Tren Rodante 263
Tren Rodante 263
Tren Rodante 263
Año 33, diciembre de 2020, Número 263
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Darío Saidman
Los contenidos son de la exclusiva responsa-
TRData bilidad de los autores y la Editorial puede o no
compartir. Está permitido el uso y difusión del
contenido siempre que se mencione la fuente.
Esto fue posible a los colaboradores This was possible for the collaborators
que gracias a sus notas, fotos y aportes who, thanks to their notes, photos and
de dinero nos permite seguir adelante. contributions of money, allow us to
move forward.
Si crees que lo que hacemos es If you think that what we do is good,
bueno, te hace bien y suma a tu interés does you good and adds to your
y esperás más de nosotros, te pedimos interest and expects more from us, we
que nos ayudes con notas, fotos y ask you to help us with notes. photos
aportes, lo mismo que hacen los que and contributions, the same as those
nos ayudan concretamente a difundir who help us concretely to spread our
nuestro trabajo al mundo ferrófilo. work to the railway world.
You probably have some of those
En tus posibilidades, algunas de three things. Help us not to change
las tres cosas tenés. Ayudanos a no anything so everything remains the
cambiar nada, a que todo siga igual. ♦ same. ♦
Las Clase 12E del FC Gral. Roca The Class 12E of FC Roca
La historia de una de las más impre- The story of one of the most impressive
sionantes locomotoras del ex FC Sud, locomotives of the former FC Sud, both
tanto por su tamaño como por sus for its size and its performance.
prestaciones. Una unidad está siendo A unit is being restored so we wiill be
restaurada y podremos verla funcionar. able to see it in working condition.
Acceda con la plabra clave: Clase 12E Access with the code word: Clase 12E
En esta primera etapa los destinos serán Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca, Braga-
do, Junín y el tren a Rosario limitado hasta San Nicolás, los viajes se realizarán
siguiendo determinadas pautas de protocolo de sanidad y la venta de pasajes
será únicamente de modo online.
Para asegurar el distanciamiento de los pasajeros durante el viaje se limitan la
cantidad de pasajeros y en todos los casos habrá libre un asiento de por medio,
salvo el caso de grupos familiares donde el distanciamiento será por grupos.
Además, las formaciones no contarán con los servicios del coche comedor
ya que el mismo oficiará exclusivamente como coche de aislamiento preventivo
para aquellos pasajeros que puedan tener síntomas de COVID en el viaje.
Cabe mencionar que los pasajeros para poder viajar deberán contar con el
Certificado Único habilitante para circular y que a partir del 1 de diciembre en la
provincia de Buenos Aires también se podrá viajar por turismo.
In this first stage the destinations will be Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca, Bragado,
Junín and the train to Rosario limited to San Nicolás, the trips will be made
following certain guidelines of the health protocol and the sale of tickets will be
only online.
To ensure the distance between passengers during the trip, the number of
passengers is limited and in all cases there will be a free seat in between, except
in the case of family groups where the distance will be by groups.
In addition, the formations will not have the services of the dining car since it
will act exclusively as a preventive isolation car for those passengers who may
have symptoms of COVID on the trip.
It is worth mentioning that in order to travel, passengers must have the Unique
Certificate enabling them to circulate and from December 1, in the province of
Buenos Aires it is also possible to travel for tourism.
Buenos Aires - Mar del Plata
Servicio diario en ambos sentidos partiendo de Plaza Constitución a las 15:29
y de Mar del Plata a las 23:44 con paradas en Brandsen, Lezama, Castelli, Se-
vigné, Dolores, Guido, Maipú, Las Armas, Pirán, Vidal y Vivoratá. Precio: prime-
ra ARS 660 y en pullman 795.
Buenos Aires - Bahía Blanca
Servicio semanal en ambos sentidos partiendo los viernes a las 19:53 de Plaza
Constitución y de Bahía Blanca los sábados a las 21:15 con paradas en Monte,
Las Flores, Cacharí, Azul, Olavarría, General La Madrid, Coronel Suárez, Saa-
vedra, Pigué y Tornquist. Precio: primera ARS 825 y en pullman 990.
Buenos Aires - San Nicolás
Servicio de domingo a viernes desde Retiro (Mitre) y desde San Nicolás de lu-
nes a sábado partiendo de Retiro Mitre a las 20:10 y de San Nicolás a las 02:40
con paradas en Campana, Zárate, Baradero, San Pedro y Ramallo. Precio: pri-
mera ARS 230 y en pullman 275.
Buenos Aires - Junín
Dos servicios semanales partiendo de Retiro San Martín los lunes y viernes
a las 18:00 y de Junín los lunes y miércoles a las 2:35 con paradas en José C.
Paz, Pilar, Mercedes P, Franklin, Rivas, Castilla, Rawson, Chacabuco y O’Hig-
gins. Precio: primera ARS 250 y en pullman 300.
Buenos Aires - Bragado
Servicio semanal partiendo de Once de Septiembre los viernes 18:41 y de
Bragado los lunes a la 1:40 con paradas en Luján, Mercedes, Suipacha, Chivil-
coy y Mechita. Precio: en primera ARS 155 y en pullman 186.
Direcciones útiles
Turnos para atención por ventanilla vía web: .
Venta o modificaciones de pasajes vía web: .
Consultas generales vía web:
nes-argentinos . ♦
Buenos Aires - Mar del Plata
Daily service in both directions, departing from Plaza Constitución at 3:29
p.m. and Mar del Plata at 11:44 p.m. with stops in Brandsen, Lezama, Castelli,
Sevigné, Dolores, Guido, Maipú, Las Armas, Pirán, Vidal and VIvoratá. Price:
first class ARS 660 and in pullman 795.
Buenos Aires - Bahía Blanca
Weekly service in both directions, departing on Fridays at 7:53 p.m. from Plaza
Constitución and from Bahía Blanca on Saturdays at 9:15 p.m. with stops in
Monte, Las Flores, Cacharí, Azul, Olavarría, General La Madrid, Coronel Suárez,
Saavedra, Pigué and Tornquist. Price: first class ARS 825 and in pullman 990.
Buenos Aires - San Nicolás
Service from Sunday to Friday from Retiro (Mitre) and from San Nicolás from
Monday to Saturday departing from Retiro Mitre at 8:10 pm and from San Nicolás
at 2:40 am with stops in Campana, Zárate, Baradero, San Pedro and Ramallo.
Price: first class ARS 230 and in pullman 275.
Buenos Aires - Junín
Two weekly services departing from Retiro San Martín on Mondays and Fridays
at 6:00 pm and from Junín on Mondays and Wednesdays at 2:35 am with stops
at José C. Paz, Pilar, Mercedes P, Franklin, Rivas, Castilla, Rawson, Chacabuco
and O’Higgins. Price: first class ARS 250 and in pullman 300.
Buenos Aires - Bragado
Weekly service starting from Once on Fridays at 6:41 pm and from Bragado
on Mondays at 1:40 am with stops in Luján, Mercedes, Suipacha, Chivilcoy and
Mechita. Price: in first class ARS 155 and in pullman 186.
Useful addresses
Shifts for customer service through the web:
Sale or modification of tickets via the web:
General inquiries via the web:
argentinos. ♦
Gradually Trenes Argentinos is opening the stations that were closed last May
26 to reduce the movement of people in the city in the context of the increase in
cases of Covid-19 in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires.
For the Sarmiento line service, the Villa Luro and Floresta stations reopened,
from Monday, November 16.
For the Mitre line service, the railway stops that resumed activity on Thursday
November 19 are: Tres de Febrero, Colegiales, Coghlan, Luis María Drago and
Villa Pueyrredón, of the José León Suárez and Bartolomé Mitre branches.
Also Rivadavia and Lisandro de la Torre stations, but from the Tigre branch of
the same Mitre line.
Meanwhile, the stops Hipólito Yrigoyen, from Roca, and Presidente Illia, from
Belgrano Sur, which were closed as a preventive measure of quarantine, will be
reopened progressively. ♦
On July 16, 1976, the Friends of the Tram Association was founded and
four years later, on August 10, 1980, it received the first complete tram, to
be transformed into a Lacroze tram in Buenos Aires.
40 years ago, on November 15, 1980, the “Historic Tramway of Buenos Aires”
was inaugurated, a free ride service for the City of Buenos Aires that continues
to operate to date, with the commissioning of the Association’s first car , No. 258
identified as “Lacroze”.
This car was acquired by the AAT, coming from the fleet of Porto, Portugal,
which at that time was deregistering these cars.
On April 20, 1982, the second tram for the Historic Tramway arrived in Buenos
Aires; No. 252 also from the Porto fleet. The AAT acquired it with the purpose of
modifying it to achieve a replica of a model of the Anglo Argentina Company, that
of the 600-799 series, the so-called “Narrow Belgas”. On November 26, 1983,
the Friends of the Tram Association inaugurated this unit, which it called “652”.
On May 28, 1988, the third tram was incorporated, car No. 9069, donated to
the AAT by the Society of Intercommunal Transport of Brussels (STIB), in honor
of the trajectory.
honor a la trayectoria.
El 13 de enero de 1994 los dos coches históricos 2 y 3 “Preston” de la Línea
“A” fueron otorgados en comodato a la AAT por la Compañía de subterráneos
SBASE que los tenía en custodia.
Después de un trabajo sin precedentes como fue la reconstrucción por partes
rescatadas en diverso estado, se inauguró el 18 de noviembre del 2000 el cuarto
tranvía N°3361 “FM” (Por Fabricaciones Militares), un clásico de la Ciudad.
En julio de 2002 se agregaron las zorras eléctricas N°2000 y N°5 “Aquilina”,
llamada así en honor a Aquilino González Podestá, factotum de la AAT. El 16 de
Julio de 2006, también reconstruido por la AAT, se puso en servicio el coche de
Premetro PM N°2, llamado “Lagarto” y las obras continúan con restauraciones
que se están llevando a cabo.
Paralelamente la AAT mantiene la biblioteca Federico Lacroze desde 1981
con sede en Thompson 502, Caballito, y además dan conferencias temáticas.
40 años es poco tiempo, pero han hecho demasiado. ♦
On January 13, 1994, the two historic cars 2 and 3 “Preston” of Line “A” were
granted in bailment to the AAT by the SBASE subway company that had them
in custody.
After an unprecedented work such as the reconstruction by parts rescued
in different states, on November 18, 2000 the fourth tram No. 3361 “FM” (By
Fabricaciones Militares) was inaugurated, a classic of the City.
In July 2002, the electric MOW cars N ° 2000 and N°5 “Aquilina” were added,
named in honor of Aquilino González Podestá, factotum of the AAT. On July 16,
2006, also rebuilt by the AAT, the car of Premetro PM N°2, called “Lagarto”, was
put into service and the works continue with restorations that are being carried
At the same time, the AAT supports the Federico Lacroze library since 1981
with headquarters in Thompson 502, Caballito, Buenos Aires, and they also
give public thematic conferences.
40 years is a short time, but they have done too much. ♦
Cada pilón magnético le suministra energía y dirección. / Each magnetic pylon supplies power and direction.
Una nueva propuesta de tren de pasajeros sin rieles que avanza a través
de portales electromagnéticos podría viajar a más de 800 km/h pero con
una capacidad nunca antes imaginada.
Los inmensos coches permiten múltiples actividades. / The huge cars allow multiple activities.
Design consultancy Manyone has created a new train system that is more
efficient, more comfortable and sustainable than all forms of traditional travel.
The new system is called AeroSlider and it literally floats in the air.
It has no tracks, instead it floats in the air through a series of 18 meter high
magnetized loops. The train uses these loops to propel itself at speeds of more
than 800 kilometers per hour (500 miles per hour), the average cruising speed
of an airplane, which means that this train would offer the same fast trips.
Manyone describes his invention as a land transport system for large
corridors connecting the most populated cities on the European, African and
Asian continents. Additionally, Manyone claims that the system can be powered
by localized power sources and has in place a system to reduce the energy
demands of the train. The incorporation of helium deposits within the capsule
reduces the effective weight by approximately 10%, reducing the energy required
La importante estación Luján, lado calle, / The important Luján station, street side,
Luján City and its town Carlos Keen grew along the strategic road that
connected the center and the North of the Viceroyalty of the “Río de la
Plata”. Both belongs to the Luján-Pergamino Railway branch.
The origins of the current city of Luján go back to the foundation of Buenos
Aires in 1536. At that time, 800 men, who were eager to conquer and colonize
our territory, landed from a few Spanish caravels. Don Pedro de Mendoza and
several captains in his charge, among whom Pedro Luján was, built a fort that
they called “Santa María de los Buenos Ayres”, in order to protect the new
settlement and put it under the protection of the Virgin of the navigators.
However, such an undertaking would be short-lived. Only four months later,
the Indians performed a fierce and bloody reaction: on June 15th , exactly the
day of Corpus Christi, a great evil battle with the Spaniards took place, until
the Indigenous groups defeated and completely destroyed the newly arrived
European settlers. The fort was burned and 38 men were killed in the battle.
After such a reaction, the Spanish colonizers armed themselves again and went
in search of the Indians, riding towards a town standing near a river, which today
is known as Río Luján. History tells that the “Querandíes Indians” wounded and
killed many expeditionary members, among them Captain Pedro Luján, whose
body was found on the banks of the river, which was identified as “Rio Luján”
from that moment onwards, under the name of this fallen colonizer.
Before the creation of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, in the 17th century,
all important matters that happened in these lands had to be considered in the
cities of Lima and Potosí, the centers of the Spanish Colony, but the journey from
Buenos Aires to the North was long and painful under the continuous threats
from the Indians. Carriages had to cross the area of the Luján River, where a
checkpoint was established by the “Guardia de Luján”, then, continue along the
Camino Real, which led to our northern territory and the North of the Viceroyalty.
At the same time, around the 1620s, in the town of Sumampa, Córdoba, a
Portuguese named Antonio Farías de Saá, built a chapel, in his own property
devoted to the “Our Blessed Virgin Mary”. To do this, he ordered an image of the
Virgin to a Brazilian artisan who sent two images, one that reached its destination
and the other that could not cross the Lujan River for multiple reasons despite
the efforts of the carriers, who felt into one of the most surprising miracles of our
that significantly shortened travel times, enough to cover the round trip distance
in a day time. In addition, in 1875 work began on the railway branch that would
link Luján with Pergamino, following the old “Camino Real”. In 1893, Luján was
declared a city, taking into account its number of inhabitants, its social and
commercial activities, and its constant participation in the national task.
lo que llegó a ser conocido y apreciado en los ámbitos sociales y políticos. Pa-
radójicamente, Carlos nunca conoció el lugar donde se encontraban las tierras
que heredó de sus padres y que hoy honran su nombre por su participación ac-
tiva y patriótica en la Guerra del Paraguay, ya que murió a los 34 años, durante
la epidemia de fiebre amarilla.
En aquel antiguo paraje de la posta de Luján, el Ferrocarril Oeste decidió em-
plazar un tanque de agua para el servicio de locomotoras y luego construir la
estación, que quedó inaugurada el 12 de agosto de 1881. Aquella parada nació
de la consideración de que, al extenderse el ramal y atendiendo a las conside-
rables distancias entre las estaciones de Luján, San Antonio de Areco y Perga-
mino, se debían establecer apeaderos intermedios, para el uso ferroviario, el
abastecimiento de las máquinas y el servicio de pasajeros.
El ramal Luján-Pergamino
Este ramal fue posiblemente unas de las obras nacionales más significativas
para el crecimiento de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Partiendo de Luján, seguía
la traza del Camino Real, atravesando campos salvajes que cobraron importan-
appreciated in the social and political circles of Buenos Aires City. Paradoxically,
Carlos never visited the place where the lands he inherited from his parents
were located. Nevertheless, his name was honored for his active and patriotic
participation in the Argentine - Paraguay War. He died at the age of 34, during
the black death epidemic.
In Carlos Keen, the “Sociedad del Camino de Hierro al Oeste de Buenos
Aires” decided to locate a water tank for the locomotive services and then build a
passenger and freight station, which was inaugurated on August 12th , 1881. That
stop was built taking into consideration that, as the branch had to be extended,
intermediate stops had to be established for rail use, the supply of machines
and passenger service, were necessary, taking into account the considerable
distances among Luján, Carlos Keen, San Antonio de Areco and Pergamino
The Luján-Pergamino branch
This branch was possibly one of the most significant national works for the
growth of the province of Buenos Aires. As it started from Luján, the line followed
the route of the Camino Real, crossing wild fields that gained importance as soon
cia en cuanto ocurrió el paso del primer tren. Los inversores vieron la posibilidad
de aumentar su patrimonio y su renta con la compra de tierras baratas que se
valorizarían muy pronto. La creación de las estaciones Carlos Keen y Azcué-
naga son la prueba de la necesidad de atender al transporte de la producción
local. Las colonias irlandesas de la zona, que se caracterizaron por su habilidad
en el trabajo de la tierra, fueron verdaderos artífices del crecimiento de esta re-
Este ramal fue propiedad inicialmente de la Sociedad del Camino de Hierro
al Oeste de Buenos Aires, conocido como “Ferrocarril Oeste de Buenos Aires”.
Pero hacia la década de 1890, cuando los capitales ingleses se hacían cargo
de los ferrocarriles de nuestro país, el Central Argentino compró el ramal Perga-
mino - Luján para obtener, a través de esta última localidad, una salida hacia el
puerto de Buenos Aires.
El Ferrocarril Central Argentino ya había logrado unir amplias extensiones
en gran parte de Las provincias de Córdoba y Santa Fe, pero iba por más. El
referido ramal se vio favorecido por el interés de los nuevos dueños en captar
clientes para el transporte de cargas y pasajeros, aunque este ramal fue siem-
as the first train passed. Investors saw the possibility of increasing their wealth
and income by buying cheap land that would soon gain value. The creation of
the Carlos Keen and Azcuénaga stations, in the first portion of the branch, are
proof of the need to help the transportation of local production.
This branch was initially owned by the “Sociedad del Camino de Hierro al
Oeste de Buenos Aires”, known as “Ferrocarril Oeste de Buenos Aires”. Towards
the end of the 1880s this company declared that it could not administer the
branch anymore. In 1890, The Buenos Aires Western Railway Company bought
the remnant properties of the “Sociedad del Camino de Hierro al Oeste de
Buenos Aires” but the Buenos Aires Western Railway Company declared its
lack of interest for the branch. So, the “Ferro Carril Central Argentino” bought the
Pergamino - Luján branch to obtain, through the latter town, an exit to the port
of Buenos Aires.
The “Ferro Carril Central Argentino” had already managed to join wide extents
in a large part of the provinces of Córdoba and Santa Fe, but it was going for
more. The branch was favored by the interest of the new owners in attracting
customers for the transport of freight and passengers, although this branch was
always, for relatively light trains and limited speeds. It should be noted that,
only with some track renovations, the “Empresa del Ferrocarriles del Estado
Argentino” and later “Ferrocarriles Argentinos” ran passenger trains that, in the
1960s and 1970s, reached speeds of between 70 and 80 km / h throughout the
Since the end of the 19th century, the purpose of these railway lines was
valuable for the entire area, for the community and for the connection of
Pergamino with the city of Buenos Aires. The growing train service on this
branch gave a great improvement to Pergamino and, in part, also to Luján,
since it significantly stimulated interest in rural industry and increased social and
community development.
Carlos Keen station is 16 km away from Luján. Azcuénaga station is located
20 km away from Carlos Keen, after crossing the “Ferro Carril Central Buenos
Aires”, then Ferrocarril General Urquiza, near Ruiz station. Vagues, is 9 km away
on the way, from Azcuenaga to San Antonio de Areco. This last station was built
as a suburb of San Antonio de Areco, since both stations are only 5 km apart.
The new administration that emerged after the nationalization of the Argentine
Luis Angel Bignelli is a high level English Teacher with a pdh degree, specialized in bilingual history. Degrees granted by
Universidad Católica Argentina and Universidad del Salvador.
Itineraries for trains No. 9, 25, 29, 31, General Miter Railroad, Retiro, Buenos Aires, from the years 1953, 1963, 1965, 1967
respectively. Luján Municipality Brochures (Carlos Keen), Tourism Directorate, www.lujá Luján, 2011.
This crane belongs to a series of four units built between 1912 and 1930 by the
firm Joseph Booth & Bros, from the town of Rodley, a suburb of Leeds, England.
They had a maximum load capacity of 5 tons at 4.88 meters of its turning
radius, which would later be increased to 10 tons by including a mobile rig in its
The first, with manufacturer number 2581, arrived in the country in 1912
and the second, 2759, in 1913, both serving as cranes for general use, both in
warehouses and depots; later a new order, and with slight differences with its
predecessors, would arrive in the country in 1931, the 4144 (which is the G265
Izquierda: El G265 en la actualidad, exhibifdo en el predio de Lynch del Ferroclub Argentino. Derecha: el mis-
mo vehículo en 1990. / Left: The G265 at present, exhibited at the Lynch premises of the Ferroclub Argentino.
Right: the same vehicle in 1990.
la línea, la empresa los modificó y conformó con ellos trenes de auxilio livianos
para servicios generales. Para ello se los dotó de quemadores de combustible
líquido en reemplazo de la leña, se les colocó la cañería de freno pasante y se
les asignó una chata de apoyo para su pluma.
Se los podía ver operando tanto en lugares como Martin Coronado; donde
junto a guinches de mayor porte realizaban tareas de intercambio, almacenes
de Holt, Dock sud y talleres como Monte Caseros y Lynch entre otros.
Tuvieron también participación durante las inundaciones en la Mesopotamia
de los años 80, en donde fueron montados sobre barcazas para las tareas de
remoción de camalotes en los puentes de la línea.
En particular el guinche G265, que durante mucho tiempo estuvo asignado
al tren de auxilio Lynch, y al ser radiado en 1990 por FEMESA, la operadora de
entonces del Ferrocarril Urquiza, fue tomado en custodia por Ferroclub Argenti-
no, quien se había estabecido en ese mismo lugar.
El G265 se utilizó ampliamente para acondicionamiento del predio y haciendo
that concerns us) and possibly in 1932 one more, thus making up the total of 4
units of its series.
During the time of Ferrocarriles Argentinos and given the lack of cranes on
the line, the company modified them and formed with them light relief trains
for general services. To do this, they were provided with liquid fuel burners to
replace the wood, the through brake pipe was placed and a support flat was
assigned to them for their boom.
They could be seen operating in places like Martin Coronado; where together
with larger cranes they carried out exchange tasks, Holt warehouses, South
Dock and workshops such as Monte Caseros and Lynch among others.
They also participated during the floods in Mesopotamia in the 1980s, where
they were mounted on barges to remove camalotes from the bridges of the line.
In particular, the G265 crane, which for a long time was assigned to the Lynch
aid train, and when it was broadcast in 1990 by FEMESA, the then operator of
the Urquiza Railroad, was taken into custody by Ferroclub Argentino, who had
Having done all this, it proceeded to improve its aesthetics, both with a new
paint and improving part of its structure, such as the roof, which was completely
replaced. All the missing plates were added, both the manufacturer and all the
others, some of which had to be modelled to be able to melt them.
The painting scheme with which it was painted is the same as the its first
operating in the FCNEA.
By 2015 it was already operational again and carrying out work within the
Currently, work continues on it in minor and maintenance tasks, so once again
its great usefulness is demonstrated as one of the longest operating vehicles in
its category and one of the few FC Urquiza operations.
It is on display at the Lynch yard of the Argentine Ferroclub, where it can be
visited and seen in static form or with live steam in any of the annual exhibitions
that this entity carries out. ♦
El modelo de tranvía clásico que circuló por “la ciudad de los tranvías”
se intercionalizó con el nombre de “Buenos Aires” y con ese nombre se
identificó en distintas ciudades del país y del exterior.
The classic tram model that circulated through “the city of trams” was
internationalized with the name of “Buenos Aires” and with that name it
was identified in different cities of the country and abroad.
Who introduced this car design was the “Compañía de Tramways Gran
Nacional”, which merged with “La Nueva” formed an important network in the
Buenos Aires area.
Electrified in 1905 and jointly managed by the first of them, the chosen car
was a success and the success obtained made the competition also adopt it,
as did the “Anglo Argentino” but in its seven-window version (Series 300-400 )
instead of the 8 of the original, although in subsequent acquisitions the design of
8 windows was respected.
The “Compañía de Tranvías del Puerto” also adopted it to start its services in
1908 and they were also seen in the fleets of the companies “La Capital” and
“Buenos Aires y Belgrano”.
When the companies merged between 1908 and 1909 with the Anglo, the
“Buenos Aires” became the classic car par excellence for many years.
Otra obra de arte de Scale Trains que tiene tantos detalles sobresalientes
a la par que únicos, que se nos hace imposible describir en esta página.
Por lo pronto podemos garantizar que la foto es del modelo.
But its terrain is not typical of the pampas but rather the mountainous one
of the puna, for which it had to overcome unevenness with temporary bridges
that would one day be replaced by Polvorilla-type viaducts. Another and no less
important detail is that the scale used is G (1: 22,5) with some interventions of
1:29 North American, always attractive for its multiple locomotives.
Jens is also an admirer of FC Trasandino and on his roster is a Chilean
Schlinder motor car and a pair of GE 95Ts from Ferrocarriles Argentinos among
other material from the area.
And the day to replace the bridges has arrived. Jens calculated the curves,
drew the plans and in the small workshop of his house began cutting metal to
assemble each module that make up the two sectors of the bridge. One is a
large train return curve where your garden ends. The other is the entrance to the
house where he lives, which is a deposit and repair shop.
Las fotos que acompañan la nota hablan por si de esta magnífica obra en los
suburbios de Berlín, Alemania. ♦
The photos that accompany the note speak for themselves of this magnificent
work in the suburbs of Berlin, Germany. ♦
Base nivelada de cemento para los nuevos pilares. / Level cement base for the new columns.
Andeating. ♦
Los trenes en su “camino a casa” vuelven a correr bajo techo./ Trains going home and under roof.