El Sonar de Los Instrumentos

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El sonar de los



1 a. Edicion, Diciembre de 2019

1a. Impresión, Diciembre de 2019

Diseño de portada: Ana Rebeca.

Queda rigurosamente prohibida la reproducción
Total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio
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informático, sin permiso escrito de los editores.

ISBN: 11-988-18-19-88
Copyright © 2019 by Perla, Rebeca y Valeria.
Hidalgo, Mexico., 01050.

Impreso en México
Printed in México.
Aneliz Perla Juárez Pérez, nació el 08 de septiembre de 2005; en Tula de
Allende Hidalgo.
Ana Rebeca Rodriguez Meza, nacio el 11 de octubre de 2005; en Tula de
Allende Hidalgo.
Valeria Zuñiga Ramirez, nacio el 15 de Agosto de 2005; en Tula de Allende

Esta antología es dedicada a los seguidores de la música ya que todas las
canciones que se presentan a continuación fueron seleccionadas en torno a
las más reconocidas y escuchadas por lo que tenemos la certeza de que
podrán ser disfrutadas.
Así como a mi familia que nos han brindado todo su amor, apoyo y
comprensión en la realización de este proyecto.
A mis maestros que hasta a hora me han transmitido lo mejor de sus
A los compañeros y compañeras del salón y más que nada a esas grandes
amigas que nos dan su apoyo y amistad a diario.


Las alumnas Aneliz Perla Juárez Pérez, Ana Rebeca Rodríguez Meza y
Valeria Zúñiga Ramírez del 3º “A” de la Escuela Secundaria General Genero
Guzmán Mayer presentan su primera antología titulado “El sonar de los
instrumentos” lo cual presenta una compilación de algunas canciones
memorables como: México lindo y querido, Morph y Migraine.
La música es el inicio de la existencia el despertar de los sentidos, es el
arte es infinito como la vida, y solo se compara con la belleza imitada de la
música. Todos los textos y escritos que hablan sobre la música están de
acuerdo de afirmar que la forma de apreciar este arte no es leyendo libros,
sino escuchando música.

Introducción de la Obra
La música es un arte y un lenguaje de expresión y de comunicación que se
dirige al ser humano en todas sus dimensiones, desarrollando y cultivando
el espíritu, la mente del cuerpo. A través de la música se puede educar
integra y armónicamente al niño/a además es muy importante que el niño/a
relacione la música.
Se ha escrito mucho de la música a lo largo de toda la historia. Lo que se
pretende con esta ponencia no es más que recapacitar sobre la importancia
que tiene este tema en el día de un hombre normal.
La música es uno de los medios fundamentales que el hombre tiene para
expresar sus sentimientos, su estado de ánimo, representar alguna
situación concreta o, sin más, para recrearse en la belleza de la propia

Nota Preliminar
La música ha prevalecido a través de los años, aun cuando ha sufrido
muchas transformaciones su esencia es la misma porque es una forma de

la alegrar el alma de los seres humanos sin distinción de raza, credo o
situación económica.

Queremos anticipar que la música presentada a continuación ha sido
elegida conforme a la más escuchada, por lo que no podemos asegurar que
todas sean de su agrado.
Asimismo recordarle que esta antología a sido creada con el fin de

Música Mexicana.

Jorge Negrete - México lindo y querido.

Voz de la guitarra mía
Al despertar la mañana
Quiere cantar su alegría
A mi tierra mexicana
Yo le canto a tus volcanes
A tus praderas y flores
Que son como talismanes
Del amor de mis amores
México lindo y querido
Si muero lejos de ti
Que digan que estoy dormido
Y que me traigan aquí
Que digan que estoy dormido
Y que me traigan aquí
México lindo y querido
Si muero lejos de ti
Que me entierren en la sierra
Al pie de los magueyales
Y que me cubra esta tierra
Que es cuna de hombres cabales
Voz de la guitarra mía
Al despertar la mañana
Quiere cantar su alegría
A mi tierra mexicana
México lindo y querido
Si muero lejos de aquí
Que digan que estoy dormido
Y que me traigan aquí
Que digan que estoy dormido
Y que me traigan aquí
México lindo y querido
Si muero lejos de ti
Fuente: Musixmatch
Letra de México lindo y querido © Promotora Hispano Americana De, Promotora Hispano Americana De Musica

Miguel Aceves Mejía - LA MALAGUEÑA

Que bonitos ojos tienes
Debajo de esas dos cejas
Debajo d esas dos cejas
Que bonitos ojos tienes
Ellos me quieren mirar
Pero si tu no los dejas
Pero si tu no los dejas
Ni siquiera parpadear
Malagueña salerosa
Besar tus labios quisiera
Besar tus labios quisiera
Malagueña salerosa
Y decirte niña hermosa
Que eres linda y hechicera
Que eres linda y hechicera
Como el candor de una rosa
Si por pobre me desprecias
Yo te concedo razón
Yo te concedo razón
Si por pobre me desprecias
Yo no te ofrezco riquezas
Te ofrezco mi corazon
Te ofrezco mi corazon
A cambio de mis pobrezas
Malagueña salerosa
Besar tus labios quisiera
Besar tus labios quisiera
Malagueña salerosa
Y decirte niña hermosa
Que eres linda y hechicera
Eres linda y hechicera
Como el candor de una rosa
Como el candor de una rosa
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Elpidio Ramirez / Pedro Galindo
Letra de LA MALAGUEÑA © Carlin America Inc

Luis Miguel - La Bikina

Solitaria, camina la bikina
Y la gente se pone a murmurar
Dicen que tiene una pena
Dicen que tiene una pena, que la hace llorar
Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
No permite la quieran consolar
Pasa luciendo su real majestad
Pasa, camina y nos mira sin vernos jamas
La Bikina, tiene pena y dolor
La Bikina, no conoce el amor
Altarnera, preciosa y orgullosa
No permite la quieran consolar
Dicen que alguien ya vino y se fué
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
La Bikina, tiene pena y dolor
La Bikina, no conoce el amor
Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
No permite la quieran consolar
Dicen que alguien ya vino Y se fué
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Alejandro F Roth
Letra de La Bikina © Peer Music

Alejandro Fernández - Mátalas

Amigo qué te pasa estás llorando
Seguro es por desdenes de mujeres
No hay golpe más mortal para los hombres
Que el llanto y el desprecio de esos seres
Amigo voy a darte un buen consejo
Si quieres disfrutar de sus placeres
Consigue una pistola si es que quieres
O cómprate una daga si prefieres
Y vuélvete asesino de mujeres
Con una sobredosis de ternura
Asfíxialas con besos y dulzuras
Contágialas de todas tus locuras
Con flores con canciones no les falles
Que no hay una mujer en este mundo
Que pueda resistirse a los detalles
Despiértalas con una serenata
Sin ser un día especial llévale flores
No importa si es la peor de las ingratas
Que tú no eres un santo sin errores
Amigo voy a darte un buen consejo
Si quieres disfrutar de sus placeres
Consiguete una pistola si es que quieres
O cómprate una daga si prefieres
Y vuélvete asesino de mujeres
Con una sobredosis de ternura
Asfíxialas con besos y dulzuras
Contágialas de todas tus locuras
Con flores con canciones no les falles
Que no hay una mujer en este mundo
Que pueda resistirse a los detalles
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Manuel E. Toscano
Letra de Mátalas © Vander Music

José Alfredo Jiménez - El jinete

Por la lejana montaña,

va cabalgando un jinete;
vaga solito en el mundo
y va deseando la muerte.
Lleva en su pecho una herida,
va con su alma destrozada,
quisiera perder la vida
y reunirse con su amada.
La quería más que a su vida
y la perdió para siempre,
por eso lleva una herida,
por eso busca la muerte.
Con su guitarra cantando
se pasa noches enteras;
hombre y guitarra llorando
a la luz de las estrellas.
Después se pierde en la noche,
y aunque la noche es muy bella,
él va pidiendole a Dios
que se lo lleve con ella.
La quería más que a su vida,
y la perdió para siempre,
por eso lleva una herida,
por eso busca la muerte.
Fuente: Musixmatch
Letra de El jinete © Peer International Corporation

José Alfredo Jiménez - Serenata huasteca

Canto al pie de tu ventana
Pa que sepas que te quiero
Tu a mi no me quieres nada
Pero yo por ti me muero
Dicen que ando muy errado
Que despierte de mis sueños
Pero se han equivocado
Porque yo he de ser tu dueño

Que voy a hacer
Si de veras te quiero
Ya te adore
why olvidarte no puedo
Dicen que pa conseguirte
Necesito una fortuna
Que debo del cielo
Las estrellas why la luna
Yo no bajare la luna
Ni las estrellas tampoco
why aunque no tengo fortuna
Me querrás poquito a poco
Que voy a hacer
Si de veras te quiero
Ya te adore
why olvidarte no puedo
Yo se que hay muchas mujeres
why que sobra quien me quiera
Pero ninguna me importa
Solo pienso en ti morena
Mi corazón te ha escogido
why llorar no quiero verlo
El pobre mucho ha sufrido
Ahora tienes que quererlo
Que voy a hacer
Si de veras te quiero
Ya te adore
why olvidarte no puedo
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Dp / Daniel Cardozo Bogado / Jose Antonio Jimenez / Leonardo Lopez Aquino / Pedro Alvarez Redes
Letra de Serenata huasteca © Universal Music Publishing Group, BMG Rights Management

Antonio Aguilar - Caballo Prieto Azabache

Caballo prieto azabache
Como olvidarte te debo la vida
Cuando iban a fusilarme
Las fuerzas leales de pancho villa
Fue aquella noche nublada
Una avanzada me sorprendio
Y después de de sar marme
Fui condenado al paredón
Ya cuando estuve en capilla

Le dijo villa a su asistente
Me apartas ese caballo
Por educado y obediente
Sabia que no iba a escaparme
Solo pensaba en mi salvación
Y tu mi prieto azabache
Tambien pensaste igual que yo
Recuerdo que me dijeron
Pide un deseo pa' justiciarte
Yo quiero morir monta'o en mi caballo
Prieto azabache
Y cuando en ti me montaron
Y prepararon, la ejecucución
Mi voz de mando esperaste
Te abalanzaste sobre el pelotón
Con tres balazos de mauser
Corriste azabache, salvando mi vida
Lo que tu hiciste conmigo
Caballo amigo no se me olvida
No pude salvar la tuya
Y la amargura me hace llorar
Por eso prie to aza bache
No he de olvidarte nunca jamás
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Jose Albarran Martinez
Letra de Caballo Prieto Azabache © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Vicente Fernández Por tu maldito amor

El día que te encontré, me enamoré

Tú sabes que yo nunca lo he negado
Con saña, me lograste enloquecer
Y yo caí en tu trampa ilusionado
De pronto todo aquello se acabó
Faltaste a la promesa de adorarnos
Me hundiste en el olvido por creer
Que a ti no llegarían jamás los años
Por tu maldito amor
No puedo terminar con tantas penas
Quisiera reventarme hasta las venas
Por tu maldito amor
Por tu maldito amor
Por tu maldito amor
No logro acomodar mis sentimientos
Y el alma se me sigue consumiendo
Por tu maldito amor
Por tu maldito amor
Y ya pa' qué quiero la tumba
Si ya me enterraste en vida
Ajaja, ay
No quiero que regreses nunca, no
Prefiero la derrota entre mis manos
Si ayer tu nombre tanto pronuncié
Hoy mírame rompiéndome los labios
Por tu maldito amor
No puedo terminar con tantas penas
Quisiera reventarme hasta las venas
Por tu maldito amor
Por tu maldito amor
Por tu maldito amor
No logro acomodar mis sentimientos
Y el alma se me sigue consumiendo
Por tu maldito amor
Por tu maldito amor
Por tu maldito amor
Por tu bendito amor
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Federico Mendez Tejeda
Letra de Por tu maldito amor © Universal Music Publishing Group

Chavela Vargas - La sandunga

Antenoche fui a tu casa,

Tres golpes le di al candado,
Tienes el sueño pesado.
Ay! Sandunga, Sandunga
Mamá por Dios.
Sandunga, no seas ingrata,
Mamá de mi corazón.

Me ofreciste acompañarme
Desde la iglesia hasta mi choza,
Pero como no llegaste
Tuve que venirme solo.
A orillas del Papaloapam
Me estaba bañando ayer,
Pasaste por las orillas
Y no quisiste ver.
Estaban dos tortolitas
Arrullándose en su nido,
Y por más luchas que te hice
Te hiciste la desentendida.
Ay! Sandunga sí, Ay Sandunga no,
Ay! Sandunga del otro lado,
Donde quiera que pego un brinco yo,
Yo siempre caigo parado.
Mosquito, no mortifiques
Con tus cantos mal sonantes,
Si me cantas no me piques,
Si me picas no me cantes
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Antonio Bribiesca / Antonio Bribiesca Castellanos
Letra de La sandunga © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Lola Beltrán Mi ciudad

Mi ciudad es chinampa
en un lago escondido,
es cenzontle que busca
en donde hacer nido,
rehilete que engaña la vista al girar.
Baila al son
del tequila y de su valentía
es jinete que arriesga la vida
en un lienzo de fiesta y color.

Mi ciudad es la cuna
de un niño dormido,
en un bosque de espejos
que cuida un castillo,
monumentos de gloria que velan su andar.
Es un sol
con penacho y sarape veteado,
que en las noches se viste de charro
y se pone a cantarle al amor.
Por las tardes con la lluvia
se baña su piel morena
y al desatarse las trenzas
sus ojos tristes se cierran.
Mi ciudad es la cuna...
Fuente: Musixmatch
Letra de Mi ciudad © Universal Music Publishing Mgb S.A. De C, Editorial Mexicana De Musica Int. S.A. (Emmi), Maximo Aguirre Music Pub.,


How Long – Charlie Puth

Ooh, yeah
I'll admit, I was wrong, what else can I say, girl?
Can't you blame my head and not my heart?
I was drunk, I was gone, that don't make it right, but
I promise there were no feelings involved, mmh
She said, "Boy, tell me honestly
Was it real or just for show?", yeah
She said, "Save your apologies
Baby, I just gotta know"
How long has this been goin' on?
You been creepin' 'round on me
While you callin' me "baby"
How long has this been goin' on?
You been actin' so shady (shady)
I've been feelin' it lately, baby
Ooo-oh (yeah)
Ooo-oh (encore)
I'll admit (I'll admit), it's my fault (my fault), but you gotta believe me
When I say it only happened once, mmh
I tried (I tried), and I tried (I tried), but you'll never see that
You're the only I wanna love, oh, yeah
She said "Boy, tell me honestly" (honestly)
"Was it real or just for show?", yeah (real or just for show?)
She said, "Save your apologies" (apologies, yeah)
"Baby, I just gotta know"
How long has this been goin' on?
You been creepin' 'round on me (on me)
While you callin' me "baby" (baby)
How long has this been goin' on?

You been actin' so shady (shady)
I've been feelin' it lately (lately), baby
Ooo-oh (yeah)
Ooo-oh (encore)
How long has it been goin' on, baby?
Ooo-oh (yeah)
Ooo-oh, you gotta go tell me now
She said, "Boy, tell me honestly
Was it real or just for show?", yeah
She said, "Save your apologies
Baby, I just gotta know"
How long has this been goin' on? (on, on)

Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Charlie Puth / Jacob Kasher / Justin Scott Franks
Letra de How Long © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Charlie puth - i warned myself

I warned myself that I shouldn't play with fire

But I can tell that I'll do it one more time
Don't trust in myself, (mm) no good for my health (mm)
You mess with my heart, now you're the reason why
Do you remember when you told me I don't have to worry?
"He's overseas out on his tour, he'll be okay without me"
You said you had nothin' to hide, that you left him long ago
I should've known that was a lie
I warned myself that I shouldn't play with fire
But I can tell that I'll do it one more time
Don't trust in myself, (mm) no good for my health (mm)
You mess with my heart, now you're the reason why
I can tell (I can tell) that I'll do it one more time
Don't trust in myself, (mm) no good for my health (mm)
You mess with my heart, now you're the reason why
Do you remember when you said to not tell anybody?
"'Cause if you do, I'll be the first to put my hands around your throat"
If you had nothin' to hide, why is no one supposed to know?
I should've known that was a lie
I (I) warned myself (warned myself) that I shouldn't play with fire (no)
I can tell (I know) that I'll do it one more time
Don't trust in myself, (mm) no good for my health (mm)
You mess with my heart, now you're the reason why
that I shouldn't play with fire
(But I) I can tell (I can tell) that I'll do it one more time
Don't trust in myself, (mm) no good for my health (mm)
You mess with my heart, now you're the reason why
Oh, you're the reason why
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Amel E. Larrieux / Benjamin Joseph Levin / Bryce P. Wilson / Charlie Puth / Darryl Brown
Letra de I Warned Myself © Universal Music Publishing Group

Shawn Mendes - In My Blood

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in

Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood
Laying on the bathroom floor, feeling nothing
I'm overwhelmed and insecure, give me something
I could take to ease my mind slowly
Just have a drink and you'll feel better
Just take her home and you'll feel better
Keep telling me that it gets better
Does it ever?
Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
No medicine is strong enough
Someone help me
I'm crawling in my skin
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood
It isn't in my blood
I'm looking through my phone again, feeling anxious
Afraid to be alone again, I hate this
I'm trying to find a way to chill, can't breathe, oh
Is there somebody who could
Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
No medicine is strong enough
Someone help me
I'm crawling in my skin
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood
It isn't in my blood
It isn't in my blood
I need somebody now
It isn't in my blood

I need somebody now
It isn't in my blood
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Shawn Mendes / Geoff Warburton / Teddy Geiger / Scott Harris
Letra de In My Blood © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group, Warner Chappell Music, Inc,
Peermusic Publishing, Words & Music A Div Of Big Deal Music LLC

Shawn Mendes – Stitches

I thought that I've been hurt before

But no one's ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life
Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
I'm shaking falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
I'm tripping over myself
Aching begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
Just like a moth drawn to a flame
Oh you lured me in I couldn't sense the pain
Your bitter heart cold to the touch
Now I'm gonna reap what I sow
I'm left seeing red on my own
Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on
I'm tripping over myself
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread
Gonna wind up dead
Needle and the thread
Gotta get you out of my head
Needle and the thread
Gonna wind up dead
Needle and the thread
Aching begging you to come help (begging baby please)
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Danny Parker / Teddy Geiger / Daniel Kyriakides
Letra de Stitches © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Peermusic Publishing, Words & Music A Div Of Big Deal Music LLC,
Words & Music A Div Of Big Deal Music LLC

Shawn Mendes - Nervous

I saw you on a Sunday in a café

And all you did was look my way
And my heart started to race
And my hands started to shake, yeah
I heard you asked about me through a friend
My adrenaline kicked in
'Cause I've been askin' 'bout you too
And now we're out here in this room
I get a little bit nervous around you
Get a little bit stressed out when I think about you
Get a little excited
Baby, when I think about you, yeah
Talk a little too much around you (I talk a little too much, yeah)
Get a little self-conscious (I get a little self-conscious)
When I think about you
Get a little excited (I get a little excited)
Baby, when I think about you
Yeah, when I think about you, babe
We walked in the rain
A couple blocks to your apartment
You told me to come inside
Caught me staring in your eyes
And I'm not usually like this
But I like what you're doing to me
Ah, what you're doing to me
I get a little bit nervous (I get a little bit nervous)
Around you
Get a little bit stressed out (I get a little bit stressed out)
When I think about you
Get a little excited (I get a little excited)
Baby, when I think about you
Yeah, when I think about you, babe (oh yeah)
Talk a little too much (I talk a little too much, yeah)
Around you
Get a little self-conscious (I get a little self-conscious)

When I think about you
Get a little excited (I get a little excited)
Talk a little too much (I talk a little too much, yeah)
Around you
Get a little self-conscious (I get a little self-conscious)
When I think about you (I get a little self-conscious)
Get a little excited (I get a little excited)
Baby, when I think about you
Yeah, when I think about you, babe
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Julia Michaels / Scott Harris / Shawn Mendes
Letra de Nervous © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group

Mutual - shawn mendes

I want you close to me

I want you close, I want you closer
But when you're here with me
It's hard to tell just what you're after
You say, you want all of me today
But tomorrow's not the same
My feelings never change
What do you want from me?
What do you want? Uh
I need to know
If this is mutual
Before I go
And get way too involved
I want you bad
Can you reciprocate?
No, I don't want to have to leave
But half of you is not enough for me
This inconsistency
What doesn't mean you got me questioning
I need to know
If this is mutual
Before I go
And get way too involved
I want you bad
Can you reciprocate?
No, I don't want to have to leave
But half of you is not enough for me
Are you playing me
Is this a game?
When you show up late
Say love at 2 AM
Then tell me you can't say
Girl, yeah
What do you want from me?

Baby ohhh, I need to know
If this is mutual
Before I go
And get way too involved
I want you bad, baby
Can you reciprocate?
No, I don't want to have to leave
But half of you's not enough for me
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Geoffrey Elliott Warburton / Ian Eric Kirkpatrick / Scott Harris Friedman / Shawn Mendes / Teddy Geiger
Letra de Mutual © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group,
Peermusic Publishing, Words & Music A Div Of Big Deal Music LLC

Shawn Mendes - Youth

Here I am, stuck on this couch

Scrolling through my notes
Heart was broken, still not growing, nah
Waking up to headlines
Filled with devastation again
My heart is broken
But I keep going
Pain, but I won't let it turn into hate
No, I won't let it change me
Never losing sight of the one I keep inside
Now, I know it
Yeah, I know it
You can't take my youth away
This soul of mine will never break
As long as I wake up today
You can't take my youth away
You can't take my youth away
This soul of mine will never break
As long as I wake up today
You can't take my youth away
You can't take my youth away
It's hard to sleep at night
Knowing what's outside
Feeling hopeless
I need focus
You hit me with words I never heard
Come out your mouth
To be honest
I don't want it, no
Pain, but I won't let it turn into hate
No, I won't let it change me
You can't take my youth away
This soul of mine will never break

As long as I wake up today
You can't take my youth away
You can't take my youth away
This soul of mine will never break
As long as I wake up today
You can't take my youth away
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Geoffrey Elliott Warburton / Khalid Robinson / Scott Harris Friedman / Shawn Mendes / Teddy Geiger / Nolan
Joseph Lambroza
Letra de Youth © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group,
Peermusic Publishing, Words & Music A Div Of Big Deal Music LLC

Shawn Mendes - Ruin

Do ya?
Do you think about me?
And, do ya?
Do you feel the same way, babe?
And, do ya?
Do you remember how it felt?
'Cause I do
So listen to me, baby
And I'm not tryna ruin your happiness
But darling don't you know that
I'm the only one for ya?
And I'm not tryina ruin your happiness, baby
But darling don't you know that
I'm the only one, yeah?
And, do ya?
Do you think about me at all?
And, do you
Do you feel the same way? Oh, tell me, babe
And, do ya?
Do you remember how we felt?
'Cause I do
So listen to me, now
Woah oh oh oh
I'm not tryna ruin your happiness
But darling don't you know that
I'm the only one for ya?
And I'm not tryna ruin your happiness, baby
But darling don't you know that
I'm the only one?
Do I ever cross your mind?
Do I ever cross your mind?
Do I ever cross your mind?

Do I ever cross your mind?
Woah, oh, oh
Do I ever, said I
Do I ever, said I, do I?
Do I ever, said I
Do I ever said I, oh
And do I ever, do I ever cross your mind?
Not trying to ruin your happiness at all
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Geoffrey Warburton / Ido Zmishlany / Shawn Mendes / Scott Friedman
Letra de Ruin © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group, Peermusic Publishing, Concord Music
Publishing LLC

Shawn Mendes - Like This

You say it's not supposed to be

Tell me not to waste my time
This was never up to me
But if it was I wouldn't mind
And I'm trying to ignore you
I try to go on with my day, hey
But I still pick up the phone, yeah
And get lost in what she say
I can try to stop it, all I like
Hands down I've lost this fight
Thought I was strong, enough for you
But I just can't hide the truth
So I guess I'm going down
I guess I'm going down, like this
And I love it how she's honest
You don't find that nowadays
She's not even drop dead gorgeous
But she kills me anyway, oh
I can try to stop it, all I like
Hands down I've lost this fight
Thought I was strong, enough for you
But I just can't hide the truth
I guess I'm going down
I guess I'm going down
I guess I'm going down like this
I can try to stop it, all I like
Hands down I've lost this fight
Thought I was strong, enough for you
But I just can't hide the truth
I can try to stop it, all I like
Hands down I've lost this fight
And I thought I was strong, enough for you
But I just can't hide the truth
So I guess I'm going down, like this
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Shawn Mendes / Laleh Pourkarim / Gustaf Egil Thorn
Letra de Like This © Universal Music Publishing Group

Shawn Mendes - I Don't Even Know Your Name

Oh, you waited so long

Sometimes it's hard to stand out
And you don't have to do anything else
But be yourself, oh
And you, you dressed up so nice
But all I could see was your eyes
And the crowd came and pulled you away
And then you were gone
Oh, yeah
And I don't even know your name
All I remember is that smile on your face
And it'll kill me everyday
'Cause I don't even know your name
Ooh everywhere that I go
I'll see your face and it kills me to know
That you never know what you did to me
And now you were gone, yeah I can't stop thinkin' about you
'Cause I don't even know your name
All I remember is that smile on your face
And it'll kill me everyday
'Cause I don't even know your name
Yeah, I don't even know your name
I'm running, I'm searching
And I don't know where to start
I'm dying my love you punched a hole right through my heart
And I won't stop, stop looking
'Till I hold you in my arms
'Cause I'm running, I'm running I'm running
I'm running, I'm searching
And I don't know where to start
I'm dying my love you punched a hole right through my heart
And I won't stop, stop looking
'Till I hold you in my arms
'Cause I'm running, I'm running I'm running
And I don't even know your name
All I remember is that smile on your face
And it'll kill me everyday
'Cause I don't even know your name
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Geoffrey Elliott Warburton / Martin Terefe / Scott Harris Friedman / Shawn Mendes
Letra de I Don't Even Know Your Name © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Peermusic Publishing, Universal Music Publishing
Group, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Concord Music Publishing LLC


Twenty one pilots - Car Radio

I ponder of something great
My lungs will fill and then deflate
They fill with fire, exhale desire
I know it's dire my time today

I have these thoughts, so often I ought
To replace that slot with what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole my car radio
And now I just sit in silence
Sometimes quiet is violent
I find it hard to hide it
My pride is no longer inside
My skin will scream reminding me of
Who I killed inside my dream
I hate this car that I'm driving
There's no hiding for me
I'm forced to deal with what I feel
There is no distraction to mask what is real
I could pull the steering wheel
I have these thoughts, so often I ought
To replace that slot with what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole my car radio
And now I just sit in silence
I ponder of something terrifying
'Cause this time there's no sound to hide behind
I find over the course of our human existence
One thing consists of consistence
And it's that we're all battling fear
Oh dear, I don't know if we know why we're here
It is faith and there's sleep
And to be awake is for us to think
And for us to think is to be alive
And I will try with every rhyme
To come across like I am dying
To let you know you need to try to think
I have these thoughts, so often I ought
To replace that slot with what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole my car radio
And now I just sit in silence
And now I just sit in silence
And now I just sit
And now I just sit in silence
And now I just sit in silence
And now I just sit in silence
And now I just sit
I ponder of something great
My lungs will fill and then deflate
To replace that slot with what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole my car radio
And now I just sit in silence
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Tyler Joseph
Letra de Car Radio © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Twenty one pilots - Bandito

I could take the high road
But I know that I'm going low
I'm a ban, I'm a bandito
I could take the high road
But I know that I'm going low
I'm a ban, I'm a bandito
I could take the high road
But I know that I'm going low
I'm a ban, I'm a bandito
This is the sound we make
When in between two places
Where we used to bleed
And where our blood needs to be
I could take the high road
But I know that I'm going low
I'm a ban, I'm a bandito
I could take the high road
But I know that I'm going low
I'm a ban, I'm a bandito
In city, I feel my spirit is contained
Like neon inside the glass, they form my brain
But I recently discovered
It's a heatless fire
Like nicknames they give themselves to uninspire
Begin with bullet, now add fire to the proof
But I'm still not sure if fear's a rival or close relative to truth
Sahlo Folina
Sahlo Folina
Sahlo Folina
I created this world
To feel some control
Destroy it if I want
So I sing someone
Sahlo Folina
I could take the high road
But I know that I'm going low
(Sahlo) I'm a ban, I'm a bandito
I could take the high road
But I know that I'm going low (low, low)
I'm a ban, I'm a bandito
I could take the high road
But I know that I'm going low
I'm a ban, I'm a bandito
I created this world
To feel some control
Destroy it if I want
So I sing
Sahlo Folina
Sahlo Folina
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Paul Meany / Tyler Joseph
Letra de Bandito © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Twenty one pilots - Morph

Can't stop thinking about if and when I'd die
For now I see that "if" and "when" are truly different cries
For "if" is purely panic and "when" is solemn sorrow
And one invades today while the other spies tomorrow
We're surrounded and we're hounded
There's no "above", or "under", or "around" it
For "above" is blind belief and "under" is sword to sleeve
And "around" is scientific miracle, let's pick "above" and see
For if and when we go "above", the question still remains
Are we still in love and is it possible we feel the same?
And that's when going "under" starts to take my wonder
But until that time, I'll try to sing this
If I keep moving, they won't know
I'll morph to someone else
What they throw at me's too slow
I'll morph to someone else
I'm just a ghost
I'll morph to someone else
Defense mechanism mode
He'll always try to stop me, that Nicholas Bourbaki
He's got no friends close but those who know him most know
He goes by Nico, he told me I'm a copy
I'll morph to someone else
Defense mechanism mode
I'll morph to someone else
Lights they blink to me, transmitting things to me
Ones and zeroes, ergo this symphony
Anybody listening? Ones and zeroes
Count to infinity, ones and zeroes
I'm surrounded and I'm hounded
There's no "above", or "under", or "around" it
For "above" is blind belief and "under" is sword to sleeve
And "around" is scientific miracle, let's pick "above" and see
For if and when we go "above", the question still remains
Are we still in love and is it possible we feel the same?
And that's when going "under" starts to take my wonder
But until that time
I'll morph to someone else, I'm just a ghost
If I keep moving, they won't know
I'll morph to someone else
What they throw at me's too slow
I'll morph to someone else
I'm just a ghost
I'll morph to someone else
Defense mechanism mode
If I keep moving, they won't know
I'll morph to someone else
I'll morph to someone else
Not done, not done, not done
Josh Dun
I'll morph to someone else
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Paul Meany / Tyler Joseph
Letra de Morph © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd

Twenty one pilots - Guns For Hands

I know what you think in the morning
When the sun shines on the ground
And shows what you have done
It shows where your mind has gone
And you swearing to your parents
That it will never happen again
I know, I know oh ow, what that means, I know oh oh oh ow
That you all have guns
And you never put the safety on
And you all have plans,
To take it, to take it, don't take it, take it, take it
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
Guns for hands yeah
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
Guns for hands yeah
Let's take this a second at a time
Let's take this one song, this one rhyme
Together, let's breathe
Together, to the beat
But there's hope out the window
So that's where we'll go
Let's go outside and all join hands
But until then you'll never understand
That you all have guns
And you never put the safety on
And you all have plans
To take it, to take it, don't take it, take it, take it
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
We've turned our hands to guns, trade in our thumbs for ammunition
I must forewarn you, of my disorder, or my condition
'Cause when the sun sets, it upsets what's left of my invested interest
Interested in putting my fingers to my head
The solution is, I see a whole room of these mutant kids
Fused at the wrist, I simply tell them they should shoot at this
Simply suggest my chest and this confused music, it's
Obviously best for them to turn their guns to a fist
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
Guns for hands
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't when you all have
Guns for hands
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Tyler Joseph
Letra de Guns for Hands © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Twenty One Pilots - Goner

I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you
Blurry's the one I'm not
I've got two faces
Blurry's the one I'm not
I need your help to
Take him out
I need your help to
The ghost of you
Is close to me
I'm inside out
You're underneath
Though I'm weak
And beaten down
Into the sound
The ghost of you
Is close to me
I'm inside out
You're underneath
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be!
Don't let me be!
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Tyler Joseph
Letra de Goner © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Twenty one pilots: Holding On To You

I'm taking over my body
Back in control, no more shotty
I bet a lot of me was lost
"T"'s uncrossed and "I"'s undotted
I fought it a lot and it seems a lot
Like flesh is all I got
Not any more, flesh out the door?
I must'a forgot, you can't trust me
I'm open a moment and closed when you show it
Before you know it I'm lost at sea
And now that I write and think about it
And the story unfolds
You should take my life
You should take my soul
You are surrounding all my surroundings
Sounding down the mountain range
Of my left-side brain
You are surrounding all my surroundings
Twisting the kaleidoscope
Behind both of my eyes
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah (and I'll be holding on to you)
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah (and I'll be holding on to you)
Remember the moment
You know exactly where you're goin'
'Cause the next moment before you know it
Time is slowin' and it's rolling still
And the windowsill looks really nice, right?
You think twice about your life
It probably happens at night, right?
Fight it, take the pain, ignite it
Tie a noose around your mind
Loose enough to breath fine and tie it
To a tree tell it, you belong to me, this ain't a noose
This is a leash and I have news for you
You must obey me
You are surrounding all my surroundings
Sounding down the mountain range
Of my left-side brain
You are surrounding all my surroundings
Twisting the kaleidoscope
Behind both of my eyes
Entertain my faith
Entertain my faith
Entertain my faith
Entertain my faith
Entertain my faith
Entertain my faith
Entertain my faith
Entertain my faith
Entertain my faith
Entertain my faith

Lean with it, rock with it
When we gonna stop with it?
Lyrics that mean nothing
We were gifted with thought
Is it time to move our feet
To an introspective beat
It ain't the speakers that bump hard
It's our hearts that make the beat
Lean with it, rock with it
When we gonna stop with it?
Lyrics that mean nothing
We were gifted with thought
Is it time to move our feet
To an introspective beat
It ain't the speakers that bump hard
It's our hearts that make the beat
Lean with it, rock with it
When we gonna stop with it?
Lyrics that mean nothing
We were gifted with thought
Is it time to move our feet
To an introspective beat
It ain't the speakers that bump hard
It's our hearts that make the beat
Lean with it, rock with it
When we gonna stop with it?
Lyrics that mean nothing
We were gifted with thought
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah (and I'll be holding on to you)
Ah ah ah (and I'll be holding on to you)
Ah ah ah (and I'll be holding on to you)
And I'll be holding on to you
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah (and I'll be holding on to you)
Ah ah ah (and I'll be holding on to you)
Ah ah ah (and I'll be holding on to you)
And I'll be holding on to you
And I'll be holding on to you
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Tyler Joseph / Maurice Gleaton / Charles Hammond / Deangelo Deonta Hunt / Gerald Tiller / Jamall Willingham / Bernard
Leverette / Robert Hill
Letra de Holding on to You © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Royalty Network

Twenty one pilots - Neon Gravestones

What's my problem?
Well, I want you to follow me down to the bottom
Underneath the insane asylum
Keep your wits about you while you got 'em

'Cause your wits are first to go while you're problem-solving
And my problem?
We glorify those, even more, when they
My opinion
Our culture can treat a loss
Like it's a win and right before we turn on them
We give them the highest of praise, and hang their banner from a ceiling
Communicating, further engraving
An earlier grave is an optional way
Neon gravestones try to call
(Neon gravestones try to call)
Neon gravestones try to call for my bones (neon gravestones try to call)
Call (For my bones)
Call, call, call
(Call, call)
Call (call)
What's my problem?
Don't get it twisted
It's with the people we praise who may have assisted
I could use the streams and extra conversations
I could give up, and boost up my reputation
I could go out with a bang
They would know my name
They would host and post a celebration
My opinion will not be lenient
My opinion, it's real convenient
Our words are loud, but now I'm talking action
We don't get enough love?
Well, they get a fraction
They say, "How could he go if he's got everything?"
I'll mourn for a kid, but won't cry for a king
Neon gravestones try to call
(Neon gravestones try to call)
Neon gravestones try to call for my bones (neon gravestones try to call)
Call (For my bones)
Call, call, call
Promise me this (call, call)
If I lose to myself
You won't mourn a day
And you'll move onto someone else
Promise me this
If I lose to myself
You won't mourn a day
And you'll move onto someone else
Neon gravestones try to call
(Neon gravestones try to call)
Neon gravestones try to call for my bones
Neon gravestones try to call
(Neon gravestones try to call)
Neon gravestones try to call for my bones
But they won't get them
No, they won't get them
They won't get them
But they won't get them

Don't get me wrong
The rise in awareness
Is beating a stigma that no longer scares us
But for sake of discussion
In spirit of fairness
Could we give this some room for a new point of view?
And, could it be true that some could be tempted
To use this mistake as a form of aggression?
A form of succession?
A form of a weapon?
Thinking "I'll teach them"
Well, I'm refusing the lesson
It won't resonate in our minds
I'm not disrespecting what was left behind
Just pleading that "it" does not get glorified
Maybe we swap out what it is that we hold so high
Find your grandparents or someone of age
Pay some respects for the path that they paved
To life, they were dedicated
Now, that should be celebrated
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Tyler Joseph
Letra de Neon Gravestones © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Twenty one pilots – Cancer (My Chemical Romance Cover)

Turn away
If you could get me a drink
Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded
Call my aunt Marie
Help her gather all my things
And bury me in all my favorite colors
My sisters and my brothers, still
I will not kiss you
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
I will not kiss you (kiss you)
Lips are chapped and faded
Call my (turn away)
Lips are chapped and faded (faded)
Kiss you (kiss you)
Lips are chapped and faded
Call my (turn away)
Lips are chapped and faded (faded)
Turn away
'Cause I'm awful just to see
And all my hairs abandoned all my body
All my agony
Know that I will never marry
Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo
I'm counting down the days to go
This just ain't livin'
And I just hope you know
I will not kiss you (kiss you)
Lips are chapped and faded
Call my (turn away)
Lips are chapped and faded (faded)
Kiss you (kiss you)
Lips are chapped and faded
Call my (turn away)
Lips are chapped and faded (faded)
If you say (if you say)
Goodbye today (goodbye today)
I'll ask you to be true (I'll ask you to be true)
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
Yes, the hardest part of this
I will not kiss you (kiss you)
Lips are chapped and faded
Call my (call my)
Lips are chapped and faded (faded)
Kiss you (kiss you)
Lips are chapped and faded
Call my (call my)
Lips are chapped and faded (faded)
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Bob Bryar / Frank Iero / Gerard Way / Michael Way / Ray Toro
Letra de Cancer © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Blow The Doors Off Chicago

Twenty one pilots - Can't Help Falling In Love (Elvis Cover)

Wise men say,
"Only fools rush in"
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay, would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you
Like the river flows
Shortly to the sea
Darling, so we go
Some things were meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
'Cause I can't help falling in love with you
Like the river flows
Shortly to the sea
Darling, so we go
Some things were meant to be, oh

Take my hand, take my whole life too
'Cause I can't help falling in love with you
'Cause I can't help falling in love with you
But I can't help falling in love with you
Fuente: Musixmatch
Letra de Can't Help Falling in Love © Gladys Music, Imagem Music, Publisher(S) Unknown, ABG EPE GLADYS MUSIC, GLADYS MUSIC

Twenty one pilots - Smithereens

You know
I've always been collected, calm and chill
And you know
I never look for conflict for the thrill
But if I'm feeling
Someone stepping towards you, can't describe
Just what I'm feeling
For you, I'd go
Step to a dude much bigger than me
For you, I know
I would get messed up, weigh 153
For you
I would get beat to smithereens
You know
I'll be in the corner taking notes

And you know
I got your six while you're working votes
But if I'm feeling
Someone stepping towards you, can't describe
Just what I'm feeling
For you, I'd go
Step to a dude much bigger than me
For you, I know
I would get messed up, weigh 153
For you
I would get beat to smithereens
I would get beat to
You know I had to do one
You know I had to do one
You know I had to do one
On the record for you
You know I had to do one on the record for her like this
You know I had to do one on the record for her like this
You know I had to do one on the record for her like this
You know I had to do one on the record for her if
I'm feeling
Someone stepping towards you, can't describe
Just what I'm feeling
For you, I'd go
Write a slick song just to show you the world
For you, I know
They think it's messed up to sell out for your girl
For you, I'd go
Step to a dude much bigger than me
For you, I know
I would get messed up, weigh 153
For you
I would get beat to smithereens
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Paul Meany / Tyler Joseph
Letra de Smithereens © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Twenty one pilots - Cut My Lip

I'll keep on trying
Might as well
If you decide
All is well
I'll keep on trying
Might as well
If you decide
All is well (all is well)
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Know I'll keep moving

Rust around the rim
Drink it anyway
I cut my lip
Isn't what I want
Blood is on my tongue
I cut my lip
I keep on going back
Even though it's me I abuse
I'll keep on going back
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Know I'll keep moving
Rust around the rim
Drink it anyway
I cut my lip
Isn't what I want
Blood is on my tongue
I cut my lip
Oh, oh, yeah
I cut my lip
Oh, oh, yeah
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
Though I am bruised
Face of contusions
Know I'll keep moving
Know I'll keep moving
Rust around the rim
Drink it anyway
I cut my lip
Isn't what I want
Blood is on my tongue
I cut my lip
I cut my lip
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
I don't mind at all
Lean on my pride
Lean on my pride
I'm a lion
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Paul Meany / Tyler Joseph
Letra de Cut My Lip © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Twenty one pilots - The Hype

Sometimes I feel cold, even paralyzed
My interior world needs to sanitize
I've got to step through or I'll dissipate
I'll record my step through for my basement tapes
Nice to know my kind will be on my side
I don't believe the hype
And you know you're a terrible sight
But you'll be just fine
Just don't believe the hype
Yeah, they might be talking behind your head
Your exterior world can step off instead
It might take some friends and a warmer shirt
But you don't get thick skin without getting burnt

Nice to know my kind will be on my side
I don't believe the hype
And you know you're a terrible sight
But you'll be just fine
Just don't believe the hype
No, I don't know which way I'm going
But I can hear my way around
No, I don't know which way I'm going
But I can hear my way around
No, I don't know which way I'm going
But I can hear my way around
No, I don't know which way I'm going
But I can hear my way around
But I can hear my way around
Nice to know my kind will be on my side
I don't believe the hype
And you know you're a terrible sight
But you'll be just fine
Just don't believe the hype (don't believe the hype)
Nice to know my kind will be on my side
I don't believe the hype
And you know you're a terrible sight
But you'll be just fine
Just don't believe the hype
Nice to know my kind will be on my side
I don't believe the hype
And you know you're a terrible sight
But you'll be just fine
Just don't believe the hype
Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Paul Meany / Tyler Joseph
Letra de The Hype © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.


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