Ejercicio 7.14

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Se van a enfriar a 27 °C, 5 m 3/s de un gas pobre, 5% de N 2 y 35% de CO,

inicialmente seco a 1 atm y 315 °C, mediante contacto a contracorriente con
agua que entra a 18°C. Se va a utilizar una torre empacada con anillos Rasching
de cerámica de 50 mm con L’ 2/G’2 = 2. Especificar el diámetro de una torre
adecuada para éste propósito y la altura empacada.

TG2 = 27 °C

TG1 = 315 °C
TL1 Y’1=0

Datos adicionales:

Caudal de gas seco q = 5 m3/s

L’2/G’2 = 2
Pt = 101325 Pa
MB= 28

Se va a determinar la densidad del gas a la entrada con:

PV = nRT

ρG1 = MB*P = 28*101325

R*T 8.314*(315+273)
ρG1 = 0.5803 Kg/m3
G’s1 = ρG1 * q
G’s1 = 2.9 Kg seco/s

Como no se conoce la humedad del gas a la salida de la torre, se supone

inicialmente saturación y se hará un proceso iterativo para resolver el problema.
Como se va a utilizar métodos generales es necesario conocer propiedades tanto
de la mezcla como del agua a diferentes temperaturas para poder evaluar los
coeficientes de transferencia en cada caso. Para hallar estos coeficientes se utilizo
la ecuación de Shulman y para evaluar la difusividad del agua en la mezcla se
utilizo la ecuación 16-3-1 del Beer pag 16-14.

Las propiedades fisicoquímicas a diferentes temperaturas se obtuvieron de

HYSYS y se presentan a continuación.


0 1,71E-05 1,04E+03 1,25E+00 2,38E-02
5 1,73E-05 1,04E+03 1,23E+00 2,42E-02
10 1,76E-05 1,04E+03 1,21E+00 2,46E-02
15 1,78E-05 1,04E+03 1,18E+00 2,49E-02
20 1,80E-05 1,04E+03 1,16E+00 2,52E-02
25 1,83E-05 1,04E+03 1,14E+00 2,56E-02
30 1,85E-05 1,04E+03 1,13E+00 2,59E-02
35 1,87E-05 1,04E+03 1,11E+00 2,63E-02
40 1,90E-05 1,04E+03 1,09E+00 2,66E-02
45 1,92E-05 1,04E+03 1,07E+00 2,70E-02
50 1,94E-05 1,04E+03 1,06E+00 2,73E-02
55 1,96E-05 1,04E+03 1,04E+00 2,76E-02
60 1,98E-05 1,04E+03 1,02E+00 2,80E-02
65 2,00E-05 1,05E+03 1,01E+00 2,83E-02
70 2,03E-05 1,05E+03 9,95E-01 2,86E-02
75 2,05E-05 1,05E+03 9,81E-01 2,89E-02
80 2,07E-05 1,05E+03 9,67E-01 2,93E-02
85 2,09E-05 1,05E+03 9,53E-01 2,96E-02
90 2,11E-05 1,05E+03 9,40E-01 2,99E-02
95 2,13E-05 1,05E+03 9,27E-01 3,02E-02
100 2,15E-05 1,05E+03 9,15E-01 3,06E-02
105 2,17E-05 1,05E+03 9,03E-01 3,09E-02
110 2,19E-05 1,05E+03 8,91E-01 3,12E-02
115 2,21E-05 1,05E+03 8,80E-01 3,15E-02
120 2,23E-05 1,05E+03 8,68E-01 3,18E-02
125 2,25E-05 1,06E+03 8,57E-01 3,21E-02
130 2,27E-05 1,06E+03 8,47E-01 3,25E-02
135 2,29E-05 1,06E+03 8,36E-01 3,28E-02
140 2,31E-05 1,06E+03 8,26E-01 3,31E-02
145 2,33E-05 1,06E+03 8,16E-01 3,34E-02
150 2,35E-05 1,06E+03 8,07E-01 3,37E-02
155 2,37E-05 1,06E+03 7,97E-01 3,40E-02
160 2,39E-05 1,06E+03 7,88E-01 3,43E-02
165 2,41E-05 1,06E+03 7,79E-01 3,46E-02
170 2,43E-05 1,06E+03 7,70E-01 3,49E-02
175 2,45E-05 1,06E+03 7,62E-01 3,52E-02
180 2,47E-05 1,06E+03 7,53E-01 3,55E-02
185 2,49E-05 1,07E+03 7,45E-01 3,58E-02
190 2,51E-05 1,07E+03 7,37E-01 3,61E-02
195 2,53E-05 1,07E+03 7,29E-01 3,64E-02
200 2,55E-05 1,07E+03 7,22E-01 3,67E-02
205 2,57E-05 1,07E+03 7,14E-01 3,70E-02
210 2,58E-05 1,07E+03 7,07E-01 3,73E-02
215 2,60E-05 1,07E+03 6,99E-01 3,76E-02
220 2,62E-05 1,07E+03 6,92E-01 3,79E-02
225 2,64E-05 1,07E+03 6,85E-01 3,82E-02
230 2,66E-05 1,07E+03 6,78E-01 3,85E-02
235 2,68E-05 1,08E+03 6,72E-01 3,88E-02
240 2,70E-05 1,08E+03 6,65E-01 3,91E-02
245 2,72E-05 1,08E+03 6,59E-01 3,94E-02
250 2,74E-05 1,08E+03 6,53E-01 3,97E-02
255 2,76E-05 1,08E+03 6,46E-01 4,00E-02
260 2,78E-05 1,08E+03 6,40E-01 4,02E-02
265 2,80E-05 1,08E+03 6,34E-01 4,05E-02
270 2,82E-05 1,08E+03 6,29E-01 4,08E-02
275 2,84E-05 1,08E+03 6,23E-01 4,11E-02
280 2,86E-05 1,08E+03 6,17E-01 4,14E-02
285 2,88E-05 1,08E+03 6,12E-01 4,17E-02
290 2,90E-05 1,09E+03 6,06E-01 4,20E-02
295 2,92E-05 1,09E+03 6,01E-01 4,23E-02
300 2,94E-05 1,09E+03 5,96E-01 4,25E-02
305 2,95E-05 1,09E+03 5,90E-01 4,28E-02
310 2,97E-05 1,09E+03 5,85E-01 4,31E-02
315 2,99E-05 1,09E+03 5,80E-01 4,34E-02
320 3,01E-05 1,09E+03 5,76E-01 4,37E-02
325 3,03E-05 1,09E+03 5,71E-01 4,39E-02
330 3,05E-05 1,09E+03 5,66E-01 4,42E-02
335 3,07E-05 1,09E+03 5,61E-01 4,45E-02
340 3,09E-05 1,10E+03 5,57E-01 4,48E-02
345 3,11E-05 1,10E+03 5,52E-01 4,51E-02
350 3,13E-05 1,10E+03 5,48E-01 4,53E-02

0 7,43E-01 2,11581E-05 6,47E-01
5 7,43E-01 2,20731E-05 6,40E-01
10 7,43E-01 2,30103E-05 6,34E-01
15 7,43E-01 2,39698E-05 6,27E-01
20 7,42E-01 2,49519E-05 6,21E-01
25 7,42E-01 2,59565E-05 6,15E-01
30 7,42E-01 2,69839E-05 6,09E-01
35 7,42E-01 2,80341E-05 6,03E-01
40 7,42E-01 2,91073E-05 5,97E-01
45 7,42E-01 3,02036E-05 5,92E-01
50 7,42E-01 3,13231E-05 5,86E-01
55 7,41E-01 3,2466E-05 5,81E-01
60 7,41E-01 3,36323E-05 5,76E-01
65 7,41E-01 3,48222E-05 5,70E-01
70 7,41E-01 3,60359E-05 5,65E-01
75 7,41E-01 3,72733E-05 5,60E-01
80 7,40E-01 3,85347E-05 5,55E-01
85 7,40E-01 3,98202E-05 5,50E-01
90 7,40E-01 4,11298E-05 5,46E-01
95 7,40E-01 4,24637E-05 5,41E-01
100 7,40E-01 4,38219E-05 5,37E-01
105 7,40E-01 4,52047E-05 5,32E-01
110 7,39E-01 4,66121E-05 5,28E-01
115 7,39E-01 4,80441E-05 5,23E-01
120 7,39E-01 4,95011E-05 5,19E-01
125 7,39E-01 5,09829E-05 5,15E-01
130 7,39E-01 5,24898E-05 5,11E-01
135 7,39E-01 5,40218E-05 5,07E-01
140 7,39E-01 5,5579E-05 5,03E-01
145 7,39E-01 5,71616E-05 5,00E-01
150 7,39E-01 5,87697E-05 4,96E-01
155 7,39E-01 6,04033E-05 4,92E-01
160 7,39E-01 6,20625E-05 4,89E-01
165 7,39E-01 6,37475E-05 4,85E-01
170 7,39E-01 6,54583E-05 4,82E-01
175 7,40E-01 6,71951E-05 4,78E-01
180 7,40E-01 6,89579E-05 4,75E-01
185 7,40E-01 7,07469E-05 4,72E-01
190 7,40E-01 7,25621E-05 4,69E-01
195 7,40E-01 7,44036E-05 4,66E-01
200 7,41E-01 7,62716E-05 4,63E-01
205 7,41E-01 7,81661E-05 4,60E-01
210 7,41E-01 8,00871E-05 4,57E-01
215 7,42E-01 8,20349E-05 4,54E-01
220 7,42E-01 8,40095E-05 4,51E-01
225 7,42E-01 8,6011E-05 4,48E-01
230 7,43E-01 8,80395E-05 4,46E-01
235 7,43E-01 9,0095E-05 4,43E-01
240 7,44E-01 9,21777E-05 4,40E-01
245 7,44E-01 9,42876E-05 4,38E-01
250 7,44E-01 9,64249E-05 4,35E-01
255 7,45E-01 9,85896E-05 4,33E-01
260 7,46E-01 0,000100782 4,31E-01
265 7,46E-01 0,000103002 4,28E-01
270 7,47E-01 0,000105249 4,26E-01
275 7,47E-01 0,000107524 4,24E-01
280 7,48E-01 0,000109827 4,21E-01
285 7,48E-01 0,000112158 4,19E-01
290 7,49E-01 0,000114518 4,17E-01
295 7,50E-01 0,000116905 4,15E-01
300 7,51E-01 0,00011932 4,13E-01
305 7,51E-01 0,000121764 4,11E-01
310 7,52E-01 0,000124236 4,09E-01
315 7,53E-01 0,000126736 4,07E-01
320 7,53E-01 0,000129265 4,05E-01
325 7,54E-01 0,000131823 4,03E-01
330 7,55E-01 0,000134409 4,01E-01
335 7,56E-01 0,000137024 4,00E-01
340 7,57E-01 0,000139668 3,98E-01
345 7,58E-01 0,000142341 3,96E-01
350 7,58E-01 0,000145042 3,94E-01



15 0,595341711 0,00113597 4187,962528
16 0,596983582 0,00110701 4193,486112
17 0,598608705 0,00107916 4197,864694
18 0,600217144 0,00105237 4201,085857
19 0,601808961 0,00102658 4203,195741
20 0,603384219 0,00100175 4204,297337
21 0,60494298 0,00097783 4204,548784
22 0,606485306 0,00095478 4204,161685
23 0,608011258 0,00093255 4203,39944
24 0,609520897 0,00091112 4202,57559
25 0,611014285 0,00089044 4202,052172
26 0,612491482 0,00087048 4202,238099
27 0,613952547 0,00085121 4219,975226
28 0,615397542 0,0008326 4221,516944
29 0,616826525 0,00081461 4222,863734
30 0,618239556 0,00079723 4224,024876
31 0,619636694 0,00078043 4225,009425
32 0,621017997 0,00076417 4225,826218
33 0,622383524 0,00074845 4226,483875
34 0,623733333 0,00073323 4226,990803
35 0,625067482 0,00071849 4227,355196
36 0,626386027 0,00070422 4227,585045
37 0,627689027 0,0006904 4227,688132
38 0,628976537 0,000677 4227,672038
39 0,630248614 0,00066402 4227,544147
40 0,631505314 0,00065143 4227,311645
41 0,632746694 0,00063922 4226,981524
42 0,633972808 0,00062737 4226,560586
43 0,635183712 0,00061588 4226,055447
44 0,63637946 0,00060472 4225,472535
45 0,637560108 0,00059388 4224,818098
46 0,638725709 0,00058336 4224,098202
47 0,639876316 0,00057314 4223,31874
48 0,641011985 0,0005632 4222,485426
49 0,642132768 0,00055355 4221,603807
50 0,643238718 0,00054416 4220,679259
51 0,644329887 0,00053503 4219,716993
52 0,645406329 0,00052615 4218,722054
53 0,646468094 0,00051751 4217,69933
54 0,647515235 0,00050911 4216,653549
55 0,648547803 0,00050092 4215,589282

15 1014,807139 7,99103119
16 1014,064035 7,7761524
17 1013,320064 7,56784655
18 1012,575222 7,3658259
19 1011,829502 7,16991747
20 1011,0829 6,98004597
21 1010,335408 6,79621881
22 1009,587023 6,61851295
23 1008,837738 6,44706341
24 1008,087547 6,28205323
25 1007,336444 6,12370467
26 1006,584423 5,97227151
27 1005,831479 5,85075303
28 1005,077605 5,71146922
29 1004,322796 5,57693916
30 1003,567044 5,44696556
31 1002,810345 5,32136075
32 1002,052691 5,19994614
33 1001,294077 5,08255173
34 1000,534496 4,96901564
35 999,7739421 4,85918363
36 999,0124083 4,75290876
37 998,2498882 4,65005091
38 997,4863753 4,55047648
39 996,7218631 4,454058
40 995,9563447 4,36067384
41 995,1898134 4,27020788
42 994,4222625 4,18254925
43 993,653685 4,09759201
44 992,884074 4,01523496
45 992,1134225 3,93538135
46 991,3417234 3,85793866
47 990,5689695 3,78281843
48 989,7951536 3,70993598
49 989,0202685 3,6392103
50 988,2443067 3,57056382
51 987,4672609 3,50392226
52 986,6891235 3,43921447
53 985,909887 3,37637227
54 985,1295436 3,31533032
55 984,3480857 3,25602595

Como para la primera iteración se va a suponer saturación para el gas a la salida

de la torre, se hallo la presión de saturación a 27°C

Ps = 3.56354 kPa
Y’s = 0.0234 kg de agua/ kg de gas seco

El programa que se hizo calcula la altura y diámetro de la torre y valores de

temperatura de interfase, humedad del gas, temperatura del líquido cada 5 °C
de variación de la temperatura del gas.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim y2, pm2, dg2, gs2t, area, x, z, g2, l2, gs2, gs, diametro, ch, ycal, tgcal, deltaz, l As
Dim tl, gsm, ds, fltw, flow, aaw, avw, elo, fga, scg, vg, jh, hga, cpg, prg, hla, kl, prl, vl As
Dim tisup, pai, pa, dydz, hgah, dtgdz, tical, ti, t1, t2, vl1, vl2 As Double

cb = 1089
ca = 1884
cal = 4187
lamda = 2501400
g = 2.902
dl2 = 998.595
ul2 = 0.00107546
p = 101325
y2 = 0.022
cf = 65
ds = 0.0725
a1 = 23.7093
b1 = 4111
c1 = 237.7
a2 = 23.1863
b2 = 3809.4
c2 = 226.7
ma = 18
mb = 28

For i = 1 To 50
dtg = -5
gs2t = 2.902 * (1 + y2) 'Flujo de gas humedo a la salida'

pm2 = (1 + y2) / ((1 / 28) + (y2 / 18.02))

dg2 = p * pm2 / (8.314 * 300) * 0.001

x = 2 * (dg2 / (998.595 - dg2)) ^ 0.5

z = 0.016662 - 0.020022 * Log(x)

g2 = (z * dg2 * (998.595 - dg2) / (cf * (0.00107546) ^ 0.1)) ^ 0.5 'Flux de gas a la sal'

area = gs2t / g2

diametro = (4 * area / 3.1416) ^ 0.5

Cells(1, 1) = diametro

gs = 2.902 / area 'Flux de gas seco'

gs2 = gs2t / area 'flux de mezcla a la salida

l2 = 2 * gs2 'Flux de liq a la entrada'

ycal = 0
tgcal = 315
deltaz = 0

For k = 1 To 70

If tgcal = 25 Then
tgcal = 27
End If

l = l2 - gs * (y2 - ycal) 'balance de masa

ch = cb + ca * ycal

'tl = (l2 * cal * 18 + gs * (ch * (tgcal - 27) + lamda * (ycal - y2))) / (l * cal)

tl = (75366 * l2 + gs * ((1089 + 1884 * ycal) * tgcal + 2501400 * ycal) - gs * ((1089 + 1884 *

y2) * 27 + 2501400 * y2)) / (l * 4187)

'Propiedades del gas

If tgcal = 27 Then

vg = Cells(79, 2).Value
scg = Cells(79, 9).Value
prg = Cells(79, 6).Value
dg = Cells(79, 4).Value
cpg = Cells(79, 3).Value

vg = Cells(71 - w, 2).Value
scg = Cells(71 - w, 9).Value
prg = Cells(71 - w, 6).Value
dg = Cells(71 - w, 4).Value
cpg = Cells(71 - w, 3).Value

End If

'Propiedades del liquido

t1 = Int(tl)
t2 = t1 + 1

vl1 = Cells(t1 - 8, 14).Value
vl2 = Cells(t2 - 8, 14).Value
vl = vl2 + (vl1 - vl2) * (tl - t2) / (t1 - t2)

'Conductividad termica
kl1 = Cells(t1 - 8, 13).Value
kl2 = Cells(t2 - 8, 13).Value
kl = kl2 + (kl1 - kl2) * (tl - t2) / (t1 - t2)

prl1 = Cells(t1 - 8, 18).Value
prl2 = Cells(t2 - 8, 18).Value
prl = prl2 + (prl1 - prl2) * (tl - t2) / (t1 - t2)

'Capacidad del liquido

cpl1 = Cells(t1 - 8, 15).Value
cpl2 = Cells(t2 - 8, 15).Value
cpl = cpl2 + (cpl1 - cpl2) * (tl - t2) / (t1 - t2)

gsm = gs / 28 'flux molar de gas seco

If ds = 0.0725 Then

fltw = 0.01628 * l ^ 0.5621

flow = (0.01628 * l ^ 0.5621) - 0.005911

aaw = 34.03 * l ^ 0.362

avw = 0.85 * aaw * (fltw / flow)

elo = 0.74 - fltw


fltw = 0.01481 * l ^ 0.9781

flow = (0.01481 * l ^ 0.9781) - 0.000302

aaw = 23.1983 * (((gs / dg ^ 0.5)) ^ 0.0529) * l ^ 0.761

avw = 0.85 * aaw * (fltw / flow)

elo = 0.63 - fltw

End If

fga = 1.195 * gsm / (scg ^ (2 / 3)) * ((ds * gs) / (vg * (1 - elo))) ^ -0.36 * avw

jh = 1.195 * ((ds * gs) / (vg * (1 - elo))) ^ -0.36

hga = (jh * cpg * gs) / prg ^ (2 / 3) * avw

hla = kl / ds * 25.1 * ((ds * l) / vl) ^ 0.45 * prl ^ 0.5 * avw

tisup = tl + 2

For j = 1 To 50

If tisup >= 0 And tisup < 57 Then

pai = Exp(a1 - (b1 / (c1 + tisup)))

pai = Exp(a2 - (b2 / (c2 + tisup)))

End If

pa = ycal * (mb / ma) * p / (1 + (ycal * mb / ma))

dydz = -ma * fga / gs * (Log((1 - (pai / p)) / (1 - pa / p)))

hgah = -gs * ca * (dydz) / (1 - (Exp(gs * ca * (dydz) / hga)))
dtgdz = -hgah * (tgcal - tisup) / (gs * ch)
tical = tl + (gs * (ch * dtgdz + (cpg * tgcal - cal * tl + lamda) * dydz)) / (gs * cal * dydz - hla)

If Abs(tical - tisup) < 0.0001 Then

ti = tical
j = 51


tisup = tical
End If
Next j

Cells(k + 4, 23) = deltaz

Cells(k + 4, 24) = ti
Cells(k + 4, 25) = tgcal
Cells(k + 4, 26) = tl
Cells(k + 4, 27) = ycal
deltaz = dtg / dtgdz
tgcal = tgcal + dtg
ycal = ycal + dydz * deltaz

If tgcal = 22 Then
k = 71
End If


Next k

If Abs(ycal - y2) < 0.0001 Then

i = 71


y2 = ycal

End If

Next i

End Sub

Los resultados obtenidos fueron los siguientes:

TGcal TL Y’ Tinterfase dz
315 50,5536225 0 49,7621813 0
310 50,795545 0,00260612 50,0378602 0,00811236
305 51,0332369 0,00521874 50,3083046 0,00831526
300 51,2667249 0,00783794 50,5735789 0,00852678
295 51,4960321 0,01046384 50,8337336 0,00874745
290 51,7211775 0,0130965 51,0888192 0,00897786
285 51,9421758 0,015736 51,3388813 0,00921865
280 52,1590377 0,0183824 51,5839637 0,00947049
275 52,3717692 0,02103574 51,824099 0,00973416
270 52,5803716 0,02369605 52,0593157 0,01001046
265 52,7848409 0,02636336 52,2896376 0,01030031
260 52,9851675 0,02903765 52,5150819 0,01060468
255 53,1813357 0,0317189 52,7356625 0,01092465
250 53,3733234 0,03440709 52,9513806 0,01126143
245 53,5611011 0,03710213 53,1622321 0,01161633
240 53,7446313 0,03980393 53,3682052 0,0119908
235 53,9238675 0,04251238 53,5692787 0,01238645
230 54,0987533 0,0452273 53,7654227 0,01280509
225 54,2692212 0,04794851 53,9565947 0,01324871
220 54,4351907 0,05067576 54,1427391 0,01371955
215 54,5965669 0,05340875 54,3237872 0,01422013
210 54,7532382 0,05614713 54,4996541 0,01475327
205 54,9050738 0,05889047 54,6702368 0,01532216
200 55,0519201 0,06163825 54,8253744 0,01593043
195 55,1925187 0,06438631 54,9552061 0,0165799
190 55,3244353 0,0671265 55,0754581 0,01727244
185 55,4469614 0,06985623 55,1858975 0,01801665
180 55,5592642 0,07257248 55,2864156 0,01881825
175 55,6604929 0,0752721 55,3777013 0,01968419
170 55,7498311 0,07795198 55,3777013 0,02062266
165 55,7718744 0,08042316 55,3777013 0,02150267
160 54,3901136 0,07812252 54,4506647 0,01739943
155 54,3866358 0,08051969 54,4708558 0,02349265
150 54,3641936 0,08286931 54,4727131 0,02477837
145 54,3203553 0,08516225 54,4539528 0,02619286
140 54,2521934 0,08738748 54,4118162 0,02775544
135 54,1561597 0,08953164 54,3429485 0,02948929
130 54,0279235 0,0915784 54,2432398 0,03142244
125 53,8621596 0,09350766 54,1075976 0,03358896
120 53,652288 0,0952946 53,9297681 0,03603066
115 53,3900519 0,09690807 53,7017962 0,03879886
110 53,0650842 0,09830901 53,4136692 0,04195739
105 52,6642419 0,09944794 53,0526162 0,04558569
100 52,1707533 0,10026182 52,6022406 0,04978296
95 51,5631153 0,10067005 52,0413509 0,05467292
90 50,8137141 0,10056944 51,3424948 0,0604086
85 49,8872383 0,09982863 50,4701785 0,06717554
80 48,7391782 0,09828298 49,3790689 0,07518919
75 47,3152343 0,09573333 48,0128583 0,08467762
70 45,5536663 0,09195594 46,3059687 0,0958356
65 43,3939532 0,08673611 44,191396 0,10872689
60 40,7967001 0,07994238 41,6203884 0,12314059
55 37,7755356 0,07164151 38,5957706 0,13848955
50 34,4271167 0,06220046 35,2059505 0,15400585
45 30,9278419 0,05226293 31,6264734 0,1694654
40 27,4815864 0,04255324 28,0692174 0,18616057
35 24,254818 0,03364649 24,7144492 0,20749066
30 21,3486196 0,02587871 21,6745798 0,23970583
27 19,0754793 0,01940009 19,2858668 0,29543227

Las dimensiones necesarias de la torre para la operación requerida:

Z= 2,88 m
D= 1,55 m TG2 = 27 °C
Y’2 = 0.0194

TG1 = 315 °C
TL1 = 50.55 °C Y’1=0

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