Certificacion Mikrotik Mtcna

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Mikrotik Certified Network Associate

Módulo 1: Introducción
- MikroTik, RouterOS, RouterBoard, Winbox & MAC-Winbox, Webfig, Quickset
- Interfaz de Línea de Comandos (CLI), SSH, Telnet, New Terminal
- Configuración inicial (Internet), DHCP-client, Default Gateway, Firewall Básico, NAT
- Actualización del RouterOS, actualización del firmware/RouterBOOT + Netinstall
- Administrar Login, Servicios, Respaldos (backup y export)
- Licenciamiento RouterOS, niveles, actualizaciones
- Laboratorio del Módulo 1

Módulo 2: Ruteo (routing)

- Conceptos de ruteo + ejercicios. Etiquetas de rutas
- Ruteo Estático, Creación de rutas, ruta por default (
- Ejercicios de ruteo estático en una red sencilla. Ruta activa. Netmask. Red más específica
- Laboratorio del Módulo 2

Módulo 3: Bridge
- Bridge, conceptos, puertos. Master port. Switch
- Laboratorio del Módulo 3

Módulo 4: Wireless
- Conceptos 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, Frecuencias (bandas, canales + avanzados), data-rates, HT
chains, Potencia de TX, Fuerza de señal en RX. Regulaciones de país. AP + CPE
- Filtrado MAC, Default-authentication, Access-list & Connect-list, Default-forwarding, tabla de
- Seguridad Wireless + Encriptación (WPA1&2, PSK)
- Protocolos MikroTik, Nstreme, NstremeDual, NV2 (TDMA)
- Wireless Scan, Snooper
- Redes Wireless + bridge. Station bridge
- Laboratorio del Módulo 4

Módulo 5: Administración de Red

- ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), Tabla ARP, mode=reply-only
- DHCP Server y DHCP Client, Leases, Pool
- Herramientas: E-mail, Netwatch, Ping, Traceroute, Profile (CPU load)
[email protected], supout.rif, autosupout.rif, viewer
- System logging, debug logs, topics, actions, syslog
- Laboratorio del Módulo 5

Módulo 6: Firewall
- Connection Tracking, Estados TCP, Estructura, chains, actions
- Firewall Filter, Input + Output + Forward
- Protección al router + Protección a Clientes
- Address-List, SRCNAT, Masquerade y src-nat, DSTNAT, dst-nat y redirect
- Laboratorio del Módulo 6
Módulo 7: QoS (Quality of Service)
- Colas Simples, Target, Destination, max-limit, limit-at, Burst
- Mangle: mark-connection, mark-packet. Inicio a estructura HTB
- PCQ, pcq-rate, pcq-limit
- Monitoreo, Torch, Graphs, SNMP
- Laboratorio del Módulo 7


MikroTik Certified Wireless Engineer

Módulo 1: Wireless Installations

- Wireless routers
- RouterBoard Hardware
- Wireless cards
- Antenna types

Módulo 2: Wireless Standard

- 802.11 a/b/g/n
- Bands and channel width
- Frequencies

Módulo 3: Wireless Tools

- Wireless Tools + LAB
- Scan
- Frequency usage
- Spectral Scan/History
- Snooper
- Align
- Sniffer

Módulo 4: Wireless Troubleshooting

- Troubleshooting wireless clients + LAB
- Registration table analysis
- Ack-Timeout/Distance
- TX/RX Signal Strength
- Frames and HW-frames
- Data-rates

Módulo 5: Wireless Advanced Settings

- Advanced Wireless Tab settings + LAB
- HW-retries
- HW-protection
- Adaptive-noise-immunity
- Country regulation settings
- TX-power + LAB
- Virtual-AP

Módulo 6: 802.11n
- 802.11n wireless protocol + LAB
- Features
- Data Rates
- Channel bonding
- Frame Aggregation
- TX-power for N cards
- Chain settings
- Wireless link debugging

Módulo 7: Wireless Security

- Wireless Security Measures + LAB
- Access Management
- Access-List/Connect-List
- Authentication
- Encryption
- Management Frame Protection

Módulo 8: WDS and MESH

- Wireless WDS protocol + LAB
- Dynamic/Static WDS
- RSTP Bridge
- Wireless MESH + LAB
- HWMP+ Mesh

Módulo 9: Wireless Bridging

- Wireless Transparent Bridge + LAB
- WDS bridging
- AP/Station-WDS
- Pseudobridge
- MPLS/VPLS tunnel

Módulo 10: Nstreme Protocol

- MikroTik Wireless Nstreme Protocol + LAB
- Features
- Configuration options
- Nstreme Dual
- Troubleshooting

Módulo 11: Nv2 Protocol

- MikroTik Wireless Nv2 Protocol + LAB
- Features
- Configuration options
- Troubleshooting

MikroTik Certified IPv6 Engineer

Módulo 1: Introduction to IPv6

- IPv6 address
- Differences between IPv4 and IPv6
- Address distribution
- Address notation
- SLAAC IPv6 address creation (EUI-64)
- Subnetting
   - Address types
   - Link-local
   - Global
   - Multicast
   - Anycast
   - Unique local
   - Special addresses
- Reserved IPv6 addresses
- Module 1 laboratory

Módulo 2: IPv6 Protoco

- Address configuration
   - Auto-configuration
   - Stateless – SLAAC, DHCPv6
   - Stateful – DHCPv6
- Neighbor discovery protocol
-  IPv6 routing basics
   - IPv6 prefix
- Module 2 laboratory

Módulo 3: IPv6 Packet

- IPv6 header
   - Header field description
   - Next header (daisy chaining)
   - Fragmentation
- Path MTU discovery 
- Module 3 laboratory

Módulo 4: IPv6 Security

- ICMPv6
- Neighbor discovery protocol
    - Router solicitation
    - Router advertisement
    - Neighbor solicitation
        - Duplicate address detection
        - Neighbor unreachability detection
   - Neighbor advertisement
       - Managed address configuration flag
       - Other configuration flag
   - Redirect
- MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery)
- Temporary addresses
- Firewall
- IPsec
      - Header only encryption (AH)
      - Data only encryption (ESP)
      - Header and data encryption (AH+ESP) 
- Module 4 laboratory

Módulo 5: Transition Mechanisms

- Dual stack (RIPE recommended)
- 6to4 • 6RD
- Teredo
- DS-lite (Dual stack lite)
- Module 5 laborator

Módulo 6: TInteroperability
- IPv6 pool
    - DHCP PD server
    - DHCP PD client
    - DHCPv6 client  
- IPv6 tunnels
    - IPIPv6
    - EoIPv6
    - GRE6
- IP version agnostic
    - DNS
    - Reverse DNS
    - NTP
    - PPP IPv6 support
-  Routing
    - Using global addresses as in IPv4
    - Using link-local addresses as in IPv6
- RouterOS features not yet available for IPv6
    - NAT
    - HotSpot
    - RADIUS integration
    - Policy routing
    - DHCPv6 server
- Tools
    - Ping
    - Traceroute
    - Torch
    - Traffic generator
    - Email
    - Netwatch
    - Traffic flow
- Module 6 laboratory


MikroTik Certified Traffic Control Engineer

Módulo 1: DNS
- DNS cliente/caché
- DNS transparente
- DNS estático

Módulo 2: DHCP
- Análisis de comunicación DHCP
- Pool de direcciones IP
- DHCP Server/Cliente
- Alerts
- DHCP Relay

Módulo 3: Firewall - filter

- Chains
- Connection Tracking
- Connection State/TCP State
- Diagrama de Flujo

Módulo 4: Firewall - filter: Chain Input

- Reglas indispensables para protección de router
- Intrusiones de Red
- Port Scan
- DoS/DDoS
- Ping Flooding

Módulo 5: Firewall Filter: Chain Forward

- Reglas indispensables para protección del flujo de datos
- Intrusiones de Red
- Ping Flooding

Módulo 6: Bogor IPs

- Direcciones reservadas
- Direcciones privadas
- IPs públicamente ruteables

Módulo 7: Firewall NAT

- Diagrama de Flujo
- src-nat/redirect/netmap/same
Módulo 8: Firewall Mangle
- Diagrama de Flujo
- Mark-connection
- Mark-packet
- Chains (default/custom)

Módulo 9: HTB
- Diagrama de Flujo
- Estructura HTB
- Limitación Dual
- Prioridad

Módulo 10: Queue Trees

- Simple Queues
- Queue Trees
- Queue Types (fifo, red, sfq)

Módulo 11: Burst

- Parámetros (burst limit, burst threshold, burst time)
- Fórmula

Módulo 12: Web Proxy

- Almacenamiento, Regular/Transparente
- Access List
- Direct List
- Cache List
- Expresiones Regulares

Módulo 13: TTL

- TTL (Time To Live)
- Action=change-ttl
- Efecto en ruteo/forwarding

Módulo 14: Balanceo de Carga

- PCC-ECMP-Nth paquete
- Mark-routing
- Tabla principal de ruteo
- Failover
- Check-gateway


MikroTik Certified Routing Engineer

Módulo 1: Static Routing

- More specific routes
- How to force gateway over specific interface
- Gateway reachability check and route distance + LAB
- Routing mark and route policy + LAB
- Recursive next-hop and scope/target-scope usage + LAB

Módulo 2: Point to point addressing

- PtP address configuration + LAB

Módulo 3: VPN
- What is VPN?
- Different types of VPN
- Site to site connectivity with tunnels (IPIP, EoIP, PPTP, SSTP, L2TP, PPPoE) + LAB
- Vlan and it's usage
- QinQ implementation + LAB
- Vlan and managed switch
- Vlan and switch chip configuration on Rbs + LAB

Módulo 4: OSPF
- What is OSPF?
- How OSPF protocol works (Hello protocol, Database distribution and LSA types explained)
- OSPF network structure (Areas, Router types)
- OSPF neighbors and neighbor states (DR and BDR election) + LAB
- External Route Distribution methods (type1, type2) + LAB
- Interface cost and interface types (broadcast, NBMA, etc.) + LAB
- SPT calculation algorithm
- OSPF and multicast (problems with NBMA)
- Stub, NSSA and area ranges (route aggregation) + LAB
- Virtual links, usage and limitations + LAB
- OSPF routing filters and limitations + LAB


MikroTik Certified User Management Engineer

Módulo 1: PPP
- PPP Profile + LAB;
- Local and Remote addresses;
- Incoming/Outgoing Filters;
- Address List;
- Change TCP-MSS;
- Use Encryption;
- Session Timeout;
- Rate-Limit configuration;
- Only-one setting;
- PPP Secret + LAB;
- Service and Profile;
- Local and Remote address;
- Routes configuration;
- Limit Bytes In/Limit Bytes Out configuration;
- IP Pool;
- Set addresses ranges;
- Next Pool options;

Módulo 2: PPTP / L2TP

- PPTP and L2TP;
- Theory;
- Comparison;
- PPTP Client configuration + LAB;
- Client Setup;
- Set profile;
- Dial-on-Demand;
- Add Default Route and static routes;
- PPTP Server configuration + LAB;
- Enable server;
- Setup profiles;
- Add clients to /ppp secret;
- Set static interfaces for clients;
- L2TP Client configuration + LAB;
- Client setup;
- Configure profile;
- Dial-on-Demand;
- Add Default Route and static routes;
- PPTP Server configuration + LAB;
- Enable server;
- Set profiles;
- Add clients to /ppp secret;
- Set Static interfaces for clients;

Módulo 3: PPPoE
- PPPoE server and client;
- Theory;
- Usage environment;
- Comparison to othe PPP protocols;
- PPPoE client configuration + LAB;
- Client setup;
- Select interface;
- Service name
- Configure profile;
- PPPoE Server configuration + LAB;
- Enable PPPoE server;
- Set profiles;
- Add clients to /ppp secret;
- Add Static interfaces for clients;
- Secure server by removing any IP address from PPPoE server interface;
- Encryption + LAB;
- Set profile without encryption;
- Set profile with encryption;
- Configure PPPoE client without encryption;
- Interface ECMP;
- set ECMP routes for ppp interfaces;

Módulo 4: PPP Bridging

- L2TP and EoIP + LAB;
- Set L2TP tunnel;
- Set EoIP tunnel;
- Create bridge and add necessary interfaces to ports;
- Confirm you have Ethernet connectivity between remote nodes;
- L2TP and VPLS + LAB;
- Set L2TP tunnel;
- Set VPLS tunnel;
- Create bridge and add necessary interfaces to ports;
- L2TP and BCP + LAB;
- Set L2TP tunnel;
- Use BCP to bridge PPP interface;
- Add to bridge necessary interface;
- Multilink Protocol;
- Enable Multilink by specifying correct MRRU settings;
- Disable Mangle rules for MSS adjustment;
- MLPPP [optional];
- Setup client and specify multiple interfaces for one client;
- Set PPPPoE server with MLPPP support;

Módulo 5: IPSec
- Introduction;
- Theory and concepts;
- Comparison to other VPN protocols;
- IPSec Peer;
- Use different authentication methods;
- IPSec exchange modes;
- Encryption and Hash algorithms;
- NAT-Traversal;
- Lifetime and Lifebytes;
- DPD protocol;
- Policy;
- IPsec protocol and action;
- Tunnels;
- Generate dynamic Policy;
- Proposal;
- Encryption and Authentication algorithms;
- Lifetime;
- PFS;
- Installed-SA;
- Flush SA;
- Create IPSec between two routers with NAT + LAB;
- Set peer;
- Set policy;
- Set NAT rules;
- Confirm the secure link is established;

Módulo 6: HotSpot
- Introduction;
- Concepts;
- Usage environments;
- Setup HotSpot with default settings + LAB;
- HotSpot Login Methods + LAB;
- MAC;
- Cookie;
- Trial;
- Users + LAB;
- Add users;
- Set MAC-address for user
- Set MAC-address for username;
- Limit Uptime and Limit Bytes In/Out;
- Reset limits for user;
- Monitor Users;
- Host Table;
- Active Table;
- SNMP for users;
- Profile + LAB;
- Keepalive timeout;
- Shared users;
- Rate-Limit;
- Address-list;
- Incoming/Outgoing filter;
- Incoming/Outgoing Packet Mark;
- Bypass HotSpot;
- walled-garden;
- walled-garden ip;
- ip-binding;
- Customize HotSpot + LAB;
- Advertisement;
- Customize pages;

Módulo 7: RADIUS
- RADIUS client + LAB
- add radius client;
- set service;
- use-radius for the specific service
- RADIUS server;
- User Manager + LAB
- Install the latest user-manager;
- Add routers;
- Add users;
- Set profile;
- RADIUS incoming
MikroTik Certified Inter-networking Engineer

Módulo 1: BGP
- What is Autonomous System
- What is BGP?
- Path Vector algorithm
- BGP Transport and packet types
- iBGP and eBGP + LAB
- Stub network scenarios and private AS removal + LAB
- Non-stub scenarios + LAB
- iBGP and eBGP multihop and loopback usage + LAB
- Route distribution and routing filters + LAB
- BGP best path selection algorithm
- BGP prefix attributes and their usage + LAB
- BGP route reflectors and confederations + LAB

Módulo 2: MPLS
- What is MPLS (basics)
- Static Label Mapping + LAB
- Label Distribution (LDP) + LAB
- What is Penultimate-hop-popping
- MPLS traceroute differences
- LDP based VPLS tunnels + LAB
- What is Bridge Split Horizon + LAB
- VPLS Control Word (CW) usage
- L2MTU importance and MPLS fragmentation
- BGP based VPLS + LAB
- VRF and route leaking + LAB
- L3VPN (BGP based Layer3 tunnels) + LAB
- OSPF as CE-PE protocol

Módulo 3: Traffic Engineering

- What is traffic engineering and how it works
- RSVP, Static path, dynamic path (CSPF) + LAB
- Bandwidth allocation and bandwidth limitation differences and settings + LAB

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