Logo Zelio
Logo Zelio
Logo Zelio
Parte 1
Switching & Control
Maniobra y control innovativo
The Original!
Posicionamiento Relé y Controlador
The internal
Controlador Lógico
Módulo Lógico
LOGO! El relé convencional y PLC
1. Adaptación y nivel de
aislamiento galvánico desde /
Combinación de características: hasta el SIMATIC
Módulo Lógico 2. Conmutación directa de cargas
resistivas, multiplicación de
The internal
Micro PLC
LOGO! El relé convencional y PLC
Funcionalidad: Edificios:
• Iluminación
• Persianas
• Ventiladores
Relé temporizado • Control de acceso
• instalaciones de seguridad
Combinación de características:
• Electrobombas
Módulo Lógico
• compresores
• Lámparas
The internal
• Sistemas de carga
• Plataformas elevadoras
Micro PLC
• Monitorización de los niveles
LOGO! El relé convencional y PLC
Funcionalidad: Edificios
Contactor • Control de elevación
• escaleras mecánicas
Descripción de LOGO!
1. Control
2. Unidad de mando y visualización con retroiluminación
3. Fuente de alimentación
4. Interfaz para módulos de ampliación
5. Interfaz para módulo de programación (Card) y cable
6. para PC
7. Funciones básicas habituales preprogramadas, p.ej.
8. para conexión retardada, desconexión retardada, relés
9. de corriente, e interruptor de software
10. Temporizador
11. Marcas digitales y analógicas
12. Entradas y salidas en función del modelo.
Bornes de LOGO!
Como bornes identificamos todas las conexiones y estados que se pueden utilizar
en LOGO!.
Las entradas y salidas pueden tener el estado ’0’ o el estado ’1’. El estado ’0’
significa que no hay tensión en la entrada. El estado ’1’ significa que sí hay
Los bornes ’hi’, ’lo’ y ’x’ los hemos introducido para facilitarle la elaboración del
No debe utilizar todas las conexiones de un bloque. Para las conexiones que no se
utilizan, el programa adopta automáticamente el estado que garantiza el
funcionamiento del bloque en cuestión. Dado el caso, es posible identificar las
conexiones no utilizadas de forma especial con el borne ’x’.
Montaje al proceso
0.. 123456789
Partes del LOGO
Conexiones LOGO
Conexiones LOGO (Entradas)
Conexiones LOGO (Salidas)
Conexiones LOGO (Salidas)
Transistor Relé
Funciones de Programación (Básicas (GF))
Funciones de Programación (AND)
Funciones de Programación (OR)
Funciones de Programación (AND-Activación Flanco)
Funciones de Programación (NAND)
Funciones de Programación (NAND con activación
por flanco)
Funciones de Programación (NOR)
Funciones de Programación (XOR)
Funciones de Programación (NOT)
Funciones Especiales (SF)
Funciones Especiales (SF)
Temporizador a la Conexión
Temporizador a la desconexión
Temporizador a la conexión / desconexión
Temporizador Semanal
Generador de Pulsos
Contador de maniobras (Ascendente/Descendente)
Ej #1
Pasos de programación
Pasos de programación
Pasos de programación
Pasos de programación
Pasos de programación
Pasos de programación
Pasos de programación
Pasos de programación
Pasos de programación
Software (Logosoft 3.0)
Software (Logosoft 3.0)
Software (Logosoft confort V7)
Software (Logosoft confort V7)
Cistern control
When the water level drops below the level (I1),
the drinking water supply (Q1) shall automatically
be switched on. When the water level has
Q1 reached the level (I2), the drinking water supply
(drinking water supply) shall automatically be switched off again.
I3 (Pump OFF)
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
(drinking water
supply OFF)
(drinking water
supply ON)
(Pump P
Programming Steps
Step 1: Insert connectors (CO)
How many inputs and outputs are necessary to solve the task?
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
After placing both inputs I1 and I2 and the
1. output Q1 on the interface a basic function
(NOT) is necessary. As already learned in
the first step you choose via the tree
structure on the left the appropriate
function and place it via a simple mouse
Step 3: Insert special functions (SF)
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
In this programming example the NOT function block could be replaced by a direct negation
of the S-input of the latching relay function.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
To complete the control circuit you need to connect the blocks with one another:
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Normally you can directly draw the connection line with the cursor
after placing a block. If you are in a different mode, you will have to
select the tool to get to the connecting mode.
Now move the cursor over the connection pin of a block (a small blue
box will be shown) and click the left mouse key. While holding down
the key move the cursor to the pin you would like to connect with the
first pin, and release the mouse key. The connection is drawn.
Continue the same way with the other connections.
Step 5: Insert text fields
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Step 5: Insert text fields
LOGO! Soft 1.
Comfort V6.1
A 3.
Step 6: Assigning connection names
For better program readability, comprehensive names can be assigned to inputs and
outputs in addition to the text fields.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Step 7: Moving elements
The control program is completed with insertion of function blocks and their connections.
To get a reasonable, i.e. a clear view of the prepared control program, some further work is
necessary. Placed objects such as function blocks, lines, and text fields can be moved
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Step 8: Aligning
To design everything more neatly and more clearly, you can align the individual function
blocks vertically and horizontally.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
With special functions and basic functions in addition to the dialogues for comments there
also exists one or more dialogues for parameters. Here you can preset set points or
settings for each particular function block.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Additionally there is the possibility to change and check all block attributes centrally.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Step 10: Formatting texts
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Step 11: Documentation
For program documentation all used connectors, basic functions and special functions can
be displayed.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
A list of all used blocks can be displayed via the menu item Edit
-> Go to block. The list comprises information about block
number and block type. You can display e.g. which special
functions you have used. The abbreviations of the block I1, Q2,
B02, etc. can be entered in the search function (block number)
and it will be displayed where the block is located in the list.
When you complete the dialog field with OK, the desired block
will be highlighted in the program.
Step 11: Documentation
Further information about the program documentation can be viewed via the information
window. It is shown at the bottom window frame by default.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Program and plant information can be entered under File -> Attributes on the properties
dialogue General. They appear in the program printout in the footer.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Step 11: Documentation
The program including the entered plant data can be viewed from the attribute window
under File -> Print preview.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Step 11: Documentation
You can select which documents shall be printed, under Properties… in the print preview
window. By default the circuit diagram, the parameter list and the list with connection
names are selected.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Step 11: Documentation
It makes sense to divide the circuit diagram onto more pages for larger or more complex
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Step 11: Documentation
Due to the split-up of the program across several pages, connection lines might have to be
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Connections can easily be separated by selecting the scissor symbol. The interfaces are
clearly labeled with the page number, block number and input pin. Clicking a second time
with the scissor symbol on one of the interface placeholders undoes the separation.
Step 12: Program testing
After configuration and documentation, program testing via offline simulation is the next
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Now you know that the program can be run in LOGO!, but you still have to check whether
your program works the way you intended it. Perhaps you would like to change some
parameters. You can effortlessly change input values, check the behavior upon power
failure and compare your calculations or expectations with the real behavior of the outputs.
Step 12: Program testing
This tool
has to be selected when
you want to test the
program. With the
activation of the offline
simulation a tool bar for
monitoring and operation
By clicking on the of inputs and outputs is
buttons on the tool selected. A plug symbol
bar or on the inputs in provides a simulation of
LOGO! Soft power failure to test the
the circuit diagram
Comfort V6.1 behavior in regards to
you can change the
status of the inputs. retentivity.
The signal run can be
tracked with the color For time-critical simulations you can also set
change from blue (low the output of a block (forcing), by clicking the
signal) to red (high output with the right mouse button.
signal) of the
connection lines. This
makes error tracking a
lot easier.
Step 12: Program testing
As an additional program testing feature, each input can be allocated to a certain switch
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Each input of a block can be allocated to a certain switch function via the context menu
(right mouse key) of an input block. You can chose between pushbutton (n.o. contacts, n.c.
contacts), switches and frequency inputs at digital inputs. With frequency inputs the
simulated frequency can be adjusted in Hz. With analog inputs the value range and the start
value is preset. These parameters can centrally be changed and reviewed as well via the
menu item Tools -> Simulation parameters.
Step 13: Assign program password
To protect the program and your know how you can place a valid up to 10-digit password
for that program.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
This password protects your program only on LOGO!. There you can not delete, change or
view it without the password! To load a password protected program onto a PC, the
password is necessary as well. To delete an assigned password, enter Old password and
leave New Password empty.
To be able to reuse a LOGO! with program and password when password is lost, the
password has to be entered incorrectly three times at program deletion. Then the program
and the PW is automatically deleted. This can alternatively be done by software. *)
With LOGO! Soft Comfort V6.1 you have the possibility to either first realize your circuit
diagram and then determine the required device via menu item Tools -> Determine LOGO!
or you can firstly determine via Tools -> Select Hardware which LOGO! device you want to
create your circuit diagram for.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
After testing the program successfully you need to transfer it to the LOGO!. Therefore
LOGO! has to be connected with the PC cable to the PC.
After transferring the program LOGO! has to be set to RUN-mode. Then the program can be
tested in real life.
Setup.. 1..0123456789
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
I4 P
Step 16: Online-Test
Additional to the offline simulation an online test can be done in FBD and LAD after
transferring the program to the LOGO! device.
With help of the software you can set the system clock of LOGO! as well. Of course, you
can also set the time directly on the device.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
LOGO! and PC have to be connected via
the PC cable to transfer the set time to
LOGO!, then you have to click on the
button Write.
Step 17: Setting the clock
With LOGO! you have the possibility to configure an automatic summer / winter clock
change. You can do this on the software or directly on the device.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
LOGO! Soft Comfort V6.1 provides a wizard to configure 11-bit analog modems that use
standard AT commands and to connect them via an analog telephone line.
You can use the modems to transfer circuit programs between LOGO! Soft Comfort V6.1
and LOGO! devices.
LOGO! Soft
Comfort V6.1
Ejemplo de Aplicación
I2 (llenado) I3
(Luz de barrera)
Q1 (Motor) I1 (Ont/Off)
Parte 2
Cuando el sensor (I2) detecta una botella, el motor debe desactivarse por 3 seg. (llenado). Despues el motor debe
accionarse otra vez.
Schneider Electric
Partes(PLC Zelio)
Es posible conectar el módulo lógico a una fuente de alimentación rectificada, regulada, filtrada.
Debe comprobar las características para el acondicionamiento del tipo de relé.
Programación (LD)
Programación (FBD)
Programación (FBD)
Programación (FBD)
Ventana de supervisión
Control de un semáforo Vehicular-peatonal
Proceso de llenado