Diptico Present Perfect

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PRESENT PERFECT Structure (Estructura)

EL PRESENTE PERFECTO 1. Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas)

El presente perfecto equivale más o Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to have) + participio pasado…
menos al pretérito perfecto del
español. Veremos las diferencias en Ejemplos:
la sección sobre usos. En general, es  We have studied since 2016 at the Catholic University Los Angeles
una mezcla entre el presente y el de Chimbote and I chose the accounting career.
pasado. Lo usamos para acciones en  I have talked with my classmates
el pasado que tienen importancia en  we have gone to your teacher's job
el presente.
 I have never flown in a plane.
Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)
2. Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)
Form (Forma)
Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to have) + “not” + participio pasado…
Para formar el presente perfecto, se usa el verbo auxiliar “to have” en el
presente y el participio pasado del verbo. Para verbos regulares, el participio
pasado es la forma simple del pasado. Ver la lección sobre el pasado simple  We haven't studied since 2016 at the Catholic University of Los Angeles
para más información sobre como formar el pasado. de Chimbote and I chose the accounting career.
 I have't talked with my classmates
 we have't gone to your teacher's job
 I have't never flown in a plane.
Verbo Participio
Sujeto Forma Corta 3. Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas)
auxiliar Pasado
Verbo auxiliar (to have) + sujeto + participio pasado…?
I, you, we, I’ve, you’ve, Ejemplos:
have learned,
they we’ve, they’ve
traveled…  Have we studied since 2016 at the Catholic University Los Angeles
de Chimbote and I chose the accounting career?
 Have I talked with my classmates?
talked,  Have we gone to your teacher's job?
he, she, it has he’s, she’s, it’s learned,  Have I never flown in a plane?

I live in San Alejandro - father abbot- Ucayali, I have a family my partner

and a beautiful daughter. Every Saturday I travel to the city of Pucallpa to
study at the Los Angeles University of Chimbote, the accounting specialty I FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS CONTABLES,
am studying the fifth cycle and I am well in my courses I have no FINANCIERAS Y ADMINISTRATIVAS
disapproved to date. My class starts at noon and ends at 9 at night. I do not
go back home, I stay to sleep in the house of a friend and the next day I ESCUELA PROFESIONAL DE
return home. I work as a secretary at the Alexander von Humboldt school. CONTABILIDAD
My schedule is from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday.


I live in the city of Aguaytía, every Saturday I go to the city of Pucallpa to study at
Los Angeles de Chimbote University, the accounting specialty and to date I have
no disapproved. My class starts at noon and ends at 9 at night. I do not go back
home, I stay to sleep in a hotel and the next day I return home. I work in the UGEL
of Father Abad in the administration area from Monday to Friday.

 Fuentes Ramos, Christopher Andy

 Pérez Vargas, iris laireth

Dra. Lidia Carrera Girón



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