3 RD Graders Worksheet 02 Unit (GUIA)
3 RD Graders Worksheet 02 Unit (GUIA)
3 RD Graders Worksheet 02 Unit (GUIA)
OA3: Utilizar su conocimiento del inglés en la comprensión y producción de textos escritos breves y
claros, con el fin de construir una postura personal crítica en contextos relacionados con sus intereses e
En esta guía vas a leer un texto y extraer información general y específica/ Demostrar comprensión a
expresiones propias del idioma/ Identificar vocabulario temático.
I. What job sector these Jobs belong to? Classify them into the five categories. (15/ )
¿A qué sector/área pertenecen estos trabajos? Clasifícalos en las 5 categorías
c) Do you have those skills? If not, can you develop them? How?
¿Tienes tú esas habilidades? Si no, ¿las puedes desarrollar?, ¿cómo?
I only have some of these skills, like being able to work under pressure, but I still think that
over time I can develop other skills with a little practice.
III- Read the description and write the name of the correct job. (12/ )
Lee la descripción y escribe el nombre del trabajo correcto.
a.bus driver
b. Teacher.
c. Designer
d. Nurse
e. Cartoonist
f. Firefighter
g. Cabbie
h. Singer
i. Doctor
j. Plane pilot
k. Actress/actor
l. Chef
m. Waiter
n. Journalist
o. Writer
p. Scientific
q. Film maker
r. Basketball player
s. Farmer
t. Police
u. Pianist
v. Military
w. Veterinary
x. Mechanical
y. Architect
z. Hairdresser
Reading comprehension : “Students jobs”
Yes, a part-time job is basically when a person works just a half of the day, I know it since I am
interested in get one
b. What kind of part time job do you think you could do with your skills?
A part-time job that I could do according to my skills would be walking dogs or handing out flyers.
-Apply: postular -Delay: demorar
-Time- management skills: habilidad -Earn: ganar -Purchases: comprar
en manejo del tiempo -Adulthood: adultez -Tax: impuestos
-Employer: emplador -Income: ingreso -Deadline: fecha limite
-Employee: empleado -Boost: alentar -Frowned upon: mal visto
-Tardy work: trabajo atrasado -Afford: poder pagar -Business: negocios
-Non-working students: estudiantes -Tuition: colegiatura/ matrciula -Resumes: CV
que no trabajan -Loan: prestamo -Attests: atestiguar
-While: mientras -Spend: gastar -At least: al menos
-Skipping. omitir -Wisely: sabiamente -Somewhat: en cierto modo
-Greater: más grande -Hard-earned: ganar con -Much easier: más fácil
-Paycheck: cheque esfuerzo
-confidence: autoestima -lessons: lecciones
2- Read the article and choose the best tittle for each paragraph. (4/ )
Lee el artículo y elige el mejor título para cada párrafo.
d. What are the lessons according to paragraph 2? (¿cuáles son las lecciones?)
The lessons that students generate is knowing how to spend money wisely without spending
money frivolously.
e. What does it means “to be better planners? Paragraph 3( ¿qué significa ser mejores
Students who have part-time Jobs tend to be better planners, meaning that because of their
work they do not have as much time so they must know what their priorities are and make
sure to complete all tasks by a deadline.
g. Which of these benefits do you think teens in your country have in mind when
thinking about applying for a part-time job? (¿qué beneficios crees tú que
jóvenes en tu país tienen en mente cuando piensan en postular a un trabajo de
medio tiempo?)
The benefits or reasons why most Young people want to apply for a part-time job is to
be able to buy their own money and buy their own things since most of the time parents
refuse to buy them because they do not consider them essential.
h. In your opinion, do you think having a part-time job would be beneficial for you?
(En tu opinión, ¿crees que teniendo un trabajo partime sería beneficioso para ti?
In my opinion, having a part-time job is very beneficial to me, since in addition to
earning my own money, I would have a great experience of the working world.
4. *****Read the text again and identify the connectors in bold , and indicate which one is used to:
Lee el texto otra vez e identifica los conectores en negrillas e indica cuál es usado para:
a. Start an opinion/comenzar una opinión: introductory experience
b. Provide reasons/entregar razones:. weight their priorities
c. Provide examples/entregar ejemplos: boost their confidence
d. Come to a conclusión: Heard earned
5. *****Look at the phrases below. What is the purpose of these connectors? Check with your teacher.
Mira las frases abajo. ¿Cuál es el propósito de estos conectores? Revisa con
tu profesora.
As I see it, students or young people who work par-time if it affects them in the school, family or
social environment, in other words their grades drop and their personal life is harmed. For instance,
a person who works but has plans with her family or friends has to cancel them for her part-time job,
furthermore this type of situation can generate problems. To sum up, having a part-time job can be
both beneficial and unfavorable.