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realinaron en el sitio propuesto de la construccion revelaron la ia de estratos descritaen la tabla siguiente, El nivel de equiltonc aol ‘agua subte- ‘Fmanea se encontré a una profundidud de m yl lecho rocoson tae ‘profundidad de 16 m. | _Profundidea Propiedades del suelo Descripcién del suelo o3 m G, = 263 i = 2 Arena aluvi Sobre el NF, w = 11.2% Dajo wl NF, w= 22% am G, = 274, 11-15 m G, = 2.69, w= 16% Arcilla limosa posglacial Arcilla dura con eantos rodados Determine las distribuciones del esfuerzo vertical total, la Presion intersticial y el es- fuerzo vertical efectivo hasta 15 m de profundidad, a) Caleule el incremento en el esfuerzo vertical total en funcion de la profundidad ene cstrato de arcilla bajo el centro y bajo una eaquina del tanaue b) Calcule los asentamientos inmediatos bajo el centro, en una esquina y en los puntor Frets de largo y del ancho de lacimentacion. Luego caleulecl socio tenc, diferencia’ inmediato maximo Las propiedades de la arcilla son E = 7,200 kNim® y v = 0.5 2.4, Se desea cimentar un ‘tanque de petroleo de 14 mde ‘diametro con base flexible. ‘sobre Ia superficie de un depésito de arcilla estuarina blanda, el cual ejercera una presidn de AEN" sobre cl suelo. Bl estratode arcilla tiene 25 m deespesory reroas lent echo r0€080. 4) Caleule el ineremento en el esfuerzo vertical total en funcion de la profundidad en la arcilla bajo el centro Y bajo el borde del tanque. >) Caleule el asentamiento superficial inmediato en el centro del tanque Ya distancias radialos de 4 m, 7m, y 10m. Luego calcule el asontamiento diferencial inmediato maximo del tangue. ‘Las propiedades de la arcilla son = 2,800 kN/m? y v= Os,area circular eargada de diémetro B aplica una presion uniforme gen la superti- in una masa simiinfinita de suelo. Luego de dibujar las lineas de irene esfuerzo constante iguales a 0.06 q, 0.1 g, 0.29, 0.3 9, 0.49, 0.69 y 0.89, establesea, tal de esfuerzo para el area cargada. Dibuje el incremento del esiuerzo vertical total planos horizontales a las profundidades de 0.5 B, B, y 2B bajo el area cargada ey Una muestra de arcilla normalmente eonsolidada se it Beto ase los parametros de resistencia aleorte de la arcilla son c= 0, bqy = 14° ye! <0, 90.200 kW/m” y un deaviador de esfuernoo de 60 fii Luoge oe cierra la valvuia de daa te cents gradualmente ol desviador de eslaevee hea’ rogistrar una incersteia 4 2 SomPresion de 200 kNim?. Calcule el vainnry Parametro de presion intersticial A en la falls, dado que e'~ 15 kNaat Ge eo Ensayo Presion do camara de Desviador de Prosian intersticial No. eonsolidacion _esfuerzos en Ja falla en la falla (KN?) (N/m) (kN/m*) 1 150 +. 88 m7 2 280 163 145 3 400 233 207 i ee Una cuarta muestra de ta misma arcilla se consolide ‘completamente en la camara tria- xial bajo una presion de camara de 250 kNim? Despues se cerré la valvula de drenajey 5 Se fallo Ia muestra en condiciones no drenadas, disminuyendo de manera gradusy 1, Presion de cémara y manteniendo la prosién axel constante en 250 kN/m?. Calcule el Valor de a presion de camara en la falla,y la presion intersticial de ta muestra en la falla, ‘Ssuponiendo que A, tiene el mismo valor en la descarga, i} {2 resistencia a 1a compresion de Ia musstra, b) Ie presion intorsticial en la falla, y ©) el parametro A de = 25 kNim*, d= 19° S.A. Una serie de ensayos triaxiales consolidados-no drenados convencionales se reali- Cioron lon reeatTas inalteradas de arvilla saturada normalmonte consolidada, y se obtu- vieron los siguientes resultados:5.6. Se introdiyjo una muestra de arcitia en la cdmara triaxial bajo una presion de cama: Tanula; el transductor de presion intersticial registré una succion inicial en la muestra de-40 kN/m*. Al aplicar una presion de camara de 200 kN/, se observé que la preston intorsticial aumento répidamente hasta un valor de 160 kN/m?. Hin ese momento se abrié le valvula de drenaje para permitir la consolidacion de la muestra bajo esta presion. Aungiue solo se detecto despues de sucedida, se produjo una falla on el cireuito del trans- ductor de presion intersticial durante la etapa de consolidacion: debido a esto, la veloc. dad de disipacion de ia presion intersticial que se midio fue incarrecta, lo cual implica gue la valvula de drenaje se cerré antes de que hubiera terminado la consolidacion bajo lapresionde camara aplicada. La presion de camara se aumento entonces 4 250 KNin?y Se mantuvo en este valor durante el corte de la muestra hasta la falla producida por el incremento gradual del desviador de esfuerz0s, El resultado obtenido fue una resteoten. cia a la compresion de 214 kN/m?. Calcule la presién intersticial residual en la muestra al final de la etapa de consolidacién, dado que c’ = 25 kNim?, 6" = 28° y Ar - 04 5.6. Una muestra de arcilla saturada normalmente consolidada se consolido en la céma- ra triaxial bajo una presién de camara cy. Al final de la consolidacion, la valvula de drenaje se cerro y la presion de camara se mantuvo constante en tanto que el desviador de esfuerzos aplieado a la muestra en condiciones no drenadas se increments de manera gradual hasta llegar a la falla; en ese momento ae obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: Mer-a)~tos ¥ Me, +03)= ios Demuestre que a) 6° = 30°, b) uy =4os.(¢)4r~ 1. Demuestre tambien que’ si la muestra se falla en condiciones drenadas entonces se obtienen los siguinetes resultados en la falls Hav-a)mos ¥ Ko, +0;)— 205(a) Calculate the actual magnitude of pressure head, elevation head, total head, and head loss at points B, C, D, and F, in centimetres of water. (b) Plot the heads versus the elevation. For piezometer c: A ~ Sem 8 ma i hy, Filtersereen Ph teotat of 6 c piezometric head) jr | The horizontal cylinder of soil as shown in Fig. 7.2. Assume L = 10 cm, A =10 cm’, and Ah=5 cm. Tailwater elevation is 5 cm above the centerline of the cylinder. The soil is a medium sand with e = 0.68. Determine the pressure, elevation, and total head at sufficient points to be able to plot them versus horizontal distance. YZFor each of the cases I, II, and II] of Fig. P7-24, determine the pressure, elevation, and total head at the entering end, exit end, and point A of the sample. T 2 4m 4m . Pet 2m f ——] —_Y_ Case 1 Case III Fig. P7-24 Case IIVoid ratio, € Effective consolidation stress, a), (kPa) Auterberg Limits |, x | o, Classification me te |g | te | | ik | kPa} | (kPa =88| CLclay, soft 41 24 17 | 3a0 | 0.94 | 160 | 200 | 034 98 | CLciay, firm 80 23 27 | 36.4 | 1.00 | 170 | 250 | 04a 17.1 | ML-sandy silt 31 2 6 | 298 | 083 | 230 | 350 | 0.18 20.1 | CH clay, soft a 2556 | 506 | 1.35 | 280 | 350 | 084 23.2 | SP-sana Nonpiastic | 27.8 | 083 | 320 - 26.2| CHclay wisit strata] 72 28 43 | 433 | 1.17 | 340 | 290 | 052(a) (eg) 0 ‘ssanis uonepyosu0s an199}43 (ea) ®2 ‘s80n18 voneprjosuos 29n99})3 00001 001 oot ov 00 01 0001 on oozz'0 TTT TTT o0sz'0 80'0-"9 ooor'o < Jolt =“ Bsus ‘s Zb=ld loove'o 5 el=id z-4d ° bled w=11 = wen 5 % 006 = ojo Apues, i Jooge'o -Aep ApueS Z "ON ajou asa g ON ajoy asa1 wou 21d oozy'o “wou ajdwes vvonewio} 12101,4 pazipixoun uoneui0} projajiieg 1111 PazIPIXO. ‘aning uorrepijosuoy, {ann UOXEP!|OSUOD 10 wo +0 80 zo 960 Nes PIOA000 01 Jeg) 0 ‘ssauis uoneptjosuoa 24299453 oot 00! TTT ‘aouequmsip %0 ‘nino pia 610="9 adap wa't “ep wu 1S ssa1 psepueis eee = 02 = Td ve= 11 Keg TT Oey = 20 125 40 abuey | 2 ‘ones pionVoid ratio, ¢ 22 2.9 “Undisturbed” Leda clay 1b 1.6}- 14 1a 1.0 [ Asensitive marine clay LL= 56 PL=29 0.8F PL= 27 w, = 78% 6s 10 100 1000 10 000 Effective consolidation stress, 0, {kPa) (aiVoid ratio, ¢ OF between load increments) —~ H261.1.CP1 \ Note: Time interval = 4 days Note: Time interval between load increments = 4 days H1-2 cP4 1.0F ost soil ul uu 2 10 100 1000 Effective consolidation stress, 0, (kPa) )Void ratio, e 2 CP2 Remolded from CP1 w, * 33.9% INDIANA GLACIAL CLAY cre 10 100 1000 Effective consolidation stress, oj, (kPal if) ‘5000constant to prevent sweling { 0.86) 0.82 =< 0.78 g 2 2 07 0.70 0.66 os2 10 B4) 86) 14 aa o _ 90 = g 2 5 92) Fuse Fos 3 = 96 > & & 38) 16 100 102! Secon a PT 100 7000 3000 Effective consolidation stres, 0, (kPa) (a) Low-density loess low natural moisture \__Lowdensity loess, \27 prewetted \ \._ High-density loess, tow natural moisture High-density loess, prewetted 200 ~<300°~«—«400—~=«CSOSC« 0 Effective consolidation stress, 0. (kPa) 700 th)Void ratio, e Low initial density 100 Effective consolidation stress, 0/_ (kPa) th)Void ratio, ¢ 16 ITT 14 1.0] 4 os 4 po | °° 0 100 000 Effective consolidation stress, 0. (kPa) 4) Fig. 8.8 (i) Newfoundland silt (after Taylor, 1948) Void ratio, 22 18 14 10) ali 10 100 1000 Effective consolidation stress, 01, (kPa) a8-1, For the ¢ versus log o curves of Fig. 8.8a, compute the compression indices. Explain why it is possible to get slightly different answers than those shown at the bottom of the figure. 8-2. Verify the values of the preconsolidation stress shown in Fig. 8.8a. 83. Determine the overconsolidation ratio (OCR) for the five fine-grained soils of Fig. 8.8. 8-4. Verify that the values for the preconsolidation stress and the virgin compression index shown in Fig. 8.8b are correct. 8-5. What is the OCR of the clay till in Fig. 8.8c? 8-6. Estimate the preconsolidation stress for (a) the undisturbed Leda clay in Fig. 8.8d, (b) undisturbed Mexico City clay in Fig. 8.8¢ (c) undisturbed Chicago clay in Fig. 8.8f, and (d) the swelling clays from Texas in Fig. 88g. 8-7. Determine the compression indices for the four soils of Problem 8-6. 8-8. The pressure versus void ratio data determined from a consolidation test on an undisturbed clay specimen are as follows: Pressure (kPa) Void Ratio 20 0.953 4” 0.948 80 0.938 160 0.920 320 0.878 640 0.789 1280 0.691 320 o79 80 0.754 20 0.791 0 0.890 (a) Plot the pressure versus void ratio curve on both arithmetic and semilogarithmic graphs. (b) Determine the equations for the virgin compression curve and for the rebound curve for unloading starting at 1280 kPa. (c) What are the corresponding modified compression and recom- pression indices for this soil? (@ Estimate the stress to which this clay has been preconsolidated.8.9. A building is to be constructed on a 6 m thick stratum of the clay for which consolidation data are given in Problem 8-8. The average existing effective overburden pressure on this clay stratum is 120 kPa The average applied pressure on the clay after construction of the building is 270 kPa. {a) Estimate the decrease in thickness of the clay stratum caused by full consolidation under the building load. {b) Estimate the decrease in thickness due to the building load if the clay had never been preconsolidated under a load greater than the existing overburden. (c) Show on the e versus 16g 0’ plot of Problem 8-8 the values of Ae used for making the estimates in parts (a) and (b). (After A. Casagrande.) 8-10. The compression curve for a certain clay is a straight line on the semilogarithmic plot, and it passes through the point e = 1.21, of, = 50 kPa, and ¢ = 0.68, o,. = 800 kPa. Determine an equation for this relationship. 8-11. Show that Eqs. 8-9 and 8-15 are valid. 8-12. The following consolidation test data were obtained from undis- ‘Stress Dial Reading (kPa) (mm) Yoid Ratio 0 12.700 2.855 5 12.382 2.802 10 12.294 2.793 20 12.131 2.769 0 11,224 2.631 80 9.053, 2.301 160 6.65, 1.939 320 422 1.576 640, 2.548 1314 160 2951 1375 0 3.533 1.464 5 4350 1.5898-13. 8-14, turbed San Francisco Bay Mud. For this clay, LL = 88, PL = 43, p,= 2.70 Mg/m’, and w, = 105.7%. Initially, the specimen height was 2.54 cm and its volume was 75.14 cm’. Plot the data as percent consolidation versus log pressure. Evaluate the preconsolidation pressure and the modified virgin compression index. Plot the data of Problem 8-12, on a void ratio versus log pressure graph. Evaluate the preconsolidation pressure and the virgin com- Pression index. Do these values agree with what you found in Problem 8-127 Comments? The initial water content of the sample in Problem 8-12 is 105.7%, and the density of the solids, p,, is 2.70 Mg/m?. Compute the wet and dry density and degree of saturation of the consolidation test sample if the dry weight of the sample is 52.8 g. If the final water content is 59.6%, compute the degree of saturation and dry density at the end of consolidation. Compare the stress distribution with depin tor (a) & point s0ae OF 1000 KN and (b) a 1000 KN load applied over an area of 3 x 3 m. Plot the results. If you used the Boussinesq (or Westergaard) theory for Problem 8-31, do the problem again but use the Westergaard (or Boussinesq) theory instead. Comment on the differences between the two theo- ries. Compute the data and draw a curve of 6,/Q versus depth for points directly below a point load Q. On the same plot draw curves of 0,/Q versus depth for points directly below the center of square footings with breadths of 5 m and 15 m, respectively, each carrying a uniformly distributed load Q. On the basis of this plot, make a statement relative to the range within which loaded areas may be considered to act as point loads. ‘The center of a rectangular area at ground surface has Cartesian coordinates (0,0), and the corners have coordinates (6,15). All dimensions are in metres. The area carries a uniform pressure of 150 kPa. Estimate the stresses at a depth of 20 m below ground surface at each of the following locations: (0,0), (0, 15), (6,0), (6, 15), and (10,25); obtain values by both Boussinesq and Westergaard methods, and also determine the ratio of the stresses as indicated by the two methods. Calculate the stress distribution with depth at a point 3 m from the corner (along the longest side) of a rectangularly loaded area 10 by 30 m with a uniform load of 60 kPa. Do by (a) the Boussinesq theory, (b) the Westergaard theory, and (c) the 2:1 method.. Estimate the ultimate consolidation settlement under the centerline of a 15 15 m mat foundation. The mat is 1 m thick reinforced concrete, and the average stress on the surface of the slab is 76 kPa. ‘The soil profile is shown in Fig. P8-47. Oedometer tests on samples of the clay provide these average values: 9, = 130kPa, C= 0.40, C= 0.03 Neglect any settlements due to the sand layer. 15x 15mE} ' iiiit 4g, = 75 kPa teydty Fig, P8-478-48. Three uniformly distributed loads of 100 kPa each are applied to 10 x 10 m square areas on the soil profile shown in Fig. P8-48. Undisturbed samples of the clay were taken prior to construction, and consolidation tests indicated that the average preconsolidation stress is about 110 kPa, the average compression index is 0.50, and the average recompression index is 0.02. Estimate the total consoli- dation settlement for the clay layer only under the center of the middle loaded area. 10m [10m [10 m T T 110m —}-+—}-10m { 1 Plan: +—10m —— th itt tithe Sha 10m sand Paar = 2.0 Mg/m? GWT 3m Softclay ‘Pag, = 1.83 Mg/m? tone van = 20 Holm AACA ARR RARRARERK Fig. P8-48A consolidation test is performed on the specimen with these char- acteristics: Height of specimen = 38.10 mm Area of specimen = 90.1 cm? Wet weight of specimen = 6215 g Dry weight of specimen = 475.1 g Density of solids = 2.80 Mg/n? The consolidation data (after A. Casagrande) are summarized in Table P9-13 (@) Plot the effective stress versus void ratio curve for both arith- metic and semilogarithmic scales. (b) Estimate the preconsolidation pressure. (c) Compute the compression index for virgin consolidation. (d) Plot the time curve for the load increment from 256 to 512 kg for both arithmetic and semilogarithmic scales. (©) Compute the coefficient of compressibility a,, the coefficient of permeability, and the coefficient of consolidation c,. for the load increment from 256 kg to 512 kg.TABLE P9-13 Consolidation Test Data* Temp. Load Elapsed Time Dial Reading co Date Time kg) (qin) (am) 5/16/84 0 0 6 0.787 32 1.176 Cy 1.854 128 2.896 256 4.204 23.0 5/22/84 093312 Sudden 4.305 0.10 4343 1.00 4.460 4.00 4.663 10.00 4.890 23 5.235 ne 5.48 182— 5.58 1733 480— 2240 5/23/84 1055 5/24/84 1100 5/24/84 1024 5/30/84 1024 7.481 $12 72238 256 6.949 128 6.612 32 5.878 6/7/84 0.27 4.115 6/30/84 0.27 3.693 A certain compressible layer nas a wuckness of 4 m. Alter 4 yr wnen the clay is 50% consolidated, 8 cm of settlement has occurred. For a similar clay and loading conditions, how much settlement would occur at the end of 1 yr and 4 yr if the thickness of this new layer were 40 m? In a laboratory consolidation test on a representative sample of cohesive soil, the original height of a doubly drained sample was 25.4 mm. Based on the log time versus dial reading data, the time for 50% consolidation was 9 min. The laboratory sample was taken from a soil layer which is 12 m thick in the field, doubly drained, and is subjected to a similar loading. (a) How long will it take until the layer cénsolidates 50%? (b) If the final consolidation settlement is predicted to be 18 cm, how long will it take for a settlement of 4 cm to take place?A layer of normally consolidated clay 3.5 m thick has an average void ratio of 1.3. Its compression index is 0.6 and its coefficient of consolidation is | m*/yr. When the existing vertical pressure on the clay layer is doubled, what change in thickness of the clay layer will result? ‘The settlement analysis for a proposed structure indicates that 6 cm of settlement will occur in 4 yr and that the ultimate total settlement will be about 25 cm. The analysis is based on the assumption that the compressible clay layer is drained at both its top and bottom surfaces. However it is suspected that there may not be drainage at the bottom surface. For the case of single drainage, estimate (a) the ultimate total settlement and (b) the time required for 6 cm of settlement. The structure of Problem 9-17 was constructed and performed essen- tially as expected during the first 4 yr (that is, the settlement of the building was about 6 cm). The owner decides to build a duplicate of the first structure nearby. During foundation investigations, it is discovered that the clay layer under the new building would be about 20% thicker than under the first structure. Otherwise, the properties of the clay are the same. Estimate for the new structure (a) the ultimate total settlement, and (b) the settlement in 4 yr. A certain doubly drained clay layer has an expected ultimate settle- ment s, of 15 cm. The clay layer, which is 17 m thick, has a coefficient of consolidation of § x 10~3cm?/s. Plot the s,-time rela- tionship to (a) an arithmetic time scale and (b) a semilog time scale. Given the same soil data as for Problem 9-19. After 3 yr, an identical load is placed, causing an additional 15 cm of consolidation settle- ment. Compute and plot the time rate of settlement under these conditions, assuming that the load causing consolidation settlement is placed instantaneously. Given the same data as for Problem 9-19. The load causing the 15 cm ultimate settlement was placed over a period of 2 yr. Although we haven’t discussed how to handle this kind of problem, describe the approach you would use to compute the time history of settle- ment.The total consolidation settlement for a compressible layer 7 m thick is estimated to be about 30 cm. After about 6 mo (180 d) a point 2m below the top of the singly drained layer has a degree of consolida- tion of 60%. (a) Compute the coefficient of consolidation of the material in m?/d. (b) Compute the settlement for 180 d. ‘A.20 m thick normally consolidated clay layer has a load of 100 kPa applied to it over a large areal extent. The clay layer is located below a granular fill (p = 2.0 Mg/m®) 3 m thick. A dense sandy gravel is found below the clay. The ground water table is located at the top of the clay layer, and the submerged density of the soil is 0.90 Mg/m’. Consolidation tests performed on 2.20 cm thick doubly drained samples indicate fs) = 9 min for a load increment close to that of the loaded clay layer. Compute the effective stress in the clay layer at a depth of 18 m below the ground surface 4 yr after application of the load. A direct shear test is run on a medium dense sandy silt, with the normal stress o, = 65 kPa. K, = 0.5. At failure, the normal stress is still 65 kPa and the shear stress is 41 kPa. Draw the Mohr circles for the initial conditions and at failure and determine: a. The principal stresses at failure. b. The orientation of the failure plane. c. The orientation of the major principal plane at failure. 4. The orientation of the plane of maximum shear stress at failure.Given an element with stresses as indicated in Fig. P10-1, Find: (a) The major and minor principal stresses and the planes on which they act. (>) The stresses on a plane inclined at 30° from the horizon- tal. (©) The maximum shear stress and the inclination of the plane on which it acts. . 100 kPa 36 _————_ | 5 — —| 4 |) ee ~ 20 | Horizontal —— «(36kPs 100 kPa Fig. P10-1 Work Problem 10-1 with the element rotated 30° clockwise from the horizontal. With the element of Problem 10-2 rotated 30°, find the magnitude and direction of the stresses on the horizontal plane. Work Example 10-3 with the element rotated 20° clockwise from the horizontal. In addition, find the stresses (magnitude and direc- tion) on the vertical plane. Equations 10-5 and 10-6 were derived from Fig. 10.2, with 0, and 0, as principal stresses. Derive the more general equations for the Mohr circle when o, and o, are not acting on principal planes. ‘The state of plane stress in a body is described by the following stresses: 0, = 9000 kN/r? compression, 0, = 2000 kN/m* tension. Determine by means of the Mohr circle the normal stress and shear stress on a plane inclined at 10° to the plane on which the minor principal stress acts. Check the results analytically. (After A. Casagrande.)At a certain critical point in a steel beam, on a vertical plane the compressive stress is 126 MPa and the shearing stress is 34.5 MPa. There is no normal stress on the longitudinal (horizontal) plane. Find the stresses acting on the principal planes and the orientation of principal planes with the horizontal. (After Taylor, 1948.) A soil sample is under a biaxial state of stress. On plane I, the stresses are (26,8), while on plane 2, the stresses are (11.6, —4). Find the major and minor principal stresses. For the element shown in Fig. P10-9: (a) Find the magnitude of the unknown stresses o, and 7, on the horizontal plane. (b) Find the orientation of the principal stresses; clearly indicate their orienta- tion in a small sketch. (c) Show the orientation of the planes of maximum as well as minimum shear. ye Fig. P10-9 The state of stress on a small element is o, = 28 kPa, o, = 14 kPa, and the shear stress on the horizontal plane is +4 kPa. (a) Find the magnitude and directions of the major and minor principal stresses. (b) If the material is a loose sand, can you say whether the element is in a state of failure? If it isn’t, how close is it? Why? State your assumptions clearly. (Assume ¢ = 30° for the loose sand.)The state plane stress in a mass of dense cohesionless sand is described by the following stresses: Normal stress on horizontal plane = 370 kPa Normal stress on vertical plane = 200 kPa Shear stress on horizontal and vertical planes = +80 kPa Determine by means of the Mohr circle the magnitude and direc- tion of the principal stresses. Is this state of stress safe against failure? Ata given point within a sand deposit the major, intermediate, and minor principal stresses are 5, 3, and 2 MN/m?, respectively. Construct the Mohr diagram, and from it scale the normal and shearing stresses and the obliquity angles on planes at 30°, 45°, 60°, and 75° from the major principal plane. A | mcube within a mass of stressed soil has a stress of 100 kPa on its top and bottom faces, 50 kPa on one pair of vertical faces, and 30 kPa on the other pair of vertical faces. There is no shear stress on any face. Fill in the numerical values for each stress and angle in the following table. o(kPa) (kPa) e Major principal plane: Intermediate principal plane: Minor principal plane: Plane of maximum shearing stress: Plane of maximum obliquity: ‘Note: a is the angle of orientation of the required plane with respect to the horizontal plane.Fig. 10.18 Different stress paths for initially hydrostatic stress conditions. Fig. 10.19 Different stress paths for initially non-hydrostatic stress conditions Two conventional CD triaxial compression tests were conducted on a dense angular dry sand at the same void ratio. Test A had a confining pressure of 100 kPa, while in test B the confining pressurewas 400 kPa; these stresses were held constant throughout the test. At failure, tests 4 and B had maximum principal stress differences of 400 and 1700 kPa, respectively. (a) Plot the Mohr circles for both tests at initial conditions and at failure. (b) Assuming c = 0, determine ¢. (c) What is the shear stress on the failure plane at failure for both tests? (@) Determine the theoretical orientation of the failure plane in each specimen. () What is the orientation of the plane of maximum obliquity? Show that stress paths D, E, and F in Fig. 10.18 are correct. Show that stress paths B and C in Fig. 10.19 are correct. The results of two CD triaxial tests at different confining pressures on a medium dense, cohesionless sand are summarized in the table below. The void ratios of both specimens were approximately the Test No. 1 Test No. 2 (o, = 100 kPa) (0, = 3000 kPa) ‘Axial Volumetric | Axi Volumetric Strain (0, — 05) Strain | Strain (0,93) Strain Cy (kPa) %) ® (Pa) (%) 0 ° ° 0 0 ° wt 325 = 0.10 0.82 2090 - 0.68 322 aia + 0.60 2.50 4290. ~ 1.80 4.16 al +166 424 5810 -2" 651 439 + 2.94 6.00 6950 — 3.36 844 405 +4.10 116 1160. — 3.88 104 370 + 5.10 9.56 8350 42 23 4 +57 | 4 8710 453 43 333 +633 | 132 3980 -4n 163 319 +670 | 149 9120 - 4.84 183 318 +704 | 168 9140 — 492 204 308 +734 | 18.6 9100 - 496 20.5 9090 5.01same at the start of the test. Plot on one set of axes the principal stress difference versus axial strain and volumetric strain (Eq. 11-4) versus axial strain for both tests. Estimate the initial tangent modulus of deformation, the “50%” secant modulus, and the strain at failure for each of these tests. av volumetric strain, % = < 100 (11-4) For the two tests of Problem 11-8, determine the angle of internal friction of the sand at (a) peak compressive strength, (b) at ultimate compressive strength, and (c) at 5% axial strain. Com- ments? A sand is hydrostatically consolidated in a triaxial test apparatus to 420 kPa and then sheared with the drainage valves open. At failure, (0; — 03) is 1046 kPa. Determine the major and minor principal stresses at failure and the angle of shearing resistance. Plot the Mohr diagram. (This problem should be followed by the next one.) The same sand as in Problem 1-10 is tested in a direct shear apparatus under a normal pressure of 420 kPa. The sample fails when a shear stress of 280 kPa is reached. Determine the major and minor principal stresses at failure and the angle of shearing resistance. Plot the Mohr diagram. Explain the differences, if any, of these values with those obtained in the preceding problem Indicate the orientations of the major principal stress, the minor principal stress, and the failure plane of the tests in Problems 11-10 and 11-11 A granular soil is tested in direct shear under a normal stress of 300 kPa. The size of the sample is 7.62 cm in diameter. If the soil to be tested is a dense sand with an angle of internal friction of 42°, determine the size of the load celi required to measure the shear force with a factor of safety of 2 (that is, the capacity of the load cell should be twice that required to shear the sand). ‘The stresses induced by a surface load on a Joose horizontal sand layer were found to be o, = 4.62 kPa, 7, = 1.32 kPa, o, = 2.90 kPa, and 7, = — 1.32 kPa. By means of Mohr circles, determine i such a state of stress is safe. Use Eq. 10-11 for the definition of factor of safety. ty (available) factor of safety (F-S.) = “TT a (10-11)Find the critical height of an infinite slope having 2 slope angle of 30°. The slope is made of stiff clay having a cohesion 20 kN/m?, angle of internal friction 20°, void ratio 0.7 and specific gravity 2.7. Consider the following cases for the analysis. (@) the soit is dry. (b) the water seeps parallel to the surface of the slope. (©) the slope is submerged. An infinite slope has an inclination of 26° with the horizontal. It is underlain by a firm cohesive soil having G, = 2.72 and ¢ = 0.52. There is a thin weak layer 20 ft below and parallel to the slope (c’ = 525 Ib/ft?, = 16°). Compute the factors of safety when (a) the slope is dry, and (b) ground water flows parallel to the slope at the slope level. An infinite slope is underlain with an overconsolidated clay having c’ = 210 Ib/ft?, ¢ = 8° and y,., = 120 Ib/ft®, The slope is inclined at an angle of 10° to the horizontal. Seepage is parallel to the surface and the ground water coincides with the surface. If the slope fails parallel to the surface along a plane at a depth of 12 ft below the slope, determine the factor of safety. A deep cut of 10 m depth is made in sandy clay for a road. The sides of the cut make an angle of 60° with the horizontal. The shear strength parameters of the soil cre c! = 20 KN/m?, g’ = 25°, and y= 18.5 kN/m>. If AC is the failure plane (Fig Prob. 10.4), estimate the factor of safety of the slope. y= 185 EN! Figure Prob. 10.4 A.40® slope is excavated to a depth of 8 m in a deep layer of saturated clay having strength parameters ¢ = 60 kN/m?, @= 0, and y= 19 kN/m}, Determine the factor of safety for the trial failure surface shown in Fig. Prob. 10.5. An excavation to a depth of 8 m with a slope of 1:1 was made in a deep layer of saturated clay having ¢, = 65 N/m? and 9, = 0. Determine the factor of safety for a trial slip circle passing through the toe of the cut and having a center as shown in Fig. Prob. 10.6. The unit weight of the saturated clay is 19 kN/m', No tension crack correction is required. A.45° cut was made in a clayey silt with c= 15 kN/m?, 9= 0 and y= 19.5 kN/m}, Site exploration revealed the presence of a soft clay stratum of 2 m thick having = 25 kN/m? and @= 0 as shown in Fig, Prob, 10.7. Estimate the factor of safety of the slope for the assumed failure surface.bean Figure Prob, 10.5 Figure Prob, 10.7 Fig. Prob. 11.1 shows a rigid retaining wall prevented from lateral movements. Determine for this wall the lateral thrust for the at-rest condition and the point of application of the resultant force. For Prob 11.1, determine the active earth pressure distribution for the following cases: (a) when the water table is below the base and y= 17 kN/m’ (b) when the water table is at 3m below ground level (c) when the water table is at ground level Fig. Prob. 11.3 gives a cantilever retaining wall with a sand backfill. The properties of the sand are: €= 0.56, = 38°, and G, = 2.65. Using Rankine theory, determine the pressure distribution with respect to depth, the magnitude and the point of application of the resultant active pressure with the surcharge load being consideredSurcharge, a rary sa Ay Saturated sand Figure Prob. 11.1 Figure Prob. 11.3 Fig, Prob. 11.20 gives a rigid retaining wall with a horizontal backfill. The backfill carries a strip load of 1200 Ib/ft? as shown in the figure, Determine the following: ‘The unit pressure on the wall at point A at a depth of 5 ft below the surface due to the surcharge load. ‘The total thrust on the wall due to surcharge load. | La Figure Prob. 11.20,What will be the gross and net allowable bearing pressures of a sand having @= 35° and an effective unit weight of 18 KN/m? under the following cases: (a) size of footing 1 x 1m square, (b) circular footing of 1 m dia., and (c) 1 m wide strip footing. The footing is placed at a depth of 1 m below the ground surface and the water table is at great depth. Use F, = 3. Compute by Terzaghi’s general shear failure theory. Ly -— 1m—+ Figure Prob. 12.1 A strip footing is founded at a depth of 1.5 m below the ground surface (Fig. Prob. 12.2) The water table is close to ground level and the soil is cohesionless. The footing is supposed to carry a net safe load of 400 kN/m? with F, = 3, Given 7, = 20.85 kN/m? and @= 35°, find the required width of the footing, using Terzaghi’s general shear failure criterion. Sud oo Fe pg 2085 kN? 13m i 8 Figure Prob. 12.2At what depth should a footing of size 2 x 3 m be founded to provide a factor of safety of 3 if the soil is stiff clay having an unconfined compressive strength of 120 kN/m?? The unit ‘weight of the soil is 18 KN/m®. The ultimate bearing capacity of the footing is 425 kN/m®. Use Terzaghis theory. The water table is close to the ground surface (Fig. Prob. 12.3). aT Suiffelay Ge= 120 KNfen? y= 18 kNim* =0 }- pxt-2%3m—| Figure Prob. 12.3 A rectangular footing is founded at a depth of 2 m below the ground surface in a (c—$) soil having the following properties: porosity n = 40%, G, = 2.67, ¢ = 15 kN/m?, and 9 = 30°. ‘The water table is close to the ground surface. If the width of the footing is 3 m, what is the length required to catry a gross allowable bearing pressure g, = 455 KN/m? with a factor of, safety = 3? Use Terzaghi’s theory of general shear failure (Figure Prob. 12.4) | Lu i Je pxLeaxt | Figure Prob. 12.4PROBLEMS 14.1 A footing 8 ft square bears at 3 ft depth in a sand with a friction angle of 36°. Find the bearing capacity and the ultimate bearing capacity. The sand weighs 115 pef. 14.2 The soil profile at a given site is as follows: 0-4 ft cinders, with ¢ = 30° and y = 55 pet 4-50 ft sandy gravel, with ¢ = 38° and y = 120 pef Find the bearing capacity for a 10 ft square footing bearing on top of the sandy gravel 14.3. A load test was made on a square plate | ft by | fton a dense sand having a unit weight of 115 1b/ft®. ‘The bearing plate was enclosed in a box surrounded by a surcharge of the same soil I ft deep. Failure occurred at a load of 70001b. What would be the failure load per unit of area of the base of a footing 5 ft square located at the same depth in the same material ? 14.4 Assume that the footing in Problem 14.3 supports a light building frame which exerts not only a vertical load V but also a horizontal component H = 0.i5¥ and 2 moment M =0.5¥ (i.c., eccentricity 0.5 ft). What is the allowable load Vif a safety factor of 3 is used? 14.5 A foundation 50 ft by 100 ft rests upon a soil with an average E of 10,000 psi, The average bearing stress is 6 isf. Calculate the settlement at the corners and center of the foundation. Assume jc = 0.3. 14.6 Repeat Problem 14.5, assuming that the sand is only 25 ft thick and is underlain by rock. 14.7 A standard load test (1 ft square plate) on a dense dry sand ( = 120 pef) gives the following data Load (TSF) Settlement (ft) 0.75 0.01 1.50 0.02 2.25 0.04 3.00 0.08 3.75 0.25 (failure) Another load test is run on the same soil but with the following differences: Width = 5 fe Length = sore Predict: @, The ultimate bearing capacity. &. The settlement at a load of 2 tsf. 14.8 Using the data of Problem 14.7, determine the allowable bearing stress for a 8 ft square footing if the per- missible settlement is 1 in.
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