Task 2 - Translation in Action - Group 15

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Task 2 - Translation in Action


Laura Liliana Jimenez Perez

Yenniffer Daniela Daza

Wilmar Gerardo Pérez

Elver Yecid Pachon

Tutor: Andrés Orlando Blanco

Group: 551037_15

National University Open and Distance UNAD

School of Education Sciences

Bachelor of Foreign Language with Emphasis on English

Course: Translation Techniques

Cucuta, October 16th

Step 1: Annotated translation

Final Break by Ian S. Thompson

Part 1
Habían estado caminando a lo largo de la calle Oxford. Ahora se detuvieron, la mano de Greg

sobre su brazo.

"Este es el lugar", dijo él. "Pensé que podrías encontrar la clase de cosa que te gusta".

Helen asintió, pero había lágrimas en sus ojos mientras miraba a través de la ventana de la

tienda. El sombrero nuevo había sido su idea, no de ella. "¿Qué tal el negro?", señaló. "¡Iría bien

con tu traje!"

Sus labios temblaron. Una de las pequeñas cosas que ella amaba mucho de él era el interés

genuino que él siempre le había dado a lo que ella usaba. Te hubiera hecho sentir joven, de

alguna manera, amada, aunque en tu corazón sabías que ya no eras joven.

"Sí. Sí, lo haría ¿no es cierto?” Ella cuidadosamente evitaba encontrar sus ojos, porque había

tanto en sus propios ojos que él nunca debía ver.

Entraron a la tienda. Un vendedor apareció para atenderlos

Helen describió el sombrero. Estaba en la ventana.

Ahora ella estaba deseando no haber entrado nunca a la tienda. Pero Greg había sido insistente.

Él había querido darle algo. Un regalo de despedida, lo había llamado.


Ahora sonreía con ojos azules, y tranquilos. Lo que la sorprendió. Y sin embargo

¿por qué habría de hacerlo?, se preguntó, mientras tomaba el sombrero del empleado y se lo

colocaba en el pelo gris azulado.

Ella siempre había tratado de ser moderna, y parte de la modernidad consistía en ver estas

cosas con valentía, cuando y si llegaban.

Su mente se volvió hacia atrás. Y se vio a sí misma en el espejo de la sombrerería, no como

alguien con un traje negro a medida, sino como una novia. Sonriendo, radiante, en el brazo de

Greg. Al menos habían dicho que tenía ese aspecto. Ella nunca había pensado en eso, nunca le

importó. Ella había sido tan completa, tan ciegamente feliz.

Cinco minutos más tarde estaban de nuevo bajo el sol de la calle y Greg, después de mirar su

reloj, sugirió té.

"Conozco un lugar-" Había una expresión de emoción en sus ojos que ella no podía entender.

"Te gustará allí."

“Era un café pequeño, y muy corriente en una de las calles laterales de Oxford Street. Él Ordenó

por los dos, y luego se reclinó


Él no habló, pero su mano se extendió sobre la mesa y tomó la de ella. "por favor, Dios, no me

dejes llorar, “ella oró. "ahora no. No mientas él está conmigo." Llego el té. Bebió rápidamente

una taza, encendió un cigarrillo y luego dijo: "¿estás bastante seguro de que quieres quedarte sola

en esa casa? Quiero decir... bueno, me siento bastante mal por todo esto, y si hay algo que pueda

hacer...había una cosa, pero habría sido una debilidad histérica haberlo sugerido. Ella sacudió su

cabeza. no quería que él tuviera ningún sentimiento de arrepentimiento, ningún dolor de

conciencia. Había sido maravilloso tenerlo durante todos estos esos años. "No realmente,” ella

dijo. "estará todo bien." pero todavía no parecía satisfecho. "Hay otra cosa que me gustaría

mencionar" él dijo. "no dije nada al respecto antes porque sé- bueno, sé lo sensible que eres sobre

ese tipo de cosas-"se interrumpió y luego siguió apresuradamente, evitando los ojos de ella. "es

dinero. Lo he arreglado con el banco…


Se sonrojaron sus mejillas. No por un falso orgullo. Ese era un lujo que no podía permitirse si no

tenía a nadie que lo apoyara. Pero... "Oh, Greg, no deberías, dijo con vergüenza.

Él hizo a un lado eso. Casi enojado.

"¿Por qué no? Es algo que quiero hacer. Y Sandra... "Menciono el nombre de la niña..." Ella está

de acuerdo. Estuvimos hablando de anoche."

Sandra... Nosotros... Con que felicidad, familiarmente, hablaba de ella. Helen pensó con dolor. Y

sin embargo, hace dos meses ni siquiera se habían conocido... ¿Era realmente solo esa vez desde

que había ido a Londres en ese viaje de negocios?

Ella se había dado cuenta, por supuesto, después de que él regresó, que había algo, aunque en

realidad no había dicho una palabra. El instinto de una mujer profundamente arraigado le había

advertido que ya no era todo suyo, que lo estaba compartiendo con otra persona.

Una mujer Joven, fresca y encantadora. La imagen en la pintura la había llenado de pánico.

Había cambiado de trabajo por uno mejor y se había ido a vivir a Londres. Hacía un mes que no

lo veía. Y ella nunca había conocido a la chica.


Sandra. Ella trabajó en el negocio de la publicidad, que él le había dicho. Muy inteligente, pero

eso no le importó a Helen. Cuando has amado a alguien con cada parte de ti, no piensas con

inteligencia en consideración a esa persona más joven que estabas perdiendo.

¿Estaba ella realmente bien? ¿Trabajaría ella para mantenerlo feliz como usted había tratado de


Pero Sandra...el nombre tenía una cualidad cortante. No podrías imaginar una niña siendo así con

un nombre como ese- Los ojos de Helen estaban dibujados hacia una chica quien justo había

entrado al café, quien estaba mirando alrededor vacilante mente, bueno como eso por ejemplo.
Luego la chica volvió. Ella era hermosa, con una timidez, dulce hermosura eso atrapó su

corazón. Helen se quedó, completamente inconsciente al ver que ella estaba curioseando. Y

luego sus ojos se abrieron en sorpresa al ver a Greg ponerse de pie. La chica estaba corriendo

hacia la mesa de ellos.

Así que pudiste llegar aquí, cariño. Ella escuchó la voz de Greg, y luego que él volteó estaba

sonriéndole a ella. "Una pequeña sorpresa", dijo. Esta es la madre de Sandra

¡La novia feliz de mañana! "

Step 2: Comparative chart



Translation techniques are Translation method refers to Translation strategies are
procedures for analyzing and the way a particular the procedures (conscious
classifying how translation translation process is carried or unconscious, verbal or
equivalency works. A technique out in terms of non-verbal) that the
can only be judged the goal of the translator, that translator uses to solve
meaningfully when it is is, a global choice that affects problems that arise when
evaluated within a particular the entire text. carrying out the
context. Obviously, translation According to Molina, L., & translation process with a
techniques are not the only Hurtado Albir, A. (2002), objective in mind
categories available to analyze There are several translation L., & Hurtado
translated text. Coherence, methods that can be chosen, Albir, A. (2002).
cohesion, thematic progression, depending on the objective of Translators use strategies
and contextual dimensions also the translation: for understanding and
intervene in the analysis. interpretive-communicative these strategies open the
Molina, L., & Hurtado Albir, A. (Meaning translation), literal way to find a suitable
(2002). (Linguistic transcoding), free solution for a translation
(Modification of semiotic and unit.
communicative categories)
philological (academic or
Here are some examples of For example, literal or Example: Translate a text
translation techniques. adaptation, which affects the keeping the original idea.
entire text. Another example is using
Borrowing: It is a If the goal of a translation paraphrasing to solve
translation technique that does method is to produce a problems in the process,
not translate. Example: This star foreign version; borrowing so, this can be a
was a will be one of the most reformulation strategy,
tall and slender woman. widely used translation for example, Paraphrase,
Calque: You often see them in techniques. This is re-translate, say aloud,
specialized, internationalized demonstrated by Molina avoid words close to the
fields such as quality assurance (1998), where he analyzes the original.
(aseguramiento de calidad, three Arabic translations of
assurance qualité, One Hundred Years of
Qualitätssicherung...). Solitude by García Márquez.
Literal Translation: Just what Each translation
it says - "El equipo está had adopted a different
trabajando para acabar el translation method, and the
informe" - "The team is techniques were studied in
working to finish the relation to the chosen method
report". L., & Hurtado Albir, A.
Transposition: Grammatical (2002).
structures are not often identical For Example: Word by word
in translation; Each word
different languages. "She likes individually translated into
swimming" translates as "Le the target language.
gusta nadar" (not "nadando").
Modulation: this consists of
using a phrase that is different
in the source and target
languages to convey the same
idea - "Te lo
dejo" - "You can have it".
Reformulation: when
translating idioms or, even
harder, advertising slogans. The
process is creative,
but not always easy. Would you
have given the name Sonrisas y
lágrimas to the film The Sound
of Music in Spanish?
Adaptation: Also known as
cultural substitution or cultural
equivalent. Drink 'tea', drink
Compensation: it can be used
where something cannot be
translated from source to target
language, and the meaning that
lost in the immediate translation
expressed somewhere else in
Molina, L. & Hurtado, A. (2002). Translation Techniques Revisited: A Dynamic and
Functionalist Approach. Meta. 47(4). Pp 10-14.



A technique is the result of a Translation method refers to “Strategies are the procedures
choice made by a translator; the way a particular (conscious or unconscious,
its validity will depend on translation process is carried verbal or nonverbal) used by
various questions related to out in terms of the translator’s the translator to solve
the context, the purpose of objective, i.e., a global option problems that emerge when
the translation, audience that affects the whole text. carrying out the translation
expectations, etc. process with a particular
Translation method: objective in mind” (Hurtado
We define translation Albir 1996, 1999)
techniques as procedures to • Interpretative-
analyse and classify how communicative Strategies open the way to
translation equivalence (translation of the finding a suitable solution for
works. sense). a translation unit.
• Literal (linguistic
They have five basic transcodification). Strategies are part of the
characteristics: • Free (modification of process.
semiotic and
• They affect the result communicative (Molina, L., & Hurtado Albir,
of the translation. categories) A, 2002, p.11)
• They are classified by • Philological
comparison with the (academic or critical
original . translation)
• They affect micro- When we translate a
units of text.
• They are by nature text maybe find mistakes that
discursive and (Molina, L., & Hurtado Albir, can be relating lexical
contextual. A, 2002, p.11). problems and syntactic
• They are functional. problems.

(Molina, L., & Hurtado

Albir, A, 2002, p.12).
When the translatormust When we translate a text of Paraphrasing means putting
a passage of text in your own
translate a text, takes each English to Spanish, we use words without changing its
part or phrase of the text and for example : meaning. When
translate it, can be a literal you paraphrase, always cite
way or another technique • :word-to-word the source.
used. translation
Paraphrase: She lived
For example in this phrase: and literal translation. through the exciting era of
“This is a smoke tobacco free
facility”, the phrase was My house is beautiful (Mi women's liberation.
translated using the inversion casa es bonita)
technique, to translate the means putting a passage of
appropriate way “Esta es una My father is sick (mi papá text in your own words
instalación libre de humo de esta enfermo) without changing its
tabaco” because if this it had meaning. When
been translated a literal way you paraphrase, always cite
this not have sense. it will the source.
translate " Esta es una fumar
tabaco libre Instalaciones"
so, the translator must know
each technique to translate a
text of the best way because
these techniques affect the
result of a translation.
Molina, L., & Hurtado Albir, A. (2002). Translation techniques revisited. A dynamic and
functionalist approach. Retrieved
from http://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?



Translation techniques as The translation method is The strategies are the procedures
procedures to analyse and the way in which a (conscious or unconscious, verbal
classify how translation translator carries out a or non-verbal) that the translator
equivalence works. translation process, there uses to solve the problems that arise
are several translation when performing the translation
They have five basic methods depending on the process with a particular goal in
characteristics: goal of the translation, be mind (Hurtado Albir 1996, 1999).
it interpretive-
They affect the result of the communicative Translators use comprehension
translation, They are (translation of the sense), strategies (e.g., distinguish between
classified by comparison literal (linguistic trans ideas, establish conceptual
with the original, They codification), free relationships, search for
affect micro-units of text, (modification of semiotic information) and rephrase.
They are by nature and communicative
discursive and contextual categories) and The strategies open the way to find
,They are functional. philological (academic or a suitable solution for a translation
critical translation) (see unit.
A technique is the result of Hurtado Albir 1999: 32).
a choice made by a
translator its validity will Free method: the
depend on various questions translator moves away
related to the context, the from the formal structure
purpose of the translation, of the source text to freely
audience expectations. convey the message of the
author of the original text.
Translation techniques are Philological method: it is
not good or bad in a critical and scholarly
themselves, they are used translation for literary or
functionally and documentary purposes.
dynamically in different And translation
terms techniques, for example
literal translation or
adaptation, which affect
the micro units of the text.

Whatever the translation

method, you may
encounter problems in
your translation process,
either due to the fact that
there is a difficult
particularity or because
there is a gap in the
knowledge of the
E.G If the translation of a text For example, paraphrasing can be
is for a friend or relative, used to solve problems in the
Amplification. To introduce the translator can use the process (this can be a reformulation
details that are not free translation method strategy) and it can be an
formulated in the ST: since he can give the amplification technique used in a
information, Explicative message informally, translated text (a cultural element
paraphrasing. giving it the meaning paraphrased to make it intelligible
according to his own for TT readers).
Borrowing. To take a word words, whether it is
or expression straight from something formal or due
another language. It can be To document the
pure (without any change), philological method will
e.g., to use the English word be used so that the
lobby in Spanish text, or it translation is given in the
can be naturalized (to fit the best possible way.
spelling rules in the TL).
If the aim of a translation
Calque. Literal translation method is to produce a
of a foreign word or phrase; foreignising version, then
it can be lexical or Borrowing will be one of
structural, e.g., the English the most frequently used
translation Normal School translation techniques.
for the French École

• Compensation. To
introduce a ST element of
information or stylistic
effect in another place in the
TT because it cannot be
reflected in the same place
as in the ST.
Molina, L., & Hurtado Albir, A. (2002). Translation techniques revisited. A dynamic and
functionalist approach. Retrieved
from http://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?dir



Translation techniques are It is the way in which a It is executed when the
the description of the results translation process is translator encounters problems
of the process used by the developed according to the in the translation. Where they
translator, where it affects goal of the translator, in other must use their knowledge and
only sections of the words; It is the option chosen skills to obtain a better
translation in a negligible by the translator and which understanding of the text to be
way. Likewise, they serve to can be inferred throughout translated; using strategies
classify the different types the text. The above is based such as paraphrasing,
of translation solutions. On on the need or objective of identification of main and
the other hand, it should be the text to be translated. secondary ideas, conceptual
noted that the method used (Molina & Hurtado, 2002, p. relationships (strategies for
directly affects the units of 12) understanding). (Molina &
the text in translation. Hurtado, 2002, p. 12)
Likewise, the technique is
related to the context, the
objective, the culture,
among others. (Molina &
Hurtado, 2002, p. 10, 14)
The translation technique of literal translation method, The paraphrasing strategy,
DESCRIPTION: Where an consists of translating word where the translator uses his
expression is replaced with a by word, where the same own words to appropriate them
description of its form. meaning of the original text to the context of the reading,
is preserved. without changing their
For example, Translate in meaning.
English "The color came Example: yo estoy comiendo
immediately to his cheeks" una galleta= I am eating a Example: Sandra .... We ....
as "se sonrojó sus mejillas" cookie How easily, familiarly, he
in Spanish. spoke of her. Helen thought
with an ache. = Sandra ....
Nosotros .... Con qué facilidad,
familiarmente, hablaba de ella.
Helen pensó con aflicción.
Molina, L. & Hurtado, A. (2002). Translation Techniques Revisited: A Dynamic and
Functionalist Approach. Meta. 47(4). Pp 10-14.
Texts about the problems you faced and relate it to contents of the course highlighting the

translation techniques used.

Analysis by Laura Liliana Jimenez Perez

The translation of the chosen paragraph began with a reading and interpretation of the text in its

entirety, and then the paragraph to be translated was read several times. They tried to be very

careful in the translation, taking care of the words that he had to use in the target language

(Spanish) to maintain the idea that the text wanted to express. Many translation techniques were

used in translating the text. Initially, the “literal translation” technique was used in several

sentences, for example in the sentence “She had always tried to be modern”. According to

Molina, L., & Hurtado Albir, A. (2002), literal translation consists of translating a word or an

expression word by word.

Adaptation: It is necessary when something specific to one language culture is expressed in a

totally different way that is familiar or appropriate to another language culture. It is a shift in

cultural environment. Example: Greg's hand on her arm. In this example it is not enough to know

word by word, an adaptation must be made according to the corresponding grammatical rules,

according to Molina, L., & Hurtado Albir, A. (2002).

The "Borrowing" technique is a technique with which there was some confusion, but by

investigating a little more about this technique it was established that it is a very common

technique, since, in this globalized world, many examples can be found in our day to-day, for

example, “Oxford Street”, which in this case is the name of a street. According to Molina, L., &
Hurtado Albir, A. (2002), Borrowing is taking a word or expression directly from another

language. The above example is a pure example (without any changes).

Conclusion: Anyone would think that the translation process is apparently simple for someone

who knows English, but the task of the person who translates (the translator) is much more

complex than that of the original author in many aspects, since the translator must choose the

correct techniques. I have also realized that as a translator you must show the necessary ability

to identify small changes in the meaning of the target language words to achieve a meaningful

translation that fits the original text in such a way that when you translate the words into another

language the meaning remains the same. But there is no doubt that the profession of translator is

very nice, because, besides doing a great job, you can get to know many nice stories, cultures

and thoughts that can reinforce our knowledge.


Paragraph 1: Note 1 – Literal translation

It consists of translating word by word, achieving a text in the target language as correct as it is

idiomatic, on many occasions i have used this technique and more than everything when I was

starting to study the English language I always did it in a literal way, after that I knew that many

things could change their order. But in simples phrases we can use this technique from my point

of view for example: I am reading a book ⇒ Yo estoy leyendo un libro.

Paragraph 2: Note 2 – Transposition

Transposition consists of moving from one grammatical category to another without altering the

meaning of the text. This technique introduces a change in the grammatical structure.

Example He learns quickly ⇒ Es veloz para aprender.

Paragraph 3: Note 3 – Modulation

It consists of varying the form of the message through a semantic or perspective change. The

translation of the message is done from a new point of view: example It is not difficult to show,

using modulation would be: Es fácil de demostrar. We know they say the same thing in a

different way.

Paragraph 4:

My translation process throughout my life has been a bit complex, at first I only translated

literally and word by word because I believed that was the way it was done, then over time I

learned the grammar rules of the English language and understood that in some occasions the

order of the words change as the nouns and the subject of the questions also, Nowadays I have

improved my translations a lot and even more with the use of the translation techniques that I

have used and have remembered with this course.


Paragraph 1 - BORROWING

Borrowing is a translation technique that involves using in the target text the same word or

expression found in the original text. The word or expression borrowed is usually written in

italics. This is about reproducing an expression in the original text as is. You might say that it is

a translation technique that does not actually translate…

Example: The gaucho was wearing a black sombrero and a worn bombacha.


A literal translation is a metaphrase. This means a word-for-word translation, achieving a text in

the target language which is as correct as it is idiomatic. According to Vinay and Darbelnet, a

literal translation can only be applied with languages extremely close in cultural terms. It is

acceptable only if the translated text retains the same syntax, the same meaning and the same

style as the original text.

Example: Quelle heure est-il ? ⇒ What time is it?

Paragraph 3 - ADAPTATION

Adaptation, also called cultural substitution or cultural equivalent, is a cultural element that

substitutes the original text with one that is better suited to the culture of the target language.

This results in a more familiar and comprehensive text.

Example: baseball (US culture) ⇒ football (France culture)

Since the 1960s, several authors (Michel Ballard, Hélène Chuquet, Michel Paillard, to name a
few.) have established other methods of translation, such as explicitation –introducing specific

details in the text of the target language–, collocation –using a sequence of words that usually go

together in the target language–, and compensation –where an allusion or reference does not

appear in one part of the text as in the source version, but later in the target text–, among others.

Paragraph 4

Throughout my experience as a new language learner, in my case English, I have had many

problems with translation because I do not know the different translation techniques that can help

us, with the completion of this work I have been able to learn the different translation techniques

that can help us in the process, you should not always use word-by-word translation because we

already know that in English the order varies according to grammar rules, I think that is the

number one problem that the children since school, that wrong idea of always translating word

for word, and not taking into account, for example, the context in which it is spoken.


To translate paragraph number four, start with a quick reading, but when I saw that I could not

understand some parts, I started again, but this time a little slower trying to decipher the text. As

I continued without understanding myself, I saw the need to engage in some translation

techniques described by the authors Molina & Hurtado. (2002) in their article Revised translation

techniques: a dynamic and functionalist approach, where I felt that I understood the chosen text.

The techniques used were the following:

Initially use the Calque technique or also known as literal translation where the structures or their
lexicon are transcribed, this is used within foreign languages. An example within the reading was

"And she had never met the girl", As can be seen to translate this phrase, it was used literally and

adapted to the context.

Second, use the amplification technique according to Molina & Hurtado. (2002) we introduce

details that are not within the source text, with the aim of adapting the translation to the context,

so that it is more understandable to the person who is being translated. For example, the woman's

instinct had warned, where we must amplify it to be able to translate it to “el instinto de mujer

había advertido”, because when translating it literally it makes us infer in the word warned the

meaning of preventing it, does not fit the context of the text

And thirdly, used the Modulation technique, where the form of the text, the point of view, the

structure or the lexicon of the source text is changed, where abbreviations can occur at the time

of the tradition (Molina & Hurtado, 2002, p. 14); For example, in the paragraph we have that in

the section The color came immediately to his cheeks, if we translate it literally we would obtain

"El color vino enseguida a sus mejillas", due to the above it is necessary to use the amplification

technique to introduce the phrase according to the context, where it will be “Se sonrojaron sus


In conclusion, translation techniques allow us to adapt meanings according to context, culture,

grammar or structure; all in order to be able to provide a good interpretation at the time of

exposing the translation of certain texts and that a well-developed translation work is carried out.

- Molina, L., & Hurtado Albir, A. (2002). Translation techniques revisited. A dynamic and

functionalist approach. Retrieved from



- Mathieu(21/01/2016) 7 translation techniques to facilite you work. Cultures

conection.Recuperado de: https://culturesconnection.com/7-translation-techniques/#

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