34132, for Category D fluid service, unless otherwise
341.43 Examination ~ Severe Cyclic Conditions. Pip.
ing to be used under severe cyclic conditions shall be
‘examined to the extent specified herein or to any greater
extent specified in the engineering design. Acceptance
‘ileria are ns sated in para. 341.3 2 and in Table 341.32,
for severe cyclic conditions, unless otherwise specified.
(a) Visual Examination. The requirements of para
3414.1(2) apply with the following exceptions.
(1) All fabrication shall be examined,
@) All threaded, bolted, and other joints shall be
G) All piping erection shall be examined to verify
dimensions and alignment. Supports, guices, and poinis
(of cold spring shall be checked to ensure that movement
of the piping under all conditions of startup, operation,
and shutdown will be accommodated without undue
binding or unanticipated constraint
() Other Examination. All circunfereetial butt and
miter groove welds and all fabricated branch connection
‘welds comparable to those shown in Fig. 228.54 shall
be examined by 100% radiography in accordance with
para. 3445, or (if specified in the engineering design)
by 100% ultrasonicexamination in accordance with para,
344.6, Socket welds and branch connection welds which
are nat radiographed shall be examined by magnetic
particle or luid penetrant methods in accordance with
para, 344.3 of 344.
(c) In-process examination in accordance with para
344.7, supplemented by appropriate nondestructive
examination, may be substituted for the examination
‘required in (b) above on a weld-for-weld basis if speci
fed in the engineering design or specifically authorized
by the Inspector
(@)_ Certification and Records. The requirements of
para. 3414 1(6) apply
341.5 Supplementary Examination
‘Any ofthe methods of examination described in para.
SMH may be specified by the engineering design to sup
plement the examination required by para. 341.4. The
fextent of supplementary examination to be performed
and any acceptance criteria that differ from those in
‘para, 311.3. shall be specified in the engineering design,
341.5.1 Spot Radiography
(a) Longitudinal Wolds, Spot radiography for Fongitt-
dlinal groove welds required to have a weld joint Factor
oF 90 requires examination by radiography in accor-
dance with para. $445 of at least 300 mam (1 ft) in exch
30m (100 fi) of weld for each welder or welding operator.
‘Acceptance criteria ate those stated in Table 341.3.2 for
radiography under Normal Fluid Service
()- Circumferential Bute Wolds and Other Wolds. Ie is
recommended that the extent of examination be not less
than one shot on one ia each 20 welds for each welder
‘or welding operator. Unless otherwise specified, accept
lance criteria are as stated in Table 41.32 for radiogra-
phy under Normal Fluid Service for the type of joint
(o) Progressive Sampling for Examination. The provi-
sions of para. 341.34 are applicable
(i) Welds to Be Examined The locations of welds and
the points at which they are to be examined by spot2 ae, cowsoacsy | cceoeess | @ | con | uni on
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