Combinacion de Bandas - Sentinel PDF
Combinacion de Bandas - Sentinel PDF
Combinacion de Bandas - Sentinel PDF 1/11
18/3/2019 Índices espectrales con datos satelitales multiespectrales. 2/11
18/3/2019 Índices espectrales con datos satelitales multiespectrales. 3/11
18/3/2019 Índices espectrales con datos satelitales multiespectrales. 4/11
18/3/2019 Índices espectrales con datos satelitales multiespectrales. 5/11
18/3/2019 Índices espectrales con datos satelitales multiespectrales. 7/11
18/3/2019 Índices espectrales con datos satelitales multiespectrales. 8/11
18/3/2019 Índices espectrales con datos satelitales multiespectrales. 9/11
18/3/2019 Índices espectrales con datos satelitales multiespectrales.
Article written by
I'm a Remote Sensing and a Surveying Engineer. I received my degree from NTUA in
my Ph.D. in hyperspectral remote sensing in 2016. From graduation in 2010, my care
Associate and Teaching Associate in the Laboratory of Remote Sensing of NTUA. Fro
several private companies as a Remote Sensing Exper t and Geospatial Analyst. From
positioned as Senior Ear th Observation Exper t. During these years, I have par ticipat
European Commission and European Space Agency projects, have over 16 peer revie
the eld of Remote Sensing, and have an international patent in hyperspectral data
and professional interests are in the optical remote sensing area, where I specialize
measurements) processing and algorithm design and development. Some of the softw 10/11
18/3/2019 Índices espectrales con datos satelitales multiespectrales.
accomplish my research and business dreams are SNAP, ENVI, IDL, QGIS, ERDAS Ima
have been working with these tools since 2008.
Dimitris Sykas
Experto en Teledetección
[email protected]
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