Preguntas - Questions Semana 2
Preguntas - Questions Semana 2
Preguntas - Questions Semana 2
1. Según la posición sobre el comercio de Adam Smith, cual de las siguientes opciones
NO es correcta
a. Los países para poder comerciar deben exportar los productos en los que
sean altamente productivos.
b. Contradice de cierta forma la teoría de Smith ya que para él, el comercio se
puede dar entre cualquier país con otro sin importar que uno de estos no
tenga una ventaja absoluta.
c. Los países únicamente importan en lo que son eficientes, sin importar si con
quien comercian tiene el mismo producto.
d. Al realizar comercio basado en la ventaja comparativa, las utilidades que se
obtendrán serán positivas para ambas naciones.
e. La a y la d son correctas
4. Para los mercantilistas era cierto lo siguiente:
6. Si Colombia requiere más recursos que India para producir y comercializar textiles,
a. 1 tonelada de acero
b. 2 toneladas de acero
c. 3 toneladas de acero
d. 4 toneladas de acero
a. Exportar acero
b. Exportar videograbadoras
c. Exportación de acero y VCR
d. Ninguna de las anteriores
12. Con el comercio internacional, ¿cuál sería la cantidad máxima de acero que Corea
del Sur estaría dispuesta a exportar a Japón a cambio de cada VCR?
13. Con el comercio internacional, ¿cuál sería el número máximo de VCR que Japón
estaría dispuesto a exportar a Corea del Sur a cambio de cada tonelada de acero?
a. 1 VCR
b. 2 VCRs
c. 3 VCRs
d. 4 VCRs
14. Explique qué pasaría si Hong Kong y Taiwán tuvieran costos de mano de obra
idénticos, pero estuvieran sujetos a un aumento de los costos de producción
Questions International economics. Week 2
1. According to Adam Smith's position on trade, which of the following options is
NOT correct
a. The countries to be able to trade must export the products in which they are
highly productive.
b. It contradicts Smith's theory in a certain way since, for him, trade can occur
between any country with another, regardless of whether one of these does
not have an absolute advantage.
c. Countries only matter in what they are efficient, regardless of whether they
have the same product with whom they trade.
d. When making trade based on comparative advantage, the profits that will be
obtained will be positive for both nations.
e. The a and the d are correct
a. All nations simultaneously, only if they traded their product in which they
were most productive, could enjoy the benefits of international trade.
b. A trade surplus brings inflation and has no real effects
c. In the long term, the trade balance was not really favorable, because it would
finally vanish naturally.
d. To increase their wealth they must put more tariffs and quotas.
5. According to Mill's theory
a. The terms of trade are determined by the country with the greatest economic
capacity and based on its strongest products to obtain them.
b. The demand for a product from another country does not influence the terms
of trade
c. The terms of trade are given by the prices received for all exports
d. In order to determine the real terms of trade, the reciprocal demand needs to
be known, based on the size of the countries
e. None of the above is correct
6. If Colombia requires more resources than India to produce and market textiles,
a. 1 ton of steel
b. 2 tons of steel
c. 3 tons of steel
d. 4 tons of steel
a. Export steel
b. Export video recorders
c. Export of steel and VCR
d. None of the above
10. With international trade, what would be the maximum amount of steel that South
Korea would be willing to export to Japan in exchange for each VCR?
11. With international trade, what would be the maximum number of VCRs that Japan
would be willing to export to South Korea in exchange for each ton of steel?
a. 1 VCR
b. 2 VCRs
c. 3 VCRs
d. 4 VCRs
12. Explain what would happen if Hong Kong and Taiwan had identical labor costs, but
were subject to an increase in production costs