Portafolio Ledis
Portafolio Ledis
Portafolio Ledis
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
individual y el acompañamiento del docente. También tiene como objetivo aclarar los
portafolio se presentan las diferentes actividades que se han realizado y cómo se hicieron.
También explico cómo me ayudaron a aclarar mis ideas y cómo es que aprendí de ellas.
dudas, más rigor, lo que fue más fácil, lo que dejó más enseñanzas, lo que aprendí y los
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
que los estudiantes con la formación educativa adquieran las competencias necesarias para
mejorar la calidad de vida y puedan desempeñar los roles ocupacionales que requiere el
Formar profesionales Técnicos de calidad, con las competencias necesarias para enfrentar
práctica que les permita contribuir al desarrollo socio económico y político del país.
Práctica profesional I
de enseñanza aprendizaje.
1. General Information
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Identidad: 0715-1991-00882
Telefono: 9930-8262
Correo: [email protected]
1. Educación
Educación. Superior
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Para mi ser docente va más allá de solo transmitir conocimientos, por esta razón, el tipo de
docente que deseo de ser va más allá. quiero ser una docente que motive a sus alumnos a
luchar por sus sueños, una docente que no destruya los sueños de ningún alumno, quiero ser
una docente empática, estricta pero no que imponga, una docente que no piense que
siempre tengo la razón, una docente que sea capaz de intervenir por sus alumnos, que no se
rinda si los alumnos no estén aprendiendo y buscar otras opciones de enseñanza para que su
formación y fomentar en el aula una enseñanza que permita que todos los estudiantes
alcancen los perfiles de aprendizajes Aumentar los comportamientos positivos dentro del
aula de clase. Visualizar el error como herramienta para producir cambios positivos o como
Valores Profesionales
Estímulo de un clima que permita desarrollar el respeto a las personas, ideas y opiniones y
Práctica profesional I
2. Conocer los aspectos lingüísticos del inglés, reconocer la naturaleza cambiante del
idioma y satisfacer las inquietudes dadas en este proceso a través de su propio aprendizaje.
4. Entender los niveles de desarrollo de la adquisición del idioma y usar ese conocimiento
para crear un ambiente de apoyo en el aula que incluya una interacción significativa de
5. Aplicar las metas curriculares para evaluar, seleccionar, diseñar y adaptar recursos
Práctica profesional I
Filosofía de la enseñanza
Enseñar es una actividad compleja que involucra a un maestro con el alumno en una
aprender, respectivamente. Enseñar es tener pasión. Pasión por transmitir cosas a los
estudiantes, quienes no siempre querrán escucharte y no estarán allí por su propia elección.
Enseñar es tratar de infectar a los estudiantes de esa pasión que tienes y, además, dejar que
los mismos estudiantes te infecten, porque no debes olvidar que las clases son para ellos.
Como profesor de inglés quiero que mis alumnos entiendan y trasmitan ideas utilizando el
inglés como segundo idioma a través de clases participativas en las que puedan desarrollar
sus propios conocimientos. Uno de los elementos más importantes para obtener interés en
aprender este nuevo idioma es que el inglés es significativo para sus vidas y su futuro. Me
esforzare por crear un entorno de aprendizaje centrado en el aprendizaje para mis alumnos.
Quiero crear un ambiente de aprendizaje como una forma de involucrar a los estudiantes en
el aula. También quiero incorporar el uso de la tecnología en el aula para generar más
interés y prepararlos para el rápido cambio del mundo. Finalmente quiero mantener el
orden correcto en el aula para no dañar la atmosfera de aprendizaje. Es importante que los
alumnos vean al maestro como una autoridad, pero es necesario mantener una relación
Todos los días aprendemos cosas nuevas, especialmente si mantenemos una actitud abierta,
Práctica profesional I
como aprende cada alumno. Para hacer esto, me esforzare por seguir aprendiendo,
especialmente en este mundo en constante cambio en el que vivimos. Los mejores maestros
son aquellos que nunca dejan de aprender y continúan esforzándose por mejorar.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Concepción de enseñanza
centro, los docentes la emplean de forma tan distinta. Mientras unos solo ven un tipo de
uso, posibilidad otros ven muchas posibilidades, a veces radicalmente diferentes. Pondré un
ejemplo: las pizarras digitales. Quizá sean los dispositivos tecnológicos más populares en
nuestras aulas muchos docentes solo las usan para presentar contenidos a los alumnos En
cambio, en algunas aulas, ves como los alumnos «salen» a la pizarra en grupo a realizar
actividades con la ayuda del profesor/a y toda la clase y preparan ellos mismos
presentaciones dinámicas usando medios y lenguajes diversos, etc. Una posible explicación
es que los docentes poseemos distintas concepciones de lo que es aprendizaje y, por tanto,
enseñanza y, dado que incluso intentamos ser medianamente coherentes con nuestras ideas,
visiones distintas del papel que puede desempeñar la tecnología y valoraciones diferentes
Práctica profesional I
Concepción de aprendizaje
Las actividades de enseñanza que realizan los profesores están inevitablemente unidas a los
educativos y la clave del éxito está en que los estudiantes puedan y quieran realizar las
establecido Para ello deben realizar múltiples tareas: programar su actuación docente,
coordinar su actuación con los demás miembros del centro docente, buscar recursos
educativos, realizar las actividades de enseñanza propiamente dichas con los estudiantes,
con las familias, gestionar los trámites administrativos. De todas estas actividades, las
constituyen lo que se llama el acto didáctico, y representa la tarea más emblemática del
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
I. General Information:
School: Instituto Técnico Honduras.
Teacher´s name: Ledis Ortiz
Assessor teacher: Sally Soto
Topic: places
Skills: Listening-Speaking-Reading-Writing-Grammar.
Grammar point: Superlative adjectives.
Vocabulary: (big, dangerous, popular, hot, good, bad, far, cold. interesting).
Level: Beginners.
Grade: 8th
Methodology: Communicative Approach, Constructivism, Audio – Lingual Approach, Top- down Approach,
Inductive Approach, Scaffolding Method, and Teaching Grammar in Context.
k) Date: June 19th 2020
l) Place: Tegucigalpa, M.D.C.
m) Blocks: Communication.
Component 1: Communicate in another language. Students use another language to communicate with others.
Indicators: 1) Listen to oral language (conversations) and restate with their own ideas.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Indicators: 1) Comprehend the main idea in highly illustrated texts in which cognates, repetition,
predictability and rhythm are used (stories, simple advertisements and/or other literacy
2). Make connections between illustrations and simple written texts (e.g., use picture
dictionary, match illustrations with short phrases or sentences).
At the end of this class, students will be able to understand when and how comparative adjectives are used through
different activities.
Práctica profesional I
Students will be able to interpret reading and it understands the content and develop interpretations of each
Students will be able to acquire knowledge what they learn while resolving activities.
Students will make use superlative adjectives and it puts the topic rules into practice.
IV. Assumptions:
At this point, the students are supposed to able to:
Use vocabulary in correct way.
Understand the rules of superlative adjectives.
Make sentences using superlatives
Tell descriptions of places.
V. Challenge:
Make the students to pronounce well.
Developing different activities.
The class behavior.
Lack of motivation.
Small classroom.
Práctica profesional I
Students Pre-Listening
practice and - The teacher presents the topic 4 Strategy: Teacher Students capt
understand - The teacher asks some questions about - Talking and Students information
superlatives adjective. oral activities
- What's the most interesting country you have been
to? 3
- What's the fastest way to travel in your country? Answering
- What is the tallest building you have been in? questions
Práctica profesional I
they have to tell how many superlatives appear in and discussion their ideas.
the story. Pictures
Práctica profesional I
communication language.
so. audios
- Once the various opinions have been heard, students
others are told which are true and which are not.
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Pre-Reading Strategy:
- This activity is about riddles with superlatives. proof reading
- Student needs to read carefully and it tries to
guess the answer. 3 timed online
- Teacher gives some clues so that it is not difficult. technique: activities
individual work
superlatives.html strategy:
oral discussion
- Teacher gives a question ‘’What is the biggest
social problem in this country “Ask students to students
talk for at least one minute on. This will probably
students use naturally produce at least some superlatives
new vocabulary during the speaking.
to understand a
reading 3
strategy: laptop/cellphone
While- Reading
integrate information
- the teacher asks the students to choose an object
from those around them. On a sheet, they have to
write the story of that object. using places and
real objects timed online
superlatives use the smallest detail.
- Some of the students share their reading.
- Student tries to draw a map of one of the places
them like the most. See how many details their
can include using the necessary superlatives.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
While Grammar
3 grammar
- Students complete a worksheet about superlatives
relating columns.
matching using
- Students must choose the word according to the
students practice
with relating
- Teacher read a text with superlatives in some parts
the teacher stops reading, students must guess the
word that follows.
text reconstruction
- Teacher gives three words clues of those words
Student catch
the students have to choose one.
ideas through
- Synonyms of the word can be accepted.
Post-Grammar technique:
- The teacher begins by saying something about group work
himself, for example “my tennis is the most
- Teacher selects a student who must repeat what he
said and add something about himself, for
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
VII. General Information:
Práctica profesional I
Standard 1: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics
Indicators: 1) Complete simple sentences, phrases and/or short dialogues to accompany illustrations.
2) Use information from a text or oral story to show sequence.
Standard 1. Students understand and interpret written
and spoken language on a variety of topics (interpretive).
Indicators: 1) Comprehend the main idea in highly illustrated texts in which cognates, repetition,
predictability and rhythm are used (stories, simple advertisements and/or other literacy
2) Obtain and use information through different media sources.
At the end of this class students will be able to know how to make sentences with were/was using different
Students will be able to communicate what they are learning.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Students will be able to produce and learn vocabulary through pictures and other activities.
Students will be able to develop what they are learning.
Students will be able to produce and learn vocabulary through PowerPoint presentations, puzzle.
Students will be able to analyze and makes quizzes in simple past(were/was)
X. Assumptions:
At this point the students are supposed to able to:
Implement the rules.
Know enough vocabulary.
Make sentences and questions.
Make story sequences.
XI. Challenge:
Students to collaborate.
Developing different activities.
Understand instruction.
Práctica profesional I
Teacher introduces the topic. Strategy:
Teacher tells some questions about were/ was students Students
Students listen and in the wrong order and the students answer it is 5 Listening for teacher practice listen
order questions. it correct or no. specific answer the
1. He and Mary were good students? information. questions
2. Were we old Friends?
3. Was I a good student?
4. She absents was from class yesterday? Technique: zoom
5. Members Were we of the club? Group work teacher
Teacher asks why is incorrect? students
While-Listening cellphone
Teacher tells a question about high school internet
Students develop Students have to create a story. Strategy:
comprehension for Background
1. Was she a good classmate?
sequence of story. 6 knowledge.
Teacher selects a student to start and then
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Post – Listening
Teacher plays an audio of a high school Strategy: students
conversation the student listens carefully at the Guided computer
Students improve end of the audio the student answers a Quiz listening internet listening an
their listening 6 audio and
through audios and Technique: make a quiz.
online exams. http://www.elllo.org/english/0001/032-Kerys- Individual work.
Pre – Speaking computer
Teacher tells the activity the name is ‘’Let’s
Teacher shows a picture about something of
high school and another picture that contain
these words WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW, Strategy: students
Students practice WHY, WHEM. 5 Ask and answer computer
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
While – Speaking
Teacher makes a PowerPoint presentation students
containing sentences students watch for 5 Strategy: computer
seconds. 4 Activate topic internet
On each slide a sentences disappears and vocabulary. share ideas
students have to mention which sentences are and
Students learn to missing. Technique: memorize
memorize by This activity is about a debate teacher gives Group work
removing one questions the students have to say why 5
sentences. they agree or disagree. notebook
1. should both boys and girls learn to cook pencil
at high school?
2. Using simple past were/was pronunciation
Student learn to student
develop the tongue
Post – Speaking 5 teacher
strategy: computer
and pronounce b
Teacher gives some tongue twisters Develop tongue
Students practice internet
the first time the student has to read it a little
slow the second time read it a little faster Technique:
and the third time you have to read it as fast as individual work.
by answering
their can.
some questions.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
removing student Coherent and
pictures internet proper ideas
computer to
Techniques answer some
students make use Post-Reading individual work questions
of appropriated Students talk about their school. 5 :
information Students read their experiences student
Students tell If they would like change strategy internet
something. contraction of computer
Students puts Finally, the students read some sentences and 4 poems
vocabulary into complete with the possible answer. Active prior
practice technique knowledge
individual work about
www.ejerciciosinglesonline.com/was-were-1/ student the story
Students learn new
words. Pre-Writing 4
Teacher gives a crossword about high school answer questions
for expand their vocabulary. technique
Students complete the crossword, then click on individual work
"Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck,
you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. complete the
Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or 6 strategy activity
Students retain identify
information. clues for that number.
www.english- technique
4u.de/en/crosswords/subjects.html 4 group wo
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
While- Writing the pictures
strategy computer
Teacher makes a PowerPoint presentation about 5 Make sentences internet
pictures and different words the name of and question with pictures
activity is ¨Initials´´ were was.
Student takes the first letter from each picture inferring rules
and form the mystery word.
Práctica profesional I
Post-Grammar strategy events
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
complete with
Teacher gives a picture about a high specific
Students learn school where the students have to 4 information
sequences. letter. describe and write- student has to use
When the students finish to writing they technique
select five sentences that appear in the individual work
reading. 6
Práctica profesional I
XIII. General Information:
General Objective:
XIV. At the end of this class students will be able to understand uses of infinitive through different activities.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Students will be able to incorporate writing process with the uses of infinitive through paragraphs.
Students will be able to construct sentences and identify uses of infinitive.
XVI. Assumptions:
At this point the students are supposed to able to:
Use basic vocabulary in English.
Good behavior
Manage the topic.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
XVII. Challenges:
Students pay attention.
Make the students speak.
Lack of Motivation.
Number of students
Size of classroom.
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
While- Listening
o Students try to write true sentences about their
Students listening classmates, using the verb followed by an Strategy
comprehension infinitive, example: Students pay
by complete 1. She needs to go to the supermarket. attention and
worksheet with Listening for
o Give each student a copy of the worksheet. The specific makes sentences
specific students begin by Workshe
information and answers
information 2 et questions
writing the name of each student in the class in the first Videos
column of the worksheet. Internet
group work
o Students then check if their sentences are true or
not by asking questions to their classmates,
example: 1. Do you need to go to the
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Students interpret
Strategy reading and
complete article.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
4 constructio
Student o Teachers give an article about How to Survive Technique Notebook
practice Meeting Your Girlfriend’s Parents for the First Completin Internet Students complete
through Time. g reading Computer a worksheet and
different o Students read an article and fill in the black with Pictures learns new words.
task the verbs in the list.
o Discuss the answers. 4
While- Reading
Students o Teacher gives a copy of worksheet with words Strategy
distinguis related to the last story, how to Survive Meeting Reading
h facts Your Girlfriend’s Parents for the First Time. 3 actively
o In the reading there are nine advices, the student Students Students learn
reads again and they have to change the end of Computer with a fun game.
four advices with the words appear in the Internet
worksheet. 3 Technique
o Students read their reading. Balloon
Students Post-Reading
practice o The name of the activity is “Balloon Pop”
with o Each balloon has a verb students have to read Students
different each sentence. Teacher Students create a
games o Students try to exploit the balloon in the correct Student
response and
and sentence. Strategy Notebook
completes some
develop Sentences
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
XIX. General Information:
Práctica profesional I
Indicator: Provide personal information from the immediate environment using simple words and functional
At the end of this class, students will be able to understand the position of adverbs of frequency.
Práctica profesional I
XXII. Assumptions:
At this point, the students are supposed to able to:
Use vocabulary in correct way.
Understand the rules of adverbs of frequency.
Make sentences.
Following instruction.
XXIII. Challenge:
Make the students to pronounce well.
Developing different activities.
The class behavior.
Lack of motivation.
Small classroom.
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Práctica profesional I
Pre-Grammar Strategy
- Teacher explains when and how we use adverbs Oral
Students of frequency. discussion
know - Position adverbs of frequency. Technique Students Students answer
different - Students match sentence 1-4 with a-d 4 Answering Teacher With information
rules - Students complete the sentences according with questions
the first letter of the verb.
- Teacher shows some flashcards and each Strategy Flashcards Students measure
Students students select one. Combining what they learn
catch more - Each students have to do a mimic related to the sentences Students during the class.
attention picture the rest of the students have to guess
with what mimic is about. Technique
pictures - When the student answer, they have to use 4 Telephone
whatever adverbs of frequency they want. message Students measure
what they learn
during the class.
Students - The activity is the telephone each student has to
measure make three sentence of which they do every day
their and using adverbs of frequency. Students
knowledge - Students have to do a mimic that they are
talking on the phone and each one has to say Teacher
the sentences.
- Students circle the different word.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Práctica profesional I
Diagnostic test
Student’s name: ____________________________________________________
Grade: 7th Section: _______________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________
General instruction: Read each instruction carefully. Write with clear handwriting and do
not forget you are not allowed to stand up or to talk with your partner during the test.
Skills: Listening, vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing
Listening part
Instruction: Listen to the song and complete with the words that are in the box.
The Rainbow
Oh I like red it’s the color of an apple Yellow it’s a lemon and a wonderful sun, sun,
Orange it’s the color of an
And my favorite
----------it’s a lemon and a wonderful sun,
sun, sun -------it’s the color of the trees and lots of
things that grow
Green it’s the color of the trees and lots of
things that grow And then there's blue for the sky
And then there's --------- for the sky And ----- that’s a color that’s fun, fun, fun
And purple that’s a color that’s fun, fun, fun And when you put those colors side by side
And when you put those colors side by side Now what do you think we’ve done
Now what do you think we’ve done We’ve made a rainbow
We’ve made a rainbow Oh, we’ve made a rainbow
And it’s a really beautiful one, one, one We’ve made a rainbow
Oh I like------- it’s the color of an apple And it’s a really beautiful one
Orange It’s the color of an orange
Práctica profesional I
1. Red
2. Black
3. Blue
4. Yellow
5. Purple
6. Brown
Grammar part
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Práctica profesional I
Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct color according to the image next to
1. I have a -----------hat
3. That is a beautiful----------guitar
Práctica profesional I
Reading part
Instructions: Read the following paragraph. Then, read the sentences bellow, write a T if
the sentence t is true and a F if it is false.
The weather today is very cold. It's just a few degrees above
zero right now, and it's probably going to snow. The sky is gray
and cloudy.
Yesterday's weather was like today. It was cold and cloudy, and
then it snowed in the afternoon. In the evening, it got really,
really cold. After midnight, the temperature was ten degrees
below zero.
The winter in Minnesota is long and hard. Usually, the snow
starts to fall in November and it stops falling in March. In April
it melts. On average, there are five months of winter weather.
On days when it snows, the sky is dark and gray, but on days
when the temperature goes below zero, it's very sunny and the
sky is clear and blue. Isn't that interesting?
1. When the temperature in Minnesota goes below zero the sky is
Clear and blue………………………………… …………….. . (T)
2. The story was about clothes………………………………………… …….. ( )
3. The color of the sky it was blue and cloudy…………………………...…. ( )
4. In Minnesota the winter is long and hard…….……………………… …….. ( )
5. The snow starts to fall in April and it stops falling in March……………… ( ) 6. After
midnight the temperature is below zero………...……………….….. ( )
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Práctica profesional I
Writing part
Instructions: Complete the crossword each box has the initial of a color; refer to the color of
the figures.
B l
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Práctica profesional I
Oh I like red it’s the color of an apple Yellow it’s a lemon and a wonderful sun, sun,
Orange it’s the color of an orange
And my favorite
Yellow it’s a lemon and a wonderful sun, sun,
sun Green it’s the color of the trees and lots of
things that grow
Green it’s the color of the trees and lots of
things that grow And then there's blue for the sky
And then there's blue for the sky And purple that’s a color that’s fun, fun, fun
And purple that’s a color that’s fun, fun, fun And when you put those colors side by side
And when you put those colors side by side Now what do you think we’ve done
Now what do you think we’ve done We’ve made a rainbow
We’ve made a rainbow Oh, we’ve made a rainbow
And it’s a really beautiful one, one, one We’ve made a rainbow
Oh I like red it’s the color of an apple And it’s a really beautiful one
Orange It’s the color of an orange
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Práctica profesional I
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
Vocabulary part
Instructions: Match the color with the correct word.
1. Red
2. Black
3. Blue
4. Purple
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
5. Yellow
6. Brown
Grammar part
Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct color according to the image next to it.
Reading part
Instructions: Read the following paragraph. Then, read the sentences bellow, write a T if the sentence t is true and a F if it is false.
The weather today is very cold. It's just a few degrees above zero right now, and it's probably going
to snow. The sky is gray and cloudy.
Yesterday's weather was like today. It was cold and cloudy, and then it snowed in the afternoon. In
the evening, it got really, really cold. After midnight, the temperature was ten degrees below zero.
The winter in Minnesota is long and hard. Usually, the snow starts to fall in November and it
stops falling in March. In April it melts. On average, there are five months of winter weather.
On days when it snows, the sky is dark and gray, but on days when the temperature goes below
zero, it's very sunny and the sky is clear and blue. Isn't that interesting?
1. When the temperature in Minnesota goes below zero the sky is Clear and
blue……………………………………………………………………... (T)
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
Writing part
Instructions: Complete the crossword each box has the initial of a color; refer to the color of the figures.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
P u r p l e
i Y
B l u e l
l o r a n g e
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
Diagnostic test
Student’s name: ____________________________________________________
Grade: 8th Section: _______________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________
General instruction: Read each instruction carefully. Write with clear handwriting and do not forget you are not allowed to stand up or
to talk with your partner during the test.
Skills: Listening, vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing.
Listening part
Instruction: Listen the audio about occupations and then match the occupation with the respective descriptions, use a line to join the
Occupation description
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Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
Vocabulary part
Instructions: Complete the following the spaces with the words that are missing.
1 2 3
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Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
4 5 6
Grammar part
Instructions: Read about Carlos and his Family and write the names and occupations
of Carlos`s family.
Carlos`s family
Hi, my name is Carlos. I’m a student. My father is a pilot. His name is George, my mother is a doctor, and her name is Ana.
I have a sister her name is Danna, she is a singer, I have a bother His name is Carlos. He is a Dentist. I have an aunt her name
is Sara. She is a dancer. Jose is my grandparent, he is an architect. His wife is Juana, she is a Nurse. They have two sons Luis y
Marco. Luis is a Teacher and Marco is a policeman. Marco has a son his name is Miguel He is my cousin, and he is a chef.
Reading part
1. Instructions: Read carefully and answer the following question.
Mr. Thompson is 45 years old. He is a teacher. M Thompson has a family. He has a wife. Her name
is Maria. She is a nurse. He has a daughter; her name is Elena. She is an engineer. He also has two sons Luis and Raul. Luis is
a singer and Raul is a student they are good children. They are happy because they share much time together and they help
each other. They have two dogs Lola and Dakota. Elena loves to take them out for a walk. Raul likes classic cars.
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Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
2. Circle the correct answer and then in the blank space write the answer.
Reading part
Instructions: Write a short paragraph describing the people in the picture. There are words in the box to help you. Don’t forget to write
about occupations.
School/ hair/short/secretary/skin/black/curly/doctor/play
football7 help her mother/ brush his teeth/loves
cats/dentist/dogs/take a
shower/morning/policeman/teacher/type letters/ office/7
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Coordinación de Práctica General
1. There is a couple having a dinner next to the park.
Instruction: Listen the audio about occupations and then match the occupation with the respective descriptions, use a line to join the
Occupation description
1. Doctor person who drives a bus
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Vocabulary part
Instructions: Complete the following the spaces with the words that are missing.
Instructions: Complete the following the spaces with the words that are missing.
1 2 3
4 5 6
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Grammar part
Instructions: Read about Carlos and his Family and write the names and occupations of Carlos`s family.
Carlos`s family
Hi, my name is Carlos. I’m a student. My father is a pilot. His name is George, my mother is a doctor, and her name is Ana.
I have a sister her name is Danna, she is a singer, I have a bother His name is Carlos. He is a Dentist. I have an aunt her name
is Sara. She is a dancer. Jose is my grandparent, he is an architect. His wife is Juana, she is a Nurse. They have two sons Luis y
Marco. Luis is a Teacher and Marco is a policeman. Marco has a son his name is Miguel He is my cousin, and he is a chef.
Maria is
Reading part
1. Instructions: Read carefully and answer the following question.
Mr. Thompson is 45 years old. He is a teacher. M Thompson has a family. He has a wife. Her name
is Maria. She is a nurse. He has a daughter; her name is Elena. She is an engineer. He also has two sons Luis and Raul. Luis is
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a singer and Raul is a student they are good children. They are happy because they share much time together and they help
each other. They have two dogs Lola and Dakota. Elena loves to take them out for a walk. Raul likes classic cars.
2. Circle the correct answer and then in the blank space write the answer.
Writing part
Instructions: Write a short paragraph describing the people in the picture. There are words in the box to help you. Don’t forget to write
about occupations.
School/ hair/short/secretary/skin/black/curly/doctor/play
football7 help her mother/ brush his teeth/loves
cats/dentist/dogs/take a
shower/morning/policeman/teacher/type letters/ office/7
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Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
1. There is a couple having a dinner next to the park.
Diagnostic test
Student’s name: ____________________________________________________
Grade: 9th Section: _______________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________
General instruction: Read each instruction carefully. Write with clear handwriting and do not forget you are not allowed to stand up or
to talk with your partner during the test.
Skills: Listening, vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing
Listening part
Instruction: Listen to the audio about a memorable night of David from Spain. Below all the sentences are wrong, according to the
audio correct with the appropriate information.
Vocabulary part
Instructions: Read the following past time expressions. Order in ascent way placing a scale from 1 to 6.
Example: Five minutes ago -----------------------------------------
Three minutes ago----------------------------------------2
Two minutes ago-----------------------------------------1
1. Yesterday Morning---------------------------------------------------------
2. Last Night-------------------------------------------------------------------
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3. Last Month-------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Last week------------------------------------------------------------------
Grammar part
1. Instructions: Complete the Chart with regular or irregular verbs; change the verbs from present simple to past simple.
Want wanted
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Reading Part
Instruction: Read the three poems are in simple past and list from 1 to 3 which picture corresponds to the poem.
2 3
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Writing part
Instructions: Talk about your last vacation and write a short paragraph using these questions.
My last vacation
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Vocabulary part
Instructions: Read the following past time expressions. Order in ascent way placing a scale from 1 to 6,
Example: Five minutes ago -----------------------------------------
Three minutes ago----------------------------------------2
Two minutes ago---------------------------------------- 1
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1. Yesterday Morning---------------------------------------------------------
2. Last Night-------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Last Month-------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Last week----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Grammar part
Instructions: Complete the Chart with regular or irregular verbs; change the verbs from present simple to past simple.
Want wanted
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Reading Part
Instruction: Read the three poems are in simple past and list from 1 to 3 which picture corresponds to the poem.
2 3
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3 3
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Writing part
Instructions: Talk about your last vacation and write a short paragraph using these questions.
My last vacation
My last vacation was one week trip to Islas de la Bahia I know that place well because I lived there when I was a child, more than ten
years ago.
I stayed with one of my old friends, we stayed in a hotel, it was so much fun, and a little bit like my old life. I wanted to do all the
same things I did in I lived in my childhood days, so I visited mi favorite place. It has changed a lot and looks more modern. I also
went to the supermarket near my old house. I loved seeing all the different foods. I was really happy to find my favorite cheese and
chocolate biscuits but they were a bit more expensive than I remember!
We did some touristy things too. We walked up beautiful street the views of the city are amazing up there. We walked in the park. I
don´t remember how much money I spent but I know it was a lot. It was a memorable day.
Diagnostic test
Student’s name: ____________________________________________________
Grade: 10th Section: _______________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________
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Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
General instruction: Read each instruction carefully. Write with clear handwriting and do not forget you are not allowed to stand up or
to talk with your partner during the test.
Skills: Listening, vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing
Listening part
Instruction: Listen and number the picture in the order you hear the story.
Christine and Margaret are friends. They are both busy because they work and study! But on Wednesday they meet for coffee.
"What are you going to do this weekend?" asks Margaret.
"Well, I’m going to finish my project for my design class. But if I can finish it by Friday, I'll do something fun as a treat," says Christine.
"That sounds great!" replies Margaret. "I think the ballet is coming to town. If it isn't too expensive, I'm going to buy tickets. Would you like to
"Well, I don't really like ballet very much. If you want to go to the ballet in the evening, I´m going to go with you" says Christine.
"All right. If you have the energy, let's go swimming!" suggests Margaret.
"That sounds great! If I don't call you on Friday, send me an email at work," agrees Christine. "And if I don't answer, call me again. And if I don't
pick up… oh, let's just make plans now! I'm too busy to plan later!"
Vocabulary part
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Instructions: Look the following pictures and make sentences using going to with the information given.
He/play/soccer tomorrow
Grammar part
Instructions: Read carefully and choose the correct answer
I finished school.
Yes, I am.
Yes, he will.
I stayed at home.
Yes, I was.
Yes, I am.
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Yes, we are.
Yes, we did.
Reading part
Instructions: Read and look at the highlighted words; try to figure out their meaning from the context.
Honeymoon in Brazil
Susie’s going to get married next summer. She’s going to have the ceremony in the church in her mother’s town.
After the wedding, she and her husband are going to have dinner with all their friends and family, and the next day they’re going to
leave on their honeymoon.
They’re going to Brazil. They’re going to spend 5 days in Rio de Janeiro, and 4 days in Sao Paolo.
After they get home, they’re going to start looking for a house to buy.
Susie has a lot of plans for married life, too. She wants kids: they’re going to have two kids. And she’s going to send them to the best
private schools.
Writing part
Instructions: Look at the following pictures and write one sentence using going to.
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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
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Christine and Margaret are friends. They are both busy because they work and study! But on Wednesday they meet for coffee.
"What are you going to do this weekend?" asks Margaret.
"Well, I’m going to finish my project for my design class. But if I can finish it by Friday, I'll do something fun as a treat," says Christine.
"That sounds great!" replies Margaret. "I think the ballet is coming to town. If it isn't too expensive, I'm going to buy tickets. Would you like to
"Well, I don't really like ballet very much. If you want to go to the ballet in the evening, I´m going to go with you" says Christine.
"All right. If you have the energy, let's go swimming!" suggests Margaret.
"That sounds great! If I don't call you on Friday, send me an email at work," agrees Christine. "And if I don't answer, call me again. And if I don't
pick up… oh, let's just make plans now! I'm too busy to plan later!"
5 2
4 1
Vocabulary part
Instructions: Look the following pictures and make sentences using going to with the information given.
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Coordinación de Práctica General
The green alien/ride/ on the space rocket. 3. The green alien is going to ride on the space rocket.
They/play/with math numbers. 4. They are going to play with math numbers.
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Coordinación de Práctica General
The girl/go/ to a fancy dress party. 5. The girl is going to go a fancy dress party.
Grammar part
Instructions: Read carefully and choose the correct answer
I finished school.
Yes, I am.
Yes, he will.
I stayed at home.
Yes, I was.
Yes, I am.
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Coordinación de Práctica General
Yes, we are.
Yes, we did.
Reading part
Instructions: Read and look at the highlighted words; try to figure out their meaning from the context.
Honeymoon in Brazil
Susie’s going to get married next summer. She’s going to have the ceremony in the church in her mother’s town.
After the wedding, she and her husband are going to have dinner with all their friends and family, and the next day they’re going to
leave on their honeymoon.
They’re going to Brazil. They’re going to spend 5 days in Rio de Janeiro, and 4 days in Sao Paolo.
After they get home, they’re going to start looking for a house to buy.
Susie has a lot of plans for married life, too. She wants kids: they’re going to have two kids. And she’s going to send them to the best
private schools.
Get Married To begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband or wife.
Looking forward to to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen.
Writing part
Instructions: Look at the following pictures and write one sentence using going to.
The Most The Most
Popular Interesting Worst
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The Best
Richard is the unluckiest boy in the world. He never falls ill but he falls ill, it happens on Sunday or when his class goes on the most
exciting school trip one can imagine. He never gets extra money, but if his granny gives him some coins he loses them. His trousers
pockets have holes in them. He is a good student but when he writes an important class test, his pen runs out of ink. If he has a date
with a girl, his bus breaks down. His canary is the best singing bird he has ever had. But when he proudly invites a schoolmate to listen
to it, the canary becomes the most silent
bird of all.
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But Richard thinks he is very lucky. He thinks he is the luckiest boy of all. He has a wonderful mum and a wonderful dad, loving
grandparents, an adorable little sister and a supportive big brother. His desk mate is the funniest in the school and the girls in his class
are the prettiest. He has an affectionate doggie and a wonderfully singing canary (not always). Richard is always happy because he has
a great heart. He is the most generous boy in town.
One day his mother gives him some money to buy an ice cream. He doesn’t put it into his pocket. When he arrives at the ice cream
shop he sees a homeless man outside it. He looks hungry and Richard thinks he is the poorest
man in the world. He has very old clothes and terrible sunglasses.
Richard looks at the ice cream in the shop window and then looks at the man. He decides not to buy the ice cream and gives the money
to the poor man.
The man smiles and says Thank you very much. You are very generous. But I’m not a poor man. On the contrary I’m the richest man
in town and I sometimes wear old clothes to see what people do. Ф
The eccentric millionaire takes Richard to the biggest shop in the area and says to him: Choose the present you prefer. Even the most
expensive one, if you want Richard asks Can I choose two, instead
Of course answers the man. Richard chooses
stereo because next time, when his canary keeps silent, he will at least be able to listen to music with his friends. He then chooses new
sunglasses for the man.
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in North America.
Reading Comprehension
"Was- Were Story" Last week, there was one really, really
bad day. It was Monday. Usually, there are about 25 students in my class, but that day, there
were only 5 people! It wasn't warm. In fact, it was really cold. It was raining a lot. It was dark
and gray outside. There wasn't any sunshine. I think the students weren't at school because they
were sick. They were at home. Maybe they were in bed.
Mr. Jibbit is our teacher. He is always at school. He is never at home on a Monday. Last
Monday was no different. He was not in bed. He was in the classroom, and he was cold! Why
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was he so cold? That's a very good question. He was cold because the heater in the school was broken. It was freezing. The school was
like a refrigerator. Our room was like a freezer! And poor Mr. Jibbit was like ice! The small class was cold, cold, cold!
The next days were much warmer. The heater was fixed on Tuesday, so everything was ok. There were 25 students, not only 5. But
where was Mr. Jibbit? He wasn't there. He was at home, sick in bed!
True or False?
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https://wordwall.net/resource/3169464/verbs-invinitive https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/preint3/grammar/?
cc=gt&selLanguage=en https://wordwall.net/resource/3184127/activity
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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
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1. You need-------- some "homework" before You need to do you go. Ask your girlfriend about her parents.
Where does her mother work? Does her father like basketball? Do you have any common interests?
8. Be yourself, and don’t be a “yes” man. If they Ask you for your opinion, be honest.
However, try -----about controversial subjects,
This isn’t the moment to give your views on religion.
If you do this, it will be easy-------a conversation
Make sure you dress-------the right 9. If the conversation is dying and you cannot
impression. Don't wear a suit, but don't just wear think of what------ask them what your partner
old jeans and the Che Guevara T-shirt you was like as a child. This is a smart tactic. All
bought at the flea market. Parents love talking about their children, and
1. Be punctual it’s very important ------late for it shows you have a deep interest in their daughter
a first meeting.
2. When they greet you at the door shake the father’s
Hand firmly (no father likes a weak handshake).
Ask your girlfriend what kind of greeting her mom
will prefer.
3. Call her parents Mr. and Mrs. (Smith) until they
ask you to call them "Dave" and "Maria."
4. Be ready--------questions about yourself! Her
parents will want-------everything about you
and your ambitions. Make a good impression.
5. If you invited for a meal, eat everything they give
You and say something positive about meal like
“This is absolutely delicious! Offer ------the dishes
After the meal------them that you
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Graphic Organizer
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Sort Text
As we were walking home we happened to see Ana and David. I didn’t
mean to listen but I wasn’t able to stop myself We didn’t stop to talk to
them because they appeared to be arguing. She was threatening to leave
him. If you ask me Ana doesn’t deserve to have a guy like David. He
always strives to make her happy and she continues to treat him badly. ¡I
wouldn’t dare to tell her that though! We intended to drive home but the car
failed to start.
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lend hold rain drive drive avoid run meet go bring pay
Mike and I arranged to drive to the cinema and we decided _______at my house. He planned ________us there in his new
car. I only consented ________ with him because promised ________for the tickets. It was a disaster. As we got out of the
car it began _______and I had forgotten _________my umbrella. We tried ________to the cinema but we failed
_________the rain. Mike rushed to the door first, refused ________me his coat and neglected_______ the door opens for me.
What a gentleman!
I wanted ________a horror film but Mike begged _________the new Star Trek movie. I consented _________it if he swore
_________me some popcorn. I didn’t expect ____________the film but it was so bad that I struggled ______ awake. I
couldn’t wait _______ home.
When I got home it was really late so I attempted _________upstairs. However, my parents were waiting ________to me in
the living room. They proceeded _________me how worried they’d been and threatened __________ me going out for the
rest of the month. I attempted _________what happened and they agreed ________ it to one week. I don’t aim ______ again
anytime soon anyway.
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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
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1- T____________a shower.
2- R___________ the newspaper.
3- L___________ to the radio.
4- G___________ shopping.
5- L___________ in an apartment.
6- G___________ up in the morning.
Circle the different word.
Rubric 1: Listening
Aspects to consider:
1 = Students did not complete the exercise, but tries. 4 = Students get the exercise, but makes 1 mistake.
2 = Students get the exercise, but makes 3 mistakes. 5 = Students get the exercise with no mistakes.
3 = Students get the exercise, but makes 2 mistakes.
Rubric 2: Speaking
Aspect to consider:
1 = Students did not complete the exercise, but tries. 4 = Students get the exercise, but makes 1 mistake.
2 = Students get the exercise, but makes 3 mistakes. 5 = Students get the exercise with no mistakes.
3 = Students get the exercise, but makes 2 mistakes.
N° Students´ name Accuracy and Use of language to Use of vocabulary Way of asking and Total
pronunciation present ideas. (action verbs), and responding using 20%
when speaking in sentence structure. specific words and
class. phrases.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
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Rubric 3: Reading
Aspect to consider:
1 = Students did not complete the exercise, but tries. 4 = Students get the exercise, but makes 1 mistake.
2 = Students get the exercise, but makes 3 mistakes. 5 = Students get the exercise with no mistakes.
3 = Students get the exercise, but makes 2 mistakes.
N° Students´ name Prior knowledge Scanning to get Reading Organization of Total
activation by specific information comprehension ideas from the 20%
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Rubric 4: Writing
Aspect to consider:
1 = Students did not complete the exercise, but tries. 2 = Students get the exercise, but makes 3 mistakes.
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3 = Students get the exercise, but makes 2 mistakes. 5 = Students get the exercise with no mistakes.
4 = Students get the exercise, but makes 1 mistake.
N° Students´ name Brainstorming and Organization of Editing and linking Grammar, spelling, Total
drafting ideas at the ideas in a chatting sentences. punctuation and 20%
time to write. window. mechanics in their
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Rubric 5: Grammar
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Aspect to consider:
1 = Students did not complete the exercise, but tries. 4 = Students get the exercise, but makes 1 mistake.
2 = Students get the exercise, but makes 3 mistakes. 5 = Students get the exercise with no mistakes.
3 = Students get the exercise, but makes 2 mistakes.
N° Students´ name Sentence structure Use of grammar Use of syntax, Package of Total
using present rules in exercises. vocabulary, worksheets 20%
progressive tense morphology, and completed.
(analyzing semantics.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
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Libros Utilizados
Hay muchas maneras de implementar la enseñanza. La enseñanza de idiomas fue una vez
una cuestión de memorizar y repetir, un proceso aburrido y poco estimulante para los
estudiantes, ahora existen varias formas o método para que el aprendizaje de los estudiantes
sea mejor mi experiencia en las clases virtuales me ha ayudado mucho a crecer como
profesional pero así mismo es un poco más difícil porque si estabas acostumbrado a dar
clases en aulas de clases ese cambio es fuerte porque se tiene que planear para clases
virtuales y varias veces no sabes que poner o cómo hacerlo y esto resulta un reto pero
durante pasa las semanas de acoplas al sistema virtual y después le tomas practica y para
que los estudiantes encuentren la clase animada no tienes que basarte tanto a actividades
que sean muy teóricas porque los estudiantes se desaniman pero así mismo online hay
muchas técnicas que puedes utilizar existen juegos que puedes desarrollar con ellos o crear
tus propias actividades y acoplarlas a lo que se está enseñando y eso despierte la atención
de los estudiantes así mismo juegan aprenden y se divierten es una herramienta muy útil.
En mi caso pude crear varios juegos para que me ayudaran cada dé vez que desarrollaba un
plan de clases, sería muy bueno que los estudiantes tuvieran una clase especifica en línea,
aunque estuvieran en las escuelas, los ayudaría que hicieran intercambios de colegios o
universidad que los estudiantes se pudieran relación con personas extranjeras para que su
Las Tics son elementos importantes en el proceso de enseñar y aprender y que de una o de
otra manera está cambiando los paradigmas que no nos permiten el, pero aun nos
encontramos con serias dificultades para aplicar los nuevos conceptos al trabajo práctico,
2. Desde este punto de vista si nosotros deseamos aplicar esta tecnología y la didacta
que se realiza de las Tics en estos momentos es básicamente consultivo y limitado por las
dificultades que en nuestro medio persisten todavía en el aprendizaje que tenemos sobre el
igual que los conceptos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Si en algún momento el aula fue el
tiene a los estudiantes cautivos. En la sociedad del conocimiento, asumimos que los roles
facilitador del aprendizaje donde el estudiante no es más el ente receptivo, sino por el
contrario el actor.
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Coordinación de Práctica General
para mi vida personal como profesional. Me he dado cuenta de muchas cosas las cuales
clases me han hecho pensar y reflexionar acerca las oportunidades que tengo como futura
compromiso y mi ética profesional me hace ayudarlo ya que para eso he venido estudiando
por tantos años y el ponerlo en práctica es mi deber. La satisfacción de saber que ayude a
alguien a que aprendiera algo en otro idioma es tan gratificante y me siento orgullosa de
todo el proceso que he tenido, los sacrificios, lagrimas, desvelos por llegar hasta esta
primera etapa de culminación de mi carrera. También esta etapa tan nueva como ser
tenía escondidas, siento que a pesar del proceso que estamos pasando es importante tomar
en cuenta los puntos positivos como ser que somos afortunados de estar innovándonos
que he tenido, los retos que he enfrentado buscando actividades de las cuales no se hacen
presencialmente me han hecho capaz de poder trabajar virtualmente y poder agregar este
mundo laboral. Concluyendo en que es un honor para mí poder pertenecer a esta nueva
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
Vicerrectoría Académica
Coordinación de Práctica General
Soy estudiante de práctica profesional I en la carrera de la enseñanza del inglés. Mediante mi proceso
tanto como alumna y ahora practicante de esta honorable Universidad he experimentado ciertos aspectos
los cuales me han llevado a la sugerencia y propuesta para un mejor desarrollo de la práctica profesional y
para el mismo desarrollo del practicante, con sigo mismo enumero las siguientes:
1- Validaciones de prácticas en línea, que ayude tanto a practicantes como estudiantes que estudian a
2- Proporción de material didacta de parte de las máximas autoridades para practicantes ya que muchos
no cuentan con los recursos necesarios para elaboración de material didáctico el bono alimenticio para
3- Un examen de insuficiencia para certificar si están aptos para pasar a práctica profesional, ya que
muchos estudiantes no cuentan con el nivel y recordemos que nosotros estamos para ser guía, ejemplo,
4- Cómo sugerencia cambiar el flujo grama de la carrera ya que hay clases que deberían llevarse al
5- Talleres en donde el practicante se encuentre en constante exposición, de esta forma ganará experiencia
y generará menos desconfianza y más efectividad a la hora de dar clases en las instituciones públicas de
nuestro país.
Espero y tomen en cuenta mis sugerencias y propuestas para un mejor desarrollo de la Práctica
Profesional, siempre buscando el mejor beneficio para nosotros practicantes y nuestros alumnos el futuro
de nuestro país.