093 Lareconquista
093 Lareconquista
093 Lareconquista
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1 author:
J. Santiago Palacios
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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All content following this page was uploaded by J. Santiago Palacios on 22 October 2019.
Los textos que integran esta obra han sido objeto de evaluación, tanto interna, a cargo de la editorial,
como externa, efectuada por evaluadores independientes de reconocido prestigio.
Esta edición ha contado con la colaboración del Proyecto de I+D Confrontatio .Violencia religiosa en la Edad
Media peninsular: guerra, discurso apologético y relato historiográfico (ss. X-XV) nº HAR2016‑74968-P del
Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia. Subprograma Estatal
de Generación de Conocimiento de la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación.
Imagen de portada: Corpus Pelagianum (siglo XII). Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS. 2805 fol.23 r.
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-16242-61-0
Depósito Legal: M-33208-2019
Impreso en España – Printed in Spain.
Hay pocos términos históricos que hayan suscitado tanta polémica en España
como el de la “reconquista”. Los historiadores desde la década de los ochenta del
pasado siglo se debaten entre la pertinencia de su uso o su absoluta descalificación.
Creemos que hay razones que permiten apoyar una u otra postura, porque lo cierto
es que el término como tal no tiene su origen en la Edad Media.
Aparece a finales del siglo XVIII, pero no se consolidará su uso hasta la segunda
mitad del XIX, en un ambiente ideológico connotado por el nacionalismo conservador
de la Restauración borbónica. Fue en ese contexto en el que quiso utilizarse para
designar lo que habría sido el proceso conformador de la nación española: un
combate secular por la recuperación del solar patrio violentamente invadido por unos
extranjeros –los musulmanes- que intentaron arrebatar a sus legítimos poseedores,
además de su tierra y de su fe, la sagrada herencia de una España eterna.
Hasta bien avanzado el siglo XX esta visión sirvió de coartada ideológica para
explicar la realidad histórica de una España católica y defensora de los valores
cristianos, pero netamente diferenciada del resto de Europa; solo ella había sido capaz
de forjar su identidad en una lucha centenaria, capaz de preservar como ninguna otra
nación su legado histórico. El fin de la dictadura del general Franco y el advenimiento
de la democracia en España supuso una clara apuesta por la renovación en todos los
campos de la vida cultural y académica, y los estudios medievales no fueron una
excepción. El tema de la “reconquista” volvió a la actualidad y hubo un serio intento
por desterrar el término del discurso historiográfico: sus connotaciones ideológicas y
el esencialismo de la concepción que encerraba, así como el desprecio implícito que
podía implicar hacia la cultura andalusí entendida como un “accidente” a superar en
la construcción del ser nacional, aconsejaban su definitivo destierro.
Pero no fue esta la única postura que cabía adoptar ante el término “reconquista”.
Una parte de la historiografía intentó, e intenta ver en la actualidad, que el abuso y la
distorsión que se generó de la mano del nacionalismo católico español en torno a él,
no tiene por qué empañar una realidad difícil de cuestionar desde el punto de vista
histórico. Y es que no hubo ciertamente una guerra de ochocientos años que creó
España, pero sí existió una ideología en la Edad Media que quiso justificar mediante
la recuperación de tierras invadidas por los musulmanes un decidido proceso de
expansión territorial. Los reyes cristianos del norte peninsular apelaron a un pasado
idealizado, y por tanto irreal, en el que la Península habría estado unida en poder
Abstract: The vast majority of historians consider that the meaning and projection
of the figure of Pelayo and the battle of Covadonga is the myth on which the
legitimizing discourse of the “reconquista” is built and based. It is an intriguing
myth that presents a striking historical discontinuity and that was established and
consolidated later on. In this chapter we aim to analyse it as well as to study the
problems it has raised.
Abstract: In the two versions of the chronicle of Alfonso III, “Rotensis” and
“Ovetensis”, the Asturian leader Pelayo gives a response to bishop Oppa: “Our hope
is on Christ that through this little mountain, that you see, the welfare of Spain
and the army of the Gothic people will be re-established.” With these words Pelayo
seems to demand the restoration and recovery of the Gothic realm. At the same time,
the “Rotense” describes the struggle of the Asturians against the Saracens within
the framework of the hispanogothic cosmovision as a holy war. It can be supposed
that holy war and neogoticism were two sides of the same coin. But the analysis of
the story of Covadonga demonstrates that in the “Rotensis”-version predominates
a concept that harshly condemns the conduct of the gothic kings and clergy. The
“Rotensis” proclaims the foundation of the Asturian realm according to the former
concepts developed in the kingdom of Toledo. But it leaves no room for doubt that
the new fatherland and the new church founded by Pelayo don’t have anything to
do with the corrupt Toledan realm. In the “Rotensis” neogoticism ist therefore not
integrated in the concept of holy war. On the contrary, in the “Ovetensis”-version the
most important sentences were deleted, which highlight the distance to the royalty
and the clergy in the kingdom of Toledo. Instead new informations were attached
which converted Pelayo and the new Asturian kings in descendants of outstanding
Gothic kings. There is no doubt, that the ideas of holy war and of the neogoticism
have amalgamate in the “Ovetensis”-version.
Abstract: The historiographical use of the word “Reconquista” has been questioned
for a long time for different reasons. The present reflection aims to assess some of
these criticisms in light of the different meanings that this concept actually has,
which is not at all univocal. Thereby, it will be possible to evaluate both the validity
of its use, as well as the solvency and equanimity of the arguments employed by
those who challenge it. As a result of these reflections, some conclusion is drawn
about the relevance of its use and the scope and usefulness that still has, despite the
obvious dangers that surrounds this concept, for the work of academic professional
Abstract: The concept of Reconquista has been traditionally the main pillar of
the Spanish conservative reading of Medieval Iberian Past. Francoism used it to
legitimize his coup d’etat against the Republican government in 1936, thus turning
it into an ideological weapon, a truly ‘historiographical bomb’ loaded with National
Catholicism. Since the arrival of democracy in 1978, mainstream scholarly sectors
tried to keep a ‘neutral’ (non-ideological) using of the concept. However and contrary
to what has been claimed, far from losing its ideological burden, Reconquista has
been recently reloaded in the current political context, marked by the rising of
nationalism and far-right ideologies.
Abstract: The discourse of the Reconquest never had in Portugal the political and
ideological importance, nor the historiographic repercussion that it knew in Spain.
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it was not in the founding times of
the kingdom that the character of the nation was sought, but in the episodes and
characters of the maritime gesta and the Discoveries. For medieval literates of the
kingdom, the Crusade’s speech seemed more appealing and the reconquest would
only gained relevance in the historiographical work of the count of Barcelos, who
subverted the logic of dynastic restoration and made the noblemen the true heirs of
the old Goths. It would also regain some importance many centuries later, when the
ideals of the crusade and the reconquest were reused by Catholic and conservative
groups as a tool for political combat against the values of liberal and republican
Resumen: Este texto incide sobre las consecuencias que la transferencia del territorio
de lo dominio islámico a lo cristiano, a lo largo de los siglos XI al XIII, ha tenido en
la matriz urbana de lo territorio portugués. Cruzando fuentes de naturaleza diversa
- datos arqueológicos, documentación escrita y análisis catastral - y confrontando los
resultados con investigaciones paralelas en otras regiones de la Península Ibérica, se
evalúa lo que parece ser un cambio de paradigma, siendo la desaparición de la casa-
patio el principal indicador, así como la extensión y los ritmos de esa transformación.
Abstract: This paper focuses on how the transference of the Islamic domain to the
Christian, during the 11 to 13th centuries, reflected in the urban matrix of the
Portuguese territory. Crossing multiple sources of diverse nature - archaeological data,
written documentation and cadastral analysis — and confronting the outcomes with the
results of parallel research on other regions of the Iberian Peninsula, the paper evaluates
what seems to be a shift of paradigm, being the disappearance of the house with a central
courtyard the core indicator, as well as the extent and rhythms of that change.
Abstract: The contribution tries to show as in the lands of the Marca Hispanica, at
least until mid XIth century, the idea is always of the restoration of the Christian faith
accompanied by the idea of occupation of lands, without characterize the military
element; from this moment we begin to perceive certain elements that acquire tones
of a religious nature; but it is not until the beginning of the XIIth century that we
notice significant changes, although it is to be noted that the idea of holy war or
crusade is a minority.
Abstract: This contribution examines the diplomatic and narrative sources of the
Crown of Aragon in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries to verify the presence in them
of the idea of reconquest and with what components, characteristics and functions.
The analysis focuses first on the reign of Alfonso the Troubadour (1162-1196), in
connection with those of his son Pedro the Catholic (1196-1213) and his grandson
Jaime I the Conqueror (1213-1276), to address later, from a peninsular perspective,
the evolution of the idea of reconquest in the chronicle of the thirteenth century.
Abstract: In the context of the fitna and of the Andalusi territorial retreat, the
reconquering discourses pronounced by Christians like Sisnando Davídiz and
transmitted in the Arabic sources are well known. However, it has not yet been studied
whether similar rhetoric tools were created on the Muslim side. The aim of this paper
is to analyze precisely that, namely, if between the 11th and 13th centuries a discourse
about the recovery of al-Andalus, assimilable to the ideology of the Christian reconquest,
was developed in the Islamic West. Likewise, it also studies another discourse directly
related to the previous one: the idea of the renewal of the fatḥ al-Andalus.
Resumen: Este capítulo se centra en el emir Muḥammad ibn Sa’d Ibn Mardanīš
(d. 1172 CE), el rey de Sharq al-Andalus durante la época almohade, quien derivó su
legitimidad con vinculación al califa abasí al mismo tiempo que sirvió como vasallo
a Alfonso VII y Alfonso VIII de Castilla. El tratamiento historiográfico de esta figura
cambia atrás de los siglos, durante el periodo de expansión territorial cristiana que
eventualmente se llamaría la reconquista. En las fuentes árabes de los siglos XIV-XVII,
la figura de Ibn Mardanīš cambaría, desde un líder fuerte y valioso con compañeros
cristianos a un traidor cripto-cristiano. Enfocaremos aquí especialmente en las
transformaciones del siglo XVII en el libro Nafḥ al-Ṭīb de al-Maqqarī en que podemos
ver rastros de la ideología de la ‘restauración’ de España cristiano junto con narrativas
sobre Ibn Mardanīš transformadas para alinearse con una idea de conflicto total entre
cristianos y musulmanes.
Abstract: This chapter focuses on the emir Muḥammad ibn Sa’d Ibn Mardanīsh
(d. 1172 CE), the king of Sharq al-Andalus during the Almohad era, who derived
his legitimacy through connection to the Abbasid caliph while also serving as a
vassal to Alfonso VII and Alfonso VIII of Castile. The historiographical treatment
of this figure changes across the centuries, during the period of Christian territorial
expansion that would eventually be called the Reconquest. In the Arabic sources of
the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries, the figure of Ibn Mardanīsh would
change from being seen as a strong and brave leader with Christian companions to a
crypto-Christian traitor. We will focus here especially on the transformations of the
seventeenth century visible in al-Maqqarī’s book Nafḥ al-Ṭīb, in which we can see
Abstract: The study aims to approach the concept of dilatatio christianitatis, its
origins in biblical texts and its development until the ninth century. It also shows the
use that the concept has in the chronicles and documents of the High Middle Ages.
Finally, its presence in the Spanish peninsula is specifically analyzed, and particularly
in the documentation of the kingdom of Pamplona-Aragon.
Abstrac: Rodrigo Díaz, the Cid Campeador, has traditionally been associated with
the term “Reconquista”. However, they have not been developed deep analysis of
the meaning of “reconquest” in that association. We must understand “reconquest”
with a double meaning: 1) as a military process that develops during the Spanish
Middle Ages, especially from the eleventh century, and 2) as a set of ideas
legitimizing that process. It is this second meaning that interests us in this study,
which understands that “reconquista” is an ideology articulated by the peninsular
Christian powers to justify and legitimize their territorial advance against Muslims.
This study tries to check to what extent the idea of reconquest was operative at the
end of the 11th century and the beginning of the 12th century. We came to the
conclusion that Rodrigo Díaz could imbue himself with that ideal, or at least use it
for legitimizing purposes of a principality that tried to transform into a kingdom.
Sin embargo, la idea de Reconquista también está presente aunque sea de forma más
escasa. Curiosamente, las referencias a ella se concentran sobre todo al principio y al
final de nuestro periodo de estudio. Es decir, las encontramos en el siglo XII o a fines
del siglo XV y principios del siglo XVI.
Abstract: In the sources of the Military Orders in Spain what predominates clearly is
the idea of religious war or holy war and not so much the concept of the Reconquest.
This is not surprising, since the Military Orders were primarily religious institutions.
However, the idea of the Reconquest is also present even if it is scarce. Interestingly,
the references to it are mainly concentrated at the beginning and end of our period of
study. That is, we found them in the Twelfth Century or at the end of the Fifteenth
Century and the beginning of the Sixteenth Century.
Abstract: The author presents technical, artistic and cultural specificities of the
Almohads in the Gharb al-Andalus at the level of the miltary architecture, level
of military architecture, architectural decoration, epigraphy and everyday objects,
especially in ceramics.
It highlights the importance and significance of these innovations and achievements,
revealing pragmatic and propagandistic intentions of the Almohad power, with a
remarkable impact on the “other” in the context of the Reconquest.
Resumen: Este trabajo analiza la formación del mito franquista de Cruzada, Guerra Santa
y Reconquista desde su perspectiva visual. Tras revisar los antecedentes historiográficos,
la literatura previa a la Guerra Civil y los componentes ideológicos que convergieron
en el bloque sublevado, se llega a la conclusión de que estos mitos fueron utilizados
de manera indistinta aunque primando la visión de Cruzada contra el marxismo. Tras
el conflicto, este mito se continuó alimentando para justificar el aniquilamiento del
enemigo en aras del cumplimiento del destino histórico de la nación.
Abstract: This paper analyses the visual construction of the Francois’s myth of
Crusade, Holy War and Reconquest beside its application to the Spanish Civil War.
After revising the national catholic historiography and the ideology of those groups
that supported the military coup, it is possible to conclude that these myths were
used without a scientific orientation but always presenting the war as a Holy Crusade
against Bolshevism. After the conflict, this myth remained strongly alive with for
the justification of the complete destruction of the Marxist enemies as a part of the
historical mission traditionally assumed by the Spanish nation.
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