Manual de Motor D4H Cat PDF
Manual de Motor D4H Cat PDF
Manual de Motor D4H Cat PDF
Desarmado y Armado
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Cubierta (1) está bajo la fuerza del resorte. Para evitar posibles lesiones
personales, retire con cuidado los tornillos (2) y la cubierta (1).
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2. Retire las juntas tóricas (3) y (4) de la cubierta.
3. Retire el conjunto de la válvula (5) de la tapa.
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5. Retire pistón (12) del manguito (10). Retire la arandela (15), conjunto de válvula (14) y la junta (13)
de pistón (12).
6. Retire el manguito (10) de la carcasa (7). Retire la junta tórica (11) de la manga.
7. Retire guía y conjunto de empuje (9) y la junta (8) de la carcasa (7).
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8. Retire los dos tornillos (16), la tapa (17) y la junta de la carcasa (7).
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2. Ponga combustible diesel limpio en el sello (19). Coloque el sello (19) en la posición en la cubierta
(17) como se muestra. Ponga la tapa (17) en la carcasa (7), e instale los tornillos que la sujetan.
Ver imagen
3. Ponga combustible diesel limpio en el sello (8). Coloque el sello (8) y la guía y el conjunto
empujador (9) en la posición de la cubierta (7).
4. Ponga combustible diesel limpio a la junta tórica (11). Coloque la junta tórica (11) en la posición en
la manga (10), e instalar la manga (10) en el alojamiento (7).
5. Instale el pistón (12) en el manguito (10).
6. Ponga combustible diesel limpio en el sello (13). Ponga el sello (13), conjunto de válvula (14) y la
arandela (15) en posición en el pistón (10).
Ver imagen
7. Ponga combustible diesel limpio en las juntas tóricas (3) y (4). Coloque las juntas tóricas y el
conjunto de la válvula (5) en la posición en la cubierta como se muestra.
Ver imagen
. Coloque el resorte (6) y la tapa (1) en su posición en la carcasa (7), e instalar los tornillos que las
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Desarmado y Armado
Número de medio -SENR3253-01 Fecha de publicación -01/09/1992 Fecha de actualización -20/07/2010
Instalar Bomba de Inyección en el Gobernador
SMCS - 1286-011; 1286-012
Ver imagen
Comience por:
1. Instale el capó del tractor y reinstale el conjunto de protección desde el lado derecho del motor.
La comparación se puede hacer entre las medidas de una pieza desgastada y las especificaciones de una
nueva parte para encontrar la cantidad de desgaste. Una parte que se usa puede ser seguro de usar si la
estimación del resto de su vida de servicio es buena. Si se espera una vida útil corta, reemplace la pieza.
Referencia: 3204 Ver Motor Vehicular, Formulario No. SENR2137, para los sistemas de operación, Prueba y
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El giro del cigüeñal (cuando se ve desde el extremo del volante)... anti horario
La rotación de la bomba de combustible del árbol de levas (cuando se ve desde el extremo de accionamiento
de la bomba)... anti horario
NOTA: El extremo delantero del motor es opuesto al lado del volante. No. 1 cilindro es el cilindro delantero.
Desarmado y Armado
SMCS - 1000-011; 1000-012
Retire el motor
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Comience por:
1. Quitar el radiator
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3. Afloje la abrazadera de la manguera (1). Quite los tornillos, la junta y el codo (2).
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5. Retire el perno (7) que contiene el clip y la manguera al tubo de filtro de aceite.
6. Afloje los tornillos que sujetan el tensor de la correa, y liberar la tensión de la correa en V (6).
Retire la correa en V de la polea del compresor de aire acondicionado.
7. Adjuntar una correa de nylon y el polipasto alrededor del compresor del aire acondicionado y el
soporte (5). Retire los dos pernos (8) y los dos tornillos en la parte trasera del soporte (5). Retire el
compresor del aire acondicionado y el soporte y los puso dentro de la cabina. No desconecte
cualquier línea del compresor del aire acondicionado.
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12. Retire el secador de aire acondicionado y el soporte (12) como una unidad desde el enfriador de
aceite del motor.
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13. Retire el tornillo y la abrazadera (14) que sujetan el arnés de cables al bastidor.
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17. Mazos de cables desconete (19) y (20).
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19. Desconectar las mangueras (21), (22), (23) y (24) de la bomba Hidráulica
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20. Retire los pernos y los paneles (25) y (27).
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23. Desconecte las mangueras (29) y (30) de la bomba de aceite del tren de fuerza.
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24. Desconecte la manguera (31) de la bomba de aceite del tren de fuerza.
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26. Desconectar la manguera (36) desde el convertidor de par.
27. Retire el resorte (35), y desconecte del extremo del vástago (37) de la palanca (34).
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29. Desconecte las líneas de combustible (44). Ponga tapas y tapones en todas las aberturas.
33. Retire el tornillo que sujeta el soporte (40) y el cable (41) en la carcasa del convertidor de par.
34. Retire el tornillo y la abrazadera (38) que sostiene el mazo de cables y el cable en el motor.
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Ver Imagen
35. Remove mounting bolt (45) from both sides of the engine.
36. Remove two bolts (48), and remove six bolts (46) that hold plate (47) in place.
37. Remove the caps and insulation panels (49) and (50).
38. Fasten a hoist and tooling (A) and (B) to the engine as shown.
39. Raise the engine with the hoist and remove plate (47).
40. Remove the engine from the machine. The weight of the engine is 1066 Kg (2350 lb).
Install Engine
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Ver imagen
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1. Fasten a hoist and tooling (A) and (B) to the engine as shown.
2. Put the engine in position in the machine. Put plate (47) in position and install six bolts (46).
3. Lower the engine on plate (47) and the rear mounts. Install two bolts (48), and mounting bolt (45) on both
sides of the engine.
4. Position insulation panels (49) and (50), and install the caps that hold them.
Ver imagen
5. Install the bolt and clip (38) that holds the wire harness and cable on the engine.
6. Position bracket (40) that holds cable (41) on the torque converter housing, and install the bolt that holds the
7. Connect wires (39) and cables (41) and (43) to the starting motor.
Ver imagen
10. Install lever (34) on the shaft, and tighten bolt (33).
11. Put rod end (37) in position on lever (34), and install the bolt that holds it in place.
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Ver imagen
15. Connect hose (31) to the power train oil pump.
Ver imagen
16. Connect hoses (29) and (30) to the power train oil pump.
Ver imagen
17. Put brackets (26) and (28) in position, and install the bolts that hold them in place.
18. Put panels (25) and (27) in position, and install the bolts that hold them in place.
Ver imagen
19. Connect hoses (21), (22), (23) and (24) to the implement pump.
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
21. Install the clip and bolt (15) that holds the hose to the panel.
22. Put brackets (16) and (17) in position, and install the bolts that hold them in place.
23. Put side panel (18) in position, and install the bolts that hold it in place.
Ver imagen
24. Install the bolt and clip (14) that hold the wire harness to the frame.
Ver imagen
25. Put the air conditioning dryer and bracket (12) as a unit on the engine oil cooler. Tighten the two bolts that
hold bracket (12) in place.
27. Install the bolt and clip (9) that hold hose (10) in place on the engine.
28. Install the bolt and clip (11) that hold the air conditioning hose in place on the engine.
Ver imagen
29. Use a nylon strap and hoist to position the air conditioning compressor and bracket (5) on the engine. Install
two bolts (8) and the two rear bolts that hold bracket (5) in place.
30. Position V-belt (6) on the air conditioning compressor pulley, the belt tightener pulley and the crankshaft
31. Use a belt tension gauge, such as a Burroughs BT-33-97 Gauge, to check the tension of the v-belt. The
gauge reading for a new belt should be 534 ± 22 N (120 ± 5 lb). The gauge reading for a used belt should be
400 ± 44 N (90 ± 10 lb). Tighten the two bolts that hold the belt tightener.
32. Install bolt (7) that holds the clip and hose to the oil filler tube.
Ver imagen
34. Make sure the gasket is in position, and put elbow (2) in position on the cylinder head assembly and hose.
35. Install the four bolts that hold elbow (2), and tighten hose clamp (1).
38. Fill the transmission and bevel gear with oil to the correct level. See the Maintenance Guide.
39. Fill the hydraulic tank with oil to the correct level. See the Maintenance Guide.
End By:
c. install radiator
This operation is in the Power Train Disassembly And Assembly manual.
Desarmado y Armado
SMCS - 1000-011; 1000-012
Remove Engine
Ver imagen
Start By:
a. remove radiator
This operation is in the Power Train Disassembly And Assembly section.
1. Turn off the fuel supply to the engine. Remove the muffler and air cleaner assembly.
Ver imagen
5. Remove bolt (1) that holds the wire harness to the frame.
7. Remove bolt (5) that holds cable (6) to the cylinder block.
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
12. Remove the bolt that holds clip (13) to the cylinder block.
Ver imagen
13. Remove bolts (15) and plate assemblies (14) from both sides of the machine.
Ver imagen
14. Disconnect fuel lines (16) and (17). Put plugs and caps on all of the openings.
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Ver imagen
16. Drain the oil from the transmission and bevel gear case.
17. Disconnect hoses (20) and (21) from the power train oil pump.
Ver imagen
Power Shift
Ver imagen
Direct Drive
18. Disconnect hoses (22) and (23) from the power train oil pump.
19. Disconnect hoses (24) and (25) from the torque converter on machines equipped with a power shift
20. Disconnect hoses (26) and (27) from the pump drive on machines equipped with a direct drive transmission.
Ver imagen
Power Shift
21. Disconnect hose (28) from the torque converter on machines equipped with a power shift transmission.
Ver imagen
22. Drain the oil from the hydraulic tank.
23. Disconnect hose assemblies (29) and (32) from the implement pump.
24. Remove bolts (30) and (31) that hold the brackets in position.
Ver imagen
25. Disconnect hose assemblies (33) and (35) from the implement pump.
Ver imagen
27. Remove bolt (37) that hold the hoses and bracket in place.
28. Disconnect hose (36) from the torque outlet relief valve on machines equipped with a power shift
Ver imagen
29. Fasten a hoist and tooling (A) and (B) to the engine as shown.
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
31. Remove bolt (38) and the four bolts that hold plate (39). Remove the plate and mounts.
32. Remove bolts (40) and (41), and remove support assembly (42) from each side of the engine. Remove the
engine from the machine. The weight of the engine is 850 kg (1875 lb).
Install Engine
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
1. Fasten a hoist and tooling (A) and (B) to the engine as shown.
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
2. Put the engine in position in the machine. Put the mounts and supports (2) in position on each side of the
engine, and install bolts (1) and (3).
3. Put the mount and plate (5) in position, and install bolt (4).
4. Tighten bolts (3) to a torque of 135 ± 15 N·m (100 ± 11 lb ft). Tighten bolts (1) and (4) to a torque of 215 ±
40 N·m (159 ± 30 lb ft).
Ver imagen
5. Connect hose (6) to the torque converter outlet relief valve on machines equipped with a power shift
6. Put the bracket in position, and install bolt (7) to hold it in place.
Ver imagen
7. Put the hoses and clips in position, and install bolt (9).
Ver imagen
10. Put brackets (12) and (13) in position, and install the bolts that hold them in place.
Ver imagen
Power Shift
11. Connect hose (15) to the torque converter on machine equipped with a power shift transmission.
Ver imagen
Direct Drive
Ver imagen
Power Shift
12. Connect hose assemblies (16) and (17) to the power train oil pump.
13. Connect hoses (18) and (19) to the pump drive on machine equipped with a direct drive transmission.
14. Connect hoses (20) and (21) to the torque converter on machines equipped with a power shift transmission.
Ver imagen
15. Connect hoses (22) and (23) to the power train oil pump.
Ver imagen
16. Put rod end (25) in position on lever (24), and install the bolt that holds it in place.
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
18. Put plate assemblies (28) in position on each side of the machine, and install bolts (29) to hold them in
Ver imagen
19. Put the wire harness and clips (32) in position, and install the bolt that holds them in place.
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
22. Put cable (34) and the clip in position, and install bolt (33).
23. Connect cables (34) and (36) and wires (35) and (37) to the starter.
Ver imagen
24. Put bracket (40) in position, and install the bolts that hold it.
27. Put the wire harness and clip in position, and install bolt (38).
End By:
b. install radiator
This operation is in the Power Train Disassembly And Assembly section.
Fluid Power and Electrical Graphic Symbols
Note: Use this module as a basic reference guide for graphic symbols. Do not use this module as a
comprehensive reference guide.
Line Identification
Ver imagen
Illustration 1 g01387054
(A) Pressure line
Valve Envelopes
Ver imagen
Illustration 2 g01345717
(G) One position
(H) Two-position
(J) Three-position
Ver imagen
Illustration 3 g01345911
(K) Vented
(L) Pressurized
Ver imagen
Illustration 4 g01819313
(P) Line crossing
Valve Ports
Ver imagen
Illustration 5 g01353004
(S) Two-way
(T) Three-way
Fluid Conditioners
Ver imagen
Illustration 6 g01353011
(V) Filter or strainer
Ver imagen
Illustration 7 g01386985
Ver imagen
Illustration 8 g01386986
Filter separators
Ver imagen
Illustration 9 g01819355
(AA) Pump or motor
(AB) Fluid conditioner
(AD) Spring
(AE) Restriction
(1) Main
(2) Auxiliary
(AK) Variability
Ver imagen
Illustration 10 g01819393
Energy triangles
(AL) Hydraulic
(AM) Pneumatic
Ver imagen
Illustration 11 g01819413
(AN) Pressure
(AP) Temperature
(AS) Flow
Ver imagen
Illustration 12 g01819434
(AT) Unidirectional
(AU) Bidirectional
Pilot Control Symbols
Ver imagen
Illustration 13 g01820233
Released pressure
Ver imagen
Illustration 14 g01820235
Remote supply pressure
(AX) Simplified
(AY) Complete
Ver imagen
Illustration 15 g01820255
(BA) Push-pull lever
(BC) Pedal
(BE) Spring
Ver imagen
Illustration 16 g01353246
(BG) Spring loaded
Combination Controls
Ver imagen
Illustration 17 g01820273
(BJ) Solenoid or manual
Ver imagen
Illustration 18 g01629934
(CP) Connector (Mechanical Stop)
Electrical Controls
Ver imagen
Illustration 19 g01353280
(BM) Solenoid
Miscellaneous Controls
Ver imagen
Illustration 20 g01820293
(BN) Servo
(BP) Thermal
(BR) Detent
Ver imagen
Illustration 21 g01353333
Single acting
Ver imagen
Illustration 22 g01387001
Double acting
Hydraulic Pumps
Ver imagen
Illustration 23 g01820296
Fixed displacement
(BU) Unidirectional
(BV) Bidirectional
Ver imagen
Illustration 24 g01820298
Variable displacement
(BW) Unidirectional
Hydraulic Motors
Ver imagen
Illustration 25 g01820313
Fixed displacement
(BZ) Unidirectional
(CA) Bidirectional
Ver imagen
Illustration 26 g01820314
Variable displacement
(CB) Unidirectional
(CC) Bidirectional
Shutoff Valves
Ver imagen
Illustration 27 g01820321
(CD) Basic symbols
Ver imagen
Illustration 28 g01353434
(CF) Basic symbol
Internal Passageways
Ver imagen
Illustration 29 g01820338
(CH) Infinite position
(CK) Three-position
Ver imagen
Illustration 30 g01358506
(7) Inlet (X psi)
Control Valves
Ver imagen
Illustration 31 g01820466
(CL) Normal position
Ver imagen
Illustration 32 g01358688
(9) 45 L/min (12 US gpm)
Ver imagen
Illustration 33 g01358901
(12) Three-position four-way open centered motor spool and pilot controlled directional controlled valve
(13) Combination crossover relief valve and makeup valve (24000 kPa (3500 psi))
(24) Tank
Fluid Power and Electrical Graphic Symbols
Note: Use this module as a basic reference guide for graphic symbols. Do not use this module as a
comprehensive reference guide.
Ver imagen
Illustration 1 g01390407
(A) Solenoid
(B) Motor
(C) Battery
(F) Fuse
(G) Backlight
(H) Potentiometer
(J) Ground
(K) Resistor
(L) Alternator
(M) Gauge
(R) Starter
Ver imagen
Illustration 2 g01390733
(S) Disconnect switch
Ver imagen
Illustration 3 g01390734
(AB) Pressure resistor
Wire Coloring
Red ... RD
White ... WH
Orange ... OR
Yellow ... YL
Pink ... PK
Black ... BK
Gray ... GY
Purple ... PU
Brown ... BR
Green ... GN
Blue ... BU
Wire Identification
Ver imagen
Illustration 4 g01409811
Old format
Ver imagen
Illustration 5 g01409813
New format
Ver imagen
Illustration 6 g01409816
Old format
Ver imagen
Illustration 7 g01409817
New format
Ver imagen
Illustration 8 g03212180
Old format
Illustration 9 g03212181
New format
Note: "H" is the harness identification, "C" stands for the connector, and "P/N" is the receptacle connector part
Ver imagen
Illustration 10 g03212377
Old format
(AM) Splice
Ver imagen
Illustration 11 g03212379
New format
(AM) Splice
Información general
SMCS - 7553
Las piezas de tornillería mal combinados o incorrectos pueden dar como
resultado daños, desperfectos o lesiones personales
Este manual está destinado a proporcionar una referencia para el operador. Este manual proporcionará los
ajustes de par de apriete estándar para lo siguiente: pernos, tuercas, tapones, conexiones y abrazaderas.
Esté seguro de utilizar una llave dinamométrica que tenga la gama apropiada. Hay que utilizar las llaves
dinamométricas apropiadamente para asegurarse de aplicar el par de apriete correcto. Utilice siempre un
movimiento uniforme para las llaves dinamométricas. No aplique movimientos de sacudida a una llave
dinamométrica. No utilice adaptadores que cambien la longitud de la llave dinamométrica. Para el uso correcto
de su llave dinamométrica, vea las instrucciones que se incluyen en el empaque de su llave dinamométrica. Para
más información sobre el uso correcto de las llaves dinamométricas, vea la Publicación Especial, SEBV0516,
"Una introducción al par de apriete".
Antes de instalar cualquier tornillería asegúrese de que los componentes estén en buenas condiciones. Los
pernos y las roscas no pueden estar desgastados ni dañados. Las roscas no deben tener rebabas ni melladuras. La
tornillería tiene que estar libre de herrumbre y corrosión. Limpie la tornillería que se vaya a reutilizar con un
limpiador no corrosivo. Lubrique ligeramente las roscas de la tornillería que se vaya a reutilizar. Lubrique
ligeramente la superficie de contacto de la cabeza de la tornillería que se vaya a reutilizar. Otras aplicaciones
para la lubricación de la tornillería también pueden ser especificadas en el Manual de Servicio. El Manual de
Servicio puede especificar también el uso de sellantes y otros compuestos.
Nota: No utilice sellantes que no estén especificados en el Manual de Servicio. No utilice compuestos que
no estén especificados en el Manual de Servicio. Limpie los compuestos viejos que permanezcan en el
perno y en el agujero antes de hacer la instalación.
Par-vuelta adicional
El método de par-vuelta adicional se utiliza cuando se requiere un control preciso sobre la fuerza de sujeción.
Hay un par de apriete inicial y una vuelta adicional. Se requiere un par de apriete inicial para poner todos los
elementos de la unión en contacto. La vuelta adicional proporciona la fuerza de sujeción deseada. Asegúrese de
que toda la tornillería haya sido apretada antes de efectuar las vueltas adicionales. Gire la tornillería de acuerdo
con la cantidad especificada. La cantidad especificada será normalmente igual o mayor de 90°. La cantidad
especificada será normalmente en incrementos de 30°. Se prefieren vueltas de 120° o 180°. Las vueltas de 120°
o 180° se miden fácilmente por los puntos de la cabeza hexagonal de la tornillería. Se puede especificar
lubricación para reducir el esfuerzo que se requiere para la vuelta final. El uso del método de par-vuelta
adicional permitirá lo siguiente:
Pernos de cadena
Pernos de la rueda motriz
Pernos de bielas
Culatas de motor
Pernos del eje motriz
Nota: Demasiada tensión en el perno causará que éste se estire más allá del punto de deformación. El perno
quedará estirado permanentemente. El perno aflojará su agarre en las piezas que se están sujetando. Si el perno
se aprieta otra vez, se partirá. No reutilice los pernos que han sido deformados permanentemente.
Secuencia de apriete
A menos que se especifique la secuencia de apriete de los pernos en el Manual de Servicio, la tornillería se debe
apretar en un patrón cruzado. Utilice los Pasos 1 a 5 a menos que se especifique la secuencia de apriete:
1. Apriete a mano toda la tornillería. La tornillería más grande puede requerir el uso de una pequeña llave
4. Apriete toda la tornillería al par total utilizando un patrón cruzado. Las bridas grandes pueden requerir
pasadas adicionales.
5. Aplique al menos un par de apriete completo final a toda la tornillería hacia la derecha hasta que todo el
apriete sea uniforme. Las bridas grandes pueden requerir pasadas adicionales.
Ver imagen
Ilustración 1 g00909614
Nota: La siguiente tabla incluye los valores de par de apriete estándar recomendados para tuercas y pernos
métricos que se utilizan en todos los equipos Caterpillar y motores Mitsubishi.
Tabla 1
Tamaño de la rosca
Par de apriete
28 ± 7 N·m (250 ± 62 lb pulg)
55 ± 10 N·m (41 ± 7 lb pie)
100 ± 20 N·m (75 ± 15 lb pie)
160 ± 30 N·m (120 ± 22 lb pie)
240 ± 40 N·m (175 ± 30 lb pie)
460 ± 60 N·m (340 ± 44 lb pie)
800 ± 100 N·m (590 ± 75 lb pie)
1600 ± 200 N·m (1180 ± 150 lb pie)
2800 ± 350 N·m (2060 ± 260 lb pie)
Nota: La siguiente tabla incluye los valores de par de apriete estándar recomendados para tuercas y pernos
métricos que se usan en motores Perkins.
Tabla 2
Tamaño de la rosca
Par de apriete
5 N·m (44 lb pulg)
22 N·m (195 lb pulg)
44 N·m (32 lb pie)
78 N·m (60 lb pie)
124 N·m (90 lb pie)
177 N·m (130 lb pie)
200 N·m (150 lb pie)
400 N·m (300 lb pie)
790 N·m (580 lb pie)
Nota: La diferencia entre los valores de par de apriete estándar de Caterpillar y de Perkins se debe a diferentes
clases de tornillería. Caterpillar usa tornillería de clase 10,9. Perkins usa tornillería de clase 8,8. Las diferentes
clases de tornillería poseen distintas intensidades de tensión.
Tabla 3
Tamaño de la rosca
Par de apriete
8 ± 3 N·m (71 ± 27 lb pulg)
17 ± 5 N·m (150 ± 44 lb pulg)
35 ± 5 N·m (26 ± 4 lb pie)
65 ± 10 N·m (48 ± 7 lb pie)
110 ± 20 N·m (80 ± 15 lb pie)
170 ± 30 N·m (125 ± 22 lb pie)
400 ± 60 N·m (300 ± 44 lb pie)
750 ± 80 N·m (550 ± 60 lb pie)
1200 ± 150 N·m (880 ± 110 lb pie)
Nota: La siguiente tabla incluye los valores de par de apriete estándar recomendados para los prisioneros de
traba métricos que se usan en los motores Perkins.
Tabla 4
Tamaño de la rosca
Par de apriete
5 N·m (44 lb pulg)
11 N·m (97 lb pulg)
18 N·m (160 lb pulg)
25 N·m (220 lb pulg)
Ver imagen
Ilustración 2 g00908932
Tabla 5
Tamaño de la rosca
Par de apriete
0,10 ± 0,01 N·m (0,9 ± 0,1 lb pulg)
0,15 ± 0,01 N·m (1,3 ± 0,1 lb pulg)
0,35 ± 0,05 N·m (3,1 ± 0,4 lb pulg)
0,50 ± 0,05 N·m (4,4 ± 0,4 lb pulg)
1,70 ± 0,25 N·m (15 ± 2,2 lb pulg)
2,25 ± 0,25 N·m (19,9 ± 2,2 lb pulg)
Ver imagen
Ilustración 3 g01186742
Tabla 6
Tamaño de la rosca
Par de apriete
.6 ± .1 N·m (5 ± 0,9 lb pulg)
2 ± .3 N·m (18 ± 3 lb pulg)
4 ± .5 N·m (35 ± 4 lb pulg)
6 ± 1 N·m (55 ± 9 lb pulg)
15 ± 2 N·m (135 ± 18 lb pulg)
30 ± 7 N·m (265 ± 62 lb pulg)
50 ± 10 N·m (37 ± 7 lb pie)
80 ± 15 N·m (60 ± 11 lb pie)
125 ± 20 N·m (90 ± 15 lb pie)
250 ± 40 N·m (185 ± 30 lb pie)
425 ± 50 N·m (310 ± 37 lb pie)
850 ± 100 N·m (620 ± 75 lb pie)
1500 ± 200 N·m (1100 ± 150 lb pie)
Diversos tipos de pernos aseguran las herramientas de corte (G.E.T.). Consulte la Tabla 1 para conocer el par de
apriete correcto para las siguientes combinaciones de tornillería de la herramienta de corte:
Tabla 1
Ver imagen
Ilustración 1 g00909058
Vista de un perno ranurado típico
Los pernos ranurados se deben instalar correctamente. Consulte el siguiente procedimiento para conocer la
instalación correcta de pernos ranurados.
1. Limpie todas las superficies que tienen contacto con el perno. Evite las siguientes condiciones:óxido,
pintura, melladuras y rebabas
2. Apriete la tuerca al par de apriete correcto. Consulte la Tabla 1 para obtener el par de apriete correcto.
3. Use un martillo para golpear la cabeza del perno. El perno se debe golpear con una fuerza considerable.
Nota: La cabeza del perno puede estar hundido debajo de la superficie de montaje. Use un punzón
adecuado para transferir el golpe del martillo a la cabeza del perno.
4. Apriete la tuerca al par de apriete correcto. Consulte la Tabla 1 para conocer el par de apriete correcto.
Nota: La secuencia de apriete de los adaptadores roscados con la que se conecta un conjunto de tubo o de
manguera a la máquina es fundamental para el funcionamiento apropiado de la máquina. Las superficies de
sellado del conjunto de tubo o de manguera deben ajustarse con precisión. Las superficies de sellado del
conjunto de tubo o de manguera deben apretarse al componente que recibe el servicio (válvula de control,
cilindro, motor hidráulico, etc.). Realice este procedimiento antes del apriete final de cualquier abrazadera o
presilla que se use para ajustar el tubo o la manguera a la máquina.
Las conexiones tienen diferentes uniones. Las conexiones pueden tener dos extremos diferentes. Asegúrese de
apretar al par apropiado el extremo de la conexión que se usa. La siguiente lista contiene algunos tipos comunes
de conexiones.
No se deben quitar las tapas y los tapones de protección hasta que el conector esté listo para armarse. Todas las
superficies de sellado deben estar libres de contaminación y daños. Si un conector está dañado antes o después
del armado, se debe reemplazar.
Ver imagen
Ilustración 1 g02724217
2. Instale los pernos y apriete con la mano uniformemente para mantener un espacio mínimo entre las
3. Coloque la manguera en una posición que no haga contacto con la máquina o con otra manguera.
4. Apriete a uno de los valores de par de armado para los pernos utilizado en la ilustración 1 para lograr
una secuencia de apriete apropiada de las diversas conexiones de brida.
5. Arranque el motor.
Nota: Para las mangueras que cruzan un enganche de articulación, revise para ver si hay contacto
durante la articulación. Para las mangueras que se conectan al sistema de dirección, revise para ver si
hay contacto durante la operación de la dirección.
8. Apague el motor.
9. Si la manguera hace contacto con otras mangueras o con la máquina durante la prueba, afloje los pernos
y reubique la manguera. Repita los pasos 3 al 8 hasta que no haya ningún contacto.
Ver imagen
Ilustración 2 g01848653
Conjunto de cuerpo de codo
(3) Contratuerca
2. Coloque el conjunto de conexión en la posición correcta. Afloje la conexión (2) hasta que se logre la
posición correcta de armado. No afloje la conexión más de 360 grados. Instale el tubo o la manguera y
apriete con la mano para verificar la orientación de la conexión. Apriete la conexión (2) al par que se
indica en la tabla correspondiente a la conexión utilizada. Apriete la contratuerca (3) al par que se indica
en la tabla correspondiente a la conexión utilizada. Use una llave de respaldo cuando se aprieta la
Nota: Si la conexión no es ajustable, la tuerca hexagonal del cuerpo reemplaza la contratuerca. Para instalar
este tipo de conexión, apriete la tuerca hexagonal contra la superficie de la pieza en contacto.
El apriete excesivo de los conectores puede causar fallas. Los conectores que no están suficientemente
apretados también pueden causar fallas. Se pueden producir las siguientes fallas:
El apriete excesivo puede expandir un casquillo flojo en la tuerca. Esto causará que el casquillo se trabe
en la tuerca y la tuerca no funcione correctamente.
El apriete excesivo puede rajar la tuerca en el extremo del tubo o puede rajar el casquillo.
El apriete excesivo puede excoriar o romper las roscas de la tuerca.
Nota: Si se producen las condiciones anteriores debido a un exceso de apriete, el conector de fluido dañado
debe desecharse y se deben reemplazar los conectores de fluido.
Ver imagen
Ilustración 1 g00911924
Nota: Para conocer los pares de los tapones, consulte Especificaciones, "Tapones".
Nota: Las conexiones de sello anular de rosca recta para uso de presión media tendrán extremos roscados más
cortos que las conexiones para presión alta. El valor de par para las conexiones de sello anular de rosca recta
para presión media será más bajo que los valores de par que se requieren para las conexiones de sello anular de
rosca recta para presión alta.
Tabla 1
Conexión de sello anular con rosca recta ferrosa
Pares para el acoplamiento con materiales ferrosos
Conexiones para el uso de presión media
Tamaño de rosca
Diámetro exterior nominal del tubo Par de apriete estándar
5/16 - 24
3,18 mm (0,125") 10 ± 2 N·m (89 ± 18 lb-pulg)
3/8 - 24
4,76 mm (0,188 pulg) 13 ± 2 N·m (115 ± 18 lb-pulg)
7/16 - 20
6,35 mm (0,250 pulg) 30 ± 5 N·m (266 ± 44 lb-pulg)
1/2 - 20
7,94 mm (0,312 pulg) 30 ± 5 N·m (266 ± 44 lb-pulg)
9/16 - 18
9,52 mm (0,375 pulg) 40 ± 6 N·m (30 ± 4 lb-pie)
3/4 - 16
12,70 mm (0,500 pulg) 80 ± 12 N·m (59 ± 9 lb-pie)
7/8 - 14
15,88 mm (0,625 pulg) 110 ± 17 N·m (81 ± 13 lb-pie)
1 1/16 - 12
19,05 mm (0,750 pulg) 130 ± 20 N·m (96 ± 15 lb-pie)
1 3/16 - 12
22,22 mm (0,875 pulg) 200 ± 30 N·m (148 ± 22 lb-pie)
1 5/16 - 12
25,40 mm (1,000 pulg) 180 ± 27 N·m (133 ± 20 lb-pie)
1 5/8 - 12
31,75 mm (1,250 pulg) 300 ± 45 N·m (221 ± 33 lb-pie)
1 7/8 - 12
38,10 mm (1,500 pulg.) 350 ± 53 N·m (258 ± 39 lb-pie)
2 1/2 - 12
50,80 mm (2,000 pulg) 420 ± 63 N·m (310 ± 46 lb-pie)
Nota: Use el 50 % de los valores de par de la tabla 1 cuando el material de la conexión o el orificio no sea
Nota: Las conexiones de sello anular de rosca recta para uso de presión alta tendrán extremos roscados más
largos que las conexiones para presión media. El valor de par para las conexiones de sello anular de rosca recta
para presión alta será más alto que los valores de par que se requieren para las conexiones de sello anular de
rosca recta para presión media.
Tabla 2
Conexiones de sello anular con rosca recta ferrosa
Pares para el acoplamiento con materiales ferrosos
Conexiones para uso de alta presión
Tamaño de rosca
Diámetro exterior nominal del tubo Par de apriete estándar
3/8 - 24
4,76 mm (0,188 pulg) 20 ± 3 N·m (177 ± 27 lb-pulg)
7/16 - 20
6,35 mm (0,250 pulg) 30 ± 5 N·m (266 ± 44 lb-pulg)
1/2 - 20
7,94 mm (0,312 pulg) 45 ± 7 N·m (33 ± 5 lb-pie)
9/16 - 18
9,52 mm (0,375 pulg) 55 ± 8 N·m (41 ± 6 lb-pie)
3/4 - 16
12,7 mm (0,500 pulg) 100 ± 15 N·m (74 ± 11 lb-pie)
7/8 - 14
15,88 mm (0,625 pulg) 140 ± 21 N·m (103 ± 15 lb-pie)
1 1/16 - 12
19,05 mm (0,750 pulg) 220 ± 33 N·m (162 ± 24 lb-pie)
1 3/16 - 12
22,22 mm (0,875 pulg) 260 ± 39 N·m (192 ± 29 lb-pie)
1 5/16 - 12
25,40 mm (1,000 pulg) 350 ± 53 N·m (258 ± 39 lb-pie)
1 5/8 - 12
31,75 mm (1,250 pulg) 400 ± 60 N·m (295 ± 44 lb-pie)
1 7/8 - 12
38,10 mm (1,500 pulg.) 420 ± 63 N·m (310 ± 46 lb-pie)
2 1/2 - 12
50,80 mm (2,000 pulg) 500 ± 75 N·m (369 ± 55 lb-pie)
Nota: Use el 50 % de los valores de par de la tabla 2 cuando el material de la conexión o el orificio no sea
Tabla 3
Conexiones de sello anular con rosca recta métrica ferrosa
Pares para el acoplamiento con materiales ferrosos
Conexiones para el uso de presión media
Diámetro exterior nominal de referencia del tubo Par
4 mm M8 X 1
10 ± 2 N·m (89 ± 18 lb-pulg)
5 mm M10 X 1
17 ± 3 N·m (150 ± 27 lb-pulg)
6 mm M12 X 1,5
30 ± 5 N·m (266 ± 44 lb-pulg)
8 mm M14 X 1,5
35 ± 5 N·m (26 ± 4 lb-pie)
10 mm M16 X 1,5
45 ± 7 N·m (33 ± 5 lb-pie)
12 mm M18 X 1,5
50 ± 8 N·m (37 ± 6 lb-pie)
16 mm M22 X 1,5
80 ± 12 N·m (59 ± 9 lb-pie)
20 mm M27 X 2
120 ± 18 N·m (89 ± 13 lb-pie)
22 mm M30 X 2
160 ± 24 N·m (118 ± 18 lb-pie)
25 mm M33 X 2
180 ± 27 N·m (133 ± 20 lb-pie)
30 mm M42 X 2
260 ± 39 N·m (192 ± 29 lb-pie)
38 mm M48 X 2
300 ± 45 N·m (221 ± 33 lb-pie)
50 mm M60 X 2
350 ± 53 N·m (258 ± 39 lb-pie)
Nota: Use el 50 % de los valores de par de la tabla 3 cuando el material de la conexión o el orificio no sea
Tabla 4
Diámetro exterior nominal de referencia del tubo Par
5 mm M10 X 1
20 ± 3 N·m (177 ± 27 lb-pulg)
6 mm M12 X 1,5
40 ± 6 N·m (30 ± 4 lb-pie)
8 mm M14 X 1,5
50 ± 8 N·m (37 ± 6 lb-pie)
10 mm M16 X 1,5
60 ± 9 N·m (44 ± 7 lb-pie)
12 mm M18 X 1,5
80 ± 12 N·m (59 ± 9 lb-pie)
16 mm M22 X 1,5
140 ± 21 N·m (103 ± 15 lb-pie)
20 mm M27 X 2
220 ± 33 N·m (162 ± 24 lb-pie)
22 mm M30 X 2
260 ± 39 N·m (192 ± 29 lb-pie)
25 mm M33 X 2
350 ± 53 N·m (258 ± 39 lb-pie)
30 mm M42 X 2
400 ± 60 N·m (295 ± 44 lb-pie)
38 mm M48 X 2
420 ± 63 N·m (310 ± 46 lb-pie)
50 mm M60 X 2
500 ± 75 N·m (369 ± 55 lb-pie)
Nota: Use el 50 % de los valores de par de la tabla 4 cuando el material de la conexión o el orificio no sea
SMCS - 7553
Ver imagen
Ilustración 1 g00911999
Tabla 1
Tapón de sello anular con rosca recta ferrosa
Pares para el acoplamiento con materiales ferrosos
Tamaño de rosca
Par del tapón hexagonal interno Par del tapón hexagonal externo
7 ± 1 N·m (62 ± 9 lb-pulg) 13 ± 2 N·m (115 ± 18 lb-pulg)
13 ± 2 N·m (115 ± 18 lb-pulg) 20 ± 3 N·m (177 ± 27 lb-pulg)
20 ± 3 N·m (177 ± 27 lb-pulg) 40 ± 6 N·m (30 ± 4 lb-pie)
25 ± 4 N·m (221 ± 35 lb-pulg) 45 ± 7 N·m (33 ± 5 lb-pie)
45 ± 7 N·m (33 ± 5 lb-pie) 60 ± 9 N·m (44 ± 7 lb-pie)
80 ± 12 N·m (59 ± 9 lb-pie) 100 ± 15 N·m (74 ± 11 lb-pie)
110 ± 17 N·m (81 ± 13 lb-pie) 130 ± 20 N·m (96 ± 15 lb-pie)
1 1/16
180 ± 27 N·m (133 ± 20 lb-pie) 220 ± 33 N·m (162 ± 24 lb-pie)
1 3/16
220 ± 33 N·m (162 ± 24 lb-pie) 260 ± 39 N·m (192 ± 29 lb-pie)
1 5/16
300 ± 45 N·m (221 ± 33 lb-pie) 350 ± 53 N·m (258 ± 39 lb-pie)
1 5/8
350 ± 53 N·m (258 ± 39 lb-pie) 400 ± 60 N·m (295 ± 44 lb-pie)
1 7/8
420 ± 63 N·m (310 ± 46 lb-pie) 420 ± 63 N·m (310 ± 46 lb-pie)
2 1/2
500 ± 75 N·m (369 ± 55 lb-pie) 500 ± 75 N·m (369 ± 55 lb-pie)
Nota: Use el 50 % de los valores de par de la tabla 1 cuando el material de la conexión o el orificio no sea
Tabla 2
Tapón de sello anular con rosca recta ferrosa métrica
Pares para el acoplamiento con materiales ferrosos
Tamaño de rosca
Par del tapón hexagonal interno Par del tapón hexagonal externo
Metric (Sistema métrico)
10 ± 2 N·m (89 ± 18 lb-pulg) 10 ± 2 N·m (89 ± 18 lb-pulg)
17 ± 3 N·m (150 ± 27 lb-pulg) 20 ± 3 N·m (177 ± 27 lb-pulg)
25 ± 4 N·m (221 ± 35 lb-pulg) 35 ± 5 N·m (26 ± 4 lb-pie)
45 ± 7 N·m (33 ± 5 lb-pie) 45 ± 7 N·m (33 ± 5 lb-pie)
55 ± 8 N·m (41 ± 6 lb-pie) 55 ± 8 N·m (41 ± 6 lb-pie)
70 ± 11 N·m (52 ± 8 lb-pie) 90 ± 13 N·m (66 ± 10 lb-pie)
80 ± 12 N·m (59 ± 9 lb-pie) 110 ± 17 N·m (81 ± 13 lb-pie)
100 ± 15 N·m (74 ± 11 lb-pie) 130 ± 20 N·m (96 ± 15 lb-pie)
180 ± 27 N·m (133 ± 20 lb-pie) 220 ± 33 N·m (162 ± 24 lb-pie)
220 ± 33 N·m (162 ± 24 lb-pie) 260 ± 39 N·m (192 ± 29 lb-pie)
300 ± 45 N·m (221 ± 33 lb-pie) 350 ± 53 N·m (258 ± 39 lb-pie)
350 ± 53 N·m (258 ± 39 lb-pie) 400 ± 60 N·m (295 ± 44 lb-pie)
420 ± 63 N·m (310 ± 46 lb-pie) 420 ± 63 N·m (310 ± 46 lb-pie)
500 ± 75 N·m (369 ± 55 lb-pie) 500 ± 75 N·m (369 ± 55 lb-pie)
Nota: Use el 50 % de los valores de par de la tabla 2 cuando el material de la conexión o el orificio no sea
Ver imagen
Ilustración 2 g01848045
Nota: El tapón (A), el tapón (B) y el tapón (C) se usan con una empaquetadura. En el tapón de sello cónico (D),
no se usa una empaquetadura.
Tabla 3
Tamaño de rosca
Tipo de tapón Par
1/2 - 13
20 ± 3 N·m (177 ± 27 lb-pulg)
5/8 - 11
35 ± 5 N·m (26 ± 4 lb-pie)
3/4 - 12
3/4 - 16 50 ± 8 N·m (37 ± 6 lb-pie)
7/8 - 14
1 1/8 - 12 70 ± 11 N·m (52 ± 8 lb-pie)
1 5/16 - 12
1 1/2 - 12 90 ± 13 N·m (66 ± 10 lb-pie)
2 - 12
130 ± 20 N·m (96 ± 15 lb-pie)
1 1/8 - 12
70 ± 11 N·m (52 ± 8 lb-pie)
1 5/16 - 12
90 ± 13 N·m (66 ± 10 lb-pie)
1/2 - 20
13 ± 2 N·m (115 ± 18 lb-pulg)
7/8 -14
55 ± 8 N·m (41 ± 6 lb-pie)
1 3/8 -13
90 ± 13 N·m (66 ± 10 lb-pie)
1 1/2 - 12
110 ± 17 N·m (81 ± 13 lb-pie)
Nota: Use el 50 % de los valores de par de la tabla 3 cuando el material de la conexión o el orificio no sea
Ver imagen
(3) Friction disc (behind plate). Put new disc in kerosene for 24 hours before installation. Tighten nut only
enough so control lever (1) does not slip when the engine is at high idle.
2. Adjust cable ends (2) and (7) so control lever (1) is also in SHUTOFF position [approximately 5 mm (.2 in.)
from end of slot].
Ver imagen
Decelerator Control Group
1. Decelerator pedal. 2. Decelerator rpm bolt.
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
D4H Governor Control Linkage
1. Housing. 2. Governor control knob. 3. Governor lever. 4. Stop bolt. 5. Stop bolt. 6. Rod assembly. 7. Spring. 8. Lever. 9. Rod. 10.
Lever. C. Angle (governor at high idle position). D. Angle (governor at shut-off position).
Torque for all 3/8 locknuts (jam nuts) that hold the rod ends in place on the rods 14 ± 4 N·m (10 ± 3 lb. ft.)
NOTE: All rod assembly measurements must be made in a straight line between the centerlines of the rod end
mounting holes.
(6) Assembled length of rod assembly ... 400 ± 1 mm (15.75 ± .04 in.)
2. Move governor lever (3) to HIGH IDLE position and install spring (7).
3. Move governor lever (3) to SHUTOFF position (vertical) and adjust stop bolt (5) to contact governor lever
(3). Back stop bolt (5) off one turn and lock.
4. Position lever (10) on splined governor shaft to angle (D) (SHUTOFF position) of 35 ± 5° forward of
5. With both lever (3) and lever (10) in SHUTOFF position, adjust the length of rod (9) to obtain a free fit of
bolt in lever (8).
6. Start the engine and move governor lever (3) to HIGH IDLE position. When the correct HIGH IDLE setting
according to the FUEL SETTING AND RELATED INFORMATION FICHE is obtained, adjust high idle stop
bolt (4) to contact governor lever (3). Back stop bolt (4) off one turn and lock.
Ver imagen
D5H Governor Control Linkage
1. Housing. 2. Governor control knob. 3. Governor lever. 4. Stop bolt. 5. Stop bolt. 6. Rod assembly. Spring. 8. Lever. 9. Rod. 10.
Lever. C. Angle (governor at high idle position). D. Angle (governor at shut-off position).
NOTE: All rod assembly measurements must be made in a straight line between the centerlines of the rod end
mounting holes.
(6) Assembled length of rod assembly ... 400 ± 1 mm (15.75 ± .04 in.)
2. Move governor lever (3) to HIGH IDLE position and install spring (7).
3. Move governor lever (3) to SHUTOFF position (vertical) and adjust stop bolt (5) to contact governor lever
(3). Back stop bolt (5) off one turn and lock.
4. Position lever (10) on splined governor shaft to angle (D) (SHUTOFF position) of 10 ± 5° forward of
5. With both lever (3) and lever (10) in SHUTOFF position, adjust the length of rod (9) to obtain a free fit of
bolt in lever (8).
6. Start the engine and move governor lever (3) to HIGH IDLE position. When the correct HIGH IDLE setting
according to the FUEL SETTING AND RELATED INFORMATION FICHE is obtained, adjust high idle stop
bolt (4) to contact governor lever (3). Back stop bolt (4) off one turn and lock.
Delco Remy
Cranking Motors
30-MT, 35-MT, 40-MT, 50-MT Series
Ver imagen
The heavy duty cranking motors covered in this bulletin have a shift lever and solenoid plunger that are totally
enclosed to protect them from exposure to dirt, icing conditions and splash. The nose housing can be rotated to
obtain a number of different solenoid positions with respect to the mounting flange, which is a feature that
makes these motors universally adaptable to a wide variety of different mounting applications.
Positive lubrication is provided to the bronze bushings by an oil saturated wick that projects through the
bushings and contacts the armature shaft. Oil can be added to each wick by removing a pipe plug which is
accessible on the outside of the motor.
Available as an optional feature are oil reservoirs for the bronze bearings which makes available a larger oil
supply thereby extending the time required between lubrication periods. Another optional feature is "O" rings
which can be added to resist entry of dirt and moisture into the entire motor assembly. When the oil reservoirs
and "O" rings are included, the motor will provide long periods of attention-free operation.
Many models feature a seal between the shaft and lever housing and all models have a rubber boot or linkage
seal over the solenoid plunger. The seal and the boot, when used together, prevent entry of oil into the motor
main frame and solenoid case, allowing the motor to be used on wet clutch applications.
Four kinds of clutches, a heavy duty sprag, a Positork drive, an intermediate duty type and a splined drive, may
be used with enclosed heavy duty type cranking motors. All four types are moved into mesh with the ring gear
by the action of the solenoid. The pinion remains engaged until starting is assured and the solenoid circuit is
interrupted. In case of a butt engagement with the heavy duty sprag clutch or Positork drive, the motor will not
be energized to prevent damage to the pinion and gear teeth. The spline drive is normally used on gas turbine
applications, and can be engaged into the turbine spline gear before the turbine gear has coasted to a stop.
Ver imagen
Figure 2-Cross-sectional view of motor with DR-250 heavy duty drive (50-MT). (Some models use heavy duty sprag clutch illustrated
in Figures 14 and 15.)
Under normal operating conditions, no maintenance will be required between engine overhaul periods. At time
of engine overhaul, motors should be disassembled, inspected, cleaned, and tested as described in succeeding
Two methods are employed to attach the nose housing to the lever housing. As shown in the cross-sectional
views of Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4, one method attaches the nose housing to the lever housing by means
of bolts located around the outside of the housing. To relocate the housing, it is only necessary to remove the
bolts, rotate the housing to the desired position, and reinstall the bolts. The bolts should be torqued to 13-17 lb.
ft. during reassembly. In this type of assembly, the lever housing and the commutator end frame are attached to
the field frame independently by bolts entering threaded holes in the field frame.
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
Figure 4-Cross-sectional view of motor with intermediate duty clutch. (35-MT) Note different attaching bolt construction than Figure
Ver imagen
Figure 5-Cross-sectional view of motor with intermediate duty clutch. Note different attaching bolt construction than Figure 4.
To accomplish this, remove the electrical connector and the screws attaching the solenoid assembly to the field
frame and then remove the thru-bolts from the commutator end frame. Separate the field frame from the
remaining assembly, and pull the armature away from the lever housing until the pinion stop rests against the
clutch pinion. This will clear the nose housing attaching bolts so they can be removed with a box or open end
wrench, permitting relocation of the nose housing. During reassembly, torque the nose housing attaching bolts
to 11-15 lb. ft.
There are many different cranking motor circuits used on various applications. The cranking circuit may contain
a key start switch or push switch, or both, a relay, magnetic switches, solenoids, oil pressure switch, fuel
pressure switch and other protective devices, such as an "ALDO" relay.
Ver imagen
Ver imagen
Figure 7-Typical thermostat.
Reference should be made to the vehicle manufacturer's wiring diagram for the complete cranking
A typical circuit is shown in Figure 6. The motor shown has a built-in thermostat to protect against damage due
to over-cranking for excessively long periods of time. Thermostat components separated from the field coils and
motor frame are shown in Figure 7. Also a motor with harness disconnected from the thermostat is shown in
Figure 8.
When the start switch is closed, battery current flows through the magnetic switch winding and the thermostat
to ground, as shown in Figure 6. The magnetic switch closes, connecting the motor solenoid "S" terminal to the
The solenoid windings are energized and the resulting plunger and shift lever movement causes the pinion to
engage the engine flywheel ring gear and the solenoid main contacts to close, and cranking takes place. When
the engine starts, pinion overrun protects the armature from excessive speed until the switch is opened, at which
time the return spring causes the pinion to disengage. To prevent excessive overrun and damage to the drive and
armature windings, the switch must be opened immediately when the engine starts.
A cranking period for all types of motors should never exceed 30 seconds without stopping to allow the motor
to cool. If over-cranking should occur, the thermostat will open and the cranking cycle will stop to protect the
motor. After the cranking motor cools, usually 1-6 minutes, the thermostat will close and then a new starting
attempt can be made.
A circuit without the motor thermostat would be the same as Figure 6, except the magnetic switch winding
terminal would be grounded directly to the point noted in Figure 6, without passing through a thermostat.
Ver imagen
Figure 8-Typical motor showing thermostat connector.
Ver imagen
Before removing any unit in a cranking circuit for repair, the following checks should be made:
Battery: To determine the condition of the battery, follow the testing procedure outlined in Service Bulletin
1B-115 or 1B-116. Insure that the battery is fully charged.
Wiring: Inspect the wiring for damage. Inspect all connections to the cranking motor, solenoid, magnetic
switch, ignition switch or any other control switch, and battery, including all ground connections. Clean and
tighten all connections as required.
Magnetic Switch, Solenoid and Control Switches: Inspect all switches to determine their condition. From the
vehicle wiring diagram, determine which circuits should be energized with the starting switches closed. Use a
voltmeter to detect any open circuits.
To check the thermostat for continuity, detach wiring harness connector and connect an ohmmeter to the two
thermostat terminals on the motor. (Fig. 8). The ohmmeter should read zero. If not, thermostat is open circuit.
DO NOT check thermostat when hot, since it is supposed to be open-circuit above certain temperatures.
Motor: If the battery, wiring and switches are in satisfactory condition, and the engine is known to be
functioning properly, remove the motor and follow the test procedures outlined below.
Regardless of the construction, never operate the cranking motor more than 30 seconds at a time without
pausing to allow it to cool at least two minutes. On some applications, 30 seconds may be excessive.
Overheating, caused by excessive cranking will seriously damage the cranking motor (without thermostat).
With the cranking motor removed from the engine, the armature should be checked for freedom of rotation by
prying the pinion with a screwdriver. Tight bearings, a bent armature shaft, or a loose pole shoe screw will
cause the armature to not turn freely. If the armature does not turn freely the motor should be disassembled
immediately. However, if the armature does rotate freely, the motor should be given a no-load test before
Connect a voltmeter from the motor terminal to the motor frame, and use an r.p.m. indicator to measure
armature speed. Connect the motor and an ammeter in series with a fully charged battery of the specified
voltage, and a switch in the open position from the solenoid battery terminal to the solenoid switch terminal.
Close the switch and compare the r.p.m., current, and voltage reading with the specifications in Service
Bulletins 1M-186, 1M-187, or 1M-188. It is not necessary to obtain the exact voltage specified in these
bulletins, as an accurate interpretation can be made by recognizing that if the voltage is slightly higher the r.p.m.
will be proportionately higher, with the current remaining essentially unchanged. However, if the exact voltage
is desired, a carbon pile connected across the battery can be used to reduce the voltage to the specified value. If
more than one 12-volt battery is used, connect the carbon pile to only one of the 12-volt batteries. If the
specified current draw does not include the solenoid, deduct from the ammeter reading the specified current
draw of the solenoid hold-in winding. Make disconnections only with the switch open. Interpret the test results
as follows:
1. Rated current draw and no-load speed indicates normal condition of the cranking motor.
a. Too much friction-tight, dirty, or worn bearings, bent armature shaft or loose pole shoes allowing armature to
Ver imagen
Figure 10-Removing retainer from snap ring.
b. "Frozen" bearings (this should have been determined by turning the armature by hand).
a. Open field circuit. This can be checked after disassembly by inspecting internal connections and tracing circuit
with a test lamp.
b. Open armature coils. Inspect the commutator for badly burned bars after disassembly.
c. Broken brush springs, worn brushes, high insulation between the commutator bars or other causes which
would prevent good contact between the brushes and commutator.
a. High internal resistance due to poor connections, defective leads, dirty commutator and causes listed under
Number 4.
6. High free speed and high current draw indicate shorted fields. If shorted fields are suspected, replace the field
coil assembly and check for improved performance.
Normally the cranking motor should be disassembled only so far as is necessary to make repair or replacement
of the defective parts. As a precaution, it is suggested that safety glasses be worn when disassembling or
assembling the cranking motor.
2. Disconnect field coil connector from solenoid motor terminal, and remove solenoid mounting screws.
4. Remove commutator end frame from field frame and field frame from lever housing.
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Figure 13-Disassembled view of late type intermediate duty sprag clutch drive assembly.
5. Remove nose housing attaching bolts and separate nose housing from lever housing.
6. Slide a standard half-inch pipe coupling or other metal cylinder of suitable size (an old pinion of suitable size
can be used if available) onto shaft so end of coupling or cylinder butts against edge of retainer. Tap end of
coupling with hammer, driving retainer towards armature and off snap ring (Fig. 10).
7. Remove snap ring from groove in shaft using pliers or other suitable tool. If snap ring is too badly distorted
during removal it may be necessary to use a new one when reassembling clutch.
1. Note the relative position of the solenoid, lever housing, and nose housing so the motor can be reassembled in
the same manner.
2. Disconnect field coil connector from solenoid motor terminal, and lead from solenoid ground terminal.
3. On motors which have brush inspection plates, remove the plates and then remove the brush lead screws.
This will disconnect the field leads from the brush holders.
4. Remove the attaching bolts and separate the commutator end frame from the field frame.
5. Separate the nose housing and field frame from lever housing by removing attaching bolts.
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Figure 14-Disassembled view of early type heavy duty sprag clutch drive assembly.
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Figure 15-Disassembled view of late type heavy duty sprag clutch drive assembly.
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Figure 16-Disassembled view of DR-250 drive.
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The drive, armature and fields should not be cleaned in any degreasing tank, or with grease dissolving solvents,
since these would dissolve the lubricant in the drive and damage the insulation in the armature and field coils.
All parts except the drive should be cleaned with mineral spirits and a brush. The drive can be wiped with a
clean cloth.
Ver imagen
Figure 18-Basic solenoid circuit. (Types shown in Figures 4 and 5.)
If the commutator is dirty it may be cleaned with No. 00 sandpaper. NEVER USE EMERY CLOTH TO
Inspect the brushes for wear. If they are worn excessively when compared with a new brush, they should be
replaced. Make sure the brush holders are clean and the brushes are not binding in the holders. The full brush
surface should ride on the commutator to give proper performance. Check by hand to insure that the brush
springs are giving firm contact between the brushes and commutator. If the springs are distorted or discolored,
they should be replaced.
Armature Servicing
If the armature commutator is worn, dirty, out of round, or has high insulation, the armature should be put in a
lathe so the commutator can be turned down. The insulation should then be undercut 1/32 of an inch wide and
1/32 of an inch deep, and the slots cleaned out to remove any trace of dirt or copper dust. As a final step in this
procedure, the commutator should be sanded lightly with No. 00 sandpaper to remove any burrs left as a result
of the undercutting procedure.
NOTE: The undercut operation must be omitted on cranking motors having Test Specifications 2412, 2415,
3501, 3564, 3574 and 3599 as listed in Delco Remy Service Bulletins 1M-186, 1M-187, and 1M-188. Do not
undercut commutators on motors having these specifications.
The armature should be checked for opens, short circuits and grounds as follows:
1. Opens-Opens are usually caused by excessively long cranking periods. The most likely place for an open to
occur is at the commutator riser bars. Inspect the points where the conductors are joined to the commutator
bars for loose connections. Poor connections cause arcing and burning of the commutator bars as the cranking
motor is used. If the bars are not too badly burned, repair can often be effected by resoldering or welding the
leads in the riser bars (using rosin flux), and turning down the commutator in a lathe to remove the burned
material. The insulation should then be undercut except as noted above.
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Figure 19-Checking solenoid hold-in and pull-in windings. (Note: Terminal locations may vary.)
2. Short Circuits-Short circuits in the armature are located by use of a growler. When the armature is revolved in
the growler with a steel strip such as a hacksaw blade held above it, the blade will vibrate above the area of the
armature core in which the short circuit is located. Shorts between bars are sometimes produced by brush dust
or copper between the bars. These shorts can be eliminated by cleaning out the slots.
3. Grounds-Grounds in the armature can be detected by the use of a 110-volt test lamp and test points. If the
lamp lights when one test point is placed on the commutator with the other point on the core or shaft, the
armature is grounded. Grounds occur as a result of insulation failure which is often brought about by
overheating of the cranking motor produced by excessively long cranking periods or by accumulation of brush
dust between the commutator bars and the steel commutator ring.
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The various types of circuits used are shown in the wiring diagrams of Figure 11. The field coils can be checked
for grounds and opens by using a test lamp.
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Grounds-If the motor has one or more coils normally connected to ground, the ground connections must be
disconnected during this check. Connect one lead of the 110-volt test lamp to the field frame and the other lead
to the field connector. If the lamp lights, at least one field coil is grounded which must be repaired or replaced.
This check cannot be made if the ground connection cannot be disconnected.
Opens-Connect test lamp leads to ends of field coils. If lamp does not light, the field coils are open.
Field coils can be removed from the field frame assembly by using a pole shoe screwdriver. A pole shoe
spreader should also be used to prevent distortion of the field frame. Careful installation of the field coils is
necessary to prevent shorting or grounding of the field coils as the pole shoes are tightened into place. Where
the pole shoe has a long lip on one side and a short lip on the other, the long lip should be assembled in the
direction of armature rotation so it becomes the trailing (not leading) edge of the pole shoe.
Clutch Assembly
Diassembly procedures for the various types of clutches are outlined below.
An early type clutch and late type clutch are shown in Figures 12 and 13.
1. Remove the lock wire, collar, and jump spring from the sleeve assembly.
2. Remove the spring stop washer and second lock wire from the early type clutch (Fig. 12).
3. Remove the retainer ring and large washers. Do not remove the sleeve assembly or sprags from the
shell assembly.
4. Lubricate the sprags and saturate the felt washer with No. 5W20 oil. Heavier oil must not be used.
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Figure 22-Brush with offset hole assembled to brush arm.
An early type and a late type heavy duty sprag clutch are shown in Figures 14 and 15 and the DR-250
drive is shown in Figure 16.
1. Remove the cupped pinion stop and split washer. In removing the cupped pinion stop, it will probably
be damaged. A new one will be required at time of reassembly.
3. Do not lubricate the sprags on heavy duty clutches, as they are lubricated for life with special oil at
the factory.
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Figure 23-Circuit for checking pinion clearance. (Types shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3.)
Solenoid Checks
A basic solenoid circuit is shown in Figures 17 and 18. Solenoids may differ in appearance but can be checked
electrically by connecting a battery of the specified voltage, a switch, and an ammeter to the two solenoid
windings. With all leads disconnected from the solenoid, make test connections as shown to the solenoid switch
(S or SW) terminal and to ground, or to the second switch terminal, (G), if present, to check the hold-in winding
(Fig. 19). Use the carbon pile to decrease the battery voltage to the value specified in Service Bulletins 1S-180,
1S-186, 1S-187 and 1S-188 and compare the ammeter reading with specifications. A high reading indicates a
shorted hold-in winding, and a low reading excessive resistance. To check the pull-in winding connect from the
solenoid switch terminal (S) to the solenoid motor (M or MOT) terminal. To check for grounds, move battery
lead from "G" terminal to solenoid case, and from "M" terminal to solenoid case. (Fig 19, not shown) Ammeter
should read zero for both windings. If not solenoid is grounded.
NOTE: If needed to reduce the voltage to the specified value, connect the carbon pile between the battery and
the "M" terminal as shown in dashed red instead of across the battery as shown in solid red lines. If the carbon
pile is not needed, connect a jumper directly from the battery to the "M" terminal as shown by the dashed red
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Figure 24-Circuit for checking pinion clearance. (Types shown in Figures 4 and 5.)
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Figure 26-Checking pinion clearance on heavy duty motor.
A magnetic switch can be checked in the same manner by connecting across its winding.
The reassembly procedure for each type of motor is the reverse of disassembly.
On motors using a snap ring and retainer on the shaft as a pinion stop, the ring and retainer can be assembled in
the manner shown in Figures 20 and 21. With the retainer placed over the shaft with the cupped surface facing
the end of the shaft, force the ring over the shaft with a light hammer blow and then slide the ring down into the
groove (Fig. 20). To force the retainer over the snap ring, place a suitable washer over the shaft and squeeze
with pliers (Fig. 21). REMOVE THE WASHER.
To reassemble the end frame having eight brushes onto the field frame, pull the armature out of the field frame
just far enough to permit the brushes to be placed over the commutator. Then push the commutator end frame
and the armature back against the field frame.
On intermediate duty clutch motors, be sure to assemble all brushes to the brush arms so the long side of the
brush is toward the riser bars. See Figure 22.
All bearings, wicks and oil reservoirs should be saturated with SAE No. 20 oil. Place a light coat of lubricant
Delco Remy No. 1960954 on the washer located on the shaft between the armature and shift lever housing.
Washer is identified in Figure 2.
Sintered bronze bearings used in these motors have a dull finish, as compared to the early type machined, cast
bronze bearings which had a shiny finish.
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Figure 27-Checking pinion clearance on spline drive motor.
Before pressing the bearing into place, dip it in SAE No. 20 oil. Also, tangent wicks (if present) should be
soaked with SAE No. 20 oil. Insert the wick into place first, and then press in the bearing.
DO NOT DRILL, REAM or MACHINE sintered bearings in any way! These bearings are supplied to size. If
drilled or reamed, the I.D., (inside diameter) will be too large, also the bearing pores will be sealed over.
It is not necessary to cross-drill a sintered bearing when used with a tangent wick. Because the bearing is so
highly porous, oil from the wick touching the outside bearing surface will bleed through the lubricate the shaft.
Middle bearings are support bearings and prevent armature deflection during cranking. As compared to end
frame bearings, the clearance between middle bearing and shaft is large and the clearance provides a loose fit
when assembled.
Pinion Clearance
There are no provisions for adjusting pinion clearance on motors using the intermediate duty clutch (Fig. 5).
However, all types should be checked after reassembly to make sure the clearance is within specifications.
Incorrect clearance where not adjustable indicates excessive wear, and worn parts should be replaced.
2. Momentarily flash a jumper lead shown in blue color in Figure 23 or Figure 24. The drive will now shift into
cranking position and remain so until the battery is disconnected.
3. Push the pinion or drive back towards the commutator end to eliminate slack movement.
4. Measure the distance between drive and drive stop (Figs. 25, 26, and 27).
5. Adjust clearance by removing plug and turning shaft nut (Figs. 26 and 27). Although typical specifications
are shown, always refer to 1M-188, 1M-187, or 1M-186 for specifications applying to specific models.
Torque Specifications
For additional torque specifications, not included in this section, refer to Torque Specifications, SENR3130,
available from your Caterpillar dealer.
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Torques for Standard Hose Clamps - Worm Drive Band Type
The following chart gives the torques for initial installation of hose
clamps on new hose and for reassembly or retightening of hose clamps
on existing hose.
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The following charts give general torques for bolts, nuts and taperlock
studs of SAE Grade 5 or better quality.
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Torques for Taperlock Studs
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Torques for Metric Fasteners
NOTE: Metric hardware must be replaced with metric hardware. Check the Parts Manual for proper
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Torques for Taperlock studs
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Manual de Operación y Mantenimiento
Caterpillar recommends using Scheduled Oil Sampling (S·O·S), at regularly scheduled intervals, to compliment
a good preventive maintenance program.
The Caterpillar Scheduled Oil Sampling Program, (S·O·S), was developed to help Caterpillar users realize the
highest possible value from their equipment by minimizing repair costs and maximizing availability. The S·O·S
program is a series of diagnostic tests which analyze used lubricating oils from the oil wetted compartments of
the equipment. By analyzing the used oils, problems may be identified early, before extensive component
failure occurs. This reduces repair cost and down-time.
The S·O·S program is coupled with a wide range of repair options so that when a problem is identified, an
appropriate matched repair plan is available. This offers the user a more complete service to minimize repair
costs and schedule down-time. S·O·S can also measure the effectiveness of the user's maintenance program.
NOTE: Sampling methods recommended are in preference order. If one of the first two methods is not feasible,
then use the drain-stream method.
When using the drain-stream method to obtain an oil sample, take the sample after some oil has drained out and
before the final drain oil. The oil at the beginning or end of the drain stream is not mixed well enough to be
representative of circulating oil in the compartment and may carry debris that can give false S·O·S analysis
S·O·S Analysis
* Wear Analysis
Wear Analysis monitors the components wear rates by measuring wear elements and contaminants found in the
used oil. Through monitoring the used oil, normal component wear trends are determined. Many failures can be
identified when wear trends and/or contaminants significantly exceed past trends.
Detectable failures are those caused by component wear and gradual dirt contamination. Wear analysis is not
able to predict failures due to component fatigue, sudden loss of lubrication, or sudden ingestion of a large
amount of dirt since failures of this nature occur too rapidly.
Chemical and Physical Tests are used to determine whether the used oil has been contaminated with water, fuel
or antifreeze and if these contaminants exceed maximum limits.
Oil Condition Analysis determines the degree of deterioration of the used oil by measuring the amount of sulfur
products, oxidation, nitration and soot present in the used oil. It also can monitor additive depletion and detect
ethylene glycol, Dowtherm and butyl cellosolve contamination.
Oil Condition Analysis can help regulate (reduce, maintain or extend), oil change intervals for a specific
machine/engine in a given application. Oil Condition Analysis must always be used with Wear Analysis and the
Chemical and Physical tests.
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The transmission oil system contains oil common to the torque converter.
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for complete information and assistance in establishing a Scheduled Oil
Sampling Program for your equipment.
Maintenance Intervals
When Required
Windshield Wipers and Washer (If Equipped) - Inspect wiper blades, fill washer bottle
Engine Oil and Filter - Change oil and filter. If sulfur content in the fuel is more than 1.5% by weight, use an
oil with a TBN of 30 and reduce the oil change interval by one half
Tracks - Adjust
Engine Valve Clearance Setting - Adjust on new, rebuilt or reconditioned engines at first oil change, then at
normal interval thereafter
Winch Filter and Magnetic Strainer (If Equipped) - Change element, wash magnet and strainer
First Perform Previous Service Hours Items
When Required
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.
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1. Check the air inlet screen and precleaner for accumulation of trash and dirt.2. Remove screen and clean.3. Inspect the
precleaner tubes for accumulation of dust and dirt. Clean with pressure air, if necessary.
Service the air cleaner only with the engine stopped. Engine damage
could result.
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Service the air cleaner if the yellow piston in the filter element indicator moves into the red zone with the
engine running at high idle. Stop the engine.
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1. Open the access cover (if equipped).
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2. Remove air cleaner cover (1).3. Remove primary filter element (2) from the air cleaner housing.
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4. Clean the inside of the air cleaner housing.5. Clean and inspect the primary element. See Cleaning Primary
Elements.6. Install a clean primary element.7. Clean and install the cover. Tighten the cover bolts finger tight only. Do
not use a tool to tighten the bolts.8. Close the access door (if equipped).
If the yellow piston in the filter element indicator moves into the red zone after starting the engine, or the
exhaust smoke is still black after installation of a clean primary filter element, install a new primary filter
The primary element should be replaced after being cleaned a maximum of six times. Replace the element once
a year even though it has not been cleaned six times.
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2. Remove the housing cover and the primary element.
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3. Remove the bolts that hold the secondary filter element to the housing. Remove the secondary element.4. Cover the
air inlet opening. Clean the inside of the air cleaner housing.5. Inspect the gasket between the air inlet pipe and the
housing. Replace it if it is damaged.6. Uncover the air inlet opening. Install a new secondary element.7. Install the nuts
and washers on the studs. Tighten the nuts to a torque of 27 ± 7 N·m (20 ± 5 lb ft).8. Install the primary element and
cover. Tighten the cover bolts finger tight only. Do not use a tool to tighten the cover bolts.9. Close the access cover (if
Make sure the cleaned filter elements are completely dry before
installing into the filter housing. Water remaining in the elements can
cause false indications of contamination in Scheduled Oil Sampling test
Filter elements can be cleaned with pressure air - 205 kPa (30 psi) maximum, pressure water - 280 kPa (40 psi)
maximum, or detergent washing.
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1. Direct air or water along the pleats inside and outside of filter element.
The element can be washed in warm water and nonsudsing household detergent. Rinse inside and outside the
pleats and air dry fully.
2. Inspect the filter elements after cleaning. Do not use a filter element with damaged pleats, gaskets or seals.3. Wrap
and store the clean filter elements in a clean, dry place.
Installing Cylinder
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1. Open the engine compartment access cover (if equipped). The ether cylinder is mounted on the left side of the
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2. Loosen the cylinder retaining clamp, unscrew and remove the empty ether cylinder.3. Remove the used gasket. Install
the new gasket provided with each new cylinder.4. Install the new cylinder. Tighten the cylinder hand tight. Tighten the
cylinder clamp securely.5. Close the access door (if equipped).
Replace Fuses
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Fuses - They protect the electrical system from damage caused by overloaded circuits. Change a fuse if the
element separates. If the element of a new fuse separates, have the circuit checked and repaired.
Replace fuses with the same type and size only. Otherwise, electrical
damage can result.
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Open the access door located on the left side of the machine.
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Fuse - Replace any fuse if the element is broken and/or the circuit it is in does not function. Fuses and their
ampere ratings are listed below.
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Circuit Breaker Reset - Push the button in to reset the circuit breakers. If working properly, button stays
depressed. If the button does not stay in, or comes out shortly after being reset, have appropriate electrical
circuit checked.
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1. Raise the dozer blade and place blocking under it. Lower the blade onto the blocking. Do not block the blade any
higher than necessary to remove cutting edge or end bits.2. Remove bolts. Remove cutting edge and end bits.3. Clean all
contact surfaces thoroughly.4. Turn cutting edge over and use the opposite edge, if it is not worn.5. Install a new cutting
edge section, if both edges are worn.6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for end bits.7. Install all bolts and tighten them to the
specified torque. See the Torques for Ground Engaging Tool Bolts chart under Torque Specifications in the Maintenance
Section of this manual for specified torque.8. Raise the dozer blade and remove the blocking. Lower the blade to the
ground.9. After a few hours of operation, check all bolts for proper torque. Retorque any bolts as needed.
Ripper Tips
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Replace the ripper tip when worn close to shank. Too blunt of a tip does not penetrate properly.
1. Raise the ripper and place blocking under it. Lower the ripper onto the blocking. Do not block the ripper any higher
than necessary to remove the ripper tips.2. If the ripper tip is worn, drive the pin out. Remove the tip and the pin
retainer.3. Clean the shank pin retainer and pin.4. Install the new tip and retainer.5. Install the pin in from the side
opposite of the retainer.6. Raise the ripper and remove the support.7. Lower the ripper to the ground.
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1. Remove the coolant fill cap slowly to relieve any pressure.2. Inspect the cap for damage, deposits or foreign material.
Clean the cap with a clean cloth or replace the cap if necessary.3. Install the cap.
Clean Core
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Compressed air, high pressure water or steam can be used to remove dust, leaves and general debris from the
radiator core. Clean as required by condition of radiator.
Refer to Know Your Cooling System, SEBD0518, for the complete procedure and instructions.
Transmission System
The transmission oil screens should be removed and cleaned if the transmission oil pump fails, or if the
transmission is disassembled for any reason. Drain the oil before removing any screens.
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2. Remove the cover and main screen in the gear case.3. Remove the plug, seal, spring and screen from scavenge line on
bottom of torque converter.4. Wash screen in clean nonflammable solvent.5. Inspect seal and replace if necessary.6.
Install the screen, spring, seal and plug in scavenge line.7. Install main screen, cover and bottom guard.
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Inspect the front and rear windshield wiper blades. Replace if worn, damaged, or if streaking occurs.
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The windshield washer fluid bottle is located on the left side of the machine.
Check the wire rope cable. If cable is worn or frayed install a new cable.
Worn or frayed cable could cause personal injury or death.
Cable is attached to the drum on the winch with a standard cable ferrule. The ferrule is fitted into a pocket on
the drum and secured with a bolt-down clamp.
Ferrules are made in various diameters and lengths. When ordering the cable, use the following guide to specify
the correct ferrule.
Ver imagen
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2. Remove clamp (1) and install the ferrule end into pocket (2).3. Install clamp (1).4. Reel in the cable.
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Use a 4C5084 Filter Cutter to cut the filter element open. Spread pleats apart and inspect the element for metal
and other debris. An excessive amount of debris in the filter element can indicate a possible failure.
Use a magnet to differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals found in the filter element.
Ferrous metals can indicate wear on the steel and cast iron parts.
Non-ferrous metals can indicate wear on the aluminum parts of the engine, such as main, rod and/or
turbocharger bearings.
Due to normal wear and friction, it is not uncommon to find small amounts of debris in the filter element.
Consult your Caterpillar dealer to arrange for further analysis if an excessive amount of debris is found.
Use of an oil filter element NOT recommended by Caterpillar can result in severe engine damage to engine
bearings, crankshaft and other parts. This can result in larger particles in unfiltered oil entering the lubricating
system and causing damage.
Manual de Operación y Mantenimiento
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.
Walk-Around Inspection
Inspect Machine
NOTE: Keep a close watch for leaks. If leaking is observed, find the source and correct the leak. Check the
fluid levels more frequently than the recommended periods if leaking is suspected or observed.
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1. Inspect all attachments for damage or excessive wear. Repair if damaged.2. Inspect attachment cylinders and linkage
for damage or excessive wear. Repair if damaged.3. Inspect the lights for broken bulbs and lenses. Replace if broken.
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4. Inspect and remove any trash build up in the engine compartment.5. Inspect the cooling system for leaks, faulty hoses
and trash build up. Correct any leaks and remove any trash from the radiator.6. Inspect the engine precleaner screen for
dirt build-up. Remove any dirt or debris.
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7. Inspect and repair any engine compartment leaks. Check around all seals and covers.8. Inspect the steps and
handholds for their condition and cleanliness. Inspect the Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) or Falling Object
Protective Structure (FOPS) for damage. If repair is necessary contact your Caterpillar dealer. Tighten any loose ROPS or
FOPS bolts.
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9. Inspect and repair any hydraulic system leaks. Inspect hoses, seals and around flanges.10. Inspect the differentials and
final drives under the machine for leaks.
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11. Be sure covers and guards are firmly in place. Inspect for damage or for loose and missing bolts.12. Inspect
transmission for leaks.13. Inspect and repair damaged and excessively worn tracks. Tighten any loose bolts and replace
any that are missing.
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14. Inspect operator's compartment for cleanliness and remove all trash and dirt build-up.
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15. Visually inspect the tracks. Check for wear and excessive dirt build-up on track components.
If track appears to be too tight or too loose, see the topic Tracks under Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly in
the Maintenance Section of this manual.
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16. Make sure the horn, back-up alarm (if equipped), lights, guards, shield, etc., are in proper working order.
Window Cleaning
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Use commercially available window cleaning solutions to clean the windows. Clean the outside windows from
the ground, unless handrails are available.
Remove the rear window by lifting the latch and sliding the window to the full open position. Lift the window
out of the track to remove.
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1. Open the access cover (if equipped) on the left side of the machine.
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2. Maintain the oil level between the ADD and FULL marks on the dipstick with the engine running.
Maintain the oil level between the LOW and FULL marks on the engine stopped side of the dipstick with the
engine stopped.
NOTE: When operating on severe slopes, the oil level in the engine crankcase must be at the FULL mark on
the engine stopped side of the dipstick.
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3. Remove the oil fill cap and add oil if necessary.4. Clean and install the fill cap.5. Close the access cover (if equipped).
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1. Open the access cover located on the left side of the machine.
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2. Maintain the oil between the LOW and FULL marks on dipstick (1) at LOW IDLE with the oil at operating temperature.
NOTE: When operating on severe slopes, refer to information in the footnote in the Refill Capacities chart in
the Maintenance Section of this manual.
3. Remove oil fill cap (2) and add oil if necessary.4. Clean and install the fill cap.
Replace the filter element if the transmission oil filter indicator comes on during operation. See the topic
Transmission Filter under Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly in the Maintenance Section of this manual.
NOTE: When operating on severe slopes, additional oil is needed in the powertrain. Refer to information in the
footnote in the Refill Capacities chart in the Maintenance Section of this manual.
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The hydraulic oil tank is located on the right rear of the machine.
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1. Maintain the oil level to the FULL mark on the sight gauge.
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2. Remove the oil fill cap and add oil, if necessary, through the fill tube.3. Clean and install the fill cap.
The radiator cap is located in the hood on the left front of the machine.
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1. Open the access door.
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2. Remove the radiator cap slowly to relieve pressure.3. Maintain the coolant level to within 13 mm (.50 in) of the
bottom of the fill pipe. If it is necessary to add coolant daily, check for leaks.4. Inspect the cap and cap seal for damage,
deposits or foreign material. Clean the cap with a clean cloth or replace the cap if it is damaged.5. Install the cap.6.
Inspect the radiator core for debris and clean if necessary.
Compressed air is preferred, but high pressure water or steam can be used to remove dust, leaves and general
debris from a radiator. Clean as required by condition of radiator.
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1. Open the access cover (if equipped).2. Open the drain valve and allow the water and sediment to drain.3. Close the
drain valve and the access cover (if equipped).
Seat Belt
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Replace the seat belt after three years of usage, regardless of appearance.
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Seat belt and mounting hardware must be inspected for wear or damage before operating the machine. Replace
the belt or mounting hardware if worn or damaged.
Indicators and Gauges
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Push the EMS Fault Light test switch. The fault alarm horn should sound. The fault light and the EMS panel
should FLASH, until the EMS test switch is released.
If the lights or horn do not come on, have necessary repairs made.
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With the engine at LOW IDLE, the oil must be visible in the sight gauge.
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Apply the service brake. Move the transmission control lever into REVERSE.
The alarm should sound immediately. It should continue to sound until the transmission control lever is moved
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The sound level can be adjusted by moving the adjustment on back of alarm to meet operating requirements.
The alarm is set at the highest sound level when shipped from the factory. The setting should remain on high,
unless the job-site requires a lower level.
Clean Filters
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1. Remove the filter cover and filter elements located in front of the cab.
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2. Remove the filter elements located in the operator's compartment. Clean the filter elements with pressure air or
wash the elements in warm water and a nonsudsing household detergent.3. Rinse in clean water and air dry
thoroughly.4. Install the filter elements. Install the filter cover.
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.
Track Pins
Fingers can be burned from hot pins and bushings. The pins and
bushings in a dry joint can become very hot. It is possible to burn the
fingers if there is more than brief contact with these components.
Follow these hints to extend undercarriage life and to avoid excessive downtime.
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1. Listen for track squeak or squeal during machine operation. This can indicate a dry joint.2. Check for dry joints once a
week, immediately after machine operation. After machine operation, lightly touch the end of each track pin or bushing,
with the back of your hand. Make a mark on any joint that is very hot to the touch.3. Do not hit the ends of the track
pins with a sledge hammer to loosen the track joints.
Consult your Caterpillar dealer's Custom Track Service expert upon detection of dry joints or leaks and/or for
track inspection.
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1. Lubricate four link-pin fittings (1) on each side (total of eight fittings).2. Lubricate two fittings (2) at the top of the
cylinder and one fitting (3) at the bottom of the cylinder.
Lubricate Fittings
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Lubricate Fittings
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Lubricate the equalizer bar center pin through the two remote fittings mounted on the left side of the machine.
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.
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1. Remove the crankcase drain access cover located in the crankcase guard.
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2. Remove the crankcase drain plug. Allow the oil to drain into a suitable container.
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3. Remove and discard the crankcase oil filter element. Make sure all of the old filter seal is removed from the filter
4. Install the new filter by hand. When the gasket contacts the filter base, tighten the filter 3/4 turn more.5. Install the
crankcase drain plug.
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6. Remove oil fill cap (1). Fill the crankcase with new oil. See the Refill Capacities chart in the Maintenance Section of this
manual. Clean and install the fill cap.7. Always measure the oil with dipstick (2) to make certain the quantity of oil added
is correct.8. Maintain the oil between the ADD and FULL marks on the dipstick.
Coolant System
See Cooling System Specifications in the Maintenance Section of this manual for all cooling system
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1. Loosen the fill cap slowly to relieve pressure and remove the cap.2. It may be necessary to drain enough coolant from
the radiator to allow for the addition of the liquid cooling system additive.3. Add 0.24 liters (.50 pint) of additive for
every 38 liters (10 U.S. gallons) of cooling system capacity.4. Inspect the fill cap gasket. Replace the cap if the gasket is
damaged.5. Install the fill cap.
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1. Close coolant inlet valve (1) and outlet valve (2). Remove and discard element (3).2. Clean the element mounting
base. Make sure all of the old gasket is removed.3. Replace with a new Caterpillar maintenance element.4. Coat the
gasket of the new element with a thin film of engine oil.5. Install and turn the element until the seal contacts the base,
then tighten 3/4 turn more.6. Open the inlet and the outlet valve.7. Remove the fill cap.8. Start the engine and check for
leaks. Allow the coolant level to stabilize.9. Add premixed coolant if necessary to bring the coolant to within 13 mm (.50
in) below the bottom of the fill pipe or to the proper level on the sight glass, if so equipped.
Final Drives
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1. Position one final drive so that the oil fill plug and the oil level mark are horizontal.2. Remove the fill plug.3. Oil should
be to the bottom of the fill plug opening. Add oil if necessary.4. Install the fill plug.5. Position the other final drive drain
plug at the bottom and repeat procedure.
Transmission Filter
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2. Remove the filter element cover assembly.3. Remove and discard the filter element.4. Clean the housing with a clean
cloth.5. Inspect the seal. Replace it if damaged.6. Install the new element and cover assembly. Close the access cover.7.
Start the engine.
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8. Maintain the oil level to the FULL mark on dipstick (1). Add oil through fill tube (2) if necessary.9. Stop the engine.
If the machine begins to move during test, reduce the engine speed
immediately and engage the parking brake.
The following tests are to determine if the service brake is functional. These tests are not intended to measure
maximum brake holding effort. Brake holding effort required to hold a machine at a specific engine rpm varies
from machine to machine due to differences in engine setting, power train efficiency, etc., as well as differences
in brake holding ability.
Engine rpm at beginning of machine movement, with service brake engaged, should be compared against the
engine rpm your specific machine was able to hold on a prior test, as an indication of system deterioration.
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1. Start the engine. Raise all attachments. Apply the service brake and release the parking brake.
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3. Gradually increase the engine speed to HIGH IDLE. The machine should not move.
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4. Reduce the engine speed to LOW IDLE, engage the parking brake. Lower all attachments to the ground. Apply a slight
down pressure. Stop the engine.
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The sag in the track is measured between the sprocket and carrier roller (1) and between the carrier roller and
front idler (2). Correct adjustment gives a dimension (3) of 25 ± 6 mm (1.0 ± .25 in).
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Do not attempt to tighten track when dimension (3) is 100 mm (3.9 in)
or more. Contact your Caterpillar dealer for track service or
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2. Add grease (MPGM) through adjusting valve (4) until dimension (3) is correct.3. Operate the machine back and forth
to equalize the pressure. Allow the machine to coast to a stop. Do not use the brakes.4. Remeasure dimension (3).
1. Loosen the relief valve (5) one turn only and allow grease to escape.2. Close the relief valve.3. Add grease (MPGM)
through adjusting valve (4) until dimension (3) is correct.4. Install the valve cover plate.5. Repeat procedure on the other
The torque requirement for track shoe bolts is 170 ± 40 N·m (120 ± 30 lb ft) plus an extra 1/3 turn (120
degrees). For split master link bolts, torque to 170 ± 40 N·m (120 ± 30 lb ft) plus an extra 1/2 turn (180
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Open the engine access cover (if equipped) on the left side of the machine.
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Lubricate one fitting.
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2. Set the air conditioner control for MAXIMUM cooling, and fan control on HIGH.3. Allow two minutes for the air
conditioning system to stabilize.
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4. Check for refrigerant in the system as follows: Feel suction line (1) and discharge line (2).
If the system contains refrigerant, the discharge line is warmer than the suction line.
Poor cooling results if the system does not contain or is very low on refrigerant.
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6. Inspect the condition and the adjustment of the compressor belt. The belt should deflect 14 to 20 mm (.56 to .81 in)
under 110 N (25 lb) force.
To Adjust
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7. Loosen the compressor mounting bolt and the adjusting bracket bolt.8. Move the compressor in or out to obtain the
correct belt tension. Tighten the compressor mounting bolt and the adjusting bracket bolt. Recheck the belt deflection.
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9. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 if necessary. Check the cab air filters and clean filter elements, if necessary.10. If poor
cooling is still experienced, turn off the air conditioner. Stop the engine. Contact your Caterpillar dealer for air
conditioner system service, if necessary.
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1. Open the access cover (if equipped) on the right side of the machine.
NOTE: If one or more belts are worn or damaged, replace the belts in sets only.
2. Inspect the condition and the adjustment of fan and alternator belts. The belts should deflect 14 to 20 mm (.51 to .81
in) under 110 N (25 lb) force.
Belt Adjustment:
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2. Turn the adjusting nut until the correct belt tension is reached. Move the alternator in or out as required to obtain the
correct adjustment.3. Tighten the adjusting locknut.4. If new belts are installed, check belt adjustment again after 30
minutes of engine operation.5. Install the access cover (if equipped).
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Check the following at least every 1000 hours, and more often as conditions require:
At the proper charging rate, in a moderate climate, a battery should not require more than 30 cc (1 oz) of water
per cell per week.
Check the cells weekly in extreme temperatures, cell water usage could be higher.
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1. Open the battery access covers located on each side at the rear of the machine.
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2. Clean the battery surface with a clean cloth. Keep the terminals clean and coated with petroleum jelly. Install the post
cover after coating.3. Inspect the electrolyte level in each battery cell, except maintenance free. Maintain the level to
the bottom of the fill openings with distilled water. If distilled water is not available, use clean drinking water.4. Close
the access covers.
NOTE: Do not allow the disconnected battery cable to contact the disconnect switch.
4. Disconnect the negative (-) battery cable at the battery.5. Make necessary repairs or battery replacement.6. Connect
the negative (-) battery cable at the battery.7. Connect the negative (-) battery cable at the battery disconnect switch.8.
Install the key and turn the battery disconnect switch to ON.
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1. Remove the plugs from the end pins. Install grease fittings.2. Lubricate the fittings.3. Remove the grease fittings.
Clean and install the plugs.
Manual de Operación y Mantenimiento
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.
Pivot Shaft
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Remove the plug on each side of machine. Check to see if oil level is at the bottom of threaded hole. Add oil, if
needed, to bring oil level up to the bottom of thread hole.
Remove the plug on both sides of machine. Add oil if needed to bring oil level up to the bottom of thread hole.
Hydraulic System
Change Filter
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1. Remove the oil fill cap to relieve the tank pressure. Remove the bolts securing the cover and remove the cover.2.
Remove and discard the filter element.
3. Install the filter by hand until the filter contacts the base. Tighten 3/4 turn more.4. Remove the retainer ring and
strainer from oil fill tube.5. Wash the strainer and cover in clean, nonflammable solvent.6. Inspect the seal on the oil fill
cap. Replace the seal if it is worn or damaged.7. Install the strainer, retainer ring, cap and cover.
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Clean Breather
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1. Remove the access cover (if equipped) located on the left side of the machine.
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2. Loosen the breather outlet hose clamp and remove the hose from the breather cover.3. Loosen the breather inlet
hose clamp and remove the breather.4. Check the condition of cover seal. Replace with new seal if the used one is
damaged.5. Wash the element and cover assembly in clean, nonflammable solvent.6. Shake, or use pressure air, to dry
the element.7. Inspect the hose for damage. Replace if necessary.8. Install the breather element cover assembly.9.
Install the hose and clamp.10. Install the access cover (if equipped).
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2. Maintain the oil level to the level mark on the cylinder.3. Install the cover plate.4. Repeat the procedure on the other
recoil spring compartment.
Change Filter
Do not fill fuel filter with fuel before installing it. Contaminated fuel
will cause accelerated wear to fuel system parts.
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1. Open the access cover (if equipped) at the rear of the machine. Shut off fuel supply by turning the red handle of the
shut-off valve.
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2. Open the access cover (if equipped) to the engine compartment.3. Remove the filter with a strap type wrench.4.
Wash the filter mounting base, in clean, nonflammable solvent. Be sure all of the old seal is removed.5. Coat the seal of
the new filter with clean diesel fuel.6. Install the new filter element by hand. When the seal contacts the base, tighten
3/4 turn more.
There are rotation-index marks 90 degrees apart on the filter. Use them as a guide for proper tightening.
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7. Open the fuel shut-off valve, and close the access cover (if equipped).8. Prime the fuel system. (See next topic.)
Fuel Priming
If the engine does not start, air is trapped in the fuel lines to the engine. Use the following procedure to purge air
from the lines.
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1. Remove and disassemble the cap.2. Inspect the gasket for damage and replace if necessary.3. Remove the strainer
and dipstick from the fill opening.4. Wash the strainer, cap and cap element in clean, nonflammable solvent.5. Install the
strainer and dipstick.6. Lightly oil the element and assemble fuel cap.7. Install the fuel cap.
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Typical Example 2. Remove the filter element housing with a wrench.3. Remove the filter element from the housing.4.
Clean the housing with a clean cloth.5. Replace the seal if damaged. Lubricate the seal with clean winch oil.6. Install a
new filter element into the housing.7. Tighten the housing to a torque of 27 ± 4 N·m (20 ± 3 lb ft).8. Install the cover and
Wash Magnet and Strainer
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1. Remove the cover, magnet and strainer.2. Wash them in clean, nonflammable solvent.3. Install the clean strainer and
magnet.4. Inspect the cover seal and replace if necessary.5. Install the cover.
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.
Transmission Oil
Operate the engine long enough to warm the oil. The machine must be level. Lower all attachments to ground
level. Apply slight down pressure.
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1. Remove the transmission drain plug and drain the oil into a suitable container.2. Change the filter element. See the
topic Transmission Filter under Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly in the Maintenance Section of this manual.
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3. Remove the bottom guard. Remove transmission oil pump suction screen cover. Remove the screen.4. Wash the
screen in clean, nonflammable solvent.5. Install the screen and cover.6. Open the oil fill cap access door on left side of
the machine.
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7. Remove the oil fill cap.8. Add oil. See the Refill Capacities chart in the Maintenance Section of this manual.9. Clean
and install the oil fill cap.
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10. Maintain the oil level to the FULL mark on the dipstick.11. Remove the floor plate. Unscrew and remove the breather
on the vent line between the main case and the torque converter.12. Wash the breather in clean, nonflammable
solvent.13. Install the breather and install the floor plate.
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2. Remove drain plug (2) and allow the oil to drain into a suitable container.3. Inspect the plug seal and replace if
necessary.4. Clean and install drain plug (2).5. Fill the oil compartment until oil is visible in sight gauge (3). See the Refill
Capacities chart in the Maintenance Section of this manual.6. Clean and install fill plug (1).7. With the engine running at
LOW IDLE, maintain the oil level so that it is visible in sight gauge (3).8. Remove the breather on top of winch case. Wash
it in clean, nonflammable solvent and install.
Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS)/Falling Object Protective Structure (FOPS)
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1. Inspect for any loose or damaged bolts. Replace damaged bolts or missing bolts with original equipment parts only.
Tighten bolts to a torque of 1100 ± 150 N·m (800 ± 100 lb ft).
NOTE: Apply oil to all ROPS/FOPS bolt threads before installing. Failure to apply oil can result in improper
bolt torque.
2. Replace ROPS/FOPS mounting supports if they rattle or make a noise when the machine is operated on a rough
Contact your Caterpillar dealer for repair of cracks in welds, castings or any metal section on the ROPS/FOPS.
To prevent possible injury, do not use the starter motor to turn the
Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow additional time for the
engine to cool before measuring valve clearance.
Measure the valve clearance setting with the engine stopped. To obtain
an accurate measurement, allow at least 20 minutes for the valves to
cool to engine cylinder head and block temperature.
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Adjust the valve clearance to within ± 0.08 mm (.003 in) of the valve clearance setting given in the chart.
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Refer to the Service Manual or your Caterpillar dealer for the complete valve adjustment procedure.
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.
Final Drives
Change Oil
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1. Position one final drive with the oil drain plug at the bottom.2. Remove drain plug (1). Allow the oil to drain into a
suitable container.3. Inspect the drain plug seal and replace if necessary.4. Clean and install the drain plug.5. Remove oil
fill plug (2).6. Fill the final drive to bottom of fill plug opening. See the Refill Capacities chart in the Maintenance Section
of this manual.7. Inspect the oil fill plug seal and replace if necessary.8. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for the other side of
Change Oil
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1. The machine must be level. Lower all attachments to the ground. Apply slight down pressure. Engage the parking
brake. Stop the engine.
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2. Remove the hydraulic system oil tank filler cap and strainer.3. Wash the filler strainer and filler cap in clean,
nonflammable solvent.
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4. Remove the oil drain plug, located under the right rear of machine.5. Attach a 10 cm (4 in) long hose to a 1 inch NPT
pipe nipple. Install the pipe nipple and hose into the drain plug opening.6. Turn the pipe nipple clockwise to open the
internal drain valve. Allow the oil to drain into a suitable container.7. Remove the pipe nipple. This closes the hydraulic
oil tank drain valve.8. Clean and install the drain plug. Tighten the plug to a torque of 68 ± 7 N·m (50 ± 5 lb ft).9. Change
the hydraulic system filter. See the topic Hydraulic System under Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months in the
Maintenance Section of this manual.10. Install the filler strainer.
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11. Fill the hydraulic system oil tank. See the Refill Capacities chart in the Maintenance Section of this manual.12.
Inspect the filler cap gasket and replace if necessary.13. Install the oil filler cap.14. Start and run the engine for a few
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15. Maintain the oil level to the FULL mark in the sight gauge.16. Stop the engine.
Measure Wear
Measure the rotational movement of the front roller frame relative to the rear roller frame.
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1. Raise the front of the machine with the dozer hydraulics. Place a 100 mm (4 inch) block under the outside end of a
track grouser near the idler. Lower the machine onto the block.
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2. Use a grease pencil to make a mark on the tubular section of the front roller frame and a corresponding mark on the
rear roller frame.
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3. Raise the front of the machine with the dozer hydraulics. Move the block under the inside edge of the same track
grouser. Lower the machine onto the block.
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4. Put a mark on the tubular section of the front roller frame corresponding with the mark on the rear roller frame.
Measure distance (1) between the two marks on the front roller frame.
If the distance between the two marks is more than 4.5 mm (0.18 in), inspect the track roller frame guides for
NEVER build up the track roller frame guides with hard-face welding.
This causes serious wear damage to the guide slots in the front track
roller frame.
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If dimension (1) is less than 27.3 mm (1.07 in), replace the track roller frame guides. Contact your Caterpillar
dealer for information or service.
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.
Cooling System
Do not change the coolant until you read and understand the material
in the Cooling System Specifications in the Maintenance Section of this
Drain the coolant earlier whenever the coolant is dirty or foaming is observed.
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The radiator cap is located in the top of the hood.
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2. Open the drain valve and allow the coolant to drain. Drain valve is located under the radiator.3. Close the drain valve.
Fill the system with clean water and a 6 to 10 percent concentration of cooling system cleaner.4. Start and run the
engine for 90 minutes. Stop the engine and drain the cleaning solution.5. With the engine stopped flush the system with
water until the draining water is clear.6. Close the drain valve.7. Add the coolant solution. See Cooling System
Specifications and Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities in the Maintenance Section of this manual.
NOTE: Do not add supplemental coolant additive or change element at this time, unless you are not using
Caterpillar Antifreeze which contains additive.
8. Start the engine and operate it with the radiator cap off, until the thermostat opens and the level stabilizes.9.
Maintain the coolant level to within 10 mm (.50 in) of the bottom of the fill pipe.10. Replace the cap if the gasket is
damaged. Install the cap.11. Stop the engine.
Operación de Sistemas
Systems Operation
NOTE: For Specifications with illustrations, make reference to the Specifications For D4H, D4H Series II And
D4H Series III Tractor Hydraulics, Form No. SENR3122. If the Specifications given in Form SENR3122 Are
not the same as given in the systems Operation and the Testing and Adusting, look at the printing date on the
back cover of each book. Use the Specifications given in the book with the latest date.
General Description
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Hydraulic Schematic
(1) Angle cylinders. (2) Lift cylinders. (3) Tilt cylinder. (4) Ripper cylinders. (5) Hydraulic tank and filter. (6) Pump compensator valve.
(7) Pump. (8) Signal line. (9) Hydraulic control group. (A) Inlet manifold. (B) Bulldozer lift control. (C) Bulldozer tilt control section. (D)
Bulldozer angle control section. (E) Ripper lift control section. (F) Cover.
The hydraulic system controls the operation of the bulldozer and ripper. The hydraulic system can be different
from one machine to the next according to the blade configuration and optional equipment that is on the
The basic hydraulic system has a hydraulic tank with full return filter (5), a variable displacement axial piston
pump (7), a stacked control valve group (9) consisting of from one to four pressure compensated control valves
(B), (C), (D) and (E) and hydraulic cylinders (1), (2), (3) and (4) as required. See chart, Hydraulic System
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The hydraulic system is a load sensing (both flow and pressure compensated), closed centered system. A load
sensing system keeps a constant flow for a given directional control spool position. This is done by maintaining
a constant pressure difference across the orifice made by the directional control spool.
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Pump (7) has a compensator valve (6) that automatically keeps pump pressure and flow at a level needed to
fulfill the system load and flow needs. When none of the hydraulic circuits are being used, the pump is at low
pressure standby, which is about 1725 kPa (250 psi). If one or more circuits are being used, a resolver network
compares the control valve work port pressures. The single highest pressure felt goes through signal line (8) to
pump compensator valve (6).
This valve now keeps the pump flow at a level needed to fulfill system flow and pressure requirements. The
actual system pressure will usually be about 1380 kPa (200 psi) above the highest work port pressure
requirement unless the pump is at full stroke. This difference between work port need and the higher supply
pressure is called margin pressure.
The compensator valve also has a pressure limiting ability that prevents pump and system overloads. When a
work port pressure goes over a set pump pressure of 18 600 kPa (2700 psi), for all machines except XL
(extended undercarriage) and 20 685 ± 350 kPa (3000 ± 50 psi), for the XL (extended undercarriage) machines,
the pressure limiter part of the compensator will extend over (override) the load sensing part of the compensator
and lower the pump output. This action starts at approximately 690 kPa (100 psi) below the maximum pressure
setting. This protects the hydraulic system from damaging high pressures.
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Bulldozer control lever (10) controls the lift, tilt and angle operations of the bulldozer. Ripper control lever (11)
controls the lift operation of the ripper. The control levers are connected to the control valve group by linkage.
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Implement Control Valve Group and Linkage (Earlier Style Shown) (Bulldozer Lift, Tilt and Angle Shown)
(A) Inlet manifold. (B) Bulldozer lift section. (C) Bulldozer tilt section. (D) Bulldozer angle section. (F) End cover.
Pressure compensated control valves (B), (C), (D) and (E) are fastened together along with inlet manifold (A)
and end cover (F) to make a stack control valve to control the implements. (Each machine may be configured
differently. See chart, Hydraulic System Components.) Each control valve has a signal passage connected with
each port. Part of each control valve are two resolver valves. Both primary and secondary resolvers use a ball
and two seats with a communication hole between the seats. Each end of the primary resolver is connected to a
respective signal passage in the control valve. As the directional control spool is actuated, oil pressure is sent to
the correct end of the primary resolver and then to the secondary resolver, where it is compared to the highest
pressure of the adjacent downstream control valve. The secondary resolvers form a series circuit to send the
highest pressure of the control valve group to the pump. When the control valves are shifted to hold, the signal
pressure is vented to tank, which lets the pump pressure decrease to a lower pressure.
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Hydraulic Tank and Filter
(1) Fill tube. (2) Oil filter assembly. (3) Return baffle. (4) Return tube. (5) Tube.
During normal operation the oil comes from the implement control valve through return tube (4) to the outside
of filter element (8). The filter element stops any debris that is in the oil. The oil from the inside of the filter
element returns to the tank through tube (5) and baffle (3).
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If the filter element becomes full of debris, the restriction to flow of oil causes a pressure increase outside the
filter element. The pressure increase causes bypass valve (6) to move against spring (7) and the oil goes directly
to the tank. When the oil does not go through the filter element, the debris in the oil will cause damage to the
components in the hydraulic system.
Correct maintenance must be used to make sure that filter element (8) does not become full of debris.
Hydraulic Pump
The pump for the hydraulic system is an automatically controlled, variable displacement axial piston-type
pump. It senses both pressure and flow needs.
When drive shaft (4) is rotated, cylinder barrel (8) also turns. Nine pistons (7) are held in and turn with cylinder
barrel (8). Each piston has an attached piston shoe (6). Piston shoe (6) is held against the nonrotating swashplate
(1) by shoe plate (5). At maximum swashplate angle (above) the pistons in position (A) are pulled out of
cylinder barrel (8). This pulls oil from the inlet port through port plate (2) into the piston bore in cylinder barrel
(8). As cylinder barrel (8) rotates to position (B), the angled swashplate pushes the pistons back into the
cylinder barrel. This pushes oil out of the piston bore, through port plate (2) and into the output port.
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Variable Displacement Piston Pump (Maximum Swashplate Angle Shown)
(1) Swashplate. (2) Port plate. (3) Compensator valve. (4) Drive shaft. (5) Shoe plate. (6) Piston shoe. (7) Piston. (8) Cylinder barrel.
(9) Orifice. (10) Seat. (11) Seat. (12) Chamber for load pressure. (13) Pressure compensator spool. (14) Drain passage to pump case.
(15) Flow compensator spool. (16) Passage to swashplate control piston. (17) Passage to pump outlet. (18) Signal passage. (19)
Actuator piston. (20) Spring.
The angle of the swashplate determines how much oil is drawn into each piston bore. The angle therefore
determines how much oil is pushed or pumped out of each piston bore per drive shaft revolution. There are
infinite swashplate angle positions between neutral (zero degrees or straight up and down) and the maximum
angle. The greater the swashplate angle, the greater the amount of oil pulled into the pump and the greater the
amount of oil discharged through port plate (2) to the output port.
When swashplate (1) angle is minimum, pistons (7) do not move in and out of the rotating cylinder barrel.
Therefore, no oil is drawn into the pump and no oil is pushed or pumped out of the pump. There is zero
displacement from the pump. The pump is not generating oil flow.
The pump has a compensator valve (3) that keeps pump pressure and flow at a level needed to fulfill the system
load and flow needs. The compensator valve does this by either sending pump oil to or draining oil from
actuator piston (19). This piston works with the swashplate control spring (20) to continually adjust the
swashplate angle. Pump outlet pressure is kept about 1380 kPa (200 psi) above work port pressure needs. The
compensator valve also has a pressure limiting ability that prevents pump and system overloads. When work
port pressure goes over 18 600 kPa (2700 psi), for all machines except XL (extended undercarriage) and 20 685
± 350 kPa (3000 ± 50 psi), for the XL (extended undercarriage) machines, pressure compensator spool (13) will
override flow compensator spool (15) and lower pump output. This action starts at about 690 kPa (100 psi)
below the maximum pressure setting.
The following schematics show how the pump and its compensator valve act during different conditions in the
hydraulic system.
Ver imagen
Pump and Compensator Operation
(1) Pressure compensator spring. (2) Flow compensator spring. (3) Cavity. (4) Signal line. (5) Flow compensator spool. (6) Actuator
piston. (7) Case drain. (8) Actuator spring. (9) Swashplate. (10) Passage. (11) Line. (12) Passage. (13) Orifice from cavity (15). (14)
Pressure compensator spool. (15) Pressure compensator cavity. (16) Plug. (17) Check valve.
Upstroking is when the pump is increasing displacement (output). This occurs when the signal pressure
increases due to a high load at low pump output. The highest resolved signal pressure (see Signal Resolver
Network) goes through line (4) and fills cavity (3). Now the signal pressure, plus the force of spring (2), moves
spool (5) down. This lets the oil behind actuator piston (6) go to case drain (7). The force of actuator spring (8)
is now greater than the force behind the actuator piston. Swashplate (9) angle increases. This increases pump
output. The pump output pressure increases until the pressure in passage (12) moves spool (5) up to the
metering position. Initially, in the metering position (Figure 1), pump pressure is greater than the combined
force of spring (2) and the signal pressure in cavity (3). Spool (5) moves up. Pump pressure is now sent to
actuator piston (6). This overcomes the force of actuator spring (8). Swashplate (9) angle decreases. Pump
output decreases. When pump pressure reduces enough, the combined signal and spring force in cavity (3)
moves spool (5) down (Figure 2). The oil pressure behind actuator piston (6) goes back to case drain per
previous discussion. Spring (8) forces swashplate (9) angle to increase. This slight up and down spool
movement is called metering. Metering keeps the pressure on both ends of spool (5) equal. Spring (2) is equal to
1380 kPa (200 psi). Therefore, pump pressure is 1380 kPa (200 psi) greater than signal pressure. This difference
is called margin pressure.
Ver imagen
Metering Position
Ver imagen
Destroking is when the pump is decreasing displacement (output). This occurs when the signal pressure
decreases due to a low load at high pump output. The lower signal pressure goes through line (4) and fills cavity
(3). Now the signal pressure, plus the force of spring (2) in cavity (3), is less than the pump pressure in passage
(12). Spool (5) is pushed up. Oil behind actuator piston (6) cannot go to case drain (7). Pump oil now flows
through passage (12), past spool (5) and into actuator piston (6). Pump pressure behind actuator piston (6) is
now greater than the force of spring (8). Swashplate (9) angle decreases. This decreases pump output. Passage
(12) pressure will become less than the combined force in cavity (3). Spool (5) will now move down to the
metering position. As long as the signal pressure stays the same, spool (5) will remain in the metering position.
The hydraulic system is now stabilized (equalized).
NOTE: See Upstroking discussions on the preceding pages for an explanation of metering.
Ver imagen
High pressure stall is when the hydraulic system stalls out under load or when the cylinders reach the end of the
stroke. Slall occurs when pump output reaches 18 600 kPa (2700 psi), for all machines except XL (extended
undercarriage) and 20 685 ± 350 kPa (3000 ± 50 psi), for the XL (extended undercarriage) machines. Signal
pressure in line (4) now equals pump output pressure. Spring (2) now moves spool (5) down. This pressure also
moves spool (14) up against the force of spring (1). Now pump oil goes past spool (14) and spool (5) to the
back of actuator piston (6). Swashplate (9) moves right against the force of spring (8). Pump output (flow) now
decreases while system pressure stays at 18 600 kPa (2700 psi), for all machines except XL (extended
undercarriage) and 20 685 ± 350 kPa (3000 ± 50 psi), for the XL (extended undercarriage) machines.
If the control lever is moved to HOLD during high pressure stall, the signal pressure in cavity (3) flows through
signal line (4) to the control valve where it returns to tank. System pressure begins to bleed down. At
approximately 18 350 kPa (2650 psi), for all machines except XL (extended undercarriage) and 20 435 ± 350
kPa (2950 ± 50 psi), for the XL (extended undercarriage) machines, spring (1) moves pressure spool (14) down
and the system pressure in passage (12) acts against the force of spring (2) to move flow compensator (5) up.
Supply oil flows past compensator spool (5) to actuator piston (6). Actuator piston (6) keeps the pump
destroked until system pressure decreases. As the system pressure approaches 1720 kPa (250 psi) (low pressure
standby), flow compensator spool (5) moves down to the metering position. Swashplate (9) lill maintain a slight
angle that is sufficient to make up for system leakage and provide the lower required pressure.
Check valve (17) prevents damage to the pump during stall conditions. Check valve (17) allows system pressure
oil to bypass the margin spool and go to actuator piston (6).
Ver imagen
Low pressure standby is when the engine is running and the implements are in hold and the steering is not being
used. There are no flow or pressure demands on the pump. Therefore, there is no signal pressure in line (4).
Before the engine is started, actuator spring (8) holds swashplate (9) at maximum angle. As the pump begins to
turn, making oil flow, pressure builds in the system because of the closed-center implement valves. This
pressure in passage (12) is felt at the bottoms of both pressure compensator (14) (pressure limiter) and flow
pressure compensator (5) (margin) spools. As this pressure increases, it pushes the flow compensator (margin)
spool against its spring. When system pressure becomes greater than 1380 kPa (200 psi) spool (5) will have
moved up far enough to open up a passage for pressure oil to the back of actuator piston (6). This causes the
actuator piston to move to the right which compresses actuator spring (8) and moves the swashplate toward
minimum angle. The actuator piston continues to move to the right until it uncovers the cross-drilled passage of
the actuator piston rod, allowing oil to drain to case.
At this point, pump output flow is not enough to make up for normal system leakage, the additional leakage
through the cross-drilled hole, and further increases oil pressure behind the actuator piston to continue moving it
to the right. This limits the maximum travel of the piston to the right. The piston will now move slightly to the
left until only a part of the cross-drilled hole is open to case. At this point, the pump is producing enough flow
to make up system leakage and leakage to the pump case though the cross-drilled hole while maintaining
system pressure at 1725 kPa (250 psi).
The pump is at low pressure standby. This pressure is different than margin pressure because of system leakage
and the cross-drilled hole in the actuator piston rod. The flow compensator (margin) spool, instead of metering
oil, must remain open and move up higher against spring (2) to provide enough flow to the back side of the
actuator piston to make up the leakage through the cross-drilled hole. This flow must be enough to maintain the
pressure required at the back of the piston to overcome the actuator spring. System pressure must be
approximately 345 kPa (50 psi) higher than margin pressure to shift the spool up this additional amount against
spring (2). Oil pressure behind the actuator piston is less than system pressure because of the pressure drop
caused by the flow compensator (margin) spool.
NOTE: Low pressure standy is not adjusted and will vary from machine to machine. It will also vary in the
same pump as system or pump leakage increases. As leakage increases, the pump will upsrtoke slightly to
compensate for the leakage, and the actuator piston will cover up more of the cross-drilled hole. As this happen,
low pressure standby will drop toward margin pressure. When leakage hits the point at which the piston covers
the cross-drilled hole completely, because of the increased swashplate angle required, low pressure standby will
equal margin pressure.
If the implement control valve group contains only a valve section for bulldozer lift and ripper lift, manifold (7)
is installed between these valve sections.
Linkage rods connect the valve sections to the operator control levers. The bulldozer control lever controls
bulldozer raise and lower, tilt right and left, and angle right and left. The ripper control lever controls ripper
raise and lower.
Ver imagen
Implement Control Valve Group (Earlier Style Shown)
(1) Cover. (2) Ripper lift control section. (5) Bulldozer lift control section. (6) Inlet manifold. (7) Manifold.
Ver imagen
Implement Control Valve Group (Earlier Style Shown)
(1) Cover. (2) Ripper lift control section. (3) Bulldozer angle control section. (4) Bulldozer tilt control section. (5) Bulldozer lift control
section. (6) Inlet manifold.
Ver imagen
Implement Control Valve Group (Later Style Shown)
(1) Cover. (2) Ripper lift control section. (3) Bulldozer angle control section. (4) Bulldozer tilt control section. (5) Bulldozer lift control
section. (6) Inlet manifold and return oil restrictor.
The control valve group consists of individual control valves stacked together using three tie rods. O-rings are
used between valves. Pump pressure is seen by all valves in parallel.
All sections have manual actuation. All sections have closed centered directional stems. The dozer tilt and
ripper stems have three positions: EXTEND, HOLD and RETRACT. The dozer angle stem has three positions:
ANGLE RIGHT, HOLD AND ANGLE LEFT. The dozer lift stem has four positions: RAISE, HOLD, LOWER
and FLOAT. The FLOAT position is the only one detented.
All sections have two load resolver valves: primary and secondary. The primary resolver valve resolves the
higher of the two work ports and sends the higher pressure to the secondary resolver. The secondary resolver
compares the load pressure of the section with those downstream. When the highest pressure of the valve stack
is determined by the secondary resolver, it is sent back to the pump compensator valve. (See Signal Resolver
Each valve section has two signal passages which are open to tank when the directional stem is in HOLD
position. When the stem is shifted either way, the load signal passage is closed to tank and picks up the load
pressure and sends it to the primary resolver.
Both the dozer lift and ripper valve sections have makeup valves to reduce pause time. The pause time is caused
by the weight of the blade and ripper forcing the oil out of the rod end faster than the pump can fill the head
end. The void in the head of the cylinder causes the pressure in the cylinder passage to be less than in the tank
passage, causing flow to go from the tank to head end of the cylinder. (See Makeup Valve.)
The dozer angle section has two combination line relief and makeup valves to protect the lift cylinder circuit.
[See Line Relief and Makeup Valve (Pilot Operated)]
NOTE: The lift section uses a has combination line relief and makeup valve when the machine is equipped with
a straight blade.
All sections have load check valves to prevent backflow when the pump pressure is less than the work port
pressure when the stem is shifted. This prevents unwanted blade or ripper movement (droop) as the stem is
Ver imagen
Inlet Manifold and Return Restrictor
(1) Inlet port from pump. (2) Outlet port to tank. (3) Signal port from resolver network.
Port (1) supplies oil from the pump. Port (2) directs return oil to tank. Port (3) directs the highest implement
load signal to the pump compensator.
In addition to providing for line connections, this manifold houses a return restrictor valve.
When any implement circuit is operated at high pressure, the signal oil enters port (7) and goes to passage (6).
This pressure causes spool (9) to act against the force of spring (10). The spool shifts down, allowing oil
returning from the implement circuits in chamber (4) to go around spool (9) and into passage (8). This passage
connects to tank return port (2). Implement return oil now continues to tank.
Ver imagen
Inlet Manifold and Return Restrictor (Open Position)
(4) Return chamber. (5) Supply passage. (6) Passage. (7) Signal inlet port. (8) Passage to return line. (9) Spool. (10) Spring.
Ver imagen
NOTE: The operation of the bulldozer tilt and ripper lift control valves is the same as the bulldozer lift control
valve in LIFT, LOWER and HOLD positions.
HOLD Position
In the following explanations, all control valves downstream of the lift control valve are assumed to be in
HOLD position.
Ver imagen
Bulldozer Lift Valve (HOLD position)
(2) Control valve spool. (3) Drain passage. (4) Signal passage. (5) Pump passage. (6) Passage to head end of cylinder. (7) Flow control
spool. (8) Holes. (9) Passage. (10) Passage to rod end of cylinder. (11) Flow control spring chamber. (12) Springs. (13) Signal passage.
(14) Drain passage. (15) Secondary resolver. (16) Spring. (19) Primary resolver.
When the engine is running, oil from the pump passes through the inlet manifold to passage (5). This passage is
common in all valve sections and has no outlet. The oil goes through holes (8) into flow control spool (7). This
causes flow control spool to move down against the combined force of springs (12) and the pressure in chamber
(11). When holes (8) start to close off passage (5), a restriction is created which limits the pressure inside spool
(7) and cavity (9) to 415 kPa (60 psi) higher than the pressure in spring chamber (11).
In HOLD position, control valve spool (2) stops the pressure oil in passage (9) from going into passage (6) or
passage (10). The oil in passage (6) to the head end of the cylinders and passage (10) to the rod end of the
cylinders is blocked. This holds the blade in position.
Signal passages (4) and (13), chamber (11) and primary resolver (19) are all open to drain passages (3) and (14).
Spring (16) holds control spool (2) in this position.
If there are no downstream valves activated, secondary resolver (15) will also be open to drain and the pump
will be in a low pressure standby condition.
LIFT Position
Ver imagen
Bulldozer Lift Valve (LIFT Position)
(2) Control valve spool. (3) Drain passage. (4) Signal passage. (5) Pump passage. (6) Passage to head end of cylinder. (7) Flow control
spool. (9) Passage. (10) Passage to rod end of cylinder. (11) Flow control spring chamber. (12) Springs. (13) Signal passage. (14) Drain
passage. (15) Secondary resolver. (16) Spring. (19) Primary resolver.
When control spool (2) is shifted from HOLD to LIFT, signal passage (13) is opened to the pressure in cylinder
rod end passage (10) before cylinder rod end passage (10) is opened to passage (9). This pressure is
immediately sent to primary resolver (19). Primary resolver (19) sends this pressure to flow control spring
chamber (11) and to secondary resolver (15).
If pump oil pressure inside flow control spool (7) is lower than the pressure in flow control spring chamber (11)
(cylinder rod end pressure), then flow control spool (7) moves up and functions as a load check valve. The
pressure of the oil in chamber (11) and the force of springs (12) keep flow control spool (7) in its upper position
until pump pressure is approximately 420 kPa (60 psi) greater than the pressure in flow control spring chamber
(11) (cylinder rod end pressure).
This prevents reverse flow from cylinder rod end passage (10) to passage (9) and pump passage (5) and
prevents the blade from dropping as control valve spool (2) is shifted.
From secondary resolver (15) the cylinder rod end pressure goes to the pump compensator valve and increases
pump oil pressure. As pump oil pressure increases at pump passage (5), this increase is also felt inside flow
control spool (7).
When the pump output pressure is approximately 420 kPa (60 psi) greater than the pressure in flow control
spring chamber (11) (cylinder rod end pressure), flow control spool (7) moves downward, allowing flow from
pump passage (5) to passage (9) and to passage (10) and the rod end of the bulldozer lift cylinders, resulting in
the blade raising.
With control valve spool (2) in the lift position, cylinder head end passage (6) and signal passage (4) are open to
drain passage (3).
Spring (16) is being compressed from the bottom in this position. When the control lever is released, spring (16)
returns to normal position. This pulls the control lever back into the HOLD position.
Lower Position
Ver imagen
When the control valve is shifted from HOLD to LOWER, control valve spool (2) opens cylinder rod end
passage (10) and signal passage (13) to drain passage (14). It also opens cylinder head end passage (6) and
signal passage (4) to pump pressure from passage (9).
As stated per discussion for the LIFT operation, cylinder head end passage (6) opens to signal passage (4)
slightly before it opens to passage (9) and the cylinder head end pressure is sent to primary resolver (19). From
this point, the operation of primary resolver (19), secondary resolver (15) and flow control spool (7) is identical
to their operation in the LIFT position.
Spring (16) is being compressed from the top in this position. When the control lever is released, spring (16)
pushes control valve spool (7) and control lever back into the HOLD position.
When the lift cylinder rods are extended faster than the pump can fill the head end of the cylinders, makeup
valve (1) is employed. This condition occurs during rapid blade lowering. (See Makeup Valve.)
Float Position
Ver imagen
When the control valve is shifted to the FLOAT position, control valve spool (2) is moved all the way down
from the HOLD position. Spring (16) is fully compressed from the top. However the ridge on pin (18) goes past
detent balls (17). Spring (16) does not have enough force to pull pin (18) back past detent balls (17). Pin (18) is
attached to control valve spool (2). Control valve spool (2) will be held in FLOAT position until the operator
moves the control lever out of FLOAT.
With the control valve in the FLOAT position, control valve spool (2) blocks pressure oil in passage (9). Both
cylinder head end and cylinder rod end passages (6) and (10) and signal passages (4) and (13) are open to drain
passages (3) and (14). Since the cylinder rod and head ends are open to drain, the blade will follow the shape of
the ground.
Makeup Valve
Ver imagen
Makeup Valve
(1) Passage to cylinder head end. (2) Drain passage. (3) Spring.
Makeup valves are located in the control valve sections for bulldozer lift and ripper lift. The makeup valves are
in the passages to the head end of the bulldozer lift and ripper cylinders.
When there is pressure in the head end of the bulldozer lift and ripper cylinders, the makeup valve is held
closed. However, when the blade or ripper is lowered rapidly, the pressure in drain passage (2) is greater than
the pressure in head end passage (1). Since drain passage pressure is felt in the makeup valve cavity, the
pressure moves the valve to the left, compressing spring (3). Drain oil can now flow into the head end of the lift
or ripper cylinders.
Ver imagen
Angle Valve (HOLD Position)
(1) Makeup and relief valve. (2) Port to rod end of right cylinder and head end of left cylinder. (3) Port to rod end of left cylinder and
head end of right cylinder. (4) Main control spool. (5) Passage to tank. (6) Signal passage to primary resolver. (7) Spool. (8) Holes. (9)
Pump passage. (10) Passage. (11) Spring. (12) Signal cavity. (13) Signal port. (14) Signal passage to primary resolver. (15) Passage to
tank. (16) Spring.
The bulldozer angle control valve is located between the control valve section for ripper lift and the control
valve section for tilt (with ripper). The bulldozer angle control valve section is located between the end cover
and the control valve section for tilt, on machines without a ripper.
Spring (16) on the end of valve spool (4) is compressed when the spool is moved to either the angle RIGHT or
angle LEFT positions. The spring will move valve spool (4) and the control lever to HOLD position when is
Pump oil from the valve section for tilt enters the angle valve section through passage (9). Passage (9) is a
common passage through all of the valve sections. Passage (9) has no outlet. The pump oil goes through holes
(8) into spool (7). This causes the spool to move down against the combined signal pressure from port (13) and
force of spring (11) in cavity (12). When holes (8) begin to close off pump passage (9), there is a restriction
created which limits pressure inside spool (7) to 415 kPa (60 psi) greater than the pressure in signal cavity (12).
The pressure inside spool (7) is the same as the pressure in passage (10).
Hold Position
In HOLD position, spool (4) stops pressure oil in passage (10) from going into ports (2) and (3). The oil in port
(3) to rod end of left angle cylinder and head end of right angle cylinder is blocked. The oil in port (2) to rod
end of right angle cylinder and head end of left angle cylinder is also blocked. The blade is now held in
position. The oil in passages (5), (6), (12), (14) and (15) goes to drain.
Ver imagen
In the angle LEFT position, spool (4) is moved down. Oil from passage (10) now goes around the spool into
port (3). Most of the oil goes to both the rod end of left angle cylinder and the head end of right angle cylinder.
Some of the oil in port (3) goes through passage (6) to the resolver network to adjust the pump as required by
the load. The oil from the head end of the left angle cylinder and the rod end of the right angle cylinder is forced
through port (2), around spool (4), through signal passage (14) and tank passage (15) to tank. In angle LEFT
position, pressure in cavity (12) is equal to the pressure in passage (6).
Spring (16) is compressed from the top in this spool position. When the control lever is released, spring (16)
returns to normal position. This pushes the control lever back into HOLD position. See Line Relief and Makeup
Valve for the operation of item (1).
Ver imagen
In the angle RIGHT position, spool (4) is moved up. Oil from passage (10) now goes around the spool into port
(2). Most of the oil goes to both the head end of left angle cylinder and the rod end of right angle cylinder.
Some of the oil in port (2) goes through passage (14) and on to the resolver network to adjust the pump as
required by the load. The oil from the rod end of the left angle cylinder and the head end of the right angle
cylinder is forced through port (3), around spool (4), through signal passage (6) and tank passage (5) to tank. In
angle RIGHT position, pressure in cavity (12) is equal to the pressure in passage (14).
Spring (16) is compressed from the top in this spool position. When the control lever is released, spring (16)
returns to normal position. This pushes the control lever back into HOLD position. See Line Relief and Makeup
Valve for the operation of item (1).
The relief valve is pilot-type valve. Work port oil flows through passage (1) into the spring chamber. This
pressure and spring (3) hold valve (2) closed. The pressure of the oil is also against pilot valve (5) which is held
closed by spring (6).
When the oil in spring (3) chamber has more pressure than the force of spring (6), valve (5) will open (move
right). The oil in spring (3) chamber now goes past open pilot valve (5). This oil goes through passage (4) to the
tank, faster oil which comes through passage (1). With only the force of spring (3) on valve (2), the pressure of
the work port oil against valve (2) opens it and the work port oil goes to the tank. The open relief keeps the
pressure of the work port oil from going higher than the setting of the relief valve.
The relief valve is also a makeup valve. Often the pressure of the pump oil to the cylinder(s) is less than the
pressure of the return oil from the cylinder(s). Therefore, the oil pressure in spring (3) chamber is also less than
the return oil. When the pressure of the return oil has more force on valve (2) than spring (3) has on the valve,
the valve opens moves right). The return oil now goes past valve (2) into pump oil. The pressure of the pump oil
and return oil becomes the same.
If the relief valve setting needs adjustment, screw (7) is turned in the direction needed to get either a pressure
decrease or pressure increase. Locknut (8) is used to keep screw (7) from turning after the adjustment is made.
Each control valve section in the implement hydraulic system has two resolver check valves. Each resolver
check valve compares two pressure signals. The higher of the two signals goes to the next resolver. One of the
check valves is called the primary resolver. The other check valve is called the secondary resolver.
Ver imagen
The primary resolver is installed parallel to the control spool. The ball check is built into the resolver. The
secondary resolver is installed perpendicular to the primary resolver. The ball check is not contained in a
housing. A plug holds the ball check in the valve body.
Ver imagen
Check Valve
(3) Signal line from cylinder head end. (4) Outlet line. (5) Ball check. (6) Signal line from the rod end.
Ver imagen
The primary resolver compares the pressure between the two work ports in each control valve section. In other
words, it compares the head end pressure of the cylinder to the rod end pressure of the same cylinder.
In the previous illustration, the head end pressure in line (3) is greater than the rod end pressure in line (6). The
head end pressure forces ball check (5) right. This blocks line (6). The pressure in line (3) is now the highest
resolved pressure in this resolver. This pressure can now go through outlet line (4) to the next resolver.
The secondary resolver in each valve section works similarly. It compares the pressure signals between two
valve sections. In other words, the secondary resolver compares the highest primary pressure signal in its
control valve to the highes resolved signal from the previous control valve.
The highest resolved signal from the implement control valve group goes to the compensator valve on the
pump. This signal now instructs the pump to vary its output to meet the highes resolved load requirements. The
pump compensator valve adds margin pressure to the load requirements. Note that the resolver network does
not add the various loads together. Instead, the single highest resolved load plus margin pressure governs pump
output. Therefore, the entire system is supplied with 1380 kPa (200 psi) more pressure than necessary to handle
the single largest load. The pump will not change its output until the resolver network identifies a different
highest resolved signal.
In the illustration above, the implement oil (work port) pressure for both valves is shown to be the same. If these
pressures are different, the pressure in signal line (3) to the pump compensator will be equal to the higher of the
two work port pressures.
When two or more control valves are shifted at the same time and the system demand increases to a point
greater than pump oil flow capacity, the control valve with the lower signal pressure will get flow first with any
excess going to the other sections.
Pruebas y Ajustes
2. Permit only one operator on the machine. Keep all other personnel either away from the machine or in view
of the operator.
5. Move the hydraulic control levers to all positions to release the pressure in the hydraulic system.
6. Carefully loosen the filler cap on the hydraulic tank to release the pressure in the tank.
7. Make sure all hydraulic pressure is released before any fitting, hose or component is loosened, tightened,
removed or adjusted.
9. The pressure in the system has now been released and lines or components can be removed.
When defining a hydraulic system problem, the following procedure should be followed. First, do Visual
Checks. If the problem has not been identified when Visual Checks are completed, do Operational Checks. If
the problem is still not fully understood, do Instrument Tests. This procedure will help identify hydraulic system
problems. As soon as the problem is defined, go to Troubleshooting. The Troubleshooting section will list the
probable causes of a known problem. Since there may be more than one cause for a problem, the
Troubleshooting section may suggest specific inspections or instrument tests be done. These inspections and
tests will help identify which of the causes is most probable.
During a diagnosis of the hydraulic system, remember that correct oil flow and pressure are necessary for
correct operation. The output of the pump (oil flow) increases with an increase in engine speed (rpm) and
decreases when engine speed (rpm) is decreased. Oil pressure is caused by resistance to the flow of oil.
Use the 8T5320 Hydraulic Test Group or the 4C4890/4C4892 Fitting Groups, a stop watch, a magnet, a
thermometer and a mm (inch) ruler for basic tests to measure:
1. Drift rates in the implement circuits: Circuit drift is caused by leakage past cylinder pistons, control valve
spools, load check valves or makeup valves. Excessive drift can be caused by problem with any one or
combination of components.
2. Cycle times in the implement circuits: Cycle times that are longer than shown in the charts are the result of
leakage, pump wear and/or pump speed (rpm). If the basic operation checks indicate excessive circuit leakage,
then pressure tests are needed to determine which components have a problem.
Visual Checks
A visual inspection of the hydraulic system and its components is the first step when identifying a problem.
Stop the engine and lower the implements to the ground. To remove the tank filler cap, slowly turn the filler cap
until it is loose. If oil comes out, let the tank pressure lower before the filler cap is removed. Make the following
Do not check for leaks with your hands. Pin hole (very small) leaks can
result in a high velocity oil stream that will be invisible close to the hose.
This oil can penetrate the skin and cause personal injury. Use cardboard
or paper to locate pin hole leaks.
1. Check all implement oil line connections for damage and leaks.
2. Follow all implement oil lines from the implement connections to the valve connections. Check the lines and
connections for damage and leaks.
5. Follow the pump lines to the tank and valves. Check the lines and tank for damage and leaks.
7. Use a clear bottle or container to get an oil sample from the tank immediately after the machine is stopped.
Check for air bubbles in the oil sample.
8. Remove the filter element and check for particles removed from the oil by the filter elements. A magnet will
separate ferrous particles from nonferrous particles (piston rings, O-rings, seals, etc.).
Operation Checks
The operation checks can be used to find leakage in the system. They can also be used to find a bad valve or
pump. The speed of rod movement when the cylinders move can be used to check the condition of the cylinders
and the pump.
The oil in the hydraulic system must be at operating temperature of 38 to 54°C (100 to 130°F).
The control valves have a parallel circuit arrangement. The hydraulic pump and the pressure relief valve are
common to all circuits. Each valve section has a check valve to help prevent cylinder drift when the valve spool
is first moved.
Relief valves help give protection to system components from too much pressure. The main relief valve is also a
makeup valve. Makeup valves let extra oil go the cylinders when needed.
3. Listen for the sound of the relief valve. It must not open except when the cylinders are fully extended or
The pressure setting of the relief valve can lower the performance of the machine. A high pressure setting will
cause a reduction in the life of hoses and other parts of the system.
5. Put each control valve in HOLD while implement is off the ground. Watch for excessive cylinder rod drift.
Implement cylinder drift is caused by leakage past cylinder piston seals, control valve seals, check or makeup
valves and/or too much spool to valve body clearance.
The drift rates will change with different conditions of the hydraulic components as well as with the operation,
hydraulic oil temperature, etc. Before measuring drift on the cylinder rod, the cylinders must be extended at
least five times. Measure rod drift using the following procedure:
2. Lift the bulldozer until the cutting edge is approximately 254 mm (10 in) off the ground. With the lift control
lever in HOLD position, stop the engine.
3. Measure the length of the lift cylinder rods (from the lift cylinders) and make a record of the measurements.
4. Measure the distance (and check the time) that the cylinders extend with the chart.
NOTE: The drift distances in the charts are for new machines.
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3. Leakage in the control valve (worn valve section and spool valve and/or makeup valve not on its seat).
When there is too much drift with the hydraulic oil temperature below 54°C (130°F), and there is no leak in the
lines to the lift cylinders, make another test.
1. Start the engine. Move the lift control lever to the LOWER position. When the rods from the lift cylinders are
extended and the front of the tractor is off the ground, stop the engine.
2. Disconnect the oil lines from the rod end of each lift cylinder.
3. When only a very small amount of oil comes from the open oil line connection on the lift cylinder, the seals
on the piston are not the cause of too much cylinder rod drift.
NOTE: When the piston seals in the lift cylinders are not the cause of too much drift, the control valve is the
cause (check valve not on its seat and/or worn valve spool and valve section).
3. Lower bulldozer to lift the front idlers off the ground. With the lift and tilt control valves in HOLD position,
stop the engine.
4. Measure the distance (and check the time) that the tilt cylinder extends with the chart.
NOTE: The drift distances in the chart are for new machines.
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Too much tilt cylinder rod drift is caused by:
1. Loose oil line connections and condition of the oil hoses between the control valve and the rod end of the tilt
3. Leakage in the control valve (worn valve section and spool valve).
2. Position the ripper so that the ripper teeth are approximately 254 mm (10 in) off the ground. With the ripper
control valve in HOLD, stop the engine.
3. Measure the distance (and check the time) that the cylinder extends with the chart.
NOTE: The drift distances in the chart are for new machines.
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1. Loose oil line connections or damaged oil lines with oil leaks.
3. Leakage in the control valve (worn valve section and spool valve and/or makeup valve not on its seat).
The oil in the system must be SAE 10 and at a temperature of 65 ± 3°C (150 ± 5°F) to get correct results. All
speed tests are made with the engine rpm at high idle.
System speeds that are the same as those given in the chart is an indication that the circuit operation is normal.
If only one of the cylinder speeds is slow, check that circuit for cylinder drift.
Use a stop watch or timer to measure the time for the lift arms to lift, the time for the blade to tilt in each
direction, and the time for the blade to angle in either direction.
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5. Margin pressure could be high (resulting in faster cycles) or low (resulting in slower cycles).
6. The signal network may have blockage or leakage.
A resolver is a check valve. It compares two pressures. The lower of the two pressures is blocked. The higher of
the pressures or signals goes to the next component in the resolver network.
Ver imagen
There are two resolvers per implement control valve. Primary resolver (1) compares rod to head cylinder
pressures. Secondary resolver (2) compares the highest primary signal in its control valve to the highest primary
signal in the next control valve. The secondary resolvers are arranged in series leading to the pump compensator
The primary and secondary resolvers can be affected by debris, cut or missing seals, bad resolver seats, or
missing balls.
The signal network can be easily checked. Start the engine and warm up the hydraulic oil. Run the engine at
LOW IDLE for this check. Connect a 30 000 kPa (4000 psi) gauge to the signal line pressure tap. Operate each
control lever in the following order:
1. Ripper
2. Angle
3. Tilt
4. Lift
Work each implement against a load. Watch the gauge. Maximum system pressure should be seen for all
circuits. By using the gauge, small leakage problems such as cut or missing seals can be detected.
Secondary Resolvers (Two or More Valve Sections)
If two or more control valves in series next to each other fail to work normally, the problem may be in the
secondary resolver of the first implement control valve that is closer to pump supply that does work properly.
This control valve's secondary resolver is allowing signal pressure from any control valve further from pump
supply to leak through to either the rod or head end signal passage of that control valve to tank. This leakage
may be caused by a ball not seating against the drain side of its resolver causing the valve to not functioning
This holds true unless; the ball is missing; there is debris preventing the ball from seating properly; the seal is
missing or leaking when multiple valves malfunction, Operate the malfunctioning valve farthest from the pump
and at the same time start going through the previously mentioned valve order. The first valve that makes both
of the implements work, is the one with the bad secondary resolver. What is happening is that the farthest valve
is sending a signal and the valve with a bad seal or missing ball is also sending a signal. When both signals meet
at the valve with the bad secondary resolver the leak has no impact on the signal that now goes to the pump and
it has no effect on the flow control valve.
If only one valve section either fails to work in one or both directions or works slowly in one or both directions.
The primary or secondary resolver in that control valve may be bad. To determine which secondary resolver is
bad peform the following check. Stall an implement further away from the pump than the valve in question.
This will force the ball in the secondary resolver to seat away from the drain side of the resolver. This
eliminates the possibility of a leak on the drain side of the secondary resolver. Now operate the suspect valve
while holding the other implement in stall. If it is still operating slow in one or both directions, then the primary
resolver maybe bad.
If the primary resolver is bad, then the pressure bleed off caused by the bad resolver is effecting the operation of
the flow control spool in the valve body. The effective force (signal pressure + spring) trying to open up the
valve to allow flow to the cylinder is insufficient to meet the cylinder load requirement so the implement has a
slower response.
Normally if an implement is slow in both directions, the problem is usually in the secondary resolver. If an
implement is slow in one direction it is typically caused by a bad primary resolver (caused by debris or bad
Other causes of malfunctioning valve sections might be a misadjusted linkage, a broken pressure reducing valve
spring, the flow control spool incorrectly installed or bad line relief and/or makeup valves.
NOTE: If there is debris in the system. It is recommended that the system be flushed by removing all the balls
in the secondary resolvers and operate the implements. Enough flow will be supplied to flush the debris to the
The difference between the pump flow of two operating pressures is the flow loss.
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Flow loss when expressed as a percent of pump flow is used as a measure of pump performance.
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If the percent of flow loss is more than 10%, pump performance is not good enough.
Numbers in examples are for illustration and are not values for any specific pump or pump condition. See Specifications
For D5C Tractor Hydraulics, Form No. SENR5218 for pump flow of a new pump at 690 kPa (100 psi) and 6900 kPa (1000
Install a Flow Meter. Run the engine at high idle rpm. Measure the pump flow at 690 kPa (100 psi) and at 6900
kPa (1000 psi). Use these values in Formula I.
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Test On The Bench
If the test bench can be run at 6900 kPa (1000 psi) and at full pump rpm, find the percent of flow loss using
Formula I.
If the test bench can not be run at 6900 kPa (1000 psi) at full pump rpm, run the pump shaft at 1000 rpm.
Measure the pump flow at 690 kPa (100 psi) and at 6900 kPa (1000 psi). Use these values in the top part of
Formula II. For the bottom part of the formula, run the pump shaft at 2000 rpm. Measure the pump flow at 690
kPa (100) psi.
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Instrument Tests
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NOTE: On earlier machines, to tap signal pressure, signal line (4) must be removed and installed with a
8T2352 Swivel Tee (5) installed in the signal line at either implement control valve (1) or compensator valve
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Location to Tap Signal Pressure at Implement Pump
(4) Signal line. (6) Compensator valve.
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Location to Tap Pump Pressure and Signal Pressure at Implement Valve (Later)
(1) Implement valve group. (2) Location to tap pump pressure. (7) Location to tap signal pressure.
NOTE: On later machines, to tap signal pressure, remove plug at signal pressure tap location (7). Install a
8T2352 Swivel Tee, 6V3965 Nipple and a 3J1907 O-ring Seal. Install plug, removed from signal line tap
location, into the other end of 8T2352 Swivel Tee.
Pump discharge pressures are known values and can be tested during two specific conditions. These two
conditions are low pressure standby and high pressure stall.
1. Remove the plug and install a 0 to 4000 kPa (0 to 580 psi) gauge in pump pressure tap location (2).
4. The pressure reading must be about 1720 kPa (250 psi). Low pressure standby pressure is approximately an
additional 345 kPa (50 psi) higher than margin pressure. Margin pressure is 1380 ± 140 kPa (200 ± 20 psi).
5. Adjustments to pump output should not be made based only on the results of this test. Instead, if the results
are not acceptable, the Margin Pressure Test should also be run.
2. Shut off the engine and move the control levers to all positions to release system pressure.
4. Install a 0 to 28 000 kPa (0 to 4000 psi) gauge at pump pressure tap location (2).
6. Move all control levers (one at a time) in both directions to initiate a stall condition. Do not hold any function
in stall for more than 10 seconds. If more time is needed, wait 30 seconds before returning to stall.
For machines 2AC, 3AC, 4NK, 8PB, 9DB and 9GJ, pressure readings are 18 600 ± 350 kPa (2700 ± 50 psi).
For machine 8PJ pressure readings are 20 685 ± 350 kPa (3000 ± 50 psi).
NOTE: If the pressure readings are all too low or too high, the pressure compensator valve needs to be
adjusted. See Compensator Valve Adjustment.
2. Shut off the engine and move the control levers to all positions to release system pressure.
5. Remove plug and install a 6V3965 Nipple with a 3J1907 Seal at pressure tap location (2). Install the pump
pressure side of differential gauge to the nipple, at pressure tap location (2).
6. Earlier: Install 8T2352 Swivel Tee (5) in signal line (4) at either implement valve group (1) or at compensator
valve (6). Install a 6V3965 Nipple with a 3J1907 Seal to the 8T2352 Swivel Tee. Install signal pressure side of
differential gauge to the nipple.
6. Later: Remove plug and install a 8T2352 Swivel Tee at pressure tap location (7). Install plug, removed from
pressure tap location (7), to one end of the 8T2352 Swivel Tee. Install a 6V3965 Nipple with a 3J1907 Seal to
the other end of the 8T2352 Swivel Tee. Install signal pressure side of differential gauge to the nipple.
7. Start the engine and run at low idle rpm. Check for leaks.
10. Move the bulldozer control lever to a position in between the HOLD and FULL RAISE positions. Read the
pressure on the gauge. This is the margin pressure or the difference between pump discharge pressure and the
signal pressure from the control valve. The margin pressure should be 1380 ± 140 kPa (200 ± 20 psi).
11. If margin pressure is not correct, see Flow Compensator Spool Adjustment Procedure.
NOTE: After performing the flow compensator spool adjustment procedure, recheck the margin pressure.
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Compensator Valve
(8) Plug. (9) Adjusting screw. (10) Flow compensator spool. (11) Adjusting plug. (12) Spring. (13) Pressure compensator spool.
The high pressure stall test will tell if pressure compensator valve (6) needs adjusting. The margin pressure test
and/or the low pressure standby test will also tell if the flow compensator valve (6) needs adjusting.
Pressure Compensator Spool Adjustment
Adjustments to the pressure compensator valve can be made on the machine. If the high pressure stall test
indicates an adjustment is needed, follow this procedure.
2. Shut off the engine and move the control levers to all positions to release system pressure.
NOTE: Remove adjusting plug (11) and apply Locktite to the threads before starting the adjustment procedure.
4. Turn the adjusting plug (11) clockwise to increase the pressure setting and counterclockwise to decrease the
pressure setting.
NOTE: When decreasing the pressure setting, make sure to turn adjusting plug (11) counterclockwise further
than needed. Then turn adjusting plug (11) clockwise to correct pressure setting. This method of adjusting the
pressure setting eliminates any freeplay in the threads.
5. Repeat the high pressure stall test to make sure the pressure settings are as follows:
For machines 2AC, 3AC, 4NK, 8PB, 9DB and 9GJ, the pressure setting is 18 600 ± 350 kPa (2700 ± 50 psi).
For machine 8PJ, the pressure setting is 20 685 ± 350 kPa (3000 ± 50 psi).
Adjustments to the flow compensator valve can be made on the machine. If the margin pressure test indicates an
adjustment is needed, follow this procedure:
2. Shut off the engine and move the control levers to all positions to release system pressure.
4. Turn adjusting screw (9) clockwise to increase the pressure setting and counterclockwise to decrease the
NOTE: When decreasing the pressure setting, make sure to turn adjusting screw (9) counterclockwise further
than needed. Then turn adjusting screw (9) clockwise to correct pressure setting. This method of adjusting the
pressure setting eliminates any freeplay in the threads.
5. Repeat the margin pressure test and the low pressure standby test.
6. When the pressure is adjusted correctly, make sure the seal is good and in place. Replace plug (8).
Relief Valves
There is no main line relief valve. The pressure compensator valve acts as a main line relief and limits system
pressure as follows:
For machines 2AC, 3AC, 4NK, 8PB, 9DB and 9GJ, pressure settings are 18 600 ± 350 kPa (2700 ± 50 psi).
For machine 8PJ pressure setting is 20 685 ± 350 kPa (3000 ± 50 psi).
The pressure compensator can be checked on the machine by running the high pressure stall test.
The lift, rod end (machines without blade power angle) and the blade angle, rod and head ends have
combination line relief and makeup valves. These relief valves are set higher than system pump pressure and
requires supplemental pump pressure to check.
The correct pressure setting for the angle relief valves is 34 460 ± 350 kPa (5000 ± 50 psi).
The correct pressure setting for the lift, rod end, relief valve is 24 200 ± 350 kPa (3500 ± 50 psi).
Ver imagen
Implement Control Valve Group (machine with blade power angle shown)
(1) Rod end of left cylinder and head end of right cylinder relief valve. (2) Rod end of right cylinder and head end of left cylinder relief
valve. (3) Lift rod end relief valve [on machines equipped with straight blade only].
Bench Test
2. Shut off the engine and move all the control levers to all positions. This releases system pressure.
7. Slowly increase pressure. Note the pressure when the relief valve opens. Make an adjustment if needed.
NOTE: See the subject Relief valves when testing relief valves.
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3. Turn adjusting screw (6) clockwise for an increase. Turn adjusting screw (6) counter clockwise for a decrease
in the pressure setting of the relief valve.
4. After screw (6) is turned for an adjustment, tighten locknut (5) and re-test the adjustment.
Problem Checklist
Hydraulic Pump And System Problem List
1. The temperature of the oil is too hot.
2. Pump makes unusual noise, the cylinder rods do not move smoothly and there are air bubbles in the oil.
11. Signal pressure is not zero (or tank pressure) when all valves are in HOLD.
4. Implement droops when going from a partially raised position to a raised position.
8. There is too long of a pause at ground level before the machine starts to raise.
Probable Cause:
1. The viscosity of the oil is wrong. Make reference to the Lubrication and Maintenance Guide.
5. Oil aeration.
Probable Cause:
1. The viscosity of the oil is wrong. Make reference to the Lubrication and Maintenance Guide.
2. Loose connection of the oil line on the inlet side of pump. Oil aeration.
Probable Cause:
1. A leak in the oil line between the tank and the pump.
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
Problem 11: Signal pressure is not zero (or tank pressure) when all valves are in HOLD.
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
1. The control valve and valve spool have a large amount of wear.
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
1. Leakage in and around the seals on the piston in the cylinder(s) affected.
2. Leakage past a makeup valve for the affected circuit (bulldozer lift and ripper only).
3. The spool in the main control valve is not correctly centered. This problem can be caused by a broken spring
or sticky valve spool.
Problem 4: Implement droops when going from a partially raised position to a raised
Probable Cause:
2. Resolver not closing because of dirt or debris between ball and seat (see Resolver Network Check).
Probable Cause:
Probable Cause:
1. Makeup valve not closing.
Probable Cause:
Problem 8: There is too long of a pause at ground level before the machine starts to raise.
Probable Cause:
1. The restrictor spool in the implement inlet manifold stays open. (Broken restrictor spool spring or restrictor
spool sticking.)
Probable Cause: