Calupoh Estandar
Calupoh Estandar
Calupoh Estandar
Un perro fuerte y ágil de notable
tamaño y que asemeja un lobo
norteamericano en donde los
machos son notoriamente más
masculinizados, ligeramente más
alto que largo, pero muy balanceado
y que evoca al lobo en la naturaleza.
Un perro balanceado, ligeramente
patilargo, semejando la estructura
del lobo, de cabeza poderosa y cráneo
definitivamente lupoide, con un
cuello fuerte y que con la madurez
desarrolla una melena también
típica de lobo, Una profundidad
de tórax marcada, que también se
ve ensanchada después de los tres
años de edad. La altura a la cruz en
machos va de los 62 cm a los 75 cm y
en hembras de los 58 cm a los 70 cm.
El Calupoh es un perro muy ágil y
dinámico pero muy estable y fácil
de manejar que se acostumbra a
todo tipo de actividades, es un
perro leal y noble con la familia,
convive fácilmente con otros
perros y siempre está dispuesto a
agradar a su dueño aunque se
puede presentar como reservado
ante extraños.
El cráneo y el hocico son
proporcionales en longitud y,
aunque en la juventud se ven
estrechos y alargados, al
madurar, el cráneo se vuelve
notoriamente más ancho que el
hocico. Es un cráneo definido
como lupoide, con depresión
naso-frontal bien marcada, con
orejas siempre erectas y con una
angulación de entre 85 y 95 grados
tomando como eje la línea media
de los ojos tal como en los lobos.
En proporción con el cráneo y robusta en los ejemplares adultos,
con trufa bien pigmentada negra, igual que los belfos que se prefieren
oscuros, sobre todo en la etapa adulta.
La región mandibular del Calupoh denota fuerza y poder, cuenta con
una fórmula dentaria completa y mordida de tijera aunque se permite
la oclusión en pinza; Con dientes blancos, fuertes y bien cimentados.
Mejillas bien definidas y que al madurar se hacen parte de la melena del
cuello dando una impresión visual de un perro muy fuerte.
Los ojos del Calupoh son claros en tonos amarillos y almendrados
muy expresivos cual lobo. Por la participación de su primo el perro en
la base genética se pueden presentar color obscuro.
Las orejas siempre erectas, triangulares, grandes y gruesas como lobo.
Fuerte, bien formado, con inserción
alta, pero que provoca una línea
superior continua desde la cresta
occipital. Al madurar le crece una
melena semejante a la del lobo
dándole una apariencia elegante y
El Calupoh denota elegancia
y dinamismo pero fortaleza y
equilibrio semejante al lobo. Su línea
superior en movimiento o al acecho
denotan uniformidad y armonía
sin saltos entre las zonas que lo
La cruz es más alta que el resto
de la espalda y la grupa fuerte,
ligeramente redondeada con la
inserción de cola que le permita
cargar a ésta por debajo de la línea
dorsal pero, que en atención o
expresando dominancia, podrá ser
alta sin enroscarse sobre la espalda.
Bien adherida al cuerpo, pero lo
suficientemente laxa que le permita
mucha flexibilidad.
El manto debe ser de doble capa, con
un largo medio y una textura áspera al
exterior y suave al interior, pero capaz
de proteger del medio ambiente y los
cambios climáticos. El color preferente
es el negro o negro ahumado, algunos
de los ejemplares de adultos se tornan
plateados igual que su antecesor el lobo.
Así mismo, algunos ejemplares nacerán
color blanco/sable o sable total como
el lobo y se podrán aceptar, aunque no
son los colores deseables. Las manchas
blancas en pecho y manos son permitidas,
así como calcetines de color pardo, pero
nunca en otra parte del cuerpo.
La altura a la cruz en machos va de
los 62 cm a los 75 cm y en hembras
de los 58 cm a los 70 cm. El peso no
deberá causar una desproporción
con la talla ni observarse como un
conflicto de salud, sea obesidad o
bien falta de peso.
CALUPOH Mexican Wolfdog
Breed Standard
Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle dogs.
A versatile dog and great companion which, due to its exaggerated
tolerance and nobility, adapts to any activity. It is ideal as a companion
The Mexican Wolfdog has its origins as the result of the hybridism
between the dog and the gray wolf in pre-Hispanic Mexico since the
beginning of our era and until the 15th century. This was due to the
huge genetic similarity between these two species and, thanks to an
intense archaeozoological work, it was possible to identify the first
specimen in 1999. The reason for this hybridism was not only because the
ancient dogs and wolves shared the same territory and the crossings
just happened naturally. The remains found in places of such importance
as the Temple of Quetzalcoatl used as ornaments worn by the elite,
in the Pyramid of the Moon as offerings, and in the Templo Mayor in
México-Tenochtitlan associated with sacrifices, suggest that these
were animals of a very high spiritual meaning and that the crossings
were not casual but intentional. The wolf was symbolically associated
with sacrifices in which blood ran in large quantities, the military,
and the night because of its condition as a powerful predator with
great capacity for confrontation, a social animal that works in teams,
and a nightlife entity; while the dog was considered a high-fertility
animal whose reproductive cycle overlapped with that of the rain
and the agriculture, aspects that resulted in the religious association
with water, agriculture, fertility, and good fortune. A Wolfdog hybrid
would; therefore, be the sum of these symbolic values, hence it would
be used in rites where its dual condition proved to be fundamental, for
example, those dedicated to the most important economic activities:
agriculture and war. To formally resume the genetic project that was
once part of our daily life was extremely important because, without
it, the canine pool that represents the history of the continent would
not be complete. As part of a genetic work that has been in progress
since the mid-90s, we gladly present the Calupoh Mexican Wolfdog,
which completes the original proposal of the dog fancy that was
practiced by the North Americans for more than 2000 years.
agile dog of great size resembling
an American wolf, where males are
notoriously more masculine, slightly
taller than long, but very balanced
and evoking a wolf in nature.
The Calupoh is a very agile and
dynamic dog yet very stable and
easy to handle that is accustomed
to all kinds of activities, it is a
loyal and noble dog with the
family, it easily coexists with
other dogs and is always willing
to please its owner but can appear
as aloof before strangers.
The skull and snout are
proportional in length and,
although in puppies they are
narrow and elongated, the skull
becomes notoriously broader
than the snout once maturity is
reached showing a well marked
naso-frontal depression, always
erect ears at an angle between 85
and 95 degrees taking the middle
line of the eyes as the axis, just like
the wolves.
In proportion to the skull and robust in the adults with a well pigmented
black nose, the same as the lips that are preferred dark especially in the
adult. The mandibular region of the Calupoh denotes strength and
power, full dentition with scissor bite, pincer bite acceptable with
strong and well cemented white teeth; well-defined cheeks that in
maturity become part of the mane making a visual impression of a very
strong dog. The eyes of the Calupoh are clear in yellow tones, almond
shaped, very expressive, as a wolf. Because of the presence of his cousin
the dog in the genetic base, eyes may also be dark. Ears are erect, big,
thick, and triangular like a wolf.
Strong, well formed with high
insertion but in a continuous upper
line from the occipital crest. When
maturity is reached, a mane grows
similar to that of the wolf giving it
an elegant and strong appearance.
The Calupoh denotes elegance
and dynamism but strength and
equilibrium similar to a wolf, its
top line in motion or on the prowl
shows uniformity and harmony. The
withers higher than the rest of the
back and a strong rump slightly
rounded with the insertion of
the tail below the dorsal line but
that, when attentive or expressing
dominance, can be carried high
without curling on the back.
Good pelvic angulation that can bear the weight of an adult dog
up until old age and allows for a firm movement. Well muscled for a
ground covering stride or a prolonged trot, straight hocks in motion.
Well adhered to the body but loose
enough to allow for a lot of flexibility.
The hair is double layered, medium length,
with a rough texture on the outside and
soft on the inside, weather resistant. The
preferred color is black or smoky
black, some adults turn silver like their
ancestor the wolf. Some Wolfdogs will be
born white/sable or completely sable as
the wolf and can be accepted although
these are not desirable colors. White
spots on the chest and feet are permitted
as well as brown socks but never on
another part of the body.
The height at the withers for males
is 24-29 inches (62-75 cm), females 22-27
inches (58-70 cm). The weight should
not cause a disproportion to the
size or show a health problem, either
obesity or low weight.