English For Life - Spanish - New

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Durante mi juventud tuve la oportunidad de aprender el idioma

inglés, al principio mi intención era tener mejores oportunidades en
el campo profesional, pero durante mi proceso de aprendizaje vi
que el inglés abre nuestra mente a un mundo desconocido, un
mundo de información, un mundo de expansión en la
comunicación, un mundo más divertido y un mundo con mayores

Al ver que todo esto sucedía en mi vida, tenía la intención principal

de llevar este “nuevo mundo” a todas las personas que me
rodeaban. Después de mucho estudio, investigación y
experimentos, creé Aliança América - Idiomas.

Mucha gente pone el aprendizaje del inglés como algo muy difícil,
inalcanzable, Aliança América fue creada para mostrar que esta
barrera se puede romper, que es posible aprender inglés de una
manera divertida y práctica. Con eso creamos nuestros 3 libros de
enseño, English For Life, English Conversation e English Pro.

El camino para adquirir uidez puede parecer un desafío, pero no

se preocupe, en Aliança America ya lo hemos preparado para
usted. Me gusta mucho una película que tiene como mensaje
principal el lema “Cualquiera puede cocinar”, te lo digo ahora:
Cualquiera puede aprender inglés.

En Aliança con amos en usted y estaremos dispuestos a

acompañarlo en el camino para adquirir uidez en el idioma inglés.

Gracias por con ar su futuro a Aliança America.

Helaman M. Fernandes





UNIDAD 1……………………………………….1
UNIDAD 2……………………………………….9
UNIDAD 3………………………………………17
UNIDAD 4………………………………………25
QUARTER TEST 1……………………………33
UNIDAD 5………………………………..…….35
UNIDAD 6………………………………..…….43
UNIDAD 7………………………………..…….51
UNIDAD 8………………………………..…….59
QUARTER TEST 2……………………..…….67
UNIDAD 9……………………………………..69
UNIDAD 10…………………………..……….77
UNIDAD 11…………………….……………..85
UNIDAD 12……………………….…………..93
QUARTER TEST 1…………………..……..101
UNIDAD 13………………………….…..…..103
UNIDAD 14………………………….…..…..111
UNIDAD 15………………………….…..…..119
UNIDAD 16………………………….………127
QUARTER TEST 2……………….…………129



English For Life - Basic English es el primer libro de una colección de
3 libros que retratan todo el contenido del idioma inglés, desde los
conceptos básicos hasta las complicadas gramáticas del inglés.

A diferencia de los miles de cursos y libros que se encuentran hoy

en día, los libros de Aliança América tienen como objetivo enseñar
inglés como una cosa fácil y rápida de aprender, que la enseñanza
del idioma depende mucho más de cómo se aprende, que de quién
está aprendiendo. Aliança América y todos los empleados creen
que cualquiera puede aprender inglés, ya sea un niño pequeño, un
anciano mayor, todos deberían tener la oportunidad de aprender el
idioma más importante del mundo.

Las clases impartidas por los profesores de Aliança América

contienen algunos pasos que se le presentarán al alumno durante
las clases. Estas son clases que se construyen con el gran trabajo de
decenas de grandes profesionales y con una extensa investigación.

El libro consta de unidades, cada unidad contiene 3 clases y una

revisión, la revisión es una pequeña prueba para que podamos
evaluar tus conocimientos para pasar a las siguientes clases, cada 4
unidades luego se hacen la “Prueba del trimestre”, se evalúa así las 4
unidades de estudio. Al nal del libro está la “Prueba nal” que es la
evaluación nal de las 16 unidades del libro.

Creemos en ti y en tu potencial, sabemos que te espera un futuro

brillante y estamos agradecidos de poder ser parte de él.
Bienvenidos a Aliança América - Idiomas.




I Yo
You Tú

Verbs Verbos

I eat Yo como
You drink Tú bebes

Practicing Practicando

I drink coffee Yo tomo café

You drink milk Tú bebes la leche
I eat bread Yo como pan
I drink hot chocolate Yo bebo chocolate caliente
You drink soda Tú bebes refresco
I eat rice Yo como arroz
You eat banana Tú comes banana
I drink water Yo bebo agua
You eat beans Tú comes frijoles
I eat apple Yo como manzana
I eat cheese Yo como queso
You eat ham Tú comes jamón
I eat chicken Yo como pollo
You eat meat Tú comes carne
I eat salad Yo como ensalada
You eat chicken and salad Tú comes pollo y ensalada
I eat bread, ham and cheese Yo como pan, jamón y queso
You eat rice, beans and meat Tú comes arroz, frijoles y carne

Negative Negativo

I don’t drink hot chocolate Yo no bebo chocolate caliente

You don’t eat bread Tú no comes pan
I don’t eat apple and bananas Yo no como manzanas y bananas
You don’t drink water Tú no bebes agua
You don’t eat chicken and salad Tú no comes pollo y ensalada
I don’t eat rice, beans and meat Yo no como arroz, frijoles y carne

Interrogative Interrogativo

Do you drink coffee? ¿Tú bebes café?

Do you eat bread and cheese? ¿Tú comes pan y queso?
Do you eat rice and beans? ¿Tú comes arroz y frijoles?
Do you eat bananas? ¿Tú comes plátanos?
Do you drink water? ¿Tú bebes agua?
Do you eat chicken or meat? ¿Tú comes pollo o carne?


Good morning Buenos días

Good afternoon Buenas tardes
Good night Buenas
Good evening noches
Hi Hola
How are you? ¿Todo bien?
I am ne Yo estoy bien
Thanks Gracias


Ben: Hi John
John: Hello Ben, how are you?
Ben: I am ne, thanks, how are you?
John: I am ne too Ben.

Ben: Do you drink coffee John?

John: No, I don’t drink coffee, but I drink soda.

John: Do you eat rice and beans Ben?

Ben: Yes, I eat rice and beans and I eat chicken too.






I Yo
You Tú

Verbs Verbos

I like Me gusta
You have Tú tienes

Practicing Practicando

I like you Me gustas tu

You have two brothers Tú tienes dos hermanos
I like my mother Me gusta mi madre
I have two daughters Yo tengo dos hijas
You like me Te gusto
I like my family Me gusta mi familia
You have a girlfriend too Tú también tienes novia
I like my father Me gusta mi papa
You have a son too Tú también tienes un hijo
I have four sisters Yo tengo cuatro hermanas
I have to eat chocolate Yo tengo que comer chocolate
You like to drink soda Te gusta beber refrescos
I have to eat now Yo tengo que comer ahora
You have three brothers Tú tienes tres hermanos
You like your girlfriend Te gusta tu novia

Negative Negativo

I don’t like my sister No me gusta mi hermana

You don’t have to eat now Tú no tienes que comer ahora
I don’t have two brothers, I have three Yo no tengo dos hermanos, tengo tres
You don’t have to like me Tú no tienes que gustarme
You don’t have a boyfriend Tú no tienes novio
I don’t have to eat chocolate Yo no tengo que comer chocolate

Interrogative Interrogativo

Do you like your sister? ¿Te gusta tu hermana?

Do you like to drink soda? ¿Te gusta beber refresco?
Do you have to eat rice and beans? ¿Tú tienes que comer arroz y frijoles?
Do you have three brothers and sisters? ¿Tú tienes tres hermanos?
Do you have a girlfriend? ¿Tú tienes novia?
Do you like to eat apple? ¿Te gusta comer manzana?


1- One 9- Nine 17- Seventeen 60- Sixty

2- Two 10- Ten 18- Eighteen 70- Seventy
3- Three 11- Eleven 19- Nineteen 80- Eighty
4- Four 12- Twelve 20- Twenty 90- Ninety
5- Five 13- Thirteen 21- Twenty-one 100- One Hundred
6- Six 14- Fourteen 30- Thirty 200- Two Hundred
7- Seven 15- Fifteen 40- Forty 1.000- One thousand
8- Eight 16- Sixteen 50- Fifty 1.000.000- One Million


Ben: Hi John, how are you?

John: Hello Ben, I am ne and you?
Ben: I am ne too, John do you have a girlfriend?
John: No Ben, I don’t have a girlfriend, do you have
Ben: Yes, I love my girlfriend.






I Yo
You Tú

Verbs Verbos

I want Yo quiero
You play Tú juegas/tocas

Practicing Practicando

I want chocolate Yo quiero chocolate

You play soccer Tú juegas futbol
I play the piano Yo toco el piano
I want to eat Yo quiero comer
You play the guitar Tú tocas la guitarra
I want to play the piano Yo quiero tocar el piano
You want to drink soda Tú quieres beber refresco
I like to play the guitar Me gusta tocar la guitarra
You like to play volleyball Te gusta jugar al voleibol
I want to play basketball in the morning Yo quiero jugar baloncesto por la mañana
I like to eat ham and cheese in the morning Me gusta comer jamón y queso por las mañanas
I have to eat in the morning Yo tengo que comer por la mañana
I have to play soccer in the afternoon Yo tengo que jugar futbol por la tarde
You have to eat every day Tú tienes que comer todos los días
I want to play the piano today Hoy quiero tocar el piano
I have to play soccer tomorrow Yo tengo que jugar futbol mañana
I eat bread every day in the morning Yo como pan todos los días por la mañana

Negative Negativo

I don’t have to play soccer now Yo no tengo que jugar futbol ahora
You don’t have to eat salad every day Tú no tienes que comer ensalada todos los días
I don’t want to drink water, I want soda Yo no quiero beber agua, quiero refrescos
You don’t play basketball on weekends Tú no juegas baloncesto los nes de semana
You don’t like to play handball No te gusta jugar al balonmano
I don’t have to play the piano on weekends Yo no tengo que tocar el piano los nes de semana

Interrogative Interrogativo

Do you have to play soccer every day? ¿Tú tienes que jugar al fútbol todos los días?
Do you want to eat chocolate? ¿Tú quieres comer chocolate?
Do you play the piano on weekends? ¿Tú tocas el piano los nes de semana?
Do you like to play the guitar? ¿Te gusta tocar la guitarra?
Do you want to drink a cup of milk? ¿Tú quieres beber una taza de leche?
Do you want to drink water? ¿Tú quieres beber agua?





A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Ben: Hello John, how are you?

John: I am ne Ben and you?
Ben: I am ne; do you play the piano John?
John: Yes Ben, I play the piano and you? do you play the piano?
Ben: No man, I play the guitar.
John: Really? Cool.

Monica: Hello Jennifer, do you like to eat cheese and ham in the morning?
Jennifer: Yes Monica, I love to eat cheese and ham. I eat cheese, ham, a cup of milk and
bread in the morning.
Monica: Hum, very good.







I eat You like I want

You drink I have You play


Good morning Buenos días

Good afternoon Buenas tardes
Good night Buenas noches
Hi Hola
How are you? ¿Todo bien?
I am ne Yo estoy bien
Thanks Gracias

1- One 9- Nine 17- Seventeen 60- Sixty

2- Two 10- Ten 18- Eighteen 70- Seventy
3- Three 11- Eleven 19- Nineteen 80- Eighty
4- Four 12- Twelve 20- Twenty 90- Ninety
5- Five 13- Thirteen 21- Twenty-one 100- One Hundred
6- Six 14- Fourteen 30- Thirty 200- Two Hundred
7- Seven 15- Fifteen 40- Forty 1.000- One thousand
8- Eight 16- Sixteen 50- Fifty 1.000.000- One Million

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Complete the sentences:

I want ____to play soccer today_____________. I don’t want ________________________________.

You play __________________________________. You don’t play _____________________________.

I drink ____________________________________. I don’t eat _________________________________.

You eat ___________________________________. You don’t drink _____________________________.

I like _____________________________________. You don't have _____________________________.

You have _________________________________. I don’t like _________________________________.

Do you play ______________________________? Do you drink _______________________________?

Do you like _______________________________? Do you eat _________________________________?

Do you want ______________________________? Do you have _______________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you like to play soccer? A: ___________No, I don’t like to play soccer__________________________.

Do you eat rice and beans every day? A: _____________________________________________________.

Do you have brothers and sisters? A: ________________________________________________________.

Do you play the guitar? A: __________________________________________________________________.

Do you want to play the piano? A: ___________________________________________________________.

Do you play sports? A: _____________________________________________________________________.

Do you drink soda in the morning? A: ________________________________________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Hello Ben, how are you, do you like to play soccer?___________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



We Nosotros
They Ellos

Verbs Verbos

We work Nosotros trabajamos

They study Ellos estudian

Practicing Practicando

We work in the morning Nosotros trabajamos por la mañana

You study in the afternoon Tú estudias por la tarde
They want to study with me Ellos quieren estudiar conmigo
We have to work on Saturday Nosotros tenemos que trabajar el sábado
They have to study in the morning Ellos tienen que estudiar por la mañana
We want to play soccer on Sunday Nosotros queremos jugar al fútbol el domingo
We work on weekends Nosotros trabajamos los nes de semana
I have to play the piano every Monday Yo tengo que tocar el piano todos los lunes
You study English every day ¿Tú estudias inglés todos los días?
I want to study Italian Yo quiero estudiar italiano
I want to eat Mexican food Yo quiero comer comida mexicana
They have an American friend Ellos tienen un amigo americano
I want to play video game with you Yo quiero jugar videojuegos contigo
You want to eat cake with me Tú quieres comer pastel conmigo
They work with my family Ellos trabajan con mi familia
We study with your friends every Friday Nosotros estudiamos con tus amigos todos los viernes

Negative Negativo

I don’t work on weekends Yo no trabajo los nes de semana

We don’t have to study on Saturdays Nosotros no tenemos que estudiar los sábados
They don’t have to play soccer on Sunday Ellos no tienen que jugar al fútbol el domingo
You don’t drink beer Friday night Tú no bebes cerveza el viernes por la noche
We don’t have to work every day Nosotros no tenemos que trabajar todos los días
We don’t like to eat Italian food No nos gusta comer comida italiana

Interrogative Interrogativo

Do you like your job? ¿Te gusta tu trabajo?

Do you want to play the guitar on Sunday? ¿Tú quieres tocar la guitarra el domingo?
Do they have to study English? ¿Ellos tienen que estudiar inglés?
Do they want to play soccer tomorrow? ¿Ellos quieren jugar al fútbol mañana?
Do you have to study today? ¿Tú tienes que estudiar hoy?
Do you want to eat bread with me? ¿Quieres comer pan conmigo?




Time Days of the Week Need to Know

Morning - Mañana Sunday – Domingo With – Con

Afternoon – Tarde Monday – Lunes The – la, lo, los, las, el
Night - Noche Tuesday – Martes A / An – Un, una
Every day – Todos los días Wednesday – Miércoles And – Y, E
Today - Hoy Thursday – Jueves But – Pero
Tomorrow – Mañana Friday – Viernes New - Nuevo
Saturday – Sábado


Monica: Jennifer, do you work every day?

Jennifer: No Monica, I work from Monday to Friday, I don’t work on weekends, and you? Do
you work on weekends?
Monica: Yes my friend, I have to work every day, but I like to work. Do you like your job?
Jennifer: No, I want a new job.





We Nosotros
They Ellos

Verbs Verbos

We read Nosotros leemos

They write Ellos escriben

Practicing Practicando

We write letters every day Nosotros escribimos cartas todos los días
You study and read on weekends Tú estudias y lees los nes de semana
I like to read books in the morning Me gusta leer libros por la mañana
They write letters to their girlfriends Ellos escriben cartas a sus novias
They like to read new books every month Les gusta leer libros nuevos todos los meses.
We read only in English Nosotros solo leemos en ingles
We write on our journals every night Nosotros escribimos en nuestros diarios todas las noches
I like to read any book Me gusta leer cualquier libro
You study some books in English Tú estudias algunos libros en ingles
I have to read one book every month Yo tengo que leer un libro todos los meses
I want to read the new Harry Potter book Yo quiero leer el nuevo libro de Harry Potter.
They have to eat something Ellos tienen que comer algo
I have to drink something Yo tengo que beber algo

Negative Negativo

We don’t have to eat anything Nosotros no tenemos que comer nada

We don’t write to our girlfriends Nosotros no les escribimos a nuestras amigas
They don’t have to read every morning Ellos no tienen que leer todas las mañanas
You don’t have to read with me Tú no tienes que leer conmigo
I don’t want to read with you Yo no quiero leer contigo
We don’t write new books Nosotros no escribimos libros nuevos

Interrogative Interrogativo

What do you like to read? ¿Qué te gusta leer?

What do you have to eat in the morning? ¿Qué tienes que comer por la mañana?
When do you play soccer? ¿Cuándo juegas al fútbol?
When do you want to play the piano? ¿Cuándo quieres tocar el piano?
Where do you study? ¿Dónde estudias?
Where do you work? ¿Dónde trabajas?
What do you like to drink? ¿Qué te gusta beber?
What do you want to eat now? ¿Qué quieres comer ahora?




What Qué
When Cuando
Where Dónde / Adonde / En donde
Your Tu / Tus / Vuestro / Vuestra / Vuestros / Vuestras
My Mi
Our Nuestro / Nuestra
Their Su / Sus / Suyo / Suya / Suyos / Suyas
Any Alguno / Alguna / Cualquier / Cualquiera
Some Algunos / Algunas / Unos / Unas
Every Cada / Todo / Todos


Monica: Good morning Jennifer, how are you?

Jennifer: Hello Monica, I am ne, hey Monica, what do you eat in the morning?
Monica: Well, I eat a sandwich. My sandwich is bread, cheese, ham and salad, and I drink a
glass of orange Juice too. And you, what do you eat in the morning?
Jennifer: I eat apple cake, orange juice and bread with cheese.
Monica: Very good.

Ben: Hey John, what do you like to read?

John: Hi Ben, I love to read adventure books, and you?
Ben: I don’t like to read anything, I like to write, I write stories every morning.
John: Cool, I like to write too.






We Nosotros
They Ellos

Verbs Verbos

We think Nosotros pensamos / creemos

They know Ellos saben / conocen

Practicing Practicando

We know your family Nosotros conocemos a tu familia

You know how to play the piano Tú sabes tocar el piano
I think you want to play soccer Yo creo que quieres jugar futbol
They think we have to eat more fruits Ellos piensan que tenemos que comer más frutas.
They know my friend Carlos Ellos conocen a mi amigo Carlos
We think you eat too much Nosotros creemos que comes demasiado
They think you like me Ellos piensan que te gusto
I think I have to work Yo creo que tengo que trabajar
You have to study more Tú tienes que estudiar más
I know you like my sister Yo sé que te gusta mi hermana
I want to know English Yo quiero saber inglés
I know how to play the piano Yo puedo tocar el piano
You know how to play the guitar Tú sabes tocar la guitarra

Negative Negativo

You don’t know how to play the piano Tú no sabes tocar el piano
I don’t know how to play soccer Yo no sé cómo jugar futbol
I don’t know your sister Yo no conozco a tu hermana
They don’t know our family Ellos no conocen a nuestra familia
I don’t think you like my mother Yo no creo que te guste mi mamá
They don’t think you have to play soccer Ellos no creen que tengas que jugar al fútbol

Interrogative Interrogativo

What do you think? ¿Qué piensa usted?

What do you know? ¿Qué sabes?
When do you think we have to work? ¿Cuándo crees que tenemos que trabajar?
Where do you think I study? ¿Dónde crees que estudio?
Do you know how to play the piano? ¿Sabes tocar el piano?
Do you think we have to study Thursday? ¿Crees que tenemos que estudiar el jueves?
Do you know how to play soccer? ¿Sabes jugar al fútbol?
Do you play soccer every Saturday? ¿Juegas al fútbol todos los sábados?



I know how to speak English Yo sé hablar inglés

You know how to play the piano Tú sabes tocar el piano
I know how to x a computer Yo sé cómo arreglar una computadora
You know how to play soccer Tú sabes cómo jugar futbol
I know how to talk to people Yo sé cómo hablar con la gente
You know how to swim Usted sabe nadar


Monica: Hello Jennifer, how are you?

Jennifer: Hi Monica, I am ne and you?
Monica: I am ne too. Jennifer what do you think about me?
Jennifer: Well Monica, I really like you, I know you for a long time.
Monica: Very good, I really like you too Jennifer. Do you know how to play volleyball? I want
to play a little, do you want to play with me?
Jennifer: Sorry Monica, I don’t know how to play volleyball, but I want to play with you.







I thin We wor I rea

You kno They stud We writ

Time Days of the Week Need to Know

Morning - Mañana Sunday – Domingo With – Con

Afternoon – Tarde Monday – Lunes The – la, lo, los, las, el
Night - Noche Tuesday – Martes A / An – Un, una
Every day – Todos los días Wednesday – Miércoles And – Y, E
Today - Hoy Thursday – Jueves But – Pero
Tomorrow – Mañana Friday – Viernes New - Nuevo
Saturday – Sábado

What Qué
When Cuando
Where Dónde / Adonde / En donde
Your Tu / Tus / Vuestro / Vuestra / Vuestros / Vuestras
My Mi
Our Nuestro / Nuestra
Their Su / Sus / Suyo / Suya / Suyos / Suyas
Any Alguno / Alguna / Cualquier / Cualquiera
Some Algunos / Algunas / Unos / Unas
Every Cada / Todo / Todos

I know how to speak English Yo sé hablar inglés

You know how to play the piano Tú sabes tocar el piano
I know how to x a computer Yo sé cómo arreglar una computadora
You know how to play soccer Tú sabes cómo jugar futbol
I know how to talk to people Yo sé cómo hablar con la gente
You know how to swim Usted sabe nadar



Complete the sentences:

I know ___how to play soccer _____________. I don’t know _______________________________.

You think ________________________________. We don’t think _____________________________.

We work ________________________________. They don’t work ____________________________.

They study ______________________________. You don’t study ____________________________.

I read ___________________________________. You don’t read _____________________________.

We write ________________________________. I don’t write _______________________________.

Do we think _____________________________? Do they write ______________________________?

Do you read _____________________________? Do you work _______________________________?

Do you study ____________________________? Do they know ______________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _______No, I don’t know how to play soccer________________.

When do you work? A: ____________________________________________________________________.

What do you like to eat? A: ________________________________________________________________.

Where do you work? A: ___________________________________________________________________.

What books do you like to read? A: _________________________________________________________.

Do you know how to play the piano? A: _____________________________________________________.

When do you study English? A: ____________________________________________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Hello Ben, how are you, do you have to work today?__________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



We Nosotros
They Ellos
You Tú

Verbs Verbos

We talk Nosotros hablamos

They sleep Ellos duermen
You go Vosotros vais

Practicing Practicando

You have to go to the park right now Tú tienes que ir al parque ahora
They like to sleep every day at school Les gusta dormir todos los días en la escuela.
We want to go to the movies today Nosotros queremos ir al cine hoy
They have to go to work every Monday morning Ellos tienen que ir a trabajar todos los lunes por la mañana.
I want to sleep in my bedroom Yo quiero dormir en mi cuarto
They want to talk in the living room Ellos quieren charlar en la habitación
We have to go now Nosotros tenemos que irnos ahora
You want to talk about Mary in the kitchen ¿Quieres hablar de María en la cocina?
They have to go to the bathroom Ellos tienen que ir al baño
You want to go to my new apartment Tú quieres ir a mi nuevo apartamento
They have to go to their houses Ellos tienen que irse a sus casas
We have to talk about our home Nosotros tenemos que hablar de nuestro hogar
They have to go to their farms Ellos tienen que ir a sus granjas

Negative Negativo

You don’t have to go to the beach with me Tú no tienes que ir a la playa conmigo
I don’t know how to go to the park Yo no sé cómo ir al parque
We don’t want to go to your house Nosotros no queremos ir a tu casa
They don’t want to talk to you Ellos no quieren hablar contigo
I don’t think you sleep every day in the afternoon Yo no creo que duermas todos los días por la tarde
You don’t talk to your parents Tú no hablas con tus padres

Interrogative Interrogativo

What do you like to talk about? ¿De qué te gusta hablar?

Where do you have to go now? ¿A dónde tienes que ir ahora?
When do we have to go to Paris? ¿Cuándo tenemos que ir a París?
What do you want to talk about? ¿Sobre qué quiere conversar?
When do you like to sleep? ¿Cuándo te gusta dormir?
Do you have to go to your house now? ¿Tienes que ir a tu casa ahora?
Do you like to sleep in the morning? ¿Te gusta dormir por la mañana?
Do you have to go to Paris on weekends? ¿Tienes que ir a París los nes de semana?




Living Room Sala

Bedroom Habitación
Bathroom Baño
Kitchen Cocina
House Casa, Lar
Home Hogar
Apartment Departamento
Farm Granja


Monica: Hello Jennifer, do you want to go to the movies with me?

Jennifer: Yes, Monica, when do you want to go?
Monica: Tomorrow afternoon.
Jennifer: Okay Monica, See you tomorrow.
Monica: Okay Jennifer. Bye, bye.

Ben: Hey John, we have to talk.

John: Hello Ben, what do we need to talk about?
Ben: Well, I want to go to Barcelona for a long time, and I want to know if you want to go
with me, what do you think? I want to go next month; do you want to go with me?
John: Cool Ben, great idea, I want to go with you my friend, but I don’t have money now,
maybe next year.





He Él
She Ella
It Él / Ella (animales / objetos)

Verbs Verbos

He needs Él necesita
She prefers Ella pre ere
It eats Él / Ella come

Practicing Practicando

He needs to play soccer everyday Él necesita jugar al fútbol todos los días
She prefers to eat chocolate than fruits Ella pre ere comer chocolate que frutas
She goes to the supermarket every Saturday Ella va al supermercado todos los sábados
He needs to play the guitar on weekends Él necesita tocar la guitarra los nes de semana
She prefers to play the guitar than the piano Ella pre ere tocar la guitarra que el piano
He prefers to talk to his mother than to his father Él pre ere hablar con su madre que con su padre
She eats chocolate in the morning Ella come chocolate por la mañana
He wants to talk to you Mary Él quiere hablar contigo Mary
She thinks we need to study more Ella piensa que necesitamos estudiar más
He likes to play volleyball with his friends Le gusta jugar al voleibol con sus amigos.
He needs to talk to his parents Él Necesita hablar con sus padres
She wants to play videogames with her boyfriend Ella quiere jugar videojuegos con su novio
She writes letters to her friends every Monday Ella escribe cartas a sus amigos todos los lunes.

Negative Negativo

He doesn’t talk to strangers Él no habla con extraños

He doesn’t need to talk to me Él no necesita hablar conmigo
She doesn’t need to go with me Ella no necesita ir conmigo
She doesn’t eat bread in the morning Ella no come pan por la mañana
He doesn’t play videogames on weekends Él no juega a videojuegos los nes de semana
She doesn’t like her new apartment Ella no le gusta su nuevo apartamento

Interrogative Interrogativo

What does he prefer? ¿Qué pre ere él?

What does she like to eat? ¿Qué le gusta comer?
When does he have to play soccer? ¿Cuándo él tiene que jugar al fútbol?
Where does he study? ¿Dónde estudia él?
Does she like to play videogames with you? ¿Le gusta jugar videojuegos contigo?
Does he have to go to school now? ¿Él tiene que ir a la escuela ahora?
When does he need to go? ¿Cuándo tiene que irse?
What does he eat in the morning? ¿Qué come él por la mañana?







She eats He writes

He drinks She thinks
She likes He knows
He has She talks
She wants He sleeps
He plays She goes
She works He needs
He studies She prefers
She reads He speaks


Monica: Good morning Jennifer, how are you? Do you have a dog?
Jennifer: Hello Monica, yes I have a dog, I love it.
Monica: Nice, my friend Carla wants a dog too.
Jennifer: Cool, does she like cats too?
Monica: No, she doesn’t like cats, she only likes dogs.

Ben: Hey John, do you have a brother?

John: Yes Ben, I have one brother, his name is Jonathan.
Ben: Does he want to play soccer with me?
John: Yes, he likes soccer and he wants to play with you.





He Él
She Ella
It Él / Ella (animales / objetos)

Verbs Verbos

He buys Él compra
She sells Ella vende
It wants El / ella quiere

Practicing Practicando

He buys a new car every year Él compra un auto nuevo cada año
She sells her clothes to her friends Ella vende su ropa a sus amigas
She wants to buy a new apartment Ella quiere comprar un apartamento nuevo
He wants to sell his jacket Él quiere vender su chaqueta
He likes to buy new t-shirts every day Le gusta comprar camisetas todos los días.
She needs to go to the supermarket to buy fruits Ella necesita ir al supermercado a comprar fruta.
She prefers to buy at Carrefour than at Walmart Ella pre ere comprar en Carrefour que en Walmart
She needs to sell something Ella necesita vender algo
He wants to buy a new car Él quiere comprarse un auto nuevo
He has to go to the store to buy a new shirt Él tiene que ir a la tienda a comprar una camiseta nueva.
She has to play soccer with her friends Ella tiene que jugar al fútbol con sus amigos.
He has to talk to his father about me Él tiene que hablar con su padre de mi
She wants to buy everything Ella quiere comprar todo

Negative Negativo

He doesn’t have to sell his car Él no tiene que vender su carro

She doesn’t need to buy this dress Ella no necesita comprar este vestido
He doesn’t need a new jacket Él no necesita una chaqueta nueva
She doesn’t have shoes Ella no tiene zapatos
He doesn’t need to buy new pants Él no necesita comprarse pantalones nuevos
He doesn’t need new shorts to play soccer Él no necesita pantalones cortos nuevos para jugar al
What socks do you prefer?
What do you want to sell? ¿Qué calcetines pre eres?
When does she want to buy a new car? ¿Qué quieres vender?
Where does she have to go? ¿Cuándo ella quiere comprar un auto nuevo?
Does he have anything to sell? ¿A dónde ella tiene que ir?
Does she want to buy anything? ¿Él tiene algo que vender?
Does he like his new shoes? ¿Ella quiere comprar algo?
Does she have to buy new shirts? ¿A él le gusta sus zapatos nuevos?
¿Ella tiene que comprar camisetas nuevas?





Clothes Vocabulary

Coat Saco Mall Centro comercial

Jacket Chaqueta Well Bien
Shirt Camisa Sure Por supuesto
T-Shirt Camiseta Tonight Esta noche
Skirt Falda How much is …? ¿Cuánto es…?
Dress Vestido There Ahí
Suit Traje Here Aquí
Tie Corbata That Ese
Pants Pantalones This Esta
Socks Calcetines Store Tienda
Shoes Zapatos


Jennifer: Hello Monica, how are you?

Monica: Hey Jen, I am good, how are you?
Jennifer: I am ne; do you want to go to the mall with me? I need to go there and I want
some friend to go with me, what do you think?
Monica: Yes, sure. When do you want to go? Tonight?
Jennifer: Yes, tonight, I need to buy some shirts and some pants.
Monica: Okay, see you tonight.

Jonathan: Hey Ben, how are you? hey, I want to sell my car, do you want to buy it?
Ben: Really? How much is your car?
Jonathan: Its ten thousand dollars, what do you think?
Ben: Well, I need to think about it, I talk to you later.







I thin We wor I rea

You kno They stud We writ

Clothes Vocabulary

Coat Saco Mall Centro comercial

Jacket Chaqueta Well Bien
Shirt Camisa Sure Por supuesto
T-Shirt Camiseta Tonight Esta noche
Skirt Falda How much is …? ¿Cuánto es…?
Dress Vestido There Ahí
Suit Traje Here Aquí
Tie Corbata That Ese
Pants Pantalones This Esta
Socks Calcetines Store Tienda
Shoes Zapatos

Verbs in 3rd Person Home

She eats He writes Living Room Sala

He drinks She thinks Bedroom Habitación
She likes He knows Bathroom Baño
He has She talks Kitchen Cocina
She wants He sleeps House Casa, Lar
He plays She goes Home Hogar
She works He needs Apartment Departamento
He studies She prefers Farm Granja
She reads He speaks


Complete the sentences:

We talk ___in English every day_____________. I don’t need ________________________________.

He sleeps ________________________________. We don´t sell _______________________________.

She goes _________________________________. They don´t talk _____________________________.

They need ________________________________. She doesn’t go _____________________________.

You prefer ________________________________. He doesn’t buy _____________________________.

I buy _____________________________________. You don’t want _____________________________.

Do they sell ______________________________? Does she buy ______________________________?

Do you prefer ____________________________? Does he prefer _____________________________?

Does he go ______________________________? Do you sleep ______________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _________No, I don’t know how to play soccer________________.

What do you usually eat in the morning? A: ___________________________________________________.

What do you buy when you go to the mall? A: _________________________________________________.

When do you usually sleep? A: ______________________________________________________________.

What do you like to talk about? A: ___________________________________________________________.

Do you prefer white chocolate or milk chocolate? A: ___________________________________________.

Do you want to sell anything? A: _____________________________________________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Hey Ben, do you prefer to eat chicken or meat?_______________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



He Él
She Ella
It Él / Ella (animales / objetos)

Verbs Verbos

He speaks Él habla
She listens Ella escucha / oye
It knows Él / Ella sabe / conoce

Practicing Practicando

He speaks Spanish Él habla español

She speaks Italian Ella habla italiano
He listens to her music Él escucha su música
She likes to listen to rock music Ella le gusta escuchar música rock
I need to speak English every day with my friends Yo necesito hablar inglés todos los días con mis amigos.
We want to speak Italian Nosotros queremos hablar italiano
They need to speak with me about that Ellos necesitan hablar conmigo sobre eso
We speak Italian with our parents Nosotros hablamos italiano con nuestros padres
She loves to talk to me in Spanish A ella le encanta hablarme en español
She knows how to speak English Ella sabe hablar ingles
She wants to know how to speak German Yo quiero saber hablar alemán
I need to talk to you about my family Yo necesito hablarte de mi familia
You know how to play the guitar Tú sabes tocar la guitarra

Negative Negativo

She doesn’t have to speak Portuguese Ella no tiene que hablar portugués
They don’t speak English, just French Ellos no hablan inglés, solo francés
He doesn’t want to speak with you Ella no quiere hablar contigo
We don’t listen to our friends Nosotros no escuchamos a nuestros amigos
He doesn’t know how to speak English Él no sabe hablar inglés
He doesn’t listen to pop music Él no escucha música pop

Interrogative Interrogativo

What do you like to listen to? ¿Qué te gusta escuchar?

What languages do you speak? Que idiomas hablas
When do you want to listen to my new song? ¿Cuándo quieres escuchar mi nueva canción?
What does he know how to play? ¿Qué sabe jugar?
Does she know my sister? ¿Conoce a mi hermana?
Does he listen to Justin Bieber? ¿Escucha a Justin Bieber?
Does she like to play video games with you? ¿Le gusta jugar videojuegos contigo?
Do we need to listen to this song? ¿Necesitamos escuchar esta canción?



Why? ¿Por qué?

Because Porque
Very Muy
Important Importante
Then Entonces
Mas o menos
Kind of

Why do you like this kind of music? ¿Por qué te gusta este tipo de música?
Because pop music is the best kind of music Porque la música pop es el mejor tipo de música
Listen to music is very important for me Escuchar música es muy importante para mi
Entonces escuchamos música
Then we listened to music


Caroline: Hello Tony, I have English class now, do you want to go with me?
Tony: Sure Carol, I love English, do you know that listen is a very important part in English?
Carolina: Really? Why?
Tony: Because when you listen to what the teacher says, you learn how to say it too.
Caroline: Oh yes, very good. Let’s go to English class then;

Jonathan: Hey Ben, do you want to listen to music?

Ben: What kind of music man?
Jonathan: Rock, of course. Do you like rock music?
Ben: Yes man, I do, but I prefer pop;





They Ellos
He Él
I Yo

Verbs Verbos

They open Ellos abren

I close Yo cierro
He has Él tiene

Practicing Practicando

They have to open the door Ellos tienen que abrir la puerta
She opens the store at 9 a.m. Ella abre la tienda a las 9 a.m.
He has to close his store at 10 p.m. Él tiene que cerrar su tienda a las 10 p.m.
I have to go to the mall before it closes Yo tengo que ir al centro comercial antes de que cierre
We need to close the hospital before midnight Nosotros necesitamos cerrar el hospital antes de la medianoche
We have to play video game before dinner Nosotros tenemos que jugar al videojuego antes de la cena.
They have to open the store now Ellos tienen que abrir la tienda ahora
We have to open the restaurant later Nosotros tenemos que abrir el restaurante más tarde.
She likes to go to the park before 12 p.m. Ella le gusta ir al parque antes de las 12 p.m.
We want to go to the park at 10 a.m. Nosotros queremos ir al parque a las 10 a.m.
The mall closes at 8 p.m. El centro comercial cierra a las 8 p.m.
The school has to open after 7 a.m. La escuela tiene que abrir después de las 7 a.m.
Catherine likes to go to the park after 12 p.m. A Catherine le gusta ir al parque después de las 12 p.m.

Negative Negativo

The church doesn’t open today La iglesia no abre hoy

The library doesn’t open on weekends. La biblioteca no abre los nes de semana.
We don’t have to go to the gas station Nosotros no tenemos que ir a la gasolinera
The church doesn’t open on Mondays La iglesia no abre los lunes
The school doesn’t open on weekends La escuela no abre los nes de semana
We don’t have to go to the bus stop now Nosotros no tenemos que ir a la parada de autobús ahora

Interrogative Interrogativo

When does the store open? ¿Cuándo abre la tienda?

What time does the school close? ¿A qué hora cierra la escuela?
What time do we have to go to the park? ¿A qué hora tenemos que ir al parque?
When does the church close? ¿Cuándo cierra la iglesia?
Does the church close after 1 p.m.? ¿La iglesia cierra después de la 1 p.m.?
Does the school open on weekends? ¿La escuela abre los nes de semana?
Does Catherine like to go to the park? ¿A Catherine le gusta ir al parque?
Does Matthew play soccer in the morning? ¿Matthew juega fútbol por la mañana?






Places Time

School Colegio Before Antes

Hospital Hospital Now Ahora
Restaurant Restaurante After Después
Church Iglesia Later Luego
Gas Station Gasolinera Early Temprano
Bus Stop Parada de autobús Late Tarde
Police Station Estación de policía A.M. A.M. 0h – 11h59
Park Parque P.M. PM. 12h – 23h59
Library Biblioteca
University Universidad


Caroline: Where do you want to go?

Tony: I want to go to that restaurant in the end of the street.
Carolina: Really? Is it good?
Tony: Yes, It is the best restaurant in town.
Caroline: Let’s try this restaurant then.

Jonathan: What time do you have to go to school Martha?

Martha: I have to go at 9 a.m. daddy.
Jonathan: I have to go to work early today, what time does the school open?
Martha: It opens at 8:30 dad.





We Nosotros
You Tú
She Ella

Verbs Verbos

We help Nosotros Ayudamos

You try Lo intentas
She drinks Ella bebe

Practicing Practicando

We need to help her Nosotros necesitamos ayudarla

You have to try this Tú tienes que intentarlo
Caroline needs to help her sister Caroline necesita ayudar a su hermana
Matthew wants to try new foods Matthew quiere probar nuevos alimentos
They have to help us Ellos tienen que ayudarnos
We have to drink this before midnight Nosotros tenemos que beber esto antes de la medianoche
They prefer to drink Coke than to drink Pepsi Ellos pre eren beber Coca-Cola que beber Pepsi
Caroline wants to talk to us Caroline quiere hablar con nosotros
We need to speak English with them Nosotros necesitamos hablar inglés con ellos
He likes to help his brother Él le gusta ayudar a su hermano
We need to talk to them Nosotros tenemos que hablar con ellos
You have to try to speak English every day with him Tú tienes que intentar hablar inglés todos los días con él.
They like to try new things Ellos les gustan probar cosas nuevas

Negative Negativo

The church doesn’t help them La iglesia no los ayuda

They don’t need to speak with him Ellos no necesitan hablar con el
We don’t have to talk about him now Nosotros no tenemos que hablar de él ahora
Caroline doesn’t want to help her Caroline no quiere ayudarla
Jennifer doesn’t need to speak in English with them Jennifer no necesita hablar en inglés con ellos
The soccer team doesn’t want to play against them El equipo de fútbol no quiere jugar contra ellos

Interrogative Interrogativo

When do we need to talk to them? ¿Cuándo necesitamos hablar con ellos?

What time do they have to play against me? ¿A qué hora tienen que jugar contra mí?
When does he have to help his mother? ¿Cuándo tiene que ayudar a su madre?
When does the church open? ¿Cuándo abre la iglesia?
Does the church close after 1 p.m.? ¿La iglesia cierra después de la 1 p.m.?
Does the school open on weekends? ¿La escuela abre los nes de semana?
Do we have to play soccer with them? ¿Tenemos que jugar al fútbol con ellos?
Do they have to study with us? ¿Ellos tienen que estudiar con nosotros?





Subject Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Object Pronouns



Caroline: Hi John, how are you doing?

John: I am ne, Carol I will play soccer with my friends today, do you want to go?
Carolina: Sure, what time do you want to go?
John: I need to talk to them, but I think we have to go at 8 p.m.. What do you think?
Caroline: Perfect, I see you there.
John: See you there Carol.

Jonathan: Hey sister;

Jessica: How are you Jonathan?
Jonathan: I need your help to talk to my girlfriend, she doesn’t want to talk to me anymore.
Jessica: Sure, when do you want me to talk to her?
Jonathan: Friday night, okay?
Jessica: Okay brother, talk to you later.







We spea He open I hel

They Liste You clos They tr
She know It ha He drink


Why do you like this kind of music? Por que você gosta deste tipo de musica?
Because pop music is the best kind of music Porque música pop é o melhor tipo de música
Listen to music is very important for me Ouvir música é muito importante para mim
Then we listened to music Então nós ouvimos música

Places Time

School Colegio Before Antes

Hospital Hospital Now Agora
Restaurant Restaurante After Depois
Church Iglesia Later Depois
Gas Station Gasolinera A.M. 0h-11h
Bus Stop Parada de autobús P.M. 12-23h
Police Station Estación de policía
Park Parque
Library Biblioteca
University Universidad

Subject Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Object Pronouns



Complete the sentences:

Caroline speaks ___in English every day_____. I don’t speak ________________________________.

Daniel listens _____________________________. We don’t open ______________________________.

You try ___________________________________. They don’t listen ____________________________.

It opens __________________________________. John doesn’t help ___________________________.

They close ________________________________. He doesn’t try ______________________________.

I help _____________________________________. You don’t close _____________________________.

Do they open ______________________________? Does Monica speak _________________________?

Do you listen ______________________________? Does he help _______________________________?

Does it close _______________________________? Do you try _________________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _________No, I don’t know how to play soccer________________.

Why do you want to speak english? A: ________________________________________________________.

When do you usually go to church? A: ________________________________________________________.

What time do you take the bus? A: ___________________________________________________________.

Do you like to try new things? A: _____________________________________________________________.

What kind of music do you prefer to listen to? A: _______________________________________________.

What time do supermarkets usually close in your city? A: _______________________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Ben, why do you listen to rock music?_________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



I am Michael

My name is Michael; I want to tell you somethings about me. Well let’s start with
my age, I am thirty-seven years old, I work at a hospital, I am a doctor, I have to go there
at 7 a.m. every day and I have to go back home at 8 p.m. I love my job; I love to help

I also have a family, I have 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl and I have a beautiful wife
too, her name is Carla, she is everything to me.

Now let’s talk about the things that I like to do; Well I like to play a lot of sports, I
like to run, play basketball and sometimes play soccer too. I love to go out with my family
and I love to listen to music, I like to listen to rock and pop music, my favorite singer is
Michael Bublé, not only because he has my name, but because he is a very good singer.

I have dreams too, someday I want to visit the world, go to England, France,
Australia and also Brazil; I want to buy a nice car, maybe a Ferrari and I also want to know
how to speak French and Italian.

Well, this is my life, I want to know about your life now.

New Phrases and Words



Answer the questions:

How old is Michael? A: ______________________________________________________________________.

Where does Michael work and what is his job? A: ______________________________________________.

When does Michael have to go to work? A: ____________________________________________________.

How many family members does Michael have? A: _____________________________________________.

What kind of sports does Michael play? A: ____________________________________________________.

What does Michael like to listen to? A: ________________________________________________________.

What are some of Michael’s dreams? A: _______________________________________________________.


I am __________________




They Ellos
He Él
I Yo

Verbs Verbos

They come Ellos vienen

He visits Él visita
I go Yo voy

Practicing Practicando

They need to come to visit us Ellos necesitan venir a visitarnos

He wants to come to our party Él quiere venir a nuestra esta
Caroline wants to go to the mall Caroline quiere ir al centro comercial
My grandfather wants to come and visit me Mi abuelo quiere venir a visitarme
My grandmother loves to visit her grandsons A mi abuela le encanta visitar a sus nietos
My dad goes to Spain every month Mi papá va a España todos los meses
I want to visit the United States Yo quiero visitar los Estados Unidos
She likes to visit her mom Ella le gusta visitar a su mamá
I want to help my grandma Yo quiero ayudar a mi abuela
He likes to talk to his grandpa Él le gusta hablar con su abuelo
We want to visit him Nosotros queremos visitarlo
You have to speak with them tonight Tú tienes que hablar con ellos esta noche
We need to try to talk to her Nosotros tenemos que intentar hablar con ella

Negative Negativo

My daughter doesn’t need to visit me every day Mi hija no necesita visitarme todos los días
Caroline doesn’t want to come to our party Caroline no quiere venir a nuestra esta
Matthew doesn’t like to go to the beach A Matthew no le gusta ir a la playa
They don’t want to talk to your girlfriend Ellos no quieren hablar con tu novia
Jennifer doesn’t have to visit me Jennifer no tiene que visitarme
The soccer team doesn’t want to play tonight El equipo de fútbol no quiere jugar esta noche

Interrogative Interrogativo

Why do you visit your parents every weekend? ¿Por qué visitas a tus padres todos los nes de semana?
Why doesn’t your dad play video games? ¿Por qué tu papá no juega videojuegos?
When does your dad work? ¿Cuándo trabaja tu papá?
When do you want to come to my new apartment? ¿Cuándo quieres venir a mi nuevo apartamento?
What do you like to play? ¿A qué te gusta jugar?
Do you try to play the guitar every day? ¿Tú intentas tocar la guitarra todos los días?
Do we have to listen to this song every morning? ¿Nosotros tenemos que escuchar esta canción todas las
Do you help your parents? mañanas?
¿Tú ayudas a tus padres?







United States Estados Unidos

England Inglaterra
France Francia
Spain España
Japan Japón
China China
Russia Rusia
Canada Canadá
Brazil Brasil
Australia Australia
Italy Italia


Mary: Hey John, how are you?

John: I am ne, what about you?
Mary: I am ne too, hey where do you live now?
John: Well, now I live in Sidney, Australia.
Mary: Really? I have a dream of going to Australia.
John: Why don’t you come visit me this year?
Mary: Really? Awesome, thanks for the invitation. See you soon.
John: Bye, see you soon Mary.

Jessica: Daniel do you want to go to the beach next Saturday?

Daniel: I really want to go Jess, but my grandparents will visit us this weekend. Sorry.
Jessica: No problem man, I see you at school on Monday then.
Daniel: See you there Jess.






He Él
She Ella
We Nosotros

Verbs Verbos

He watches Él observa
She understands Ella comprende
We study Nosotros estudiamos

Practicing Practicando

He watches the soccer game in his house Él mira el partido de futbol en su casa
She studies math with her teacher on Thursday Ella estudia matemáticas con su maestra el jueves.
Caroline wants to understand her new boyfriend Caroline quiere entender a su nuevo novio
I need to understand my Chemistry lesson Yo necesito entender mi lección de química
He wants to watch the new Star Wars movie Él quiere ver la nueva película de Star Wars.
She prefers to watch TV shows than movies Ella pre ere ver programas de televisión que películas.
We need to go to the movies and watch the new movie Nosotros necesitamos ir al cine y ver la nueva película
He wants to come to watch the game with me Él quiere venir a ver el partido conmigo
They need to understand Biology Ellos necesitan comprender la biología
He likes to watch the History classes on Monday Él le gusta ver las clases de Historia los lunes.
You have to understand the new Geography lesson Tú tienes que entender la nueva lección de geografía.
I love to watch TV on weekends Me encanta ver la tele los nes de semana
We need to try to speak more English Nosotros tenemos que intentar hablar más inglés

Negative Negativo

My daughter doesn’t understand anything Mi hija no entiende nada

They don’t understand me Ellos no me entienden
Matthew doesn’t need to watch this class Matthew no necesita ver esta clase
They don’t want to talk about that Ellos no quieren hablar de eso
Carlos doesn’t have to understand everything Carlos no tiene que entenderlo todo
Jennifer doesn’t want to study math on weekends Jennifer no quiere estudiar matemáticas los nes de semana

Interrogative Interrogativo

Why don’t you want to go to the mall? ¿Por qué no quieres ir al centro comercial?
Why doesn’t he like to speak English? ¿Por qué no le gusta hablar inglés?
What do you understand? ¿Qué entiendes?
What do you want to watch tonight? ¿Qué quieres ver esta noche?
Why don’t I understand Biology? ¿Por qué no entiendo biología?
When do you want to go to Europe? ¿Cuándo quieres ir a Europa?
When do you want to watch that movie? ¿Cuándo quieres ver esa película?
Where do you have to go next week? ¿A dónde tienes que ir la semana que viene?






English Inglés
Portuguese Portugués
Spanish Español
Math Matemáticas
Biology Biología
Physics Física
Geography Geografía
Chemistry Química
History Historia
Arts Artes
Physical Education Educación Física


Caroline: Good morning John!

John: Good morning Carol, how are you?
Carolina: I’m good, what classes do you have now?
John: I’m going to math now, I don’t like math, I don’t understand it very much.
Caroline: Really? Do you want my help? I love math, the only class I don’t like is History.
John: Sure, please I need help in math. Thank you Carol.

Sarah: Hey Jessica, do you want to help me with something?

Jessica: Sure, what do you need Sarah?
Sarah: I need help with this lesson, I don’t understand anything.
Jessica: Yeah, Physics is very hard, I don’t understand it too.
Sarah: Let’s see if the teacher can help.
Jessica: Yeah, that is a good idea.





She Ella
I Yo
They Ellos

Verbs Verbos

She cooks Ella cocina

I live Yo vivo
They need Ellos necesitan

Practicing Practicando

They need to cook a meal for Elisabeth Ellos necesitan cocinar una comida para Elisabeth
I want to live in New York city with all my friends Yo quiero vivir en la ciudad de Nueva York con todos mis amigos
She wants to cook a delicious dinner for her boyfriend Ella quiere cocinar una deliciosa cena para su novio.
We love to cook every day for our husbands Nos encanta cocinar todos los días para nuestros maridos.
Matthew loves to eat my food A Matthew le encanta comer mi comida
We need to go to the supermarket to buy the ingredients Nosotros necesitamos ir al supermercado a comprar los ingredientes.
I want to cook a new recipe for my family today Yo quiero cocinar una nueva receta para mi familia hoy.
I want to live in New York because I love the food there Yo quiero vivir en Nueva York porque me encanta la comida de allí.
My mom likes to live in the city A mi mamá le gusta vivir en la ciudad
Mr. John loves to live in the country Al Sr. John le encanta vivir en el campo
I need to understand this math lesson Yo necesito entender esta lección de matemáticas
I want to cook rice, beans and a very big turkey Yo quiero cocinar arroz, frijoles y un pavo muy grande.
We want to try to cook something new Nosotros queremos intentar cocinar algo nuevo

Negative Negativo

My daughter doesn’t like to live here in the country A mi hija no le gusta vivir aquí en el campo
I don’t know how to cook anything Yo no sé cocinar nada
I don’t know if I want to live out of the city Yo no sé si quiero vivir fuera de la ciudad
They don’t like Mexican food very much No les gusta mucho la comida mexicana
Carlos doesn’t want to live out of the city Carlos no quiere vivir fuera de la ciudad
My family doesn’t eat at home every day Mi familia no come en casa todos los días

Interrogative Interrogativo

Why don’t you want to live in the city? ¿Por qué no quieres vivir en la ciudad?
How much does a car cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta un coche?
How much is it? ¿Cuánto cuesta eso?
How many cars do you have? ¿Cuántos carros tienes tú?
How many brothers and sisters do you have? ¿Cuántos hermanos y hermanas tiene usted?
Where do you want to live? ¿Dónde quieres vivir?
Where do you want to go next year? ¿A dónde quieres ir el año que viene?
How old are you? ¿Cuántos años tienes?



How old are you? ¿Cuántos años tienes tú?

How old is your sister? ¿Cuántos años tiene tu hermana?
How old are your brothers? ¿Qué edad tienen tus hermanos?
How many cars does he have? ¿Cuántos coches tiene él?
How many TVs does your sister have in her house? ¿Cuántos televisores tiene tu hermana en su casa?
How many friends do you have on facebook? ¿cuántos amigos tienes tú en Facebook?
How much is it? ¿Cuánto cuesta eso?
How much money do you want to have? ¿Cuánto dinero quieres tener?
How much money does your mom have? ¿Cuánto dinero tiene tu mamá?


Daniel: Hello, how are you? I want 6 chocolate bars, please;

Vendor: What kind?
Daniel: I want the Kit-Kat; how much do they cost?
Vendor: They cost $2,50 each.
Daniel: Okay, I also want a 2l Coca-Cola.
Vendor: Okay, the Coke is 4 dollars, so the total is $19,00
Daniel: Okay, I will pay in cash, here it is.
Vendor: Thank you sir, have a nice day.
Daniel: Thank you buddy, you too.






We visi He studie I coo

They com You understan They liv
She goe It watche He need


Subjects Countries

English Inglés United States Estados Unidos

Portuguese Portugués England Inglaterra
Spanish Español France Francia
Math Matemáticas Spain España
Biology Biología Japan Japón
Physics Física China China
Geography Geografía Russia Rusia
Chemistry Química Canada Canadá
History Historia Brazil Brasil
Arts Artes Australia Australia
Physical Education Educación Física Italy Italia

How old are you? ¿Cuántos años tienes tú?

How old is your sister? ¿Cuántos años tiene tu hermana?
How old are your brothers? ¿Qué edad tienen tus hermanos?
How many cars does he have? ¿Cuántos coches tiene él?
How many TVs does your sister have in her house? ¿Cuántos televisores tiene tu hermana en su casa?
How many friends do you have on facebook? ¿cuántos amigos tienes tú en Facebook?
How much is it? ¿Cuánto cuesta eso?
How much money do you want to have? ¿Cuánto dinero quieres tener?
How much money does your mom have? ¿Cuánto dinero tiene tu mamá?


Complete the sentences:

Caroline watches ______TV every day_________. I don’t watch ________________________________.

Daniel comes ______________________________. We don’t visit _______________________________.

You live ____________________________________. They don’t understand _______________________.

They visit___________________________________. John doesn’t cook __________________________.

You understand ____________________________. He doesn’t come ____________________________.

I cook _____________________________________. You don’t live _______________________________.

Do they understand ________________________? Does Monica live ___________________________?

Do you watch ______________________________? Does he cook ______________________________?

Does he visit _______________________________? Do you come ______________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _________No, I don’t know how to play soccer________________.

Do you want to live in another country? A: _____________________________________________________.

How old is your father? A: ___________________________________________________________________.

How many brothers and sisters do you have? A: _______________________________________________.

How much does a car usually cost? A: _________________________________________________________.

What food do you know how to cook? A: ______________________________________________________.

How much money do you want to have when you are 60 years old? A: ___________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Ben, when do you want to come visit me?___________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



I am Yo soy / estoy
You are Usted es / está
He is Él es / está

Verbs Verbos

I am remembering Yo estoy recordando

You are forgetting Tú te estas olvidando
He is thinking Él está pensando

Practicing Practicando

I am thirty-seven years old Yo tengo treinta y siete años

I am a woman Yo soy una mujer
She is my friend Ella es mi amiga
He is my brother Él es mi hermano
You are forgetting my name Tú estás olvidando mi nombre
She is thinking about me Ella está pensando en mi
I am her boyfriend Yo soy su novio
You are talking to him Tú estás hablando con el
I am going to my house Yo voy a mi casa
She is sleeping in her bedroom Ella está durmiendo en su dormitorio
You are eating very fast Tú estás comiendo muy rápido
You are listening to rock music Tú estás escuchando música rock
You are working too much Tú estás trabajando demasiado

Negative Negativo

You are not my friend Tú no eres mi amigo

I am not talking to her Yo no estoy hablando con ella
I am not speaking in English Yo no hablo en ingles
I am not remembering your number Yo no recuerdo tu numero
Carlos is not my best friend, Jonathan is Carlos no es mi mejor amigo, Jonathan es
You are not helping my mother Tú no estás ayudando a mi madre

Interrogative Interrogativo

Are you his girlfriend? ¿Eres su novia?

Am I boring? ¿Yo estoy aburrido?
Is he your best friend? ¿Es él tu mejor amigo?
Is she pretty? ¿Es ella bonita?
Is he talking to your girlfriend? ¿Está hablando con tu novia?
What is he playing? ¿Qué está jugando?
Where is she going? ¿A dónde va ella?
What is he watching? ¿Qué está mirando?



Present Continuous

I am eating He is thinking It is listening

You are drinking She is knowing You are opening
He is having It is talking We are closing
She is liking You are sleeping They are helping
It is playing We are going I am trying
You are wanting They are needing You are coming
We are working I am preferring He is visiting
They are studying You are buying She is watching
I am reading He is selling It is understanding
You are writing She is speaking You are cooking


Jennifer: Hey Mary, how is it going?

Mary: Hi Jen, I am good, what’s up?
Jennifer: Not much, Mary I am going to the park right now, do you want to come?
Mary: Sure, I am at the supermarket now, I am buying some groceries here and I meet you
at the park later. Okay?
Jennifer: Okay, see you soon Mary.
Mary: See ya.





She is Ella es / está

He is Él es / está
You are Usted es / está

Verbs Verbos

She is cooking Ella está cocinando

He is traveling Él está viajando
You are preferring Tú estás pre riendo

Practicing Practicando

She is traveling to New York Ella está viajando a Nueva York

You are cooking very good food for them Tú Estás cocinando muy buena comida para ellos.
She is trying to study Ella está tratando de estudiar
She is my best friend Ella es mi mejor amiga
They are my family Ellos son mi familia
They are cooking on Master Chef Ellos están cocinando en Master Chef
We are living in Rome Nosotros estamos viviendo en roma
You are preferring coconut Tu pre eres el coco
I am a very good soccer player Yo soy muy buen futbolista
She is sleeping in the living room Ella está durmiendo en la sala
You are eating my lunch Tú estás comiendo mi almuerzo
You are travelling every day Tú viajas todos los días
She is studying math every morning Ella estudia matemáticas todas las mañanas

Negative Negativo

You are not ugly Tú no eres feo

I am not pretty Yo no soy bonita
I am not stupid Yo no soy estúpido
She is not nice Ella no es agradable
Carlos is not very nice Carlos no es muy agradable
You are not cool Tú no eres genial

Interrogative Interrogativo

Am I beautiful? ¿Yo soy hermoso?

Am I boring? ¿Yo estoy aburrido?
Is he handsome? ¿Es él guapo?
Is she pretty? ¿Es ella bonita?
Is he talking to my mom? ¿Está él hablando con mi mamá?
Why is he eating my food? ¿Por qué está comiendo mi comida?
Why is she working every day? ¿Por qué trabaja todos los días?
What are you studying? ¿Qué estás estudiando?





Beautiful Hermoso
Smart Inteligente
Intelligent Inteligente
Handsome Bonito
Pretty Bonita
Nice Agradable
Cool Genial
Lovely Encantador
Funny Gracioso
Creative Creativo
Boring Aburrido
Ugly Feo


Michael: Hey Ben, do you know Elisabeth?

Ben: Yes, she is in my Spanish class, why?
Michael: I have a secret to tell you man, but you can’t tell anyone.
Ben: Really? Tell me man. I love secrets.
Michael: Well, I have a crush on Elisabeth, since last year.
Ben: Nice dude, she is really pretty.
Michael: Yeah, I know. I want to tell her, but I don’t think she likes me.
Ben: Man, the “NO” you already have, does it hurt to try to get the “YES”?
Michael: That’s true, I will talk to her after class then.





They are Ellos son / están

You are Usted es / está
We are Nosotros somos / estamos

Verbs Verbos

They are living Ellos están viviendo

You are seeing Tú estás viendo
We are working Nosotros estamos trabajando

Practicing Practicando

They are living near the school Ellos viven cerca de la escuela
You are trying to play soccer every day Tú intentas jugar al fútbol todos los días
We are needing a new car Nosotros necesitamos un auto nuevo
We are going to Lucas’ house Nosotros vamos a la casa de lucas
They are living near Mc Donald’s Ellos viven cerca de Mc Donald's
We are going to Chicago in Jennifer’s car Nosotros vamos a Chicago en el auto de Jennifer
She is my dad’s mom Ella es la mamá de mi papá
They are Carlos’ family Ellos son la familia de Carlos
You are seeing my new car Tú estás viendo mi auto nuevo
She is trying to speak English with Joe’s dad Ella intenta hablar inglés con el padre de Joe.
I am living in the United States Yo estoy viviendo en los estados unidos
I am wanting to go to another country Yo quiero ir a otro país
We have to go to the other way Nosotros tenemos que ir al otro lado

Negative Negativo

I am not studying math, I am studying English Yo no estoy estudiando matemáticas, estoy estudiando inglés
We are not living by the gas station anymore Nosotros ya no vivimos junto a la gasolinera
They are not working at that restaurant anymore Ellos ya no trabajan en ese restaurante
She is not working with Carlos at that hospital Ella no trabaja con Carlos en ese hospital
I don’t want to go to Maria’s restaurant Yo no quiero ir al restaurante de Maria
We are not living by Britney’s house anymore Nosotros ya no vivimos en la casa de Britney

Interrogative Interrogativo

Are you trying to study English every day? ¿Estás intentando estudiar inglés todos los días?
Are you going to Matthew’s house? ¿Vas a la casa de Matthew?
Is he living near our house? ¿Vive él cerca de nuestra casa?
Is she wanting to live by that restaurant? ¿Quiere ella vivir junto a ese restaurante?
Are you opening a new store at Faria Lima Avenue? ¿Está tú abriendo una nueva tienda en la Avenida Faria Lima?
Why are you living here? ¿Por qué vives aquí?
Why are you not working? ¿Porque no estás trabajando?
What are you watching now at midnight? ¿Qué estás viendo ahora a la medianoche?



Anymore Más
More Más
By Al lado de
Near Cerca
Another Otro (otro más)
Other Otro


Daniel: Jen, we are dating for a long time, and I was thinking of going to Europe this year,
do you want to go with me?
Jennifer: Really Dani? It’s my dream to go to Europe, of course I want to go with you. You
are the best boyfriend ever.
Daniel: Great, let’s go to that restaurant we like and talk about our trip.
Jennifer: Let’s go baby.

Mary: Ben, where are you at son?

Ben: Mom, I am at Julius’ house. Do you need anything?
Mary: No honey, I just don’t like when you don’t tell me where you are going.
Ben: Okay mom, I am sorry.
Mary: Don’t do this anymore Ben.
Ben: Okay mom, I won’t. I love you.
Mary: I love you too, sweetheart.






We are forgettin He is cookin I am livin

They are rememberin You are travelin They are seein
She is thinkin It is preferrin He is workin


Present Continuous

I am eating He is thinking It is listening

You are drinking She is knowing You are opening
He is having It is talking We are closing
She is liking You are sleeping They are helping
It is playing We are going I am trying
You are wanting They are needing You are coming
We are working I am preferring He is visiting
They are studying You are buying She is watching
I am reading He is selling It is understanding
You are writing She is speaking You are cooking

Beautiful Hermoso Anymore Más

Smart Inteligente More Más
Intelligent Inteligente By Al lado de
Handsome Bonito Near Cerca
Pretty Bonita Another Otro (otro más)
Nice Agradable Other Otro
Cool Genial
Lovely Encantador
Funny Gracioso
Creative Creativo
Boring Aburrido
Ugly Feo


Complete the sentences:

Caroline watches ______TV every day_________. I am not ____________________________________.

Daniel is ___________________________________. We are not _________________________________.

She is ______________________________________. They are not ________________________________.

They are ___________________________________. John is not _________________________________.

You are ____________________________________. He is not ___________________________________.

I am _______________________________________. You are not _________________________________.

Are they ___________________________________? Is Monica __________________________________?

Are you ___________________________________? Is He not ___________________________________?

Is He ______________________________________? Are you ____________________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _________No, I don’t know how to play soccer________________.

What is your favorite kind of food? A: _________________________________________________________.

Where is your favorite place to go? A: ________________________________________________________.

Where do you want to go for your next vacation? A: ____________________________________________.

What is the name of your best friend? A: ______________________________________________________.

What is your favorite holiday? A: _____________________________________________________________.

How far do you live from work? A: ____________________________________________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Ben, where are you going now?____________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



I am Yo soy / estoy
He is Él es
We are Nosotros estamos

Verbs Verbos

I am learning Yo estoy aprendiendo

He is teaching Él está enseñando
We are understanding Nosotros estamos entendiendo

Practicing Practicando

She is talking about the game from last week Ella está hablando del juego de la semana pasada
We are now understanding what you want Ahora nosotros entendemos lo que quieres
I am trying to talk to Mary about our car Yo estoy tratando de hablar con Mary sobre nuestro auto
She is teaching Spanish to my son Ella está enseñando español a mi hijo
The basketball team is playing against the best team El equipo de baloncesto juega contra el mejor equipo
They are teaching us how to play basketball Nos están enseñando a jugar baloncesto
We are learning how to play the piano Nosotros estamos aprendiendo a tocar el piano
She is going to New York to learn how to speak English Ella va a Nueva York para aprender a hablar inglés
You are trying to teach her how to swim Tú estás tratando de enseñarle a nadar
He is understanding everything she is teaching Él está entendiendo todo lo que ella está enseñando
We are learning how to speak English because of you Nosotros estamos aprendiendo a hablar inglés gracias a ti
He is teaching math at that school Él está enseñando matemáticas en esa escuela
We are learning how to swim at that gym Nosotros estamos aprendiendo a nadar en ese gimnasio

Negative Negativo

She is not learning anything from that teacher Ella no aprende nada de esa maestra
The professor is not teaching the subject very well El profesor no enseña muy bien la asignatura
I am not understanding what she is trying to say Yo no entiendo lo que ella está tratando de decir
She is not from this part of the city Ella no es de esta parte de la ciudad
He is not very nice to his grandma Él no es muy amable con su abuela
We are not trying to teach you a lesson Nosotros no estamos tratando de enseñarte una lección

Interrogative Interrogativo

Are you trying to learn anything? ¿Estás tú intentando aprender algo?

Is he teaching my kids how to play soccer? ¿Está él enseñando a mis hijos a jugar al fútbol?
Where is she learning that from? ¿De dónde está ella aprendiendo eso?
Where does he want to teach English? ¿Dónde quiere él enseñar inglés?
Are you opening a new English school in Brazil? ¿Estás tú abriendo una nueva escuela de inglés en Brasil?
Why are you teaching this to him? ¿Por qué le estás enseñando esto?
What are you learning at school? ¿Qué estás aprendiendo en la escuela?
When do you want to learn Spanish? ¿Cuándo quieres aprender español?



From Desde (donde viene)

Last Último
Because of Porque
At (In, On) that Eso
At (In, On) this Esto


Daniel: Hey Jen, what are you studying these days at College?
Jennifer: Well, my class is studying Martin Luther King, he was a very good man that helped
shaping the United States as it is today.
Daniel: Really, who is teaching this class?
Jennifer: It’s professor James.
Daniel: He is a really good professor, You know, I learned last semester that Martin Luther
King was killed in one of his speeches.
Jennifer: Really? This is terrible, I didn’t know this, but thank you for telling me, maybe there
will be a question about this in the next test.





I am Yo soy / estoy
He is Él es
We are Nosotros estamos

Verbs Verbos

I am opening Yo estoy abriendo

He is closing Él está cerrando
We are being Nosotros estamos siendo

Practicing Practicando

She is opening a school at Faria Lima Avenue Ella abre una escuela en la Avenida Faria Lima
They are closing the restaurant at the mall Ellos están cerrando el restaurante en el centro comercial
I am trying to close a deal with the Martins Yo estoy intentando cerrar un trato con los Martin
We are starting to be boring Nosotros estamos empezando a ser aburridos
You are being a very nice friend Tú estás siendo un muy buen amigo
They are opening a new electronic store Ellos están abriendo una nueva tienda de electrónica
We are playing soccer because we want to be famous Nosotros jugamos al fútbol porque queremos ser famosos
I want to be a very good soccer player Yo quiero ser un muy buen futbolista
You are trying to be an astronaut Tú estás intentando ser astronauta
He is learning everything because he wants to be smart Él estás aprendiendo todo porque quiere ser inteligente.
We are being very good with them Nosotros estamos siendo muy buenos con ellos
You are being the best girlfriend Tú estás siendo la mejor novia
We are learning how to swim at that gym Nosotros estamos aprendiendo a nadar en ese gimnasio

Negative Negativo

She is not being very nice to her friends Ella no es muy amable con sus amigos
The professor is not teaching the subject very well El profesor no enseña muy bien la asignatura
I am not opening a new store, I am closing the old one Yo no voy a abrir una tienda nueva, voy a cerrar la vieja
She doesn’t want to be my friend Ella no quiere ser mi amiga
He is not being very nice to me Él no está siendo muy amable conmigo
He doesn’t want to be like his brother Él no quiere ser como su hermano

Interrogative Interrogativo

Are you trying to learn anything? ¿Estás tú intentando aprender algo?

What do you want to be when you are thirty years old? ¿Qué quieres ser cuando tengas treinta años?
Where is he going? ¿A dónde va él?
Are you being sarcastic to her? ¿Estás siendo sarcástico con ella?
Why do you want to be an engineer? ¿Por qué quieres ser ingeniero?
What are you learning at college? ¿Qué estás aprendiendo en la universidad?
When do you want to be my boyfriend? ¿Cuándo quieres ser mi novio?



I want to be like my father Yo quiero ser como mi padre

He doesn’t know what it is like to be poor Él no sabe lo que es ser como pobre
I don’t want to be like my sister Yo no quiero ser como mi hermana
He is trying to be like me Él está tratando de ser como yo


Daniel: Hey Jen, what’s up? Do you remember Mr. Martin?

Jennifer: I am good Daniel, I don’t remember him, who is he?
Daniel: He looks like that actor named Brad Pitt. Remember him now?
Jennifer: Oh now I remember, he is a nice guy and also very handsome.
Daniel: I don’t think he is handsome, but the point is that he is opening an Ice Cream store,
do you want to go after school?
Jennifer: Nice, great idea, let’s go then.





We are Nosotros somos / estamos

You are Tú es / estás
They are Ellos son / están

Verbs Verbos

We are doing Nosotros estamos haciendo

You are going Tú te vas
They are being Ellos están siendo

Practicing Practicando

We are doing the math test Nosotros estamos haciendo la prueba de matemáticas
They are going to do that thing now Ellos van a hacer eso ahora
They are trying to be nice to us Ellos están tratando de ser amables con nosotros
We are doing what we want Nosotros estamos haciendo lo que queremos
We really need to do this right now Nosotros realmente necesitamos hacer esto ahora mismo
They really need to be more responsible Ellos realmente necesitan ser más responsables
We are trying to do what you want Nosotros estamos tratando de hacer lo que quieras
She is going to New York to learn how to speak English Ella va a Nueva York para aprender a hablar inglés.
You are trying to teach her how to swim Tú estás tratando de enseñarle a nadar
He is understanding everything she is teaching Él está entendiendo todo lo que ella está enseñando
We are learning how to speak English because of you Nosotros estamos aprendiendo a hablar inglés gracias a ti.
He is teaching math at that school Él está enseñando matemáticas en esa escuela
We are learning how to swim at that gym Nosotros estamos aprendiendo a nadar en ese gimnasio.

Negative Negativo

She is not trying to be very nice Ella no está tratando de ser muy amable
The professor is not doing what he needs El profesor no está haciendo lo que necesita
I don’t want to do everything you want Yo no quiero hacer todo lo que tú quieres
She doesn’t want to do the homework Ella no quiere hacer la tarea
He is not doing anything Él no está haciendo nada
He is not studying for the test Él no está estudiando para el examen

Interrogative Interrogativo

What are you doing? ¿Qué estás haciendo?

What do you want to do tomorrow afternoon? ¿Qué quieres hacer mañana por la tarde?
Why are you being so boring today? ¿Por qué estás tan aburrido hoy?
Are you being sarcastic to her? ¿Estás siendo sarcástico con ella?
What do you want to be when you grow up? ¿Qué quieres ser cuando seas grande?
Why are you doing this? ¿Por qué estás haciendo esto?
When does she want to go to New York? ¿Cuándo quiere ir a Nueva York?



Whatever Lo que sea

Whenever Cuando quiera
Wherever Donde quiera
Myself Yo mismo
Yourself Tú mismo
Himself Él mismo
Herself Sí misma
Itself Sí mismo
Ourselves Nosotros mismos
Yourselves Ustedes mismos
Themselves Ellos mismos


Daniel: What are you doing tonight Jen?

Jennifer: I am playing soccer with my friends, do you want to come?
Daniel: I am not a very good soccer player, so I don’t know.
Jennifer: Don’t worry, just come, I can teach you some tricks.
Daniel: Okay, I am going then.
Jennifer: Awesome, see you soon Daniel.






We are learning He is openin I am doin

They are teachin You are closin They are goin
She is understandin It is bein He is studyin


Whatever Lo que sea

Whenever Cuando quiera
Wherever Donde quiera
Myself Yo mismo
Yourself Tú mismo
Himself Él mismo
Herself Sí misma
Itself Sí mismo
Ourselves Nosotros mismos
Yourselves Ustedes mismos
Themselves Ellos mismos

I want to be like my father Yo quiero ser como mi padre

He doesn’t know what it is like to be poor Él no sabe lo que es ser como pobre
I don’t want to be like my sister Yo no quiero ser como mi hermana
He is trying to be like me Él está tratando de ser como yo

From Desde (donde viene)

Last Último
Because of Porque
At (In, On) that Eso
At (In, On) this Esto


Complete the sentences:

Caroline watches ______TV every day_________. I am not ____________________________________.

Daniel is ___________________________________. We are not _________________________________.

She is ______________________________________. They are not ________________________________.

They are ___________________________________. John is not _________________________________.

You are ____________________________________. He is not ___________________________________.

I am _______________________________________. You are not _________________________________.

Are they ___________________________________? Is Monica __________________________________?

Are you ___________________________________? Is He not ___________________________________?

Is He ______________________________________? Are you ____________________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _________No, I don’t know how to play soccer________________.

What do you want to be when you are 60 years old? A: ________________________________________.

Are you doing something special this year? A: _________________________________________________.

Do you look like someone famous? A: ________________________________________________________.

How many children do you want to have? A: ___________________________________________________.

What is your favorite movie? A: _______________________________________________________________.

What do you like to do in you free time? A: ____________________________________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Ben, what are you doing right now?_________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



Verbs Verbos

I am working Yo estoy trabajando

You are studying Tú estás estudiando
She is understanding Ella está entendiendo
He is learning Él está aprendiendo
They are teaching Ellos están enseñando

Practicing Practicando

I am working at the hospital from Monday to Thursday Yo trabajo en el hospital de lunes a jueves.
She is trying to learn how to play soccer Ella está tratando de aprender a jugar al fútbol.
They are teaching how to make a cake Están enseñando a hacer un pastel.
We are trying to teach English to her by ourselves Estamos tratando de enseñarle inglés por nosotros mismos.
She is studying for the English test tomorrow Ella está estudiando para el examen de inglés mañana.
She is being a very good student, she studies every day Ella está siendo una muy buena estudiante, estudia todos los días.
She is teaching her friends how to cook Ella está enseñando a sus amigos a cocinar
They are studying by themselves Ellos están estudiando solos
We are living here for 10 years Nosotros estamos viviendo aquí por 10 años
He is working every day, but he is very happy Él está trabajando todos los días, pero está muy feliz.
You are studying with my best friend Tú estás estudiando con mi mejor amigo
I am having classes with the best teacher ever Yo estoy teniendo clases con el mejor profesor de todos los tiempos.
You are learning by yourself Tú estás aprendiendo por ti mismo
She is better than the other player Ella es mejor que el otro jugador
You are taller than Michael Tú eres más alto que Michael

Negative Negativo

She is not studying for her Geography test Ella no está estudiando para su examen de Geografía.
I am not talking by myself Yo no estoy hablando conmigo mismo
They are not learning English at that school Ellos no están aprendiendo inglés en esa escuela.
She doesn’t have to learn everything now Ella no tiene que aprender todo ahora
He is not doing anything Él no está haciendo nada
He is not understanding what you teach Él no está entendiendo lo que enseñas

Interrogative Interrogativo

What are you doing? ¿Qué estás haciendo?

What do you want to do tomorrow afternoon? ¿Qué quieres hacer mañana por la tarde?
Why are you being so boring today? ¿Por qué estás tan aburrido hoy?
What are you learning at school? ¿Qué estás aprendiendo en la escuela?
Where are you studying now? ¿Dónde estás estudiando ahora?
Do you understand what she is teaching? ¿Entiendes lo que está enseñando?
How are you doing in school? ¿Cómo te va en la escuela?



Schools Supplies

Paper Trabajo
Book Libro
Backpack Mochila
Eraser Borrador
Pencil Lápiz
Ruler Regla (escala)
Scissors Tijeras
Report Card Boleta de cali caciones
Pen Bolígrafo
Glue Pegamento


Salary Salario
Company Empresa
Pay-check Cheque de pago
Resumé Currículum
Fired Despedido
Boss Jefe


Nick: Hey man, do you have an eraser?

John: Of course dude, here it is.
Nick: Thanks man. How is your paper going?
John: Not very good. I am still in the beginning, and we have to nish by tomorrow, right?
Nick: Yes man, hurry up, I can help you if you want, I already nished mine.







Verbs Verbos

I am doing Yo estoy haciendo

You are saying Tú estás diciendo
She is talking Ella está hablando
He is speaking Él está hablando
They are listening Ellos están escuchando

Practicing Practicando

You are cooking every day, let me help you Tú estás cocinando todos los días, déjame ayudarte
Let me speak with your brother Déjame hablar con tu hermano
You are saying everything to her Tú estás diciendo todo a ella
We are talking to my best friend Nosotros estamos hablando con mi mejor amigo
He does everything she says Él hace todo lo que ella dice
They are listening to what his father says Ellos están escuchando lo que dice su padre
She is speaking English for the whole week Ella habla inglés durante toda la semana.
This song is louder than that song Esta canción es más fuerte que aquella canción
We are listening to the best music ever Nosotros estamos escuchando la mejor música de la historia
I want the largest coke Yo quiero la coca más grande
You are the smallest person I know Tú eres la persona más pequeña que conozco
He is fatter than last month Él está más gordo que el mes pasado
He is taller than Brad Él es más alto que Brad
She is better than the other player Ella es mejor que el otro jugador
He is closer to the nish line Él esta más cerca de la meta

Negative Negativo

She is not very faster than him Ella no es mucho más rápida que él
I am not stronger than him Yo no soy más fuerte que el
You are not saying anything Tú no estás diciendo nada
They are not listening to anything Ellos no escuchan nada
He is not talking to Jennifer anymore Él ya no habla con Jennifer
Matthew is not speaking to Caroline Matthew no le habla a Caroline

Interrogative Interrogativo

Who is the best soccer player here? ¿Quién es el mejor futbolista aquí?
Who is your best friend? ¿Quién es tu mejor amigo?
Who is saying bad things about my girlfriend? ¿Quién está diciendo cosas malas sobre mi novia?
Whose is this? ¿De quién es esta?
Whose is this backpack? ¿De quién es esta mochila?
Whose is this book? ¿De quién es este libro?
Who is your boyfriend? ¿Quién es tu novio?




Adjective Comparative Superlative

Good Bueno Better Mejor Best El mejor

Bad Malo Worse Peor Worst El peor
Big Grande Bigger Más grande Biggest El más grande
Tall Alto Taller Más alto Tallest Más alto
Small Pequeño Smaller Menor Smallest Pequeñísimo
Fat Gordo Fatter Más gordo Fattest Más gordo
Thin Delgado Thinner Más delgada Thinnest Más delgado
Fast Rápido Faster Más rápido Fastest Más rápido
Slow Lento Slower Más lento Slowest El más lento


Jennifer: Who is the girl you are always talking to?

Carlos: She is a friend from school.
Jennifer: Do you know her mom?
Carlos: Yes mom, she is also my teacher, do you want to call her?
Jennifer: Yes, let me talk to her.

Nick: Who is the best singer you know Ellen?

Ellen: I think is Adele, I love her voice.
Nick: Yes, her voice is incredible, but I think Celine Dion is better.
Ellen: Yes, her voice is great, but I don’t like her songs.





Verbs Verbos

I am having Yo estoy teniendo

You are needing Tú estás necesitando
She is buying Ella está comprando
He is selling Él está vendiendo
They are cooking Ellos están cocinando

Practicing Practicando

You are having the best day of your life Tú estás teniendo el mejor día de tu vida
Let me buy something nice for you Déjame comprarte algo bueno
She is buying a new car for you son Ella está comprando un auto nuevo para tu hijo
He is trying to sell his old house Él está intentando vender su antigua casa.
He wants to buy a nice house for his family Él quiere comprar una bonita casa para su familia
They are cooking the Thanksgiving dinner Ellos están cocinando la cena de Acción de Gracias
She is needing a boyfriend Ella necesita un novio
She is having a nice day with her family at the beach Ella está teniendo un buen día con su familia en la playa.
He is selling everything he has Él está vendiendo todo lo que tiene
They are buying the tickets to watch the soccer game Ellos están comprando las entradas para ver el partido de fútbol
I am cooking a turkey for my wife Yo estoy cocinando un pavo para mi esposa
She is needing some eggs to cook for her friend Ella necesita huevos para cocinar para su amiga
I need a new knife, mine is old Yo necesito un cuchillo nuevo, el mío es viejo
She is buying a new pan to cook rice Ella está comprando una sartén nueva para cocinar arroz.
She is selling her microwave Ella está vendiendo su microondas

Negative Negativo

She is not buying a new refrigerator Ella no va a comprar un refrigerador nuevo

I don’t want a new stove Yo no quiero una estufa nueva
He is not trying to x the washing machine Él no está tratando de arreglar la lavadora.
We are not selling our microwave Nosotros no vendemos nuestro microondas
He is not cooking anything in the oven Él no está cocinando nada en el horno.
I don’t want to drink any juice from the blender Yo no quiero beber jugo de la licuadora

Interrogative Interrogativo

How much is this car? ¿Cuánto cuesta este carro?

How much do you want for the refrigerator? ¿Cuánto quieres para el frigorí co?
Do you want to sell your house? ¿Quieres vender tu casa?
What are you cooking for dinner honey? ¿Qué estás cocinando para la cena, cariño?
Do you want my help in the kitchen honey? ¿Quieres mi ayuda en la cocina cariño?
What do you want to eat for breakfast? ¿Qué quieres desayunar?
Who is cooking this delicious food? ¿Quién está cocinando esta deliciosa comida?






Refrigerator Refrigerador
Stove Estufa
Oven Horno
Microwave Microondas
Blender Licuadora
Iron Hierro
Washing Machine Lavadora
Dish Washer Lavavajillas
Knife Cuchillo
Fork Tenedor
Spoon Cuchara
Plate Plato
Pan Pan
Cup Taza
Glass Vaso

Nick: What do you want to eat for dinner honey? I want to cook something tonight.
Ellen: I am not very hungry, anything from the microwave is ne.
Nick: But I want some real food, not junk food.
Ellen: Let’s go to Mc Donald’s then.

Martha: Hi sir, how can I help you?

John: I want to buy a refrigerator for my daughter.
Martha: Do you want the expensive or the cheap one?
John: Something in the middle, do you have anything?
Martha: Yes, I have the right one for your daughter.







She is understandin You are sayin I am doin

He is learning They are listenin She is cookin
They are teaching He is speakin We are talking


Adjective Comparative Superlative

Good Bueno Better Mejor Best El mejor

Bad Malo Worse Peor Worst El peor
Big Grande Bigger Más grande Biggest El más grande
Tall Alto Taller Más alto Tallest Más alto
Small Pequeño Smaller Menor Smallest Pequeñísimo
Fat Gordo Fatter Más gordo Fattest Más gordo
Thin Delgado Thinner Más delgada Thinnest Más delgado
Fast Rápido Faster Más rápido Fastest Más rápido
Slow Lento Slower Más lento Slowest El más lento

Kitchen Work

Refrigerator Refrigerador Salary Salário

Stove Estufa Company Empresa
Oven Horno Pay-check Cheque de
Microwave Microondas Resumé pago
Blender Licuadora Fired Curriculum
Iron Hierro Despedido
Washing Machine Lavadora
Dish Washer Lavavajillas
Knife Cuchillo
Fork Tenedor
Spoon Cuchara
Plate Plato
Pan Pan
Cup Taza
Glass Vaso


Complete the sentences:

Caroline watches ______TV every day_________. I am not ____________________________________.

Daniel is ___________________________________. We are not _________________________________.

She is ______________________________________. They are not ________________________________.

They are ___________________________________. John is not _________________________________.

You are ____________________________________. He is not ___________________________________.

I am _______________________________________. You are not _________________________________.

Are they ___________________________________? Is Monica __________________________________?

Are you ___________________________________? Is He not ___________________________________?

Is He ______________________________________? Are you ____________________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _________No, I don’t know how to play soccer________________.

What was your favorite subject at school? A: ___________________________________________________.

What is your favorite sport? A: _______________________________________________________________.

Who was your best friend at school? A: _______________________________________________________.

What countries do you want to visit before you die? A: _________________________________________.

Who do you most love in your life? A: ________________________________________________________.

Who was the most important teacher for you during high school? A: ____________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Ben, what are you doing right now?_________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



What is Family?

Hi, my name is James, I have a question for you, what is family? There is a lot of different
answers for that, but I want to tell you my answer.

Well I have a beautiful family, I have two brothers and a sister, their names are Jonathan,
John and Jessica, I am the oldest of them, and of course there are my parents, Carla and
Michael. My dad is the best dad ever, he is always playing with us, helping us to become
better people and always trying to teach important lessons from his life and my mom is
so sweet, she is always making everything easier for us. Yes, my family is awesome.

Okay, I almost forgot to answer the question, “what is family?”. Well I think family is that
part in your life that makes you stronger, that makes you happy when everything is going
wrong, that part you remember when you don’t know what to do with your life and you
need an answer. If i can answer the question right, it would be that family is everything.

I am only 15 years old, but I know that every decision that I made in my life and that I will
make has in uence of my family.

My father is a Doctor, I see him helping a lot of people and because of his example I also
want to be able to help people, not as a doctor, but as a politician, I want to make a
difference just like my father.

I want to know your answer now, but always remember how your family is important.

New Phrases and Words



Answer the questions:

What is the text talking about? A: _____________________________________________________________.

How many brothers and sisters does James have? A: ___________________________________________.

Why does James admire his father? A: ______________________________________________________.

How old is James? A: _______________________________________________________________________.

What is family for James? A: _________________________________________________________________.

What does James want to be? A: _____________________________________________________________.

What is the advice James gave? A: ___________________________________________________________.

What is Family?




Verbs Verbos

I ate Yo comí
You drank Tu tomaste
He had Él tuvo
She liked A ella le gustó
It wanted Él quería
They played Ellos Jugaron
You worked Tú Trabajaste
We studied Nosotros estudiamos

Practicing Practicando

I ate everything I wanted yesterday Ayer yo comí todo lo que quise

You drank too much last week Tú bebiste demasiado la semana pasada
I wanted to go to Amanda’s house Yo quería ir a la casa de Amanda
They played against the work’s team Ellos jugaron contra el equipo de trabajo
You worked the whole day Tú trabajaste todo el día
She had to study for the test last week Ella tuvo que estudiar para el examen la semana pasada
We drank 3 bottles of water last night Anoche nosotros bebimos 3 botellas de agua
She ate my food Ella comió mi comida
He wanted to play soccer with his friends Él quería jugar al fútbol con sus amigos
They wanted to study with their friends Ellos querían estudiar con sus amigos
She liked you A ella le gustaste
She had to speak English with them Ella tenía que hablar inglés con ellos
I had a very good day yesterday Ayer yo tuve un muy buen día

Negative Negativo

He didn’t want to go to the park Él no quería ir al parque

They didn’t play soccer with me Ellos no jugaban futbol conmigo
He didn’t have to go with her Él no tenía que ir con ella
I didn’t like that restaurant No me gustó ese restaurante
You didn’t like her No te gustaba ella
She didn’t study for the test Ella no estudió para la prueba

Interrogative Interrogativo

What did you eat yesterday? ¿Qué comiste ayer?

When did you play video games? ¿Cuándo jugaste a los videojuegos?
Where did you play soccer yesterday? ¿Dónde jugaste al fútbol ayer?
Where did you work last year? ¿Dónde trabajaste el año pasado?
Did you have to do this? ¿Tenías que hacer esto?
Did you like the food? ¿Te gustó la comida?
Where did you want to go? ¿A dónde querías ir?
Did you like Matthew’s house? ¿Te gustó la casa de Matthew?



When did you go to Matthew’s house? ¿Cuándo fuiste a la casa de Matthew?

Why are you at Jessica’s House? ¿Por qué estás en la casa de Jessica?
I want to drive my sister’s car Yo quiero conducir el auto de mi hermana
I didn’t like Bob’s video game No me gustó el videojuego de Bob
Where are Mary’s parents? ¿Dónde están los padres de Mary?
Who is dad’s friend? ¿Quién es el amigo de papá?


Bob: Hey James, how is your day going?

James: Very good Bob, what about yours?
Bob: Going great. Hey did you go to Amanda’s party yesterday?
James: Yes, why didn’t you go?
Bob: I had the u.
James: Really? I’m sorry dude, I hope you will get better, see you later.
Bob: See ya James..





Verbs Verbos

I read Yo leo
You wrote Tú escribiste
He thought Él pensó
She knew Ella supo
It talked Él hablaba
They slept Ellos durmieron
You went Tú fuiste
We needed Nosotros necesitábamos

Practicing Practicando

I thought about you yesterday Yo pensé en ti ayer

You wrote the best book ever Tú escribiste el mejor libro de todos los tiempos
I wanted to go to Amanda’s house Yo quería ir a la casa de Amanda
She knew how to play the guitar Ella supo tocar la guitarra
They slept for the whole day Ellos durmieron todo el día
You needed to talk to him Tú necesitabas hablar con el
I read your letter yesterday Ayer yo leí tu carta
He ate and drank everything Él comió y bebió todo
He went to the supermarket without me Él fue al supermercado sin mi
They went to Elisa’s party Ellos fueron a la esta de Elisa
She went to the United States without me Ella se fue a Estados Unidos sin mi
They thought he was a very good soccer player Ellos pensaron que él era muy buen futbolista
I thought about that movie Yo pensé en esa película

Negative Negativo

He didn’t talk to the school principal Él no habló con el director de la escuela.

I didn’t know you played soccer Yo no sabía que jugabas futbol
Caroline didn’t know how to speak English Caroline no sabía hablar inglés
I didn’t like that restaurant No me gustó ese restaurante
She didn’t know what to do Ella no sabía que hacer
He didn’t read my letters Él no leyó mis cartas

Interrogative Interrogativo

What did you think I did? ¿Qué pensaste que hice?

Did you go to that party without me? ¿Fuiste a esa esta sin mí?
How did you go to the mall? ¿Cómo fuiste al centro comercial?
Where did you work last year? ¿Dónde trabajaste el año pasado?
When did she go to England? ¿Cuándo fue a Inglaterra?
What did you say to her? ¿Qué le dijiste a ella?
Where did you want to go? ¿A dónde querías ir?
Did you like Matthew’s house? ¿Te gustó la casa de Matthew?






I preferred It understood
You bought We cooked
He sold They lived
She spoke I remembered
It listened You forgot
We opened He traveled
They closed She went
I helped It stayed
You came We did
He visited They told
She watched I said


Jonathan: Mary, why didn’t you go to the Coldplay’s concert last night?
Mary: I was working a lot yesterday, I am sorry, I really wanted to go.
Jonathan: It was awesome, it was the best concert I went in my life.
Mary: Why are you doing this to me? I am so sad I didn’t go and you still say these things so
I can be sadder.
Jonathan: I am sorry Mary, I won’t say anything, but the concert was amazing.
Mary: You are the worst friend ever.





Verbs Verbos

I did Yo hice
You came Tu viniste
He understood Él entendió
She told Ella dijo
It listened Él escuchó
They said Ellos dijeron
You helped Tú ayudaste
We cooked Nosotros cocinamos

Practicing Practicando

She did the same as my father Ella hizo lo mismo que mi padre
I did my best Yo hice mi mejor esfuerzo
I understood everything he said Yo entendí todo lo que dijo
She listened to her parents Ella escucho a sus padres
They helped my mother yesterday Ellos ayudaron a mi madre ayer
You needed to talk to him Tú necesitabas hablar con él
I read you letter yesterday Ayer yo leí tu carta
He cooked a delicious dinner for us Él nos preparó una cena deliciosa
He went to the supermarket without me Él fue al supermercado sin mi
They went to Elisa’s party Ellos fueron a la esta de Elisa
She understood everything her teacher said Ella entendió todo lo que dijo su maestra
They thought I was angry Ellos pensaron que estaba enojado
I told my sister everything Yo dije todo a mi hermana

Negative Negativo

He didn’t talk to the school principal Él no habló con el director de la escuela.

I didn’t understand anything he said Yo no entendí nada de lo que dijo
They didn’t cook anything for dinner Ellos no cocinaron nada para la cena
I didn’t tell anybody your secret Yo no le dije a nadie tu secreto
She didn’t listen to her boyfriend Ella no escuchó a su novio
He didn’t do his best Él no hizo lo mejor que pudo

Interrogative Interrogativo

What did you cook for us tonight? ¿Qué cocinaste para nosotros esta noche?
Did you listen to that song I told you? ¿Escuchaste esa canción de la que te hablé?
How did she help you? ¿Cómo te ayudó ella?
Did you understand what I said? ¿Entendiste lo que dije?
Did you read the letter I sent you? ¿Leíste la carta que te envié?
Did you help your mother with the dishes? ¿Ayudaste a tu madre con los platos?
Where did you want to go? ¿A dónde querías ir?
Did you like Matthew’s house? ¿Te gustó la casa de Matthew?



James’s Time

There was once a boy named James. James was a very good soccer player at school, he
wanted to be a professional, but he didn’t like to practice very much, so when he was 18
years old, he had the chance to go to a try out for a very good soccer team, and as I said
he didn’t practice at all, so he failed.

James came back home that day and realised how much time he had lost, but he
decided to do something different for his life at the point, he practiced a lot, he did what
he should’ve done during his school time.

Then, after 2 years of hard work and a lot of practice, James tried again to join that
amazing soccer team he once wanted to play for, and he nally had success.

James learned how time is precious and how it can be wasted if we don’t do what we
need to do.


Discuss with you teacher the questions below and together try to nd a better understand of the


What did you learn from James story?

Why is so important to take control of our time?

Do you think you use your time wisely?

What can you do today to use your time better?







I ate I read I did

You drank You wrote You came
He had He thought He understood
She liked She knew She told
It wanted It talked It listened
They played They slept They said
You worked You went You helped
We studied We needed We cooked


When did you go to Matthew’s house? ¿Cuándo fuiste a la casa de Matthew?

Why are you at Jessica’s House? ¿Por qué estás en la casa de Jessica?
I want to drive my sister’s car Yo quiero conducir el auto de mi hermana
I didn’t like Bob’s video game No me gustó el videojuego de Bob
Where is Mary’s parents? ¿Dónde están los padres de Mary?
Who is dad’s friend? ¿Quién es el amigo de papá?


I preferred It understood
You bought We cooked
He sold They lived
She spoke I remembered
It listened You forgot
We opened He traveled
They closed She went
I helped It stayed
You came We did
He visited They told
She watched I said


Complete the sentences:

Caroline was watching ______TV every day____. They didn’t need ____________________________.

You had ____________________________________. She didn’t say _______________________________.

He liked ____________________________________. We didn’t want ______________________________.

You knew __________________________________. I didn’t have ________________________________.

She did ____________________________________. They didn’t cook ____________________________.

You told ____________________________________. You didn’t read _____________________________.

Did you go _________________________________? Did you drink ______________________________?

Did she think _______________________________? Did you know_______________________________?

Did you study ______________________________? Did she talk ________________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _________No, I don’t know how to play soccer_________________.

What did you do last weekend? A: ____________________________________________________________.

What did you want to be when you were a child? A: _____________________________________________.

Why did you start study English? A: ___________________________________________________________.

What kind of music did you listen in 2008? A: __________________________________________________.

Who was your best friend when you were at school? A: __________________________________________.

What time did you go to bed yesterday? A: ____________________________________________________.

Describe who you are




Verbs Verbos

I preferred Yo preferí
You bought Tú compraste
He sold Él vendió
She spoke Ella habló
It listened Él escuchó
We opened Nosotros abrimos
They closed Ellos cerraron
I helped Yo ayudé

Practicing Practicando

I preferred the last restaurant we went Yo preferí el último restaurante al que fuimos
She bought the best TV in the mall Ella compró la mejor televisión del centro comercial
He sold the last cake in the store Él vendió el último pastel en la tienda
She spoke a lot about you last night Ella habló mucho de ti anoche
It listened to his owner Él escuchó a su dueño
They opened a new store abroad Ellos abrieron una nueva tienda en el extranjero
We closed the hospital Nosotros cerramos el hospital
They helped their mother with the dishes Ellos ayudaron a su madre con los platos
They bought a new video game for their children Ellos compraron un nuevo videojuego para sus hijos.
He listened to Michael Jackson’s music the whole night Él escuchó la música de Michael Jackson toda la noche
She spoke English with her old teacher from school Ella hablaba inglés con su antiguo maestro de la escuela.
She taught math to her friends from school Ella enseñó matemáticas a sus amigos de la escuela.
We learned English last year in New Zealand Nosotros aprendimos inglés el año pasado en Nueva Zelanda

Negative Negativo

She didn’t buy the car he wanted Ella no compró el auto que él quería
They didn’t help to clean the school Ellos no ayudaron a limpiar la escuela
I didn’t speak with my mother today Hoy no hablé con mi madre
She didn’t go to that part of the city Ella no fue a esa parte de la ciudad
He didn’t open the door for me Él no me abrió la puerta
We didn’t try Chinese food Nosotros no probamos comida china

Interrogative Interrogativo

Did they go to the soccer practice yesterday? ¿Ellos fueron ayer a la práctica de fútbol?
Did you buy the new Iphone for your wife? ¿Le compraste el nuevo iPhone a tu esposa?
Didn’t they sleep at your house? ¿Ellos no durmieron en tu casa?
Did you sell her car to him? ¿Le vendiste su coche?
Didn’t they sell their house last year? ¿Ellos no vendieron su casa el año pasado?
Did he speak to her about the movie? ¿Él le habló de la película?
What did she say to him? ¿Qué le dijo ella?
Why didn’t you go with her? ¿Por qué no fuiste con ella?



Present Past Future

I am I was I will
You are You were You will
He is He was He will
She is She was She will
It is It was It will
We are We were We will
You are You were You will
They are They were They will


Daniel: Hey Jen, how are you?

Jennifer: Hey Daniel, were you at the party yesterday?
Daniel: Yes, I was, it wasn’t very good, I came back home very early.
Jennifer: Will you go to Matthew’s birthday next month?
Daniel: Yes I will, you will be there, right?
Jennifer: Sure, I won’t lose his party for nothing, everybody is saying that it will be amazing.





Verbs Verbos

I was playing Yo estaba jugando

He was watching Él estaba mirando
We were studying Nosotros estábamos estudiando
They were practicing Ellos estaban practicando
She was buying Ella estaba comprando
You were needing Tú estabas necesitando

Practicing Practicando

I was playing soccer with my friends from school Yo jugaba futbol con mis amigos de la escuela
He was studying for the English test yesterday Ayer él estaba estudiando para el examen de ingles
She was trying to be nice to him Ella estaba tratando de ser amable con el
She was living in my house last month Ella estaba viviendo en mi casa el mes pasado
They were practicing with the piano for the presentation Ellos estaban practicando con el piano para la presentación.
We were the best soccer team at school Nosotros éramos el mejor equipo de fútbol de la escuela.
She was at the hospital with your mother last week Ella estuvo en el hospital con tu madre la semana pasada.
They helped my mother for a whole week Ellos ayudaron a mi madre durante toda una semana.
My grandmother was traveling to Europe Mi abuela viajaba a Europa
They were talking about us last night Ellos estaban hablando de nosotros anoche
She was speaking in English very well with them Ella hablaba muy bien en inglés con ellos.
He thought you were her mother Él pensó que eras su madre
She was thinking about you when she did that Ella estaba pensando en ti cuando hizo eso

Negative Negativo

She wasn’t thinking about anything Ella no estaba pensando en nada

They weren’t sleeping at their houses Ellos no dormían en sus casas
We weren’t doing anything wrong Nosotros no estábamos haciendo nada malo
She wasn’t speaking to her father yesterday Ella no estaba hablando con su padre ayer
They weren’t helping with the party Ellos no estaban ayudando con la esta
She wasn’t trying to be nice to him Ella no estaba tratando de ser amable con él

¿Estuviste ayer en la esta?
Were you at the party yesterday? ¿Ella estaba jugando al fútbol con sus amigos?
Was she playing soccer with her friends? ¿Qué estaba haciendo ella allí?
What was she doing there? ¿No miraste la televisión durante toda la semana?
Didn’t you watch TV for the whole week? ¿Estabas comprando zapatos nuevos ayer en el centro
Were you buying new shoes yesterday at the mall? comercial?
Was she needing any help? ¿Ella necesitaba ayuda?
Were they studying for the test? ¿Ellos estaban estudiando para el examen?





I gotta I got to
I wanna I want to
I am gonna I am going to
Cuz Because


Mary: Hey Carol, how are you?

Carol: Hey Mary, I was going to the mall right now, do you want to go with me?
Mary: Sure, I will change my clothes and I meet you there.
Carol: Okay Mary, I will have lunch rst okay, do you want to eat anything?
Mary: No, I am good, I had lunch with my husband an hour ago.
Carol: Okay, I meet you at 2 p.m. then.
Mary: Okay, see you soon Carol.






Verbs Verbos

He was studying Él estaba estudiando

She was running Ella estaba corriendo
They were thinking Ellos estaban pensando
I was teaching Yo estaba enseñando
We were coming Nosotros veníamos
You were going Tú ibas

Practicing Practicando

I was going to his party yesterday, but I got sick Ayer yo iba a su esta, pero me enfermé
They were coming here today, but I wanna play soccer Ellos venían aquí hoy, pero quiero jugar al fútbol
She was running a marathon when her father screamed Ella corría una maratón cuando su padre gritó
He was studying in the bedroom before dinner Él estaba estudiando en el dormitorio antes de cenar.
They were thinking about going to the movies Ellos estaban pensando en ir al cine
I was teaching my student, but she had to leave Yo le estaba enseñando a mi alumna, pero ella tuvo que irse
I was leaving the house, but then I forgot the car key Yo salía de casa, pero luego olvidé la llave del auto.
She was running everyday before she got pregnant Ella corría todos los días antes de quedar embarazada
They are eating healthy food for this whole month Ellos están comiendo alimentos saludables durante todo este mes.
He gotta go to the doctor right now Él tiene que ir al doctor ahora mismo
She plays soccer cuz she likes it Ella juega fútbol porque le gusta
I wanna go to that concert with my friend Carla Yo quiero ir a ese concierto con mi amiga Carla
I am going to San Franscisco with Martha from work Yo me voy a San Francisco con Martha del trabajo

Negative Negativo

She wasn’t studying for the test when I asked her Ella no estaba estudiando para el examen cuando le pregunté
They weren’t thinking when they did this Ellos no estaban pensando cuando hicieron esto
I wasn’t leaving my house without my daughter Yo no salía de mi casa sin mi hija
He didn’t go to the movies with his friends from school Él no fue al cine con sus amigos de la escuela.
I wasn’t going to the doctor without my mom with me Yo no iba al médico sin mi mamá conmigo
She isn’t playing the piano anymore Ella ya no toca el piano

Interrogative Interrogativo

Where were you last night? ¿Dónde estabas anoche?

When do you want to go to the party? ¿Cuándo quieres ir a la esta?
What was she doing at school at that time? ¿Qué estaba ella haciendo en la escuela en ese momento?
What were you watching without me? ¿Qué estabas mirando sin mí?
Did you watch the new episode without me? ¿Viste el nuevo episodio sin mí?
Were you playing with our daughter last night? ¿Estabas jugando con nuestra hija anoche?
Was she your best friend at college? ¿Era ella tu mejor amiga en la universidad?





Stop smoking Deja de fumar

Remember doing Recuerda hacer
Start Running Empezar a correr
Stop Laughing Parar de reír
Remember talking Recuerda hablar

Mary: Carol how are you today?

Carol: I am going through some problems, but I am good.
Mary: What? What’s the problem girl? tell me.
Carol: I want to stop smoking, but it’s really hard, but I know I gotta stop.
Mary: Girl, you really need to stop, it’s not good for your health, do you need any help?
Carol: I am good now, I will keep trying.
Mary: Yes, the secret is to never give up. I know you got this girl. Love you, see you later.
Carol: Thanks Mary, that’s why you are my bestie.






He was studyin They were practicin I was livin

We were comin She was buyin They were seein
You were goin I was needin He was workin


Present Past Future

I am I was I will
You are You were You will
He is He was He will
She is She was She will
It is It was It will
We are We were We will
You are You were You will
They are They were They will

I gotta I got to
I wanna I want to
I am gonna I am going to
Cuz Because

Stop smoking Deja de fumar

Remember doing Recuerda hacer
Start Running Empezar a correr
Stop Laughing Parar de reír
Remember talking Recuerda hablar


Complete the sentences:

Caroline was watching ______TV every day____. I was not ___________________________________.

Daniel was _________________________________. We were not ________________________________.

She was ___________________________________. They were not ______________________________.

They were _________________________________. John was not _______________________________.

You were __________________________________. He was not _________________________________.

I was ______________________________________. You were not _______________________________.

Were they _________________________________? Was Monica ________________________________?

Were you __________________________________? Was He not ________________________________?

Was He ____________________________________? Were you __________________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _________No, I don’t know how to play soccer________________.

Were you a good student in school? A: _______________________________________________________.

Where were you in 2017’s new year’s eve? A: __________________________________________________.

What did you do for the last Christmas? A: ____________________________________________________.

What was your favorite food when you were a kid? A: __________________________________________.

What is your favorite TV Show? A: _____________________________________________________________.

Why did you start studying English? A: ________________________________________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Ben, where were you last night?____________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



Verbs Verbos

She was taking Ella estaba tomando

He was sending Él estaba enviando
I was feeling Yo estaba sintiendo
They were asking Ellos estaban preguntando
We were showing Nosotros estábamos mostramos
You were spending Tú estabas gastando

Practicing Practicando

I was showing my new apartment to my parents Yo les estaba mostrando mi nuevo apartamento a mis padres
I sent a letter to you yesterday Yo te envié una carta ayer
I need to send the package to Mr. Brown Yo necesito enviar el paquete al Sr. Brown
She was feeling bad about the situation Ella se sentía mal por la situación.
I felt that you needed this Yo sentí que necesitabas esto
Caroline was asking about you Caroline preguntaba por ti
They showed us a very nice car Ellos nos mostraron un coche muy bonito.
I am feeling very good today Yo me siento muy bien hoy
You are spending too much money Tú estás gastando demasiado dinero
He took my car Él llevó mi coche
She was taking the money from my wallet Ella estaba sacando el dinero de mi billetera
I spent 3 thousand dollars on this new computer Yo gasté 3 mil dólares en esta nueva computadora
They spend a lot of money on their company Ellos gastan mucho dinero en su empresa

Negative Negativo

She was not feeling good yesterday Ella no se sentía bien ayer
I am not sending the letter to you anymore Yo ya no te mando la carta
Dennis wasn’t taking the kids to school Dennis no llevaba a los niños a la escuela
She didn’t feel anything after she fell Ella no sintió nada después de caer
They weren’t spending money anymore Ellos ya no estaban gastando dinero
I didn’t want to ask her anything Yo no quise preguntarle nada

Interrogative Interrogativo

Where did you spend all of this money? ¿Dónde gastó todo este dinero?
When did you take your parents to the airport? ¿Cuándo llevaste a tus padres al aeropuerto?
Wasn’t she asking you a favor? ¿No te estaba pidiendo un favor?
Were you feeling bad about what you did? ¿Te sentías mal por lo que hiciste?
Did you show your brother your birthday present? ¿Le mostró a su hermano su regalo de cumpleaños?
Did he send you a text after school? ¿Él te envió un mensaje de texto después de la escuela?
Did your mother ask you anything? ¿Tu madre te preguntó algo?



When did you stop smoking? ¿Cuándo dejaste de fumar?

I remembered doing something very important Yo recordé haber hecho algo muy importante
I started running because I was late Yo empecé a correr porque llegué tarde
Stop laughing at your brother Deja de reírte de tu hermano
She remembers talking to you last night Ella recuerda haber hablado contigo anoche


Jason: Dennis did you go to the mall yesterday, son?

Dennis: Yeah dad, why? I used your credit card, I forgot to tell you.
Jason: Son, you spent 342 dollars, that is too much money, are you crazy?
Dennis: Dad, I was with my friends and I payed dinner and the movie tickets to all of them,
we were just having a good time.
Jason: Good, because you won’t have a good time in a very long time. You are grounded.
Dennis: Dad, I am sorry! I didn’t think you would be so mad. I won’t do it again, I promise
dad. Believe me.
Jason: I believe you Dennis, but you will be grounded anyway and you will also help your
mother with the dishes everyday for a whole month.
Dennis: Dad I thought we were friends.
Jason: We are son, that’s why I am doing this, friends help each other to become better
people. Well, I have to go to work, see you tonight, don’t forget to wash the dishes.





Verbs Verbos

I was changing Yo estaba cambiando

They were following Ellos estaban siguiendo
She was looking Ella estaba mirando
We were leaving Nosotros íbamos
He was bringing Él estaba trayendo
You were walking Tú estabas caminando

Practicing Practicando

I was changing my clothes at that time Yo me estaba cambiando de ropa en ese momento
They were following Marcus on instagram Ellos estaban siguiendo a Marcus en Instagram
She was looking for my phone Ella estaba buscando mi teléfono
He brought a new friend to school today Hoy él trajo a un nuevo amigo a la escuela
I was walking when I fell on the oor Yo estaba caminando cuando me caí al suelo
They were leaving the party when I saw them Ellos se iban de la esta cuando los vi
I left my house but I forgot my car key Yo salí de mi casa, pero olvidé la llave de mi auto
They changed the channel but I was watching Ellos cambiaron de canal, pero yo estaba mirando
You are spending too much money Tú estás gastando demasiado dinero
They understood everything you said Ellos entendieron todo lo que dijiste
I stopped smoking because I got sick Yo dejé de fumar porque me enfermé
I started running because I was late Yo empecé a correr porque llegué tarde
I started to run to lose weight Yo comencé a correr para bajar de peso

Negative Negativo

She was not feeling good yesterday Ella no se sentía bien ayer
I am not following James on Twitter anymore Yo ya no sigo a James en Twitter
They didn’t leave the party when I called them Ellos no se fueron de la esta cuando los llamé
She didn’t feel anything after she fell Ella no sintió nada después de caer
She is not looking at him anymore Ella ya no lo mira
They didn’t change the color of the shirt Ellos no cambiaron el color de la camiseta

Interrogative Interrogativo

Why did you change the channel? I was watching ¿Por qué cambiaste de canal? Yo estaba viendo
Why are you not following me anymore? ¿Por qué ya no me sigues?
Did you bring your girlfriend yesterday? ¿Trajiste a tu novia ayer?
Why are you walking so fast? ¿Por qué caminas tan rápido?
What did you change in your hairstyle? ¿Qué cambiaste en tu peinado?
What did you feel when you saw her? ¿Qué sentiste cuando la viste?
How much did you spend at the mall? ¿Cuánto gastaste en el centro comercial?






Accountant - Contador Judge - Juez

Actor/Actress - Actor/Actriz Lawyer - Abogado
Architect - Arquitecto Nurse - Enfermera
Businessman/woman - Empresario Photographer - Fotógrafo
Carpenter - Carpintero Police Of cer - O cial de Policia
Chef - Cocinero Politician - Político
Dentist - Dentista Receptionist - Recepcionista
Doctor - Doctor Salesman - Vendedor
Engineer - Ingeniero Secretary - Secretário


Jason: Dennis you are playing video game, aren’t you?

Dennis: Yeah dad, why? I nished my homework.
Jason: Don’t you remember you are grounded?
Dennis: I forgot, but dad I am doing everything right, now.
Jason: That’s good, but you are still grounded, turn off the video game and go help your
mother with the dishes.
Dennis: Okay dad, you don’t have to be so evil, you know that, right?
Jason: I am not being evil son, I am trying to teach you something, you have to learn that
every action has a consequence, good action have a good consequence and bad ones have
bad consequences.
Dennis: Okay dad.
Jason: Good, I brought dessert, let’s eat dinner now and eat cake and then you wash the








Verbs Verbos

I was being Yo estaba siendo

They were closing Ellos estaban cerrando
She was trying Ella estaba intentando
We were working Nosotros estábamos trabajando
He was getting Él estaba consiguiendo
You were calling Tú estabas llamando

Practicing Practicando

I was calling the whole night yesterday Yo estuve llamando toda la noche ayer
They were closing a deal with that big company Ellos estaban cerrando un trato con esa gran empresa
He was trying to be nice to you, but you were mad Él estaba tratando de ser amable contigo, pero estabas enojado
She was being the best student in that class Ella estaba siendo la mejor estudiante de esa clase
I was getting my car but then somebody crashed into it Yo iba a buscar mi auto, pero luego alguien chocó contra él
I tried to call you 10 times Yo traté de llamarte 10 veces
They were getting 10% of discount in that store Ellos obtuvieron un 10% de descuento en esa tienda
We were working every day for 10 years Nosotros estuvimos trabajando todos los días durante 10 años
I followed her on Instagram last week Yo l seguí en Instagram la semana pasada
I was helping my mother when you called Yo estaba ayudando a mi madre cuando llamaste
I knew she was trying to pass the test Yo sabía que estaba tratando de pasar la prueba
They were closing the store but then my uncle arrived Ellos estaban cerrando la tienda, pero luego llegó mi tío
They were listening to Coldplay in the car yesterday Ayer ellos escuchaban a Coldplay en el coche

Negative Negativo

She wasn’t the actress in that movie Ella no era la actriz de esa película
He wasn’t calling the lawyer because of you Él no estaba llamando al abogado por tu culpa
They didn’t close the deal with that businesswoman Ellos no cerraron el trato con esa empresaria
She isn’t the best chef in the world Ella no es la mejor chef del mundo
She didn’t want to go to the dentist today Ella no quería ir al dentista hoy
I called you 5 times yesterday and you didn’t answer Yo le llamé 5 veces ayer y no respondiste

Interrogative Interrogativo

Why did the judge go to that party? ¿Por qué fue el juez a esa esta?
Why didn’t you hire a professional photographer? ¿Por qué no contrató a un fotógrafo profesional?
What is a salesman? ¿Qué es un vendedor?
Did you want to be a nurse? ¿Querías ser enfermera?
Where is the receptionist? ¿Dónde está la recepcionista?
When do you want to hire a secretary? ¿Cuándo quieres contratar una secretaria?
Do you believe in politicians? ¿Crees en los políticos?




Question Tags

You went to mom’s house, didn’t you? Tú fuiste a la casa de mamá, ¿no?
You are playing video game, aren’t you? Tú estás jugando a un videojuego, ¿no?
She is dating Carlos, isn’t she? Ella está saliendo con Carlos, ¿no?
He ate all my pie, didn’t he? Él se comió todo mi pastel, ¿no?
He is not very nice, is he? Él no es muy agradable, ¿verdad?


Jason: Dennis, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Dennis: I want to be an engineer dad.
Jason: Why? What do like about engineering?
Dennis: I love buildings, I want to build a lot of skyscrapers like the Empire States.
Jason: That’s very nice son, but did you know that you have to study a lot?
Dennis: Yes dad, I don’t really like to study, but if everything goes wrong I will be a police
of cer just like you.
Jason: But police of cers study too, we have to know laws, how to act in some speci c
situations, it’s a different kind of study, but we also study a lot.
Dennis: So one way or another I will have to study then.







He was studyin They were practicin I was livin

We were comin She was buyin They were seein
You were goin I was needin He was workin


Question Tags

You went to mom’s house, didn’t you? Tú fuiste a la casa de mamá, ¿no?
You are playing video game, aren’t you? Tú estás jugando a un videojuego, ¿no?
She is dating Carlos, isn’t she? Ella está saliendo con Carlos, ¿no?
He ate all my pie, didn’t he? Él se comió todo mi pastel, ¿no?
He is not very nice, is he? Él no es muy agradable, ¿verdad?

Accountant - Contador Judge - Juez

Actor/Actress - Actor/Actriz Lawyer - Abogado
Architect - Arquitecto Nurse - Enfermera
Businessman/woman - Empresario Photographer - Fotógrafo
Carpenter - Carpintero Police Of cer - O cial de Policia
Chef - Cocinero Politician - Político
Dentist - Dentista Receptionist - Recepcionista
Doctor - Doctor Salesman - Vendedor
Engineer - Ingeniero Secretary - Secretário

When did you stop smoking? ¿Cuándo dejaste de fumar?

I remembered doing something very important Yo recordé haber hecho algo muy importante
I started running because I was late Yo empecé a correr porque llegué tarde
Stop laughing at your brother Deja de reírte de tu hermano
She remembers talking to you last night Ella recuerda haber hablado contigo anoche




Complete the sentences:

Caroline was watching ______TV every day____. I was not ___________________________________.

Daniel was _________________________________. We were not ________________________________.

She was ___________________________________. They were not ______________________________.

They were _________________________________. John was not _______________________________.

You were __________________________________. He was not _________________________________.

I was ______________________________________. You were not _______________________________.

Were they _________________________________? Was Monica ________________________________?

Were you __________________________________? Was He not ________________________________?

Was He ____________________________________? Were you __________________________________?

Answer the questions:

Do you know how to play soccer? A: _________No, I don’t know how to play soccer________________.

What do you remember the most about your childhood? A: _____________________________________.

What do you think about politics? A: __________________________________________________________.

What did you do in your last vacation? A: ______________________________________________________.

What is your favorite time of the year? A: ______________________________________________________.

What do you think is the most important thing to learn in life? A: _________________________________.

What do you like to do in your free time? A: ____________________________________________________.

Complete the dialogue between John and Ben:

John: ______________Ben, when did you start driving?____________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________

John: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ben: ________________________________________________________________________________



Verbs Verbos

I will go Yo iré
She will study Ella estudiará
They will work Ellos van a trabajar
We will call Nosotros llamaremos
I will try Yo intentaré
You will do Tú harás

Practicing Practicando

She will call you when we nish the work Ella te llamará cuando terminemos el trabajo
I will try to do my best Yo intentaré hacer lo mejor posible
You will do everything I told you to do Tú harás todo lo que te dije que hicieras
They will work the whole night to nish the project Ellos trabajarán toda la noche para terminar el proyecto.
I will go to New York tomorrow morning Yo iré a Nueva York mañana por la mañana
My mom will visit me at school today Mi mamá me visitará hoy en la escuela.
I will call you at 10 a.m. tomorrow Yo te llamaré mañana a las 10 a.m.
They will close the store earlier tonight Ellos cerrarán la tienda esta noche temprano
He will help me to move to my new apartment Él me ayudará a mudarme a mi nuevo apartamento.
I will see you Thursday Yo te veo el jueves
They will listen to everything I have to say Ellos escucharán todo lo que tengo que decir
She will stop smoking now Ella dejará de fumar ahora
We will practice the whole afternoon Nosotros practicaremos toda la tarde

Negative Negativo

She won’t go to that concert without me Ella no irá a ese concierto sin mí
He won’t graduate from college with these grades Él no se graduará de la universidad con estas cali caciones
They won’t have a successful business Ellos no tendrán un negocio exitoso
She isn’t the best chef in the world Ella no es la mejor chef del mundo
I won’t travel to Europe, I don’t have enough money Yo no viajaré a Europa, no tengo su ciente dinero
I won’t do everything you asked, it’s too hard Yo no haré todo lo que me pediste, es demasiado difícil

Interrogative Interrogativo

Will you go to Disneyland without me? ¿Irás a Disneyland sin mí?

Will you try to be a better soccer player this summer? ¿Intentarás ser mejor futbolista este verano?
Will she study for the test tonight? ¿Ella estudiará para el examen de esta noche?
Will you study to be a doctor? ¿Estudiarás para ser médico?
Are you trying to cook? ¿Estás intentando cocinar?
When will you stop smoking? ¿Cuándo dejarás de fumar?
What will you do now? ¿Qué harás ahora?







Verbs and Tenses

Simple Present: I study English every day; He looks like his father
Present Continues: I am studying English every day; He is looking like his father

Simple Past: I studied English every day; He looked like his father
Past Continues: I was studying English every day; He was looking like his father

Simple Future: I will study English every day; He will look like his father
Future Continues: I will be studying English every day; He will be looking like his father


Jason: Dennis, will you go to the mall with your mother?

Dennis: No dad, I have to study for my test tomorrow.
Jason: Okay, so I will go with her, do you want me to buy that t-shirt you wanted?
Dennis: I don’t know, do you think you will get the right one?
Jason: Text me a picture of the one you want and I will ask the vendor if he has it.
Dennis: Great idea dad, you are getting good with technology, you are a modern day dad.
Jason: Yeah, I am learning that technology can make my life a lot easier when I use it right.
Dennis: Yes dad, technology is the best thing these days, I just sent you the photo of the t-
shirt, thanks, please call me if you don’t nd it.






Verbs Verbos

I will be Yo seré
They will close Ellos cerrarán
She will ask Ella preguntará
We will come Nosotros vendremos
He will date Él saldrá
You will get Tú conseguirás

Practicing Practicando

You will get hurt there Tú te lastimarás allí

You will get in love Tú te enamorarás
She will date my best friend Ella saldrá con mi mejor amiga
Carol will close the school at 10 p.m. Carol cerrará la escuela a las 10 p.m.
They will ask you if you want to go with us Ellos te preguntarán si quieres ir con nosotros
I will get a new car next week Yo conseguiré un coche nuevo la semana que viene
I will be whoever I want when I grow up Yo seré quien quiera cuando sea grande
I will date my rst love Yo saldré con mi primer amor
I will call my mother to ask if she wants something Yo llamaré a mi madre para preguntarle si quiere algo.
He will help me to choose a new car tomorrow Él me ayudará a elegir un auto nuevo mañana.
I will ask your mother if she wants to go to the party Yo le preguntaré a tu madre si quiere ir a la esta
He will stop smoking next year Él dejará de fumar el año que viene
I will stop playing soccer in the summer Yo dejaré de jugar al fútbol en el verano

Negative Negativo

They won’t get in my car like this Ellos no entrarán en mi auto así
She won’t smoke in my apartment Ella no fuma en mi apartamento
I won’t get in love with him Yo no me enamorare de el
I won’t date until I am 18 years old Yo no saldré hasta los 18 años
She won’t be my best friend Ella no será mi mejor amiga
Caroline won’t be the best soccer player in the world Caroline no será la mejor jugadora de fútbol del mundo

Interrogative Interrogativo

Won’t you study for the English test tomorrow? ¿No estudiarás mañana para el examen de inglés?
Won’t she go to the concert with her boyfriend? ¿No irá ella al concierto con su novio?
Will she work until midnight today? ¿Trabajará ella hasta la medianoche de hoy?
Will he ask me to go on a date? ¿Me pedirá él que vaya a una cita?
Will you be my girlfriend? ¿Quieres ser mi novia?
Will you get a new cellphone tomorrow? ¿Recibirás un nuevo celular mañana?
What will you do this weekend? ¿Qué harás este n de semana?






Phrasal Verbs

Fall in love Enamorarse

Get in love Enamórate
Grow up Crecer
Ask out Invitar
Break up Disolver
Get back Volver
Calm down Cálmese
Eat out Comer fuera
Go out Fuera
Give away Regalar
Give up Rendirse
Throw Away Tirar a la basura
Wake Up Despierta
Work Out Rutina de ejercicio


She will fall in love with me

I won’t get in love with her
I want to grow up very fast
I don’t want to go out like this
I want to ask her out, but I don’t have the courage
She will break up with me, I am feeling it
I want to get back with her, but I don’t know if she wants me now
Calm down girl, I am here with you
I want to eat out tonight, maybe go to that famous restaurant we were talking about
Do you want to go out tonight Denise?
I am giving away all my old clothes to charity
I won’t give up on you
Don’t throw away everything, I will use some of these things
I hate to wake up early
She works out every day in the morning


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