Mejor Pastel de Terciopelo Rojo - Cocina de Muy Buen Gusto

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Mejor pastel de terciopelo rojo

Un pastel de chocolate ligero con una miga húmeda y esponjosa y un

delicioso glaseado de queso crema.

Curso Postre
Cocina americano

Tiempo de preparación15 minutos

Hora de cocinar 35 minutos
Tiempo Total 50 minutos

Porciones 10
Calorías 370 kcal
Autor John Kanell


Para el pastel:
½ taza de mantequilla 113 gramos, temperatura ambiente,
2 cucharaditas de extracto de vainilla 10 ml
1 taza de suero de leche 240ml, temperatura ambiente
1 cucharada de vinagre 15 ml
2 huevos a temperatura ambiente
3 cucharadas de cacao en polvo 15g
2 ½ tazas de harina 300g
1 ½ taza de azúcar granulada 300g
2 cucharaditas de colorante rojo en polvo
1 cucharadita de sal kosher 6g
1 cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio 6g

Para el glaseado de queso crema:

3 barras de mantequilla 340g, temperatura ambiente sin sal
1 ½ lb de azúcar glass 550g, tamizada
16 oz de queso crema 455 g , temperatura ambiente
1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla 5 ml
1 pizca de sal kosher

Para la crema de mantequilla americana:

1/2 taza de mantequilla sin sal 113g, temperatura ambiente
1 ½ tazas de azúcar glass 550g, tamizada
1/2 cucharadita de agua de rosas 2 ml
colorante alimentario rosa, amarillo, naranja
polvo de matcha

Para el pastel:
1. Precaliente el horno a 350 grados F. Mantequilla y cacao en polvo tres moldes para pasteles
de 6 pulgadas.
2. En una batidora de pie equipada con un accesorio de paleta, bata la mantequilla a
temperatura ambiente. Agregue el azúcar y mezcle a fuego medio hasta que se combinen.
3. Agregue los huevos uno a la vez y bata. Agrega el extracto de vainilla.
4. Agregue colorante rojo para alimentos y vinagre al suero de leche.
5. Tamizar el cacao en polvo con la mezcla de mantequilla.
6. En un tazón grande, tamice los ingredientes secos juntos.
7. Agregue la mitad de la seca y la mitad de la húmeda a la mezcla de mantequilla hasta que se
8. Agregue la mezcla de suero de leche rojo y mezcle hasta que se combinen.
9. Pour the batter into three prepared pans. Add any extra batter to a cupcake paper. This will be
used for the crumble. Add damp baking strips. 
10. Bake for about 30-35 minutes or until the centers are springy to the touch. When done, let
them cool in their pans for about 5 minutes, then dump them out onto a wire rack.
11. Bake the crumble cupcake for about 15-20 minutes.

For the Cream Cheese Frosting:

1. Cream the butter. Sift confectioners sugar into a large bowl.
2. Add room temperature cream cheese to the creamed butter. Add vanilla and a pinch of salt.
Beat together.
3. Add the confectioners sugar in cups. Mix until combined. If you’re wanting a stronger
buttercream, keep adding more sifted confectioners sugar until it’s stiff. Transfer buttercream
to a piping bag and snip off the tip.

For the American Buttercream:

1. In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the room temperature butter until
2. Sift in the confectioner’s sugar. You can add the sugar in two batches.
3. Beat until you get to a desired consistency. Add a few drops of rose water. Make sure the
buttercream is thick.
4. Dye a few batches yellow, soft pink and pink. Use some matcha powder to create a natural
leaf color. Transfer the green buttercream to a bag fitted with a 68 tip.
5. Transfer buttercream to piping bag fitted with a 120 and 127 tip to make the petals.
6. Cut a square of parchment paper. Use a tiny bit of buttercream to glue down the paper onto a
piping nail.
7. For the roses, place a small cone of very thick buttercream in the middle of the square.
8. Add bits of yellow in the middle for added dimension. Pipe the petals using a 120 and 127 tip.

For the Assembly:

1. To create the crumbs, you can either break up the cupcake by hand or use a cheese grater. I
find that using the grater gives you a more consistent crumb for decorating.
2. Pipe a thick layer of cream cheese frosting between each layer. Cover the cake in frosting.
3. Use a bench scraper and offset spatula to smooth out the cake. Transfer to the fridge to chill
for about 10 minutes or until the frosting is a bit set. If you’re in a warm climate, let your cake
chill for even longer!
4. Using your hand, scoop crumbs onto the side and top of the cake until it’s completely covered.
5. Arrange the flowers on top of the cake. Pipe in leaves using the green buttercream.

If you’re not using 6-inch pans, double the recipe for 8-inch pans or triple the recipe for 9-inch
Skip the food coloring if you want a great tasting cake that isn't red.
To get FLAT layers that are moist inside and out try using cake strips! You can buy a set
online or make your own from foil and paper towels at home. I made a whole blog post on it
so check it out if you’re interested!
For nice uniform crumbs for decorating use the fine grater, or just whip out that cheese grater!

Porción: 3 oz | Calorías: 370 kcal | Hidratos de carbono: 49 g | Proteínas: 4 g | Grasas: 18 g | Grasas
saturadas: 9 g | Colesterol: 15 mg | Sodio: 390 mg | Azúcar: 37 g | Vitamina A: 200 UI | Vitamina C:
6,6 mg | Hierro: 1,4 mg

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