Student Ep2
Student Ep2
Student Ep2
Student’s Book
Equipos Técnicos
Bogotá D. C. – Colombia
Estimada Comunidad Educativa,
Una de las prioridades del Ministerio de Educación Nacional es lograr la construcción y la
consolidación de estrategias que ofrezcan a todos los niños, niñas y jóvenes del sistema
educativo colombiano estar en igualdad de condiciones en materia de calidad. Lo anterior
se logra a través de acciones, tales como brindar a los estudiantes de los colegios públicos
el acceso a una lengua extranjera como el inglés y, a la vez, brindarles los recursos
educativos que favorezcan el desarrollo de sus competencias y los pongan a la par, a nivel
de herramientas, con otros estudiantes de colegios privados en el país.
Trabajar por la construcción de la equidad en el aprendizaje del inglés, posibilita que los
estudiantes puedan interactuar en escenarios de desarrollo personal y profesional y de
consolidación de su identidad y proyección de vida. A la vez, les permite reconocer la
diversidad local y global mediante el conocimiento, el diálogo y la interacción con otras
culturas en su rol de ciudadano del mundo, lo que finalmente les abre las puertas hacia
oportunidades de estudio y formación en el extranjero.
Así aportaremos juntos a la gran meta de construir un país en paz y el mejor educado de la
región en 2025.
Esta serie de textos es una herramienta esencial con la que cuentas para lograr un nivel de
inglés Pre Intermedio al culminar grado 11, y con el cual podrás interactuar de forma sencilla
con tus compañeros, profesores y con personas de alrededor del mundo. Para lograrlo, te
ofrecemos proyectos y actividades amenas e integradoras relacionadas con tus vivencias
como joven, tu herencia cultural, los estilos de vida y de salud y la conciencia ambiental
(grado 9°); la cultura de los jóvenes, la manera de relacionarnos con la economía, el
reconocimiento de la diversidad como seres humanos y el ecoturismo (grado 10°), así como
sobre tu contribución para lograr cambios en el futuro, tu rol como ciudadano global, la
diversidad sexual y tu compromiso para salvar a nuestro planeta (grado 11°).
Deseamos que estos temas sean relevantes para ti y todos tus compañeros, pues el objetivo
es reconocer tus intereses particulares y relacionarlos con el mundo globalizado y cambiante
que estamos viviendo. Esperamos que esta ruta que inicias te lleve a lograr tus expectativas y
las de tus docentes, y que logres comunicarte en inglés con esta herramienta que potenciará
a futuro, tus capacidades como profesional, ser humano y ciudadano del mundo.
© MEN Colombia
3 4 Our natural
Teen culture
▪ talk about hobbies, sports and leisure activities and urban tribes, in
Unit 1 Having fun
▪ learn about different teenage groups and making the most of your free time, in
© MEN Colombia
Module 1
You will also ...
▪▪ listen to
Liste ▪▪ read about
speeches by teen problems that
leaders of youth teenagers are
organisations suffering
▪▪ listen to teens ▪▪ read about young
talking about people who help
their favourite make the world a
activities better place
S pe a k
To start the project, think of some youth organisations that you already know.
They can be local, national or international. What are their objectives, and what
activities do they do?
© MEN Colombia
1 Lesson 1
Focus on Vocabulary
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9 10 11
2. Choose three sports or hobbies. Copy and complete the table with information for each.
Then write sentences like the ones below.
Skateboarding X X
Module 1
Listen Focus on Language
3. Listen to Thomas, Angela and Chris talk 5. Look at these sentences. What verb form
about their hobbies and sports. Complete comes after like? What verb form comes
the table with the hobbies and sports after would like?
they do and don't do.
a. I like being outdoors at the weekend.
b. I would like to live in the country.
Names Hobbies Sports
doesn’t doesn’t
6. Complete the sentences with like or
does does would like.
do do
4. Listen again and complete the sentences.
8. Write true sentences. Use verbs from the box
a. Thomas: I really enjoy in exercise 7 and the verbs in brackets.
extreme sports. I
experiencing new things. I Example:
to try bungee jumping. My father likes playing football. (play football)
b. Angela: I painting and
a. I (go skateboarding)
playing the guitar. I
playing sports. I to live in b. My best friend (dance hip-hop)
the country when I'm older. c. My mother (chat online)
c. Chris: I doing all kinds of d. My grandfather (eat fish)
sports or hobbies. I e. My uncle (buy a motorbike)
staying indoors at weekends.
f. My friends and I (play board
1 Lesson 1
2 Parkour is excellent exercise because it helps you to keep fit and healthy. It makes you brave and
confident, too. Another good thing about Parkour is that it’s very cheap. You need to be in good
physical condition, and you need a good pair of running shoes. And that’s all!
▪▪ fit: en forma
▪▪ brave: valiente
▪▪ confident: confiado/a
▪▪ moves: movimientos
▪▪ train: entrenar
▪▪ hurt yourself: hacerse daño
12. Read the sentences and write true (T) or false (F).
Module 1
13. Listen and repeat these sentences. 16. Find someone in the class for each
of the activities below. Walk around
a. I really like playing board games. the room and ask a yes/no question
b. I'd really like to try bungee jumping. to different classmates. When the
c. Do you like cycling? answer is yes, write the person’s
d. Would you like to play the drums? name.
3 a. does spinning
14. Circle the word/words you hear in these
b. plays basketball
sentences: like, ’d like, Do you like or Would
you like. c. hates soccer
d. would like to try white water
a. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like rafting
b. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like e. plays the piano
f. enjoys bowling
c. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like
g. doesn't like outdoor activities
d. like - 'd like - Do you like - Would you like
h. would like to try skydiving
Useful expressions
2 Lesson 2
1. Read the definition of urban tribes and check that you understand it. Then
match the urban tribes in the box to the pictures.
1 2 3 4 5
2. Read about Jim and David. Why do they like being part of their urban tribe?
We love skating in parks and on the streets, but skate Floggers wear fun, colourful clothes. For example,
parks are the best places for us. They have ramps and we often wear brightly coloured jeans or trousers,
obstacles, and it’s safer than skating on the streets. fluorescent T-shirts and colourful trainers.
The most exciting part is when we jump in the air and
We love music. We like dancing to electro house and
do tricks.
listening to techno music.
Skaters are an urban tribe, but we are more interested
I love being a flogger. We have lots of fans who
in having fun together. Looking good or competing
follow our styles. It’s very popular with teenagers
with other groups isn’t important to us. We love
because everyone enjoys taking photos of
skateboarding and that’s why we do it.
themselves! It’s a great urban tribe.
▪▪ skinny: ajustado/a
© MEN Colombia
▪▪ ramp: rampa
▪▪ do tricks: hacer maniobras
▪▪ compete: competir
▪▪ brightly coloured: colorido/a
▪▪ follow: seguir
Module 1
Focus on Vocabulary
3. Copy and complete the table with information about skaters and floggers.
Clothes Activities
5. Match the words in the box with the parts of the body and clothes in the pictures.
leg – foot (feet) – head – arm – knee – trousers – socks – shoes – tie – T-shirt –
elbow – hand - chest jacket – skirt
Example: 1 head
5 12
6 13
© MEN Colombia
2 Lesson 2
Focus on Language
7. Read the sentences. Which sentences compare two things? Which sentences compare
one thing above all others?
8. Copy and complete the table with the adjectives in the box. Write the comparative and
superlative form.
9. Look at the box. Listen to two students. Which questions in the table do they discuss?
10. Listen again. What answers do the students give for each question?
Module 1
11. In pairs, make more questions from the table in exercise 9. Ask and answer.
13. Complete the table with information about you. Then write a description of you for your
personal webpage.
My style
My ‘look’
© MEN Colombia
3 Lesson 3
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Match the words in the box with the pictures. Which items do people take on
a camping trip?
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
2. Put the items from exercise 1 in the correct column. Then add one more item for each
3. In pairs, ask and answer about the items in exercise 1. Use the language in the box.
Useful expressions
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Module 1
4. Read about Forest Hill Summer Camp. Choose an activity that you’d like to do in the morning,
afternoon and evening.
5. In pairs, ask and answer about the activities that you want to do at the Summer Camp.
A: What do you want to do in the morning? B: I want to go to the drawing class. What about you?
6. Read the box and complete the sentences with at, in, or on.
a. We are going to have arts lessons the
Useful language
b. The song festival is 9:00 pm Prepositions of time in / on / at
Saturday and Sunday.
▪▪ We use in for months, years and parts of
c. the afternoon, we’re going to go to the day.
the river. We’re going to return to the camp Example: in February, in 1981, in the
6:00 pm. morning
d. night, I prefer playing games near the ▪▪ We use on for dates and days.
Example: on March 28th, on Monday
campfire rather than telling stories.
e. We get home on Sunday 7:00 pm
▪▪ We use at for times, festivals, at night
and at the weekend.
the evening. Example: at 6 o’clock, at Christmas
© MEN Colombia
Focus on Language
a. We music together.
b. We aren't you what to do.
c. What are you this summer?
a. These sentences talk about the present / the past / the future.
b. We use be going to + infinitive for future plans / activities you do every day.
c. To make questions, we put the verb be before / after the subject.
9. Write true sentences for you using the verbs in brackets. Use be going to.
10. What are your plans for this weekend? Make notes in your notebook using be going to.
Then write two questions to ask your classmates about their plans.
11. Listen to Susana talking to her mother about a camping trip.
Which things on the list do they talk about?
Module 1
14. Work in groups of three or four. Imagine you are organising a summer camp. First, look at the
text about the Forest Hill Summer Camp on page 19 again.
17. Work with another group. Show them your poster and tell them about the camp.
Our camp is called Champions' Camp. It’s a winter camp! In the morning, students go skiing ...
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4 Lesson 4
1. Discuss in pairs. What topics do teenagers usually talk about? Put the topics in
order from the most common to the least common.
2. Read the situations quickly and match them with the pictures. What are the teens doing?
a b c
1 Two people from my class always 2 I have a group of five really good friends.
make fun of me because I always But my friend Diana is really annoying.
wear a cycle helmet when I’m cycling She always criticises one of us – what
to school. The roads are quite busy so we wear, what we say, what we’re
I think it’s safer to always wear a having for lunch – everything. Sometimes
helmet. I want to be safe, but they I talk to her about it, and she always
say it looks stupid. Normally I don’t apologises, but then she starts doing it
care what they say, but sometimes it again.
hurts when they are mean.
Aleja 15
Rachel, 14
smoking too?
Jack, 14
Module 1
3. Read the situations on page 22 again and complete the table.
Focus on Language
4. Read the advice. Match the sentences with Rachel, Aleja and Jack.
a. You should find some new friends who enjoy your hobby.
b. You shouldn’t be friends with someone who is always criticising you.
c. You could ask your friends and other classmates to wear one too.
d. You should ask her why she always criticises her friends.
e. You shouldn’t worry what other people say about you.
f. You shouldn’t do things that are bad for your health.
5. Look again at the modal verbs in exercise 4. Which verb do we use to:
a. give a suggestion?
b. give advice and tell someone to do something?
c. give advice and tell someone NOT to do something?
6. Listen and repeat the sentences.
Useful language
a. You should talk to your friends. Pronunciation of modal verbs:
b. You shouldn’t do things that are bad for you. should /ʃʊd/
c. You could try a new sport. shouldn't /ʃʊdnt/
7 could /kʊd/
7. Listen and write the word you hear. The letter ‘l’ is silent in these
modal verbs and the vowel sound
a. You talk to your parents ʊ is pronounced like ‘oo’ in the
words: good, wood.
about it.
b. You get upset.
c. You find other things to do.
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d. What I do?
e. You stay at home all day.
f. You come to drama club
with me.
4 Lesson 4
8. Look at the pictures and read the descriptions. What is happening in each picture? Listen
and check your ideas.
Focus on Vocabulary
Module 1
1 2 3 4
a. What are the teens doing? b. What problems do you think they have?
Example: Example:
In the first picture, the Maybe the boy is her little brother, and
teenager is arguing with … she's angry with him because ...
14. In your groups, write a new story with two or more different endings. Share your story with the
class and vote on the best ending.
5 Lesson 5
a. What is a hero?
b. What qualities does a hero need? Think of five.
Example: Heroes need to be brave, strong …
2. Listen to an interview about heroes. List three examples of heroes, according to Julia.
3. Listen again. For each sentence, find the ending that is incorrect.
Say it!
4. Read the information. Then listen and repeat these sentences from the interview.
▪▪ When we speak English, we often don’t pronounce each word separately – we connect
them. We often do this when a word starts with a vowel sound.
I’m eighteen. My dad is my hero.
a. Today we’re going to talk about heroes. c. They believe it’s the right thing.
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Module 1
5. Look at the pictures. What social problems do you think each picture represents?
a b c
6. Read the stories. Match them with the pictures in exercise 5 and check your ideas from exercise 5.
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5 Lesson 5
Focus on Language
8. Look at the underlined past simple affirmative and negative forms in the stories in page 27.
Answer the questions.
9. Read the story of Chris, a sixteen-year-old boy from Toronto. Complete it with regular past
simple forms of the verbs in brackets.
10. Read the stories on page 27 again. Answer the questions. Write full sentences and use the
past simple in your answers.
a. Why did Thulani Madondo have to work while he was still at school?
b. What kind of organisation did Thulani create to help poor children?
© MEN Colombia
Module 1
Focus on Vocabulary
11. A lot of common verbs are irregular in English. Match the infinitives with the past simple
affirmative forms.
do – make – write – leave – say – eat – had – went – made – said – bought –
drink – drive – come – give – have – go – did – swam – read – taught – got – met –
get – swim – sleep – meet – read – buy – drank – ate – slept – wrote – drove –
teach – run came – gave – left – ran
12. Choose six irregular verbs from exercise 11. For each verb, write two past simple sentences –
one affirmative, and one negative.
Example: I slept very well last night. I didn’t sleep well on Saturday.
My friends went to the cinema at the weekend. They didn’t go to the zoo.
13. In pairs, look at the pictures and invent a short story. Write your story using verbs in the past
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14. Tell your story to another pair. What is the same and what is different in your stories?
6 Lesson 6
1. You see some students bullying another 5. You see a young child on the
student. You: street without an adult. You:
a. tell them to stop. a. ask the child if he/she is lost and
b. feel bad, but it isn’t your problem. look for their parents.
c. look for a teacher or an adult. b. don’t do anything. It’s normal, right?
c. tell a police officer.
2. You see the new kid in your class eating
his lunch alone. You: 6. Your best friend asks you to skip school
a. have lunch with him. to go to the beach. You:
b. sit with your friends as usual. a. don’t want to go. Your exams are
more important.
c. invite him to join your friends.
b. go!
3. You see a nine-year-old child drinking c. want to go, but decide it’s a bad idea.
beer on the street. You:
a. talk to him/her and explain to them 7. You see someone having difficulties in
why it’s a bad idea. the sea, but you can’t swim. You:
b. think it’s funny. a. go into the water to help them.
c. tell your parents. b. do nothing. They’re probably fine.
c. shout for help – someone else on the
4. If you have some money, you usually: beach can help them.
a. spend it on things for your family.
8. When your sports team wins, you say ‘…’
b. spend it on things for yourself.
to the other team:
c. spend it on having fun with your
a. ‘You played really well.’
b. ‘Haha, losers!’
c. ‘Good game, but the best team won.’
© MEN Colombia
Module 1
a. Read the title of each text and the first sentence of each paragraph.
What is each text about?
b. Read the texts and check your ideas.
Let’s find out how these amazing young
people changed their communities.
Sandra and other women like her learnt a lot. She can now make bricks and sell them, and she can build
a house. Some people think that women can’t be builders, but Sandra knows that they are wrong. In
fact, some people prefer women builders because they think that women are more careful. Sandra now
lives with her three children in a house that she built herself.
William Kamkwamba was born in Malawi, Africa in very poor conditions. He grew
up without electricity or running water. After he was 14, he couldn’t go to school
because his family were poor. However, there was a local library, so he went there
instead. He could read books and teach himself things.
William was very interested in reading about how windmills could make electricity
and pump water. So he decided to build a windmill.
© MEN Colombia
6 Lesson 6
a. What organisation helped Sandra when c. Why did William leave school when he
she was pregnant? was 14?
b. How does Sandra make extra money now? d. What did William build?
Focus on Language
Things they could and couldn’t do (past) Things they can and can’t do (present)
Focus on Vocabulary
9. Match the verbs with the words to make expressions for abilities.
paint – play (x3) – speak – a foreign language – a horse – chess - a magic trick –
run – repair – draw – do – a poem – a bike (x2) – a motorbike – tennis – a story –
write (x2) – ride (x3) 5 kilometres – a musical instrument – a picture (x2)
10. Write five sentences about things that you can do. Use the expressions in exercise 9. Give
extra information.
Example: I can speak a foreign language. I can speak English and Portuguese.
Module 1
11. Copy the table and complete it with eight abilities from exercise 9.
12. Find a classmate who can do each of the expressions in the table. Ask different students
questions. Try to find a different student for each expression.
13. Think of some people you know who can do amazing / difficult / unusual things, or could do
them when they were younger. Tell your classmate.
Useful expressions
Example: My cousin Rodrigo could play the piano when he
was three.
▪▪ No way!
No way!
It’s true. He can play three musical instruments now. ▪▪ Really?
▪▪ That’s awesome!
▪▪ I don't believe it!
14. Answer the following questions. Write a paragraph for each question.
in the future?
7 Lesson 7
Focus on Vocabulary
1. What do you know about Scouts? Look at the two pictures below and describe
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
3. In pairs, think of more useful items for a camping trip. Then decide the three most
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Example: The most important thing is a water bottle. We can't survive without water!
Module 1
5. Read the text about Scouting. Use the words in the glossary to complete the text.
1 3
Scouting is an international Scouting gives young people the opportunity to have fun
. It started and improve their life skills. They train in physical
in 1907 when British soldier activities, such as climbing, hiking, camping and water
Robert Baden-Powell took a sports. But they also learn social skills, and
group of boys and trained them 3
activities which help them to
in 2 skills. After that, he wrote his develop spiritually and intellectually. Being a Scout or a
book Scouting for boys, which became very popular. Girl Guide is about being a 4 in the
Boys created their own groups and practised the ideas in modern world.
the book.
2 You can recognise a Scout or Girl Guide easily. They
Lots of people were interested in the idea, so in 1908, wear different clothes in different countries, but they
Baden-Powell started the official Scouting movement. usually wear a khaki, green or blue 5
More and more boys of all different ages wanted to with a shirt, shorts and a tie. They often wear
join, so three different age groups were created: 6
, too. They earn these when they
Beavers and Cubs for younger boys, and Scouts for learn a new skill, or gain experience in a new activity.
teenagers. In 1910, girls could join their own group –
the Girl Guides.
7 Lesson 7
9. Listen again and complete the sentences.
Focus on Language
10. Read the sentences in exercise 9 and choose the correct option.
a. These sentences talk about an imaginary situation / something that is always true.
b. We use present simple / past simple after if.
c. We use present simple / past simple in the other part of the sentence.
d. This is called zero / first conditional.
11. Complete the sentences using the zero conditional. Compare your ideas with a partner.
Example: If you start the day with a good breakfast, you have lots of energy all day.
If a mosquito bites you, … If you stay in the sun all day without any protection, …
Module 1
12. Look at the schedule for a Scout camping trip. There are lots of mistakes in the schedule.
How many can you find? Discuss why they are wrong.
13. Compare with another pair. How many mistakes did you find?
14. Imagine that you are on a Scout camping trip. Write an email to your family, explaining what
you’re doing, and how you’re feeling.
Useful expressions
Writing an email
▪▪ I’m having a great time!
▪▪ It’s really cool here.
▪▪ This morning / afternoon, I …
▪▪ Tomorrow morning / afternoon, I’m going to …
▪▪ The best thing about the camping trip is …
▪▪ I miss you!
© MEN Colombia
8 Lesson 8
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Look at the social problems in the box. Which of them are a big problem in
your town or city?
2. Match the social problems in exercise 1 with three of the quotes below.
a d
My daughter is only 17, so I started drinking when I
the baby is going to live with us. was 14. All my friends did it
We don’t have much space in too, and I wanted to be the
our apartment. same as them.
b e
Lots of people sleep under A group of men attacked
the bridge by the canal at night. my friend after he left a
It’s warm there and they feel party. He was in hospital
safer than on the streets. for three days.
c f
My dad lost his job in a A group of girls at school
factory three months ago. He’s are always mean to me. They
looking for a new one – he wants tell people things about me
to be a taxi driver. that aren’t true.
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3. In pairs, discuss which are the worst problems in your town or city.
Example: I think the worst problem in our town is unemployment.
Module 1
4. Look at the problems in exercise 1 again. Then listen to an interview. Which problem does
Claudia’s organisation help?
5. Listen again and choose the correct answers.
a. What does Claudia’s organisation do? c. What does Claudia say about money?
1. It gives people somewhere to sleep. 1. It’s not important.
2. It gives people money. 2. You need money to start a business.
3. It solves people’s problems. 3. Your website can help you.
Focus on Language
6. Do you remember how to give advice and suggestions? Match the sentence halves. Then listen
to the last part of the interview again and check.
7. Look at the pictures. Think of a problem connected to each situation. Then give advice and
suggestions about the situation.
Example: You want to be in the school basketball team, but the coach never selects you for the team.
You should train with your friends after school every day.
Why don’t you try a different sport?
8 Lesson 8
8. What youth organisations do you know? Are there any in your neighbourhood, city or region?
9. Look at the pictures. Which of the statements below do you think are true about the
organisation Interact?
10. Read the text quickly. How many members are there in Interact?
11. Read the text again and write true (T) or false (F).
a. Rotary International is for people who want to improve their own lives.
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Module 1
12. Read the dialogue between Sara and Alex and answer
the questions.
13. Practise the dialogue in pairs. Then, create your own dialogue. Change the underlined parts of
the sentence to talk about different people, a different problem, and different suggestions.
14. Write a letter or email to an organisation which helps people that you talked about in your
dialogue. Explain the problem and what you would like them to do.
Useful expressions
Writing a letter
▪▪ I’m writing to tell you about …
▪▪ I’m worried about …
▪▪ I would like you to …
▪▪ Please tell me how I can help.
▪▪ Best wishes
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Let's work together
• designing a logo
• presenting the organisation to the class
Module 1
Design a logo
Plan a presentation
I can do I need to
I can do
SKILL STATEMENT this with work on
help this
SPEAKING B. I can tell a story set in the past using photos as a guide.
Module 1
2. Assessment of your English study skills
▪▪ Study skills help you improve in any school subject. Say how often you use these
study skills.
4. Assessment of Module 1
▪▪ Look back over the module then complete the sentences.
1. My favourite activity was …
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2 Money makes the
world go round
▪ read and talk about work, how products are made and who makes them, in
Unit 2 How the world works
▪ talk about the power of the consumer, and how the things we buy can make
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a difference, in
Unit 3 Ready to change
Module 2
You will also ...
about Fairtrade of a country
▪▪ listen to adverts spends its money
about products ▪▪ read about the
▪▪ listen to people production line of
describing their a product
jobs ▪▪ read about
being an ethical
▪▪ write a report
on how your
classmates spend ▪▪ interview your
money classmates about
S pe a k
To start the project, think of some successful products that you know. Why do
people like them? What sort of people buy them? What do you know about the
company's advertising strategy?
© MEN Colombia
1 Lesson 1
1. Read the definition of shopaholic in the box. Are the people below
shopaholics? How about you? Discuss with a partner.
2. Look at the numbers in the boxes. Then in pairs, say the numbers below out loud.
6,000,000 13,000,000,000
six million thirteen billion
a. 273 e. 129,000
b. 909 f. 999,999
c. 4,780 g. 45,000,000
d. 64,900 h. 72,000,000,000
3. Listen and repeat the numbers in Exercise 2.
4. Work in groups of three or four. Follow the instructions to play a game with big numbers.
Module 2
Focus on Vocabulary
5. Can you name all of these products? Match the names of the products with the pictures.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
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7. Listen to the descriptions. Which products from exercise 5 do the speakers describe?
8. Listen again and make notes about the products. Then in pairs, describe the products using your
1 Lesson 1
9. Look at the pictures. What do you think your country spends most money on? Put the
pictures in order from 1–4.
10. Read the text. Which of the things in exercise 9 does it mention?
12. Complete the sentences with more or less and the nouns in the box.
Example: I’ve got more people in my family than my best friend has. He’s an only child.
© MEN Colombia
a. I’ve got to spend with my friends at the moment because I’m studying for exams.
b. There are on the roads now. The traffic is really bad.
c. I go running in the morning because I’ve got then.
d. There’s in my city now. The air feels cleaner.
Module 2
13. Discuss in pairs. Imagine you are in these situations. Use the language in the box below to
help you.
a. You are on a sinking ship. You need to leave it immediately and get into a life raft. You can
take five items. What are they?
b. A hurricane is on its way to your town or city. What five things do you take with you?
c. Look at the items in exercise 5. Were any of them on your two lists? Explain why or why not.
Useful expressions
14. Look at the items below. Write about what you think your country should spend its money on.
a. Number each item from 1 (most important) to 8 (least important). Add more items if you
can think of them.
b. Explain why you think your top three items are more important.
c. Explain why your bottom three items are less important.
▪▪ defence
▪▪ health
▪▪ education
▪▪ research
▪▪ foreign aid
▪▪ the environment Useful expressions
▪▪ social protection
▪▪ transport Giving your opinion
▪▪ In my opinion, …
▪▪ I think that …
▪▪ I believe that …
▪▪ I feel that …
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2 Lesson 2
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Match the adjectives to the definitions. Then describe the clothes in the
1 2 3
3. Talk to a partner about the clothes in your closet. Describe them using the adjectives in
exercise 1. When do you wear them?
Module 2
4. Read the first part of the article below. What is the Fashion Trap?
5. Now read the rest of the article. Match a heading to each paragraph.
a. Don’t buy clothes which advertise themselves c. Follow your instincts
b. Be yourself d. Choose classic brands
When choosing your clothes, avoid items which have big printed words which
advertise the company. If the company goes out of fashion, you will feel under
pressure to stop wearing them, even if they are in good condition.
Don’t buy clothes just because everybody is wearing them. Instead, buy clothes
that you really like. This can help you save a lot of money. Buy what you really
need and concentrate on clothes that fit you and make you feel comfortable.
Don’t get clothes because you think they will make you look more interesting and attractive. Clothes
don’t define who you are. What really matters is what kind of person you are, so be authentic!
6. In pairs, discuss the tips in the article. Which do you think is the most useful tip and why?
2 Lesson 2
Focus on Language
9. Write affirmative and negative imperatives using the verbs in the box.
10. Listen to the conversation. Why does Mark ask Leanne
her opinion on the sunglasses?
11. Listen again and complete the sentences.
a. Mark bought his sunglasses at the .
b. Tom’s sunglasses cost over .
c. Tom says that the material is better .
d. At first, Leanne says that ’s sunglasses
came from the market.
e. Tom bought some expensive last week.
© MEN Colombia
12. Discuss in pairs. Are you more like Mark or Tom? Explain why.
Module 2
14. Find out what your friends usually spend money on. Choose two questions from the list. Ask ten
students the questions and make a note of their answers.
▪▪ Do you get pocket money? How much do you get every week?
▪▪ What do you spend your money on?
▪▪ Do you save any money? How much?
▪▪ What do you buy with your savings?
▪▪ Do you usually get money as a present for your birthday or on other occasions? How much?
▪▪ Are you saving for something right now? What?
▪▪ What would you most like to buy?
15. Collect, count and categorise the answers to the questions you asked in exercise 14. Present your
statistics in a visual way. You can use different types of charts. Here are some examples:
0 1 2 3 4 5
Useful expressions
Reporting statistics
▪▪ I found out that …
▪▪ … % of my classmates …
▪▪ (Over) Half/A quarter/A third of my classmates …
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▪▪ Almost everyone …
▪▪ The most interesting thing was …
3 Lesson 3
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Think about products that you see or hear about in TV or radio adverts. Copy
the table. Then complete the headings with the types of product in the box.
Type of product
Example computer jeans bread soap
Type of product
2. Think of one more example for each type of product. Add them to your table.
Useful expressions
Describing an advert
It’s an advert for … a mobile phone.
a woman running.
It shows …
two people on the beach.
Module 2
4. Read the text. Then think about the adverts that you discussed in exercise 3 and
complete the table.
they advertising?
e. Look at the pictures. What do they show? What techniques
do companies use when they advertise products for
children? Are they different from products for adults?
Think of some examples.
3 Lesson 3
6. Listen to three adverts. For each one, write:
Advert 1 Advert 3
a. How much does it cost to call abroad? c. What isn’t true about this product?
It’s free for 30 minutes a day. 1.
It contains vitamins.
30 pesos per minute. 2.
Your dog should eat it every day.
It’s free all the time. 3.
It contains one type of meat.
Advert 2
b. What can’t you do with this product?
Go into the garden.
Explore the house.
Fall off.
Focus on Language
a. Your dog will never think twice about making that call.
b. Your child won’t love you forever!
c. You will fall off.
Module 2
10. You are going to write a radio advert for a product. First, read one of the adverts that you
listened to in exercise 6. Match the descriptions to the parts of the text.
▪▪ A prediction about how the product will improve the listener’s life
▪▪ The name of the product (repeated)
▪▪ A description of the product
▪▪ A line that touches the listener’s emotions
Your dog is your best friend. He will always support you, and he
will always be by your side. That is why you have to be his best
friend too! And that means giving him DoggyFood every day!
DoggyFood is a delicious mixture of turkey, chicken and pork, d
with extra vitamins that strengthen your dog’s bones and teeth.
11. Now write your own radio advert. It can be a product from exercise 1, or your own idea.
Follow the instructions.
13. In groups, discuss which was your favourite advert, and why.
4 Lesson 4
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Read about Fairtrade. Then match two words in the box with each product
2. Listen and check.
Module 2
4. Look at the photo of Susana and read the questions. Listen and answer the two questions.
Hello! My name
is Susana. I own a
Fairtrade shop
So what can you do
to support Fairtrade
What is ‘Fairtrade’?
5. Listen again and complete the sentences.
6. Read about two Fairtrade farmers. Choose two ideas that you find interesting and tell your
Gerardo Arias Rodríguez is a coffee farmer in Costa Rica.
4 Lesson 4
How Fairtrade
Name Place Product
is helping
8. Choose one of the stories and tell the rest of the class about it. You can produce a song, rap,
poem, news report or drama about your case study.
Focus on Language
9. Read the sentences from the text. Then complete the rules with present simple or present continuous.
10. Look at the words in the box. Do we use them with the present simple or present continuous?
Write a true sentence about you with each word/expression.
© MEN Colombia
Example: Today – present continuous. Today I’m learning about Fairtrade products.
every day – usually – at the moment – always – today – now – often – never
Module 2
11. In pairs, plan an interview for a radio show between a presenter and a farmer or producer in
the Fairtrade programme.
▪▪ Decide which country you live in, and some information
about your life.
▪▪ Look at the questions in the box to help you.
Radio show presenter
▪▪ Plan some questions to ask the farmer/producer.
▪▪ Look at the questions in the box to help you.
Useful language
13. Look at the poster. Then design your own poster to encourage people to buy Fairtrade products.
Buy Fairtrade!
Help farmers and their
families all over the world.
© MEN Colombia
5 Lesson 5
Focus on Vocabulary
a b c
1. 2. 3.
In a cooperative, A responsible company Some factories, often called
everyone is the boss. provides a safe place ‘sweatshops’, have extremely
The members own for its employees to poor working conditions.
the company and run work. It respects the They are dangerous, and their
it. Everyone is equal, rights of its employees, employees have long shifts
and they make and it respects the with no minimum wage or
decisions together. environment too. other benefits.
Say it!
3. Listen and repeat.
The sounds /tʃ/ - /ʃ/ - /dʒ/
▪▪ /tʃ/: teacher, check, choose
▪▪ /ʃ/: shifts, shoes, fashion,
▪▪ /dʒ/: wage, disadvantage, join
a. Workers join a cooperative for better wages and conditions.
© MEN Colombia
Module 2
4. Read each situation. Then, in pairs discuss if the situation is positive or negative:
a. might be a sweatshop?
b. is bad for local shops and businesses? (2 situations)
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5 Lesson 5
Focus on Language
a. This tense is called the present simple / present perfect. We use it when an action in the past
has a result in the present. We say / don’t say exactly when it happened.
b. We form it with have / be + past participle.
c. Regular past participles end in -ing / -ed.
7. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Example: Maria has started a new job in a cooperative. (start)
a. The employees for a meeting with their boss because they want a better salary. (ask)
b. Pablo jobs because he didn’t get sick pay in his last job. (change)
c. Sorry, I can’t go for a coffee because I my break. (finish)
d. A big oil company in our city, and there will be lots of new jobs. (invest)
8. Look at the pictures and descriptions, and listen to Maria and Fernanda. Which of them has better
working conditions?
9. Listen again. Make true sentences using the information below.
▪▪ a lunch break
Maria ▪▪ the minimum wage
▪▪ good working conditions
has / doesn’t have
▪▪ a good salary
© MEN Colombia
Module 2
10. In pairs, invent a company. Look at the diagram, and discuss your
answers to the questions.
The product:
What is it?
Your employees:
What conditions
do they have?
11. Present your company to the class. Your classmates can ask questions.
12. Write a job advert for your company. Include the following information:
6 Lesson 6
1. Look at the traditional Colombian products in the pictures. Imagine that you are
describing them to someone who doesn’t know what they are. Use the words in the
box to help you.
backpack – hammock – shoes – pot – vase – hat – blouse – cotton – wool – clay –
traditional – colourful
2. Listen to descriptions of the products
Antioquia Santander
3. Chocó
4. Caldas Casanare
Risaralda Cundinamarca
5. Quindío
8. Guaviare
3. Listen again. Where on the map is each
© MEN Colombia
product made?
Module 2
Focus on Vocabulary
4. Look at the verbs in the box for manufacturing a product. Then match them to the
expressions. For some expressions, you can match more than one verb.
sell – pick – grow – pack – buy – knit – cut – send – produce – sew
Focus on Language
6. Read these sentences from the listening in exercises 2 and 3. Answer the questions.
a b c d
© MEN Colombia
bamboo / into / thin / baskets / the / sold / baskets / shops / the / are / by /
is / picked / and / artisans / pieces / are / in / the baskets / used /
pieces / cut made / into / by / are customers
6 Lesson 6
a b c d e f
9. Read the text quickly. Then list which items from exercise 8 are mentioned in each paragraph.
Example: Paragraph 1 - cotton plant
10. Write passive sentences using the words below. When you finish, check in the text and correct
your sentences if necessary.
c. cotton / process / to make thread g. jeans / organise / different styles, colours, sizes
d. thread / colour / blue h. they / often / sell / high prices
Module 2
11. In pairs, create a role play in a traditional Colombian market. Follow the instructions and use the
expressions in the box to help you.
Student A
You are a customer. You want to buy one
of the traditional products for sale at the
market. Use the pictures from page 68,
exercise 1, to help you.
▪▪ Ask questions about the product.
▪▪ Ask about the price.
▪▪ Ask for a discount. If you don’t like the
price, ask again. Agree on a price.
▪▪ where it is made
▪▪ what it is made of
▪▪ who it was made by
▪▪ any other interesting information
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7 Lesson 7
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Look at the words in the box. In your opinion, are they essential in life or
desirable? Add the words to the columns in the table.
Essential Desirable
▪▪ I’m sorry, I (totally) disagree.
▪▪ I’m not sure about that.
Module 2
3. Work in groups of four. Each person should choose a different paragraph of the text to read.
Then, tell your group about the people in your paragraph.
A simpler life
Sandra López is a grandmother whose only possessions in life are the things
that she has in her suitcase. She does jobs such as cleaning, babysitting and
gardening, swapping her services for food or somewhere to sleep. Living
without money makes her feel happy, and she loves teaching people about
her philosophy.
Some years ago, Lenny and Christie McAvoy had lots of debt, and they were
unhappy. They decided to sell almost all of their possessions, and they went
travelling with only what they could put in a backpack. After more than a year
travelling, Lenny and Christie’s life is totally different, and they are now much
Timothy Jay only has fifteen possessions (not including socks and underwear)!
Timothy’s passions in life are travelling and writing. He says that not having
his own home isn't a problem. He believes that if you learn to live simply, you
don’t miss the things that you don’t have.
When they were 30, friends Emma Mills and Kate Thomas decided to stop
working long hours. Having lots of money didn’t make them happy. They quit
their jobs and started a new life with only basic possessions, hoping to lose the
stress from their lives. They now have less money but more time, and life is
much better.
b. Which of the people in the text would you like to interview? Why?
c. Would you like to live like these people?
7 Lesson 7
Focus on Language
6. Look at the sentences from the texts on page 73 and complete the rules a–c.
8. Complete the text using gerunds from the verbs in the box.
(1) money irresponsibly is a very common problem. A lot of people think that
(2) new possessions will make them happy. They don’t like (3) the
same things for a long time. But actually, (4) the latest phone, computer or
even car every year is very expensive, and (5) much money can also be
stressful. Maybe (6) so much, and (7) more simply is a better idea.
9. Read the situation below. In pairs, discuss what you think Juan should do with his money.
10. Now listen and answer the questions.
11. Now listen to Juan’s father. Read the sentences and write true (T) or false (F).
Module 2
12. Imagine all your possessions in the world can fit into a suitcase.
Discuss the questions with a partner.
13. Copy the table. Add two more questions about money.
Then interview a classmate using the questions.
Questions Yes No
Do you think about how a product is made before you buy it?
14. Copy the crossword. Then add more words to it using vocabulary that you have learnt in
Module 2.
b r e a k
g r e e n t e a
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s a l a r y
8 Lesson 8
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Look at the places of work in the box. Which places can you see in the pictures?
1 2 3
4 5 6
3. Think of more places of work. Then, choose where you would like to work in the future.
Write a paragraph to explain why. Then tell your partner.
Useful expressions
Module 2
4. Read the article about how to be an ethical consumer. Match the headings below to paragraphs 1–4.
5. Read the article again. Explain the connection between the pictures and ethical consumers.
Focus on Language
7. Look at the sentence below. This structure is called the first conditional. Answer questions a–d.
8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
9. Listen to a conversation between two friends talking about
their shopping habits. What things do they talk about from
the list?
▪▪ prices
▪▪ Fairtrade products
▪▪ local products
▪▪ the environment
▪▪ recycling
▪▪ working conditions
10. Listen again and complete the sentences with a word or expression.
Module 2
1. Play in groups of three or four. You 4. When you reach a box, you have 30 seconds to do
need counters and some dice. the task.
2. Decide who goes first, second, 5. The group decides if your answer is complete. If
third and fourth. not, you go back to the box where you were before.
3. All players begin at ‘START’. 6. The winner is the first player to reach ‘FINISH’.
Name 3 Board 7
How does
Fairtrade help
Colombian 2 producers? Say 3
handicrafts. Name 5 words that
adjectives have the 9
Describe a sound /ʧ/
for describing
shopaholic. (e.g., chop).
Name 2 clothes.
steps in the
5 process of
Write a
number with
3 Name 4 jeans. 6
6 or more
Go forward essential things 10 figures (e.g.
two spaces! that we need 235,648). 11
Say 3 to survive. Read it. Do you like
words that
have the handicrafts?
4 sound /ʤ/ Why or
(e.g., job). why not?
17 12
Your friend
wants to buy a
examples of birthday present
bad working for her mother. Think
20 18 of a product that is
Name 3 Name 5 ethically made.
things that Fairtrade Miss one 15
governments products turn!
spend money
Finish the Name 2 13
following sentence 16 advertising Name 3
in 3 ways: If it rains strategies used by countries in
tomorrow… . companies. 14
19 Explain
how to be
an ethical
© MEN Colombia
Let's work together
1. Work in groups. Choose a product that you would like to advertise. Look back through
Module 2 to get some ideas of different products. Before you start, check that each group
has chosen a different product. Decide on a name for your product.
2. Read about a brochure. Then decide which sections you are going to include in your
brochure. Give each student in your group a section to work on.
3. Work individually or in pairs to decide the following information about your product. For
each section, write a paragraph for the brochure.
Module 2
• Are the typical customers male, female, or both? • How much does your product cost?
• How old are they? • What sort of shops can you buy it in?
• What social group do they belong to? • Can you buy it online? What is the
website? Is the price the same?
• Do they have any particular hobbies or interests?
5. Put all the sections of the brochure together. Use a computer or write it on some paper.
Organise the text and pictures in a logical order. Read it and check for mistakes.
6. Produce a copy of your brochure for the other groups in your class. Then present it. Each
student talks about the section that they wrote or designed.
7. After each presentation, the class can ask questions about the products.
8. After all the presentations are finished, decide which is the best brochure. Have a class vote.
© MEN Colombia
I can do I need to
I can do
SKILL STATEMENT this with work on
help this
Module 2
2. Assessment of your English study skills
▪▪ Study skills help you improve in any school subject. Say how often you use these
study skills.
3. Organise my notes/
information in my notebook.
5. Study at home.
4. Assessment of Module 2
▪▪ Look back over the module then complete the sentences.
1. My favourite activity was …
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▪ compare and contrast different traditions around the world and through
time, in
Unit 1 Different looks, different lifestyles
▪ identify and challenge different concepts of beauty, in
Unit 2 Be yourself
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Module 3
You will also ...
festivals day
▪▪ listen to an Liste ▪▪ read about
interview about different
hobbies in the past concepts of
and now beauty around
▪▪ listen to adverts for the world
beauty treatments ▪▪ read about
cultural aspects
of living in
▪▪ describe a typical
day for a teenager
in a different part of
S pe a k
To start the project, think about some TV shows that you enjoy. What makes a
good TV show? Do you have a favourite TV presenter? Why do you think
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they’re good?
1 Lesson 1
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Look at the pictures. Think about the activities you spend most time doing
each day. Copy the table and write five of the activities. Number them for
you: 1 = most time, 10 = least time.
do sport do homework play video games travel to school chat with friends
help with the watch TV study for exams listen to music check social
housework networks
2. Ask three other students about their activities and complete the table. Use the dialogue below to
help you.
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Module 3
3. You are going to read about a Japanese teenager called Yuniko. How often do you think
she does these activities each week? Work with a partner and discuss your predictions.
Has a lie-in
I think she …
4. Now read the interview with Yuniko. Check your predictions from exercise 3.
Reporter: Hello Yuniko. Thank you for letting us talk to you. Do you
have a busy week?
Yuniko: Yes, I do.
Reporter: Tell us about your typical week.
Yuniko: Well, I work hard. I always get up at 6:30 every day and get
ready for school. I normally walk to school but I ride my bike
once a week. Classes start at 8:00, we study until 12:00 and
then we have 50 minutes for lunch. After that, we continue
classes and we finish at 4:00 pm, but I have Reading Club
three times a week, so on those days I leave school at
5:00 pm. I go to an academy for extra classes in English and
Maths on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Reporter: Wow, you really are busy! What time do you get home?
Yuniko: At about 8:00 … then I have dinner.
Reporter: Do you ever have fun?
Yuniko: Of course I do! After dinner, I’m usually a bit lazy, so I sometimes surf the net, chat with friends
or play video games until 9:00 pm.
Reporter: Do you go to bed after that?
Yuniko: No, I have lots of homework every night, so I work until 11:00. After that, I prepare everything
for the next day and I often go to bed after midnight.
Reporter: But you rest at the weekend, don’t you?
Yuniko: Well, we have classes every Saturday, but on Sunday
I have a lie-in and then I go out with friends.
▪▪ busy: ocupado/a
▪▪ lazy: perezoso/a
▪▪ chat: charlar
5. Read the interview again and answer the questions. ▪▪ rest: descansar
▪▪ have a lie-in: quedarse en la cama
a. How many hours does Yuniko study at school?
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1 Lesson 1
Focus on Language
6. Look at the underlined words in the interview with Yuniko. Classify them into the table.
7. Look at the frequency adverbs in the text. Then, complete with before or after.
8. Look at the frequency expressions in the interview with Yuniko. Where do these expressions go
in a sentence?
9. Write the sentences again. Put the word/expression in brackets in the correct place in the
10. Matt, an American boy, is talking about his daily routine. Copy the table. Then listen and write
the times.
Activity Time
Wake up and get ready for school 6:30
Take bus to school
Arrive at school
All classes finish
Leave school
Eat dinner
Do homework
Listen to music, check social networks and
other sites
Go to bed
11. Look at the table again. Add a new column and write the times that you do each activity.
© MEN Colombia
12. What’s the same and what’s different between you and Matt? Tell your partner.
Example: Both of us wake up at 6:30. He does his homework at 8:00 but I do mine at 7:30.
Module 3
Say it!
14. Think of the two students you have read and heard about, Yuniko and Matt. Think also about your
own lifestyle. Discuss these questions with your partner.
15. Look at the activities in exercise 1 on page 86. Ask and answer questions about how often you do
them. Use the dialogue below to help you.
16. Choose a different country or a different region in Colombia. Write some ideas about the lifestyle
of the teenagers who live there.
Useful expressions
2 Lesson 2
Focus on Vocabulary
Vocabulary Tip
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Module 3
3. Read about two different festivals that are celebrated all around the world. Which festival
sounds more interesting to you and why? Tell a partner.
▪▪ shamrock: trébol
▪▪ lantern: linterna
▪▪ flag: bandera
▪▪ luck: suerte
▪▪ fireworks: fuegos artificiales
▪▪ silk: seda
▪▪ envelope: sobre de papel
4. Read the texts again. Copy and complete the diagram with information about the festivals.
Day C hi n e s e N e w
tr i ck ' s
Pa Ye
t a r Reading Tip
S ai
2 Lesson 2
Focus on Language
5. Look at the sentences and questions below. Copy and complete the table with the quantifiers.
Some quantifiers go in more than one place.
Negative sentences
There isn’t much money in the envelopes.
Not many people go home in the evening!
There aren’t any people on the streets at night.
There isn’t any milk.
Useful language
Countable Uncountable
▪▪ Countable nouns are nouns that you can count.
Affirmative a lot of We use a/an and numbers before them.
I’ve got a brother and two sisters.
▪▪ We can’t count uncountable nouns.
Questions I like music. Have you got any water?
6. Think of a festival and a special meal that you eat. Explain what things you eat as part of the meal.
Use the quantifiers from exercise 5.
Example: For Christmas lunch, we eat a lot of vegetables. We also have some meat. We don’t
eat much bread and we don’t eat any salad.
7. Listen to four people describing their favourite special occasion. Match the people to the pictures.
a b c d
8. Listen again Celebration Place Time Activities
© MEN Colombia
and complete
the table.
Module 3
Say it!
10. Read, listen and repeat.
▪▪ It’s very important to distinguish between /v/ and /b/.
• very berry
• vote boat
• van ban
11. How do you celebrate the following festivals in Colombia? Choose two, and write a description.
Say when and where people celebrate and what they usually do.
d. Independence Day
e. New Year’s Eve
3 Lesson 3
Focus on Vocabulary
collecting something – going to parties – making things – going to the park – playing children’s games –
going to the swimming pool – texting friends – going to theme parks – watching movies – doing puzzles
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Useful language
play + games, sports and music
▪▪ When we talk about games and sports, we don’t use an
article after play.
I play football.
I played children’s games when I was younger.
© MEN Colombia
Module 3
5. Copy the list below. Then listen to a radio talk show.
For the activities in the list, tick in the 1960s or now.
6. Listen again. Write one more activity that Julia
mentions, and one more that Tommy mentions.
Focus on Language
8. Think of three activities for each of the following. Use exercises 2 and 5 to help you. Then write
sentences with People used to and People didn’t use to.
3 Lesson 3
9. Read the article quickly. Put the sentences below in the correct place.
a. Communicating with others helped people with a particular hobby.
b. Technology can help us find new ideas.
c. In the middle of the 20th century, making models was really popular.
d. Reading was one of the most popular pastimes.
▪▪ pastime: pasatiempo ▪▪ device: aparato
▪▪ nowadays: en la actualidad ▪▪ relatives: parientes
▪▪ stamp: estampillas
10. Read the text again and answer the following questions.
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Module 3
12. Find out about your classmates’ hobbies now and in the past. Copy the table and write five
questions to ask your classmates. Use the activities in exercise 2 and your own ideas.
Questions Answers
Did you …
Did you …
Did you …
13. Ask your classmates your questions and complete the table. Ask as many people as possible.
14. Now write a short report about your classmates’ hobbies now and in the past. Look at the
Useful expressions box on page 89 to help you.
© MEN Colombia
4 Lesson 4
Focus on Vocabulary
Example: He’s got short, curly, black hair and Adjective order
tattoos on his face. I think he’s ▪▪ We use the following order for adjectives:
from Africa. 1. Length 2. Shape 3. Colour
He’s got short, curly, brown hair.
She’s got long, straight, black hair.
tattoos – rings – scars
1 2 3 4
Module 3
4. Look at the pictures in exercise 2 again. Then read the text and find the country where each
person is from.
What is beauty?
Everyone has a different opinion about beauty. What one person considers beautiful or
attractive, someone else might find strange or ugly. Here are some examples of cultures from
around the world that have very different ideals of beauty.
In the Karo community from Indonesia, it’s considered beautiful for women to have scars on
their chest and stomach. A Karo girl starts to receive the scars at a young age. When the scars
are complete, she is ready to get married and have children.
In the Kayan community in Myanmar, in South-East Asia, women wear rings round their necks as
a sign of beauty. Girls begin to wear the rings at around five years old, and more are added as
they grow older. Older Kayan women have longer necks than usual because of this.
The Maori are the native people of New Zealand. A man is considered to be a better warrior
and more attractive to women if he has tattoos, especially if the tattoos are on his face.
In Mauritania in West Africa, large women are considered beautiful – the larger, the better.
Being slim is a sign of poverty, and is considered unattractive. Young girls eat a lot of food to
become large.
Everyone has a different opinion about what makes someone beautiful. But it’s important to
remember that the person you are on the inside is more important than how you look. As we
say in English, ‘beauty is only skin deep!’
▪▪ beauty: belleza ▪▪ chest: pecho
▪▪ ugly: feo/a ▪▪ warrior: guerrero/a
▪▪ ideals: ideales ▪▪ beauty is only skin deep: la belleza es superficial
7. Listen to a radio show about rituals for boys in cultures around the world. Match the
people or place with the ritual.
People Ritual
a. Hamar people hunting lions
b. native people in Vanuatu diving off a 30-metre platform
c. Satere-Mawe people jumping over the backs of cows
d. Maasai people wearing a glove full of ants
8. Listen again. For each of the rituals, write the reason why boys do it.
Example: Boys from the Hamar people jump over the backs of cows.
It represents the passage from boy to man.
Focus on Language
9. Complete the sentences from the radio show talk with have to or has to.
10. Now look at the sentence below and match it to the correct meaning: a, b or c.
11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to or don’t have to and the verbs
in brackets.
Module 3
12. In pairs, talk about things that you have to do and don’t have to do at the following places.
▪▪ at school
▪▪ at home
▪▪ in the town centre
▪▪ at an airport
13. In pairs, think of a famous person. Ask questions about the person, and guess who he/she
is. Use the vocabulary from exercise 1 to help you. Use the dialogue below as a guide.
14. Write a composition with the title ‘What is beauty?’ Include the following ideas and use the
Useful expressions box to help you.
Useful expressions
Writing a composition
▪▪ In my opinion, …
▪▪ I feel / think that …
▪▪ On the one hand, …
▪▪ On the other hand, …
▪▪ In conclusion, …
© MEN Colombia
5 Lesson 5
Focus on Vocabulary
1. List five things that you think are beautiful. They can be objects, buildings, etc.
2. Look at the adjectives for describing things. Then look again at page 98 and add
any adjectives from there which you think are useful for describing things.
thin – thick – wide – narrow
round – square – triangular – flat
hard – soft – rough – smooth
Say it!
4. Read the information. Then listen and repeat.
▪▪ The plural ending -s or -es has three different pronunciations:
/s/ objects /z/ coins /ɪz/ places
things faces news games cats boxes eyes cups streets
5. In pairs, describe your objects to each other, but don’t say what they are. Listen to the
descriptions and try to guess what the objects are.
© MEN Colombia
Module 3
▪▪ suffer from: sufrir
▪▪ I had no chance: no tenía ninguna posibilidad
▪▪ target: blanco
▪▪ broken: roto/a
▪▪ minority: minoría
▪▪ ribs: costillas
▪▪ trouble: problemas
b. Alfie says that a minority of people ... d. Alfie’s parents think that …
1. accept him. 1. society is tolerant.
2. don’t accept him. 2. things will be better in a different town.
3. Are fine. 3. The town centre is dangerous for Alfie.
5 Lesson 5
Focus on Language
9. Look at the sentence. Label its parts with the words in the box.
a. + b. + c. + d. + e.
10. Complete the sentences below from the article on page 103.
a. teacher > his students: ‘You have to respect different lifestyles.’ (would like)
b. my mum > me: ‘Tell your teacher about your problem.’ (want)
c. Lara > Chris: ‘Meet me after school in the town centre.’ (want)
d. I > my teacher: ‘Help me with my homework.’ (would like)
e. the school principal > my teacher: ‘Pay attention to bullying in your classroom.’ (asked)
f. my teacher > me: ‘Don’t worry about that.’ (told)
12. Think of the problem of bullying in your school. Write some sentences about the actions that
people in your school can take to improve the situation.
Example: I would like teachers to have a discussion about bullying in class so that we can give
our opinions.
13. Listen to Andrea talking to her mother about a bullying experience
she had. Answer the questions.
Module 3
15. Read the blog entry. Then discuss the questions in groups.
16. Work in small groups. Write a short news article like the one on page 103. Use the model below
to help you plan.
Write a closing
Who is the What happened Why did the sentence
When and
story going to him/her? events happen? giving ideas on
where did the
to be about? Explain the Explain the how to avoid
events happen?
Describe that conflict. possible causes this situation
person. of the conflict. happening again.
© MEN Colombia
6 Lesson 6
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Look at the photos. Decide if you would be comfortable doing these things.
2. Copy the table. Write five of the things from exercise 1 in the first column. Then interview a
partner and complete the table with his/her answers. Ask for reasons for his/her answers.
3. Listen to five adverts. Which of the following parts of the body do you hear, and in which
advert? Write the number of the adverts.
Module 3
5. Read the advice page. Then match the three problems to the advice below.
If I were you …
1. Hi, I’m Nadia. I’m a bit overweight. I’ve tried lots of different diets, I do sport,
but I can’t lose the weight. One of my friends told me about a clinic where they do
liposuction. What do you think?
2. I’m Richard. I’ve never had a girlfriend. I think if I was more attractive, girls would
notice me more. Last month, I got a piercing in my lip, but nothing has changed. I’m
thinking of getting more piercings – maybe in my nose next time. Is that a good idea?
3. My name is Carlos. All my friends have got a tattoo this year. I don’t really want a tattoo –
they look painful – but I don’t want to be the only person in the group without one. So I’ve
chosen a tattoo, and I’m going to the tattoo parlour tomorrow. Is this a bad idea?
a. If I was in your situation, I would ask myself these questions first: Do I like the
design? What does it represent? Will I still like it ten years from now? And why am
I really doing it? If you can’t answer those questions, then perhaps you’re doing
the wrong thing.
b. In my opinion, getting cosmetic surgery like that at your age is a crazy idea. If I
had the same problem, I wouldn’t do it. Not everyone can be super slim. If you do
sport and eat well, then you’re healthy, and that’s much more important.
6 Lesson 6
Focus on Language
8. Look at the sentence below. This structure is called the second conditional. Answer questions a-d.
9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Say it!
10. Read. Then listen and repeat.
would, ’d and wouldn’t
▪▪ We don’t pronounce the l in would and wouldn’t. We often contract would to ’d
a. If I had the same problem, I would eat more fresh fruit.
b. If I had the same problem, I’d eat more fresh fruit.
c. If I had the same problem, I wouldn’t get a tattoo.
11. Complete the following sentences. Then discuss your ideas in pairs.
© MEN Colombia
Module 3
12. Look at the two pictures. In pairs, discuss all the things that she did to change her
Before After
13. Read some more posts from an advice page. Discuss what advice to give to these people.
a. Hi, I’m Cristina, I’m b. Hi, I’m Ricardo. I’m c. Hi, I’m Sandra, I’m
sixteen and I’m in 10th eighteen and I have a seventeen and I don’t
grade at school. I’m wonderful girlfriend. I know what to do. I went
thinking of dying my really love her and I know to a party last weekend,
hair blonde. I don’t she loves me. I want to and I met this great boy:
like it much, but all my get her name tattooed on handsome, nice, charming.
friends at school have my neck. It would be small Just what I’ve always
done it. I don’t want with hearts around it or wanted. The only problem
to look different. What something. She wants to is: he has got four tattoos
should I do? get my name tattooed too. and four ear piercings.
Should I do it? Would you date him?
14. Now write a reply to one of the posts. Use If I was you, I would/
wouldn’t …
© MEN Colombia
7 Lesson 7
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Look at the words related to identity in the box. Which ones do the pictures
represent? Make notes, then discuss with a partner.
Religion and family are connected because people are normally the same religion as
their parents.
Module 3
4. Look at the pictures below. Then read the article. Why do people say the USA is a melting pot?
Melting Pot
7 Lesson 7
6. Listen to Camilo, a teenager originally from Colombia, talking about his experience when
he moved to the USA. Put the questions in the order you hear them.
Focus on Language
10. Unscramble the questions. Then ask and answer them in pairs.
Module 3
11. Work in pairs. Imagine one of you moved to Colombia when you were younger. Write an
interview about your or your classmate’s impressions of life in Colombia. Follow the instructions.
a. Make notes about what you’d like to include in the interview. Look at page 110 and include
some of the vocabulary about identity.
b. Write questions based on your notes.
c. Write a short interview with your questions and ideas.
12. Check your interview with your teacher and practise it in pairs.
13. Present your interviews to the class. The other students should listen and take notes, and
then ask questions if they want.
14. Work in small groups. Look again at the vocabulary on page 110. Choose three words that
are important to you. For each word:
Communicate with
Films in Spanish our neighbours from
different countries
© MEN Colombia
8 Lesson 8
2. Read the text. Then explain to a partner in your own words what the proverb means. Is there
an equivalent proverb in your language?
▪▪ proverb: proverbio
▪▪ permit: permitir
▪▪ bishop: obispo
3. Look at five more English proverbs. Match the sentence halves. In pairs, discuss what you think
they mean. Is there an expression with a similar meaning in your language?
Module 3
4. Read the text about living in Colombia. Do you agree with everything that the author says?
Living in Colombia
Have you recently moved to Colombia? Some things will be new and strange for you. But don’t
worry – I’m sure you’re going to have a fantastic time in our country. Let me tell you about
living in Colombia.
One of the most incredible things about living in Colombia is its people. You will feel the
warmth of Colombians – you must be prepared to receive lots of kisses and hugs! Colombians
are also very friendly and sociable. There are a lot of colourful festivals to enjoy throughout
the year. Colombians are famous for dancing – you should definitely try Salsa or Cumbia if you
can. Or watch other people doing it!
Colombians are caring people, and they always give up their
seats on a bus to elderly people or pregnant women. You
mustn’t forget to do this, or people might think that you
are selfish.
Colombia has 59 beautiful National Natural Parks, so you
don’t have to go into the Amazon jungle to see some
amazing wildlife.
Finally, if you want your family and friends to come and visit
you, people from most countries don’t have to get a visa.
Colombia is open to visitors from all over the world. However,
everyone who enters the country must have a valid passport.
Focus on Language
5. Look at the sentences. Do the underlined verbs in each pair of sentences mean the same?
a. 1. You must have a valid passport if you want
to come to Colombia. b. 1. You mustn’t go into the Amazon
2. You have to have a valid passport if you jungle.
want to come to Colombia. 2. You don’t have to go into the
Amazon jungle.
6. Complete the sentences with the underlined verbs from exercise 5.
© MEN Colombia
8 Lesson 8
Focus on Language
8. Look at the ways of greeting people. Which of these are typical in Colombia, and in which
situation? Which aren’t typical?
shake hands – kiss on the cheeks – kiss on the hand – bow – smile – offer someone a drink/food –
hug – bump fists – make eye contact – ask ‘how are you?’
9. In pairs, compare your answers. Then decide if the ways of greeting in exercise 8 are typical of
formal or informal situations.
10. Listen to two stories of people experiencing cultural
shock. Which expressions from exercise 8 do you hear?
11. Listen again. For each sentence, say UK, France, or both.
Module 3
12. Plan a role play between a Colombian and someone from abroad who is visiting Colombia.
Follow the instructions.
13. Practise your role play. Then perform it for the class.
14. In pairs, look at the proverbs in exercise 3. Discuss situations where you might say the
Example: My brother couldn’t find a job in our town, so he moved to Bogotá. Now, he is
always sending messages saying that he doesn’t like it there, and wants to
come home.
I told him ‘The grass is always greener on the other side.’
15. In groups, write a quiz about cultural aspects of other countries. You can write questions
about one country, or different countries. Use facts that you already know, or if possible
research more information on the Internet.
16. Work with another group. Ask them your quiz questions. Which group got the most correct
© MEN Colombia
Let's work together
2. When you have decided which sections you’re going to include in your TV show, and which
students will work on each section, make a note of each student’s role. Copy and complete
the table for all the sections.
3. Work in small groups to plan, write and practise each section. Look back at the lessons in
Module 3 for ideas. Then follow the instructions.
Module 3
You need a presenter and one more person for You need a presenter and a number of callers
this section. for this section.
• Decide on an interesting news story • The presenter will take a number of live
connected to teenage life. For example, it phone calls. Each caller has a problem. The
could be about someone with an interesting presenter gives advice on what the caller
hobby, lifestyle, or look. Or it could be about can do.
an event that has happened. • Think of a problem for each caller. Think of
• Write the story. Include a quote from the advice that the presenter can give.
person, or one of the people, involved in the • Decide the order of the calls. Then practise
story. them.
• Practise the story.
6. Present each TV show to the rest of the class. If possible, arrange the chairs in the classroom
to make a TV audience. Enjoy the shows and applaud your classmates as you watch.
© MEN Colombia
I can do I need to
I can do
SKILL STATEMENT this with work on
help this
Module 3
2. Assessment of your English study skills
▪▪ Study skills help you improve in any school subject. Say how often you use these
study skills.
4. Assessment of Module 3
▪▪ Look back over the module then complete the sentences.
1. My favourite activity was …
© MEN Colombia
4 Our natural
▪ understand about indigenous people and the environment around us, and how
it is in danger, in
Unit 2 Protecting our native culture and environment
© MEN Colombia
Module 4
You will also ...
a national park tribe
▪▪ listen to people Liste ▪▪ read about
describing their environmental
experiences problems in
visiting indigenous Colombia
people ▪▪ read a blog by a
▪▪ listen to people traveller about
describing their her experiences
experiences as in Colombia
tourists in Colombia
S pe a k
To start the project, think about national parks that you know in Colombia. What
landscapes do they have? What facilities do they have? Could they be improved,
in your opinion? How?
1 Lesson 1
Focus on Vocabulary
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
2. Complete the sentences about Colombia with words from exercise 1. Use the plural form
when necessary.
Module 4
3. Read the blog posts written by two tourists. Who went on an eco-holiday? What is the
difference between normal tourism and eco-tourism?
I went to London last year. There’s so much to see and do there. I went
sightseeing and shopping. I enjoyed walking around the city, and I did a bus
tour too. I bought lots of souvenirs near the London Eye.
This summer, I went to Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. It was really
exciting. I went to a theme park called Mundo Aventura, I visited some
great museums, and at night we went dancing in some nightclubs. The
nightlife is great!
Next year, I’m going to visit another exciting city. I know some people go
camping, bird watching and hiking for their holidays, but it’s not for me.
I’m a city person.
Sylvia, from Los Angeles
I’m an outdoor person. I love camping, bird watching, and anything that
you can do outdoors. I love beaches, valleys, rainforests and mountains.
I’m Canadian, but I love coming to Colombia for my holiday.
I’ve been horse riding and mountain climbing. I’ve also tried hiking,
kayaking on the Cauca river, and sailing in the Caribbean Sea.
I’ve also learnt a lot about how to conserve the environment and protect
local communities. I think it’s important for tourists to make a difference
when they go on holiday. That’s why I always stay in an eco-cabin. They
don’t harm the environment, and they are really peaceful, too.
Leo, from Toronto
▪▪ go sightseeing: irse de turismo ▪▪ kayaking: montar en kayak
▪▪ nightlife: nocturna ▪▪ sailing: navegar
▪▪ bird watching: avistamiento de aves ▪▪ eco-cabin: eco-cabaña
4. Find the activities in the pictures in the blog posts. Which of them are related to eco-tourism?
Can you explain why?
1 2 3
4 5 6
© MEN Colombia
5. In pairs, discuss which activities in the blog posts you most enjoy.
1 Lesson 1
6. Listen to Pedro talking to Sam about his holiday.
Which words from exercise 1 do you hear?
7. Listen again. Who says the sentences and questions
below? Write “P” for Pedro, and “S” for Sam.
Focus on Language
a. Are the sentences and questions in the past simple or present perfect tense?
b. Are they talking about past experiences, or describing past events in detail?
c. Do we use ever in statements or questions?
d. Where do we put ever and never in the questions and statements?
10. Look at the list of things that Larry wants to do. Which has he done? In pairs, ask and answer
questions using ever and never. Use the Useful language box to help you.
see a jaguar ✔
Useful language
play baseball
meet a person from a native tribe Irregular past participles
stay in an eco-cabin ✔ ▪▪ Lots of past participles in English are irregular.
© MEN Colombia
Module 4
11. Look at the pictures. What activities can you see? In pairs, ask and answer questions with Have
you ever about the activities.
12. Write a postcard to a friend who doesn’t live in Colombia. Tell him/her about your country.
Use the ideas in the text below to help you.
Dear Cata
© MEN Colombia
2 Lesson 2
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Copy the diagram and match the words about holidays in the box to the
city break
Types of holiday Holidays accommodation
Module 4
4. Read five travel reviews about eco-friendly destinations. Match the reviews with the pictures.
▪▪ variety: variedad
▪▪ furniture: muebles
▪▪ mammal: mamífero
▪▪ sustainable: sostenible
▪▪ breeze: brisa
▪▪ regret: arrepentir
▪▪ forever: para siempre
© MEN Colombia
6. In pairs, discuss which of these places you would most like to visit, and why.
2 Lesson 2
Focus on Language
7. Look at two sentences from the text about eco-destinations and answer questions a-c.
8. Find more examples of first and second conditionals in the text. Discuss with a classmate why
each conditional is used.
9. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the appropriate first or second
conditional form.
10. Listen to a tourist and a travel agent talking about options for
an adventure holiday. Number the activities in the order you
hear them.
Module 4
13. In pairs, role play a conversation between a tourist and a travel agent. Decide who is the
tourist and who is the travel agent, and follow the instructions.
Useful expressions
b. Include a short description of the place: what fauna, flora or other important aspects it has.
c. Mention the activities that people can do there, where they will stay, and how long the
holiday will last.
d. Make a small poster and present it to the class.
3 Lesson 3
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Look at the words for facilities in a national park. Match them to the pictures.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
2. Think of a park or national park near your home. Which facilities does it have?
Module 4
4. Read about five people who work on eco-projects in a national park. Match the jobs with
the texts.
1. I’ve worked in a national park since 2013. In my job, I share my
knowledge about the geology of the park, its plant life, wildlife
and natural habitats. I love talking to people and it’s great to work
outside in a beautiful environment.
2. The park has been our home for hundreds of years. We have a
kiosk in the park where visitors can learn about our culture. We work
with the local authorities, advising them on decisions that are both
eco-friendly, and benefit our community.
3. One of our most important jobs is to protect the wildlife. The turtles’ eggs are valuable,
and in the past, people used to steal and sell them. There are warning signs, which remind
people that there are strict punishments if people ignore the laws.
4. My job is to check that everyone is looking after the park, putting their
rubbish in the bins, keeping to the footpaths and respecting the wildlife.
I work with a team of people, and we regularly talk to visitors and make
sure that the information and facilities available to them are useful.
5. I come to the park every day to sell my products to visitors. I also give
workshops to local people about how to make handicrafts from local,
sustainable materials.
▪▪ share: compartir ▪▪ advise: aconsejar
▪▪ knowledge: conocimiento ▪▪ law: ley
▪▪ punishment: castigo ▪▪ steal: robar
▪▪ ignore: no hacer caso ▪▪ workshop: taller
5. Read the text again. How does each person help to keep the park eco-friendly? Use the
following verbs to help you: protect teach advise look after make use
Example: The walking guide teaches visitors about the wildlife. This means that the
visitors will respect it.
6. In pairs, discuss all the ways in which the park helps people, and how people help the
environment in the park. Complete the table with your ideas.
© MEN Colombia
3 Lesson 3
7. Listen to the conversation between a guide and some visitors. What
are they doing today? What other activities does the guide mention?
8. Listen again and complete the sentences.
Focus on Language
a. These situations are finished actions / started in the past and are still true now.
b. They are in the present perfect / present simple tense.
c. We use for / since to give the moment when the situation started.
d. We use for / since to give the duration of the situation.
10. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box in the present perfect tense, and add for
or since.
a. In our school, we respect nature and fauna and flora the sixth
b. I at a school in Bogotá five years.
c. My family and I in the park nine o’clock this morning.
d. Indigenous people in the park a long time.
e. I this watch two months.
f. My uncle as a park ranger December.
11. Write answers to the following questions using for and since. Then ask and answer the questions
in pairs.
Module 4
12. Look at the map showing national parks in Colombia. Discuss the questions with a partner.
13. Choose a national park and imagine that you work there. Write a sign for tourists giving them
information, and saying what things they can do and mustn’t do in the park.
4 Lesson 4
Focus on Vocabulary
Native people often live together in 2.small towns. They often live in 3.small houses
which they build themselves. Traditionally, many native people are 4.fighters and hunters.
They use 5.arms to defend themselves and to hunt. Some 6.groups of native people have a
leader, and there is often a group of 8.important and clever people in each community.
These people make decisions that affect the whole community. Native people are often
self-sufficient. As well as hunting, they grow 9.plants for food, medicine and other uses.
They often have 10.traditions in their culture connected to important stages in life, such as
becoming adults.
© MEN Colombia
3. Find out information about the indigenous people in exercise 1. Find out where they are
from, and how they live.
Module 4
4. Read the text about indigenous people. Match the headings to the paragraphs.
a. How does a typical day begin? c. How do the Achuar people get food?
b. Who are the Achuar people? d. How do they build their homes?
4 Lesson 4
7. Listen to two reports from people who have visited indigenous communities in Colombia. Say
what each person enjoyed the most.
8. Listen again. Which person mentions the following things, Filip or Claire?
a. making paints d. the accommodation
b. learning dances e. respecting the environment
c. a traditional drink f. traditional food
Focus on Language
We use the past continuous to describe an action that was in progress when another action
was completed. We form it with or + -ing form.
11. Fill in the gaps using the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets for the past continuous tense.
12. Write some sentences about you, or people in your family, using the verbs in brackets. Use the
past simple and continuous.
a. do homework / call me
b. find some money / walk on the street
c. see a friend / ride my bike
© MEN Colombia
Module 4
13. Work in pairs. Imagine that one of you visited one of the indigenous communities described
here. Do an interview with your partner. Use the questions below for your interview.
© MEN Colombia
15. Write about your experience when you visited the indigenous people. Answer the questions in
exercise 13.
5 Lesson 5
Focus on Vocabulary
‘Do not buy souvenirs which have come from animal trafficking.’
2. These animals are affected by animal trafficking. Match the words in the box to the pictures.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
3. Classify the animals above. Which ones are mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians?
4. Read the descriptions and identify the animals. Then write your own descriptions and read them
to a partner to guess.
© MEN Colombia
a b c
I am a carnivore. I have the I have a very large I am a playful mammal. I am one
largest teeth of all big cat beak. I am one of of the largest sea animals. In
species. I have stripes on my the noisiest birds. Colombia you can see me in the
face, sides, legs and stomach. I am very colourful. Pacific Ocean in Gorgona or Chocó.
Module 4
5. In pairs, look at the questions and discuss what you know about animal trafficking.
6. Now listen and make notes for the questions in exercise 5. Listening Tip
Read the information in the
43 task and predict what the
7. Listen again. For each pair of sentences, do you hear speaker will say.
A or B?
1 Animal trafficking is when wild animals are sold. Animal trafficking is when people sell wild
2 Other animals are killed, and parts of their They kill other animals and use parts of their
bodies are used to make products. bodies to make products.
3 They’re often bought at souvenir markets by Tourists often buy them at souvenir markets.
4 A lot of money is made selling animals. They make a lot of money selling animals.
5 The animals are often exported to the USA and People often export the animals to the USA and
other countries. other countries.
9. In your notebook, change these sentences from passive to active, or from active to passive.
Use by to say who did the action if necessary.
5 Lesson 5
10. Unscramble the passive questions. Then match them with the answers.
Questions Answers
1. Why / animal trafficking / practised / by / is / a. No, they aren’t. I would never sell things
people local / ? made from animal parts!
2. Are / animal parts / these souvenirs / made / b. No, it isn't. It's made from wool.
from / ? c. Because their body parts are very valuable.
3. Is / this bag / from / made / skin / animal / ? d. Because they want to make money.
4. Why / tigers / at markets / sold / are / ?
© MEN Colombia
Module 4
1 2 3 4
13. Look at the following problems of animal trafficking in Colombia. Choose two different
problems. Write your opinion about each and suggest a possible solution. Use the example
below to help you.
In my opinion, this is a big problem. People think that animal parts look good, and animal rugs,
for example, are warm in the winter. But it is very bad when endangered animals are used. I
think we can solve this by educating people. For example, we can ask them if they’re happy to
live in a world where there are no tigers. I’m sure that people can change their behaviour.
Persuading people
Exotic animals are often caught illegally and sold to zoos. People ▪▪ We can solve this by …
go to the zoos and pay money, and the situation continues. ▪▪ We should …
▪▪ Let’s try …
Some exotic animals are close to extinction because of animal trafficking. For example,
© MEN Colombia
more than half the amphibian species in the Colombian Andes are endangered.
Some tourists remove species Some indigenous people also kill endangered
from their natural habitat. species, or are involved in animal trafficking.
6 Lesson 6
Focus on Vocabulary
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
3. Does your town or region suffer from any of these environmental problems?
Discuss with a partner.
© MEN Colombia
Module 4
4. Look at the titles of the paragraphs in the text. What do you know about these problems
in Colombia?
5. Read the text. In which paragraphs are the following things mentioned? Match two or three
paragraphs to each.
▪▪ damage: daño ▪▪ farmland: tierra de cultivo
▪▪ coal: carbón ▪▪ cattle: ganadería
▪▪ chemicals: productos químicos ▪▪ loss: pérdida
▪▪ cyanide: cianuro ▪▪ moors: páramos
Focus on Language
7. Look at these sentences from the text. Then choose the correct use below.
1. Colombia has been losing its forests 2. People have been practising illegal mining
for a number of decades. even in protected nature reserves.
8. Find one more example of the present perfect continuous in the text on page 145. Then
answer the questions.
a. What auxiliary verbs do we use? b. What form does the main verb have?
9. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the present perfect continuous.
10. Look at the list of problems associated with living in urban areas.
Which are not environmental issues? Then listen to an interview
with an activist, and order the issues as you hear them.
Module 4
b. Think about your role and how deforestation benefits / affects you, your family and
your community.
c. Prepare some questions to ask in the meeting.
d. Get ready to answer questions and give your opinion.
13. Look again at the environmental issues in lessons 5 and 6. First, discuss these questions
with a partner.
14. Write a letter to a local newspaper, giving your opinion about one of the environmental
problems that people in your community face. Give some suggestions or ideas to help.
Use the phrases in the Useful expressions box.
Useful expressions
▪▪ I suggest that …
▪▪ In conclusion, …
7 Lesson 7
Focus on Vocabulary
1 2 3
4 5 6
3. In pairs, use the adjectives in exercise 2 to describe the places in exercise 1. Explain why you
are using those adjectives.
Example: I find markets a bit stressful, because they can be noisy and crowded. But I think
they’re fascinating too. You can find beautiful things to buy there. And I like
chatting with the people who are selling their products.
4. In pairs, take turns to think of a place and describe it to your partner. Use the adjectives in
exercise 2 and your own ideas. Your partner has to guess which place you have described.
© MEN Colombia
Example: This is a beautiful and relaxing place. Sometimes it's crowded, but if you’re there
alone, it's perfect. You can swim or sunbathe.
Is it a beach?
Yes, it is!
Module 4
5. Read the texts about national parks and sanctuaries in Colombia. Match the pictures to
the texts.
a b c d
6. Copy and complete the table with information about the national parks and sanctuaries.
7. Read the statements. Which parks or sanctuaries should these people go to?
c. I think it’s fascinating to learn about how people from different cultures live.
d. I love watching birds, especially spectacular and colourful ones.
e. I love all animals but I’m particularly interested in reptiles.
f. I’d love to see one of the great carnivores in real life. I’ve only seen them in zoos.
7 Lesson 7
8. Look at the pictures about people’s eco-holiday destinations. Try to match the places,
activities and people below to each picture.
9. Now listen and match the information to the pictures. Were you correct?
1 2 3
10. Listen again. Find the following information about each holiday.
Focus on Language
12. Write five plans that you have for the future, using the present continuous. Tell your partner.
Example: After school, I’m meeting Juan and we’re going to the park.
© MEN Colombia
Module 4
13. Now read the following sentences and match the structures to the uses.
14. Complete the sentences using be going to, present continuous for future, or will.
15. In pairs, role play an interview between a travel agent and someone who wants to go on a
holiday. Ask the questions below, and make notes in your notebook. Then swap roles and
repeat the activity.
1. Budget: How much money do you have for the trip?
2. Place: What region are you interested in visiting?
3. Transport: How do you want to travel?
4. Time: How long are you going to stay there?
5. Accommodation: Where do you want to stay?
6. Activities: What do you want to do each day?
16. Now plan a holiday for your partner. Use the information that he/she gave you in exercise 15.
Write a description of the holiday. Use future tenses.
© MEN Colombia
17. Swap your descriptions. Read the holiday plan that your partner wrote for you. Are you
happy with your holiday? Do you want to make any changes to the plan?
8 Lesson 8
Focus on Vocabulary
1. Work in small groups. Take turns to choose a category from the boxes. The other students
have one minute to write as many words related to each category as they can remember.
2. Copy the crossword into your notebook. Then read the clues and complete it. Look back
through Module 4 to help you if necessary.
2. 3.
6. 7.
1. a small river
2. La Chorrera, for example
3. When air or water is dirty
4. Plants that farmers grow
5. A place where you can take your tent
6. Animals in their natural habitat
7. A rainforest mammal that moves extremely slowly
© MEN Colombia
Module 4
3. Lei is an exchange student from China. She has spent ten months in Colombia. Read her
blog and match the pictures to her travelling experiences.
a b c d e
a. Do you know any people from other countries who live in Colombia?
b. Why did they come to the country?
c. What things have they done, and what places have they visited here?
8 Lesson 8
Focus on Language
6. Look at the sentences from the blog. Complete the rules using the words already / still / yet.
1. I still haven’t been to Tayrona National Park. 3. I’ve already been to Bogotá
2. I haven’t been to Cali yet.
a. We use with the present perfect to say something has happened, often when it
happened sooner than we expected.
b. We use and with the present perfect to say something hasn’t
happened but we think it will happen.
c. We use after have in an affirmative sentence.
d. We use before have in a negative sentence.
e. We use at the end of a negative sentence.
7. Rewrite the sentences about Lei. Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct place.
8. Think about your experiences in Colombia. Write true sentences using the words. Include
already, still or yet in each sentence.
9. Listen to some people talking about their experiences
in Colombia. Which two people mention high prices?
Module 4
1. Play in groups of three or four. You need counters and 5. Do the task. You have 30
some dice. seconds. Your group decides
2. Decide who will go first, second, third and fourth. if your answer is complete.
If not, you go back to the
3. All players begin at ‘START’.
box where you were before.
4. When you reach a box, the player on your right
6. The winner is the first player
chooses a task from the card of that colour at the
to reach ‘FINISH’.
bottom of the page, and reads it to you.
4 7 8
1 6
19 10
15 13
17 16 12
▪ Ask the person on ▪ Name five places to ▪ Name five words ▪ Explain: What is ▪ Name four
your right three stay when you’re on connected with animal trafficking? environmental
questions with holiday. indigenous people. ▪ Name three problems.
ever in the present ▪ Say three things ▪ Name five national mammals, two ▪ Describe an
perfect. that you’re doing parks in Colombia. birds, one reptile environmental
▪ Name five words for this weekend, ▪ Say one sentence and one amphibian. problem that exists
landscapes. using the present with since and one ▪ Suggest one way in Colombia.
▪ Name three continuous. sentence with for to stop animal ▪ Suggest three ways
activities that you ▪ Name five different and the present trafficking. that we can help
can do on an eco- types of holiday. perfect. ▪ Change this the environment.
holiday. ▪ Name five ▪ Name two sentence to a ▪ Say a sentence in
▪ Name five things adjectives to indigenous passive sentence: the present perfect
that you can see in describe places. communities in ‘Tourists buy continuous.
a national park. Colombia and say animal products at
where they are markets.’
© MEN Colombia
13. Imagine you have been travelling in Colombia or another country. Write a short blog. Describe
the things you have seen and done, and the things you haven’t done yet but still want to do.
Let's work together
2. Work in your groups and share your ideas. Make notes for all the aspects in the table.
First, make a group decision about the following:
3. Work in pairs. Each pair will be responsible for developing the ideas for one aspect of the park.
Choose from the following aspects.
Module 4
• Decide which facilities the park needs. • Decide who will be responsible for the park,
• Consider people who visit the park just for and what other jobs are needed.
the day, and people who will go on holiday • Decide what the responsibilities for each
there. How can you make the park fun for person will be. Consider how local people
everyone? can be involved.
• Think about how each of the facilities will • Write a job advert for each position.
encourage people to respect the natural
habitats of the park.
• Think about environmental problems which currently exist in the park.
• Think of initiatives to solve these problems. How can the park help?
Create a map
5. Integrate the text with the map and finalise it. Make the map colourful and attractive.
6. Display the map to the rest of the class and present your eco-park. Each student should
talk about the aspect which they developed.
© MEN Colombia
7. After each presentation, the class can ask the group questions about their park.
I can do I need to
I can do
SKILL STATEMENT this with work on
help this
Module 4
2. Assessment of your English study skills
▪▪ Study skills help you improve in any school subject. Say how often you use these
study skills.
4. Assessment of Module 4
▪▪ Look back over the module then complete the sentences.
1. My favourite activity was …
© MEN Colombia
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