Modal Verbs GRADE 6
Modal Verbs GRADE 6
Modal Verbs GRADE 6
Formas simples
Formas compuestas
La estructura que empleamos para expresar la posibilidad o imposibilidad,
conjetura, suposición, etc. en pasado es la compuesta:
- I told you it was quite far. You shouldn´t have gone on foot.
Te dije que estaba bastante lejos. No deberías haber ido a pie.
Modal Verbs expressing Obligation &
En ambos ejemplos el verbo modal have to se usa para expresar una obligación.
Pero no todos los niveles de obligación tienen la misma intensidad. Para expresar
diferentes Grados de Obligación, puedes utilizar los siguientes verbos modales:
- I must finish this today. (I would like to start working on the new
project tomorrow)
Debo terminar esto hoy. (Me gustaría comenzar a trabajar en el nuevo proyecto
Must sólo tiene presente, así que para el resto de los tiempos se usa have to.
- I must finish this today. (I would like to start working on the new
project tomorrow)
Debo terminar esto hoy. (Me gustaría comenzar a trabajar en el nuevo proyecto
- You don´t have to wash the dishes. (But if you want, you can)
No tienes que lavar los platos. (Pero si quieres, puedes)
- You don´t have to drive. There is a bus service. (But if you prefer
going by car, you can)
No hace falta que conduzcas. Hay servicio de autobús. (Pero si prefieres ir en
coche, puedes)
Mother: Well, look after it, please. You ___ lose it.
Mervyn: Come on. We ___ hurry. We ___ be late.
Isabel: It’s only ten past. We ___ hurry. We’ve got lots of time.
Teacher: No, you ___ go off on your own. I want you all
Natalie: No, you ___ put them in there. They might break. In
fact, we ___ wash them all. We didn’t use them.
B: Don’t you know cigarettes are bad for you? You ___ smoke.
A: I know. I ___ give it up. I ___ smoke but I can’t help it. I try to
forget about what it’s doing to me.
- Perhaps, Linda won't come to the party ---------> Linda might not
(mightn´t) come to the party.
1. Fill in the gaps using MAY – MIGHT in the correct form.
What´s in the
It might be Karen´s
brother. She said
he was coming.
… there might not
be any left.
It might be the
books I ordered
They might be in
my bag.
… she might be
2. It´s way past your bedtime and you look really tired. You ___ go
to bed.
a. ought to b. may c. shouldn´t
4. I know it´s crazy but I ___ leave the city if I don´t get the job.
a. must b. might c. have to
7. I ___ see you later if I finish my work, but I´m not sure about it.
a. may b. might c. should
13. You ___ clean the floor now; the cleaning lady can do it
a. mustn´t b. needn´t c. shouldn´t
2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence.
"My advice is that you shouldn't dress too casually" she said
to him.
“You ________________________________________________________________