076.1P R076 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 63PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R076.1X R076 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 63PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R076.1XY R076 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 63PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R076.1Y R076 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 63PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R077.1P R077 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 63PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R077.1X R077 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.33X 63PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R077.1XY R077 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 63PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R077.1Y R077 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.33Y 63PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R084.1P R084 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 143PF0.50P 153PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R084.1X R084 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 143PF0.50X 153PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R084.1XY R084 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 143PF0.50XY 153PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R084.1Y R084 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 143PF0.50Y 153PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R085.1P R085 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 093PF0.50S 053PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R085.1X R085 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 093PF0.50X 053PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R085.1XY R085 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 093PF0.50XY 053PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R085.1Y R085 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 093PF0.50Y 053PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R086.1P R086 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 163PF0.50S 173PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R086.1X R086 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 163PF0.50X 173PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R086.1XY R086 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 163PF0.50XY 173PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R086.1Y R086 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 163PF0.50Y 173PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R087.1P R087 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 1103PF0.50S 063PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R087.1X R087 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 1103PF0.50X 063PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R087.1XY R087 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 1103PF0.50XY 063PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R087.1Y R087 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 1103PF0.50Y 063PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R094.1P R094 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 143PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.1X R094 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 143PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.1XY R094 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 143PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.1Y R094 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 143PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.2P R094 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 153PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.2X R094 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 153PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.2XY R094 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 153PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.2Y R094 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 153PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R095.1P R095 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 053PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.1X R095 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 053PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.1XY R095 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 053PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.1Y R095 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 053PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.2P R095 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 093PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.2X R095 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 093PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.2XY R095 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 093PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.2Y R095 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 093PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.1P R096 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 173PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.1X R096 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 173PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.1XY R096 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 173PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.1Y R096 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 173PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.2P R096 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 163PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.2X R096 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 163PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.2XY R096 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 163PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.2Y R096 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 163PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R097.1P R097 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 063PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.1X R097 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 063PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.1XY R097 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 063PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.1Y R097 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 063PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.2P R097 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 1103PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.2X R097 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 1103PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.2XY R097 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 1103PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.2Y R097 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 1103PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R103.1P R103 Base XY-Symmetry 03PF0.33S 13PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R103.1X R103 Base X-GenXY 13PF0.33X 03PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R103.1XY R103 Base XY-GenXY 03PF0.33XY 13PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R103.1Y R103 Base Y-GenXY 13PF0.33Y 03PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R104.1P R104 Base XY-Symmetry 03PF0.67S 003PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R104.1X R104 Base X-GenXY 003PF0.50X 03PF0.67X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R104.1XY R104 Base XY-GenXY 03PF0.67XY 003PF0.50XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R104.1Y R104 Base Y-GenXY 003PF0.50Y 03PF0.67Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R104.2P R104 Base XY-Symmetry 003PF0.50S 13PF0.67S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R104.2X R104 Base X-GenXY 13PF0.67X 003PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R104.2XY R104 Base XY-GenXY 003PF0.50XY 13PF0.67XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R104.2Y R104 Base Y-GenXY 13PF0.67Y 003PF0.50Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R105.1P R105 Base XY-Symmetry 03PF0.67S 13PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R105.1X R105 Base X-GenXY 03PF0.67X 13PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R105.1XY R105 Base XY-GenXY 03PF0.67XY 13PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R105.1Y R105 Base Y-GenXY 03PF0.67Y 13PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R106.1P R106 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 003PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R106.1X R106 Base X-GenXY 3PF7X 003PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R106.1XY R106 Base XY-GenXY 3PF7XY 003PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R106.1Y R106 Base Y-GenXY 3PF7Y 003PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R107.1P R107 Base Y-Symmetry 003PF0.50S 123PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R107.1Y R107 Base Y-Gen 003PF0.50Y 123PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R107.2P R107 Base Y-Symmetry 003PF0.50X 0113PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R107.2Y R107 Base Y-Gen 003PF0.50XY 0113PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R108.1P R108 Base Y-Symmetry 0113PF0.50S 13PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R108.1Y R108 Base Y-Gen 0113PF0.50Y 13PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R108.2P R108 Base Y-Symmetry 123PF0.50S 13PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R108.2Y R108 Base Y-Gen 123PF0.50Y 13PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R109.1P R109 Base XY-Symmetry 23PF0.50S 183PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R109.1X R109 Base X-GenXY 183PF0.50X 23PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R109.1XY R109 Base XY-GenXY 23PF0.50XY 183PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R109.1Y R109 Base Y-GenXY 183PF0.50Y 23PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R110.1P R110 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF5P 183PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R110.1X R110 Base X-GenXY 3PF5X 183PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R110.1XY R110 Base XY-GenXY 3PF5XY 183PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R110.1Y R110 Base Y-GenXY 3PF5Y 183PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R111.1P R111 Base XY-Symmetry 03PF0.33S 23PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R111.1X R111 Base X-GenXY 23PF0.33X 03PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R111.1XY R111 Base XY-GenXY 03PF0.33XY 23PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R111.1Y R111 Base Y-GenXY 23PF0.33Y 03PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R112.1P R112 Base XY-Symmetry 303PF0.50S 23PF0.67S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R112.1X R112 Base X-GenXY 23PF0.67X 303PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R112.1XY R112 Base XY-GenXY 303PF0.50XY 23PF0.67XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R112.1Y R112 Base Y-GenXY 23PF0.67Y 303PF0.50Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R112.2P R112 Base XY-Symmetry 03PF0.67S 303PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R112.2X R112 Base X-GenXY 303PF0.50X 03PF0.67X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R112.2XY R112 Base XY-GenXY 03PF0.67XY 303PF0.50XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R112.2Y R112 Base Y-GenXY 303PF0.50Y 03PF0.67Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R113.1P R113 Base XY-Symmetry 03PF0.67S 23PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R113.1X R113 Base X-GenXY 03PF0.67X 23PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R113.1XY R113 Base XY-GenXY 03PF0.67XY 23PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R113.1Y R113 Base Y-GenXY 03PF0.67Y 23PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R114.1P R114 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 303PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R114.1X R114 Base X-GenXY 3PF7X 303PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R114.1XY R114 Base XY-GenXY 3PF7XY 303PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R114.1Y R114 Base Y-GenXY 3PF7Y 303PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R115.1P R115 Base X-Symmetry 303PF0.50Y 073PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R115.1X R115 Base X-Gen 303PF0.50XY 073PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R115.2P R115 Base X-Symmetry 303PF0.50S 133PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R115.2X R115 Base X-Gen 303PF0.50X 133PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R116.1P R116 Base X-Symmetry 133PF0.50S 23PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R116.1X R116 Base X-Gen 133PF0.50X 23PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R116.2P R116 Base X-Symmetry 073PF0.50S 23PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R116.2X R116 Base X-Gen 073PF0.50X 23PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R117.1P R117 Base XY-Symmetry 23PF0.50S 193PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R117.1X R117 Base X-GenXY 193PF0.50X 23PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R117.1XY R117 Base XY-GenXY 23PF0.50XY 193PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R117.1Y R117 Base Y-GenXY 193PF0.50Y 23PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R118.1P R118 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF5P 193PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R118.1X R118 Base X-GenXY 3PF5X 193PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R118.1XY R118 Base XY-GenXY 3PF5XY 193PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R118.1Y R118 Base Y-GenXY 3PF5Y 193PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R119.1P R119 Base XY-Symmetry 013PF0.50S 023PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R119.1X R119 Base X-GenXY 013PF0.50X 023PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R119.1XY R119 Base XY-GenXY 013PF0.50XY 023PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R119.1Y R119 Base Y-GenXY 013PF0.50Y 023PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R120.1P R120 Base XY-Symmetry 1113PF0.50S 013PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R120.1X R120 Base X-GenXY 1113PF0.50X 013PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R120.1XY R120 Base XY-GenXY 1113PF0.50XY 013PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R120.1Y R120 Base Y-GenXY 1113PF0.50Y 013PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R120.2P R120 Base XY-Symmetry 1113PF0.50S 023PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R120.2X R120 Base X-GenXY 1113PF0.50X 023PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R120.2XY R120 Base XY-GenXY 1113PF0.50XY 023PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R120.2Y R120 Base Y-GenXY 1113PF0.50Y 023PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R121.1P R121 Base XY-Symmetry 1113PF0.50S 11P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.1X R121 Base X-GenXY 1113PF0.50X 11X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.1XY R121 Base XY-GenXY 1113PF0.50XY 11XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.1Y R121 Base Y-GenXY 1113PF0.50Y 11Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.2P R121 Base XY-Symmetry 1113PF0.50S 10P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.2X R121 Base X-GenXY 1113PF0.50X 10X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.2XY R121 Base XY-GenXY 1113PF0.50XY 10XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.2Y R121 Base Y-GenXY 1113PF0.50Y 10Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
DL01.1P DL01 Pata None P+2PF0.80SP 11P 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DL01.2P DL01 Pata None P+2PF0.60SP P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL01.3P DL01 Pata None P+2PF0.40SP P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL01.4P DL01 Pata None P+2PF0.20SP P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL01.5P DL01 Pata None P+2P P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT01.1P DT01 Pata None 1P+2PF0.80SP 10P 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT01.2P DT01 Pata None 1P+2PF0.60SP 1P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT01.3P DT01 Pata None 1P+2PF0.40SP 1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT01.4P DT01 Pata None 1P+2PF0.20SP 1P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT01.5P DT01 Pata None P+2P 1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
FM01.1P M01 Pata None 0P+2PF0.20SP 0P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FM01.1351P M01 Pata None 0P+2PF0.40SP 0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FM01.1352P M01 Pata None 0P+2PF0.60SP 0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FM01.1353P M01 Pata None 0P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5P 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
L_R122.1P R122 Pata None 0P+2PF0.80SP P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
L_R122.2P R122 Pata None 0P+2PF0.80SP 1P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
L_R123.1P R123 Pata None 0P+2PF0.60SP 1P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
L_R123.2P R123 Pata None 0P+2PF0.60SP P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
L_R124.1P R124 Pata None 0P+2PF0.40SP P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
L_R125.1P R125 Pata None 0P+2PF0.20SP P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
L_R126.1P R126 Pata None 1P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
L_R127.1P R127 Pata None 1P+2PF0.60SP 0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
L_R127.2P R127 Pata None P+2PF0.60SP 0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
L_R128.1P R128 Pata None P+2PF0.40SP 0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
L_R128.2P R128 Pata None 1P+2PF0.40SP 0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
M01.1P M01 Pata None P+2P 0P+2PF0.20SP 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
R124.2P R124 Pata None 0P+2PF0.40SP 1P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R125.2P R125 Pata None 0P+2PF0.20SP 1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R126.2P R126 Pata None P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R129.1P R129 Pata None P+2PF0.20SP 0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R129.2P R129 Pata None 1P+2PF0.20SP 0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R130.1P R130 Pata None P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
R130.2P R130 Pata None 1P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
R131.1P R131 Pata None 1P+2PF0.20SP P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R131.2P R131 Pata None P+2PF0.20SP 1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R132P R132 Pata None 1P+2PF0.20SP P+2PF0.20SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
LX_DL01.1P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.80SP 11X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LX_DL01.2P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.60SP LX_P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DL01.3P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.40SP LX_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DL01.4P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.20SP LX_P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DL01.5P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2P LX_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LX_DT01.1P DT01 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.80SP 10X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LX_DT01.2P DT01 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.60SP LX_1P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DT01.3P DT01 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.40SP LX_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DT01.4P DT01 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.20SP LX_1P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DT01.5P DT01 Pata None LX_P+2P LX_1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LX_FM01.1P M01 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.20SP LX_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_M01.1351P M01 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.40SP LX_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_M01.1352P M01 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.60SP LX_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_M01.1353P M01 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LX_L_R122.1P R122 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.80SP LX_P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LX_L_R122.2P R122 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.80SP LX_1P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LX_L_R123.1P R123 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.60SP LX_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LX_L_R123.2P R123 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.60SP LX_P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LX_L_R124.1P R124 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.40SP LX_P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LX_L_R125.1P R125 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.20SP LX_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LX_L_R126.1P R126 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LX_L_R127.1P R127 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.60SP LX_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LX_L_R127.2P R127 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.60SP LX_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LX_L_R128.1P R128 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.40SP LX_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LX_L_R128.2P R128 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.40SP LX_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LX_M01.1P M01 Pata None LX_P+2P LX_0P+2PF0.20SP 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LX_R124.2P R124 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.40SP LX_1P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LX_R125.2P R125 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.20SP LX_1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LX_R126.2P R126 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LX_R129.1P R129 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.20SP LX_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LX_R129.2P R129 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.20SP LX_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LX_R130.1P R130 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LX_R130.2P R130 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LX_R131.1P R131 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.20SP LX_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LX_R131.2P R131 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.20SP LX_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LX_R132P R132 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.20SP LX_P+2PF0.20SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
LXY_DL01.1P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.80SP 11XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LXY_DL01.2P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.60SP LXY_P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DL01.3P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.40SP LXY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DL01.4P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.20SP LXY_P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DL01.5P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2P LXY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LXY_DT01.1P DT01 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.80SP 10XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LXY_DT01.2P DT01 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.60SP LXY_1+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DT01.3P DT01 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.40SP LXY_1+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DT01.4P DT01 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.20SP LXY_1+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DT01.5P DT01 Pata None LXY_P+2P LXY_1+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LXY_FM01.1P M01 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.20SP LXY_0+2PF0.40SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_01.1351P M01 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.40SP LXY_0+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_01.1352P M01 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.60SP LXY_0+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_01.1353P M01 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.80SP 3PF5XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LXY__R122.1P R122 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.80SP LXY_P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LXY__R122.2P R122 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.80SP LXY_1+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LXY__R123.1P R123 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.60SP LXY_1+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LXY__R123.2P R123 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.60SP LXY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LXY__R124.1P R124 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.40SP LXY_P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LXY__R125.1P R125 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.20SP LXY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LXY__R126.1P R126 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.80SP 3PF5XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LXY__R127.1P R127 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.60SP LXY_0+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LXY__R127.2P R127 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.60SP LXY_0+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LXY__R128.1P R128 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.40SP LXY_0+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LXY__R128.2P R128 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.40SP LXY_0+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LXY_M01.1P M01 Pata None LXY_P+2P LXY_0+2PF0.20SP 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LXY_R124.2P R124 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.40SP LXY_1+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LXY_R125.2P R125 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.20SP LXY_1+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LXY_R126.2P R126 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LXY_R129.1P R129 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.20SP LXY_0+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LXY_R129.2P R129 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.20SP LXY_0+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LXY_R130.1P R130 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LXY_R130.2P R130 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LXY_R131.1P R131 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.20SP LXY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LXY_R131.2P R131 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.20SP LXY_1+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LXY_R132P R132 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.20SP LXY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
LY_DL01.1P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.80SP 11Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LY_DL01.2P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.60SP LY_P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DL01.3P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.40SP LY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DL01.4P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.20SP LY_P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DL01.5P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2P LY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LY_DT01.1P DT01 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.80SP 10Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LY_DT01.2P DT01 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.60SP LY_1P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DT01.3P DT01 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.40SP LY_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DT01.4P DT01 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.20SP LY_1P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DT01.5P DT01 Pata None LY_P+2P LY_1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LY_FM01.1P M01 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.20SP LY_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_M01.1351P M01 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.40SP LY_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_M01.1352P M01 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.60SP LY_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_M01.1353P M01 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LY_L_R122.1P R122 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.80SP LY_P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LY_L_R122.2P R122 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.80SP LY_1P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LY_L_R123.1P R123 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.60SP LY_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LY_L_R123.2P R123 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.60SP LY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LY_L_R124.1P R124 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.40SP LY_P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LY_L_R125.1P R125 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.20SP LY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LY_L_R126.1P R126 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LY_L_R127.1P R127 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.60SP LY_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LY_L_R127.2P R127 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.60SP LY_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LY_L_R128.1P R128 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.40SP LY_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LY_L_R128.2P R128 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.40SP LY_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LY_M01.1P M01 Pata None LY_P+2P LY_0P+2PF0.20SP 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LY_R124.2P R124 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.40SP LY_1P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LY_R125.2P R125 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.20SP LY_1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LY_R126.2P R126 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LY_R129.1P R129 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.20SP LY_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LY_R129.2P R129 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.20SP LY_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LY_R130.1P R130 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LY_R130.2P R130 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LY_R131.1P R131 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.20SP LY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LY_R131.2P R131 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.20SP LY_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LY_R132P R132 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.20SP LY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
Unadjusted Dead Load and Drag Areas by Section:

Section Unfactored X-Drag Y-Drag X-Drag Y-Drag

Label Dead Load Area All Area All Area Face Area Face
(kN) (m^2) (m^2) (m^2) (m^2)
Canastillo 2.878 3.657 3.243 1.457 1.661
Superestructura 81.641 58.092 51.816 22.080 18.204
Cuerpo Común 58.407 31.421 31.312 12.508 12.307
Base 42.002 23.221 23.229 8.625 8.640
Pata 49.366 26.302 26.302 10.333 10.333
Total 234.294 142.693 135.903 55.004 51.145

Angle Member Weights and Surface Areas by Section:

Section Unfactored Factored Unfactored Factored

Label Weight Weight Surface Area Surface Area
(kN) (kN) (m^2) (m^2)
Canastillo 2.878 3.454 17.090 20.508
Superestructura 81.641 97.969 285.394 342.472
Cuerpo Común 58.407 70.089 123.969 148.762
Base 42.002 50.402 97.877 117.452
Pata 49.366 59.239 92.750 111.299
Total 234.294 281.153 617.079 740.494

Sections Information:

Section Top Bottom Joint Member Tran. Face Tran. Face Tran. Face Long. Face Long. Face Long. Face CoG CoG CoG
Label Z Z Count Count Top Width Bot Width Gross Area Top Width Bot Width Gross Area X Y Z
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m^2) (m) (m) (m^2) (m) (m) (m)
Canastillo 44.000 41.000 20 53 0.00 1.60 3.600 5.60 1.60 10.800 0.000 0.000 42.493
Superestructura 41.000 19.000 272 750 1.60 4.00 56.200 1.60 13.53 80.102 0.000 0.000 26.986
Cuerpo Común 19.000 10.000 104 276 4.00 5.23 41.554 4.00 5.23 41.554 0.000 0.000 14.444
Base 10.000 5.000 92 208 5.23 5.92 27.886 5.23 5.92 27.886 0.000 0.000 7.185
Pata 5.000 -2.000 68 144 5.92 6.88 44.800 5.92 6.88 44.800 -0.000 -0.000 1.619

Base H=16 m

Joints Geometry:

Joint Symmetry X Coord. Y Coord. Z Coord. X Disp. Y Disp. Z Disp. X Rot. Y Rot. Z Rot.
Label Code (m) (m) (m) Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest.
1P XY-Symmetry 0.8 0.8 41 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2P XY-Symmetry 0.8 0.8 36.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3P XY-Symmetry 2 2 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
5P X-Symmetry 0 2.8 44 Free Free Free Free Free Free
6P Y-Symmetry 0.8 0 42.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7P XY-Symmetry 0.8 6.763 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
8P XY-Symmetry 0.8 6.763 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9P XY-Symmetry 0.8 6.763 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1X X-GenXY 0.8 -0.8 41 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -0.8 41 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1Y Y-GenXY -0.8 0.8 41 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2X X-GenXY 0.8 -0.8 36.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -0.8 36.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2Y Y-GenXY -0.8 0.8 36.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3X X-GenXY 2 -2 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3XY XY-GenXY -2 -2 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3Y Y-GenXY -2 2 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
5X X-Gen 0 -2.8 44 Free Free Free Free Free Free
6Y Y-Gen -0.8 0 42.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7X X-GenXY 0.8 -6.763 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -6.763 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7Y Y-GenXY -0.8 6.763 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
8X X-GenXY 0.8 -6.763 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
8XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -6.763 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
8Y Y-GenXY -0.8 6.763 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9X X-GenXY 0.8 -6.763 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9XY XY-GenXY -0.8 -6.763 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9Y Y-GenXY -0.8 6.763 19 Free Free Free Free Free Free
10P XY-Symmetry 2.754 0.5587 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11P XY-Symmetry 0.5587 2.754 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF17P XY-Symmetry 2.115 2.115 17.33 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF15P XY-Symmetry 2.274 2.274 15 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF13P XY-Symmetry 2.42 2.42 12.88 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF7P XY-Symmetry 2.617 2.617 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF5P XY-Symmetry 2.754 2.754 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.50P XY-Symmetry 2.057 2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
143PF0.50P XY-Symmetry 2.057 1 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
153PF0.50P XY-Symmetry 1 2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
10X X-GenXY 2.754 -0.5587 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
10XY XY-GenXY -2.754 -0.5587 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
10Y Y-GenXY -2.754 0.5587 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11X X-GenXY 0.5587 -2.754 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11XY XY-GenXY -0.5587 -2.754 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11Y Y-GenXY -0.5587 2.754 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF17X X-GenXY 2.115 -2.115 17.33 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF17XY XY-GenXY -2.115 -2.115 17.33 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF17Y Y-GenXY -2.115 2.115 17.33 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF15X X-GenXY 2.274 -2.274 15 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF15XY XY-GenXY -2.274 -2.274 15 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF15Y Y-GenXY -2.274 2.274 15 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF13X X-GenXY 2.42 -2.42 12.88 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF13XY XY-GenXY -2.42 -2.42 12.88 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF13Y Y-GenXY -2.42 2.42 12.88 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF7X X-GenXY 2.617 -2.617 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF7XY XY-GenXY -2.617 -2.617 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF7Y Y-GenXY -2.617 2.617 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF5X X-GenXY 2.754 -2.754 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF5XY XY-GenXY -2.754 -2.754 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF5Y Y-GenXY -2.754 2.754 8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.50X X-GenXY 2.057 -2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.50XY XY-GenXY -2.057 -2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.50Y Y-GenXY -2.057 2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
143PF0.50X X-GenXY 2.057 -1 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
143PF0.50XY XY-GenXY -2.057 -1 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
143PF0.50Y Y-GenXY -2.057 1 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
153PF0.50X X-GenXY 1 -2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
153PF0.50XY XY-GenXY -1 -2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
153PF0.50Y Y-GenXY -1 2.057 18.16 Free Free Free Free Free Free
P+2P None 3.234 3.234 1 Fixed Fixed Fixed Free Free Free
P+2PF0.20SP None 2.699 3.138 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
P+2PF0.40SP None 2.164 3.042 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
P+2PF0.60SP None 1.629 2.946 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
P+2PF0.80SP None 1.094 2.85 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0P+2PF0.20SP None 3.138 3.138 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0P+2PF0.40SP None 3.042 3.042 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0P+2PF0.60SP None 2.946 2.946 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0P+2PF0.80SP None 2.85 2.85 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1P+2PF0.20SP None 3.138 2.699 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1P+2PF0.40SP None 3.042 2.164 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1P+2PF0.60SP None 2.946 1.629 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1P+2PF0.80SP None 2.85 1.094 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_P+2P None 3.234 -3.234 1 Fixed Fixed Fixed Free Free Free
LX_P+2PF0.20SP None 2.699 -3.138 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_P+2PF0.40SP None 2.164 -3.042 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_P+2PF0.60SP None 1.629 -2.946 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_P+2PF0.80SP None 1.094 -2.85 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_0P+2PF0.20SP None 3.138 -3.138 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_0P+2PF0.40SP None 3.042 -3.042 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_0P+2PF0.60SP None 2.946 -2.946 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_0P+2PF0.80SP None 2.85 -2.85 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_1P+2PF0.20SP None 3.138 -2.699 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_1P+2PF0.40SP None 3.042 -2.164 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_1P+2PF0.60SP None 2.946 -1.629 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LX_1P+2PF0.80SP None 2.85 -1.094 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_P+2P None -3.234 -3.234 1 Fixed Fixed Fixed Free Free Free
LXY_P+2PF0.20SP None -2.699 -3.138 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_P+2PF0.40SP None -2.164 -3.042 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_P+2PF0.60SP None -1.629 -2.946 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_P+2PF0.80SP None -1.094 -2.85 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_0+2PF0.20SP None -3.138 -3.138 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_0+2PF0.40SP None -3.042 -3.042 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_0+2PF0.60SP None -2.946 -2.946 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_0+2PF0.80SP None -2.85 -2.85 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_1+2PF0.20SP None -3.138 -2.699 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_1+2PF0.40SP None -3.042 -2.164 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_1+2PF0.60SP None -2.946 -1.629 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LXY_1+2PF0.80SP None -2.85 -1.094 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_P+2P None -3.234 3.234 1 Fixed Fixed Fixed Free Free Free
LY_P+2PF0.20SP None -2.699 3.138 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_P+2PF0.40SP None -2.164 3.042 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_P+2PF0.60SP None -1.629 2.946 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_P+2PF0.80SP None -1.094 2.85 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_0P+2PF0.20SP None -3.138 3.138 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_0P+2PF0.40SP None -3.042 3.042 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_0P+2PF0.60SP None -2.946 2.946 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_0P+2PF0.80SP None -2.85 2.85 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_1P+2PF0.20SP None -3.138 2.699 2.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_1P+2PF0.40SP None -3.042 2.164 3.8 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_1P+2PF0.60SP None -2.946 1.629 5.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
LY_1P+2PF0.80SP None -2.85 1.094 6.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free

Secondary Joints:

Joint Symmetry Origin End Fraction Elevation X Disp. Y Disp. Z Disp. X Rot. Y Rot. Z Rot.
Label Code Joint Joint Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest.
1PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 1P 2P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 1P 2P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF35S XY-Symmetry 2P 3P 0 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF33S XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 3P 0 33.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF32S XY-Symmetry 2PF33S 3P 0 31.75 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF30S XY-Symmetry 2PF32S 3P 0 30.13 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF29S XY-Symmetry 2PF30S 3P 0 28.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF27S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 3P 0 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF26S XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 3P 0 25.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF24S XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 3P 0 24 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF22S XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 3P 0 22.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF21S XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 3P 0 20.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 1P 1PF0.33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 1PF0.33S 1PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 1PF0.67S 2P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2P 2PF35S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF33S 2PF32S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
22PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF32S 2PF30S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
32PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF30S 2PF29S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
42PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 2PF27S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
52PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
62PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 2PF24S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
72PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
82PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 2PF21S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
92PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
21PF0.50S X-Symmetry 1P 1Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
102PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2P 2Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
112PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF35Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
122PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF29S 2PF29Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
132PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF27Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
142PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF24S 2PF24Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
152PF0.50S X-Symmetry 2PF21S 2PF21Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
43PF0.50S X-Symmetry 3P 3Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
162PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF27X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
172PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 2PF24S 2PF24X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
182PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 2PF21S 2PF21X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
83PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 3P 3X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
192PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 162PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
202PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 132PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0162PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 162PF0.50S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0132PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 132PF0.50S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
212PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 172PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
222PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 142PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0172PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 172PF0.50S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0142PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 142PF0.50S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
232PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 182PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
242PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 152PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0182PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 182PF0.50S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0152PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 152PF0.50S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
6PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 6P 5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 1P 5P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 1P 5P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 8P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 8P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 8P 0.346 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 8P 0.6729 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1162PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 162PF0.50S 132PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1182PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 182PF0.50S 152PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1172PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 172PF0.50S 142PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
002PF0.50S X-Symmetry 02PF0.67S 02PF0.67Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
302PF0.50S X-Symmetry 02PF0.33S 02PF0.33Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 7P 2P 0.3275 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 7P 2P 0.6551 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 9P 2PF21S 0.3263 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 9P 2PF21S 0.6525 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
33PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 3P 9P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
33PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 3P 9P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.50S X-Symmetry 7PF0.33S 7PF0.33Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.50S X-Symmetry 9PF0.33S 9PF0.33Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
09PF0.50S X-Symmetry 9PF0.67S 9PF0.67Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
07PF0.50S X-Symmetry 7PF0.67S 7PF0.67Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 3PF15P 3PF13P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 3PF5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
53PF0.50S X-Symmetry 3PF17P 3PF17Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.50S X-Symmetry 3PF13P 3PF13Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
73PF0.50S X-Symmetry 3PF7P 3PF7Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
93PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 3PF17P 3PF17X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 3PF13P 3PF13X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
113PF0.50S Y-Symmetry 3PF7P 3PF7X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
093PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 93PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
053PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 53PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
163PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 3PF15P 103PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
173PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 3PF15P 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 103PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 103PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.33S XY-Symmetry 63PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.67S XY-Symmetry 63PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
183PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 10P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
193PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
293PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 93PF0.50S 53PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0103PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 103PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1113PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 113PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
010PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 10P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1103PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 103PF0.33S 103PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
063PF0.50S XY-Symmetry 63PF0.33S 63PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.33X X-GenXY 1P 2P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 1P 2P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 1P 2P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.67X X-GenXY 1P 2P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 1P 2P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 1P 2P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF35X X-GenXY 2P 3P 0 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF35XY XY-GenXY 2P 3P 0 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF35Y Y-GenXY 2P 3P 0 35 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF33X X-GenXY 2PF35S 3P 0 33.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF33XY XY-GenXY 2PF35S 3P 0 33.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF33Y Y-GenXY 2PF35S 3P 0 33.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF32X X-GenXY 2PF33S 3P 0 31.75 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF32XY XY-GenXY 2PF33S 3P 0 31.75 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF32Y Y-GenXY 2PF33S 3P 0 31.75 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF30X X-GenXY 2PF32S 3P 0 30.13 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF30XY XY-GenXY 2PF32S 3P 0 30.13 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF30Y Y-GenXY 2PF32S 3P 0 30.13 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF29X X-GenXY 2PF30S 3P 0 28.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF29XY XY-GenXY 2PF30S 3P 0 28.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF29Y Y-GenXY 2PF30S 3P 0 28.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF27X X-GenXY 2PF29S 3P 0 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF27XY XY-GenXY 2PF29S 3P 0 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF27Y Y-GenXY 2PF29S 3P 0 27 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF26X X-GenXY 2PF27S 3P 0 25.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF26XY XY-GenXY 2PF27S 3P 0 25.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF26Y Y-GenXY 2PF27S 3P 0 25.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF24X X-GenXY 2PF26S 3P 0 24 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF24XY XY-GenXY 2PF26S 3P 0 24 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF24Y Y-GenXY 2PF26S 3P 0 24 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF22X X-GenXY 2PF24S 3P 0 22.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF22XY XY-GenXY 2PF24S 3P 0 22.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF22Y Y-GenXY 2PF24S 3P 0 22.38 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF21X X-GenXY 2PF22S 3P 0 20.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF21XY XY-GenXY 2PF22S 3P 0 20.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF21Y Y-GenXY 2PF22S 3P 0 20.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.50X X-GenXY 1P 1PF0.33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 1P 1PF0.33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 1P 1PF0.33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.50X X-GenXY 1PF0.33S 1PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 1PF0.33S 1PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 1PF0.33S 1PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11PF0.50X X-GenXY 1PF0.67S 2P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 1PF0.67S 2P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
11PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 1PF0.67S 2P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.50X X-GenXY 2P 2PF35S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2P 2PF35S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2P 2PF35S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF35S 2PF33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF35S 2PF33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF35S 2PF33S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF33S 2PF32S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF33S 2PF32S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF33S 2PF32S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
22PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF32S 2PF30S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
22PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF32S 2PF30S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
22PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF32S 2PF30S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
32PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF30S 2PF29S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
32PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF30S 2PF29S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
32PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF30S 2PF29S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
42PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF29S 2PF27S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
42PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF29S 2PF27S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
42PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF29S 2PF27S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
52PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF27S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
52PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF27S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
52PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF27S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
62PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF26S 2PF24S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
62PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF26S 2PF24S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
62PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF26S 2PF24S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
72PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF24S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
72PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF24S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
72PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF24S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
82PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF22S 2PF21S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
82PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF22S 2PF21S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
82PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF22S 2PF21S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
92PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF21S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
92PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF21S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
92PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF21S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
21PF0.50X X-Gen 1P 1Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
102PF0.50X X-Gen 2P 2Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
112PF0.50X X-Gen 2PF35S 2PF35Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
122PF0.50X X-Gen 2PF29S 2PF29Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
132PF0.50X X-Gen 2PF27S 2PF27Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
142PF0.50X X-Gen 2PF24S 2PF24Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
152PF0.50X X-Gen 2PF21S 2PF21Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
43PF0.50X X-Gen 3P 3Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
162PF0.50Y Y-Gen 2PF27S 2PF27X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
172PF0.50Y Y-Gen 2PF24S 2PF24X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
182PF0.50Y Y-Gen 2PF21S 2PF21X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
83PF0.50Y Y-Gen 3P 3X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
192PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF29S 162PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
192PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF29S 162PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
192PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF29S 162PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
202PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF29S 132PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
202PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF29S 132PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
202PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF29S 132PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0162PF0.50X X-GenXY 162PF0.50S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0162PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 162PF0.50S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0162PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 162PF0.50S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0132PF0.50X X-GenXY 132PF0.50S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0132PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 132PF0.50S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0132PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 132PF0.50S 2PF26S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
212PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF26S 172PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
212PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF26S 172PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
212PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF26S 172PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
222PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF26S 142PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
222PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF26S 142PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
222PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF26S 142PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0172PF0.50X X-GenXY 172PF0.50S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0172PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 172PF0.50S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0172PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 172PF0.50S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0142PF0.50X X-GenXY 142PF0.50S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0142PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 142PF0.50S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0142PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 142PF0.50S 2PF22S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
232PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF22S 182PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
232PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF22S 182PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
232PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF22S 182PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
242PF0.50X X-GenXY 2PF22S 152PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
242PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 2PF22S 152PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
242PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 2PF22S 152PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0182PF0.50X X-GenXY 182PF0.50S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0182PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 182PF0.50S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0182PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 182PF0.50S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0152PF0.50X X-GenXY 152PF0.50S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0152PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 152PF0.50S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0152PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 152PF0.50S 3P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
6PF0.50X X-GenXY 6P 5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
6PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 6P 5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
6PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 6P 5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.33X X-GenXY 1P 5P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 1P 5P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 1P 5P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.67X X-GenXY 1P 5P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 1P 5P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
01PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 1P 5P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.33X X-GenXY 2PF27S 8P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 2PF27S 8P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 2PF27S 8P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.67X X-GenXY 2PF27S 8P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 2PF27S 8P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 2PF27S 8P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.33X X-GenXY 2PF29S 8P 0.346 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 2PF29S 8P 0.346 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 2PF29S 8P 0.346 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.67X X-GenXY 2PF29S 8P 0.6729 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 2PF29S 8P 0.6729 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
02PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 2PF29S 8P 0.6729 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1162PF0.50X X-GenXY 162PF0.50S 132PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1162PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 162PF0.50S 132PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1162PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 162PF0.50S 132PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1182PF0.50X X-GenXY 182PF0.50S 152PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1182PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 182PF0.50S 152PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1182PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 182PF0.50S 152PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1172PF0.50X X-GenXY 172PF0.50S 142PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1172PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 172PF0.50S 142PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1172PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 172PF0.50S 142PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
002PF0.50X X-Gen 02PF0.67S 02PF0.67Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
302PF0.50X X-Gen 02PF0.33S 02PF0.33Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.33X X-GenXY 2PF35S 7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 2PF35S 7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 2PF35S 7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.67X X-GenXY 2PF35S 7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 2PF35S 7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 2PF35S 7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.33X X-GenXY 7P 2P 0.3275 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 7P 2P 0.3275 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 7P 2P 0.3275 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.67X X-GenXY 7P 2P 0.6551 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 7P 2P 0.6551 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 7P 2P 0.6551 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.33X X-GenXY 9P 2PF21S 0.3263 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 9P 2PF21S 0.3263 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 9P 2PF21S 0.3263 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.67X X-GenXY 9P 2PF21S 0.6525 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 9P 2PF21S 0.6525 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 9P 2PF21S 0.6525 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
33PF0.33X X-GenXY 3P 9P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
33PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 3P 9P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
33PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 3P 9P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
33PF0.67X X-GenXY 3P 9P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
33PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 3P 9P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
33PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 3P 9P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7PF0.50X X-Gen 7PF0.33S 7PF0.33Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9PF0.50X X-Gen 9PF0.33S 9PF0.33Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
09PF0.50X X-Gen 9PF0.67S 9PF0.67Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
07PF0.50X X-Gen 7PF0.67S 7PF0.67Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF17P 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF17P 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
03PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF17P 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF15P 3PF13P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF15P 3PF13P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF15P 3PF13P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.33X X-GenXY 3PF13P 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 3PF13P 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 3PF13P 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.67X X-GenXY 3PF13P 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 3PF13P 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 3PF13P 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF7P 3PF5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF7P 3PF5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF7P 3PF5P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
53PF0.50X X-Gen 3PF17P 3PF17Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.50X X-Gen 3PF13P 3PF13Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
73PF0.50X X-Gen 3PF7P 3PF7Y 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
93PF0.50Y Y-Gen 3PF17P 3PF17X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.50Y Y-Gen 3PF13P 3PF13X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
113PF0.50Y Y-Gen 3PF7P 3PF7X 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
093PF0.50X X-GenXY 93PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
093PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 93PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
093PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 93PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
053PF0.50X X-GenXY 53PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
053PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 53PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
053PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 53PF0.50S 3PF15P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
163PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF15P 103PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
163PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF15P 103PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
163PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF15P 103PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
173PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF15P 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
173PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF15P 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
173PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF15P 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.33X X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.67X X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
103PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 103PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.33X X-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.33XY XY-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.33Y Y-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.3333 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.67X X-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.67XY XY-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
63PF0.67Y Y-GenXY 63PF0.50S 3PF7P 0.6667 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
183PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF7P 10P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
183PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF7P 10P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
183PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF7P 10P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
193PF0.50X X-GenXY 3PF7P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
193PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 3PF7P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
193PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 3PF7P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
293PF0.50X X-GenXY 93PF0.50S 53PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
293PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 93PF0.50S 53PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
293PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 93PF0.50S 53PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0103PF0.50X X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0103PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 103PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
0103PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 103PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1113PF0.50X X-GenXY 113PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1113PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 113PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1113PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 113PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
010PF0.50X X-GenXY 10P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
010PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 10P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
010PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 10P 11P 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1103PF0.50X X-GenXY 103PF0.33S 103PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1103PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 103PF0.33S 103PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
1103PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 103PF0.33S 103PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
063PF0.50X X-GenXY 63PF0.33S 63PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
063PF0.50XY XY-GenXY 63PF0.33S 63PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free
063PF0.50Y Y-GenXY 63PF0.33S 63PF0.67S 0.5 0 Free Free Free Free Free Free

The model contains 120 primary and 356 secondary joints for a total of 476 joints.

Steel Material Properties:

Steel Modulus Yield Ultimate Member Member Member Member Member Member Hyper
Material of Stress Stress All. Stress All. Stress Rupture Rupture Bearing Bearing Static
Label Elasticity Fy Fu Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Exponent
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
A572 Gr50 2e+05 345 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bolt Properties:

Bolt Bolt Hole Ultimate Default Default Shear Shear Ultimate Short
Label Diameter Diameter Shear End Bolt Capacity Capacity Stress Edge
Capacity Distance Spacing Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Fub Dist.
(cm) (cm) (kN) (cm) (cm) (kN) (kN) (MPa) (cm)
5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1.587 1.908 66.95 3 4.2 0 0 0 2.5

Number Bolts Used By Type:

Bolt Number
Type Bolts
5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3847

Angle Properties:

Angle Angle Long Short Thick. Unit Gross w/t Radius of Radius of Radius of Angle Wind Short Long Optimize Section Center of Center of Radius
Type Size Leg Leg Weight Area Ratio Gyration Gyration Gyration Cross Width Edge Edge Cost Modulus Gravity Gravity of
Rx Ry Rz Section Dist. Dist. Factor About X-X About Y-Y Toe
(cm) (cm) (cm) (N/m) (cm^2) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm^3) (cm) (cm) (cm)
XL 180X180X18 18 18 1.8 947.8 123.1 8 5.54 5.54 3.538 DoubleCruci 36 2.1 0 0.0000 211.1 0 0 0
L 45X45X4 4.5 4.5 0.4 26.48 3.44 9.25 1.392 1.392 0.8872 Single 4.5 2.1 0 0.0000 1.504 0 0 0
L 50X50X4 5 5 0.4 29.56 3.84 10.5 1.553 1.553 0.9883 Single 5 2.1 0 0.0000 1.897 0 0 0
L 50X50X5 5 5 0.5 36.57 4.75 8 1.539 1.539 0.9829 Single 5 2.1 0 0.0000 2.263 0 0 0
L 55X55X4 5.5 5.5 0.4 32.64 4.24 11.75 1.714 1.714 1.09 Single 5.5 2.1 0 0.0000 2.337 0 0 0
L 60X60X5 6 6 0.5 44.27 5.75 10 1.861 1.861 1.185 Single 6 2.1 0 0.0000 3.387 0 0 0
L 60X60X6 6 6 0.6 52.66 6.84 8 1.847 1.847 1.179 Single 6 2.1 0 0.0000 3.91 0 0 0
L 65X65X5 6.5 6.5 0.5 48.12 6.25 11 2.022 2.022 1.286 Single 6.5 2.1 0 0.0000 4.038 0 0 0
L 65X65X6 6.5 6.5 0.6 57.28 7.44 8.833 2.008 2.008 1.28 Single 6.5 2.1 0 0.0000 4.67 0 0 0
L 70X70X5 7 7 0.5 51.96 6.75 12 2.183 2.183 1.387 Single 7 2.1 0 0.0000 4.747 0 0 0
L 70X70X6 7 7 0.6 61.9 8.04 9.667 2.168 2.168 1.381 Single 7 2.1 0 0.0000 5.501 0 0 0
L 75X75X6 7.5 7.5 0.6 66.52 8.64 10.5 2.329 2.329 1.482 Single 7.5 2.1 0 0.0000 6.403 0 0 0
L 80X80X5 8 8 0.5 59.66 7.75 14 2.505 2.505 1.59 Single 8 2.1 0 0.0000 6.341 0 0 0
L 80X80X6 8 8 0.6 71.13 9.24 11.33 2.49 2.49 1.584 Single 8 2.1 0 0.0000 7.374 0 0 0
L 80X80X8 8 8 0.8 93.61 12.16 8 2.462 2.462 1.573 Single 8 2.1 0 0.0000 9.267 0 0 0
L 80X80X10 8 8 1 115.5 15 6 2.436 2.436 1.565 Single 8 2.1 0 0.0000 10.97 0 0 0
L 90X90X6 9 9 0.6 80.37 10.44 13 2.813 2.813 1.786 Single 9 2.1 0 0.0000 9.528 0 0 0
L 90X90X8 9 9 0.8 105.9 13.76 9.25 2.784 2.784 1.774 Single 9 2.1 0 0.0000 12.03 0 0 0
L 100X100X6 10 10 0.6 89.61 11.64 14.67 3.135 3.135 1.989 Single 10 2.1 0 0.0000 11.96 0 0 0
L 100X100X8 10 10 0.8 118.2 15.36 10.5 3.106 3.106 1.977 Single 10 2.1 0 0.0000 15.18 0 0 0
L 100X100X10 10 10 1 146.3 19 8 3.078 3.078 1.966 Single 10 2.1 0 0.0000 18.1 0 0 0
L 100X100X12 10 10 1.2 173.7 22.56 6.333 3.051 3.051 1.957 Single 10 2.1 0 0.0000 20.79 0 0 0
L 110X110X12 11 11 1.2 192.2 24.96 7.167 3.372 3.372 2.158 Single 11 2.1 0 0.0000 25.75 0 0 0
L 120X120X12 12 12 1.2 210.6 27.36 8 3.694 3.694 2.359 Single 12 2.1 0 0.0000 31.28 0 0 0
L 150X150X12 15 15 1.2 266.1 34.56 10.5 4.659 4.659 2.965 Single 15 2.1 0 0.0000 51.22 0 0 0
L 150X150X18 15 15 1.8 390.8 50.76 6.333 4.577 4.577 2.936 Single 15 2.1 0 0.0000 70.15 0 0 0
L 180X180X18 18 18 1.8 473.9 61.56 8 5.54 5.54 3.538 Single 18 2.1 0 0.0000 105.6 0 0 0

Angle Groups:

Group Group Angle Angle Material Element Group Optimize Allow. Add.
Label Description Type Size Type Type Type Group Angle Width
For Optimize
CC1 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Sup. L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CC2 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Med. L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CC3 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Inf. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CG2 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Canastillo L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CG3 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Canastillo L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
CG4 Cantonera Canastillo L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CG5 Diag. Horiz. Canastillo L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
CG6 Diag. Canastillo L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DH01 Diag. Horiz. Base H=16 L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DH02 Diag. Horiz. Base H=16 L 100X100X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DH03 Diag. Horiz. Base H=19 L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DH04 Diag. Horiz. Base H=19 L 110X110X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH05 Diag. Horiz. Cuerpo Común L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH06 Diag. Horiz. Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH07 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH08 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH09 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH10 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DH11 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DH12 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC1 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC2 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC3 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC4 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC5 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC6 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC7 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC8 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DHC9 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL01 Diag. Long. Pata +2 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL02 Diag. Long. Pata +1 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL03 Diag. Long. Pata +0 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL04 Diag. Long. Pata -1 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL05 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL06 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 70X70X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL07 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL08 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DL09 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL10 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL11 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL12 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL13 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL14 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL15 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL16 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL17 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL18 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL19 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL20 Diag. Long. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL21 Diag. Long. Superest. L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL22 Diag. Long. Superest. L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL23 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL24 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL25 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL26 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL27 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DL28 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL29 Diag. Long. Base H=16 L 120X120X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DL30 Diag. Long. Base H=16 L 80X80X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT01 Diag. Trans. Pata +2 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT02 Diag. Trans. Pata +1 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT03 Diag. Trans. Pata +0 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT04 Diag. Trans. Pata -1 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT05 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT06 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 70X70X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT07 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT08 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
DT09 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT10 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT11 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT12 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT13 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT14 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT15 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT16 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT17 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT18 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT19 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT20 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT21 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT22 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT23 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT24 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT25 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Crossing Diagonal None 0.000
DT26 Diag. Trans. Base H=16 L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
DT27 Diag. Trans. Base H=16 L 80X80X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL01 Marco Base H=16 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HL02 Marco Base H=16 L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL03 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HL04 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL05 Marco Cuerpo Común L 90X90X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL06 Marco Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL07 Marco Superest. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL08 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL09 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL10 Marco Superest. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL11 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL12 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL13 Marco Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HL14 Marco Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT01 Marco Base H=16 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT02 Marco Base H=16 L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT03 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT04 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT05 Marco Cuerpo Común L 90X90X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT06 Marco Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT07 Marco Superest. L 100X100X8 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT08 Marco Superest. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT09 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT10 Marco Superest. L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Beam Other None 0.000
HT11 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT12 Marco Superest. L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT13 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
HT14 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
M01 Cantonera Pata +2 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M02 Cantonera Pata +1 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M03 Cantonera Pata +0 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M04 Cantonera Pata -1 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M05 Cantoner Base H=16 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M06 Cantonera Base H=19 XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M07 Cantonera Cuerpo Común XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M08 Cantonera Cuerpo Común XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M09 Cantonera Superest. L 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M10 Cantonera Superest. L 150X150X18 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M11 Cantonera Superest. L 120X120X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M12 Cantonera Superest. L 100X100X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
M13 Cantonera Superest. L 100X100X12 A572 Gr50 Beam Leg None 0.000
MHC1 Diag. Cruc. Sup. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
MHC2 Diag. Cruc. Med. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
MHC3 Diag. Cruc. Inf. L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
R001 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R002 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R003 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R004 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R005 Relleno Canastillo L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R006 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R007 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R008 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R009 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R010 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R011 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R012 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R013 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R014 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R015 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R016 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R017 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R018 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R019 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R020 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R021 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R022 Relleno. Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R023 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R024 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R025 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R026 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R027 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R028 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R029 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R030 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R031 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R032 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R033 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R034 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R035 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R036 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R037 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R038 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R039 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R040 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R041 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R042 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R043 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R044 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R045 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R046 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R047 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R048 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R049 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R050 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R051 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R052 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R053 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R054 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R055 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R056 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R057 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R058 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R059 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R060 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R061 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R062 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R063 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R064 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R065 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R066 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R067 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R068 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
R069 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R070 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R071 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R072 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R073 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R074 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R075 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R076 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R077 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R078 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R079 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R080 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R081 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R082 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R083 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R084 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R085 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R086 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R087 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R088 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R089 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R090 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R091 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R092 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R093 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R094 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R095 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R096 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R097 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R098 Relleno Base H=16 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R099 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R100 Relleno Base H=16 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R101 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R102 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R103 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R104 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R105 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R106 Relleno Base H=19 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R107 Relleno Base H=19 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R108 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R109 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R110 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R111 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R112 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Beam Redundant None 0.000
R113 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R114 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R115 Relleno Base H=19 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R116 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R117 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R118 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R119 Relleno Base H=19 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R120 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R121 Relleno Base H=19 L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R122 Relleno Pata +2 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R123 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R124 Relleno Pata +2 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R125 Relleno Pata +2 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R126 Relleno Pata +2 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R127 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R128 Relleno Pata +2 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R129 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R130 Relleno Pata +2 L 80X80X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R131 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R132 Relleno Pata +2 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R133 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R134 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R135 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R136 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R137 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R138 Relleno Pata +1 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R139 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R140 Relleno Pata +1 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R141 Relleno Pata +1 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R142 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X6 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R143 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R144 Relleno Pata +0 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R145 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R146 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R147 Relleno Pata +0 L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R148 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R149 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R150 Relleno Pata +0 L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R151 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R152 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R153 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R154 Relleno Pata -1 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R155 Relleno Pata -1 L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R156 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
R157 Relleno Pata -1 L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 Truss Redundant None 0.000
TC1 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Sup. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
TC2 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Med. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000
TC3 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Inf. L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 Truss Other None 0.000

Aggregate Angle Information:

Note: Estimate of surface area reported for painting purposes, not wind loading.

Angle Angle Material Total Total Total

Type Size Type Length Surface Area Weight
(m) (m^2) (N)
L 100X100X10 A572 Gr50 111.46 44.59 16303.74
L 90X90X8 A572 Gr50 64.97 23.39 6882.68
L 80X80X8 A572 Gr50 113.20 36.22 10596.66
L 65X65X5 A572 Gr50 214.85 55.86 10337.61
L 70X70X5 A572 Gr50 89.15 24.96 4632.61
L 50X50X5 A572 Gr50 173.06 34.61 6328.51
L 50X50X4 A572 Gr50 167.20 33.44 4942.82
L 75X75X6 A572 Gr50 62.92 18.88 4185.32
L 45X45X4 A572 Gr50 212.78 38.30 5635.10
L 60X60X5 A572 Gr50 222.58 53.42 9852.95
L 80X80X6 A572 Gr50 37.90 12.13 2695.68
L 55X55X4 A572 Gr50 68.40 15.05 2232.58
L 100X100X8 A572 Gr50 8.00 3.20 945.99
XL 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 78.37 56.42 74278.18
L 180X180X18 A572 Gr50 20.09 14.47 9522.84
L 150X150X18 A572 Gr50 28.38 17.03 11091.21
L 120X120X12 A572 Gr50 18.12 8.70 3816.66
L 100X100X12 A572 Gr50 24.03 9.61 4173.16
L 65X65X6 A572 Gr50 6.15 1.60 352.34
L 60X60X6 A572 Gr50 20.02 4.80 1053.95
L 100X100X6 A572 Gr50 14.80 5.92 1326.67
L 90X90X6 A572 Gr50 19.36 6.97 1555.96
L 80X80X10 A572 Gr50 22.99 7.36 2654.40
L 150X150X12 A572 Gr50 68.40 41.04 18198.10
L 80X80X5 A572 Gr50 24.66 7.89 1471.49

The adjustment factors below only apply to dead load and wind areas that are calculated for members in the model.
They do not apply to equipment or to manually input dead load and drag areas.

Section Joint Dead Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Af Flat Ar Round Transverse Longitudinal SAPS Angle SAPS Round Adjustment
Label Defining Load Drag x Area Drag x Area Area Factor Area Factor Factor Factor Drag x Area Drag x Area Drag x Area Drag x Area Type
Section Adjust. Factor Factor (CD From (CD From For Face For Face Factor Factor Factor Factor
Bottom Factor For Face For Face Code) Code) EIA Only EIA Only For All For All
Canastillo 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None
Superestructura 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None
Cuerpo Común 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None
Base 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None
Pata 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.265 3.382 0.000 0.000 None

Angle Member Connectivity:

Member Group Section Symmetry Origin End Ecc. Rest. Ratio Ratio Ratio Bolt # # Bolt # Shear Connect Short Long End Bolt Shear Tension Rest. Connect.
Label Label Label Code Joint Joint Code Code RLX RLY RLZ Type Bolts Holes Planes Leg Edge Edge Dist. Spacing Path Path Coef. Modifier
Dist. Dist. Length Length
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
CC1.1P CC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 12PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.1X CC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF35X 12PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.1XY CC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF35XY 12PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.1Y CC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF35Y 12PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.2P CC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 12PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC1.2X CC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 12PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC1.2XY CC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 12PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC1.2Y CC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 12PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC1.3P CC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 7P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.3X CC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 7X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.3XY CC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 7XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC1.3Y CC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 7Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 5 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 22.8 4.5 0
CC2.1P CC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.1X CC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 2PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.1XY CC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 2PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.1Y CC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 2PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.2P CC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 2PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC2.2X CC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 2PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC2.2XY CC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 2PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC2.2Y CC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 2PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC2.3P CC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.67S 8P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.3X CC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.67X 8X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.3XY CC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.67XY 8XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC2.3Y CC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.67Y 8Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
CC3.1P CC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 3P 33PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.1X CC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 3X 33PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.1XY CC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 3XY 33PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.1Y CC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 3Y 33PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.2P CC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 33PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC3.2X CC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 33PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC3.2XY CC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 33PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC3.2Y CC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 33PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CC3.3P CC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.67S 9P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.3X CC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.67X 9X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.3XY CC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.67XY 9XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CC3.3Y CC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.67Y 9Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
CG2.1P CG2 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6PF0.50S 5P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.1X CG2 Canastillo X-GenXY 6PF0.50X 5X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.1XY CG2 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6PF0.50XY 5X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.1Y CG2 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6PF0.50Y 5P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.2P CG2 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6P 6PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.2X CG2 Canastillo X-GenXY 6P 6PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.2XY CG2 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6Y 6PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG2.2Y CG2 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6Y 6PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.1P CG3 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 1P 01PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.1X CG3 Canastillo X-GenXY 1X 01PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.1XY CG3 Canastillo XY-GenXY 1XY 01PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.1Y CG3 Canastillo Y-GenXY 1Y 01PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.2P CG3 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 01PF0.33S 01PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CG3.2X CG3 Canastillo X-GenXY 01PF0.33X 01PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CG3.2XY CG3 Canastillo XY-GenXY 01PF0.33XY 01PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CG3.2Y CG3 Canastillo Y-GenXY 01PF0.33Y 01PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CG3.3P CG3 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 01PF0.67S 5P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.3X CG3 Canastillo X-GenXY 01PF0.67X 5X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.3XY CG3 Canastillo XY-GenXY 01PF0.67XY 5X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG3.3Y CG3 Canastillo Y-GenXY 01PF0.67Y 5P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
CG4.1P CG4 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6P 1P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
CG4.1X CG4 Canastillo X-GenXY 6P 1X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
CG4.1XY CG4 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6Y 1XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
CG4.1Y CG4 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6Y 1Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
CG5.1P CG5 Canastillo None 6P 6Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
CG6.1P CG6 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6P 1Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
CG6.1X CG6 Canastillo X-GenXY 6P 1XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
CG6.1XY CG6 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6Y 1X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
CG6.1Y CG6 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6Y 1P 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH07.1P DH07 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 83PF0.50S 43PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH07.1X DH07 Superestructura X-GenXY 83PF0.50S 43PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH07.1XY DH07 Superestructura XY-GenXY 83PF0.50Y 43PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH07.1Y DH07 Superestructura Y-GenXY 83PF0.50Y 43PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH08.1P DH08 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 172PF0.50S 1172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.1X DH08 Superestructura X-GenXY 172PF0.50S 1172PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.1XY DH08 Superestructura XY-GenXY 172PF0.50Y 1172PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.1Y DH08 Superestructura Y-GenXY 172PF0.50Y 1172PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.2P DH08 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.2X DH08 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.2XY DH08 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH08.2Y DH08 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
DH09.1P DH09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.1X DH09 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.1XY DH09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.1Y DH09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.2P DH09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 182PF0.50S 1182PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.2X DH09 Superestructura X-GenXY 182PF0.50S 1182PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.2XY DH09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 182PF0.50Y 1182PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH09.2Y DH09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 182PF0.50Y 1182PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DH10.1P DH10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 162PF0.50S 1162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.1X DH10 Superestructura X-GenXY 162PF0.50S 1162PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.1XY DH10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 162PF0.50Y 1162PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.1Y DH10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 162PF0.50Y 1162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.2P DH10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.2X DH10 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.2XY DH10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH10.2Y DH10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.05 0
DH11.1P DH11 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF35XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DH11.1X DH11 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF35X 2PF35Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DH12.1P DH12 Superestructura X-Symmetry 1P 1XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
DH12.1X DH12 Superestructura X-Gen 1X 1Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
DHC1.1P DHC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 7Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC1.1X DHC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 7XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC1.1XY DHC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 7X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC1.1Y DHC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 7P 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC2.1P DHC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 12PF0.33Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC2.1X DHC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 12PF0.33XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC2.1XY DHC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 12PF0.33X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC2.1Y DHC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 12PF0.33S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC3.1P DHC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 2PF35Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC3.1X DHC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 2PF35XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC3.1XY DHC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 2PF35X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC3.1Y DHC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 2PF35S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC4.1P DHC4 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.67S 8Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC4.1X DHC4 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.67X 8XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC4.1XY DHC4 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.67XY 8X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC4.1Y DHC4 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.67Y 8P 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC5.1P DHC5 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 2PF0.67Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC5.1X DHC5 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 2PF0.67XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC5.1XY DHC5 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 2PF0.67X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC5.1Y DHC5 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 2PF0.67S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
DHC6.1P DHC6 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 2PF0.33Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC6.1X DHC6 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 2PF0.33XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC6.1XY DHC6 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 2PF0.33X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC6.1Y DHC6 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 2PF0.33S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC7.1P DHC7 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 9P 33PF0.67Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC7.1X DHC7 Superestructura X-GenXY 9X 33PF0.67XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC7.1XY DHC7 Superestructura XY-GenXY 9XY 33PF0.67X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC7.1Y DHC7 Superestructura Y-GenXY 9Y 33PF0.67S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DHC8.1P DHC8 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.67S 33PF0.33Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC8.1X DHC8 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.67X 33PF0.33XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC8.1XY DHC8 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.67XY 33PF0.33X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC8.1Y DHC8 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.67Y 33PF0.33S 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC9.1P DHC9 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 3Y 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC9.1X DHC9 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 3XY 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC9.1XY DHC9 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 3X 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DHC9.1Y DHC9 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 3P 3 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
DL12.1P DL12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0152PF0.50S 3P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.1X DL12 Superestructura X-GenXY 0152PF0.50X 3X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.1XY DL12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0152PF0.50XY 3XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.1Y DL12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0152PF0.50Y 3Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.2P DL12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 152PF0.50S 0152PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.2X DL12 Superestructura X-GenXY 152PF0.50X 0152PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.2XY DL12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 152PF0.50X 0152PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL12.2Y DL12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 152PF0.50S 0152PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.1P DL13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 242PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.1X DL13 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF22X 242PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.1XY DL13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF22XY 242PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.1Y DL13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF22Y 242PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.2P DL13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 242PF0.50S 152PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.2X DL13 Superestructura X-GenXY 242PF0.50X 152PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.2XY DL13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 242PF0.50XY 152PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL13.2Y DL13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 242PF0.50Y 152PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.7 0
DL14.1P DL14 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 142PF0.50S 0142PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.1X DL14 Superestructura X-GenXY 142PF0.50X 0142PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.1XY DL14 Superestructura XY-GenXY 142PF0.50X 0142PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.1Y DL14 Superestructura Y-GenXY 142PF0.50S 0142PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.2P DL14 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0142PF0.50S 2PF22S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.2X DL14 Superestructura X-GenXY 0142PF0.50X 2PF22X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.2XY DL14 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0142PF0.50XY 2PF22XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL14.2Y DL14 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0142PF0.50Y 2PF22Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.1P DL15 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 222PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.1X DL15 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF26X 222PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.1XY DL15 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF26XY 222PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.1Y DL15 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF26Y 222PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.2P DL15 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 222PF0.50S 142PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.2X DL15 Superestructura X-GenXY 222PF0.50X 142PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.2XY DL15 Superestructura XY-GenXY 222PF0.50XY 142PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL15.2Y DL15 Superestructura Y-GenXY 222PF0.50Y 142PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.1P DL16 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0132PF0.50S 2PF26S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.1X DL16 Superestructura X-GenXY 0132PF0.50X 2PF26X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.1XY DL16 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0132PF0.50XY 2PF26XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.1Y DL16 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0132PF0.50Y 2PF26Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.2P DL16 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 132PF0.50S 0132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.2X DL16 Superestructura X-GenXY 132PF0.50X 0132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.2XY DL16 Superestructura XY-GenXY 132PF0.50X 0132PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL16.2Y DL16 Superestructura Y-GenXY 132PF0.50S 0132PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.6 0
DL17.1P DL17 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 202PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.1X DL17 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF29X 202PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.1XY DL17 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF29XY 202PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.1Y DL17 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF29Y 202PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.2P DL17 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 202PF0.50S 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.2X DL17 Superestructura X-GenXY 202PF0.50X 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.2XY DL17 Superestructura XY-GenXY 202PF0.50XY 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL17.2Y DL17 Superestructura Y-GenXY 202PF0.50Y 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
DL18.1P DL18 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 32PF0.50S 122PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL18.1X DL18 Superestructura X-GenXY 32PF0.50X 122PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL18.1XY DL18 Superestructura XY-GenXY 32PF0.50XY 122PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL18.1Y DL18 Superestructura Y-GenXY 32PF0.50Y 122PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL19.1P DL19 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 22PF0.50S 32PF0.50Y 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL19.1X DL19 Superestructura X-GenXY 22PF0.50X 32PF0.50XY 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL19.1XY DL19 Superestructura XY-GenXY 22PF0.50XY 32PF0.50X 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL19.1Y DL19 Superestructura Y-GenXY 22PF0.50Y 32PF0.50S 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
DL20.1P DL20 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.50S 22PF0.50Y 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DL20.1X DL20 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.50X 22PF0.50XY 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DL20.1XY DL20 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.50XY 22PF0.50X 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DL20.1Y DL20 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.50Y 22PF0.50S 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DL21.1P DL21 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 02PF0.50S 12PF0.50Y 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.45 0
DL21.1X DL21 Superestructura X-GenXY 02PF0.50X 12PF0.50XY 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.45 0
DL21.1XY DL21 Superestructura XY-GenXY 02PF0.50XY 12PF0.50X 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.45 0
DL21.1Y DL21 Superestructura Y-GenXY 02PF0.50Y 12PF0.50S 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.45 0
DL22.1P DL22 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 112PF0.50S 02PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DL22.1X DL22 Superestructura X-GenXY 112PF0.50X 02PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DL22.1XY DL22 Superestructura XY-GenXY 112PF0.50X 02PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DL22.1Y DL22 Superestructura Y-GenXY 112PF0.50S 02PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DL23.1P DL23 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.50S 112PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL23.1X DL23 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.50X 112PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL23.1XY DL23 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.50XY 112PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL23.1Y DL23 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.50Y 112PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL24.1P DL24 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 102PF0.50S 2PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL24.1X DL24 Superestructura X-GenXY 102PF0.50X 2PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL24.1XY DL24 Superestructura XY-GenXY 102PF0.50X 2PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL24.1Y DL24 Superestructura Y-GenXY 102PF0.50S 2PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL25.1P DL25 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 11PF0.50S 102PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL25.1X DL25 Superestructura X-GenXY 11PF0.50X 102PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL25.1XY DL25 Superestructura XY-GenXY 11PF0.50XY 102PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL25.1Y DL25 Superestructura Y-GenXY 11PF0.50Y 102PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL26.1P DL26 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 01PF0.50S 11PF0.50Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL26.1X DL26 Superestructura X-GenXY 01PF0.50X 11PF0.50XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL26.1XY DL26 Superestructura XY-GenXY 01PF0.50XY 11PF0.50X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL26.1Y DL26 Superestructura Y-GenXY 01PF0.50Y 11PF0.50S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL27.1P DL27 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.50S 01PF0.50Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL27.1X DL27 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.50X 01PF0.50XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL27.1XY DL27 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.50XY 01PF0.50X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL27.1Y DL27 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.50Y 01PF0.50S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL28.1P DL28 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 21PF0.50S 1PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL28.1X DL28 Superestructura X-GenXY 21PF0.50X 1PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL28.1XY DL28 Superestructura XY-GenXY 21PF0.50X 1PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DL28.1Y DL28 Superestructura Y-GenXY 21PF0.50S 1PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT12.1P DT12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 182PF0.50S 0182PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.1X DT12 Superestructura X-GenXY 182PF0.50S 0182PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.1XY DT12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 182PF0.50Y 0182PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.1Y DT12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 182PF0.50Y 0182PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.2P DT12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0182PF0.50S 3P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.2X DT12 Superestructura X-GenXY 0182PF0.50X 3X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.2XY DT12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0182PF0.50XY 3XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT12.2Y DT12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0182PF0.50Y 3Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.1P DT13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 232PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.1X DT13 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF22X 232PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.1XY DT13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF22XY 232PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.1Y DT13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF22Y 232PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.2P DT13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 232PF0.50S 182PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.2X DT13 Superestructura X-GenXY 232PF0.50X 182PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.2XY DT13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 232PF0.50XY 182PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT13.2Y DT13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 232PF0.50Y 182PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.1P DT14 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 172PF0.50S 0172PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.1X DT14 Superestructura X-GenXY 172PF0.50S 0172PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.1XY DT14 Superestructura XY-GenXY 172PF0.50Y 0172PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.1Y DT14 Superestructura Y-GenXY 172PF0.50Y 0172PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.2P DT14 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0172PF0.50S 2PF22S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.2X DT14 Superestructura X-GenXY 0172PF0.50X 2PF22X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.2XY DT14 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0172PF0.50XY 2PF22XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT14.2Y DT14 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0172PF0.50Y 2PF22Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.1P DT15 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 212PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.1X DT15 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF26X 212PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.1XY DT15 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF26XY 212PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.1Y DT15 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF26Y 212PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.2P DT15 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 212PF0.50S 172PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.2X DT15 Superestructura X-GenXY 212PF0.50X 172PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.2XY DT15 Superestructura XY-GenXY 212PF0.50XY 172PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT15.2Y DT15 Superestructura Y-GenXY 212PF0.50Y 172PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.6 0
DT16.1P DT16 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0162PF0.50S 2PF26S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.1X DT16 Superestructura X-GenXY 0162PF0.50X 2PF26X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.1XY DT16 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0162PF0.50XY 2PF26XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.1Y DT16 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0162PF0.50Y 2PF26Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.2P DT16 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 162PF0.50S 0162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.2X DT16 Superestructura X-GenXY 162PF0.50S 0162PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.2XY DT16 Superestructura XY-GenXY 162PF0.50Y 0162PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT16.2Y DT16 Superestructura Y-GenXY 162PF0.50Y 0162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
DT17.1P DT17 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 192PF0.50S 162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.1X DT17 Superestructura X-GenXY 192PF0.50X 162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.1XY DT17 Superestructura XY-GenXY 192PF0.50XY 162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.1Y DT17 Superestructura Y-GenXY 192PF0.50Y 162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.2P DT17 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 192PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.2X DT17 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF29X 192PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.2XY DT17 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF29XY 192PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT17.2Y DT17 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF29Y 192PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT18.1P DT18 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF30S 2PF29X 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT18.1X DT18 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF30X 2PF29S 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT18.1XY DT18 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF30XY 2PF29Y 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT18.1Y DT18 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF30Y 2PF29XY 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT19.1P DT19 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF32S 2PF30X 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT19.1X DT19 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF32X 2PF30S 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT19.1XY DT19 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF32XY 2PF30Y 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT19.1Y DT19 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF32Y 2PF30XY 3 5 0.52 0.52 0.52 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT20.1P DT20 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF33S 2PF32X 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT20.1X DT20 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF33X 2PF32S 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT20.1XY DT20 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF33XY 2PF32Y 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT20.1Y DT20 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF33Y 2PF32XY 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
DT21.1P DT21 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF33X 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DT21.1X DT21 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF35X 2PF33S 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DT21.1XY DT21 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF35XY 2PF33Y 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DT21.1Y DT21 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF35Y 2PF33XY 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.45 0
DT22.1P DT22 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2P 2PF35X 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DT22.1X DT22 Superestructura X-GenXY 2X 2PF35S 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DT22.1XY DT22 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2XY 2PF35Y 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DT22.1Y DT22 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2Y 2PF35XY 3 5 0.53 0.53 0.53 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DT23.1P DT23 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.67S 2X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT23.1X DT23 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.67X 2P 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT23.1XY DT23 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.67XY 2Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT23.1Y DT23 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.67Y 2XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT24.1P DT24 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.33S 1PF0.67X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT24.1X DT24 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.33X 1PF0.67S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT24.1XY DT24 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.33XY 1PF0.67Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT24.1Y DT24 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.33Y 1PF0.67XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT25.1P DT25 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1P 1PF0.33X 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT25.1X DT25 Superestructura X-GenXY 1X 1PF0.33S 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT25.1XY DT25 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1XY 1PF0.33Y 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
DT25.1Y DT25 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1Y 1PF0.33XY 3 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
FR014.1P R014 Superestructura X-Symmetry 7PF0.50S 7PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR014.1X R014 Superestructura X-Gen 7PF0.50X 7PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR015.1P R015 Superestructura X-Symmetry 07PF0.50S 7PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR015.1X R015 Superestructura X-Gen 07PF0.50X 7PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR030.1P R030 Superestructura X-Symmetry 9PF0.50S 9PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR030.1X R030 Superestructura X-Gen 9PF0.50X 9PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR031.1P R031 Superestructura X-Symmetry 09PF0.50S 9PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
FR031.1X R031 Superestructura X-Gen 09PF0.50X 9PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL07.1P HL07 Superestructura X-Symmetry 3P 43PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.6 0
HL07.1X HL07 Superestructura X-Gen 3X 43PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.6 0
HL07.2P HL07 Superestructura X-Symmetry 43PF0.50S 3Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.6 0
HL07.2X HL07 Superestructura X-Gen 43PF0.50X 3XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.6 0
HL08.1P HL08 Superestructura X-Symmetry 152PF0.50S 2PF21Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
HL08.1X HL08 Superestructura X-Gen 152PF0.50X 2PF21XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
HL08.2P HL08 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF21S 152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
HL08.2X HL08 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF21X 152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
HL09.1P HL09 Superestructura X-Symmetry 142PF0.50S 2PF24Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL09.1X HL09 Superestructura X-Gen 142PF0.50X 2PF24XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL09.2P HL09 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF24S 142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL09.2X HL09 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF24X 142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL10.1P HL10 Superestructura X-Symmetry 132PF0.50S 2PF27Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.55 0
HL10.1X HL10 Superestructura X-Gen 132PF0.50X 2PF27XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.55 0
HL10.2P HL10 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF27S 132PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.55 0
HL10.2X HL10 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF27X 132PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.55 0
HL11.1P HL11 Superestructura X-Symmetry 122PF0.50S 2PF29Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
HL11.1X HL11 Superestructura X-Gen 122PF0.50X 2PF29XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
HL11.2P HL11 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF29S 122PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
HL11.2X HL11 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF29X 122PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 3.25 0
HL12.1P HL12 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2PF35S 112PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HL12.1X HL12 Superestructura X-Gen 2PF35X 112PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HL12.2P HL12 Superestructura X-Symmetry 112PF0.50S 2PF35Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HL12.2X HL12 Superestructura X-Gen 112PF0.50X 2PF35XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HL13.1P HL13 Superestructura X-Symmetry 102PF0.50S 2Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
HL13.1X HL13 Superestructura X-Gen 102PF0.50X 2XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
HL13.2P HL13 Superestructura X-Symmetry 2P 102PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
HL13.2X HL13 Superestructura X-Gen 2X 102PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
HL14.1P HL14 Superestructura X-Symmetry 21PF0.50S 1Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
HL14.1X HL14 Superestructura X-Gen 21PF0.50X 1XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
HL14.2P HL14 Superestructura X-Symmetry 1P 21PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
HL14.2X HL14 Superestructura X-Gen 1X 21PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
HT07.1P HT07 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 3P 83PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.6 0
HT07.1Y HT07 Superestructura Y-Gen 3Y 83PF0.50Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.6 0
HT07.2P HT07 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 83PF0.50S 3X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.6 0
HT07.2Y HT07 Superestructura Y-Gen 83PF0.50Y 3XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.6 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.6 0
HT08.1P HT08 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 182PF0.50S 2PF21X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
HT08.1Y HT08 Superestructura Y-Gen 182PF0.50Y 2PF21XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
HT08.2P HT08 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF21S 182PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
HT08.2Y HT08 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF21Y 182PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
HT09.1P HT09 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF24S 172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT09.1Y HT09 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF24Y 172PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT09.2P HT09 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 172PF0.50S 2PF24X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT09.2Y HT09 Superestructura Y-Gen 172PF0.50Y 2PF24XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT10.1P HT10 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF27S 162PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
HT10.1Y HT10 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF27Y 162PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
HT10.2P HT10 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 162PF0.50S 2PF27X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
HT10.2Y HT10 Superestructura Y-Gen 162PF0.50Y 2PF27XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 17.8 4.1 0
HT11.1P HT11 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF29S 2PF29X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
HT11.1Y HT11 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF29Y 2PF29XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 12.8 3.25 0
HT12.1P HT12 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2PF35S 2PF35X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.1 0
HT12.1Y HT12 Superestructura Y-Gen 2PF35Y 2PF35XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.1 0
HT13.1P HT13 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 2P 2X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HT13.1Y HT13 Superestructura Y-Gen 2Y 2XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
HT14.1P HT14 Superestructura Y-Symmetry 1P 1X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT14.1Y HT14 Superestructura Y-Gen 1Y 1XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
M08.1P M08 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 92PF0.50S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.1X M08 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 92PF0.50X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.1XY M08 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 92PF0.50XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.1Y M08 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 92PF0.50Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.2P M08 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 92PF0.50S 3P 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.2X M08 Superestructura X-GenXY 92PF0.50X 3X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.2XY M08 Superestructura XY-GenXY 92PF0.50XY 3XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.2Y M08 Superestructura Y-GenXY 92PF0.50Y 3Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.1P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 72PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.1X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 72PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.1XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 72PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.1Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 72PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.2P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 62PF0.50S 2PF24S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.2X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 62PF0.50X 2PF24X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.2XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 62PF0.50XY 2PF24XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.2Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 62PF0.50Y 2PF24Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.3P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF26S 62PF0.50S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.3X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF26X 62PF0.50X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.3XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF26XY 62PF0.50XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.3Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF26Y 62PF0.50Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.4P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF22S 82PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.4X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF22X 82PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.4XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF22XY 82PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.4Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF22Y 82PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.5P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 82PF0.50S 2PF21S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.5X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 82PF0.50X 2PF21X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.5XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 82PF0.50XY 2PF21XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.5Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 82PF0.50Y 2PF21Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.69 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 33 25.9 0
M09.6P M09 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 72PF0.50S 2PF22S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.6X M09 Superestructura X-GenXY 72PF0.50X 2PF22X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.6XY M09 Superestructura XY-GenXY 72PF0.50XY 2PF22XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M09.6Y M09 Superestructura Y-GenXY 72PF0.50Y 2PF22Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.1P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 22PF0.50S 2PF30S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.1X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 22PF0.50X 2PF30X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.1XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 22PF0.50XY 2PF30XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.1Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 22PF0.50Y 2PF30Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.2P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF30S 32PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.2X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF30X 32PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.2XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF30XY 32PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.2Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF30Y 32PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.3P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 32PF0.50S 2PF29S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.3X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 32PF0.50X 2PF29X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.3XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 32PF0.50XY 2PF29XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.3Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 32PF0.50Y 2PF29Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.4P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 42PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.4X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF29X 42PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.4XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF29XY 42PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.4Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF29Y 42PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.5P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 42PF0.50S 2PF27S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.5X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 42PF0.50X 2PF27X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.5XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 42PF0.50XY 2PF27XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.5Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 42PF0.50Y 2PF27Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.6P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 52PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.6X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 52PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.6XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 52PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.6Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 52PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.7P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 52PF0.50S 2PF26S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.7X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 52PF0.50X 2PF26X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.7XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 52PF0.50XY 2PF26XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.7Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 52PF0.50Y 2PF26Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.8P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF32S 22PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.8X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF32X 22PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.8XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF32XY 22PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.8Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF32Y 22PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M10.9P M10 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.50S 2PF32S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.9X M10 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.50X 2PF32X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.9XY M10 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.50XY 2PF32XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M10.9Y M10 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.50Y 2PF32Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2.31 1 Both 4.3 8.9 3 10 33 21.4 0
M11.1P M11 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 02PF0.50S 2PF33S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M11.1X M11 Superestructura X-GenXY 02PF0.50X 2PF33X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M11.1XY M11 Superestructura XY-GenXY 02PF0.50XY 2PF33XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M11.1Y M11 Superestructura Y-GenXY 02PF0.50Y 2PF33Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M11.2P M11 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF33S 12PF0.50S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 38 10.8 0
M11.2X M11 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF33X 12PF0.50X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 38 10.8 0
M11.2XY M11 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF33XY 12PF0.50XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 38 10.8 0
M11.2Y M11 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF33Y 12PF0.50Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 16 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 38 10.8 0
M11.3P M11 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 02PF0.50S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 18 10.8 0
M11.3X M11 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF35X 02PF0.50X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 18 10.8 0
M11.3XY M11 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF35XY 02PF0.50XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 18 10.8 0
M11.3Y M11 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF35Y 02PF0.50Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 5.4 0 3 5 18 10.8 0
M12.1P M12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.50S 2PF35S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.1X M12 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.50X 2PF35X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.1XY M12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.50XY 2PF35XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.1Y M12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.50Y 2PF35Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.2P M12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 11PF0.50S 2P 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.2X M12 Superestructura X-GenXY 11PF0.50X 2X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.2XY M12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 11PF0.50XY 2XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.2Y M12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 11PF0.50Y 2Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.3P M12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.67S 11PF0.50S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.3X M12 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.67X 11PF0.50X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.3XY M12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.67XY 11PF0.50XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.3Y M12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.67Y 11PF0.50Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M12.4P M12 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2P 2PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.4X M12 Superestructura X-GenXY 2X 2PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.4XY M12 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2XY 2PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M12.4Y M12 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2Y 2PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.1P M13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.33S 01PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.1X M13 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.33X 01PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.1XY M13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.33XY 01PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.1Y M13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.33Y 01PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.2P M13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1PF0.50S 1PF0.33S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.2X M13 Superestructura X-GenXY 1PF0.50X 1PF0.33X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.2XY M13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1PF0.50XY 1PF0.33XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.2Y M13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1PF0.50Y 1PF0.33Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.3P M13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1P 1PF0.50S 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.3X M13 Superestructura X-GenXY 1X 1PF0.50X 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.3XY M13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1XY 1PF0.50XY 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.3Y M13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1Y 1PF0.50Y 3 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M13.4P M13 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 01PF0.50S 1PF0.67S 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M13.4X M13 Superestructura X-GenXY 01PF0.50X 1PF0.67X 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M13.4XY M13 Superestructura XY-GenXY 01PF0.50XY 1PF0.67XY 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
M13.4Y M13 Superestructura Y-GenXY 01PF0.50Y 1PF0.67Y 1 4 2.4 2.4 1.2 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 8 2 2 Both 4.4 0 3 5 18 8.8 0
MHC1.1P MHC1 Superestructura X-Symmetry 7P 7Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC1.1X MHC1 Superestructura X-Gen 7X 7XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC2.1P MHC2 Superestructura X-Symmetry 8P 8Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC2.1X MHC2 Superestructura X-Gen 8X 8XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC3.1P MHC3 Superestructura X-Symmetry 9P 9Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
MHC3.1X MHC3 Superestructura X-Gen 9X 9XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.6 0
R001.1P R001 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6PF0.50S 01PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R001.1X R001 Canastillo X-GenXY 6PF0.50X 01PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R001.1XY R001 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6PF0.50XY 01PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R001.1Y R001 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6PF0.50Y 01PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R002.1P R002 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 6P 01PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R002.1X R002 Canastillo X-GenXY 6P 01PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R002.1XY R002 Canastillo XY-GenXY 6Y 01PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R002.1Y R002 Canastillo Y-GenXY 6Y 01PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R003.1P R003 Canastillo XY-Symmetry 01PF0.33S 6PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R003.1X R003 Canastillo X-GenXY 01PF0.33X 6PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R003.1XY R003 Canastillo XY-GenXY 01PF0.33XY 6PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R003.1Y R003 Canastillo Y-GenXY 01PF0.33Y 6PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R004.1P R004 Canastillo X-Symmetry 6PF0.50S 6PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R004.1X R004 Canastillo X-Gen 6PF0.50X 6PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R005.1P R005 Canastillo None 6P 6PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R005.2P R005 Canastillo None 6Y 6PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R006.1P R006 Canastillo Across-Rot 01PF0.33Y 01PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R006.1AR R006 Canastillo Across-Gen 01PF0.33X 01PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R007.1P R007 Canastillo Across-Rot 1Y 01PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R007.1AR R007 Canastillo Across-Gen 1X 01PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R008.1P R008 Canastillo X-Symmetry 01PF0.67S 01PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R008.1X R008 Canastillo X-Gen 01PF0.67X 01PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R009.1P R009 Canastillo X-Symmetry 01PF0.33S 01PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R009.1X R009 Canastillo X-Gen 01PF0.33X 01PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R010.1P R010 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 7PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R010.1X R010 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 7PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R010.1XY R010 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 7PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R010.1Y R010 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 7PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R011.1P R011 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 7PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R011.1X R011 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 7PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R011.1XY R011 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 7PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R011.1Y R011 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 7PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R012.1P R012 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 7PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R012.1X R012 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 7PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R012.1XY R012 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 7PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R012.1Y R012 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 7PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R013.1P R013 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF35S 7PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R013.1X R013 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF35X 7PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R013.1XY R013 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF35XY 7PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R013.1Y R013 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF35Y 7PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R014.1P R014 Superestructura X-Symmetry 7PF0.33S 7PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R014.1X R014 Superestructura X-Gen 7PF0.33X 7PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R015.1P R015 Superestructura X-Symmetry 7PF0.67S 07PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R015.1X R015 Superestructura X-Gen 7PF0.67X 07PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R016.1P R016 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.67S 7PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R016.1X R016 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.67X 7PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R016.1XY R016 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.67XY 7PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R016.1Y R016 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.67Y 7PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R017.1P R017 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 12PF0.33S 07PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R017.1X R017 Superestructura X-GenXY 12PF0.33X 07PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R017.1XY R017 Superestructura XY-GenXY 12PF0.33XY 07PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R017.1Y R017 Superestructura Y-GenXY 12PF0.33Y 07PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R018.1P R018 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.67S 02PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R018.1X R018 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.67X 02PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R018.1XY R018 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.67XY 02PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R018.1Y R018 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.67Y 02PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R019.1P R019 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 02PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R019.1X R019 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 02PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R019.1XY R019 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 02PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R019.1Y R019 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 02PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R020.1P R020 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 02PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R020.1X R020 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 02PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R020.1XY R020 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 02PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R020.1Y R020 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 02PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R021.1P R021 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 02PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R021.1X R021 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 02PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R021.1XY R021 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 02PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R021.1Y R021 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 02PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R022.1P R022 Superestructura X-Symmetry 02PF0.67S 002PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R022.1X R022 Superestructura X-Gen 02PF0.67X 002PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R022.2P R022 Superestructura X-Symmetry 002PF0.50S 02PF0.67Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R022.2X R022 Superestructura X-Gen 002PF0.50X 02PF0.67XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R023.1P R023 Superestructura X-Symmetry 302PF0.50S 02PF0.33Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R023.1X R023 Superestructura X-Gen 302PF0.50X 02PF0.33XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R023.2P R023 Superestructura X-Symmetry 02PF0.33S 302PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R023.2X R023 Superestructura X-Gen 02PF0.33X 302PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R024.1P R024 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.67S 002PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R024.1X R024 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.67X 002PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R024.1XY R024 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.67XY 002PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R024.1Y R024 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.67Y 002PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R025.1P R025 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF0.33S 302PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R025.1X R025 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF0.33X 302PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R025.1XY R025 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF0.33XY 302PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R025.1Y R025 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF0.33Y 302PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R026.1P R026 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.67S 9PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R026.1X R026 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.67X 9PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R026.1XY R026 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.67XY 9PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R026.1Y R026 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.67Y 9PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R027.1P R027 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 9PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R027.1X R027 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 9PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R027.1XY R027 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 9PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R027.1Y R027 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 9PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R028.1P R028 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 9PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R028.1X R028 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 9PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R028.1XY R028 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 9PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R028.1Y R028 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 9PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R029.1P R029 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 3P 9PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R029.1X R029 Superestructura X-GenXY 3X 9PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R029.1XY R029 Superestructura XY-GenXY 3XY 9PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R029.1Y R029 Superestructura Y-GenXY 3Y 9PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R030.1P R030 Superestructura X-Symmetry 9PF0.33S 9PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R030.1X R030 Superestructura X-Gen 9PF0.33X 9PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R031.1P R031 Superestructura X-Symmetry 9PF0.67S 09PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R031.1X R031 Superestructura X-Gen 9PF0.67X 09PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R032.1P R032 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.67S 9PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R032.1X R032 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.67X 9PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R032.1XY R032 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.67XY 9PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R032.1Y R032 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.67Y 9PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R033.1P R033 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 33PF0.33S 09PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R033.1X R033 Superestructura X-GenXY 33PF0.33X 09PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R033.1XY R033 Superestructura XY-GenXY 33PF0.33XY 09PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R033.1Y R033 Superestructura Y-GenXY 33PF0.33Y 09PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R034.1P R034 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 42PF0.50S 192PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R034.1X R034 Superestructura X-GenXY 192PF0.50X 42PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R034.1XY R034 Superestructura XY-GenXY 42PF0.50XY 192PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R034.1Y R034 Superestructura Y-GenXY 192PF0.50Y 42PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R035.1P R035 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 192PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R035.1X R035 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 192PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R035.1XY R035 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 192PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R035.1Y R035 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 192PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R036.1P R036 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 52PF0.50S 0162PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R036.1X R036 Superestructura X-GenXY 0162PF0.50X 52PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R036.1XY R036 Superestructura XY-GenXY 52PF0.50XY 0162PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R036.1Y R036 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0162PF0.50Y 52PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R037.1P R037 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 0162PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R037.1X R037 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 0162PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R037.1XY R037 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 0162PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R037.1Y R037 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 0162PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R038.1P R038 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 62PF0.50S 212PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R038.1X R038 Superestructura X-GenXY 212PF0.50X 62PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R038.1XY R038 Superestructura XY-GenXY 62PF0.50XY 212PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R038.1Y R038 Superestructura Y-GenXY 212PF0.50Y 62PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R039.1P R039 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 212PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R039.1X R039 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 212PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R039.1XY R039 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 212PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R039.1Y R039 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 212PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R040.1P R040 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 72PF0.50S 0172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R040.1X R040 Superestructura X-GenXY 0172PF0.50X 72PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R040.1XY R040 Superestructura XY-GenXY 72PF0.50XY 0172PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R040.1Y R040 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0172PF0.50Y 72PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R041.1P R041 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 0172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R041.1X R041 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 0172PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R041.1XY R041 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 0172PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R041.1Y R041 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 0172PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R042.1P R042 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 82PF0.50S 232PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R042.1X R042 Superestructura X-GenXY 232PF0.50X 82PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R042.1XY R042 Superestructura XY-GenXY 82PF0.50XY 232PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R042.1Y R042 Superestructura Y-GenXY 232PF0.50Y 82PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R043.1P R043 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 232PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R043.1X R043 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 232PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R043.1XY R043 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 232PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R043.1Y R043 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 232PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R044.1P R044 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 92PF0.50S 0182PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R044.1X R044 Superestructura X-GenXY 0182PF0.50X 92PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R044.1XY R044 Superestructura XY-GenXY 92PF0.50XY 0182PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R044.1Y R044 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0182PF0.50Y 92PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R045.1P R045 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 0182PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R045.1X R045 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 0182PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R045.1XY R045 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 0182PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R045.1Y R045 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 0182PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R056.1P R056 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 42PF0.50S 202PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R056.1X R056 Superestructura X-GenXY 202PF0.50X 42PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R056.1XY R056 Superestructura XY-GenXY 42PF0.50XY 202PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R056.1Y R056 Superestructura Y-GenXY 202PF0.50Y 42PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R057.1P R057 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 202PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R057.1X R057 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 202PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R057.1XY R057 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 202PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R057.1Y R057 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 202PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R058.1P R058 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 52PF0.50S 0132PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R058.1X R058 Superestructura X-GenXY 0132PF0.50X 52PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R058.1XY R058 Superestructura XY-GenXY 52PF0.50XY 0132PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R058.1Y R058 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0132PF0.50Y 52PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R059.1P R059 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF27S 0132PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R059.1X R059 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF27X 0132PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R059.1XY R059 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF27XY 0132PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R059.1Y R059 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF27Y 0132PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R060.1P R060 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 62PF0.50S 222PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R060.1X R060 Superestructura X-GenXY 222PF0.50X 62PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R060.1XY R060 Superestructura XY-GenXY 62PF0.50XY 222PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R060.1Y R060 Superestructura Y-GenXY 222PF0.50Y 62PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R061.1P R061 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 222PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R061.1X R061 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 222PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R061.1XY R061 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 222PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R061.1Y R061 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 222PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R062.1P R062 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 72PF0.50S 0142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R062.1X R062 Superestructura X-GenXY 0142PF0.50X 72PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R062.1XY R062 Superestructura XY-GenXY 72PF0.50XY 0142PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R062.1Y R062 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0142PF0.50Y 72PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R063.1P R063 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF24S 0142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R063.1X R063 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF24X 0142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R063.1XY R063 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF24XY 0142PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R063.1Y R063 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF24Y 0142PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R064.1P R064 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 82PF0.50S 242PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R064.1X R064 Superestructura X-GenXY 242PF0.50X 82PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R064.1XY R064 Superestructura XY-GenXY 82PF0.50XY 242PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R064.1Y R064 Superestructura Y-GenXY 242PF0.50Y 82PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R065.1P R065 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 242PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R065.1X R065 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 242PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R065.1XY R065 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 242PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R065.1Y R065 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 242PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R066.1P R066 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 92PF0.50S 0152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R066.1X R066 Superestructura X-GenXY 0152PF0.50X 92PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R066.1XY R066 Superestructura XY-GenXY 92PF0.50XY 0152PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R066.1Y R066 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0152PF0.50Y 92PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R067.1P R067 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF21S 0152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R067.1X R067 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF21X 0152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R067.1XY R067 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF21XY 0152PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R067.1Y R067 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF21Y 0152PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R078.1P R078 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 192PF0.50S 202PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R078.1X R078 Superestructura X-GenXY 192PF0.50X 202PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R078.1XY R078 Superestructura XY-GenXY 192PF0.50XY 202PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R078.1Y R078 Superestructura Y-GenXY 192PF0.50Y 202PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R079.1P R079 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0162PF0.50S 0132PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R079.1X R079 Superestructura X-GenXY 0162PF0.50X 0132PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R079.1XY R079 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0162PF0.50XY 0132PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R079.1Y R079 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0162PF0.50Y 0132PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R080.1P R080 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 212PF0.50S 222PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R080.1X R080 Superestructura X-GenXY 212PF0.50X 222PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R080.1XY R080 Superestructura XY-GenXY 212PF0.50XY 222PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R080.1Y R080 Superestructura Y-GenXY 212PF0.50Y 222PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R081.1P R081 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0172PF0.50S 0142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R081.1X R081 Superestructura X-GenXY 0172PF0.50X 0142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R081.1XY R081 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0172PF0.50XY 0142PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R081.1Y R081 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0172PF0.50Y 0142PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R082.1P R082 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 232PF0.50S 242PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R082.1X R082 Superestructura X-GenXY 232PF0.50X 242PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R082.1XY R082 Superestructura XY-GenXY 232PF0.50XY 242PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R082.1Y R082 Superestructura Y-GenXY 232PF0.50Y 242PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R083.1P R083 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 0182PF0.50S 0152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R083.1X R083 Superestructura X-GenXY 0182PF0.50X 0152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R083.1XY R083 Superestructura XY-GenXY 0182PF0.50XY 0152PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R083.1Y R083 Superestructura Y-GenXY 0182PF0.50Y 0152PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R088.1P R088 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 192PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.1X R088 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 192PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.1XY R088 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 192PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.1Y R088 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 192PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.2P R088 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 202PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.2X R088 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 202PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.2XY R088 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 202PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R088.2Y R088 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 202PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.1P R089 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 0162PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.1X R089 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 0162PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.1XY R089 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 0162PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.1Y R089 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 0162PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.2P R089 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1162PF0.50S 0132PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.2X R089 Superestructura X-GenXY 1162PF0.50X 0132PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.2XY R089 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1162PF0.50XY 0132PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R089.2Y R089 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1162PF0.50Y 0132PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.1P R090 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 222PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.1X R090 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 222PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.1XY R090 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 222PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.1Y R090 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 222PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.2P R090 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 212PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.2X R090 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 212PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.2XY R090 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 212PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R090.2Y R090 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 212PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.1P R091 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 0172PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.1X R091 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 0172PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.1XY R091 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 0172PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.1Y R091 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 0172PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.2P R091 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1172PF0.50S 0142PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.2X R091 Superestructura X-GenXY 1172PF0.50X 0142PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.2XY R091 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1172PF0.50XY 0142PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R091.2Y R091 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1172PF0.50Y 0142PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.1P R092 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 232PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.1X R092 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 232PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.1XY R092 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 232PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.1Y R092 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 232PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.2P R092 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 242PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.2X R092 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 242PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.2XY R092 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 242PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R092.2Y R092 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 242PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.1P R093 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 0152PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.1X R093 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 0152PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.1XY R093 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 0152PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.1Y R093 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 0152PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.2P R093 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 1182PF0.50S 0182PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.2X R093 Superestructura X-GenXY 1182PF0.50X 0182PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.2XY R093 Superestructura XY-GenXY 1182PF0.50XY 0182PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R093.2Y R093 Superestructura Y-GenXY 1182PF0.50Y 0182PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
TC1.1P TC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 7PF0.67S 2P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.1X TC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 7PF0.67X 2X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.1XY TC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 7PF0.67XY 2XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.1Y TC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 7PF0.67Y 2Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.2P TC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 7PF0.33S 7PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.2X TC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 7PF0.33X 7PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.2XY TC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 7PF0.33XY 7PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.2Y TC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 7PF0.33Y 7PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.3P TC1 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 7P 7PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.3X TC1 Superestructura X-GenXY 7X 7PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.3XY TC1 Superestructura XY-GenXY 7XY 7PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC1.3Y TC1 Superestructura Y-GenXY 7Y 7PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC2.1P TC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 2PF29S 02PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.1X TC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 2PF29X 02PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.1XY TC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 2PF29XY 02PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.1Y TC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 2PF29Y 02PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.2P TC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 02PF0.33S 02PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.2X TC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 02PF0.33X 02PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.2XY TC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 02PF0.33XY 02PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.2Y TC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 02PF0.33Y 02PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.3P TC2 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 02PF0.67S 8P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.3X TC2 Superestructura X-GenXY 02PF0.67X 8X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.3XY TC2 Superestructura XY-GenXY 02PF0.67XY 8XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC2.3Y TC2 Superestructura Y-GenXY 02PF0.67Y 8Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 12.8 3 0
TC3.1P TC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 9PF0.67S 2PF21S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.1X TC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 9PF0.67X 2PF21X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.1XY TC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 9PF0.67XY 2PF21XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.1Y TC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 9PF0.67Y 2PF21Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.2P TC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 9PF0.33S 9PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.2X TC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 9PF0.33X 9PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.2XY TC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 9PF0.33XY 9PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.2Y TC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 9PF0.33Y 9PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.3P TC3 Superestructura XY-Symmetry 9P 9PF0.33S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.3X TC3 Superestructura X-GenXY 9X 9PF0.33X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.3XY TC3 Superestructura XY-GenXY 9XY 9PF0.33XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
TC3.3Y TC3 Superestructura Y-GenXY 9Y 9PF0.33Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
R121.1P R121 Base XY-Symmetry 1113PF0.50S 11P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.1X R121 Base X-GenXY 1113PF0.50X 11X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.1XY R121 Base XY-GenXY 1113PF0.50XY 11XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R121.1Y R121 Base Y-GenXY 1113PF0.50Y 11Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.25 0
R102.1P R102 Base XY-Symmetry 1113PF0.50S 10P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R102.1X R102 Base X-GenXY 1113PF0.50X 10X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R102.1XY R102 Base XY-GenXY 1113PF0.50XY 10XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R102.1Y R102 Base Y-GenXY 1113PF0.50Y 10Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R101.1P R101 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF5P 193PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.95 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.95 0
R101.1X R101 Base X-GenXY 3PF5X 193PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.95 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.95 0
R101.1XY R101 Base XY-GenXY 3PF5XY 193PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.95 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.95 0
R101.1Y R101 Base Y-GenXY 3PF5Y 193PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.95 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.95 0
R100.1P R100 Base XY-Symmetry 23PF0.50S 193PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R100.1X R100 Base X-GenXY 193PF0.50X 23PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R100.1XY R100 Base XY-GenXY 23PF0.50XY 193PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R100.1Y R100 Base Y-GenXY 193PF0.50Y 23PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R099.1P R099 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF5P 183PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R099.1X R099 Base X-GenXY 3PF5X 183PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R099.1XY R099 Base XY-GenXY 3PF5XY 183PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R099.1Y R099 Base Y-GenXY 3PF5Y 183PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R098.1P R098 Base XY-Symmetry 23PF0.50S 183PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R098.1X R098 Base X-GenXY 183PF0.50X 23PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R098.1XY R098 Base XY-GenXY 23PF0.50XY 183PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R098.1Y R098 Base Y-GenXY 183PF0.50Y 23PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R097.2P R097 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 1103PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.2X R097 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 1103PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.2XY R097 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 1103PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.2Y R097 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 1103PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.1P R097 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 063PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.1X R097 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 063PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.1XY R097 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 063PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R097.1Y R097 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 063PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
R096.2P R096 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 163PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.2X R096 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 163PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.2XY R096 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 163PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.2Y R096 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 163PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.1P R096 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 173PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.1X R096 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 173PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.1XY R096 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 173PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R096.1Y R096 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 173PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.2P R095 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 053PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.2X R095 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 053PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.2XY R095 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 053PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.2Y R095 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 053PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.1P R095 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 093PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.1X R095 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 093PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.1XY R095 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 093PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R095.1Y R095 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 093PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R094.2P R094 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 143PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.2X R094 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 143PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.2XY R094 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 143PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.2Y R094 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 143PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.1P R094 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 153PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.1X R094 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 153PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.1XY R094 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 153PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R094.1Y R094 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 153PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
R087.1P R087 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 1103PF0.50S 063PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R087.1X R087 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 1103PF0.50X 063PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R087.1XY R087 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 1103PF0.50XY 063PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R087.1Y R087 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 1103PF0.50Y 063PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R086.1P R086 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 163PF0.50S 173PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R086.1X R086 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 163PF0.50X 173PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R086.1XY R086 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 163PF0.50XY 173PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R086.1Y R086 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 163PF0.50Y 173PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R085.1P R085 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 093PF0.50S 053PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R085.1X R085 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 093PF0.50X 053PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R085.1XY R085 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 093PF0.50XY 053PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R085.1Y R085 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 093PF0.50Y 053PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R084.1P R084 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 143PF0.50P 153PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R084.1X R084 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 143PF0.50X 153PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R084.1XY R084 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 143PF0.50XY 153PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R084.1Y R084 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 143PF0.50Y 153PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R077.1P R077 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 63PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R077.1X R077 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.33X 63PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R077.1XY R077 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 63PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R077.1Y R077 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.33Y 63PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R076.1P R076 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 63PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R076.1X R076 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 63PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R076.1XY R076 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 63PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R076.1Y R076 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 63PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R075.1P R075 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.67S 63PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R075.1X R075 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.67X 3PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R075.1XY R075 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.67XY 63PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R075.1Y R075 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.67Y 3PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R074.1P R074 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 63PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R074.1X R074 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.33X 3PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R074.1XY R074 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 63PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R074.1Y R074 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.33Y 3PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R073.1P R073 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 173PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R073.1X R073 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 173PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R073.1XY R073 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 173PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R073.1Y R073 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 173PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R072.1P R072 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 13PF0.50S 173PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
R072.1X R072 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 173PF0.50X 13PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
R072.1XY R072 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 13PF0.50XY 173PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
R072.1Y R072 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 173PF0.50Y 13PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
R071.1P R071 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 053PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R071.1X R071 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 053PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R071.1XY R071 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 053PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R071.1Y R071 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 053PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R070.1P R070 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 03PF0.50S 053PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R070.1X R070 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 053PF0.50X 03PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R070.1XY R070 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 03PF0.50XY 053PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R070.1Y R070 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 053PF0.50Y 03PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R069.1P R069 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 153PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R069.1X R069 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 153PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R069.1XY R069 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 153PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R069.1Y R069 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 153PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R055.1P R055 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 103PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R055.1X R055 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.33X 103PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R055.1XY R055 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 103PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R055.1Y R055 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.33Y 103PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.25 0
R054.1P R054 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 103PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R054.1X R054 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 103PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R054.1XY R054 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 103PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R054.1Y R054 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 103PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R053.1P R053 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.67S 103PF0.67S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
R053.1X R053 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.67X 3PF0.67X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
R053.1XY R053 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.67XY 103PF0.67XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
R053.1Y R053 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.67Y 3PF0.67Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.3 0
R052.1P R052 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 103PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R052.1X R052 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.33X 3PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R052.1XY R052 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 103PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R052.1Y R052 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.33Y 3PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R051.1P R051 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 163PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R051.1X R051 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 163PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R051.1XY R051 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 163PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R051.1Y R051 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 163PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R050.1P R050 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 13PF0.50S 163PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R050.1X R050 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 163PF0.50X 13PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R050.1XY R050 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 13PF0.50XY 163PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R050.1Y R050 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 163PF0.50Y 13PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
R049.1P R049 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 093PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R049.1X R049 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 093PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R049.1XY R049 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 093PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R049.1Y R049 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 093PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R048.1P R048 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 03PF0.50S 093PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R048.1X R048 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 093PF0.50X 03PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R048.1XY R048 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 03PF0.50XY 093PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R048.1Y R048 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 093PF0.50Y 03PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.7 0
R047.1P R047 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 143PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R047.1X R047 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 143PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R047.1XY R047 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 143PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R047.1Y R047 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 143PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.3 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.3 0
R046.1P R046 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.50P 143PF0.50P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R046.1X R046 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 143PF0.50X 3PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R046.1XY R046 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.50XY 143PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R046.1Y R046 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 143PF0.50Y 3PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
DH01.1P DH01 Base XY-Symmetry 010PF0.50S 11P 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH01.1X DH01 Base X-GenXY 010PF0.50X 11X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH01.1XY DH01 Base XY-GenXY 010PF0.50XY 11XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH01.1Y DH01 Base Y-GenXY 010PF0.50Y 11Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
M08.6P M08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 03PF0.50S 3PF15P 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.6X M08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 03PF0.50X 3PF15X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.6XY M08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 03PF0.50XY 3PF15XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M08.6Y M08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 03PF0.50Y 3PF15Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
DH01.2P DH01 Base XY-Symmetry 10P 010PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH01.2X DH01 Base X-GenXY 10X 010PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH01.2XY DH01 Base XY-GenXY 10XY 010PF0.50XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH01.2Y DH01 Base Y-GenXY 10Y 010PF0.50Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH02.1P DH02 Base XY-Symmetry 1113PF0.50S 73PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.7 0
DH02.1X DH02 Base X-GenXY 1113PF0.50X 73PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.7 0
DH02.1XY DH02 Base XY-GenXY 1113PF0.50XY 73PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.7 0
DH02.1Y DH02 Base Y-GenXY 1113PF0.50Y 73PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.7 0
M07.5P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.67S 3PF7P 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.5X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.67X 3PF7X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.5XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.67XY 3PF7XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.5Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.67Y 3PF7Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
DH02.2P DH02 Base XY-Symmetry 113PF0.50S 1113PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.7 0
DH02.2X DH02 Base X-GenXY 113PF0.50S 1113PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.7 0
DH02.2XY DH02 Base XY-GenXY 113PF0.50Y 1113PF0.50XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.7 0
DH02.2Y DH02 Base Y-GenXY 113PF0.50Y 1113PF0.50Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.7 0
DH05.1P DH05 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 0103PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.1X DH05 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 0103PF0.50X 63PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.1XY DH05 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 0103PF0.50XY 63PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.1Y DH05 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 0103PF0.50Y 63PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.2P DH05 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 103PF0.50S 0103PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.2X DH05 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 0103PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.2XY DH05 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 103PF0.50Y 0103PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
DH05.2Y DH05 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.50Y 0103PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.45 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.45 0
M07.1P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF15P 13PF0.50S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.1X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF15X 13PF0.50X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.1XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF15XY 13PF0.50XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M07.1Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF15Y 13PF0.50Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M05.2P M05 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 23PF0.50S 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M05.2X M05 Base X-GenXY 3PF7X 23PF0.50X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M05.2XY M05 Base XY-GenXY 3PF7XY 23PF0.50XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M05.2Y M05 Base Y-GenXY 3PF7Y 23PF0.50Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M05.1P M05 Base XY-Symmetry 23PF0.50S 3PF5P 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M05.1X M05 Base X-GenXY 23PF0.50X 3PF5X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M05.1XY M05 Base XY-GenXY 23PF0.50XY 3PF5XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
M05.1Y M05 Base Y-GenXY 23PF0.50Y 3PF5Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
HT06.2P HT06 Cuerpo Común Y-Symmetry 3PF17P 93PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT06.2Y HT06 Cuerpo Común Y-Gen 3PF17Y 93PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT06.1P HT06 Cuerpo Común Y-Symmetry 93PF0.50S 3PF17X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT06.1Y HT06 Cuerpo Común Y-Gen 93PF0.50Y 3PF17XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HT05.2P HT05 Cuerpo Común Y-Symmetry 3PF13P 103PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HT05.2Y HT05 Cuerpo Común Y-Gen 3PF13Y 103PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HT05.1P HT05 Cuerpo Común Y-Symmetry 103PF0.50S 3PF13X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HT05.1Y HT05 Cuerpo Común Y-Gen 103PF0.50Y 3PF13XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HT02.2P HT02 Base Y-Symmetry 3PF7P 113PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.5 0
HT02.2Y HT02 Base Y-Gen 3PF7Y 113PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.5 0
HT02.1P HT02 Base Y-Symmetry 113PF0.50S 3PF7X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.5 0
HT02.1Y HT02 Base Y-Gen 113PF0.50Y 3PF7XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.5 0
HT01.1P HT01 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF5P 10P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HT01.1X HT01 Base X-GenXY 10X 3PF5X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HT01.1XY HT01 Base XY-GenXY 3PF5XY 10XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HT01.1Y HT01 Base Y-GenXY 10Y 3PF5Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HL06.2P HL06 Cuerpo Común X-Symmetry 53PF0.50S 3PF17Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL06.2X HL06 Cuerpo Común X-Gen 53PF0.50X 3PF17XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL06.1P HL06 Cuerpo Común X-Symmetry 3PF17P 53PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL06.1X HL06 Cuerpo Común X-Gen 3PF17X 53PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
HL05.2P HL05 Cuerpo Común X-Symmetry 3PF13P 63PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HL05.2X HL05 Cuerpo Común X-Gen 3PF13X 63PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HL05.1P HL05 Cuerpo Común X-Symmetry 63PF0.50S 3PF13Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HL05.1X HL05 Cuerpo Común X-Gen 63PF0.50X 3PF13XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 4.2 0 2.8 5 2.8 4.2 0
HL02.2P HL02 Base X-Symmetry 3PF7P 73PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.5 0
HL02.2X HL02 Base X-Gen 3PF7X 73PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.5 0
HL02.1P HL02 Base X-Symmetry 73PF0.50S 3PF7Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.5 0
HL02.1X HL02 Base X-Gen 73PF0.50X 3PF7XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 3 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 12.8 4.5 0
HL01.1P HL01 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF5P 11P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HL01.1X HL01 Base X-GenXY 11X 3PF5X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HL01.1XY HL01 Base XY-GenXY 3PF5XY 11XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
HL01.1Y HL01 Base Y-GenXY 11Y 3PF5Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.7 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.7 0
DT27.2P DT27 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 183PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DT27.2X DT27 Base X-GenXY 3PF7X 183PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DT27.2XY DT27 Base XY-GenXY 3PF7XY 183PF0.50XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DT27.2Y DT27 Base Y-GenXY 3PF7Y 183PF0.50Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DT27.1P DT27 Base XY-Symmetry 183PF0.50S 10P 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DT27.1X DT27 Base X-GenXY 183PF0.50X 10X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DT27.1XY DT27 Base XY-GenXY 183PF0.50XY 10XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DT27.1Y DT27 Base Y-GenXY 183PF0.50Y 10Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DT26P DT26 Base XY-Symmetry 113PF0.50S 10P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT26X DT26 Base X-GenXY 113PF0.50S 10X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT26XY DT26 Base XY-GenXY 113PF0.50Y 10XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT26Y DT26 Base Y-GenXY 113PF0.50Y 10Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT011.2P DT11 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3P 143PF0.50P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT011.2X DT11 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3X 143PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT011.2XY DT11 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3XY 143PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT011.2Y DT11 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3Y 143PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT011.1P DT11 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 143PF0.50P 93PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT011.1X DT11 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 143PF0.50X 93PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT011.1XY DT11 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 143PF0.50XY 93PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT011.1Y DT11 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 143PF0.50Y 93PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT010.2P DT10 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 093PF0.50S 3PF15P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT010.2X DT10 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 093PF0.50X 3PF15X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT010.2XY DT10 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 093PF0.50XY 3PF15XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT010.2Y DT10 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 093PF0.50Y 3PF15Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT010.1P DT10 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 93PF0.50S 093PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT010.1X DT10 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 93PF0.50S 093PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT010.1XY DT10 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 93PF0.50Y 093PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT010.1Y DT10 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 93PF0.50Y 093PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.2P DT09 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF15P 163PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.2X DT09 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF15X 163PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.2XY DT09 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF15XY 163PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.2Y DT09 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF15Y 163PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.1P DT09 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 163PF0.50S 103PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.1X DT09 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 163PF0.50X 103PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.1XY DT09 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 163PF0.50XY 103PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT09.1Y DT09 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 163PF0.50Y 103PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.4P DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 103PF0.67S 3PF7P 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.4X DT08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.67X 3PF7X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.4XY DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 103PF0.67XY 3PF7XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.4Y DT08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.67Y 3PF7Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.3P DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 103PF0.50S 103PF0.33S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.3X DT08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.50S 103PF0.33X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.3XY DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 103PF0.50Y 103PF0.33XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.3Y DT08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.50Y 103PF0.33Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DT08.2P DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 103PF0.33S 1103PF0.50S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.2X DT08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 103PF0.33X 1103PF0.50X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.2XY DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 103PF0.33XY 1103PF0.50XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.2Y DT08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 103PF0.33Y 1103PF0.50Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.1P DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 1103PF0.50S 103PF0.67S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.1X DT08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 1103PF0.50X 103PF0.67X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.1XY DT08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 1103PF0.50XY 103PF0.67XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT08.1Y DT08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 1103PF0.50Y 103PF0.67Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL30.2P DL30 Base XY-Symmetry 3PF7P 193PF0.50S 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DL30.2X DL30 Base X-GenXY 3PF7X 193PF0.50X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DL30.2XY DL30 Base XY-GenXY 3PF7XY 193PF0.50XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DL30.2Y DL30 Base Y-GenXY 3PF7Y 193PF0.50Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DL30.1P DL30 Base XY-Symmetry 193PF0.50S 11P 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DL30.1X DL30 Base X-GenXY 193PF0.50X 11X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DL30.1XY DL30 Base XY-GenXY 193PF0.50XY 11XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DL30.1Y DL30 Base Y-GenXY 193PF0.50Y 11Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 4 1 1 Long only 3.5 0 2.8 5 17.8 3.5 0
DL29P DL29 Base XY-Symmetry 11P 73PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 5.4 0 2.8 5 62.8 5.4 0
DL29X DL29 Base X-GenXY 11X 73PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 5.4 0 2.8 5 62.8 5.4 0
DL29XY DL29 Base XY-GenXY 11XY 73PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 5.4 0 2.8 5 62.8 5.4 0
DL29Y DL29 Base Y-GenXY 11Y 73PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 5.4 0 2.8 5 62.8 5.4 0
DL011.2P DL11 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3P 153PF0.50P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL011.2X DL11 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3X 153PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL011.2XY DL11 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3XY 153PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL011.2Y DL11 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3Y 153PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL011.1P DL11 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 153PF0.50P 53PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL011.1X DL11 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 153PF0.50X 53PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL011.1XY DL11 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 153PF0.50XY 53PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL011.1Y DL11 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 153PF0.50Y 53PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 3.6 0 2.8 5 27.8 3.6 0
DL010.2P DL10 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 053PF0.50S 3PF15P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL010.2X DL10 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 053PF0.50X 3PF15X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL010.2XY DL10 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 053PF0.50XY 3PF15XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL010.2Y DL10 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 053PF0.50Y 3PF15Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL010.1P DL10 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 53PF0.50S 053PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL010.1X DL10 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 53PF0.50X 053PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL010.1XY DL10 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 53PF0.50X 053PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL010.1Y DL10 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 53PF0.50S 053PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.2P DL09 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF15P 173PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.2X DL09 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF15X 173PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.2XY DL09 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF15XY 173PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.2Y DL09 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF15Y 173PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.1P DL09 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 173PF0.50S 63PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.1X DL09 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 173PF0.50X 63PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.1XY DL09 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 173PF0.50XY 63PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL09.1Y DL09 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 173PF0.50Y 63PF0.50S 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.1 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.1 0
DL08.4P DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 63PF0.67S 3PF7P 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL08.4X DL08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.67X 3PF7X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL08.4XY DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 63PF0.67XY 3PF7XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL08.4Y DL08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.67Y 3PF7Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL08.3P DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 063PF0.50S 63PF0.67S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.3X DL08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 063PF0.50X 63PF0.67X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.3XY DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 063PF0.50XY 63PF0.67XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.3Y DL08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 063PF0.50Y 63PF0.67Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.2P DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 63PF0.33S 063PF0.50S 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.2X DL08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.33X 063PF0.50X 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.2XY DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 63PF0.33XY 063PF0.50XY 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.2Y DL08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.33Y 063PF0.50Y 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL08.1P DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 63PF0.50S 63PF0.33S 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL08.1X DL08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 63PF0.50X 63PF0.33X 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL08.1XY DL08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 63PF0.50X 63PF0.33XY 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DL08.1Y DL08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 63PF0.50S 63PF0.33Y 3 5 1.5 1.5 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 6 1 1 Long only 4.5 0 2.8 5 27.8 4.5 0
DH06.2P DH06 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 293PF0.50S 53PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.2X DH06 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 293PF0.50X 53PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.2XY DH06 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 293PF0.50XY 53PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.2Y DH06 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 293PF0.50Y 53PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.1P DH06 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 93PF0.50S 293PF0.50S 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.1X DH06 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 93PF0.50S 293PF0.50X 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.1XY DH06 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 93PF0.50Y 293PF0.50XY 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
DH06.1Y DH06 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 93PF0.50Y 293PF0.50Y 3 4 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R068.1P R068 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.50P 153PF0.50P 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R068.1X R068 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 153PF0.50X 3PF0.50X 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R068.1XY R068 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.50XY 153PF0.50XY 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R068.1Y R068 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 153PF0.50Y 3PF0.50Y 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
M07.3P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF13P 3PF0.33S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.3X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF13X 3PF0.33X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.3XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF13XY 3PF0.33XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.3Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF13Y 3PF0.33Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.3P M08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3P 3PF0.50P 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.3X M08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3X 3PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.3XY M08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3XY 3PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.3Y M08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3Y 3PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.4P M08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.50P 3PF17P 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.4X M08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.50X 3PF17X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.4XY M08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.50XY 3PF17XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.4Y M08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.50Y 3PF17Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.5P M08 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF17P 03PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.5X M08 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF17X 03PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.5XY M08 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF17XY 03PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M08.5Y M08 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF17Y 03PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.4P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 3PF0.33S 3PF0.67S 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.4X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 3PF0.33X 3PF0.67X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.4XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 3PF0.33XY 3PF0.67XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.4Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 3PF0.33Y 3PF0.67Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.2P M07 Cuerpo Común XY-Symmetry 13PF0.50S 3PF13P 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.2X M07 Cuerpo Común X-GenXY 13PF0.50X 3PF13X 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.2XY M07 Cuerpo Común XY-GenXY 13PF0.50XY 3PF13XY 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M07.2Y M07 Cuerpo Común Y-GenXY 13PF0.50Y 3PF13Y 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL01.1P DL01 Pata None P+2PF0.80SP 11P 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DL01.2P DL01 Pata None P+2PF0.60SP P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL01.3P DL01 Pata None P+2PF0.40SP P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL01.4P DL01 Pata None P+2PF0.20SP P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DL01.5P DL01 Pata None P+2P P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT01.1P DT01 Pata None 1P+2PF0.80SP 10P 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
DT01.2P DT01 Pata None 1P+2PF0.60SP 1P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT01.3P DT01 Pata None 1P+2PF0.40SP 1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT01.4P DT01 Pata None 1P+2PF0.20SP 1P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DT01.5P DT01 Pata None P+2P 1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
FM01.1P M01 Pata None 0P+2PF0.20SP 0P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FM01.1351P M01 Pata None 0P+2PF0.40SP 0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FM01.1352P M01 Pata None 0P+2PF0.60SP 0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FM01.1353P M01 Pata None 0P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5P 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
L_R122.1P R122 Pata None 0P+2PF0.80SP P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
L_R122.2P R122 Pata None 0P+2PF0.80SP 1P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
L_R123.1P R123 Pata None 0P+2PF0.60SP 1P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
L_R123.2P R123 Pata None 0P+2PF0.60SP P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
L_R124.1P R124 Pata None 0P+2PF0.40SP P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
L_R125.1P R125 Pata None 0P+2PF0.20SP P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
L_R126.1P R126 Pata None 1P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
L_R127.1P R127 Pata None 1P+2PF0.60SP 0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
L_R127.2P R127 Pata None P+2PF0.60SP 0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
L_R128.1P R128 Pata None P+2PF0.40SP 0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
L_R128.2P R128 Pata None 1P+2PF0.40SP 0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
M01.1P M01 Pata None P+2P 0P+2PF0.20SP 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
R124.2P R124 Pata None 0P+2PF0.40SP 1P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R125.2P R125 Pata None 0P+2PF0.20SP 1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
R126.2P R126 Pata None P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5P 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
R129.1P R129 Pata None P+2PF0.20SP 0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R129.2P R129 Pata None 1P+2PF0.20SP 0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
R130.1P R130 Pata None P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
R130.2P R130 Pata None 1P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50S 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
R131.1P R131 Pata None 1P+2PF0.20SP P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R131.2P R131 Pata None P+2PF0.20SP 1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
R132P R132 Pata None 1P+2PF0.20SP P+2PF0.20SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
LX_DL01.1P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.80SP 11X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LX_DL01.2P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.60SP LX_P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DL01.3P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.40SP LX_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DL01.4P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.20SP LX_P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DL01.5P DL01 Pata None LX_P+2P LX_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LX_DT01.1P DT01 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.80SP 10X 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LX_DT01.2P DT01 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.60SP LX_1P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DT01.3P DT01 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.40SP LX_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DT01.4P DT01 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.20SP LX_1P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_DT01.5P DT01 Pata None LX_P+2P LX_1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LX_FM01.1P M01 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.20SP LX_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_M01.1351P M01 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.40SP LX_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_M01.1352P M01 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.60SP LX_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LX_M01.1353P M01 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5X 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LX_L_R122.1P R122 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.80SP LX_P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LX_L_R122.2P R122 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.80SP LX_1P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LX_L_R123.1P R123 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.60SP LX_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LX_L_R123.2P R123 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.60SP LX_P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LX_L_R124.1P R124 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.40SP LX_P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LX_L_R125.1P R125 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.20SP LX_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LX_L_R126.1P R126 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LX_L_R127.1P R127 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.60SP LX_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LX_L_R127.2P R127 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.60SP LX_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LX_L_R128.1P R128 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.40SP LX_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LX_L_R128.2P R128 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.40SP LX_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LX_M01.1P M01 Pata None LX_P+2P LX_0P+2PF0.20SP 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LX_R124.2P R124 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.40SP LX_1P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LX_R125.2P R125 Pata None LX_0P+2PF0.20SP LX_1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LX_R126.2P R126 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LX_R129.1P R129 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.20SP LX_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LX_R129.2P R129 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.20SP LX_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LX_R130.1P R130 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LX_R130.2P R130 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50X 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LX_R131.1P R131 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.20SP LX_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LX_R131.2P R131 Pata None LX_P+2PF0.20SP LX_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LX_R132P R132 Pata None LX_1P+2PF0.20SP LX_P+2PF0.20SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
LXY_DL01.1P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.80SP 11XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LXY_DL01.2P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.60SP LXY_P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DL01.3P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.40SP LXY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DL01.4P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.20SP LXY_P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DL01.5P DL01 Pata None LXY_P+2P LXY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LXY_DT01.1P DT01 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.80SP 10XY 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LXY_DT01.2P DT01 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.60SP LXY_1+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DT01.3P DT01 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.40SP LXY_1+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DT01.4P DT01 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.20SP LXY_1+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_DT01.5P DT01 Pata None LXY_P+2P LXY_1+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LXY_FM01.1P M01 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.20SP LXY_0+2PF0.40SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_01.1351P M01 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.40SP LXY_0+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_01.1352P M01 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.60SP LXY_0+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LXY_01.1353P M01 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.80SP 3PF5XY 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LXY__R122.1P R122 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.80SP LXY_P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LXY__R122.2P R122 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.80SP LXY_1+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LXY__R123.1P R123 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.60SP LXY_1+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LXY__R123.2P R123 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.60SP LXY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LXY__R124.1P R124 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.40SP LXY_P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LXY__R125.1P R125 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.20SP LXY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LXY__R126.1P R126 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.80SP 3PF5XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LXY__R127.1P R127 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.60SP LXY_0+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LXY__R127.2P R127 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.60SP LXY_0+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LXY__R128.1P R128 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.40SP LXY_0+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LXY__R128.2P R128 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.40SP LXY_0+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LXY_M01.1P M01 Pata None LXY_P+2P LXY_0+2PF0.20SP 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LXY_R124.2P R124 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.40SP LXY_1+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LXY_R125.2P R125 Pata None LXY_0+2PF0.20SP LXY_1+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LXY_R126.2P R126 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LXY_R129.1P R129 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.20SP LXY_0+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LXY_R129.2P R129 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.20SP LXY_0+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LXY_R130.1P R130 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LXY_R130.2P R130 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50XY 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LXY_R131.1P R131 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.20SP LXY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LXY_R131.2P R131 Pata None LXY_P+2PF0.20SP LXY_1+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LXY_R132P R132 Pata None LXY_1+2PF0.20SP LXY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0
LY_DL01.1P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.80SP 11Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LY_DL01.2P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.60SP LY_P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DL01.3P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.40SP LY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DL01.4P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.20SP LY_P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DL01.5P DL01 Pata None LY_P+2P LY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LY_DT01.1P DT01 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.80SP 10Y 3 5 2 2 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LY_DT01.2P DT01 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.60SP LY_1P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DT01.3P DT01 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.40SP LY_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DT01.4P DT01 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.20SP LY_1P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_DT01.5P DT01 Pata None LY_P+2P LY_1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 13 1 1 Long only 6.9 0 2.8 5 62.8 6.9 0
LY_FM01.1P M01 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.20SP LY_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_M01.1351P M01 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.40SP LY_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_M01.1352P M01 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.60SP LY_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 Continuous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LY_M01.1353P M01 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5Y 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LY_L_R122.1P R122 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.80SP LY_P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LY_L_R122.2P R122 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.80SP LY_1P+2PF0.80SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 7.8 3 0
LY_L_R123.1P R123 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.60SP LY_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LY_L_R123.2P R123 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.60SP LY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.75 0
LY_L_R124.1P R124 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.40SP LY_P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LY_L_R125.1P R125 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.20SP LY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LY_L_R126.1P R126 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LY_L_R127.1P R127 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.60SP LY_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LY_L_R127.2P R127 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.60SP LY_0P+2PF0.80SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LY_L_R128.1P R128 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.40SP LY_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LY_L_R128.2P R128 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.40SP LY_0P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.55 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.55 0
LY_M01.1P M01 Pata None LY_P+2P LY_0P+2PF0.20SP 1 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 32 5.38 2 Both 5.05 11.15 3 10 66 51.8 0
LY_R124.2P R124 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.40SP LY_1P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LY_R125.2P R125 Pata None LY_0P+2PF0.20SP LY_1P+2PF0.20SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.25 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.25 0
LY_R126.2P R126 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.80SP 3PF5Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3 0 2.8 5 2.8 3 0
LY_R129.1P R129 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.20SP LY_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LY_R129.2P R129 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.20SP LY_0P+2PF0.40SP 3 5 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 2 1 1 Long only 2.7 0 2.8 5 7.8 2.7 0
LY_R130.1P R130 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LY_R130.2P R130 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.60SP 010PF0.50Y 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 3.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 3.75 0
LY_R131.1P R131 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.20SP LY_P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LY_R131.2P R131 Pata None LY_P+2PF0.20SP LY_1P+2PF0.60SP 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.75 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.75 0
LY_R132P R132 Pata None LY_1P+2PF0.20SP LY_P+2PF0.20SP 3 4 1 1 1 5/8 A394 Tipo 1 X 1 1 1 Long only 2.05 0 2.8 5 2.8 2.05 0

063PF0.50Y 0.165 0.138 0.141

Total 215 131.752 124.938

Unadjusted Dead Load and Drag Areas by Section:

Section Unfactored X-Drag Y-Drag X-Drag Y-Drag

Label Dead Load Area All Area All Area Face Area Face
(kN) (m^2) (m^2) (m^2) (m^2)
Canastillo 2.878 3.657 3.243 1.457 1.661
Superestructura 81.641 58.092 51.816 22.080 18.204
Cuerpo Común 58.407 31.421 31.312 12.508 12.307
Base 22.775 12.280 12.264 4.355 4.227
Pata 49.366 26.302 26.302 10.333 10.333
Total 215.067 131.752 124.938 50.733 46.733

Angle Member Weights and Surface Areas by Section:

Section Unfactored Factored Unfactored Factored

Label Weight Weight Surface Area Surface Area
(kN) (kN) (m^2) (m^2)
Canastillo 2.878 3.454 17.090 20.508
Superestructura 81.641 97.969 285.394 342.472
Cuerpo Común 58.407 70.089 123.969 148.762
Base 22.775 27.330 56.654 67.985
Pata 49.366 59.239 92.750 111.299
Total 215.067 258.081 575.856 691.027

Sections Information:

Section Top Bottom Joint Member Tran. Face Tran. Face Tran. Face Long. Face Long. Face Long. Face CoG CoG CoG
Label Z Z Count Count Top Width Bot Width Gross Area Top Width Bot Width Gross Area X Y Z
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m^2) (m) (m) (m^2) (m) (m) (m)
Canastillo 44.000 41.000 20 53 0.00 1.60 3.600 5.60 1.60 10.800 0.000 0.000 42.493
Superestructura 41.000 19.000 272 750 1.60 4.00 56.200 1.60 13.53 80.102 0.000 0.000 26.986
Cuerpo Común 19.000 10.000 104 276 4.00 5.23 41.554 4.00 5.23 41.554 0.000 0.000 14.444
Base 10.000 8.000 40 88 5.23 5.51 10.743 5.23 5.51 10.743 0.000 0.000 9.087
Pata 8.000 1.000 68 144 5.51 6.47 41.920 5.51 6.47 41.920 0.000 -0.000 4.619
Verificación Elementos en Compresión

Group Summary Super Set (Compression Portion):

Group Group Angle Angle Steel Max Usage Max Comp. Comp. Comp. Comp. L/r Comp. Comp. RLX RLY RLZ L/r KL/r Length Curve No.
Label Desc. Type Size Strength Usage Cont- Use Control Force Control Control Capacity Connect. Connect. Comp. No. Of
rol In Member Load Model Shear Bearing Member Bolts
Comp. Case Capacity Capacity Comp.
(MPa) % % (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (m)
CC1 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Sup. L 100X100X10 345.0 51.04 Comp 51.04 CC1.1X -159.088 XIV.B Base H=16,32 311.703 334.728 535.781 1.000 1.000 1.000 99.38 109.69 1.954 3 5
CC2 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Med. L 90X90X8 345.0 51.61 Comp 51.61 CC2.1X -115.285 XIV.B Base H=16,35 223.389 267.783 342.900 1.000 1.000 1.000 100.53 110.27 1.784 3 4
CC3 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Inf. L 80X80X8 345.0 49.60 Comp 49.60 CC3.1X -94.821 XIV.B Base H=16,40 191.165 200.837 257.175 1.000 1.000 1.000 104.11 112.05 1.637 3 3
CG2 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Canastillo L 65X65X5 345.0 37.93 Climb 34.17 CG2.2X -26.699 XIV.B Base H=19,32 78.140 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 127.36 125.65 1.638 5 2
CG3 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Canastillo L 65X65X5 345.0 23.82 Comp 23.82 CG3.1P -25.254 XIV.B Base H=16,38 106.031 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 95.73 107.87 1.231 3 2
CG4 Cantonera Canastillo L 70X70X5 345.0 41.90 Comp 41.90 CG4.1P -37.522 XIII.B Base H=16,38 89.550 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 122.54 121.98 1.700 5 2
CG5 Diag. Horiz. Canastillo L 50X50X5 345.0 73.86 Climb 5.53 CG5.1P -1.956 XI.A-2 Base H=19,38 35.385 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 162.78 162.78 1.600 4 1
CG6 Diag. Canastillo L 50X50X4 345.0 48.83 Climb 35.01 CG6.1Y -11.742 XIV.B Base H=16,38 33.541 66.946 42.863 0.500 1.000 0.500 150.33 150.33 2.335 4 1
DH01 Diag. Horiz. Base H=16 L 75X75X6 345.0 53.25 Climb 7.90 DH01.1XY -5.077 XIV.B Base H=16 P+2 95.990 66.946 64.294 2.000 2.000 1.000 133.29 133.29 1.552 4 1
DH02 Diag. Horiz. Base H=16 L 100X100X6 345.0 35.37 Climb 33.64 DH02.1Y -21.629 XIV.B Base H=16,35 162.143 66.946 64.294 2.000 2.000 1.000 118.07 119.03 1.851 3 1
DH03 Diag. Horiz. Base H=19 L 75X75X6 345.0 53.25 Climb 8.24 DH03.1XY -5.301 XIV.B Base H=19 P+2 95.990 66.946 64.294 2.000 2.000 1.000 133.29 133.29 1.552 4 1
DH04 Diag. Horiz. Base H=19 L 110X110X12 345.0 46.02 Tens 45.61 DH04.1Y -30.531 XIV.B Base H=19,35 436.352 66.946 128.588 1.000 1.000 1.000 92.50 106.25 1.996 3 1
DH05 Diag. Horiz. Cuerpo Común L 75X75X6 345.0 28.45 Climb 19.76 DH05.2XY -12.707 XIII.B Base H=16,38 123.076 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 115.43 117.72 1.711 3 1
DH06 Diag. Horiz. Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 79.64 Climb 13.60 DH06.1XY -7.289 XIII.B Base H=16,38 56.388 66.946 53.578 2.000 2.000 1.000 147.91 147.91 1.495 4 1
DH07 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 75X75X6 345.0 48.21 Climb 11.35 DH07.1XY -5.317 XIII.B Base H=16,38 46.847 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 190.80 190.80 2.828 4 1
DH08 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 63.98 Climb 12.45 DH08.2Y -5.337 V.B.2-6 Base H=16,35 53.271 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 118.57 119.28 1.172 3 1
DH09 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 61.72 Climb 9.46 DH09.2XY -4.764 XIII.B Base H=16,38 50.337 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 136.48 136.48 1.341 4 1
DH10 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 70.48 Climb 28.54 DH10.2Y -13.955 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 48.898 133.891 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 115.68 117.84 1.026 3 2
DH11 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 59.60 Comp 59.60 DH11.1P -34.327 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 57.600 133.891 107.156 0.500 0.500 0.500 129.90 127.59 2.554 5 2
DH12 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 77.77 Climb 6.00 DH12.1X -2.506 V.A.2-7 Base H=16,35 41.754 66.946 42.863 0.500 0.500 0.500 127.53 127.53 2.263 4 1
DHC1 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 345.0 59.35 Comp 59.35 DHC1.1X -34.329 XIV.A Base H=19,36 57.838 133.891 107.156 0.500 0.500 0.500 129.56 127.32 2.547 5 2
DHC2 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 345.0 69.02 Tens 59.42 DHC2.1Y -31.836 XIV.A Base H=19,3 53.956 66.946 53.578 0.500 0.500 0.500 131.82 131.82 2.591 4 1
DHC3 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 345.0 66.92 Comp 66.92 DHC3.1XY -34.868 XIV.A Base H=19,31 52.108 66.946 53.578 0.500 0.500 0.500 134.14 134.14 2.637 4 1
DHC4 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 345.0 58.31 Climb 49.04 DHC4.1X -28.533 XIV.A Base H=16,30 58.185 133.891 107.156 0.500 0.500 0.500 129.06 126.94 2.537 5 2
DHC5 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 345.0 65.96 Climb 44.85 DHC5.1X -19.810 XIV.A Base H=19,30 44.168 66.946 53.578 0.500 0.500 0.500 145.70 145.70 2.864 4 1
DHC6 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.81 Climb 36.07 DHC6.1P -19.325 XIV.A Base H=19,32 61.583 66.946 53.578 0.500 0.500 0.500 135.76 135.76 3.217 4 1
DHC7 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 50X50X5 345.0 58.69 Climb 43.22 DHC7.1Y -24.897 XIV.A Base H=19,32 57.603 133.891 107.156 0.500 0.500 0.500 129.90 127.58 2.554 5 2
DHC8 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.84 Climb 28.05 DHC8.1Y -15.031 XIV.B Base H=19,1 61.507 66.946 53.578 0.500 0.500 0.500 135.84 135.84 3.219 4 1
DHC9 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 345.0 61.26 Climb 33.32 DHC9.1Y -13.715 XIV.A Base H=19,32 41.164 66.946 53.578 0.500 0.500 0.500 166.05 166.05 3.935 4 1
DL01 Diag. Long. Pata +2 L 150X150X12 345.0 38.99 Tens 38.95 DL01.4P -291.766 XIV.A Base H=19 P+2 749.092 0.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 64.47 92.24 1.502 3 0
DL02 Diag. Long. Pata +1 L 150X150X12 345.0 37.38 Comp 37.38 DL02.4P -296.096 XIV.A Base H=19,1 792.201 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 55.27 87.64 1.639 3 13
DL03 Diag. Long. Pata +0 L 150X150X12 345.0 34.96 Tens 34.05 DL03.8P -281.750 XIV.B Base H=19,15 827.458 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 47.37 83.69 1.404 3 13
DL04 Diag. Long. Pata -1 L 150X150X12 345.0 31.93 Comp 31.93 DL04.3P -256.311 XIV.A Base H=19,29 802.758 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 52.94 86.47 1.570 3 13
DL05 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 150X150X12 345.0 37.88 Comp 37.88 DL05.1P -269.075 XIV.A Base H=19 P+2 710.350 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 72.37 96.18 2.146 3 13
DL06 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 70X70X6 345.0 41.49 Comp 41.49 DL06.1XY -39.222 XIV.B Base H=19,31 94.535 133.891 128.588 2.000 2.000 1.000 132.50 129.57 1.437 5 2
DL07 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 100X100X10 345.0 38.02 Tens 34.66 DL07.2Y -139.225 XIV.B Base H=19,29 403.508 401.674 642.938 1.500 1.500 1.000 67.60 93.80 1.329 3 6
DL08 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 44.19 Comp 44.19 DL08.2X -147.919 XIV.B Base H=19,38 407.722 334.728 535.781 1.500 1.500 1.000 66.02 93.01 1.298 3 5
DL09 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 90X90X8 345.0 47.42 Comp 47.42 DL09.1XY -118.932 XIV.B Base H=19,38 250.825 401.674 514.350 1.000 1.000 1.000 87.79 103.89 1.558 3 6
DL10 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 90X90X8 345.0 51.33 Comp 51.33 DL10.1P -124.208 XIV.A Base H=19,29 241.958 401.674 514.350 1.000 1.000 1.000 91.86 105.93 1.630 3 6
DL11 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 80X80X8 345.0 44.65 Comp 44.65 DL11.2Y -103.067 XIV.B Base H=19,29 230.823 401.674 514.350 1.000 1.000 1.000 82.92 101.46 1.304 3 6
DL12 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X6 345.0 40.32 Comp 40.32 DL12.2P -72.912 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 180.818 200.837 192.881 1.000 1.000 1.000 79.00 99.50 1.251 3 3
DL13 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X6 345.0 46.93 Comp 46.93 DL13.2Y -83.239 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 177.368 200.837 192.881 1.000 1.000 1.000 81.48 100.74 1.290 3 3
DL14 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 43.84 Comp 43.84 DL14.2P -88.055 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 242.677 200.837 257.175 1.000 1.000 1.000 76.44 98.22 1.202 3 3
DL15 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 40.88 Comp 40.88 DL15.2XY -82.100V.B.2-13 Base H=16,36 256.250 200.837 257.175 1.000 1.000 1.000 68.75 94.38 1.081 3 3
DL16 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 44.62 Comp 44.62 DL16.1P -89.609 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 256.250 200.837 257.175 1.000 1.000 1.000 68.75 94.38 1.081 3 3
DL17 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 345.0 43.24 Comp 43.24 DL17.2Y -53.088 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,29 122.788 200.837 160.734 1.000 1.000 1.000 78.53 99.27 1.010 3 3
DL18 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 345.0 46.06 Comp 46.06 DL18.1Y -39.851 V.A.1-1 Base H=16,35 86.521 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 118.82 119.41 1.528 3 2
DL19 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 345.0 54.07 Comp 54.07 DL19.1Y -46.408 V.A.1-1 Base H=16,35 85.826 133.891 107.156 0.520 0.520 0.520 119.79 119.89 2.962 3 2
DL20 Diag. Long. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 46.01 Comp 46.01 DL20.1Y -48.801 V.A.1-7 Base H=16,35 106.064 200.837 160.734 0.520 0.520 0.520 104.16 112.08 2.779 3 3
DL21 Diag. Long. Superest. L 75X75X6 345.0 44.52 Tens 43.80 DL21.1Y -56.319 V.A.1-1 Base H=16,35 150.333 133.891 128.588 0.530 0.530 0.530 93.01 106.51 2.602 3 2
DL22 Diag. Long. Superest. L 75X75X6 345.0 36.42 Comp 36.42 DL22.1P -58.803 V.A.1-1 Base H=16,35 161.440 200.837 192.881 1.000 1.000 1.000 84.85 102.43 1.258 3 3
DL23 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 46.55 Climb 17.60 DL23.1Y -9.669 V.A.1-1 Base H=16,40 54.934 133.891 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 114.93 117.47 1.136 3 2
DL24 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 46.55 Climb 18.41 DL24.1P -10.115 XIV.B Base H=19,36 54.934 133.891 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 114.93 117.47 1.136 3 2
DL25 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 27.62 DL25.1Y -15.697 XIV.A Base H=19,33 56.839 133.891 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 110.96 115.48 1.097 3 2
DL26 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 27.60 DL26.1XY -15.688 XIV.A Base H=16,35 56.839 133.891 85.725 0.500 0.500 0.500 110.96 115.48 2.193 3 2
DL27 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 24.87 DL27.1Y -14.135 XIV.A Base H=16,36 56.839 133.891 85.725 0.500 0.500 0.500 110.96 115.48 2.193 3 2
DL28 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 22.99 DL28.1P -13.064 XIV.A Base H=16,36 56.839 133.891 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 110.96 115.48 1.097 3 2
DL29 Diag. Long. Base H=16 L 120X120X12 345.0 54.27 Comp 54.27 DL29X -269.635 XIV.A Base H=16 P+2 496.878 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 88.22 104.11 2.081 3 13
DL30 Diag. Long. Base H=16 L 80X80X10 345.0 28.91 Comp 28.91 DL30.1Y -60.454 XIV.A Base H=16,32 209.140 267.783 428.625 2.000 2.000 1.000 117.97 118.99 1.437 3 4
DT01 Diag. Trans. Pata +2 L 150X150X12 345.0 48.74 Comp 48.74 DT01.5P -396.267 XIII.B Base H=19 P+2 812.998 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 50.66 85.33 1.502 3 13
DT02 Diag. Trans. Pata +1 L 150X150X12 345.0 46.89 Comp 46.89 DT2.4P -371.478 XIII.B Base H=19,1 792.201 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 55.27 87.64 1.639 3 13
DT03 Diag. Trans. Pata +0 L 150X150X12 345.0 42.76 Comp 42.76 DT03.17P -353.843 XIII.B Base H=19,15 827.458 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 47.37 83.69 1.404 3 13
DT04 Diag. Trans. Pata -1 L 150X150X12 345.0 40.08 Comp 40.08 DT04.3P -321.711 XIII.B Base H=19,29 802.758 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 52.94 86.47 1.570 3 13
DT05 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 150X150X12 345.0 48.00 Comp 48.00 DT05.1P -340.935 XIII.B Base H=19 P+2 710.350 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 72.37 96.18 2.146 3 13
DT06 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 70X70X6 345.0 45.22 Comp 45.22 DT06.1X -42.751 XIII.B Base H=19,30 94.535 133.891 128.588 2.000 2.000 1.000 132.50 129.57 1.437 5 2
DT07 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 100X100X10 345.0 45.11 Comp 45.11 DT07.3X -181.208 XIII.B Base H=19,29 403.508 401.674 642.938 1.500 1.500 1.000 67.60 93.80 1.329 3 6
DT08 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 46.46 Tens 46.31 DT08.4P -186.035 XIII.B Base H=16,33 407.722 401.674 642.938 1.500 1.500 1.000 66.02 93.01 1.298 3 6
DT09 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 39.33 Tens 38.14 DT09.1X -141.585 XIII.B Base H=16,33 371.266 401.674 642.938 1.000 1.000 1.000 79.24 99.62 1.558 3 6
DT10 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 53.24 Comp 53.24 DT10.2P -192.039 XIII.B Base H=19,29 360.675 401.674 642.938 1.000 1.000 1.000 82.91 101.46 1.630 3 6
DT11 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 41.65 Comp 41.65 DT11.2X -167.278 XIII.B Base H=19,29 406.883 401.674 642.938 1.000 1.000 1.000 66.34 93.17 1.304 3 6
DT12 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 40.86 Comp 40.86 DT12.1P -96.852 XIII.B Base H=16,33 237.036 267.783 342.900 1.000 1.000 1.000 79.55 99.77 1.251 3 4
DT13 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 43.49 Comp 43.49 DT13.2X -101.079 XIII.B Base H=16,33 232.438 267.783 342.900 1.000 1.000 1.000 82.05 101.02 1.290 3 4
DT14 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 43.92 Comp 43.92 DT14.2P -106.580 XIII.B Base H=16,33 242.677 267.783 342.900 1.000 1.000 1.000 76.44 98.22 1.202 3 4
DT15 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 37.15 Comp 37.15 DT15.2X -95.194 XIII.B Base H=19,29 256.250 267.783 342.900 1.000 1.000 1.000 68.75 94.38 1.081 3 4
DT16 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 90X90X8 345.0 44.97 Comp 44.97 DT16.1P -120.415 XIII.B Base H=16,33 304.948 267.783 342.900 1.000 1.000 1.000 60.94 90.47 1.081 3 4
DT17 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 44.56 Comp 44.56 DT17.1X -60.751 XIII.B Base H=16,33 136.349 200.837 160.734 1.000 1.000 1.000 72.80 96.40 1.010 3 3
DT18 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 42.52 Comp 42.52 DT18.1X -41.193 XIII.B Base H=19,33 96.877 200.837 160.734 0.520 0.520 0.520 114.55 117.28 3.056 3 3
DT19 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 51.14 Comp 51.14 DT19.1X -52.629 XIII.B Base H=16,33 102.907 200.837 160.734 0.520 0.520 0.520 107.57 113.79 2.870 3 3
DT20 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 46.26 Comp 46.26 DT20.1XY -49.687IV.B.1-7 Base H=16,38 107.416 200.837 160.734 0.530 0.530 0.530 102.75 111.37 2.689 3 3
DT21 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 75X75X6 345.0 45.29 Comp 45.29 DT21.1X -69.995 XIII.B Base H=16,33 154.564 200.837 192.881 0.530 0.530 0.530 89.94 104.97 2.516 3 3
DT22 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 48.57 Comp 48.57 DT22.1X -30.631VIII.A-3 Base H=19,35 63.060 133.891 107.156 0.530 0.530 0.530 122.49 121.94 2.272 5 2
DT23 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 32.79 DT23.1XY -18.638 XIII.B Base H=16,33 56.839 133.891 85.725 0.500 0.500 0.500 110.96 115.48 2.193 3 2
DT24 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 34.70 DT24.1XY -19.720 XIII.B Base H=16,33 56.839 133.891 85.725 0.500 0.500 0.500 110.96 115.48 2.193 3 2
DT25 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 29.64 DT25.1X -16.848 XIII.B Base H=16,38 56.839 133.891 85.725 0.500 0.500 0.500 110.96 115.48 2.193 3 2
DT26 Diag. Trans. Base H=16 L 150X150X12 345.0 45.89 Comp 45.89 DT26P -330.911 XIII.B Base H=16 P+2 721.173 870.294 1671.638 1.000 1.000 1.000 70.19 95.10 2.081 3 13
DT27 Diag. Trans. Base H=16 L 80X80X10 345.0 36.41 Comp 36.41 DT27.1X -76.156 XIII.B Base H=16,30 209.140 267.783 428.625 2.000 2.000 1.000 117.97 118.99 1.437 3 4
HL01 Marco Base H=16 L 80X80X6 345.0 32.15 Climb 23.21 HL01.1XY -14.924 XIV.B Base H=16,31 94.890 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 138.64 138.64 2.196 4 1
HL02 Marco Base H=16 L 100X100X10 345.0 37.66 Comp 37.66 HL02.1P -75.645 XIV.A Base H=16,29 221.762 200.837 321.469 1.000 1.000 1.000 133.13 130.05 2.617 5 3
HL03 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 345.0 32.15 Climb 16.24 HL03.1XY -10.441 XIV.B Base H=19,31 94.890 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 138.64 138.64 2.196 4 1
HL04 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 345.0 41.95 Climb 26.45 HL04.1P -34.014 XIV.A Base H=19,29 133.984 133.891 128.588 2.000 2.000 1.000 113.35 116.67 1.411 3 2
HL05 Marco Cuerpo Común L 90X90X6 345.0 27.78 Climb 25.91 HL05.2X -16.662 XIV.B Base H=19,38 112.300 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 135.46 135.46 2.420 4 1
HL06 Marco Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 65.99 Climb 24.67 HL06.2X -8.790 XIV.B Base H=16,38 35.631 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 178.48 178.48 2.115 4 1
HL07 Marco Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 50.02 Climb 23.64 HL07.1X -24.441 XIII.B Base H=19,32 103.369 133.891 171.450 2.000 2.000 1.000 162.44 152.38 2.000 5 2
HL08 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 42.32 Climb 20.53 HL08.2X -10.999 I.1 Base H=19,21 71.243 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 136.76 136.76 1.897 4 1
HL09 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 51.36 Climb 19.20 HL09.1X -10.287 XIII.B Base H=16,38 58.014 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 139.87 139.87 1.657 4 1
HL10 Marco Superest. L 55X55X4 345.0 64.62 Climb 43.43 HL10.1X -21.472 XIV.A Base H=16,33 49.439 133.891 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 133.22 130.11 1.451 5 2
HL11 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 61.03 Climb 41.30 HL11.2X -36.512 V.A.1-4 Base H=19,30 88.416 133.891 107.156 2.000 2.000 1.000 123.57 122.76 1.349 5 2
HL12 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 56.09 Climb 37.46 HL12.2X -36.101V.B.2-13 Base H=16,36 96.374 133.891 107.156 2.000 2.000 1.000 97.04 108.52 0.903 3 2
HL13 Marco Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 73.86 Climb 14.78 HL13.2P -7.920 XIII.B Base H=19,36 74.770 66.946 53.578 2.000 2.000 1.000 103.96 111.98 0.800 3 1
HL14 Marco Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 73.86 Climb 17.43 HL14.1X -13.035 XIV.B Base H=19,33 74.770 133.891 107.156 2.000 2.000 1.000 103.96 111.98 0.800 3 2
HT01 Marco Base H=16 L 80X80X6 345.0 32.15 Climb 17.45 HT01.1XY -11.219 XIII.B Base H=16,33 94.890 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 138.64 138.64 2.196 4 1
HT02 Marco Base H=16 L 100X100X10 345.0 48.51 Comp 48.51 HT02.1P -97.436 XIII.B Base H=16,29 221.762 200.837 321.469 1.000 1.000 1.000 133.13 130.05 2.617 5 3
HT03 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 345.0 32.15 Climb 15.62 HT03.1XY -10.040 XIII.B Base H=19,31 94.890 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 138.64 138.64 2.196 4 1
HT04 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 345.0 41.95 Climb 35.67 HT04.3P -45.872 XIII.B Base H=19,29 133.984 133.891 128.588 2.000 2.000 1.000 113.35 116.67 1.411 3 2
HT05 Marco Cuerpo Común L 90X90X6 345.0 27.78 Climb 20.55 HT05.1Y -13.215 XIV.B Base H=19,36 112.300 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 135.46 135.46 2.420 4 1
HT06 Marco Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 65.99 Climb 22.23 HT06.2P -7.921 XIII.B Base H=19,15 35.631 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 178.48 178.48 2.115 4 1
HT07 Marco Superest. L 100X100X8 345.0 31.48 Climb 26.22 HT07.1P -49.502 XIV.A Base H=16,35 188.766 200.837 257.175 2.000 2.000 1.000 128.79 126.74 2.000 5 3
HT08 Marco Superest. L 65X65X5 345.0 49.63 Climb 0.00 HT08.2Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 62.039 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 147.53 141.02 1.897 5 2
HT09 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 51.36 Climb 18.56 HT09.2Y -9.944 XIV.B Base H=16,36 58.014 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 139.87 139.87 1.657 4 1
HT10 Marco Superest. L 90X90X8 345.0 44.73 Comp 44.73 HT10.2P -117.869 XIV.B Base H=16,35 263.540 267.783 342.900 1.000 1.000 1.000 81.80 100.90 1.451 3 4
HT11 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 61.03 Climb 0.63 HT11.1Y -0.269 XIV.A Base H=16,31 42.649 200.837 160.734 1.000 1.000 1.000 194.42 176.75 2.697 5 3
HT12 Marco Superest. L 90X90X8 345.0 76.20 Comp 76.20 HT12.1P -153.034 XIV.A Base H=19,5 220.907 200.837 257.175 1.000 1.000 1.000 101.77 110.88 1.806 3 3
HT13 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.54 Climb 0.00 HT13.1Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 65.629 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 135.05 131.51 1.600 5 2
HT14 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.54 Climb 7.31 HT14.1P -3.916VIII.A-2 Base H=16,42 62.232 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 135.05 135.05 1.600 4 1
M01 Cantonera Pata +2 XL 180X180X18 345.0 51.12 Comp 51.12 FM01.1352P -1566.005 XIV.B Base H=19,23 3063.506 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 39.75 79.88 1.407 3 0
M02 Cantonera Pata +1 XL 180X180X18 345.0 52.98 Comp 52.98 M2.2P -1600.417 XIV.B Base H=19,13 3021.040 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 42.59 81.29 1.507 3 0
M03 Cantonera Pata +0 XL 180X180X18 345.0 52.58 Comp 52.58 M03.7P -1643.629 XIV.B Base H=19,27 3125.803 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 35.49 77.75 1.256 3 0
M04 Cantonera Pata -1 XL 180X180X18 345.0 54.14 Comp 54.14 M04.2P -1673.725 XIV.B Base H=19,35 3091.401 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 37.86 78.93 1.340 3 0
M05 Cantoner Base H=16 XL 180X180X18 345.0 39.84 Tens 39.05 M05.2P -1600.079 XIV.B Base H=16,29 4098.015 4284.525 6172.200 1.000 1.000 1.000 28.39 28.39 1.005 1 32
M06 Cantonera Base H=19 XL 180X180X18 345.0 51.75 Comp 51.75 M06.1P -1669.257 XIV.B Base H=19,41 3225.890 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 28.39 74.20 1.005 3 0
M07 Cantonera Cuerpo Común XL 180X180X18 345.0 43.47 Comp 43.47 M07.5P -1391.613 XIV.B Base H=19,29 3201.504 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 30.15 75.08 1.067 3 0
M08 Cantonera Cuerpo Común XL 180X180X18 345.0 34.55 Comp 34.55 M08.5P -1092.027 XIV.B Base H=16,33 3160.357 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 33.08 76.54 1.170 3 0
M09 Cantonera Superest. L 180X180X18 345.0 53.93 Comp 53.93 M09.4P -876.462 XIV.B Base H=19,33 1625.091 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 26.62 73.31 0.942 3 0
M10 Cantonera Superest. L 150X150X18 345.0 49.50 Comp 49.50 M10.7P -530.190 XIV.B Base H=19,33 1700.823 1071.131 3086.100 1.000 1.000 1.000 25.66 25.66 0.754 1 16
M11 Cantonera Superest. L 120X120X12 345.0 38.26 Comp 38.26 M11.1P -243.013 XIV.B Base H=16,33 635.169 0.000 0.000 2.400 2.400 1.200 53.04 86.52 0.816 3 0
M12 Cantonera Superest. L 100X100X12 345.0 32.63 Comp 32.63 M12.4P -164.792 XIII.B Base H=16,38 505.074 0.000 0.000 2.400 2.400 1.200 59.27 89.64 0.754 3 0
M13 Cantonera Superest. L 100X100X12 345.0 20.22 Comp 20.22 M13.1P -102.279 XIII.B Base H=16,38 505.917 0.000 0.000 2.400 2.400 1.200 59.00 89.50 0.750 3 0
MHC1 Diag. Cruc. Sup. L 80X80X8 345.0 30.58 Comp 30.58 MHC1.1P -20.469 XIV.A Base H=16,36 195.274 66.946 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 101.74 110.87 1.600 3 1
MHC2 Diag. Cruc. Med. L 80X80X8 345.0 29.90 Comp 29.90 MHC2.1X -20.019 XIV.A Base H=19,30 195.274 66.946 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 101.74 110.87 1.600 3 1
MHC3 Diag. Cruc. Inf. L 80X80X8 345.0 29.54 Comp 29.54 MHC3.1X -19.776 XIV.A Base H=19,30 195.274 66.946 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 101.74 110.87 1.600 3 1
R001 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 51.07 Climb 0.73 R001.1XY -0.314 XIII.B Base H=19,37 62.259 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 88.61 104.31 0.786 3 1
R002 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 345.0 81.73 Climb 1.12 R002.1X -0.334 XIII.A Base H=19,35 29.944 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 159.10 159.10 1.572 4 1
R003 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 2.31 Comp 2.31 R003.1Y -0.778 XIII.B Base H=19,41 33.725 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 141.90 141.90 1.259 4 1
R004 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 54.82 Climb 1.06 R004.1X -0.452 XIV.A Base H=19,36 61.413 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 90.17 105.09 0.800 3 1
R005 Relleno Canastillo L 55X55X4 345.0 82.60 Climb 4.81 R005.1P -1.206 XIV.B Base H=19,32 25.073 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 182.70 182.70 1.991 4 1
R006 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 71.79 Climb 4.10 R006.1AR -1.050 XIV.A Base H=19,32 25.640 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 162.74 162.74 1.444 4 1
R007 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 345.0 81.91 Climb 6.67 R007.1AR -1.533 XIV.A Base H=19,34 22.975 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 181.64 181.64 1.795 4 1
R008 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 36.46 Climb 0.87 R008.1P -0.374 XIV.A Base H=19,33 76.622 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 60.12 90.06 0.533 3 1
R009 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 345.0 58.17 Climb 2.09 R009.1P -0.898 XIV.A Base H=19,38 58.358 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 107.93 113.97 1.067 3 1
R010 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 345.0 8.57 Redun 7.23 R010.1X -3.100 I.1 Base H=16,35 78.747 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 55.51 87.75 0.492 3 1
R011 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 345.0 10.48 Redun 8.85 R011.1X -3.792 I.1 Base H=16,32 50.884 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 111.04 115.52 0.985 3 1
R012 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 345.0 60.92 Climb 7.92 R012.1P -3.103 XIV.B Base H=16,35 39.202 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 170.16 170.16 2.016 4 1
R013 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 345.0 61.12 Climb 12.55 R013.1P -4.171 XIV.B Base H=16,40 33.242 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 184.78 184.78 2.189 4 1
R014 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.54 Climb 1.09 FR014.1X -0.586 XIV.B Base H=19,37 122.172 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 67.52 93.76 0.800 3 1
R015 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.54 Climb 1.22 FR015.1X -0.654 VII.B Base H=19,41 122.172 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 67.52 93.76 0.800 3 1
R016 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 345.0 57.26 Climb 1.85 R016.1P -0.794 XIV.B Base H=19,37 51.735 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 109.13 114.56 0.968 3 1
R017 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 345.0 8.01 Redun 7.55 R017.1X -3.977 I.1 Base H=16,32 52.661 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 133.43 133.43 1.312 4 1
R018 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 345.0 6.96 Redun 5.87 R018.1X -2.518 I.1 Base H=16,40 78.763 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 55.47 87.74 0.492 3 1
R019 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 345.0 7.62 Redun 6.43 R019.1X -2.755 I.1 Base H=16,35 50.945 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 110.90 115.45 0.984 3 1
R020 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 55X55X4 345.0 79.98 Climb 7.99 R020.1P -2.309 XIV.B Base H=16,40 28.897 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 170.19 170.19 1.854 4 1
R021 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 55X55X4 345.0 80.44 Climb 13.09 R021.1P -3.109 XIV.B Base H=16,40 23.750 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 187.72 187.72 2.045 4 1
R022 Relleno. Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 345.0 60.99 Climb 0.98 R022.2X -0.528 XIV.B Base H=19,30 89.459 66.946 53.578 2.000 2.000 1.000 105.28 112.64 0.979 3 1
R023 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 345.0 72.55 Climb 1.11 R023.1X -0.595 VII.B Base H=19,36 73.167 66.946 53.578 2.000 2.000 1.000 124.55 124.55 1.159 4 1
R024 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 345.0 69.92 Climb 1.80 R024.1P -0.754 XIV.B Base H=16,30 41.906 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 127.29 127.29 1.129 4 1
R025 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 345.0 56.96 Climb 2.68 R025.1X -0.978 XIV.A Base H=19,30 36.442 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 160.40 160.40 1.577 4 1
R026 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 345.0 6.09 Redun 5.14 R026.1X -2.203 I.1 Base H=19,40 78.805 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 55.38 87.69 0.491 3 1
R027 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 345.0 6.20 Redun 5.23 R027.1X -2.242 I.1 Base H=16,40 51.022 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 110.73 115.36 0.982 3 1
R028 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 55X55X4 345.0 73.59 Climb 5.84 R028.1P -1.964 VII.B Base H=16,34 33.623 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 157.77 157.77 1.719 4 1
R029 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 55X55X4 345.0 74.32 Climb 10.09 R029.1P -2.698 VII.B Base H=16,35 26.747 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 176.89 176.89 1.927 4 1
R030 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 345.0 72.50 Climb 0.91 FR030.1X -0.485 XIV.B Base H=19,30 95.755 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 97.75 108.87 1.158 3 1
R031 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 345.0 95.93 Climb 1.03 FR031.1X -0.554 VII.B Base H=19,31 69.332 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 127.95 127.95 1.516 4 1
R032 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 345.0 82.61 Climb 2.34 R032.1P -0.745 XIV.B Base H=16,33 31.819 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 146.08 146.08 1.296 4 1
R033 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 50X50X5 345.0 74.11 Climb 3.67 R033.1P -0.946 XIV.B Base H=19,15 25.750 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 190.82 190.82 1.876 4 1
R034 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 49.70 Climb 24.26 R034.1X -10.397 XIII.B Base H=16,33 65.885 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 81.80 100.90 0.726 3 1
R035 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 53.51 Climb 22.61 R035.1P -9.693 XIII.B Base H=19,33 45.714 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 121.88 121.88 1.081 4 1
R036 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 49.70 Climb 17.23 R036.1XY -7.384 XIV.B Base H=19,29 65.885 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 81.80 100.90 0.726 3 1
R037 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 15.87 Tens 10.18 R037.1P -4.364 V.B.2-4 Base H=19,36 49.677 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 113.83 116.91 1.010 3 1
R038 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 56.79 Climb 35.87 R038.1XY -15.376 XIII.B Base H=16,38 59.644 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 93.39 106.70 0.829 3 1
R039 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 60.61 Climb 30.91 R039.1P -12.331 XIII.B Base H=19,29 39.897 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 130.46 130.46 1.157 4 1
R040 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 56.79 Climb 22.48 R040.1XY -9.637 XIV.B Base H=16,29 59.644 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 93.39 106.70 0.829 3 1
R041 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 19.67 Tens 18.01 R041.1X -7.638 XIV.A Base H=16,35 42.397 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 126.55 126.55 1.123 4 1
R042 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 43.42 Climb 25.22 R042.1XY -20.181 XIII.B Base H=16,38 80.010 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 96.51 108.25 0.949 3 2
R043 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 46.72 Climb 40.53 R043.1P -19.232 XIII.B Base H=16,33 47.454 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 140.57 140.57 1.382 4 1
R044 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 45.92 Redun 42.53 R044.1P -22.789 I.1 Base H=16,33 80.010 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 96.51 108.25 0.949 3 1
R045 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 61.79 Climb 11.43 R045.1P -4.459 V.B.2-4 Base H=19,36 39.010 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 131.93 131.93 1.170 4 1
R046 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 48.47 Climb 22.14 R046.1X -16.034 XIII.B Base H=16,33 72.423 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 107.56 113.78 1.057 3 2
R047 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 61.07 Climb 26.36 R047.1P -10.046 XIII.B Base H=16,33 38.107 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 141.03 141.03 1.394 4 1
R048 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X6 345.0 43.47 Redun 42.59 R048.1P -27.383 I.1 Base H=16,33 122.694 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 89.64 104.82 1.057 3 1
R049 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 33.36 Comp 33.36 R049.1P -10.649 XIV.A Base H=16,36 31.925 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 154.09 154.09 1.523 4 1
R050 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 37.91 Redun 37.91 R050.1P -34.881 I.1 Base H=19,29 92.013 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 102.13 111.06 1.210 3 2
R051 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 33.48 Climb 32.51 R051.1P -17.421 XIII.B Base H=16,33 73.419 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 129.63 129.63 1.667 4 1
R052 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 49.96 Climb 17.06 R052.1Y -11.055 XIV.A Base H=19,30 64.784 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 136.17 132.36 1.613 5 2
R053 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 46.54 Redun 46.54 R053.1P -34.280 I.1 Base H=19,29 73.650 133.891 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 81.62 100.81 0.807 3 2
R054 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 48.12 Climb 18.46 R054.1P -8.862 XIV.A Base H=19,38 48.011 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 153.76 153.76 1.822 4 1
R055 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 36.02 Comp 36.02 R055.1P -22.445 XIV.B Base H=19,38 62.311 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 123.45 122.67 1.213 5 2
R056 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 49.70 Climb 25.53 R056.1XY -10.943 XIV.B Base H=19,38 65.885 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 81.80 100.90 0.726 3 1
R057 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 53.51 Climb 17.98 R057.1P -7.707 XIV.B Base H=19,33 45.714 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 121.88 121.88 1.081 4 1
R058 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 49.70 Climb 21.27 R058.1XY -9.117 XIII.B Base H=19,29 65.885 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 81.80 100.90 0.726 3 1
R059 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 21.10 Comp 21.10 R059.1P -9.043 XIII.B Base H=19,31 49.677 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 113.83 116.91 1.010 3 1
R060 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 56.79 Climb 35.20 R060.1XY -15.088 XIV.B Base H=19,38 59.644 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 93.39 106.70 0.829 3 1
R061 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 60.61 Climb 27.09 R061.1P -10.807 XIV.B Base H=19,33 39.897 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 130.46 130.46 1.157 4 1
R062 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 56.79 Climb 25.30 R062.1XY -10.842 XIII.B Base H=16,33 59.644 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 93.39 106.70 0.829 3 1
R063 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 21.97 Comp 21.97 R063.1P -9.313 XIII.B Base H=16,38 42.397 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 126.55 126.55 1.123 4 1
R064 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 44.69 Comp 44.69 R064.1XY -23.947 XIV.B Base H=16,38 80.010 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 96.51 108.25 0.949 3 1
R065 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 46.72 Climb 34.78 R065.1P -16.504 XIV.B Base H=16,33 47.454 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 140.57 140.57 1.382 4 1
R066 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 45.92 Redun 42.53 R066.1P -22.789 I.1 Base H=16,33 80.010 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 96.51 108.25 0.949 3 1
R067 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 61.79 Climb 14.79 R067.1Y -5.768 V.B.2-4 Base H=19,29 39.010 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 131.93 131.93 1.170 4 1
R068 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 48.47 Climb 22.75 R068.1XY -16.473 XIV.B Base H=16,39 72.423 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 107.56 113.78 1.057 3 2
R069 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 61.07 Climb 29.40 R069.1P -11.205 XIV.B Base H=16,33 38.107 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 141.03 141.03 1.394 4 1
R070 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X6 345.0 43.47 Redun 42.59 R070.1P -27.383 I.1 Base H=16,33 122.694 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 89.64 104.82 1.057 3 1
R071 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 36.64 Comp 36.64 R071.1Y -11.697 XIII.B Base H=16,33 31.925 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 154.09 154.09 1.523 4 1
R072 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 33.22 Redun 32.55 R072.1P -34.881 I.1 Base H=19,29 107.664 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 94.09 107.05 1.210 3 2
R073 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 33.48 Climb 31.41 R073.1P -16.829 XIV.B Base H=16,41 73.419 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 129.63 129.63 1.667 4 1
R074 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 49.96 Climb 21.86 R074.1X -14.159 XIII.B Base H=19,32 64.784 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 136.17 132.36 1.613 5 2
R075 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 38.29 Tens 37.76 R075.1P -34.280 I.1 Base H=19,29 90.783 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 82.07 101.03 0.807 3 2
R076 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 40.47 Climb 21.74 R076.1P -11.650 XIII.B Base H=19,36 61.481 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 141.66 141.66 1.822 4 1
R077 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 50.21 Comp 50.21 R077.1P -31.284 XIII.B Base H=19,36 62.311 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 123.45 122.67 1.213 5 2
R078 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 70.48 Climb 1.19 R078.1X -0.511 XIII.B Base H=16,38 48.898 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 115.68 117.84 1.026 3 1
R079 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 70.48 Climb 1.05 R079.1XY -0.451 XIV.B Base H=16,39 48.898 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 115.68 117.84 1.026 3 1
R080 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 80.58 Climb 1.48 R080.1Y -0.575 XIV.B Base H=19,29 38.924 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 132.08 132.08 1.172 4 1
R081 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 80.58 Climb 1.24 R081.1X -0.483 XIII.B Base H=16,33 38.924 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 132.08 132.08 1.172 4 1
R082 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 73.37 Climb 1.68 R082.1Y -0.692 XIV.B Base H=16,35 41.137 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 135.74 135.74 1.341 4 1
R083 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 73.37 Climb 1.23 R083.1X -0.507 XIII.B Base H=19,29 41.137 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 135.74 135.74 1.341 4 1
R084 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 81.91 Climb 2.78 R084.1Y -0.919 XIV.B Base H=19,15 33.114 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 151.29 151.29 1.495 4 1
R085 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 81.91 Climb 2.24 R085.1Y -0.742 XIV.B Base H=16,31 33.114 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 151.29 151.29 1.495 4 1
R086 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 53.07 Climb 2.13 R086.1Y -1.142 XIV.B Base H=16,40 54.410 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 144.43 144.43 1.711 4 1
R087 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 53.07 Climb 2.67 R087.1XY -1.432 XIV.B Base H=19,31 54.410 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 144.43 144.43 1.711 4 1
R088 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 2.46 Redun 2.07 R088.1X -0.889 I.1 Base H=16,33 49.677 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 113.83 116.91 1.010 3 1
R089 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 53.51 Climb 1.27 R089.2X -0.543 XIV.B Base H=19,38 45.714 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 121.88 121.88 1.081 4 1
R090 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 53.51 Climb 0.84 R090.1P -0.362 XIV.B Base H=19,33 45.714 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 121.88 121.88 1.081 4 1
R091 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 60.94 Climb 1.53 R091.2P -0.565 XIV.A Base H=16,35 36.980 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 135.51 135.51 1.202 4 1
R092 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 4.45 Redun 4.45 R092.1X -1.427 I.1 Base H=16,33 32.099 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 145.45 145.45 1.290 4 1
R093 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 68.91 Climb 1.70 R093.1P -0.581 VII.B Base H=16,29 34.147 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 141.02 141.02 1.251 4 1
R094 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 45X45X4 345.0 68.96 Climb 1.59 R094.1P -0.498 XIV.B Base H=16,29 31.429 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 146.99 146.99 1.304 4 1
R095 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 9.21 Redun 9.21 R095.2P -2.566 I.1 Base H=19,29 27.865 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 164.93 164.93 1.630 4 1
R096 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 62.46 Climb 2.22 R096.1P -0.676 XIV.B Base H=19,32 30.512 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 157.61 157.61 1.558 4 1
R097 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 55X55X4 345.0 7.21 Redun 7.21 R097.2P -1.891 I.1 Base H=16,33 26.215 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 178.68 178.68 1.947 4 1
R098 Relleno Base H=16 L 60X60X5 345.0 39.95 Redun 39.95 R098.1P -40.095 I.1 Base H=16,29 100.375 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 92.66 106.33 1.098 3 2
R099 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X5 345.0 37.71 Comp 37.71 R099.1P -20.202 XIV.B Base H=16,35 85.966 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 119.59 119.80 1.538 3 1
R100 Relleno Base H=16 L 60X60X5 345.0 39.95 Redun 39.95 R100.1P -40.095 I.1 Base H=16,29 100.375 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 92.66 106.33 1.098 3 2
R101 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X6 345.0 35.18 Comp 35.18 R101.1P -22.621 XIV.B Base H=16,29 101.783 66.946 64.294 1.000 1.000 1.000 120.12 120.12 1.538 4 1
R102 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X5 345.0 16.37 Comp 16.37 R102.1P -5.021 XIII.B Base H=16 P+2 30.667 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 200.57 200.57 2.579 4 1
R103 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.77 Redun 37.01 R103.1P -39.653 I.1 Base H=19,41 112.196 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 79.42 99.71 0.941 3 2
R104 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X6 345.0 51.89 Redun 50.84 R104.1P -32.688 I.1 Base H=19,41 109.679 66.946 64.294 2.000 2.000 1.000 101.90 110.95 0.941 3 1
R105 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.99 Comp 37.99 R105.1P -29.892 XIV.B Base H=19,35 78.690 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 120.08 120.10 1.423 5 2
R106 Relleno Base H=19 L 55X55X4 345.0 45.04 Climb 28.15 R106.1P -12.068 XIII.B Base H=19,29 49.091 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 130.57 130.57 1.423 4 1
R107 Relleno Base H=19 L 45X45X4 345.0 38.34 Redun 32.36 R107.1P -13.870 I.1 Base H=19,41 45.827 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 121.73 121.73 1.080 4 1
R108 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X4 345.0 20.62 Comp 20.62 R108.2P -8.838 XIII.B Base H=19,29 54.826 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 115.16 117.58 1.138 3 1
R109 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 41.67 Redun 41.67 R109.1P -41.829 I.1 Base H=19,41 100.375 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 92.66 106.33 1.098 3 2
R110 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 36.14 Climb 34.29 R110.1P -18.372 XIII.B Base H=19,29 67.361 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 129.81 129.81 1.538 4 1
R111 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.77 Redun 37.01 R111.1P -39.653 I.1 Base H=19,41 112.196 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 79.42 99.71 0.941 3 2
R112 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X6 345.0 51.89 Redun 50.84 R112.1P -32.688 I.1 Base H=19,41 109.679 66.946 64.294 2.000 2.000 1.000 101.90 110.95 0.941 3 1
R113 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 40.55 Comp 40.55 R113.1P -31.908 XIV.B Base H=19,29 78.690 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 120.08 120.10 1.423 5 2
R114 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.32 Redun 36.57 R114.1P -19.594 I.1 Base H=19,41 78.718 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 120.08 120.08 1.423 4 1
R115 Relleno Base H=19 L 45X45X4 345.0 48.67 Redun 41.08 R115.2P -17.609 I.1 Base H=19,41 45.827 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 121.73 121.73 1.080 4 1
R116 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X4 345.0 23.05 Comp 23.05 R116.1P -9.882 XIV.B Base H=19,29 54.826 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 115.16 117.58 1.138 3 1
R117 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 41.67 Redun 41.67 R117.1P -41.829 I.1 Base H=19,41 100.375 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 92.66 106.33 1.098 3 2
R118 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 36.14 Climb 31.94 R118.1P -17.112 XIV.B Base H=19,29 67.361 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 129.81 129.81 1.538 4 1
R119 Relleno Base H=19 L 65X65X5 345.0 52.30 Climb 5.01 R119.1XY -2.564 XIV.B Base H=19,39 51.204 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 155.22 155.22 1.996 4 1
R120 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X5 345.0 9.70 Redun 9.70 R120.1X -2.212 I.1 Base H=19,29 22.800 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 202.79 202.79 1.993 4 1
R121 Relleno Base H=19 L 70X70X5 345.0 14.19 Comp 14.19 R121.2P -5.339 XIII.B Base H=19 P+2 37.616 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 188.20 188.20 2.611 4 1
R122 Relleno Pata +2 L 65X65X5 345.0 45.84 Climb 12.02 L_R122.1P -8.426 XIV.B Base H=19,41 70.080 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 136.59 132.68 1.756 5 2
R123 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 345.0 40.61 Climb 10.44 LXY__R123.2P -8.864 XIV.B Base H=16,37 84.941 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 111.19 115.60 1.317 3 2
R124 Relleno Pata +2 L 50X50X5 345.0 42.42 Redun 42.42 L_R124.1P -36.232 I.1 Base H=19,23 85.420 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 89.35 104.67 0.878 3 2
R125 Relleno Pata +2 L 50X50X5 345.0 37.86 Redun 35.07 L_R125.1P -37.581 I.1 Base H=19,23 115.331 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 44.67 82.34 0.439 3 2
R126 Relleno Pata +2 L 65X65X5 345.0 43.71 Climb 12.05 R126.2P -5.201 XIV.A Base H=19 P+2 43.165 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 169.06 169.06 2.174 4 1
R127 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 345.0 36.53 Redun 36.53 L_R127.1P -16.814 I.1 Base H=19,23 46.033 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 157.02 157.02 1.860 4 1
R128 Relleno Pata +2 L 55X55X4 345.0 28.54 Redun 28.54 L_R128.1P -10.985 I.1 Base H=19,23 38.492 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 147.46 147.46 1.607 4 1
R129 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X6 345.0 39.54 Comp 39.54 R129.1P -35.906 XIII.B Base H=19,37 90.819 133.891 128.588 1.000 1.000 1.000 122.48 121.93 1.445 5 2
R130 Relleno Pata +2 L 80X80X5 345.0 40.02 Redun 40.02 R130.2P -16.288 I.1 Base H=19 P+2 40.700 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 193.87 193.87 3.083 4 1
R131 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 345.0 44.90 Comp 44.90 R131.2P -12.493 XIII.B Base H=19 P+2 27.824 66.946 53.578 0.750 0.750 0.750 201.97 201.97 3.190 4 1
R132 Relleno Pata +2 L 45X45X4 345.0 42.48 Climb 36.28 LXY_R132P -15.552 XIV.B Base H=19 P+2 71.880 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 70.00 95.00 0.621 3 1
R133 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 345.0 42.90 Climb 10.38 LXY_R133.1P -8.044 XIV.B Base H=19 P+1 77.493 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 128.05 126.18 1.647 5 2
R134 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.58 Redun 37.58 R134.1P -37.719 I.1 Base H=19,13 100.375 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 92.66 106.33 1.098 3 2
R135 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X6 345.0 31.04 Redun 30.42 R135.1P -39.111 I.1 Base H=19,13 164.488 133.891 128.588 1.000 1.000 1.000 46.54 83.27 0.549 3 2
R136 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 345.0 40.65 Climb 7.17 R136.1P -3.620 II.1 Base H=19 P+1 50.503 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 167.58 156.30 2.155 5 2
R137 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X5 345.0 28.81 Redun 28.81 R137.1P -15.646 I.1 Base H=19,13 54.314 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 152.18 144.56 1.803 5 2
R138 Relleno Pata +1 L 55X55X4 345.0 54.11 Comp 54.11 R138.1P -23.681 XIII.B Base H=19 P+1 43.768 133.891 85.725 1.000 1.000 1.000 143.94 138.28 1.568 5 2
R139 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 345.0 42.03 Redun 42.03 R139.2P -12.906 I.1 Base H=19,1 30.703 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 200.45 200.45 2.578 4 1
R140 Relleno Pata +1 L 55X55X4 345.0 32.93 Comp 32.93 R140.1P -8.478 XIII.B Base H=19,1 25.746 66.946 42.863 0.715 0.715 0.715 180.30 180.30 2.747 4 1
R141 Relleno Pata +1 L 45X45X4 345.0 53.18 Climb 27.72 R141P -11.880 XIV.B Base H=19,3 62.863 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 87.50 103.75 0.776 3 1
R142 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X6 345.0 37.28 Climb 7.58 LXY_R142.5P -6.945 XIV.B Base H=19 P+0 91.621 133.891 128.588 1.000 1.000 1.000 128.62 126.61 1.647 5 2
R143 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 345.0 36.81 Redun 36.81 R143.5P -36.951 I.1 Base H=19,27 100.375 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 92.66 106.33 1.098 3 2
R144 Relleno Pata +0 L 50X50X5 345.0 40.43 Redun 37.45 R144.2P -40.131 I.1 Base H=19,21 108.523 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 55.84 87.92 0.549 3 2
R145 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X5 345.0 40.97 Climb 4.23 R145.1P -2.406 II.1 Base H=19 P+0 56.931 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 155.65 147.21 2.002 5 2
R146 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 345.0 24.99 Redun 24.99 R146.4P -16.232 I.1 Base H=19,27 64.952 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 135.95 132.19 1.611 5 2
R147 Relleno Pata +0 L 50X50X5 345.0 46.54 Comp 46.54 R147.1P -24.985 XIII.B Base H=19,27 53.683 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 135.90 132.16 1.336 5 2
R148 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 345.0 32.26 Redun 32.26 R148.3P -10.196 I.1 Base H=19,15 31.604 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 189.51 189.51 2.245 4 1
R149 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X5 345.0 28.80 Comp 28.80 R149.7P -9.884 XIII.B Base H=19,15 34.318 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 189.60 189.60 2.438 4 1
R150 Relleno Pata +0 L 45X45X4 345.0 53.18 Climb 31.97 R150.1P -13.704 XIV.B Base H=19,17 62.863 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 87.50 103.75 0.776 3 1
R151 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 345.0 47.81 Redun 47.81 R151.2P -36.017 I.1 Base H=19,35 75.338 200.837 160.734 1.000 1.000 1.000 123.55 122.74 1.464 5 3
R152 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 345.0 33.10 Redun 33.10 R152.2P -41.958 I.1 Base H=19,35 126.775 200.837 160.734 1.000 1.000 1.000 61.77 90.89 0.732 3 3
R153 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 345.0 42.79 Climb 4.48 R153.2P -1.945 II.1 Base H=16 P-1 43.418 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 161.68 161.68 1.916 4 1
R154 Relleno Pata -1 L 55X55X4 345.0 38.74 Tens 32.81 R154.1P -14.062 XIII.B Base H=19,40 45.236 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 136.02 136.02 1.482 4 1
R155 Relleno Pata -1 L 55X55X4 345.0 23.17 Redun 23.17 R155.2P -7.045 I.1 Base H=19,29 30.407 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 165.90 165.90 1.808 4 1
R156 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 345.0 52.51 Climb 7.67 LY_R156.2P -2.654 XIV.B Base H=16,39 34.585 66.946 53.578 1.000 1.000 1.000 181.16 181.16 2.146 4 1
R157 Relleno Pata -1 L 50X50X4 345.0 56.43 Climb 5.91 R157P -2.533 XIV.B Base H=19,29 60.035 66.946 42.863 1.000 1.000 1.000 104.73 112.36 1.035 3 1
TC1 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Sup. L 65X65X5 345.0 59.03 Tens 0.00 TC1.3Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 56.383 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 156.59 147.92 2.014 5 2
TC2 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Med. L 65X65X5 345.0 49.31 Climb 0.00 TC2.3Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 64.759 200.837 160.734 1.000 1.000 1.000 143.60 138.02 1.847 5 3
TC3 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Inf. L 65X65X5 345.0 49.23 Tens 0.00 TC3.3Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 73.766 133.891 107.156 1.000 1.000 1.000 132.18 129.32 1.700 5 2

Verificación Elementos en Tracción

Group Summary Super Set (Tension Portion):

Group Group Angle Angle Steel Max Usage Max Tension Tension Tension Tension Net Tension Tension Tension Length No. No. Hole
Label Desc. Type Size Strength Usage Cont- Use Control Force Control Control Section Connect. Connect. Connect. Tens. Of Of Diameter
rol In Member Load Model Capacity Shear Bearing Rupture Member Bolts Holes
Tens. Case Capacity Capacity Capacity Tens.
(MPa) % % (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (m) (cm)
CC1 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Sup. L 100X100X10 345.0 51.04 Comp 35.06 CC1.1Y 117.344 XIV.A Base H=19,31 530.722 334.728 535.781 525.000 1.954 5 1.000 1.908
CC2 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Med. L 90X90X8 345.0 51.61 Comp 24.88 CC2.1Y 66.624 XIV.A Base H=19,31 379.866 267.783 342.900 336.000 1.784 4 1.000 1.908
CC3 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Inf. L 80X80X8 345.0 49.60 Comp 25.77 CC3.1Y 51.759 XIV.B Base H=16,32 330.186 200.837 257.175 252.000 1.637 3 1.000 1.908
CG2 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Canastillo L 65X65X5 345.0 37.93 Climb 26.93 CG2.2Y 28.281 XIV.B Base H=16,35 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.638 2 1.000 1.908
CG3 Cuerda Inf. Cruc. Canastillo L 65X65X5 345.0 23.82 Comp 19.40 CG3.1XY 20.374 XIV.B Base H=19,35 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.231 2 1.000 1.908
CG4 Cantonera Canastillo L 70X70X5 345.0 41.90 Comp 34.85 CG4.1XY 36.596 XIII.B Base H=16,33 179.974 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.700 2 1.000 1.908
CG5 Diag. Horiz. Canastillo L 50X50X5 345.0 73.86 Climb 0.00 CG5.1P 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.600 1 1.000 1.908
CG6 Diag. Canastillo L 50X50X4 345.0 48.83 Climb 28.34 CG6.1X 11.504 XIV.B Base H=16,33 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 2.335 1 1.000 1.908
DH01 Diag. Horiz. Base H=16 L 75X75X6 345.0 53.25 Climb 7.07 DH01.1P 4.457 XIV.B Base H=16 P+2 232.735 66.946 64.294 63.000 1.552 1 1.000 1.908
DH02 Diag. Horiz. Base H=16 L 100X100X6 345.0 35.37 Climb 34.79 DH02.1P 21.919 XIV.B Base H=16,35 325.885 66.946 64.294 63.000 1.851 1 1.000 1.908
DH03 Diag. Horiz. Base H=19 L 75X75X6 345.0 53.25 Climb 7.58 DH03.1P 4.776 XIV.B Base H=19 P+2 232.735 66.946 64.294 63.000 1.552 1 1.000 1.908
DH04 Diag. Horiz. Base H=19 L 110X110X12 345.0 46.02 Tens 46.02 DH04.2P 30.807 XIII.B Base H=19,33 703.935 66.946 128.588 126.000 1.996 1 1.000 1.908
DH05 Diag. Horiz. Cuerpo Común L 75X75X6 345.0 28.45 Climb 20.06 DH05.2Y 12.637 XIII.B Base H=16,38 232.735 66.946 64.294 63.000 1.711 1 1.000 1.908
DH06 Diag. Horiz. Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 79.64 Climb 13.70 DH06.1Y 7.194 XIII.B Base H=16,38 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.495 1 1.000 1.908
DH07 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 75X75X6 345.0 48.21 Climb 8.41 DH07.1Y 5.296 XIII.B Base H=16,38 232.735 66.946 64.294 63.000 2.828 1 1.000 1.908
DH08 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 63.98 Climb 12.97 DH08.2P 5.263 V.B.2-6 Base H=16,35 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.172 1 1.000 1.908
DH09 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 61.72 Climb 9.56 DH09.2Y 4.743 XIII.B Base H=16,38 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.341 1 1.000 1.908
DH10 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 70.48 Climb 19.12 DH10.2P 13.833 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 83.121 133.891 85.725 72.353 1.026 2 1.000 1.908
DH11 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 59.60 Comp 29.71 DH11.1X 29.491 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 2.554 2 1.000 1.908
DH12 Diag. Horiz. Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 77.77 Climb 4.87 DH12.1X 1.761 V.B.2-2 Base H=16,39 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 2.263 1 1.000 1.908
DHC1 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 345.0 59.35 Comp 31.83 DHC1.1Y 31.591 XIV.A Base H=19,2 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 2.547 2 1.000 1.908
DHC2 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 345.0 69.02 Tens 69.02 DHC2.1X 34.258 XIV.A Base H=19,36 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 2.591 1 1.000 1.908
DHC3 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 345.0 66.92 Comp 65.32 DHC3.1P 32.422 XIV.A Base H=19,3 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 2.637 1 1.000 1.908
DHC4 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 345.0 58.31 Climb 25.28 DHC4.1XY 25.090 XIV.A Base H=19,30 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 2.537 2 1.000 1.908
DHC5 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 345.0 65.96 Climb 45.07 DHC5.1XY 22.370 XIV.A Base H=16,30 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 2.864 1 1.000 1.908
DHC6 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.81 Climb 33.12 DHC6.1XY 17.387 XIV.A Base H=19,30 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 3.217 1 1.000 1.908
DHC7 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 50X50X5 345.0 58.69 Climb 22.39 DHC7.1P 22.225 XIV.B Base H=19,1 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 2.554 2 1.000 1.908
DHC8 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.84 Climb 32.24 DHC8.1P 16.926 XIV.A Base H=19,32 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 3.219 1 1.000 1.908
DHC9 Diag. Horiz. Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 345.0 61.26 Climb 23.96 DHC9.1P 12.579 XIV.B Base H=19,1 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 3.935 1 1.000 1.908
DL01 Diag. Long. Pata +2 L 150X150X12 345.0 38.99 Tens 38.99 LXY_DL01.5P 339.342 XIV.B Base H=19 P+2 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 1.502 13 1.000 1.908
DL02 Diag. Long. Pata +1 L 150X150X12 345.0 37.38 Comp 36.51 DL02.4P 317.748 XIV.B Base H=19,3 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 1.639 13 1.000 1.908
DL03 Diag. Long. Pata +0 L 150X150X12 345.0 34.96 Tens 34.96 DL03.8P 304.217 XIV.B Base H=19,17 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 1.404 13 1.000 1.908
DL04 Diag. Long. Pata -1 L 150X150X12 345.0 31.93 Comp 31.80 DL04.3P 276.760 XIV.B Base H=19,31 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 1.570 13 1.000 1.908
DL05 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 150X150X12 345.0 37.88 Comp 31.98 DL05.1XY 278.314 XIV.B Base H=19 P+2 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 2.146 13 1.000 1.908
DL06 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 70X70X6 345.0 41.49 Comp 34.35 DL06.1P 43.277 XIV.A Base H=19,29 214.105 133.891 128.588 126.000 1.437 2 1.000 1.908
DL07 Diag. Long. Base H=19 L 100X100X10 345.0 38.02 Tens 38.02 DL07.2X 152.718 XIV.B Base H=19,31 530.722 401.674 642.938 630.000 1.329 6 1.000 1.908
DL08 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 44.19 Comp 41.68 DL08.3Y 139.519 XIV.A Base H=19,35 530.722 334.728 535.781 525.000 1.298 5 1.000 1.908
DL09 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 90X90X8 345.0 47.42 Comp 28.61 DL09.1X 108.675 XIV.B Base H=16,38 379.866 401.674 514.350 504.000 1.558 6 1.000 1.908
DL10 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 90X90X8 345.0 51.33 Comp 36.03 DL10.2XY 136.862 XIV.B Base H=19,38 379.866 401.674 514.350 504.000 1.630 6 1.000 1.908
DL11 Diag. Long. Cuerpo Común L 80X80X8 345.0 44.65 Comp 35.86 DL11.2X 118.414 XIV.B Base H=19,38 330.186 401.674 514.350 504.000 1.304 6 1.000 1.908
DL12 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X6 345.0 40.32 Comp 39.21 DL12.2XY 74.113 XIV.B Base H=16,39 251.365 200.837 192.881 189.000 1.251 3 1.000 1.908
DL13 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X6 345.0 46.93 Comp 43.40 DL13.2X 82.034V.B.2-13 Base H=16,36 251.365 200.837 192.881 189.000 1.290 3 1.000 1.908
DL14 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 43.84 Comp 43.29 DL14.1Y 86.934 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 330.186 200.837 257.175 252.000 1.202 3 1.000 1.908
DL15 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 40.88 Comp 40.75 DL15.2P 81.848 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 330.186 200.837 257.175 252.000 1.081 3 1.000 1.908
DL16 Diag. Long. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 44.62 Comp 44.00 DL16.2XY 88.362V.B.2-13 Base H=16,36 330.186 200.837 257.175 252.000 1.081 3 1.000 1.908
DL17 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 345.0 43.24 Comp 33.52 DL17.2X 52.788V.B.2-13 Base H=19,30 164.449 200.837 160.734 157.500 1.010 3 1.000 1.908
DL18 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 345.0 46.06 Comp 38.32 DL18.1P 40.234 V.A.1-1 Base H=16,35 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.528 2 1.000 1.908
DL19 Diag. Long. Superest. L 65X65X5 345.0 54.07 Comp 43.51 DL19.1P 45.685 V.A.1-7 Base H=16,35 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 2.962 2 1.000 1.908
DL20 Diag. Long. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 46.01 Comp 31.11 DL20.1P 48.997 V.A.1-1 Base H=16,35 179.974 200.837 160.734 157.500 2.779 3 1.000 1.908
DL21 Diag. Long. Superest. L 75X75X6 345.0 44.52 Tens 44.52 DL21.1P 56.096 V.A.1-1 Base H=16,35 232.735 133.891 128.588 126.000 2.602 2 1.000 1.908
DL22 Diag. Long. Superest. L 75X75X6 345.0 36.42 Comp 31.10 DL22.1Y 58.774 V.A.1-7 Base H=16,35 232.735 200.837 192.881 189.000 1.258 3 1.000 1.908
DL23 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 46.55 Climb 12.76 DL23.1X 10.361 XIV.B Base H=16,39 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 1.136 2 1.000 1.908
DL24 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 46.55 Climb 11.89 DL24.1XY 9.649 XIV.B Base H=19,38 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 1.136 2 1.000 1.908
DL25 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 19.02 DL25.1X 15.437 XIV.A Base H=19,38 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 1.097 2 1.000 1.908
DL26 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 19.31 DL26.1P 15.672 XIV.A Base H=19,30 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 2.193 2 1.000 1.908
DL27 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 17.52 DL27.1X 14.226 XIV.A Base H=16,35 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 2.193 2 1.000 1.908
DL28 Diag. Long. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 15.90 DL28.1Y 12.906 XIV.A Base H=16,36 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 1.097 2 1.000 1.908
DL29 Diag. Long. Base H=16 L 120X120X12 345.0 54.27 Comp 34.39 DL29XY 267.729 XIV.A Base H=16 P+2 778.455 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 2.081 13 1.000 1.908
DL30 Diag. Long. Base H=16 L 80X80X10 345.0 28.91 Comp 24.22 DL30.2X 64.857 XIV.A Base H=16,30 406.522 267.783 428.625 420.000 1.437 4 1.000 1.908
DT01 Diag. Trans. Pata +2 L 150X150X12 345.0 48.74 Comp 39.61 LXY_DT01.5P 344.715 XIII.B Base H=19 P+2 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 1.502 13 1.000 1.908
DT02 Diag. Trans. Pata +1 L 150X150X12 345.0 46.89 Comp 37.22 DT2.4P 323.916 XIII.B Base H=19,3 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 1.639 13 1.000 1.908
DT03 Diag. Trans. Pata +0 L 150X150X12 345.0 42.76 Comp 35.60 DT03.17P 309.852 XIII.B Base H=19,17 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 1.404 13 1.000 1.908
DT04 Diag. Trans. Pata -1 L 150X150X12 345.0 40.08 Comp 32.50 DT04.3P 282.862 XIII.B Base H=19,31 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 1.570 13 1.000 1.908
DT05 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 150X150X12 345.0 48.00 Comp 34.00 DT05.1X 295.878 XIII.B Base H=19 P+2 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 2.146 13 1.000 1.908
DT06 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 70X70X6 345.0 45.22 Comp 45.09 DT06.1P 56.810 XIII.B Base H=19,29 214.105 133.891 128.588 126.000 1.437 2 1.000 1.908
DT07 Diag. Trans. Base H=19 L 100X100X10 345.0 45.11 Comp 36.80 DT07.3Y 147.796 XIII.B Base H=19,31 530.722 401.674 642.938 630.000 1.329 6 1.000 1.908
DT08 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 46.46 Tens 46.46 DT08.3X 186.628 XIII.B Base H=19,29 530.722 401.674 642.938 630.000 1.298 6 1.000 1.908
DT09 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 39.33 Tens 39.33 DT09.1P 157.978 XIII.B Base H=19,29 530.722 401.674 642.938 630.000 1.558 6 1.000 1.908
DT10 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 53.24 Comp 38.87 DT010.1X 156.136 XIII.B Base H=16,33 530.722 401.674 642.938 630.000 1.630 6 1.000 1.908
DT11 Diag. Trans. Cuerpo Común L 100X100X10 345.0 41.65 Comp 32.19 DT011.1P 129.289 XIII.B Base H=16,33 530.722 401.674 642.938 630.000 1.304 6 1.000 1.908
DT12 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 40.86 Comp 30.55 DT12.1XY 81.797 XIII.B Base H=16,38 330.186 267.783 342.900 336.000 1.251 4 1.000 1.908
DT13 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 43.49 Comp 33.47 DT13.2P 89.640 XIII.B Base H=19,33 330.186 267.783 342.900 336.000 1.290 4 1.000 1.908
DT14 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 43.92 Comp 38.75 DT14.1X 103.768 XIII.B Base H=16,33 330.186 267.783 342.900 336.000 1.202 4 1.000 1.908
DT15 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 37.15 Comp 36.74 DT15.2P 98.388 XIII.B Base H=16,33 330.186 267.783 342.900 336.000 1.081 4 1.000 1.908
DT16 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 90X90X8 345.0 44.97 Comp 37.40 DT16.1X 100.155 XIII.B Base H=19,33 379.866 267.783 342.900 336.000 1.081 4 1.000 1.908
DT17 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 44.56 Comp 32.59 DT17.1P 51.332 X.B-3 Base H=19,29 179.974 200.837 160.734 157.500 1.010 3 1.000 1.908
DT18 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 42.52 Comp 32.08 DT18.1P 50.524 XIII.B Base H=16,33 179.974 200.837 160.734 157.500 3.056 3 1.000 1.908
DT19 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 51.14 Comp 27.88 DT19.1P 43.906 XIII.B Base H=16,33 179.974 200.837 160.734 157.500 2.870 3 1.000 1.908
DT20 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 46.26 Comp 37.84 DT20.1P 59.591 XIII.B Base H=16,33 179.974 200.837 160.734 157.500 2.689 3 1.000 1.908
DT21 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 75X75X6 345.0 45.29 Comp 30.30 DT21.1Y 57.262IV.B.1-7 Base H=16,38 232.735 200.837 192.881 189.000 2.516 3 1.000 1.908
DT22 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 48.57 Comp 30.02 DT22.1P 29.795 X.B-4 Base H=16,42 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 2.272 2 1.000 1.908
DT23 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 25.40 DT23.1Y 20.617 XIII.B Base H=16,33 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 2.193 2 1.000 1.908
DT24 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 21.96 DT24.1Y 17.827 XIII.B Base H=16,33 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 2.193 2 1.000 1.908
DT25 Diag. Trans. Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 43.64 Climb 22.42 DT25.1Y 18.200 XIII.B Base H=16,33 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 2.193 2 1.000 1.908
DT26 Diag. Trans. Base H=16 L 150X150X12 345.0 45.89 Comp 37.74 DT26X 328.406 XIII.B Base H=16 P+2 1002.015 870.294 1671.638 1638.000 2.081 13 1.000 1.908
DT27 Diag. Trans. Base H=16 L 80X80X10 345.0 36.41 Comp 30.22 DT27.1P 80.916 XIII.B Base H=16,29 406.522 267.783 428.625 420.000 1.437 4 1.000 1.908
HL01 Marco Base H=16 L 80X80X6 345.0 32.15 Climb 17.73 HL01.1P 11.167 XIV.B Base H=16,36 251.365 66.946 64.294 63.000 2.196 1 1.000 1.908
HL02 Marco Base H=16 L 100X100X10 345.0 37.66 Comp 35.82 HL02.2X 71.942 XIV.A Base H=16,31 530.722 200.837 321.469 315.000 2.617 3 1.000 1.908
HL03 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 345.0 32.15 Climb 9.82 HL03.1P 6.189 VII.A Base H=19 P+2 251.365 66.946 64.294 63.000 2.196 1 1.000 1.908
HL04 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 345.0 41.95 Climb 22.78 HL04.3X 28.703 XIV.B Base H=19,31 251.365 133.891 128.588 126.000 1.411 2 1.000 1.908
HL05 Marco Cuerpo Común L 90X90X6 345.0 27.78 Climb 23.56 HL05.1P 14.840 XIV.B Base H=19,33 288.625 66.946 64.294 63.000 2.420 1 1.000 1.908
HL06 Marco Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 65.99 Climb 18.92 HL06.1P 9.932 XIV.B Base H=16,33 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.115 1 1.000 1.908
HL07 Marco Superest. L 80X80X8 345.0 50.02 Climb 28.53 HL07.1P 38.205 XIII.B Base H=19,31 330.186 133.891 171.450 168.000 2.000 2 1.000 1.908
HL08 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 42.32 Climb 4.62 HL08.2P 2.426 XIV.B Base H=19,5 179.974 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.897 1 1.000 1.908
HL09 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 51.36 Climb 20.02 HL09.2P 10.512 XIII.B Base H=16,33 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.657 1 1.000 1.908
HL10 Marco Superest. L 55X55X4 345.0 64.62 Climb 31.79 HL10.2X 26.700 XIV.A Base H=19,33 107.961 133.891 85.725 84.000 1.451 2 1.000 1.908
HL11 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 61.03 Climb 30.69 HL11.1P 32.222 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,29 179.974 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.349 2 1.000 1.908
HL12 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 56.09 Climb 39.10 HL12.1P 41.058 V.B.2-4 Base H=16,35 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 0.903 2 1.000 1.908
HL13 Marco Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 73.86 Climb 14.30 HL13.1X 7.100 XIII.B Base H=19,32 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 0.800 1 1.000 1.908
HL14 Marco Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 73.86 Climb 14.10 HL14.2P 13.992 XIV.B Base H=16,38 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 0.800 2 1.000 1.908
HT01 Marco Base H=16 L 80X80X6 345.0 32.15 Climb 15.25 HT01.1P 9.609 XIII.A Base H=16,31 251.365 66.946 64.294 63.000 2.196 1 1.000 1.908
HT02 Marco Base H=16 L 100X100X10 345.0 48.51 Comp 41.69 HT02.2P 83.737 XIII.B Base H=16,30 530.722 200.837 321.469 315.000 2.617 3 1.000 1.908
HT03 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 345.0 32.15 Climb 9.46 HT03.1P 5.959 I.1 Base H=19,29 251.365 66.946 64.294 63.000 2.196 1 1.000 1.908
HT04 Marco Base H=19 L 80X80X6 345.0 41.95 Climb 26.56 HT04.4P 33.462 XIII.B Base H=19,30 251.365 133.891 128.588 126.000 1.411 2 1.000 1.908
HT05 Marco Cuerpo Común L 90X90X6 345.0 27.78 Climb 20.23 HT05.2P 12.748 XIII.B Base H=19,29 288.625 66.946 64.294 63.000 2.420 1 1.000 1.908
HT06 Marco Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 65.99 Climb 9.39 HT06.2P 4.932 XIII.B Base H=16,29 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.115 1 1.000 1.908
HT07 Marco Superest. L 100X100X8 345.0 31.48 Climb 13.52 HT07.1Y 27.152 XIV.A Base H=16,35 429.546 200.837 257.175 252.000 2.000 3 1.000 1.908
HT08 Marco Superest. L 65X65X5 345.0 49.63 Climb 36.40 HT08.2P 38.217III.2-12 Base H=19,21 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.897 2 1.000 1.908
HT09 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 51.36 Climb 18.08 HT09.1P 9.492 XIV.B Base H=16,29 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.657 1 1.000 1.908
HT10 Marco Superest. L 90X90X8 345.0 44.73 Comp 25.54 HT10.1Y 68.385 XIV.A Base H=16,31 379.866 267.783 342.900 336.000 1.451 4 1.000 1.908
HT11 Marco Superest. L 70X70X5 345.0 61.03 Climb 25.35 HT11.1P 39.934 III.2-8 Base H=16,35 179.974 200.837 160.734 157.500 2.697 3 1.000 1.908
HT12 Marco Superest. L 90X90X8 345.0 76.20 Comp 58.23 HT12.1Y 116.947 XIV.A Base H=19,10 379.866 200.837 257.175 252.000 1.806 3 1.000 1.908
HT13 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.54 Climb 48.45 HT13.1P 50.871 III.2-1 Base H=16 P-1 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.600 2 1.000 1.908
HT14 Marco Superest. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.54 Climb 0.00 HT14.1Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.600 1 1.000 1.908
M01 Cantonera Pata +2 XL 180X180X18 345.0 51.12 Comp 38.57 LXY_01.1353P 1392.585 XIV.B Base H=19,37 3610.348 4284.525 6172.200 6424.380 1.407 32 5.380 1.908
M02 Cantonera Pata +1 XL 180X180X18 345.0 52.98 Comp 39.12 LXY_M2.1P 1412.364 XIV.B Base H=19,11 3610.348 4284.525 6172.200 6424.380 1.507 32 5.380 1.908
M03 Cantonera Pata +0 XL 180X180X18 345.0 52.58 Comp 40.40 LXY_M03.6P 1458.709 XIV.B Base H=19,25 3610.348 4284.525 6172.200 6424.380 1.256 32 5.380 1.908
M04 Cantonera Pata -1 XL 180X180X18 345.0 54.14 Comp 41.72 LXY_M04.1P 1506.126 XIV.B Base H=19,39 3610.348 4284.525 6172.200 6424.380 1.340 32 5.380 1.908
M05 Cantoner Base H=16 XL 180X180X18 345.0 39.84 Tens 39.84 M05.2XY 1438.321 XIV.B Base H=16,39 3610.348 4284.525 6172.200 6424.380 1.005 32 5.380 1.908
M06 Cantonera Base H=19 XL 180X180X18 345.0 51.75 Comp 41.48 M06.5XY 1497.708 XIV.B Base H=19,39 3610.348 4284.525 6172.200 6424.380 1.005 32 5.380 1.908
M07 Cantonera Cuerpo Común XL 180X180X18 345.0 43.47 Comp 34.71 M07.1XY 1253.151 XIV.B Base H=19,38 3610.348 4284.525 6172.200 6424.380 1.067 32 5.380 1.908
M08 Cantonera Cuerpo Común XL 180X180X18 345.0 34.55 Comp 27.20 M08.6XY 982.026 XIV.B Base H=16,39 3610.348 4284.525 6172.200 6424.380 1.170 32 5.380 1.908
M09 Cantonera Superest. L 180X180X18 345.0 53.93 Comp 44.50 M09.5XY 803.349 XIV.B Base H=16,39 1805.174 2142.262 3086.100 3212.190 0.942 16 2.690 1.908
M10 Cantonera Superest. L 150X150X18 345.0 49.50 Comp 44.90 M10.7XY 480.956 XIV.B Base H=19,38 1477.587 1071.131 3086.100 2932.740 0.754 16 2.310 1.908
M11 Cantonera Superest. L 120X120X12 345.0 38.26 Comp 35.67 M11.2XY 280.394 XIV.B Base H=16,39 785.979 2142.262 2057.400 1678.320 0.816 16 2.000 1.908
M12 Cantonera Superest. L 100X100X12 345.0 32.63 Comp 25.14 M12.1XY 155.962 XIV.B Base H=19,33 620.379 1071.131 1028.700 947.520 0.754 8 2.000 1.908
M13 Cantonera Superest. L 100X100X12 345.0 20.22 Comp 18.09 M13.4XY 112.227 XIV.B Base H=16,29 620.379 1071.131 1028.700 947.520 0.750 8 2.000 1.908
MHC1 Diag. Cruc. Sup. L 80X80X8 345.0 30.58 Comp 1.01 MHC1.1X 0.675 I.1 Base H=16,38 330.186 66.946 85.725 84.000 1.600 1 1.000 1.908
MHC2 Diag. Cruc. Med. L 80X80X8 345.0 29.90 Comp 2.70 MHC2.1P 1.804 I.1 Base H=16,38 330.186 66.946 85.725 84.000 1.600 1 1.000 1.908
MHC3 Diag. Cruc. Inf. L 80X80X8 345.0 29.54 Comp 6.08 MHC3.1P 4.069 I.1 Base H=16,38 330.186 66.946 85.725 84.000 1.600 1 1.000 1.908
R001 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 51.07 Climb 1.38 R001.1P 0.498 XIII.B Base H=16,40 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.786 1 1.000 1.908
R002 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 345.0 81.73 Climb 2.45 R002.1Y 0.996 XIII.A Base H=19,36 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.572 1 1.000 1.908
R003 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 2.31 Comp 0.54 R003.1XY 0.196 XIII.B Base H=19,37 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.259 1 1.000 1.908
R004 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 54.82 Climb 1.09 R004.1P 0.394 XIV.B Base H=19,30 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.800 1 1.000 1.908
R005 Relleno Canastillo L 55X55X4 345.0 82.60 Climb 2.82 R005.2P 1.185 XIV.A Base H=19,32 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 1.991 1 1.000 1.908
R006 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 71.79 Climb 2.82 R006.1P 1.020 XIV.A Base H=19,31 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.444 1 1.000 1.908
R007 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 345.0 81.91 Climb 3.75 R007.1P 1.522 XIV.A Base H=19,37 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.795 1 1.000 1.908
R008 Relleno Canastillo L 45X45X4 345.0 36.46 Climb 0.88 R008.1X 0.318 XIV.A Base H=19,38 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.533 1 1.000 1.908
R009 Relleno Canastillo L 50X50X4 345.0 58.17 Climb 2.08 R009.1X 0.846 XIV.A Base H=19,33 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.067 1 1.000 1.908
R010 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 345.0 8.57 Redun 8.57 R010.1X 3.100 I.1 Base H=16,35 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.492 1 1.000 1.908
R011 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 345.0 10.48 Redun 10.48 R011.1X 3.792 I.1 Base H=16,32 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.985 1 1.000 1.908
R012 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 345.0 60.92 Climb 0.00 R012.1Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.016 1 1.000 1.908
R013 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 345.0 61.12 Climb 0.00 R013.1Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.189 1 1.000 1.908
R014 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.54 Climb 0.99 R014.1P 0.522 XIV.B Base H=19,37 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 0.800 1 1.000 1.908
R015 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 60X60X5 345.0 49.54 Climb 1.18 R015.1X 0.618 XIV.A Base H=19,35 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 0.800 1 1.000 1.908
R016 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 45X45X4 345.0 57.26 Climb 2.03 R016.1XY 0.735 XIV.B Base H=19,30 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.968 1 1.000 1.908
R017 Relleno Cruc. Sup. L 50X50X5 345.0 8.01 Redun 8.01 R017.1X 3.977 I.1 Base H=16,32 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.312 1 1.000 1.908
R018 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 345.0 6.96 Redun 6.96 R018.1X 2.518 I.1 Base H=16,40 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.492 1 1.000 1.908
R019 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 345.0 7.62 Redun 7.62 R019.1X 2.755 I.1 Base H=16,35 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.984 1 1.000 1.908
R020 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 55X55X4 345.0 79.98 Climb 0.00 R020.1Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 1.854 1 1.000 1.908
R021 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 55X55X4 345.0 80.44 Climb 0.00 R021.1Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 2.045 1 1.000 1.908
R022 Relleno. Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 345.0 60.99 Climb 0.89 R022.1P 0.468 XIV.B Base H=19,30 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 0.979 1 1.000 1.908
R023 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 60X60X5 345.0 72.55 Climb 1.06 R023.2X 0.558 VII.B Base H=19,38 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.159 1 1.000 1.908
R024 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 45X45X4 345.0 69.92 Climb 1.60 R024.1XY 0.577 XIV.B Base H=16,36 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.129 1 1.000 1.908
R025 Relleno Cruc. Med. L 50X50X5 345.0 56.96 Climb 1.37 R025.1XY 0.678 VII.B Base H=19,38 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.577 1 1.000 1.908
R026 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 345.0 6.09 Redun 6.09 R026.1X 2.203 I.1 Base H=19,40 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.491 1 1.000 1.908
R027 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 345.0 6.20 Redun 6.20 R027.1X 2.242 I.1 Base H=16,40 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.982 1 1.000 1.908
R028 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 55X55X4 345.0 73.59 Climb 0.00 R028.1Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 1.719 1 1.000 1.908
R029 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 55X55X4 345.0 74.32 Climb 0.00 R029.1Y 0.000 Base H=19 P+2 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 1.927 1 1.000 1.908
R030 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 345.0 72.50 Climb 0.82 R030.1P 0.431 XIV.B Base H=19,35 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.158 1 1.000 1.908
R031 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 60X60X5 345.0 95.93 Climb 0.97 R031.1P 0.511 XIV.A Base H=19,35 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.516 1 1.000 1.908
R032 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 45X45X4 345.0 82.61 Climb 1.17 R032.1XY 0.422 XIV.B Base H=16,38 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.296 1 1.000 1.908
R033 Relleno Cruc. Inf. L 50X50X5 345.0 74.11 Climb 0.98 R033.1XY 0.484 XIV.B Base H=19,31 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.876 1 1.000 1.908
R034 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 49.70 Climb 34.45 R034.1P 12.462 XIII.B Base H=19,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.726 1 1.000 1.908
R035 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 53.51 Climb 21.78 R035.1X 7.880 XIII.B Base H=16,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.081 1 1.000 1.908
R036 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 49.70 Climb 16.72 R036.1P 6.050 V.B.2-4 Base H=19,36 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.726 1 1.000 1.908
R037 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 15.87 Tens 15.87 R037.1XY 5.741 XIV.B Base H=19,29 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.010 1 1.000 1.908
R038 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 56.79 Climb 46.65 R038.1P 16.875 XIII.B Base H=19,29 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.829 1 1.000 1.908
R039 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 60.61 Climb 29.54 R039.1XY 10.687 XIII.B Base H=16,38 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.157 1 1.000 1.908
R040 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 56.79 Climb 30.77 R040.1X 11.131 XIV.A Base H=16,35 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.829 1 1.000 1.908
R041 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 19.67 Tens 19.67 R041.1XY 7.117 XIV.B Base H=16,29 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.123 1 1.000 1.908
R042 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 43.42 Climb 25.72 R042.1P 25.531 XIII.B Base H=16,33 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 0.949 2 1.000 1.908
R043 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 46.72 Climb 29.51 R043.1XY 14.646 XIII.B Base H=16,38 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.382 1 1.000 1.908
R044 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 45.92 Redun 45.92 R044.1P 22.789 I.1 Base H=16,33 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 0.949 1 1.000 1.908
R045 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 61.79 Climb 13.94 R045.1XY 5.043V.B.2-13 Base H=19,35 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.170 1 1.000 1.908
R046 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 48.47 Climb 14.14 R046.1P 14.040 XIII.B Base H=16,33 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 1.057 2 1.000 1.908
R047 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 61.07 Climb 25.69 R047.1X 10.428 XIII.B Base H=16,33 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.394 1 1.000 1.908
R048 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X6 345.0 43.47 Redun 43.47 R048.1P 27.383 I.1 Base H=16,33 176.845 66.946 64.294 63.000 1.057 1 1.000 1.908
R049 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 33.36 Comp 23.42 R049.1Y 9.504 XIV.A Base H=16,36 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.523 1 1.000 1.908
R050 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 37.91 Redun 33.22 R050.1P 34.881 I.1 Base H=19,29 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.210 2 1.000 1.908
R051 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 33.48 Climb 27.39 R051.1XY 14.381 XIII.B Base H=16,38 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.667 1 1.000 1.908
R052 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 49.96 Climb 14.59 R052.1P 7.659 XIV.A Base H=16,31 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.613 1 1.000 1.908
R053 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 46.54 Redun 42.23 R053.1P 34.280 I.1 Base H=19,29 95.541 133.891 85.725 81.176 0.807 2 1.000 1.908
R054 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 48.12 Climb 15.98 R054.1Y 8.389 XIV.A Base H=19,33 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.822 1 1.000 1.908
R055 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 36.02 Comp 34.11 R055.1P 16.930 I.1 Base H=16,33 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.213 1 1.000 1.908
R056 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 49.70 Climb 27.34 R056.1P 9.891 XIV.B Base H=19,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.726 1 1.000 1.908
R057 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 53.51 Climb 22.75 R057.1XY 8.231 XIV.B Base H=19,38 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.081 1 1.000 1.908
R058 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 49.70 Climb 35.56 R058.1P 12.864 XIII.B Base H=19,31 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.726 1 1.000 1.908
R059 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 21.10 Comp 18.95 R059.1XY 6.854 XIII.B Base H=19,29 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.010 1 1.000 1.908
R060 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 56.79 Climb 40.88 R060.1P 14.790 XIV.B Base H=19,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.829 1 1.000 1.908
R061 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 60.61 Climb 29.05 R061.1XY 10.509 XIV.B Base H=19,38 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.157 1 1.000 1.908
R062 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 56.79 Climb 37.68 R062.1P 13.631 XIII.B Base H=16,38 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.829 1 1.000 1.908
R063 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 21.97 Comp 21.89 R063.1XY 7.918 XIII.B Base H=16,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.123 1 1.000 1.908
R064 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 44.69 Comp 44.25 R064.1P 21.963 I.1 Base H=19,33 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 0.949 1 1.000 1.908
R065 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 46.72 Climb 35.19 R065.1XY 17.468 XIV.B Base H=16,38 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.382 1 1.000 1.908
R066 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X5 345.0 45.92 Redun 45.92 R066.1P 22.789 I.1 Base H=16,33 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 0.949 1 1.000 1.908
R067 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 61.79 Climb 15.54 R067.1X 5.621V.B.2-13 Base H=19,31 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.170 1 1.000 1.908
R068 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 48.47 Climb 16.21 R068.1P 16.094 XIV.B Base H=16,33 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 1.057 2 1.000 1.908
R069 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 61.07 Climb 26.53 R069.1XY 10.769 XIV.B Base H=16,39 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.394 1 1.000 1.908
R070 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X6 345.0 43.47 Redun 43.47 R070.1P 27.383 I.1 Base H=16,33 176.845 66.946 64.294 63.000 1.057 1 1.000 1.908
R071 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 36.64 Comp 31.45 R071.1X 12.765 XIII.B Base H=16,38 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.523 1 1.000 1.908
R072 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 33.22 Redun 33.22 R072.1P 34.881 I.1 Base H=19,29 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.210 2 1.000 1.908
R073 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 33.48 Climb 30.99 R073.1XY 16.271 XIV.B Base H=16,39 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.667 1 1.000 1.908
R074 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 49.96 Climb 18.57 R074.1P 9.750 XIII.B Base H=16,31 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.613 1 1.000 1.908
R075 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 38.29 Tens 38.29 R075.1P 38.012 XIII.B Base H=19,36 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 0.807 2 1.000 1.908
R076 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 65X65X5 345.0 40.47 Climb 19.93 R076.1X 10.461 XIII.B Base H=19,32 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.822 1 1.000 1.908
R077 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X5 345.0 50.21 Comp 34.01 R077.1P 16.881 I.1 Base H=16,41 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.213 1 1.000 1.908
R078 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 70.48 Climb 0.94 R078.1P 0.339 XIV.B Base H=19,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.026 1 1.000 1.908
R079 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 70.48 Climb 1.31 R079.1X 0.474 XIV.B Base H=16,35 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.026 1 1.000 1.908
R080 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 80.58 Climb 1.13 R080.1P 0.408 XIV.B Base H=16,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.172 1 1.000 1.908
R081 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 80.58 Climb 1.37 R081.1P 0.494 II.1 Base H=16,39 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.172 1 1.000 1.908
R082 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 73.37 Climb 1.11 R082.1P 0.449 XIV.B Base H=19,33 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.341 1 1.000 1.908
R083 Relleno Superest. L 50X50X4 345.0 73.37 Climb 1.47 R083.1P 0.596 XIV.B Base H=16,33 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.341 1 1.000 1.908
R084 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 81.91 Climb 1.41 R084.1P 0.572 XIV.B Base H=16,33 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.495 1 1.000 1.908
R085 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 81.91 Climb 1.92 R085.1P 0.778 XIV.B Base H=19,33 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.495 1 1.000 1.908
R086 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 53.07 Climb 1.51 R086.1P 0.791 XIV.B Base H=19,29 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.711 1 1.000 1.908
R087 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 60X60X5 345.0 53.07 Climb 3.20 R087.1P 1.682 XIV.B Base H=19,29 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.711 1 1.000 1.908
R088 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 2.46 Redun 2.46 R088.1X 0.889 I.1 Base H=16,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.010 1 1.000 1.908
R089 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 53.51 Climb 1.21 R089.2XY 0.436 XIV.B Base H=16,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.081 1 1.000 1.908
R090 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 53.51 Climb 1.39 R090.1Y 0.502 XIV.A Base H=16,35 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.081 1 1.000 1.908
R091 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 60.94 Climb 1.21 R091.2Y 0.438 XIV.B Base H=16,39 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.202 1 1.000 1.908
R092 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 4.45 Redun 3.95 R092.1X 1.427 I.1 Base H=16,33 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.290 1 1.000 1.908
R093 Relleno Superest. L 45X45X4 345.0 68.91 Climb 1.21 R093.1Y 0.436 XIV.B Base H=16,39 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.251 1 1.000 1.908
R094 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 45X45X4 345.0 68.96 Climb 1.97 R094.2Y 0.714 XIV.A Base H=19,35 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.304 1 1.000 1.908
R095 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 9.21 Redun 6.32 R095.2P 2.566 I.1 Base H=19,29 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.630 1 1.000 1.908
R096 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 50X50X4 345.0 62.46 Climb 2.42 R096.1XY 0.984 XIV.A Base H=16,36 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.558 1 1.000 1.908
R097 Relleno Cuerpo Común L 55X55X4 345.0 7.21 Redun 4.50 R097.2P 1.891 I.1 Base H=16,33 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 1.947 1 1.000 1.908
R098 Relleno Base H=16 L 60X60X5 345.0 39.95 Redun 38.19 R098.1P 40.095 I.1 Base H=16,29 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.098 2 1.000 1.908
R099 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X5 345.0 37.71 Comp 31.67 R099.1XY 16.624 XIII.B Base H=16,31 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.538 1 1.000 1.908
R100 Relleno Base H=16 L 60X60X5 345.0 39.95 Redun 38.19 R100.1P 40.095 I.1 Base H=16,29 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.098 2 1.000 1.908
R101 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X6 345.0 35.18 Comp 31.13 R101.1XY 19.612 XIV.B Base H=16,31 195.475 66.946 64.294 63.000 1.538 1 1.000 1.908
R102 Relleno Base H=16 L 65X65X5 345.0 16.37 Comp 7.39 R102.1P 3.879 XIV.B Base H=16,30 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.579 1 1.000 1.908
R103 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.77 Redun 37.77 R103.1P 39.653 I.1 Base H=19,41 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 0.941 2 1.000 1.908
R104 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X6 345.0 51.89 Redun 51.89 R104.1P 32.688 I.1 Base H=19,41 176.845 66.946 64.294 63.000 0.941 1 1.000 1.908
R105 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.99 Comp 23.73 R105.1XY 24.911 XIV.B Base H=19,36 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.423 2 1.000 1.908
R106 Relleno Base H=19 L 55X55X4 345.0 45.04 Climb 22.82 R106.1XY 9.584 XIII.B Base H=19,31 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 1.423 1 1.000 1.908
R107 Relleno Base H=19 L 45X45X4 345.0 38.34 Redun 38.34 R107.1P 13.870 I.1 Base H=19,41 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.080 1 1.000 1.908
R108 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X4 345.0 20.62 Comp 19.08 R108.1Y 7.745 XIII.B Base H=19,31 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.138 1 1.000 1.908
R109 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 41.67 Redun 39.84 R109.1P 41.829 I.1 Base H=19,41 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.098 2 1.000 1.908
R110 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 36.14 Climb 29.20 R110.1XY 15.329 XIII.B Base H=19,31 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.538 1 1.000 1.908
R111 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.77 Redun 37.77 R111.1P 39.653 I.1 Base H=19,41 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 0.941 2 1.000 1.908
R112 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X6 345.0 51.89 Redun 51.89 R112.1P 32.688 I.1 Base H=19,41 176.845 66.946 64.294 63.000 0.941 1 1.000 1.908
R113 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 40.55 Comp 26.98 R113.1XY 28.334 XIV.B Base H=19,31 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.423 2 1.000 1.908
R114 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.32 Redun 37.32 R114.1P 19.594 I.1 Base H=19,41 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.423 1 1.000 1.908
R115 Relleno Base H=19 L 45X45X4 345.0 48.67 Redun 48.67 R115.2P 17.609 I.1 Base H=19,41 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 1.080 1 1.000 1.908
R116 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X4 345.0 23.05 Comp 22.54 R116.2X 9.149 XIV.B Base H=19,31 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.138 1 1.000 1.908
R117 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 41.67 Redun 39.84 R117.1P 41.829 I.1 Base H=19,41 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.098 2 1.000 1.908
R118 Relleno Base H=19 L 60X60X5 345.0 36.14 Climb 29.68 R118.1XY 15.584 XIV.B Base H=19,31 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.538 1 1.000 1.908
R119 Relleno Base H=19 L 65X65X5 345.0 52.30 Climb 4.13 R119.1P 2.168 XIV.B Base H=19,35 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.996 1 1.000 1.908
R120 Relleno Base H=19 L 50X50X5 345.0 9.70 Redun 4.46 R120.1X 2.212 I.1 Base H=19,29 117.874 66.946 53.578 49.632 1.993 1 1.000 1.908
R121 Relleno Base H=19 L 70X70X5 345.0 14.19 Comp 8.00 R121.1Y 4.198 XIV.B Base H=19,31 179.974 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.611 1 1.000 1.908
R122 Relleno Pata +2 L 65X65X5 345.0 45.84 Climb 4.64 L_R122.1P 4.872 XIV.A Base H=19 P+2 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.756 2 1.000 1.908
R123 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 345.0 40.61 Climb 5.20 LX_L_R123.2P 5.455 XIV.A Base H=16 P+2 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.317 2 1.000 1.908
R124 Relleno Pata +2 L 50X50X5 345.0 42.42 Redun 36.50 L_R124.1P 36.232 I.1 Base H=19,23 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 0.878 2 1.000 1.908
R125 Relleno Pata +2 L 50X50X5 345.0 37.86 Redun 37.86 L_R125.1P 37.581 I.1 Base H=19,23 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 0.439 2 1.000 1.908
R126 Relleno Pata +2 L 65X65X5 345.0 43.71 Climb 18.09 R126.2P 9.497 XIV.B Base H=19,41 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.174 1 1.000 1.908
R127 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 345.0 36.53 Redun 32.03 L_R127.1P 16.814 I.1 Base H=19,23 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.860 1 1.000 1.908
R128 Relleno Pata +2 L 55X55X4 345.0 28.54 Redun 26.16 L_R128.1P 10.985 I.1 Base H=19,23 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 1.607 1 1.000 1.908
R129 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X6 345.0 39.54 Comp 29.23 LXY_R129.2P 36.827 XIV.B Base H=19,37 176.845 133.891 128.588 126.000 1.445 2 1.000 1.908
R130 Relleno Pata +2 L 80X80X5 345.0 40.02 Redun 31.02 R130.2P 16.288 I.1 Base H=19 P+2 211.024 66.946 53.578 52.500 3.083 1 1.000 1.908
R131 Relleno Pata +2 L 60X60X5 345.0 44.90 Comp 28.31 LXY_R131.2P 14.862 XIII.B Base H=19 P+2 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 3.190 1 1.000 1.908
R132 Relleno Pata +2 L 45X45X4 345.0 42.48 Climb 37.64 R132P 13.617 XIV.B Base H=19 P+2 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.621 1 1.000 1.908
R133 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 345.0 42.90 Climb 4.33 R133.1P 4.541 XIV.A Base H=19,6 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.647 2 1.000 1.908
R134 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X5 345.0 37.58 Redun 35.92 R134.1P 37.719 I.1 Base H=19,13 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.098 2 1.000 1.908
R135 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X6 345.0 31.04 Redun 31.04 R135.1P 39.111 I.1 Base H=19,13 176.845 133.891 128.588 126.000 0.549 2 1.000 1.908
R136 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 345.0 40.65 Climb 7.51 LXY_R136.1P 7.887 XIV.B Base H=19 P+1 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 2.155 2 1.000 1.908
R137 Relleno Pata +1 L 60X60X5 345.0 28.81 Redun 14.90 R137.1P 15.646 I.1 Base H=19,13 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.803 2 1.000 1.908
R138 Relleno Pata +1 L 55X55X4 345.0 54.11 Comp 29.64 LXY_R138.2P 24.898 XIV.B Base H=19,11 107.961 133.891 85.725 84.000 1.568 2 1.000 1.908
R139 Relleno Pata +1 L 65X65X5 345.0 42.03 Redun 24.58 R139.2P 12.906 I.1 Base H=19,1 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.578 1 1.000 1.908
R140 Relleno Pata +1 L 55X55X4 345.0 32.93 Comp 21.37 R140.1P 8.975 XIII.B Base H=19,3 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 2.747 1 1.000 1.908
R141 Relleno Pata +1 L 45X45X4 345.0 53.18 Climb 30.38 R141P 10.989 XIV.B Base H=19,1 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.776 1 1.000 1.908
R142 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X6 345.0 37.28 Climb 2.75 R142.5P 3.461 II.1 Base H=19 P+0 195.475 133.891 128.588 126.000 1.647 2 1.000 1.908
R143 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 345.0 36.81 Redun 35.19 R143.5P 36.951 I.1 Base H=19,27 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.098 2 1.000 1.908
R144 Relleno Pata +0 L 50X50X5 345.0 40.43 Redun 40.43 R144.2P 40.131 I.1 Base H=19,21 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 0.549 2 1.000 1.908
R145 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X5 345.0 40.97 Climb 5.87 LXY_R145.1P 6.168 XIV.B Base H=19 P+0 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 2.002 2 1.000 1.908
R146 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 345.0 24.99 Redun 15.46 R146.4P 16.232 I.1 Base H=19,27 148.924 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.611 2 1.000 1.908
R147 Relleno Pata +0 L 50X50X5 345.0 46.54 Comp 25.54 LXY_R147.6P 25.354 XIV.B Base H=19,25 117.874 133.891 107.156 99.265 1.336 2 1.000 1.908
R148 Relleno Pata +0 L 60X60X5 345.0 32.26 Redun 19.42 R148.3P 10.196 I.1 Base H=19,15 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.245 1 1.000 1.908
R149 Relleno Pata +0 L 65X65X5 345.0 28.80 Comp 18.92 R149.7P 9.931 XIII.B Base H=19,17 164.449 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.438 1 1.000 1.908
R150 Relleno Pata +0 L 45X45X4 345.0 53.18 Climb 36.40 R150.1P 13.168 XIV.B Base H=19,15 83.121 66.946 42.863 36.176 0.776 1 1.000 1.908
R151 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 345.0 47.81 Redun 24.19 R151.2P 36.017 I.1 Base H=19,35 148.924 200.837 160.734 157.500 1.464 3 1.000 1.908
R152 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 345.0 33.10 Redun 28.17 R152.2P 41.958 I.1 Base H=19,35 148.924 200.837 160.734 157.500 0.732 3 1.000 1.908
R153 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 345.0 42.79 Climb 10.43 LXY_R153.2P 5.477 XIV.B Base H=19 P-1 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 1.916 1 1.000 1.908
R154 Relleno Pata -1 L 55X55X4 345.0 38.74 Tens 38.74 R154.2P 16.271 XIV.B Base H=19,38 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 1.482 1 1.000 1.908
R155 Relleno Pata -1 L 55X55X4 345.0 23.17 Redun 16.77 R155.2P 7.045 I.1 Base H=19,29 107.961 66.946 42.863 42.000 1.808 1 1.000 1.908
R156 Relleno Pata -1 L 60X60X5 345.0 52.51 Climb 7.15 R156.1P 3.753 XIII.B Base H=19,29 148.924 66.946 53.578 52.500 2.146 1 1.000 1.908
R157 Relleno Pata -1 L 50X50X4 345.0 56.43 Climb 2.37 LY_R157P 0.961 II.1 Base H=16,39 95.541 66.946 42.863 40.588 1.035 1 1.000 1.908
TC1 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Sup. L 65X65X5 345.0 59.03 Tens 59.03 TC1.1X 61.986III.2-13 Base H=16 P-1 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 2.120 2 1.000 1.908
TC2 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Med. L 65X65X5 345.0 49.31 Climb 35.65 TC2.1X 56.142III.2-13 Base H=16 P-1 164.449 200.837 160.734 157.500 1.953 3 1.000 1.908
TC3 Cuerda Sup. Cruc. Inf. L 65X65X5 345.0 49.23 Tens 49.23 TC3.1X 51.691III.2-15 Base H=16 P-1 164.449 133.891 107.156 105.000 1.810 2 1.000 1.908
Cargas de trabajo (mayoradas)
Condición Normal (Controla)
Reacciones Tracción (+)
Tonf Tonf
Configuración Base H=19,1 Base H=19,3
Axial -206.097 182.141
Corte Transversal -20.646 -17.616
Corte Longitudinal -23.512 -23.091
FS 1.5 1.5
Nodo P+1P P+1P

Condición Eventual (No Controla)

Reacciones Tracción (+)
Tonf Tonf
Configuración Base H=19,5 Base H=19,3
Axial -108.827 89.285
Corte Transversal -12.432 -10.198
Corte Longitudinal -9.454 -8.596
CC XV.2-6 XV.2-4
FS 1.2 1.2
Nodo P+1P P+1P

Condición (Controla No Mayorada)

Compresión Tracción
Reacciones Sin Mayorar
Tonf Tonf
Configuración Base H=19,1 Base H=19,3
Axial -137.398 121.427
Corte Transversal -13.764 -11.744
Corte Longitudinal -15.674 -15.394
FS 1.0 1.0
Nodo P+1P P+1P
Canastillo Cable de Guardia

Superestructura Superior
Superestructura media

Superestructura Inferior
Cuerpo Común
Base H=19 m

Base H=16 m
Pata +0

Pata +1
Pata +2

Pata -1
Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi SCM
Proyecto Sistema de Transmisión Eléctrica 220 kV

Hoja de Respuesta a Comentarios de CMDIC

N° Documento : 190-PRI20091-5521-43-CS-0002
Título :
N° Pagina N° Comentarios CMDIC Respuesta bbosch Revisión Emitida Fecha Respuesta
Se emite la siguiente revisión para
cumplir con compromisos
contractuales, Se deja la siguiente
nota en la memoria: Esta Memoria de
No emitir en revisión superior sin antes se tengan los
cálculo se actualizará según lo
1 1 B antecedentes definitivos de 0 30-06-2022
solicitado en la carta N°
cargas y formas de las torres
190-I20091-000-35-CE-0106 que se
encuentra aprobada el 08-06-2022 en
tendencia N°: 190-
La siguiente revisión de esta memoria de cálculo debe venir 30-06-2022
Según RPTD N°11 no es necesario
2 1 B con el sello de 0
incluir solicitaciones sísmicas en LT.
aprobación del revisor sísmico independiente
Queda obsoleto el comentario ya que 30-06-2022
En ingeniería FEL3 la torre anclaje remate T1, es más alta que
esta memoria de cálculo se
todos estos casos,
actualizará según lo
revisar este tema con los requerimientos eléctricos ya que la
solicitado en la carta N° 190-I20091-
3 5 B línea en ese sector 0
000-35-CE-0106 que se encuentra
debe pasar por sobre la línea existente que desde la Central
aprobada el 08-06-2022
Tarapacá hacia la S/E
en tendencia N°: 190-PRI20091-000-
4 7 B Faltan criterios de diseño del proyecto y de la VP de CMDIC Se agrega 0 30-06-2022
Queda obsoleto el comentario ya que 30-06-2022
Según lo acordado, esta calidad de acero se utilizará solo en
esta memoria de cálculo se
casos especiales.
actualizará según lo
5 7 B Para los elementos con holgura de resistencia, utilizar acero 0
solicitado en la carta N° 190-I20091-
A36, diseñe con ese
000-35-CE-0106 que se encuentra
aprobada el 08-06-2022
Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi SCM
Proyecto Sistema de Transmisión Eléctrica 220 kV

Hoja de Respuesta a Comentarios de CMDIC

N° Documento : 190-PRI20091-5521-43-CS-0002
Título :
N° Pagina N° Comentarios CMDIC Respuesta bbosch Revisión Emitida Fecha Respuesta
en tendencia N°: 190-PRI20091-000-
Queda obsoleto el comentario ya que
esta memoria de cálculo se
actualizará según lo
De acuerdo a los resultados mostrados hay elementos que
solicitado en la carta N° 190-I20091-
6 15 B pueden diseñarse 0 30-06-2022
000-35-CE-0106 que se encuentra
considerando acero A36
aprobada el 08-06-2022
en tendencia N°: 190-PRI20091-000-
- el diseño de los elementos de anclaje a las fundaciones de
El diseño de los anclajes se encuentra
hormigón, ya sea
en la memoria de fundación.
7 20 B placa base con pernos de anclaje o tipo STUB. 0 30-06-2022
Los pernos de conexión están
- verificación y/o diseño de pernos de conexión de elementos y
incorporados en esta memoria
partes de las
De acuerdo a lo revisado en visita a terreno del 02-03-2022, la
torre de anclaje
Se realizará memoria especial para la
8 20 B remate T1 de la línea de transmisión Tarapacá - Puerto 0 30-06-2022
torre T1
Collahuasi debe
reestudidarse en su diseño
Queda obsoleto el comentario ya que
esta memoria de cálculo se
Según lo acordado, esta calidad de acero se utilizará solo en
actualizará según lo
casos especiales. Los
solicitado en la carta N° 190-I20091-
9 88 B elementos con holgura de resistencia o bajo FU, utilizar acero 0 30-06-2022
000-35-CE-0106 que se encuentra
A36, diseñe con
aprobada el 08-06-2022
ese acero
en tendencia N°: 190-PRI20091-000-
Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi SCM
Proyecto Sistema de Transmisión Eléctrica 220 kV

Hoja de Respuesta a Comentarios de CMDIC

N° Documento : 190-PRI20091-5521-43-CS-0002
Título :
N° Pagina N° Comentarios CMDIC Respuesta bbosch Revisión Emitida Fecha Respuesta
10 1 0 Aclarar tipo de torre respecto al plano asociado, no coincide Se corrige 1 07-09-2022
Agregar anexo con esquema de los miembros que componen
cada segmento de estructura (elementos transversales y
11 3 0 Ok, Se agrega 1 07-09-2022
longitudinales de patas, base, cuerpo común, superestructura,
marcos, canastillos, crucetas)
Aclarar tipo de torre, no coincide con planos de diseño Se actualiza planos y memoria, por
12 4 0 1 07-09-2022
asociados cambio de silueta.
No se tiene información respecto a actualización de esta
13 4 0 Se elimina parrafo 1 07-09-2022
memoria según se indica
No es necesario mencionar el año de
la norma cada vez que se cita, para
14 6 0 10-15 1 07-09-2022
eso se tiene las referencias
Se actualiza criterio de diseño de
15 6 0 Revisar criterios de diseño para los pernos 1 07-09-2022
16 7 0 Agregar plano Geometría de Estructuras OK 1 07-09-2022
17 7 0 En planos asociados no se indica este acero, aclarar Se corrigen planos 1 07-09-2022
No aplica ya que de acuerdo a nueva
Según lo acordado, esta calidad de acero se utilizará solo en
modificación, la estructura de remate
18 7 0 casos especiales. Para los elementos con holgura de 1 07-09-2022
en todas las líneas del proyecto es la
resistencia, utilizar acero A36, diseñe con ese acero.
misma (5522, 5523, 5524)
Se modifica texto para mayor
19 11 0 Indicar cómo se ingresan los factores Gt y Cf en el modelo 1 07-09-2022
comprensión de lo utilizado
Estos esquemas de la torre no coinciden con planos asociados,
20 12 0 Se corrigen planos y esquema 1 07-09-2022
Cuadro de cargas no coincide con el mostrado en plano 190-
21 13 0 PRI20091-5521-43-DW-0001L02. Se corrige plano 1 07-09-2022
Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi SCM
Proyecto Sistema de Transmisión Eléctrica 220 kV

Hoja de Respuesta a Comentarios de CMDIC

N° Documento : 190-PRI20091-5521-43-CS-0002
Título :
N° Pagina N° Comentarios CMDIC Respuesta bbosch Revisión Emitida Fecha Respuesta
Corregir según corresponda

22 13 0 Revisar presión de viento según criterios de diseño Se revisa 1 07-09-2022

23 14 0 esquema no coincide con lo indicado en planos, aclarar Se corrige plano 1 07-09-2022
24 15 0 No coincide con lo mostrado en planos asociados, aclarar Se corrige 1 07-09-2022
Agregar una columna con la escuadría de cada perfil para una
25 16 0 ok 1 07-09-2022
mejor revisión de los planos
Revisar considerando comentario a presión de viento y tabla
26 16 0 ok 1 07-09-2022
de cargas sobre estructura
27 20 0 aclarar tipo de torre respecto a planos asociados Se aclara 1 07-09-2022
Nodos son referenciales ya que para
cada tipo de pata (+0+1+2-1) es
diferente, por ej. La imagen mostrada
28 222 0 Nodos no son los indicados en esquema 1 07-09-2022
es de base con patas +2, en caso de
otra pata seria PATA -1P, LX_PATA -1P

Código Hoja de Respuesta a Comentarios:

6390-R-ING-06- 190-PRI20091-5521-43-CS-0002
Nota: Esta hoja se mantiene en todo el ciclo de vida del entregable, la fecha de creación se mantiene y
no se modifica

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