Sanitarias Completo
Sanitarias Completo
Sanitarias Completo
C 20.56 33.714
F 18.42 76.01 0.2280 1.227731 0.0282 1.550 1.50 1.0769 2.5081 31.206 12.786
F 18.42 31.206
G 15.00 145.19 0.3542 0.3542 0.0236 1.002 1.00 0.6990 3.4529 27.753 12.753
V= 0.60
D= 0.01
Q= 0.08
F 18.42 31.206
LOTE = 5.47 I 15.58 45.66 0.0972 0.6456 0.0622 1.031 1 1.2741 3.3066 27.899 12.319
I 15.58 27.899
J 14.50 69 0.0972 0.0972 0.0157 0.667 0.5 0.7675 4.3798 23.519 9.019
L 0.4511 0.4511
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