SSP 990163 2017 Audi Q7 Introduction - Pdf.en - Es
SSP 990163 2017 Audi Q7 Introduction - Pdf.en - Es
SSP 990163 2017 Audi Q7 Introduction - Pdf.en - Es
Audi of America, LLC Servicio de
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Creado el 9/2015 Número de curso
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Revisión 1: 10/2015
Introducción ................................................. .................................... 1
Este programa de estudio eSelf enseña un conocimiento básico del diseño y funciones de nuevos modelos, nuevos componentes Nota
automotrices o tecnologías.
¡No es un manual de reparación! Todos los valores dados son solo una guía.
Para trabajos de mantenimiento y reparación, consulte siempre la literatura técnica actual.
Técnicamente y en términos del diseño del Audi Q7, encarna el espíritu del Se ha aplicado una construcción ligera en todas las áreas, desde el sistema eléctrico
Audi quattro. El diseño del nuevo Audi Q7 es masculino y resuelto. Las líneas hasta el piso del maletero. La clave es la estructura del cuerpo, un nuevo diseño de
horizontales se extienden por encima de las ruedas. Son un sutil homenaje a múltiples materiales que implica el uso de piezas de fundición de aluminio, secciones
los clásicos modelos quattro de Audi. extruidas y paneles en los extremos delantero y trasero, así como la superestructura.
Este programa de estudio eSelf describe el diseño y la función del Audi Q7 • Nuevas características del tren de rodaje y la suspensión.
2017. Después de leer este programa de autoaprendizaje, podrá responder • Modificaciones a la electrónica y los sistemas de asistencia al conductor.
preguntas sobre los siguientes temas:
• Nuevas características del sistema eléctrico y redes.
• Nuevas características del sistema de control climático.
• Nuevas características de la estructura del cuerpo multimaterial. • Modificaciones y nuevas características del sistema de infoentretenimiento.
El nuevo Audi Q7 es una declaración de nuestra competencia. Su peso Aunque las dimensiones exteriores son más pequeñas, ofrece mucho más
reducido y su bajo centro de masa lo hacen extremadamente ágil. Con un peso espacio interior para pasajeros y equipaje que su predecesor. Sus innovadores
en vacío de solo 4398 lb (1995 kg), pesa 716 lb (325 kg) menos que su sistemas de asistencia e información y entretenimiento llevan al SUV al frente del
predecesor. paquete.
• 3.0l TFSI - 330 hp (245 kW) • ACC stop & go, incluido el asistente de atascos
• 3.0l TDI - 270 hp (200 kW) • Audi active lane assist
• Audi pre sense basic, delantero, trasero y city
• Asistencia de salida del vehículo
de los faros LED tienen la forma de una flecha doble. está disponible opcionalmente.
Cuerpo Transmisión de potencia
Las piezas de ultra alta resistencia hechas de acero conformado en caliente forman la columna vertebral de la celda Un Tiptronic de ocho velocidades recientemente desarrollado transfiere la potencia del motor al sistema de
ocupante. Se utilizan piezas de fundición de aluminio, secciones extruidas y paneles en la parte delantera y trasera, así tracción total quattro Además del modo automático, el conductor también puede elegir controlar el Tiptronic
como la superestructura. Otros componentes hechos completamente de aluminio son las puertas, los guardabarros usando las paletas estándar en el volante o usando una palanca selectora. En ambos casos, los comandos
delanteros, el capó y la escotilla trasera. Un techo solar panorámico de vidrio de dos piezas es estándar. se transmiten de forma totalmente eléctrica.
632_024 632_025
in (1
in (1
38,5 pulgadas (978 mm) 117,9 pulgadas (2994 mm) 42.5 pulgadas (1080 mm)
59.6 in (1513 mm) 1)
61.8 in (1571 mm) 2)
Longitud 198,9 pulgadas (5052 mm) Ancho de cabina delantera 61,8 pulgadas (1571 mm) 3)
Anchura 77,5 pulgadas (1968 mm) Espacio libre delantero 42,2 pulgadas (1071 mm) 4)
Peso en vacío 4343 libras (1970 kg) 1) Capacidad de equipaje de 7 plazas 27.5 / 69.0 pies cúbicos
(770/1955 l) 9)
Peso bruto del vehículo 6041 libras (2740 kg) 2)
Capacidad del tanque de combustible 22,4 galones (85 l)
Coeficiente de arrastre c w 0,32
4) Altura máxima
5) Ancho de la sala de hombro
7) Con los respaldos de los asientos de la segunda fila plegados (sin equipo opcional)
8) Con los respaldos de los asientos de la tercera fila plegados
9) Con los respaldos de los asientos de la tercera fila y los respaldos de los asientos de la segunda fila plegados
El Audi Q7 se basa en la segunda generación de MLBevo (Modular Longitudinal La alta calidad de los materiales seleccionados ofrece no solo un peso reducido, sino que
Platform Evolution). El cuerpo liviano de construcción de múltiples materiales también proporciona la base para cumplir con los estándares de seguridad de vehículos
representa, con su función y diseño optimizado de peso, un ejemplo más de un más estrictos.
cuerpo de vehículo moderno muy avanzado. Para cumplir con los requisitos de
un SUV, los componentes se seleccionaron deliberadamente de acuerdo con el
principio de usar el material correcto en el lugar correcto.
Componentes de aluminio
La construcción de varios materiales reduce el peso total del cuerpo Q7 en 156 lb (71
kg). Las puertas (52,9 lb [24 kg] más ligeras), así como los guardabarros delanteros, el
capó y la escotilla trasera están hechos completamente de aluminio.
Hoja de aluminio
Sección de aluminio
Componentes conformados en caliente de ultra alta resistencia
El uso de materiales de acero de ultra alta resistencia requiere, en caso de reparaciones Después de varias pruebas y pruebas de choque, se aprobó dos áreas de
del cuerpo, métodos de reparación especiales adaptados a las propiedades de los reparación en secciones en las que se permite la soldadura MAG en el caso del
materiales. Audi Q7:
La alta transferencia de calor en las áreas soldadas debilita significativamente la 1 Exterior superior izquierdo / derecho 'A' pilar 2
resistencia y la estructura del componente al alterar la microestructura del material. Pilar interior izquierdo / derecho 'B'
Por esta razón, el uso de soldadura con gas inerte MAG solo para fines de
reparación seccional solo está permitido en estos aceros de alta calidad en casos Los siguientes componentes conformados en caliente de resistencia ultraalta deben
aislados y en áreas definidas con precisión. reemplazarse por completo si están dañados:
Unirse a la tecnología
La clave para optimizar la estructura del cuerpo es usar "los materiales correctos
en el lugar correcto". El desafío resultante para la tecnología de unión fue
desarrollar soluciones universales y confiables para la gran variación en las
combinaciones de material / espesor en el cuerpo.
Técnicas de unión
Puñetazo remachado
La soldadura del elemento de fricción se usa por primera vez en el cuerpo Q7. Un
elemento de fricción une al menos dos piezas de trabajo. En el caso del Q7, por
ejemplo, los elementos de fricción se utilizan para unir chapas de aluminio con
chapas de acero conformadas en caliente de ultra alta resistencia. El elemento de
fricción giratorio inicialmente penetra en la capa superior de la pieza de trabajo
(aluminio) y luego produce una unión por fricción con el material básico (acero en
forma de calor de ultra alta resistencia) mediante la aplicación de calor por fricción y
alta presión axial. La presión de contacto axial también se mantiene durante un
corto tiempo después de soldar los componentes para homogeneizar las zonas en
las que se cambia la microestructura.
Aluminio en chapa Aluminio Acero Acero de ultra alta resistencia
fundido a presión (22MnB5)
Aluminio / aluminio Acero / acero Aluminio / acero con R metro de Aluminio / acero con R metro de 800 MPa
hasta 800 MPa o más
Punzonado con remaches semi huecos Soldadura por puntos de resistencia Punzonado con remaches semi huecos Punzonado con remaches especiales
Atornillar taladro de flujo Soldadura MAG Atornillar taladro de flujo Soldadura por elementos de fricción
soldadura TIG
Techo solar panorámico de vidrio
A diferencia del modelo anterior, el techo solar panorámico del nuevo Audi Q7 es un Los elementos de techo reforzados en el riel de guía y sobre la tercera fila de
diseño de dos piezas solamente. El panel frontal de vidrio es móvil y puede inclinarse o asientos aumentan la rigidez del cuerpo de tal manera que ya no hay ninguna
deslizarse hacia atrás. El panel de vidrio trasero es fijo. diferencia en la rigidez en comparación con un Audi Q7 sin un techo corredizo
Esto reduce el peso bruto del techo corredizo panorámico de vidrio en aproximadamente 22.0 Una persiana enrollable eléctrica para ambos paneles de vidrio proporciona
lb (10 kg) al tiempo que aumenta el espacio para la cabeza en el compartimiento de pasajeros protección contra la luz solar si es necesario.
Deflector de viento
Marco de drenaje de agua Techo del techo solar motor V260 Toldo enrollable Drenaje de agua frontal
Para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento del techo solar panorámico después de retirar / instalar / reemplazar el motor, se debe realizar un Plan de prueba de
Aerodinámica y aeroacústica.
La parte inferior está casi completamente revestida y un pequeño alerón en el área del eje
Se ha instalado una rejilla del radiador (estremecimiento) entre la rejilla de un solo Esta medida también permite una mejor economía de combustible y reduce el
marco y la sección superior del radiador principal. Las lamas se abren o cierran según CO 2 emisiones La rejilla cerrada también es beneficiosa para la gestión térmica
sea necesario para proporcionar un mejor rendimiento aerodinámico. del motor.
Escotilla trasera eléctrica
La escotilla trasera envolvente que abarca los pilares "D" fuertemente inclinados, un Cuando el microinterruptor en el bloqueo de la escotilla trasera indica que el delantero está
elemento de diseño típico de los modelos Audi Q en la posición de prebloqueo y el Módulo de control de la tapa trasera J605 indica que la
- Está hecho completamente de aluminio. Una unidad de escotilla trasera eléctrica es un escotilla trasera está en la posición "cerrada", una rueda de leva montada excéntricamente
equipo estándar. en el motor de asistencia de cierre de la tapa trasera V382 tira el pestillo de la compuerta
trasera se bloquea aún más en la posición completamente bloqueada por medio de un cable
El sistema de enclavamiento eléctrico es nuevo. En el Audi Q7, esta función se realiza Bowden, de la misma manera que la función de cierre eléctrico de las cerraduras de las
mediante el bloqueo de la escotilla trasera; en otros modelos de Audi se utiliza el delantero puertas.
en el parachoques trasero.
Cable de Bowden
Sistemas de asiento
Dependiendo de la variante del asiento, se podría instalar un calentador del asiento, Plegados, los respaldos de los asientos están integrados en el piso de
ventilación del asiento, respaldos neumáticos del asiento, soporte lumbar neumático y una carga y pueden elevarse o bajarse eléctricamente. Los interruptores se
función de masaje neumático. encuentran en cada área del pilar 'C' y en el maletero.
El asiento de la segunda fila tiene tres asientos, todos con respaldos ajustables. Los asientos de
la segunda fila se pueden mover manualmente hacia delante y hacia atrás hasta 4,3 pulg. (110 Los asientos en la segunda fila tienen una función plegable para facilitar la entrada y salida de la
mm). La tercera fila de asientos es estándar. tercera fila de asientos. El respaldo del asiento se pliega hacia adelante, después de lo cual todo
el asiento se puede plegar verticalmente. Todos los asientos en la segunda y tercera fila tienen
asientos de seguridad para niños LATCH. Esto significa que los clientes pueden asegurar hasta
Ajuste eléctrico del Reposacabezas ajustables horizontal y Asientos traseros deslizantes como asientos individuales, con
Asientos individuales de contorno
La opción de asiento de contorno ofrece las siguientes funciones: La ventilación del asiento es opcional para los asientos delanteros y para los dos asientos
traseros exteriores en la segunda fila. Los asientos tienen un sistema de admisión para este
• Ajuste eléctrico del asiento.
• Refuerzos laterales neumáticos en la base del asiento y el respaldo.
Asientos de la tercera fila
El Audi Q7 está disponible con una tercera fila de asientos. Es un banco de dos asientos Esto se hace automáticamente mediante el mecanismo cinemático dentro del
con dos respaldos eléctricos plegables. asiento o se puede hacer manualmente usando una lengüeta debajo del
reposacabezas. Después de levantar el respaldo, los reposacabezas deben
Los reposacabezas de estos asientos deben plegarse cuando los asientos están levantarse manualmente. Esto se hace girándolos hacia arriba hasta que encajen en
plegados. su lugar.
Pull-tab para manual Ajuste de respaldo de la tercera fila derecha Motor del
Los respaldos se pliegan con los botones de operación en el compartimento Un motor eléctrico desbloquea y mueve cada respaldo; La posición final es
del pasajero trasero y en el maletero. Debe presionar los botones hasta que el monitoreada por dos microinterruptores. Si un respaldo no ha alcanzado su
respaldo esté completamente plegado o desplegado. posición final, la luz de advertencia del respaldo aparece en el DIS y los LED en los
botones de operación comienzan a parpadear.
632_031 632_030
Seguridad del ocupante
• Módulo de control de airbag. • Cinturones de seguridad delanteros con carrete de inercia y tensores pirotécnicos.
• Airbag adaptativo para el conductor. • Cinturones de seguridad delanteros con carrete de inercia y tensores eléctricos.
• Airbag adaptativo del acompañante • Cinturones de seguridad de carrete de inercia delanteros con limitadores de fuerza de correa activos.
(airbag del acompañante, versión de dos etapas). • Cinturones de seguridad de carrete de inercia para la segunda fila de asientos con tensores de cinturón
• Bolsas de aire laterales delanteras. pirotécnicos, lado del conductor y del pasajero delantero.
• Bolsas de aire laterales traseras (opción de equipo). • Cinturones de seguridad de carrete de inercia para la tercera fila de asientos con tensores de cinturón
• Sensores de choque para detección de impacto lateral en las puertas. • Advertencia de cinturón de seguridad para todos los asientos.
• Sensores de choque para detección de impacto lateral en los pilares 'C'. • Sensor de ocupación de seguridad en el asiento del acompañante.
• Sensor de choque para detección de impacto lateral y longitudinal. • Airbag del acompañante apagado y encendido.
• Sensores de posición del asiento del conductor y del pasajero delantero.
Airbag lateral delantero Airbag de cabeza, Airbag lateral trasero
Para obtener más información sobre las características de seguridad activa y pasiva en el Audi Q7, consulte el Programa de estudio eSelf
Motor de gasolina
332/450 302/225
Power output in hp/kW
258/350 237/175
221/300 201/150
184/250 168/125
148/200 134/100
111/150 100/75
74/100 67/50
37/50 34/25
Caracteristicas Especificaciones
Lambda control Two sensors upstream of catalytic converter and two sensors downstream of catalytic converter
Mixture formation Combined (dual) direct (FSI) and multipoint (MPI) injection
Para obtener más información sobre el motor 3.0l V6 TFSI, consulte el Programa de estudio eSelf
920323 El motor Audi 3.0l V6 TFSI de cuarta generación.
18 años
Cooling circuit of 3.0l V6 TFSI engine
1 2
V55 3
5 6 N509
4 V50 9 G694 4
7 8 10
J671 J293
19 V188
18 20
Diesel engine
Torque in lb ft/Nm
516/700 295/220
479/650 268/200
443/600 241/180
406/550 215/160
369/500 188/140
332/450 161/120
295/400 134/100
258/350 107/80
221/300 80/60
Features Specifications
Fuel type ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel) with a sulfur content of 15 ppm or less; must meet ASTM D975 Grade 2 S15
Exhaust gas treatment Oxidizing catalyst, SCR coated diesel particulate filter, particulate sensor, oxygen sensor
Coolant circuit of 3.0l V6 TDI engine
1 2
V55 3
6 N509
11 14 10
9 G62 N489 13
5 5
G802 G8
F265 16
J671 J293
1 Front heater heat exchanger F265 Map Controlled Engine Cooling Thermostat
2 Rear heater heat exchanger G8 Oil Temperature Sensor
3 Auxiliary heat exchanger G62 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
4 Vent screw G694 Engine Temperature Control Sensor
5 Non-return valve G802 Coolant Temperature Sensor 2
6 ATF cooler J293 Radiator Fan Control Module
7 Exhaust turbocharger J671 Radiator Fan Control Module 2
8 Exhaust gas recirculation cooler N279 Heater Coolant Shut-Off Valve
9 Coolant expansion tank N474 Reducing Agent Injector
10 Flow restrictor N489 Cylinder Head Coolant Valve (rotary valve)
11 Cylinder head, bank 1 N509 Transmission Fluid Cooling Valve
12 Engine block, bank 1 V50 Coolant Recirculation Pump
13 Cylinder head, bank 2 V55 Recirculation Pump
14 Cylinder head, bank 2
15 Engine oil cooler
Cooled coolant Cooled coolant (charge air
16 Coolant pump
cooling) Hot coolant Hot coolant (charge air
17 Radiator
SCR system
The reducing agent tank is manufactured from two halfshells as an injection To accommodate the filling of reducing agent at a high flow rates, there is an
molding (not as a blow-molded tank). This has the advantage of saving weight. equalization chamber in the upper section of the tank and at the filler neck.
Since splashing reducing agent would cause the fuel nozzle to shut off, reducing
agent is retained and allowed to settle in the equalization chamber.
The tank sensor is an entirely electronic component and does not require float
Equalization chamber
contact points. An antenna (coil) and the reducing agent (capacitive fluid) form
an electrical resonant circuit.
A change in the fluid level alters the impedance of the circuit and shifts
the resonance frequency (5 MHz – 12 MHz) proportional to the fluid
Vent duct
Charging port
Antenna (coil)
Sensor G684
Reducing agent
Reducing Agent Tank
Resonance frequency
Reducing Agent Quality Sensor G849
The sensor determines the density of the reducing agent by deflecting the light If the reducing agent is degraded, contaminated or diluted with water, the light
beam onto a CMOS cell. An LED emits light within a prism and deflects the light beam is deflected and impinges on the electronic evaluation unit at a different
beam through the sight glass filled with reducing agent. angle. This sets a DTC in Reducing Agent Metering System Control Module
J880 and sends a warning message to the to the driver via the DIS.
If the reducing agent is in good condition, the light beam travels straight through
the sight glass and hits an opposing prism. This light beam impinges on a
CMOS line sensor with a resolution of 1024 pixels. The impinging light beam is
evaluated and assessed in the electronic evaluation unit. The quality of the
reducing agent is determined by reducing and increasing the deflection of the
light beam impinging on the CMOS line sensor.
TDI engine cover with integrated air filter
The engine cover also serves as a cover for the air filter. It is a The bypass flap is switched by Air Filter Bypass Door Valve N275 (open/close)
plastic-welded multi-piece construction. The lower section of the cover that is integrated in the air filter. The bypass flap is closed when depressurized.
houses the air filter on the bottom side. It also has attachment points for the Air filter drainage is through an integrated with multi-outlet water discharge
Mass Airflow Sensor and oil filler tube. system which allows safe drainage from driving in spray/ rain and during offroad
operation on inclines within the permissible operating parameters.
The air filter housing has two connecting ports on the unfiltered air side. One of
the two connecting ports can be sealed with a bypass flap. The bypass flap is
vacuum-operated. Several criteria influence the position of the bypass flap (see table below):
Acoustics To reduce drive-by noise and passenger compartment noise, the bypass flap is closed, reducing the orifice cross-section. Signals for engine speed,
engine torque, power demand and vehicle speed are supplied by the ECM.
Snow To ensure low snow/snow free air intake, the flap is opened at an ambient temperature of 41 °F (5 °C), resulting in a lower flow rate at the intake. The
ambient temperature signal is supplied by the Climatronic Control Module.
Water spray To ensure low-spray air intake with no water inlet on the clean air side, the bypass flap is opened as a function of speed, resulting in a lower flow rate at
the intake. The signal is supplied by the rain sensor or wiper control unit via the ECM.
Power Low pressure loss, power increase, reduction in fuel consumption, reduced charge air temperature. The flap is opened upwards of approximately
3500 rpm as a function of power output, necessitating a lower flow rate (additional air). The engine speed and power demand signals are supplied by
engine control unit.
Diagnostics Output check diagnosis (can only be checked at idle); visual inspection of flap circuit.
Vacuum motor
Main intake
Air filter box Oil
Bypass flap
Engine/transmission combinations
Automatic gearbox 0D5
Power transmission
The quattro drive concept of the Audi Q7 uses the technology of the Modular The software of the 0D5 uses the data from the navigation system to assist the
Longitudinal Platform with full-time all-wheel drive. This is typified by the start-stop system and neutral control. The transmission parameters can be
8-speed automatic transmission 0D5. It has a front axle drive in front of the selected via Audi drive select. The Transmission Control Module is a
torque converter and houses an integrated transfer case. participant of the immobilizer system.
The transfer case has a self-locking center differential with The transmission in the Audi Q7 is entirely operated using
asymmetrical-dynamic torque split and the rear axle drive through the open "shift-by-wire" technology. The selector mechanism and the operating concept
differential 0D2. are new.
This drive concept saves weight compared to the predecessor Audi Q7 and The parking lock is electro-hydraulically actuated and can be released using
increases efficiency. an emergency release mechanism. The Auto P function provides added
operating comfort.
ATF cooling,
refer to page 34
Emergency release of
parking lock, refer to
page 44
Rear axle drive 0D2
The rear axle drive is derived from the previous 0BC rear axle drive. The The rubber-metal bearings must be installed in the position specified by the
housing is designed so it can be mounted to the sub-frame by a four-point repair information.
mounting system.
The front rubber-metal bearing is press-fit to the case and then bolted to the
sub-frame. It is supported by an additional bearing which moves in the Z
direction. This design provides selective vibration insulation.
Rubber-metal bearing
Rubber-metal bearing
The special procedure for attaching and tightening the propeller shaft to the
rear axle drive (triangular matching) is described in the workshop manual.
For detailed information about triangular matching, please refer to eSelf-Study Rubber-metal bearing
Program 991803, The 2009 Audi A4 Vehicle Introduction and the Audi Service TV 632_112
Additional bearing
Eight speed automatic transmission 0D5
The 0D5 transmission is based on the 0BK transmission first used in the • Plastic ATF pan with integrated ATF suction filter and an ATF drain plug
2011 Audi A8. with bayonet catch in place of a thread (refer to page 33).
It has the internal designation AL-52-8Q. The manufacturer ZF Getriebe GmbH • Combined ventilation of the 3 oil systems, the ATF, the transfer case
uses the designation 8HP65A. It is rated for up to 516 lb ft (700 Nm) of input and the front final drive (refer to page 33).
torque. • For the first time in a conventional converter-type automatic transmission,
the operating software supports the coasting mode (refer to page 47).
The key new features of the 0D5 transmission compared to the 0BK are:
• The neutral control function has been re-configured (refer to
page 48).
• Twin-damper converter with integrated pendulum-type absorber.
• Reinforced gear set with revised shift elements, the number of brake discs In addition, as with the 0BK transmission, the software of the 0D5 transmission
and clutch plates is dependent on engine version, brake B is now activated uses data from the navigation system and supports the start-stop system.
by a simplex cylinder, the number of discs of brakes A and B is configured
for active disc separation using corrugated springs.
Various driving modes can be selected via Audi drive select. The TCM is a
• Mechatronics with modified hydraulic interfaces and a vehicle plug participant of the Immobilizer system. ATF system cooling is regulated by the
connection facing in the direction of travel (refer to page 31). engine's thermal management system (refer to page 34).
Transfer case
The transfer case of the 0D5 transmission can be ordered with a self-locking The mechanical center differential interacts directly with the torque vectoring
differential. The are manufactured by either AAM of JTEK. system, which improves traction and driving dynamics when cornering at high
Welded housing
Oil pump
Active brake disc separation in brakes A and B
Brakes A and B have corrugated springs between the discs. When the brakes
are open, the springs provide a clearance which minimizes drag torque. This
helps to save fuel and reduces C0 2 emissions.
page 32 and 37
Ventilation port, refer to
Clutch C
absorber (refer to page 30)
integrated pendulum-type
Twin-damper converter with
Parking lock with reinforced pawl and enlarged Plastic ATF pan with integrated ATF suction filter and an ATF drain
parking lock gear diameter plug with bayonet catch in place of a thread (refer to page 32)
Twin-damper converter with integrated pendulum-type absorber
The torque converter of the is a twin-damper converter with integrated The four pendulum masses complement the conventional working principle of
pendulum-type absorber. the twin-damper converter by damping engine torsional vibration as a function of
engine speed. This is achieved through the interaction of centrifugal force (F z) and
This cannot be seen from the exterior, but if the torque converter is rolled the shape of the bearing races. At low engine speed, a low centrifugal force
or shaken the very loosely mounted pendulum-type absorbers can produce produces more pronounced pendulum movement than a high centrifugal force
typical rattling noises. This is not an indication of a damaged or faulty at high engine speed. The pendulum masses and the shape of the bearing race
converter. Even at low engine speeds, the pendulum masses produced by are adapted to the engine so the pendulum movement counteracts the torsional
the centrifugal force are thrust outwards and no longer generate any noise. vibration of the engine.
Pendulum bearing
Pendulum-type absorber
Bearing plate
Turbine wheel
Pump wheel
Spline for
ATF pump shaft (spins at
engine speed)
Arc springs
The blue-colored sectional edges show the components connected to the internal The magenta-colored sectional edges show the components connected to the
combustion engine when the converter lockup clutch is open (primary side). transmission input shaft when the converter lockup clutch is open (secondary side).
Mechatronics module
The Mechatronics module of the 0D5 transmission has the ZF designation The sensors and actuators as well as the design of the hydraulic parking lock
E26/29. It is an enhanced version of the module used in the 0BK transmission and the hydraulic pulse accumulator (HIS) are identical. This means the shift
of the 2011 Audi A8. The key differences between the two modules are the elements are activated the same way. For further information, see eSelf-Study
modified hydraulic interfaces for brake B and the ATF cooler which no faces in Program 950103, The 2011 Audi A8 Power Transmission.
the direction of vehicle travel.
Clutch C
From converter
To converter
Lubrication Brake B
Connector to
Parking lock
slide valve
Pressure connection from mechanically Hydraulic pressure supply to mechatronics module from
driven ATF pump hydraulic pulse accumulator (HIS)
To converter
lockup clutch From
Close converter
Clutch C
Clutch E
Clutch D
Oil bleed port for double shaft oil seal (refer to Brake A Brake B
page 32)
ATF and gear oil systems
The 0D5 transmission of the Audi Q7 has three separate lubrication The plastic ATF pan saves weight. It forms a unit together with the ATF suction
systems: filter and must be replaced when replacing the mechatronics module or the
hydraulic pulse accumulator. The ATF pan has reinforcing ribs which offer
ATF system for the planetary gears and the hydraulic control module (lifetime)
sufficient stability to allow the transmission to be set down flat on the ATF pan.
Transfer case vent ATF filler and inspection plug Torque converter bell housing Vent port
Flexible absorber,
use depends on engine type
1) STURACO is an oil additive that protects against excessive stresses in the center differential and thus helps to enhance ride comfort. Pay attention to exact assignment of gear oils in accordance with the part
numbers in ETKA.
Combined transmission ventilation
The vent pipe leading into the collection chamber is sealed off from the The ventilation port in the converter housing provides the necessary pressure
collection chamber by an O-ring. The sealing sleeve prevents the ingress of equalization after heating or cooling of the transmission. To allow pressure
operating fluids into the converter housing. equalization to take place, the ventilation port must be open and unobstructed.
Vent pipe Vent for front final drive Transfer case vent
Vent port
Sealing sleeve
ATF vent
starter opening ATF cooler intake
Oil bleed port Leading to the space between the sealing lips of
the double oil seal separating the ATF system from the transfer
case oil system.
Drain plug for front final drive Cover for ATF cooler (refer to page 34) ATF drain plug with bayonet Oil drain plug for the transfer case
When moving or working on a transmission, the gear oil and ATF may mix via the common gear box vent if the transmission is tilted too far. Always follow the
instructions given in the electronic repair information.
ATF cooling
The ATF cooling system is integrated with the engine coolant circuit. It is If the ATF cooler is leaking, coolant (glycol) will mix with the ATF. Even the
controlled by Transmission Fluid Cooling Valve N509. N509 is actuated by smallest quantities of coolant in the ATF can have a detrimental effect on the
Transmission Control Module J217. J217 receives the command to open or transmission clutches. A glycol test can done to confirm this condition.
close N509 from the ITM software in the ECM.
2 1
Start phase
When the engine is cold started, N509 is energized closed. The cooling circuit
path for the ATF heat exchanger is blocked. This allows the engine to reach
operating temperature more quickly. The ITM software of the ECM decides
when N509 is to be re-opened. The criteria are: ambient temperature, engine
temperature, engine speed and the heat demand of the Climatronic system.
If the engine has reached operating temperature and there is sufficient heat for
the passenger compartment, N509 is opened and the ATF is heated. The
lower viscosity ATF now used improves efficiency of the transmission.
The coolant temperature of the engine is kept between 176 °F and 190° F (80
°C - 90 °C). This corresponds to the nominal temperature range of the ATF.
During normal operation, N509 is de-energized (open) and the ATF
temperature is kept at that range.
Selector mechanism
• There is no mechanical connection between the selector lever and the • Only gears R, N, D and S are selected through the automatic gate.
• The driver input is registered by the selector mechanism and transmitted • The parking lock can only be activated manually using the P button.
electronically to the transmission without the need for a mechanical There is no selector lever position for P.
• To operate the Tiptronic function (manual mode M), the selector lever must
• The parking lock is operated electro-hydraulically and activated be moved into the Tiptronic gate (this is only possible if gear position D or S is
automatically (Auto P function). active).
• In the event of a fault, a mechanical emergency release mechanism • The release button Selector Lever Release Button E681 is integrated in
allows the parking lock to be released to move the vehicle (refer to the selector lever and configured for redundancy (refer to function
page 44). diagram).
Selector lever
Plug connection C
Plug connection E
Plug connection C
Plug connection A
To manually activate the parking lock, the driver must press the P button. For The shift status is indicated to Selector Lever Sensor System Control Module
activation, the vehicle must be traveling less than 0.5 mph (0.1 km/h). To help J587 via two interfaces and plug connection E (refer to the diagram). If the P
ensure reliability and facilitate fault diagnosis, the P button assembly has three button is defective, a DTC is generated and a message appears in the DIS and
shift elements. the system reverts to the Auto P function when the engine is switched off.
Information flow
The communication path between the selector mechanism and the The TCM engages the gear corresponding to the driver input and sends this
transmission is: Infotainment CAN > Gateway > FlexRay. The selector lever information to the selector lever control module. J587 then activates Shift Lock
sensor control module determines the positions of the selector lever as well as Solenoid N110, the selector lever position display LEDs and Parking Lock
the signals of the buttons and transfers the information to the TCM. Indicator Lamp K320. When selecting a gear, this information flow causes a
short delay until the corresponding gear symbol lights up.
E313 Selector Lever (selector mechanism) J587 Selector Lever Sensor System Control Module
E681 Selector Lever Release Button K320 Parking Lock Indicator Lamp
VAS 642 001
Display logic
Shift diagram
gear position
positions Basic
Selector lever in automatic gate, Selector lever in automatic gate, Selector lever in Tiptronic gate, Selector lever
Tiptronic gate blocked Tiptronic gate free, D/S shift Tiptronic function active, manual mode M positions
Software lock: deactivation by pressing the foot brake Mechanical locking effect of Shift Lock Solenoid N110: deactivation by pressing the
Selector Lever Release Button E681 1)
1) In the event of a fault, E681 is considered actuated. The red and grey locks are deactivated and a DTC is entered in the control module. The selector can be moved out of positions P and N by pressing the
foot brake.
Shift Lock Solenoid N110
The selector lever also serves as an ergonomic hand rest for operating the To minimize noise, N110 remains energized after shifting to the Tiptronic gate.
MMI. To avoid unintentional selector lever operation when operating the MMI, The locking effect of the bolt is, however, deactivated because the locking gate
forward movement of the selector lever is blocked in selector positions D and S. swivels away when the selector lever is moved into the Tiptronic gate. The
locking effect is reactivated when the selector lever is moved back into the
automatic gate.
In selector position D/S Shift Lock Solenoid N110 is energized and the
locking bolt engages the selector lever locking gate. The selector can now
be moved back into position B1 from the basic position in order to shift from When the Selector Lever Release Button E681 is pressed, the power supply
to N110 is disconnected and the locking effect is deactivated.
D to S or from S to D.
Plug connection C
Locking pin
A1 A2
Basic position X
Selector lever lock – transverse
To ensure that the selector lever cannot be inadvertently moved into the
Tiptronic gate, it is locked transversely in selector positions P, R and N.
The locking cam is positioned in such a way that it engages the locking slot in
the crosspiece in which the selector lever is mounted. The selector lever cannot
be moved into the Tiptronic gate.
Transverse Selector Lever Lock Motor V577 The resetting shaft Worm gear
is bidirectional. V577 is energized for this purpose, the direction
of current flow (polarity) producing the desired direction of
Release direction
Selector position D/S –selector lever lock– transverse, inactive
The selector lever can now be moved into the Tiptronic gate.
Locking direction
If the selector lever is in the Tiptronic gate when the driver shuts off the engine,
it is automatically moved back into the automatic gate. Transverse Selector
Lever Lock Motor V577 turns the resetting shaft one full turn in the resetting
direction. The resetting plate exerts axial lift on the selector lever and moves it
back into the automatic gate.
Selector Lever Position Sensor G727 checks whether the selector lever is in
the Tiptronic gate or the automatic gate (refer to page 42). If the selector lever
has been moved back into the automatic gate, the selector lever lock motor
turns the resetting shaft in the locking direction and locks the selector lever in
the transverse direction.
If the selector lever is again moved into the Tiptronic gate in such a situation,
it will again be moved back to the automatic gate. 632_121
Selector Lever Position Sensor G727
Selector Lever Position Sensor G727 tracks the position of the selector lever. The TCM determines the desired selector lever positions and sends the
G727 has two sensors: one sensor for the automatic gate and one sensor for information back to Selector Lever Sensor System Control Module J587.
the Tiptronic gate.
Selector Lever Sensor System Control Module J587 tracks the position of the Based on this feedback, the system activates the relevant LEDs in Selector
selector lever based on the signals from these sensors and sends the Lever Transmission Range Display Y5, Parking Lock Button E816 and Shift
information to Transmission Control Module J217. Lock Solenoid N110.
Basic position X
A2 • Automatic gate:
schematic on page 26.
Support plate
Plug connection A
Sensor for Tiptronic gate Basic position T
Tiptronic gate Movement
To be able to move the vehicle without the parking lock, for example in a car wash,
automatic engagement of the parking lock can be prevented. A condition for this is that
Tip shifting in D/S
the selector mechanism, the P button and the transmission are functioning properly. If
these conditions are not met, the Auto-P function is activated at "ignition off".
Manual gear shifts can be performed at any time by operating the steering wheel
Tiptronic in selector position D or S.
To this end, the TCM switches to manual mode M
(Tiptronic mode) for a limited time.
To activate selector position N, first it must be selected when the engine is running and
then the engine switched off with the selector in N.
The D/S symbol is lit in the selector lever position display Y5 and the gear indicator M 1 – 8
appears in the instrument cluster.
In this case, the parking lock is not engaged (P-OFF position). The Auto-P function is
suppressed for a limited period of 30 minutes 1).
If the vehicle is in a normal, constant driving state for a period of about 8 seconds 1), the
transmission shifts back into selector position D or S.
After 29 minutes 1) a message appears in the DIS indicating that the parking lock will
shortly be engaged and after 30 minutes 1,2) the parking lock is engaged.
The countdown from about 8 seconds 1) is stopped in the following cases:
The transmission can be immediately switched from manual mode M back to selector
An audible warning is given if one of the doors is opened.
position D or S by pressing Tip+ for a period greater than 1 second 1).
In this situation the vehicle cannot be locked from the outside. The vehicle must be
Tip shifting in D can be activated or deactivated with the diagnostic tester by
secured to stop it from rolling away while in the P-OFF position.
selective adaptation (refer to page 49).
Button E681 is pushed and the vehicle is not stationary for longer than 1 second 1) with
If it is necessary to hold the parking lock in the P-OFF position for a longer period
Shifting in R
of time, the parking lock emergency release mechanism must be actuated (refer
to page 44).
A software lock prevents the driver from engaging reverse at speeds of greater than 5.0
mph (8.0 km/h) 1).
If reverse is selected, an audible signal sounds from the instrument cluster and a large
white R appears in the display. Repetitive signalling is suppressed while manoeuvring as
long as a forward speed of 5.0 mph (8.0 km/h) 1) is not exceeded.
mph (8.0 km/h) 1) without applying the brake provided that Selector Lever Release
A stuck vehicle can be freed by quickly and skillfully rocking it backwards and forwards.
Shifting from D to R and vice versa is always performed via selector position N. To Diagnostics, actuator test
deactivate the selector lever locks in the longitudinal direction, it is normally necessary
to apply the brake and push the release button in order to shift from The electrical components of the selector mechanism can be diagnosed using the VAS
Scan Tool under Address Word 81.
N to D or from N to R ( refer to page 38, Fig. 632_117).
Output checks can be done using the VAS Scan Tool for the following components:
Shifting from D to R and vice versa can, therefore, be performed below a speed of 5.0
1) The given values provide a guideline and are not binding. They may deviate depending on model version.
2) If a speed signal is detected (v = greater than 0.6 mph [1.0 km/h]), the time is extended accordingly until either a minimum stationary period of 5 minutes is detected or the vehicle battery is
discharged. 43
Emergency parking lock release
The emergency release mechanism holds the parking lock in the P-OFF
position longer in order to release the parking lock and should be operated in
the following situations:
• To tow the vehicle.
• If the parking lock cannot be released electro-hydraulically due to a
• If the vehicle cannot be maneuvered or moved due to low battery
• If the engine is not running and it is necessary to move the vehicle.
• Remove cover.
• Insert the emergency release wrench insert into the actuating
mechanism as shown under position 1 in Fig. 632_124. 3
• Turn the socket wrench insert clockwise through 90° (position 2) while
pushing it down (position 3 in Fig. 632_126). 2
Note: The wrench insert must not be turned back as this will damage
the emergency release mechanism.
Reduction of structure-borne noise transmission
Mushroom-shaped plate A special feature is the positioning of the emergency release Bowden cable in
relation to the gear selector lever. A rigid rod and a mushroom-shaped plate are
attached to end of the emergency release Bowden cable and contactlessly
envelop the gear selector lever. This minimizes structure-borne noise
transmission from the transmission to the Bowden cable, and thus into the
passenger compartment. The plate and the gear selector lever do not make
contact until the emergency release mechanism is actuated.
Note that when the emergency release mechanism is not actuated, the plate Locking sleeve
of the Bowden cable must not be in contact with the gear selector lever and
there must be sufficient clearance (refer to Fig. 632_146 "Reduction of
structure-born noise transmission").
After removing and installing the transmission or carrying out assembly work on components of the emergency release mechanism, a function test must be
performed as described in the repair manual. 45
Transmission functions
With Audi drive select, it is possible to select between different vehicle Transmission setups are tailored to the customer's requirements in a
setups. country-specific manner. For this reason, only typical differences between the
various modes are shown here.
offroad In offroad mode the TCM assists driving in rough terrain by using adapted functions. Gear selection follows a fixed shift program without
(with steel suspension) driver type recognition. The gears are held for long as in selector position S. Selector position S is not available, however manual shifting is
possible in Tiptronic mode (manual mode M).
lift / offroad In Tiptronic mode, automatic upshifting of the transmission is deactivated. The engine runs up to the speed limiter without shifting up in
(with air suspension) order to prevent undesirable up-and-down shifting.
The deactivation of automatic upshifting allows the engine to stop on a hill at full engine speed. Even if brief loss of traction occurs, the
gear is held to ensure that full drive torque is available when the wheels regain full traction.
The deactivation of automatic upshifting allows the full braking effect of the engine to be utilised when driving downhill. To protect the
engine against overspeeding, the transmission shifts up before a defined engine speed is reached.
allroad The allroad mode does not have any effect on the transmission setup.
comfort This setup is especially comfort-oriented with soft gear shifts and low engine speeds. As is the case in auto mode, gear selections are
made with the assistance of driver type recognition.
auto Driver type recognition in selector positions D and S: In selector positions D and S a driver type recognition is made on the basis of the
driver's driving style. Criteria for driver type recognition include the mode of actuation of the brake and accelerator, the speed of the vehicle
as well as transverse and longitudinal acceleration within defined periods. Accordingly, an economical driving style leads to early upshifts
and late downshifts. A sporty driving style leads to late upshifts and early downshifts. The driving phases in which the driver adopts an
efficient, economical, sporty or manual driving style can be read out using the diagnostic tester.
Selector position D: Gearshifts are comfort-oriented and shift point selection is adapted to the driver's driving style with the aid of driver
type recognition.
Selector position S 1): In Sport mode (sport program), the shift points are sporty and adapted to the performance range of the engine. The
shift points are configured with the aid of driver type recognition. The shift times and shift points vary from driving in the normal sport program
to a handling course setup with short, noticeable shift cycles.
dynamic If the dynamic mode is selected, the TCM activates the sport program (selector position S). In dynamic mode, both the Tiptronic functions and
selector position D are available. If selector position D is activated before shutting off the engine, selector position ( D) is again activated when
the engine is subsequently started 1). If the driver wishes to have selector position S, he must select it.
individual In individual mode, the driver can freely select the transmission setup irrespective of other vehicle systems.
1) Based on the emission class, the drive programs of selector position D is always selected when the vehicle is restarted.
Navigation-based gear selection
Provided that suitable data is available from the navigation system (optional This information reduces shift frequency and makes it easier for the TCM to
and market dependent), the 0D5 transmission uses relevant route data for gear select or preselect the correct gear. Navigation based gear selection can be
selection purposes. The TCM processes information about the route ahead, for activated or deactivated by selective adaptation using the VAS Scan Tool (refer
example, corner radii or corner length. The TCM also determines whether the to page 49).
vehicle is driving in an urban area or the countryside.
Neutral control
The neutral control system disengages the engine from the transmission when This helps save fuel and reduces C0 2 emissions. In addition, the engine runs
stopping or when the vehicle is stationary. The engine idle torque can be more smoothly and quietly at low idle torque. For this reason, the neutral
reduced to a minimum because the engine does not have to work against the control system is activated after starting the engine.
torque converter.
As soon as the ATF pressure supply is ensured after the engine is started,
• Full adaptation of the shift elements (brakes, clutches).
brake A is closed and brake B is moved to the initial friction point. The neutral
• ATF temperature greater than approximately 68 °F (20 °C) 1).
control system is still not active (selector position P or N) at this point.
• Gradient less than 4% 1) ( the gradient is determined by the longitudinal
acceleration sensor of the brake electronics).
• Selector position D or R.
The neutral control system is active if the conditions are met, the driver has
• Accelerator not pressed.
applied the brake and selector position
• Foot brake pressed.
D or R is selected. If selector position D is selected, clutch C of 1st gear is not
initially closed. If selector position R is selected, clutch D of R gear is likewise
not initially closed.
Switch-off conditions
As soon as the driver releases the brake, brake B and clutch C are closed in
selector position D ( in selector position R, • Selector position S 2) or the Tiptronic mode
brake B and clutch D are closed). Brake B, which is already at the initial friction • Brake released (unless the vehicle is secured by the electromechanical
point, is closed with a steep rise in pressure, while clutches C or D are closed parking brake or hill start assist is active.)
with a gentle rise in pressure. Traction can be comfortably established in this • Accelerator pressed
way. The remainder of the start-up operation is performed using the torque
Shift matrix
Neutral control when start-stop mode is active The shift matrix illustrates the activation of the shift elements for gears 1, 2
and R. For further information about the shift schematic and the shift matrix of
If start-stop mode is active and the command to start the engine is given, the
the 0D5 transmission, refer to SSP 457, page 28 ff. and 44. The shift
neutral control system is activated to start the engine. To accelerate ATF
operations of transmissions 0BK and 0BL which are identical to those of the
pressure buildup, the hydraulic pressure accumulator (HIS) assists the closing
0D5 transmission are described here.
of brake A and the movement of brake B to the initial friction point.
The remainder of the operation follows the neutral control function described
1st gear
When the vehicle is stopped by applying light pressure to the foot brake, the gear Shift matrix
system normally shifts down from 2nd to 1st gear immediately before the 2nd gear
vehicle comes to a stop. As a result, the driver barely notices the 2-1 downshift. kisspoint Clutch closed R
To avoid stalling the engine when stopping, the converter lockup clutch is
always opened before the transmission input speed reaches the engine idle Brake closed Brake at
With a further reduction in speed, the transmission input speed drops below
engine idle speed. The resultant converter slip produces a converter torque
which the engine has to compensate by increasing load.
To prevent this converter torque from being produced when converter slip The neutral control system can be activated or deactivated with the VAS Scan
occurs, neutral control is activated in 2nd gear by opening clutch E. If the driver Tool through selective adaptation (refer to page 38).
releases the brake when the vehicle is stationary, clutch E is closed for 2nd gear
or clutch C for 1st gear depending on the speed of the vehicle.
1) The given values provide a guideline and are not binding. They may deviate depending on model version.
2) Neutral control is not activated in selector position S in order to allow more direct drive-away. Without neutral control, clutch C or D is immediately closed when selector positions S and R are selected. This is
why traction is noticeable on selection of 1st gear or R gear, as is the traction reversal when shifting from 1st gear to R gear (or vice versa). This traction reversal is barely noticeable in selector position D. Reason:
when neutral control is active, clutch C or D is opened and traction cannot be established until the brake has been released.
Start-stop system Downhill assist
The system helps save fuel and reduce CO 2 emission. In start/stop mode, the The downhill assist functions aids the driver on downhill gradients. It is
engine is shut off automatically when the vehicle stops, for example, at traffic activated in selector positions D and S when the foot brake is pressed or after
lights. The ignition remains "off" during this stop phase. The engine is the cruise control system is activated.
automatically restarted when required.
If a vehicle with an 0B5 transmission needs towing, the usual restrictions
When the engine is at standstill, the oil pump is not driven and certain parts of
• Emergency release the parking lock.
the transmission are not lubricated. Failure to observe the towing conditions
• Maximum towing speed of 30 mph (50 km/h).
can lead to serious damage.
• Maximum towing distance of 30 m (50 km).
• Do not tow the vehicle with the front or rear axle raised off the ground.
The electrical/electronic components as well as the control operations of the The following adaptation processes can be performed using the basic setting
0D5 transmission can be diagnosed using the Address Word 02. function.
Overall concept
The suspension also features numerous changes. Both the front and rear axles The Audi Q7 already offers excellent comfort even with the standard steel
are five-link designs, replacing the double wishbone axles of the previous suspension. Rolling is even smoother with the adaptive air suspension, which
model. New elastomer bearings and separate springs and dampers at the rear is managed by a newly developed central vehicle control module that drives all
axle enhance responsiveness. body control systems.
The new electromechanical power steering with servotronic function provides The new controllers developed by Audi for the air suspension and active
direct steering response - several of the new driver assistance systems would damping vary the body height and body comfort as a function of the driving
not be possible without it. situation.
The Audi Q7 comes as standard with 19-inch wheels and 255/55 R19 111H
Compared with the previous model, the suspension of the new Audi Q7 is XL all-season tires. Audi offers additional wheels in sizes up to 21 inches
over 220.4 lb (100 kg) lighter. The wheel suspension links for example are as options.
now made of aluminum and high-strength steel, the front axle drive shafts are
hollow and the pivot bearings are aluminum forgings. Large, vented brake discs bring the SUV safely to a stop. They are gripped up
front by aluminum six-piston calipers. The electromechanical parking brake,
updated with convenient hill hold and startup functions, acts on the rear
Audi also offers the innovative all-wheel steering as an option. wheels.
New ESC and ACC generations provide the basis for a number of
driver assistance systems.
For further information about the chassis and the ACC system, refer to eSelf Study Program
960163 The 2017 Audi Q7 Running Gear and Suspension System.
Suspension versions Features
Standard suspension (1BA) 1) The standard suspension comes as standard with steel springs and an unregulated damping
Suspension with air suspension and electronic damper control This suspension version is optional.
(adaptive air suspension, 1BK)
Front axle
The front axle is based on the Modular Longitudinal Platform The Audi Q7 adopts the tried and tested five-link axle concept used on
(MLBEvo). other Audi models.
Rear axle
The rear axle is also based on the Modular Longitudinal Platform By paying close attention to lightweight design, the weight of the axle has been
(MLBevo). The Audi Q7 features a newly developed five-link axle. reduced by 88.1 lb (40 kg) compared with the previous model.
Air suspension and electronic damper control
The system is based on systems already in use on other Audi models. A key The system will, in the future, also include control algorithms for other
new feature is Drivetrain Control Module J775. This module houses the suspension control systems. The rear end of the vehicle can be lowered in
software for the air suspension and damping systems. order to simplify loading and unloading.
All-wheel steering
Rear axle steering is being offered optionally on an Audi model for the first The rear axle steering has a beneficial effect on driving dynamics and driving
time with the Q7. Depending on the speed of the vehicle and the driving comfort. In general, the control system involves two different steering
situation, the tracking is adjusted dynamically. operations: counter-steering and parallel steering of the front and rear axles.
One of the key aims for counter-steering the front and rear wheels is to
improve handling at low speeds and to reduce the travel envelope of the
vehicle. The advantage for the driver is that less steering effort is required
given the same curve radius and the same speed. The vehicle is much more
maneuverable and agile. R2
Parallel steering (in same direction)
At higher vehicle speeds, the system responds to the driver's steering inputs The change in the direction of travel is initiated much more harmoniously and
by parallel steering the rear wheels. comfortably and the danger of yaw oscillation is reduced
The resulting yaw torque is much lower than in a vehicle with front-steered
wheels only. The immediate buildup of lateral (cornering) force at both axles In addition, the system also limits the yaw rate when the driver takes sudden
significantly reduces the transition time from the initial steering input to a evasive action through over-proportional parallel steering of the rear wheels,
steady-state condition - a well-known effect which occurs in purely front-steered thus increasing driving stability in critical situations.
632_101 632_102
Brake system
The Audi Q7 is equipped with a generously dimensioned brake system which The Audi Q7 is now equipped with the electronic parking brake (EPB). The
offers a high performance reserve. The front axle wheel brakes have lightweight brake pedal assembly and the brake servo are new developments designed
aluminum calipers and lightweight discs. Increased brake caliper rigidity with a strong emphasis on weight saving. The Audi Q7 features the new ESC
conveys a direct and sporty braking feel. All brake pads already meet the system (ESP 9) by Robert Bosch AG - a high-performance stability control
highest environmental standard (copper free), which will not become a statutory system.
requirement until
Fixed brake caliper used on the front axle Floating caliper with electro-mechanical parking brake on the rear axle
632_103 632_104
Steering system
The Audi Q7 now has electro-mechanical steering (EPS). In terms of design A mechanically adjustable steering column is standard and an electrically
and function, it is identical to the systems used in the Audi A6 and A7 models adjustable steering column is optional.
although special steering maps were developed for the Q7.
A newly designed three-spoke multi-function steering wheel is standard.
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
System overview
The fourth-generation ACC is used for the first time on the Audi Q7. The As with previous Audi models, a master/slave concept with two radar units is
modified design and extended range of functions provide a significant used on the 2017 Q7. Each unit has its own control module. Data is exchanged
improvement in driving comfort. System availability has also been increased. via the FlexRay data bus.
For example, a system shut-down due to insufficient sensor vision now takes
effect much later than before.
System limitations have been pushed further back by the modified hardware.
For example, radar signal reflection (which can lead to misinterpretation when
driving through tunnels) has been minimized and is unlikely to cause the
system to shut down.
Right Adaptive Cruise Control Sensor and Left Adaptive Cruise Control Sensor
Distance Regulation Control Module J428 and Distance Regulation Control
(master) Module 2 J850 (slave)
For further information about the function of the ACC, please see Self-Study Program
970263, The 2017 Audi Q7 Driver Assistance Systems.
Wheels and tires
The Audi Q7 comes as standard with 19" wheels. The 20” and 21” wheels The "Tire Mobility System" is standard equipment as well as a tool kit and
are optional. The range of tires for the engine versions available at launch vehicle jack.
extends from 255/60 R18 to 285/40 R21.
19" and 20" tires with run-flat properties and 20" offroad tires with reinforced
sidewalls are standard or optional in certain markets.
A. B. C.
PR Code Q7 Q7
3.0T TDI®
B. 9.0” x 20” 10-spoke-star design wheels (Gray/Polished finish) 285/45 R20 112H F06
XL all-season run-flat tires
C. 9.5” x 21” Audi Sport® 5-twin-spoke design wheels 285/40 R21 F50
109Y XL summer performance tires
▪ = Standard =
A third-generation direct tire pressure monitoring system is optional for the Audi
Electrical system
Some of the control modules shown in the overview are optional and/or Notes on the exact locations of the control modules and their removal and
country-specific equipment. installation instructions can be found in the current service literature.
J428 J387
A31 J104
J850 J386
A27 Right Led Headlamp Power Output Module 1 J386 Driver Door Control Module
A31 Left Led Headlamp Power Output Module 1 J387 Front Passenger Door Control Module
J393 Comfort System Central Control Module
E87 Front A/C Display Control Head J428 Distance Regulation Control Module
E265 Rear A/C Display Control Head J500 Power Steering Control Module
E380 Multimedia System Control Head J519 Vehicle Electrical System Control Module
J521 Front Passenger Memory Seat Control Module
J104 ABS Control Module J525 Digital Sound System Control Module
J136 Memory Seat/Steering Column Adjustment Control Module J527 Steering Column Electronics Control Module
J234 Airbag Control Module
J245 Power Sunroof Control Module
J285 Instrument Cluster Control Module
J857 J769
J521 J1019
J245 E265 J605
J928 J770
R161 J393
J533 Data Bus On Board Diagnostic Interface J857 Third Row Seat Adjustment Control Module
J587 Selector Lever Sensor System Control Module J869 Structure Borne Sound Control Module
J605 Rear Lid Control Module J880 Reducing Agent Metering System Control Module
J623 Engine Control Module J898 Windshield Projection Head Up Display Control Module
J685 Front Information Display Control Head J926 Driver Side Rear Door Control Module
J764 Electronic Steering Column Lock Control Module J927 Passenger Side Rear Door Control Module
J769 Lane Change Assistance Control Module J928 Peripheral Camera Control Module
J770 Lane Change Assistance Control Module 2 J1018 Left Light Control Module
J772 Rearview Camera System Control Module J1019 Rear Axle Steering Control Module
J775 Drivetrain Control Module J1023 Right Light Control Module
J794 Information Electronics Control Module 1
J844 Automatic High Beam Assist Control Module R161 DVD Changer
J850 Distance Regulation Control Module 2 R242 Driver Assistance Systems Front Camera
J853 Night Vision System Control Module
The topology shows all control modules with connectivity to the bus systems. Some of the control modules shown here are optional or country-specific
equipment or are due for rollout at a later date.
Flap Control Control Front A/C Display Control Head E87 Rear A/C Display Control Head
Motors 1 – 15 E265
Driver Side Rear Door Control Driver Door Control Module Flap Control Control
Module J926 J386 Motors 1 – 7
Valve Block 1 In Front Front Passenger Memory Seat Data Bus On Board Diagnostic Interface J533
Passenger Seat N477 Control Module J521
Left Front Seat Backrest Garage Door Opener Control Light Switch E1
Fan 1 & 2 V512 + V513 Head E284
Third Row Seat Adjustment Left Front Seat Cushion Garage Door Opener Wiper Motor Control
Control Module J857 Fan 1 & 2 V514 + V515 Control Module J530 Module J400
Power Sunroof Right Front Seat Backrest Automatic Dimming Rain/Light Recognition
Control Module J245 Fan 1 & 2 V516 + V517 Interior Rearview Mirror Sensor G397
Rear Lid Control Right Front Seat Cushion Roof Electronics Humidity Sensor G355
Module J605 Fan 1 & 2 V518 + V519 Control Module J528
Anti-Theft Alarm Alarm Horn H12 Rear Lid Opener Interior Light Interior Light
System Sensor G578 Control Module J938 Module Module
Convenience CAN Infotainment CAN bus
For presentation purposes, the FlexRay topology does not mirror the actual
configuration of the control modules. This also applies to the control modules on
the MOST bus.
Alternator C
Reducing Agent
Metering System
Control Module J880
Module J898
Left Light Control Driver Assistance Engine Control NO x Sensor Control Module Night Vision System Control
Module J1018 Systems Front Camera Module J623 J583 Head UpJ853
Module Display Control
Right Light Control Module ABS Control Radiator Shutter Motor NO x Sensor Control Night Vision System Camera
J1023 Module J104 V544 Module 2 J881
Left Led Headlamp Power Transmission Control Steering Column Particulate Sensor G784
Output Module 1 A31 Module J217 Electronics Control
Control Module J587
Module J527
Right Led Headlamp Power Distance Regulation Control Distance Regulation Control Structure Borne Peripheral Camera
Output Module 1 A27 Module J428 Module 2 J850 Sound Control Module Control Module J928
Lever Sensor System
Control Unit 1 For Airbag Control Left Front Seat Belt Lane Change Assistance
Driving And Tensioner Control
Convenience Functions E791 Module J854
The infotainment systems of the Audi Q7 have been completely revised compared to the previous model. The Audi Q7 features a new operating concept first rolled
out in the Audi TT.
Overview of versions
Two versions of the MMI are available on the Audi Q7: From a technical point of view, MMI Radio plus is identical to the
• MMI Radio plus. second-generation MIB Standard.
• MMI Navigation plus.
MMI Navigation plus is a second-generation MIB High system.
Standard equipment
7.0“ TFT color monitor with 800 x 480 pixel resolution 8.3“ TFT color monitor with 1024 x 480 pixel resolution
7“ display in the instrument cluster with driver information system (9S7) 7“ display in the instrument cluster with driver information system (9S7)
AM/FM radio with phase diversity AM/FM radio with phase diversity and background tuner
Audi music interface with 2 USB ports and AUX-in jack (UE7) Audi music interface with 2 USB ports and AUX-in jack (UE7)
Optional equipment
Provision for Rear Seat Entertainment 9WQ Provision for Rear Seat Entertainment 9WQ
For further information about the infotainment system in the Audi Q7, refer to eSelf Study Program
62 970363 The 2017 Audi Q7 Occupant Protection and Infotainment System.
Climate control
The Audi Q7 is equipped as standard with a newly developed three-zone The front A/C operating and display unit E87 uses fewer buttons and controls,
deluxe climate control system. The front control head has two rotary dials for making for intuitive operation of the air conditioning system.
temperature control into which the temperature displays are integrated.
In the four-zone system, the right-hand side of the instrument panel includes
Four-zone deluxe climate control is optional. A display with toggle switches an air vent strip which provides indirect and draft-free air flow into the cabin.
shows the status of selected functions. Touching the toggle switches enlarges
the menu for easier legibility and operation.
Rear heater and air conditioner Front heater and air conditioner
The front control panel has the component name Front A/C Display Control
Head E87 and can be diagnosed using Address Word 08.
three-zone system and a deluxe four-zone system. The rear A/C control panel is called the Rear A/C Display Control Head
E265 and can be diagnosed in four-zone systems under the Address Word
compartment. Two climate control versions are available for the Q7: a
E265. E265 has only a central temperature display for the rear passenger
Three-zone deluxe automatic climate control
Three-zone systems come equipped with Rear A/C Display Control Head
632_053 632_054
Left B-Pillar/Footwell ShutOff Door Right Rear Upper Body Rear Fresh Air Blower V80
Motor V212 Vent Motor V316
Right B-Pillar/Footwell ShutOff Door Rear Fresh Air Blower Control Module J391
Motor V211
Four-zone deluxe automatic air conditioning
Rear A/C Display Control Head E265 with two temperature controls is used for
the rear passenger compartment climate control in vehicles with four-zone
deluxe automatic air conditioning.
632_055 632_056
Left B-Pillar/Footwell Shut-Off Door Motor V212 Left Rear Temperature Control Right Rear Temperature Control Rear Recirculation Door Motor
Door Motor V313 Door Motor V314 V421
Right B-Pillar/Footwell Shut-Off Door Motor Right Rear Upper Body Vent Motor
V211 V316
Heater and air conditioner housing
The different climate control versions of the Q7 have a different number of The control motors are all identical and their function is programmed by auto
control motors. In the four-zone system there are 17 control motors. addressing. When replacing the control motors, the basic setting procedure
must be carried out.
If repair work is needed, the following components of the air conditioner can be If repair work is needed, the cables and plugs leading to the control motors
removed and replaced without removing the instrument panel: and the cable connections to the temperature sensor must not be
interchanged because the components could otherwise be incorrectly
addressed. Incorrect addressing can lead to complaints regarding the A/C
• The control motors. control system, even if this incorrect addressing may not necessarily be
• The heat exchanger. identified as a fault by the system.
• The Auxiliary Heater Heating Element Z35
• The Fresh Air Blower V2 and the Fresh Air Blower Control Module J126.
Expansion valve
Left Footwell Vent Right Side Vent Right Center Vent Motor Right Temperature Control Door Motor V159
Temperature Sensor G261 Motor V300 V111
Rear Air Quantity Motor V443 Right Footwell Door Right Footwell Temperature Control 632_032
Motor V109 Door Motor V412
Cleaning the evaporator
The evaporator can be cleaned with compressed air using VAG 1538 and Right Side Vent Right Footwell Temperature Control
It can be accessed through the front passenger footwell. To take out the dust
and pollen filter, the insulating mat, lower front passenger side dash panel and
the shaft cover must first be removed. The dust and pollen filter can then be
pulled out.
To reinstall, the filter must be flexed slightly to adapt it to the shape of the filter
For the exact procedure for replacing the dust and pollen filter, please refer to the electronic service literature.
Self-Study Programs
For more information about the technology of the Audi Q7, please refer to the following eSelf-Study Programs.
SSP 920323 The Audi 3.0l V6 SSP 970263 The 2017 Audi Q7
The 2017 Audi Q7 Driver Assistance Systems
Knowledge assessment
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“Support” tab or the “Contact Us” tab of the Academy CRC.
Thank you for reading this eSelf-Study Program and taking the assessment.