FabCO Excel Arc71

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FILLER METALS Mr poRART FabCO®Excel-Arc™ 71 ww "AWS AS.20: ETITAC HG, E7TT-IM Hi E71T-9¢ H6, E71T-M HE WELDING PosiTIONs: EN ISO 17652-A: T45 3 P C1 2H10, T46.3PM21.2H10 OO6RD Features: BENEFITS: 7 Fastireezing slag > Excellent outoF-postion capabiliy * Low fumes and spatter + Increases welder appeal and productivity + Easy slag removal + Reduces clear-up time, minimizes risk of inclusions + Able to bridge poor fi-up without burn-through + Increases productivity, reduces part reworklrejection + Good impact toughness + Resists cracking in severe applications APPLICATIONS: * Non-alloyed and fine grain steels + ‘Structuralfabrication + Heavy equipment + Single and mult-pass welding + General Fabrication SLAG SYSTEM: Fast-freezing, rutile-type, flux-cored wire ‘SHIELDING Gas: 100% Caron Dioxide (CO;), 75-80% Argon (Ar/Balance Carbon Dioxide (CO2), 35-50 cfh (17-24 limin) TYPE OF CURRENT: Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP) STANDARD DIAMETERS: 0.035" (0.9 mm), 0.045" (1.2 mm), 0.052° (1.4 mm), 1/16" (1.6 mm), 5/64” (2.0 mm) RE-DRYING: Not recommended ‘STORAGE: Product should be stored in a dry, enclosed environment, and in ts original intact packaging TYPICAL WELD METAL CHEMISTRY* (Chem Pad): Weld Metal Analysis (6) 100% CO, | 75% ArI25% CO, | AWS Spec Carbon (C) 0.021 0.022 0.12 Manganese (Mn) 1.30 1.60 175 Silicon (S) 0.69 0.82 0.90 Sulphur (S) 0.011 0.010 0.03 Phosphorus (P) 0.015 0.014 0.03 Note: AWS specification single values are maximums, TYPICAL DIFFUSIBLE HYDROGEN": Hydrogen Equipment 75% Ar25% COr (Gas 3.8 mi/1009 4.8 mit100g {8.0 ml100g Maximum TYPICAL MECHANICAL PRoPERTIES" (As Welded): Mechanica Tests 100% c0; 75% 125% CO, ANS Spec Tense Strength | 84.000 psi (578 NPa)_|_ 90.000 psi (619 MPa) __70,00085,000 psi (490.670 MPa) Yield Strength 77,000 psi (531 MPa) 83,000 psi (571 MPa) 58,000 psi (390 MPa) Minimum Elongation sin? (SOmm) 28% 28% 22% Minimum } | ———_—_———————— 100% C03 75% 25% CO; AWS Spee ‘Avg at O°F (20°C) 101 fbs (197 Joules) 91 flbs (129 Joules) | 20 fbs (27 Joules) Minimum Avg. at -20°F (-30°C) 80 fielbs (108 Joules) _69 fislbs (94 Joules) 20 fi+los (27 Joules) Minimum “The ineraton contained er thewietlorancad brain is protened ol a ypc” without stares of waranty and Hobart Grothe LLC ‘pets desis ay layed a ary ence eran, peal Gla has nia when weld anand n aerrtaon wi ‘anddon or achique not contd by Hobart Brathare ULE Hobart Brothers LLC » 101 Trade Square East- Troy, OH 45573 Pr (00) 424-1543 FX: 800-543-6007» warhodarbrothors.com FabCO®Excel-Arc” 71 Deposition | Contact Tipto ameter Py P ate fork Distance oi wis 5 "e Work bt Inenes frm) Position ‘Amps | Volts | inimin {mimin) —bshr(kgihe) | inches. (mm) 03 Apostion wm >) Bm eH 38 an) (a 03 A Postion Yo | mo fod 27 | WR fy 39 A Postion ve 3% oe fs 63 Ba | ae tS 33) | eatatonona | 200 | 3 |S fle 7a Ga) | 4B Ua 03) | Fat@Honzonia | 22 38 es ties) 83) | ae 7 Ai Boston mH 6) a ey) me 13 A Boston we fre} gt BN | Se fie 13 A Bostion 20 | 2 br] 82 Bal | Be Ha 13 A Postion zo | 30 fer] 73 Bal |e fia 12) | pute ronson | 350 | 37 | BoD iar} aS} | eg 12} | Fit Honzoma | 500 | 38 B80 iSo} zB) | ae ra A Poston moe me eh & Cale ra Al Boston 2 | 3 | 20} BS) ae fia BB A Postion a0 | 3 | 5a ro) 7 a} |e 13} | gute torso | 350 37 20a} gs | le fg 3} | Flt Honzond | 300 38 a0 BBs} 8h | a 14} | Flt&Honzonat | 350 | 30 | B70 as} tae} | 73) ABoslion mS a # pal 18 ‘A Postion 2 | 0 fas} 88 Bh] fe 13) A Postion a eS 2) 15) | eutatonona | 340 37 | 349 feo} | 3) | FlteHovzona | a0) 38 350} | 8} | Flat&Hovzonial | 400 | 30 | 430 © os} tes} | 1 20 Ai Postion mm SM gy 2 pala @ 20 A Postion 2 | 3% 6 Of} 838 BR] YS fae 20) | gatationsoma | 300 | 27 | io Bal 82 7 | 9 fe 30) | Fet@Horsonl | 380 | 29 | 20 Ba) ti Boh | 9 a 20) | Fetgtorsona | 400 | 3) | 300 67a} tao faa | 1 a 20) | FataHorsona | a8 | 33 385 0 (80) tes 8} | 1 8 19 @ proper welding procedure - including pre-heat and interpass temperatures - may be critical doponding on the type and thickness of steal boing wolded. +See Above: This information was determined by welding using 100% COs shielding gas with a flow rate between 35-50 cfh (17-24 min). When using 75% Ar/25% CO, shielding gas, reduce voltage by 1 volt. +All positions include: Flat, Horizontal, Vertical Up, and Overhead, ‘STANDARD DIAMETERS AND PACKAGES: For a complete list of diameters and packaging, please contact Ho- bart Brothers at (800) 424-1543 or (937) 332-5188 for International Customer Service, icky | EEO | HHO | Meg eR [Om caren oemgine) EER, CEO og Gra ‘Not Pallet (2400 Ibs 2376 bs | 2376 Ibs 1800 Ibs. 4920 ibs «2000s 2400 tbs, cima | fats | cates | cuits | ey | ts | a | aes 0,035 __(0.9) = '$247108-029 = = = I = I = asa — (al seared] sorrieeae nm [sariigaat aaa Bet oa) Sera s CONFORMANCES AND APPROVALS: AWS A5.20, E71T-1C H8, £71T-1M HB, E717-9C HB, E717-9M HB SAWS AS20M, E4917-1C Ha, £491T-1M 118, E491T-SC H8, E491T-oM HB ‘ASME SFA 5.20, E717-1C HB, E71T-1M H8, E71T-9C HE, E717-9M HB ‘ABS, 100% CO,’ 3¥SA Hio, 75% Ar/25% CO, , 3YSAH1G (0.045"- 1/16" diameter electrodes) Burea Veritas, 100% CO:, S3YM HH (0.045" 1/16" diameter electrodes) "CWB, 100% Co, E481T-8.H8, 75.80% ArBalance CO;, E481 T-GM-HB (1.2 mm. 1.6 mm diameter electrodes) CWB, E491T1-{C1A3, MZ0A3) N21A3, GAS)-CS1-H8 (E491T-0-H, E4917-SM-H8) "DNV-GL, 100% CO,, ill YIS(H10) TEN ISO 17632-A: Tdo 3 P C12 H10, T45 3 PMZ1 2HIO 1 CE Marked por GPR 30512014 ‘Lloya's Register, 100% CO;, 3YS H10 TecHNIcAL Questions? Far ecnical supp of Hob Filer Mata produ, contac the Appleatons Engineering department by phone tle a 1-800-5922618 or by enalal Acacsions Sroneecg@hobatbathers com caution: Conese sou be hough faa with the safety precautions onthe waning lel poste in each shipman nin ne ArmercanNatonal Stan 24a" "Settyn Wola and Catia, sublaned byt Rmercar Watdng Soca. Bed NIV SB SU, Mam, FL 88 (canals be downloaded ane at ‘aoa OSH Safely and Hoth Stands 29 CFA 10 Is mabe om he U.S: Depart of inboe Wastgion, D.C, 20210, Becauso Hobs Bettas LLC 6 conta improving procul, Hobart eserves the ight ochango das andlor Hebort and FobCO are registred radomarks of Hobart rather LL, Troy, Ohio, Revision Date: 210930 (Replaces 20°202) 36-Y. NDEX

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