REPORTED SPEECH Direct and Indirect Speech
REPORTED SPEECH Direct and Indirect Speech
REPORTED SPEECH Direct and Indirect Speech
A menudo tenemos que dar informacin acerca de lo que la gente dice o piensa , para hacer esto tenemos que usar Direct Speech o Indirect o Reported speech.
Direct Speech
Cuando queremos informar exactamente lo que otra persona ha dicho, utilizamos el estilo directo.(Direct speech ) Con este estilo lo que la persona ha dicho se coloca entre comillas y deber ser palabra por palabra. Ejemplo 1) El comentario de Mayra ahora es: My mother is sick Lo comentamos tal cual lo dijo a eso llamamos : Direct speech Direct speech ===> Mayra said My mother is sick 2) Susan :"I don't earn much money at work" Direct speech "I don't earn much money at work" , said Susan
She told me (that ) Laura Didnt Like History Sonia said (that) Sonia was at home
Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 4. That man : The monkey likes to eat bananas. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 5. My mother :my Children dont like ivegetables Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 6. My sister :The baby doesnt sleep on the bed. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 7. Katia : They are hungry. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 8. Antonio: Peter isnt very tired. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 9. Ricardo : I am a good pupil. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 10.-My brother : Dad buys a new car. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________
Cambio de tiempo
Como una regla cuando tu reportas alguna cosa que alguien te ha dicho debes de cambiar el tiempo ( Observa el cuadro ,el tiempo de la izquierda cambia al tiempo de la derecha)
Direct speech Present continuous "I'm teaching English online." Indirect speech
3. My grandmother :She isnt washing her hair. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 4. The woman :The cats arent dinking the milk. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 5.-. My sister : We are dancing in the living room. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________
Direct speech Present perfect simple "I've been on the web since 1999."
Indirect speech
She told him she had been on the web since 1999.
. Past perfect She told us (that ) she had taught Biology yesterday.
1. My mother: They invited Linda to their party Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 2. The teacher : They didnt do the English homework Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 3. My aunt : The girls visited the Tower Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 4. My brother :He bought jeans andT-shirts. Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________ 5. My father :We didnt watch the news Direct speech ____________________________________________ Indirect speech ___________________________________________
Direct speech Past perfect "The lesson had already started when he arrived." Indirect speech
Past perfect
Direct speech Present simple Laura doesnt like History Present continuous "I'm teaching English online." Present perfect simple "I've been on the web since 1999."
Indirect speech
Past simple
Past continuous
She told him she had been on the web since 1999.
Past perfect
Past perfect
Modal verb forms also sometimes change: Direct speech will She said, "I'll teach English tomorrow." can She said, "I can swim very well" would Indirect speech
that (evening) yesterday ... those (days) then (a week) before the weekend before last / the previous weekend there the following (week) the next/following day
Pronoun change
En reported speech los pronombres personales tambien cambian. For example: Direct Speech She says "I teach English online." Indirect Speech (tu reportas) She said she teaches English online.
Place change
Si tu reportas alguna cosa que alguien dijo en un lugar diferente de donde tu lo escuchaste o estabas , tu debes cambiar el lugar here (aqu) a el lugar there (ah) For example:-
At work "I have worked here for a long time" a long time.