Vocabulary Book 1 - Vocatic PDF
Vocabulary Book 1 - Vocatic PDF
Vocabulary Book 1 - Vocatic PDF
156: Forest
MP3 1
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51 Appendix: Pronouns
53 Appendix: Numbers
59 A-Z Index
Lee la siguiente lista de palabras y escucha la La ciencia cognitiva ha demostrado reiteradamente que escribir las
pronunciación. palabras es la mejor manera de memorizarlas. Escribirla varias veces en
inglés, así como su equivalente en español, permite que visualices su
composición, que la repitas a ti mismo mientras la escribes y, además,
consiste en una vía esencial para la asimilación de nuevo vocabulario.
También podrías dibujar un ‘mindmap’ o escribir una historia.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
(*¿Aceptan?) En este caso, do funciona como verbo auxiliar, no como verbo (hacer).
** Se añade will para indicar que la acción se desarrolla en el futuro. “Will it be as
stupid as…?” ¿Será tan estúpida como la raza humana?
2 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
“Por favor,
dirígete a la nota 2 al
final del libro. Gracias”.
Almost An important word to describe something done before the time of speaking. (done – hecho)
Alone Even though.
Already Nearly. (nearly – casi)
Also Too.
Although Nobody with you.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
1. Would you like to go to Disneyland again and again? *¿te gustaría? would = conditional cuidado
2. Who won* the 2006 World Cup game - Italy against France? *¿quién ganó? peligroso
3. What hair-style did you have* five years ago? *¿tenías? ayudar
4. Do you like* all the Greek islands? *¿te gusta? bien
5. Are people allowed to smoke on trains and in restaurants? vivo
6. Are you almost a hundred years old? todo
7. Can man live on bread and water alone? permitido
8. Are you already tired of English? casi
9. Are you also studying German? solo / sólo
10. Although they can't see, do blind people watch television? ya
11. Do you agree* that people who rob should go to prison for 25 years? *¿estás de acuerdo? también
12. Do you agree or disagree that English is a beautiful language? aunque
13. Are you angry today? otra vez
14. Is smoking unpleasant? contra
15. Is fighting a good form of exercise? hace (años, meses etc…)
16. If someone is about to fall* down a hole*, what do you say? *a punto de caer... agujero estar de acuerdo
17. Is swimming in the sea dangerous? no estar de acuerdo
18. Do you help old people to cross the road? enfadado
19. Is it all right for me to use your car later*? *later – más tarde desagradable
20. Is Elvis Presley alive? pelear
3 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
And y
Or o
There allí / allá
Here aquí
“Por favor,
dirígete a la nota 4 al
final del libro.
Today’s word-chain: Why? © Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
Another otro* * Other es un adjetivo que significa "diferente" *** Anyone y anybody pueden
1. I’m going to the other room to study. significar alguien o nadie
Other otro, otra, otros, otras Voy al otro cuarto a estudiar. dependiendo del contexto. En frases
Any cualquier, alguno** Another expresa cantidad, algo extra o adicional. interrogativas significan alguien,
Anybody alguien (o nadie)*** • I wish we had another room. Ojalá pero en frases negativas significan
tuvieramos otro cuarto. nadie.
Anyone alguien (o nadie)***
Somebody alguien (afirmativo)**** • ¿Hay alguien en la casa?
Nobody nadie ** Any tiene dos significados importantes. Is there anybody in the house?
1. Cualquiera … Any beer is good in my • No hay nadie en la casa.
opinion. There isn’t anybody in the house.
A.M. por la mañana 2. Se usa ‘any’ como ‘alguno’ o ‘algo de’ en
• ¿Alguien quiere más vino?
Alarm alarma frases interrogativas y negativas.
Does anyone want more wine?
P.M por la tarde • No hay nadie en la lista.
• ¿Hay pan? Is there any bread?
There isn’t anybody on the list
Go out salir • No hay pan. There isn’t any bread.
Drink beber / tomar (líquidos) • Are there any policemen at the concert? ****Sólo se usa ‘anybody’ o
• Is there any more wine? ‘anyone’ en frases negativas o
Bottle botella
• Is there any cheese in the fridge? interogativas. En afirmativas se usa
Wine vino ‘somebody’
Laugh reír • Somebody called you…
Smile sonreír Alguien te llamó.
• I want somebody to help
“Por favor,
dirígete a la nota 5 al
final del libro.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
Anything algo/nada*
Something algo**
Object objeto
Noun sustantivo
Thing cosa
Nothing nada
Hole agujero
Dark oscuro
Sky cielo
Star estrella
Space espacio
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Anyway Use this word to move on the conversation, or to indicate that it’s not important. Vocatic
Apartment A flat. © Rory Lynch 2010
Area To specify a time to see each other. www.vocatic.com
Around More or less. In no particular place.
Arrange to meet Zone.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
Apparently aparentemente
As mientras / como*
As soon as possible lo antes posible
As usual como siempre
Asleep dormido
Awake despierto
At first al principio
At least al menos
Ask preguntar
Ask for pedir
Want querer
Desire desear
Need necesitar
Bath bañera
Bath room cuarto de baño
Shower ducha
Soap jabón
Sink lavamanos
Shampoo champú
Shave afeitarse
*As you drive down Oxford street, you’ll see Big Ben. (Mientras)
Big Ben is as big as the Empire state building. (Tan..como)
Como tiene cuatro significados en inglés – how, like, as, what.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Want To request.
At first In the beginning.
At least The room where the bath is.
Bath room The minimum.
Ask for To desire or need.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
1. Apparently, women are better drivers than men. Is this true? preguntar
2. Do you listen to music as you study? pedir
3. Can we finish the class as soon as possible? querer
4. Is it raining today in London, as usual? desear
5. Were you asleep at 3am on Saturday morning? necesitar
6. Are you awake at the moment, or falling asleep? bañera
7. At first, you hated English. Is this true? cuarto de baño
8. If you can't come to my birthday party, will you at least buy me a card? ducha
9. Ask me a question about my life? jabón
10. Will you ask me for money when I win the lottery? lavamanos
11. What do you want from your boss? champú
12. What do you desire more than anything? afeitarse
13. What does a woman need from a man? aparentemente
14. Which is cleaner... having a bath or having a shower? mientras / como
15. You were sleeping in your bathroom last night, weren’t you? lo antes posible
16. Which uses more water: a shower or bath? como siempre
17. Is it true that soap is not necessary to wash yourself correctly? dormido
18. Do you wash your socks in the sink? despierto
19. How did people wash their hair before shampoo? al principio
20. How many times a day do you shave? al menos
7 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
Available disponible
Back hacia atrás
Come back volver
Be right tener razón “Por favor, dirígete a la nota 6 al
Be wrong no tener razón final del libro. Gracias”.
Be in a hurry tener prisa
With con
Without sin
At the moment en este momento
Later después / más tarde
Late tarde
Early pronto / temprano
Lunch almuerzo
Meal comida*
Menu menú
Dish plato
Delicious delicioso
Disgusting asqueroso
Horrible horrible
To feel sick sentirse mal
*Comida tiene dos significados en inglés. 1 – Meal (to sit down
and eat). 2. Food – (a general word for things we eat – pasta,
meat, fruit etc…)
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
Because porque
Before antes
After después
Begin empezar
End final
Finish terminar
Behind detrás
Flight vuelo
Beach playa
Ball pelota
Play jugar
Game juego
Enjoy disfrutar
Swim nadar
Beer cerveza
Bag bolsa
Carry llevar
The reason for something.
The opposite of after.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
After Indicates that one event will follow another.
Begin Start.
End The final point.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
*Los significados más comunes de ‘que’ son that y what. Sin embargo, en el caso de una
comparación, que = than.
Good bueno Manchester United are better than Barça.
Bad malo Ryan has got more money than Charles.
Better mejor
Worse peor
Than que*
The best el mejor
The worst el peor
Big grande
Small pequeño
Body cuerpo
Head cabeza
Arm brazo
Leg pierna
Back espalda
Foot pie
Toe dedo del pie
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
The best
The worst
Nobody is better. (superlative)
The opposite of better.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Than Nobody is worse. (superlative)
Better A small but important word for making comparisons.
Worse The comparative of good.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
1. Are you the best dancer in this room? … Prove it! el mejor
2. Are you the worst chef (cocinero) in your house? el peor
3. Is Obama more handsome than Zapatero? que
4. Do you feel better today than yesterday? mejor
5. What’s worse: no money or no friends? peor
6. Which is bigger, the Empire State building or the Eiffel Tower? grande
7. What's the smallest thing that exists? pequeño
8. Was Michael Jackson bad? bueno
9. Are you good at athletics? malo
10. Is going to the gym bad for your body? cuerpo
11. Was Einstein's head bigger than normal? cabeza
12. Why do monkeys have long arms? brazo
13. Do models have short legs? pierna
14. Have you got problems with your back? espalda
15. Point to your foot. pie
16. How many toes do you have? dedo del pie
17. Is it rude in Australia to stick your thumb and middle finger up at somebody? dedo de la mano
18. Put out your hand and say, "give me five!" mano
19. Is a lot of beer good for the stomach? estómago
20. What does it mean 'to have a big heart'? corazón
10 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
Box caja
Live vivir
Below debajo de
Bridge puente
Under debajo
Bright brillante
Sun sol
Climate clima
Complicated complicado
Argue discutir
Behaviour comportamiento
Shout gritar
Box It has four sides and you can put things in it. Vocatic
Live To inhabit. © Rory Lynch 2010
Under Situated below. www.vocatic.com
Bridge A color that's not subtle.
Bright Simon and Garfunkel: “...... over troubled Water.” It crosses a river.
Youth A young person. Or… the period in which you were a youth.
Boyfriend The opposite of girlfriend.
Below Not above.
Connect When two things come together.
Kiss The connection of two lips for mutual stimulation.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Both ambos
Bring traer
Build construir
By por
Bye adiós
Call llamar
Can poder
House casa
At home en casa
Garage garaje
Garden jardín
Lounge salón
Wall pared
Toilet lavabo
Sofa sofá
Bed cama
Bedroom habitación
Window ventana
Wardrobe armario
of the first line of a story using the first word. Student 2 carries on
the story using the second word, and so on.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Class activities: Speaking – Basic use. Each student has to
think of a sentence that uses the target word.
PASO 3 - PLACE IT: Word association in an English to English context
A B +
Garage If you live in a flat then you probably don't have one.
Garden Normally, one of the biggest rooms in the house.
Lounge It keeps people out or in.
Wall A place we all have to go to several times a day.
Toilet A place where you keep cars.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Brush cepillo
Character personaje / personalidad
Check comprobar
Care importar*
Care for cuidar
Child / Children niño / niños
Draw dibujar
Story historia
Sing cantar
Sit sentarse
Chair silla
Circle círculo
Center centro
Student estudiante
Pupil alumno
College instituto
Adult adulto
Study estudiar
Dictionary diccionario
Art arte
* I don’t care – No me importa.
I care for my children – Cuido a mis hijos
To make sure or to verify.
An important object in maintaining your hair and teeth.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Check To look after and protect.
Care for Not an adult or teenager.
Child Personality; or, a person in a film.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
1. How many times do you brush your hair each day? importar / cuidar
2. Who’s your favourite Disney character? niño
3. Did your boss check your references before he gave you a job? niños
4. Do you care what people think about you? dibujar
5. Have you ever said childs instead of children? What about mouses? historia
6. Should children be given the choice of going to school or not? cantar
7. Can you draw an elephant in the air? sentarse
8. Are all the stories in the newspaper true? silla
9. Who do you imagine is the best singer in this room? círculo
10. Can you sit down, please? centro
11. What's the difference between a chair and a sofa? estudiante
12. Why is it good for a group to sit in a circle when they need to communicate? alumno
13. What's in the centre of your head? instituto
14. How many students are there in this class? adulto
15. Were you the best pupil in your mathematics class? estudiar
16. What's the difference between college in American and British English? diccionario
17. What age, psychologically, did you become an adult? arte
18. How often do you study? cepillo
19. How often do you use a dictionary per month? personaje / personalidad
20. Is graffiti art? comprobar
13 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
Clothes ropa
Color color
Wear llevar puesto
Coat abrigo
Pants calzoncillos
Pajamas pijama
Change cambiar
Shirt camisa
Shoes zapatos
Skirt falda
T-shirt camiseta
Trousers pantalón
Belt cinturón
Socks calcetines
Bra sujetador
Dress vestido
Get dressed vestirse
Jeans vaqueros
Hat sombrero
Jacket chaqueta
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Male underwear.
If you don't wear them in the street, you might get arrested. Vocatic
Wear Pink is one. © Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Coat To put on your body for the purposes of warmth and fashion.
Pants Good for the cold or rain.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
Cut cortar
Confirm confirmar
Continue continuar
Control controlar
Correct corregir
Count contar
Crazy loco
Clear claro
Close cerrar
Collect coleccionar / recoger
Cook cocinar
Kitchen cocina
Knife cuchillo
Fork tenedor
Spoon cuchara
Fry freír
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The final test…
Today hoy
Tomorrow mañana
Tonight esta noche
Yesterday ayer
During 24 hours.
Week A watch on the wall.
Each or all.
Seven days.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Clock While something took place.
Morning A. M.
Afternoon Between afternoon and night.
Evening It begins after lunch.
Night The opposite of the past.
Future The time of day when it's usually dark.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
1. What's the best way of passing a ten-hour delay in the airport? fecha / cita
2. What percentage of the flights you catch don’t depart on time? durante
3. Did the Americans definitely land on the Moon? semana
4. Do you hand deliver e-mails? día
5. What is the most important date in the Muslim (musulmán) calendar? cada
6. Do you miss work during the summer holidays? reloj
7. What's your favourite day of the week? mañana
8. What's your least favourite day of the week? tarde
9. Do you have lunch with Al Pacino every day? tarde / noche
10. What does the expression ‘a race against the clock’ mean? noche
11. Is the sun more beautiful in the morning or late afternoon? el futuro
12. What were you doing yesterday afternoon? ahora
13. Do you eat sausages every evening? hoy
14. Do you find it easy to dance all night? mañana
15. Do you have the power to know the future? esta noche
16. Shall we fly to Thailand now and spend six months on the beach? ayer
17. What's the date today? demora
18. What's the weather going to be like tomorrow? salir
19. Are you going to watch the basketball game tonight? definitivamente
20. Were you very busy yesterday? entregar
16 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
Decide decidir
Director director
Direct directo
Dirty sucio
Discover descubrir
Direction dirección*
North norte © Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
South sur
West oeste
East este
Distance distancia
Far lejos
Close cerca
What's the weather like? ¿Qué tiempo hace?
Weather tiempo / clima
Water agua
Wet mojado
Hot caliente
Cold frío
Rain lluvia
Distance Near.
Far Not close.
Close The amount of kilometers between two points.
What's the weather like? A way of asking about the climate.
Weather The climate.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Drive conducir
Map mapa
Car coche
Breakdown avería
Wheel rueda
Bike bicicleta
Boat barco
Air aire
Fly volar
Luggage equipaje
Case maleta / caso
Airplane avión
Lorry camión
Earth Tierra
River río
Fish pez / pescado
Drive A detailed plan of an area or country that allows you to navigate. Vocatic
Map A four-wheeled vehicle that's polluting our planet. © Rory Lynch 2010
Car An important human invention. www.vocatic.com
Breakdown You have to have a licence to do this.
The wheel Your car won't work.
River A body of water inland that can stretch for miles or for thousands of miles.
Fish A lot of trees.
Mountain Everest.
Forest The maker of heaven and earth and everything that we see and don't see.
God They have no memory and smell bad if they lie in the sun.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Drums tambores
Each cada *
Easy fácil
Difficult difícil
Embarrassed avergonzado
Emergency emergencia / urgencia
Enormous enorme
Entertain entretener
Eat comer
Dining room comedor
Dinner cena
Steak bistec
Beef carne de vaca
Egg huevo
Vegetable verdura
Tomato tomate
Soup sopa
Sauce salsa
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Sausage salchicha
Cream nata
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
1. Would you rather learn to play the drums or the guitar? comer
2. Do you drink a beer each day? comedor
3. Is it easy to make a good lasagne? cena
4. Is it difficult to walk on your hands? bistec
5. Would you be embarrassed if I showed photos of you from 10 years ago? carne de vaca
6. Is a headache a medical emergency? huevo
7. Is there an enormous amount of stress in your job or study programme? verdura
8. Entertain me with a story about a disastrous holiday. tomate
9. Do you eat steak everyday? sopa
10. When you were at school, did you eat in the school dining room or at home? salsa
11. What time is dinner? salchicha
12. Do you like thick or thin steaks? nata
13. Which South American country is famous for its beef? tambores
14. Do you like eggs in salad? cada
15. Is there any vegetable that you hate? fácil
16. Which famous cocktail requires tomato juice? difícil
17. What’s the best soup in the world? avergonzado
18. What's a good sauce for steak? emergencia / urgencia
19. Have you ever had chicken sausages? enorme
20. Have you ever put cream on top of ice-cream? entretener
19 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
Equal igual
Different diferente
Same lo mismo
Even incluso
Even though aunque
Ever nunca (en negativo)*
Ever alguna vez**
Every day todos los días
Exact exacto
Except excepto
Excited emocionado
Exercise book libreta
Experience experiencia
Explain explicar
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Factory fábrica
Fall caer
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Family familia
Grandmother / father abuela/o
Mother madre
Daughter hija
Father padre
Son hijo
Brother hermano
Sister hermana
Aunt tía
Uncle tío
Cousin primo
Fancy apetecer
Fast rápido
Slow lento
Fat gordo
Thin delgado
Thick grueso
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Fear miedo
Feel sentir
Emotion emoción
Family You’ll have a love-hate relationship with them the rest of your life.
Grandfather Freud said that young boys want to kill him. © Rory Lynch 2010
Mother She gave you life.
Daughter Your female progeny.
Father Your mother’s father.
Cousin Rapid.
Fancy It's not nice to call somebody this, but people say it anyway.
Fast The opposite of fast.
Slow Surprisingly, it's not illegal if you marry one.
Fat To want.
Thin Feeling.
Thick Many people feel this with heights, insects and horror films.
Fear To have emotions at a particular moment.
Feel Slim.
Emotion Wide and dense.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Face cara
Eye ojo
Nose nariz
Mouth boca
Teeth dientes
Lips labios
Hair pelo / cabello Sam says…
Ear oreja
“Remember what I said about using the language.
These books are great for gaining and retaining
Fascinating fascinante an intimate knowledge of English but you still
Fashion moda need to find a means of using the language. You
Famous famoso must take the conversation questions very
seriously and avoid one word answers.” NOTA 6
Fill in rellenar
Final último
First primero
Second segundo
Floor suelo / planta
Corridor pasillo
Corner esquina / rincón
Entrance entrada
Door puerta
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Food comida
Apple manzana
Salt sal
Salad ensalada
Cheese queso
Carrot zanahoria
Cake pastel
Fresh fresco
Fruit fruta
Grape uva
Ham jamón
I’m hungry tengo hambre
Lamb cordero
Milk leche
Nut nuez
Mushroom champiñón
Onion cebolla
Pea guisante
Rice arroz
Healthy sano
A dish that usually has tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce.
A green fruit from New York.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Salt Brie, Camembert and Stilton.
Salad Fruit, meat, nuts, carbohydrates.
Cheese There's a lot of it in the sea.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Film película
Find encontrar
Fire fuego
Light luz / encender
Light ligero
Follow seguir
For para
From de
Foreigner extranjero
Forever para siempre
Forget olvidar
General general
Generous generoso
Fox zorro
Animal animal
Pet mascota
Lion león
Bird pájaro
Pig cerdo
Farm granja
Orange and hot.
Mild, smooth or minimal.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Light To start a fire. Or… it illuminates the night.
Light To locate something after looking for it.
Pet A home for pigs and cows until we send them off to die.
Lion A pink animal that's definitely not a flamingo.
Bird An animal that lives with you.
Pig Chicken, flamingo, etc.
Farm The King of the jungle.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Get conseguir
Get off bajarse (bus)
Get up levantarse
Have a bath bañarse
Wash lavar
Have breakfast desayunar
Have lunch almorzar
Have dinner cenar
Give dar
Give up rendirse / dejar de
Glass cristal / vaso
Global global
Go ir
Birth nacimiento / parto
Born nacer / nacido
Homework: Write a 100-word story using vocabulary from the word chain.
Class activities: Speaking – The story circle. Student 1 thinks of the first
line of a story using the first word. Student 2 carries on the story using the
second word, and so on.
Glass A material used to make windows. Or… something you drink out of.
Global All around the world.
Go How your life began.
Born The opposite of come.
Birth The verb associated with birth.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Group grupo
Grow crecer
Guitar guitarra
Half mitad
Double doble
Increase incrementar
Decrease disminuir
High alto*
Handsome guapo
Beautiful bonito
Ugly feo
Glamorous glamoroso
Gold oro
Jewel joya
Appearance apariencia / aspecto
Pretty bonito/a
Tall alto**
Short bajo
Strong fuerte
Weak débil
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Look mirar
See ver
Hear oír
Listen escuchar
Habit hábito
Happen suceder
Event evento, acontecimiento
Heat calor
Hold tener en la mano
Hire alquilar
Hope esperar*
Hour hora**
However por otro lado
How much? The opposite of soft. Sometimes it can also mean dificult. Vocatic
How long? Large. © Rory Lynch 2010
Huge Smooth, pliable and nice to touch. www.vocatic.com
Hard To ask about the length of something.
Soft To ask the price or quantity of something.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
18. Do you hope to have a different job within three years? ver
19. Can you roast a chicken in less than an hour? oír
20. You're a kind person; however, you never lend money to friends. Is this true? escuchar
27 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
Injure herir
Hit golpear / pegar
ill enfermo
Medicine medicina
Mad loco
Die morir
Incorrect incorrecto
Miss echar de menos / perder*
Mistake error
Error error
Intelligent inteligente
Brain cerebro
Idiot idiota
Interesting interesante
Memory memoria
Mind mente
Intention intención
Idea idea
Book libro
History historia**
*Miss significa perder sólo en el caso de perder el tren.
Normalmente perder significar lose.
** History en inglés sólo significa el estudio del pasado. No
significa cuento.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
For example: to break a leg or twist your ankle.
Not well. Sick. Vocatic
ill This is used to cure you. © Rory Lynch 2010
Medicine It’s painful if someone does this to your face with their hand. www.vocatic.com
Mad Crazy.
Die Error.
Intelligent Mistake.
Miss A person who knows a lot.
Mistake The verb that describes life’s end.
Error To not arrive on time, and therefore not be able to use or participate in. Or… an emotion.
Incorrect Fool.
Brain Something that catches and holds the attention.
Idiot It lets you remember something.
Interesting Not correct.
Memory Fish is good for it.
Mind Concept.
Intention The Bible is one.
Idea The past, and the study of the past.
Book The part of us that’s responsible for thinking.
History What you're thinking or planning to do.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
1. What's the worst injury you've suffered from playing sport? intención
2. Would you hit somebody if they insulted your mother? idea
3. Are you good at helping your loved ones when they’re ill, or do you get impatient? libro
4. Do you like to take medicines? historia
5. What's the first sign that you're going mad? What's the second? herir
6. What was the only way in which Superman could die? golpear / pegar
7. Would it be incorrect to say I'm very handsome? It's not necessary to be honest. enfermo
8. What do you say when you miss the train or bus? medicina
9. What was both Hitler's and Napoleon's tactical mistake? loco
10. Did you commit any serious errors at work this week? morir
11. Do your friends and family believe that you're very intelligent? incorrecto
12. Do you ever eat animals' brains? echar de menos / perder
13. How rude would it be to call a colleague an idiot if they made a mistake? error
14. Do the other people in this study group show enough interest? error
15. Do you have a good memory? inteligente
16. Where is your mind? cerebro
17. What are your intentions with regards to English, next year? idiota
18. Do you agree with Marx's ideas? interesante
19. What was the last book you read? memoria
20. What's your favourite period of history, and why? mente
28 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
Instead en vez de
Impatient impaciente
Impossible imposible
Car-park aparcamiento
Incapable incapaz
Include incluir
Ice hielo
Incredible increíble
Introduce introducir / presentar
Invite invitar
International internacional
Inside dentro
It depends on depende de
Influence influir
Power poder
Position posición
In the place of.
A person who has difficulty waiting for things.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Impossible Not able to do something.
Incapable Not possible.
Include To make sure nothing or nobody is forgotten.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Job trabajo
Career carrera*
Boss jefe
Work trabajar
Office oficina
Desk escritorio
Nice agradable
Pleasant agradable
Polite educado / cortés
Popular popular
Jump saltar
Lift levantar
Keep guardar (¡informática no!)
Key llave
Kill matar
Lie mentir
Lie down tumbarse
*Carrera tiene dos significados en inglés. 1 – Career (vida
laboral) “Most people’s career finishes at 65.” 2. Degree –
(Universidad) “Mike is studying a degree in medicine.”
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Know conocer
Know saber
Sure seguro
I don't think so creo que no
I think so creo que sí
Maybe a lo mejor / quizá
Lady dama
Leave salir (abandonar)
Leave dejar
Let permitir
Link vínculo
Land tierra
Flower flor
Nature naturaleza
Large grande
Long largo
Wide amplio
Top de arriba, parte superior
Little pequeño
Lack falta
Maybe A mature female, who is often better educated in etiquette than other women.
Lady For example: to stop working somewhere.
Leave Perhaps.
Leave To depart. To exit.
Let To permit or allow somebody to do something.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Law ley
Letter carta / letra
License licencia / carnet
Jail cárcel
Reward recompensa
Look for buscar
Look after cuidar
Look like parecerse a
Clown payaso
Fool tonto
Like como
Funny gracioso
Monkey mono
Like gustar
Lose perder
Win ganar
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Last durar
Last último
Lazy perezoso
Less than menos de
Like Similar.
Funny Very different from hate.
Monkey To not know where something is, or…. the opposite of win.
Like Ha ha ha.
Lose A genetic relative of humans.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Touch tocar
Young joven
Marvellous Eve.
Man United or joined as one.
Woman To make physical contact with.
Together Fantastic.
Touch Adam.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Mean significar
Mean querer decir*
Meanwhile mientras tanto
Meet conocer (por primera vez)**
Metal metal, metálico
Method método
(Do you) mind? ¿Te importa?
Jam mermelada
Tea té
Oven horno
Pork cerdo
Orange naranja
Minimum mínimo
Size tamaño
Medium mediano
Middle medio
Total total
Whole entero
Zero cero
None ninguno
* What do you mean? ¿Qué quieres decir?
** Conocer tiene dos significados. 1 – Know: “I know a lot of
people.” 2 – Meet: “You can meet a lot of people in the bars in
Does it bother you?
The least possible. Vocatic
Medium Not large or small. © Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Middle Not the top or the bottom.
Total 1 minus 1.
Pork Nobody or not even one.
Zero A word important in describing intention.
None The full amount.
Mean Pig meat.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Mirror espejo
Seat asiento
Room cuarto / habitación
Ceiling techo
Move mover
Furniture muebles
Shelf estantería
Mix mezclar
Money dinero
More más
Rich rico
Poor pobre
Price precio
Free gratis
Charge cobrar
Company empresa
Business negocio
Receipt tiquet (esp) / recibo
Debt deuda
Cancel cancelar
Furniture Cocktail.
Shelf It's necessary if you want to buy things. © Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Mix Again. Or… an increase in quantity.
Money A general word for tables, beds, sofas, etc.
More A wooden structure to put books on.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Myself yo mismo
Name nombre
Nationality nacionalidad
Age edad
Address dirección
Place sitio
Near cerca
Nearly casi
Neighbor vecino
Neighborhood barrio
Town pueblo
City ciudad
Country país / campo
Travel viajar
Translate traducir
Accent acento
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Much mucho
Neither tampoco
Nor ni
Necessary necesario
Place Almost.
Near The people who live next to you.
Nearly A small area of a city or town.
Neighbors Physical Location.
Neighborhood Close.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Nervous nervioso
Never nunca
Next siguiente
Nobody else nadie más
Noisy ruidoso
Quiet silencioso
Nonsense tonterías
Strange raro
Stupid estúpido
Normal normal
Obsessed obsesionado
Nurse enfermera
Obviously obviamente
New nuevo
New year Año Nuevo
News noticias
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Newspaper periódico
Paper papel
Page página
Packet paquete
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Of de
Off apagado*
On encendido
On sobre
On purpose a propósito
On the other hand por otro lado
Ok está bien
Once una vez
Twice dos veces
Often a menudo
Always siempre
Open abrir
Shut cerrar / cerrado
Library biblioteca
Street calle
Statue estatua
Station estación
Right derecha
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Left izquierda
Road carretera
An important preposition in possession and dates.
The opposite of on.
© Rory Lynch 2010
Ok A preposition that indicates a position above. www.vocatic.com
On All right.
On A preposition that goes before a day.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Ordinary ordinario
Organization organización
Organize organizar
No-one nadie
Over encima*
Own propio
Pain dolor
Teenager adolescente
Nephew sobrino
Niece sobrina
Step-father padrastro
*Over significa encima y, generalmente, indica movimiento (sin
tocar). “The cat jumped over the wall.” On significa encima de y,
generalmente, indica contacto con el objeto. “The cat was sitting
on the wall.”
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Ordinary To arrange.
© Rory Lynch 2010
Organization Not even one person. www.vocatic.com
Organize Above and across.
No-one Normal.
Over A formalized group of people with an objective or interest in common.
Own Used to say that something belongs to you and you alone.
Pain If you kick a man between his legs, he will experience this.
Paint It's hard to be an artist and not use it.
Pair Excuse me.
Pardon Two of something.
Sorry Impolite.
Rude An owner of children.
Parent What you get if you marry a woman.
Husband A word that expresses regret and the fact you wish you hadn’t done what you did.
Wife What you get if you marry a man.
Twin Adolescent.
Teenager A brother or sister born on the same day
Nephew Your brother or sister's son.
Niece If your mother gets divorced then you could have one of these.
Step-father Your brother or sister's daughters.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Part parte
Quarter cuarto
Piece trozo
Special especial
Operation operación
Opinion opinión
Opportunity oportunidad
Opposite enfrente
Opposite lo contrario
Offer ofrecer
Oil aceite
Passport pasaporte
Pathetic patético
Sad triste
Glad contento
Perfect perfecto
Secret secreto
Pregnant embarazada
Result resultado
Positive positivo
Segment. Not whole.
© Rory Lynch 2010
Piece Unique, different, highly valued.
Special Surgery, or… a mission.
Operation A little, or a certain section of.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Pool piscina
Park parque
Walk caminar / paseo
Umbrella paraguas
It’s warm hace calor
Shopping centre centro comercial
Chemist / pharmacy farmacia
Sore que duele
Skin piel
People Prepared.
Photo Human beings.
Picture A word that indicates addition.
Plus It could be a photo or painted.
Ready An image taken by camera.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
1. How many times can you swim up and down a pool without stopping? empujar
2. If you had no home, would you live in the park? tirar
3. Do you like to walk after lunch? pasar / dar
4. Do you always take an umbrella to the beach? tal vez
5. What's the warmest sea water you've ever experienced? persona
6. What’s your favourite shopping centre? gente
7. Should chemists sell cheap heroin to registered drug addicts? foto
8. What’s the best cure for a sore throat? imagen
9. Do you use many skin products? más
10. What's the longest queue you've ever been in? listo
11. Is it rude to push someone in a queue? piscina
12. What does it mean in English to pull somebody's leg? parque
13. Could you pass me a rubber please? caminar / paseo
14. Perhaps I’m going to give you my next salary; do you mind? paraguas
15. What sort of a person steals from shops? hace calor
16. Are most people good or bad? centro comercial
17. Do you have any photos of you with a celebrity? farmacia
18. What's your favourite picture? que duele
19. What's 2 plus 6,000,797? piel
20. How long do you think it takes me to get ready in the morning? cola / fila
41 PASO 1 - READ IT: The Translation... PASO 2 - BE CREATIVE: Dibuja un ‘Mind Map’…
Process proceso
Plan plan
Produce producir
Real verdadero
Possibility posibilidad
Progress progreso
Reduce reducir
Prefer preferir
Promise prometer
Pure puro
Put poner
Question pregunta
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Relax relajar
Rest descansar
Religion religión
Rucksack mochila
Not imagined. Vocatic
Produce The method and means of doing something. © Rory Lynch 2010
Real A set of ideas on how to make your intentions a reality. www.vocatic.com
Possibility To create or manufacture.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Restaurant restaurante
Reservation reserva
Serve servir
Service servicio
Problem problema
Serious serio
Solve resolver
Quick rápido
Shoot disparar
Run correr
Sea mar
Ship barco
Terrible terrible
Snow nieve
Storm tormenta
to Be afraid tener miedo
Shock shock
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Seem parecer
Sensible sensato
Towel toalla
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Rule regla
Science ciencia
Skill habilidad
Burn quemar
Smoke fumar
Silver plata
Ring anillo
Rubbish basura
Safe seguro
Save guardar / salvar / ahorrar
Selfish egoísta
Sensitive sensible
Separate separado
Share compartir
Shake sacudir / temblar
Should debería
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Society sociedad
Since desde
Skate patinar
Simple simple
So así que
So tan
So many tantos
So that para que
Someone alguien
Sometimes a veces
Somewhere algún sitio
Anywhere cualquier sitio
Song canción
Favourite favorito
Electricity Nuclear, Solar and Hydro Electric are different forms of this.
Turn off A place.
Turn on It can give you a shock.
Somewhere To switch on.
Energy To switch off.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Steal robar
Buy comprar
Pay pagar
Bill recibo
Salary salario
Secretary secretaria
Tax impuesto
Sell vender
Worth valer
Spend gastar
Stairs escaleras
Stand estar de pie
Start empezar
Stay quedarse / hospedarse
Still aún
Suddenly de repente
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Suffer sufrir
Suit traje
Take off quitar
Take coger / tomar
Secretary Lincoln said that it was the only thing in life that was certain, apart from death.
Tax A lot of it happens on E-Bay.
Sell The value.
Worth To give money in exchange for goods or services.
Spend An employee who does administrative tasks.
Stairs A word that comes before a verb to say that something continues.
Buy To pay for.
Start To begin.
Stay To pass time in or at a specific place.
Still They’re useful for going to the upper part of a building.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Talk hablar
Say decir
Answer responder
Conversation conversación
Complain quejarse
Describe describir
Speak hablar
Tell contar
Language lenguaje
Teach enseñar
Then después
Then entonces
Therefore por lo tanto
Tired cansado
To a
To be sick of estar harto de
Tidy arreglar
Toys juguetes
Try intentar
Too* también / demasiado
*I love you too – Te quiero también.
He’s too stupid - Él es demasiado estupido.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Then So.
Too Also. Or… an excess of.
Therefore A word used to indicate ‘afterwards.’
Tired What you feel after work, and often during work.
Say Closely related to tell.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Telephone teléfono
Message mensaje
Send enviar
Receive recibir
Mail correo
Unable incapaz
Understand entender
Unavoidable inevitable
Until hasta
Unusual poco común
to Use utilizar
Usually normalmente
Visit visitar
Relatives parientes
Wait esperar
Class activities: Speaking – The story circle. Student 1 thinks of
the first line of a story using the first word. Student 2 carries on the
story using the second word, and so on.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Class activities: Speaking – Basic use. Each student has to think
of a sentence that uses the target word.
PASO 3 - PLACE IT: Word association in an English to English context...
Unable Inevitable.
Understand Not capable.
Unavoidable Not common.
Until From one point in time to the next.
Unusual To know what somebody means or wants to say.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Way manera / camino Just + tiempo: just then – en ese momento, just now – ahora mismo.
Welcome bienvenido Just + present perfect: I just saw him – acabo de verle.
Just + imperative: Just be quiet – cállate de una vez; just stop – ¡Para!
Whether si
Just – sólo: I just want one – sólo quiero uno.
Might* podría / quizá Just (para mayor énfasis) I just don’t know – ¡No lo sé!
the Most / Most of lo más… / la mayoría de
Battery pila
Wonder preguntarse
Analyse analizar
Worry preocuparse
A while un rato
Moment momento
Year año
Soon pronto
Recently recientemente
Yet todavía / aún
On time puntual
A while An instant.
Moment A short period of time.
Year A future point in time close to the present.
Soon 365 days.
Recently Moments ago, or at a point in time close to now.
Yet A word commonly used in questions which means 'up until this moment in time.'
On time Punctual.
Just then A word used with the present perfect to indicate that something happened recently.
He’s just arrived A long time ago.
Ages ago A phrase used to emphasize exactly when something happened.
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Sunday domingo
Monday lunes
Tuesday martes
Wednesday miércoles
Thursday jueves
Friday viernes
Saturday sábado
Brown marrón
White blanco
Black negro
Grey gris
Green verde
Pink rosa
Purple púrpura
Red rojo
Blue azul
Yellow amarillo
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
Month mes
Date fecha
January enero
February febrero
March marzo
April abril
May mayo
June junio
July julio
August agosto
September septiembre
October octubre
November noviembre
December diciembre
Season estación
Spring primavera
Summer verano
Christmas Navidad © Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
April The first day of this month is important for jokes and tricks. +
The first day of this month is a holiday in many countries.
One of the first summer months. Vocatic
July Julius Caesar named this month after himself. What modesty! © Rory Lynch 2010
August Augustus did what Julius did. www.vocatic.com
STEP 4 - USE IT! Conversation questions… STEP 5 - CHECK IT! The test…
• MY, mi, mis 1. MINE, el mío, la mía, los míos, las mías
• YOUR, tu, tus, su (de usted), sus (de ustedes) 2. YOURS, el tuyo, la tuya, los tuyos, las tuyas; el suyo, la suya
• HIS, su, sus; masculino (algo de él)* (de usted), los suyos, las suyas (de ustedes)
• HER, su, sus; femenino (algo de ella)* 3. HIS, el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas; masculino (algo de
• ITS, su, sus; (de ello, una cosa o entidad) él)
• OUR, nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras 4. HERS, el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas; femenino (algo de
• YOUR, vuestro, vuestra, su, sus (de ustedes) ella)
• THEIR, su, sus (de ellos) 5. ITS, el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas; (algo de ello, una
cosa o entidad)
6. OURS, el nuestro, la nuestra, los nuestros, las nuestras
7. YOURS, el vuestro, la vuestra, los vuestros, las vuestras; el
suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ustedes)
* Se utiliza his cuando el poseedor de un objeto es un hombre, 8. THEIRS, el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ellos, de
niño o chico. Her cuando el poseedor de un objeto es una mujer, ellas)
niña o chica. Its cuando el poseedor de un objeto es un animal u
objeto. Cuando los poseedores son plurales (dos chicas, tres
hombres, seis perros) utilizamos their.
My Your
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
The ... el, la, los, las… The car, The cars.
Algo de / algunos
above ... encima de, sobre, arriba ... The king thinks he is above the law. ... At university - En la universidad
... At home - En casa
across ... a través de, al otro lado de ... We live across the river (on the other side).
... At school - En la escuela
after ... después de, tras ... Drive to the castle. After the castle, you’ll see a shop. ... At work - En el trabajo
against ... contra, en contra de ... The protesters were pushing against the door.
along ... a lo largo de ... Along the coast there’s some beautiful homes.
around ... alrededor de, cerca de, por ... He lives somewhere around the city center. At + lugares específicos
at ... en ... He’s at the cinema.
at the bottom of en la base de, en el fondo de ... The boat is now at the bottom of the sea. ... At Big Ben
before ... antes, delante de ... Before the castle there’s a post office.
... At Wembley stadium
behind ... detrás, detrás de ... Behind the castle there’s a pub.
At + direcciones
below ... debajo de ... Below the ground there’s a secret city.
beneath ... bajo, debajo de ... Beneath the ground there’s a sacred city. ... At 86 Major street
beside ... al lado de, junto a ... John’s standing beside Susan.
between ... entre ... John’s standing between Susan and George. On + medios de transporte
by ... al lado de, junto a ... John’s standing by the door. (EXCEPTION = CAR / In a car)
close to ... cerca de ... Close to the butchers there’s a florist.
... On a plane - En un avión
in ... en, dentro de ... There’s a broom in the cupboard.
... On a bus - En un autobús
in front of ... delante de ... Don’t stand in front of me…you’re blocking the light. ... On a ship - En un barco
inside ... dentro de, en ... There’s a person inside the house waiting for you. ... On a train - En un tren
near ... cerca de ... The captain of the team lives near the beach.
next to ... al lado de, junto a ... Next to the cinema there’s a great chip shop.
on ... sobre, en, encima de ... The book is on the table. On + direcciones
on top of ... encima de, sobre... The book is on top of a pile of magazines.
opposite ... enfrente de, frente a ... Directly opposite the ministry there’s an Irish bar.
... On the way - En el camino
... On the left - A la izquierda
outside ... afuera, fuera de ... It’s too cold to go outside.
... On the right - A la derecha
over ... encima de, sobre ... There’s too many planes flying over this city.
under ... debajo de, bajo ... He told me to go and look under the bed.
underneath ... bajo, debajo de ... Underneath the bed I found some magazines. On + ciertas cosas y lugares
across ... a través de ... We swam across the river. In + ciudades… In Paris
along ... a lo largo de, por ... We were driving along the coast.
around ... alrededor de, por ... We drove around the roundabout a hundred times.
away from ... fuera de, alejándose de ... Walk away from here and don’t come back. In + ciertos lugares y expresiones
by ... por, cerca de, junto a ... I was walking by the door when Jim called me.
down ... por, hacia abajo ... I was walking down the street when Jim called me.
... In a book – En un libro
from ... de, desde ... I once walked from London to Dover. ... In a letter - En una carta
into ... dentro de, al... She walked into the room. ... In a queue - En una cola
off ... de ... The cat jumped off the table and onto the floor. ... In bed - En la cama
on / onto ... sobre, al ... The cat jumped onto the table. ... In hospital - En el hospital
out of ... de, afuera de, fuera de ... The cat jumped out of the window. ... In the paper - En el diario
over ... sobre, por encima de ... The cat jumped over the table to the other side. ... In the sky - En el cielo
past ... más allá de ... Make sure you walk past the church or you won’t see the bar.
through ...
to ...
a través de ...
a, hacia ...
We walked through a dark tunnel.
I’m travelling to Poland at the moment.
toward/s ... hacia ... He’s looking towards Mecca. © Rory Lynch 2010
under ... debajo de, bajo ... The machine will travel under the sea at fifty miles an hour. www.vocatic.com
up ... por, hacia arriba ... Let’s go for a walk up to the pub.
Preposiciones de tiempo
At + hora del día… At 7:30 - A las 7:30; At midnight - A la medianoche; At lunchtime - A la hora de comer
At + ciertas expresiones… At the moment - En este momento; At the weekend - El fin de semana + At night
(But… in the afternoon, in the morning)
In + future… In two days - en dos días; nos vemos en seis meses - I’ll see you in six months
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Although / though / even though – aunque Although I love him I have to divorce him.
And – y I love fish and chips.
As – como Don’t work for someone in your family; I love him as a brother but as a boss he’s terrible.
As long as – siempre que As long as you pay me back I’ll lend you the money.
As … as – tan… como He’s as stupid as his brother.
Because – porque I love my father because he always buys me presents.
Besides – además I don’t want to go to the party; and besides, they haven’t invited me.
Both – ambos I don’t want one of the dogs, I want both.
But – pero I love you but I hate you.
Despite / in spite of – a pesar de I’ll give you the job in spite of your stupidity.
Either … or – o…o Either enter or leave but keep the door closed…it’s cold.
Even if – incluso si Even if the Russians concede, I’m still going to be angry.
Furthermore – además I want you to move in with me. Furthermore, I think we should get married.
However – sin embargo He tried to explain his theory. However, it was too difficult to understand.
If – si If you don’t call, I’ll be angry.
In case – en caso de que I’m going to stay longer in case she wants me to look after her son.
In order to – para I’m writing to you in order to make sure you understand my opinion.
Instead – en lugar de Let’s have a BBQ instead of a picnic.
Neither … nor – no… ni Neither he nor his son wanted the job.
Not even if – ni siquiera si I wouldn’t go on a date with him even if you paid me.
Or – o I’ll have either a fanta or a coke.
So – entonces He wouldn’t give me his money so I phoned his mum.
So that – para que I phoned his mum so that she would put pressure on him.
Still – todavía He still wants to negotiate.
Than – que You’re more beautiful than your mother.
Then – entonces If you won’t help me then I won’t help you.
Therefore – por lo tanto The police found the money in his house. Therefore, it’s clear he’s guilty.
Unless – a menos que She won’t help you unless you offer her a job.
Whether – si The president’s going to offer you the job whether you want it or not.
Yet – aún None of the pupils have finished their homework yet.
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
”The index is an
important unit of the book because
once you have finished all the
exercises you can use it to test
your knowledge of the thousand
words. Cover one of the columns
(either the Spanish or English)
and see if you can remember the
A-Z index
The 1000 most common words in English
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
A un, una Art arte
Able ser capaz As mientras / como
A while un rato As soon as possible lo antes posible
A.M. por la mañana As usual como siempre
About sobre / acerca de Ask preguntar
Accent acento Ask for pedir
Accept aceptar Asleep dormido
Accident accidente At first al principio
Account cuenta At home en casa
Actor actor At least al menos
Actually de hecho / en realidad At the moment en este momento
Add sumar / añadir August agosto
Address dirección Aunt tía
Adult adulto Autumn otoño
Advert anuncio Available disponible
Advice consejo Awake despierto
Affect afectar Back hacia atrás
After después Back espalda
Afternoon tarde Bad malo
Again otra vez Bag bolso
Against contra Ball pelota
Age edad Bank banco
Ages ago hace mucho tiempo Bath bañera
Ago hace (tiempo) Bath room cuarto de baño
Agree estar de acuerdo Battery pila
Air aire Be ser / estar
Airplane avión Be in a hurry tener prisa
Alarm alarma Be right tener razón
Alive vivo Be wrong no tener razón
Almost casi Beach playa
Alone solo Beautiful bello/a
Already ya Because porque
Also también Bed cama
Although aunque Bedroom habitación
Always siempre Beef carne de vaca
All todo Beer cerveza
All right bien Before antes
Allowed permitido Begin empezar
Analyse analizar Behaviour comportamiento
And y Behind detrás
Angry enfadado Below debajo de
Animal animal Belt cinturón
Another otro Beside al lado de
Answer responder Better mejor
Any cualquier, alguno Best el/la mejor
Anybody alguien (o nadie) Between entre de
Anyone alguien (o nadie) Big grande
Anything algo/nada (en frases negativas) Bike bicicleta
Anyway pero bueno... Bill recibo
Anywhere cualquier sitio Bird pájaro
Apart aparte Birth nacimiento
Apartment apartamento Black negro
Apparently aparentemente Blue azul
Appear aparecer Boat barco
Appearance apariencia /aspecto Body cuerpo
Apple manzana Book libro
Appointment cita (con el dentista, etc.) Born nacido
April abril Boss jefe
Area zona Both ambos
Argue discutir Bottle botella
Arm brazo Box caja
Around alrededor Boy chico / niño
Arrange to meet quedar (con un amigo, etc.) Boyfriend novio
Arrive llegar Bra sujetador
Brain cerebro Crazy loco
Breakdown avería Cream nata
Bridge puente Cup taza
Bright brillante Cut cortar
Bring traer Chair silla
Brother hermano Change cambiar
Brown marrón Character personaje / personalidad
Brush cepillo Charge cobrar
Build construir Cheap barato
Burn quemar Check comprobar
Business negocio Cheese queso
Buy comprar Chemist farmacia
By por Child niño
Bye adiós Children niños
Cake pastel Christmas Navidad
Call llamar Dance bailar
Camera cámara Dangerous peligroso
Can poder Dark oscuro
Cancel cancelar Date fecha /cita romántica
Car coche Daughter hija
Card tarjeta Day día
Care (for) importar / cuidar Debt deuda
Career carrera December diciembre
Car-park aparcamiento Decide decidir
Carrot zanahoria Decrease disminuir
Carry llevar Definitely definitivamente
Case maleta / caso Delay demora
Cash efectivo Delicious delicioso
Cash-point cajero Deliver entregar
Cause causa Depart salir
Ceiling techo Describe describir
Center centro Desire desear
Circle círculo Desk escritorio
City ciudad Dictionary diccionario
Clear claro Die morir
Climate clima Different diferente
Clock reloj (de pared) Difficult difícil
Close cerrar Dining room comedor
Close cerca Dinner cena
Clothes ropa Direct directo
Clown payaso Direction dirección
Coat abrigo Director director
Cold frío Dirty sucio
Color color Disagree no estar de acuerdo
Colleague colega Discover descubrir
Collect coleccionar / recoger Disgusting asqueroso
College instituto Dish plato
Come venir Distance distancia
Come back volver Divorce divorciarse
Company empresa (Do you) mind? ¿Te importa?
Complain quejarse Door puerta
Complicated complicado Double doble
Confirm confirmar Draw dibujar
Connect conectar Dream soñar
Continue continuar Dress vestido
Control controlar Drink beber / tomar (líquidos)
Conversation conversación Drive conducir
Cook cocinar Drums tambores
Corner esquina / rincón During durante
Correct corregir Each cada
Corridor pasillo Ear oreja
Count contar Early pronto / temprano
Country país / campo Earth Tierra
Cousin primo East este
Easy fácil Flight vuelo
Eat comer Floor suelo
Egg huevo Flower flor
Electricity electricidad Fly volar
Embarrassed avergonzado Follow seguir
Emergency emergencia / urgencia Food comida
Emotion emoción Fool tonto
End final Foot pie
Energy energía For para
Enjoy disfrutar Foreigner extranjero
Enormous enorme Forest bosque
Entertain entretener Forever para siempre
Entrance entrada Forget olvidar
Equal igual Fork tenedor
Error error Fox zorro
Even incluso Free gratis
Even though aunque Freeze congelar
Evening tarde / noche Fresh fresco
Event evento Friday viernes
Ever nunca (en negativo) Fridge nevera
Ever alguna vez From de
Every cada Fruit fruta
Every day todos los días Fry freír
Everybody todo el mundo Frying pan sartén
Everyone todo el mundo Funny gracioso
Everything todo Furniture muebles
Everywhere por todas partes Future futuro
Exact exacto Game juego
Except excepto Garage garaje
Excited emocionado Garden jardín
Exercise book libreta General general
Expensive caro Generous generoso
Experience experiencia Get conseguir
Explain explicar Get dressed vestirse
Eye ojo Get off bajarse
Face cara Get up levantarse
Factory fábrica Girl chica / niña
Fall caer Girlfriend novia
Family familia Give dar
Famous famoso Give up rendirse / dejar de
Fancy apetecer Glad contento
Far lejos Glamorous glamoroso
Farm granja Glass cristal / vaso
Fascinating fascinante Global global
Fashion moda Go ir
Fast rápido Go out salir
Fat gordo God Dios
Father padre Gold oro
Favourite favorito Good bueno
Fear miedo Grandmother abuela
February febrero Grape uva
Feel sentir green verde
Few pocos grey gris
Fight pelear / luchar Group grupo
Film película Grow crecer
Fill in rellenar Guitar guitarra
Final último Habit hábito
Find encontrar Hair pelo / cabello
Finger dedo de la mano Half mitad
Finish terminar Ham jamón
Fire fuego Hand mano
Firm firme / empresa Handsome guapo
First primero Happen suceder
Fish pez / pescado Happy feliz
Hard duro It depends on depende de
Hat sombrero It’s warm hace calor
Have tener Jacket chaqueta
Have a bath bañarse Jail cárcel
Have a good time divertirse Jam mermelada
Have breakfast desayunar January enero
Have dinner cenar Jeans vaqueros
Have lunch almorzar Jewel joya
Have to tener que Job trabajo
He’s just arrived acaba de llegar July julio
Head cabeza Jump saltar
Headache dolor de cabeza June junio
Healthy sano Just then en ese momento
Hear oír Just + present perf acabo de
Heart corazón Just justo / sólo / de una vez
Heat calor Keep guardar (¡informática no!)
Heavy pesado Key llave
Help ayudar Kill matar
Here aquí Kind amable
High alto Kind tipo / clase
Hire alquilar Kiss beso
History historia Kitchen cocina
Hit pegar Knife cuchillo
Hold tener en la mano Know conocer
Hole agujero Know saber
Holiday vacaciones Lack falta
Hope esperar Lady dama
Horrible horrible Lamb cordero
Hot caliente Land tierra
Hour hora Language lenguaje
House casa Large grande
How long? ¿Cuánto tiempo? Last durar
How much? ¿Cuánto? Last último
How’s it going? ¿Cómo va? Late tarde
However por otro lado Later después / más tarde
Huge enorme Laugh reír
Husband marido Law ley
I don't think so creo que no Lawyer abogado
I think so creo que sí Lazy perezoso
I’m hungry tengo hambre Leave salir (abandonar)
Ice hielo Leave dejar
Idea idea Left izquierda
Idiot idiota Leg pierna
ill enfermo Less than menos de
Impatient impaciente Let permitir
Important importante Letter carta / letra
Impossible imposible Library biblioteca
Incapable incapaz License licencia / carnet
Include incluir Lie mentir
Incorrect incorrecto Lie down tumbarse
Increase incrementar Life vida
Incredible increíble Lift levantar
Independent independiente Light luz / encender
Influence influir Light ligero
Injure herir Like como
Inside dentro Like gustar
Instead en vez de Link vínculo
Intelligent inteligente Lion león
Intention intención Lips labios
Interesting interesante List lista
International internacional Listen escuchar
Introduce introducir / presentar Little pequeño
Invite invitar Live vivir
Issue asunto Long largo
Look mirar Name nombre
Look after cuidar Nationality nacionalidad
Look for buscar Nature naturaleza
Look like parecerse a Near cerca
Lorry camión Nearly casi
Lose perder Necessary necesario
Lounge salón Need necesitar
Love amor Neighbor vecino
Low bajo Neighborhood barrio
Luck suerte Neither tampoco
Luggage equipaje Nephew sobrino
Lunch comida / almuerzo Nervous nervioso
Machine máquina Never nunca
Mad loco New nuevo
Magazine revista New year Año Nuevo
Mail correo News noticias
Make hacer (crear / fabricar) Newspaper periódico
Man hombre Next siguiente
Many muchos Nice agradable
Map mapa Niece sobrina
March marzo Night noche
Marry casarse Nobody nadie
Marvelous maravilloso Nobody else nadie más
May mayo Noisy ruidoso
Maybe a lo mejor / quizá None ninguno
Me too igualmente Nonsense tonterías
Meal comida No-one nadie
Mean significar Nor ni
Mean querer decir Normal normal
Meanwhile mientras tanto North norte
Medicine medicina Nose nariz
Medium mediano Nothing nada
Meet conocer (por primera vez) Noun sustantivo
Memory memoria November noviembre
Menu menú Now ahora
Message mensaje Nurse enfermera
Metal metal Nut nuez
Method método Object objeto
Middle medio Obsessed obsesionado
Might podría / quizá Obviously obviamente
Milk leche October octubre
Mind mente Of de
Minimum mínimo Off apagado
Mirror espejo Offer ofrecer
Miss echar de menos / perder Office oficina
Mistake error Often a menudo
Mix mezclar Oil aceite
Moment momento Ok está bien
Monday lunes Old viejo
Money dinero On encendido
Monkey mono On sobre
Month mes Only sólo
More más On purpose a propósito
Morning mañana On the other hand por otro lado
Most of la mayoría de On time puntual
the Most Lo ms + adjetivo Once una vez
Mother madre Onion cebolla
Mountain montaña Open abrir
Mouth boca Operation operación
Move mover Opinion opinión
Much mucho Opportunity oportunidad
Mushroom champiñón Opposite enfrente
Must deber (verbo) Opposite lo contrario
Myself yo mismo Orange naranja
Ordinary ordinario Purple morado
Organization organización Push empujar
Organize organizar Put poner
Other otro, otra, otros, otras Quarter cuarto
Out fuera Question pregunta
Oven horno Queue cola / fila
Over encima Quick rápido
Own propio Quiet silencioso
P.M por la tarde Rain lluvia
Packet paquete Ready listo
Page página Real verdadero
Pain dolor Receipt recibo tiquete
Paint pintura Receive recibir
Pair par Recently recientemente
Pajamas pijama Recharge recargar
Pants calzoncillos Red rojo
Paper papel Reduce reducir
Pardon perdón Regular regular / normal
Parents los padres relatives parientes
Park parque Relax relajar
Part parte Religion religión
Party fiesta Repair reparar
Pass pasar /dar Repeat repetir
Passport pasaporte Reservation reserva
Pathetic patético Rest descansar
Pay pagar Restaurant restaurante
Pea guisante Result resultado
Pen bolígrafo Return volver
People gente Reward recompensa
Perfect perfecto Rice arroz
Perhaps tal vez Rich rico
Person persona Right derecha
Pet mascota Ring anillo
Photo foto River río
Picture imagen Road carretera
Piece trozo Room cuarto / habitación
Pig cerdo Rubbish basura
Pink rosa Rucksack mochila
Place sitio Rude mal educado
Plan plan Rule regla
Play jugar Run correr
Pleasant agradable Sad triste
Plus más Safe seguro
Polite educado / cortés Salad ensalada
Pool piscina Salary salario
Poor pobre Salt sal
Popular popular Same lo mismo
Pork cerdo Saturday sábado
Position posición Sauce salsa
Positive positivo Sausage salchicha
Possibility posibilidad Save guardar /salvar / ahorrar
Power poder Say decir
Prefer preferir Science ciencia
Pregnant embarazada Sea mar
Pretty bonito/a Season estación
Price precio Seat asiento
Problem problema Second segundo
Process proceso Secret secreto
Produce producir Secretary secretaria
Progress progreso See ver
Promise prometer Seem parecer
Pull tirar Selfish egoísta
Pupil alumno Sell vender
Pure puro Send enviar
Sensible sensato Some unos/as, algo de, alguno/a/s
Sensitive sensible Something algo
Separate separado Sometimes a veces
September septiembre Somewhere algún sitio
Serious serio Son hijo
Serve servir Song canción
Service servicio Soon pronto
Shake sacudir / temblar Sore que duele
Shampoo champú Sorry lo siento
Share compartir Soup sopa
Shave afeitarse South sur
Sheet sábana Space espacio
Shelf estantería Speak hablar
Ship barco Special especial
Shirt camisa Spend gastar
Shock shock Spoon cuchara
Shoes zapatos Spring primavera
Shoot disparar Stairs escaleras
Shop tienda Stand estar de pie
Shopping las compras Star estrella
Shopping centre centro comercial Start empezar
Short bajo Station estación
Should debería Statue estatua
Shout gritar Stay quedarse
Show enseñar / espectáculo Steak bistec
Shower ducha Steal robar
Shut cerrar / cerrado Step-father padrastro
Shy tímido Still aún
Sign firmar Stomach estómago
Signature firma Storm tormenta
Silence silencio Story historia
Silver plata Strange raro
Similar similar Street calle
Simple simple Strong fuerte
Since desde Student estudiante
Sing cantar Study estudiar
Sink lavamanos Stupid estúpido
Sister hermana Suddenly de repente
Sit sentarse Suffer sufrir
Size tamaño Suit traje
Skate patinar Summer verano
Skill habilidad Sun sol
Skin piel Sunday domingo
Skirt falda Sure seguro
Sky cielo Swim nadar
Sleep dormir Take coger / tomar
Slow lento Take off quitar
Small pequeño Talk hablar
Smile sonreír Tall alto
Smoke fumar Tax impuesto
Snow nieve Tea té
So así que Teach enseñar
So tan Teenager adolescente
So many/much tantos Teeth dientes
So that para que Telephone teléfono
Soap jabón Tell contar
Society sociedad Terrible terrible
Socket (plug) toma The el, la, los, las
Socks calcetines Then después
Sofa sofá Then entonces
Soft suave There allí / allá
Solve resolver There are hay (plural)
Somebody alguien (afirmativo) There is hay (singular)
Someone alguien Therefore por lo tanto
Thick grueso Weather tiempo / clima
Thin delgado Wedding boda
Thing cosa Wednesday miércoles
Thursday jueves Week semana
Tidy arreglar Welcome bienvenido
Tired cansado Well bien
To a West oeste
To be afraid tener miedo Wet mojado
To be sick of harto de What're these? ¿Qué son estos?
To feel sick sentirse mal What're those? ¿Qué son esos?
To use utilizar What's that? ¿Qué es eso?
Today hoy What's the matter? ¿Qué pasa?
Toe dedo del pie What's the weather like? ¿Qué tiempo hace?
Together juntos What's this? ¿Qué es esto?
Toilet lavabo Wheel rueda
Tomato tomate When cuando
Tomorrow mañana Where donde
Tonight esta noche Whether (if) si
Too también Whisper susurrar
Too demasiado Whistle silbar
Top de arriba, parte superior White blanco
Total total Who quien
Touch tocar Whole entero
Towel toalla Why porque
Town pueblo Wide amplio
Toys juguetes Wife esposa
Translate traducir Win ganar
Travel viajar Window ventana
Tree árbol Wine vino
Trousers pantalones Winter invierno
Try intentar With con
T-shirt camiseta Without sin
Tuesday martes Woman mujer
Turn off apagar Wonder preguntarse
Turn on encender Wonderful maravilloso
Twice dos veces Work trabajar
Twin gemelo Worry preocuparse
Ugly feo Worse peor
Umbrella paraguas Worth valer
Unable incapaz Write escribir
Unavoidable inevitable Year año
Uncle tío yellow amarillo
Under debajo Yesterday ayer
Understand entender Yet todavía / aún
Unpleasant desagradable Young joven
Until hasta Youth juventud
Unusual poco común Zero cero
Usually normalmente
Vegetable verdura
Very muy
Visit visitar
Wake up
despertarse Vocatic
Walk caminar / paseo © Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
Wall pared
Want querer
Wardrobe armario
Wash lavar
Watch reloj ( ¡De mano! ¡Pared no!)
Watch-out cuidado
Water agua
Way manera / camino
Weak débil
Wear llevar puesto
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com
© Rory Lynch 2010 www.vocatic.com