4 - Neumann - Las Empresas Multinacionales en La Globalizacion
4 - Neumann - Las Empresas Multinacionales en La Globalizacion
4 - Neumann - Las Empresas Multinacionales en La Globalizacion
40 • 59-99
Instituto de Estudios Internacionales - Universidad de Chile
Raul Allard Neumann*
• Resumen
Est11dios Internacionales 158 (2007) • Universidad de Chile
• Abstract
This article deals with multinational corporations (MNC) as actors
within the international system, in the era of globalization, free trade
and worldwide commercial markets. Even though MNCs represent
only a fraction of total employment, they are important because of their
adaptability to globalization and as a channel for direct foreign inves
tment (DFI) pursued both by developed and developing countries. At
the same time, MNCs are subject of discussion in issues such as: effects
on competition and local markets, relationships with Governments both
of headquarters and of host countries, and recent developments in labor
and environmental issues. There is also a growing but minority trend of
transnationalization and DFI by corporations of developing countries.
The analysis focuses on Latin America - and «tqmslatin» corporations
and Chile, with its open economy and trade agreements; and some
suggestions are offered so that these countries and their peoples can
take advantage of globalization and multinacional activity.
RAúL ALLARD NEUMANN • Las empre�as multinacionales en la globalización
Estttdios Internacionales 158 (2007) • Universidad de Chile
RAúL ALLARD NEUMANN • Las empresas multinacionales en la globalización