Ubicacion de Tomas en Cocina - Extracto Ilustrado

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Unit 7: Specific Provisions 134 KITCHENS, DINING ROOMS, AND BREAKFAST ROOMS Receptacle and Branch-Circuit Rating Receptacle placement in a kitchen is determined by © The maximum distance to any receptacle, measured hor 710.52(A) and (C). All ofthe general receptacle placement zontally along the wall line, is 24 in. (600 mm) ? 210.52(C) provisions found in 210.52(A) apply, as well as additional 7). An easy way to understand countertop receptacle requirements found in 210.52(C) for countertops placement is to imagine a toaster with a 24-in. (600-mm) Cord. Anywhere this toaster is placed around the countertop @ Receptacles installed on the 20-ampere small-appliance wall, there should be a receptacle within reach. its may be rated either 15 of 20 amperes Table 210.2108) raya All receptacles installed to serve kitchen countertop surfaces shall have GFCI protection» 210.8(A)(6) In kitchens, panries, breakfast rooms, and dining aes, Circuits that serve countertop surface receptacle and Oo eneral-purpose receptacles shall be 20-ampere sll appliance branch circuits 9240.52(B)(1}¢ Tt Max, 2 ft Max.\ 4ftMax. —~ ee (600 mm) {600 mm) G.2m) Receptacle outlets are not = eo a pant aes behind a range, counter- mounted cooking init, or some sinks. Receptacle out- lees inthis location shall not be counted as required coun ervop outlets 9210,52(C)(1) Exception Other Outlets Fed from Small-Appliance Branch Circuits A dedicated clock out, instaled to provide power and suppor. s permitted ona smal-applance branch oreult 210.52(8)2) 2 Exterior ® A hood fan s not permitted on a small appliance branch circuit» 270.52(8)@2) @ outdoor receptacles are not permitted on small-applance branch circuits 210.5218) OA lighting outlets not permitted on mal-appliance branch circuit 210.5208) Circuits feeding receptacles in kitchens, ntries, breakfast rooms, dining rooms, or Similar areas shal not feed receptacles outside of these areas »» 210.52(B)(2) NOTE rae A 120-vol receptacle installed for gas cooking csquipmene canbe fed from a small-appiance branch ‘sri 99210.52(B)(2) Exception No. 24 SECTION 2: ONE-FAMILY DWELLINGS 132 Kitchen Countertop Receptacle Placement Allreceplaces installed to serve itchen countertop surfaces Shall have GFCI protection »210.8(AX6) Branch cults in kitchens shall be 20-ampere cleus 210.5206X1) A minimum of two small-applance branch celts are required for receptacles serving tchen countertops $10.52C0N3) Either o bth ofthese small-appllance branch crus may feed othe ecptaces in the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, or dining are the maximum distance to any receptacle along the wall line measured horzontaly is 24 in, (600 men) >» 210.52( © A teceptace instaled for refrigeration equipment may be fed from one ofthe 20-ampere small-appiance branch circuits individual branch ccuit rated 210.5281) orirom 15 amperes or greater Exception No.2 @ Receptacles not serving kitchen counter tops do not require GFC! protection © A receptacle installed behind a retigera tordoes not count as a required countertop receptacle ? 210521016) @ Each wall counter space 12 in (G00 mm) or wider requires a receptacle 21052011 Kitchen Countertop Receptacles 7210.52(00) instalation of receptacles below the countertop some exceptions (ee 210:52(C)5) Exception © CFC protection i not needed for receptacles installed along the wall meet 210.52) requirements GFCi protection is required for receptacts installed to serve kitchen countertops » 270.8046) © Receptacles located inside cabinets or cupboards, wich do not Serve tchen countertop surfaces, do not requte GF protection 210.8086) receptacles located inside cabinets or cupboards do not ured kithen countertop receptacles "210.52 bunt a: 210 NOTE Receptacle outlets are permitted Eaeieee fied in 210.52(C) shall be considered a5 the re tacles required by 210. 21052 to be installed in cou but only ifthe outlet assem- ops blies are listed for installation in ‘ops 99210.52(C)(S) A receptacle installed behind rator does not requite GFCI protection ) Asa general rule, receptacle outlets shall be located on or above the countertop Receptacles installed for Ct Receptacles located more than 20 in. (500 mm) above coun- tertops are allowed but do not count as required receptacles 210.52(CK5) Receptacles inside appliance garages are permitted, but do not count as required countertop receptacles 210.52(CK5) is allowed by oe SP (A) Unit 7: Specific Provisions. 133 Island Receptacle Placement Peninsular Receptacle Placement Atleast one receptacle outlet shall be installed at each island Counter spaces separated by range tops, refigerators, or sinks counter space with a long dimension of 24 in. (600 mm) require a receptacle for each 12- x 24-in, (300- x 600-mm) ‘or more and a short dimension of 12 in. (300 mm) or more area 210.52(CX4) 210.52(CX2) {A receptacle is required for each peninsular counter space A receptacle is required for each island counter space with at _with at least a 12- 24-in. (300- x 600-mm) area that is least a 12- x 24-in, (300- x 600-mm) area that is separated separated from other counter space because of range tops, from other counter space because of range tops, refrigera- refrigerators, or sinks » 210.52(CX3) tors, or sinks »» 210.52(CV4) or a) om Ep (4 098) Bin Sm) 12 n- GOO mm) | (8a! a il 2 in (300 mm) 12 in GOO mm) Bera min eo NOTE Where a range, counter-mounted cooking wnit, oF sink is in- salled in an island or peninsular countertop and the countertop’s depth behind the range, counter-mounted cooking unit, or sink is ess than 12 in. (300) mm), che range, counter-mounted cooking unit, or sink is considered to divide the isla into wo separate countertop spaces. Each separate countertop space shall comply with the applicable requirements in 210.52(C) 210.52(C)(KC Bein Sm Receptacles Mounted below Countertops Where an island or peninsular countertop is flat across its entire surface, receptacle installation below the countertop is permitted under certain conditions. f a wall, backsplash, overhead cabinet, or similar area is available above the counter, the receptacle must be mounted above the countertop. Receptacles installed more than 20 in. (500 mm) above the countertop, such as in an overhead cabinet, are permitted but are not included as required countertop receptacles »» 210.52(CX5) Exception receptacles instal fceupin the work surface or countertop are allowed »>210.52(C)(5) and 406.4(E) val FCI protection is required for al receptacles insaled to serve kitchen countertop surfaces » 210.8(A)(6) @ Atthough receptacles located more than 12 in. (300 mm below coun tertops are permitted, they are not to be included as required countertop receptacles » 210.52(CX5) Exception © Receptacles mounted inthe cabinet are permitted under an overhang | A peninsular counter side without door or ing countertop but are not counted as requted countertop receptacles | drawers mighe be considered wall space by dh where the countertop extends more than 6 in, (150 mm) beyond it authonty having junction (AFI). Uso, and support base 9 270.52(C)5) Exception Tonger than 6 (1.8 m), a recepace is require

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