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Introducción Al Lenguaje Ensamblador PIC de Microchip - Parte 1

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Introducción al lenguaje ensamblador PIC de Microchip - Parte 1

23 de marzo de 2009 por rwb, bajo Microcontrolador.

Aprender el lenguaje ensamblador es una de las habilidades esenciales que aún se

requieren en el sistema integrado, aunque el principal inconveniente de usar el lenguaje
ensamblador es; requirió más tiempo de curva de aprendizaje en comparación con el lenguaje
de nivel superior, pero una vez que conozca un tipo de familia de microcontroladores, como
Microchip PIC12F683 de 8 bits y 8 pines, codificar con lenguaje ensamblador a otro tipo de
familias de microcontroladores PIC será mucho más fácil. Elijo el tipo PIC12F683 porque es
uno de los mejores microcontroladores PIC Microchip de 8 pines con tecnología nanoWatt y
admite periféricos avanzados como TIMER de 8 bits/16 bits, ADC (convertidor digital
analógico), PWM (modulación de ancho de pulso) y Comparador con 2K palabras de flash.
A menudo escuchamos que una de las razones por las que todavía estamos codificando en
el lenguaje ensamblador es la velocidad y el pequeño resultado del código HEX, pero esto
generalmente no es cierto, porque algunos de los compiladores C industriales estándar
altamente optimizados pueden producir código más compacto que el promedio El programador
de ensamblador puede hacer una simple declaración de condición "si". Por lo tanto, agregaré
una razón más importante por la que tenemos que codificar en lenguaje ensamblador; ... nos
vemos obligados a usar el lenguaje ensamblador porque la mayoría del aficionado promedio no
podría intentar comprar el compilador estándar industrial para su proyecto que usa un tipo de
microcontrolador que no es compatible o limitado (por ejemplo, límite de tamaño del programa)
por el lenguaje de nivel superior compilador de edición gratuita; por el contrario, toda la
fabricación del microcontrolador proporcionará un compilador de lenguaje de ensamblador
gratuito que admite todos sus tipos de productos.
Pero bueno ... echemos un vistazo al lado positivo, vamos a aprender el núcleo del lenguaje
del microcontrolador que nos da una comprensión más profunda de cómo funciona realmente
el microcontrolador. Por lo tanto, antes de comenzar con las lecciones emocionantes, le sugiero
que lea el artículo Programación del lenguaje ensamblador para principiantes AVR 1 publicado
en este blog para obtener una introducción al lenguaje ensamblador. A los efectos de este
tutorial, supondré que ya está familiarizado con el lenguaje de programación de nivel superior,
como el lenguaje C.

Introduction to Microchip PIC Assembler Language – Part 1

March 23, 2009 by rwb, under Microcontroller.

Learning the assembler language is one of the essential skills that still required in the
embedded system, although the major drawback using the assembler language is; its required
more learning curve time compared to the higher level language but once you acquainted with
one type of microcontroller family such as 8-bit 8 pins Microchip PIC12F683 then coding with
assembly language to other type of PIC microcontroller families will be much easier. I’m
choosing the PIC12F683 type because it’s one of the best 8 pins Microchip PIC microcontroller
with nanoWatt technology and supporting advanced peripherals such as 8-bit/16-bit TIMER,
ADC (Analog Digital Converter), PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and Comparator with 2K word
of flash.
We often hear that one of the reasons we are still coding in the assembly language is the
speed and the small HEX code result, but this is not usually true, because some of high
optimized industrial standard C compiler can produced more compact code than the average
assembler programmer can do for some simple “if” condition statement. Therefore I will add one
more important reason why we have to code in assembler language; …we are forced to use the
assembly language because most of the average hobbyist could not effort to buy the industrial
standard compiler for their project which use a microcontroller type that is not supported or
limited supported (e.g. program size limit) by the higher level language free edition compiler; on
the contrary all the microcontroller’s manufacture will certainly provide free assembler language
compiler that support all of their product types.
But hey… let’s look at the bright side, we are going to learn the core of microcontroller
language which gives us more deep understanding of how the microcontroller really works. So
before we start with the exciting lessons, I would suggest that you could read the article
Beginners AVR Assembler Language Programming 1 posted on this blog for some introduction
to what is the assembler language. For the purpose of this tutorial I will assume that you are
already familiar with higher level programming language such as C language.

Typical Microcontroller’s based project cycle is shown on the above picture, we will use this
simple cycle for practicing our Microchip PIC assembly language skill through various
experiments. Ok now let’s take a look at the circuit design for this tutorial:

The Microchip PIC12F683 has 6 general purpose I/O; GP0 to GP5, the above circuit is
suitable for learning such as simple digital I/O up to the advanced topics such as using the
PIC12F683 ADC and PWM peripherals.

The Shopping Bag

For this tutorial you will need this following hardware and software:
1. Microchip PIC12F683 PDIP microcontroller with the datasheet downloaded from Microchip
site (www.microchip.com)
2. One breadboard or prototype board with an adequate amount of jumper
3. ¼ Watt resistor: 1K (2), 10K (1), 330 (1), 10K Trimport (1)
4. Capacitor: 100nF (1), 10nF (1)
5. One 3mm LED (Light Emitting Diode)
6. One 5 Volt regulated power supply or you could use 3 AA/AAA size alkaline battery for the
project power source
7. Microchip PICKit2 programmer for downloading the HEX code
8. Microchip MPLAB IDE for coding, debugging and compiling the code; downloaded from
Microchip site.

Bellow is the prototype of the Microchip PIC12F683 microcontroller circuit used in this

My first Assembly Program

“Hello World” one of the famous phrase introduced by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M.
Ritchie on their famous book “The C Programming Language” when they first introduced this
new programming language many years ago. As they said “the only way to learn a new
programming language is by writing programs in it“. This is true, first time you don’t have to
understand the code at all, but by writing the code by your self (I mean laterally not just cut and
paste the code), compiling/simulating the code, downloading the code to the microcontroller and
running the code you will get the excitement to learn further for having good understanding of
the code you just wrote. Ok let’s write your first Hello World program, first open your Microchip
MPLAB IDE application, from Project menu choose Project Wizard, after welcome screen you
will get the device selection screen, choose the PIC12F683:
Next is the language Toolsuite selection screen, select the Microchip MPASM Toolsuite:

The next step brings you to the new project file creation screen; enter the full path of your
project name:
The next step just press next to continue (currently you don’t have any existing file to add) to
the summary screen, after examining the summary information you could continue by pressing
the finish button. Activate the Project and Output View from View menu; from File create New
file and save it as HelloWorld.asm in your project directory.

Next on the project windows; right click on the Source Files folder and add files
“HelloWorld.asm” to the project; now you could start typing your first Microchip PIC assembler
language program as follow:
; File Name : HelloWorld.asm
; Version : 1.0
; Description : Hello World Program
; Author : RWB
; Target : Microchip PIC 12F683 Microcontroller
; Compiler : Microchip Assembler (MPASM)
; IDE : Microchip MPLAB IDE v8.00
; Programmer : PICKit2
; Last Updated : 18 March 2009
#include <p12F683.inc>
cblock 0x20
Delay1 ; Define two 8-bit variables for the
Delay2 ; delay loop: Delay1 and Delay2

org 0 ; Start at flash address 0

bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Registers at Bank 1
movlw 0x70
movwf OSCCON ; Set the internal clock speed to 8 Mhz
clrf TRISIO ; Set all General Purpose I/O to output
clrf ANSEL ; Make all ports as digital I/O
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Back to Registers at Bank 0

bsf GPIO,2 ; Set GP2 Output To High
call Delay ; Call Delay Subroutine
bcf GPIO,2 ; Clear GP2 Output To Low
call Delay ; Call Delay Subroutine
nop ; No Operation
goto MainLoop ; Goto MainLoop
movlw 0xFF
movwf Delay2
movlw 0xFF
movwf Delay1
decfsz Delay1,f ; Decrease Delay1, If zero skip the next
goto DelayLoop2 ; Not zero goto DelayLoop2
decfsz Delay2,f ; Decrease Delay2, If zero skip the next
goto DelayLoop1 ; Not zero goto DelayLoop1
return ; Return to the Caller
; EOF: HelloWorld.asm

After typing the above assembly program (remember that the __config statement is
preceded by two underline character) it’s time to compile and simulating the code using
Microchip MPLAB IDE, but before we do that; first we will activate the Watch and Special
Function Registers windows by selecting them from the View menu; now add these following
SFR (special function registers) on the Watch window by selecting it from the combo list and
press the Add SFR button: STATUS, WREG, OSCCON, TRISIO, ANSEL and GPIO; Next we
will add the two variables (Delay1 and Delay2) used in Delay subroutine start from address
0x20 to 0x21 by right clicking on the Watch window then click the Add… menu, the Add Watch
window will appear as follow:

Change the Start Address to 0x20 and the End Address to 0x21, after clicking the Add
Address you could organize these two new windows like this following picture:
Secondly we will choose the MPLAB simulator program, from the Debugger menu -> Select
Tools -> MPLAB SIM. Finally we will set the MPLAB simulator frequency to 8Mhz as we use in
the real PIC12F683 microncotroller; from the Debugger menu -> Setting…:

Change the Processor Frequency to 8Mhz and leave the other setting to their default value.
Now you are ready to compile and simulating your code.

Compiling and Simulating the Code

I always mention through the entire introduction tutorials both AVR and PIC microcontroller
that simulating or debugging the code is one of the essential steps that should be taken before
downloading the HEX file to the microcontroller even for the experience embedded system
designer; they should go through this step. Ok let’s compile the code first by selecting Project
menu and click Build All or you could use the Ctrl+F10 short key. If there are no typo errors
than you will have clean output result as this following screen:

Now you are ready to run your code on the Microchip MPLAB IDE Simulation; from the
Debugger menu click the Step Into or you could use the F7 short key; this will bring you to the
first PIC microcontroller assembly command: bsf STATUS, RP0 as shown on this following
You could reset the simulation anytime by pressing the F6 short key (Processor Reset
command) and start all over again. Each time you press the F7 key (Step Into) you could
always view the registers value on the Watch window. When it point to the call Delay
statement, because this subroutine will take a long time to be executed  by the Step Into
command, alternatively you could use the Step Over command (F8) to go through (pass) this
subroutine; you could change the 0xFF value with 0x02 value if you still want to Step Into this
subroutine for getting better understanding of how the subroutine program work.

movlw 0x02
movwf Delay2
movlw 0x02
movwf Delay1
decfsz Delay1,f ; Decrease Delay1, If zero skip the next
goto DelayLoop2 ; Not zero goto DelayLoop2
decfsz Delay2,f ; Decrease Delay2, If zero skip the next
goto DelayLoop1 ; Not zero goto DelayLoop1
return ; Return to the Caller

Remember to restore back the original value (0xFF) before you downloading the final HEX
code; otherwise the delay will be too short to be noticed by our eyes.

Downloading the HEX Code

After compiling and simulating your code it’s time to download the code using the Microchip
PICKit2 programmer, connect the PICKit2 ICSP (Microchip In Circuit Serial Programming) port
to your PIC12F683 microcontroller pins then from the Programmer menu Select Programmer
-> PicKit2; You will get this following result on the output windows of the Microchip MPLAB IDE:
Now you are ready to download the HEX code by selecting the Program from the
Programmer menu:

Now you could enjoy you hard work by watching your first Microchip PIC12F683
microcontroller “Hello World” Assembly Programming:
The Final Thought
You should practicing all the steps mentioned on this tutorial, this will give you the feel of
building/prototyping the basic of Microchip PIC12F683 microcontroller project, Coding,
Compiling, Simulating and finally downloading the HEX code. I hope this will give you enough
fuel to gain more understanding to the code you just wrote on my second part of this tutorial.

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